Foreign Service Career For Bellport Couple 's Son Charles F. Dunbar , Jr., of Washington . D.C., has been appointed a career Foreign Service officer by President Kennedy, the State Department announced this week. The appointment also makes him a vice consul and a secretary In the Diplomatic Service. Bom in Boston in 193 7 Mr. Dunbar graduated from the Milton Academy in Milton , Mass., in 1955 . He received the A.B . degree from Harvard College in 1959. He received the M.I.A. degree from Columbia University in 1961. His parents , Mr. and Mrs . Charles F, Dunbar , reside at 9 Otis Lane . Bellport . The younger Mr. Dunbar is presently attending the Foreign Service Institute in preparati on for his overseas assignment. He is married to the former Nelia Goff , daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Goff of Providence, R.I. Explorer Scout Post 28 Holds Family Dinner Bellporter Wins Ohio St. Degree Annual Band Concert Set District For April 6 Budget 4 School Board to Hold Preview Meeting April 5 BELLPORT - Members of the Bellport High School Varsity and BELLPORT--The board of edCadet Bands are working diliucation of Central School District gently on the music for their an4 (East Patchogue , Bell port , nual concert which will take place Brookhaven) will hold an open April 6 in the school auditorium meeting here at 8 p.m. next under the direction of Walter Thurs day to acquaint Interested BELLPORT - A public hear- states that the barn , previously Ebersole, music director. ing will be held by the Bell port used for auditorium and theatre, citizens with the school budget Soloist for the concert will be as it has been developed thus Board of Appeals at 8p.m.Tues- will be used for miscellaneous Victor Reusch, first cornetlst far. day in the Community Center to storage , classrooms and theatre of the band , who will play the consider three applications for workshop This Is in line with the board's and the new building cornet solo , "Lulle," by Hervariances and special permis- will be fire resistant and much philosophy of Including the public bert L. Clarke. Victo r is a stu- sion. in the early stages of the developsafer for people to use for theadent of J ames Burke , renowned Expeeieu to excite the mos t tre work. It would be erected ing school budget. soloist of the Goldman Band , Interest .s the application of at the rear of the present buildAt this meeting the board will and has been selected twice for provide the people with the Han v C. I on eran lor permis - ing. membership in the New York Allsion to cret t a new theatre buildThe applicant further requests amounts allocated to each cateState Band. gory of the budget. The budget in^ with an appi oximate area of that existing buildings used for A varied program is planned , 5 ->00 s q u a i t leet whit h will ex- many years as theGateway Thea- figures and the budget is conconsisting of several original sidered as a preliminary to the pand the present ast. of the protre shall be approved and conworks for band as well as selecpertv X'io>v n as tne Gateway Thea- firmed as a non-conforming use. finished produc t since the exact from the musical shows U e en the 'lorrh s i l e of South The proposed new thea t re would amounts of state aid for various ROW LAND F. SMITH , JR tions and "Wildcat ", CounUv Rudd . Ihe application "Camelot" have a parking field , subject programs and services are still Rowland Frank Smith, Jr., son selections from the "Gypsy Barto approval of the board , of not known. Rowland F of Mr . and Mrs . . on *by Johann Strauss , tlie overSince the State Legislature has 20,000 square approximately Smith of 50 Station Road Bell, CHARLES F. DUNBA R , JR ture to "The Barber of Seville " not given its final approval on feet . port , received his Bachelor of and several Sousa marches. various programs and services , Robert Emma of 40 Bieselin Science degree in education at The re will be no charges for these budget figures cannot reRoad Is applying for a side yard Ohio State University Commence- admission. variance , and Edwin Weil of 10 present a finished product. Arena , Coment held in St. John Mrs Margaret Earner , AT 0 — 06SJ The meeting will begin at 8 Broadview Avenue is applying Mr v (If rr t » r - » i n a i lumbus, O. March 16. \ T n — 14 2 7 p.m . at the Bellport High School Miss Betsy Baker of Wells Lebanon , Turkey and Greece for a front yard variance. At the same time he was comMr i d Mi s Join r Strickauditorium. After a brief preLast Wednesday, Mr. and Mrs. Fontaine Fox 's "Toonerville College in Aurora arrived home missioned a second lieutenant in la ' of Bay, I a 'lt ai noance the sentation by the board a question Folks" first Friday to spend Spring vacation Harvey McChesney, Jr., and their appeared in the the United States Air F orce Rehit ' li of t h t i - f i ^t child , a son , Annual Bazaar Set and answer period will be held. three sons , Harvey, Dean and with her parents , Mr. and Mrs serve, and will report f o r duty Chicago Post in 1908. ra ILL The bab y ' ' ward All Interested citizens are Richard Carleton of Brown 's David of Bellport Lane returned Eleanor Roosevelt began her ua b' u Jr ohn April 23 at Webb Air Force Base , ' Uaii. li 21 at Central At Mary Immaculate urged to attend this meeting. "My home from a 10-day vacation in column Day " Lane in 1933 . Big Spring, Tex . VJ U>] K H O ,*H '1 Mrs StrickBELLPORT - A meeting was They spent some time The morning and afternoon kin- Florida land 's is\ot!)_ < , M. a \ t>ttic Balheld Monday night to formulate dergarten classes of Mrs Jane at Hobe Sound, Miami , Orlando , Silver Tea Tues. c t '.icd ot \\ t.b su t , Mass Lame plans for the second annual Gardner , Kreamer Street School , St Augustine , and Jacksonville. Saturday 'or ' lev, ¦ .etks ' visit bazaar under the guidance of the Of Bellport WSCS made their annual trip to Robin- While there , they had several Mr a J Mrs Heni y Pille of Rev John Marksamer , assistant son's Duck Farm in South Haven visits wuh Mr. and Mrs. William J i) Roa '-- ^ f irneci last \eek from BELLPORT--The Woman 's pastor The dates set for the Monday. The following mothers Bedell and family, who are presa two iMO ' ilh trailer tour of the ba/aar will be July 19, 20, 21 , 22 , Society of Christian Service of ently living at assisted with ihe driving: Mrs. Jensen Beach. BELLPO RT — At las t Mon- for a half-day only on these dates Southern States They stayed and July 26, 27 , 28, 29 the Bellport Methodist Church Linda Hagamen of Central Islip William Hlginbotham , Mrs. Clyde day night 's board of education so that parents may meet with near Phoenix , <\n/ , and also will hold its annual Silver Tea The main award is a 1962 red McClelland , Mrs George Elea- spent the weekend with Maro der meeting in Central School Dis- the teachers concerning their visited California , coming home at the home of Mrs . Charles and white F-85 convertible fully , , zer , Mrs James Cumrning, Mrs. Mateosian daughter of Mr. and trict 4 (East Patchogue Bell- child's progress in school. by the Gulf route and then visitAxtmann at 7 Maple Street , Bellautomatic with extras. William Fowler and Mrs. Donald Mrs. Edward der Mateosian of port , Brookhaven) several reThe vice-president of the board ing Florida port , Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m. Co chairmen are John Jochim Academy Lane. Linda is the Borg ports and requests were accepted was authorized to sign checks Mi b R C Ander son recently All are invited. and Edmund Rowland Brown 's Garage. Tel. ATlantic daughter of Mrs. Mary Beth by the board. in the absence of the president , spent tlie dav in New 'i ork City Hagemen , formerly of Bellport. 6-0229.—Adv. John Luongo , junior high school which is permissable under EdShe \ i s i t c d the Museum of Modern Mr. and Mrs. Conrad Heede of Miss Pamela Edward s, a English teacher, was given a ucation Law 189. "Xrt with a school fr lei d and later freshman at Smith College , South Country Road returned leave of absence for one year to Stuart Rideout read a report attended a performance ot "Nig ht Northampton , Mass., is spending home last Thursday after a train accept a Fulbrig ht Scholarsh ip in prepared by the Citizens 'Council of the Iguana " Spring vacation with her parents, trip to Scottsdale, Ariz. , where Mrs. Mary Conway 's in relation to a study they have Japan. Mr and M i s Blair Munhofen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Edwards they visited an aunt , Mrs. Arthur BELLPORT - The Bellport resignation as secretary to ac- made of much-needed school reattended the Wednesday matinee N. Haas , and cousins, Mr. and of South Country Road. , Methodist Church will join nearly cept another position was also pairs . They inspected the schools performance of How to Succeeed Home for the Spring vacation Mrs. Robert W. MacQueen and 1,000 other Methodist churches in received and approved by the and found that the roof of the old in Business Without Really Tryfrom Mount Holyoke College, Miss Helen Marion Page, all the New York Area Apri l 1-8 m board. junior-senior high school on Staing, " in New York City of Bellport. From South Hadley, Mass. , is Miss formerly conducting a United Evangelistic Louis Bruno bus contractor tion Road Is leaking and causing Mrs. Alfred E MeUi of Musket Barbara Finn , daughter of Mr. there , they went to Palos Verdes Mission in each community. The for the school distric t , asked the water damage inside the buildThe Cadet Leaders 'Club sponDrive , Shirley, was guest of honor and Mrs. W. Alvord Finn of South Estates , Calif., to visit other board to review the original bus ing. At the Brookhaven School sored us first annual Mothers' mission will have a double purat a babv shovvei given by Mrs. cousins , Mr. and Mrs. Robert Country Road. contract for changes that he feels water seepage through the walls night in the girls ' gymnasium pose: To stimulate the spiritual Charles A Kellogg at her home Mr and Mrs. Rowland Smith Lehman. They also saw Disneyand the cafeteria last Thursday life of the parishes and to add have been made by the school has caused interior damage. The last Thursday night The guests with their son and daughter , Brian land , the famous Knotts Berry members to church rolls. 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. district. The board agreed to report recommended to the board were Mrs Jeanne j ahnke of and Wendl yn , of Station Road , Farm , and the Pacific, Trips Preparations for the endeavor study the contract and will meet that they proceed with repairs The mothers and daughters Patchogue; Mrs Earl Light of returned home last week from were also made to Mexico, arrived about 4:30p.m. and intro- started last year when Bishop with Mr. Bruno in the near future. as suggested by the school adBellport , M i s Guy Emery and Columbus, Ohio , where they at- Hoove r Dam , and Las Vegas, A plan to include the scheduling ministration. Dr. Daniel Koshduced themselves to each other Lloyd C. Wlcke summoned the Mrs Frederick Mohlmann of tended the commencement of Ohio Nev. and assignment of grades on the land , vice-president of the board , Then followed various activities churches under his jurisdiction to South Haven , and Mebdames HarDavid H. Lanman , III , and HarState University from which their Including a cageball game , vol- engage in this area-wide evanThird and Fourth grade half-ses- thanked Mr. Rideout and old Euler , Hazel Forschler , Jean son , Rowland , Jr., graduated vey and David McChesney are leyball , and the over and under , gelistic effort. For the last sevsion plan was considered by the members of the Citizens ' CounLaFerner and Thomas Sheppard March 16. They visited with returning to Berkshire School, prisoner , basket shoot , and Indian eral months, the Commission on board with action deferred until cil for their report , which will of Brookhaven Membership and Evangelism of Rowland and his wife and with Sheffield , Mass. , after spending the next regular meeting. Dr. provide the board with guidance In BROOKHAVEN , The Long club relays. Afte r the activitie s Airman 1/ C and Mrs. Geoff re y three weeks' Spring vacation with Erwin Dingman, supervising for future action in relation to Island Advance is on sale at everyone enjoyed a delicious buf- the Bellport Methodist Chu rch, K. Smith and their four-month their families. fet supper which the girls under the Chairmanship of Willprincipal , announced the dates for this matter . \ erm's Delicatessen.—Adv. Tommy Binnington arrived old daughter , Kimberley. Coming supplied the Spring parent-teacher con. After supper the Cadet iam Muller , has been compiling The remainder of the board The Women 's Volley Ball group home, they stopped overnight at home Saturday from Tarkio ColLeaders demonstrated a few folk lists of prospects, training visiferences in the elementary meeting was devoted to establishmeets Thursday nights at the dances and then the mothers join- tors, and making fina l plans for Gettysburg, Pa., and when pass- lege In Missouri to spend Spring schools scheduled for April 16, ing the dates for public hearings Brookhaven School gymnasium. the mission which will start Suned in . ing through Harrisburg, Pa., they vacation with his parents , Mr. 17 and 18. School will be held and final printing of the budget Last week two new players were The Cadet Leaders who took day. called on the Very Rev. Dean and Mrs. John Binnington of for distribution to community welcomed. So far , 36 women have Visitors will be consecrated part were: Kathy Carr, Laura Howard G Clark and Mrs. Clark. Brown's Lane. On Friday evemembers. participated In the volley ball in the morning service April 1 Demarest Vera Dean Clark was formerly rector ning Marjorie Binnington enter, DeRose, Joyce games and occasional swimming tained a group of friends at a Feher , Arlane Frederick, Bar- before they go out into the comat Christ Episcopal Church. at the Brookhaven Nati onal Labbara Gelband, Martha Grace, munity to make their calls . They Dr. and Mrs. William Kelly of party at her home. oratory pool The Men 's Volley ON THE JOB Billy Larson of Brown 's Lane Shore Road entertained at a party Heller, Sherry Lancaster, will call Sunday afternoon and Janice BELLPORT Applications for (Continued on Paee 10) Ball group meets Tuesday nights Barbara Leddy, Michelle Maler , evenings throughout the week. March 18 in honor of their daugh- spent the weekend with his father , boat berths at the Bellport Vilat the gymnasium BELLPORT — Steven T and although .KeskA special service will be held ter , Pamela , who was eight years Peter Larson of New York City Melody Marzola , Renee Mucci , lage Dock must be made before osky has been appointed game response wa s slow at first , atAnne Bookless , daughter of old. The guests were Ellen Norene Murphy, Jean Penney, at 8 p.m. Wednesday. The guest April 6, accompanied by check management agent trainee for tendance is now increasing Fowler , Rita Harder , Sally Bohn , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Bookless Terry Roberge, Joanne Schaefer, preacher will be the Rev . Dale made payable to the Village of New York 's southern distr ict w ith H Hastings Reddall , president Carol Stock, CharlotteThorndike, Clare, pastor of the Methodist Susan Hendrle , Linda Diecidue , of Maple Avenue, celebrated her Bellport, at the village clerk' s headquarters here, the Depart- of the Brookhaven Free Library Penny Brown , Diane Madey and sixth birthday with a party Friday Kiathy Vignato and Betty War- Church in East Hampton. The office, it has been announced. ment of Interior 's Bureau of Sport Association , says that the library afternoon. Those attending were Ellen Roberge . burton. The club is under the public is invited to this service. Those who occupied berths is being painted this Fisheries and Wildlife announced week The of Miss RuthTergesen. direction PENNY PELCO SAYS: For yourr Peggy Thorndlke , Peggy Fowler , Bellport Area in 1961 will hav e first preference, yesterday. exterior , Including the shutters , protection leave a light wheni Ailene Reilly, Karen McClelland , but if their application is not rewill progress as Keskosky, who will make his weather ST EPISCOPAL CHURCH perJAMES . Daryl Madey, MonicaCartwright, you 're away from home.—Adv. ceived by April 6, their berth home in Patchogue, is a grad- mits , and the interior work , which Beaver Dam and Bay Roads Whidden , Elizabeth will be allotted to new applicants uate of Colorado State University includes the board room , kitchen , Mr and Mrs. Dudley Janvier of Alice Brookhaven Hawkins Gulf Garage ! BELLPORT ASPHALT j Beth Miksche, Ann Academy Lane , Mrs Charles Shreeve, in order of date of receipt of with a degree in game manage- lavatory and hall , is to be fin Rev . Richard W. Gray .Vicar 's Quinn , and Anne sisters, Lynne Axtmann of Mapl e Street, Mrs. application. 11 STATION ROAD ment. He will work under the ished in tim e for the Fire Place ; PAVING CORP. SUNDAY j Mary Rodman of Bellport Lane, and Jeanne The rates , which re ma in the supervision of Daniel E. Russ, Literary Club meeting April 4 BELLPORT Fourth Sunday in Lent Asphalt Pavinsr Bellport Fish Market — Fresh Mrs. Mark Rush Briney of Brooksame as last year , are as follows: agent in charge of the southern ; < The Upper River Rod and Gun 8 a.m. - Holy Communion1 y. ATlantic 6-0710.—Adv. haven , andMrs. George N. Penni- Dail Under 16 feet , $24; 16 feet and district. Club met Friday night at the St. Parking Areas Driveways ! Irving Terwilliger and 10 a m Church School Up| . . man of Baltimore, Md., arrived over to 21 feet , $36; 21 feet On Sunday evening The Play> Truckinj r James parish house After dinner J per Grades. Miller, Props. Clifford in New York City Saturday on the crafters showed the first of a and over to 26 feet, $48; 26 Topsoil — Bluestone members and their wives enjoyed ! j 11 a .m. - Church School-LowExcalibur , after an overnight stop series of art films , "The Long feet and over , $60; mooring s, Gravel — Fill — Sand 3 a color movie about sport fishing I er Grades. All Types Automobile Repairs at a Boston port. They have Voyage Home, " by Eugen e O'Neill $15; spaces for sailboats in the in the Quetlco Provincial Park in Cheerfully > Estimates Given I 11 a .m . - Holy Communion and returned from an enjoyable six- at the Community Center. The parking lot, $20. Canada Free Pickuo and Deliver) sermon. > 28 Station Road Bellport ] weeks ' cruise through the Medi - Playcrafters will hold a general visitin g Mr and Mrs John TUESDAY terranean , stopping at ports in meeting at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow Telephone ATlantic 6-0185 Telephone ATlantic 6-0061 j j Luongo of South Lis t Recent Trip s Of Country BELLPO RT — The annual Road 7 p.m. - Work session in Spain , France , Italy, Egypt , at the Community Center. Tom > 2 Spring furniture sale will be this weekend was Hiromichi church sacristydirector of the Sayville Turner , ' Ando Mr Ando , who is ft om 's Society Bella held by the Woman t Ambulance WEDNESDAY * ( Musical Workshop, will speak on of Christian Service of the Bell- K yoto , Japan , recentlv graduated 7:30 p.m. - Midweek Lenten 'V:K\V BELLPORT - Trips made by Kv— \ scenery and other phases of comf rom Dashiba University in port Methodist Church April 28. Service • the Bellport ambulance from munity theatre. Anyone interThose who would like to do- Toky o He is in America for three Discussion period in parish HtM! February 28 through March 26 ested is invited. J^da^HAlM years and is now employed in the nate items to the sale and would Kf^ v-* house. have been as follows: The Rosary Altar Society of export-impcu t dcpai tment at the like further information are February 28, 2:25 p.m., Frank Marylmmaculate R.C. Church will asked to call Mrs . Bob Roush , Takashimaya Store on Fifth AvBELLPORT METHODIST Smith, Davidson Avenue, to f NO.' HI'S BRINGING V hold a hat party at its next enue , New \ ork CityGRover 5-3412. CHURCH Brookhaven Memorial Hospital , HIS PRESCRIPTION Mr and Mt s Willie Stnckland ' " "It , s Spring cleaning time N Bellport , l^ .Y. Conrad Heede and Paul Groh RIGHT OOSrVN TO Mrs. Roush stated. "It 's time of F ay Road attended the annual 1. Smith, Pastor acting as crew. Our Repu tation for Rev . Frederick to clean out garages and attics , coiJerenct o! Disti iet 3 of the THURSDAY March 1, 11:30 a.m., Mrs. A. get rid of all those items you 1 S Power Squadron at the and 7 p.m . - Choir practice Minardi , Fuoco Street , to BMH , have no use for. But someone Garden >. ity Hotel this weekend FRIDAY Nelson Irving Terwilliger and Jj PHARMACY J else may get lots of use out of They were joined by Mr andMr s 7 p.m. - Junior High skating Hawkins; March 1, 5 p.m., Paul them , and you 'll be cleaning up, Louis Vai caro of Beaver Dam We aie party. specialists in fully THEY'LL GIVE HIM Groh, Station Road , to BMH , j too , so turn your used furniture Road at tlie dinnet dance Satur r *uaiante <*d SATURDAY JUST WHAT THE William Hermus and AndrewSormonuments over to the WSCS sale, " Mrs. day night | 10:30 a .m. -Confirmationclass ise; March 1, 7:20 p.m., Mrs. DOCTOR x/^-l si ul ptutedfiom i BARRE^l Mrs Mark R Bunev retur ned Roush urged. SUNDAY ORDERED ! Joseph Ella Rledlinger from Dr. , y j f f ^m m Select BarnSaturday from a six week cruise Sunday School for {GUILD/ 9:30 a .m. 's A. Harder office to BMH , SalOia nitt _g \^ of the Mt-dite i i anean Slu sailed all ages. vatore Dinaro and Robert Lyons, with Mrs Mary C Rodman , Mrs. jflL Monuments Adult class taught by the Jr. Charles \ Ax tmann , and Mr jjRHB ,^_ Dastor . Marc h 6, 2:30 p.m., Mrs . Aland Mrs Dudley R J anvier of 11 a .m. - Church service. bert , 759 Michigan Avenue, to Bell poi t , and Mrs Ceoige N Baby Sitting in Alders gate. Central Suffolk Hospital , RiverPennima.i o f Baltimore , on the 6 p.m. - Junior High Fellowhead, Nelson Hawkins and James American , \por t Lines ship Ex ship. Jepson; March 6, 2:55p.m., Mrs. MHHDI calibur Mrs Bnnev visited 7:30 p.m. - Senior High Felto Pine A. Minardi , Fuoco Street, Cadiz and Bai cellona in Spain , lowship. Rest Nursing Home, Patchogue , Miss Marilyn Jane Porto , Genoa , Naples and I eghorn in WEDNESDAY William Dolger and Andrew Sor- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. DomItaly, aid C a i r o and A lexandria 1 p.m - Mid-Week service. ise. inick Porto of 516 Americus Avem L j;} pt 8 p.m. - Special Mid-Week March 12, 7:30 p.m., Mrs. •nue , Patchogue, has accepted a [ Continued mi i' ai>c 4) service. p ^m ^g g j m g gp ^ ^. Smith , Station Road , to BMH , September reaching position in Let George , the postman , pay your bills for you. 4) (Continued on Pag e Albert Geiger and Nelson Haw- the Center Moriches Elementary UWlft KHMHT, PK%. Mailing checks to pay bills is so convenient . . . JtOO tlHCM I j School , Center Moriches , it was kins. and safe . We have j ust the 'regular ' or 'special' We lvecommend Squibb Products 3ARBER & SMITH Marc h 20, 11:30 a.m., Mrs,. announced by Dr. John Delaney, l ei. AT b-0079 J ulia Lariccio , Champlin Av- placemen t director of the State 1 NEVILLE STREET checking account you need , at f Free Pro*crl pflon Deliver y enue, from Kings County Hos- University College at Oneonta. CENTER MORICHES AT 6—8588 . I pital , Brooklyn, to her home , — Emergency Tel. Miss Porto was graduated from I ~"*~ aau-pOfttr,cx Albert Geiger and Nelson Haw- Bellport High School in June ATLANTIC 4-023 1-0304 kins. 1958. March 24, 12:55 p.m., B. Ka/xl She has been an active memfrom Dr. Peter deReeder 's of- ber of the Choraleers, NEA and fice to BMH , Robert Hawkins Newman Club while on the OnBULL PORT, NtiVv VORK and Albert Geiger. eonta campus. j Marc h 26 , 10:45 a.m., an asThe State University senior READING COAL — HEATING OILS sist to the Patchogue Ambulance is majoring in the genera l elPatchogue, N. Y. River Ave. & L.I.R.R. Company, William Dolger , as- ementary teacher preparation Tel. GRo7cr 5-3600 sisted by a Patchogue man. program at the college. BELLPORT NEWS ITEMS BELLPORT- Explorer Scout Post 28 of Bellport held a family night with a covered dish supper last Wednesday in the Bellport Methodist Church hall. The new charter of the post , of which the Methodist Church is the sponsor, was presented by Neighborhood Commissioner Robert Swanson to Emery Van Hor n in the absence of the Rev. Frederick I . Smith, who was unable to be present for the presentation. Post Vice-President Richard Wood introduced three new members , Vincent Brow n, Joseph Neal and Jean Rlbes, who were officially received into the post. Brian Smith, son of Mr. and Mrs. Rowland F.Smith of 50Station Road, was recognized by GH Menendez , post advisor, for obtaining the God and Country Award. Brian is the first local scout in 10 years to qualify for this honor. Upon the recommendation of the Rev .AlanC. Merr ill, rector of Christ Church, Brian was approved for this religious award by the vestry, and it will be presented to him at a service in the church. Robert Petersen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petersen of 7 Woodland Park Road , was presented his Eagle Badge by Frank Harrison. Scoutmaster , in an impressive ceremony, m which the following scouts, indicating the path a boy must follow toreceive this high honor, participated: Langhorn, Tenderfoot; Barry Robert Fuchs, SecondClass; Vincent Brown , First Class; Jean Rlbes , Star; and Bob Van Horn, Life . Mrs. Petersen and Mrs. Smith wer e both presented with corsages by the Post. The evening was concluded with the showing of a movie by Mr. Menendez of a trip on Sea Scout Ship 5, Patchogue American Legion Post , out of Port Jefferson Harbor on a weekend cruise som e time ago. regular meeting at 8:30 p.m. April 3 at the church auditorium on Brow n's Lane . All guests are welcome. Mrs. I H. Soper of Rosemary Hall , Greenwich , Conn. , is spending Spring vacation at her home on South Brewster Lane. Spending Spring vacation with their parents , Dr. and Mrs. Robert Love of Bellport Lane, are Miss Linda Love from Holton-Arms School , Washington , D.C., and Bob Love from Tarkio College, Missouri. David Streit , a student at Lawrence College, Appleton , Wis. Is spending Spring vacation with his parents , Mr. andMrs. Donald Streit of Brown's Lane. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Rene LeBlanc surprised the couple at a "housewarming" party and buffet supper Saturday night at their new home on Bellhaven Road. Couples present were Mr. and Seek OK to Erect A New Gateway Theatre Building BrookhavenSouth.Haven Reports, Requests Occupy School Board Members Methodist Chur ch to Conduct United Evangelistic Mission Bellport Junior High News Boat Berth Bids Before April 6 Church News WSCS in Call For Furniture / ^^U\ ; V f^_J3&% TUCAO QUALITY BHS G r a d u a t e Plans to Teach In C. Moriches UNDERWOOD FUEL CO. THE BELLPORT NATIONAL BANK j