NEW THERMAL TURBINE GOVERNOR MODELING FOR THE WECC Les Pereira (Chairman) John Undrill Dmitry Kosterev Donald Davies Shawn Patterson Principal Investigator: Les Pereira WECC Modeling & Validation Work Group October 11, 2002 (Revised) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS. SUMMARY Recommendations 2 3 NEW THERMAL TURBINE GOVERNOR MODELING FOR THE WECC Introduction New Thermal Governor Modeling for Thermal and Gas Units Approach 3-Step Process for Development, Validation and Verification of the New Governor Model New Models for Units without Governor and Excitation System Models Ggov1 Governor Model Data Submittal by Owners – Workshop Hydro Governors Major System Impacts and System Responses from the New Governor Modeling Further Work Figures 1 to 8 5 5 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 10 11 APPENDIX 1 – THE GE GGOV1 MODEL 17 APPENDIX 2 - METHODOLOGY BASED UPON RECORDED RESPONSES OF THERMAL UNITS - MAY 18, 2001 TEST - NW TRIP 1250 MW 23 APPENDIX 3 - HYDRO TURBINE-GOVERNOR MODELING 35 APPENDIX 4 – GUIDELINES FOR THERMAL GOVERNOR MODEL DATA SELECTION, VALIDATION, AND SUBMITTAL TO WECC 47 APPENDIX 5 - EFFECTS OF GOVERNOR MODELING UPON OSCILLATORY DYNAMICS IN SIMULATION OF THE 750 MW GRAND COULEE GENERATION TRIP ON JUNE 7, 2000 65 APPENDIX 6 - MODELS IN THE WECC 2006HS2SA BASECASE . 88 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 3 NEW THERMAL TURBINE GOVERNOR MODELING FOR THE WECC Summary This report summarizes the work performed in the development, validation and verification of a new thermal turbine governor model, the GE ggov1 model, for the WECC. The ggov1 model, referenced in the report is a generic thermal governor/turbine model that incorporates base loading and a load controller. Additionally, a load controller model has been developed by GE. The model, lcfb1, is identical in structure to the load controller portion of ggov1, and can be used in tandem with any governor model currently defined in the GE PSLF program. (See Appendix 1 of the report for details of the ggov1 and lcfb1 models.) Thermal plants embraces conventional fired steam, nuclear steam, simple cycle gas turbine, and combined cycle gas turbine plants. The new ggov1 thermal model, or the existing thermal model plus the lcfb1 load controller, is recommended for use in all planning and operation studies in the WECC. Simulations of real time events including staged and random generator trips in the WECC have indicated that there is a wide difference in the frequency response between simulations and that recorded by disturbance monitoring equipment. Differences of the order of 50% to 60% have been noted in both transient peaks and “settling” frequencies. Generator trip tests performed on May 18th 2001 with all AGCs in the system switched off indicated that only 40% of the expected governor response in the system occurred in the settling time of 60 seconds. Based on the generator and system responses in this test recorded by SCADA and disturbance monitoring equipment, a new governor modeling approach using the GE ggov1 model has been developed for the WECC. This new modeling approach represents both the governing action that is generally regarded as the primary control function in most power plants and, in addition, represents the principles of the power plant controls that are very often of greater importance in relation to post-transient conditions. With the ggov1 model1 applied at every thermal generating plant, the new modeling approach aims to recognize the effects of the basic control elements and operating practices of each plant, though not the internal details of these aspects of the plants. This is done by setting the parameters of the ggov1 model according to a simple assignment of each plant to one of a set of predefined categories. These categories are based on generally known main variations of steam plant and gas turbine plant control practices. Individual plants are assigned to these categories empirically on the basis of their behavior as observed in recent system events, in testing, or both. The parameters used in the ggov1 model, therefore, are not based on specific internal design details of the plants but on its observed behavioral characteristics. All thermal and gas turbine units that have demonstrated “unresponsive” characteristics as base loaded units under load-controller or load limit control are initialized at the generator dispatch level at 1 Appendix 1 illustrates the equivalence of the ggov1 model with internal controller and the appropriate external lcfb1 controller application with ggov1 (or ieeeg1) models.for thermal units. The report is written based on the original studies.using the ggov1 model. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 4 the start of each dynamic simulation run. Characteristically similar responses were noted for a large number of units in the evaluation of the May 18th 2001 system test recordings. These were categorized under several distinct “response” categories and governor codes, T1 to T3 for thermal units, and, G1 to G2 for gas turbines, were developed to represent these governors. The governor modeling effort followed a 3-step process of Development, Validation and Verification. “Development” of the modeling was based on the recorded responses of the system and individual generating units during the 1250 MW Northwest Trip Test of May 18th 2001. “Validation” of the model was performed based on the recorded responses of the May 18th 2001 Hoover 750 MW trip test and the June 7th 2000 Coulee 750 MW trip test. “Verification” of the model was performed by comparing simulations with recordings of several other system disturbances including the Colstrip 2000 MW trip on Aug.1, 2001, Diablo 950 MW trip on June 3, 2002, and the PDCI bipole trip and 2800 MW RAS in the Northwest on June 6, 2002. Figures 1 to 8 show plots of these simulations. The improved modeling of thermal plant response results in reduced overall contribution of thermal plants to the correction of frequency and a corresponding increase in the contribution from hydro plants. Because the thermal plants are predominantly in the South, and hydro plants in the North, this redistribution of plant response has a significant in effect in power flows across the system, particularly in intertie flows between the North and the South. Hydro governors and their proper modeling thus play a very important part in the overall simulation of the system for large disturbances. Improvement in nonlinear hydro governor modeling and introduction of Kaplan models are recommended. It was clear as the validation study progressed, that accurate simulation of the events required the introduction of governor and exciter models for the numerous units without such models. Typical ggov1 governor models and exst4b exciter models with assumed data were included for all such units. The data assumed in the simulations was for the purposes of development, validation and verification of the new thermal/gas turbine governor model. In accordance with current WECC policy, the generator owner has the responsibility to provide appropriate modeling data for their units. The data to be used by WECC in the application of the new thermal/gas turbine ggov1model should be submitted by the generator owners/control area for each unit. A workshop will be held to explain to WECC members and generator owners the details of the new governor model, methodology and data assumed for modeling, and the requirements from generator owners to verify/refine their model data. All generator owners shall provide a validation of their selected governor model data by submitting recordings of their generator responses during system disturbances2 or tests. Recommendations M&VWG recommends the new GE ggov1 model to replace all gas turbine governor models currently in use and to model any currently un-modeled thermal governors. For all 2 Disturbance monitoring equipment recordings are desirable; however high-resolution SCADA (4 seconds or less, 2 seconds preferred) or data logger recordings are also acceptable. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 generators with load controllers, load controller effects shall be modeled. Currently this can be accomplished by adding the new GE lcfb1 model. Additionally, M&VWG recommends that the baseload flag be used to indicate base-loaded or load-limited generators that cannot respond to increase generation during deviations arising from generation loss in the system3. The data to be used in the application of the new models should be submitted by the generator owner for each unit. Recordings of the generator responses during disturbances or tests shall be submitted as validation for their selected governor model data. Details of the new governor model, methodology and data requirements for modeling will be described in a data request letter. Nonlinear modeling of existing hydro governor and introduction of Kaplan models is also recommended. Accurate simulation of the system frequency response required the introduction of new governor and exciter models for the numerous units that do not have models and data. Owners shall submit the new governor and exciter models for all such units. This recommendation supersedes the previous recommendation to “block” all governors for units greater than 150 MW and loaded 90% and above. 3 Note that these units are not “blocked” (ie status equal to zero) in the GE PSLF program. 5 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 6 NEW THERMAL TURBINE GOVERNOR MODELING FOR THE WECC Introduction Simulations of real time events including staged and random generator trips in the WECC have indicated that there is a wide difference in the frequency response between simulations and that recorded by disturbance monitoring equipment. Differences of the order of 50% to 60% have been noted in both transient peaks and “settling” frequencies. Governor and load modeling issues were highlighted in previous work during 2000 by the Task Force of the WECC’s Modeling & Validation Work Group (M&VWG) for further investigation. In early 2001, the WECC proposed new criteria to meet the new NERC policies for Frequency Responsive Reserves (FRR). The new proposed policy, NERC Policy 1C, specifies the minimum MW component of FRR that should be achievable in 60 seconds. Governor responses to system frequency deviations during generator trips were thus central to the new requirements and proper governor modeling again became a critical issue. Frequency response tests were performed on May 18th 2001 to determine the response of governors throughout the system. In these tests, 750 MW was tripped at the Hoover power plant in the Southwest; and in a second test 20 minutes later, 1250MW was tripped in the Northwest. All AGCs in the system were switched off throughout the system test, and therefore the pickup of generation in the system was due entirely to governor action. The tests performed on May 18th 2002 indicated that only 40% of the expected governor response in the system occured in the ‘settling’ time of 60 seconds. However existing modeling assumes that 100% of governors respond in accordance with the 5% speed droop governor characteristic. As a result, there is a significant difference between simulations and actual recorded system responses. The principal reason for this large discrepancy between simulations and the recorded system frequency response is that base loaded generators (load limiter or load controller operation), of primarily thermal and gas units, are not modeled with such limits in output. Other affects such as non-linear gate movement, dead band etc play a part in modeling, but have a relatively minor impact. In the modeling of governors, the base-load operation of units is clearly the dominant effect. New Governor Modeling for Thermal and Gas Turbine Units Approach The new governor modeling approach correctly represents all thermal turbine units that have demonstrated unresponsive characteristics as “base loaded” units under load-controller or load limit control. Initializing at the base loaded dispatch level for such units has to be done at the start of each dynamic simulation run. Thermal plants embraces conventional fired steam, nuclear steam, simple cycle gas turbine, and combined cycle gas turbine plants. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 7 Fig.1 shows the differences in pickup of a typical thermal unit using the existing modeling and the new governor modeling. SCADA response of the unit on the May 18th 2001 NW Trip Test is also shown4. The figure clearly demonstrates how the existing modeling (base case simulation) of the unit is overly optimistic and far different from the real time operation response of the unit. Fig.1 Showing the Differences in Simulations using the Existing Model and the New ggov1 Model for Governors The new model (the GE ggov1 model) is described in Appendix 1. The model data used in the development of the new governor model for each unit is based on the recorded generator and system responses from SCADA and monitoring equipment obtained during the May 18th 2001 system tests. Over 200 SCADA response recordings of generator electrical power were evaluated from the May 18th 2001 system test recordings5. Characteristically similar responses were noted for a large number of units in this evaluation. These were categorized under six “response” categories coded T1 to T6 for thermal units and G1 to G3 for gas turbine units depicting “responsiveness” or “unresponsiveness” in varying degrees. These governor codes were later simplified to T1 to T3 and G1 to G2 which are the recommended codes. A discussion of the methodology is included in Appendix 2. Data for the governor codes is given in Table 1 of Appendix 2. Additionally, a load controller model has been developed by GE. The model, lcfb1, is identical in structure to the load controller portion of ggov1, and can be used in tandem with any governor model currently defined in the GE PSLF program. (See Appendix 1 of the report for details of the ggov1 and lcfb1 models.) 4 It should be noted that the SCADA recordings are of generator electrical power. The resolution of SCADA is at 4 sec intervals and the recordings do not show the detailed electrical power swings as seen in the simulations, but do show the general response of the unit. 5 Additionally, the CAISO provided data of generator SCADA recordings for other disturbance events that were used in the model development. Where SCADA data was not available for a specific unit, the information provided by owners/control areas regarding the base loading or responsiveness of their units was utilized in selection of theturbine-governor codes. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 In the May 18th Test basecase, 345 existing “ieeeg1’ thermal governor models were converted to the new ggov1 model with a total MWcap of 73,455 MW. Also 78 existing “gast” gas turbine governor models with a total MWcap of 8846 MW were converted to the new ggov1 model. This recommendation for the new thermal governor model supersedes the previous recommendation to “block6” all governors for thermal units greater than 150 MW and loaded 90% and above. The improved modeling of thermal plant response results in reduced overall contribution of thermal plants to the correction of frequency and a corresponding increase in the contribution from hydro plants. Because the thermal plants are predominantly in the South, and hydro plants in the North, this redistribution of plant response has a significant effect on power flows across the system, particularly in intertie flows between the North and the South. Hydro governors and their proper modeling thus play a very important part in the overall simulation of the system for large disturbances. Improvement in non-linear hydro governor modeling and introduction of Kaplan models are recommended. 3-Step Process for Development, Validation and Verification of the New Governor Model The governor modeling effort followed a 3-step process of Development, Validation and Verification. “Development” of the modeling was based on the recorded responses of the system and individual generating units during the 1250 MW Northwest Trip Test of May 18th 2001. “Validation” of the model was performed based on the recorded responses of the May 18th 2001 Hoover 750 MW trip test and the June 7th 2000 Coulee 750 MW trip test. “Verification” of the model was performed by comparing simulations with recordings of several other system disturbances including the Colstrip 2000 MW trip on Aug.1, 2001, Diablo 950 MW trip on June 3, 2002, PDCI bipole trip and 2800 MW RAS in the Northwest on June 6, 2002 and several other disturbances. The results of the simulations compared with real time event recordings are shown in Figures 3 to 8. The principal differences between the simulations of the two “validation” tests of May 18th 2001 and the random system disturbance recordings were that in the May 18th 2001 test (a) AGC was switched off to yield pure governor responses of units, (b) simultaneous SCADA and disturbance monitor recordings were obtained from all control areas, and (c) generator dispatch and power system data were gathered to create the “base cases” to simulate the staged events and recordings more accurately. It should be noted that the SCADA recordings are of generator electrical power and therefore include the effects of the system network voltages and generator excitation system responses. The characteristic initial peak noted in the response at the start of the response is purely inertial. The generating unit mechanical power responses (not recorded 6 Governor “blocking” was an “interim” recommendation by the M&VWG in 1997 to address the noted deficiency in the frequency response of the system caused by incorrect modeling of thermal/gas governors. Governors were “blocked” for thermal/gas units greater or equal to 150 MW and loaded at 90% and above. 8 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 9 by SCADA) vary according to the complex dynamics primarily of the boiler system and as affected by the base load operation of the units. New Models for Units without Governor and Excitation System Models It was clear as the validation study progressed, that accurate simulation of the events required the introduction of governor and exciter models for the numerous units without such models. Typical ggov1 governor models and exst4b exciter models were included for all such units with ratings greater or equal to 5 MW. The selection of the governor model parameters for these units was made based on recorded responses where available. For all other units, typical data was assumed. (Note: SCADA recordings included only generator electrical power responses and no information or recorded exciter responses were available.) In the May 18th Test basecase, 485 new “ggov1” governor models were added for units greater than 5 MW with existing exciter models totaling 28,675 MVA. 265 new “exst4” exciter and “ggov1”governor models were added to the data base totaling 8671 MVA for units greater than 5 MW that did not have governor or exciter models. Ggov1 Governor Model Data Submittal by Owners - Workshop The data assumed in the simulations was for the purposes of development, validation and verification of the new thermal/gas turbine governor modeling approach. In accordance with current WECC policy, the generator owner has the responsibility to provide appropriate modeling data for their units. The data assumed for the governor models in the development of the model should be verified/refined by the generator owners/control area. A Workshop was held to explain to WECC members and generator owners the details of the new governor model, methodology and data assumed for modeling, and the requirements from generator owners to verify/refine their model data. All generator owners shall provide a validation of their selected governor model data by submitting recordings of their generator responses during system disturbances7 or tests. Hydro Governors The following are the conclusions concerning hydro turbine governors: 1. Hydro units are very responsive to frequency deviations. Complete response, however, typically takes from 15 to 90 seconds. On average, a hydro governor will have completed about two-thirds of its response after 60 seconds. Only a fraction of a typical hydro units response is completed in the first 10 seconds. 2. Since the pick up of frequency responsive governors, such as hydro units, will increase with the magnitude of the frequency deviation, to properly simulate these governors requires that 7 Disturbance monitoring equipment recordings are desirable; however high-resolution SCADA or data logger recordings are also acceptable. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 10 the system frequency response to a disturbance in the simulation is correct. Hence the new thermal/gas ggov1 model simulations will result in more accurate hydro simulations. 3. The impact of hydro responses and its correct simulation is very important to the overall system frequency response. More accurate hydro modeling is recommended as follows: a. Controllers (plant controls, AGC, etc.) may readjust governor set points before a hydro governor completes its response. These need to be modeled properly for simulations up to 60 seconds (FRR). b. Kaplan (adjustable blade) turbines are not represented correctly with the existing models. Kaplan turbines account for approximately 14,000 MW of generating capacity on lower-, mid-Columbia and lower Snake dams. Studies indicate that existing models grossly over-represent governor response in first 10 seconds. c. Nonlinear turbine gain effects can have a noticeable impact on the amount of response of a hydro unit and should be included in the models. d. Modeling hydro governors correctly for all units that do not have such models presently. e. The amount of hydro response is dependent on the load level of the generator; therefore power flow representation of hydro plants must be realistic. 4. The gross mismatch between actual under-frequency events and simulation results is primarily due to incorrect thermal/gas governor modeling. Correction of thermal plant modeling increases the relative contribution of hydro plants to the correction of frequency. Therefore, it becomes equally important to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of hydro governor modeling. 5. A detailed report on hydro governor studies is presented in Appendix 3. Major System Impacts and System Responses from the New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling A large number of studies were performed in the development, validation and verification of the new thermal governor modeling which clearly revealed the impacts of the new modeling approach on simulations of the WECC system. The following are the expected impacts on major system operation and planning studies using the new thermal governor modeling based on findings from the studies already performed: − − − − We can clearly predict more accurately the system frequency response for large generation trips The new model will provide more accurate studies on the effect on the system of large RAS operation Improved hydro plant simulations that directly result from the improved thermal governor modeling : the studies indicate greater pick up by hydro units with the improved thermal governor modeling It provides a more accurate prediction of Intertie flows – eg COI New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 − 11 Comparison of Hydro Vs Thermal generation responses, North Vs South reserves is facilitated Provides a better assessment of system oscillations and damping − The following operation and planning studies are expected to benefit from the use of the new thermal governor model: − − − More accurate assessment of dynamic and transient stability More accurate assessment of dynamic voltage stability Accurate prediction of Intertie flows – eg COI and potential COI capacity limitations − Comparison of Hydro Vs Thermal generation responses, North Vs South reserves is facilitated − Underfrequency and load shedding studies involving large generation trips or system islanding − Large RAS effects on system security − Study of oscillations and damping. − PSS Studies − Provides the basis for establishing a more accurate post-transient powerflow methodology for studies involving large generation or load trips The new governor model will facilitate the study of FRR and spinning reserves. Further Work Further work on governor modeling is anticipated in the following areas: 1. Perform validation studies after obtaining data from generator owners for the new ggov1 thermal governor model. 2. Obtain and audit data from owners for governor and exciter models for the numerous units without such models for which typical ggov1 governor models and exst4b exciter models were included in the validation studies performed. 3. Include Kaplan hydro governor models and non-linear hydro modeling. 4. For studies extending to long periods such as for system oscillations and dynamic voltage stability, it is important to model Automatic Generation Control (AGC)8. 8 A brief discussion on the application of AGC signals is provided in Appendix 1. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Model Development, Validation and Verification Development of Model Based on May 18th 2001 NW 1250 MW Trip Test Case Validation - Hoover Test 750 MW, May 18th 2001 Coulee 750MW Trip, June 7th 2000 Verification - System Disturbances - Colstrip 2000MW Trip, August 1, 2001 - Diablo 950 MW trip, June 3, 2002 - PDCI Bipole Trip and NW 2800 MW RAS, June 6, 2002 Fig. 1 Block Diagram showing Model Development, Validation and Verification of the New Governor Modeling 12 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 13 Block Diagram of General Methodology Existing Convert existing ieeeg1 models to ggov1 Models Convert *input list has both existing gast models to ggov1 Add New Models Exciters and Governors a) Thermal and Gas units b) Hydro units Create Input List and Unit "Codes" for Unit Responses New Database Run Initialization for baseload operation of ggov1 models Run Stability Studies Fig.2 Block Diagram of General Methodology Add "AGC" New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig.3 Figure showing the final validated modeling after converting ieeeg1and gast models to the new ggov1 model and adding new governor and excitation models (1113 total) 14 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig.4 (above) Hoover 750 MW trip on May 18th 2001 Fig.5 (below) 750 MW Coulee Trip test on June 7th 2000 15 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 6. June 3, 2002 Diablo 950 MW trip Fig. 7 Colstrip 2000 MW Trip on August 1, 2001 16 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 8 PDCI Bipole Trip and NW RAS 2800 MW Trip on June 6, 2002 17 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 1 THE GE GGOV1 MODEL FOR THERMAL TURBINE-GOVERNOR CONTROL AND THE LCFB1 LOAD CONTROLLER MODEL 18 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 19 APPENDIX 1A USE OF GGOV1 POWER PLANT CONTROL MODEL John Undrill General Electric July 2002 1. Summary Comparison of simulation results with recorded frequency transients in recent generation-trip tests and contingency events have shown the existing WECC approach to the modeling of governing to: − understate the frequency dip caused by the trip of a large generator − overstate the overall power increase contribution of thermal plants and understate that of hydro plants This leads to a general loss of confidence in the ability of simulations to properly indicate the post-transient distribution of generator outputs and, therefore, of post-transient transmission system loadings. There are many possible explanations for these discrepancies. Among the many: a) while governor action is generally assumed to be the predominant control effect in power plants, only about one half of the running capacity has active governors, with the remainder having control valves either unable to move or under manual control. b) governor action is present in many plants but is slow to occur and thus appears to be absent in the time span of interest c) governor action, while present and prompt, is often countermanded by other control actions, either immediately or within the first minute of the grid transient The reality is undoubtedly a combination of all of these possibilities. Initial attempts in WECC to address the issue of turbine response at the level of minimal changes in system modeling practice have not been successful. This memorandum describes the new approach that is now recommended for the representation of the control actions of thermal plants; thermal plants embraces conventional fired steam, nuclear steam, simple cycle gas turbine, and combined cycle gas turbine plants. The new recommended approach is to use a single new model for all thermal plants except nuclear plants. This new model, ggov1, is a simple generic representation of the plant controls, as distinct from turbine governor, or a broad range of thermal plants. Its purpose is to represent both the governing action that is generally regarded as the primary control function in most power plants and, in addition, to represent the principles of the power plant controls that are very often of greater importance in relation to post-transient conditions. It recognizes the New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 20 presence in essentially all plants of supervising control elements and managing control elements as indicated by Figure 1. With the ggov1 model applied at every thermal generating plant, the new modeling approach aims to recognize the effects of the basic control elements and operating practices of each plant, though not the internal details of these aspects of the plants. This is done by setting the parameters of the ggov1 model according to a simple assignment of each plant to one of a set of predefined categories. These categories are based on generally known main variations of steam plant and gas turbine plant control practices. Individual plants are assigned to these categories empirically on the basis of their behavior as observed in recent system events, in testing, or both. The parameters used in the ggov1 model, therefore, are not based on specific internal design details of the plants but, rather, are chosen to reproduce their observed behavioral characteristics. 2. The ggov1 Model 2.1 Overview As has been the case in the modeling of thermal turbine-generators for 50 years, the ggov1 model represents both a turbine (or engine) and its governor. As in essentially all of the older models (such as ieeeg1), the turbine/engine model in ggov1 is not a detailed thermodynamic treatment but is a very simple linear transfer function representation. The ggov1 model extends the older practice by controlling this simple turbine/engine model with both the governor, a basic representation of a supervising control, and a basic managing control. 2.2 The Governor Element The governor in ggov1 is a proportional-integral-derivative element typical of modern practice. It allows the droop feedback signal to be either valve position or electrical power and hence can be used to represent either modern equipment or older mechanical-hydraulic governors. 2.3 The Supervising Element The supervising element of ggov1 normally represents a load limit. The origin of the load limit that this element would represent varies widely from plant to plant: − − − in gas turbines it is exhaust temperature limit in reciprocating engine plants it might be a cylinder head temperature limit, and exhaust temperature limit, or a turbocharger manifold pressure limit in a steam turbine plant it is most likely a limit whose value is decided on and set by the operator based on his intentions regarding operation of the plant (for example, he may limit the plant output for a few hours if he is having difficulty maintaining condenser vacuum because of trouble with a cooling water circulating pump). The limit level is stated in terms of turbine power by the parameter, ldref. It is essential to note that in most cases this parameter is not a direct statement of a limit value, but rather, is states the turbine power that corresponds to the limit. For example, in a gas New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 21 turbine, the limit is frequently imposed by a curve relating exhaust temperature to several internal engine variables, and the corresponding limiting power varies with ambient temperature. That the limit setting of the supervising control is a variable and not fixed parameter of the engine is critical. It must be recognized henceforth in grid dynamic modeling that the setting of parameters describing operational realities is intimately related to, and as important as, the setting of the pre-disturbance generator power dispatch. 2.4 The Load Management Element The load management element of ggov1 is intended to represent the power controller that the control room operator's primary interface with the turbine in many power plants. The load controller representation of ggov1 is a reset controller that, when active, will work to regulate the turbine power to the value of its setpoint, Pmwset. In ggov1 this power setpoint is initialized to match the initial condition turbine power; if Pmwset is not adjusted during a simulation the load controller will countermand the action of the governor to return the turbine to its initial condition output. Like all turbine governor models in the PSLF program, this model recognizes that the power setpoint of the plant may be adjusted during the period of a grid simulation. Adjustment of the setpoint may be a manual action of an operator or may be implemented by the receipt of signals from a grid Automatic Generation Control (AGC) system. Depending on the vintage and design of the AGC system and plant, adjustment of the required load may be implemented by: − − − receipt of raise/lower pulse adjustments to the governor speed/load reference (Pref in the PSLF program) receipt of updated values of the governor speed/load reference (Pref in the PSLF program) receipt of updated values of the turbine load controller reference (Pmwset in the ggov1 model) Where an AGC signal is received at Pref, the load controller should be inactive (Kimw = 0 in ggov1). Where an AGC signal is received at Pmwset, the value of Pref should not be changed. While the proper time scale for the managing controller is slow in relation to that of the governing and supervising loops, there is, nevertheless, a wide variation in the speed of response of turbine load reference controllers. At the more active end of the spectrum, a load controller may be able to completely cancel a deviation of output within as little as 30 seconds, while a reset time of a few minutes would be common in large steam plants. The load controllers of gas turbine plants would typically be quicker than those in large steam plants. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 1 Basic relationship of power plant controls to turbine control 22 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig.2– Block Diagram of the GE ggov1 model 23 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 24 APPENDIX 1B THE LCFB1 LOAD CONTROLLER The model, lcfb1, is identical in structure to the load controller portion of ggov1, and can be used in tandem with any governor model currently defined in the GE PSLF program (see figure 3). Existing ieeeg1 models may be used with the addition of the lcfb1 load controller model if it applies. Upon initialization, base-loaded units and load-controllers are assigned values in the and lcfb1 models (similar to the ggov1model) equal to the generator dispatched value specified in the power flow data. If the effects of a load (or any set point other than frequency) controller are to be included, the output of the unit will be reset to the value of PMWSET. The speed at which the resetting takes place is controlled by the value of KI in model lcfb1. The lcfb1 load controller model represents a supervisory turbine load controller that acts to maintain turbine power at a set value by continuous adjustment of the turbine governor speedload reference9. This model is intended to represent slow reset 'outer loop' controllers managing the action of the turbine governor. The load reference of this supervisory load control loop is accessible as the parameter, Pmwset. Pmwset is given a value automatically when the model is initialized. The load controller is enabled by setting the flag, pbf, to 1, and disabled by setting fbf to zero. The controller acts by applying a bias to the turbine-governor speed load reference, pref. This reference is initialized in the normal manner by the turbinegovernor model. This model recognizes the two alternative ways of specifying the turbine-governor load reference. In models such as ggov1 and hygov, the reference is a speed setpoint. In other models such as ieeeg1 the reference is a per unit load value. The parameters of lcfb1 must always be set on the basis of a governor speed reference, except for the first parameter, type, which should be set as follows: For speed reference governors type = 0 For load reference governors type = 1 Lcfb1 checks the model name of the governor model to which it is applied against the above list of load-reference governors. It issues an error message from the INIT command if the parameter, type, is inappropriate for these models. Note that lcfb1 can be used with governors listed below. 9 This material is from the GE PSLF program manual. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Speed Reference Load Reference Governors Governors hygov ggov1 tgov1 gegt1 ieeeg3 hygov4 g2wscc gpwscc ieeeg1 gast hyg3 hyst1 pidgov tgov3 w2301 Fig. 3 Block diagram of the lcfb1 model 25 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 2 THERMAL GOVERNOR MODELING PRINCIPLES METHODOLOGY BASED UPON RECORDED RESPONSES OF THERMAL UNITS MAY 18, 2001 TEST - NW TRIP 1250 MW 26 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 27 METHODOLOGY BASED UPON RECORDED RESPONSES OF THERMAL UNITS Codes for Governor Models The new governor modeling approach represents all thermal and gas turbine units that have demonstrated unresponsive characteristics as “base loaded” units under load-controller or load limit control. Initializing at the base loaded dispatch level for such units has to be done at the start of each dynamic simulation run (See Table 1, ldref). The model data used in the development of the new governor model (the GE ggov1 model) for each unit is based on the recorded generator and system responses from SCADA and monitoring equipment obtained during the May 18th 2001 system tests. Over 200 SCADA response recordings of generator electrical power were evaluated from the May 18th 2001 system test recordings10. Characteristically similar responses were noted for a large number of units in this evaluation. These were categorized under six “response” categories coded T1 to T6 for thermal units and G1 to G3 for gas turbine units depicting “responsiveness” or “unresponsiveness” in varying degrees. These governor codes were later simplified to T1 to T3 and G1 to G2, which are the recommended codes shown in Table 1. Figs. 1 to 5 shows the SCADA responses of typical units in the May 18th 2001 Test. Typical simulations are shown in Figs. 6 to 8. Fig. 9 shows sensitivity studies illustrating the effect of varying the code selections. Data Submittal by Owners The data (Codes T1 to T3 and G1 to G2) assumed in the simulations was for the purposes of development, validation and verification of the new thermal/gas turbine governor model. In accordance with current WECC policy, the generator owner has the responsibility to provide appropriate modeling data for their units. The data to be used by WECC in the application of the new thermal/gas turbine ggov1model should be submitted by the generator owners/control area for each unit. A Workshop will be held to explain to WECC members and generator owners the details of the new governor model, methodology and data assumed for modeling, and the requirements from generator owners to verify/refine their model data. All generator owners shall provide a validation of their selected governor model data by submitting recordings of their generator responses during system disturbances11 or tests. 10 Validation and Verification of the Codes was performed as described in the Report. Additionally, the CAISO provided data of generator SCADA recordings for other disturbance events that were used in the model development. Also data from the WECC surveys was used for units without SCADA recordings. 11 Disturbance monitoring equipment recordings are desirable; however high-resolution SCADA recordings are also acceptable. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 GOVERNOR CODES THERMAL TURBINE - GOVERNORS Code T1 : For units with “fast” load controllers Code T2 : For units with “slow” load controllers Code T3 : For units with no load controllers GAS TURBINE – GOVERNORS Code G1 : For units with load controllers Code G2 : For units with no load controllers 28 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 29 Table 1 – Recommended Thermal/Gas Turbine Governor Codes Recommended Governor Codes Fast Parameter R rselect tpelec maxerr minerr kpgov kigov kdgov tdgov vmax vmin tact kturb wfnl tb tc flag teng tfload kpload kiload ldref * dm ropen rclose Kimw pmwset # Slow T1 Permanent droop, pu Feedback signal for droop Electrical power transducer time constant, sec Maximum value for speed error signal Minimum value for speed error signal Governor proportional gain Governor integral gain Governor derivative gain Governor derivative controller time constant Maximum valve position limit Minimum valve position limit Actuator time constant Turbine gain No load fuel flow, p.u Turbine lag time constant Turbine lead time constant Switch for turbine output Transport lag time constant for diesel engine Load Limiter time constant Load limiter proportional gain for PI controller Load limiter integral gain for PI controller Load limiter reference value pu Mechanical damping coefficient, pu Maximum valve opening rate, pu/sec Minimum valve closing rate, pu/sec Power controller reset gain (for lcfb1 controller, this is KI) Power controller setpoint None T2 Fast T3 None G1 G2 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 -0.05 10 10 10 10 10 2 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0.15 0.15 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 1 1.5 1.5 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.18 0.18 10 10 10 0.5 0.5 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 3 3 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0.1 0.1 0.1 1 1 -1 -1 0.01 to 0.001 to 0.02 0.005 -1 -1 -1 0.01 to 0.02 0 0 For a description of each item, please refer to the GE ggov1 model * See text for baseload or limiter operation # initialized automatically to power flow value Gas No Load Controller Gas With Load Controller Thermal No Load Controller Thermal Slow Load Controller Thermal Fast Load Controller New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 1 Shows a typical “Responsive” unit – SCADA recording – Code T3 Fig. 2 Craig2 – Shows a “Partially Responsive” Unit – SCADA recording – Code T2. The effect of Load Controller Action is clearly seen in the SCADA recording. 30 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 3 Cholla 4 – Shows a Partially Responsive Unit - – SCADA recording – Code T2 Fig. 4 - Haynes2 – Responsive Unit (AGC?) - – SCADA recording – Code T3 31 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 5 32 Paloverde – “Unresponsive” Unit - – SCADA recording – Base Loaded (ldref) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 33 TYPICAL ILLUSTRATIONS SHOWING THE DIFFERENCE IN RESPONSES BETWEEN SIMULATIONS USING EXISTING MODELS AND THE NEW GGOV1 MODELING SCATTERGOOD – CODE T3 Fig. 6. Illustrating Code T3 (No Load Controller). Comparing SCADA recording and model simulations New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 CRAIG 2 – CODE T2 Fig. 7 Craig 2 - Simulations of a Partially Responsive Unit. Comparing SCADA recording and base case model simulations – Code T2 34 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 35 PALO VERDE – BASE LOADED Fig. 8 Palo Verde- Simulations of an Unresponsive Unit. Comparing SCADA recording and ggov1 model (Base loaded - ldref) simulation New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 36 Fig. 9 Sensitivity Studies showing the effect of varying Turbine-Governor Code selections for the May 18th 2001 Tests – NW 1250 MW and Hoover 750 MW trips New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 3 HYDRO TURBINE-GOVERNOR MODELING 37 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 38 Hydro Governor-Turbine Modeling Shawn Patterson, Bureau of Reclamation Conclusions 1. Hydro units are very responsive to frequency deviations. Complete response, however, typically takes from 15 to 90 seconds. On average, a hydro governor will have completed about two-thirds of its response after 60 seconds. Only a fraction of a typical hydro units response is completed in the first 10 seconds. 2. Since the pick up of frequency responsive governors, such as hydro units, will increase with the magnitude of the frequency deviation, to properly simulate these governors requires that the system frequency response to a disturbance in the simulation is correct. Hence the new thermal/gas ggov1 model simulations will result in more accurate hydro simulations. 3. The impact of hydro responses and its correct simulation is very important to the overall system frequency response. More accurate hydro modeling is recommended as follows: − Controllers (plant controls, AGC, etc.) may readjust governor set points before a hydro governor completes its response. These need to be modeled properly for simulations up to 60 seconds (FRR). − Kaplan (adjustable blade) turbines are not represented correctly with the existing models. Kaplan turbines account for approximately 14,000 MW of generating capacity on lower-, mid-Columbia and lower Snake dams. Studies indicate that existing models grossly over-represent governor response in first 10 seconds. − Nonlinear turbine gain effects can have a noticeable impact on the amount of response of a hydro unit and should be included in the models. − Modeling hydro governors correctly for all units that do not have such models presently. − The amount of hydro response is dependent on the load level of the generator; therefore power- flow representation of hydro plants must be realistic. 4. The gross mismatch between actual under-frequency events and simulation results is primarily due to incorrect thermal/gas governor modeling. However, because hydro governor/turbine model performance has become very critical, any deficiencies in hydro modeling assume a greater importance in assessing the overall response of the system. Hydro Governors/Turbine Response A study of individual unit response data taken during the May 18, 2001 tests indicate that hydro units are, in general, very responsive to frequency deviations. Although there was data available for only a fraction of the total number of hydro plants, the data that was available showed that nearly all the hydro units examined responded upon the frequency decline. In many cases, the resolution of the measured SCADA data is not sufficient to determine any change in generator output. The expected response amounts for these tests are less than one percent of the rated outputs, so some system may not be able to detect the changes, especially for smaller units. From those that could measure the change, the responses indicate that the units will pick up their appropriate share of the load as determined by their permanent droop settings. In most cases, however, the time constants of a hydro response are quite long and a New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 39 full response may not be completed in a 60 second time frame. The typical range of hydro governor time constants varies from 20 second to 120 seconds. Plants with long penstocks, such as pipeline plants (not located on dams) can have a considerably longer response time, since response time varies principally with the water starting time constant. Electro-hydraulic governors usually have a more sophisticated controller design, and therefore can be set up to respond faster than mechanical governors. Figure 1 shows the measured response of Hoover unit N4. The plot covers two minutes of data. Note that the unit is still responding after 60 seconds. The time constant of the governor response is about 30 seconds, which is shorter than the average for hydro units with mechanical governors. This means that at 30 seconds, the unit's wicket gates will have reached 63 percent of their final travel. Mechanical governors will typically have longer time constants, around 60 seconds or longer. If the droop (the change in frequency, percent, divided by the change in gate position, percent) is measured for a unit with a 30 second governor time constant, at t = 60 seconds it will come out to a value of about 6 percent. After the unit completes its response, it will reach a final droop value of 5 percent, which is the normal droop setting throughout the WECC. A simulation of the event using the current database models shows that after 60 seconds, on average, hydro units had responded about 72 percent of their final value, based on their droop settings. Therefore, the average hydro governor time constant in the WECC is near 60 seconds, and the average droop at 60 seconds is near 8 percent. A governor with a 60 second time constant will respond about 25 percent of its total response in the first 10 seconds. Therefore, on average, hydro units will impact the transient dip in frequency after a generation loss only minimally. Most of the hydro response will occur after the first 10 seconds. Droop vs. Regulation Note that a droop setting of 5 percent does not mean a power change of 5 percent (change in power output, in percent, divided by change in frequency, in percent – referred to as speed regulation). Some governors are equipped with a power signal feedback, so that the power response to system frequency is a constant, defined ratio. If a governor uses a power signal feedback, the unit will respond with the amount determined by the regulation setting, and nonlinear effects do not affect the response. These governors make up only a small fraction of the governors in the WECC. The normal method of setting the amount of response of a governor to a frequency deviation, is through the droop setting, which is defined as a change in gate or valve position proportional to the frequency deviation. It does not account for any additional gains, nonlinearity, etc., that is present in the system after the water has been released to the turbine. It is also important to consider that for mechanical governor systems, the droop characteristic is accomplished through mechanical linkages, which are subject to the normal variations inherent in such systems, such as worn or sticking parts, backlash, deadband, etc. Therefore, it is not unusual for a mechanical system to exhibit a variation in the droop characteristic of up to 10 percent over its operating range (i.e., variances between 4.5 and 5.5 percent droop.) An electro-hydraulic system can have a much more precise droop characteristic. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 40 Non-frequency responsive hydro There are some hydro governors that do not respond to speed variations, but instead, regulate MW output or turbine flow. This type of control may be found on some single unit plants on canals or rivers where regulation of water flow is the primary concern. Generators operating in these modes will not help maintain constant system frequency and cannot be regarded as frequency responsive reserve. Generators that normally operate under these control modes should be identified and modeled either with the correct feedback signal or, more appropriately, without a governor model. If a machine is to be represented without a governor model because it does not respond to frequency changes, it should be noted in the database so it will not be confused with the cases where the owner has simply neglected submitting the governor model. Governor operation A hydro governor is a relatively simple piece of equipment and its operation is straightforward and normally unencumbered by other plant processes. There has been an abundance of data recorded over many years of operation, and hydro governor operation is very well understood and predictable in simulation, provided the model data is verified, through tests, as correct. There are, however, some aspects of hydro plant control not currently accounted for in simulations, such as MW (e.g., AGC set points) or flow control, which may interfere with their control of system frequency. There were some indications that during the May 18, 2001 tests, some hydro units were operating in a MW set point control mode, which would slowly reset the unit output back to the value prior to the generation loss. It is recommended that the outer loop, coordinated control, etc, modes be modified with a droop characteristic of their own to allow proper response to frequency deviation. If this is not possible, then the outer loop control effects must be modeled. A detailed comparison of some of the measured responses against simulated responses verifies that the hydro governor models can accurately represent the actual control systems. Figure 2 compares the gate response of the unit shown in Figure 1 with the simulated response using the ieeeg3, mechanical governor model. This simulation was performed using the actual frequency signal measured during the May 18, 2001 tests as an input. Therefore, the signal into the model is exactly the same as seen by the governor on Hoover unit N4. The simulated response compares very well against the measured response. Therefore, it is verified that the dynamic portions of this model, i.e., the governor control loop and the water starting time, TW, are an accurate representation of the real governor. Nonlinear effects However, careful study of the response in Figure 1 reveals that for the 0.13-0.15 percent change in frequency (at 60 seconds) during this test, the regulation is near 4.5 percent. At the two-minute mark, the MW response has reached a level that is about 45 percent greater than determined by the droop setting of 5 percent. The regulation, or effective droop as it is New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 41 sometimes called, is 3.4 percent. This extra response is due to gain in the water column and turbine portions of the system. Much of the hydro responses from May 18 test data examined exhibited a regulation level of greater than 5 percent. Most of the data did not contain gate position data, so it was not possible to compare the regulation to droop. It is the additional effects of the turbine that complicates the modeling of hydro responses. The ieeeg3 model, as well as the g2wscc, gpwscc, and the pidgov models in the PSLF program all include a linear model of the turbine These models currently make up the bulk of the representation of hydro units in the database. In reality, the dynamics of hydro turbines and the water flowing through them are quite complex and can be modeled in great detail, most of which is unnecessary for the purposes of large scale system stability studies. For most studies, that is, those in which system frequency does not change drastically (e.g., islanded or small systems), the components of the hydro governor model of primary importance are the portions with time constants, e.g., pilot valve, main servo, gate rate limit, dashpot, any electronic compensation, and the water starting time. These components are all represented well in all the models and are, fortunately, easy to measure and model. Therefore, as demonstrated in Figure 2, the dynamic response characteristic is relatively easy to model correctly. If, however, the simulation includes large changes in frequency, then the steady state gain becomes important in predicting the total change in power output of the unit. This gain is dominated by the permanent droop setting, which in the WECC is normally set to 5 percent, provided turbine and generator ratings are similar. This corresponds to a governor per unit gain of 20. There are also some turbine effects that can add to or subtract from the overall gain of the governor/turbine system. The nonlinear hydro governor models were developed in order to account for some of these effects. In the PSLF program, mechanical governors can be modeled with the hygov or hygov4 models, and for electro-hydraulic or digital governors, the appropriate model is hyg3. These models are recent additions to the program and have not been adopted by users yet. The nonlinear governor models include a constant, AT, which is used to add the gain that is effected by the fact that the range of gate position, in percent, does not correspond one to one with the range of power output. That is, gate position at zero power out is not zero but near 10 percent in most cases. Rated generator output is obtained at a gate position of less than 100 percent if the turbine rating is greater than the generator rating. Therefore AT represents the extra gain due to the typically smaller range of gate operation and is numerically equal to 1/(Gate full load – Gate no load). The no load turbine flow parameter, qNL, should be set to ATGatenoloadH01/2. Another gain effect incorporated into the nonlinear turbine models is that due to speed dependent turbine damping. The resistance of the water as the turbine turns increases with speed. Therefore, as speed decreases, the resistance decreases, which manifests itself as extra power on the generator shaft. This factor varies with turbine designs and is generally difficult to determine, but a generally accepted typical value is 1 per unit, at 100 percent gate. The damping decreases with gate position. An effect also included in the nonlinear models is that due to head variation. Power output varies as H3/2 so large changes in reservoir levels can affect power output significantly. Head levels vary considerably from area to area, season to season and year to year, and New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 42 consequently, so does unit capacity and turbine gain. This parameter should be altered only in rare cases where detailed and specific lake elevations are known and are of interest. Normally, H0 should be set to 1.0. This value will not affect the output. In fact, the current (v13) and previous versions of the pslf program does not properly initialize the hygov4 model if H0 has been set to any other value than 1.0. Since reservoir levels were low in several parts of the WECC area during the May 18 tests, it was desired to study these effects, however, the initialization problem and the fact that the model, hygov, does not allow for head variation, hindered these efforts. Linear vs. Nonlinear models Comparing simulations of the linear model, ieeeg3, with the nonlinear model, hygov4, for Hoover N4, and assuming all other parameters are equal, all of these turbine gain effects (excluding head variation) discussed so far in the nonlinear model add up to about a 15 percent increase in power response for the May 18 test, or a 0.5 percent change in generator output. Figure 3 compares the simulated responses of the linear model, the nonlinear model with Dturb = 0, and the nonlinear model with Dturb = 1.0. As is evident from the plot, the response with the nonlinear model comes closer to matching the response with the linear model. But there is still a significant amount of gain to be added to the water column/turbine model before the actual response will be approximated. Also depicted on Figure 3 is a response generated using the nonlinear model and an additional gain of 1.3 per unit, which duplicates the actual data. With this additional gain, the total increase in power response for this unit is about 45 percent, or 1.5 percent change in generator output. This additional gain discrepancy dwarfs all of the other gain effects included in the nonlinear model. There also happens to be one more additional gain factor to be considered in a hydro turbine. This is the nonlinear gain effect due to variation in turbine efficiency. Figure 4 shows the measured relationship between gate position and power output (electrical power output – losses between mechanical power and electrical power are neglected here) for Hoover N4. Currently, this effect is not modeled for most of the machines in the database. This curve varies from turbine to turbine, but will in general have a similar S-shape. The efficiency of hydro turbines varies with the flow. They are usually designed for optimal efficiency somewhere in the range of about 75-90 percent flow (gate position.) Therefore, as the gate position increases or decreases from this range, so does the efficiency, and so consequently, the gain from gate position to power output varies with the operating point. Hydro turbines are least efficient at low loads, so as the loading increases towards the higher loads, the gain in efficiency can increase dramatically. The slope of this curve at the operating points of interest represent the turbine gain, and is typically the greatest between 40 and 80 percent gate position. It is important to note that if a unit is operating at peak efficiency or above, an increase in gate position will include a decrease in turbine gain (the P-G curve will result in a smaller increase in output power) while if a unit is operating below peak efficiency, an increase in gate position will be met with an additional gain from the turbine (the P-G curve will result in a larger increase in output power.) Also shown on Figure 4 is the typical hydro P-G curve as defined in pslf. A P-G curve can be applied to all the hydro governor models, linear or nonlinear types. Included on the figure for comparison is the slope = 1 line, which is the default linear characteristic if the P-G curve is New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 43 not used. While the default hydro curve has a similar shape as the actual data points for this unit, substituting the default curve for this case would lead to an overly responsive model when the unit is loaded below 50 percent, and a model that would respond significantly less when loaded above 75 percent. Therefore, it can be concluded that the P-G characteristic is a very important piece of data when constructing a model of a hydro turbine. However, there is an important caveat in applying this curve: the measured Power vs. Gate data will also include the effects of the AT and qnl parameters in the nonlinear models. Therefore, if the P-G curve is used, AT and qnl should be set to 1.0 and zero, respectively, or their effects must be subtracted from the P-G curve data, which is more difficult. Effects of hydro units on system frequency Taking all of the nonlinear turbine gain effects into account, the total added gain can vary considerably over the operating range of a hydro unit. At its greatest, it may contribute an extra 50 percent gain, or near zero at the lowest. A comparison of linear vs. nonlinear governor models using typical data for the nonlinear models is shown in Figure 5. These plots also reflect the system wide use of the ggov1 model for steam and gas units., Importance of frequency deviation A fact that should not be overlooked when considering governor response is that the amount of response is proportional to the deviation in system frequency. This has nothing to do with the governor model, but is a function of frequency response. This is why the model validation steps illustrated in figures 2 and 5 were simulated with actual frequency signals instead of those generated by the base case model data. Figure 6 shows the response of a hydro unit using the base case data and compared with a case using the ggov1 model for steam and gas units. The governor response is much greater when the frequency deviation is greater. Correct simulation of the system frequency during a disturbance is critical to correct simulation of a unit governor response. Other considerations Types of hydro turbines The discussion here regarding hydro turbine/governor models applies to Francis type units only. From test data, is has been determined that the models presently available will not sufficiently represent units with Kaplan, or propeller type turbines. These units have an additional control loop that alters the blade angle to optimize the efficiency of the turbine based on the flow (loading). Therefore, a new model has been developed to more accurately represent the effects of variable blade angle. Impulse or Pelton wheel turbines have not been addressed due to their sparse presence in the system. Deadband During these investigations the subject of deadband in hydro governors was also addressed. The computer models currently in use include parameters for setting intentional deadband and New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 44 unintentional deadband. Intentional deadband is a feature in more modern governor designs that causes very small changes in speed to be ignored, thereby reducing wear and tear on mechanical parts. This parameter is a set value and should be replicated in the models if it is in use. The unintentional deadband is a parameter in the model that can be used to incorporate effects mentioned above, (e.g., sticky parts, hydraulic system nonlinearities, etc.). The overall effect of using these parameters in the models is to cause a threshold effect, in which there is not as much governor response throughout the system for small frequency deviations, and then complete governor response for large deviations. The value of these effects in system studies is dubious, at best. Furthermore, the presence of unintentional deadband or its magnitude is not likely to be consistent or even known. If it is discovered, the proper course of action is of course to eliminate it, not characterize it in the model. Missing/unverified data As a final note on hydro governor models, it should be reiterated that the largest source of error in the modeling of hydro governors is due to unverified model data or no model at all. As has been noted, half of the machines in the WECC database do not include governor models, and many of them are known to be hydro models. There is also a large amount of data that looks suspiciously like typical data. In particular, there are many hygov models that have a gate rate (velocity) limit of 99 pu/sec, a standard default number, in addition to a physical impossibility. It is suspected that many of these models are default versions, automatically created during the conversion of data from the old WSCC program data to the GE format. The old ieeeg2 model data cannot be converted automatically to any other hydro governor model; therefore the hygov model was used. The ieeeg2 model was used in the early days of computer studies as a simple governor model to be used for short duration, transient studies, in which governor action was unimportant. These models are not appropriate for simulating events like the May 18 tests. Any models derived from ieeeg2 data should be considered non-validated. Figure 1 – MW Response of Hoover N4 to May 18, 2001 NW generation trip New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Figure 2 - Gate response comparison - actual vs. simulation Figure 3 - Response comparisons using different model assumptions 45 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Figure 4 - Nonlinear Power vs. Gate Relationship Figure 5 - Linear vs. nonlinear hydro models using ggov1 46 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Figure 6 - Effect of ggov1 models on hydro response 47 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 4 GUIDELINES FOR THERMAL GOVERNOR MODEL DATA SELECTION, VALIDATION, AND SUBMITTAL TO WECC Prepared by the Governor Modeling Task Force WECC Modeling & Validation Work Group October 9, 2002 48 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 49 Guidelines for Thermal Governor Model Data Selection, Validation, and Submittal to WECC Introduction Studies conducted during 2002 have demonstrated that representing base loading of generators and generator load controllers has a dramatic effect on simulation results, not only in frequency deviation studies (reserve, under frequency load shedding, etc.), but will impact the results of many system stability studies, such as those used to set transfer limits, remedial action, etc. The results of these studies and the new recommended models for thermal turbine-governors were distributed to WECC members in a report by a task force of the Modeling and Validation Work Group titled "New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC". The report clearly indicates the significant improvement in system simulations as a result of the new thermal modeling and the corresponding inadequacies of the existing thermal governor models. The new modeling will significantly improve the predictability of performance of the power system during major generation and RAS outages. (Fig. 1) A governor modeling workshop was held in Salt Lake City on August 19-20 to disseminate the information from recent studies and to describe to generation owners some newly developed models and what information is required to assign data to the model variables12. Figure 3 - Improvement in Simulation Accuracy with New Modeling Model description Two new models have been developed for use in WECC studies. The ggov1 model, referenced in the report is a generic thermal governor/turbine model that incorporates base loading and a load controller. The model, lcfb1, is identical in structure to the load controller portion of ggov1, and can be used in tandem with any governor model currently defined in the GE PSLF 12 Workshop material is available on the WECC website. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 50 program (see figure 2 for model diagrams). See Appendix 1 of the report listed above for additional information. Thermal plants not currently modeled with a governor in the WECC database should be added using the ggov1 model. All gas turbine units should use the ggov1 model, as all other gas turbine models will not be supported in future releases of GE PSLF. Hydro units that operate under load control should also use the lcfb1 model in addition to the appropriate hydro governor model. Existing ieeeg1 models may be used with the addition of the lcfb1 load controller model if it applies. Alternatively, the new ggov1 model may be used for such units with appropriate data supplied for it. Upon initialization, base-loaded units and load-controllers are assigned values in the ggov1 and lcfb1 models equal to the generator dispatched value specified in the power flow data. If the effects of a load (or any set point other than frequency) controller are to be included, the output of the unit will be reset to the value of PMWSET. The speed at which the resetting takes place is controlled by the value of KIMW (KI in model lcfb1.) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 51 Figure 2 - ggov1 (above) and lcfb1 (below) models Model Data and Validation Requirements Whether a unit is base loaded and the value of KIMW (or KI) for units with load controllers are the important pieces of new information that must be added to the database and validated through measurement. Current WECC policy requires that all generation owners submit appropriate computer model data to represent their machines and associated equipment along with recorded data that validates the accuracy of the computer models. It is therefore required that the data for the new models discussed herein be validated by comparing actual measured electrical power output response data of each unit to the computer modeled simulation response. Typical responses of SCADA recordings of thermal units and simulations with the new governor model and the existing model (base case) are shown in Figs. 3a, 3b and 3c. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 52 Figure 3a – Example of Slow Load Controller Response vs. Existing and New Models, kimw = 0.001 Fig. 3b. Example of a Fast Load Controller Simulation with the new ggov1 model, kimw=0.005 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 53 Fig. 3c. Example of a Base Loaded unit Simulation with the new ggov1 model Since governor response occurs as a result of system frequency deviation from 60 Hz, validation data is best obtained during sudden, large generation trips. The recorded data necessary to perform the model validation consists of system frequency and electrical power output of the generator in question. Recordings of system frequency of several past and possible future underfrequency events will be available from the WECC website. The only recordings necessary for the generator owner to obtain during one of these listed events (or future events) will be the electrical power output and frequency. Disturbances that are suitable for validation are those in which system frequency drops 0.15% or more (59.90 Hz or below). A generation trip of 800 MW or greater will usually result in the appropriate frequency deviation. Future disturbances that are deemed suitable for validation will be announced through WECC information distribution channels so that generator response data can be obtained from recording equipment in a prompt time frame. For the purpose of validation, the event recordings of the MW output of the generator must be of sufficient resolution, sampling rate, and length to determine the change in power output of a generator. The recording should have a resolution not greater than 1 percent of the rated generator output. The MW data should be recorded at least every 4 seconds or less. The data record should extend a period of 60-100 seconds or more. The suggested methods of obtaining measurement data are: 1. SCADA (either local systems or those used for dispatch control centers) 2. Data loggers 3. Digital Excitation/Governor event capturing systems 4. Dedicated monitoring systems (PPSM, disturbance monitors, machine condition monitors, data acquisition systems) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 54 5. Test Instrumentation (Oscillographic recorders, PC based recorders, virtual instruments, etc., set to automatically trigger a recording when system frequency dips below 59.9 Hz) Recordings of system frequency for the following past underfrequency events will be available from the WECC website and may be used for data validation 1. May 18, 2001 tests (NW and Hoover trips) – 1250 MW and 750 MW respectively (10:40 and 10:20 PDT) 2. June 7, 2000 trip tests (750 MW) 3. July 27 (19:19 PDT), 2002 Four Corners trip (2065 MW) 4. July 15 (13:04), 2002 NW RAS trip (2350 MW) 5. July 16 (15:41 PDT), 2002 NW RAS trip (2350 MW) 6. June 6 (13:47 PDT), 2002 PDCI loss ( 2800 MW ) 7. June 3, 2002 Diablo Canyon trip (950 MW) 8. Recent Colstrip trips (2000 MW) 9. October 8, 2002 (15:31 PST) – 2900 MW NW RAS trip Future Events: • When an underfrequency event occurs in the future that is suitable for model validation, WECC will send out a notification within 24 hours so that the generation owners can retrieve the captured validation data. The owner should also record the manner in which his unit was operated at that time. A file containing the system frequency vs. time data to be used for validation will be sent out by WECC at this time. • The Owner may request SCADA records of the unit from his Control Area Operator. If SCADA is not available, the Owner should record his unit’s response to the event using one of the methods described earlier. Validation of data 1. Using the frequency data as an input, perform a computer simulation of the event using the new governor model and data. {There are two methods, one using epcls with recorded data, and the other using the pfs “frequency profile” model. Both methods are described below.) 2. Verify the simulated response is similar to the measured, recorded response. 3. Adjust the model parameters if necessary to improve the match. Model data will be considered validated when the power output response of a generator in simulation of an event closely resembles the actual recording of the event. The simulated response should be demonstrated to be similar to the measured response over a 60 second time period. An example of such a comparison is illustrated in figure 3. The response plots should be submitted to WECC as soon as the comparison data is available. The model data used for the simulated response should be listed along with the response plots. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 55 The most appropriate way of performing the model validation is to perform the simulation using the measured frequency data obtained during the actual measured event. A typical recording of system frequency during such an event is shown in figure 4. This type of validation can be accomplished by using any of the following methods: 1. Using WECC provided epcls to automatically simulate the validation event using the GE PSLF program. See Example 1, below. 2. Using a current WECC data base case, approximate the actual event by tripping enough generation in the simulation to produce a frequency dip that closely approximates the actual event for comparison. See Example 2 below. 3. The pfs utility in the GE PSLF program, using a frequency “profile”. See Example 3 below. 4. A small, stand-alone program by GE that will allow this to be done is currently being developed and will be available from the WECC staff in October 2002. This program will only require the user to input the model data for the appropriate model. See Example 4 below. Typical Questions to be asked by the Owner before selection of the appropriate model: To facilitate answering these questions and in the selection of the appropriate governor parameters, the Owner may refer to the diagram of approximate responses in Figure 5. 1. Is the generator unit normally operated in a mode that can be considered base loaded? (For definition of base loaded, see lowest Base Loading Response Box in Fig.5.) 2. Is the generator unit normally operated under load setpoint control, or any other mode of control that will override automatic action of the governor responding to changes in system frequency? Other examples of these control modes may be temperature limiters, etc. 3. If the answer to question 2 is yes, is the response time of the dominant controller fast or slow as indicated on the time scale in figure 5. (See Response Boxes for ‘Fast’ Controllers Code T113 and ‘Slow’ Code T2 Controllers in Fig.5.) 4. Is the generator unit normally operated in a mode that can be considered Responsive? – (See Upper ‘Responsive’ Box in Fig.5 for Code T3.) 5. Does the generating unit normally respond to AGC signals? 6. If the generator is currently represented in the WECC database without an excitation system model, the type of exciter should be specified, e.g., Fully static, Rotating DC, Rotating AC Brushless, etc., or manufacturer and model information, if known. 13 As discussed at the Workshop, the recommended Code parameter are ‘typical’ values and the Owner should select appropriate values to suit his application. For example, Code T1 could vary between 0.01 to 0.02 or greater, and Code T2 could vary between 0.001 to 0.005. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 56 It is realized that units may be operated in different modes from day to day, or even hour to hour, and that the responses to these questions will vary accordingly. In these cases, it is up to the owner to decide which mode the unit is most likely to be operated in at any given time. Most of the base cases of concern are intended to represent the system during daily peak loading conditions. Figure 5 - Response Guideline Additional Data Required Also critical to the accuracy of WECC system studies is the correct representation of excitation systems. There are a large number of generators in the WECC database currently represented without exciter models. It is required that all generators be modeled with the appropriate and validated exciter models. See Appendix 6 for details of Units Without Models. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Submittals Submittals shall be made to : Donald Davies WECC phone: 801-582-0353 email: 615 Arapeen Drive Salt Lake City, Utah 84108 57 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 58 Example 1 Validation example using WECC supplied epcls and GE PSLF A detailed, step by step, example illustrating validation and use of WECC epcls is given below: 1. Obtain the May 18th Test epcl files and the data file for the May 18th Test recording from the WECC BBS. Put all the files, except "event.p" in your working directory. Place the "event.p" in your upslf113\stdepecl\" directory. 2. Run the PSLF program. 3. The example given is for two typical generators UnitXX and UnitYY. These units are dispatched with identical MW loadings in order to compare the effect of fast and slow controllers. 4. Load the files unitXY.sav for the powerflow and unitXY.dyd for the dynamic stability run. 5. The unitXY.dyd file has two typical ggov1 models with assumed parameters for fast and slow ggov1 models. 6. The directory should also contain a data file e010518.dat that has in it data for Unit XX and UnitXY from the May 18th recordings. 7. Run the epcl RUNunitXY.p which will run the detailed simulation. 8. Plot the electrical power output of the UnitXX and UnitYY from the PSLF Plot program. (See Fig.6) 9. Compare the output of PSLF with the May 18th recording of unitXX and unitYY generators during the May 18th Test. 10. Change the kimw parameter of the ggov1 models as appropriate to achieve the best comparable simulation with the May 18th recordings. 11. A number of runs may be needed to optimize this selection of the ggov1 parameter kimw. However, these runs are very fast because of the small system simulated. 12. If the generator was clearly in base loaded operation during the May 18th test, denote this with the appropriate flag by placing a 1 in Column B of the gens table in the PSLF powerflow program. Run the dynamic simulation. Again compare the output of PSLF with the May 18th recording for confirmation. 13. Submit the model and plots of the simulation to WECC. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 59 Fig.6 Example 1 - Simulation of Fast and Slow Load Controllers Using the WECC epcls. (The figure shows that the validated governor model is best represented by a Slow Controller ggov1 model with the parameter kimw = 0.0015.) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 60 Example 2 Validation example using a typical two Palo Verde generation drop in GE PSLF A detailed, step by step example illustrating validation using a current full-loop WECC data base case is given below: 1. Run the PSLF program with a current basecase – example a Light Spring Case. 2. Load the files xxx.sav for the powerflow and xxx.dyd for the dynamic stability run. 3. The xxx.dyd file should have entered in it the typical ggov1 model with assumed parameters for the generator you wish to simulate. 4. Run the simulation by tripping 2-Palo Verde Units. (If another disturbance is simulated, note that using the current model database, tripping the same generation as in the actual event will not produce enough frequency deviation to properly validate the model. The optimistic frequency response will result in a pessimistic governor response, so additional generation will have to be tripped in the simulation14.) A 30 second run is a minimum , but for a ‘slow’ controller a 60-100 second run may be needed. 5. Plot the output of your generator electrical power from the PSLF Plot program (see Figure 7). 6. Compare the output of PSLF with the May 18th (or other disturbance) recording of your generator obtained from SCADA or disturbance recording. 7. Change the kimw parameter of the ggov1 model as appropriate to achieve the best comparable simulation with the disturbance recording. 8. A number of runs may be needed to optimize this selection of ggov1 parameter kimw. These runs could take time because system simulated is the full-loop WECC system. However, the advantage of this method is that it could be done immediately without special epcls or special case files. 9. If the generator was clearly in base loaded operation during the disturbance, denote this with the appropriate flag by placing a 1 in Column B of the gens table in PSLF powerflow program. Run the dynamic simulation. Again compare the output of PSLF with the disturbance recording for confirmation. 10. Submit the model and plots of the simulation to WECC. The figure below shows an example of this type of validation, in which a two unit Palo Verde trip was used to initiate the frequency deviation. 14 This illustrates the current deficiency in representing governor response in the database and the need to incorporate the additional data discussed herein New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 7 Example 2- Simulations of Fast and Slow Load Controllers using loss of two Palo Verde units. 61 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 62 Example 3 Validation Method using pfs utility in GE PSLF Step by step example illustrating validation and use of pfs utility for the May 18th Test. 1. Obtain the May 18th Test Profile from WECC – see Figure 8 below Fig. 8 Example 3 - May 18 frequency recording at the Malin 500 kV bus 2. There are 4 points on the frequency profile as shown in the Figure which will be used in the ‘pfs’ model as a function of input frequency and time. (see ‘unitXYpfs.dyd file to be downloaded from the WECC BBS). 3. Run the PSLF program 4. The example given is for a typical generator. Modify the parameters to suit. 5. Load the files unitXY.sav for the powerflow and unitXYpfs.dyd for the dynamic stability run. 6. The UnitXYpfs.dyd file has a typical ggov1 model with assumed parameters plus the pfs model. 7. Run the epcl unitXYpfs.p which will load the pfs model using the unitXYpfs.dyd. 8. Plot the electrical power output of the units from the PSLF Plot program. 9. Compare the output of PSLF with the May 18th recording of the generator during the May 18th Test. 10. Change the kimw parameter of the ggov1 model as appropriate to achieve the best comparable simulation with May 18th recording. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 63 11. A number of runs may be needed to optimize this selection of ggov1 parameter kimw. However, these runs are very fast because of the small system simulated. 12. If the generator was clearly in base loaded operation during the May 18th test, denote this with the appropriate flag by placing a 1 in Column B of the gens table in PSLF.powerflow program. Run the dynamic simulation. Again compare the output of PSLF with the May 18th recording for confirmation. 13. Submit the model and plots of the simulation to WECC. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 64 Example 4 Validation example using stand alone program (for non GE PSLF users) Details for the running of the stand alone program are identical to the pfs model in Example 1 except that the program represents a small system. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 5 EFFECTS OF GOVERNOR MODELING UPON OSCILLATORY DYNAMICS IN SIMULATION OF THE 750 MW GRAND COULEE GENERATION TRIP ON JUNE 7, 2000 JOHN HAUER AND LES PEREIRA WECC MODELING & VALIDATION WORK GROUP August 1, 2002 65 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 66 Effects of Governor Modeling Upon Oscillatory Dynamics in Simulation of the 750 MW Grand Coulee Generation Trip on June 7, 2000 Summary This Report is supplemental to recent reports concerning the development and application of a new thermal governor model(GE ggov1 model) for WECC planning and operation studies [i,ii]. The primary contribution is a quantitative analysis showing that, in contrast to earlier models, use of the ggov1 governor model produces much more realistic simulations of oscillations and damping than the existing dynamic models for the dominant North-South ("Canada-California") mode for the 750 MW Grand Coulee generation trip on June 7, 2000. Other aspects of dynamic behavior, and other events, will be examined as the associated base cases become available. The June 7th 2000 case was chosen as an independent “validation” case for the new model because the development of the new thermal governor model was based on the May 18th 2001 test case. A number of operating cases have been constructed for the WECC performance validation tests of June 7, 2000 [iii]. Until recently, these and other WECC models have generally represented the dominant North-South ("Canada-California") mode as having about twice the damping that it actually does. As a result, oscillations of this mode will persist for roughly twice as long as models predict, and they will be substantially stronger. These effects have been observed in many model validation efforts. M&VWG examined them quantitatively for brake insertions performed in the June 7 tests [iv,v], but deferred direct follow-up action on calibration of oscillatory dynamics in favor of calibrating prime mover dynamics (chiefly governor behavior). This is a more pressing and fundamental issue, since frequency regulation and powerflow recovery underlie all other aspects of power system behavior. There was a general expectation that improved modeling for this aspect of system behavior would also improve the modeling of oscillatory dynamics, and would at least provide a better foundation for refining this aspect of system modeling. The results reported in [i] and [ii] certainly appear to confirm these expectations. Using simulation data provided by Les Pereira, Fig. 1 compares the results for two different base cases against data that were recorded on BPA's Phasor Data Concentrator (PDC) for the 1200 MW Grand Coulee generation trip on June 7, 2000. The new base case, with ggov1 modeling, achieves a very good match against the PDC record, and the match becomes even better if initial offsets in the records are reconciled. The more important modes estimated for the two simulation cases are shown in Table 1. Due to present lack of official names, the two cases are indicated there as June7_OpCase* and June7_OpCase**. It may be seen that frequency and damping for June7_OpCase** (the ggov1 case) are realistically close to those observed for the June 7 brake test, even though the former involves a much stronger disturbance than the latter. Damping for of the North-South mode is conspicuously wrong for the other models. This is discussed farther in Appendix A and reference [v]. Damping for June7_OpCase1* is somewhat more realistic than for June7_OpCase1A. This is likely a result of different model assumptions, which are as yet not determined. Measurements obtained for generator trips in the actual system are rarely sufficient for reliable estimation of modal parameters, and the Grand Coulee generation trip on June 7 was no New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 67 exception to this general rule. Oscillatory response from generator trips is usually not very strong. Such response as does occur is obscured by ordinary system noise, and is often rendered nonlinear through discrete control actions (as evidenced by the switching transient in Fig. 1). However, during the first half of 2002, various large generation trips and RAS actions have provided some very good benchmarks for combined small signal and large signal analysis. The event of April 18 was especially notable in this regard [vi], and merits closer examination. Model Comparisons against Measured Malin-Round Mountain MW Response 160 CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 07/30/02_13:16:02 140 switching transient 120 100 new base case with ggov1 model 80 60 40 original base case 20 measured data (BPA PDC) 0 -20 55 60 65 70 75 80 Time in Seconds Fig. 1. Comparison of MW signals: Models vs. Measured New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Table 1. Estimated modal parameters for tests of June 7, 2000 Estimated from measured response for Brake Insertion #1: Canada-California: 0.265 Hz @ 6.6 % damping ratio Alberta 0.391 Hz @ 6.2 % damping ratio Kemano (not apparent in measurements) Estimated from June7_OpCase1A for Brake Insertion #1: Canada-California: 0.279 Hz @ 13.5 % damping ratio Alberta 0.409 Hz @ 7.6 % damping ratio Kemano 0.508 Hz @ 7.0 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.750 Hz @ 1.9 % damping ratio Estimated from measured response for Grand Coulee generation trip: (data inadequate for reliable estimates - nonlinearities or extraneous inputs) Estimated from June7_OpCase* for Grand Coulee trip: (old governor model) Canada-California: 0.282 Hz @ 10.7 % damping ratio Alberta 0.411 Hz @ 6.4 % damping ratio Kemano 0.502 Hz @ 7.9 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.756 Hz @ 2.2 % damping ratio Estimated from June7_OpCase** for Grand Coulee trip: (governor model ggov1) Canada-California: 0.270 Hz @ 6.4 % damping ratio Alberta 0.401 Hz @ 5.1 % damping ratio Kemano 0.492 Hz @ 8.5 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.741 Hz @ 2.4 % damping ratio 68 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 69 Summary of Measured Data for Staged Trip of Grand Coulee Generation on June 7, 2000 Fig. 2 through Fig. 5 provide a 50 second "snapshot" of measured system response for the June 7 Grand Coulee generation trip. The associated data are available for distribution as an ascii file called CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA.swx.txt. A general overview of measured data for the generation trip is provided in Appendix B, and some caveats regarding use of monitor data are presented in Appendix C. Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 60.02 CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 07/30/02_13:16:02 60 switching transient 59.98 59.96 59.94 59.92 59.9 59.88 59.86 50 55 60 65 70 75 Time 80 85 90 95 100 Key: GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage FreqL MALN Malin Bus Voltage FreqL SYLM Sylmar Bus Voltage FreqL SCE1 Devers 500 Bus Voltage FreqL Page 1 Fig. 2. Key frequency signals for analysis (BPA PDC) Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 0.04 CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 07/30/02_13:16:02 GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage FreqR 0.03 0.02 0.01 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.03 -0.04 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Page 1 Time Fig. 3. Grand Coulee frequency relative to SCE Devers (BPA PDC) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 70 Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA Swings 100 CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 07/30/02_13:16:02 switching transient 50 0 -50 -100 (initial offsets removed) -150 -200 50 55 60 65 70 75 Time 80 85 90 95 100 Key: MALN Round Mountain 1 Current MW SCE1 Palo_Verde 500 kV Line MW SCE1 Midway 1 MW BE23 Celilo 3 Current MW BE50 Celilo 1 Current MW Page 1 Fig. 4. Key MW signals for analysis (BPA PDC) Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 160 CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA 07/30/02_13:16:02 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 55 60 65 70 75 80 Time MALN Round Mountain 1 Current MW MALN Round Mountain 2 Current MW Fig. 5. Malin MW signals for analysis (BPA PDC) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 71 Modal Analysis of Simulated Data for Staged Trip of Grand Coulee Generation on June 7, 2000 The materials in this section record the processing that was used to obtain the Prony solution (PRS) results shown in Table 1. All Prony fits were performed with just one signal, on the time range 3.48+[0 20.04] seconds. Result displays are extended to the maximum record time (TRange=3.48+3.48+[0 25.48]) to observe extrapolation quality of the PRS model, and to sharpen Fourier results for the frequency domain comparison of the model against the measured data. Detailed PRS results are provided in Table 2 and Table 3. Many of the indicate modes represent the "trend" in the data as the system model moves toward the post-disturbance powerflow. The quantities shown as Res Mag and Res Angle are the magnitude and angle of complex weights (called residues) for the associated modes. The overall Prony solution is then the weighted sum of responses for the individual modes. Summary Plot For j7baseCOImwA 160 j7baseCOImwA 07/30/02_13:46:14 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 time 20 25 30 Malin-Round Mountain 1 MW Malin-Round Mountain 2 MW Fig. 6. Key MW signals for analysis (original base case) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 72 Summary Plot For j7ggov1COIA.swx j7ggov1COIA.swx 07/30/02_13:56:38 Malin Voltage (PU) 1.097 1.096 1.095 1.094 1.093 1.092 Malin Frequency 60 59.98 59.96 59.94 59.92 Malin-Round Mountain 1 MW 150 100 50 0 Malin-Round Mountain 2 MW 150 100 50 0 -50 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 time Page 1 Fig. 7. Key MW signals for analysis (new base case with ggov1 model) Summary Plot For j7ggov1COIA.swx 160 j7ggov1COIA.swx 07/30/02_13:56:38 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 0 5 10 15 time 20 25 30 Malin-Round Mountain 1 MW Malin-Round Mountain 2 MW Fig. 8. Malin MW signals for analysis (original base case) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 9. (original base case) Fig. 10. (original base case) 73 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 74 Malin-Round Mountain 1 40 j7baseCOImwA 07/30/02_13:46:14 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (sec) Fig. 11. Estimated trend for original base case Table 2. Prony Solution (PRS) results for Malin MW signal in original base case TRange=3.48+[0 20.04] seconds; decfac=3 In PRSdisp1: caseID=j7baseCOImwA casetime=07/30/02_13:46:14 Sorted PRS Table for Malin-Round Mountain 1 MW: Pole Freq in Hz Damp Ratio (pu) Res Mag 1 -0.00412250 N/A 11.11467986 2 0.46146884 N/A 10.90963050 3 2.37731164 N/A 1.96106896 4 0.28191015 0.10671041 20.43009249 6 0.41060449 0.06434103 16.89681412 8 0.47226909 0.07442559 1.19732617 10 0.50246844 0.07943038 5.47406246 12 0.69390588 0.09340142 11.26065323 14 0.75626534 0.02195537 3.04710372 16 0.79936992 0.12354010 10.61708646 18 0.05637956 -0.19258920 0.23601439 Res Angle 0.00000000 180.00000000 0.00000000 -34.94204740 156.27917285 -60.21881366 -85.57763789 -94.35792134 -167.07127689 89.68477895 178.86146308 Simple trend Simple trend Simple trend Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Unstable trend New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Fig. 12. PRS setup for new base case with ggov1 model Fig. 13. PRS results for new base case with ggov1 model 75 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 76 Malin-Round Mountain 1 50 j7ggov1COIA.swx 07/30/02_13:56:38 40 30 20 10 0 -10 -20 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time (sec) Fig. 14. Estimated trend for new base case with ggov1 model Table 3. Prony Solution (PRS) results for Malin MW signal in new base case with ggov1 model TRange=3.48+[0 20.04] seconds; decfac=3 In PRSdisp1: caseID=j7ggov1COIA.swx casetime=07/30/02_13:56:38 Sorted PRS Table for Malin-Round Mountain 1 MW: Pole Freq in Hz Damp Ratio (pu) Res Mag 1 -0.00353974 N/A 23.17301186 2 0.03607370 0.43461501 13.38528491 4 0.16674015 0.28305684 3.52542023 6 0.26953481 0.06351427 25.72673876 8 0.40063781 0.05126825 20.88392315 10 0.49154784 0.08539522 5.60187967 12 0.61835407 0.06961341 2.89201190 14 0.73704634 0.05422032 14.76264721 16 0.74139786 0.02421565 4.92001044 18 0.87337897 0.05779392 0.85422923 Res Angle 0.00000000 -171.49341970 178.53528976 -41.78303473 145.53731346 -83.79427916 19.23807436 159.29533366 -77.67431037 -30.00666448 Simple trend Oscillatory trend Oscillatory trend Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation Interarea oscillation New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 77 APPENDIX A. Modal Analysis for Brake Insertion #1 on June 7, 2000: Operating Case 1 Most of the model results examined in Working Note [v] are derived from the first operating case, referred to here as June7_OpCase1. This case is based upon powerflow file jun7112.sav (last modified 02/02/01) and dynamics file jun7.dyd (last modified on 02/01/01). Certain defects were observed in June7_OpCase1. The most important is a strong oscillation of the Kemano plant, at a frequency near o.55 Hz. Kemano representation for this case is markedly different from that of the pre-test planning case (June7_PreTest1). To determine the influence of the Kemano representation , sensitivity comparisons were made between the pretest case and three variants of the operating case. Overall, the cases examined were the following: June7_PreTest1 “Old” Kemano representation June7_OpCase1 “New” Kemano representation June7_OpCase1A New Kemano representation but exciters and PSS units removed June7_OpCase1B New Kemano representation but exciter gain reduced to 10% It should be mentioned that Kemano PSS units are effectively turned off in the new representation, and that this condition reflects equipment tests performed at the Kemano plant. Table 4 compares frequency and damping of the primary modes for these cases against those measured for the first brake insertion on June 7, 2000. Model values for damping of the Canada-California mode are about twice that estimated from the June 7 test data. As discussed in a later Section, these estimates are based upon linear model approximations to response signals that contain (hopefully small) nonlinearities. So, like all estimates, these vary somewhat as one changes the signals and the signal segments that are processed. The model results in Table 4 are all based upon the same processing choices, and are mutually consistent. The measured results in Table 4 represent a reasonable worst case estimate, in that alternate processing choices have been found that yield damping ratios as high as 7.5% for the CanadaCalifornia mode. This is still about half the model values, however. It is apparent from Table 4 that changing the Kemano representation for the first operating case has a strong influence upon swing damping for the Kemano mode, and that it has appreciable influence upon the two dominant modes. At need, this influence can be quantified through root locus studies. Case June7_OpCase1A, though probably not correct with respect to Kemano behavior, is being used as the basis for present studies. Reasons for this are that Case June7_OpCase1A is free of the strong Kemano signal that obscures main grid response in June7_OpCase, and that the Kemano signal seems somewhat underdamped in June7_OpCase1B. This issue can be revisited as model calibration progresses. The modifications in Kemano representation still leave the model with a small parasitic mode near 0.75 Hz. This is clearly observable at the Kinport and at the Colstrip generators (these plants are swinging nearly in phase). Kinport modeling was a notorious source of such defects earlier years, and it should be reviewed again from this standpoint. New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Table 4. Estimated modal parameters for Brake Insertion #1 on June 7, 2000 Estimated from measure response: Canada-California: 0.265 Hz @ 6.6 % damping ratio Alberta 0.391 Hz @ 6.2 % damping ratio Kemano (no measurements provided) Estimated from June7_PreCase1: Canada-California: 0.252 Hz @ 15.6 % damping ratio Alberta 0.438 Hz @ 7.6 % damping ratio Kemano 0.646 Hz @ 7.4 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation (not observed) Estimated from June7_OpCase1: Canada-California: 0.283 Hz @ 12.6 % damping ratio Alberta 0.416 Hz @ 7.1 % damping ratio Kemano 0.552 Hz @ 1.7 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.751 Hz @ 1.6 % damping ratio Estimated from June7_OpCase1A: Canada-California: 0.279 Hz @ 13.5 % damping ratio Alberta 0.409 Hz @ 7.6 % damping ratio Kemano 0.508 Hz @ 7.0 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.750 Hz @ 1.9 % damping ratio Estimated from June7_OpCase1B: Canada-California: 0.281 Hz @ 12.5 % damping ratio Alberta 0.411 Hz @ 6.6 % damping ratio Kemano 0.504 Hz @ 1.5 % damping ratio parasitic oscillation 0.751 Hz @ 1.8 % damping ratio 78 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 79 APPENDIX B. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 Fig. 15 through Fig. 20 show data that were collected on BPA's Phasor Data Concentrator for the Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000. The parent file is BPA2_0006072029.dst, for which recording started at 07-Jun-2000 20:29:08.633 GMT Standard. The extracted signals are as indicated in Table 5. The phasor measurement units (PMUs) may have been out of synchronism with the GPS reference. The angle information from these PMUs is accordingly suspect, but the other signals are regarded as valid. The extracted signals are available for distribution in the following files: a) CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA.mat. A 180 second Matlab binary file containing the named quantities indicated in Table 6. b) CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA.swx.txt. A 50 second "swing export" ASCII file containing data for just the time interval [50 100] seconds. Can be read by Excel or similar applications. The DSI Toolbox reads these files as data types 9 and 3 respectively. Table 5. BPA PDC Signals for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % % 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time MALN MALN SCE1 GC50 JDAY JDAY COLS SCE1 BE23 BE50 GC50 MALN SYLM SCE1 GC50 MALN SYLM SCE1 GC50 MALN SYLM SCE1 Round Mountain 1 Current Round Mountain 2 Current Palo_Verde 500 kV Line Chief Joseph Current Marion 1 Current Hanford 1 Current Broadview 1 Current Midway 1 Celilo 3 Current Celilo 1 Current Grand Coulee Bus Voltage Malin Bus Voltage Sylmar Bus Voltage Devers 500 Bus Voltage Grand Coulee Bus Voltage Malin Bus Voltage Sylmar Bus Voltage Devers 500 Bus Voltage Grand Coulee Bus Voltage Malin Bus Voltage Sylmar Bus Voltage Devers 500 Bus Voltage MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW MW VMag VMag VMag VMag VAngL VAngL VAngL VAngL FreqL FreqL FreqL FreqL Table 6. Contents of file CouleeTrip060700GenModelsA.mat Name CFname CaseComR PSMfiles PSMreftimes PSMsigsX PSMtype chankeyX namesX tstep Size 1x16 50x84 1x19 1x1 5400x23 1x11 23x45 23x38 1x1 Bytes 32 8400 38 8 993600 22 2070 1748 8 Class char array (global) char array char array (global) double array (global) double array char array (global) char array char array double array New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 80 Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModels CouleeTrip060700GenModels 07/30/02_11:06:52 200 MALN Round Mountain 1 Current MW MALN Round Mountain 2 Current MW 0 -200 200 0 -200 SCE1 -520 Palo_Verde 500 kV Line MW -540 -560 GC50 Chief Joseph Current 200 MW 0 -200 JDAY 440 Marion 1 Current MW Hanf ord 1 Current MW 420 400 JDAY -600 -700 -800 COLS Broadv iew 1 Current 480 MW 460 440 200 SCE1 Midway 1 MW BE23 Celilo 3 Current MW BE50 Celilo 1 Current MW 150 100 500 400 300 400 300 200 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time Fig. 15. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (1/3) Page 1 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 81 Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModels CouleeTrip060700GenModels 07/30/02_11:06:52 GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage 552 VMag 550 548 546 555 MALN Malin Bus Voltage VMag SY LM Sy lmar Bus Voltage VMag 550 545 240 235 230 225 535 SCE1 Dev ers 500 Bus Voltage VMag GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage VAngL 530 525 0 -500 -1000 0 MALN Malin Bus Voltage VAngL SY LM Sy lmar Bus Voltage VAngL -500 -1000 500 0 -500 -1000 SCE1 Dev ers 500 Bus Voltage 0 VAngL -500 -1000 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time Fig. 16. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (2/3) Page 1 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 82 Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModels CouleeTrip060700GenModels 07/30/02_11:06:52 GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage 60.1 FreqL 60 59.9 59.8 MALN Malin Bus Voltage 60.05 FreqL 60 59.95 59.9 60.1 SYLM Sylmar Bus Voltage FreqL SCE1 Devers 500 Bus Voltage FreqL GC50 Grand Coulee Bus Voltage VAngR 60 59.9 59.8 60.05 60 59.95 59.9 -120 -130 -140 (PMU out of synchronism?) -150 15 MALN Malin Bus Voltage VAngR SYLM Sylmar Bus Voltage VAngR 10 5 0 112 110 (PMU out of synchronism?) 108 106 SCE1 Devers 500 Bus Voltage 1 VAngR (reference bus for relative angles) 0 -1 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 Time Fig. 17. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (3/3) 100 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 83 Summary Plot For CouleeTrip060700GenModels CouleeTrip060700GenModels 07/30/02_11:06:52 556 MALN Malin Bus Voltage VMag MALN Malin Bus Voltage FreqL 554 552 550 548 60.05 60 59.95 59.9 150 MALN Round Mountain 1 Current MW MALN Round Mountain 2 Current MW 100 50 0 -50 150 100 50 0 -50 SCE1 Palo_Verde 500 kV Line -520 MW -530 -540 -550 -560 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 Time Page 1 Fig. 18. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (Malin detail #1) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 84 P 6: MALN Malin Bus Voltage FreqL LcaseID=CouleeTrip060700GenModels casetime=07/30/02_11:06:52 60.02 60 59.98 59.96 59.94 59.92 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Time in Seconds 85 90 95 Fig. 19. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (Malin detail #2) P 8: MALN Round Mountain 2 Current MW LcaseID=CouleeTrip060700GenModels casetime=07/30/02_11:06:52 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 -20 50 55 60 65 70 75 80 Time in Seconds 85 90 95 Fig. 20. BPA PDC Records for Grand Coulee Trip on June 7, 2000 (Malin detail #3) APPENDIX C. Likely Discrepancies in Monitor Records for WSCC Events System measurements for tests and disturbances should be interpreted with due regard for their imperfections. These include the following: • calibration errors (primarily scaling & offsets) • inadequate bandwidth (primarily in analog transducers & communication channels) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 85 • processing artifacts & aliasing (all transducers & communication channels) • loss of GPS synchronism (primarily in PMUs) • timestamp errors • mislabeled signals • failed equipment Fig. 21 shows offset errors that are known to exist in BPA monitor data for the tests of June 7, 2000 [vii,viii]. Fig. 22 through Fig. 24 show that low bandwidth analog transducers often provide a distorted view of transient events, while signals from high bandwidth analog transducers agree closely with those provided by the Macrodyne PMU. The use of synchronized phasor measurements to correct timestamp and filter effects in monitor records collected from analog instrumentation is addressed in [viii]. Summary Plot For ProbeNoise_Interactions1_BPA 350 ProbeNoise_Interactions1_BPA 12/11/01_13:30:48 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Key: 200 400 MALN 600 800 1000 Time 1200 1400 Round Mountain 1 Current MW Malin-Round Mountain #1 MW (MW) 1600 1800 (PDC) (PPSM) Fig. 21. Signal offsets in BPA records for WSCC system tests on June 7, 2000 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 86 Summary Plot For Malin_Transducer_ChecksA Swings 200 Malin_Transducer_ChecksA 12/20/01_14:37:38 100 0 -100 -200 -300 -400 1215 1220 1225 1230 1235 Time in Seconds Malin-Round Mountain #1 MW (fast analog transducer) PG&E Malin Sum MW (special EMS signal) PG&E Captain Jack MW (slow analog transducer) PG&E Olinda MW (slow analog transducer) Fig. 22. Malin area PPSM signals for Chief Joseph dynamic brake insertion #1 on June 7, 2001 Summary Plot For ProbeNoise_Interactions1_BPA Swings ProbeNoise_Interactions1 12/07/01_16:25: 80 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 107 108 108 109 109 110 Time in Seconds MALN Round Mountain 1 Current MW Malin-Round Mountain #1 MW (PMU) (fast analog transducer) Fig. 23. PMU vs. PPSM signals at Malin (PPSM timestamp corrected) New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 87 Summary Plot For ProbeNoise_Interactions1_BPAxducers 100 ProbeNoise_Interactions1_BPAxduc 12/10/01_09:06:5 50 0 -50 -100 0 1 2 BE23 3 4 5 Time Celilo 4 Current 6 MW 7 8 9 10 (PMU) LADWP Celilo 230 kV MW (slow analog transducer) Fig. 24. PMU vs. PPSM signals at Celilo (PPSM timestamp corrected) References [i] New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC, principal investigator Les Pereira. WECC Modeling and Validation Work Group, July 26, 2002. [ii] Sample Disturbance Simulations - WECC Study Program Disturbances with the New Thermal Governor ggov1 Model, Donald Davies. M&VWG Working Note, July 13, 2002. [iii] WSCC SUMMER 2000 SYSTEM STAGED TESTS AND VALIDATION STUDIES—TEST PLAN, prepared by the WSCC Performance Validation Task Force (PVTF) of the Modeling and Validation Work Group. May 5, 2000. [iv] Interim Report on the Model Validation Tests of June 7, 2000 -- Part 1: Oscillatory Dynamics, principal investigator J. F. Hauer. WSCC Performance Validation Task Force (PVTF) of the Modeling and Validation Work Group, October 26, 2000. [v] Model Comparisons Against the Model Validation Tests of June 7, 2000 -- Oscillatory Dynamics in Operating Case 1, J. F. Hauer. M&VWG Working Note, March 22, 2001. [vi] Preliminary Analysis of Western System Response to the NW Generation Trip Event of April 18, 2002, J. F. Hauer and J. W. Burns. Working Note for the WSCC Disturbance Monitoring Work Group, partial draft of April 25, 2002. [vii] Possible Scaling Discrepancies for BPA Monitor Data Collected During WSCC Tests on June 7, 2000, J. F. Hauer. M&VWG Working Note, December 11, 2001. [viii] Use of Synchronized Phasor Measurements to Correct Timestamp and Filter Effects in Monitor Records Collected from Analog Instrumentation: Applied to Records of June 7, 2000 and August 10, 1996, J. F. Hauer. M&VWG Working Note, December 21, 2001 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 APPENDIX 6 MODELS IN THE WECC 2006HS2SA BASECASE 88 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Sorted by Area Name AREA- -----NAME---54 ALBERTA 14 ARIZONA 50 B.C.HYDRO 60 IDAHO 21 IMPERIALCA 26 LADWP 20 MEXICO-CFE 62 MONTANA 18 NEVADA 10 NEW MEXICO 40 NORTHWEST 65 PACE 30 PG AND E 70 PSCOLORADO 22 SANDIEGO 64 SIERRA 24 SOCALIF 52 W KOOTENAY 19 WAPA L.C. 73 WAPA R.M. 63 WAPA U.M. 89 New Thermal Turbine Governor Modeling for the WECC October 17, 2002 Sorted by Area Number AREA NAME 10 NEW MEXICO 14 ARIZONA 18 NEVADA 19 WAPA L.C. 20 MEXICO-CFE 21 IMPERIALCA 22 SANDIEGO 24 SOCALIF 26 LADWP 30 PG AND E 40 NORTHWEST 50 B.C.HYDRO 52 W KOOTENAY 54 ALBERTA 60 IDAHO 62 MONTANA 63 WAPA U.M. 64 SIERRA 65 PACE 70 PSCOLORADO 73 WAPA R.M. 90