IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2000 97 A Single Phase Parallely Connected Uninterruptible Power Supply/Demand Side Management System Mochamad Ashari, Student Member, IEEE, W. W. L. Keerthipala, Member, IEEE, and Chernmangot V. Nayar Abstract—This paper presents the application of a single-phase parallel converter as an uninterruptible power supply and demand side management system. The proposed system consists of a bi-directional inverter that is connected in parallel to the utility system. When the grid system fails, the converter will convert the power from the battery to the ac side (utility side) at the mains voltage and frequency. On the other hand, when the utility is normal the converter will act as a demand side management system. It charges the battery during low load and shaves the transient load at the peak period system. This improves the pattern of the demand variation in the utility side. This paper presents the operational principle of the Uninterruptible Power Supply and Demand Side Management System, laboratory, and simulation results. Index Terms—Bi-directional inverter, demand side management system, grid supply system, uninterruptible power supply. I. INTRODUCTION HE DEMAND of reliable and high quality power electricity is widely required by industries and residential sites due to the information industry’s increased use of computers and related equipment. However, the mains power is usually fluctuating and contains harmonics, disturbances, sags, and outage. Power line conditioners, e.g., automatic voltage regulators, filters, and VAR compensators, can be used to improve the quality of the power, but they cannot solve the problem of black out [1]–[3]. Hence, an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS) is still chosen for that. However, some typical UPS should be combined with a power line conditioner, because the UPS cannot eliminate the disturbances and the voltage variation [4]. A new UPS scheme that can function as a power conditioner has been proposed by recent research work [5]–[7]. In another case, the load demand variation, e.g., high during the day (peak load period) and low at night, give to rise another problem. It requires a higher contract capacity, although the peak load occurs only for few hours a day. It may trip the circuit breaker during the peak period due to a transient load such as starting of an induction motor, microwave oven, etc. The peak load also causes extra cost due to high tariff during that time. Demand side management (DSM) is a technique to eliminate the load variation. The peak shaving, valley filling, and load shifting T Manuscript received August 17, 1998; revised June 4, 1999. This work was supported by CRESTA, Advance Energy Systems Ltd., the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Curtin University of Technology, and ACRE. M. Ashari’s work was funded by a scholorship from the “Engineering Education Development Project (ADB Loan 1432 INO),” Unisearch-UNSW and ITS Surabaya-Indonesia. The authors are with the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Australia (CRESTA), Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Western Australia 6845 (e-mail: Publisher Item Identifier S 0885-8969(00)02219-1. Fig. 1. UPS/DSM operation modes. are the techniques used in appropriate combinations to achieve the load management [8]. In the implementation, a load control device that selects an appropriate load to switch-on or switch-off during a period time is commonly used [9]. Thus, the variation between the high and low of the load pattern can be reduced. With the recent power electronic developments, it is possible to shift system loads from daily peaks to daily lows. This paper presents the application of a single-phase parallel converter for an uninterruptible power supply and demand side management system. The proposed system consists of a bi-directional inverter that is connected in parallel to the utility system. When the grid system fails, the converter will convert the power from the battery at the desired voltage and frequency. On the other hand, when the utility is normal the converter will act as a demand side management. Some laboratory and simulation results are also included in this paper. The simulation uses a software package EMTDC/PSCAD [10]. II. BASIC OPERATION The operation of the proposed system can be separated into two modes: the DSM and UPS as illustrated in Fig. 1. In a normal utility supply, the system will act as a DSM. When the grid fails, the system will take over the duty for supplying the power to the load without any interruption of power. In the common DSM topology, the system will shave the transient load during the peak demand period and charge the battery during low load period. In our case, the shaving technique is controlled depending on the renewable energy source (photovoltaic array) which is connected to the DC bus or the battery. When the photovoltaic generates DC power, the converter supplies apart of the load reducing the power flow from the grid. The actual operation of the proposed system is discussed using the simplified equivalent circuit as shown in Fig. 2. 0885–8969/00$10.00 © 2000 IEEE 98 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2000 The current flow from the mains through the coupling inductor can be obtained as Z 1 t f (t) 0 (t)g dt iM (t) = M C pLM 0 = 2 IM sin(!t + ) 1 p(VM sin ) + (VC 0 VM cos ) = sin01 p(VM sin(VC) 0+V(MVCcos0 V)M cos ) : where IM = Fig. 2. Simplified circuit for the proposed UPS. (4) !LM 2 2 2 2 (5) (6) From (4)–(6), it can be found that the mains current, IM , is always a pure sinewave, although the load current is a non-sinusoidal. This is due to the sinewave voltage of the sources across the inductor. Using (2) and (4), the power flow from the mains is presented as SM (t) = M (t)iM (t): (7) This can be separated into the active and reactive power voltage components as follows V V PM = M C sin LM Fig. 3. The power circuit of the converter. The system comprises two sources, e.g., the mains (VM ) and the converter (VC ). The mains (grid) voltage is uncontrolled, but the converter voltage is controllable. The converter is a bi-directional type, which can convert the power from the battery to AC at mains voltage and frequency, and can also act as a battery charger (rectifier). The load as shown in Fig. 2 can be a linear or nonlinear load. Controlling the phase and amplitude of the converter voltage can control the power flow from the mains to the load. The power circuit of the converter that involves full bridge insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor (IGBT) switches is shown in Fig. 3. This also involves a transformer and LC filter in the AC side. The converter voltage is used as the reference. During supplying the load, the output voltage of the converter is assumed as p C (t) = 2VC sin(!t): (1) The mains (grid) voltage is assumed as a pure sinewave, so the instantaneous mains voltage is given by p M (t) = 2VM sin(!t + ): X (2) The load current can be expressed as p iL(t) = ~ 2 In sin(n!t + n ) n=1 X p p = 2 Il sin(!t + 1 ) + ~ 2 In sin(n!t + n ): n=2 (3) QM = VM (V 0 V cos ): !LM M C (8) (9) Similar to (7), the instantaneous power consumed by the load is SL (t) = C (t)iL (t): (10) If the load is assumed as a linear type, so the high order harmonic currents can be ignored. The active power required by the load is PL = VC I1 cos 1 : (11) Fig. 4 shows the phasor diagram of the proposed system. When the magnitude of the grid voltage is higher than the load voltage, the converter supplies the reactive power. The inverter current is 90 leading to the load voltage. XM indicates the impedance of the inductor LM in . A higher magnitude of current will be drawn from the inverter when the grid voltage drops below the load voltage as shown in Fig. 4(b). III. VOLTAGE AND POWER CONTROL CONCEPTS The output voltage of the proposed UPS/DSM is maintained constant at a certain value. To keep constant the load voltage is more important than to keep the power factor at unity, particularly for a weak grid system. A highly fluctuated voltage will affect the load performance and may damage the equipment. The block diagram of the voltage stabilization control is shown in Fig. 5. The reference voltage, Vr , is obtained from an oscillator that is synchronized to the grid voltage. The converter output voltage, VC , is used as the feedback signal. The magnitude of the reference voltage and VC is fed to a summing point, resulting ASHARI et al.: A SINGLE PHASE PARALLELY CONNECTED UPS/DSM SYSTEM 99 Fig. 5. The block diagram of the voltage stabilization control. Fig. 6. Variation of angle against the mains voltage. Fig. 4. Phasor diagram of the proposed system. in an error signal, Verr . Using a PID controller, the Verr is fed to an integrator, which is periodically reset by the carrier signal. The integrator time constant, i , should be equal to the time period of the carrier signal. Therefore the integrator output will be one per unit for one per unit input. The integrator output is a saw tooth waveform where the amplitude is proportional to the error signal. Finally, the comparator will produce a pulse width modulated signal for gating the full bridge IGBT’s. When the converter magnitude is lower or higher than the reference, the width of the PWM pulse will be changed accordingly until the error signal is minimized. It means the output voltage of the converter is maintained constant with respect to the reference voltage. The power flow of the proposed system is arranged as follows: • The active power demand should be supplied directly from the mains. • The converter should supply the reactive power required by the load. To achieve this arrangement, another controller that can change the phase angle of the reference signal should be used. The output of this controller is the reference signal, Vr , so it should be put in series before the voltage stabilization controller. A general formula of the active power flow for this system can be drawn as PM = PL + PB (12) where PB represents the charging power to the battery. When the battery is fully charged, PB is zero. Thus PM = PL: (13) Fig. 7. Power from the grid as function of angle . If the battery is assumed fully charged, so the active power will deliver from the mains directly to the load, the angle can be calculated from (8), (11), and (13). VM VC !LM sin( ) = VC I1 cos(1 ) = sin01 !L M I1 cos 1 VM : (14) Equation (14) exhibits that the active power from the mains is maintained by changing the as function of the load current and the grid voltage. Fig. 6 shows the variation of angle against the mains voltage for constant 50 A load current. The angle will increase when the grid voltage drops. In the DSM operation, the angle should be controlled such that the power taken from the grid is reduced below the load demanded. The converter will supply the unmatched power between the grid and the load demanded. Fig. 7 illustrates the power taken from the grid as function of at 1.0 per unit voltage. 100 Fig. 8. load. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2000 Experimental result: grid voltage and inverter voltage for 5 kW resistive Fig. 11. Experimental result: the voltage and current for inverter stand-alone with 5 kW load. Fig. 9. Experimental result: mains voltage and mains current during supplying 5 kW system load (resistive). Fig. 12. Experimental result: the mains voltage (simulated by a diesel generator) and the converter voltage. Fig. 10. Experimental result: load voltage and load current at 5 kW, resistive load. In our case, reducing the power taken from the grid to allow the converter supplies apart of the load is controlled by a separate DC source. This DC reference represents the photovoltaic array, which is connected to the DC bus (battery). The power delivered by the converter will be proportional to the power generated by the DC source. The energy stored in the battery is controlled through the terminal voltage. When the battery terminal voltage is lower than the default value, the phase shift is increased until the converter charges the battery at the required power. The entire control topology provides greater value when the peak load demand coincides with availability of maximum sunshine typically experienced by commercial or industrial consumers. This topology also provides a lower life cycle cost due to reduced the battery size, which is the major cost of the system [11]. IV. RESULTS Laboratory test and simulation results are presented in this section. A prototype UPS/DSM system consisting of 15 kVA bi-directional inverter is available at the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Australia (CRESTA), Curtin Fig. 13. EMTDC/PSCAD simulation of the system in the event of grid failure. University of Technology. Some test results are presented in the following figures. In this test, a 5 kW resistive load is connected to the UPS system. The load voltage is maintained constant at 220 V, 50 Hz, while the grid is mainly 240 V. Fig. 8 shows the voltage waveform of the grid and the converter. Fig. 9 shows the waveform of voltage and current supplied by the grid. The current is a phase shifted 20.71 as described in (6). The waveform of the load voltage and current is given in Fig. 10. This shows that the load current is in phase with the load voltage. Fig. 11 depicts an in phase waveform of the voltage and current during inverter stand-alone (UPS) mode. The voltage stabilization performance is shown in Fig. 12. As can be seen, the load voltage is almost constant for a high fluctuating grid voltage. This experiment has been carried out using a diesel generator for simulating the grid system, so the voltage can be varied widely. During the UPS operation, the transient condition of the load voltage in the event of grid failure is shown in Fig. 13. This ASHARI et al.: A SINGLE PHASE PARALLELY CONNECTED UPS/DSM SYSTEM 101 REFERENCES Fig. 14. Simulation results: the power in the DSM operation. [1] M. D. Cox Choe and M. H. 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Feng, “Economic UPS structure with phase-controlled battery charger and input-power-factor improvement,” IEE Proc. Electr. Power Appl., vol. 144, no. 4, pp. 221–226, July 1997. [8] V. A. Rabl and W. G. Clark, “The concept of demand-side management,” in Demand Side Management and Electricity End-Use Efficiency, A. T. De Almeida and A. H. Rosenfeld, Eds: Kluwer Publishers, 1988, pp. 99–112. , “Load management technologies and programs in the US,” in [9] Demand Side Management and Electricity End-Use Efficiency, A. T. De Almeida and A. H. Rosenfeld, Eds: Kluwer Publishers, 1988, pp. 113–125. [10] EMTDC/PSCAD Software Manual. Winnipeg, Canada: Manitoba HVDC Research Centre, 1994. [11] M. Ashari, C. V. Nayar, and W. W. L. Keerthipala, “Economic analysis of a PV-battery-mains hybrid Uninterruptible Power Supply in Perth, Western Australia,” World Renewable Energy Congress V, Feb. 9–11, 1999. Fig. 15. Simulation result: the phase shift between the grid voltage and the converter voltage in the DSM operation. EMTDC/PSCAD simulation demonstrates that the proposed system has a smooth transient voltage. Simulation results of the DSM operation are presented in Figs. 14 and 15. The load power is simulated constant while the DC reference (represents the photovoltaic array) is increased to 1.0 kW. The grid supplies almost the entire active power demanded. The grid power is reduced when the converter output power is increased to follow the DC reference. When the DC reference is zero, the grid reverts to supply the entire active power demanded. The phase shift between the grid voltage and the converter voltage during the simulation is shown in Fig. 15. It shows a small error between the calculated and the measured values. This error is due to the dynamic conditions that may occur in the real implementations. V. CONCLUSIONS Application of a parallel inverter for Uninterruptible Power Supply and demand-side management involving simulations and laboratory test results has been presented. The proposed system has the following features: • It has two modes: the UPS and DSM system. • The output voltage is stabilized. • The active power required by the load is directly supplied from the grid, improving the power factor in the utility side. Mochamad Ashari received the Bachelor degree in electrical engineering from the Institute of Technology “Sepuluh Nopember” (ITS) Surabaya, Indonesia, in 1989. He has been with ITS since 1990 as a Lecturer in the Department of Electrical Engineering. Before receiving the Master of Engineering (electrical) degree from Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, in 1997, he was involved in the feasibility study, designing, and installing the solar-home-systems for rural areas east of Java. He has been actively involved in the electrical consultant group for industrial applications including study of harmonic distortion, design of harmonic filter/power factor correction, relay setting, and coordination. Currently, he is a full time Research Scholar working toward his Ph.D. degree at Curtin University of Technology. His research interests include power electronics and inverter applications, power system modeling and simulation, and analysis of hybrid power systems. W. W. L. Keerthipala received the B.Sc. (Engineering) degree with first class honors in electrical and electronic engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 1984 and the Ph.D. degree in power systems and drives from the University of Cambridge, Trinity College, England, in 1989. He has worked at the University of Peradeniya as an Assistant Lecturer for nearly two years during 1985–1986, and at the University of Manitoba, Canada, as a postdoctoral Research Fellow and Sessional Lecturer for nearly three years during 1989–1992. From 1992 to July 1997, he was at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, as a Lecturer and conducted research work on the latest technology applications in power systems. His research interests included power system modeling and real-time simulation, neural network/fuzzy logic based intelligent system protection, abatement of acoustic noise of power transformers, microprocessor based intelligent control of induction motors, control of subsynchronous resonance, and analysis of hybrid power systems. Currently, he is with Curtin University of Technology, in Australia, as a Senior Lecturer in power systems and power electronics. His current research is primarily focused on power converter applications in renewable energy systems. 102 Chernmangot V. Nayar received the B.Sc degree in electrical engineering from the University of Kerala, India, in 1969, the Master of Technology degree in electronics from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, in 1976, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering specializing in wind electrical power generation from the University of Western Australia in 1985. Prior to joining the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Curtin University of Technology, Perth, Australia, in 1986, he held academic and industry appointments in India, Singapore, and Australia. Prof. Nayar holds a personal chair in electrical engineering and is the Director of the Centre for Renewable Energy Systems Technology Australia (CRESTA) at Curtin University of Technology. He has been actively involved in programs investigating advanced technologies in rural electrification suitable for isolated mining towns, homesteads, and Aboriginal communities in Australia and the rural areas in developing countries. He is the Program Manager of the Power Conditioning Program for the Australian Cooperative Research Centre for Renewable Energy. He has worked as the United Nation’s Consultant for small-scale wind energy conversion systems for Asian and Pacific regions and the transfer of technology for the SPV/diesel hybrid system market development in India. He has a large number of publications in international journals and conference proceedings. Prof. Nayar served as a member of the Policy Committee of the Alternative Energy Development Board in Western Australia. He is also a Chartered Engineer and Corporate Member of the Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK), and Chartered Professional Engineer and Corporate Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON ENERGY CONVERSION, VOL. 15, NO. 1, MARCH 2000