Computer Replacement Policy (187KB, Version 1.03, PDF)

UC Policy Library
Computer Replacement Policy
The Replacement of Staff and Workroom Computer Equipment
Last Modified
Review Date
Approval Authority
Contact Person
June 2016
March 2017
Chair, Senior Management Team
Chief Information Officer – Information and Technology Services
Please note that this policy is undergoing a substantial rewrite in order to reflect the
operational requirements of the University. Any questions about the content of this
policy and upcoming changes should be directed to the Contact Officer.
Computer equipment replacement practice at the University is variable between colleges
and departments/schools, but more so between colleges and department/schools, and
service units. This document seeks to standardise equipment replacement as a restrained
and responsible practice.
The guiding principle underpinning this document is that staff and students should have
access to the computing resources necessary to efficiently undertake the activities their
role requires.
Budget Authorisation − Authority is sought to purchase against available budget, as
allocated by ISSSG where the cases are reviewed and where appropriate, approved by
College and Department/School Managers or Service Unit Directors.
Desktop Computers − Computers that need permanent connection to mains power to
function, and which typically consist of separate components for CPU, monitor, keyboard
and mouse.
Fat Client − Software applications loaded and run locally on the workstation used to
access them. Operation can be stand-alone, independent of any network.
Computer Replacement Policy v. 1.03
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© This document is the property of the University of Canterbury.
Once printed this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the official, current version refer to the UC Policy Library.
ICTS − Information and Communications Technology Services department.
ISSSG − Information Systems and Services Steering Group.
Laptop − All-in-one portable computer with typically 10” or greater screen size.
Mobile Computing − Equipment that includes Netbooks, Laptops, and high end
PDA/phone equipment.
Netbook − All-in-one portable computer with typically 10” or less screen size, and
frequently with no means of accessing data apart from the network.
PDA − Personal Digital Assistant, typically in a handheld form factor with functionality such
as mobile phone, GPS, music, internet, camera, calendar, diary, email, limited office
applications, wireless network capability, etc. Intended to be a miniature computing
environment for mobile workers.
Preferred Supplier − Vendors selected through a formal tender process to provide
particular product to the University for a defined period.
Thin Client − Software applications hosted remotely and delivered such that they do not
reside permanently on the workstation used to access them. Operation is dependent on a
functioning network connection.
Policy Statement
All Procurement of University computing equipment for individual use and work
room deployment will be made in accordance with this Policy.
Turnover Cycle
Workroom equipment (fat client) will be replaced on a 36 month cycle to ensure that
equipment is maintained under warranty, has a modern look and feel and has a current
and sufficient specification to run all required applications with ease. Staff and postgraduate desktop PC equipment (laptop, netbook, thin client or desktop) will be replaced
on a 48-60 month cycle, with equipment either being bought new, or recycled from
undergraduate workroom facilities where available. Re-used equipment will be
professionally cleaned, re-imaged, and staff data migrated appropriately without need for
special user action/involvement.
LCD monitor replacement is based on failure of the in-use equipment and is not bound to a
particular cycle. The expectation is that LCD monitors will last 5-8 years. Budget
Authorisation can be sought for an earlier replacement. Cases for earlier replacement will
typically be based on:
contractual provisions;
special performance computing requirements; or
the need for current platforms for support-oriented staff to better assist their
Computer Replacement Policy v. 1.03
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Once printed this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the official, current version refer to the UC Policy Library.
Some research environment equipment may not be replaced to any particular cycle but be
retained to operate with attached instrumentation for as long as practical.
Only staff with a particular requirement to work remotely from their office, or who are able
to confirm a realisable benefit to the University will be provided with a laptop. Where such
equipment is provided for their sole use, it will completely replace their desktop computer.
Approved Purchases
Our preference is that that computer equipment is purchased from our preferred suppliers
as we have negotiated preferential rates and conducted integration testing. Details on
these approved models is available at ICT Purchasing (ICT Purchasing intranet)
Exception Request
An exception request is required for purchases for other than selected models. Information
on how to raise an exception can be found on ICT Purchasing - Exceptions (ICT
Purchasing intranet)
Out of Warranty Management
Once out of warranty, equipment will be replaced when significant hardware faults make it
uneconomic to repair, and the equipment will be written off.
Note: The standard terms and conditions for warranty is a three year period.
Computer Entitlement
Staff will have one Windows-based computer, unless they require more than one computer
to perform their job. Those staff requiring more than one computer or a non-Windows
based computer should submit a written (form based) business case for Budget
Authorisation. All computing equipment will be purchased from the current preferred
suppliers, see ICT Purchasing – Preferred Suppliers (ICT Purchasing intranet)
Q: What about staff who currently have more than one computer?
A: Staff who currently have more than one computer will have the newer of the computers
replaced first (i.e. the last computer received).
Q: How will the older computer be treated?
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Once printed this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the official, current version refer to the UC Policy Library.
A: If the older of the two computers is out of warranty, this will not be replaced or repaired
if it fails. Staff may apply to have this equipment replaced via the formal business case
provision above.
Q: What if I have a business need to run Mac OS or Linux?
A: The preferred computing platform for the University is Windows. However, computers to
run Mac OS or Linux can be purchased for staff and workrooms.
Computer Options via Staff Discretionary Fund (SDF) use
Generally, the value of new computers and peripherals will not exceed a set price, as
identified at ICT Purchasing (ICT Purchasing intranet). These processes are maintained
Q: Can I use my Staff Discretionary Fund (SDF), departmental or research funds to
supplement the purchase of a more expensive new computer?
A: No. If the upgrade is justifiable due to the requirements of your job, then a written
business case can be put to the budget holder. If successful, this will be funded centrally.
If the upgrade is only a preference, then other funds cannot be used. The University has
only a finite amount of capital funds each year for computers (not supplemented by other
Q: Can I use my Staff Discretionary Fund (SDF), departmental or research funds to
upgrade the specifications on an existing computer?
A: Yes. This is because upgrades on existing computers are treated as expenses, rather
than capital funds. However this should be processed/requested through your budget
holder. Note the computer and peripherals will still remain the property of the University.
Q: Can I use my own personal funds to upgrade the specs or type of computer?
A: No. If you require either a computer with higher specifications than provided by our
Preferred Suppliers or more than one computer due to teaching or research requirements,
then you can put a written business case to your budget holder and follow the exceptions
process. Staff are never expected to personally fund any computing equipment to
efficiently carry out their individual job functions.
i. Non-capital items (i.e. peripherals such as extension cards, monitors, keyboards, bags,
etc) can be upgraded with staff discretionary funds or other funds if purchased
separately from the computer.
ii. When peripherals are purchased as part of a computer package, they are capitalised.
The budget holder reserves the right to request a business case justification for
upgrades in terms of the contribution to teaching and research regardless of the source
of funds. It should never be assumed that the business case will automatically be
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© This document is the property of the University of Canterbury.
Once printed this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the official, current version refer to the UC Policy Library.
Related Documents and Information
UC Policy Library
Computer Use Policy and Procedures (PDF, 189KB)
Mobile Device Policy (PDF, 185KB)
Sensitive Expenditure Policy (PDF, 375KB) (Staff Only)
University Website and Intranet
ICT Purchasing (ICT Purchasing intranet)
ICT Purchasing - Exceptions (ICT Purchasing intranet)
ICT Purchasing – Preferred Suppliers (ICT Purchasing intranet)
Document History and Version Control Table
Version Action
Approval Authority Action Date
For document history and versioning prior to 2013 contact
Conversion of document onto new
Policy Unit
Aug 2013
template and document pushed out.
Hyperlinks updated
Hyperlinks updated, general formatting.
Policy Unit
Jun 2014
Review date pushed out.
Policy Unit
Sep 2014
‘Substantial rewrite’ caveat added to
Policy Unit
Jun 2016
Introduction to reflect wider changes in
ITS policies.
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© This document is the property of the University of Canterbury.
Once printed this document is considered an uncontrolled version. For the official, current version refer to the UC Policy Library.
Related documents