OBEF(Odd Backward Even Forward) Page Replacement

International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
OBEF(Odd Backward Even Forward) Page Replacement
Kavit Maral Mehta1, Prerak Garg2, Ravikant Kumar3
G-752, Socrates block, VIT university, vellore -632014
As a student I have implemented this technique in C++
and have made a comparison between different other page
replacement techniques and I have got a positive result
from it showing that this method may prove to be a vital for
coming time. It’s time complexity is also equal to the other
Abstract— This paper describes about a new technique of
page replacement algorithm that I have thought about and
gives more hit than other algorithms for a some kind of data
entries. My page replacement algorithm basically works in
two directions. For even cycles it will work on the right side
and will find the frequency of data entries that are going to be
used and for the odd cycles it works on the left side finding the
time elapsed for that data to be used again in other words
finds the least recently used element and replaces that entry .
 First-in, first-out (FIFO):
The simplest page-replacement algorithm. FIFO is a
low-overhead algorithm that requires little book-keeping.
The pages is stored in queue with the most recent arrival at
the back and the earliest arrival in front. When a page
needs to be replaced, the page at the front of the queue is
selected. While FIFO is cheap and intuitive, it performs
poorly in practical application. Thus, it is rarely used in its
unmodified form.
Keywords— page replacement algorithm, cache, main
memory, time complexity, asymptotic notation.
With the advancement of our computer world, there has
been a concurrent change in the components and different
terminologies related to the computer. In a computer
operating system that uses paging for virtual memory
management, page replacement algorithms decide which
memory pages to page out (swap out, write to disk) when a
page of memory needs to be allocated. Paging happens
when a page fault occurs and a free page cannot be used to
satisfy the allocation, either because there are none, or
because the number of free pages is lower than some
threshold. When the page that was selected for replacement
and paged out is referenced again it has to be paged in
(read in from disk), and this involves waiting for I/O
completion. This determines the quality of the page
replacement algorithm: the less time waiting for page-ins,
the better the algorithm. A page replacement algorithm
looks at the limited information about accesses to the pages
provided by hardware, and tries to guess which pages
should be replaced to minimize the total number of page
misses, while balancing this with the costs (primary storage
and processor time) of the algorithm itself. This was all the
basis why we require a page replacement algorithm. Now I
would tell how my page replacement technique works. All
the page replacement techniques till now implemented have
proved to be efficient for different values of data. Our basic
aim is to reduce the time of the CPU to search for the data
inside main memory. So, the technique that I have
developed also consists of some plus points and some
minus points.
 Least recently used (LRU):
LRU works on the ides that pages that have been most
heavily used in the past are more likely to be used in the
next few instructions too. LRU is little bit expensive to
 Least frequently used (LFU):
LFU requires a counter and every page has a counter of
it’s own initially set to 0. At each clock interval, all pages
that have been referenced within that interval will have
their counter incremented by 1. Thus, the page with the
lowest counter can be swapped out when necessary. The
main problem with NFU is that it keeps track of the
frequency of use without regard to the time span of use.
Thus, in a multi-pass compiler, pages which were heavily
used during the first pass, but are not needed in the second
pass will be favoured over pages which are comparably
lightly used in the second pass, as they have higher
frequency counters. This results in poor performance. Other
common scenarios exist where NFU will perform similarly,
such as an OS boot-up. Thankfully, a similar and better
algorithm exists, and its description follows.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
 Aging:
It is similar to LFU, instead of just incrementing the
counters of the pages referenced , putting equal emphasis
on page references regardless of time, the reference counter
on a page is first shifted right, before adding the referenced
bit to the left of that binary number. For instance, if a page
has referenced bits 1,0,0,1,1,0 in the past 6 clock ticks, its
referenced counter will look like this: 10000000,
01000000, 00100000, 10010000, 11001000, 01100100.
Page references closer to the present time have more
impact than page references long ago. This ensures that
pages referenced more recently, though less frequently
referenced, will have higher priority over pages more
frequently referenced in the past. Thus, when a page needs
to be swapped out, the page with the lowest counter will be
Let us suppose that Cache memory size is 3(i.e it can
hold 3 values) and main memory has size 10(i.e it can store
10 values).
Now CPU wants the data to perform mathematical
operations. The cache consists of some previous values.
First the CPU searches the cache for the data if it finds it
then it’s a hit and no need of refering to the main memory.
But if data is not found it will go to main memory for the
data and will perform the page replacement algorithm.
Now if count value is initially 1 and for the first time
only it gets a miss then OBEF will perform a search in the
backward direction and will compare the data values in
cache with the data values that CPU had taken from the
main memory and the value which least recently used gets
swapped out and the new data value comes in. Now this is
performed only for the odd cycles like when count=1, 3, 5,
7, 9..... and when the value of count is like 2, 4, 6, 8, 10....
then the comparison is made between the values in the
cache and values in the main memory( stored in pages)
which are going to be used in future and the value whose
frequency is less among all gets swapped out and the new
data comes in.
 Clock:
Clock is a more efficient version of FIFO than Secondchance because pages don't have to be constantly pushed to
the back of the list, but it performs the same general
function as Second-Chance. The clock algorithm keeps a
circular list of pages in memory, with the "hand" (iterator)
pointing to the last examined page frame in the list. When a
page fault occurs and no empty frames exist, then the R
(referenced) bit is inspected at the hand's location. If R is 0,
the new page is put in place of the page the "hand" points
to, otherwise the R bit is cleared. Then, the clock hand is
incremented and the process is repeated until a page is
The above proposed method works according to the
following algorithm:
 I am considering array to store data in cache and in
main memory.
 Let m be the size of the cache and n be the size oo the
main memory.(m<n)
 Now input the data values in the main memory that
we would be requiring for calculations.
 The cache by default contains some values.
 Now we start our computation. CPU wants values , so
it first looks in the cache.
 If it is a hit then CPU fetches the value from the cache
and uses them. If it’s a miss then the CPU looks in the
main memory and fetches the value from there.
 Now if it is a miss, after fetching the value from the
main memory it performs OBEF by checking the
value of the count. If it odd then looks for the least
recently used value in the already used data values
and swaps out that value instead of a new one. If
count value is even then it looks for least frequently
occurring value in the forward direction (i.e the values
that are in the main memory and are going to be
referred in the future) and swaps that out instead of a
new value.
 Random:
Random replacement algorithm replaces a random page
in memory. This eliminates the overhead cost of tracking
page references. Usually it fares better than FIFO, and for
looping memory references it is better than LRU, although
generally LRU performs better in practice
The basic purpose of the page replacement method is to
get as many hits as possible. We call our technique ―THE
HYBRID‖, Because this method works in two directions.
We have taken a counter. It’s initially value is 1.
Now whenever CPU checks for the data value in cache
the value of the count increments by 1. And this value of
count decides whether the page replacement algorithm will
consider the values that the CPU will encounter in the
future or the data values that the CPU has already come
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
 This process repeats until CPU has completed it’s
 At the end of the process we calculate pagehit and
pagemiss for the above algorithm.
 If pagehit > pagemiss then the above method is
feasibly for the provided data values.
For our method (OBEF) we have used Dev C++ to
compile and we have compared our developed program
with other page replacement methods. And for many data
value page-hit percentage > 60.
The comparison with other methods has been described
Let m be the size of cache and n be the size of the main
Let m=5 and n=10 and a[] be the array keeping cache
data and s[] be the array storing main memory data.
Let initial values in a[]={1,2,3,4,5} and data required for
computation is stored in main memory i.e
Now at the student level I personally developed the code
for LRU,LFU,FIFO and my own method(OBEF) in c++
and compared them for the above assumed values.
Output given when FIFO is runned
We can see that For our assumed data values we get
50% hits in case of OBEF and for the similar data value set
we get 10% hits when FIFO is runned.
This shows that OBEF is far more productive and useful
in terms of time and storage than FIFO.
Comparison with FIFO
Output Given When OBEF is runned.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
Comparison with LFU:
3. Comparison with LRU:
Output when LFU is runned
Output when LRU is runned
Now we see that Our method OBEF is of same
importance that LFU has.
Both the techniques are giving 50% hits and therefore
our method could be applied for the data values where LFU
is used.
Both the techniques have O(n2) time complexity.
We see that for the above mentioned values LRU gives
only 10% hits that means OBEF is more efficient than LRU
and can be used in the places where LRU is used and could
give more efficiency to the page replacement process.
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
Website: www.ijetae.com (ISSN 2250-2459, Volume 2, Issue 11, November 2012)
The result of the following observations and tests tell us
that this method may prove to play a important role in
coming time as it proves to give more efficiency and taking
equal time to execute with respect to the other techniques.
The OBEF has performed better than FIFO,LFU,LRU and
following virtues of this technique must be noted :
1. It is a simple technique and easy to implement not
requiring mush of the hardware and technology.
2. It has an equal time complexity with respect to the
other techniques.
3. It has proved to be a good technique for scheduling
process like round-robin.
We would like to thank our parents for giving us such a
support in our research. And we hope that through your
publication we may be able to bring our work in front of
the whole world. As a student and lack of resources we
have implemented this technique only at the basic level.
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