1 On the time distribution of Earth’s magnetic 2 field reversals 3 Cosme F. Ponte-Neto1,*, Andrés R. R. Papa1,2 4 1 Observatório Nacional, Rua General José Cristino 77, São Cristóvão, 5 6 Rio de Janeiro, 20921-400 RJ, BRASIL 2 Instituto de Física, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, Rua São Francisco Xavier 524, Maracanã, 7 8 Rio de Janeiro, 20550-900 RJ, BRASIL Abstract 9 This paper presents an analysis on the distribution of periods between 10 consecutive reversals of the Earth’s magnetic field. The analysis includes the 11 randomness of polarities, whether the data corresponding to different periods 12 belong to a unique distribution and finally, the type of distribution that data obey. It 13 was found that the distribution is a power law (which could be the fingerprint of a 14 critical system as the cause of geomagnetic reversions). For the distribution 15 function a slope value of –1.42 ± 0.19 was found. This value differs about 15% 16 from results obtained when the present considerations are not taken into account 17 and it is considered the main finding. 18 Keywords 19 geomagnetic, reversals, statistical test, distribution functions 20 Introduction 21 Geomagnetic reversals (periods during which the geomagnetic field swap 22 hemispheres) are, together with the magnetic storms (because of the immediate 23 effects on man’s activities), the most dramatic events in the magnetic field that we 24 can measure at the Earth’s surface (Merrill, 2004). The time between consecutive 25 geomagnetic reversals has typical values that range from a few tens of thousands 26 of years to around forty millions of years while magnetic storms have durations of 27 approximately two days. They also have different sources, while the magnetic 28 storms are mostly associated to phenomena in the Sun and the terrestrial 29 ionosphere, geomagnetic reversals are associated with changes in the Earth’s 30 dynamo. Towards a deeper understanding of the laws that follow the geomagnetic 31 reversals is devoted this work. 32 Another common feature of both short period and long period of time 33 phenomena is the appearance of power laws in their relevant distributions (Papa et 34 al., 2006; Seki and Ito, 1993). One of the possible mechanisms that produce power 35 law distributions for, for example, the distribution of times between consecutive 36 periods of great activity, is the mechanism of self-organized criticality or, more 37 specifically, of threshold systems. It is quite remarkable that, phenomena 38 essentially diverse (like magnetic storms and geomagnetic reversals), could be 39 sustained by similar types of mechanisms. 40 Threshold systems are the base for the behavior of many dissimilar 41 phenomena. They are composed by elements that behave in a special manner: 1) 42 the elements are able to store potential energy up to a given threshold; 2) they are 43 continuously supplied with potential energy; 3) when the accumulate potential 44 energy in an element reach the threshold part of its energy is released to neighbor 45 elements and out of the system; 4) eventually, the energy released to some of the 46 neighbors will be enough to surpass its own threshold; 5) this element will release 47 part of its energy to the neighborhood and out of the system and so on. In this way 48 a single element can spark a long chain reaction that will extinguish only when all 49 the elements are below the threshold. At a first reading the concept of threshold 50 system could appear very abstract, but there are some simple examples that can 51 help in demystifying the concept. Suppose that we locate a block of wood on a 52 surface and attach a spring to it. If we try to move the block by pulling the opposite 53 extreme of the spring initially it will not move. The block will move only when the 54 potential energy accumulated in the spring reach the static friction. In this case the 55 static friction plays the role of threshold. The released energy (as we are 56 considering a single block-spring set there are no neighbors) is composed by the 57 thermal energy (produced by the dynamic friction between the block and the 58 surface) and acoustic energy (the noise that the block produces while sliding on 59 the surface). Actually, models with systems of many spring and interconnected 60 block have served to reproduce some of the main characteristics of earthquakes. 61 The energy has to be supplied at a low rate (compared to the maximum power that 62 the system can dissipate) otherwise there would be no avalanches. In the block- 63 spring example, if we pull the spring very rapidly (i.e. if we introduce energy at a 64 high rate) probably the block will never stop once in movement. It is a usual (non 65 exclusive) signature of self-organized criticality and threshold systems the 66 appearance of power laws 67 f(x) = c . xd 68 where x is the variable, c is some proportionality constant, f(x) is the distribution of 69 the variable x and d is the exponent. These concepts will help us in the 70 interpretation of some of the results that we will describe. (1) 71 Works devoted to the study of the time distribution of geomagnetic reversals 72 include, among many others, an analysis of scaling in the polarity reversal record 73 (Gaffin, 1989), a search for chaos in record (Cortini and Barton, 1994), a critical 74 model for this problem (Seki and Ito, 1993) and more recently, a long-range 75 dependence study in the Cenozoic reversal record (Jonkers, 2003). Gaffin (1989) 76 pointed out that long-term trends and non-stationary characteristics of record could 77 difficult a formal detection of chaos in geomagnetic reversal record. It is our opinion 78 that because of this and also because the low number of reversals, in the work of 79 Gaffin actually, it was pointed out that it would be very difficult to detect in a 80 consistent manner that the geomagnetic reversals present any characteristic at all, 81 without mattering which this characteristic could be (including chaos). 82 Our study differs from those works in that, we explore the equivalence of 83 both polarizations through some well-known non-parametric test on the reversals 84 time series. We then study the possibility of diverse periods pertain to the same 85 distribution and finally the distribution that geomagnetic reversal effectively follows. 86 Our work is closer to the one by Jonkers (2003) and in some sense complements 87 it. 88 Analysis 89 There is some recent evidence (Clement, 2004) on a dependence of the 90 geomagnetic polarity reversals on the site where the analyzed sediments are 91 collected. This can be the fingerprint of higher order (not only dipolar) contributions 92 to the components of the Earth’s magnetic field. We have not considered those 93 variations. Another feature that was not considered by us are the detailed 94 variations of the Earth’s dipole (Valet et al., 2005). We have just considered 95 polarity inversions. We used the more complete data that we have found (Cande 96 and Kent, 1992, 1995). 97 In Figure 1 we present the sequences of reversals during the last 120 My. It 98 can be seen a clear difference between the periods 0-40 My and 40-80 My, before 99 the great Cretaceous isochrone. Our intuitive reasoning can be further supported 100 by some evidences of tectonic changes experienced by the Earth at the same 101 epoch (around 40 My ago) that could have influenced the dynamo system: the 102 change in direction of growth of the Hawaiian archipelago. Those are the reasons 103 to study separately, at least initially, both periods. 104 We wonder now, are both polarizations in each of the periods equally 105 probably? If both polarizations are equivalent this is a useful fact from the statistical 106 point of view. Instead of two small samples we have a single and larger one. At the 107 same time, the equivalence might be pointing to an almost inexistence of tectonic 108 influence on the reversal rate because the Earth has a defined rotation direction 109 (although the rotation is considered a necessary condition). On the other hand, an 110 almost inexistent influence (or very small influence) is compatible with the 111 requirement of self-organized criticality and threshold systems of a small energy 112 deliver rate. However, see below. 113 We have implemented a non-parametric sequence u test. To do so we have 114 taken the shortest interval in each period between consecutive geomagnetic 115 reversals as a trial (0.01 My and 0.044 My for 0-40 and 40-80 My periods, 116 respectively). We normalized to this value the rest of the reversals in each period. 117 The result (rounded) was taken as a sequence of identical consecutive trials for 118 that polarization. In this way we obtained a sequence of the type (N means normal 119 and R means reverse polarization) “NNNRRNNNNNRRRNRNNN …”, over which 120 we implemented the test. For the period 0-40 My, that includes around 140 121 reversals, it was obtained that both polarizations are almost identically probable 122 (1966 trials in one polarization against 1985 in the opposite one). On the other 123 hand, for the period 40-80 My, that contains only 40 reversal, the result was no so 124 good: for one polarization we obtained 632 trials while for the opposite one only 125 353 trials. There are two possible explanations for this fact: there was some factor 126 that favored a polarization over the other (of tectonic nature, for example) or the 127 sample is not large enough to avoid fluctuations (note that the number of reversals 128 in the 40-80My period is around 25% the number in the 0-40 My period). We will 129 assume that the second explanation is the actual one. There are no reasons to 130 believe that the mechanism producing the reversals has changed in nature. 131 Consequently, for each of the periods both reversal polarities have been 132 considered as a single sample. The other relevant result that we can extract from 133 the trials is that we must reject the null hypotheses H0 of randomness almost with a 134 100% confidence. This result coincides with a previous one (Jonkers, 2003), but to 135 arrive to that conclusion there were used specific methods (aggregate variance 136 and absolute value) devised for long-range-dependences studies. 137 A natural question that arises is, do both periods correspond to the same 138 distribution? Before trying to answer this question let us make some considerations 139 on distribution functions. From a “classical” point of view, belong-to-the-same- 140 distribution means to have similar means and standard deviations (this assertion 141 includes many distribution function types like gaussians, lorentzians, etc.). When 142 we work with power-law distribution functions special cares have to be taken 143 because the distribution are endless. This can be easily seen in a log-log plot. In 144 this type of plot the distribution takes the form of a straight line. So, belong-to-the- 145 same-distribution could well mean that both data sets fit the same straight line but 146 in different intervals. To try answering the question we separately present in Figure 147 2 the frequency distribution of reversals for the two periods using log-log scale and 148 logarithmic bins. Both distributions present approximately a top-of-a-bell shape but 149 with maximum at different values of time. Logarithmic bins constructions have the 150 property of converting exact (functional) power-law distribution functions with 151 exponent d, in power laws with exponent d+1. At the same time, if there is a 152 reasonable number of data, they produce best quality (soft) curves because they 153 average (integrate) over increasing windows. From Figure 2 it can be seen that for 154 small time periods both curves initially grow (which means that the distribution, if 155 following some power law, presents an exponent d ≥ 0). For the highest values 156 (again, if following a power law) the exponent is d < -1 (because for d = -1 the 157 logarithmic bin plots would be constant values). However, the number of points is 158 not large enough for more accurate predictions on the exponents from this type of 159 graph. 160 previous works we believe to be a power law with a unique slope). Supposing that 161 they effectively follow a power law then they also should rest approximately on a 162 single straight line: fortunately, we should not be worried with the weight of each of 163 the periods because the time (which means, statistical weight) is approximately the 164 same for both periods. However, this poses a problem to construct a single 165 histogram with both periods (i.e., to consider both periods as part of a single 166 sample): the middle values could be counted twice while the extremes just once. In 167 order to compare considering both periods as a single sample or as two separate 168 samples we constructed the frequency distribution from the whole period from 0 to 169 80 My. Figure 3 shows the result. A linear fit to the data gave a value of –1.64 ± 170 0.24 for the slope. We have then constructed independently the frequency 171 distribution for each of the periods and represented them in a single plot. The result 172 is shown in Figure 4. The slope of the linear fit to both data takes a value –1.42 ± 173 0.19, well apart from the result that we have found when not taking into account 174 our present considerations (however, within the error interval). The most accepted 175 value for this slope is ~ –1.5, near the average of the two that we have found. From the shape we deduce that they follow the same law (following 176 Self-organized systems have no a typical time scale nor a typical length 177 scale (and the behavior in time and in space are closely related, both are fractals). 178 The unique relevant length is the system size. The same model system with 179 different sizes gives results that depend on the size in the way we explain now. As 180 an example let us take a simple model for the brain (Papa and da Silva, 1997). If 181 we simulate the model using 1024 elements we will obtain power law distributions 182 for the first return time with a slope of –1.58. If we now use 4096 elements we will 183 obtain the same power law dependence with the same slope. The difference 184 between both cases is that while for the case of 1024 elements we obtain “clean” 185 power laws for about two decades, when we use 4096 we can extend this interval 186 to around four decades. So, different intervals in the same power law could 187 indicate different sizes of activity regions for geomagnetic currents. Besides the 188 fact of having small samples, this is a factor that could partially explain why the 189 distributions go in the form of a power law to lower or higher values, to the right. 190 Another factor that can limit the extension of power laws by the left (small values) 191 is the rate at which energy is delivered to the system. It is a threshold (can not be 192 confused with the threshold mentioned at the introductory section) for the smaller 193 avalanches that exist and can be observed. In this way it should increase the 194 average value between consecutive avalanches or, in other words, will cause an 195 increase in first return times (the equivalent of reversals for the present problem). 196 Conclusions 197 Using classical statistical analysis we have excluded the possibility of 198 reversals be a random process (or the result of a random process), conclusion that 199 coincides with previous ones demonstrated through different methods. From the 200 period 0-40 My (and in a less degree, from the period 40-80 My), where the 201 probability of both polarities was almost identical, we can conclude that the 202 influence of the geodynamo on reversals is null or very small. This fact is 203 compatible with the necessity for self-organized criticality and threshold systems of 204 a small energy release rate. From our results we can also conclude that the 205 existence of power laws in the time distribution of geomagnetic reversals is a 206 probable fact. The existence of power laws can be the result of many mechanisms. 207 So, our results do not demonstrate the existence of a critically self-organized (or 208 even a simple critical) system as the source for geomagnetic reversals but they are 209 compatible with these possibilities. The value of –1.42 for the slope of the 210 distribution function is an original finding and needs further confirmation by other 211 authors. Modeling of the source system for reversals is an exciting problem. Some 212 works are currently running with this aim and will be published elsewhere. 213 Acknowledgements 214 215 The authors sincerely acknowledge partial financial support from FAPERJ (Rio de Janeiro Founding Agency) and CNPq (Brazilian Founding Agency). 216 References 217 Cande, S. C., Kent, D. V., 1992, A new geomagnetic polarity time scale for the late 218 Cretaceous and Cenozoic, Journal of Geophysical Research 97, No. B10, 13917- 219 13951. 220 Cande, S. C., Kent, D. V., 1995, Revised calibration of the geomagnetic polarity 221 time scale for the late Cretaceous and Cenozoic, Journal of Geophysical Research 222 100, No. B4, 6093-6095. 223 Clement, B. M., 2004, Dependence of the duration of geomagnetic polarity 224 reversals on site latitude, Nature 428, 637-640. 225 Cortini, M., Barton, C., 1994, Chaos in geomagnetic reversal records: A 226 comparison between Earth’s magnetic field data and model disk dynamo data, 227 Journal of Geophysical Research 99, No. B9, 18021-18033. 228 Gaffin, S., 1989, Analysis of scaling in the geomagnetic polarity reversal record, 229 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 57, 284-290. 230 Jonkers, A. R. T., 2003, Long-range dependence in the Cenozoic reversal record, 231 Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 135, 253-266. 232 Merril, R. T., 2004, Time of reversal, Nature 428, 608-609. 233 Papa, A. R. R.; Barreto, L. M.; Seixas, N. A. B., 2006, Statistical Study of Magnetic 234 Disturbances at the Earth’s Surface, 235 Terrestrial Physics (to appear). 236 Papa, A. R. R., da Silva, L., 1997, Earthquakes in the brain, Theory in Biosciences 237 116, 321-327. 238 Seki, M., Ito, K., 1993, A phase-transition model for geomagnetic polarity reversals, 239 Journal of Geomagnetism and Geoelectricity 45, 79-88. 240 Valet, J.-P., Meynadier, L., Guyodo, Y., 2005, Geomagnetic dipole strength and 241 reversal rate over the past two million years, Nature 435, 802-805. 242 Figure Captions 243 Figure 1.- Representation of geomagnetic reversals from 120 My ago to our days. 244 We arbitrarily have assumed –1 as the current polarization. 245 Figure 2.- Log-log plot of the distributions of intervals between consecutive 246 reversals for the periods from 0 to 40 My (squares) and from 40 to 80 My (circles). 247 We have used logarithmic bins of size 0.015x2n My, where n=0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 248 7. To highlight the similarity between both curves they were normalized to have 249 approximately the same height. 250 Figure 3.- Frequency distribution for the period from 0 to 80 My. The bold straight 251 line is a linear fit to the data. It has a slope –1.64 ± 0.24. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar 252 Figure 4.- Frequency distributions for the periods from 0 to 40 and from 40 to 80 253 My. From left to right the points of numbers 1, 3, 4, and 6 belong to the period from 254 0 to 40 My. Points with number 2, 5, 7, 8 and 9 belong to the 40 – 80 My period. 255 The bold straight line is a simultaneous linear fit to both data. It has a slope value 256 of –1.42 ± 0.19. 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 Figure 1 Polarization (a.u.) 1,0 0,5 0,0 -0,5 -1,0 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Age(My) 274 275 Figure 2 Frequency 10 1 0 ,1 1 10 T im e b e tw e e n re v e rs a ls (0 .0 1 M y) 276 100 277 Figure 3 Frequency 100 10 1 0 ,1 1 10 A g e (M y ) 278 279 Figure 4 Frequency 100 10 1 0 ,1 1 A g e (M y ) 280