Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 The Distribution of Non-Dipole Part of Earth's Magnetic Field *Loay E. George ** Bushra M. Ibrahim *Department of Computer Science / College of Science / Baghdad University **Atmosphere and Space Science Center / Space Technology and Communication Directorate / Ministry of Science and Technology Abstract In this paper, the time variation of declination angle of the non-dipole part of geomagnetic field is investigated for the time period (1900-2010). The International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF) model is adopted as geomagnetic data source for generating the non-dipole part. It is noticed that there are many poles associated with the non-dipole part of the main field, and they distributed over all the globe. Also, it is noticed that some of these poles are moving relative to each other, and some of the poles pairs are appeared and others disappeared. A statistical analysis is conducted to find out the time variation of the first order statistical features of the non-dipole part. The analyses indicated that the time change of statistical parameters systematic. Key words: IGRF, Main Geomagnetic Field, Temporal Geomagnetic Field, Geomagnetic Modeling 1. Introduction According to recently evaluated data, the total energy in the Earth’s magnetic field is decreasing rapidly. This contradicts frequent evolutionist claims that a minor (“nondipole”) part of the field is storing up enough energy to compensate for the large and steady loss of energy from its main (“dipole”) part. The non-dipole fields had not been measured very accurately before 1976, while, this part need to be more accurately measured than the dipole part. However, shortly after 1967, the non dipole measurements began to get better [1]. The International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) had organized a systematic global effort to gather and publish more accurate data on the Earth’s magnetic field. In 1970 the association published the International Geomagnetic Reference Field (IGRF), which describing the dipole and non dipole part of the magnetic field, this model is updated every five years to accommodate the changes of the Earth's field [2]. IGRF is used to calculate the magnetic field intensity (F) and all its components {i.e., the angles: declination (D), inclination (I); and the components: horizontal (H), vertical (Z), north (X), and east (Y)} [3]. Jan 2012 Dawson and Newitt (1978) [4] made a comparison between IGRF at 1975 with IGRF 1965 for the components X, Y, and Z, the comparison showed large secular variation departures over many parts of the world, especially in Z component. Maundt et al. (1985) [5] compared the secular variation of IGRF model for 1965, 1975, and 1980-1985 with analytical secular variation models, based on low degree polynomial approximations. They showed that the main features of secular variation in Europe are represented correctly. Wen-Yao et al. (2000) [6] made analysis of IGRF 1900-2000; they showed that the Earth's main magnetic field has changed dramatically during the 20th century. Its dipole moment has decreased by 6.5% since 1900, the strength of the quadrapole and octapole have increased by 95% and 74% respectively. In this project, the IGRF is used to describe the variation of declination angle of the nondipole part of the Earth's magnetic field from year 1900 till 2010, and then a statistical analysis is applied on the generated geomagnetic data. A grid of points is projected on the entire planet, such that the grid nodes are separated from each other by 0.25o (in latitude and/or longitude direction). ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 1 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 2. Statistical Method The variation of the declination angle for the non-dipole part has been investigated for the time interval 1900-2010, because IAGA geomagnetic group had produced the definitively values of gauss coefficients each 5 years, so the time step is taken 5 years. The figures of the declination angle for this time interval are shown in appendix. At year 1900, it was noticed the appearance of 10 poles distributed over all the glob area. At 1905, two new poles appeared around the location (Lon:-162o, Lat: 58o; & Lon:-165o, Lat: -48o). For ease the region containing these two poles is denoted "region A". Also, it is noticed that there is another couple of poles approaching each other and at 1905 their coordinates are (Lon: 0o, Lat: 38o; & Lon -8o, Lat 56o), the region containing these two poles is called "region B". At 1910, the pair of poles in region-A moves apart from each other. Also, the poles in region- B continued moving toward each other. With time progress, the distance between A-region poles is gradually increased, while the poles of region-B continually become closer, and at 1925 they disappear. After the distance between the poles of region-A become high, one of the two poles belong to this region starts approaching to another pole (which is located near to the region Lon: -148o, Lat: 20o); the region containing the new pair of poles is denoted "region C". The distance between the poles of region C is continually decreases, and at 2005 these two poles disappear. At this year the number of poles become 8, and they distributed over all the globe area. At 2010 the poles of region C begun to appear again, and the number of poles become 10. A statistical analysis had been conducted on the resulted data in order to explain the behavior of non-dipole part. The first order statistical parameters, including histogram moments (i.e., mean, standard deviation, skewness, and kort) had been calculated for each year. To determine the statistical parameters over the globe, a grid of uniformly distributed points was projected on the Earth surface, the Jan 2012 angular distance between neighbor points was taken along the meridian (i.e., latitudinal direction) and along the longitudinal direction. The value of angular distances ( & ) depend on the number of points ( n 1 ) taken along each latitude and on the number of points ( k ) along the longitude. Since, the separating distance between the adjacent grid points is variant (i.e. it become small when moving toward poles). So, the area represented by each grid node is varied; and specifically it depends on the latitude value. For accurate determination of statistical parameters the effectiveness of the declination angle at each node value was weighted by the area (A) represented by that node. For a uniformly distributed points over a spherical grid, shown in figure (1), the geographic coordinates , at the node (i, j) of the grid are determined using the following equations: i i j j (1) (2) and the area (A) represented by the point i, j is given as: R 2 ( )2 if i{ 0 ,n} 4k A( i , j ) 2 2R cos( i ) if 0 i n k (3) where, R represents the radius of the Earth. As shown in equations (3) & (4), the area of uniformly distributed points of a spherical grid is strongly depends on the latitude value. Figure (1) The grid of uniformly distributed points on Earth surface ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 2 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 k 1 n j 0 i 0 (4) n k w(i ) i 0 Where, D is the declination angle, w is the weight of the element value. Standard deviation ( ) is a statistical parameter that tells us how tightly all the elements are clustered around the mean in a set of data. Skewness (S) measures the extent to which side the data deviate (positively or negatively) from the mean value. The kort (K) indicates whether the data histogram has long tail or not. The histogram moments have been determined using the following equations: k 1 n 2 j 0 i 0 n k w(i ) S 3 w(i )D(i , j ) m j 0i 0 w(i)D(i , j ) m 4 j 0i 0 n k w(i ) (7) i 0 Where, represent the standard deviation, S represent the skewness, and K represent the kort. 3. Results and Discussion Figure (2) presents the temporal variation of declination mean value. Since 1990, its rate of change become slow, and its value become closer to 0o. At 1960, the variance in declination component due to non dipole contribution was at the highest values relate to its values at other epochs of the century. Figure (3) shows the temporal variation of the standard deviation of declination angle, the Jan 2012 -12 -18 (6) n k w(i ) i 0 K4 -9 Figure (2) The temporal variation of declination mean value 3 k 1 n -6 Year i 0 k 1 n 0 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 -3 -15 (5) 101 StdDev of Declination 2 w(i)D(i , j ) m 100.8 100.6 100.4 100.2 100 99.8 99.6 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure (3) The temporal variation of standard deviation value of declination Skew of Declination m w(i) D(i , j ) presented results indicate insignificant variation (1%) is occurred in standard deviation values. Figure (4) shows that the skewness continually decreases, and after 1942 it becomes negative. This indicates that the biasing toward higher values is altered to be toward lower values (relative to the mean). Also, within the time interval lay between the two epochs 1940 & 1954, the rate of decrease in skewness was relatively high. Figure (5) presents the kort variation versus time, the results refer that variation in kort is small (around 2%). The kort vaiation indicates that the direction of the inclination angle of the nondipole component was inverted. Mean of Declination The weighted mean (m) can be found from adding up all the nodes values multiplied by their weights w (i.e., equivalent to area of representation; A) and then divide the result by the sum of weights values, as shown in the following equation: 50 40 30 20 10 0 -101900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 -20 -30 -40 -50 Year Figure (4) The time variation of skewness ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 3 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 the geodynamic origins for this non dipole behavior. Also, other geomagnetic models could be investigated to find out the degree of compatibility between the presented results in this paper with the results of other models. Kort of Declination 119.5 119 118.5 118 117.5 117 116.5 116 1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Year Figure (5) The time variation of Kort 4. Conclusions The declination angle for the non-dipole part showed that there are 10 poles distributed over all the globe area at year 1900. In 1995, the number of poles increased by 2. And, at 2005 the number of poles reduced to 8, and at 2010 the number of poles returns 10 poles. The statistical analyses showed that the mean value increases with time. While, the dispersion measures (i.e., standard deviation and kort) didn't show significant variations. While the skewness variation show a systematic decrease, which indicates the continual change of declination values from higher to lower values (relative to the mean). All the results printed in this paper depended on IGRF model and they concerned with main component of the geomagnetic field. Further studies are needed to find out 5. References [1] Hurnphreys, D. R., "The Earth's magnetic field is still losing energy", CRSQ, in press, 2002. [2] Humphreys, D. R., "The Earth's magnetic field: Closing a Loophole in the case for its Youth", Creation Matters, Vol. 7, N. 2, 2002. [3] Geological Survey of Canada, "Magnetic Components", April 2008. [4] Dawson E., L. R. Newitt, "IGRF Comparisons", Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol. 16, Issue 2, 1978. [5] Maundt W., E. Ritter, A. Best, "Test of IGRF (1980) main field and secular variations in Europe", Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors, Vol. 37, Issue 1, 1985. [6] Wen-yao XU, WEl Zigang, MA Shizhuang, "Dramatic variations in the Earth's main magnetic field during the 20th century", Chinese Science Bulletin, Vol. 45, No. 21, November 2000. Appendix (Declination Spatial Distribution) (A) In 1900 Jan 2012 (B) 1905 ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 4 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 Jan 2012 (C) In 1910 (D) In 1915 (E) In 1920 (F) In 1925 (G) In 1930 (H) In 1935 (I) In 1940 (J) In 1945 (K) 1950 (L) In 1955 ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 5 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 (M) In 1960 Jan 2012 (N) In 1965 (O) In 1970 (P) In 1975 (R) In 1980 (S) In 1985 (T) In 1990 (U) In 1995 (V) In 2000 (W) In 2005 ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 6 Asian Transactions on Basic and Applied Sciences (ATBAS ISSN: 2221-4267) Volume 01 Issue 06 (X) In 2010 Jan 2012 ATBAS-90118060©Asian-Transactions 7