April 23, 2013 GOVERNING BOARD DON NOTTOLI Board of Supervisors County of Sacramento TO: Sacramento Works Career Center and Partner Staff FROM: Kathy Kossick, Executive Director RE: Ticket to Work Orientation & Enrollment Process - JAY SCHENIRER Councilmember City of Sacramento SOPHIA SCHERMAN Public Representative ALLEN WARREN Councilmember City of Sacramento JIMMIE YEE Board of Supervisors County of Sacramento KATHY KOSSICK Executive Director 925 Del Paso Blvd., Suite 100 Sacramento, CA 95815 Main Office (916) 263-3800 Head Start (916) 263-3804 Website: http://www.seta.net WIA Directive #IS24-10. Rev 1 The purpose of this directive is to provide information and guidelines for referring to and enrolling customers in SETA’s Ticket-to-Work (TTW) program. As an approved Employment Network (EN) of the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) TTW work incentive program, SETA’s TTW program is fully integrated into the SWCC system, providing SSI and SSDI beneficiaries access to the same services as all job seekers. The following reflects the process to be followed for ticket holders seeking information about SETA’s TTW program: ¾ Refer a potential TTW customer to one of the Disability Program Navigators (DPN) listed on the next page for information on the TTW program. ¾ The DPN will conduct a brief intake interview by telephone to determine if TTW services meets the customer’s needs, will answer questions, and will explain the TTW enrollment process. ¾ The DPN will schedule the customer for a group orientation (see attached flyer) and email/mail the customer a packet containing the following: • SacWorks Information (SacWorks registration not required to attend an orientation) • Grievance Procedure • Code of Conduct • Release of Confidential Information • List of Acceptable Methods for Verifying Required Data Elements ¾ The TTW orientation will include an overview of the TTW program, explain the benefits of enrolling, describe SWCC services, as well as provide information on Work Incentive and Benefits Planning Assistance (WIPA) services. If a ticket holder expresses an interest in meeting with a SSI/SSDI benefits specialist, contact a DPN for information on how to access WIPA vendor services. “Preparing People for Success: in School, in Work, in Life” Participation in SETA’s TTW program requires co-enrollment/registration in WIA. The following process is to be followed for individuals assigning their ticket to SETA and enrolling in the TTW program: ¾ Schedule an appointment with a DPN to begin the enrollment process. ¾ The DPN will verify applicant’s Right to Work, Selective Service (if applicable), and Birth Date. ¾ If not currently registered in SacWorks, the DPN will enter the customer into the system. ¾ The DPN will complete a TTW Individual Work Plan (IWP) required by SSA, and will provide the customer a copy. ¾ The DPN will submit the completed IWP to SSA, which officially assigns the customer’s ticket to SETA, and will scan a copy and save in the customer’s Vault. ¾ The DPN will refer the enrolled TTW customer to a job coach at a SWCC nearest the customer’s residence to receive employment and training services. In the event the DPN is located at the Center nearest a TTW customer, the DPN will become the assigned coach for that customer. Customers enrolled in SETA’s TTW program will receive guidance from the both the DPN, as well as the assigned job coach. Ongoing coordination and communication between SWCC job coaches and DPNs is expected. SWCC job coaches must integrate TTW customers into the normal SWCC customer flow process. Questions on this process should be directed to one of the following DPNs: • Jennifer Fischer (916) 263-5400, JEFische@delpaso.seta.net • Lorraine Canaday (916) 263-5124, LCanada@delpaso.seta.net Ticket to Work EVERY 4TH TUESDAY OF THE MONTH TIME: 10:00 AM IF YOU HAVE A DISABILITY, RECEIVE SOCIAL SECURITY BENEFITS (SSI/ SSDI) AND ARE BETWEEN THE AGES OF 18 AND 64, THEN YOU HAVE A TICKET TO WORK! The goal of this voluntary program is to increase opportunities and choices for Social Security beneficiaries in obtaining employment services and supports from organizations called Employment Networks (EN) or vocational rehabilitation (VR). Sacramento Works will be hosting monthly orientations at the Franklin Career Center, for customers who would like to learn more about the benefits of enrolling in the Ticket to Work Program. Please call to register and plan to bring your CA Driver’s License or ID and Social Security Card to the orientation. If you need accommodations, please let staff know a minimum of 5 working days in advance. Location: Sacramento Works Career Center 7000 Franklin Blvd., Suite 540 Sacramento, CA 95823 TO REGISTER, PLEASE CONTACT LPCanada@delpaso.seta.net (916) 263‐6647 JEFische@delpaso.seta.net (916) 263‐5400 We will send you an orientation packet to complete before the event.