Policy 5.2 Exit from FLINTWOOD - Flintwood Disability Services Inc.

FLINTWOOD strives to promote security of support and service for all people receiving
the service and only discontinues a service under clearly established conditions.
FLINTWOOD recognises that each person has the right to refuse a service or to leave
a service at any time they choose. Equally they have the right to request a further
service at any time without fear of discrimination. FLINTWOOD further recognises that
it may discontinue a service after consultation with the person and their support
network if the service is no longer appropriate for the person.
FLINTWOOD will exit a Service User from the Program for continued Non- Payment of
fees, where the procedures of 32.2 have been unsuccessful.
Post School Program
1. Post School Program funding is portable when:
a. the person wishes to transfer from one organisation to another
b. the new service provider has agreed to offer the person a service and has
demonstrated they can meet the person’s needs and the requirements of the
Disability Services Act.
2. People may choose to exit the service to move into employment services, or into a
more appropriate program or where they no longer wish to receive a service.
3. The planned exit of a person from the program may occur when the program is no
longer able to meet their needs.
4. FLINTWOOD will exit a Service User from the program for continued Non-Payment
of Fees, where the procedures of 32.2 have been unsuccessful.
Accommodation Group Home & Respite Service
1. The person wishes to transfer from one organisation to another.
2. The new service provider has agreed to offer the person a service and has
demonstrated they can meet the person’s needs and the requirements of the
Disability Services Act.
3. The planned exit of a person from the Group Home & Respite Service may occur
when FLINTWOOD is no longer able to meet their needs.
4. The Service User does not meet the conditions of stay as listed in the Respite
5. When a Respite Service User no longer resides with a full time Carer.
6. When the Service User no longer lives in the designated funding area.
Post School Program
1. Where a person leaves the program their place is maintained for them for a ‘cooling
off’ period of ninety days.
2. Where a person chooses to exit the program they are required to provide
FLINTWOOD with two weeks notice of their intention to leave.
3. Where a vacancy arises due to the death of a person FLINTWOOD respects the
passing of the person with a one month mourning period before the vacancy is
4. Where possible the exit of a person from the program and the transfer of their
funding provides an overlap period of up to two months to manage severance of
excess employee.
Post School Programs/Day Service – Non Attendance
Service Users who access Post School Programs and are unable to attend the service
are to notify the site Coordinator as early as possible of non attendance no later than
9.00am by the person/people/carer responsible.
Service Users who regularly do not attend for non specific reasons will be given the
opportunity to discuss any area of concern with FLINTWOOD and will be provided with
information and supported to make an informed decision about the type of service that
will meet their needs:
 Community Participation – Service Users will be given twelve (12) weeks of
non attendance before DADHC will be notified.
 Post School Options – Service Users will be given twelve (12) weeks of non
attendance before DADHC will be notified.
Service Users who are unable to attend for an extended period because of illness, are
required to inform the Manager of that service as soon as practically possible.
Service Users who choose to exit the program will be supported to transfer to another
Transition to Work
The Transition to Work (TTW) is a 2 year program; however, it can be extended
by six months if the Service Provider considers the Service User has the potential
for supported or open employment or further education but is not quite ready.
Occasionally, after exiting the program the young person can lose their open or
supported employment position or their place in vocational training or university
course due to not meeting the requirements of the position or course, or they may
even choose to give up their employment or course for a whole range of reasons.
A young person can return to the TTW program as long as it is within a 2 year
timeframe of them initially leaving the program. The person then may return to the
program for 12 months. If after completing a second TTW program it is unlikely
that the young person will acquire any employment outcomes, they then may
apply to join the Community Participation program.
No further returns to TTW after exiting the program for a second time will
generally be approved.
Young persons seeking re-entry to the TTW program after more than two years
will only be accepted in exceptional circumstances as determined by the Regional
Director of DADHC.
If a young person transfers from TTW to Community Participation (CP) and then
finds Community Participation does not meet their needs they can return to TTW:
- automatically if it is within six months of transferring from CP; or
- after six months, if they are assessed as being able to transition to
employment subject to the total period of time spent in TTW not exceeding 2
Where a young person obtains open or supported employment or place in a
vocational training or university within the period of their TTW program,
FLINTWOOD can maintain the person in the program for a further period of up to
three months. During this time, FLINTWOOD must monitor the young person’s
progress and support them to complete the transition to their new job or training
placement. If the young person loses their employment or further education
placement within the three-month ‘safety net’ period, they can return to the
program without having to apply for re-entry.
Service Users who maintain employment or full time further education for a period
of three months are required to exit the program and apply for re-entry.
FLINTWOOD will negotiate with DADHC and TTW participant regarding
retention/transfer of funds under the following circumstances:
- early exit from program
- wishes to transfer to another provider
Accommodation Respite Services
1. Where a person leaves a Group Home their place is maintained for them for a
‘cooling off’ period of ninety days.
2. Where a vacancy arises due to the death of a person FLINTWOOD respects the
passing of the person with a one month mourning period before the vacancy is
1. Where the exit of a person is because the service is unable to meet their needs the
following procedure is followed:
a. All decisions made are through the individual program planning process including
review of goals and strategies to meet needs.
b. Professional advice is sought including medical review, behaviour intervention,
DADHC input.
c. An action plan is developed based on the professional advice obtained aimed at
meeting the identified needs of the person. The development of the action plan
includes the involvement of the person and their family/Carer. The action plan is
time-lined outlining tasks and those responsible to achieve them.
d. If still unable to meet the needs the CEO and Managers to identify other services
better able to meet their needs.
e. If another service is identified FLINTWOOD facilitates transfer of the person and
transition to the new service.
f. If no service can be identified the CEO advises Department of Ageing, Disability
and Homecare to seek further advice and to update the action plan.
g. If no alternative strategies can be identified and the service remains unable to
meet the person’s needs, FLINTWOOD advise the Department on Ageing
Disability and Home Care of their intention to exit the person from the program.
2. FLINTWOOD respects the right of a person to decide they no longer wish to receive
a service.
3. FLINTWOOD actively encourages and supports a person exiting from a program if a
less restrictive alternative or one that is likely to have a positive outcome for that
person is identified and is preferred by them.
5. Prior to exiting from the program people are given the encouragement and support
from employees to:
a. investigate other options for support
b. explore the consequences of that decision to exit the program
c. consider re-entry to the program in the future should their needs or
circumstances change.
d. Where the person requires ongoing support through service provision and the
program is not
e. the most appropriate to meet the person’s needs, the CEO and Manager to
pursue all options
for these needs to be met through the exiting program. Should this be
unsuccessful the CEO
g. may advise the person of their need to exit the program and support is
provided to refer them
h. to a more appropriate agency.
6. Where the Service User’s consent to exit is not given, FLINTWOOD fully accounts
for the reason/s for the exit. These are given in writing, in accordance with clause 10
of the Regulation to the Community Services (Complaints, Appeals and Monitoring)
Act 1993 (NSW).
7. Where a person is to be exited as a result of their challenging behaviour,
FLINTWOOD follows the guidelines set out by the Ageing and Disability Department
in the policy and guidelines, “A Positive Approach to Challenging Behaviours.”
1. The FLINTWOOD organisation will actively lobby government agencies to provide
appropriate funding resources to support services to people with intellectual
9. The person will be given the opportunity to discuss his/her level of satisfaction with
FLINTWOOD Disability Services Inc.
Legislation and Standards
Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission Act 1986 Schedule 5
NSW Occupational Health & Safety Act 2000
NSW Occupational Health & Safety Regulations 2001
Community Services (Complaints, Appeals and Monitoring) Act 1993 (NSW)
NSW Disability Services Act 1993 -Objects 3(a), Principles 1 (b, d, g & h),
Applications of Principles 2 (d, l, 1. k & n)
NSW Disability Services Standards Standard 1
Other policies in this manual
Behaviour Intervention and Support
Other resources
Ageing and Disability Department Policy and
Guidelines-A Positive Approach to
Challenging Behaviours