Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step

Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Samurai Armor Set:
Step by Step
Pack 8
Stages 31-35
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 31
Pages 111-113
The gauntlet hand
Stage 32
Pages 114-116
The foundation fabric – the
chain and sleeve
Stage 33
Pages 117-122
The sleeve, continued
Stage 34
Pages 123-127
Completing and attaching
the gauntlet
Stage 35
Pages 128-130
The thigh guard (1)
Photo credits All photographs copyright
© DeAgostini
Visit our website
Editorial and design by Continuo Creative, 39-41 North Road, London N7 9DP
All rights reserved © 2013 De Agostini Publishing USA, 915 Broadway, Suite 609, NEW YORK, NY 10010
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 31
The gauntlet hand
Your parts
Thumb plate
Hand plate
Tools & materials
Needle-nose pliers
Assembling the gauntlet
a group
1 Retrieve
of the links you
removed and kept from
Stage 29. Then, using
the same technique
from that stage, separate
a section of the links
consisting of three thick
links and eight wider
and thinner links. Check
against the photos to
make sure you have the
correct number of links
in your section. This will
be used to connect the
thumb and hand plates,
as shown by the circles
way, attach the chain to the
3 Insidetheofsame
the hand plate, as shown. Make
the help of needle-nose pliers, open and
2 With
fit the three thinner links through into the
sure to space the chain correctly.
corresponding three holes in the middle of the
shorter straight side of the thumb plate, as shown.
Close the links to seal the chain.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
The gauntlet
using the needle-nose pliers, connect the bottom two thick
1 Again,
links, on a diagonal with the thinner links as shown.
out the hand and thumb plates next to the arm and
2 Lay
wrist pieces you assembled in Stage 29. The chain will
connect these two parts, with the longer side of the chain
(12 links) attaching to the six wrist plates, and the shorter
side (10 links) to the hand and thumb plates.
First two
fitting the thinner links of the
3 Begin
chain to the back of the hand and
thumb plates. Start with the thumb plate,
attaching the first two links to the thumb,
and the third to the chain between the
thumb and hand plates.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the remaining seven links
4 Connect
to the hand plate so that your
assembly looks like this.
begin to attach the wrist plates using the links on
5 Next,
the longer side, starting with the sixth and largest piece.
Assembled parts
all 12 links to the wrist plates using the photo
6 Connect
as a guide.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 32
The foundation fabric – the
chain and sleeve
Your parts
Sleeve front
Sleeve backing
Gauntlet backing
Tools & materials
Black thread
Masking tape
Craft knife
Thread (Stage 21)
The gauntlet sleeve
out the front of the sleeve
1 Lay
on your work surface and lay the
assembled gauntlet on top of it, as
shown in the photographs.
the sleeve so that it is perfectly aligned with the edge of the
2 Adjust
gauntlet crown plate (circled) – the fabric should be visible through the
holes in the plate. Hold in place with a clothespin, then begin to sew the
yellow suede border to the plate, threading the needle through the suede,
the hole in the crown plate and the fabric of the sleeve. Use the black thread
for this.
to sew the yellow suede around
3 Continue
the wrist plate, making sure that the thread
passes through the edge of the suede, each
hole in the plate and the edge of the fabric
beneath. Once all the stitches are in place, you
can remove the clothespin.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the yellow strip
5 When
you have been sewing
the whole way around the plate, and
4 Sew
once the metal has ended, continue stitching
overlaps the strip already
sewn onto the side of the
sleeve, pass the needle and
thread through both to
connect the two parts and
tie off.
the yellow strip directly to the black fabric.
off any excess suede from the strip you were
6 Cut
sewing to complete the top side of the sleeve.
same way as you did in Step 2, prepare the other end of the gauntlet for sewing by lining up
7 Inthethethumb
plate to the edge of the fabric and securing with a clothespin. Begin to sew the yellow
suede strip around the thumb plate using black thread.
around the thumb plate, making sure the thread
8 Sew
is pulled through the strip, plate and fabric. Be
especially careful here, as the sharp curve of the thumb
will cause the suede to bunch.
the thumb plate is in position, repeat
9 Once
Steps 7 and 8 for the larger hand plate. If
required, trim the fabric a little with scissors
before fitting the clothespin to avoid any creases
forming in the fabric.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
you have stitched
10 Once
around the hand section
of the gauntlet, overlap the
strips and knot the thread on the
back. Trim any excess suede to
complete this stage of assembly.
The chain
the gauntlet out flat, and spread
1 Lay
the chain evenly across it. Making sure
that none of the links are overlapping each
other, hold in place at the edges using
strips of masking tape.
a craft knife to cut
2 Use
a 3 x 3cm square in the
center of a sheet of cardboard
– the cardboard used for
the packaging of the parts
supplied with this pack is
to stitch the chain to the
3 Begin
sleeve fabric, using the thread
supplied with Stage 21. To do this,
place the chain and sleeve on the
cardboard from Step 2, and use the
hole you cut to insert the needle
(bottom photo) for each stitch. Begin
at the top right green arrow on the
left photo, and loop through each of
the red highlighted links, following
the order shown by the arrows.
stitching the chain to the sleeve until your
4 Continue
assembly looks like the above photo (right). Then tie a
knot in the end of the thread to complete this stage. Store the
assembly away safely until next time.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 33
The sleeve, continued
Your parts
Yellow cord (approx. 40cm)
Suede strap
Blue cord (approx. 75cm)
Punch (1mm)
Tools & materials
Punch (1mm)
Scotch tape
Instant adhesive
Black thread
Ball-point pen
Masking tape
The wrist cord
the suede strap in
1 Cut
half with scissors.
the awl, create four holes
2 Using
in the fabric between the second
and third, and fourth and fifth, wrist
plates. Leave a gap of 4mm between
the holes (circled).
the ends of each suede strap length you cut in Step 1 into the holes, so that you are left with
3 Push
a loop roughly 1cm in diameter, and the four ends of the strap on the inside of the sleeve. Use the
awl to help you push the strap ends through if necessary, and follow the photos as a guide.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the yellow cord
5 Feed
from the previous step
through the two suede
straps you fitted in Step
3, so that your assembly
resembles the top right
photo. Then pull the strap
ends from the back to
secure the cord into place.
Using tweezers and the awl 4 if necessary, fit the yellow
cord through the toggle and
fastener at either end. Dab the
tips with instant adhesive to
help them stay intact. At this
stage, the exact spacing of the
metal parts isn’t important.
the strap ends to about 1cm each, then
6 Cut
glue to the surface of the fabric, as shown.
the reverse of the
7 With
gauntlet sleeve still
facing up, turn the sides in on
themselves until the edges
meet in the center of the sleeve.
Hold in place temporarily using
masking tape.
the sleeve held in place with
8 With
the tape, join the yellow cord by
fitting the toggle into the loop, then
tightening the fastener, as shown.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
9 Adjust
cord so that
10 Now
you have
the ends meet
near the toggle
on the reverse.
Cut the cord so
the two ends can
just touch, then
dab with instant
adhesive and
bond together.
the cord at the
correct length and
bonded, unfasten
the toggle and
feed the cord
around until the
glued ends are
hidden inside
one of the suede
straps (circled).
Sealing the sleeve
the sleeve metal
1 With
side-down, place the
sleeve backing (Stage 32)
onto it and hold in place
with clothespins.
any excess
2 Trim
fabric extending
beyond the edge
of the front sleeve
fabric with scissors.
Leave open
the pins,
3 Remove
but don’t disturb the
sleeve fabric too much.
Then fold the yellow suede
border over to check
that it overlaps evenly.
Dab the outer edge with
instant adhesive, using a
toothpick, and carefully
press down onto the back
fabric with your fingers.
4 Continue
around the
sleeve, leaving the
top section open, as
shown. Work slowly,
making sure to press
each portion of the
suede into place to
stop it from coming
away from the fabric.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stitching the sleeve
The blind stitch
If you choose, you can add stitching to
the suede border of the gauntlet sleeve.
This is not essential, as you have glued it
in place already, but stitching will offer a
more authentic look.
To do this, follow the edge of the suede
strip you glued in Steps 3 and 4 with a
'blind stitch.’ See diagram at top right for
the stitching pattern.
The gauntlet
Cut away any excess from
the hand fabric (back).
the gauntlet
1 Hold
backing, supplied with
Stage 32, over the hand
section of the gauntlet, so
that their edges align. Then
use the awl to pierce four
holes in the inside sleeve
fabric to line up with those
of the hand back, using the
holes in the metal hand
plate as a guide.
2 Very
dab the inside
edge of the
hand with
glue, then
press the
backing back
down with
your fingers to
bond the parts.
Stitching the hand
As with the rest of the sleeve, you may also want to stitch the hand of the gauntlet for
added authenticity. If so, follow the same blind stitching method explained at the top
of this page.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Sealing the sleeve
a ball-point pen to mark out the
1 Use
location of each hole through which the
blue cord will be fed along the suede border.
Use the 1:1 scale photographs on the left to
get the correct spacing.
the punch, supplied with this
2 Sharpen
stage, using sandpaper. Once its tip is
as sharp as a pencil, position it on the first of
the marks made in Step 1. Then, holding the
punch in place vertically, use the hammer to
hit down on it, pushing the tip through the
suede to create a hole. Repeat for all the holes.
Use a mat
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the cord, sharpened-end
4 Pass
first, through the highest hole
in the back side of the right suede
border. Use the diagram below right
and the photos below to follow the
pattern of the cord. Pull the cord over
the top of the sleeve (1) and into the
corresponding hole on the left (2).
Then, pass the sharpened end of the
cord around and over to the next
highest hole on the right border (3),
as shown.
one tip of the cord, then
3 Sharpen
wrap with Scotch tape. Dab the
other end of the cord with a little
instant adhesive to prevent fraying.
you reach the last
6 Once
holes, tie a knot in the cord,
cut off the excess, and dab with
instant adhesive to secure the
feeding the cord through the holes in the suede border,
5 Continue
working down the sleeve, and widening any holes that are tight with
the awl if necessary. Do this carefully to prevent the suede from tearing.
Assembled parts
the toggle to
7 Re-hook
complete this stage.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 34
Completing and
attaching the gauntlet
Your parts
Yellow cord (approx. 105cm)
Toggles x 2
Fasteners x 2
Tools & materials
Needle-nose pliers
Black thread
Instant adhesive
Completing the gauntlet
the awl to widen the holes in the
2 Use
gauntlet backing slightly (circles).
the yellow cord into pairs,
1 Cut
measuring 22cm, 15cm and 14cm.
Cut the cord at a diagonal angle, and
dab with glue to prevent fraying.
both ends of one of the 22cm lengths through the holes in the larger part of the hand
3 Push
backing from the suede side, using a toothpick to help you push the ends through if necessary.
Level the cord, leaving a 2cm loop at the back.
the ends over each other and back
4 Cross
through the holes (see arrows).
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Tying the knots
the ends of the cord back through
1 Push
to the front of the hand plate. Do this
carefully, using the awl to push the ends
through and pliers to pull the ends tight.
the cord ends over each other and
3 Cross
again secure with a little instant adhesive.
(For further instruction on this knot see the
diagram in Stage 10.)
over a third time and again bond with a
4 Cross
little instant adhesive.
the cord in the way shown in the
2 Twist
photo, and carefully dab the touching
parts with a little instant adhesive to secure
the position.
the ends of the cord through the two
5 Feed
loops created in the previous step.
the knot, feed the
6 Toendscomplete
through the remaining loops,
pull tight and glue. Cut off the excess.
(Again, see the diagram in Stage 10 for
further information about this knotting
the same steps as
7 Following
you did for the hand plate,
feed one of the 22cm lengths of
cord through the two holes in
the thumb plate.
the ends of the cord over each
8 Cross
other and glue, as you did in Step
9 The tip of the gauntlet is now complete.
2. Repeat Steps 3 to 6 to complete the
second knot to match the first.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the awl to create holes
1 Use
in the backing, entering
The gauntlet toggles
through both sets of holes in
the gauntlet crown plate to
make sure they are positioned
correctly. Then fit the 14cm
lengths to the two toggles.
2 Push
the ends
of the cord
through from
the front,
keeping the
toggle at a
distance of
through, turn the gauntlet over and
3 Once
cross the ends over and push back out of the
holes and pull the ends tight at the front.
more, cross the ends over and thread
4 Once
through to the back.
the ends so that they just meet, then
5 Cut
bond together using instant adhesive to
secure the toggle.
Steps 2 to 5 to attach the
6 Repeat
second toggle.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Completing the gauntlet
for the rest of the gauntlet,
1 Asfoldyouthedidsuede
border over and glue it
part by part to the lining using dabs of glue.
you reach the ends of the suede borders, hold in place with masking tape,
2 When
and trim the protruding tip. This will create a smooth border all around.
Stitching the border (optional)
As with the border of the
sleeve in the previous
stage, you may want to
stitch the glued suede
border. If you choose to
do this, use the 'blind
stich' method explained
in Stage 33.
gluing the suede border to complete the
3 Finish
gauntlet. Your gauntlet and sleeve should look like the
photos below.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Attaching the gauntlet
and sleeve
fasteners onto
1 Fitthethe15cmtwolengths
of cord,
as shown.
the ends of the first length
2 Push
through the two holes on the
underside of the left shoulder plate.
It will be easier if you unfasten the
shoulder plate to do this. Leave
enough on the underside so that
the cord is about the same length as
the outer plate, about 5cm (circled).
the ends over and push back
3 Cross
through the holes to the inside.
4 Tighten,
then cut the
Use a toothpick to push and needlenose pliers to pull, if necessary.
excess cord. Dab
the tips with
instant adhesive
and bond the
cord together.
Steps 1 to 4 to attach the second length of cord. Make sure the
5 Repeat
circled lengths are exactly the same.
attach the gauntlet and sleeve
6 Toto the
cuirass, fasten the toggles
to the cord at the shoulder plate. This
stage is now complete.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Stage 35
The thigh guard (1)
Your parts
Skirt plates x 22
Thigh guard foundation fabric
Yellow lace (approx. 280cm)
Tools & materials
The skirt plates
Cut the lace into four lengths of
40cm and two lengths of 25cm.
Sharpen one end of each length, and
seal the other.
It is important to note which side of the
skirt plate is which. The holes should be
in the depressed corrugations, touching your
work surface when laid out face up.
both edges of the plates
3 Along
there are five holes: two pairs (2
+ 3 and 4 + 5) and a single hole (1).
To begin joining the plates, position
the first plate with the single hole at
the top, and thread the first of the
40cm lengths of lace from the back
side into the second hole of the first
plate. Then pull through the fifth
hole in the same way.
Lacing pattern
the cord from the second hole through the third and the cord
4 Pull
from the fifth to the fourth, as shown in the diagram above.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
of the plate, thread
5 Atthethelaceback
down to the holes
directly below (3 and 4), and out to
the front. Straighten any folds that
appear in the lace.
the plate around, so that the front is facing up. Hold a
6 Turn
second plate next to the first, also front side up, so that the
holes along each edge align. Cross the lace ends over to the
second plate diagonally and into holes 2 and 5, as shown by the
blue arrows in the photo. The diagram on page 128 also shows
the correct pattern of lacing.
through, thread the lace
7 Once
back to the parallel holes on the
first plate (the second and fifth) and
pull out to the front again.
the laces over, at the front of
8 Cross
the plates, and into the remaining
holes of the second plate (third and
fourth). Check against the diagram
on page 128 and the photos that you
have laced the plates correctly.
Steps 5
9 Repeat
to 8 until you have
you have
10 When
reached the 11th
a run of 11 skirt plates
joined by the yellow
and final plate, pull the lace
through to the back and cut
to leave 5mm excess. Dab
this with glue and fold over
back onto itself to secure
the parts.
Steps 3 to 11 with the remaining 11 skirt
11 Your
12 Repeat
of 11 skirt
plates to assemble the second row of plates that
plates should look
like this from the
front (left) and the
back (below).
will make up the thigh guard.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
the first row of skirt plates
2 Place
onto the foundation fabric, fitting it
The thigh guard
underneath the suede border, with the
front side facing up. Thread one of the 25cm
lengths of lace you cut on page 128 through
the corner hole of the end plate and into
the fabric beneath.
thigh guard foundation fabric
1 The
comes pre-marked with five rows of
22 white dots. Using the awl, create holes
along the marked dots of the lowest two
rows – next to the edge featuring a stitched
yellow border.
the lace
3 Pull
across the back of
the fabric, then back
through the next hole
along and up into the
corresponding hole
in the plate.
Note: the sealed end
is resting on the front
side of the plate.
the lace over to
4 Feed
the adjacent plate, then
through to the back as you
did in Step 3. Continue to
attach the remaining plates
in this manner until all 11
are threaded into place.
final hole, pull the
5 Atlacethetight,
then tie off
and trim the excess.
this process to
6 Repeat
attach the second row
Assembled parts
of plates to complete work
on this stage.
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step
Samurai Armor Set: Step by Step