TASK: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod Use If/When: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod. Tools Needed: Needle nose pliers or screwdriver 1. Place the rod face down on a flat surface. Telescope the rod sections apart but keep them end to end. 2. Starting with the right side, insert the cord into the end pulley on the outside and above the top pulley wheel. 3. Push the cord around the pulley wheel and feed it into the rod. Use needle nose pliers or an unbent paperclip to assist with the cord movement. 4. Pull the cord across the rod and over to the left side end pulley. Page 1 of 5 Last Revised: 1/10/12 TASK: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod Use If/When: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod. Tools Needed: Needle nose pliers or screwdriver 5. Feed the cord above the top pulley wheel and down the outer side. 6. The cord will go around the top pulley wheel and drop down the side of the pulley housing. Use needle nose pliers or an unbent paperclip to assist the cord movement. Top View: Bottom View: 7. Take the end of the cord in the left end pulley and feed it between the upper and lower pulley wheels. This cord needs to be directed back toward the center of the rod. Page 2 of 5 8. Grasp the end of the cord with needle nose pliers or an unbent paperclip. Pull the end of the cord to the right and through the pulley housing until the end of the cord is at the center of the rod. Last Revised: 1/10/12 TASK: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod Use If/When: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod. Tools Needed: Needle nose pliers or screwdriver 9. Release this end of the cord. It will be used in a later step. 10. At the right pulley end, grasp the end of the excess cord. Feed this in between the upper and lower pulley wheels. 11. This cord needs to be directed back toward the center of the rod. Use needle nose pliers or an unbent paperclip to assist the cord movement. 12. Continue to pull the cord to the center of the rod. Page 3 of 5 Last Revised: 1/10/12 TASK: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod Use If/When: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod. Tools Needed: Needle nose pliers or screwdriver 13. Tie a knot on each end of the cord. 14. Take the overlap master carrier and attach it to each cord end. Make sure the knots are large enough that they do not slide through. 15. Slide the master carrier into the left rod section. 16. Grasp the upper cord and attach it to the other master carrier. Make sure that this is not the same cord that was attached to the overlap master carrier in the previous step. Page 4 of 5 Last Revised: 1/10/12 TASK: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod Use If/When: Restring an Adjustable Traverse Rod. Tools Needed: Needle nose pliers or screwdriver 17. Slide the master carrier into the right rod section. 18. Telescope the rod sections back together to the desired width. 19. If the cord control side needs changed, grasp the cord at the pulley end and gently pull the cord until all the excess cord is on the correct side. 20. To adjust where the carriers meet, hold the excess cord firmly so that it does not move and gently slide the master carrier to the appropriate position. This step may need to be repeated several times until the desired position is reached. Page 5 of 5 Last Revised: 1/10/12