ESL-IE-98-04-53 VOLTAGE SAG-RELATED UPSETS OF INDUSTRIAL PROCESS CONTROLS IN PETROLEUM AND CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES Arshad Mansoor Tom Key Engineering Manager Technical Director EPRI Power Electronics Applications Center Knoxville, TN ABSTRACT In the modem industrial facility, many electrical and electronic control devices are routinely integrated into automated processes, increasing the potential for electrical compatibility problems. Hard­ wired motor control circuits are now retrofitted with PLC controls. The sensitivity of these process controls can stop an essential service motor required for a continuous process such as in a refinery or chemical plant. Typically the controls are sensitive to the common momentary voltage sag caused by power system faults many miles away from the plant location. The number of upsets is directly related to the number of these events and the sensitivity of process control equipment. This paper describes the sag-related upset problem and explains how today's motor control technology determines the immunity of entire petroleum and chemical process and plants. OVERVIEW Chemicals and Petroleum industry account for over half of the energy consumed by U.S. Manufacturers [I]. A major portion of this energy consumption is in the form of electricity supplied by the local utility company. Maintaining process continuity in Petroleum Chemical industry is not only important for the industry profitability but it also impacts the electric supply company since, these industries represent a major portion of the customer load in terms of total kWh sales. This situation is further complicated when a refmery electrical distribution system experiences a voltage sag due to faults in the power line on the utility distribution or transmission grid that affects the production in the plant. With the integration of sophisticated process controls in these industries the impact of these momentary disturbances are becoming even more critical. In most cases these incidents leads to a finger-pointing scenario between the customer and the utility which ultimately does not help any of the parties involved. Sam Woinsky Manager of Chemicals and Petroleum Program EPRI Chemicals, Petroleum and Natural Gas Center Houston, TX The best way to resolve the incompatibility gap between the electric supply system variations and process equipment limits, is for engineers on both sides to share information and work to bridge the gap. On the utility side this involves trying to minimize the number of events by taking pro-active action in upgrading system protection and maintenance. In the plant it entails understanding the characteristics of the momentary disturbances and taking steps to de-sensitizing the weak links in a process. In subsequent sections we will discuss the characteristics of voltage sags and momentary interruption due to faults on the power line and their impact on process motors and drives. Also covered is details regarding voltage sag tolerance of typical hardwired motor control circuits and of programmable logic controllers (PLCs). The main objective of this paper is to pinpoint problem areas in typical process control designs. It is intended to provide insight to facility engineers on how voltage sags may impact their industrial process control equipment and what can be done to identify costs and benefits of in-plant modifications. Voltage sag tolerance envelop of various industrial control equipment will be presented from actual test data, the impact of interconnectivity of sensitive equipment in maintaining process continuity will be reviewed in order to determine the weakest link in a process. It is expected that this paper will serve as a useful reference to industrial customers helping them to identify and diagnose voltage sag related process upset problems. PO Disturbance: Voltage Sag A voltage sag is defined as a decrease in RMS voltage magnitude lasting from 0.5 to 30 cycles. Voltage sags are usually caused by a fault in the utility transmission or distribution system. Power line faults can be due to animals in lines, car striking utility pole, or lightning strikes to power lines. While proper maintenance and grounding and arrester location can minimize the number of faults, these phenomena can never be eliminated. 312 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 voltage sag, the duration of which will depend on e recloser clearing time. The depth of the sag will depend on how close the customer is to the fault location, resistance at the fault and the available fau t current. Faults on the transmission system on other hand will cause a sag to all the customers downstream of that location. Figure 2 shows a voltage sag that caused the system voltage to fall to approximately 78% of nominal voltage for three or four cycles. Based on the above discussion it can b seen that customers can be affected by sags due to faults at numerous other locations in the system besides the feeder that is supplying them. Most of the faults in the utility system are cleared by the operation of utility system protective devices. Substation breakers are typically set up with a re-closing relay to open momentarily during a fault condition and allow the fault to clear. The effects of a temporary fault and recloser operation on an end user vary, depending on the relative location of that user in the system. Referring to Figure I, a customer would actually experience a brief interruption if a fault occurred on the supplying distribution feeder. All other customers on adjacent feeders will experience a F au~ on transmission system deared by transmission line breake", i Transmission Distribution Feeder breakers F au~ on fused brandl cleared by fuse (may also cause feeder breaker 10 operate) T End user affected by voltage sags Fau~ on main feeder deared by feedar breaker or redoser Figure 1. Example Distribution System showing Fault Location and Customer Impact 313 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 Phase C Voltaqe RMS Variation Triqqer lij k· ~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~i· ~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~ .. ~ 'I DU~~607n Sec · l!r·~,··~·~~·J=z::"_· ~~~x ~~Ji o 0.05 0.1 0.1 \me 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 Ref ~~~3 2 16~~ o 50 % -50 -100 - 1 5 0 _ o 25 50 75 100 125 150 175 Time Figure 2. 200 BMI/Eleclrotek Example Voltage Sag Characteristics During a Fault Voltage sags by no means are a new phenomenon. However, due to increasing sensitivity of sophisticated process controls, very-short-duration sag events can shut down a complete system. Equipment manufacturers typically specify limits of proper equipment operation based on an expected steady-state voltage range, such as +/- 5% or 10%. However, the effect of voltage sags on equipment is not usually considered as a design criterion. This lack of consideration for the normal electrical environment, coupled with the increased sensitivity of equipment have caused a wide-spread incompatibility problem that is affecting industrial productivity. While nobody expects an industrial process to continue operating during an interruption, a momentary voltage sag of 30% for as short as three cycles perhaps should not, but often does cause a complete plant shutdown. The control equipment used in many processes, such as the PLC and the remote block I/O, are extremely sensitive to voltage sags and can shut down the process even if motor­ drives and other heavy equipment withstands the disturbances. The effect of voltage sags on continuous processes, such as chemical refmeries, may have even more damaging consequences when the process unexpectedly shuts down. Vo1taee Sae Statistics Voltage sags affecting industrial plants and process equipment are by no means a unique situation. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Distribution Power Quality (DPQ) Monitoring Project has collected data from distribution systems around the country[2]. Figure 3 summarizes the result of the three-year monitoring project with sample points taken from over 250 sites. This data provides an estimate of the typical magnitude and frequency of voltage sags and momentary interruptions that may be expected at a given site. As can be seen from Figure 3, an average of 66 voltage sags between 10% and 90% is expected at a given site. Also, the average of number of momentary interruption at a given site is between 8 and 9 However, it should be noted that at any given site, the actual sag rate may vary depending on the configuration of the distribution and transmission system, customer density, geographical location, and utility preventive-maintenance policy. 314 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 Interruption and Sag Rate as a Function of Voltage Magnitude ·Customer Events· for All Sites, Average of Felder Sections 25 20 ~ TT"------...,.--..,..--..,...--,-...... F~~ Fud~ F~~ Subsrations Middle End -r-rT"f jj.!'~""",tiO!!!"'!-..!~~OII~.~':::<.""'10%~.+--~6...!:14'---f-"'-6.1'-C1-1-~1~1·20~+--::::":-n S VOIIO ~>IO%and<-9tm 64.30 69.36 64.81 S and In'" '0'" 70.43 n.46 76.01 ao.OO'll. 70.00'" 1St-+qp~~~~~p- so.OO% t i 100.00"'" 90.00% 50.00'llio lO-l--+--+-+--l-+-+-+--+-+--l-I-+-+---hA-­ "0.00'" 30.00% 20.00"'" 10.00'llio 0.00% o 5 10 ,~ 20 25 30 35 40 45 80 55 60 85 70 75 eo 85 Voltage (% of Site's Long-Term Average) Figure 3. Sag and Interruption Rate Magnitude Histogram from DPQ Data Impact of Voltage Sags on Motors and Drives The primary process loads are motor-driven in a typical petroleum or chemical plant. Low voltage and medium voltage induction motors, medium voltage synchronous motors, and motors controlled by electronic ac or dc drives make up the motor­ driven process in a typical plant. Motors ranging from a few horsepower to thousands of horsepower, direct connected to the utility system or through a variable speed drive provide a variety of process and auxiliary functions. of the motors and drives, but mainly the response the controls. 0' The impact of voltage sag and momentary interruption on an induction motor-driven process has been explained in great detail in a number of references [4,5,6]. A complete analysis of the subj ct is beyond the scope of this paper. However, the consensus among all the references is that keeping motor connected to a line is the best strategy. Allowing the motor to ride-through the voltage sag works well as long as the process can handle the speed loss. It is nearly always a better alternative than taking the motor off line and reclosing on the motor upon restoration of voltage. In a case wher the motor is taken off line, due to concern for excessive transient torque from out of phase reclosing, the safe approach for reconnection is to wait for the voltage at the motor terminal to decay 0 at least 133 percent ofnarneplate voltage before attempting reconnection [5]. In addition to the specific process equipment, the in-plant utility system is extremely important in maintaining process continuity. Motors are once again the main category of electrical equipment used as ill fans, FD fans, boiler feed water pumps and in many other applications. Because of the interrelationship between plant utility system and the process requirement any electrical disturbance that will disrupt the utility operation will likely cause process upset. For example, if a voltage sag causes a loss of a feed water pump the resultant loss of steam might trigger the shutdown of a process equipment which in tum could start a chain reaction of process disruption[3]. The behavior of synchronous motors during voltage sag depends on the excitation control [6]. f the voltage sag causes the field current to decay th this could cause the motor to pullout of synchronization with the system, resulting in tripp' of the motor circuit breaker by the pull-out (power e factor relay). Because of that current regulated e excitation system are preferred alternative. This of excitation system prevent the synchronous mot field current to decrease during a voltage sag and prevent unnecessary pull-out of the synchronous motors during momentary voltage sags. In order to analyze the sensitivity of these motor­ driven processes the main issues is the sensitivity of the motor control scheme and the drop-out characteristics of the motor contactors. However, a brief overview of the impact of voltage sags and momentary interruption on the motors and drives is necessary to understand why in most cases, disruption of process is not because of the response 315 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 DC LINK 01 AC SUPPLY OJ :::+=+-~ 1 05 C+ ~IO~F RFCTIFIFR (UNCONTROLLED) Figure 4: INVFRTfR STAr.E (CONTROLLED) Schematic of a Typical AC Drive AC SUPPLY DC WOTOR ARWATURE Figure 5: Schematic of a Typical DC Drive Typically an ac drive consists of a rectifier stage that converts the incoming ac voltage to a dc voltage across dc-bus capacitor and then the inverter stage that converts this dc voltage to ac voltage of desired frequency and magnitude using the pulse width modulated scheme (see Figure 4). The dc-bus capacitor is the primary energy storage element in an ac drive. During a voltage sag the dc-bus voltage decreases and when it reaches the undervoltage trip point (typically set anywhere between 75 and 85 percent of the nominal dc bus voltage) of the drive will trip on undervoltage [7]. Sine the dc bus charges to the peak of the line to line voltage a single phase line-ground sag in most cases will Dot cause the bus voltage to fall below the trip point because enough voltage remains between one line to line. However, in a majority of cases drives do trip for such sags because either the control circuit in the drive is affected by the sag or interface to the drive from relays or other control equipment does not have the required ride-through for voltage sags. The dc drive behaves much differently than the typical ac drive due to its different topology and its lack of inherent energy storage [7]. A typical dc drive layout is shown in Fig. 8. The ac source is coupled to the armature of the dc motor via a controlled rectifier. Although it has many variations, this six­ pulse, six-SCR topology is the most common. During normal operation, an SCR is fired every 1/6 ofa cycle in a sequence determined by the phase rotation of the ac supply, with each SCR conducting for 2/6 of a cycle. The gate timing of the SCRs is precisely controlled relative to the supply voltage waveform to yield an output with the desired average voltage. Usually a feedback loop (voltage or speed) controls this firing angle. Modem dc drives incorporate timing circuitry that normally synchronizes to the zero crossing of one of the line voltages. A phase-locked loop (PLL) stabilizes the timing circuitry. Phase rotation is determined automatically, thus the firing sequence is determined by what the drive's intemal sensing circuitry. Most drives monitor the RMS value of the incoming waveform (usually through a peak detecting circuit) and will trip for undervoltage, overvoltage, phase loss, and excessive current, either line current and/or armature current. 316 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 Impact of Voltage Sag on Motor Control Circuits (Hardwired, without PLC) Motor Control Centers for low voltage and medium voltage motors are often the weakest link that disrupts process operation due to momentary voltage disturbances. Low-voltage motors are typically controlled by contactors, held closed by an a-c magnet coil. A sudden drop in voltage reduces the magnet force sufficiently to allow the starting contactor to" drop out," the armature drops free and the contacts open. This event can lead to several different out comes and impacts on the overall process, depending on the control design philosophy. Some common approaches observed in the petro­ chern industry are: • Manual, push-button reset required after drop out (sometimes called" 3-wire control") • Auto restart after a set time delay (sometimes called" time-delay on") • Auto restart if duration of low voltage is less than setting (" time-delay off') • Auto restart immediately when power returns (" maintain on," or" 2-wire control") Properly employed these techniques can improve the protection and control of process. However in many applications other electrical control devices' individual response to low voltages interfere with the intended outcome. For example the output of electrical sensors, interposing relays, PLCs may not provide the appropriate command during these abnonnal voltage events. As discussed earlier, perhaps the best case for motor ride-thru is to remain connected to the power system during a sag event, however most motor control systems are designed to prevent that outcome. which voltage sag happens has a significant impact on the drop-out level [8]. 3 WIRE CONTROL M START --l.­ () .... --<1....L~_~.() OL --I STOP M Figure 6. Basic Manual Restart Required, Thre Wire Control Circuit Most often large-size contactors have enough magnetic energy stored in the coil to prevent premature dropout. In most cases ride-through for these coils extends up to 40-50 percent of nominal voltage. However, the use of interposing relays to switch the main contactor can significantly reduce the drop-out characteristics of the motor starter. F r example, as shown in Figure 7 the interposing rela can be an .. ice-cube" type small relay with significantly less magnetic energy stored in the coi . Figure 8 shows the relative ride-through characteristic of a main NEMA Size 1 contactor co;" and a small .. ice cube" relay. Even though the rna contactor coil can survive a voltage sag up to 40% nominal voltage, because of the sensitivity of the interposing relay the starter will drop out for a voltage sag down to approximately 75% of nomin I voltage. In a three-wire control scheme as shown in Figure 6, commonly used for low voltage motors, undervoltage protection is provided by means of a seal-in contact across the momentary contact push­ button (start-stop) station. In such an arrangement the drop-out characteristic of the contact coil determines how severe a voltage sag the motor can withstand before dropping off-line. Unfortunately, no standard governs the specific voltage at which a motor contaetorlstarter will drop out. Few manufacturer publish such data and in may cases whatever data is provided can be subject to misinterpretation. For example, if the voltage is gradually lowered from the rated value the drop out point for a contactor will be quiet different then the drop-out point if the voltage drops suddenly as is the case during a voltage sag. This situation is further complicated by the fact that the point on wave at L2 LI l_l__I_IC_R_ _ ~r- O_M_~-===] __ FUl STO 2 STt}RT 3 0 -......- - - - 1 CR GRO~ Figure 7. Three-Wire Control Circuit With Control Transformer and Interposing Relay The ride-through characteristics even for similar rated relays and contactors can be widely differen depending on manufacture to manufacturer. Also, the push for compactness and space optimization ,as 317 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 120 Vac 60 Hz led to smaller and smaller devices which has even less capability of energy storage. RkIe-Through CuMls 100 ,------,------~----_, I ~ 80 "- - - - "120"; g 80 ~~ AC - - • - - - - NEMA 40 ­ ! -,ci Cube'.Y - - - " - -: - - - - - - - - - - - i ~- ~e I - - - - - - - - - .1 1stana-' ! I' 20 CyOo (80 Hz) Figure 8. Ride-Through Characteristics of Control relay and Size I Contactor Starters used for medium voltage motor typically use a main holding coil, which is a dc coil that derives its power from a rectifier power supply. The drop-out characteristic of dc coils are more robust than its ac counter part. However, the control circuit often uses ac relays that can interrupt the power supplied to the rectifier during a voltage sag. The drop-out characteristics of medium voltage starters is typically governed by the auxiliary ac control relay. A common method of keeping critical process motors running after a voltage sag is to apply a normally­ open, timed open (NOTO) or a "time delay off' contact across the start push-button. This arrangement, shown in Figure 9, allows the motor starter to drop out during a voltage sag and then, if voltage is restored within a preset time, the starter is automatically reclosed. Randomly applied for numerous motors in a plant this arrangement can often cause more problems then it was suppose to solve. Simultaneous reclosing of a large number of motors can by itself cause a voltage sag if the supply system is not stiff enough to handle the resulting inrush current. The resulting secondary sag may be more severe than the first one, and may cause other motors to drop out. Figure 9. Typical "Time-Delay Off' in a Medium Voltage Starter Circuit One way to resolve this problem is to disable the "time delay off' and allow the motor to ride-through the voltage sag without disconnecting it from the line. This can be done by introducing a delay in the dc-coil circuit as shown in Figure 10 [9]. By allowing a time delay in the DC coil circuit, power to the rectifier is maintained even if the auxiliary coil drops out. This type of control method typically provides a 10 cycle ride-through and can be retrofitted into existing starters. 120 Vec 60 Hz Figure 10. Through Modified MY Starter Circuit with Ride­ 318 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 Impact of Voltage Sag on Motor Control Circuits (PLC Controlled) With the increasing use ofprograrnmable Logic Controllers (PLC) for motor control and other process control there is an added element in sensitivity to voltage sags besides the classical relay and contractor drop-out problems that has been discussed in the previous section. In order to understand the voltage sag related issues with PLCs a brief description of a typical PLC system along with an understanding of how voltage sags might impact the operation of the PLC is needed. Voltage sags can affect the CPU, the PLC I/O cards and also the PLC logic levels. Anyone of these potential malfunction could disrupt the proce continuity. One of the weak link in a PLC system i the power supply. The power supply is typical of y other electronic equipment such as a personal computer (PC) taking 120V input and providing th required low voltage DC output to the CPU and 0 PLC components. The ride-through characteristics f the power supply depends mainly on the size of the ripple control and energy storage capacitor used in the typical switch-mode power supply. The PLC is basically a hardened industrial computer that has multi-channel input and output modules to control process devices such as conveyors, pumps, and control valves. Figure 11 shows the basic elements of a typical PLC. The PLC controls these devices based upon a four-cycle step: It 1) reads input data (Input Module) 2) Solves its control program (CPU), 3) Diagnoses itself (CPU), 4) modifies its output according to its program (Output Module). The cycle time, the amount of time it takes the PLC to complete all four steps can be as short as 20 milliseconds. The I/O system form the interface by which fi d devices are connected to the controller. Input devi e such as push-buttons, limit switches sensors are hardwired to the input terminal as shown in Figure 12. The most common type if input devices are discrete type that senses the presence or absence of voltage on the terminal like a logic 1 or O. Howeve , the voltage threshold for the logic states are defme is not standardized. For example if a voltage sag causes the voltage at the PLC input to drop to 60% of nominal value for 6 cycles will that be considered logic 0 or I ? If it is consider as a logic zero and it falls within the PLC scan time then the PLC controller will take action based on this roomen disturbance and may cause the stoppage of a critic process motor. Figure 13 and 14 shows the respo of the discrete input modules and the CPU for two the six PLCs tested to determine their response to voltage sag[ 10]. As can be seen there is no stan regarding how much ride-through the CPU has or what the threshold level for the discrete input mod e to sense the presence or absence of a signal is. I Figure 11. Typical Programmable Logic Controller 319 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 L2 L1 tx:vta:: CON~l1ON FOR AN AC _UT MOCULli Figure 12. Dtver CONNCcnO" F"O R A DC ...PUT MOD ULli ""'...... .,A Typical connection of PLC Discrete Input Module 100 10 W C) ~ 10 0 70' ;.J > ...J c( Z :E 0 Z ~ 60 50 0 40 !ZW 30 (J a: zo w D. 10 0 &0 DURATION OF SAG (IN CYCLES) Figure 13. Voltage Sag Ride-Through Curves for Model D-1 PLC 320 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 100 90 w CI" 80 ~ ..J ~ ..l 'It Z :E o 50 Z IJ.. o 15 U ffi ~ 30 20 ll.. 10 30 40 50 80 70 50 90 100 110 500 DURATION OF SAG (IN CYCLES) Figure 14. Voltage Sag Ride-Through Curves for Model G-l PLC Sometimes PLC I/O racks can be located near the field devices to minimize the amount of wiring required. This rack as shown in Figure 13 is referr d to as remote I/O rack. In such a scenario, not only the main power supply that provides power to the CPU but also the power supply for the remote I/O rack becomes critical in maintaining the integrity the remote I/O module. In many plants, the main CPU power supply may have back-up power in th form of an Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS), however the remote I/O rack power supply can ca process interruption. Figure 15 shows the typical field connection for a discrete output module. The output module can be thought of as a switch that turns on a motor contactor or a solenoid or a pilot light based upon the controller decision. Typically relays or Traics are used as switches inside the output module. If the power supply of the PLC that provides power to the active and passive elements inside the output module drops­ out, then the integrity of these switches are lost and the output devices such as motor contactor may lose power. "TYPICAL -GROUND CASU! SHIEU) AT ONE END ONLY (CHASSIS IIOUNTlNG BOLT) AC OUTPUT MODULE CONNECTION DIAGRAM Figure 15. TTL OlJTPUT MODULE CONNECTION DIAGRAM Typical connection ofPLC Discrete Output Module 321 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 Local VO Pusltlutton Figure 16. Typical Arrangement of Remote I/O Racks Safety Versus Process Cogtinuity Considerations A hardwired master control relay (MCR), as shown in Figure 17, is included to provide a convenient means for emergency controller shutdown. Since the master control relay allows the placement of several emergency-stop switches in different locations, its installation is important from a safety standpoint. However, the same safety feature sometimes work as an undervoltage relay and stops the entire process even if it was not intended to do so. The main function of the safety circuit is to ensure that the operators can quickly remove power from the MCR and inhibit all machine motion by removing power to the machine I/O devices when the relay is de-energized. If a voltage sag on other hand causes the MCR relay to de-energize, then this would cause the same response as if somebody has hit the E-stop button. 322 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 L1 L2 . L3 j -------1 Power Mains c--~s::::~nect Sw'ch ==~~~== isolation transfonner Fuse Master COntrol Relay Emergency Stop Switdles ........... ---_ .. _. ~ :r:: ~ : Emergency Overtravel : l.... ?~~ .._...~.~.~~~~_j MCR1 Processor Module MCR2 Inp ut ModuIe Output Module Figure 17. '" / / '" Typical arrangement of MCR Relay in PLC wiring would never be true. Now, if the normally closed (NC) wiring is used, the input point receives powe continuously unless the stop button is depressed. However, the same effect can take place during voltage sag if the PLC input module responds to voltage sag as a logic 0 condition and thinks that e push-button has been depressed. Another safety consideration concerns the wiring of the stop buttons. A stop button is generally considered a safety function as well as an operating function and due to safety consideration is wired as a nonnally closed contact (NC). Using a normally open (NO) contact to examine for an off condition will produce the same logic but is not considered safe. For example, Figure 18 shows the nonnally open push-button stop configuration. If, by some chain of events, the circuit between the button and the input point were to be broken, the stop button could be depressed forever, but the PLC logic could never react to the stop command since the input 323 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998 ESL-IE-98-04-53 L, L2 Input Ladder logic Program Output REFERENCES Slop Stlp 1. Start 1. :=r Start M 1) Energy Infonnation Administration, Manufacturing Energy Consumption Survey, EIA 846 M Figure 18. Typical arrangement Nonnally Open Push-Button Wiring CONCLUSIONS Many components and devices used in industrial processes are sensitive to momentary voltage sags. In industries such as petroleum and chemical, where critical processes may be large and complex sag related upsets can be costly, the sensitivity of the control devices needs to be carefully evaluated. Often the entire process is vulnerable at a threshold equal to the weakest device in that process. Controls are usually the fIrst to trip or to call for a trip in some larger motor or drive device depending on the control design philosophy. By understanding the nature of sag events in a typical electrical environment and by applying some ride-through enhancement devices and design techniques signifIcant improvement in plant performance can be achieved. More work is needed to develop and standardize sag tolerant factory process control and protection systems. 2) D. D. Sabin, T.E. Grebe, A. Sundaram, "Preliminary Results for Eighteen Months of Monitoring from the EPRl Distribution Power Quality Project," Proceedings: 4th International Conference on Power Quality: End-Use Applications and Perspectives (PQA '95), New York, New York, May 1995 3) K. W. Carrick, "Minimizing the Effects of Voltage Disturbances on Continuous Industrial Processes," IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, Vol. 32, No.6, NovemberlDecember 1996,pg.1424-1430 4) G. W. Botrel and 1. Y. Yu, "Motor Behavior Through Power System Disturbances," IEEE Transactions on Industry Application., vol. IA-16, no.5, Sept./Oct. 1980 5) R. H. Daugherty, "Bus Transfer of AC Induction Motors, a Perspective," IEEE paper, PCIC 89-07 6) 1. R. Linders, "Effects of Power Supply Variations on A.c. Motor Characteristics," IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, vol. IA-8, pp 383-400, July/August, 1972 7) A. Mansoor, E. R. Collins, R.L. Morgan, "Effect of Unsymmetrical Voltage Sags on Adjustable Speed Drives," Proceedings: 7lh International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP, Las Vegas, NY, Octoberl6-18, 1996 8) A. E. Turner, E. R. Collins, "The Performance of AC Contactors During Voltage Sags," Proceedings: 7th International Conference on Harmonics and Quality of Power, ICHQP, Las Vegas, NY, OctoberI6-18,1996 9) K. W. Carrick, R. E. Long, and T. B. Smith, "Voltage Dip Protection with DC Motorstarter Coil," IEEE Trans. Ind. Applicant., vol. IA-9, no.3, May/June 1993 10) EPRl PQTN Brief No. 39, "Ride-Through Performance ofProgranunable Logic Controllers," November 1996 324 Proceedings from the Twentieth National Industrial Energy Technology Conference, Houston, TX, April 22-23, 1998