A Theoretical Study of the Effect of Electric Charges on the Efficiency with Which Aerosol Particles are Collected by Ice Crystal Plates J. J. MARTIN, P. K. WANG, AND H. R. PRUPPACHER Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Received November 19, 1979; accepted January 29, 1980 Two theoretical models are presented which allow computing the efficiency with which electrically charged aerosol particles of radius 0.001 <-- r -< 10 t~m are collected by electrically charged platelike ice crystals of radius 50 -< ac -< 640/xm in air of various relative humidities and of 700 mb and - 10°C. Particle capture due to thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis, Brownian diffusion, inertial impaction, and electrostatic forces is considered. It is shown that Brownian diffusion dominates the capture process by ice crystals if r -< 0.01 /zm, while inertial impaction controls the capture process if r > 0.1 /zm. For aerosol particles of 0.01 -< r -< 0.1 /zm, the collection efficiency is controlled by phoretic forces. Electrical forces significantly affect the collection of aerosol particles in the size range of 0.01 -< r -< 5 p~m. Trajectory analysis demonstrates that electrically charged and uncharged aerosol particles are preferentially captured at the rim of plate-like ice crystals. Electrically neutral ice crystals of NRe < 50 capture particles only on the underside of the ice crystal. Ice crystals which are electrically charged collect aerosol particles by rear capture ifNR~ ~< 0.5. and ice crystal sizes, both changing in time. This makes it very difficult to extract from the observed data collection efficiencies which apply to a certain ice crystal and aerosol particle size. In addition, the relative humidities, and thus the phoretic forces usually vary greatly during a precipitation event. Laboratory studies, although capable of determining the efficiency with which ice crystals of a specific size collect aerosol particles of a specific size under controlled conditions, have the drawback that they are usually confined to sea level pressure, while the scavenging of aerosol particles by ice crystals proceeds at all pressure levels within the troposphere. In addition, the few experimental studies available (9-11) considered ice crystals and aerosol particles of a very limited size range, i.e., only ice crystals of radii ac -> 1 mm, and aerosol particles of radii 0.5 -< r --- 7 /zm were considered. 1. INTRODUCTION Field studies (1-8), as well as the laboratory studies (9-11), strongly suggest that snow crystals, in particular those of the planar type (hexagonal plate, hexagonal dendrites, etc.), play an important role in the scavenging of aerosol particles from the atmosphere. Unfortunately, the field studies mentioned do not allow the derivation of reliable quantitative data on particle scavenging by ice crystals. Field studies are plagued by serious shortcomings which stem from the fact that they are based on observed changes in aerosol particle concentrations measured during a precipitation event. Such particle concentration changes may be the result of scavenging as well as the result of air mass changes which often accompany a precipitation event. In addition, the collision efficiencies derived from field studies usually apply to a wide spectrum of aerosol particle 44 0021-9797/80/110044-13502.00/0 Copyright © 1980 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vo|. 78, No. 1, November 1980 AEROSOL Theoretical studies avoid the limitations and drawbacks of both the field and laboratory investigations. However, thus far only one such theoretical study is available (12). Unfortunately this investigation covers only a limited aerosol particle size range (0.5 -< r-< 20 /xm), and does not include the effects of thermophoretic and diffusio~ phoretic forces. In recognition of the mentioned shortcomings of present studies on the scavenging of aerosol particles by ice crystals, we formulated a theoretical model capable of computing the efficiency with which electrically charged aerosol particles of a wide range of sizes are collected by electrically charged plate-like ice crystals of a wide range of sizes in air of various pressure, temperature, and humidity. Two models, complementary to each other, have been used in the present study. These models have been described in great detail (13). Certain aspects of these models and some of the results derived from them have also been discussed (14). In the present article we shall describe extensions of these models to include the effect of electric charges on the scavenging of aerosol particles by ice crystal plates. a. The Trajectory Model The first model (henceforth called Model- I) computes the efficiency with which = -- m dv . . . . rag* dt 67r~ar (1 + o~NKn) 0.74DwMa VPv , (1 + aNKn)Mwp~ [3] where ka and kp are the thermal conductivities of air and the aerosol particle, respectively, Dva is the diffusivity of water vapor in air, T is absolute temperature, Pv +Fwh +FDf + F e . [1] Equation [1] applies to the motion of an aerosol particle of radius r, mass m, and velocity v moving around an ice crystal of radius ac, both falling in air of dynamic viscosity ~a under the effect of gravity, hydrodynamic forces, phoretic forces, and electric forces. In Eq. [1] g* = g(pp - Pa)/Pa, g is the acceleration of gravity, pp is the bulk density of the aerosol particle, Pa is the density of air, NKn = hJr is the Knudsen number, ha is the free path length of air molecules, u is the velocity field around the falling collector, a = 1.25 + 0.44 e x p ( - 1.10NKn-I), FTh is the thermophoretic force given by the relations (see 15) 127r~/ar(ka + 2.5 k, NKn)ka VT 5(1 + 3NKn)(kv + 2ka + 5koNKn) p and FDf is the diffusiophoretic force given by the relation (see 15) For = -6~'r~)a aerosol particles of 0.1 - r -< 10 /zm are collected by simple ice crystal plates due to phoretic forces, inertial forces, and electric forces caused by electric charges of opposite signs residing on the ice crystals and aerosol particles. The model, however, neglects the effects due to Brownian diffusion. The efficiency was computed from an analysis of the trajectory of the aerosol particles moving past the ice crystal. Assuming that the flow around the aerosol particle does not affect the crystal motion (which is justified considering the smallness of the aerosol particle in comparison to the size of the ice crystal) an aerosol particle trajectory was determined from the equation × (v-u) 2. PRESENT MODELS FTh 45 PARTICLES [2] is the water vapor density in air, and Mw and Ma are the molecular weights of water and air. Equations [2] and [3] were evaluated from a knowledge of the vapor density distribution and of the temperature distribution around the falling crystal. These were determined previously (16) from a numerical evaluation of the steady-state convective diffusion equation applied to an ice crystal Journal o f Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. 1, November 1980 46 MARTIN, WANG, AND PRUPPACHER plate idealized by a thin oblate spheroid of ice of axis ratio b/a~ = 0.05 (b is the minor semiaxis and ae is the major semiaxis of the oblate spheroid). The velocity fields u around falling ice crystals, necessary for solving both the convective diffusion equation and Eq. [1], were those determined by Pitter et al. (17) (for Nrte = 2acV=/va <- 20), and by us (for NR~ = 50), from a numerical solution of the complete N a v i e r - S t o k e s equation of motion for steady-state, incompressible flow, where Vo~ is the terminal velocity of the ice crystal and Va is the kinematic viscosity of air. The electric force F~ in Eq. [1] was assumed to be determined by the electric charges residing at the surface of the ice crystal and aerosol particles. From electrostatic theory, the force on a charged particle immersed in an electric field, E, is F~ = - Q p E , the electric potential satisfies Laplace's equation V2qb~ = O. [61 In oblate spheroidal coordinates, Eq. [6] has the solution ~e = c~ sin -1 [tanh ~] + c2. The constants c~ and c2 may be obtained from the boundary conditions ~: = ~:o, qbe = qb~.o, and ~: = ~:o~,qbe = 0, leading to c~ = -q)e,o - sin -1 (AR) c2 = qbe,o - sin -1 (AR a&o = Qo/C E = , [9] [10] ae[1 - (AR)2p/2 c = sin -~ {[1 - (AR)2] 1/2} [111 Therefore, the electric potential on any ~=surface is 7r - Qa Oe - - C sin -1 [tanh ~] 2 7r - [12] - sin -1 (AR) 2 The electric field strength E = -Vqbe in oblate spheroidal coordinates is therefore 1 Q a sech ac s e c h , 0 C [ 2 - [8] where according to Pruppacher and Klett (15) the capacitance C for a thin oblate spheroid is - where qbe is the electric potential around the crystal. Taking the potential at infinity to be zero, and assuming no net space charge, 11 where qbe.o is the electric potential at the surface of the oblate ice spheroid. F r o m electrostatic theory [4] where Qp is the charge on the particle. In the absence of an external electric field, the electric fields affecting the interacting bodies result from the charges on their surfaces. In the present computations it is assumed that the effect of the electric field due to the electrically charged aerosol particle has negligible effect on the motion of the ice crystal. The electric field around the electrically charged ice crystal satisfies the condition E -- -Vovo, [51 [7] [13] sin-1 (aR)][sinh2 ~: + cos2 ~] Thus, from Eqs. [4] and [11] QpQa sech ~: sin -1 {[1 - (AR)] ~/2} Fe ~ [14] -- a~ sech £ 0 [ 1 - ( A R ) 2 ] l / 2 [ 2 - s i n - l ( A R ) ] [ s i n h 2 £ F r o m a knowledge of the particle trajectory determined from an evaluation of Eq. [1], Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. 1, November 1980 _]_ C O S 2 ,1~]1/2 1 It must be mentioned here that the well-known electric potential (18) ~e = tan-~ (1/~:)/tan-~(1/~0) AEROSOL PARTICLES subject to Eqs. [2], [3], and [14], the collision efficiency E - 7r(ac + r) 2 [15] was deduced, where y~ is the largest horizontal offset the particle can have and still collide with the crystal (y~ being m e a s u r e d perpendicular to the crystal axis aligned along g and sufficiently far u p s t r e a m f r o m the crystal. The collision kernel was computed from Eq. [15] using the relation K = ETr(ac + r)2(V~,a - V ~ ) . [16] b. The Flux Model Model-I discussed in Section 2a obviously does not apply to particles of r < 0.1 /xm since the model does not include Brownian diffusion. In order to determine the efficiency with which electrically charged aerosol particles of r < 0.1 ~ m are captured by electrically charged ice crystals, we developed Model-II in analogy to the model formulated (20, 21) for drops. In this model, the collision efficiency is found from a description of the flux of aerosol particles to the collector ice crystal. The total particle current densityjp to the crystal can be written as jp = nvp = nvdrift -DpVn, where Vdrift ~---BpFext, n is the n u m b e r concentration of aerosol particles, Vdrift is their drift velocity, Dp is their diffusivity, Bp = (1 + aNK.)/67rrna is their mobility, and Fext is the sum of the external forces acting on the particle. F o r particle moving toward an ice crystal pertains to a coordinate system in which the surface of an oblate spheroid is given by s¢ = constant. In contrast, in the coordinate system of Happel and Brenner (19), followed in this study, the surface of an oblate spheroid is given by sinh s¢ = const. Thus, the ~: in the above equation is not equivalent to the ~:-coordinate of the present work. An unfortunate error due to mixing up the two coordinate systems entered the work of Pitter (12) whose expression for E is incorrect, which can be easily verified noting that V. E is required to be zero which is not the case in the expression of Pitter (12). 47 at rest as a result of Brownian diffusion, thermophoresis, diffusiophoresis, gravitational forces, and electric forces, one finds j , = nBp(mg* + Fxh + FDf + Fe) - DpVn. [17] We shall a s s u m e now steady state, constant diffusivity, and further assume that the aerosol particles are small so that the term mg* m a y be neglected in c o m p a r i s o n to FTh, Fvf, and DpVn (a numerical evaluation of these forces shows that for typical conditions the contribution of mg* to the collision kernel is by several orders of magnitude smaller than the contribution of the phoretic forces and Brownian diffusion). The condition of particle continuity (On/Ot) + V.(nvp) = 0 leads then to V.j = 0, from which for an ice crystal at rest Bp(FTh + FDf + Fe)'Vn -- DvV2n = 0. [18] In order to arrive at Eq. [18] we assume that V'[n(Fwh + FDf + Fe)] = (FTh + FDf + Fe)'Vn [19] which in turn requires that V'(FTh + FDf + Fe) = 0. [20] This is justified for a stationary ice crystal whose t e m p e r a t u r e , vapor, density, and electrical potential fields are described by the solution of the LaPlace equations V2T = 0 [21a] VZpv = 0 [21b] V ~ e = 0. [21c] Since from Eqs. [2], [3], and [5], FTh a: VT, FDf oc Vpv, and F, cc V6, it follows that Eq. [20] fulfills Eqs. [21a], [21b], and [21c]. H o w e v e r , for an ice crystal falling at terminal velocity the t e m p e r a t u r e and v a p o r density distribution, and hence V T and Vpv, cannot be determined from Eqs. [21] but must be determined f r o m solutions to the Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. 1, November 1980 48 MARTIN, WANG, AND PRUPPACHER convective diffusion equation u ' V T = KaV2T [22a] U ' ~ 7 p v = Dva~72pv [22b] where u is the velocity field in air around the crystal and Ka is the heat diffusivity in air. From this, in turn, the enhancement of the heat and vapor flux due to the presence of an air flow past the crystal can be found. This enhancement can be expressed in terms of an angular dependent ventilation coefficient fv(O) and fh(O), fp(O), for water vapor, heat, and particle transport, respectively (where 0 is the angle measured from the forward stagnation point, of the crystal), or in terms of an overall ventillation coefficientfv ,fh, andfp for vapor, heat, and particle transport, respectively. Values for the overall ventillation coefficient of ice crystals have been derived (16, 22). In the present problem we are considering the overall flux of particles to a falling crystal. We are therefore interested only in the overall, flow-field enhanced, flux of particles to the crystal. Thus, neglecting the hydrodynamic drag force on the aerosol particles (which is very small indeed due to the small fall velocity of the aerosol particle) we may write Eq. [18] for a falling ice crystal as V T = ( T = - Ts) sech ~[ 2 - sin-l (AR) ] -~ X [ac sech ~0(sinh 2 ~ + cos 2 ~1)1/2]-1ke [251 and Vp~ = (Owe- Pvs)sech ~[ 2 - sin-1 (AR)] -1 B p ( f h F T h + fvFDf + F e ) ' V n -fpDpVZn = 0. [23] In order to arrive at Eq. [23] we assumed, instead of [20], V. (fhFTh + fvFof + F~) = 0, FTh ~ -- where fh and fv are mean quantities over the body and only a function of NR~ and Ns~,v = va/Dva (where va is the kinematic viscosity of air), and NRe and Np~ = Va/K~, respectively (see 15). Recall again that FTn cc VT and Fdf cc Vpv, Eq. [24] fulfills Eqs. [21a], [21b], and [21c]. In order to solve Eq. [23] it is necessary to have determined F~,h and FDf for a stationary crystal. This requires knowledge of the temperature and vapor density fields around a stationary ice crystal. These fields can be found from a solution of Eqs. [21a1 and [21b] formulated for the case of an ice crystal plate whose shape is idealized by a thin oblate spheroid of axis ratio 0.05. Transforming these equations into oblate spheroidal coordinates (~,ag) (see Pitter et al., 17) and solving them subject to the conditions T(~: = ~:0)= Ts, p(~: = C0) = Ps, and T(sc = ~:~) = T~, p(sc = ~:~) = p~ one finds [24] × [ac sech ¢0(sinh 2 ¢ + cos 2 ~1)~12]-1~. [26] With these solutions the phoretic forces for a stationary ice crystal can now be expressed as 127r'Oar(ka + 2.5kpNKn)ka(T~ - Ts)G ^ ee 5(1 + 3NKn)(kp + 2ka + 5koNKn)p FDf = --67rr~% 0.74DvaMa(Pw - Pvs)G ^ ee (1 + aNx.)Mw p~ [27] [28] where G = sech ~ For a moving ice crystal we shall define - sin -1 (AR) x [at sech ~o(sinh2 ~ + cos 2 ~).2]-1 now [291 with ~:o = tanh -1 (AR). Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. 1, November 1980 ?hFTh = G C T h e ~ [30a] fvFDf = G C D f O ~ [30b] AEROSOL 49 PARTICLES where 0f is the unit vector in sO-direction, and where 121r~/ar(k a + 2.5kpNKn)ka(T~ - Ts)fn CTh ~ -- CDf = --6,n-r,0a 0.74DvaMa(Pv~ - Pvs)f~ where Fext = (fhFTh QpO~ sin -1 {[1 - (AR)2] v2} exp {[ -~c - fpDr, V2n = 0 [35] sin-'tanhsq[2-sin-l(AR)] [36] [371 -~} -exp{[-flC exp{[- CGke and considering Eq. [29]. Writing Eq. [35] in oblate spheroidal coordinates one finds for ~: = ~ , n = n~, and for ~ = C0, n = 0, and using Eqs. [31], [321, [341, [371, and [361 We shall now write Eq. [23] in the form B F e x t • Vn = C = --(CTh + CDf + Ce), [34] (AR)2] 1/2 - + fvFDf + Fe) with ~¢here G is given by Eq. [29], and where ac[1 [32] (1 + aNKn)Mwp~ Recalling Eq. [14] we may write the elecxic force now analogously to the phoretic Forces as Fe = GC~O~ [33] C, = [31] 5(1 + 3Nxn)(hp + 2ha + 5hpNxn)p sin -t ( A R ) ] [ 2 - sin l aR>l' } [38] sin 1 Z '1-1} - exp {[-/3C sin-1 ( A R ) ] [ 2 - s i n - l ( A R ) J -1} vhere fl = Bp/Dpfp. Differentiation leads to n~43C sech ~ : [ 2 - sin-~ (AR) ] -~ e x p [ - f l C sin -1 (tanh ~:)]Oe 7/,/ = _ [391 ac sech s%(sinh 2 ~ + cos z n) v2 exp - -~- tiC "he total flux of particles to the crystal is JP = fs Dpfp(Vn)e=e° "dS. [40] ~rom Eq. [40] we find for the collision kernel T = Jp/n _ 4rrBpCa¢ sech ~:o r / BpC ~ x /exp/-----=-_ / - 1 J L \ Dpfv / [41] - e x p [ - f l C sin -1 (AR)] t with so0 = tanh -1 (AR). Using Eq. [41] the collision efficiency can be determined from E = K ~'(ac + r)2(V~,a [42] -- V ~ , r ) It is reasonable to assume that adhesive forces ensure that an aerosol particle remains at the surface of an ice crystal once it has collided with it. This assumption is particularly justified at temperatures between 0 and -10°C at which water moleJournal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. I, November 1980 50 MARTIN, WANG, AND PRUPPACHER cules have an appreciable surface mobility and behave as if part of a "pseudo-liquid" layer (see 15). With this assumption, the collision efficiency E calculated by the above given procedure is then identical with the collection efficiency, and the collision kernel K is identical with the collection kernel. 3. EVALUATION PROCEDURE Models-I and -II were evaluated for platelike ice crystals idealized by oblate spheroids of ice with an axis ratio A R = b/ac = 0.05 (where ac is the major and b is the minor axis of the oblate spheroid, respectively). The aerosol particle radii considered were 0.001 -< r -< 10 /xm. The ice crystal plates had radii (i.e., semimajor axes) of ac = 50.6, 87.9, 112.8, 146.8,213,289, 404, and 639 txm, corresponding to Reynolds numbers NRe (=2a~V~/v) 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 5.0, 10.0, 20, and 50, respectively, at 700 mb and -10°C. In addition to this pressure level, Models-I and -II were evaluated also for the levels 1000 mb, 0°C; 900 mb, -5°C; and 600 mb, -20°C. Due to the particular choice of corresponding pressure and temperature, the Reynolds numbers corresponding to the above given crystal sizes were, with sufficient accuracy, the same at all pressure-temperature levels considered. At each of these pressure levels we considered four relative humidities (RH)i (with respect to ice), namely (RH)i = 100, 95, 751 and 50%. The values chosen for ka(p, T), L~(p,T), Dva(p,T), and ~a(T) were those recommended by Pruppacher and Klett (15). The values for p~ were those given by the Smithsonian Meteorological Tables. The bulk densities of the particles considered were pp = 1.0, 1.5, 1.75, 2.0, and 5 g cm-L In the present computations we also assumed that fh ~ f v ; w h e r e f~ is the ventilation coefficient for mass transport. In evaluating fp we assumed that its functional dependence on the Reynolds number and on the Schmidt number Nsc is the same as that given by Hall and Pruppacher (22) for f~, except that now instead Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, No. 1, November 1980 ofNse,v = va/Dv,a we used Nsc,p = va/Dp~, where Dp~ is the diffusivity of the aerosol particles in air. Values for Dp,a and justifications for both of the above assumptions are given by Pruppacher and Klett (15). The thermal conductivity of the aerosol particle material was assumed to be kp = 4.19 x 10-1 J cm -1 sec -1 °C -1. For evaluating the phoretic forces (Eqs. [2] and [3]) a uniform ice crystal temperature was assumed considering the thinness of the ice crystals assumed and considering the relatively high heat conductivity of ice. A literature search (23-27) reveals that little is known about the surface charge, Qa, on plate-like ice crystals. However, the scant information available provided bounds from which it was determined that the surface charge on plate-like ice crystals in strongly electrified clouds may be represented by IQal = Iqala~ = 2a~. [43] An analogous law was shown (15) to hold for spherical particles. Thus we assumed for stronglyelectrified clouds IQrl = [qrl x r 2 = 2r z. It also appears from the studies cited above that plate-like ice crystals are predominantly negatively charged. In order to test the effect of electric charges on the scavenging of aerosol particles by ice crystals we considered strongly electrified clouds, as well as weakly electrified clouds, and therefore investigated the charge effect for ]qa] = Iq~[ = 0 . 1 4 , 0.20, 0.40, 1.0, 1.4, and 2.0 esu cm -2, assuming that the crystals were negatively charged and the aerosol particles were positively charged (qa = QJa~ and qr = QJr2). (The electric charges on the ice crystals considered are listed in Table 1.) Obviously, the smallest charge an aerosol particle can carry is Q~ = 4.8 x 10-1° esu, which is equal to one electron charge. Smaller particles carry no charge. Thus, it appears that our formulation Qr = q~r ~ applies only to aerosol particles of r >- (4.8 x 10-Wqr) v2, i.e., to aerosol particles of r >~ 0.2/xm, if we assume qr = 2.0 esu cm -z. AEROSOL PARTICLES 51 I TABLE I NRe =20 Oc=404ffm 7 0 0 m b ' -IO°C [- Electric Charges Which Reside on the Ice Crystals Considered, for qa = QJa~ = 2.0 Na~ ae (p.m) 50 20 10 5 2 1 0.5 0.1 639.15 404.0 289.0 213.0 146.8 112.8 87.9 50.6 I0 u x 10 -~ I0 ~ 10 -a 10 -4 10 -4 10 -4 10 -4 x 10 -~ x x x × x x _ >- Q . (esu) -8.170 -3.264 - 1.670 -9.074 -4.310 -2.545 - 1.545 -5.121 //] /'" _ . / / ~, ', '/ ,,'(:::~ ........./ ~o ...j-_ u_ u_ uJ ~) ....:;::--- // .- iO-3 J o 10-4. ....... (RH)i :~00°/o" - -~ ( R H ) i = 5 0 % I q°- q r - U . . . . . . . . . . (RH) i = 1 0 0 % ~ q o = - 2 . 0 e s u cm -z ...................... R H _r.c,o/ ( q r = + 2 . 0 e s u c r n 4a However, since Model-I considered only particles ofr > 0.1/zm while Model-II considered particles of 0.001 -< r -< 0.1/~m the above restrictions apply only to Model-II. On the other hand, Model-II did not consider the motion of individual particles but rather the flux of a whole assembly o f particles some of which carry zero charge while others carry 1, 2 . . . . electron charges. Therefore we assumed that, in the mean, the electric charge of the whole assembly Oc = 639ffm 700rob,-IO°C -td ~ ~ z to ~a i I lilllil IO-3 I [ lillill 10-2 RADIUS I J llliHI 10- t OF I r JIIllll IO I AEROSOL PARTICLE (/zm) FIG. 2. Same as Fig. 1 but for ao = 404 /~m and Nrte = 20. of particles affecting population of particles the scavenging could of the be given by Q r = q , r 2. 4. R E S U L T S A N D D I S C U S S I O N The major results of our study are summarized in Figs. 1 to 8. In these figures the efficiency is given with which electrically charged and uncharged aerosol particles of ..y . >- " 10- 5 / -.. IG 2 /f I .q / ...~:" ," ... ~-- NRe =10 O c : 289p.rn }_ 700rob,-IO°C /l ///] l()'"~, ~oZ toLL 10- 3 ! ~"x<~:"'"'"" " ' / J 0 0 _¢~ I0 ~-- . . . . . . . ~o i (RH)i = IOO%'f~qa=qr=U (RH]i=50%] t~_ t~ to . . . . . . . . . . (RH)i = IOO%~ qo: -2.O esu cm "2 5 ~- .......................(RH)i = 5 0 % ] q r : + 2 " O e s u cm-~ I0- / L , IIHHI I I IJIHH I I IJJHII I J ~IIHII 10-3 I0 "2 I0-I I IO RADIUS OF AEROSOL PARTICLE (/zm) FIG. 1. Efficiency with which aerosol particles collide with a simple planar ice crystal o f radius ao = 639/xm and Reynolds n u m b e r NR~ = 50, in air of 700 mb, - 10°C and of relative humidity (RH)~ (with respect to ice) of 50, 75, 95, and 100%; for pp = 2 g cm-% and for qa = qr = 0 and qa = qr = 2.0 esu c m -2, where qa = Q~/a~ and qr = Q Jr 2. _z id3I 2 d o -4J io F . . . . . . . (RH) i =100%7 IRU)i:50%'O°:qr: 0 . . . . . . . . . . (RH) i =lOO%'~qa= -2.O esu cm "~ 5 ~ - .......................(RH) i : 50 % ] qr =+2.0 esu cm "2 iO- | ~ t tIHnl I I ~lHnL t t titHd I0 ~3 I0 -2 I0 -I I RADIUS OF AEROSOL I I =l~ml 10 PARTICLE (H_m) FIG. 3. Same as Fig. 1 but for ae = 289 /xm and Nrte = 10. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, VoL 78, N o . 1, November 1980 52 MARTIN, WANG, AND PRUPPACHER l _~- NRe= 5 ac=213~m 700mb,-IO°C :0- ' ~-~:,...... N. ~ - - . . . . . . . . 'x"::.. z . . . . iO . - z ;::: J tj , LL LL bJ \., 10-2 - - .,..~-% ",< "~. / u.. "°'I / _1 _1 O o '--% ^-4[ iu I~" . . . . . . . (RH)i : IOO%'L . . . . . . (RH)i = 5 0 % j . . . . O O I 0 io'_: ~;:~o0,21~:o I ( R H l i =100%'1 . . . . r~ J t- . . . . . . . . . . (RH) i =IOO°/o~,% = - 2 . O esu cm-2 }-- .......................(RH) = 5 0 °/0 ~ q r = + 2 " O e s u c m ' 2 J~-5| I I I Itlill lO-~ I I ~llltll I I~lll]l IO-] IO-z RADIUS I OF I I AEROSOL 10-3 IO PARTICLE . . . . . . . . . . (RH) i = I 0 0 % " L % = - 2 . 0 esu cm -~ .......................( RH ) -- 5 0 o/,. ~ q r = + 2 0 e s u c r n "z 10-5 I IlllilJ (M.m) IO-2 RADIUS FIG. 4. S a m e as Fig. 1 but for a~ = 213 /.~m and OF 10- I AEROSOL I IO PARTICLE (/zrn) FIG. 6. S a m e as Fig. 1 but for a~ = 112.8 /xm and N p ~ = 5. N n e = 1. 0.001 - r -< 10 ~m are captured by electrically charged and uncharged ice crystal plates of various radii in air of various humidities at -10°C and 700 mb. Our resuits at the other pressure-temperature levels considered, differed only insignificantly from those at -10°C and 700 mb. We attributed this finding to our particular choice of pressure-temperature level, which, in combination, affected r/~, Dva, p~, and k~ in such a manner that the pressure and temperature sensitive contributions to the phoretic and hydrodynamic forces compensated each other. Other combinations of pressure and temperature may well change the present curves. The most significant feature of the curves in Figs. 1 to 8 is the predominant minimum I NRe=2 0c=146.8/zm ~ 7 O O m b , -IO°C Id ~ ~ ,0-, I~_ ~.,,. '~:~.~""-.-.i.~ '- _.--..........'.~.................. :~:~" I 0 "2 ~- id a "~. / .... ~.~/~ ix. u_ uJ ~ 10- 3 iO-3 NRe=0.5 o c = 87.9 _ 10-4 _~- . . . . . . . (RH) i = I00%'1 .(RH)i = 5 0 % ~ q°" q r - u ~(~ Z .......... (RH) i =LOO%~qo= - 2 . O e s u -- -...................... (RH) i = 5 0 % ~ q r = ÷ 2 " O e s u IO -~ i i illlill 10- 3 R~,DIUS i I(3"z OF I li ItiLL i I(3"i AEROSOL IO-4 i tililli ~ I PARTICLE (R.)i :1oo%t _ (RH)i =500/°~ qO: q r - O . ....... .......... c m "2 crn'2 {RH) i = I00%'~ qo = - 2 . 0 esu cm -2 .......................(RH) i = 5 0 % J qr =+ 2 . 0 e s u c m "z IO"5 I iL~llld i E llnlLL i lllltnl 10-3 10-2 10- I I i liHIll 10 RADIUS (/zm) FIG. 5. S a m e as Fig. 1 but for ae = 146.8 ~ m and N~ 7OOmb,-IO°C -J M 0 (J Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, N o . 1, N o v e m b e r Fie. 7. S a m e NR~ = 0 . 5 . = 2. 1980 OF as Fig. AEROSOL J I LLLJJJI IO PARTICLE (/zm) I b u t f o r a~ = 8 7 . 9 /xm a n d 53 AEROSOL PARTICLES ",... ~.. ~:#... I / :,':? .............. i0 -I )- / /..... / ., ... ", ... / ;:/ ...... " xx ~ \\ uJ 7j IG z L LL Ld Z 0 I0 3 __ ---- NRe~O'I O C = 50,6/~m co S 700mb, 10- 4 -IO°C ( R H ) i = 1 0 0 % )_ _ (RH)i =50%] qa= q r - O ._ ...... .......... ( R H ) i = I 0 0 % ' ~ qa = - 2 . 0 esu c m "z .......................( R H ) i = 5 0 iO-5 ~L II1~11] I0 -3 RADIUS % .J q r = + 2 " 0 esu c m "z I I Iltllll 10- 2 OF I ; ~tlHII I 0 -I AEROSOL J I IlJllll I PARTICLE I0 (H. rn) FIG. 8. Same as Fig. 1 but for a~ = 50.6 /xm and NR~ = 0.1. in the collision efficiency E for aerosol particles of radius between r = 0.01 /xm and r = 0.1 /xm. Analogous to the particle scavenging behavior of water drops (20) this result can be explained on the basis of Brownian diffusion which is increasingly responsible for particle scavenging as the particle radius decreases below 0.01 /xm, while inertial capture is increasingly responsible for particle scavenging as the particle radius increases above 0.1 txm. However, it is worth noting that the minimum (termed by 20, as the Greenfield-Gap) for particle scavenging by ice crystal plates appears at aerosol particle radii which are about 1 order of magnitude smaller than the particle radii at which the minimum appears for water drops. This result is caused by the unusual properties of the ice crystal rim as a trap for the aerosol particles. In contrast to the air flow past a spherical drop, air flow past a thin falling ice plate exhibits strong horizontal flow components on its lower side, recurving sharply to become more or less vertical near the crystal's edge, the streamlines strongly crowding near the crystal tip (see 17). This flow behavior causes aerosol particle trajectories of the type described in Fig. 9. These demonstrate that the ice crystal rim is a preferred capture site for aerosol particles. Thus, the capture of aerosol particles is controlled by the air flow past the scavenging body to much smaller aerosol particle sizes if the scavenging body is a thin ice crystal plate than if it is a drop. No annular behavior of the type found by Pitter and Pruppacher (28) for drops captured by ice crystal plates was observed by us for aerosol particles captured by such plates. It is evident from Figs. 1 to 8 that, as in the case of particle scavenging by drops, particle scavenging by ice crystal plates is most strongly affected by phoretic forces in the Greenfield-Gap. The phoretic effects are quite small for aerosol particles of r > 1 /xm and of r < 0.01 /xm, but are important for aerosol particles of 0.01 -< r -< 1 p~m. Note also from Figs. 1 to 8 that the phoretic < rc -=O.05~m 7 0 0 m b , - IO°C Yc, FRONT = 0 . 4 0 4 Ye,REAR = 0 . 6 9 5 w ~- ,.o qp : + 2 . 0 esu cm -2 qa : - 2 . 0 e s u cm-2 cl o 7, f~ z.o Ilo NON DIMENSIONAL DISTANCE FROM VERTICL AXIS FIG. 9. Theoretically computed trajectories of an aerosol particle or r = 0.05 /xm moving around an ice crystal plate of a0 = 50.6 /xm (NRe = 0.1), for q~ = q ~ = 2.0 esu cm -2. Note that the capture of aerosol particles takes place at the ice crystal rim, and also may take place on the rear side of the ice crystal. Journal o f Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 78, N o . 1, N o v e m b e r 1980 54 MARTIN, WANG, AND PRUPPACHER effects b e c o m e stronger the smaller the ice crystal. Obviously, the smaller the ice crystal, the smaller its Reynolds n u m b e r and, therefore, the smaller the particle-deflecting effect of the flow field beneath the crystal. Similar to the phoretic effects, the electrical effects on particle scavenging are negligible for r < 0.01 /xm. H o w e v e r , they are very p r o n o u n c e d in the particle size range 0.01 <- r <- 10/xm, depending on the size of the ice crystal. Thus, the collision efficiency for crystals of a~ = 639, 404, and 289/xm is raised by as much as 1 order of magnitude in the range of 0.01 --- r -< 5 /xm if = Iq" I = 2.0 esu cm -2. We also note from Figs. 1 t o 8 that the phoretic effects on the scavenging are less noticeable if the aerosol particles and ice crystals are electrically charged. Figures 1 to 8 show further that the smaller the Reynolds n u m b e r of the ice crystal, i.e., the smaller the particle-deflecting hydrodynamic forces beneath the crystal, the stronger is the collision efficiency enhanced by the electric charges present. Some particularly strong electric effects are noted for particles of r > 1/xm and ice crystals of ac = 213, 146.8, and 112.8/xm. If crystals of these sizes are electrically uncharged their collision efficiency rapidly decreases to zero as r becomes larger than 1 /zm. In fact, no particles are collected if r > 2 /xm. Trajectory analysis shows that the reason for this behavior lies in the fact Iqol 10-2 __ NRe=IO Gc =289FLrn r =o.02/~m 700mb'-lO°C (FIH)i =100% Z lu 5 / LU CO °o ,o-~ 0.1 i I i I i i I Ill .0 i Iqol=Iq,I ( ~ c~~) FIG. 10. Variation of the collision efficiency with electric charge [q~ [ = Iqr[ on the crystal and aerosol particle, respectively; fora¢ = 289/xm and forr = 0.02 /xrn; w h e r e qa = Qa/a~ and qr = Qr/r 2. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, V o ] . 7 8 , N o . 1, N o v e m b e r 1980 I0 "I __ NRe" I0 OC =289/zm r =0,3/~m ?OOmb, -lO*G z LO E (RH)I-IO0% LU ~ o i0 "z I 0. I I I i i ] I 11 1.0 I Iqol=lq~l (esu cm-=) FIG. l l. Variation of the collision efficiency with electric charge Iqo I = Iq,I on the crystal and aerosol particle, respectively, for ac = 289 txm and for r = 0.3/xm; where qa = Q,/a~and qr = Qr/r~. that at these relatively low Reynolds numbers the approach velocity of the aerosol particle to the ice crystal is sufficiently small so that the strong horizontal hydrodynamic deflecting forces beneath the ice crystal have sufficient time to move any aerosol particle of r > 2 /xm around the crystal causing the collision efficiency to be zero. H o w e v e r , if the ice crystal and aerosol particles are electrically charged with Iqa[ = Iqrl = 2.0 esu cm -2 the collision efficiency becomes finite and in fact quite large, being raised to a value above 10-2 by the electric charges. A further dramatic change in the collision behavior of ice crystal plates is noted if ice crystals have Nae < 1 (see Figs. 7 and 8). We note that at these very low Reynolds numbers aerosol particles of r > 1 /xm are again captured. Analysis of the velocity field around the falling crystal shows that the reason for this behavior lies in a pronounced decrease of the horizontal, particledeflecting velocity if Nae < 1. In fact, the deflecting force for Nr~e < 1 decreases to such a low value that, despite the small approach velocity, the particle cannot escape colliding with the crystal. Nevertheless, the increase in E due to the presence of electric charges is considerable over the whole particle size range. In fact, with decreasing r, the collision efficiency decreases unexpectedly to a minimum near r ~ 0.5 txm and subsequently increases with further decrease in r to a maximum near r ~ 0.05 AEROSOL PARTICLES f.O~_lqal=lqpt=o esucrn'Z F lqol= lqPl =o.2 esu cm -2 .... o~ D ~n ~_ lqo,o lq~.loZ.o . . . . . -z._.,1 o.I 0.01 .../ 55 the results of the present theories with the presently available experimental results for ice crystals and aerosol particles which are electrically uncharged. This comparison shows that, at least for uncharged ice crystals and aerosol particles, the agreement between theory and experiment is satisfactory. NRe =20 700mb _i00c 0.0011 ,, rJ [ ~ , ~J, 0. I 1.0 I0 RADIUS OF AEROSOL PARTICLE (p.m) FIG. 12. Variation of the collision efficiency with aerosol particle radius for various electric charges on the ice crystal and aerosol particle; for a~ = 404 ~m. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The present study was supported by the Atmospheric Sciences Section of the National Science Foundation, under grant ATM 78-10817, by the Environmental Protection Agency under grant R 806257-02-1, and by Lawrence Livermore Laboratories under grant PO 7683403. REFERENCES p.m. Trajectory analysis illustrated in Fig. 9 shows that this effect is due to capture of the charged aerosol particles on the rear side of the charged ice crystal. Figures 7 and 8 show that with even further decrease in particle size, the collision efficiency decreases again as the electric forces are now rapidly decreasing in comparison to the hydrodynamic forces tending to move the particle around the crystal. The final increase in collision efficiency forr < 0.01/~m is due to the effects of Brownian diffusion. In Figs. 10 and 11 the variation of the collision efficiency is plotted as a function of the charge ]qa] = ]qr[ on the ice crystal and on the aerosol particle, respectively, where qa = qa/a~ and qr = Qr/r z. We note that for both aerosol particle sizes considered and for an ice crystal of radius ac = 289 p~m electric charges begin to noticeably affect the capture of aerosol particles if ]qal = Iqr] > 0.4. This charge is considerably below the mean thunderstorm charge on particles in clouds. Figure 12 shows that for an ice crystal of ac = 404 ~m the collision efficiency is significantly affected even though the charge is as low as [q~[ = ]qr[ = 0.2 e s u c m - K Unfortunately, no experiments are available for checking the predictions of the present theoretical results. However, Martin (13) and Martin et aI. (14) have compared 1. Itagaki, K., and Koenuma, S., J. Geophys. Sci. 67, 3927 (1962). 2. Reiter, R., "Felder, Stroeme, Aerosole." Verl. D. Steinkopff, Darmstadt, 1964. 3. 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