A Study of Adaptive and Optimizing Behavior for Electric Vehicles Based on Interactive Simulation Gamesand Revealed Behavior of Electric Vehicle Owners ThomasTurrentine Martin Lee-Gosselin Kenneth Kurani Daniel Sperling Working Paper UCTCNo. 130 The Umversityof California TransportationCenter Urdversityof California Berkeley,CA94720 The University Transportation of California Center The University of California Transportation Center (UCTC) is one of ten regional units mandated by Congress and established in Fall I988 to support research, education, and training in surface transportation. The UCCenter serves federal Region IX and is supportec[ by matching grants from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), and the University. Based on the Berkeley Campus, UCTCdraws upon existing capabilities and resources of the Institutes of Transportation Studies at Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles; the Institute of Urban and Regional Development at Berkeley; and several academic departments at the Berkeley, Davis, Irvine, and Los Angeles campuses. Faculty and students on other University of California campusesmay participate in Center activities. Researchers at other universities within the region also have opportunities to collaborate with UCfaculty on selected studies. UCTC’seducational and research programs are focused on strategic planning for improving metropolitan accessibility, with emphasis on the special conditions in Region IX. Particular attention is directed to strategies for using transportation as an instrument of economic development, while also accommodatingto the region’s persistent expansion and while maintaining and enhancing the quality of life there. The Center distributes reports on its research in working papers, monographs, and in reprints of published articles. It also publishes Access, a magazine presenting summaries of selected studies. For a list of publications in print, write to the address below. Universityof California Transportation Center 108 NavalArchitectureBuilding Berkeley,California 94720 Tel: 510/643-7378 FAX:510/643-5456 Thecontentsof this report reflect the viewsof the authorwhois responsible for the facts andaccuracyof the data presentedherein. Thecontentsdo not necessarilyreflect the official viewsor policiesof the State of Californiaor the U.S.Department of Transportation.Thisreport does not constitute a standard, specification,or regulation. A Study of Adaptive and Optimizing Behavior for Electric Vehicles Based on Interactive Simulation Games and Revealed Behavior of Electric Vehicle Owners Thomas Turrentine Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California at Davis MartinLee-Gosselin ProgrammeInterdiseiplinaire en Amenagementdu Territoire Laval University, Quebec et DeveloppementRegional KennethKurani Institute of TransportationStudies, University of California at Davis DanielSperling Institute of TransportationStudies University of California at Davis Davis, CA95616 Presented at the World Conference on Transport Research Lyon, France, 1992 UCTC No. 130 The University of California Transportation Center University of California at Berkeley ABSTRACT Electric vehicles (EVs)promisemajor improvementsin air-quality. But the limited range and long recharge times of EVshave created great uncertainty about consumer demand.Technical consUaint studies find good news, that 20-60 %of aH households in the United States could substitute an EVwith 162 KMrange for one of their current vehicles. In startling contrast, choice studies - based on the responsesof consumersto hypothetical choice sets - find that limited range and long recharge are extremely expensive drawbacksand forecast sales of a few percent or less of the yearly newauto m~ket. Thesestudies have relied on meagerdata and not investigated the potential revolutionary effect on the automobilemarketof the introduction of alternative fueled vehicles. To explore potential dynamics,wehave conductedthree linked studies: 1) a test drive of EVs,natural gas, and methanolvehicles by 236 citizens in Los Angeles(with 11 post-drive focus group interviews); 2) purchase intention and range simulation games (PIREG)and 3) interviews with over 100 ownersof EVs. In this paper, we focus upon the methodsand results of PIREG,an interview gamingtechnique derived from the CUPIG(Car Use Patterns Interview-Game) developed by Martin Lee-Gosselin to study future automobileuse. The interview uses one weekdiaries of householdsand detailed descriptions of a recent vehicle purchasedecision to create a realistic simulationcontext for examiningthe potential substitution of several newelectric vehicle technologies. Theresults demonstrateseveral dynamics.First, increased information and learning experiencewill reduce uncertainty in the EVmarket, affecting stated preferences. In the test drive, 76%of participants said their opinion of EVsimprovedafter a test drive. Participants were surprised at hownormal the EVslooked and performed. Second, householdswill consider adaptive responses to limited range vehicles, given the social benefits of clean air. MostPIREG participants were surprised at howeasily electrics fit their travel needs; most werehighly receptive to EVsif the price were equal to that of a gas car. Usingdetail diaries of their owncar use, participants proposedsimple waysof adapting to limited range including swappingvehicles for longer days, opportunity charging at workand in somehouseholdsincreasing the vehicle stock. In most cases, householdspreferred occasional adaptations to moreexpensive, long range vehicles. Finally, PIREG interviews and electric vehicle ownerinterviews suggest that a multifueled household(gasoline and electric) will optimize the EVuse with significant fuel cost differences. In somecases, the ability of householdsto shift vehicle use to the EV wasso significant, that it mayoffset the higher initial cost of EVs. Information development,experience, adaptive response and optimization are central processes underlying the developmentof the electric vehicle market. PIREGinterviews offer the most detailed understandingof these processes and the purchaseintentions that will result. Whilethe market is uncertain for EVs, PIREGgamesand current practices of EVownerssuggest that with the fight price incentives, EVscould become the primary vehicles in households,used for a higher percentage of householdtrips and VMTs than a gasoline counter part in the household. THE PROBLEM Electric vehicles (EVs)hold great promiseto reduce urban air pollution, greenhouse emissionsand diversify the fuels used in transportation. However,the short refueling range and long recharge times of current EVshave discouraged any auto-makers from investmentsuntil there are majorinnovationsin batter), technology.But there are no 1 guarantees that a miracle battery will comein the near future and investment money will only begin to flow into developmentwith an initial market. A decision has been madein California to proceed with developingan initial market to encourage investment and competition. Facedwith no sales data on electrics, there is tremendousuncertainty about the size of the market for EVs. Consumersare experienced with long range vehicles which refuel easily. Current gasoline vehicles offer refueling ranges of 200 to 350 miles range and refuel in about 6 minutes. A few consumershave experience with diesel vehicles which offer even greater ranges. A few drivers in Canada,Italy and NewZealand have experience with compressednatural gas vehicles (CNG)having ranges of 50 to 200 miles. A few hundred CNGownersare experienced with slow refills of five to seven hours at their residence. Electric vehicles are a sharp contrast, offering ranges of 50 to 110 miles, and recharging at stations in 30 minutes or moreand slow charges of 3-8 hours at home. Onlya few thousand electric vehicle enthusiasts throughout the world have experience with short ranges and long recharges, and allocating trips to either a gas or electric vehicle. Enthusiasts have claimedthese ranges are sufficient for mostdriving, but their opinions and experiences have been largely overlookedas those of a few zealots. Mostmanufacturersbelieve these limitations eliminate EVsfrom the market. In fact, they often note that EVswere a significant part of the marketearly in the century, but lost appeal oncegasoline cars gained starter motors. This history is worthnoting, but it must also be recognized that muchhas changedin the interim° Householdsoften have two, three and four vehicles, specialized vehicles for recreation, commuting and cargo, moredrivers per household,increasingly complextravel behavior as well as a growing concernfor controlling pollution. Thelong range and quick refill of gasoline vehicles is a convenientattribute which manufacturerscan offer on all vehicles regardless of the intended use; therefore tank size is seldoman option. But the value of long range in tradeoffs with newattributes of EVsis still unknown,especially given that consumershave not had an opportunity to pick and choose for themselvesfrom different ranges, refill speeds, and home recharging. Latent market segmentsmayexist for EVsin whichthe mix of attributes are valued morethan gasoline. The problemfor those wishing to predict the market is that consumersthemselvescannot usually tell us with any certainty what they need themselves, seeing they have even less experience than do we with electrics to assess needs and wants. PREVIOUS STUDIES Several studies in the United States, and one in Germanyhave looked at howthe limited range and long recharge will shape the EVmarket (earlier studies included the impact of expected diminished performance of EVsbut improved performance of current electric vehicles diminishesthe importanceof that constraint). In the more distant future, longer ranges arid quicker recharge times will perhapsbe available, but for the comingdecade vehicles will have ranges of about 162 krn and slow recharge times of several hours and fast recharges of at least 30 minutes. As a result of the limited range and long recharges, all studies have assumedEVsfit only a two car householdwith travel habits for one vehicle less than the estimated range of current lead acid battery EVs.Kiselwich and Hamilton(1982) estimate that 57% households in the United States could accommodate a vehicle with eighty miles of 2 range, Deshpande(1984) estimates that 60%of householdsdrive less than 96 miles 348 days per year. Greene(1985) estimates that 20-50 percent of vehicles are driven under 100 miles per day. Thesefigures suggest a sizable potential marketfor limited range EVsin the United States. In the UnitedStates, technical constraint studies find that range is so minimala constraint, that recent studies (Nesbitt et al 1992)are focused moreuponthe constraints of recharging requirements, such as house ownershipand having a logical piace to recharge. Nesbitt et al estimate 28%of householdsin the UnitedStates could meet these constraints. Fewerhouseholdsin Europehave two vehicles. A constraint study by Hautzinger et al (1992) finds a market for 5 million EVs(approximately of households) in former WestGermany.But car ownershiptrends indicate that per capita car ownershipis headingin the direction of the UnitedStates (Shipper et al 19’92). Thecomplaintabout technical constraint studies is that the real constraint on EVsales will not be the physical constraints of householdtravel and infrastructure, but rather the preferences of car buyers; that consumerswill not give up unlimited range or quick refueling. Stated preferences surveys have supportedthis idea quite forcefully, and estimate very low percentagesof vehicles sold per year. In the absence of sales data on EVs, market researchers have used: 1) focus group studies to explore potential preferences, 2) quantitative studies whichestimate market shares of EVsfrom purchase data in the gasoline market and 3) stated preference studies in whichsurvey participants makehypothetical choices from sets of car descriptions. Focus groupsoffer insights but no numbersand studies of the gas market use. irrelevant data. Thestated preferenceworkis mostinfluential. Stated preferences studies report very high disutilities for limited range. Twoinfluential studies were donein the late seventies. If adjusted for I991 prices, for a range of 50 miles in contrast to 200 miles, Mortonet al (I978) found a disutility of $10,000 Beggset al (1981) founda disutility of $ I6,250. In a very recent study, Bunchet (1992) found a high aggregateddisutility of $15,000for similar differences in range. a slightly different study, in whichindividual utilities werecalculated for each participant, Calfee et al (1986) founda widerange of disutilities but manyin the range above, even for consumerswhosaid they wantedan EVanyway.These disutilities project very low probabilities for purchase. The assumptionsof these methodsmust be questioned; for radical newproducts, stated preference studies probably measureconsumeruncertainty morethan preferences. In this case, they measureuncertainty about electrics, exaggeratedagainst the long term experience consumershave with gasoline vehicles. Just on the issue of range preferences, the participant has no idea howto evaluate limited range becauserange is not a normalattribute for consideration. Manyparticipants in our studies don’t know the range of their current vehicle. Consumers are uncertain about the reliability of new technologyand the stability of public policy and support for electric vehicles. Under these conditions, stated preference studies are subject to large potential data errors; they inappropriately calculate utility values from uncertain and volatile opinions. Stated preference studies can measurepublic opinion, identify widespreadbeliefs about AFVs,and mayhelp to identify potential hot-spots in sales for planning purposes, but consumertastes, knowledgeand understanding of EVsare as yet undeveloped. There is a greater need to pursue the constraint approachwith an eye on the processes which will lead to diffusion of AFVs.Theemphasisshould be upon identifying potential market segmentswhichcan be targeted by governmentpolicy. Identifying these marketsrequires innovative research to simulate householddecisions in a yet undevelopedcontext. RESEARCH APPROACH Diffusion studies have demonstratedthat learning processes are a critical dynamicin the spread of newtechnologies. Wepropose that these learning processes can be further identified as information acquisition, adaptive response, and optimization. While diffusion studies have focused uponthe bundledproperties of a single innovation, economicstudies have movedto analysis of particular attributes of products. Weadopt this attributional perspective and combineit with diffusion studies to investigate how consumerswill learn about and evaluate EVattributes for purchase, adapt to limitations and optimize benefits. EVsalso have social benefits, whichwilt makevehicle purchasesan increasingly political and cultural decision, nevertheless constrained by the transportation needs and budget of a household. Nesbitt et al (I992) assumedthat a major constraint on the near tem~market for EVs wouldbe the infrastructure needs of households. Theyassume that only homeowners with a safe recharging location wouldbe likely to purchase EVsin the early market. Given this newconstraint, they found about 28 million householdsin the USand (approximately1.4 million householdsin Los Angeles) could practically substitute EVfor one of the vehicles in their household. These householdsare homeowners,with a reliable place to recharge, and have 2 or morecars, and don’t drive both cars more than seventy miles per day. Werecruited 236 households in the Pasadenaarea of Los Angeleswhomet the criteria of Nesbitt et al and a earned a householdincomeof at least 50,000U.S.dollars, (this incomelevel is average for householdswhopurchase newcars). Theseparticipants testdrove electrics, methanoland compressednatural gas vehicles. Participants answered questions before, during and after inspecting and driving vehicles° Wealso held 11 focus group interviews one weekafterwards for in-depth responses to test-drive experiences and public policy questions. While the test drive allowed us to improveour understanding of consumerresponses to the driving characteristics of EVs,wealso devised a Purchase Intention and Range Evaluation Game(PIREG)to investigate in a moredetailed waythe responses households to EVsof various ranges and recharging possibilities. PIREGwas derived from CUPIG(Car Use Patterns Interview-Game), aa interactive interview gaming technique developedby Martin Le-Gosselinto investigate future car use patterns. Households have minimumof $ 50,000 annual income, owntheir ownhouse, have two (36 %of UShouseholds in 1988) or three vehicles (21%of U.S. households in 1988), two or three drivers, all vehicles of 1985+vintage, and have purchaseda newcompact car or mini-van in the previous year. Eachhouseholdkept one weekdiaries of all vehicle use, whichweconvertedinto a single time-Iine chart for easy visual reference during the interview. Householdsalso describe in somedetail howan whythey purchasedtheir newvehicle. Thehouseholdswere then interviewedat their residence, with all drivers participating. A chart of their previous weekof driving and a gameboard are used to simulate the substitution of EVswith various ranges, recharging schedules and opportunities into their previous week. Participants were presented sequentially with two different ranges 4 (120 kin; 240 kin), slow (6-8 hr.) and fast (30 minutes) recharging abilities, home awayfrom homerecharging locations and finally fuel-ceil technology (120 kmrange, minute exchange). The householdis able to comparethe impact of each type of technology in the context of previous experiences, and makedecisions about which technology they preferred, given price differences for simple and advanced technologies. Further gameswere played in which the household membersreallocated trips to optimizetheir use of their electric vehicle, promptedby increases in gasoline prices. Wehave completedseven of forty planned interviews and offer some preliminaryresults fromthat study. Afinal project was designed to view howhouseholds will adapt to EVsover a longer period of ownership. Over100 hundredownersof electric vehicles in California were interviewed about howthey have been using electric vehicles. Theseinterviews are in the final stages of completionand we have begunpreliminary analysis, looking at frequenciesfor the fu’st 76 interviews. RESULTS Participants in the drive test reported that their prior knowledge of electric vehicles c~:mefrom news media (89%) and consumermagazines(37%). After the drive test, 76%said their opinion of EVsimproved,indicating that the public mediais underestimating EVs.Participants said in focus interviews that they had expected EVs to be egg shaped prototypes or golf cart like. The performanceand normalvehicle form of the EVswasa pleasant surprise for a majority of participants. Eventhough participants expected EVsto have less performanceand be less practical themthe vehicles usedin the test drive, electric vehicles werefavoredprior to the drive in at least two ways.First, they werethe most familiar alternative fueled vehicle to the participants; 95%had heard of electric vehicles (methanol 83%,NGV54%). Additionally, whenasked prior to the test to select whattype of alternative fueled vehicle they wouldlike, 54%selected EVs, with the remainder split amonghybrid ele, ctric, hydrogen,methanol,CNG,and ethanol. Theprimary reason for this choice wasair pollution and fuel security° Learning about Range and Recharging EVs Wlhilewell knownand popular as a solution to air pollution, consumersdo not understandrange and refueling issues. Their lack of understandingleads to conflicting intentions. In the study by Calfee et al (1985), manyparticipants seemedto irrational, on the one hand choosingEVsover other vehicles, but insisting on range needs beyondthose of the EVs. Consumersdo not have a good idea of howthe range limit will "affect them- when questionedabout range, they fall back on the range of their gasoline vehicle for reference. Beggset al reported in their 1980study that participants offer the range of their current gasoline vehicle as the range they needed. Participants in our focus groups respondedin the sameway. Somedid not knowthe range of their current vehicle, but said that whatever it was, that is whatthey need° Weasked participants in our post test-drive focus groups to reconsider range needs after calculating their last weekof driving. After reflection on their actual driving, participants changedthe waythey calculated the range they wanted. The changes were somewhatsystematic and lead to a two part calculation, a twenty mile safety buffer to reraain on the vehicle at all times, and a secondusable range amountto the perceived maximum normalday of travel. In all cases, range needs dropped. Furthermore, the sameparticipants were willing to trade awayeven morerange for simple fuel cost cuts. Our PIREGinterviews demonstrated the same dynamics. Householdswere able to calculate range needs in the light of one weekdiaries and two hour discussions of householdtravel needs. The range values of these consumersare extremely volatile. These dynamicscast immediatedoubt on the conclusions of survey studies in which opinions are asked of participants whohave no experience with EVs. Participants were offered instrumentation on a hypothetical EVwhich gave themthe remainingmiles on a charge and not the remainingcharge as a percentage or fraction of charge. Wehave no evidence that manufacturers will offer such instrumentation, but our research wouldsuggest it wouldimproveacceptance. After discussing in some detail the emergencyand normalneeds of these seven households, fourteen of the sixteen drivers estimated their absolute minimum spare range for an electric car to be twenty miles. This is the amountof charge they wouldalways want on the car, even ff returning home.The primary reason was for emergencies; everyone in the study lived within a few miles of a hospital, but wanteda safe range for problems. The 20 mile safety buffer figure is somewhatsurprising given current refueling practices. Drivers in our PIREGinterviews report running the fuel level of their present gasoline vehicles clownto different levels. Of the sixteen persons interviewedso far in PIREG,twopersonsrun their tank until the fuel light turns on, four to I/8 of a tank, eight to 1/4 of a tank and 2 refin at 1/2 tank. Whenrefueling, the majorityfill the tank. Onlytwo teenage participants report refueling a small amountof fuel, spendinga percentageof cash in their pocket. Agehas an obviouseffect on participants willingness to risk running out of fuel. Four persons prefer to go as manymiles as is possible betweenfill-ups. Oneperson watches their trip meter and fuel light. Noone knewhowmuchfuel wasleft in the vehicle when the red light wenton. Thesepractices suggest that mostdrivers are using about 3\4 of the range of their tank on normalrefueling practices. The second componentof a households’ range needs is composedof commutingneeds plus a well knownset of trips\ activities whichoccur on a regular basis such as once per monthor week, within a familiar radius from work. Only a few households experience emergencies which require them to travel beyond this normal maximum range. There were business people whomust be prepared to respond quickly to needs outside their normaldriving areas. Familyemergenciesoccur in near radii, if beyond, were accommodatedby switching vehicles. In contrast to the seeminguniversality of the 20 mile buffer figure, drivers in the PIREG study differed in their ability to estimate their rangeneeds. At least half of the drivers overestimatedaily range needs in their diaries; only a few calculated evendaily commutedistances with reasonable accuracy. Participants were moreconcerned with times than distances. Therange of their vehicles is not a dally concern. In contrast, planningto avoidrunning out of chargeis a normalactivity for the electric vehicle ownerswe interviewed. Becauseof this planning and as a result of the minimal needs for range beyondtheir electric, they seldomdrain their batteries (all rely upon lead acid batteries, and have ranges from 30-100miles). Initial frequencies from our sampleshowthat only 14%of EVownersdrain their batteries, while 71.4 %prefer to top off batteries. 43 %said they toppedoff to save the batteries, 26 %said they topped off to maximizepotential range. Only 10 %said they allowed the vehicle to go to 1/4 of a charge. Commutingand Electric Vehicles Electric vehicles have long been considered special purpose vehicles. Researchershave suggested an EVcan substitute as secondcars - although no precise definition as second car existed except as a "lesser importancevehicle". This designation mayhave followedstereotypical beliefs about the car used by married women in families, as well as buyingpatterns in whicha first car is the newestand most used while the secondis older and less used. Changesin women’sworkpatterns and increases in car use have outdated this stereotype. Another segmented concept has been that of a dedicated commutevehicle. Commutes are fixed distances and researchers assumemanycars used for commutessit for the entire evening and thus are available for recharging. The average round trip commute distance in the USin 1985 was24 miles suggesting a large numberof potential EV users. A 1989 survey of commutersin Los Angeles finds that 77 %of the population commutesless than forty miles round trip. Fifty-seven percent commuteon surface streets while 36 percent commuteprimarily on freeways (SCAG1989)o These figures suggest that the vehicles being used for commuteare an excellent market. Nearly all the vehicle-driver-use patterns we have examinedinvolve somesort of commute.But our workreveals the importance of other regular and extended travel behavior built around the commute,workplaces, and homes.A closer look is needed to assess howcommute lends itself to EVacceptability. In our test drive samplein Pasadena,wefound that commutedistance had little influence over attitudes or purchase intentions, in the context of a choice betweena CNG,EVor Methanol vehicle. Very few persons in our sample had commuteswhich exceeded the range of EVs.Westratified our sample according to commutedistances: 27.3 %did not commute,30.6 % commuteunder 20 miles round trip; 15.9 %commute20~40 miles round trip; and 16.4 %commutedover forty miles round trip. Equal percentages from these groups expressed purchase intentions for the limited range EVsover the unlimited range methanol,vehicles. Commute distance did not influence choices betweenAFVswith different driving ranges in the drive test. But in PIREG interviews, the vehicle householdschose as a potential EVfrom their householdfleet wasa commutevehicle, and its uses as a commutevehicle were the primary object of discussion by the household. Travel choices for workjourneys, shopping,recreation and other activities are built uponthe commute;it provides the underlying structure for most travel choices during the work wee, k. Thedistance of the commuteseldomstrains EVranges, but the residual range after the commuteshapes additional choices and adaptive responses. Commute does figure prominentlyin the uses of current EVs.Our sample of current EVowners contains a sampleof 38 commuters;31 use their EVto commutewhile 7 use a gas car. Planning, Predictability and Recharging In post-test drive focus groups, manyparticipants discussed flexibility as a basic want; their need for unlimited range wasa "lifestyle" issue; they wantedthat freedom. Anothergroup of participants stated less needfor unlimited range; their travel behavior is moreroutine. In a survey of Los Angelescommutersonly 20 %say they stop on their way to work, and only 30 % say they stop on the way homefrom work (SCAG1990). The distinction betweenthose whorecognize their routine and those whodemand unlimited range for their lifestyle maybe related to life-cycle and age. In focus groups and test drive participants, those whoprofessed routine were mid-aged. This may account for the finding that the mostreceptive to EVsin the test drive werein the age category 45-55. In this group, night-time recharging wasa reasonable requirement, their cars were seldomused during the evenings. Youngerdrivers considered unlimited range a need in the evening and suggested they could not always count on recharging. In all PIREGinterviews thus far, the amountof time the vehicle is parkedexceedsall recharging needs, especially considering the vehicle is seldomused for its maximum range, thus recharge times are relatively short. In the interviews, weoffered participants a very slow hypothetical recharging rate of one hour for each ten miles of range. Only on a few occasions at workplaces was a need found for faster recharge, caused by errands or business needs. Participants in PIREGstudies had a goodidea of what errands were done from work. Excessive variation and unpredictability in travel range was found only in two households. Thus we find that more important than commute distance wasthe perceivedand actual degree of routine in the travel patterns of participants and their households.Theissue of routine wasrelated also to perceptions about eveningactivities. Adaptations to llmited range For somePIREGparticipants, homerecharging provided for all range needs, especially for vehicles that are used primarily for commuting and not other activities such as weekendexcursions. Thesehouseholds share vehicles often and the homeis the hub for most activities. Whenpotential range conflicts are encountered, recharging at work places and swappingvehicles with other household memberssolved the problem with a minimum of disturbance. Figure numberone is a chart of howone of the households in a PIREGgameresponded to using a vehicle with one hundred miles range. Home recharge represents what would have happenedin the previous weekwithout adapting. Note the commuteis no strain on the charge, but business trips from the workplace use all the charge. Thedriver of the car could haveeasily swappedcars with his spouse that day, but preferred charging at work. This couple was confident they wouldpurchase electric if available. In other households, limited range mayrequire someadaptations in householdtravel behavior; the amountof adaptation depends on travel needs. These primary adaptations which we offered as solutions to problemsencounter in PIREGinterviews were car swapping, opportunity recharging and 30 minute fast charges. Householdswere given a hypothetical limited range vehicle and asked to substitute it into their previous weekof activities (we offered a limited range to intentionally cause someproblemsin completingthe previous weekstravel). Vehicle swappingwas the most effective strategy to solve problems. Only in one household did swappingvehicles not work- and the reason was not a direct range conflict but a systematic uncertainty about range needs related to business demands. Moreover,in manyhouseholds, swappingis a normal practice. But there was resistance amongsomeparticipants to increased vehicle swapping;the concerneddrivers identify strongly with the performanceand styIing characteristics of their vehicles. Vehicles of teenagers were unavailable for swappingfor these reasons. Therelatively infrequent need to swapand potential opportunity charging reduce anticipated swappingand loss of one’s personal vehicle for the day. Opportunity rechargingmet little resistance as a strategy. Mostvehicles in the study are parkedfor long periods in potential charginglocations such as parking lots at work. k,,. e5 oSE I: llm E ! l | Dm m 0") i l ! l | l E~ l | E I ! i t i 1 i | | ! 11 8 I ! | 1 ! ! E~ E £ m E 0 0 0 E 0 "0 pm mm E~ ,,-i-- E l "0 U) E-d I I ! i G) E C: 0 O-- E~ l I | t I I 1 I I | ! O Figure 1. E O O At least two householdswere not potential limited range users, despite fitting our marketsegmentcriteria in all other ways. Theseparticipants use their vehicles for work purposes which mayinvolve unplanned excursions during the day. While such excursions are rare, the primary problemis that they are important enoughto require unlimited range. Planning, by swappingvehicles with another household memberwas not feasible. Theremainingvehicles in the householdwere not easily replaced by EVs becauseof their special uses for recreation or other duties or becausethe purchase pattern of the householdwasto retire fu’st vehicles to a secondvehicle (here wedefine second vehicle as an older vehicle). The daily schedule of these two vehicles involved trips of such frequency that recharge at workplace was untenable, and whensuch unplannedexcursions were required, they involved an accelerated schedule; a quickcharge of even twenty minutes duration wasuntenable. Theseparticipants could only use EVsif equippedwith fuel-cell technology, which could be recharged rapidly by fuel exchange.Thesecases demonstratedthat different EVtechnologies will attract different market segments. Anunexpectedresult of the PIREGinterviews wasthat two households chose not to substitute an EVfor one of their current vehicles and instead said they were most likely to purchase an EV as an additional householdvehicle. Thesehouseholdswere affluent and distinct from other householdsin that they ownmorevehicles, including recreational vehicles and pickups. Apparently these household devote a muchhigher ratio of household incometo maintaining larger householdfleets; addingvehicles to their fleet is not unusual. This strategy agrees with attitudes in the larger sampleof drivers in Pasadena.In that samplewe foundthat the higher the numberof vehicles in a householdthe better its attitude towards EVs.In addition, householdswith morespecialized vehicles, such as four wheeldrive were morelikely to express an interest in EVs. Optimizing use of the EV Technical constraint studies have assumedsomeadaptive behavior by EVowning households, proposing substitution of the least used vehicle in a householdwith an EV. In the previous sections weshowsthat it maynot be the least used vehicle, but rather the vehicle whichis mostpredictable. In this section weproposethat in somecases, whereEVSfit the travel patterns of a householdparticularly welt, householdsmayeven shift moretravel to the EVto take advantageof its other features, such as lower operating costs, starting characteristics and convenienceof homerecharging. The final round of the PIREGinterviews involves motivating householdsto use their EVas muchas is possible° In somegamesthis was accomplishedby rationing gasoline so that they wereforced to either combinetrips or use their EV.In other interview gameswe raised the price of gasoline to $ 5 per gallon (American).Participants then were given the opportunity to reallocate trips from the previous week. Theincrease in gasoline was a significant motivation and inducedhouseholdsto shift a significant portion of their travel to the EV.Householdswere able to shift travel to EVsbecause prior to the price switch, the amountof range used by the EVwasonly a fraction of the total range. In mostcases, after a price rise, the EVswitchedfrom beingthe least utilized vehicle to the mostutilized vehicle in the household.Figure two is a comparisonof VMTs betweencar one and car two for a weekof driving. Figure three is howthe couple reconfiguredtheir driving after gasoline wasrasied to 5 dollars per gallon. Whilegas rationing arid steep rises in gasoline prices wasused in the PIREG interviews to stimulate participants to shift gasoline use to EVuse, this motivationmayoccur routinely in householdsas a result of the normalfeatures of EVs. Among the EV 10 Household # 4 Week use of vehicle 1 & vehicle 2 lOO 90 8o 7o 6o sO 4o 3o 2o 10 0 Tue~y Figure 2. Household# 4 $ 5 gasolineand vehicle # 2 is electric lOO 9o 8o 70 60 5o 4O 3o 20 ~o 0 Tues~y Figure 3. ownersweinterviewed, over one-half identified the EVas their primary vehicle, and this was arnong hobbyists, manyof whomare using unconventional vehicles. The miles driven per year of EVsin these householdswasequivalent to that of their gasoline vehicle. If welook only at vehicles in this samplewith systemsof seventyvolts or more, the percentagesof use rises. Whilemanyof these current users are EVenthusiasts and not representative of the general population, their reasons for optimizing the use of their EVare most frequently economic,a feature that will affect the general population as well. Theoperating costs of the EVare so low, and refueling is so convenient,that these individuals are motivated to use the EVfor most high frequency journeys. Several EVowners have even shifted to renting gasoline vehicles for out of range driving, to further reduce costs. CONCLUSIONS In this study weuse an interactive research method,PIREG,in conjunction with product testing and survey methodsto gain a broader understanding of the comingEV market. In particular, PIREG,allowed us to test hypotheses about howhouseholdswill changetheir current travel behaviorin responseto electric vehicle options and price environments. The PIREGinterview both educates the consumerabout the utility of future options and educates the researcher about important details in the consumer household which affect choice outcomes. The limited range of EVSand tong recharge times have been major blocks to the entry of EVsinto the market; it is feared that they cannot competewith gasoline vehicles. Becauseof the range advantage; consumerswill want unlimited range even if it is for infrequent journeys. Stated preference studies confirm this suspicion. However, constraint studies find that a significant percentage of householdsdo not needunfimited range, even though their current vehicles have unlimited range. Moreover,most daily travel of all vehicles is well within the rangeof current EVs.Also, citizens are realizing the need for cleaner vehicles; and affluent citizens express a willingness to experiment with limited range electric vehicles. Theseare influences whichcould push the market either way. If we believe EVsare goodpunic policy, citizens should be rewardedfor buying and using EVs. If given proper price incentives, these householdswill find EVsto be advantageous,and discover from other EVownersthat adaptations to the range limits to be minorissues. In fact, if the operating costs are different enoughfrom gasoline vehicles, many householdswill makethe EVtheir primary vehicle, using it for the bulk of household driving chores, and using the gasoline vehicle for long distance trips .pn 12 and trips whichmust be madeat the sametime as the electric. Householdoptimization of EVsmakesgood sense if your goals are to replace vehicle miles traveled, or percentageof householdtrips currently taken by gasoline vehicles with vehicle miles traveled by EVs.First generation EVswill be expensivevehicles. If they function as the primary vehicle (defined here as percentage of VMTs,and trips) could justify a higher price. 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