Webquest 03: Webquest on Projectile Motion AP Physics You will be using the following website for this quest… http://www.walter-fendt.de/ph14e/projectile.htm Name ___________________________ Per ____ Date _________ Score: Out of 23 Directions: Open the web site listed above. Set-up: 1. 2. 3. 4. In the velocity box type in an initial velocity of 30 m/s. In the angle box type in 55 degrees. In the mass box type in 1 kilogram. You will need to check the coordinates box to see the projectile location (x and y displacement from origin). You will need to check the velocity box in order to see the velocity vectors and statistics. Procedure A: What is the effect of mass on the motion of a projectile? 1. Press the "start” button to launch your first projectile. (1 pt) 2. Describe the shape of the path the projectile traces onto the screen. ____________________ 3. At the top of the screen, read and record the projectile's statistics in the table below. Again you may have to click different check boxes to see distances (coordinate button) and velocities (velocity button). Vi = 50 m/s Angle = 55o Mass of the Projectile (kilograms) Maximum Range Maximum (distance) Elevation (height) (meters) (meters) End Velocity Total Time (m/s) (s) 1 2 5 10 4. Investigate the effect of mass on the projectile motion by typing in the masses shown in the table above. Do not change any other variables. What affect does mass have on the motion characteristics listed in the table above? ______________ (1 pt) Explain your answer using Newton's Laws of Motion (look it up). (2 pt) __________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________ What amount of time do you estimate for the projectile to reach its Maximum Elevation? (1 pt) _____________s Webquest 03 Procedure B: What is the effect of Initial Velocity on the motion of a projectile? Mass = 5 kg & Angle = 45o Initial Velocity Maximum Range (distance) (m/s) (meters) Maximum Elevation (height) (meters) End Velocity Total Time (m/s) (s) 10 20 30 40 50 7. When the velocity was increased which of the data table measurements of the projectile motion also increases? (1 pt) _____________________________________________________________________________________ 8. How does the initial velocity and end velocity of the projectile compare for each launch? (1 pt) _____________________________________________________________________________________ Procedure C: What is the effect of Launch Angle on the motion of a projectile? Mass = 5 kg & Init. Velocity = 50 m/s Angle of Launch Maximum Range (distance) (degrees) (meters) Maximum Elevation (height) (meters) End Velocity Total Time (m/s) (s) 10 20 30 40 45 50 60 70 80 90 1. At what angle was the maximum range (horizontal distance) reached? ___________ Page 2 of 4 (1 pt) Webquest 03 2. At what angle was the maximum elevation achieved? ________________ (1 pt) 3. At what angle was the greatest "hang" time achieved? _______________ (1 pt) 4. Compare the maximum range (horizontal distance) reached for these pairs of launch angles. (2 pt) 10o = __________ meters and 80o = __________ meters 20o = __________ meters and 70o = __________ meters What pattern is observed for these angles and their maximum ranges? ___________________ (1 pt) What is the sum of these angle pairs? ________________ (1 pt) Procedure D: What is the effect of Launch Height on the Angle of Maximum Range? Mass = 5 kg Init. Velocity = 20 m/s Height of Launch Maximum Range Acheived(distance) Angle the Provided Maximum Range (degrees) (meters) (meters) (meters) 10 20 40 60 80 100 90 1. What is the general trend for angle of maximum range as you increase your launch height? (1 pt) __________________________________________________________________________ 2. Do you feel that there would be a height that would require a launcher to be pointed below the horizontal in order to achieve an angle of maximum range? Why or why not? (1 pt) __________________________________________________________________________ 3. What would you predict for the angle of maximum range for a launch that occurred below the altitude in which the projectile landed? (1 pt) ___________________________________________________________________________ Page 3 of 4 Webquest 03 Procedure E: What is the effect of air resistance on the motion of a projectile? For this part you will need to got to the following web page http://galileo.phys.virginia.edu/classes/109N/more_stuff/Applets/Projec tileMotion/jarapplet.html Mass = 5 kg Init. Velocity = 10 m/s Air Initial Angle Resistance Velocity (yes or no) (m/s) No 10 30 Yes 10 30 No 10 40 Yes 10 40 No 10 45 Yes 10 45 No 10 50 Yes 10 50 No 10 60 Yes 10 60 Final Maximum Maximum Horizontal Range Elevation Velocity (distance) (height) (vx) (meters) (meters) (m/s) Final Vertical Velocity (vy) End Velocity Total Time (m/s) (m/s) (s) What seems to be the over-all effect of air resistance on these characteristics of projectile motion: (Answer with: increase, decrease or no effect.) (2 pt) a) Maximum Range: ____________ b) Maximum Height:____________ c) Total Time ("hang time"): _________ d) End Velocity: ______________ At what launch angles would you expect to see the most effects due to air resistance? (1 pt) _________________________________________________________________ Play around with the launch speed at a specific angle with air resistance. Describe what you have found? (1 pt) _________________________________________________________________ Can you suggest a possible theory to explain the behavior and cause of air resistance? (2 pt) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ Summary: In your own words, state the concepts you learned about projectile motion from this virtual lab investigation. Page 4 of 4