Hitchcock Independent School District EMPLOYEE NOTIFICATION 2007-2008 Hitchcock Independent School District Employment Policies 2007-2008 District Goals and Planning 1. AE (LOCAL) Educational Philosophy/Mission Statement 2. BQ (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process 3. BQA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process 4. BQB (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Planning and Decision-Making Process Instruction and Students 5. EFA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Instructional Resources: Instructional Materials Selection and Adoption 6. EFE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Instructional Resources: Copyrighted Material 7. EIA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Academic Achievement: Grading/Progress Reports to Parents 8. EIE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Academic Achievement: Retention and Promotion 9. FB (LOCAL) Equal Educational Opportunity 10. FFAC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Health Requirements and Services: Medical Treatment 11. FFAD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Health Requirements and Services: Communicable Diseases 12. FFG (LEGAL) (EXHIBIT) Child Abuse and Neglect 13. FL (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Records 14. FNAA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Expression: Distribution of Non-school Literature 15. FNAB (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Expression: Use of School Facilities for Non-school Purposes 16. FNC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Conduct 17. FNG (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student and Parent Complaints/Grievances 18. GRA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Relations with Governmental Entities: Local Governmental Authorities Student Discipline for Teachers and Administrators 19. FNC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Rights and Responsibilities: Student Conduct 20. FNCA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Conduct: Dress Code 21. FNCB (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Care of School Property 22. FNCC (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Prohibited Organizations and Hazing 23. FNCD (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Tobacco Use and Possession 24. FNCE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Conduct: Telecommunications Devices 25. FNCF (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Alcohol and Drug Use 26. FNCG (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Weapons 27. FNCH (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Assaults 28. FNCI (LEGAL) Student Conduct: Disruptions 29. FO (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Student Discipline 30. FOA (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Removal by Teacher 31. FOB (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Out-of-School Suspension 32. FOC (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting 33. FOCA (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Placement in a Disciplinary Alternative Education Setting: Disciplinary Alternative Education Program Operations 34. FOD (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Expulsion 35. FODA (LEGAL) Expulsion: Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program 36. FOE (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Emergency Placement 37. FOF (LEGAL) Student Discipline: Students with Disabilities Personnel 38. CAA (LOCAL) Fiscal Management Goals and Objectives 39. CE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Annual Operating Budget 40. CH (LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition 41. CK (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management 42. CKA (LEGAL) Safety Program/Risk Management: Inspections 43. CKB (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management: Accident Prevention and Reports 44. CKC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Safety Program/Risk Management: Emergency Plans 45. CQ (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Electronic Communication and Data Management 46. CRD (LEGAL) Insurance and Annuities Management: Health and Life Insurance 47. DAA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Objectives: Equal Employment Opportunity 48. DBD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest 49. DBF (LOCAL) Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Nonschool Employment 50. DC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Practices 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. DCA (LEGAL) Employment Practices: Probationary Contracts DCB (LEGAL) Employment Practices: Educator Term Contracts DCC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Practices: Continuing Contracts DCD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Practices: At-Will Employment DCE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employment Practices: Other Types of Contracts DEA (LEGAL) Compensation and Benefits: Salaries, Wages, and Stipends DEC (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits: Leaves and Absences DEE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Compensation and Benefits: Expense Reimbursement DF (LEGAL) Termination of Contract DFAA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Probationary Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFAB (LEGAL) Probationary Contracts: Termination at End of Year DFAC (LEGAL) Probationary Contracts: Return to Probationary Status DFBA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Term Contracts: Suspension/Termination During Contract DFBB (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Term Contracts: Nonrenewal DFCA (LEGAL) Continuing Contracts: Suspension/Termination DFD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Termination of Contract: Hearings Before Hearing Examiner DFE (LOCAL) Termination of Contract: Resignation DFF (LOCAL) Termination of Contract: Reduction in Force DGBA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Personnel-Management Relations: Employee Complaints/Grievances DH (LEGAL) (LOCAL) (EXHIBIT) Employee Standards of Conduct DHE (LEGAL) (LOCAL) (EXHIBIT) Employee Standards of Conduct: Searches and Alcohol/Drug Testing DI (LEGAL) (LOCAL) (EXHIBIT) Employee Welfare DIA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Employee Welfare: Freedom from Harassment DK (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Assignment and Schedules DMD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Professional Development: Professional Meetings and Visitations DN (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal DNA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Teachers DNB (LOCAL) Performance Appraisal: Evaluation of Other Professional Employees GBA (LEGAL) Public Information Program: Access to Public Information GBAA (LEGAL) (EXHIBIT) Information Access: Requests for Information GKD (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Community Relations: Nonschool Use of School Facilities GKDA (LEGAL) (LOCAL) Nonschool Use of School Facilities: Distribution of Nonschool Literature