Our mission is to strengthen our community through philanthropy

Our mission is to
strengthen our community
through philanthropy and
leadership by connecting
people who care
with causes that matter.
Letter from Board Chair and President / CEO ................................2
Financial Highlights ...........................................................................4
Fundholder’s Story: A Generation of Givers....................................6
Foundation Initiative: You’N-I ..........................................................8
Fundholder’s Story: A Gift of Love .................................................10
Legacy Society ...................................................................................12
Partnership Grant Program .............................................................14
Community Endowment .................................................................16
Donors ...............................................................................................20
Expanded Mission ......................................................................... A-B
Board of Trustees .................................................................. Fold Out
Grantees .............................................................................................28
Funds ..................................................................................................34
Scholarships .......................................................................................38
Professional Advisor Council ..........................................................44
Business Relationships .....................................................................45
Financial Statements.........................................................................46
Foundation Options Chart ..............................................................48
Philanthropic Advising Services .....................................................50
Oh What a
J. Hall,
ll, Ch
Chair, Board
d oof Trustees and
Chris Askin, CSPG, CFRE, President and CEO
Dear Friends,
Welcome to the new Community Foundation of Western
Nevada. Last year we hinted at changes as we began our
evolution into launching resident engagement conversations to address some of the persistent challenges facing
our community. We had great plans but hadn’t yet held
our first convening nor chosen the first initiative.
Through a process involving the Board and numerous
people in our community, we started our new future with
a focus on struggling and homeless youth ages 12-24 and
aging out foster youth. The Youth Network Initiative or
“You’N-I” has been extremely gratifying, involving more
than 600 stakeholders including 90+ youth. We’ve moved
to action quickly with the launch of an online resource
directory of services, and more plans are underway. We’re
also exploring exciting new opportunities for community
impact including supporting the development of evidencedbased programs to increase effectiveness and to access new
a Year Makes!
funding for the community. We are discussing Impact Investing
to use some of our capital for local social and economic benefits in addition to investment income. We’ve also expanded the
Board by adding terrific leaders who bring expertise as well as
new connections through the local community and northern
Nevada. It’s been a very busy 12 months.
Our theme for this year is “The Community You Create,” and
you’ll see this throughout the Annual Report as we focus on
you and building new community collaborations and bringing
together diverse stakeholders to address issues in new and creative ways. We are living our new core values, listed throughout the Report, and have also worked to strengthen our core
services of philanthropic advising, working with families on
their charitable legacies, and growing donor advised, scholarship, designated, and area-of-interest funds.
We are profoundly grateful to the donors and professional
advisors who have placed their faith in us and are honored to
serve them and our community. As we look forward, we will
continue important programs such as the 100% Giving Board
Award, the Partnership Grantmaking program, free Financial
and Estate Planning seminars and classes, and the High School
Giving Circle. Now we can and will do more.
Please join us and help us help the community. Imagine the
community you would like and let’s make that vision a reality.
We can become the community you create.
Thomas J. Hall
Chair, Board of Trustees
Chris Askin, CSPG, CFRE,
President and CEO
Assets in Total
2005 2006
2008 2009
2011 2012
Assets by Fund Class
Donor Advised ............................... $ 31,300,000
Designated .................................... 19,700,000
Endowments ..................................
Funds Held by Others ....................
Scholarships ...................................
Area of Interest .............................
$ 72,000,000
Grants Awarded
1999 2000
2002 2003
2005 2006
2008 2009
2011 2012
Grants by Program Area
Note: In addition to
Community Foundation
funds, this chart
combines grants that
were awarded by funds
held for others. These
funds are reclassed for
financial statement
Environment and Animals ..................$ 1,715,645
Education ............................................. 1,622,939
Children and Family ............................
Community Development...................
Arts and Culture ..................................
Religious Institutions...........................
Human Services ..................................
Health ..................................................
Other ....................................................
Elizabeth Bowker and daughter, Susan Lynn.
Three generations of Elizabeth Bowker’s family
work with the Community Foundation to support their family
Elizabeth Bowker, scientist, teacher, and family matriarch
established a donor advised fund in 2008 and a scholarship
fund in 2010. Susan Lynn, Liz Bowker’s daughter, referred
her mother to the Foundation for help in carrying out her
charitable goals.
Liz is passionate about encouraging math and science education
for girls and women, helping animals, and honoring veterans.
She wanted to give anonymously, and the Community Foundation made that possible. The younger generation added water
quality to the list of charitable areas supported by the donor
advised fund.
The family feels:
It is important that families talk about supporting their communities and put their money where their mouth is—to do
something meaningful or to help causes they believe in. This
of Givers. . .
Susan Lynn with son, Buzz Lynn and daughter, Jennifer Lynn Thompson.
is the first year that the grandchildren have participated in the
decision making, and they are learning about the Foundation
and how it works. The Foundation is an excellent teacher and
source of information but encourages donors to contribute their
own thoughts on giving.
Since this is the first year of including three generations, we had
a moderate learning curve. Each of us developed a list of potential organizations within Liz’s charitable interests. We asked the
Foundation staff to help us find groups and people who wanted
to help themselves. The Foundation provided research on organizational performance and the needs in the community. Family
members emailed each other over preferences. Amazingly, we
reached eager and easy decisions. It may not always be so, but
it also fulfills a common hope of all families—that they can talk
with each other and resolve differences.
The Community Foundation can help families pool or leverage
funds to maximize a gift, build funds, think about how to give and
where to give, provide information and help understand selection
processes as well as provide alternative ways to think about gifts.
The Community Foundation is helping our family create a legacy
of giving.
What Would
If You Were Without
For too many Washoe County youth life is a
harsh and lonely struggle.
The Community Foundation
is asking
residents of Washoe County to work on the challenges
and too often bleak futures facing unattached youth. The
Foundation facilitated two community-wide convenings
(gatherings) and made sure struggling youth were in the
crowd for each convening and also participated in the steering committee. The key to the initiative’s success is listening
to the youth and involving them in every step of the process.
The first tangible outcome of
You’N-I is complete. The
Community Foundation has
created RenoYouthNetwork.com
(RYN), an online searchable database
base to help people
le find
available services in Washoe County.
RenoYouthNetwork.com is a dynamic database that learns
key words such as “help,” “food,” and “baby” and brings up
local services to address the need. RenoYouthNetwork.com
is publicized to all high school and middle school students
in Washoe County as well as local service providers.
Thanks to a Community Foundation donor, an Americorps Vista volunteer has been hired to coordinate the
Foundation’s initiative. You’N-I is all about collaboration,
You Do . . .
Family and Alone?
facilitation, and community engagement. Participants in the
initiative are working together to change the situation for
homeless youth. Discussions among community agencies have
taken place about creating a downtown drop-in center. Other
topics of exploration include youth transitional housing and a
mentoring program.
What Can You Do? Get Involved!
1. Call the Community Foundation and ask to be put on the
stakeholders’ list so you will receive notices of meetings
and project progress.
2. Follow us on Facebook. Facebook/YouthNetworkIntiative
3. Change comes at a price. Give generously to the Youth
Network Initiative Fund.
Gift of Love
for the
Love of his Life
Tommy met Bennie on a blind date. He
almost backed out when he learned she was a Deputy
Sheriff. Quickly his intimidation changed to infatuation and
Tommy loved Bennie the rest of her life. His love for her
endures today.
A successful southern California businessman, Tommy
Livoti retired in 1991. He and Bennie moved to Carson
City where they returned to their church and began attending mass at St. Teresa of Avila. Bennie devoted herself to
her faith and threw herself into helping the children of a
mission school in Appalachia. Tommy was impressed with
her example and became a more charitable person.
Bennie Livoti died June 16, 2006.
In August 2007, Tommy walked into the Dog House bar
in Carson City and began the next phase of his life. At the
Dog House he met his close friends, Mike, Mooch and Big
Ernie. The four friends enjoy camping, hunting, and fishing
together. Tommy still yearns to catch the Big Brown to complete his bucket list and remains active with his church.
Tommy worked with his attorney and the Community
Foundation to establish a scholarship for the children of St.
Teresa of Avila School and will leave his house to the Community Foundation so the religious clergy of St. Teresa’s may
live in it.
I am happy because the burden is off me to organize my estate.
I am very relieved and pleased. I can sleep at night without
Bennie telling me in my dreams, “Get on with the plans and
make sure our money is put to good use.” Right now I am
playing hard with dear friends. I am older and in good health.
Life is good. I cannot spend what I earned; it feels good to help
these kids.
Legacy society members like Tommy are the catalysts for
Community Foundation growth and impact. Your reason may
be uniquely personal, but your gift will touch generations of
Sample Bequest Language
Including a bequest to the Community Foundation of
Western Nevada as part of your estate plans is easy. Ask
your legal counsel to include the following statement:
I give and bequeath_________________________________
(amount, percent of estate or description of property,) to the
Community Foundation of Western Nevada.
This gift is given to the________________________ (name
of fund) at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada.
This gift will establish a permanent endowment fund
known as ________________________ devoted to support
the following charitable causes_______________________.
This gift is given to the Community Fund.
Legacy Society
Regina L. Dunbar
George and Mary Aker
Conrad and Kathy Evans
Elaine Alexander and
Robert Moore
Debra Finnell
Steve Finnell
Robert and Sallie
Karen Y. Foissotte
Jane Kimberly Becker
Martha Gould
Roger A. Bergmann
Robert and Monica
Dave and Janet
Mary Bisoni
David E. Book and
Lucy A. Moreton-Hall
Fred and Jane Boyd
Cameron Clarkson
Jim and Suzy
Shayne Del Cohen
Arthur and Shirley
Judy Humphrey and
Marc Whitten
Bruce R. and Nora James
David and Deedee
Beverly Johnson and
Curt Frank
Paul M. and Janet Laxalt
Tommy Livoti
Cary Lurie
Connie Mantini
Sheri L. Masini
Mary McGrath
Jack Randall
Sue McIntosh and
Steve Jones
Julia Ratti and
James Cavanaugh
Dieter and Hettie Meun
Phil and Jennifer Satre
Elizabeth Mollath
Patti Snyder
Maureen Mullarkey
Larry D. Struve
Enid Oliver
George A. and
Arlene Summerhill
Alfred J. and Lola
Lilli Trinchero
Frank and Kay Partlow
Jeff and Tracy Turner
Susanne Pennington
Maurice White
James L. and Gail
Jill M. Winter
Rosalie K. Quesnoy
William B. and
Vivian Lee Wright
Alice Ramlow
Julie F. Young
Dr. Robin S. Ballantyne
John Snyder
Beth Miramon
Jeff and Geneva Springmeyer
Rachel L. Mould
Nadine Stegelmeyer
Game Changing Grants
Widening Expectations
Partnership Grants
are the Community Foundation’s
annual discretionary grants. This is a
PARTNERSHIP highly competitive program eliciting
grant applications from organizations
large and small across the state. The
grant selection committee selects winning organizations on
the basis of their critical nature to the community and the
impact of their programs.
After challenging nonprofit agencies to match their Partnership Grant, the Community Foundation was surprised
and delighted with the grant results.
The ten nonprofit organizations raised more than enough
contributions to make their match an average of five times
over. Raising money is a struggle for all nonprofits. These
organizations used their Partnership Grant match to excite
current donors and as a way to approach prospective donors.
2013 Partnership Grant Results
are About Much More than Money
They are about collaboration, citizen engagement, and creative impact. Sierra Association of Foster Families’ tutoring
program combines daily tutoring in students’ foster homes with
mentoring, while substantially raising their grades and academic
achievement. This program improves the lives of these vulnerable children. Community Chest engaged the community
of Virginia City to re-open their community library, making
new friends and growing community engagement and pride.
Partnership Grants raise the level of fundraising, deepen the
engagement of donors with their community and their favorite
nonprofit organization, and create new collaborations of ideas
and programs that make our community a better place to live.
2013 Partnership Grant Winners
Austin’s House
Black Rock Solar
Community Chest
Communities in Schools
in Nevada
(Friends in Service Helping)
Holland Project
Nevada Health Centers
Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Sierra Association of
Foster Families
Veterans Guest House
The Music
but the Beat
Goes On
Community Endowment
Everybody loves a parade. The Artown
parade you join with your grandson probably sounds and
looks different than the parade you watched with your
granddad. Time passes, needs change and our Nevada
communities evolve.
Your gift to the Community Endowment is a gift from
one generation to the next. The Community Endowment
is a permanent regional fund that will enable the Community Foundation to really help in times of crisis. Your gift
will make it possible to address deep problems that take
time and money to change. We have no way of knowing
what challenges our children and grandchildren will face
Photo Courtesy of Jon Harrison
20 years from now, but the Community Endowment will always
be relevant, important to our region and, most of all, available
when needed.
You have contributed so much to build this community. So has
the Community Foundation. Energy and evolution is perking
in the Truckee Meadows. Through leadership and philanthropy we can help create the community where our grandchildren
will want to live.
The time is right, the goal is ambitious, our community is ready
and waiting for you, and for us, to step up. Leave a bequest to
the Community Endowment. We need your help to create a
versatile force for good, forever.
Your gift. . .
A Reflection of Your
Values for All Time
Community Foundation
Donors Care about Keeping
Nevada Wild and Wonderful
Fundholders recommended a grant to help
Nevada Land Trust purchase 359 privately
owned acres in the Carson Valley. The land will
be saved from development for generations to
enjoy its beauty and preserve important grazing
land for Mule Deer. Other projects facilitated
by the Foundation are the acquisition of land in
Tahoe Meadows, a gift to help the Carson Valley
Trails Association, and work with Nature Conservancy to preserve the Carson Valley River
Fork Ranch. Are you interested in preserving
the special places in Nevada? We can help find a
project you can plant your boots on.
Amplify Broaden Develop
We are responsible stewards
of resources entrusted to us.
Thank you to our Donors who gave a
gift to a fund or a donation to a
Community Foundation program.
2000 Burgers, LLC
The Abbi Agency
Adams, David M.
Adams, Jessica
Adams, Rebecca
Ahearn, Dan
Albright, Deane A.
Aldax, Gary
Allen, Patrick J.
Alonso, Michael and Christine
American Heart Association
Anderson, Eric and Lindsey
Anderson, Roger “Andy”, Estate
Andrini, Renee
Armstrong, Robert and Sallie
Askin, Christopher and Ann
Associated Wholesale Grocers, Inc.
AT&T Nevada
AVA Logistics, LLC
Avansino, Melarkey, Knobel,
Mulligan & McKenzie
Barlow, Charde
Barrick Goldstrike Mines, Inc.
Bartella, Joshua
Bartlett, Kathie
Becker, Jane Kimberly
Belaustegui, Felvia
Bellin, Lynnette
Belz, Jeanette
Bennett, Ann-Louise
Bennett, Marilyn
Berge, Christopher K.
Bergmann, Roger A.
Bernard Family Trust
Biehle, Beth
Bingham, Dave and Janet
Bjur, Richard and Cleve
Black, Greg and Carina
Blanke, Helen M.
Bledsoe, Ching
Bledsoe, Sandra
Bowker, Elizabeth
Boyd, John and Lisa
Boys and Girls Club of
Truckee Meadows
BP Fabric of America Fund
Brady, Allen H.
Bremer, Marilyn
Brett and Karen Coleman Foundation
Bretzlaff Foundation
Brower, Senator,
Greg and Loren
Brownell, John
Brown, Randy J., CPA
Bybee, Charlene T.
Byrne, Dean
Cafferata, Elisa P.
Calamusa, Katy
Califano, John L.
California Sierra Express, Inc.
Carano, Mr. and Mrs. Don
Carlson, Severin
Carpenter, Chase
Carr, Katherine
Casey, Michael J. and Nancy
Cashell, Robert A. and Nancy
Center for Spiritual Living
Chaffin, Kim
Chase, Shari
Chisel, Robert and Gigi
City of Reno
Clarke, Sharon A.
Cobb, Ryan W.
Cobb, William and Cathleen
Cole, Tara-Marie
College of Southern Nevada
Board of Regents
Community Multisport Events
Confidence Foundation
Conner, Jeffery M.
Cooke, the Honorable Valerie P.
and Jamie Felten
Cordes, Gary and Tina
Correlli, Josh D.
Cronin, Maura
Crowley, Joseph
Crowley, Margaret
Crowley, Stacey
Cunningham, Steve and Mary
Czarnik, Becky
Daly, Richard
Dang, Tam
Dapra, David, M.D. and Joycette
Davison, Brooke
Davis, Catherine
Day, Phyllis M.
Dear, Elizabeth A.
Deeds, Brad
Delossantos, Erin
Derby, Jill
Derevianko, Andrei P.
Dermody, Michael
Dickson, Rebecca
Dougherty, Robert
Drake, Ralph and Barbara
Drake, Daryl E.
Drakulich Realty, Inc.
Draper Family Foundation
Drendel, Thomas E.
Dunbar, Regina L.
Duque, Steven J.
Duraflex International Corporation
Durney, Martha L.
E.L. Cord Foundation
Edward D. Jones, LP - Maryland
Elliott, Mendy
Elzy, Pat
Empey, Caitrin
Etem, Craig
Evans, Ann B.
Evans, Patricia
Evans-Jostmeyer, Rhonda
Ferris, Gary A. and JoAllan
Fey, Christine A., AICP
Fitzgerald, Luke R.
Food Bank of Northern Nevada
Foster, Heidi A., CFP
Frank, Steve and Lillian
Fredericksen, Judy
Friends of Washoe County Library
FTC v. INC21
Galena High School
Gallagher, Thomas E.
Gannett Foundation Fund at Rochester
Area Community Foundation
Gaw, Kris
Geddes, David L.
Gibb, Joan
Golden Route Operations Northern
Granata, Gary
Grand Canyon University Marketing
Grand Chapter of Nevada Order of the
Eastern Star
Graves, Anja
Gray, Matthew
Greenblat, Dylan
Hadley, Marilyn
Hall, Thomas J. and Peggy
Hall Family Trust
Hallerbach, Jacqualine
Halley, Sherry
Hansen, Luanne
Hartpence, Vic and Leanice
Harter, Carol C.
Harvey, Alison
Hayes, Ben
Health Access Washoe County –
Outreach Medical Clinic
Hendricks, Daylene G.
Hernandez, Emily
Hicks, Amy
Himmelright, Paul
Hinderks, Larry and Stacy
Holmes, The Honorable Dorothy N.
House, James L.
Houston Smith, Lori P.
Humphrey, Alan E.
Humphreys, Rob and Gail
Huntington Learning Center
Hutchens Herefords
It’s My Community Store, LLC
J A Solari & Partners
Jamerson 212, LLC
James, Susan E.
Jessie Beck Elementary School
JK Belz & Associates, Inc.
Johnson, Shelley
Joseph, Azad and Roxie
Joseph, James F., CPA
Juicy’s Giant Hamburgers
Kahl, Janet C.
Kanigher, Amy
Kapahee, Corey
Kaprielian, Barbara D.
Karraker, Col (Ret) Perry
Kehres, Margaret P.
Kendyl Depoali Middle School
Kennedy, Brian and Nancy
Kern, Diana
Khatri, Rahul
Kiehn, Beth
King, Craig
Kinne, Mary Kay
Kladney, David
Klaich, Robert L. and Laura
Kleiner, Edgar F.
KLS Planning
Knippel, Randolph
KNPB – Channel 5
Korean Association of Reno
Korean War Veterans Association,
Carson City Chapter 305, Inc.
Kost, Russel
Kwapich, Stephen F.
Lakeside Animal Hospital, Ltd
Lancing, Judy
Lapan, Ariya
Lauducci, August
Lawson, Ed
Lee F. Del Grande Foundation
Lee, Dong-Joon (DJ) and Hannah
Lee, Devrin
Leonette Foundation
Leslie, Michael and Tina
Lillaney, Jill
Lindsay, Gloria M.
Lish, George E.
Livoti, Tommy
Lockyear, Brett
Lorton, George E.
Lovell, Jim C.
Loy, Brian
Luce, Brian
Lumina Foundation
Lumos & Associates
Lurie, Cary
Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd
Increase Outspread Grow
We operate with integrity,
transparency and credibility.
May Arboretum Society
Madole, Diane
Magee, Max
Magrath, William and Judith
Mahoney, William
Maiss, Alan S.
Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP
Manley, James
Margaret E. Oser Foundation
Marks, Charles
Marlowe, Marjorie B.
Marren, James, CFP
Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. Marsala
Martinez, Jack
Martinez-Hoffman, Magda and
Alan Hoffman
Mayor Martini, Geno and Ruth
Martin, Lyle and Sue
The Marybeth M. Lamb
Foundation, Inc.
Mast, Marni
Charles N. Mathewson 2005 Charitable
Lead Annuity Trust Number Five
Maupin, Ernest and Catherine
McDonald Carano Wilson, LLP
McDougald, Kathleen E.
McFarren, Sandra
McMillen, Donald and Francine
McMullen, Joseph R.
Mensing, Maureen J.
Mentzer, Stan and Teresa
Meun, Dieter and Hetty
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Miller, Mr. and Ms. William F.
Miller, Ross
Mills, Thomas A. and Priscilla
Monroe-Schuler Foundation
Mooney, Patrick M.
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney, LLC
Morgan, M.D. Jay K. and Sherry
Morgan, D. J.
Morgan, Don L. and Rita
Mortara, Pam A.
Mt. Rose Development Co.
Muckel Anderson CPAs
Muhonen, Gary and Sher
Munns, Wayne R. and Marjorie
Murrieta’s Mexican Food & Sports Bar
The Nature Conservancy
Nebel, Daria
Neumann, Renate
Nevada Humane Society, Inc.
Nevada Land Trust
Nevada System of Higher Education –
Nevada Veterinary Medical Association
Nichols, Jim and Jane
Northern Nevada Muslim
Community Center
Northern Nevada Math Council
Note-Able Music Therapy Services
Novacek, Stephen V.
NV Energy
NV Energy Charitable Foundation
Objective Standard
O’Connor, Patrick
Oling, Sondra
Olson, Ronald L.
Oseguera, Miguel A.
O’Sullivan, Susan
Pagni, Roland
Pang, Amy
Parish, Craig
Parke, Elizabeth A.
Parker, Kristie
Parker, Pete and Heidi
Pass, Brandy
Pau-Wa-Lu Middle School
Payne, Jesse
Peltier, Therese
Pelto, Andrea
Peppermill Hotel Casino
Pereyra, Edwin M. and Judith
Pfrommer, Gail and James
Pincolini, Richard and Mary
Plato’s Closet
Pokroy, Michael and Joan
Pristow, Judith A.
Pryor, Corinne
Rafferty, Thomas and Michelle
Rahn, Charles
Ramsey, William
Ratti, Julia and James Cavanaugh
Raulinaitis, Shirley
Razoo Foundation
Rearden, Pamela B.
Reban, Alicia and John Sherman
Reno Air Racing Foundation
Reno Central Rotary Club Foundation
Reno Chamber Orchestra
Reno Firefighters Assn Local #731 IAFF
Reno High School
Reno Pops Orchestra
Reno Rendering Company
Reno-Tahoe Young Professionals Network
Renown Health
R H Parker/United Foundation
Richards, Jennifer
Ringer Dawson, Marie
Rinker, Stuart B. and Toni
Rivera, Reena
Robert R. Banks Foundation
Robison, Kent R.
Robison, Konner
Rodriguez M.D., Gerardo and Elizabeth
Rodriguez, Nancy
Roe, Barry
Rogers, Amy
Rogers, Beverly
Rose, William
Rude-Willson, Janice and Prentiss Willson
Sarah Winnemucca Elementary School
Sass, Jillian
Satre, Phil and Jennifer
Satterwhite, Kelli S.
Scheetz, Eric
Scheibner, Scott A. and Laurie
Schieve, Hillary
Schneck, Gary
Schultz, Vicki P. MBA, CFP
Schwab Charitable Fund
Scott, Richard N. and Sharon
Seaver, Bruce A.
Selby, Lauren
Sertic, Jewel
Seven Seas Restaurant Group, Inc.
Seymour, Kerry
Shadek, Deborah Wetzel
Sharp, F. DeArmond and Joyce
Shelton, May Sagawa
Sheridan, Richard J.
Shipman, Bruce and Nancy
Sierra Arts Foundation
Sierra Nevada Media Group
Simms, Pat
Sjoberg, Ginny
Smith, Debbie
Smith, Ron M.D. and Linda
Smith, Ron
Smith, Shawn S.
Smith, Steven
Smith Sr., Wayne B. and Jane
Snitselaar, Barbara
Snyder, Patti
Sons of Italy
Sorenson, Susan
Spanish Springs High School
Sparks Christian Fellowship
Sparks Legends Development, Inc.
Spatz, Lisa
Sperber, Arthur J.
SpineNevada, Ltd.
Springmeyer, Geneva, the Estate of
Sprinkle, Mike
State of Nevada
Stave, Richard T.
Stevenson, Kendra
Stewart, Lachlan and Margaret
Struve, Larry D.
System Consultants, Inc., (SCI)
Tarble, Earl
Tholl, Terry
Thomas, Gay D.
Thomas, Michael
Thomas P. and Thelma B.
Hart Foundation
Thornton, Bernice
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans
Timmons, Sara
Tirre, Amy N.
Tonopah Library District
Town of Tonopah
Townsend, Senator Randolf J.
Traner Middle School
Trinchero, Lilli
Truckee Meadows Community College
Truckee Meadows Water Authority
Tucker, Christine L.
Turner, Josephine
Turner, Jeff and Tracy P., PhD
Turville, Lash F. and Gigi Dermody
Tustin Educators Association
Tschanz, Melissa
United Way of Northern Nevada
and the Sierras
University of Nevada, Reno - Nevada
System of Higher Education
US Granite Nevada
USO of Metropolitan Washington
Valenzuela, Reginald
Valley of the Sun United Way
Valmonte, Father Art
Van Dorn, Janet
Virginia M. Mansfield Trust
Wagner, Alyssa
Wait, Scott T., CPA
Walker, Charles E.
Walker, Thomas J.
Walker, Jill
Warren, Edwin S.
Washoe County School Police Officers
Washoe Education Association
Watson VI, James S.
Watts, Debra
Wayne, Carl
Webster, James G. III and Karlene
Webster, Ranson and Norma
Weinberg, Barbara B.
Weiss, Alan M. and Sharon
Weitz, Kathleen S.
Wells Fargo Bank N.A. of Nevada
Welmerink Orthodontics, PLLC
Wendt, Shelley
Western Nevada Supply
Whipp, Roberta
Wilbanks, Sam and Kim
Wilson, Tim
Wilson, Mary Anne
Winnemucca Publishing
Wirtz Beverage Nevada Reno, Inc.
With My Own Two Hands
Wong, Conrad
Yamada, Howard and Nette
York, Marilyn D.
Young, Alvin W.
Zadra, Sharon
Zarubi, Dennis R. and Jocelyn
Zen G Investments, LLC
Zideck, Ronald R.
Zola, Sarah
Zunino, Madeline
Listening to
Asking You to
Speak Up
Photo Courtesy of Debbie McCarthy
Someone’s Life
and Forever
Bolster Spread Unfold
We are a results-oriented
organization, committed
to excellence.
The Eddy House is a non-profit organization that provides supportive
residential housing to young adult males who have aged out of the foster
care system. When a resident “graduates” from the house, the Eddy House
goal is that he will have an educational degree or trade certificate, bank
account, life skills, job resume and job skills.
Organizations that Received Grants
AdvoCATS, Inc.
Air Force Museum Foundation, Inc.
Airborne and Special Operations
Alexandria House
Alexandria Township Historical Society
Animal Ark
Assembly of Turkish American
Assistance League of Reno-Sparks
Autism Speaks
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Honolulu
Big Brothers Big Sisters of
Northern Nevada
Bishop Manogue High School
Black Rock Solar
Boy Scouts of America Orange County
Council, Inc.
Brandon Sports and Aquatic Center
Cafe DeLuxe, LLC
Carondelet Foundation
Carson Valley Children’s Center
(dba Austin’s House)
Carson Valley Trails Association
Casa de Vida
Catholic Charities of Northern Nevada
Cazenovia College
Challenger Learning Center of
Northern Nevada
Circle The City
Cistercians of the Strict Observance
in Massachusetts, Inc.
Committee to Aid Abused Women
Communities In Schools of
Northeastern Nevada
Community Chest, Inc.
Community Foundation of the
Lowcountry, Inc.
Corbett Elementary School
Crisis Call Center
Diocese of Reno
Disability Rights Advocates for
E.L. Cord Foundation Child Care
Volunteers help unload a Christmas tree for recycling. Trees were recycled
into mulch to be used in area parks. In 2014, Keep Truckee Meadows
Beautiful celebrates 25 years of stewardship in Northern Nevada. KTMB
provides an alternative to litter and illegal dumping through education and
cleanup projects in the Truckee Meadows.
Eddy House
El Centrito Family Learning Center
Entrepreneurship Nevada
ESL In-Home Program of
Northern Nevada
Family Promise of Beaufort County
Feed the Children, Inc.
Feeding Pets of the Homeless
Fisher House Foundation, Inc.
FISH-Friends in Service Helping
Florence Drake Elementary School
Fraternity of the Desert Bighorn
Fritsch Elementary School
Great Reno Balloon Race
Greater New York Councils Boy Scouts
of America
Halo for Freedom Warrior Foundation
HDI, Inc.
Heifer Project International
Hose Company Number One Borough of Little Ferry, NJ
Housing Authority of the City of Reno
I Can Do Anything Charter
High School
Immunize Nevada
Independent Institute, Inc.
Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund
International Myeloma Foundation
International Society for Individual
Liberty Inc.
Jefferson Avenue Baptist Church
Joshua L. Anderson Memorial
Scholarship Foundation
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful
Kenyon College
Kiddie Hawk Air Academy
Kids, Inc.
La Caridad, A Valmonte Foundation
Lakeland Grace Academy
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Lexington Institute
Life Quest Transitions
Lucile Packard Foundation for
Children’s Health
Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd
Lutheran Social Services
Lyon County School District
Mar Vista Elementary School
Mercy Education Project
Mercy High School
Swell Enlarge Heighten
Reno Little Theater provides a setting for people of all backgrounds to
learn about live theater. Over the years, Reno Little Theater has offered
adult and grammar school drama classes, play-writing competitions, a
children’s theater, and over 470 on-stage plays. Reno Little Theater has
also taken its productions from the main stage to Reno parks and to other
Nevada communities. The theater offers a variety of plays each season,
including musicals, comedy, mystery, suspense and drama.
Monterey Bay Aquarium
NARCONON of Oklahoma, Inc.
National Judicial College
National Multiple Sclerosis Society
Southern California and
Nevada Chapter
National Trust for the Humanities
National Wildlife Federation
Nevada Bighorns Unlimited
Reno Chapter
Nevada Diabetes Association
Nevada Health Centers, Inc.
Nevada Veterinarian Medical Assoc.
Nevada Women’s Fund
North Carolina State University
Foundation, Inc.
North Central Nevada Historical
Northern Nevada Chapter,
American Red Cross
Northern Nevada Children’s Cancer
Northern Nevada International Center
Northern Nevada Literacy Council
Northern Nevada Muslim
Community Center
People First Foundation
Planned Parenthood Mar Monte
Pleasant Valley Elementary School
Procter R. Hug High School
Re/Max Premier Properties
Red Hook Initiative, Inc.
Reed High School
Reel Recovery
Reno Little Theater
Reno Rodeo Foundation
Renown Health Foundation
Ronald McDonald House Charities,
Northern Nevada
Ronald McDonald House of
San Francisco
Rosies Place, Inc.
Rotary Club of Sparks
Rush University Medical Center
Safe Haven Rescue Zoo
Saint Gregory the Great Catholic
Saint Mary’s College of California
Saint Robert Catholic School
Salvation Army - Reno NV
Save A Connie, Inc.
Sertoma International Sponsorship
Reno Aces Mascot, Archie, visits kids living at the Volunteers of America
Reno Family Shelter. In the Greater Reno area, VOA operates three shelter
programs and an affordable-living apartment complex for seniors, as
well as a seasonal emergency winter shelter. ReStart program serves the
homeless with mental illness. The 108-bed Family Shelter is one of three
VOA-operated shelters at the City of Reno’s Community Assistance Center
in downtown Reno. The Family Shelter is comprised of 21 units for adults
and children. More than 450 men, women and children in the Greater Reno
area currently sleep under a roof provided by Volunteers of America.
Sierra Arts Foundation
Sierra Association of Foster Families
Sisters of Saint Joseph of Carondelet
Sons of Italy
Soroptimist International of the
South Reno United Methodist Church
Sparks High School
State of Nevada - Office of Treasurer
Step 2
Tahoe-Pyramid Bikeway
Taylor Elementary School
Thunderbird Lodge Preservation
Tragedy Assistance Program
for Survivors
Tree House Humane Society
Trinity Cathedral
Truckee Meadows Community College
U.C. Davis Foundation
University of Colorado Foundation
University of Nevada, Reno
USA Diving, Inc.
USAFSS ESC Association Memorial
Volunteers of America
Washoe County Department of
Juvenile Services
Washoe County Honorary Deputy
Sheriff’s Association
Washoe County School District
Washoe County Search & Rescue, Inc.
Washoe County Second Judicial
Court-Family Division
Western Nevada College Foundation
Wildlife Conservation Society
Women and Children’s Center
of the Sierra
Wooster High School
World Wildlife Fund, Inc.
Wounded EOD Warrior Foundation
Young at Heart Senior Citizens Club
Grants to individuals are made from
the Family Court Judicial Benevolent
Fund for Children and the Homeless
to Homes Fund. The privacy of these
individuals is respected.
Create New
Funding Streams
Photo Courtesy of Nevada Department of Wildlife
Nearly $1 Million to Help
Nevada’s Wildlife
Nevada Dream Tags Fund receives its
money through a special hunting tag raffle
each year in July. The proceeds from this
raffle are used to help rehabilitate wildlife
habitat burned by wildfire and protect
vulnerable wildlife through water projects.
The Community Foundation manages the
Fund and accepts grant applications yearround from nonprofit, educational, and
governmental organizations.
Details at www.nvdreamtag.org
Widen Multiply Unfurl
We are committed to valuable
service to our community.
Funds of the
Community Foundation
These funds, established by the Community
Foundation Board, support Foundation
programs and initiatives.
Supports the Foundation’s mission to meet the various needs
of people in northern Nevada. See pages 16-17 for details.
Supports all core expenses including the initiatives. To support
You’N-I, please give to the operating fund.
Supports the Foundation’s annual competitive grant program.
Grants are given to a wide variety of charitable organizations
doing vital and often unrecognized work.
Supports the Foundation’s High School Giving Circle grants.
Provides a permanent source of revenue for operating support,
capital improvements, creation of new works and continued
access to the arts by all residents and visitors.
Supports our region’s youth. Grants are made at the recommendation of the Board of Trustees.
Gifts in any amount to these Foundation funds are
used to strengthen our community and are always
Donor Advised Funds
Funds established by individuals, families, and organizations
offer flexibility, tax benefits and convenience. Donor Advisors
decide where and when to recommend grants. Family may name
grandchildren as successor advisors. Minimum gift to establish a
fund is $10,000.
Robert and Sallie Armstrong
Charitable Fund
Friends of Nevada Wilderness
Chris and Ann Askin Charitable Fund
NEWT Christian Fund
Jack and Jane Becker
Charitable Foundation
Nichols Family Charitable Fund
Bergmann Family Fund
Ozmen Foundation
Berry Family Charitable Fund
Edwin and Judith Pereyra Charitable
Charles E. Bertolina Charitable Trust
Bingham Charitable Fund
Don and Rhonda Carano
Charitable Fund*
Charney 1996 Trust Charitable Fund
Shari Chase Fund*
Coast to Coast Foundation
Crone’s Coin Charitable Fund
Dees Family Charitable Fund
Shayne Del Cohen Charitable Fund
Denzler Family Charitable Fund
EWB Fund
Family Court Judicial Benevolent Fund
Fredricksen Green Foundation
Freedom Charitable Fund
Mark and Clemencia Glenn Foundation
Great Basin Exploration Center
Obscure Destinies Charitable Fund*
Douglas and Cynthia Petersen
Charitable Fund
Steve and Stephanie Petersen
Charitable Fund
Pokroy Family Reno Fund*
Roger B. Primm Family Charitable Fund
Professoressa Charitable Fund
Senator William J. Raggio
Charitable Fund
Rebecca’s Fund
Reno Central Rotary Club Foundation
City of Reno, Charitable Foundation
RGJ/YPN Twenty Under 40 Initiative
Satre Family Fund
BJ and NL Shipman Family Foundation
K&K Grimm Family Fund
Ron and Linda Smith Donor Advised
Hall-Prescott Family Fund
Michael and Karren Smith Family Fund
Hinderks Family Foundation
Cristoforo Colombo Lodge 1534 Reno
Sons of Italy Organizational Fund
Bruce and Nora James Family Fund
Kassity Family School Fund
Brian and Nancy Kennedy Foundation
Jerry Krulevitch Charitable Fund*
Jack and Shanaz Langson Fund
Laurenson Family Fund
Terri & Gray Levy Charitable Fund
Tommy and Bennie Livoti Wellness
Charitable Fund
Sullivan and Taylor Charitable Fund
Sullivan and Taylor Family Foundation
Tappan Family Memorial Fund
Lilli Trinchero Celebrate Diversity Fund
Lilli Trinchero Charitable Fund
Truckee River Fund
Lash F. & Gigi Dermody Turville
Lurieland Foundation
Bart Webster Charitable Fund
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Capital Campaign Fund
Jim and Karlene Webster Family Fund
Ranson and Norma Webster Foundation
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Non Agency Fund
Western Nevada Supply
Charitable Fund*
Robert and Gloria McDonald Family Fund
Geoff and Sally White Charitable Fund
Mortensen Nevada Historical Trust Fund
Emily Jane Wilbanks Memorial Fund
Muhonen Charitable Fund
Zonta Club of Greater Reno Fund
Nevada Discovery Museum Fund
Zurek Family Charitable Fund
*New Fund
We foster innovation,
collaboration and imagination.
Designated Funds
These funds, which may be
set up by individuals or
organizations, support a
specific nonprofit organization
or mission.
360 Blueprint Fund*
Funds that are endowed last
forever. Endowment funds may
be established by organizations for their own behalf or by
families to support an area of
interest or favorite charity or as
a memorial to a loved one.
Dr. Robin S. Ballantyne Trustee Fund
Jack Montrose Bobbitt Endowment
for Children
Dora De Anderson Endowment
Dixie Bradshaw’s Principal Fund
Care Chest Endowment
Community Aquatics Fund
The Community Nutrition Education
Chantal Claire Hager Charitable
Dream Tags Charitable Fund
Kenny Guinn Center for Policy Priorities
Evangeline Grant Memorial Music
Fourth Ward School Endowment
Robert E. Kendall Fourth Ward School
Immunize Nevada Fund*
Great Basin Outdoor School Endowment
It’s Your Money / Legacy Fund
Bruce R. James Foundation Endowment
Gene and Betty Kopfhammer Fund*
Keep Truckee Meadows Beautiful
Open Stretch
Homeless to Homes
La Caridad, A Valmonte Foundation, Inc.
KNPB Endowment*
Last Chance Joe Fund*
Krulevitch Family Endowment*
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Charitable Gift Annuity Fund
Mansfield Endowment for the Benefit
of the Nevada Humane Society
Mary’s Foundation for Caring*
May Arboretum Endowment*
Mustang Heritage Foundation Fund
Marilyn R. Melton Endowment
for the Humanities
Maison Ortiz Fund
Maison T. Ortiz Memorial Fund
Renown Health Philippine Aid Fund
City of Reno, Foundation Fund Plumas Park Playground Fund
Reno Police Foundation - Hashimoto
Widows and Orphans Fund
Reno Philharmonic Fund
Reno Rebuild Project Fund
Raymond C. Rude Designated Fund to
Benefit the US Diving Foundation
Eugene Mortara Memorial Endowment
Nevada Land Trust Endowment
Note-Able Music Therapy Services
Margaret E. Oser Endowment
for Women
Reno Chamber Orchestra Endowment
Reno Family Shelter Endowment
Reno Little Theater Endowment
Reno Philharmonic Endowment
Robby Schlesinger Foundation Fund*
ReStart Endowment
Scholastic Gateway Charitable Fund
SAFE Endowment
Senior Alliance for Support Services
Sage Ridge School Endowment
David Shaw-Kennedy, III Fund*
Sierra Nevada Water Polo, Inc. Fund*
Tonopah Community Fund
Tonopah Historic Mining Park Fund
Tonopah Library Fund
David Wallace Legacy Fund
Susanne & Gloria Young Foundation
Frank Bender Charitable Endowment
Officer Mike Scofield Memorial
Springmeyer Charitable Endowment
Lilli Trinchero Celebrate Diversity
Trinity Episcopal Church Endowment
Veterans Guest House Endowment
The Washoe ARC Endowment
Jim and Karlene Webster Family
Tommy and Bennie Livoti Saint Teresa of
Avila Endowed Scholarship
Zonta Club of Greater Reno Endowment
Dieter and Hedwig Meun Endowed
Girl Scouts of the Sierra Nevada Agency
Endowed Fund
Kidview, Inc. Foundation Agency
Lassen Land and Trails Trust Endowment
Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd
Endowed Agency Fund
Nevada Humane Society Endowed
Agency Fund
Nevada Humanities Committee Agency
Nevada Military Support Alliance Fund
Nevada Museum of Art Agency Fund
RenoCares Fund*
Ronald McDonald House Charities,
Northern Nevada
Trinity Episcopal Church Endowed
Agency Fund
United Way of N Nevada and the Sierra
General Fred Michel Careers in Aviation
Nevada Veterinary Medical Association
Northern Nevada Youth Scholarship
NV Energy Powerful Partnerships
Diane Olds Memorial Education
Read With Me Scholarship Endowment
Reno Central Rotary Scholarship
Reno Pops Orchestra Scholarship
Philip & Jennifer Satre Harrah’s
Employee Scholarship
Officer Mike Scofield Memorial
Scholarship Endowment
Serendipity Scholarship*
United Way of N Nevada and the Sierra
Donor Designated Agency
Ron & Linda Smith Family Scholarship*
Friends of Washoe County Library Second Century Endowment
Eugene F. and Nadine G. Stegelmeyer
Endowed Scholarship
Nicole Snyder Memorial Scholarship
Soroptimist IGU-Nepal Scholarship
John R. Stockman Scholarship
A personal way to change the
future. Scholarships are
permanent, endowed funds for
financial aid. You may choose
to fund a particular school
or course of study. Minimum
amount to establish a
scholarship fund is $50,000.
Alan G. Bain Initiative in Science or
Math Endowment
Matt Bartlett Memorial Foundation
Jack and Jane Becker Medical School
Orville Belding Memorial Scholarship
Peggy Bowker Memorial Scholarship for
Women in Engineering
Kendyl Ruth Williams Depoali Memorial
Ezzysgift Fund*
Hispanic Heritage Day Nursing
Clarence “CJ” Jones Memorial
William and Martha Karraker
Scholarship Endowment
Kennedy Foundation Scholarship
Tonopah Community Endowment
Emily Jane Wilbanks Memorial
Claudine Williams Harrah’s Las Vegas
Employee Scholarship
Zonta Club of Greater Reno Scholarship
Raymond C. Rude Supporting
Foundation Fund
Trust Funds
Gwenevere F. Leonard Charitable
Remainder Uni-Trust
Charitable Gift Annuities
Your Community Foundation administers seven gift annuities that will benefit
children in Carson City, the Reno Philharmonic, and the Lutheran Church of the
Good Shepherd.
A Charitable Gift Annuity can be established with a gift of $10,000. You can
receive annual income and the remainder will benefit a permanent fund at
the Community Foundation.
*New Fund
“When you give cheerfully
and accept gratefully
everyone is blessed.”
– Maya Angelou
You are Part of the Equation
When you create a scholarship, you open an opportunity
that may change the very course of a person’s life. It is an
optimistic act of faith for the future; at the Community
Foundation of Western Nevada, you are part of the joy.
The Foundation scholarship staff works with you to find the
right candidates for your selection committee to consider.
You are encouraged to sit on the committee or appoint a
representative. When all of the scholarship recipients are
chosen, we wrap up the season with a party! Meet and get
to know “your” student or students. Talk with their families.
Wish them well. Talk with them about why you set up the
scholarship and what your hopes for them include. This is
a profoundly moving, important and fun celebration — for
the students, for their proud families, and for you. Here are
a few photos of the day.
Tears welled as re-entry students Carol Bishop and Cassandra
Starr accepted their scholarship to Nursing School from the Smith
Family Scholarship. Tracy Turner and Dani Lutzow introduced and
congratulated each recipient as they rose to accept their recognition.
Kim Becker, center, is surrounded by students she is helping to send to UNR
Medical School. Kim’s Father, Jack Becker, was a local physician. The Jack
and Jane Becker scholarship is named in memory of her parents.
Maria Jimena Campos
Rivas, age 3, delighted
everybody with her smile
and wave when she was
recognized for earning the
Read With Me preschool
General Fred Michel
Careers in Aviation
Scholarship recipients
include (left to right) a
licensed pilot, a future
test pilot, an aerial
cinematographer, and a
Navy officer future Blue
Angels pilot.
Scholarship Funds
Eugene F. and Nadine G.
Stegelmeyer Scholarship
Jennifer Burns
Jordan Kiserow
Thrive Create Progress
Alan G. Bain Initiative in
Science or Math Scholarship
Andrea Holmen
Clarence (CJ) Jones
Memorial Scholarship
Joseph Rosal
Gabrielle Abacan
Claudine Williams
Harrah’s Las Vegas
Employee Scholarship
Danielle Park
General Fred Michel
Careers in Aviation
Nicholas Audenried
Sharnay Galvan
Nancianne Downing
Tiffany Golightly
Ariana Henry
Courtney Hagen
Jacob Lewis
Miriam Lee
Hughston Norton
Morgan Matley
Bjorn Vasenden
Khoa Nguyen
Klarisse Policarpio
Jack and Jane Becker
Memorial Medical School
Ashley Shipman
Rama Krishnan Raja
Jessica Stevens
Mark Taylor
Andrew Tran
Erika Vicente
Nam Nguyen
Crystalene Pineda
Olivia Tsang
Rachel Wolf-Schneider
John R. Stockman Scholarship
Candy Zeng
Trever Cullen
Diane Olds
Memorial Education
Kendyl Ruth Williams Depoali
Memorial Scholarship
Sabrena Harris
Amanda Stark
Emily Jane Wilbanks
Memorial Scholarship
Kennedy Foundation
Danica Gressel
Anna Ressel
Callie Harvey
Antonio Solorio
Elizabeth Lizarde
Kerrie Tonking
Nadyne Burra
Michaela Wright
Matt Bartlett Memorial
Foundation Scholarship
Christiana Karcher
Nicole Snyder Memorial
Orville Belding Memorial
Joshua Cassity
Alec Brennan
Erica Chappell
Taylen Lopez-Simms
Peggy Bowker
Women in Engineering
Kelly Sonnemann
Brittany Blair
Camry Varble
Alec Brennan
Kellie Hergenrader
Jennifer Guzman
Northern Nevada Youth
Andrea Saavedra
Danica Corkern
Carly Samuels
Emily Irvine
Anthony Gomez
Sarah Nelson
Nayely Rincon
Mark Waite
Phil and Jennifer Satre
Harrah’s Employee
Christiana Cabrera
Daniel Crosby
NV Energy
Powerful Partnerships
Matthew Dixon
Sabrina Burns
Erica Short
Sierra Butler
Cassandra Wilson
William Hagel
Jesus Manuel Cardiel
Robert Dalpe
Amaya Davis
Reno Pops Orchestra
Nathan Eldodt
Madalyn Tsugawa
Erik Endacott
Christopher Griffin
Christin Harp
Taylor Ingersoll
Read with Me Scholarship
Anna Fargo
Maria Jimena Campos Rivas
Tori Jimenez
Garrett Kalt
John Mendelsohn
Kathryn Moore
Jonas Norman
Hannah Perazzo
Sierra Powell
Daniel Torres Ramirez
Blanca Rocha Becerra
Joseph Rosal
Victoria Ward
Reno Central Rotary
Rosy Chavez-Najera
Sabrena Harris
Melia Lockwood
Bill Winks
Reno Central Rotary
Gabrielle Abacan
Omar Ziadeh
Maria Manbo-Palmeno
Carol Bishop
Kaytlyn Martin
Cassandra Starr
Sonia Meza
Expand Evolve Advance
Ron & Linda Smith Family
Jaime Leimer
Jodi Molaris
Zonta Re-Entry Women
Kassandra Patterson
Sharon Epps
Astrid Perez
Cassandra Starr
Alan Rios
Courtney Pearson
Jose Rodarte
Serendipity Scholarship Fund
Marcelo Rodriguez
Shaneli Agustin
Janet Roman
Jennifer Bautista
Jhamela Roscom
Judit Carbajal
Andrew John Shugar
Andrea Carbajal Infante
Lucia Soto-Lopez
Jackeline Castaneda
Marissa Torres
Rafael Cerillo
Brenda Valladeva
Laura Collazo Garcia
Jasmine Valles
Iyana Esters
Oscar Venegas
Erika Gallaway
Elizabeth Win-Hoite
Jessie Gray
Vicente Wowie Gapuz
Chelsea Hines
Scholarship Opens the Door
Tracy Turner, Antonio Solorio and Dani Lutzow celebrate Antonio’s
Kennedy Foundation scholarship at the 2014 Ice Cream Social.
“Congratulations! I am delighted to offer you
admission to the University of California, Berkeley.”
My eyes began to tear up, I couldn’t believe it. A kid that grew
up in a low-income home had just been accepted into one of
the best schools in the world! Then suddenly reality kicked in;
how was I going to afford it?
The school of my dreams appeared to be just that, a dream.
Both my parents are first-generation immigrants, who came
to the United States in order to give my twin brother and me
a better chance at life. Just like many first generation immigrants, they worked minimum-wage jobs, often working two
jobs in order to help pay the bills. My parents achieved their
version of the “American Dream” when they bought their first
house in 2005; however, the economic bubble burst and the
recession that followed left both my parents unemployed and
our house was foreclosed on. We were left homeless.
After my dad lost his job, he looked for another way to bring
in money to the family. He decided to open up a little stall
at the local swap meet during the weekends. It’s the reason
I have been waking up earlier on the weekends for the past
eight years. At first it didn’t make much, but over the course of
the years my family was capable of saving enough money
to buy a small convenience store on Wells Avenue in Reno.
The store brings in a bit of money to the family, but my
parents still haven’t fully paid it off yet. Throughout my junior
and senior year, it was difficult balancing my schoolwork and
helping out at the store. I was almost putting in full time work
hours at the store. Often I would find myself solving complex
calculus equations between ringing up customers on the cash
The scholarship makes Berkeley a possible choice for me.
Thanks to my family’s determination and generous scholarships, like the Kennedy Foundation Scholarship, I will attend
Berkeley. The path before me is no longer a dream. It is my
American life.
— Antonio Solorio
Professional Advisor Council
Thank You
You are creating a culture of philanthropy in northern Nevada.
Thank you for speaking openly with your clients.
It is clear from the growth of our new funds and the expansion of
the Legacy Society, you are discussing charitable giving with your
clients and bringing up the sometimes difficult but fulfilling subject
of creating a personal legacy.
Thank you for your referrals. We are proud to be your partner in
Soraya Aguirre
Holland and Hart
Elaine Alexander
Certified Public Accountant
Butch Anderson
Muckel Anderson CPAs
Thomas Barcia
Edward Jones
Linda Bowman
Linda Bowman Law Offices
John Boyd
Edward Jones
Bruce Brugler
Presidio Wealth Management
Rebecca Dickson
Dickson Realty
John Dooley
Edward Jones
Gerald Dorn
Anderson & Dorn LTD.
Julia Gold, Attorney
Thomas J. Hall, Attorney
James Marren
Raymond James
Ernest Maupin
Maupin, Cox & Legoy
Lance McKenzie
Avansino, Melarkey,
Knobel & Mulligan
Gordon Muir
Hawkins, Folsom & Muir
John Mulligan
Avansino, Melarkey,
Knobel & Mulligan
Enid Oliver
Ameriprise Financial Services
Pete Parker
Edwin Pereyra, CPA
Jim Pfrommer
Pfrommer McCune, Ltd.
Todd Plimpton
Belanger & Plimpton,
Lovelock, NV
Tim Riley
Don Ross
Woodburn & Wedge
Jennifer Rust
Edward Jones
DeArmond F. Sharp
Robison, Belaustegui,
Sharp & Low
Vicki P. Schultz, MBA CFP
Schultz Financial Group
David Turner, CPA
Turner, Loy & Co.
Richard Wait, CPA
RS Wait, Chtd.
Business Relationships
Legal Counsel
Audit Firm
Avansino, Melarkey,
Knobel & Mulligan
McDonald, Carano, Wilson, LLP
Kohn & Company, LLP
Banking and Investment Advisors
Bernstein Global Wealth Management
1999 Avenue of the Starts, Suite 2150
Los Angeles, CA 90067
Contact: Bill Hair 310-286-6062
Morgan Stanley Smith Barney
5390 Kietzke Lane, Suite 200
Reno, NV 89511
Contact: Tom Seeliger 775-823-8632
Charles Schwab & Co. Inc.
6502 South McCarran Blvd., Suite E
Reno, NV 89509
Contact: Gary Cronk 775-689-4204
Presidio Capital Advisors, LLC
101 California Street, Suite 1200
San Francisco, CA 94111
Contact: Bruce Brugler 415-449-1000
Edward Jones
4795 Caughlin Parkway, Suite 210
Reno, NV 89509
Contact: John E. Boyd 775-329-4646
The Investment Fund for Foundations
170 N. Radnor Chester Rd., Ste 300
Radnor, PA 19087
Fortney Investment Advisors
229 Saint Lawrence Avenue
Reno, NV 89509
Contact: Ken Fortney 775-786-5045
Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation, Inc.
101 California Street, Suite 2100
San Francisco, CA 94111
Contact: William D. Hobi 888-750-1338
Wells Fargo & Company
5340 Kietzke Lane, Suite 200
Reno, NV 89511
Contact: Cindy Buchanan 775-689-6312
Copies of the Audited Financial Statements,
Articles of Incorporation, By-laws, IRS form 990
or IRS form 1023 are available by request.
Christopher Askin, CSPG, CFRE, President and CEO
Lyndsey Crossley, Executive Assistant
Dani Lutzow, Program Officer
Maureen Mensing, Accounting Associate
Margaret Stewart, Communications Director
Melissa A. Tschanz, CPA, Controller
Tracy Peterson Turner, PhD, Chief Philanthropy Officer
Writer/editor, Photography:
Margaret Stewart
Design: Julie Melton,
The Right Type Graphics
Printed by:
A Carlisle and Company
Photography courtesy of: Cover Reno Cityscape: Lee Molof Photography
Pages 24-25: Debbie McCarthy
Pages 26-27: Big Brothers Big Sisters Northern Nevada
Pages 16-17: Jon Harrison
Pages 32-33: Nevada Department of Wildlife
Community Foundation of Western Nevada
1885 South Arlington Ave., Suite 103, Reno, NV 89509
fax: 775-333-5487 email: info@nevadafund.org
EIN #88-0370179
Financial Statements
Consolidated Statements of Financial Position
December 31, 2013 and 2012
Cash and cash equivalents
Contributions receivable
Property and equipment, net
Investments held for split-interest
$ 71,702,545
$ 65,539,488
Other assets
Total Assets
Accounts payable
Split-interest agreements
Accrued payroll
Grants payable
Funds held for others
Total Liabilities
Temporarily restricted
Permanently restricted
Total Liabilities & Net Assets $ 71,702,545
Net Assets
Total Net Assets
A complete copy of the audited financial statements
is available at our office:
1885 South Arlington Ave., Suite 103, Reno NV 89509
or from our website: nevadafund.org
Consolidated Statements of Activities
For the Year Ended December 31, 2013 and 2012
Public support, revenue and transfers
Rental income
Change in the value of
split-interest trusts
Miscellaneous income
General and administrative
Net assets at beginning of year
$ 57,652,604
$ 49,945,730
Investment income, net
Total public support
and revenue
Program services and grants
Total expenses
Net assets at end of year
A complete copy of the audited financial statements
is available at our office:
1885 South Arlington Ave., Suite 103, Reno NV 89509
or from our website: nevadafund.org
Foundation Options
Initial contribution
$5 million to be effective
Start-up costs
Accounting and legal fees
Investment, accounting,
audit and tax return expenses
On-going legal and accounting fees
Trustees must perform or hire staff.
General Administration
Trustees must perform, contract,
or hire staff for these services.
Max tax deduction for gifts
of cash (% of AGI)
Max tax deduction for gifts
of appreciated securities
Must pay excise tax on
Yes (1-2%)
Minimum pay out required
Yes (5%)
Flexibility of choice
Likelihood of perpetuity
Requires donor time and expense
Grant-making consultation
No. Trustees must perform,
contract or hire staff for these services.
Access to community-wide
agency knowledge base
Research and evaluation of
charitable organizations
Must hire staff
Agency liaison services
Planned giving services
Restriction on holding interests
in business enterprises
Application of expenditure
responsibility procedures for
grants to organizations and
programs that are not public
Yes (under IRC Section 4945
taxable expenditure retax for
failure to make “expenditure
responsibility” investigations)
Separate annual IRS tax
return required
No (IRS Form 990-PF required, which
Liability and insurance
Insurance must be separately purchased
is open to public inspection.) Private
foundations are required to file detailed
tax returns on grants, investment fees, staff
salaries, asset size, and publish a notice to
the public that the tax return is available
for viewing. These public records are often
compiled into grant-seeker directories.
$1 million
1.5% fee for funds under $1 million.
The CF handles all investments and
accounting, files annual tax return, and
provides annual independent audit.
For funds above $1 million: CF fees are
reduced in relation to fund balance
size. The CF handles all investments and
accounting, files annual tax return, and
provides annual independent audit.
CF handles all financial and
administrative management.
CF handles all financial and
administrative management.
Yes. If donor wishes, the CF can
identify potential recipients,
investigate applicants, make grant
payments, and monitor performance.
Yes. If donor wishes, the CF can
identify potential recipients,
investigate applicants, make grant
payments, and monitor performance.
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes (no charge)
Yes Individual donor’s fund assets
and grant-making are kept private and
confidential. No public disclosure of
individual grants or donations is required.
If donor wishes, the CF can serve as a
buffer between the donor and the grant
seeker. Donors are usually recognized
for grants disbursed unless they wish to
remain anonymous.
No (IRS Form 990 required, which is
Advisors to the fund are covered by
the CF’s liability and D & O insurance
Advisors to the fund are covered by
the CF’s liability and D & O insurance
open to public inspection.) Supporting
organizations are required to file
detailed tax returns on grants,
investment fees, staff salaries, asset size,
and publish a notice to the public that
the tax return is available for viewing.
These public records are often compiled
into grant-seeker directories.
Advising Services
At the Community Foundation of Western Nevada we:
closely with donors and their advisors to create an
individual giving plan that works.
people understand how to give now and how to give
through their estates.
a wide range of assets including appreciated
securities, real estate and business interests.
Provide expert advice on community issues.
Connect donors with others who have similar interests.
Simplify or eliminate the administrative aspects of giving.
Enable the best tax advantages for giving.
Invest your gift carefully to reach your charitable goals.
Encourage fundholders to involve their families and share
important values with future generations.
To learn more about building your legacy and
supporting the community through us, please:
Talk with Chris Askin, CSPG, CFRE, President and CEO
at 775-333-5499 or via email: caskin@nevadafund.org
Stop by our Office
1885 South Arlington Avenue, Suite 103
Reno, NV 89509
Visit our website: nevadafund.org
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