June 2016, Volume 26 Issue 6~ Ha:san Masad- Ripening of Saguaro fruit month Announcements Pages 1~5 Hewel Ni’ok to present plans for new Low Power Radio Station for Wa:k Community KWAK-LP, 102.5 FM, a local radio station servicing the Wa:k members of the Tohono O’odham Nation. Council Pages 6-7 Wa:k, May 10, 2016: Hewel Ni’ok, the Tohono O’odham Nation’s managers and operators of the Nation’s licensed radio station has filed its application with the San Xavier District to begin the process of constructing a new low power FM radio station to serve the San Xavier District. The filing of the application with the San Xavier District Planning Department is the first step in getting approval from the Wa:k community and the District for the KWAK-LP radio project. San Xavier Mission News Page 8 Wa:k Spirit Pages 9-13 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HIGHLIGHTS KWAK Radio Station Front Cover Ranger News Page 2 Wa:k Hikdan Page 3 17th Annual Young Men’s Gathering Page 4 Wa:k Royalty Recruitment Meeting Page 5 “We are very excited to finally begin,” Maria Donahue, Interim Station Manager for KWAK-LP, “its been almost three years since Hewel Ni’ok and the Nation filed with the FCC for a construction permit to build a low power radio station to provide service to the community of Wa:k. Now we have about 18 months to complete the station and tower.” Ms. Donahue further added, “Ever since the Nation obtained an FCC license to operate KOHN 91.9 FM for the main portion of the Nation in 2005, it has been a challenge to extend broadcasting services to the San Xavier District and its members. The community’s proximity to the Tucson urban market area made it difficult to identify a local radio channel to provide service as most available channels were already licensed to other entities. Short of paying for an expensive existing license, the Nation had little to no opportunity of providing these services.” “The day to day operations of KWAK-LP will be by Hewel Ni’ok and its staff with the programming reflecting the community’s issues. The original programming made available by Hewel Ni’ok to KOHN, KOHH and KOHF-LP will be broadcast if desired by the community; otherwise, KWAK-LP will be local origination programming. It is known that the community wishes to be a part of the legislative sessions and that will be provided.” Ms. Donahue also stated that the project will require the assignment of two (2) separate parcels of tribal lands; a parcel near the San Xavier Recreation Center complex for the main studio and another parcel, 20 feet by 20 feet, on Black Mountain near the existing water tanks for the radio tower and transmitter. All parcels are within lands currently designated for public and social use. Through the assistance of various departments of the San Xavier District, Hewel Ni’ok has requested and will present the plans for KWAK-LP to the community and general public at two public hearings. The first is scheduled for June 8, 2016 for the general public, and the second one for community members on June 11, 2016. Both hearings are to be held at the District’s council chambers, the June 8th public meeting is scheduled for 6 pm while the community meeting is requested for 9 am. At the meetings Hewel Ni’ok will present details of the radio project and respond to any questions community members may have. The KWAK Radio Station project is currently going through the San Xavier District’s Development Review Process, which includes these two Meetings, and a future SXD Planning & Housing Committee, and SXD Council Meeting for review and consideration of approval. If anyone has any questions on the KWAK Radio Station proposal prior to the June 8 and June 11 meetings, you may contact Maria Donahue at 520-361-5011. RANGER NEWS Hello Wa:k Community! In April, Natural Resource Director Sally Pablo received noticed that the Ranger Department had been selected as this year’s Stewardship Award winner, given out by the Nation’s Environmental Protection Office in conjunction with the Jewed Ka:Cim Tash event. As winners of the award we were Grand Marshal for the Jewed Ka:Cim Tash Parade which was held on April 22nd, 2016. The department received a plaque and four meal tickets. It was an honor to receive the award for past and current Ranger employees and for the San Xavier District. Environmental: How can I look out for snakes? Look around! Never step or put your hand where you cannot see. If going out after dark don’t walk in the dark use a flashlight to prevent stepping on the back of a snake. What to do if you see a snake? Walk! Do not run away from the snake. Take two steps backward and watch where the snake goes, then calmly turn around and leave the snake alone, or contact a professional to remove the snake. Do not kill the snake and never get close to a snake to get a better look. How can I keep snakes away from my house and yard? Keep grass and vegetation cut short. Trim shrubs and bushes so you can see the ground under them. Remove debris piles immediately (branches, leaves boards, logs). Cut low limbs (Keep three feet above the ground). Do not store wood on your back porch or backyard. Stats for the month of April 2016 Property Damage – 3, Animal Control – 13, Suspicious Vehicle/Person/Activity – 12, Illegal Dumping - 2, Community Assist – 1, Assist other Agency – 1, Assist other Department – 1, Special Detail – 2. Important Telephone numbers: Emergency 911 Ranger Department 807-8499 Ranger Supervisor cell 349-1359 Tohono O’Odham Police 622-1587, 879-8900 Ranger Supervisor 807-8484 Ranger cellphone 471-8092 Take back your community: Here is a list of ideas to help in taking back your community. Form a neighborhood watch in your area. Contact the police department to help. Organize a neighborhood cleanup. Get everyone involved young and old. Report any suspicious activity, vehicles or persons in the area to the police department. Keep doors and windows locked especially if you are planning to be away for a period of time. Attend community meetings and voice any concerns you may have. Dog bites The month of April there were three incidents of dog bites in our community. Reminder, that if you own a dog and it bites someone you will be cited by the police department. As the owner of the dog it is your responsibility. Section 7302 Animals Not Permitted at Large. No female dog during her breeding or mating season shall be permitted at large at any time. No owner or person in charge of a dog or cat shall permit such an animal to be at large in (1) any area of a village where a feast or other communal activity is taking place, (2) in or near a feast house or communal kitchen or area where food for human consumption is prepared or served, or (3) in a public park, playground, public shopping area, government building or adjoining grounds, or upon any school or business property. 2 have lost a loved one in the past month, May the Creator be with The Ranger Staff sends their prayers and thoughts to all the families who you during this time. 2 3 3 Attention Community Members: the financial assistance has now been depleted for the year. Should you have any questions please contact Kim Encinas at 573-4007. THE PROBATE STAFF ARE AT SAN XAVIER DISTRICT OFFICE ON THE FIRST WEDNESDAY OF EACH MONTH FROM 9:00AM TO 3:00 PM. THE STAFF ARE AVAILABLE TO ANSWER QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE REGARDING PROBATE MATTERS. IF YOU HAD A RECENT DEATH IN YOUR FAMILY, PLEASE STOP BY AND FIND OUT IF A PROBATE IS NEEDED FOR THE DECEDENT. IF THE DECEDENT NEEDS TO BE PROBATED, THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS ARE NEEDED FOR DECEDENT AND HIS FAMILY: 1. ORIGINAL DEATH CERTIFICATE 2. BIRTH/BAPTISMAL CERTIFICATES FOR ALL 3. TRIBAL ENROLLMENT DOCUMENTS FOR ALL 4 4 co-ed volleyball tournament june 17th & 18th pasqua yaqui wellness center 5305 calle torim, tucson, az 85757 $125 per team 10 player roster breakfast & food sale! for more information contact: elliot ortega 520 912-9602 All Proceeds will go to the st. MAry’s feast committee Denza Oliver~Pablo Lil Miss Wa:k 2015-2016 Kionna Encinas Jr. Miss Wa:k Ceksan 2015-2016 2015-2016 Wa:k Ceksan Royalty RECRUITMENT MEETING 2016-2017 Wa:k Ceksan Royalty TOPIC: Applications & Presentations 5 June 22 @ 6:30pm in the SX District Center (5 months away until Pageant) 5 Ameliah Tenario Miss Wa:k Ceksan 2015-2016 San Xavier District Council San Xavier District Community San Xavier District Council Meeting of June 7, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. – District Council Chambers Meeting of June 11, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. – District Council Chambers Meeting of June 21, 2016 at 7:00 P.M. – District Council Chambers AGENDA – Tentative AGENDA – draft AGENDA – draft May 31, 2016 at 5 p.m. is the deadline date to submit items to be placed on the agenda. June 3, 2016 at 5 p.m. is the deadline date to submit items to be placed on the agenda. June 14, 2016 at 5 p.m. is the deadline date to submit items to the agenda 1. Welcome and Opening Remarks: 1. Welcome and Opening Remarks: 1. Welcome and Opening Remarks: 2. 2. Invocation: 2. Invocation: 3. Review and Approval of Agenda: 3. Call to the Audience: 3. Review and Approval of Agenda: 4. New Business: 4. Sgt. Martin Robledo, TOPD San Xavier Sub-Station – Present the Districts monthly statistics report. 4. New Business: Invocation: a. We The People Group – Present a reporting of their competition and travel to Washington, DC. b. James Merino, Principle, Ha:san Preparatory & Leadership School – Present an update on the loan issue to the District. (T) c. Allison L. Ramirez, UROC Prep Pro gram – Request permission to publish her studies on San Xavier District’s formal and informal economy. 5. Mr. Johnny Merchant, Director, SXD Housing Department – To present the Housing Department power point presen tation. 6. Sial Thonolig, General Manager, Marie Donahue, Station Manager – To present the proposed KWAK Radio Station on the San Xavier District. 7. TOLC Reports: Chairman Activity Report: 8. SXDC Reports: 6. Vice Chairman Activity Report: 9. Announcements: 7. Minutes: 8. TOLC updates: 9. . Announcements: ► District Community meeting is scheduled on June 11, 2016 at 9 a.m. ► District Council meeting is scheduled on June 21, 2015 at 7 p.m. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers . ► ► ► ► District Council meeting is scheduled on June 21, 2016 at 7 p.m. District Council meeting is scheduled for July 5, 2016 at 7 p.m. District Community meeting is scheduled for July 16, 2016 at 9 a.m. District Council meeting is scheduled for July 19, 2016 at 7 p.m. All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers 10. a. Mr. Mario Reyes, SXD Finance Director – To present the monthly District financial report in closed session. 5. Chairman Activity Report: 6. Vice Chairman Activity Report: 7. Minutes: 8. TOLC updates: 9. Announcements: ► District Council meeting is scheduled on July 5, 2016 at 5 p.m. District Community meeting is scheduled on July 16, 2016 at 9 a.m. District Council meeting is scheduled on July 19, 2016 at 7 p.m. ► ► All meetings will be held in the Council Chambers 10. Adjournment Adjournment: Adjournment: 6 Copies of resolutions and related information can be obtained at the San Xavier District Council office, upon proper request San Xavier District Council Resolutions adopted for the month of May 2016 Date Res. No. 05/03/16 05-16-01 “Supporting Other Districts’ Banishments” 05-16-02 Motion made by Janice Felix and second Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 5 for 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent. Motion carried. “Accepting Minutes of April 5, 2016 as Amended” 05/03/16 Title Motion made by Philbert Bailey and second Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent. 05/03/16 05-16-03 “Accepting the Minutes of February 2, 2016 as Amended” Motion made by Philbert Bailey and second Janice Felix, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent. Mo- 05/03/16 05/17/16 05/17/16 05/17/16 05/17/16 05/17/16 05-16-04 05-16-05 05-16-06 05-16-07 05-16-08 05-16-09 “Accepting the Minutes of February 23, 2016 as Amended” Motion made by Janice Felix and second Brandon Havier, tally results; 5 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 0 absent. Motion carried. “Agreeing to Conduct a Closed Session for the Districts monthly finances report, SXDC Finance Committee update and the Districts Investment Accounts report” Motion made by Janice Felix and second Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 4 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 1 absent. Motion carried. “Supporting a New Cost category called Association & Organizations on the San Xavier District onto the existing Development Review Manual Application and Development Fee Flowchart” Motion made by Brandon Havier and second Dennis Ramon, tally results; 3 for, 1 against, 0 not voting 1 absent. Motion carried. “Amending Resolution of the San Xavier District Council adopting the 2010 revised Development Review Manual as the Finished Development Review Manual & Official Community document for review of projects” Motion made by Dennis Ramon and second Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 3 for, 1 against, 0 not voting, 1 absent. Motion carried. “Adoption of Arizona Boundary Survey Minimum Standards, and Consultant Application Form – SM001 with the District’s Confidentiality Statement” Motion made by Janice Felix and second Brandon Havier, tally results; 4 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 1 absent. Motion carried. “Accepting the Minutes of May 3, 2016 as Amended” Motion made by Brandon Havier and second Phyllis Valenzuela, tally results; 4 for, 0 against, 0 not voting, 1 absent. Motion carried. Copies of resolutions and related information can be obtained at the San Xavier District Council office, upon proper request. “Vacant and term ending positions to the San Xavier District Council Recommending Committees, District Council Alternate positions and Legislative Alternate position, must be a District enrolled member and registered to vote” Finance Committee – (1) vacant position, (2) terms ending for Chris Ortega and Kym Murrietta Election Committee – (4) vacant positions, (1) term ending for Geri Antone . Planning & Housing Committee – (1) term ending for Hermalinda Akama District Council Alternates – (3) vacant positions to Philbert Bailey, Phyllis Valenzuela and Dennis Ramon. Interested individuals from the community at large may submit a letter of interest to the San Xavier District Council department. The Council staff will notify you to be present at a future Council meeting for appointment to fill in the vacant positions by a Council resolution. All vacant positions are being advertised in the monthly Wa:k Newsletter to the community at large must be a District enrolled member and registered to vote. District members may apply for more than one committee, the District Council and their Alternates may represent one committee. You may call the Council department for questions at (520) 573.4026, 573.4028 and 573.4006. 7 7 Congratulations to all Graduates! First Death Anniversary For Shirleen Bernadette Thomas June 5, 2016 Women Healing Women VIII: June 3-5 Baptism Class: June 14 – 7 PM Baptisms: June 18 NO BAPTISMS IN JULY Aug. 23: Baptism Class Sister Carla will be in Wisconsin from June 23-July 27 attending Community meetings, and visiting her family. All the sisters will be back by the end of July/early August. 8:30 a.m. - Mass at SX Mission Church 10:00 a.m. - Refreshments served at 1040 W. Sikolk Wog 10:30 a.m. – Entertainment 12:00 p.m. – Lunch served 1:00 p.m. – Entertainment 3:00 p.m. – Rosary by Gabriel Encinas and Group 6:00 p.m. – Placement of headstone & flowers at grave site New Look at San Xavier Mission Convent! The Catholic Foundation of the Diocese awarded grant money to help the parish replace the windows with dual pane windows. We are very grateful for their help. (Holy Cross Committee 2013-2016), To my Comadres and Compadres I want to thank you for all the hard work all of you did in the last three years. We had lots of fun during those years and memories that will never be forgotten. Stewart and I want to wish you and your family good blessings in the years to come. For Laverne and Basil, we want to wish you and your new committee the best of luck in your years to come. Remember we are all Comadre and Compadre forever. Love you guys. From: Stewart Gilmore and Gloria Rios 88 SAN XAVIER EDUCATION DEPARTMENT JUNE 2016 Kendahl McCarthy 2nd Grade Sophia Miles Ignacio Kindergarten Damien Lopez 6th 9 Frank Martinez 4th Grade Greeting Wa:k Community, Greetings Wa:k Community! First off I would like to say Congratulations to all the Graduates and students who have been promoted. I would like to commend you all for your efforts and hard work. I wish you continued success in all your future endeavors. Remember that education is the key to success and know that there are many people out there willing to help you accomplish your goals. Our After School Program for the school year has come to an end. Stacy and I made tacos, rice and beans for their last day. It was a pleasure getting to know each and every one of the kids that took a part in our program this school year. We look forward to seeing you all next year, or even better this summer. Voices of Our Youth has also come to an end, we have one more outing with them to end the year. Family Night went well. We acknowledged each student with positive words and gifts that they were all grateful for, in return we received hugs from all the students. It was an amazing feeling to see the excitement in the youth. I’m excited for future Voices of Our Youth outings. Secondly I would like to thank the students and parents who have allowed me to be a part of their lives as they participated in the After School Program, Tutoring or Voices of Our Youth Program. It has been a joy to see you all come out of your comfort zones and interact with others. I wish you all the very best and please come in with any questions or concern you may have. I enjoyed getting to know all the students and hope to see them over the summer whether it is for the elementary program, the middle school summer programs or for the summer youth employment program. Parents please continue to encourage your students, ask questions and keep them engaged. Even if your students do not participate in our programs, there are a number of them out there such as the recreation programs and the boys and girls club. Congratulations to all graduates, keep striving for the best. There is always more to be accomplished Have a wonderful summer and be on the lookout for information pertaining to college tours, youth workshops and Back to School Events. Community Liaison, Stacy Hernandez 10 10 GREETINGS FROM THE LIBRARY Counts to 10 and can count objects. Pays attention and follows simple directions. We have been extremely busy here in the library preparing for our summer programs. We will have our Infant/Toddler program applications available on June 1st. Can repeat sequences of numbers, sounds and parts of stories. 1st Session for 0 – 2 yrs. Old (10:00 - 11:00) and 3 & 4 yrs. (1:00 - 2:00) will be from June 13 – 23, 2016. Is potty trained. Dresses self. Brushes own teeth. Controls a pencil and crayon well. Cuts shapes and pastes them on paper. Recognizes authority. Shares with others. Works independently. nd 2 Session for 0 – 2 yrs. Old (10:00 – 11:00) and 3 & 4 yrs. (1:00 – 2:00) will be from July 11 – 21, 2016. As parents, we can use fun, everyday activities to help our kids develop basic skills to build on and prepare them for kindergarten success. First Things First has tip sheets to help parents prepare their kids over the summer for their first day of school. Tips range from reading and playing every day and ensuring kids get all their check-ups to practicing new routines and reducing first day anxiety. These resources can be found at azftf.gov in the Parent Section under Early Education. For more information please call Gertie or Therese at 520-268-6432. _______________________________________ Summer Ideal Time To Prepare for Kindergarten Success While most students think of summer as a break from learning, for young kids entering kindergarten, summer is the ideal time to instill the skills that will make the transition to school smoother. Kindergarten has changed a lot since most of us started school. Today’s 5-year-olds are expected to arrive with basic academic and social skills so they are prepared on day one to start learning to read, write and do basic math. Here’s a sample from a list – taken from a national survey of kindergarten teachers a couple of years ago – of skills that can help ease the transition to kindergarten: The #1 tip? Read, talk, sing and play with your kids! Even if you don’t have kindergarteners this year, it’s never too early to start helping kids prepare. Children who have positive early childhood experiences tend to score higher on school readiness assessments and are more likely to do well in school and graduate. Child pretends to read. Understands that words are read from left to right. Looks at pictures and tells a story. Recognizes own name and tries to write it. By turning everyday moments into learning moments, we can send our children to school with the skills – and the love of learning – that will help them succeed in kindergarten and beyond! 11 -from First Things First Greetings Wa:k Community, Many thanks to all families who supported the SX Education Center this year, by volunteering, visiting, or simply by supporting your youth at home with homework or projects. I look forward to serving those of you who will be joining us next year. Congratulations to all who have accomplished a goal this 2015 – 2016 year, whether you were promoted to the next grade, graduated from 8th grade or high school or complete your college degree, you deserve an around of applause and a pat on the back for all your hard work! All the studying, procrastinating, and possibly turning in last minute assignments – you were able to get it done by staying focused. Best of luck to you in your future endeavors! May 31st – June 14th: Sunnyside HS & Desert View HS Summer School (1st Session) begins June 1st: Elementary Summer School Mandatory Parent Orientation I want to personally thank the parents, grandparents, and guardians of our Voices of Our Youth group in giving Stacy Hernandez, Danielle Stephens, and myself the opportunity to know your youth. The Voices of Our Youth program concluded in May with our yearly Family Night event, bake sale, and a trip to Sun Splash in Phoenix, AZ. For some who may not know what Voices of Our Youth is about, this program consisted of youth from the ages 12-17 years of age that focused on assisting our youth to succeed in school and in their lives. As well as guiding the youth through prevention services, out-of-state and in-state college campus visits, community service such as cemetery cleanup, volunteering at the Slaughterhouse, hiking Black Mountain, Tumamoc, Baboquivari Mountain, and Seven Falls to participating in the Ciolim Harvest and raising money for the program by have bake and sno-cone sales, and more. June 3rd: Family Wellness Night 5:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. (back of SXD Complex) June 4th: Strengthening Our Community 7:30 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. at SXD Complex June 6th: Elementary Summer School Program begins June 6th: DEADLINE for Tuition and Book Grant Application June 8th: SUSD Governing Board Meeting 6:30 p.m. June 10th: Head Start Graduation at the San Xavier Recreation Center For the 2015 - 2016 year, I would like to congratulate all Voices of Our Youth participants on your hard work, achievements, and dedication to the Voices of Our Youth program. It has been a pleasure working with all of you and getting to know you more. June 10th: Ha:san Preparatory & Leadership School Graduation June 13th: Infant/Toddler Program (1st Session) begins DeAna Antone, DaNea Antone, Jocelle Bailey, Danielle Benson, Trendo Campos, Aric Donahue, Journey Garcia, DaeSean Johnson, Angelique Jose, Arianna Jose, Jazmynn Jose, Annaleah Joaquin, Elianna Joaquin, Eliho Joaquin, Ashley Lopez, Damien Lopez, Samuel Lopez, Lamar Nish, Fallon Norris, Jaycee Norris, Milla Norris, Aliza Osequeda, Sebastian Preston, Serelia Preston June 15th – June 30th: Sunnyside HS & Desert View HS Summer School (2nd Session) begins June 22nd: Middle School Summer Program Mandatory Parent Orientation June 23rd: Infant/Toddler Program (1st Session) ends June 24th: Elementary Summer School Program ends June 24th: Las Puertas Community School last day of school June 24th: DEADLINE for Bus Passes June 27th: Middle School Summer Program begins 12 12 June 29th: San Xavier District Honorarium Celebration Always FUN at the Education Center! Greetings Wa:k Community, There is so much going on at the Education Center! Please take some time to visit us! These are some of the things we offer: Serving breakfast at the Parent/ Principal Meeting Computers with high-speed Internet Up-to-date magazines and newspapers Thousands of books to enjoy I-pads and tablets to check out Gardening Club Summer programs for kids entering kindergarten- 8th grade Infant/Toddler summer program Free breakfast and lunch (6/6-7/8). Breakfast 7:30am-8:30am, Lunch 11:15-12:30pm Mural project during the summer Volunteering opportunities Open on Saturdays, 8:30am-12:30pm Free bike lights helmets from PAG If you have any questions, please call us 520-807-8620 Join our Community Garden Club. We need your help! Mikey Enis shares planting songs and stories. 13 San Xavier District of the Tohono O’odham Nation 2018 W. San Xavier Road Tucson, AZ 85746 Phone: (520) 573-4000 Fax: (520) 573-4089 FOR ANY SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY OR EMERGENCY CALLS CONTACT TOHONO O’ODHAM POLICE AT 622-1587 OR 911 O’odham Automotive & Woodworks 990 W San Xavier Road, Tucson, AZ 85746 (520) 829-2091 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS: Tune Ups, Oil Change, Brakes, and pads, shoes, hubs, rotor, cv axels, rack and pinion, lower, upper, control arms, bushings, shocks, struts, calipers, mufflers, glass packs, flowmax, gaskets, clutch, automatic transmission and engine installations. WE BUY UNWANTED CARS WITH TITLES (RUNNING OR NOT) IN-SHOP DIAGNOSTIC TEST FREE WOODWORK: Repair and customize old furniture, bathroom renovations, tile sink, vanity, showers drywall and add-ons. KITCHEN: Cabinets, sinks floor tile, remodeling counter tops, ceiling fans, lighting and outlets. OUTDOOR WORK: Ramada’s, carports, storage sheds, re-locate water lines, roof patching, concrete slabs, washer/dryer hook-ups, security doors and windows and windows (installation only), all doors repaired or replaced include installation 14