Coherent Optical OFDM Modem Design with the Aid of ANN Equalizers The research aim is to design and optimize a CO-OFDM and to study the modem performance after utilizing ANN equalizer. Publications M.A. Jarajreh, Z. Ghassemlooy, W.P. Ng, Improving the chromatic dispersion tolerance in long-haul fibre links using the coherent optical orthogonal Mutsam Jarajreh frequency division multiplexing, Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, IET. 06/2010; M. A. Jarajreh, J. L. Wei, J. M. Tang, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. P. Ng, Effect of number Mutsam Jarajreh is currently pursuing a PhD of sub-carriers, cyclic prefix and analogue to digital converter parameters on degree coherent at the Communications school of Research Lab Northumbria (NCRLab) at Computing, Engineering and Information Sciences, Northumbria University, UK,; where he is involved in coherent transmission, optical OFDM Fast-coherent for long optical haul OFDM, equalization techniques for OFDM optical system. Mr. Jarajreh has obtained a BEng and MSc Computer and Network Engineering from Sheffield Hallam University in the years 2004 and 2005 respectively. optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing modem's transmission performance, Communications, IET. 01/2010; 4:213-222. M.A. Jarajreh, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. P. Ng, Improving the chromatic dispersion tolerance in long-haul fibre links using the coherent OOFDM, Mosharaka International Conference on Communications, Propagation and Electronics (MICCPE 2009); 01/2009 M A Jarajreh and J M Tang, Improved Transmission Performance of Coherent Optical OFDM Signals by Increasing The Number of Sub-Carriers, Semiconductor & Integrated Optoelectronics (IEE/SIOE), Cardiff, Wales, April 2008. M. A. Jarajreh, E. Giacoumidis, and J. M. Tang, ―Quantization and Clipping Effects on the Transmission Performance of Coherent Optical OFDM Signals over AWGN Channels‖, Semiconductor & Integrated Optoelectronics (IEE/SIOE), Cardiff, Wales, April 2007. E. Giacoumidis, M. A. Jarajreh, and J. M. Tang, ―Effect of Analogue-to-Digital Conversion on the Performance of Optical OFDM Modems in Coherent and IMDD Transmission Links‖, Semiconductor & Integrated Optoelectronics (IEE/SIOE), Cardiff, Wales, April 2007. R&D communications Application of Genetic Algorithm to Obtain a High Efficient Active Integrated Antenna using an Aperture Coupled Microstrip Patch Antenna Researches concentrate on: Lei Liu (PhD) Address: EBE409, Ellison Building, Main original contributions: Practical test for turn ratio between feed and slot, slot and patch Single feed narrow and wideband microstrip slot antenna design; dual freq. microstrip slot antenna design; circular polarized microstrip slot antenna design CEIS, Northumbria University at Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. NE1 8ST Phone: 07883860657 Lei Liu received the BSc degree in Computer Science from Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications at Nanjing, China in 2007 and the MSc degree in Microelectronic and communication engineering from Northumbria University at Newcastle upon Tyne, UK in 2009. Currently, he is a PhD student at the School of Computing, Engineering & Information Sciences, Northumbria University at Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He is carrying out research on optimisation of active integrated antennas (AIA) using Genetic Algorithm. He is also investigating into the design of a RF link which is to be used as a backup for an optical communication link. R&D communications Radio Frequency communication Aperture coupled slot antenna modeling and design High efficiency power amplifier modeling and design (Class F and inverse F) Optimization method (Genetic Algorism) Setups and photos, descriptions Indoor cellular optical wireless communication systems Main original contributions Mathematical modelling cellular indoor OWC links. Optimization of beam pattern. Handover algorithm and practical implementation. Mr. Dehao Wu Main goals 3rd Year Ph.D Student The main aim of this cellular indoor OWC system is to investigate those key challenges that need addressing including mobility and moving within and between cells without losing connection. In addition investigation of efficient modulation and coding schemes, improving BER, high data rate, eye safe, and coverage are desirable to enhance the performance of the system. Furthermore multiple access protocol and networking perspectives are essential for future development of this type of networks, which are currently in point-to-point configuration. Room E409 Ellison Building Northumbria Communications Research lab School of Computing, Information Sciences, Engineering & University of Northumbria, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, UK. Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4331 Email: Bio and Research Interest He received the Bachelor’s degree in optical and information engineering from the Nanjing University of Post & Telecommunication, P.R. China in 2007 and the M.Sc. degree in microelectrical and telecommunication engineering from Northumbria University, Newcastle, U.K., in 2009. Now he is working towards the Ph.D. degree on indoor cellular optical wireless communication systems in Optical Communication Research Group at Northumbria University. His research interests include the area of optical wireless communications, indoor optical wireless and visible light communications. R&D communications Publications (1). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, S. Rajbhandari, and H. Le Minh, “ Channel characteristics analysis and experimental demonstration of a diffuse cellular indoor visible light communication systems, " The Mediterranean Journal of Electronics and Communications , 2012. (accepted) (2). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, Sujan Rajbhandari, and Anthony C. Boucouvalas, “Improvement of the transmission bandwidth for indoor optical wireless communication systems using a diffused Gaussian beam, " IEEE Communication Letters, 2012. (accepted) (3). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, and S. Rajbhandari, "Power distribution investigation of a diffused cellular indoor visible light communications system," in PGNET2011, Liverpool , UK, 2011. (4). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, S. Rajbhandari, and Y. S. Kavian, "Power distribution and qfactor analysis of diffuse cellular indoor visible light communication systems," in European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC), Newcastle Upon Tyne UK, 2011. (5). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, S. Rajbhandari, and C. Lu, "Channel characteristics analysis of diffuse indoor cellular optical wireless communication systems," Proc. of SPIE, vol. 8309, 2011. (6). D. Wu, Z. Ghassemlooy, H. Le Minh, S. Rajbhandari , and W. Lim., , “Optimisation of transmission bandwidth for indoor cellular OWC systems using a dynamic handover dicisionmaking algorithm,“ Proceeding of the 8th Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing 2012 (CSNDSP 2012), Poznan, Poland, 2012; (Accepted) Free-Space Optical Communication System The evolution of the wireless communications standards into the fourth generation has witnessed recent rapid progress in information and communication technologies, which resulted in severe congestion of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum and wireless traffic bottleneck. Free-space optical (FSO) communications is poised to become a promising broadband wireless access candidate to resolve the existing “last mile” problems, due to its superior characteristics which include: no licensing requirements or tariffs for utilization, capability of achieving a very high aggregate capacity, reduced interference, high security, cost-effectiveness and simplicity of system design. Aims and Objectives: It Ee Lee Publications: PhD Student (Year 2) [1] Contact Details: [2] Room E411 Ellison Building School of Computing, Engineering & Information Sciences Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0) 191 227 4331 Email: Biography: It Ee Lee received the B.Eng. (Hons.) majoring in electronics and M.Eng.Sc. degrees from Multimedia University, Malaysia, in 2004 and 2009, respectively. Currently, she is working towards the Ph.D degree on FSO communication systems in the Optical Communication Research Group (OCRG) at Northumbria University. Her research interests include channel modelling, performance analysis and optimization of FSO communication systems, hybrid FSO/RF systems, visible light communications (VLC) systems and optical wireless communications. Channel modelling, performance analysis and optimization of FSO systems Optimization of hybrid FSO/RF systems Application of FSO communications for urban optical wireless communications and green wireless backhauling in next generation Metrozones I. E. Lee, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. P. Ng, and S. Rajbhandari, “Fundamental analysis of hybrid free space optical and radio frequency communication systems”, in Proc. Annual Post Graduate Symposium on the Convergence of Telecommunications, Networking and Broadcasting (PGNet2011), Liverpool , UK, 2011. I. E. Lee, M. L. Sim, and F. W. L. Kung, “A dual-receiving visible-light communication system under time-variant non-clear sky channel for intelligent transportation system”, in Proc. European Conference on Networks and Optical Communications (NOC2011), Newcastle Upon Tyne UK, 2011. I. E. Lee, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. P. Ng, and M. Uysal, “Performance analysis of free space optical links over turbulence and misalignment induced fading channels”, in Symposium on Communication Systems, Networks and Digital Signal Processing (CSNDSP 2012), Poznan, Poland, 2012, accepted. I. E. Lee, Z. Ghassemlooy, and W. P. Ng, “Effects of aperture averaging and beam width on Gaussian free space optical links in the presence of atmospheric turbulence and pointing error”, in International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON 2012), Coventry, UK, 2012, accepted. I. E. Lee, Z. Ghassemlooy, W. P. Ng, and A. Khalighi, “Green-inspired hybrid FSO/RF wireless backhauling and basic access signalling for next generation Metrozones”, in International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012), Newcastle Upon Tyne UK, 2012, accepted. I. E. Lee, M. L. Sim, F. W. L. Kung, and Z. Ghassemlooy, “Statistical analysis and modelling of oneminute global solar irradiance for a tropical country”, in International Symposium on Environment-Friendly Energies and Applications (EFEA 2012), Newcastle Upon Tyne UK, 2012, accepted. [3] [4] [5] [6] Finite Gaussian Lens Optical Laser Input OOK Modulation w0 wL OOK Demodulation D Output Atmospheric Channel h hl ha hp L Single-input single-output FSO system FSO Link m1 s Channel Encoder c1 OOK Modulation x1 Sub-Channel 1 py 1 x1 ;a1 Information Source m2 y1 OOK Demodulation ĉ1 Channel Decoder Channel Encoder c2 Direct Digital Modulation x2 Sub-Channel 2 py 2 x 2 ; a2 m̂1 Information Sink RF Link Hybrid FSO/RF system R&D communications Photo detector y2 Direct Digital Demodulation ĉ 2 Channel Decoder m̂ 2 ŝ A novel wide area network model for mobile nodes supporting the fixed nodes in backbone photonic network Mrs Zina Abu Almaalie PhD Student (Year 1) Contact Details: Room E411 Ellison Building School of Computing, Engineering & Information Sciences Northumbria University Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST, United Kingdom Biography: The scientific academic education is Master degree (M. Sc.) in Computer Engineering, from University of Technology, Iraq in 2005 I’m an Information Technology engineer, my experience in work make me the ability and potential to network management, control the performance of networks and manage them compatible with the purpose of the requested. I have worked as engineering in Iraqi Commission for Computer and Informatics, Baghdad. R&D communications Modern communication networks aim to deliver data at very high speed and low latency. The project will investigate the novel WAN model of network migration where mobile nodes can be actively support the fixed nodes in routing. It is including AI and green communication aspect. Mitigation of Fog and Scintillation Effects in Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Free space optics (FSO) communication uses visible or infrared (IR) wavelength energy to broadcast high data rates through the atmospheric channel. The advantages of FSO including a large un-regulated and license free transmission bandwidth spectrum, consumption of low power, low deployment cost, security as well as immunity to the electromagnetic interference. However, the constitutes of atmosphere particularly fog Thavamaran Kanesan and turbulence hinders the FSO performance and availability due to the scattering, absorption and fluctuations of photon energy. In practice, it is very challenging to measure the effect of the atmosphere constituents like fog and turbulence under diverse Final year PhD student conditions and locations. This is mainly due to the long waiting time to observe and experience reoccurrence of same atmospheric conditions. Therefore, we have developed E411, Ellison Building, a dedicated laboratory atmospheric chamber to investigate the effects of fog, smoke, Northumbria University, NE1 8ST, temperature induced turbulence and wind on the propagating optical beam. Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom. Main original contributions Thavamaran.Kanesan @ Mitigation of Fog and turbulence effect by employing different optical communication power and different modulation schemes such as NRZ, RZ and PPM. The study and investigate the performance of the empirical fog models in the literature and to modify the existing models to a single model. Publications · · · · · · · · GLOBECOM 2010 LCS 2010 IST 2010 NOC 2011 CONTEL 2011 IEEE EL 2012 CSNDSP 2012 IEEE JLT 2012 System block diagram and experimental setup Receiver End (Rx) Fan Air Outlet Power meters Air Outlet Fog Machine Fans Laser End (Tx) System block diagram R&D communications The chamber with the controlled amount of fog (c) Experimental setup Mitigation of Fog and Scintillation Effects in Free Space Optics (FSO) Communication Free space optics (FSO) communication uses visible or infrared (IR) wavelength energy to broadcast high data rates through the atmospheric channel. The advantages of FSO including a large un-regulated and license free transmission bandwidth spectrum, consumption of low power, low deployment cost, security as well as immunity to the electromagnetic interference. However, the constitutes of atmosphere particularly fog and turbulence hinders the FSO performance and availability due to the scattering, Muhammad Ijaz absorption and fluctuations of photon energy. In practice, it is very challenging to measure the effect of the atmosphere constituents like fog and turbulence under diverse Final year PhD student Muhammad Ijaz has received his BSc (Hons) Physics degree from Punjab University, Lahore Pakistan in 2006. He has obtained his M.Sc. in optoelectronic and communication engineering degree from Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK in 2009. After the successful completion of his M.Sc., he has been awarded partial Northumbria university studentship to pursue his Ph.D. He is also a part time lecturer at CEIS, Northumbria University. Partial Northumbria Studentship Best performing 2nd –year PhD student at CEIS Best Conference paper award (NOC 2011) Research Interests conditions and locations. This is mainly due to the long waiting time to observe and experience reoccurrence of same atmospheric conditions. Therefore, we have developed a dedicated laboratory atmospheric chamber to investigate the effects of fog, smoke, temperature induced turbulence and wind on the propagating optical beam. Main original contributions Mitigation of Fog and turbulence effect by employing different optical communication power and different modulation schemes such as NRZ, RZ and PPM. The study and investigate the performance of the empirical fog models in the literature and to modify the existing models to a single model. Publications · · · · · · · · GLOBECOM 2010 LCS 2010 IST 2010 NOC 2011 CONTEL 2011 IEEE EL 2012 CSNDSP 2012 IEEE JLT 2012 System block diagram and experimental setup Receiver End (Rx) Free space optical communications Channel modeling for FSO Atmospheric effects on FSO Hybrid RF/FSO communications Digital Signal processing Modulation Schemes Fan Power meters Air Outlet Fog Machine Fans Laser End (Tx) System block diagram R&D communications Air Outlet The chamber with the controlled amount of fog (c) Experimental setup