BACK E-Learning for math class using Maple and MapleNet Yasuyuki NAKAMURA Graduate School of Information Science, Nagoya University Abstract In a math class for students who major natural sciences, like physics, chemistry and so on, it is important to lead students to use mathematics in several problems of sciences. In order to realize that kind of education, we use mathematical software Maple and develop some teaching materials by using Maple. Teaching materials consist of text document and simulation software. Furthermore the teaching materials are accessible via web browser over the Internet with the aid of MapleNet. 1. Introduction function and how discrete Fourier transform is applied for time series analysis from the aspect of frequency are mainly focused. In order to realize the purpose, it seems to be helpful to use teaching materials that appeal to the eyes. Many groups have already been developing that kind of teaching materials innovating animations realized by Java and Flush [2-4]. We also have developed some simulation software so far by using Java and C language [5-8]. Most of them display numerical solutions of differential equations and only some parameters and initial conditions can be set. In order to make good the purpose of the math class, however, solving differential equations analytically and perform Fourier expansion and Fourier transform are required. Therefore there is a limitation in using numerical calculation and it is critical to deal with mathematical expressions, which needs using mathematical software, like Maple, Mathematica [9] and so on. Mathematical software has its own document style, for example, worksheet for Maple, notebook for Mathematica and so on. Teachers use them in a class for demonstration, but in order for students to use them by themselves, it is effective to prepare teaching materials with graphical user interface (GUI) that does not require students to learn how to use worksheet or notebook. Furthermore we expect additional benefits if those teaching materials are opened to the public such as a Java applet and a Flush application and students carry out them on the web browser even at home. We have a math class for students who major natural sciences and teach mainly Differential equation and Fourier analysis. We give a brief introduction of existence-uniqueness theory for differential equations and convergence of Fourier series, but “solving and using” Differential equations and Fourier analysis is taught on a priority basis. In order to adopt the policy, computer-aided teaching materials are very helpful. We prepare some teaching materials by using mathematical software Maple [1]. In this paper, we introduce some features of our teaching materials, summarize problems in using them and discuss about future plan. 2. What is required for teaching materials Topics of the math class are as follows: differential equations observed in natural and social sciences, some solving methods for differential equations, stability of equilibrium points of differential equations, Fourier series expansion, Fourier transform, discrete Fourier transform, power spectrum, auto-correlation functions, application to data analysis and so on. In teaching differential equations, we emphasis on how phenomena in natural and social science are formulated by differential equations, how to solve differential equations and understanding how solutions of differential equations behave. In teaching Fourier analysis, how periodic functions are described by trigonometric 1 3. Teaching materials developed by Maple In order to meet the requirement mentioned above, we adopted Maple as mathematical software and have developed some teaching materials by using it. One of the good features of Maple is that there is a Maplets package. Maplets is one of the packages by which GUI tools such as button, text area, pull-down menu and slider are customized on a window and applications with GUI are developed. GUI is realized by Swing API of Java, but we do not have to know about Java. Therefore using Maplets package is one of the effective ways to develop GUI applications. As an example, we show Maplet application for solving differential equation in figure 1. We can set parameters of a differential equation and the application solves the equation analytically and displays the time evolution of the solution graphically. We can develop even applications with animation. Figure 2 shows simulation software for three-body problem [10]. When we develop this kind of simulation software, ordinary or partial differential equations have to be solved numerically. C, Fortran, Java language and so on are usually used for calculation and the results are shown on the graph. We can get solutions faster with those programming language than using mathematical software. However, there are some advantages to use mathematical software in order to solve differential equations [11]. Firstly it is easier to build GUI component by using Maple than by developing by Java and C language. Start, stop, frame-forward and frame-backward are easily implemented. In the Plotter area, even three dimensional (3D) animation is possible. If we develop a same kind of software by Java, Java 3D have to be introduced to realize it. Secondly we can use sophisticated mathematical engine to solve equations of motion numerically, which helps us not make mistakes in programming numerical calculation part of source code. Therefore source code is usually very simple in Maplet application Fig. 1 Maplet application for solving differential equation. Fig. 2 Maplet application for Three-body problem. We can show a demonstration in a class with those Maplet application and those applications can be opened to the public by using MapleNet [12] with the Java applet technology. Students can carry out those applications even at home. Two academic years have passed since the math class started. In 2004, the first year, there are only a few Maplet applications and we mainly show a Maple worksheet for demonstrations in a class. We think that it is more effective when students carry out those worksheet by themselves and they can understand more deeply. However there were not many chances for student to use those worksheets because not all students know how to use Maple. Based on the reflection, we developed more Maplet applications and give chances to use them on the web with the aid of MapleNet. It is not necessary to know how to use Maple when students use Maplet application. Only they have to know is how to set parameters and the meaning of what is displayed on the application. However we could not say that 2 students from using the teaching materials without worrying about the outcome. They can understand the behavior of the system depending on the parameter set. Figure 3 is just a snapshot of Maple worksheet and the same teaching material can be opened to the public on the web through Internet with the aid of MapleNet. Since MapleNet 10 was released, Maple worksheet is directly opened to the public by just copying the worksheet on the MapleNet server. The application is then available to anyone who has access to the MapleNet server through an Internet browser. The analysis is carried out by Maple mathematical engine on the server and neither Maple nor special plug-in is not required on a client computer. What is only required for client computer is to install Java Runtime Environment and the type of operating system is basically no object. This feature is good for e-learning because we do not know what kind of computer students use and we do not have to require extra expense for students. students used applications actively. We cite the following two reasons as a factor. Firstly, we did not give a detailed instruction document. In our class, we explained how to use applications and the meaning of what is displayed, but minute instructions like how to set mathematical expressions were not clearly defined. Furthermore, as relations between an application and content in a textbook were not clearly explained, students could not understand the meaning of results obtained by applications. Therefore it is important that we have to give a detailed instruction and a main purpose of using applications in the textbook. If applications are coupled with a textbook, we expect more effects. Secondly, it took time to load and carry out applications on the web when a network environment is not advanced. This loses students’ will to use applications. It is difficult to solve the problem completely, but we care for it in part by strongly encouraging students to use computers in a PC room. 4. Teaching materials coupled with textbook After discussions in the previous section, we developed some teaching materials coupled with textbook. Figure 3 shows GUI applications embedded in the textbook. This is used to study the behavior of solutions of multiple differential equations. As applications are coupled with the textbook, students carry out the application while reading the textbook and it seems to be more user-friendly teaching materials. In this teaching material, multiple differential equations can be set as mathematical expressions and a vector field and an orbit of solution depending on initial conditions are displayed. The complex vector field and the orbit of solution can be easily drawn with the aid of graphic functions of Maple. We can know the stability of a fixed point solution of differential equations by analyzing eigen values of Jacobean matrix but it is more effective to display vector field and to appeal to the eyes for understanding the result of analytic discussion. This acts as a bridge between theory and actual feeling. Furthermore, parameter sets that students give are recorded as a history and redrawing is possible with any parameter set. This prevents Fig. 3 Example of a new teaching material. 5. Summary and future plan We introduced a teaching materials developed by mathematical software, Maple, as an effective teaching aid and discuss about what is required on the results of former two academic year. A huge variety of teaching materials can be developed by using Maple, but it is necessary to 3 prepare an instruction document in which how to use the teaching materials and purpose of the application should be clearly described. Reflecting on the discussion, we have developed teaching materials in which an application is coupled with textbook. These materials can be opened to the public and students can carry out those materials on the web even at home. In the future, we are planning to develop teaching materials that can be carried out even on the mobile phone or personal digital assistant that are very popular among recent students. Figure 4 shows an experimental sample of a teaching material for PDA. This application is carried out by JSP technology. [4] ``Physical Mathematics'', akurai/phys/physmath/ [5] Yasuyuki Nakamura and Hiroshi Nakano, “Development of simulation programs for clasical mechanics - Using UNIX system -” (in Japanese), Computer & Education vol.6, 1999, pp. 107-111. [6] Yasuyuki Nakamura and Hiroshi Nakano, “A Computer Network System for Physics Education - Using Linux -”, Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education vol.2, eds. G. Cumming, T. Okamoto and L. Gomez, (IOP Press, 1999), 1999, pp. 821-822. [7] Yasuyuki Nakamura, Hiroshi Nakano and Keniichi Tokunaga, “Virtual Laboratory for Physics Education”, Proc. International Conference on Information Technology Based Higher Education and Training (ITHET2002), 2002, CD-ROM. [8] Yasuyuki Nakamura and Hiroshi Nakano, “Simulation Physics as a Physics Experiment for Students and e-Learning” (in Japanese), Computer and Education vol. 14, 2003, pp. 34-37. [9] matica/ [10] p_center_view.aspx?AID=1879&CID=2& SCID=131 [11] Yasuyuki Nakamura, ”Simulation Software Integrated with Java and Symbolic Computation System”, Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies and Applications, 2004, pp.239-242 [12] net/ Fig. 4 An example of a teaching material carried out on PDA. References [1] [2] ``Everyday Physics on Web'', [3] ``Math, Physics, and Engineering Applets'', 4