Bulletin IM NEMA Finish White inside with ANSI 61 gray finish outside over phosphatized surfaces. Panels are white. Flat end plates are ANSI 61 gray inside and outside. A-MOD84X4018FTC A-MOD84X4024FTC A-MOD72X7818FTC A-MOD84X7818FTC A-MOD84X7824FTC A-MOD723918FTC A-MOD843918FTC A-MOD843924FTC Enclosure Size Ax Bx C 72.12x40.25x18.12 (1832x1020x460) 84.12x40.25x18.12 (2137x1020x460) 84.12x40.25x24.12 (2137x1020x613) Description Single-Door Disconnect Enclosure (left side open) 72.00 X 33.75 (1829x857) 72.12x78.50x18.12 (1832x1994x460) 84.12 x 78.50 X 18.12 (2137x1994x460) 84.12x78.50x24.12 (2137x1994x613) 60.00 X 72.00 (1524x1829) 72.00 X 72.00 (1829x1829) 72.00 X 72.00 (1829x1829) 72.12x39.75x18.12 (1832x1010x460) 84.12x39.75x18.12 (2137x1010x460) 60.00 x 33.75 (1524x857) 72.00 x 33.75 (1829x857) 84.12x39.75x24.12 (2137x1010x613) 72.00 X 33.75 (1829x857) 72.12x78.00x18.12 60.00 X 72.00 (1832x1481 X460) (1524x1829) A-MOD847718FTC 84.12x78.00x18.12 72.00 x 72.00 (1829x1829) (2137x1481 X460) A-MOD847724FTC 84.12. X 78.00 X 24.12 72.00 X 72.00 (2137x1481 X613) (1829x1829) Millimeter dimensions ( ) are for reference only; do not convert metric dimensions to inch. * Panels are furnished with enclosures. Two-Door Disconnect Enclosure (left side open) Single-Door Slave Enclosure (both sides open) A-MOD727718FTC Accessories See also General Accessories index Blower Package Corrosion Inhibitors Electric Heater End Plate Fan Cooling Products Gasket Kit Lighting Kit Operator Adapters Panels, Replacement Panel Support Kit Touch-Up Paint (A-TPHS6I) Window Kit UL 508, File No. E61997:Type 12 NEMAType 12 JIC standards EGP-I-I967 and EMP-I-I967 CSA File No.LR42l86:Type 12 IEC 60529, IP55 • 763 421 2240 Two-Door Slave Enclosure (both sides open) Modification Services™ Program Blank Adapter Plate industry Standards Data subject to change without notice * Panel Size D x E 60.00 X 33.75 (1524x857) 72.00 X 33.75 (1829x857) FAX 763 422 2600 You can customize this product to your unique requirements by specifying from these options: • Enclosure height, width, depth textures • Holes and cutouts in body, doors, subpanels •Tapped holes,fasteners, mounting channel in enclosure or subpanel • Mounting • Doors • Subpanels • Structural changes • Environmental control (louvers, fans, filters) • Windows •• Standard accessories • Disconnect provisions For details, see Modification Services at hoffmanonline.com. To order, contact your local Hoffman sales representative. http://www.hoffmanonline.com 5.43 Free-Standing Duty Free-Standing Type 12 Enclosures for Flange-Mounted Disconnects (Bulletin A28). Consult factory if door interlocking is required. Enclosure Catalog Number A-MOD72X4018FTC ^^^^^B •Two-Door Disconnect Enclosure (left side open): Universal cutout on right flange provides mounting for most disconnect operators by using operator adapters. Right side is closed. Platform provided in 24. 1 2inch (613mm) deep disconnect enclosures. Master door is right-hand door. Both doors hinged on left. Defeater on master door requires a screwdriver to open. Master door activates mechanical interlock which prevents slave doors from being opened first. Doors may be closed in any order. Removable centerpost permits easy panel installation. Panel and interlock are furnished. • Single-Door Slave Enclosure (both sides open): Door hinged on left. Panel and interlock furnished. Interlock actuating mechanism can be provided on special order to allow this enclosure to be used as the master enclosure. Consult factory. •Two-Door Slave Enclosure (both sides open): Right-hand door hinged on right and left-hand door hinged on left. Removable centerpost permits easy panel installation. Panel and interlock are furnished. Standard Sizes Modular Type 12 Enclosures for Flange-Mounted Disconnects Disconnect Enclosures! • Single-Door Disconnect Enclosure (left side open): Universal cutout on right flange provides mounting for most disconnect operators by using operator adapters. Right side is closed since disconnect operator cannot be obscured by a door. Platform provided in 24.12-inch (613mm) deep disconnect enclosures. Master door is hinged on left. Defeater on master door requires a screwdriver to open. Master door activates mechanical interlock which prevents slave doors from being opened first. Doors may be closed in any order. Panel and interlock are furnished. A34 'r&Ojjfifeaft® A Penlair Company Modular Type 12 Enclosures for Flange-Mounted Disconnects Application Construction Modular single-door and two-door enclosures can be bolted together in any desired multiple door arrangement for maximum versatility. Slave enclosures can be added or removed as required. Modular disconnect enclosures are designed to house the following flangemounted disconnect switches and circuit breakers: • 10 gauge steel • Seams are continuously welded and ground smooth • Body stiffeners in larger enclosures for extra rigidity • Body flange trough excludes liquids and contaminants • Door and side openings are flanged to provide extra strength and smooth edges •* Alien-Bradley Bulletin 1494F flangemounted disconnect switches and Bulletin I494D flange-mounted operators for circuit breakers.Allen-Bradley Bulletin 1494V variable depth flange-operated disconnect switches and circuit breaker mechanisms. ^ ABB Controls flange-mounted variable depth operating mechanisms for disconnect switches and circuit breakers. • Heavy-duty lifting eyes anchor into reinforced top • Heavy gauge lift-off hinges • Heavy-duty 3-point latching mechanism operated by padlocking handle on all doors 4 Cutler-Hammer/Westinghouse Type C36I disconnect switches and operator mechanisms. Cutler-Hammer Type C37I circuit breaker operating mechanisms. Also Type SM safety handle mechanisms and Flex Shaft™ handle operators for circuit breakers. • Rollers on ends of latch rods for easier door closing • Data pocket is high-impact thermoplastic • Oil-resistant door gasket attached with oil-resistant adhesive and held in place with steel retaining strips • Panel supports • Removable 10 gauge steel panels mount on collar studs ^ General Electric Type STDA flange handles and variable depth operating mechanisms for disconnect switches and circuit breakers.Also Spectra Flex™ cable operators for circuit breakers. • Grounding stud on door • Mechanical interlock standard on each enclosure. Parts required to connect interlock system between adjacent enclosures are provided. + I-T-E Max-Flex™ flange-mounted variable depth operating handles for disconnect switches and circuit breakers. + Square D disconnect switches and circuit breakers used with Class 9422 flangemounted variable-depth operating mechanisms or cable mechanisms. These enclosures will not receive Class 9422 bracket-mounted disconnect devices or Class 9422TGI orTG2 devices. A complete modular enclosure system consists of: iiifeli* jA^djsesanffleRC {master) enclosure ^^'j^llij^ip^j^-^^^-^pj^jjjj^,:^.^.. : , ::i:."-:i&s&'V"" :-^ ;,;: 4:;ftifiii)! pMiiHi"""" IIJIlfssilSl^iillliii^fpjeF^seS'f Disconnect Enclosures with Universal Cutout Universal cutout requires an operator adapter for the brand and type of disconnect being used. See Disconnect Enclosure Accessories to select the proper operator adapter. ''"'™''"r''$ncteiir«:||i||i^i|^itift!Se:Iiet'the' ,. proper C^iSiiiSl8|>i»;tethe brand ;;::;.-.-. . and t^pe c* c'hrorit; ! • • • ' . jsed), [:;;!-. PJeaSfe-no furnished ordering i * Panels and i; with enclosi Please note: 5 Consult Space Occupied by Disconnect drawing and disconnect tables on following pages to determine if the disconnect device you are using will fit the enclosure size you have selected. 5.42 ©2000 Hoffman Enclosures Inc. Modular Type 12 Enclosures for Flange-Mounted Disconnects *&<$*tta#P A Pentair Company Two-Door Disconnect Enclosure with Provisions for Disconnect (Left Side Open) C , __ B/2-2.75- i 2.19" 70 56 4.81 ' 1 22 ,— L I F T I N G I_ 1 .94" EYE '"" 49 H 1 .56" B/2-2.75' 40 70 1 . 75 " _ U_ 4.81 - i 44 2.56' 65 I , * z •*-1 * - 122 jf 3.38" 86 —f= E j—-> ^ 1.75" 44 z A- 10. 75" A-9. 12" 232 973 oPEN ING 1 .50" _L E ft0 \ 1 . 50 "\ 38 2.50" 64 i ) d B/2-4.50" 1 14 OPENING J__ [ •— ^ '—^ 6.1J6^~l 167 t 1 75" 44 7._,8" 187 LIFT-OFF HINGE 38 ^ _L I r 3.00" 76 <5> 3.50" 89 AB/2-4.50' 7 114 V OPENING /E D q\ l\ / / '—— REMOVABLE CENTERPOST NOTE: I. 10 gauge panel is furnished with enclosure; see catalog number table for size. 2. Right door is master door includes a removable 12.00 x 12.00 data pocket. 3.00" 76 CLEAR SPACE AVAILABLE ON DOOR .44" 1 1 Inch Millimeter 1 .00" Two-Door Slave Enclosure (Both Sides Open) 25 SECT ION Z-Z LJ B/2-2.50"_j 1.56" 40 1 .75" 44 2. sees 4 k- Z 122 T_3.38 -i \ 44 "^- _ 122 — LIFTING fl J 86 Z OPENING ! I \ 2.50" 64 6.56" —— - rif 44 ff7=F i 3.50" 89 B/2-4.25-/ fl ^^n^ 108 OPENING 187 PADLOCK I N G HANDLE 1 .50" 38 t B/2-4.25" ) 1 .75" 7.38 44 EYE 1 .75" 3. D O 76 A- 1 0 . 7 5 " 273 A-9 1 2 " 2,52 4.81 " — -e*- 1 .75" 167 \ - 64 81 *»- I B/2-2.50" 64 & 108 r 2.50" 64 OPENING V CENTERPOST C2526 CLEAR SPACE AVAILABLE ON DOOR NOTE: 10 gauge panel is furnished with enclosure; see catalog number table for size. Door hinged on left includes a removable 12.00 x 12.00 data pocket. 5.46 ©2000 Hoffman Enclosures Inc.