Nuclear Physics I (PHY 551) Text books: S. Wong “Introductory Nuclear Physics” Povh, Rith, Scholz, Zetsche, “Particles and Nuclei” Supplementary tex: C. Bertulani, “Nuclear Physics in a Nutshell” Course Time and Place: Monday,Wednesday 11-12:23pm (P123) Course URL: Office hours: (proposed time) Wednesday 2-3pm (C109) Contact: E-mail: Joanna.Kiryluk (at) Attention! April 27, 29 – no classes. Need to find alternative time. Proposed times: Fridays (March 6, 27) 1 Nuclear Physics I (PHY 551) Homework: every 2 weeks, 2 weeks to turn it in. No credit for late homework. Students are encouraged to work together, but write up should be their own (copies will be disqualified). Any (serious!) excuses (medical or otherwise) are to be documented and discussed with the instructor in a timely manner. Exams: There will be two midterm exams and a final exam (final exam covers the whole course material). Midterm exams will be given during the regular lecture hour. Grading: Your final course grade will be determined by weighting the various portions of the course as follows: 40% midterm (20% each), 20% homework, 40% final 2 PHY551 Questionnaire Your name: ………………………….. 1. Please identify your level (G0, G1, etc) 2. Have you taken or are you taking a course on Modern Physics b. Quantum Mechanics c. Quantum Field Theory d. Elementary Particle Physics e. Other? a. 3. Are you part of a research group? If so, which one (experiment/field)? 4. Have you taken any course on nuclear physics before? Is so, when and at what level? 5. Why are you taking this course? Nuclear Physics The aim of Nuclear Physics is to understand: • The force between the nucleons • The structure of nuclei • How nuclei interact with each other and other subatomic particles 4 Nuclear Physics I (PHY 551) Joanna Kiryluk Spring Semester Lectures 2014/2015 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Stony Brook University Lecture 1: 1. Introduction § Brief History of Nuclear Physics § General Properties of the Nuclei 2. Nucleon Structure § Parity, Isospin, Charge Conjugation § Quark Parton Model § Elementary Particles, Fundamental Interactions and the Standard Model Homework 1: Wang, Chapter 1, problems 1,2,3,4 5. For: Ψ ( r ) = Ψ ( r, θ , ϕ ) = Rnl ( r ) Yl m (θ , ϕ ) prove: PΨ ( r ) = nΨ ( r ), n = (−1) l Deadline: 02/18/2015 11am. 1. Introduction § Brief History of Nuclear Physics § General Properties of the Nuclei Nuclear Physics – History (1) § 1896: Henri Becquerel – discovery of radioactivity Photographic plates blackened when placed near certain minerals (uranium salts). Radioactivity could not be explained by e-m (or gravity), and was one of the unsolved problems. § 1898: Maria and Pierre Curie – discovery of Polonium and Radium (much more radioactive than uranium) Becquerel and the Curies shared the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903. Later, Marie Curie isolates metallic radium and receives the Nobel Price in Chemistry in 1911. 8 Nuclear Physics – History (2) Ernest Rutherford – “the father of nuclear physics” § 1899: Rutherford shows 2 types of radiation exits and calls them named α and β. § 1900: Villard gives evidence for a 3rd type of radiation coming from radium and calls it γ § 1902: Curies show that β radiation is electrons § 1904: Rutherford shows α particles are helium Ernest Rutherford was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1908 "for his investigations into the disintegration of the elements, and the chemistry of radioactive substances". “I have dealt with many different transformations with various periods of time, but the quickest that I have met was my own transformation in one moment from a physicist to a chemist.” E. Rutherford (Nobel banquet 1908). 9 Nuclear Physics – History (3) Ernest Rutherford – “the father of nuclear physics” § 1911: Rutherford proposed the existence of a massive nucleus as a small central part of an atom J.J. Thompson’s Plum Pudding Model (1904) Rutherford’s Planetary Model (1911) 10 Nuclear Physics – History (4) § Rutherford designed an experiment to use α particles as atomic bullets (then new technology). § The “gold-foil experiment” was performed in 1909 by Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden (under Rutherford’s direction) Radium 11 “Progress almost always depends on experimental results, without which the smartest individual will not get anywhere. On the other hand, to devise useful experiments an experimental physicist needs some understanding of the existing theory. It is the combination of experiment and theory that has let to today’s understanding of Nature.” - Martinus Veltman 12 Nuclear Physics – History (5) § 1925: Uhlenbeck and Goudsmit proposed that each electron rotates with angular momentum 2 (~10-34 Js) and carries µ B = e 2 m G.E.Uhlenbeck € H.Kramers Paul Ehrenfest (1925): “This is a good idea. Your idea may be wrong, but since both of you are so young and without any reputation, you would not loose anything making a stupid mistake.” S.A.Goudsmit …. spin (internal angular momentum) as a fundamental property of particles (and purely quantum mechanical phenomenon) S=1/2 13 Spin: The golden years " Reminder: In classical mechanics the magnetic moment due to the orbital momentum of a point charge: e µ class = − L 2m W. Pauli" N. Bohr" spinning top" § The magnetic moment of a particle is related to its angular momentum L e µ = −g L 2m L - spin, orbital or total angular momentum gS = ge = −ge µ B = e 2 m g=2 for Dirac particles" (QED)" € Modern experiments: “g-2” experiment14 (BNL/Fermilab) to search for physics beyond Standard Model Spin: The golden years " § 1922 - measured the magnetic moment of the electron (Stern-Gerlach) § Any given particle has a specific amount of spin § Spin in quantized S=1/2 (electron spin) § Total angular momentum S= 1"1 % 3 $ +1' = 2#2 & 2 § z-component of the total angular momentum € 1 Sz = ± 2 € The experiment showed clearly that spatial quantization existed, a phenomenon . that could be accommodated only within a quantum mechanical theory 15 Spin: The golden years " § 1933 - measured the magnetic moment of the proton (Stern et. al.) e µ p = −5.8 Sp 2m Proton is not point-­‐like. It has a sub-­‐structure. ! ? Stern received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1943. 16 Nuclear Physics – History (5) § 1932: Nobel Prize in Physics for James Chadwick for a discovery of the neutron Nucleus = protons + neutrons (short range nuclear force) 17 Nuclear Physics – History (5) Chadwick’s discovery made it possible to create elements heavier than Uranium in the lab. Later, Enrico Fermi discovered nuclear reactions (slow neutrons) which led to a revolutionary discovery of nuclear fission (Otto Hanh and Fritz Strassmann). Chadwick's discovery was crucial for the fission of uranium 235. Unlike α particles, neutrons do not need to overcome Coulomb barrier and thus can penetrate and split the nuclei of the heaviest elements. The release of neutrons sustains the fission reaction. These discoveries led to a development of nuclear weapons and nuclear power. neutron Uranium-235 has the distinction of being the only naturally occurring fissile isotope. neutrons Uranium-238 cannot fission with low energy neutrons (stable nuclear shell structure) 18 Nuclear Physics – History (6) § 1935: Hideki Yukawa proposed the force between nucleons arises from meson exchange. Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1947 "for his prediction of the existence of mesons on the basis of theoretical work on nuclear forces”. The meson-exchange concept (where hadrons are treated as elementary particles) continues to represent the best working model for a quantitative NN potential. 19 Nuclear Physics – History (7) § 1914: J. Chadwick shows spectrum of β radiation is continuous, contrary to the fundamental principle of energy conservation § 1930: W. Pauli proposed a neutrino to explain the continuous spectrum of β decay. “I have done a terrible thing, I have postulated a particle that cannot be detected.” W. Pauli Wolfgang Pauli was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1945 "for the discovery of the Exclusion Principle, also called the Pauli Principle”. 20 Nuclear Physics – History (8) § 1933: E. Fermi used the neutrino to explain neutron β decay (model of weak interactions) Enrico Fermi was aworded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1938 "for his demonstrations of the existence of new radioactive elements produced by neutron irradiation, and for his related discovery of nuclear reactions brought about by slow neutrons". 21 Nuclear Physics – History (9) § 1956: F. Reines and C. Cowan detection of a neutrino via inverse beta decay reaction ν e + p → n + e+ From then on Reines dedicated his career to the study of the neutrino’s properties and interactions, including the discovery of neutrinos emitted from SN1987A by the Irvine-Michigan-Brookhaven Collaboration. This discovery helped to inaugurate the field of neutrino astronomy. F. Reines was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1995 for his co-detection of the neutrino with Clyde Cowan in the neutrino experiment” 22 Neutrino Detection ν e + p → n + e+ Cadium – a strong neutron absorber 23 Parity Parity - a symmetry property of physical quantities or processes under spatial inversion Mirror symmetry Under parity: r → −r ( x, y, z) → (−x, −y, −z) (r, θ, ϕ )€→ (r, π − θ, ϕ + π ) This is equivalent to: reflection (x-y) and then rotation around z 24 Parity Parity - a symmetry property of physical quantities or processes under spatial inversion Mirror symmetry Under parity: r → −r ( x, y, z) → (−x, −y, −z) (r, θ, ϕ )€→ (r, π − θ, ϕ + π ) This is equivalent to: reflection (x-y) and then rotation around z 25 Nuclear Physics – History (10) § 1957: Lee and Yang – proposed the concept of parity violation in weak interactions (Nobel Prize in Physics) Implications: if parity is not conserved in weak interactions, it means that the Universe sometimes distinguishes between left and right" § 1958: C.S. Wu experimentally confirmed parity violation in weak interactions (β decay of polarized cobalt-60 nuclei) 26 Nuclear Physics – History (11) § 1958: C.S. Wu experimentally confirmed parity violation in weak interactions " C.S. Wu at al studied β decay of polarized cobalt-60 nuclei: Observed electrons emitted preferentially in direction opposite to to applied field: If parity were conserved, expect equal rate of electrons in directions along and opposite to the nuclear spin. 27 The periodic Table of Elements Atomic number = number of protons in the nucleus Isotops = atoms of the same element (Z) but with different numbers of neutrons. Isotops have very similar element’s chemical properties. Nuclides = atoms with a specific number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus (nuclear properties) 28 Table of nuclides Isotopes for elements Z=0-14 Half-live Gd=Gadolinium All elements have some isotopes that are radioactive (naturally or artificially produced) 29 Different types of decay of a radionuclide radionuclide = atom with an unstable nucleus (occur naturally or can be artificially produced) + neutrino − n → p + e +νe (table of nuclides) 30 Table of nuclides § Isotopes: Z=const § Isobars: A=Z+N=const § Isotones: N=const Choices for representation of data § Stability (half-live based) Coulomb force increases ~ Z2 Nuclear force increases with A Z N Magic number is a number of nucleons (either p or n) such that are arranged into complete shells within the atomic nucleus. Choices for representation of data § Decay modes The Valley of Stability New nuclear machines such as the Rare Isotope Accelerator (RIA) at Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) at Michigan State University will open up studies of nuclear phenomena using beams of short-lived isotopes, which form the high "walls" of the valley. Nuclei - Terminology A Z X X – element A – number of nucleons ( mass number) Z - proton number (atomic number) N – neutron number, N=A-Z 36 Nuclear Radius and Nuclear Density § Nuclear radius R = r0 A1 3 where r0 ~ 1.2 fm "#1 fm = 10 −15 m$% Volume ~ A § Nuclear density nucleons 17 kg ρ0 ~ [ 0.16 ± 0.02 ] = 3×10 3 fm m3 1 ρ (r ) = ρ0 "r − c% 1+ exp $ # z '& z - measures the “diffuseness” of the nuclear surface (z ~ 0.5fm) c – distance from the center where density drops to a half value 37 Nuclear shapes § spherical for stable nuclei § deformations for 150 < A < 190 (competition between Coulomb and nuclear forces) ΔR δ= R r2 r1 ΔR = 0 for a sphere δ < 0.1 typically δ ~ 0.6 fusion of 2 nuclei 38 (large deformations) Nuclear Binding Energy ΕΒ(A,Z) - binding energy of nucleons into a nuclide (only ground state!) EB (A, Z) = ZM H + ( A − Z ) M n − M ( A, Z ) M H = M p + M e (−13.6eV ) Mp – proton mass = 938.272 MeV Mn – neutron mass = 939.566 MeV Me – electron mass = 0. 511 MeV [c=1] Nucleon mass ~ 2000 electron mass 39 Energy Units 1 keV = 10 3 eV 6 0.13 keV Ionization energy of the hydrogen atom 2 1 MeV = 10 eV 0.511 MeV/c 1 GeV = 10 9 eV 0.938 GeV/c 2 200 GeV = 2 × 1011 eV 200 GeV 1 TeV = 1012 eV 7 TeV Electron mass Proton mass Center of mass energy (Au+Au per nucleon) at RHIC Center of mass energy at LHC (2010) 1 PeV = 1015 eV 18 1 EeV = 10 eV € 1 ZeV = 10 21 eV Cosmic rays highest energies 40 Binding energy increases with nucleon number: Average Nuclear Binding Energy per Nucleon rising Coulomb repulsion For A<20 (4He, 8Be, 12C, 16O i.e. 4n nuclei) sharp rise comes from increasing number of nucleon pairs 41 Scattering Cross Section Experiment: “beam” of particles hitting “target” What’s the probability for a projectile scattering off a target? n – number of nuclei per unit volume Target dimensions: thickness area Cross section: Cross section units: T A = L1× L2 T σ = πd2 d =r+R 1 barn = 10-28m2 Area of nuclei and particles nT Aσ Probability of a single particle colliding: p= = = nσ T (“scattering probability”) Target area A 43 Exercise: What’s the probability that N particles penetrate to depth x, where dN Differential Scattering Cross Section p = nσ T dσ p(θ , ϕ ) = nT dΩ 4π 2π dσ σ=∫ dΩ = ∫ 0 dΩ 0 44 π ∫ 0 dσ sin θ dθ dϕ dΩ Results of a collision: a+b→ a+b a + b → c + d +.... elastic scattering inelastic scattering (new particles produced in the final state) Each reaction takes place with a different probability Total cross section: σ = σ el + ∑σ i i 44 Cross section in proton-proton collisions 45 Elementary Particle Physics Applications § § Nuclear Reactors Nuclear medicine: diagnostic, terapeutic § § Radioactive dating Smoke Detectors … Nuclear Physics Astrophysics Nuclear Chemistry The aim of Nuclear Physics is to understand: • The force between the nucleons • The structure of nuclei • How nuclei interact with each other and other subatomic particles 2. Nucleon Structure § Parity, Isospin, Charge Conjugation § Quark Parton Model § Elementary Particles, Fundamental Interactions and the Standard Model Classical (Reminder) Parity Parity - a symmetry property of physical quantities or processes under spatial inversion Under parity: r → − r ( x, y, z) → (−x, −y, −z) (r, θ, ϕ€) → (r, π − θ, ϕ + π ) This is equivalent to: reflection (x-y) and then rotation around z Does orbital momentum change under parity transformation? 49 Parity Parity - a symmetry property of physical quantities or processes under spatial inversion § The parity operator Pˆ corresponds to a discrete transformation x → −x § Under the parity transformations (also called parity inversion): Vectors: (change sign) € € Scalars: (unchanged) | | | | | | | | L=r×p Orbital angular momentum µ∝L (unchanged) € € 50 Parity Let the quantum state of a particle be described by the wavefunction Ψ ( r ) The parity operator acting on a wavefunction is defined: PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) P 2 Ψ ( r ) = PΨ (−r ) = Ψ ( r ) P2 = I (parity operator is unitary) If the interaction Hamiltonian (H) conserves parity then the commutator [H,P]=0 (which means that simultaneous eigenstates of H and P exist) PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) = nΨ ( r ) and: 2 2 P Ψ r = PPΨ r = nPΨ r = n Ψ r The quantum number ( ) n (eigenvalue ( ) of P)( is) called (the) intrinsic parity of a particle. Ψ ( r ) = n 2 Ψ ( r ) ⇒ n = ±1 51 Algebra (example) Which vector is an eigenvector of a matrix: a) V1 =! b) V2 =! 52 Parity Let the quantum state of a particle be described by the wavefunction Ψ ( r ) The parity operator acting on a wavefunction is defined: PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) P 2 Ψ ( r ) = PΨ (−r ) = Ψ ( r ) P2 = I (parity operator is unitary) If the interaction Hamiltonian (H) conserves parity then [H,P]=0 (which means that simultaneous eigenstates of H and P exist) PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) = nΨ ( r ) 2 2 P Ψ r = PPΨ r = nPΨ r = n Ψ r The quantum number ( ) n (eigenvalue ( ) of P)( is) called (the) intrinsic parity of a particle. 2 Ψ r = n Ψ r ⇒ n = ±1 PΨ r = Ψ − r = nΨ r ( () ) (( )) ( ) What is n=? P 2 Ψ ( r ) = PPΨ ( r ) = nPΨ ( r ) = n 2 Ψ ( r ) Ψ ( r ) = n 2 Ψ ( r ) ⇒ n = ±1 and: 53 Parity Let the quantum state of a particle be described by the wavefunction Ψ ( r ) The parity operator acting on a wavefunction is defined: PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) P 2 Ψ ( r ) = PΨ (−r ) = Ψ ( r ) P2 = I (parity operator is unitary) If the interaction Hamiltonian (H) conserves parity then [H,P]=0 (which means that simultaneous eigenstates of H and P exist) PΨ ( r ) = Ψ (−r ) = nΨ ( r ) 2 2 P Ψ r = PPΨ r = nPΨ r = n Ψ r The quantum number ( ) n (eigenvalue ( ) of P)( is) called (the) intrinsic parity of a particle. Ψ ( r ) = n 2 Ψ ( r ) ⇒ n = ±1 If n= +1 the particle has even parity. Ψ (−r ) = +Ψ ( r ) If n= -1 the particle has odd parity. Ψ (−r ) = −Ψ ( r ) and: 54 Parity For a wavefunction which contains spherical harmonics: Ψ ( r ) = Ψ ( r, θ , ϕ ) = Rnl ( r ) Yl m (θ , ϕ ) Reminder (Modern Physics/undergrad QM) Time Independent Schroedinger equation in 3-dim; Central Forces:V=V(r) 2 2 − ∇ ψ ( r ) +V ( r ) ψ ( r ) = Eψ ( r ) 2m ψ (r ) = R(r)Θ(θ )Φ(φ ) ,1 ∂ & 2 ∂ ) 1 ∂ & ∂ ) 1 ∂2 / R(r)Θ(θ )Φ(φ ) + ++ 2 ( sin θ + + 2 2 . 2 (r 21 ∂θ * r sin θ ∂φ 0 - r ∂r ' ∂r * r sin θ ∂θ ' + 2m , E −V ( r )/0 R(r)Θ(θ )Φ(φ ) = 0 2 56 Reminder (Modern Physics/undergrad QM) The Hydrogen-like atom constitutes the central force problem ψ (r ) = Rnl (r)Yl ml (θ , φ ) Electron is in a state described by three quantum numbers n, l and ml 3 l ! 2Z $ ( n − l −1)! − arn ! 2Zr $ ψ (r ) = # e 0 # & & 3 " a0 n % 2n ()( n + l )!*+ " a0 n % o 2 a0 = = 0.529 A me ke 2 ke 2 " Z 2 % En = − $ 2' 2a0 # n & Associated Laguerre polynomials Bohr radius n = 1, 2, 3,.... n ( 2l+1 ! 2Zr $* m , Ln−l−1 # &-Yl l (θ , φ ) " a0 n %+ ) Ground state: ke 2 2 E1 = − Z = − (13.6eV ) Z 2 2a0 principal quantum number l = 0,1, 2,..., ( n −1) orbital quantum number −l ≤ ml ≤ l magnetic quantum number For hydrogen-like atoms the quantum numbers n, l(l+1) and ml are associated with the sharp observables E, L2 and Lz Reminder (Modern Physics/undergrad QM) Wave function: ψ nlml (r ) = Rnl (r)Yl ml (θ , φ ) Electron is in a state described by three quantum numbers n, l and ml Parity For a wavefunction which contains spherical harmonics: Ψ ( r ) = Ψ ( r, θ , ϕ ) = Rnl ( r ) Yl m (θ , ϕ ) the eigenvalues of the parity operator are: l PΨ ( r ) = PΨ ( r, θ , ϕ ) = Rnl ( r ) Yl m (π − θ , ϕ + π ) = (−1) Rnl ( r ) Yl m (θ , ϕ ) = nΨ ( r ) Homework1 The parity of the single particle would then be: i.e. determined by the orbital momentum. n = (−1) l In addition to the parity associated with the spacial wave function, the intrinsic wave function of a particle can have a definite parity, related to the internal structure of the particle. Parity is a multiplicative quantum number: If the particle has positive intrinsic parity, the total parity = If the particle has negative intrinsic parity, the total parity = l (−1) l+1 (−1) 59 See you on Monday 02/09 ! Questions, comments: e-mail: Joanna.Kiryluk (at) Or C109 (Physics Building) 60