IFUSP Institute of Physics University of São Paulo IFUSP 1969: created with former members of the Department of Philosophy, Sciences and Languages (FFLCH) Department of Physics, Polytechnic School (EPUSP) Today: the largest institution of research and teaching in physics Education Mission Research Diffusion of knowledge Education 148 faculty members with research and teaching duties 1550 undergraduate students in two careers: Physics Teaching (“licenciatura”) Physics (‘bacharelado”) Highschool teachers Universities, research institutions industries, business 2009: 154 degrees (~ 10 % of the total in the country) 450 graduate students in two careers: Research in physics Research in physics teaching 2009: ~ 60 MSc degrees ~ 35 PhD degrees Research 350 papers published per year in international refereed journals of high impact (2.4 per researcher) Six departments: Nuclear Physics (FNC): 28 members Experimental Physics (FEP): 32 members Mathematical Physics (FMA): 19 members General Physics (FGE): 23 members Mechanics and Materials Physics (FMT): 25 members Applied Physics (FAP): 22 members Nuclear physics Experimental Nuclear Physics Gamma Spectroscopy Heavy Ions Reactions Direct Reactions and Exotic Nuclei Fusion of Heavy Nuclei Relativisitc Heavy Ions Roberto Ribas (head) Applied Physics Radiation Dosimetry Ionic Crystals, Dating, Thin Films Applied Physics with Accelerators Theory Hadron Physics Relativistic Quantum Theory Pelletron Linear Accelerator Nuclear Structure (gamma spectroscopy) RIBRAS Structure of nuclei (A~50) Radioactive beams Nuclear reaction studies Elastic and inelastic scattering with gamma-particle techniques Reactions of astrophysical interest Nuclear Instrumentation Spectrometer Saci-Pererê Superconducting solenoids Relativistic heavy ion collisions Ionic crystal, dating, thin films ALICE experiment LHC/CERN Spectrometry techniques STAR experiment RHIC/BNL Jets and heavy quark production Strangeness production Exotic hypernuclear states Instrumentation Optical absorption Thermoluminescence Plasma mass spectrometry Archaeological Dating Thin films produced by the Ion Beam Assisted Deposition Method. Radiation dosimetry Defects on materials with dosimetric applications LAMFI Analysis and modification of materiasl with ionic beams Applied dosimetry: medical physics, environmental radiation Radiation Metrology: methodology to improve dosimetric methods in radiology Light dosimetry in laser therapy Biomechanics Low energy ion accelerator Mathematical Physics (Theory) Gravitation and Cosmology: dark matter, dark energy Adilson J. da Silva (head) Field Theory: supersymmetry, gauge theories, non-commutative theories, topological field theories String theory: gauge/gravity duality Nuclear physics: nuclear structure, heavy ion collisions, hydrodynamical models, quark-plasma formation Phenomenology of high energy physics: extensions of the standard model, neutrino physics Dynamical systems: non-linear behavior and chaos Mathematical Physics: rigorous results in theoretical physics General Physics Experimental groups Heavy ion physics: BNL-RHIC and CERN-LHC Interaction between ions and photons and surfaces Sylvio Canuto (head) Mass spectrometry Optics Molecular biophysics Electronic microscopy Magnetic resonance Theory Statistical mechanics: numerical simulations, phase transitions and critical phenomena, information theory, disordered systems... Electronic structure of molecules, theory of many-body systems Laboratory of molecular biophysics Study of the structure of biological materials, such as lipidic membranes Laboratory of magnetic resonance Three dimensional dosimetry Membrane elasticity Blood circulation properties Tomograph Paramagnetic resonance spectrometer Mechanics and materials physics Experimental groups Group of low temperatures Laboratory of new semiconducting materials Group of phase transitions and superconductivity Marília Caldas (head) Laboratory of magnetic materials Theory Structural, electronic, magnetic and optical properties of materials New computational techniques Magnetic properties of materials at low temperatures MBE: molecular beam epitaxy Growth of III-V compounds Experimental physics Experiment Continuous wave electron accelerator Biological effects of radiation Gamma ray spectroscopy Astroparticle physics and cosmic rays (AUGER) Properties of complex fluids, phase transitions Quantum properties of the electromagnetic interactions, cold atoms Theory Hadron and nuclear physics Field theory Many body problems and Bose-Einstein condensates Vito Vanin (head) Atom trap in the LMCAL Optical set-up for the study of complex fluids MICROTRON Electron accelerator for atomic physics Applied physics Experimental groups Atmospheric physics Thin films Aerosol properties CO2 flux in Amazonia Nanolitography Carbon nanotubes Urban air pollution Crystallography Plasma physics Protein configuration Luminescent materials Photo-active molecules High temperature plasmas Semiconductor quantum dots Márcia Fantini (head) Crystallography laboratory Thin films laboratory Scanning electron microscope Microanalysis and nanolithography Luminescent materials Semiconductor quantum dots Carbon nanotubes deposited on silicon Laboratory of plasma physics High temperature plasmas TOKAMAK RIBRAS – Radioactive Beams Elastic and Inelastic Scattering Astrophysics factors Relativistic Heavy Ions • Relativistic heavy ion collisions • Alice experiment @ LHC/Cern – STAR experiment @ RHIC/BNL – Hard probes in relativistic heavy ion collisions • Jets and high-pT particles • Heavy quarks – Strangeness production in heavy ion collisions – Exotic hypernuclear states – Nuclear instrumentation and detection systems LACIFID – LABORATÓRIO DE CRISTAIS IÔNICOS , FILMES FINOS E DATAÇÃO • The researches in LACIFID are divided in three categories: Ionic Crystals, Dating, and Thin Films. • In terms of Ionic Crystals, the silicates, • found abundantly in Brazilian soil, is the • main focus of the recent studies. For this, • spectrometry techniques, such as optical • absorption (UV-Visible and FT-IR), are used. • Archaeological Dating studies are preformed using Thermoluminescence (TL) and Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS). • Thin Films are produced by the Ion Beam Assisted Deposition (IBAD) Method. Radiation Dosimetry • Defects on materials with dosimetric applications • Applied dosimetry: medical physics, environmental radiation • Radiation Metrology: methodology to improve dosimetric methods in radiology • Light dosimetry in laser therapy • Biomechanics Personal monitoring of people occupationally irradiated at the University – The laboratory is accreditated by CNEN