100 W LOW COST INVERTER FOR 100 W LOW COST INVERTER FOR SOLAR ENERGY CONVERSION PROJECT INDEX: PRJ 027 BY: KETTER RONALD KIPKOECH SUPERVISOR: DR. MWANGI MBUTHIA EXAMINER: MR OGABA MR. Introduction • An An inverter is a device that takes a DC inverter is a device that takes a DC (Direct Current) input and produces a AC (Alternating Current) output (Alternating Current) output. • Th The objective of the project was to bj ti f th j t t design and implement a low cost t transformer‐less f l i inverter for solar energy t f l conversion. Overview Design Topology Overview Design Topology Switched Capacitor DC‐DC Converters ¾It is used to obtain a voltage higher than the ¾I i d b i l hi h h h supply voltage or a voltage with reverse polarity. polarity ¾ Accomplish voltage conversion using capacitors and semiconductor switches – it d i d t it h Inductorless ¾Ad t ¾Advantages: 1. Do not require magnetic components 2. Simple, small, low cost Switched Capacitor Push‐Pull Switched Capacitor Push Pull Design Design ¾When one set of charge pump is ¾When one set of charge pump is being charged, the other is charging th the output . t t ¾ In this architecture, one of the pump capacitors is always delivering pump capacitors is always delivering charge to the output. DC‐DC Converter Stage‐ g Switched Capacitor Push‐Pull Design Switched Capacitor Push‐Pull Design p g ¾With switches in phase A closed the equivalent circuit is as shown equivalent circuit is as shown ¾All capacitors except the output capacitor across the load R are placed in parallel with across the load R are placed in parallel with the input voltage source Vin Switched Capacitor Push‐Pull Switched Capacitor Push Pull Design Design ¾With switches in phase B closed the equivalent circuit is: i l i i i ¾The capacitors placed are in series with Vin deliver charge to the output Vin, deliver charge to the output. Inverter Stage ‐Full Bridge Design g g g ¾Was implemented using N‐MOSFETs IRF740 3 Q2 Q1 PWM Signal 1 5 4 IRF740 IRF740 Vdc Load 1 Q3 PWM Signal Si l2 PWM Signal g 2 2 Q4 7 6 IRF740 IRF740 0 PWM Signal Si l1 Digital Control Circuit Digital Control Circuit • Atmel ATtiny26L microcontroller was used to obtain the control signals required in both b i h l i l i di b h stages. • A pair of anti‐phase 10 kHz square wave signal used to switch the MOSFETs in the Dc‐Dc converter stage was obtained from port B pin 6 and pin 7. • Another pair of anti‐phase 50 Hz square wave signal used in H‐Bridge was obtained from g g port A pin 1 and pin 2. Gate Drive Circuit Gate Drive Circuit ¾The output of microcontroller is 2.3V. This cannot turn on MOSFET due to large stray capacitance turn on MOSFET due to large stray capacitance. ¾A simple driver circuit was used as shown Simulated Results‐ Dc‐Dc Stage Simulation of three modules, produced an output of 47.78V output of 47.78V Full Bridge Inverter Stage Full Bridge Inverter Stage A square wave of 47.12Vpk‐pk was obtained Prototype • A A three module prototype was built and three module prototype was built and tested on breadboard as shown Prototype Results Prototype Results ¾A voltage of 46. 8V was obtained from the Dc‐ D Dc converter while the inverter output was a hil h i 45.6V. ¾ With the ideal expected voltage being 48V for this prototype. This results in efficiency greater than 95% Conclusion • From From the results obtained from both the the results obtained from both the simulation and the prototype, the inverter can be easily scaled up since the DC‐DC be easily scaled up since the DC DC boost boost stage is modular in structure. • In addition, the proposed design has lower In addition the proposed design has lower cost and high efficiency than the conventional transformer based inverters transformer based inverters. Recommendation and Future Work Recommendation and Future Work A. In In future the H future the H‐Bridge Bridge circuit can be circuit can be eliminated and PWM techniques applied to the output of the switched capacitor boost converter using microcontroller to achieve sinusoidal output. B. The MOSFETs used as switches in the DC‐DC boost converter stage can be eliminated by use of better switching techniques to reduce fb i hi h i d power losses. Thank You