Structure and Function of Sphingoglycolipids in Transmembrane Signalling and Cell-Cell Interactions Sen-itiroh Hakomori The Biomembrane Institute, 20 I Elliott Avenue W., Seattle, WA 98 I I9 and Department of Pathobiology, University of Washington, Seattle, W A 98 195, U.S.A. Primary structure and organization of sphingoglycolipids in cell membranes Eukaryotic cell membranes, particularly plasma membranes, are characterized by a specific com- Medicine, London on I6 December I992 Abbreviations used: Lac, lactose; Cer, ceramide (N-fatty acyl sphingosine); de-NAcGM1, NH,a2 + 3Galp1- 4 GlcCer; DMS, N , N-dimethylsphingosine; DSI, disialosyl-I; GalCer, galactosylceramide (cerebroside); Gb3, globotriaosylceramide (Gala I -4GalB1 4Cer); Gb4, globotetraosylceramide (globoside; GalNAcDl 3Gala 1 4Gal/3l 4GlcCer); Gg3, gangliotriaosylceramide (GalNAcBl- 4Galp1-+4GlcCer); Gg4, gangliotetraosylceramide (GalB1- 3GalNAcDl-t 4GalPI 4GlcCer); GM,, GalDl-3GalNAcfiI -4[NeuAca2+3] Galfi 1 4GlcCer; G , , , sialosyl-lactosylceramide (SA2 3Gal~1-4GlcCer); H, Fucal-2Gal/31-4GlcNAc~l-+ 3Galfi1+ 4GlcCer; LacCer, lactosylceramide (Gal/% 4GlcCer); LeX, Gal # 1 I4 [Fuc a 1 31-GlcNAc B 1 3Galb1+ 4GlcCer (Lewisx); Ley, Fuc a 1 2Gal/91+ 4[Fuca 1 3]GlcNAc~1-3Gal#?1-4GlcCer (Lewis)); lyso-G,,, NeuAca2- 3GaI/31-4Glcj?l-t 1 sphingosine; NAcGM~,N-acetyl-GMl (NeuAca2- 3Gal/31-4GlcCer); NGcG,,, N-glyCOlyl-GM, (NeuGca2- 3GalPI 4GlcCer); nix,, lactoneotetraosylceramide (same as PG); nLc,, GalBl -4GlcNAcBI-t 3GalBl + 4GlcNAcBl 3Galj31 4GlcCer; PG, paragloboside [Galpl 4GlcNAcpl 3GalD1 4GlcCer); SPG, sialosylparagloboside (there are two types: 2 + 3SPG (NeuAc a2 3Gal/31-4GIcNAc/?l -3Gal/?1 -4GlcCer) and 2-hSPG (NeuAca2 -6GalBI -4GlcNAcPl+ 3GalB1 4GlcCer)l. PC, phosphatidylcholine; PE, phosphatidylethanolamine; PI. phosphatidylinositol; PIP,, phosphatidylinositol 4,s-bisphosphate; PS, phosphatidylserh e ; SM. sphingomyelin; CHO, carbohydrate; EGF, epidermal growth factor; FGF, fibroblast growth factor; mAb, monoclonal antibody; PDGF, platelet-derived growth factor; PKC, protein kinase C; RK, receptor kinase; SGL, sphingoglycolipid, SPG, sialosylparagloboside; SA, sialic acid. - --t - -t + - -+ - + + 4 -4 -t + - - + + --t SEN-ITIROH HAKOMORI --t --t position and enrichment of sphingolipids and sphingoglycolipids (SGLs) [ 11. SGLs are abbreviated according to the recommendations of the IUPACIUB COfnmiSSiOn on Biochemical Nomenclature 1977 (Lipids 12, 455-463); however the suffix -0seCer is omitted. Full definitions are given in the 583 I993 Biochemical Society Transactions 584 list of abbreviations. Four major series of SGLs have been identified, based on the chemical structure of the core carbohydrate (CHO): ganglio-, globo-, type 1 lacto- and type 2 lacto-series (Table 1). So far, over 150 molecular species of SGL have been identified, based on differences in their CHO chains. There are a few exceptions that show a ‘hybrid’ structure between two or three different series, for example, a ‘lacto-ganglio’hybrid [Z] and a ‘globo-lacto-ganglio’hybrid [31. Most cells display high concentrations of SGL on the plasma membrane. In some cells, SGLs are also abundant in intracellular membranes [4], but we know little about the exact distribution of SGLs in these cells and even less about their organization. One interesting suggestion is that some intracellular ‘cytoplasmic’ SGLs are closely associated with cytoskeletal proteins. For example, galactosylceramide (GalCer) and gangliotetraosylceramide) (Gb4Cer) are associated with intermediate-filament proteins in hepatoma cells, and the pattern of intra- cellular distribution of a given SGI, varies considerably in different cells [5]. Electron-microscopic studies, based on the freeze-etch technique using ferritin-labelled antibodies or their Fab fragments, have revealed that SGLs are present at the external surface of the lipid bilayer and form large clusters, rather than being distributed homogeneously. These SGI, clusters are located independently from the clusters of transmembrane glycoproteins that are labelled by lectins [6-81. A conceptual model of SGI, organization in the membrane is shown in Figure 1. According to minimum-energy conformational models, based on hard-sphere exanomeric calculations, the axis of the CHO chain in SGLs is oriented perpendicular to the axis of ceramide, which is supposedly inserted into the lipid bilayer of plasma membranes [9-111. In these models, the outer surface of the CHO chain, exposed at the cell surface, constitutes a hydrophobic domain surrounded by a hydrophilic area (Figure 2). Various Table I Basic core structures of the four SGL series Symbols used indicate possible substitutions: (+) sialosyl; (m) galactosyl; ( 0 )fucosyl Series Abbreviations Structure Gal/?(I Ganglio-series GalNAc/?( I --L 4)Gal/?(I -t - 3)GalNAc/?(I 3)GalNAc/?(I Globo-series rn GalNAc/?( I -3)Gala( GalNAc/?( I -3)Gala( Lacto-seriestype I Gal/?(I -,3)GlcNAc/?( .* .* .* Gal/?(I -4)GlcNAc/?( . -4)GlcNAc/?( I -,3)Gal/?(I -4)GlcNAc/?( -4)GlcNAc/?( I Gal/?(I .* Volume 21 - - 3) Gal/?(I -4)GIcNAc/?( I 4)GlcNAc/?( I -+ 6) - -- 4)Gal/?(I 4)Gal/?(I - 4)GIc/?( I - I )Cer GgOs, 4)GIc/?(I - I )Cer GgOs, 4)Gal/?( I 4)Glc/?( 3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc/?( )Cer GbOs, )Cer GbnOs, - 3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc/?( )Cer LcOs, - 3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc/?( + - - I)Cer LcnOs, 4)GIc/?( - I)Cer LcOs, 3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc/?( I - I)Cer LciOs, 3)Gal/?(I - Morton Lecture Figure I Organization and distribution pattern of SGLs and glycoproteins a t the cellsurface membrane ( a ) Proposed clustering of SGLs and glycoproteins (Gp), based on ( b ) . ( b ) Freeze-etch electron micrograph of a human-erythrocyte membrane double-labelled with ferritin-wheat germ lectin and rabbit anti-globoside-staphylococcal-protein-A-colloidalgold (from [7]). Ferritin-labelled areas (f) are well separated from the gold sol-labelled area (large black dot; labelled g) at the external surface (E), indicating that these t w o major glycoconjugates form separate clusters. Abbreviations used: i, surrounding ice; P, intramembranous particle surface, 1.e. P face. The arrowhead indicates the fracture line. Binding specificity t o ligands (Abs, lectins. GSLs) Organization of GSLs in membranes ligands with a complementary structure are capable of binding to this exposed hydrophobic domain. Examples of ligands are antibodies [ 121, lectins (including selectins) [ 13, 141, bacterial adhesin [ 151 585 Figure 2 Minimum-energy conformational model of globoside (Gb4Cer) Note that the CHO chain is oriented perpendicular t o the axis of the ceramide. The outer surface of the CHO chain, exposed at the cell surface, consists of a hydrophobic domain surrounded by hydrophilic groups, and a specific binding site for antibodies, ledins and complementary CHOs. The antibody reactivity is ranked: short-chain fatty acid < long-chain fatty acid 4 a-hydroxy-fatty acid [28, 291. The ceramide portion defines the organization of the SGLs in the membrane. This model was provided by courtesy of P.-G. Nyholm and I. Pascher (University of Goteborg, Sweden). and complementary CHO molecules (specific CHO-CHO interactions) [ 16-18]. Dramatic changes in SGL composition and metabolism have been documented for many years I993 Biochemical Society Transactions 586 E 00 .-CC G al W 5 z m F; r. r. I W 5 z I W .-L 9 -. 9 -. 5 t t i - i - V w 9 rd 9 rd P) t -0 C m 6 e0 n -m 0 Y .5 .-C ul 9 . m t t - v cp fd 9. 2 m m t t t t t t t W al .-NL al e, U cm r U -x ea N t ; -na t 2: t ; En al > x m m c Y m t - -5 ul C P) 00 .Y C m al Y e W x r 0 fm U W Y P) .-mU s 3 L z s er m .-Un P W I993 m a, Morton Lecture 587 aJ 72 E c 8 a, 0 ki x a! 5 % u m l X aJ II x . _I a, i a, J a, _I a! I993 Biochemical Society Transactions 588 in association with differentiation, development and oncogenesis [ 191. Our knowledge of the functional role of SGLs in these processes is very fragmentary, except for their clear identification as cell-typespecific antigens in certain cases (see the following section). In this article, I will summarize evidence from our laboratory that suggests that SGLs function in: (i) cell-cell recognition, and (ii) regulation of cell growth through functional modulation of key molecules that are essential in transmembrane signalling. SGLs as cell-type-specific and tumourassociated antigens Much of our research effort from the 1960s to the 1980s was directed to this area, in which the structural basis for antigenic specificity is well defined. A large variety of antigens in normal cells (for example, histo-blood group ABH, Lewis and I/i antigens) are present as SGLs (they are also present in peripheral regions of glycoprotein side chains). This research area has been reviewed several times [20-221. Since the introduction of monoclonalantibody (mAb) techniques in tumour immunology, many tumour-associated antigens have also been identified as SGLs. Some of these, particularly lactoseries type 1 and type 2 chain structures, appear as side chains of glycoproteins. This area has also been reviewed repeatedly [ 23-25]. Some typical tumour-associated carbohydrate antigens and their defining mAbs are listed in Table 2. The antigenicity of cellular SGLs is defined not only by their primary CHO structure, but also by their organizational status. Some mAbs are capable Of recognizing the latter as as the former. For example, mAb M2590 is claimed to be highly specific to mouse, hamster and human melanoma cells, and is claimed not to react with normal cells. Surprisingly, the epitope of M2590 is the ganglioside GM3, which is present ubiquitously in most normal cells [26]. We found that M2590 reacts with cells only when the GM3density is above a certain threshold value. At high density, GM3 may assume a different conformation or clustering pattern that allows reactivity with M2590 [27]. The structure of ceramide (that is, the chain length of fatty acids and the hydroxylation of fatty acids and sphingosine) strongly affects the reactivities between SGLs and their antibodies or other ligands, via some unknown mechanisms [28,29]. SGLs as ligands in cell-cell recognition In some cases, endogenous lectins (including selectins) define CHO-dependent cell recognition. This Volume 21 mechanism is not universal, however, because the surface expression of lectins or selectins is restricted to a limited variety of cell types, and the scope of their target CHO structures is very limited. In contrast, the surface expression of a variety of SGLs is known to change dramatically and continuously, in terms of quantity and structure, during ontogenesis and oncogenesis. The functions of SGLs or CHOs in cell adhesion occurring at defined stages of these processes can be inhibited by specific SGL or CHO structures. If lectins were universally involved in cell recognition, we would expect to see continuous changes in lectin-binding specificity during ontogenesis and oncogenesis. There has been no evidence of such a phenomenon. In 1984, we found that ‘tight’ cell adhesion (compaction) of the morula-stage mouse embryo is mediated by the Lewis” antigen (Le”) [30]. During a search for the Le”-binding lectin that is expressed on F9 teratocarcinoma cells [31], we discovered that the Le”-recognizing molecule is Le” itself; that is Le”-Le” interaction occurs in the presence of a bivalent cation [ 161. In subsequent systematic studies, we incorporated various SGLs into [ 14C]cholesterol-labelledliposomes and observed their adhesion to SGL-coated plastic plates. Various other methods were also used to confirm the specificity and intensity of SGL-SGL interactions (see Figure 3). Strong interaction was observed Figure 3 CHO-CHO interaction as a basis of cell recognition This model is based on findings from a variety of experimental methods, including adhesion of SGL-liposomes t o solid-phase SGL; homotypic or heterotypic aggregation of SGL-liposomes or of SGL-coated beads; affinity chromatography of multivalent oligosaccharides on SGL-columns. All interactions require the presence of a bivalent cation, such as Ca”. Morton Lecture Figure 4 Interaction of various SGLs with the Le" antigen ( a ) and N-acetyl-G,, ( b ) S indicates a strong interaction; M, a moderately strong interaction and W, a weak interaction. The dotted lines indicate no interaction and the arrows a negative or repellant interaction. Based on data from the adhesion of SLG-liposomes t o solid-phase SGL or from multivalent SGL-oligosaccharide adhesion t o SGL bound to a column [ 16, 17, 321. - - I )Cer - I)Cer GalB( I -4)GlcNAc/?( I -3)Gal( I -4)Glc( I - I)Cer GalNAc/?( I -3)Gala( I ~ 4 ) G a l / ?I (-4)Glc( I - I)Cer -4)Glc( I - I)Cer -4)Glc( I - I)Cer 3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc( I - I)Cer Gal/?(I -3)GalNAcB( I -4)Gal/?( I -4)Glc( I - I)Cer Gal/?(I -4)GlcNAc/?( I 3)Gal( I -4)Glc( I GalB( I -4)GlcNAc/?( I -3)Gal( I -4)Glc( I 2 :I /=/ Gal/?(I -4)GlcNAc/?( I -3)Gal( I -4)Glc( I - t I)Cer I Fuca I I M > w\ 31 \ \ Fuca I Gal/?(I -4)GlcN!c/?( 2 t I Fuca \ \ , \ I -3)Gal( I -4)Glc( \ - NeuAca (2 *3)Gal/?(I -4)Glc( I - m- / I)Cer - - NeuGca(2-3)Gal/?( I -4)G \ \ NeuAca(2 \ - \ \ for H-H and GM,-Gg3, and moderate interaction for H-Lewis' (Ley) and G,,-LacCer (Lac, lactose; for structures of SGLs, see Figure 4 and list of abbreviations). Typical cases of interaction between ' two structures are shown in Figure 4. W e also demonstrated that (i) adhesion of B16 melanoma variants expressing different degrees of G,, to mouse or human endothelial cells that express Lac- I993 589 Biochemical Society Transactions 590 Cer or Gg3 is correlated with the degree of metastatic potential of the melanoma cells [32], and (ii) adhesion of B16 cells to mouse leukaemia L5178 cells is based on G,,-Gg3 interaction [ 171. Models of cell-cell interaction based on SGL-SGL interaction involve several factors, as follows. (i) The presence of a complementary surface structure between two CHO chains. (ii) The requirement for a bivalent cation, particularly Ca2+ . (iii) Interaction has been typically demonstrated between SGL-liposomes, between SGL-liposomes and solid-phase SGL or between multivalent SGL oligosaccharide and SGL bound to a column [ 16, 171. Since SGLs form clusters at the membrane surface, effective cell adhesion would require the interaction of a large number of homotypic SGL molecules in the cluster. (iv) Cell binding based on SGL-SGL interaction is greatly enhanced by synergy with integrin-dependent adhesion [33]. (v) SGL-SGL interaction is a more rapid process than integrin-dependent adhesion. In a dynamic laminarflow adhesion system, the former was more prominent than the latter [34]. Comparative cell adhesion based on SGL-SGL interaction as against integrindependent interaction in dynamic and static experimental systems is shown in Figure 5. Although the exact mechanism of SGL involvement in cellular adhesion is unknown, two model systems can be visualized: one based on interaction between clusters of glycoprotein CHO and SGL CHO, and the other between two SGL clusters. In either model, cell adhesion based on CHO-CHO interaction is the earliest event in cell recognition, followed by the involvement of adhesive proteins and of integrin receptors (Figure 6). Figure 5 Adhesion of BL6 cells to mouse endothelial cells is based on the interaction of G,, (expressed on BL6 cells) with Gg3 or LacCer (expressed on endothelial cells) (0,b) Represent a dynamic adhesion system. Adhesion based on Gg3 or LacCer predominated over that based on fibronectin (FN) or laminin (LN), regardless of the shear stress. (c) Represents a static adhesion system. FN- or LN-dependent adhesion became obvious only after approx. 30 min of incubation. In contrast, Gg3- or LacCer-dependent adhesion were obvious at 10-20 min. These results suggest that there is a longer 'lag time' for integrin-based cell adhesion, compared with adhesion based on CHO-CHO interaction, in a static system. Abbreviation used: PG, paragloboside. RA\I \ LN Regulation of cell growth and transmembrane signalling by SGLs or their derivatives The growth of most eukaryotic cells is regulated by three major transmembrane signalling mechanisms: (i) protein kinases associated with growth-factor receptors, (ii) protein kinase C (PKC), and (iii) the G-protein family (which involves protein kinase A). Many studies since 1982 from our laboratory and others have shown clearly that the former two mechanisms are modulated by SGLs or SGL derivatives [35-481. Furthermore, the role of integrin-receptor function in cell adhesion has been shown recently to be modulated by gangliosides [49]. This is a complex subject in which our knowledge is still very fragmentary. In this section, I will try to focus on relatively well-established facts and avoid speculative theories. Volume 21 =g3 Wall shear stress (dyneskm') 20 40 Time (min) 60 For the growth of baby-hamster kidney (BHK) cells in a chemically defined medium, the only growth factor required is fibroblast growth factor (FGF) [SO]. The FGF receptor function is Morton Lecture Figure 6 Proposed cell-adhesion mechanisms based on the organization of SGL and glycoprotein Compare with Figure I . ( a ) The SGL cluster interacts with the glycoprotein cluster (GP); simultaneously, adhesive protein (AP) interacts with the integrin receptor (I). ( b ) Interaction between SGL clusters on neighbouring cells, subsequently reinforced by adhesive protein-integrin receptor interaction. Abbreviation used: S, selectin. (4 59 I I I Figure 7 Ganglioside-dependent downregulation of receptor-associated protein kinase ( a ) Insulin-dependent tyrosine phosphorylation of a 95 kDa protein, and its specific inhibition by (2 -3)SPG. Specific phosphorylation is induced by the addition of insulin (lane 2), the phosphorylation is slightly inhibited by the addition of G,, (lane 3), and almost completely inhibited by the addition of (2-3)SPG (lane 4). The insulin receptor was immunoprecipitated from IM7 cells, as described in 1381. ( b )Specificity of the inhibition of the tyrosine phosphorylation of the 95 kDa protein by various lacto-series gangliosides. Strong inhibition was produced by (2- 3)SPG (IV3NeuAcnLc4)but not by (2- 6)SPG (WNeuAcnLc,), (2- 3)SnHC (VI3NeuAcnLc,), nor by DSI (disialosyl-I; VI3NeuAclll6NeuAca2- 3GalB I -4GlcNAcnLc,). (0) Insulin Gangliosides (50 P M ) kDa m (2 3)SPG 200 116.392.566.2 45.0 - Oh?----- I50 250 [Gangliosides] (yM) I993 Biochemical Society Transactions Figure 8 Co-operative effect of lyso-PC and GM3on the EGF-RK activity (0)EGF-RK activity was specifically enhanced by lyso-PC, but not by lysophosphatidylethanolamine (lyso-PE), lysophosphatidylserine (lyso-PS) or lysophosphatidylinositol (lysoPI). This effect of lyso-PC was observed in the absence of detergent. ( b ) In the presence of 0.05% (w/v) Triton X-100, G ,, inhibited EGF-RK activity. This inhibitory effect of GM, was not observed in the absence of Triton X-100, but was clearly observed in the presence of lyso-PC (c), Abbreviation used: CDH, ceramide dihexoside. (d) EGF (E), when bound t o its receptor (ER). activates a receptor-associated protein kinase (PK) by an asyet-unidentified mechanism - probably di- or oligomerization of the receptor [63]. Based on data that is summarized in the upper panels [39], and the observed effects of lyso-G,, on protein kinases [41], it seems likely that the protein-kinase activity associated with the EGF receptor is modulated positively by lyso-PC (route I), negatively by lyso-G,, (route 2), and is co-operatively strongly downregulated by G,, in addition t o lyso-PC (route 3). Free G, which is not accessible t o lyso-PC, is not capable of modulating protein-kinase activity. 592 L 4 2000 l-7 LYSO-PC(200 pM) v pkl n Y m Lysophospholipid ( p M ) n m clearly downregulated by GM, (but not by GM,), although GM3 does not bind to FGF [35]. Similarly, the growth of human-ovarian-epidermoid carcinoma Kl3 cells and A431 cells is highly dependent on epidermal growth factor (EGF), and its receptor function is also downregulated by GM,, through inhibition of tyrosine-kinase activity associated with the receptor [Sl]. GM,-dependent regulation of cell growth was further substantiated using mutant cell lines that display positive or negative endogenous G,, synthesis. A galactose-4-epimerase-less mutant of Volume 2 I 0 50 100 I50200 Concentration ( p M ) Chinese-hamster ovary cells is incapable of synthesizing LacCer (and hence GM3) unless cultured in galactose-containing medium, and also lacks the EGF receptor [36]. When the mutant cells were transfected to express the EGF receptor, they displayed EGF-dependent growth in the absence of galactose, when no GM3 synthesis took place. Addition of galactose induced GM, synthesis, leading to the inhibition of EGF-dependent cell growth. The growth of Swiss 3T3 cells is exclusively dependent on platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF). PDGF-dependent 3T3 cell growth and Morton Lecture Figure 9 Proposed co-operative modulatory effects of SGLs, phospholipids and their metabolites on the key regulators of cell proliferation Membrane SGLs (G,, paragloboside [PG]), phospholipids (PC, sphingomyelin [SM]), phosphatidylinositol [PI]) and their derivatives (diacylglycerol [DAG]), sphingosine [SPN], DMS, lyso-G,,, de-N-acetyl-G,,, (2- 3)SPG, ceramide) function as modulators of PKC, EGF-RK, and insulin-RK, some of them possibly affecting src and ras oncoproteins. Metabolic pathways (a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) are important in the inhibition of EGF-RK, PKC and the insulin-RK; therefore, factors (enzymes) involved in these pathways could be anti-oncogenic. In addition, the PI derivatives PIP, (phosphatidylinositol 4,sbisphosphate), IP, (inositol t ,4,5-trisphosphate), created by pathway (f), and SPN-P (sphingosin- I -phosphate), created by pathway (h), act t o induce Ca2+ mobilization, and consequently t o promote cell growth. Dashed lines indicate processes that consist of multiple steps. Psychosine (lyso-CMH) in the presence of GM3 inhibits src and rasassociated kinase activity, while sphingosine and DMS enhance this activity 1641. 593 PG e (2 - 3)SPG Y tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF receptor was inhibited specifically by GM, (and to a lesser degree by GM3).However, PDGF did not interact directly with the gangliosides, and the gangliosides did not alter the Kd of PDGF binding to the cell-surface receptor and they did not change the receptor number [37]. W e recently found a similar correlation between insulin-dependent cell growth and the presence of a ganglioside [381. Insulin-dependent growth of IM9, HL60 and K562 cells was specifically inhibited by the exogenous addition of (2 3)-sialosylparagloboside (SPG), and tyrosine phosphorylation of the 95 kDa subunit was specifically inhibited by (2 3)SPG, but not by other gangliosides (Figure 7). The inhibition by (2 + 3)SPG induced the differentiation of HL60 cells into myelomonocytes, as evidenced by morphological and surface-marker changes. + + The above three examples involve the effects of intact gangliosides on cell-growth regulation. Two additional mechanisms have been considered. (i) The inhibitory effect of intact gangliosides on the EGF-receptor kinase (RK) was greatly enhanced in the presence of lysophosphatidylcholine (lyso-PC), but not other lysophospholipids [39]. Lyso-PC itself promotes the activity of the EGF-RK. This suggests a possible co-operative effect of lyso-PC and gangliosides in the modulation of protein kinases (Figure 8). (ii) Catabolites of gangliosides, for example I~so-GM~and de-N-acetyl-GM3, have been detected in A431 cells and in other cell types 140, 411. Whereas lyso-G,, inhibits the EGF-RK, de-N-acetyl-G,, promotes the EGF-RK. Lyso-G,, strongly inhibits PKC [42]. Although our knowledge of the modulatory effects of SGL catabolites is very limited, this is clearly an important research area. Psychosine has been reported to inhibit PKC I993 Biochemical Society Transactions [43], but is completely absent in normal neuronal 594 tissues. Plasmalopsychosine, however, is a major component of white matter in brain, and completely absent from grey matter. Plasmalopsychosine is capable of modulating neuronal functions such as neuritogenesis, although its effect is weaker than that of psychosine [44]. As with other SGI, catabolites, sphingosine was initially claimed to be an inhibitor of PKC, in contrast with diacylglycerol, which promotes PKC activity [45]. W e showed that exogenously added sphingosine is converted into N, N-dimethylsphingosine (DMS) [46], or is phosphorylated to yield sphingosine- 1-phosphate by the sphingosine kinase (a classical catabolic pathway). DMS displays strong stereospecific inhibition of PKC [47] and stereospecific enhancement of EGF-RK [48]. Sphingosine- 1-phosphate has no effect on PKC or EGF-RK, but strongly inhibits cell motility (not cell growth) through some unknown mechanism [52]. It is possible that some crucial molecule affected by sphingosine- 1-phosphate is involved in the interaction between the integrin receptor and a cytoskeletal protein. A conceptual scheme for the co-operative modulatory effects of SGI,s, phospholipids and their metabolites on the key regulators of cell growth and proliferation is shown in Figure 9. 1. Hakomori, S. (1981) Annu. Rev. Biochem. 50, 733-764 2. Kannagi, R., Levery, S. B. and Hakomori, S. (1984) J. Biol. Chem. 259,8444-845 1 3. Ostrander, G. K., Levery, S. B., Eaton, H. I,., Salyan, M. E. K., Hakomori, S. and Holmes, E. H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263,18716-18725 4. Symington, F. W., Murray, W. A., Bearman, S. I. and Hakomori, S. (1987) J. Biol. Chem. 262, 11356-11363 5. 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