document title / titre du document TRP WORK PLAN 2008 – 2010 COMPLETE LIST prepared by/préparé par TRP Management Office reference/réference issue/édition revision/révision date of issue/date d’édition status/état Document type/type de document Distribution/distribution TEC-SB/7934/dc 1 0 22/06/2009 02/06/2009 Information Note OF ACTIVITIES a TEC-SB_7934_TRP2008-2010 TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete Llist of Activities issue 1 revision 0 3page ii of iii A P P R O V A L Title Titre TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 – Complete List of Activities issue issue author auteur TRP Management Office date 22/06/2009 date approved by approuvé par revision revision date date C H A N G E reason for change /raison du changement L O G issue/issue C H A N G E revision/revision date/date R E C O R D Issue: Revision: reason for change/raison du changement page(s)/page(s) paragraph(s)/paragraph(s) TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete Llist of Activities issue 1 revision 0 3page iii of iii T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1 INTRODUCTION 2 COMPLETE LIST OF ACTIVITIES 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities issue 1 revision 0 page 1 of 5 1 INTRODUCTION This information note presents the complete list of activities that constitute the TRP 2008-2010 work plan cycle, their status and descriptions. The document is structured as follows: Chapter 1, Introduction Chapter 2 includes tables listing all activities divided by following Service Domains: 1. Technologies related to Earth Observation 2. Technologies related to Science 3. Technologies related to Human Spaceflight & Exploration Preparation 4. Technologies related to Space Transportation & Re-entry Technologies 5. Technologies related to Telecommunication 6. Technologies related Navigation 7. Generic Technologies & Techniques and provides following information: IPC Approval: Status of approval of the corresponding procurement proposal. (YXXXX= Year of approval for workplan activities previously endorsed & corresponding procurement proposals approved, if applicable. Status: Proposed: Not yet approved/submitted to AC/IPC Intended: Approved by IPC but not committed yet Committed: Contractor selected and successful negotiation Contracted: Contract signed Closed: Contract closed, all deliverables received Deleted: Removed from work plan Deferred: Previously approved but postponed TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities issue 1 revision 0 page 2 of 5 Budget: Budget planned for this activity. Total Contract Authorisation (CA) values, given in KEURO, at yearly economic conditions. Procurement Policy: C = Open Competitive Tender; (Ref. Article 5.1 ESA Contract Regulations). C(1)* = C(2)* = C(3)* = Activity restricted to SMEs & R&D organisations, preferably in cooperation. The measure is proposed when the technology activity relates to early phases of the technology development (TRL<3) with strong expectations on innovation contents, or to technology spin-in, and when SMEs & R&D organisations have recognised expertise and capabilities in the technology domain. Note: (Otherwise, the bid will not be considered for further evaluation). C(4)* = Activities in open subcontracting clause. Activities in open competition limited to the non-Large-System Integrators. Note: In these activities, LSIs are not allowed to submit prime proposals to ESA. LSIs can participate as subcontractors. In this case, the proposal must demonstrate that: - the tasks assigned to the LSI do not constitute the core activities of the proposed development; - The technical expertise provided by the LSI is essential to the activity; - the non-LSI in the team retains the key capabilities to develop and exploit the results of the technology activity; - the presence of the LSI in the proposal does not undetermined or limit the leading role of the non-LSI in the team. (Otherwise, the bid will not be considered for further evaluation). Activities in open competition, where a significant participation of non-Large-System Integrators is requested. Note: These activities are open to all potential bidders, LSIs and non-LSIs. However, LSIs that submit bids are requested to include in those bids a relevant participation of non-LSIs, in quality and quantity, in accordance with the ITT guidelines - in the form of a percentage range of expected participation of nonLSIs – on which the C(2) measure is applied. (Otherwise, the bid will not be considered for further evaluation). competition, subject to the SME TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities issue 1 revision 0 page 3 of 5 Note: Bidders are required to do their utmost to include in their bid an adequate participation of SMEs as subcontractor(s) (judged in terms of quantity indicated as guidelines of the ITT on which the C(4) measure is applied). Offers shall provide an analysis of the potential advantages of the proposed participation (e.g. long-term rospects for future work). If no such participation is offered, the bid shall contain evidence of the effort made to meet these requirements and the reasons for the lack of success. (Otherwise, the bid will not be considered for further evaluation). C(R) = DN/S = DN/C = Competition is restricted to a few companies, indicated in the "Remarks'' column; (Ref. Article 5.2 ESA Contract Regulations). Direct Negotiation/Specialisation; the contract will be awarded by direct negotiation in implementation of a defined industrial policy or resulting from a sole supplier situation (Ref. Articles 6.1.A,D,F ESA Contract Regulations). Direct Negotiation/Continuation; the contract will be awarded in direct negotiation being the immediate continuation of a previous activity with the same contractor (Ref. Article 6.1.C ESA Contract Regulations) Country: Prime contractor country Remarks: Provides information on Prime contractor and sub-contractors in case the activity is contracted or gives other additional info. Chapter 3 provides the descriptions of the activities. The Technology Activity Template provide following information: Objectives: Provides short summary of the main goals of the activity. Description: Describes the activity, providing the context information, the purpose of the activity and the main tasks. Deliverables: Provides short description of the tangible outcome e.g. breadboard, demonstrator, S/W, test data. A final report is standard for every activity. Current TRL: Describes the current NASA TRL level of the product that is going to be developed in this activity. TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities issue 1 revision 0 page 4 of 5 Target TRL: The NASA TRL level expected for the product at the end of the activity. For equipments TRP usually concludes with TRL 3, GSTP at level 5/6. However in the case of components target TRL level in TRP could be higher. It is also understood that TRL levels do not apply to S/W and tools. For these cases description of SW quality, i.e: architecture, beta version, prototype, or full operational, achieved at the end of the activity. Application Need/Date: Describes the required TRL level and date for the technology development of which the respective activity is part of on the base of the maturity required by the application. The general rule is that a requirement specifies the need date for a product. For equipments/payloads this is in general TRL 5/6, - the level generally required for Phase B of a project. The exceptions are components, where TRL 8 (flight readiness) should be achieved. For S/W and tools separate readiness levels are defined below Application/Mission: Describes the first possible mission/application/follow-on and the flight date. Technology Readiness Level, as stated by NASA, to be achieved at end of the activity for TRL1 - Basic principles observed and reported TRL2 - Technology concept and/or application formulated TRL3 - Analytical and experimental critical function and/or characteristic proof-of-concept TRL4 - Component and/or breadboard validation in laboratory environment TRL5 - Component and/or breadboard validation in relevant environment TRL6 - System/subsystem model or prototype demonstration in a relevant environment (ground or space) TRL7 - System prototype demonstration in a space environment TRL8 - Actual system completed and "flight qualified" through test and demonstration (ground or space) TRL9 - Actual system "flight proven" through successful mission operations Readiness Levels for S/W and tools Algorithm Single algorithms are implemented and tested to allow their characterisation and feasibility demonstration. Prototype A subset of the overall functionality is implemented to allow e.g. the demonstration of performance. Beta Version Implementation of all the software (software tool) functionality is complete. Verification & Validation process is partially completed (or completed for only a subset of the functionality). TRP WORKPLAN 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities issue 1 revision 0 page 5 of 5 S/W Release Verification and Validation process is complete for the intended scope. The software (software tool) can be used in an operational context. Research & feasibility demonstration predevelopment prequalification TECHNOLOGY R&D CAT. A Innovative/Prospective Technology Support to Programmes & Generic Technologies Support to Industry’s Competitiveness (Short Term) T.R.L. 1-2 TRP T.R.L. 3 T.R.L. 4 and/or T.R.L. 5 CAT. B T.R.L. 4 and/or T.R.L. 5 CAT. C ESA Technology Landscape (NASA TRL's) Contract Duration: Duration of the activity (e.g. 24 month) Dossier 0 Reference: Identifies the related Dossier 0 (ESTER) Requirement SW clause applicability: Special approval is required for activities labelled: either “Operational Software” or “Open Source Code”, for which the Clauses/sub-clauses 42.8 and 42.9 (“Operational Software”) and 42.10 and 42.11 (“Open Source Code”) of the General Clauses and Conditions for ESA Contracts (ESA/C/290, rev.6), respectively, are applicable. Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Consistency with any related Harmonisation Roadmap or Dossier or Conclusion report, if applicable. f Chapter 2 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Complete List of Activities TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 1 - Earth Observation 1-01 - Microwave Payloads IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title 350 DN/S C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number UK ABSL Space Products N/A TD07 C21923 Y2007 Contracted T107-023EE Low mass Calibration load Y2007 Intended T101-001ED Digital Beam Forming Technological Elements 250 C N/A TD01 Y2007 Intended T106-006ET Calibration loads for radiometers 400 C(1) N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T107-025EE Assimilation of high temporal resolution SAR data into land process models 200 C(3) N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T107-029EE Advanced modelling of coherent propagation effects on active microwave remote sensing 200 C(3) Open source TD07 Y2007 Intended T107-030EE ESA manual towards a new scattering statistics database for different terrain types 50 C(3) N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T108-033SM Analysis of Normalised Differential Spectral Attenuation (NDSA) Technique for Inter-Satellite Atmospheric Profiling 200 C(3) N/A TD08 Y2008 Intended T106-002ET Integrated Circulators for TR modules 300 C(1) N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-005ET Micro- and millimetre wave detectors 400 C(2) N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-008ET MM-Wave Power Amplifier 500 C (2) N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-009ET Frequency-Multipliers for Submm 450 C(3) N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-010ET Direct-Detection Radiometers 800 C N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-014ET Swath precipitation radar instrument 200 C N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T106-017ET Study of a high spatial resolution MIRAS (Super-MIRAS) 200 C N/A TD06 N/A TD07 C for prime. Universidad Politecnica Madrid (E) + Queen's University of Belfast (UK) must be involved. Y2008 Intended T107-020EE Innovative reconfigurable systems based on liquid crystals 450 C Y2008 Intended T107-031EE Capability of atmospheric parameter retrieval and modelling for wide-swath spaceborne atmospheric radars 180 C(3) N/A TD07 Y2008 Intended T107-032EE Potential and characterisation of geophysical parameter retrieval using a passive interferometer 150 C(3) N/A TD07 Y2008 / Y2009 Intended T107-021EE Large Antennas for P-Band SAR - Critical Breadboarding (OLD TITLE: Advanced Feed System allowing Signal Processing capability for Large Earth Monitoring Antennas) 500 C N/A TD07 Page 1 of 27 Activity revised, budget increased TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 1-01 - Microwave Payloads IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Y2008 / Y2009 Intended T116-034PI Long Life Scanning Mechanism - Contactless Power and Data Transmission 500 C(1) Activity revised, Budget increased N/A TD15 Y2009 Intended T106-013ET Study into Ka-band SAR 150 C Total budget 250kE, 150kE TRP + 100kE EOPA or IPD N/A TD06 C I Activity revised and original budget split between two parallel contracts, to be linked to EO "Ku-band antenna feed breadboarding" contract. Team selected: TAS + ComDev (UK) N/A TD07 D Activity revised and original budget split between two parallel contracts, to be linked to EO "Ku-band antenna feed breadboarding" contract. Team selected: Astrium + ComDev (UK) + Saab Space (S) N/A TD07 Y2009 Intended T107-018EE Light Weight, Dual Frequency Antenna Configuration for Earth Observation SAR applications 245 Y2009 Intended T107-018EE Light Weight, Dual Frequency Antenna Configuration for Earth Observation SAR applications 245 C Y2009 Intended T107-022EE Antenna Architecture for Radio Occultation for GRAS-2 200 C N/A TD07 Deferred T106-003ET Photo-HBV for sub-millimetre wave LO generation and distribution 250 C(1) N/A TD06 Deferred T106-004ET Single GaN chip HPA/LNA for Radar Applications 450 C(1) Will be reconsidered in 2010 N/A TD06 Deferred T106-007ET Low-Noise Amplifiers for 300 GHZ 600 C Will be reconsidered in 2010 N/A TD06 Deferred T106-011ET 1THZ Schottky Mixer 450 C(1) Will be reconsidered in 2010 N/A TD06 Deferred T106-012ET 1THZ LO Unit 950 C(2) Will be reconsidered in 2010 N/A TD06 Deferred T106-015ET Integrated Scalable Tile Beam Former 650 C N/A TD06 Deferred T106-016ET High Bandwidth programmable DDS for chirp generation 800 C(2) N/A TD06 Deferred T107-026EE The generic radiative transfer toolbox for the Earth environment, ESAS-Light: from a prototype tool to a community tool 250 C(1) Open source TD07 Deferred T107-028EE Improvement of the Tenti model for atmospheric Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering 150 C(3) Will be reconsidered in 2010 N/A TD07 Deleted T107-019EE Millimeterwave Radar Antenna Technology 500 To be reconsidred for 2011 N/A TD07 Deleted T107-024EE Antenna Architecture for Radio Occultation for LEO-LEO To be reconsidred for 2011 N/A TD07 200 Page 2 of 27 C Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 1-01 - Microwave Payloads IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Total 1-01 - Microwave Payloads 350.00 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Deleted, merged with T116-051MM N/A TD16 6,970.00 5,050.00 1-02 - Optical Payloads IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2006 Deleted T103-04FP Lightweight large aperture deployable telescope for lidar applications Y2007 Contracted T108-036SM Y2007 Contracted T116-041MM Mercury cadmium telluride avalanche photodiode detector with >2 um cut-off wavelength. Y2007 Contracted T116-042MM Y2007 Intended Y2007 C C B Royal Meteorological Inst Belgium N/A TD08 C22460 C(1) UK Selex Sensors & Airborne Systems N/A TD17 C21751 250 C(1) D FHG N/A TD17 C22281 T116-040MM Low dark current 2D TIR CMT detectors based on p/n technology 800 C(1) N/A TD17 Intended T116-047MM High efficiency volume Bragg gratings (VBG) for spectrometry 250 C(1) N/A TD16 Y2007 Intended T120-055MC Advanced Laser Instrument Thermal Design 400 C N/A TD21 Y2007 Intended T124-056QM 500 C N/A TD25 Y2007 / Y2008 Intended T116-051MM Large Aperture Telescope Technology 800 C Budget increased, approved at 237th IPC N/A TD16 Y2007 / Y2009 Intended High-performance low-straylight gratings for compact high resolution optical spectroscopy: T116-048MM Immersed grating technology for compact high resolution optical spectroscopy in the near-infrared 600 C(1) Activity title revised. Budget increased (400kE TRP approved as per ESA/IPC(2007)3 add.3 + 200kE EO). N/A TD16 Y2008 Deleted T116-037MM Ultra narrow linewidth phase locked laser for beam splitting 350 C(3) To be reconsidred for 2011 N/A TD17 C(1) To be reconsidered for 2011 N/A TD16 1000 C To be revised towards post-EPS, will be reconsidered for 2011 N/A TD17 E2V N/A TD17 N/A TD07 N/A TD16 Y2008 Deleted Sensitivity study on the influence of a target spectral signature in the unfiltering process for broadband radiometers Development of an adhesive-free bonding technique for optical components through substrate metallisation and hard soldering Optical Components materials and process development and validation for high power space borne lasers T116-049MM Micro Optics Filtering Technology 150 500 270 Critical Technology for future imaging spectrometers in the UV to SWIR range and Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) Y2008 Deleted T116-052SF Y2008 Intended T116-038MM Red-enhanced L3CCD and gain stability evaluation 800 DN/S Y2009 Intended T107-027EE Atmospheric Corrections for Fluorescence Signal Retrieval 200 C(3) Y2009 Intended T116-053SF Critical Technology Activities for high spectral resolution fluorescence imaging spectrometer 1000 C Page 3 of 27 UK Activity and budget revised. TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 1-02 - Optical Payloads IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Intended T116-054SF VLWIR Detector breadboarding for an Infrared Limb sounder Deferred T101-035ED New Techniques for efficient multi-spectral data compression Deferred 1000 C'try C Remarks S/W Clause TD Activity revised N/A TD16 250 C(3) N/A TD01 T116-043MM Laser Source for Atmospheric CO2 and Methane Monitoring 400 C(1) N/A TD17 Deferred T116-044MM High-Stability Laser with Fibre Amplifier for Interferometric Earth Gravity Measurements 400 C(1) N/A TD17 Deferred T116-050MM Optical filtering for onboard LIDAR calibration 400 C(2) N/A TD16 Deleted T116-039MM Solar-blind UV Lidar Detector To be reconsidred for 2011 N/A TD17 Deleted T116-045MM Back-thinned InGaAs array for visible-SWIR imaging To be reconsidered for 2011 N/A TD17 Deleted T116-046MM Pulsed Laser Source at 1.57 micro-meters for Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Monitoring To be reconsidered for 2011 N/A TD17 Remarks S/W Clause TD Will be reconsidered in 2010 800 1000 Total 1-02 - Optical Payloads C 350 500.00 Contract Number 9,520.00 2,450.00 1-03 - Platforms/others IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Y2007 Intended T106-059ET Advanced Techniques for High Data Rate Links for Earth Exploration Satellites 400 C Operati onal SW TD06 Y2007 Intended T107-061EE Ka-band payload data downlink antennas definition for Earth Observation 250 C N/A TD07 Y2007 / Y2008 Intended T101-057ED SpaceFibre Very High Speed Link Technology Demonstrator 500 DN/S N/A TD01 Y2008 Intended T107-060EE Innovative planar highly directive antenna based on artificial surfaces 150 C N/A TD07 Y2008 Intended T118-063MP High Efficiency Inert Gas thruster 150 C(1) N/A TD19 Y2008 Intended T125-065GR Open Rich Client Platform (RCP) for user service tools 200 C N/A TD26 Y2008 Intended T125-066GR Support to topology 200 C N/A TD26 Y2009 Intended T105-068EC Modern attitude control of EO satellites with large flexible elements 150 C 300kE (50% TRP/50% EOPA) N/A TD05 Y2009 Intended T106-067EE Channel modelling for design of EO Ka band data downlink systems 150 C 300kE (50% TRP/50% EOPA) TBD TD06 Deferred T122-064QC Radiation Evaluation of DDR-2/DDR-3 Memories for future high throughput Solid State Recorders (1Gbit/2Gbit) Hirex Engineering N/A TD23 Page 4 of 27 300 DN UK F Change of PP, U. Dundee Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 1-03 - Platforms/others IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Deleted Proposed TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T118-062MP Development of a Highly Throtteable Low Power Hall Effect Thruster for Earth Observation. T105-058EC C'try 500 On-board autonomous dynamic planning for operational observation wrt AOCS constraints 200 Total 1-03 - Platforms/others 2,650.00 Remarks S/W Clause TD To be reconsidered for 2011 N/A TD19 N/A TD05 C Contract Number 500.00 3 - Human Spaceflight and Exploration Preparation 3-01 - Robotics Assistance technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number D DLR Operati onal SW TD13 C21929 C21737 Y2007 Contracted T313-004MM Dexterous Robot Hand 500 DN/S Y2007 Contracted T313-009MM Motion Control Chip 1000 C(1) Operati onal SW TD13 Y2007 Intended T313-006MM Autonomous Controller 700 C Operati onal SW TD13 Y2008 Intended T309-001GD MMI for Exploration Missions 200 C(1) Operati onal SW TD09 Y2008 Intended T310-003GF 90 C(3) Operati onal SW TD10 Y2008 Intended T313-005MM Human Hand Exoskeleton 500 C(1) Operati onal SW TD13 Y2008 Intended T313-007MM Heavy Duty Planetary Chassis 200 C N/A TD13 Radio tracking of a landed spacecraft: determination of the spacecraft position and of the planet's ephemeris and orientation in space Total 3-01 - Robotics Assistance technologies 1,500.00 1,690.00 3-02 - Life and Physical Sciences IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T314-012MM X-ray based analytical and imaging devices Y2007 Contracted T314-013MM Non-stochastic detectors of bio-markers for space applications 550 150 Page 5 of 27 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C D Un. Dresden N/A TD14 C22237 C(3) UK Un. Cranfield N/A TD14 C21869 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 3-02 - Life and Physical Sciences IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2007 Contracted T314-017MM Computer aided medical diagnostics and surgery 450 C(2) B Space Application Services Operati onal SW TD14 C21843 Y2007 Contracted T314-018MM In-situ, continuous biochemical analyzer 500 DN/C D EADS-Astrium N/A TD14 C21903 Y2007 Intended T314-016MM Invasive Physiological Monitoring 250 DN/C NL Telemetronics N/A TD14 Y2008 Intended T314-010MM Continuous Physiological and Medical Monitoring (non-invasive) 500 C(1) N/A TD14 Y2008 Intended T314-014MM Imaging of wave scattering in solids 400 C(1) N/A TD14 Y2008 Intended T314-015MM Time Resolved Correlation Spectroscopy and Total Internal reflection Scattering 350 C(3) Operati onal SW TD14 Proposed T314-011MM Integrated Countermeasures with biofeedback and actuators C(2) N/A TD14 600 Total 3-02 - Life and Physical Sciences 1,100.00 2,050.00 600.00 3-03 - Human Exploration Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T308-021SW Crew Information System 400 Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number NL TNO // (proof-of-concept only) N/A TD08 C21947 Y2007 Contracted Y2007 Intended T319-022MC Window design for Manned Spacecraft 300 C N/A TD20 Y2007 Intended T319-023MC Flexible window concept for inflatable and expandable habitat modules 300 C N/A TD20 Y2007 Intended T321-027MC Removal of specific chemical contaminants in water 250 C(1) N/A TD22 Y2007 Intended T321-029MC Preliminary definition of on-line chemical water quality analysis equipment 250 C(1) N/A TD22 Y2008 Intended T304-019EE 400 C(3) Open Source TD04 Y2008 Intended T319-024MC Hypervelocity Impacts on Expandable Protections for Space Vehicles 400 C N/A TD20 Y2008 Intended T321-025MC Characterisation of a Nitrogen recycling unit for water recovery 450 C(2) N/A TD22 Y2008 Intended T321-026MC Microbial pathogen identification in water 350 C(1) N/A TD22 Y2008 Intended T321-028MC Extraction of specific chemical contaminants in the Air 350 C(3) N/A TD22 Proposed T304-020EE C N/A TD04 Physics models for biological effects of radiation and shielding Radiation shielding by ISRU and/or innovative composites for EVA, vehicles and habitats Page 6 of 27 DN/C C'try 400 (Physics model developments) TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 3-03 - Human Exploration Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Total 3-03 - Human Exploration Technologies 400.00 3,050.00 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number N/A TD16 Remarks S/W Clause TD Additional work N/A TD24 400.00 3-04 - Autonomous Robotic Exploration missions IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2008 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T316-030MM Miniaturized Imaging Lidar system (Ph.1) 450 Total 3-04 - Autonomous Robotic Exploration missions C(1) 450.00 4 - Space Transportation 4-01 - Launchers oriented Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Proposed Proposed MPC-846 Y2007 Intended Y2007 Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Acquisition and Evaluation of Cryo-Solid Propulsion: Additional Testing 150 DN(C) T409-002GI Assessment of the suitability of ESOC Ground Segment infrastructure S/W for its use in the launcher field. 250 C Operati onal SW TD09 Intended T415-003PV Study for an on-board contamination measurement for launchers 50 C(1) N/A TD15 Y2007 Intended T417-004MP Launcher stage separation and plume interaction validation 300 C N/A TD18 Y2007 Intended T418-010MP Simulation models for Solid Rocket Motor’s (SRM’s) Ignition Transient (IT) 150 C N/A TD19 Y2007 Intended T419-011MC Delamination assessment tool for composite structures 350 C N/A TD20 Y2007 Intended T419-013MC Structural integrity of pressurized structures: Advanced non-linear methodology 300 C(2) N/A TD20 Deleted Experimental Investigation of Key Technologies for a Turbine Based Combined T418-034MP Airbreather-Rocket Engine N/A TD19 Y2008 Page 7 of 27 500 DN/S UK Approval covers both 2008 and 2009. // REL + ASTRIUM (D), Univ. of Bristol (UK) // Ref. to ESA/IPC(2008)1,add.24 Contract Number C22219 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 4-01 - Launchers oriented Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD N/A TD18 N/A TD19 Y2008 Intended T417-005MP Launcher base flows and shock interaction regions improved load characterization 300 C Y2008 Intended T418-007MP European medium thrust engine concept 200 C Y2008 Intended T418-008MP Dynamic Characterization of Cavitating Turbopumps and Inducers for POGO Suppression 300 C(1) N/A TD15 Y2008 Intended T419-012MC Fracture Control/Damage Tolerance methods for highly loaded launcher components 350 C N/A TD20 Y2008 Intended T420-014MC Development of nano-structured cryogenic foam insulations 150 C(1) N/A TD21 Proposed T418-006MP Experimental Investigation of Rotordynamic Fluid Forces on Cavitating Helical Inducers 300 C(1) N/A TD15 Proposed T418-009MP Technology feasibility of cryogenic PMD elements 350 C N/A TD19 Proposed T423-015MC Passive / Active oxidation of CMC structural materials 300 C(1) N/A TD24 Total 4-01 - Launchers oriented Technologies 500.00 2,850.00 Anticipated Contract Number 950.00 4-02 - Human Space Flight oriented Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T405-017EC Robust Skip-entry Guidance and Control Techniques 250 Y2007 Contracted T420-019MC Development of a European ablative material for heatshields of sample return missions Y2007 Intended T401-016ED Y2007 Intended Y2008 Intended 400 Safety oriented reference architecture C C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number F Astrium N/A TD05 C22125 HPS N/A TD21 C21827 C 600 C N/A TD01 T417-018MP Planetary Probe Standard model testing in High enthalpy facilities 400 C N/A TD18 T418-034MP Solid Modulated Propulsion for Space Exploration 300 C N/A TD19 S/W Clause TD Total 4-02 - Human Space Flight oriented Technologies 400.00 1,550.00 4-03 - Generic Space Transportation Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Page 8 of 27 C'try Remarks Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 4-03 - Generic Space Transportation Technologies IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title 250 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number DN/C F Astrium + Sub's N/A TD05 C21687 Y2007 Contracted T405-021EC Hybrid Navigation (HiNAV) System Architecture Consolidation Y2007 Contracted T405-022EC Advanced Reentry Flying Qualities Analysis Framework 350 C E Deimos Space N/A TD05 C22115 Y2007 Contracted T420-032MC Development of lightweight flight sensors and measurement techniques for planetary entry probes and vehicles 200 C(3) D HPS N/A TD21 C22155 Y2007 Intended T417-026MP Definition and validation of transfer functions for intrusive measurement techniques in re-entry and entry environments 300 C(1) N/A TD18 Y2007 Intended T418-027MP Aerodynamics of down load systems: parachutes 350 C(2) N/A TD18 Y2007 Intended T418-030MP Innovative PED bladder technology 200 C N/A TD19 Y2008 Contracted T420-031MC Material characterization of European ODS material candidate, Kanthal APMT, for application in metallic TPS Y2008 Intended T403-03MC.B Improvement of the gas-surface interaction models, to account for the coupling pyrolisis-catalysis. Integration of models into a CFD code. Validation. Y2008 Intended T405-020EC Y2008 Intended Y2008 Y2008 DN/S S Kanthal N/A TD21 C21936 250 DN/C IRL ESIL N/A TD18 C19631 Robust Flight Control System Design, Verification and Validation Framework 450 C N/A TD05 T406-023EE Re-entry Vehicle Communications Technology 300 C N/A TD06 Intended T417-025MP Development of an innovative validation strategy of gas-surface interaction modelling for re-entry applications. 300 C(3) N/A TD18 Intended T418-028MP Extra light nozzle extension for upper stage engine and in space propulsion 400 C(2) N/A TD19 Proposed T405-001EC On-line System Identification Technology 250 C N/A TD05 Proposed T417-024MP Damping derivatives assessment for hypersonic re-entry vehicles exhibiting high angle of attack 400 C N/A TD18 Proposed T418-029MP Battleship chamber for unsteady combustion process analysis 300 C N/A TD19 Proposed T420-033MC Zero Boil Off propulsion system feasibility demonstration 300 C N/A TD21 Total 4-03 - Generic Space Transportation Technologies 5 - Telecommunications 5 - Telecommunications Page 9 of 27 100 350.00 3,100.00 1,250.00 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 5 - Telecommunications IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T506-003ET Study of high order modes and fringing fields in Multipactor effect Y2007 Contracted T516-016MM Interchip-Optical Communciations and Photonic PCBs for next gereration OBP Y2007 Contracted T516-016MM Interchip-Optical Communciations and Photonic PCBs for next gereration OBP Y2007 Contracted T516-017MM Electro-Photonic ADC Y2007 Intended T504-001EE Y2007 Intended Y2007 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number 275 C E Aurora Software & Testing N/A TD06 C22368 200 C F Astrium N/A TD17 C22188 C FIN VTT N/A TD17 C21873 200 C F Thales Detexis N/A TD17 C22241 Slot Region radiation environment 200 C(1) Operati onal SW TD04 T506-004ET Widely-tunable MEMS LC tank for Wideband Oscillators 325 C N/A TD06 Intended T506-005ET High-Q MEMS resonator for high-performance oscillators 325 C(1) N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T506-006ET Efficient Techniques for On-Board Processing 250 C N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T506-007ET Reconfigurable multi-mission payload feasibility study 250 C N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T507-009EE RF MEMS based reconfigurable telecommunication dual reflector antenna 500 C N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T507-011EE Circular polarisation dual-optics proof-of-concept 350 C N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T507-012EE Assessment of propagation modelling risk for Satcom system design 125 C N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T520-020MC 400 C N/A TD21 Y2008 Contracted 03/ETM-001 SAW Filter Development N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T506-008ET Payload/system evaluation of beam hopping techniques 250 C N/A TD06 Y2008 Intended T507-010EE Self focussing retroreflective Tx Rx antennas for Mobile Terminal Applications 150 C N/A TD07 Y2008 Intended T516-018MM Opto-microwave based front-end for a multi-beam large direct radiating array antenna 300 C N/A TD16 Y2008 Intended T518-019MP Electronic pressure regulator for Small GEO Electric and-cold gas propulsion system applications 300 C(1) N/A TD19 Y2009 Intended T506-009ET Benefits of the introduction of GaN technology on an L- band GEO mobile payload 150 DN/S N/A TD06 Proposed T506-002ET Modelling and Design of Optimized Waveguide Components utilizing 3D Manufacturing Techniques 275 C Operati onal SW TD06 Proposed T507-013EE Combination of tropospheric and local environment propagation effects for MSS above 10Ghz 125 C(3) N/A TD07 Proposed T507-014EE Advanced propagation tool for satellite ATM & aeronautical communications 200 C(1) Operati onal SW TD07 200 High conductive CFRP sandwich technologies for platforms 350 Page 10 of 27 DN/C N Norspace (Anticipated, from Preliminary Selection) UK Astrium 20002 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 5 - Telecommunications IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Proposed TRP Ref. T507-015EE Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Compact Low-mass global antennas 350 Total 5 - Telecommunications 550.00 4,550.00 C'try Remarks C S/W Clause TD N/A TD07 Contract Number 950.00 6 - Navigation 6 - Navigation IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2007 Contracted T606-006ET Real time ODTS Algorithms for navigation satellites 150 C(3) E Un. Polit. Catalunya N/A TD06 22045 Y2007 Contracted T606-006ET Real time ODTS Algorithms for navigation satellites 150 C(3) P Deimos Engenharia N/A TD06 21973 Y2007 Contracted T612-011MM Demonstration of optical clocks based on cryogenic resonators 250 C(1) UK NPL N/A TD12 Y2007 Intended T604-001EE Highly miniaturized active MEO radiation monitor Ph.A-B 250 C Combined ITT for T704-027 & T604-001EE N/A TD04 Y2007 Intended T606-005ET Peer2peer positioning 250 C(1) Operati onal SW TD06 Y2007 Intended T606-007ET Design and pre-development of Techniques and Technologies for Payload Autonomous integrity monitoring 300 C N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T606-008ET Advanced signal-in-space Techniques (Mod, Cod, Message) 250 C(3) N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T606-009ET Autonomous on-board timing reference 200 C N/A TD06 Y2007 Intended T607-010EE Assessment techniques of tropospheric effects for local augmentation systems 200 C(3) N/A TD07 Y2007 Intended T616-012MM Applications of optical-quantum links to GNSS 300 C(2) N/A TD16 Y2007 / Y2008 Deleted T604-003EE N/A TD04 Y2007 / Y2008 Intended T604-002EE Dose enhancement in high electron environment as source of under-prediction Energetic electron shielding, charging and radiation effects and reduction of margins Page 11 of 27 150 C(1) 700 C(1) Deleted (merged to T604-002EE). (Open Source for Physics models). Operati Merge of T604-002EE, onal SW T604-003EE (now deleted), T704-028EE (now deleted). TD04 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 6 - Navigation IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2008 Contracted T606-004ET Innovative algorithms for multi-system Precise Point Positioning 193 C(2) E Un. Polit. Catalunya N/A TD06 C21799 Y2008 Contracted T606-004ET Innovative algorithms for multi-system Precise Point Positioning 250 C(2) UK Nottingham Scientific N/A TD06 C21857 Y2009 Intended T612-013GS Optical cavity cryo resonator breadboard for ground optical clocks C(1) N/A TD12 Y2009 Intended T616-013ET Advanced receiver architectures 250 C N/A TD06 Y2009 Intended T616-014ET Enhancement of GALILEO system robustness exploiting Signal-of Opportunity 300 C N/A TD26 Y2009 Intended T616-015ET GaN Power stage based on European technology for Navigation SSPA in L-Band 500 C(2) N/A TD06 Y2009 Intended T616-016GS Development, integration and test of critical ground optical clocks elements C(1) N/A TD12 Remarks S/W Clause TD T701-012ED + T701-103ED single ITT and contract. N/A TD01 Total 6 - Navigation 250 400 893.00 3,350.00 1,050.00 7 - Generic Technology and Techniques 7-01 - On-board Data Systems IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C(1) Contract Number AC Proposed T701-012ED Space internetworking protocols (Ph.1 of T701-012ED +T701-103ED) Y2007 Contracted T701-003ED Demonstration test bed for efficient on board sensor networks - STEP 1 200 C F Astrium (F) + Acra Control (IRL) N/A TD01 C21968 Y2007 Contracted T701-003ED Demonstration test bed for efficient on board sensor networks - STEP 1 200 C I Kaiser Italia + Thales Alenia Space (I) N/A TD01 C21761 Y2007 Contracted T701-003ED Demonstration test bed for efficient on board sensor networks - STEP 1 200 C I Kayser Italia + Thales Alenia Space (I) N/A TD01 C21761 Y2007 Intended T701-004ED Techniques for radiation effects mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs 100 C(1) N/A TD01 Y2007 Intended T701-005ED High capacity, high speed IC test system for automatic fault injection and analysis (FT-UNSHADES2) 150 DN/C N/A TD01 Y2007 Intended T701-007ED European DSP Trade-off and Definition Study 200 C N/A TD01 Page 12 of 27 100 C'try E AICIA-GTE / University of Seville TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-01 - On-board Data Systems IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Intended TRP Ref. T701-011ED Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Security architecture for command and control 75 350 Remarks S/W Clause TD C N/A TD01 DN/S SciSys Open Source TD01 C(2) N/A TD01 C'try Y2007 Intended T701-014ED SOIS proof of concept Y2008 Deferred T701-002ED Demonstration test bed for a secure TMTC system - step 1/Securing space communications – Cryptographic line replaceable units Y2008 Intended T701-010ED SpaceWire Evolutions 150 C N/A TD01 Y2008 Intended T701-013ED SOIS interfacing to PUS 75 C N/A TD01 Proposed T701-001ED PowerLink : Two- wire Power and Data Link 250 C N/A TD01 Proposed T701-006ED Asynchronous design in space IC (Phase1): Methods, tools, design 200 C(1) N/A TD01 Proposed T701-008ED European DSP Application Development Environment and Software Libraries 200 C Open source TD01 Proposed T701-009ED SpaceWire Backplane 100 C N/A TD01 Remarks S/W Clause TD C(1) Merge of T702-018SW + T607-08EM. Unique ITT. Compulsory subcontractors (Astrium and TAS, 20% each). Operati onal SW TD02 Merge of T702-018SW + T607-08EM. Unique ITT. Compulsory subcontractors (Astrium and TAS, 20% each). Operati onal SW TD02 Total 7-01 - On-board Data Systems 300 600.00 UK Contract Number 1,200.00 1,050.00 7-02 - Space System Software IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 AC Proposed TRP Ref. T607-08EM Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Standardisation and Building Blocks: Standardisation watch and verification 245 C'try Contract Number AC Proposed T702-018SW Interface Standardisation verification by data modeling 245 C(1) Y2007 Contracted T702-015SW Schedulability analysis techniques and tools for cached processors 250 C(2) I Un. Padova N/A TD02 C22167 Y2008 Contracted T702-016SW Complexity, cost and change impact based on models C(2) E GMV N/A TD02 C22133 Proposed T702-017SW Development environment for future DSP/multicore 250 DN F / UK /P Consortium AdaCore, Aonix, Edisoft // (GNU S/W reuse) Open Source TD02 Proposed T702-019SW Dependability design/approach for critical flight software 250 C N/A TD02 250 Page 13 of 27 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-02 - Space System Software IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Total 7-02 - Space System Software 250.00 740.00 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C F Astrium N/A TD03 C21814 500.00 7-03 - Spacecraft Power IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T703-021EP High Power Battery - Supercapacitor system study 200 Y2007 Contracted T703-022EP Carbon Nanofibres for advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries 125 C D Futurecarbon N/A TD03 C22194 Y2007 Contracted T703-023EP Further Advanced Lithium Cell development 350 C(1) F CEA N/A TD03 C22245 Y2007 Intended T703-026EP Solar cell development based on nano technology for new materials 300 C(1) N/A TD03 Y2008 Intended T703-020EP Investigations on avoidance of Solar Array thermal/electrical unbalance in power systems equipped with Maximum Power Point Tracker interface. 350 C N/A TD03 Y2008 Intended T703-024EP Development of Next Generation triple junction Cells & SCAs 500 DN/C N/A TD03 Proposed T703-025EP Manufacturing Technologies of ultra-thin GaAs based solar cells N/A TD03 Total 7-03 - Spacecraft Power 700 200.00 1,625.00 D AZUR Solar, ISE (D) + Umicore (B) C(1) 700.00 7-04 - Spacecraft Environment & Effects IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number D Un. Bielefeld Operati onal SW TD04 C21928 Y2007 Contracted T704-030EE Update of meteoroid flux model 100 C(3) Y2007 Deleted T704-028EE Reduction of margins in radiation analysis 150 C Deleted (merged to T604-002EE). N/A TD04 Y2007 Intended T704-027EE Highly miniaturised radiation monitoring 200 C(1) Combined ITT for T704-027 & T604-001EE N/A TD04 Y2007 Intended T704-029EE Simplified standard MEO/GEO tools for spacecraft charging 150 C Open source TD04 Total 7-04 - Spacecraft Environment & Effects 250.00 Page 14 of 27 350.00 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-05 - Space System Control IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2007 Contracted T705-033EC Feasibility of GNSS sensors for AOCS applications in GEO and higher altitudes 200 C D Astrium N/A TD05 C21953 Y2007 Contracted T705-033EC Feasibility of GNSS sensors for AOCS applications in GEO and higher altitudes 200 C p Deimos Engenharia N/A TD05 C21954 Y2007 Contracted T705-036EC Mathematical Optimisation Methods for Concurrent Early Design of Trajectories, Propulsion, and Aerothermodynamics 150 C D Astos Solutions N/A TD05 C22047 Y2007 / Y2008 Contracted T705-034EC Active and passive disturbance isolation for high accuracy control systems 350 C F Budget increased N/A TD05 C21983 Y2007 / Y2008 Contracted T705-035EC Versatility of Filtering Techniques in Non-Linear Programming Optimization 150 DN/S UK U. Birmingham N/A TD05 C22170 Y2007 / Y2008 Intended T705-037EC Enhanced LFT Toolbox 250 C(1) Budget increased Open Source TD05 Y2008 Intended T705-032EC Accelerometer for IMU feasibility demonstrator 400 C(1) N/A TD05 Y2008 Intended T705-038EC Maturation of Robust LPV Techniques 250 C(2) N/A TD05 Y2009 Intended T603-04ES Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Space Constrained Systems 400 C Deleted T705-039EC Space MPC-On-a-Chip Building Blocks Proposed T705-031EC Star Tracker on a chip pre-development (Phase 1) Total 7-05 - Space System Control 550.00 1,800.00 0 C 200 C(1) Budget increased (original Operati activity approval: onal SW ESA/IPC(2006)3, add.4) Deleted TD05 N/A TD05 N/A TD05 200.00 7-06 - RF Payload Systems IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2006 / Y2008 Intended T603-40ET Evaluation and validation of electromagnetic software, test facilities and test standards in Europe to predict and test RF breakdown and passive intermodulation (PIM) 530 DN/S Y2007 Intended T706-040ET Cryptographic Pseudo-noise codes and related acquisition techniques for direct sequence spread spectrum transponders 300 C Page 15 of 27 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD F Budget increased / PP change. CNES + subco's (Astrium (F), Thales Alenia Space (F), Saab Ericsson Space (S), UAM (E), Aurorasat (E), TESAT (D) + COMDEV (UK), Uni. Valencia (E), UPV (E), ONERA (F), CSIC (E), Uni. Darmstadt (D), Uni. Chalmers (S), Intespace (F), Rymsa (E)) N/A TD06 N/A TD06 Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-06 - RF Payload Systems IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2008 Y2008 Intended Intended TRP Ref. T706-041ET T706-186ET Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Wireless integrated communications and navigation system for formation flying missions 250 Millimetre-wave measurements at MilliLab Total 7-06 - RF Payload Systems S/W Clause TD N/A TD06 N/A TD06 Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C'try Remarks FIN Millilab, 2008-2012 frame contract C'try C 300 150 1,380.00 150.00 DN/C Contract Number 7-07 - Electromagnetics Technology IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T707-042EE Electromagnetic field prediction tool for solar panels 200 C(1) F Ginkgo Solutions N/A TD07 C22099 Y2007 Contracted T707-045EE Advanced grounding rail concepts for satellite applications 150 C D HPS N/A TD07 C21974 Y2007 Contracted T707-047EE Feasibility of Very Large Effective Receiving Antenna Aperture in Space 150 C NL Astron N/A TD07 C22108 Y2007 Intended T707-048EE Design study for precision microwave radiometer in ESA Ground stations C N/A TD07 Proposed T707-043EE Advanced shielding techniques for spacecraft harness 150 C N/A TD07 Proposed T707-044EE Reverberating chambers 100 C N/A TD07 Proposed T707-046EE Polarimetric (sub)millimeter wave antenna architectures 200 C N/A TD07 Total 7-07 - Electromagnetics Technology 100 500.00 100.00 450.00 7-08 - System Design & Verification IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2007 Contracted T708-049SW Space Simulation Reference Architecture 400 C(2) D Vega IT Operati onal SW TD08 C21804 Y2007 Contracted T708-050SW Conformance Kit 200 C B Spacebel Operati onal SW TD08 C22107 Y2008 Intended T708-051SW Automatic generation of database MMI from a domain ontology 250 C(1) N/A TD08 Y2008 Intended T708-052SW Automation of space system test data collecting, processing and reporting 200 C N/A TD08 Page 16 of 27 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-08 - System Design & Verification IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2008 Y2008 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T708-053SW Tools from non-space domains to support space system testing Intended 200 T708-185SW Autocoding for PUS and satellite database 300 Total 7-08 - System Design & Verification 600.00 S/W Clause TD C N/A TD08 C Open source TD08 S/W Clause TD Operati onal SW TD09 Operati onal SW TD09 C'try Remarks Contract Number 950.00 7-09 - Mission operation and Ground Data Systems IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks Y2007 Intended T709-057GI Suitability of emerging service based technologies in ground data systems 250 C Y2008 Intended T709-054GI European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Systems Software - Phase 2 - Second set of standard interfaces 400 C(1) Y2008 Intended T709-055GI Flight Control Team Multi-Agent System 300 C(1) N/A TD09 Y2008 Intended T709-056GI Linux and multi-core processor technology for simulators 200 C(1) Operati onal SW TD09 Total 7-09 - Mission operation and Ground Data Systems P Contract Number 1,150.00 7-10 - Flight Dynamics and GNSS IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T710-058GF Interactive Design of Interplanetary Trajectories 225 Y2008 Contracted T710-059GF GNSS contribution to next generation global ionospheric monitoring Total 7-10 - Flight Dynamics and GNSS 225 225.00 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C E GMV Operati onal SW TD10 C22061 C(1) D EDS Operation Services Operati onal SW TD10 C22267 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number N/A TD11 225.00 7-11 - Space Debris IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T711-061GR Preliminary design and analysis of new generation space debris cameras Page 17 of 27 150 C TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-11 - Space Debris IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2008 Intended Proposed TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T711-062GR Development and simulation of strategies for the detection and tracking of MEO objects 180 T711-060GR Space Debris Stare and Chase 120 Total 7-11 - Space Debris 330.00 S/W Clause TD C(3) Operati onal SW TD11 DN/S TD11 C'try Remarks Contract Number D FGAN Operati onal SW C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number 120.00 7-12 - Ground Station Systems and Networks IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Contracted T712-064GS New and improved cryocooler technologies for deep space antennas cryogenic sub system 270 C(1) F Callisto N/A TD12 C22065 Y2008 Contracted T712-063GS Study on the architecture for the next generation of ESA TT&C processors 500 C(2) UK BAE Operati onal SW TD12 C21707 Y2008 Intended T712-065GS Feasibility and breadboarding of a multiple frequency cryogenic receiver N/A TD12 Total 7-12 - Ground Station Systems and Networks 180 770.00 C(1) 180.00 7-13 - Automation, Telepresence & Robotics IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Contracted TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T713-066MM Multi wafer hybrid integration: Robotics IMU I 350 Total 7-13 - Automation, Telepresence & Robotics DN/S C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number S Angstrom Aerospace Corp. (AAC) (S) / SEA (UK) N/A TD13 C22236 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number N/A TD14 350.00 7-14 - Life & Physical Sciences Instrumentation IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2008 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T714-067MM High Temperature Sensors with self calibrating capabilities 350 Total 7-14 - Life & Physical Sciences Instrumentation Page 18 of 27 350.00 C(1) TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-15 - Mechanisms & Tribology IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T715-068MM European Space Tribology Laboratory Technology Application Programme Total 7-15 - Mechanisms & Tribology 400 200 400.00 200.00 DN/C C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number UK ESR Technology (ESTL), Phased contract N/A TD15 19959 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number N/A TD16 S/W Clause TD N/A TD17 S/W Clause TD 7-16 - Optics IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Intended TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T716-070MM Innovative Technologies for Large Deployable Optical Telescopes 350 Total 7-16 - Optics 350.00 C 7-17 - OptoElectronics IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Proposed TRP Ref. T716-069MM Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Use of the Novel Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers technique in the Sub-Picosecond Regime for Space Missions 350 Total 7-17 - OptoElectronics C'try Remarks C Contract Number 350.00 7-18 - Aerothermodynamics IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks Y2008 Intended T717-071MP Laminar to Turbulent transition in hypersonic flow 250 C N/A TD18 Y2008 Intended T717-072MP Multi-phase aspects in propulsion systems 250 C(1) N/A TD18 Total 7-18 - Aerothermodynamics 500.00 7-19 - Propulsion Page 19 of 27 Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-19 - Propulsion IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Contracted TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T718-076MP Surface tension PMD for low-fill fraction and horizontal transportation Y2007 / Y2009 Intended Y2008 Contracted Y2008 Intended T718-075MP Y2008 Intended T718-077MP Throttable Flow Control Valves for Spacecraft class thrusters Proposed T718-074MP Development of a Hollow Cathode Thruster 100 C C'try F Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C22075 Astrium N/A TD19 Approval of SW clause (activity originally approved with no SW clause, ESA/IPC(2007)3, add.3) Open source TD19 Snecma N/A TD19 T718-073MP Assessment of the interaction between spacecraft and electric propulsion systems 400 C T718-078MP Performance characterisation of aged Hall Effect thrusters 200 C(1) 225 C(2) N/A TD19 350 C(1) N/A TD19 C(1) N/A TD19 S/W Clause TD Preliminary characterization test campaign of Electric Propulsion technology with non conventional propellants. 225 Total 7-19 - Propulsion 1,275.00 F C22129 225.00 7-20 - Structures & Pyrotechnics IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks Y2007 Intended T719-079MC Mechanical design and verification methodologies for ceramic structures 300 C(2) N/A TD20 Y2007 Intended T719-081MC Verification of New Sources of Composite Materials for Spacecraft Structures Applications 250 C N/A TD20 Y2007 Intended T719-082MC Innovative curing systems for polymerisation in space 300 C N/A TD20 Y2008 Contracted T719-084MC Vulnerability of spacecraft equipment against space debris impacts 300 DN/C D FHG N/A TD20 Y2008 Intended T601-50MC 350 DN/C F Astrium (F) + CSL (B) + Astrium (D) N/A TD20 Y2008 Intended T719-083MC Methodology for analysis of structural born micro-vibration 400 C N/A TD20 Proposed T719-080MC Self-Deploying Structures PHASE-1 : Concepts and Tools C N/A TD20 Advancement in Thermo-Elastic Distortion Verification Methods for Spacecraft Structures (Phase 2) 250 Total 7-20 - Structures & Pyrotechnics 1,900.00 7-21 - Thermal Page 20 of 27 250.00 Contract Number C22372 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-21 - Thermal IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2007 Contracted Y2007 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number F Astrium N/A TD21 C22373 T720-085MC Innovative Analysis Methods for Improved Thermal Testing 300 C Intended T720-089MC Linear Fluid Pump 200 C(1) N/A TD21 Y2007 Intended T720-090MC Thermo-Electric Cooler 300 C(1) N/A TD21 Y2008 Intended T720-086MC Integrating the Finite Element Method into the Space Thermal Analysis Process 150 C N/A TD21 Y2008 Intended T720-088MC Small Scale Cooler 300 C(1) N/A TD21 Y2008 Intended T720-092MC Heat Pump conceptual study and design 200 C N/A TD21 Proposed T720-087MC Thermal-radiative analysis of systems with wavelength dependent thermo-optical surfaces 100 C(3) N/A TD21 Proposed T720-091MC Extra Flat Mini Two-Phase Loop 200 C(1) N/A TD21 Total 7-21 - Thermal 1,450.00 300.00 7-24 - Materials & Processes IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy TRP Ref. Title Stress Corrosion Testing of Particle Metal Matrix Composite (PMMC) and Friction Stir Welded (FSW) of Particle Metal Matrix Composite (PMMC) Materials Y2007 Contracted T723-094QM Y2007 Contracted T723-095QM Carbon Nano Fibre based material for high conductivity Y2007 Contracted T723-096QM Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) variation of thermally stable materials Y2008 Intended 150 T723-093QM Gecko mimetic Tape as new joining technology. Total 7-24 - Materials & Processes 150.00 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number 100 C UK Aerospace Metal Composites N/A TD24 C22195 199 C(1) UK Un. Cambridge N/A TD24 C22116 90 C B Un. Liege N/A TD24 C21975 200 C(3) N/A TD24 S/W Clause TD N/A TD05 589.00 7-26 - Spacecraft Avionic System IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 - Deleted TRP Ref. T705-113EC Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Anytime Monitoring and Control 300 Page 21 of 27 C C'try Remarks Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-26 - Spacecraft Avionic System IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD T701-012ED + T701-103ED single ITT and contract. N/A TD01 Contract Number AC Proposed T701-103ED Delay Tolerant Networking prototyping (Ph.2 of T701-012ED +T701-103ED) 200 C(1) Y2007 Contracted T701-099ED Spacecraft Controller on Chip (SCOC3) ASIC manufacturing & test 600 DN/C F EADS-Astrium N/A TD01 C22358 Y2007 Contracted T702-105SW Guidelines for the selection of architectures C F Astrium(F) N/A TD02 C22105 Y2007 Contracted T706-114ET Securely Partitioning Spacecraft Computing Resources 250 C F Astrium Operati onal SW TD06 C22280 Y2007 Contracted T706-114ET Securely Partitioning Spacecraft Computing Resources 250 C UK Scisys Operati onal SW TD06 C22186 Y2007 Contracted T709-115GI Ground Segment Data System Architecture to support CFDP, Bundle Protocol & IP 300 C UK Scisys Operati onal SW TD09 C22183 Y2007 Deleted T705-112EC FDIR using Model Predictive Control Deleted (replaced by T705-185EC) N/A TD05 Y2007 Intended T701-098ED Requirements Definition for On Board Data Systems and software for end to end security Y2007 Intended Y2007 Intended Y2007 Intended T709-116GI Y2007 Intended T710-118GF Y2008 Intended Y2008 150 400 C 150 C N/A TD01 T702-110SW HW-SW Codesign 250 C N/A TD02 T702-111SW Full Model Driven Development for o/b software 300 C Open source TD02 Global Security: The Ground Component 250 C Operati onal SW TD09 Concepts for common utilisation of advanced emulation and validation tools 250 C Operati onal SW TD10 T702-104SW Software Reference Architecture implementation prototype 300 C Operati onal SW TD02 Intended T702-107SW System impact of distributed multicore systems 250 C N/A TD02 Y2008 Intended T702-108SW Verification of failure impact by model checking 200 C Operati onal SW TD02 Y2008 Intended T702-109SW Spacecraft Controller on Chip (SCOC3) software support 250 C Open Source TD02 Y2008 Intended T705-185EC AOCS unit simulation models 450 C N/A TD05 Y2008 Intended T709-121GI Ground Segment Data Systems Plug & Operations 300 C Operati onal SW TD09 Y2008 Intended T710-120GF New concepts for relative navigation at planetary approach 300 C Operati onal SW TD10 Y2008 Proposed T705-113EC Mathematical Library for On-board AOCS Algorithms 250 C Operati onal SW TD05 Proposed T701-097ED Reference Architecture for High Reliability - Availability systems 400 C N/A TD01 Proposed T701-100ED Network Discovery Protocols 200 C N/A TD01 Page 22 of 27 (GNU S/W reuse) Replaces T705-112EC. TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-26 - Spacecraft Avionic System IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Proposed T701-101ED Proposed Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Avionics System Integration and Validation C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD 400 C(1) N/A TD01 T702-106SW Functional requirements and verification techniques for the software reference architecture 350 C N/A TD02 Proposed T710-117GF Flight Dynamics Components for Rapid Support System Generation 200 C Operati onal SW TD10 Proposed T710-119GF Common concepts and components for environmental modelling 200 C Operati onal SW TD10 Total 7-26 - Spacecraft Avionic System 550.00 Contract Number 4,850.00 2,300.00 7-27 - End to End System Design Processes IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number Y2007 Contracted T708-127EE Model-based System Engineering components of antennas 400 C I Satimo Operati onal SW TD08 C21961 Y2007 Contracted T709-130GI Knowledge Capturing, Transfer and Recovery 300 C UK Logica CMG Operati onal SW TD09 C22058 Y2007 Intended T708-122MC Next generation requirements engineering as a basis for MBSE and E2E performance analysis C(2) Operati onal SW TD08 TD08 400 Y2007 Intended T708-126SY Space instrument design modelling 400 C Operati onal SW Y2007 Intended T709-132GI Model Based Operations Validation System 450 C(2) Operati onal SW TD09 Y2008 Contracted T708-133TC Portable Virtual AIT Visualiser 400 C(1) Space Application Services Operati onal SW TD08 Y2008 Deferred T709-131GI Collaborative Environment for Space Systems Engineering Deferred in favour of T709-056GI (awaiting for another study results) Operati onal SW TD09 Y2008 Intended T708-124MC Simple interface for near real-time provision of EGSE sensor data to tools of other engineering domains 250 C(1) Operati onal SW TD08 Y2008 Intended T708-125SY Global CE infrastructure for Space Project Lifecycle 250 C(1) N/A TD08 Y2008 Intended T708-128EE Innovative RF testing approaches for reduced antenna/payoload AIT/AIV 250 C N/A TD08 Y2008 Intended T708-129EE Innovative EMI/EMC testing and modelling approaches for full development cycle support and reduced AIT/AIV 250 C N/A TD08 Y2008 Intended T708-134SW Low Cost Functional System Qualification Testbench and Electrical AIT 600 C(2) N/A TD08 Proposed T708-123MC System to Discipline Integration Layer C(2) N/A TD08 450 500 Page 23 of 27 C(2) B C22149 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-27 - End to End System Design Processes IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Proposed TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title T708-135SW Model Based System Tools Integration 600 Total 7-27 - End to End System Design Processes 700.00 C'try Remarks C(2) S/W Clause TD Open Source TD08 Contract Number 3,250.00 1,550.00 7-28 - Electronic Components IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title 75 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number DN/S F EADS-Astrium N/A TD23 C22112 Y2007 Contracted T722-137QC Evaluation of new assembly methods of IGBT dice on hybrids Y2007 Contracted T722-143QC Utilisation of a Heavy and Light Ion Facility at UCL for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) 180 180 180 DN/S B UCL Louvain-la-Neuve (HIF/LIF) // Frame Contract N/A TD23 C12471 Y2007 Contracted T722-144QC Utilisation of the High Energy Heavy Ion Test Facility at JYFL for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) 120 120 120 DN/S FIN JYFL (HIF) N/A TD23 18197?? ?? Y2007 Contracted T722-145QC Utilisation of the Proton Irradiation Facility at PSI for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) 120 120 120 DN/S CH PSI (PIF) // Frame Contract N/A TD23 C18465 Y2007 Contracted T722-146QC MTSL Laboratory Test Service 75 75 75 DN/S IRL NMRC (MTSL) N/A TD23 10582 Y2007 Contracted T722-158QC Avoidance of MEMS dielectric charge trapping 150 C F Xlim N/A TD23 C22081 Y2007 Intended T722-138QC Evaluation Of Junction Temp reduction techniques on metal ceramic substrate 100 C N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-139QC Very high dissipative RF/LF package 175 C N/A TD23 N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-142QC SMT Evaluation of LCC and micro-BGA packages on LTCC boards 100 DN/C Y2007 Intended T722-147QC Enabling of Ultra short gate length commercial MMIC process 265 C(1) N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-148QC Laser diode reliability study, derating and optimization of screening and qualification 250 C N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-154QC Radiation Testing Methodology's for FLASH Memories 150 DN/S I Un. Padova N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-155QC Radiation Assessment of Deep Submicron CMOS Devices 250 DN/S B IMEC N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-156QC TID characterization of power-up behaviour for FPGAs 100 C N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-157QC 150 DN/S N/A TD23 Y2007 Intended T722-161QC RF potentialities of Carbon nanotubes for nanoscale interconnections 125 C N/A TD23 Development of 2-D imaging devices (CCD, APS, etc.) displacement damage test guideline First Assessment Page 24 of 27 I Thales Alenia Space (TAS) UK SSTL 19135 ???? TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-28 - Electronic Components IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Y2007 Intended T722-162QC Hot Vias MMICs 70 Y2007 Intended T722-163QC Evaluation of new FPGA technologies (hardened-SRAM, Flash, mixed-signal) Y2007/Y2 008 Intended T722-150QC High Temperature RF/Microwave interconnection Y2008 Intended T703-136EP Y2008 Intended Y2008 300 Remarks S/W Clause TD D or F ? TSAT (D) or UMS (F or D) ? N/A TD23 N/A TD23 N/A TD23 C 150 Study of mitigation techniques/optimisation for analogue circuits in space radiation environment DN C'try C Deferred to 2010 300 C N/A TD03 T722-141QC Evaluation of high fatigue resistance of lead free solder 100 C(1) N/A TD23 Intended T722-149QC Base metal electrode ceramic capacitors studies 100 C Anticipated N/A TD23 Y2008 Intended T722-151QC Technology assessment of DRAM and advanced memory productsfollowing in from Radiation test and benchmark of commercial products against space requirements. 400 C Deferred N/A TD23 Y2008 Intended T722-152QC Reliability testing of Commercial Available Flash memories (Follow on from: Radaition assessment of Commercial Flash) 150 C Deferred N/A TD23 Y2008 Intended T722-153QC Comparative Study of the PGS test as a relaibility assessment tool for MOSFET devices 150 C(1) Deferred N/A TD23 Y2008 Intended T722-159QC 150 C(1) Deferred N/A TD23 Proposed Influence of glob top thickness on reliability of GaAs dice and the successful application of the T722-140QC process. 200 C(1) N/A TD23 Proposed T722-160QC Possible micro power sources and associated architectures 75 C N/A TD23 Development of standard test methods for Single Event Transient characterisation in CMOS using FPGA as test vehicle Total 7-28 - Electronic Components 495.00 4,035.00 Contract Number 990.00 7-29 - NEOMEX IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title 300 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number C UK SEA N/A TD05 C22314 Y2007 Contracted T705-167EC Definition and sizing of AOCS for NEOMEX Nanosatellite Y2007 Contracted T707-171EE Miniaturised multi-functional antenna system for micro/nano-satellites 250 C CH EPFL N/A TD07 C22014 Y2007 Contracted T707-171EE Miniaturised multi-functional antenna system for micro/nano-satellites 250 C I Ingegneria dei Sistemi N/A TD07 C22016 Y2007 Intended T713-172MM Architect of the System-of-Microsystems nanospacecraft 200 C N/A TD13 Y2007 Intended T713-173MM Standard modular microsystems interface definition and proof-of-concept 400 C(1) N/A TD13 Y2007 Intended T720-181MC Micro heat management systems 200 C N/A TD21 Page 25 of 27 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-29 - NEOMEX IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number D Azurspace Solar Power N/A TD03 C21858 C21835 Y2008 Contracted T703-166EP Very thin GaAs MJ solar cell development 500 C(2) Y2008 Contracted T705-168EC Digital sun sensor on a chip prototyping 850 C(2) N/A TD05 Y2009 Intended T701-164ED Data handling system design and proof-of-concept for modular system-of-microsystems approach 300 C(1) N/A TD01 Y2009 Intended T703-165EP Thin-film Lithium Batteries 300 C(1) N/A TD03 Y2009 Intended T706-169ET Transmitter Vacuum Electric Power Amplifier 500 C(1) N/A TD06 Y2009 Intended T713-174MM Integrated harness technology 300 C(1) N/A TD13 Y2009 Intended T718-176MP Medium delta-v, low-power, low-voltage microthruster module breadboarding 300 C(1) N/A TD19 Y2009 Intended T719-178MC Multifunctional structure 200 C(1) N/A TD20 Y2009 Intended T720-179MC Temperature-dependent thermal coatings 200 C(1) N/A TD21 Y2009 Intended T722-182QC Connectivity and Packaging of systems-of-microsystems 400 C(2) N/A TD23 Y2009 Intended T722-183QC Reliability and standardisation for systems-of-microsystems 200 C N/A TD23 Proposed T706-170ET 400 C(1) N/A TD06 Proposed T716-175MM Space instruments based on microtelescope array, proof-of-concept 500 C(1) N/A TD16 Proposed T718-177MP Propellant management and storage module 300 C(1) N/A TD19 Proposed T720-180MC Micro-phase-change materials 150 C(1) N/A TD21 Proposed T723-184QM Advanced manufacturing methods for systems-of-microsystems nanospacecraft 250 C(1) N/A TD24 S/W Clause TD N/A TD22 Receiver low-power analogue decoder Total 7-29 - NEOMEX 1,850.00 3,800.00 1,600.00 7-27 - Electronic Components IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 Y2009 Intended TRP Ref. T709-133QT Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title SEE Testing of european GaAs Technologies 200 Total 7-27 - Electronic Components 200.00 Page 26 of 27 C C'try Remarks Contract Number TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc Complete List of Activities 22/Jun/09 7-27 - Electronic Components IPC Status as of Approval 02/06/2009 TRP Ref. Budget 2008 Budget 2009 Budget 2010 Proc. (K€) (K€) (K€) Policy Title Page 27 of 27 C'try Remarks S/W Clause TD Contract Number f Chapter 3 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Descriptions of Activities TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities 1 - Earth Observation 1-01 - Microwave Payloads TRP Reference: T101-001ED Title: Digital Beam Forming Technological Elements TD: TD01 Objectives Development and demonstration set of parametric IP cores to implement digital beamforming functions Description The digital beam forming techniques combine the signals from two or more sub-apertures into one signal. The operations used here are signal scaling, time domain interpolation and summation. These operation would be implemented in ASIC (or FPGA) technology in order to meet the processing speed at the optimum power consumption. The required accuracy and precision greatly depends on the overall system design. In this activity a set of basic parametric IP cores shall be developed which are able adapt to a wide range of applications by only choosing the correct set of parameters. The function of these IP cares shall be demonstrated in a breadboard based on commercial FPGA. Deliverables: parametric IP cores Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: GMES 2nd generation, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8240 On-board Paylaod Data Processing - D2 TRP Reference: T106-002ET TD: Title: Integrated Circulators for TR modules TD06 Objectives Development and demonstration of integrated circulators at C and Ku band Description Circulators are essential parts of TR modules and receiver architecture where they perform important functions such as TX/RX routing, isolating receiver modules from each other or providing good input matches to eliminate amplitude ripples. Circulators are available as drop-in or connectorised components. Connectorised circulators are often not compatible with today's requirement of compact receiver modules. Drop-in circulators are much more compact and can be integrated in high density receiver modules but the integration is costly, high performance and repeatability form unit to unit is difficult to achieve and multipaction risk is crucial. This is in particular true for TR modules where from several hundreds up to thousands of modules are needed per antenna. These disadvantages can be overcome by integrated circulators where the different material layers are collectively assembled using very cost competitive LTCC technology. However this requires sintering temperatures to be compatible with the LTCC process temperatures. Modifying standard ferromagnetic garnets, initial research resulted in promising ferromagnetic properties employing sintering temperatures only 20% above the LTCC process temperatures with the potential to obtain a good match.Hence goal of this activity is to develop and built a 20W C-band integrated circulator and a 10W Ku-band integrated circulator demonstrate this enabling technology and fully evaluate the anticipated significant manufacturing cost savings. Deliverables: Integrated C and Ku-band circulator breadboard Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: GMES 2nd generation, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Page 1 of 217 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7736, T-8284 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T106-003ET TD: TD06 Title: Photo-HBV for sub-millimetre wave LO generation and distribution Objectives To design, realise and test a photo-HBV operating at frequencies beyond 100 GHz. Description Generating local oscillator at frequencies beyond 100 GHz is a challenge in many Earth Observation missions. This usually realised with a relatively low frequency LO generation followed by a number of multipliers, ending up in a rather narrow-band operation and pretty inefficient RF power conversion. Furthermore, the LO has to be implemented very close to the receiver since “cable” losses are high at those frequencies. Microwave Photonics offers the possibility of a tunable direct high frequency generation, with easy distribution via fibre, as demonstrated in the activity 102-05ET “Microwave Photonics Millimetre-wave Generation” of the TRP 2007 workplan. This activity, addressing an efficient built-in multiplier at the output, is complementary. In a first phase, the state of the art of hetero-structure barrier varactor (HBV) as well high-speed photo-detectors shall be reviewed. From this, some preliminary structures of photo-HBV aiming at frequency generation of 100 GHz and beyond, shall be proposed and analysed via simulations. In a second phase, the detailed design of the most promising structure shall take place and this photo-HBV shall be realised. This device shall be tested into a breadboard of a local oscillator (LO) operating at frequencies beyond 100 GHz. Deliverables: Breadboard of a LO generator operating at frequencies beyond 100 GHz Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 SW Clause : Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8200, T-8216, T-8229, T-8206, T-8209 TD: TD06 N/A TRP Reference: T106-004ET Title: Single GaN chip HPA/LNA for Radar Applications Objectives Develop a single chip HPA+LNA including power protection for radar based on GaN technology Description The aim of this activity is to develop a single GaN chip providing HPA and LNA functionality for highly integrated T/R modules applications at C or X band. HPA in the 20W range shall be developed. The LNA shall feature embedded power protection in order to avoid any external additional circuitry. Operation at high temperature shall be investigated. GaN technology has demonstrated significantly capability to provide ruggedised LNA with enhanced power survivability. Using GaN standard process, LNA with good Noise figure performance have also been demonstrated. GaN offers the capability to reduce the size of HPA and LNA by a factor of 5 when compared to equivalent GaAs based circuits. In order to further reduce the price of phased arrays, this activity propose integrate both LNA and HPA on the chip (size reduction). Due to the capability of GaN to operate at higher junction temperature, phased array shall fully benefit of the use of GaN technology by further simplification of heat control/removal systems. Follow on of Sentinel 1 and corresponding national programs shall benefit of application of the proposed integrated GaN chip. Deliverables: HPA+LNA MMIC + design documentation Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 2 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: GMES 2nd generation, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8284 Consistent TRP Reference: T106-005ET TD: Title: Micro- and millimetre wave detectors TD06 Objectives Development of sensitive and linear detectors for micro- and millimetre waves; Sensitivity, bandwidth, power, and mass improvement of heterodyne and direct detection receivers in EO Description EO radiometer payloads include typically narrowband spectrometer type receivers and wideband totalpower type receivers. Totalpower receivers can be implemented using either heterodyne principle or simpler direct detection principle where no local oscillator neither mixer are needed. Both types of the total power radiometers employ a detector element for detecting the total power over the receiver noise bandwidth. Typically, Schottky diodes are used. However, the Schottky detectors are rather insensitive and have high noise temperature and thus require a plenty of amplification in the receiver chain. This gain could be reduced if the detector were more sensitive. This would be advantageous to any heterodyne radiometer having the IF at microwave region but especially advantageous to direct detection receivers at mm-waves. Along the developments in the LNA technology, direct detection receivers become soon feasible at very high frequencies (200 to 300 GHz) where it is crucial to limit the number of amplifying stages to minimum due to the price of gain, better gain stability, wider bandwidth, reduced tuning, and lower consumption. This activity aims at development of sensitive, linear and broadband detectors at dedicated frequency bands from low frequencies up to 300 GHz and above. First, different technologies (GaAs Schottky, low barrier Schottky/Ge/Sb, bolometer,…) shall be reviewed and assessed in terms of sensitivity and linearity. Next, based on the best selected technology, the demonstrator breadboards in waveguide blocks shall be designed, manufactured, and tested. Deliverables: Detector breadboards Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS radiometers, 2018 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8178, T-8200, T-8201, T-8209 TD: TD06 N/A TRP Reference: T106-006ET Title: Calibration loads for radiometers Objectives Development of compact calibration loads for radiometers; Support all types of EO missions making use of microwave and millimetre-wave radiometry both conventional and interferometer types Description Page 3 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The accuracy of radiometer observation is based on the accuracy of the calibration subsystem. The key element in the calibration subsystem is the calibration load whose effective noise temperature is used as a referenece. The requirements for the load (or termination) are stringent in terms of absolute noise temeperature and long term stability. Calibration loads are typically based on blackbodies and noise diodes. Known problem with the noise diodes is their quite poor stability. Recently developed active cold loads (ACL) are becoming attractive at microwave and lower millimetre wave frequencies where they can offer improvements in calibration accuracy. It is obvious that depending on the application and frequency different types of calibration elements are required, most probably both noise diodes and ACLs together with passive blackbodies. This activity aims at developing very stable and compact calibration loads of different types that can be used as building blocks in optimised calibration subsystems in microwave and millimetre wave radiometers. Hot and cold calibration standards shall be addressed and their target specifications shall be derived from the identified applications. Deliverables: Calibrator breadboards, test reports Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 SW Clause : Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months T-8206, T-8216, T-8219, Dossier0 Ref.: T-8220, T-8225, T-8228, T-8232, N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: N/A TRP Reference: T106-007ET TD: Title: Low-Noise Amplifiers for 300 GHZ TD06 Objectives Demonstration of low-noise amplification at 300 GHz Description At high mm-wave frequencies (above 100 GHz) the reduction of gate length of the active device (HEMT) has only a limited effect. It is expected that in order to reach good low-noise performance at frequencies above 300 GHz, fundamental changes have to be introduced in the material structure (e.g. antimonides) and/or device configuration (e.g. double-sided gates). This activity aims to explore the various ways of achieving low-noise amplification at 300 GHz and above. Deliverables: Samples of LNA chips Packaged LNA demonstrator Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Application/Mission: GOMAS, CIWSIR, Post-EPS, 2018 Contract Duration: N/A SW Clause : Dossier0 Ref.: T-8216, T-8206, T-8209 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity A17 TRP Reference: T106-008ET Title: MM-Wave Power Amplifier TD: TD06 Objectives Development of power amplifier MMIC chips for W-band and demonstration of state-of-the-art performance in a packaged power amplifier module. Description Page 4 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Heterodyne receivers operating at mm/sub-mm waves are needed in instruments for Space Science and Earth Observation. HEMT-based power amplifiers are increasingly used at W-band (75 – 110 GHz), together with frequency multiplier chains to realise local oscillators (LO) for the highest frequencies. Output power of 100 mW was achieved in a past activity using European GaAs technology, while the technology selection is wider today, and 1 W is currently available from a U.S. source. This activity aims to encourage the development of European MMIC power processes for the high mm-wave frequencies by realising power amplifier chips for W-band and above, and to develop a SSPA module with state-of-the-art output power (around 0.5 to 1 W). The activity includes the selection of the technology (GaN, GaAs, InP, MHEMT), two iterations for the design, fabrication and testing of the chips, and the design, fabrication and testing of the waveguide demonstrator using power-combining techniques Deliverables: Samples of MMIC chips SSPA module in a waveguide package Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, CIWSIR, 2018 SW Clause : Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Dossier0 Ref.: TRL5 by 2012 24 months T-8200, T-8216, T-8206, T-8209 Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity A21 TRP Reference: T106-009ET TD: Title: Frequency-Multipliers for Submm TD06 Objectives To demonstrate the 2nd frequency multiplier with state-of-the-art performance by using European Schottky/HBV technology. Description High-efficiency multipliers are needed for the generation of LO signal in sub-mm-wave superheterodyne receivers of Space Science and Earth Observation. State-of-the-art results have been demonstrated in the past at mm-waves by using HBV devices, and the present activity aims to continue the work by developing the second frequency multiplier in the frequency multiplication chain (that follows a power amplifier and the first multiplier), and to demonstrate sufficient output power to drive room-temperature mixers. European Schottky/HBV devices are used. Deliverables: Multiplier demonstrator in waveguide package Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, CIWSIR, 2018 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Dossier0 Ref.: TRL5 by 2012 24 months T-8200, T-8216, T-8229, T-8206, T-8209 Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity A22 TRP Reference: T106-010ET TD: Title: Direct-Detection Radiometers TD06 Objectives Development of all the critical building blocks and their integration into a complete mm-wave direct-detection radiometer Description Page 5 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Millimetre-wave direct-detection radiometers are a very attractive option for future Earth observation and Science instruments, and are already employed in Planck. Recent developments in low-noise amplifier technology have made such receivers feasible also at higher frequencies, currently up to around 200 GHz. However, in addition to LNAs, also filters and detectors with very wide bandwidth are needed in direct-detection receivers. These should be compatible with MMIC LNAs, i.e. monolithic HEMT or diode detectors would be preferable. In this activity all the critical building blocks (detectors, filters and LNAs) are developed for 89/157/183 GHz radiometers. Different detector configurations are investigated and compared. Using the building blocks, a direct-detection radiometer is constructed and its signal-handling, temperature and short/long-term stability characteristics are investigated. Deliverables: Samples of MMIC chips and other building blocks, Direct-detection radiometer Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS (MWS), GOMAS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8216 Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity A34 TRP Reference: T106-011ET TD: Title: 1THZ Schottky Mixer TD06 Objectives Demonstration of a 1 THz mixer with SOA performance by using European technologies Description Design, fabrication and testing of a waveguide mixer, using integrated Schottky devices from a European source. Deliverables: Developed mixer Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, CIWSIR, 2018 SW Clause : Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T106-012ET Title: 1THZ LO Unit Application Need/Date: Dossier0 Ref.: TRL5 by 2012 18 months T-8200, T-8216, T-8229, T-8206, T-8209 Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity B9 TD: TD06 Objectives Enabling future THz instruments. Development of a 1 THz LO source with SOA performance by using European technologies Description Uncooled THz instruments are currently not practical due to the lack of sufficient LO power to drive Schottky mixers. This activity aims to set a new SOA power level at 1 THz by capitalising on the on-going developments in European MMIC power amplifiers and HBV/Schottky frequency multipliers. Design, fabrication and testing of a 1 THz LO unit, consisting of a multiplier chain, driven by a W-band SSPA. Deliverables: Developed LO unit Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 6 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: Future EO heterodyne instruments Contract Duration: operating at THz., by 2018 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-343, T-7711 Passive mm & sub-mm instruments: Activity B13 TRP Reference: T106-013ET TD: Title: Study into Ka-band SAR TD06 Objectives To study the feasibility of a Ka-band SAR and other radars Description The study will look in to technological aspects of the feasibility of Ka-band radar –in particular SAR with special emphasis on simultaneous interferometric SAR but also altimetry, precipitation etc in general. In the case of SAR power generation is crucial while in receive scanned pencil beams can help to relax the transmit power requirements. The study shall look in to critical elements for transmit e.g. tubes and antennas and in receive in low noise front-ends capable to form scanned high gain beams. An overall SAR concept shall be worked. Reuse of elements for Ka-band radar like altimeter and rain radars shall be investigated. Deliverables: Study report on technology aspects of Ka-band SAR and Radar Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Water, by 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5 by 2012 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8215, T-8213, T-8214 N/A TRP Reference: T106-014ET TD: Title: Swath precipitation radar instrument TD06 Objectives Study into the potential of beamforming for precipitation radar Description This activity will look at the potential for realising a side-looking precipitation radar using beamforming on receive. The complete radar design shall need to be analysed considering choice of centre frequency, bandwidth, pulse compression weighting, PRF etc and of course the number of beams to be formed and how to achieve this considering both analogue and digital techniques. A nadir looking precipitation radar (precipitation profiling radar) is limited in its operation due to the ground return either requiring a very short pulse or for a chirped pulse weighting must be applied to reduce the sidelobes of the impulse response function to around -60dB. This results in a broadening of the mainlobe and hence loss of spatial resolution as well as a reduction in SNR. If instead the radar is made to be side-looking then the requirements on the sidelobe suppression can be less stringent releasing more and it is then possible to consider multiple beams allowing a swath to be formed. For this the idea is to consider beamforming techniques. Deliverables: Report on the feasibility and potential of applying beamforming techniques to precipitation radar Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8236, T-8237 N/A Page 7 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T106-015ET Title: Integrated Scalable Tile Beam Former TD: TD06 Objectives Design, manufacturing and test of integrated proof-of-concept beam former demonstrator based on advanced silicon technology for Active Array SAR Description New implementation ideas for SAR base on multibeam and wide swath high resolution concepts allowing significant improvements in spatial coverage. These concepts will require centralised beam forming units on tile level in order to handle the dense wiring requirements inherent with digital circuitry and analogue multibeam concepts. In addition, upcoming GaN technology for microwave power generation will call for a spatial separation of Si and GaAs based beam forming elements, in order to gain full advantage of high temperature capabilities not possible for Si and GaAs. Furthermore removing gain and phase control function from TR modules will lead to considerable cost reductions due to significantly reduced test effort vs. full temperature range. Within the proposed activity a proof of concept demonstrator for an integrated, in terms of number of input channels scalable, digital beam former shall be built and investigated. Latest silicon technology based on e.g. SiGe shall be used, providing integration advantages due to the access to highly integrated digital control circuits. The activity shall include: - SiGe based MMIC chip design for frequency converter and beam forming element - High density Multilayer RF board design in e.g. LTCC technology - FPGA design for digital beam setting control - Local oscillator and chirp signal generation - Test in a representative proof-of-concept environment The activity will be strongly supported by the results of the TRP study: “Advanced SAR Instruments based on Digital Beam Forming”. The study will finish in 2008. The technology will be inherently radar band independent and therefore useful L-, C-, X- band systems. European SAR instruments based on active arrays, e.g. ESA Sentinel 1 follow on, Habitat L-band system including receive only instruments and national programs will significantly benefit from this new architecture. Deliverables: - Integrated scalable tile beam former demonstrator breadboard - Documentation TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: GMES 2nd generation, Habitat, 2018 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7736, T-353, T-8240, T-8210 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Consistent TRP Reference: T106-016ET Title: High Bandwidth programmable DDS for chirp generation TD: TD06 Objectives Design, manufacturing and test of integrated high bandwidth chirp generator breadboard based on DDS techniques Description Page 8 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Spaceborne radar applications as SAR and Altimeter need high bandwidth signals for achieving high range resolution. Current state-of-the art for space uses low bandwidth chirp generators while the high bandwidth is achieved by frequency multiplication. Major drawback of this technique is loss of proper amplitude control due to the highly non-linear multiplication stages. Phase distortions are caused by the high number of filtering stages in the multipliers which need extensive tuning effort during manufacturing for keeping distortions within acceptable limits. State-of-the-art semiconductor technology would allow direct digital generation of chirps with high bandwidth up to 600 MHz suitable for all spaceborne radar applications complying with current and foreseeable future ITU regulations. The major benefit of direct digital synthesising (DDS) of chirp signals at full bandwidth will allow for digital pre-distorted of chirps in order to compensate imperfections in the analogue part of the instrument. Manual tuning will be avoided leading to cost reduction and improved performance. It will furthermore allow to shape the transmit pulse in amplitude for ultra low (time) sidelobe applications as needed in nadir looking rain profiling radars. Other applications are direct signal generators for navigation signals. Within the activity a breadboard demonstrator shall be realised consisting of - High bandwidth (up to 600 MHz) DDS circuit design with integrated DAC. - Implementation in high speed state-off-the art mixed signal silicon technology. - PCB design with supporting circuitry as I/Q up-converters - Testing in representative proof-of-concept environment The activity will make use of the TRP 2007 activity on "Broadband low-power DAC design and prototyping". Future Precipitation Profiling Missions, GMES Sentinel 3 2nd generation altimeter, future high resolution SAR and national programs will benefit form this activity. Deliverables: - Integrated high bandwidth DDS demonstrator breadboard - Documentation Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: GMES 2nd generation, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8242 N/A TRP Reference: T106-017ET Title: Study of a high spatial resolution MIRAS (Super-MIRAS) TD: TD06 Objectives To define optimum system architectures for a high spatial resolution L-band interferometer. Description The challenge of future L-band microwave radiometers is the improvement of spatial resolution. The aperture synthesis technique, demonstrated by SMOS, is scalable in that the size of the antenna can be increased to get better spatial resolution. However in doing so, some problems appear, as loss of sensitivity and decorrelation effects. This study aims at providing optimum array geometries and system architectures to improve spatial resolution while maintaining sensitivity of future L-band SMOS like missions with much higher spatial resolution. Deliverables: Study report Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SMOS 2nd generation, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-343 Consitent with RF Remote Passive Instruments chapter in the harmonisation workplan 2006 (EUI-PHH/5160/LM) TRP Reference: T107-018EE TD: TD07 Title: Light Weight, Dual Frequency Antenna Configuration for Earth Observation SAR applications Objectives Page 9 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The objective is to investigate and design a very light antenna configuration with low loss, dual polarised, dual-frequency (9.6 & 17.2 GHz) capability for a sensitive SAR system (@ -25 dB), medium resolution (50 m, 50 m, 5 looks) and large swath (~ 100 km). Description A compact and light weight SAR antenna with dual-frequency and dual polarisation is required for the CoReH2O Earth Explorer Core candidate mission entering phase A. Antenna concepts based on multi-beam feed illuminating a deployable reflector were developed during the phase 0 studies, which permit a wide swath coverage (100 km) with the required resolution (50 m x 50 m, > 5 looks) using a ScanSAR scheme. Starting from the concepts as derived during phase 0, the design of the Ku-band feed sub-system including the beam-switching matrix shall be elaborated. Critical technology elements shall be breadboarded and tested for demonstrating the feasibility of the concept. The budget and description of this activity have been revised in light of a very similar EOEP activity in an on-going open tender and selection process. An ITT ref. AO/1-5794/08/NL/CT with the title "Ku-Band Antenna Feed Breadboarding" was issued by EOEP for a single activity of 490 k. Following the proposal evaluation, two proposals led respectively by Astrium GmbH and Thales Alenia Space Italy received an identical and good overall marking. Given the similarity of the objectives and consistency with the programmatic intention of the original activity proposal, two contracts will be placed with TRP and EOEP co-funding. Deliverables: Antenna design and detailled design of the feed system. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: CoReH2O, All SAR reflector antennas, 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8203 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 14 months N/A TRP Reference: T107-018EE TD: TD07 Title: Light Weight, Dual Frequency Antenna Configuration for Earth Observation SAR applications Objectives The objective is to investigate and design a very light antenna configuration with low loss, dual polarised, dual-frequency (9.6 & 17.2 GHz) capability for a sensitive SAR system (@ -25 dB), medium resolution (50 m, 50 m, 5 looks) and large swath (~ 100 km). Description A compact and light weight SAR antenna with dual-frequency and dual polarisation is required for the CoReH2O Earth Explorer Core candidate mission entering phase A. Antenna concepts based on multi-beam feed illuminating a deployable reflector were developed during the phase 0 studies, which permit a wide swath coverage (100 km) with the required resolution (50 m x 50 m, > 5 looks) using a ScanSAR scheme. Starting from the concepts as derived during phase 0, the design of the Ku-band feed sub-system including the beam-switching matrix shall be elaborated. Critical technology elements shall be breadboarded and tested for demonstrating the feasibility of the concept. The budget and description of this activity have been revised in light of a very similar EOEP activity in an on-going open tender and selection process. An ITT ref. AO/1-5794/08/NL/CT with the title "Ku-Band Antenna Feed Breadboarding" was issued by EOEP for a single activity of 490kE. Following the proposal evaluation, two proposals led respectively by Astrium GmbH and Thales Alenia Space Italy received an identical and good overall marking. Given the similarity of the objectives and consistency with the programmatic intention of the original activity proposal, two contracts will be placed with TRP and EOEP co-funding. Deliverables: Antenna design and detailled design of the feed system. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: CoReH2O, All SAR reflector antennas, 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8203 Target TRL: Page 10 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 14 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T107-019EE TD: Title: Millimeterwave Radar Antenna Technology TD07 Objectives To investigate antenna architectures for a Millimetre Wave Radars operating at 95 GHz and to design, manufacture and test a reduced-scale elegant bread-board antenna Description Space-based millimetre-wave radar antennas (example: cloud radar) operate with high power levels (pulsed), posing requirements to the antenna configuration and surface finishing. High eficiency requires high reflectivity and low loss at the operating wavelength. A trade off shall result in a selected antenna configuration, for which a reduced size demonstrator antenna is realised with characteristics as needed for a cloud radar like low mass, high surface accuracy, high mechanical, power handling and thermal stability and shall be equipped with a simple feed for RF experimental assessment. Low reflectivity is required for the visible and IR spectrum to avoid damage of focal units when exposed to solar flux. This puts requirements to surface treatments and coatings. A full scale 2.6 metre sized antenna configuration shall be designed. Deliverables: Reduced scale antenna demonstrator Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8238 N/A TRP Reference: T107-020EE TD: TD07 Title: Innovative reconfigurable systems based on liquid crystals Objectives Two innovative reconfigurable systems based on liquid crystals (LC) will be investigated. The first is an electronically steered double reflector antenna to demonstrated the viability of exploiting the dielectric properties of liquid crystals to create electronically steered reflector antennas. This type of structure offers many advantages over the mechanically scanned systems that are currently employed in mm and sub mm wave limbsounder instruments. The second one is a reconfigurable frequency selective surface (FSS). The electrical properties of liquid crystals to produce Frequency Selective Surfaces (FSS) which can generate an electronically tunable bandpass filter response at mm wave frequencies will be exploited. These quasi-optical switches can be employed in the feed chain of (1) conical scan radiometers to replace the motor driven hot and cold target calibration subassemblies and (2) in limbsounders to significantly reduce the antenna scan angle requirements by removing the need to use an external cold calibration target. Description In this project two innovative reconfigurable systems based on liquid crystals (LC) will be investigated. The first is an electronically steered double reflector antenna, the second one is a reconfigurable frequency selective surface (FSS). Electronically steered double reflector antenna In a recent study (ESTEC/19571/06/NL/JA) the Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM) presented a focused Cassegrain double reflector configuration, which uses a flat reflectarray as subreflector, able to scan a beam in the elevation plane. Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) has recently demonstrated that a phase agile reflectarray can be created by inserting liquid crystals (LC) in the cavity between the periodic array and the ground plane of the antenna. The first objective of this project is to use the results obtained from these two innovative programmes to demonstrate an electronically steered double reflector antenna which combines the broad bandwidth property of the parabolic main reflector with the simplicity of manufacturing a small active reflectarray. The main advantage of LC technology is that it Page 11 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities can be used even for frequencies above 300GHz, where other active array technologies fail. An offset Cassegrain reflector antenna will be designed to fulfil the bandwidth, beam shape and scan angle requirements for a typical limbsounder instrument. The permittivity and loss tangent values of various commercially available liquid crystal mixtures will be measured in the frequency range around 300GHz by comparing numerical results with open resonator measurements. The dielectric parameters will be used to design an experimental reflectarray subreflector. Then, a breadboard reconfigurable subreflector will be constructed and measured to demonstrate the ability to create an electronically controlled progressive phase across the aperture. Reconfigurable frequency selective surface Very low loss bandpass FSS have been developed (up to 600GHz) by Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) for single sideband filtering and channel demultiplexing in quasi-optical receivers that used in several limbsounder instruments (A0/1-4850/05/NL/JA). Recently QUB has demonstrated also that a phase agile reflectarray can be created by inserting liquid crystals (LC) in the cavity between the periodic array and the ground plane of the antenna.The purpose of this project is to combine these two innovative programmes to create a reconfigurable FSS which can be designed to switch between ‘ON’ and ‘OFF’ states over a frequency range which fulfils the signal detection requirements of an existing limbsounder radiometer eg. 316.5-325.5GHz. The quasi-optical switch will be constructed by printing the periodic slot arrays on two thin quartz wafers and inserting the LC in the gap between these. First of all, the permittivity and loss tangent values of various commercially available liquid crystal mixtures will be determined in the frequency range around 300GHz by comparing numerical results with the high Q measured spectral response of the FSS. Then, these dielectric parameters will be used to design a structure which gives a low insertion loss in the passband for the unbiased state and a large reflection coefficient in the biased state. The outcome from this investigation is to demonstrate that the active FSS can be used in the quasi-optical feed train to detect the signals received from the scene and the hot and cold calibration loads in a time sharing mode. Deliverables: Electronically reconfigurable reflectarray subreflector, reports detailing design, results obtained from numerical models, dielectric properties of liquid crystals, construction details and measurements Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, limb sounder, by 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8217 N/A TRP Reference: T107-021EE TD: TD07 Title: Large Antennas for P-Band SAR - Critical Breadboarding (OLD TITLE: Advanced Feed System allowing Signal Processing capability for Large Earth Monitoring Antennas) Objectives The objective of this activity is the critical breadboarding/proof-of-concept and evaluation of the components, materials, equipments and assemblies to retire risks for the antenna development as required for BIOMASS Earth Explorer candidate mission. Description For the development of large antennas with effective apertures of ~ 70 m^2 and operating at P-band, innovative and novel technologies are needed to ensure mass and stowing envelope compatible with small launchers while complying with instrument performance requirements. Consequently, there will be a need to demonstrate and evaluate such technologies by means of critical bread-boarding to retire risks in antenna development during later phases. This activity will cover the development of a selected number of items proposed and justified by the bidder in an initial development plan already provided with the proposal. Initial and final TRL levels will have to be identified for all the selected critical items as well as items definition and proposed test plan. The existing instrument and antenna designs from the work performed during two parallel BIOMASS phase 0 studies will be made available as input to this activity. Deliverables: RF and/or mechanical components designs analyses and test reports. Design, development and test plan update. Critical bread-boarding. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3-4 Page 12 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: BIOMASS, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8195, T-8210 N/A TRP Reference: T107-022EE TD: TD07 Title: Antenna Architecture for Radio Occultation for GRAS-2 Objectives The objective is to investigate antenna architectures for occultation tasks and define critical antenna hardware Description With the increasing number of navigational satellites, availability of precision signal in space permit occultation measurements to be carried out more frequently. Receive multiple beam capability drives towards digital beamforming on receive and results with on-board processing in more frequent available processing of occulted signals. Following initial architectural studies and trade-offs detailed antenna designs are investigated. The results obtained with the GRAS system can act as a reference in comparison to which the result shall be improved. Filled and sparse array configurations are compared and consideration is given to reduction of sidelobes in the direction of undesired signals. Mass and volume constraints have to be considered in view of nr of elements allowed . Digital BFN in combination with front end receiver capabilities to be considered. Deliverables: Study and demonstrator TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Post-EPS (Occultation GRAS-2), by 2018 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8235 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 18 months N/A TRP Reference: T107-023EE TD: Title: Low mass Calibration load TD07 Objectives Radiometer instruments need hot and cold calibration measurements to achieve a high radiometric accuracy. Cold calibration is usually done by looking into cold space, but for the hot calibration a special load is needed. An absorber type of load is used as a typical hot calibration target. However, if not only the feeds but also the reflector has to be included in the hot calibration measurement the absorber can become quite large (comparable to reflector aperture size). Therefore, it is very important that for future radiometer instruments with relatively large reflector sizes (e.g. Post-EPS) the mass of the hot load needs to be minimised in order to be compliant with the instrument mass requirement. The objective is to demonstrate the feasability of low-mass low volume calibration loads. Description This activity is aimed at achieving low mass 0.5 to 1-m class of hot calibration targets for future passive remote sensing instruments. To derive the main requirements for such hot loads, an assessment shall be performed of the possible passive millimetre- and submillimetre-wave instruments for missions like Post-EPS and Post-MSG. Driving parameters will be thermal environment, reflector aperture size and frequency envelop. Based on the derived generic requirements, a preliminary design and analysis shall be performed of at least two promising solutions where low mass and low volume is a driver. It is also foreseen to do some sample testing during this task. Deliverables: Hot calibration load at sample level Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 13 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8219 Technologies for (sub) millimeter wave passive instruments - 2006 TRP Reference: T107-024EE TD: TD07 Title: Antenna Architecture for Radio Occultation for LEO-LEO Objectives The objective is to investigate antenna architectures for occultation tasks and define critical hardware Description Antenna configurations are investigated for LEO to LEO intersatellite link to support occultation measurement capability. Transmit receive functionality and accurate phase stability will be driving requirements. The selection of the observation frequency should be an input (around and including the 22 GHz waterline) Deliverables: Study and definition of critical hardware Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Occultation LEO-LEO, by 2016 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-343 N/A TRP Reference: T107-025EE TD: TD07 Title: Assimilation of high temporal resolution SAR data into land process models Objectives Relying on recently acquired campaign data, this activity aims at exploiting the temporal dimension of SAR acquisitions so as to bring infomation on land processes. Description Dramatic advances in the retrieval of land variables and their assimilation into process models can be expected through the operational use of SAR data with high temporal repetitivity. The temporal dimension has seldom been fully investigated in retrieval algorithms for SAR data as the temporal sampling of past/current operational missions is too coarse. A high temporal sampling results in the possibility of tracking temporal signatures of land cover types, and can also contribute to a much higher data quality through optimised filtering. The current interest in missions characterised by a shorter time interval between repeat passes (Sentinel-1, CoreH2O, Radarsat-2, COSMO-Skymed) make this topic highly valuable and the recent availability of suitable airborne data from ESA campaigns data make this research possible. Investigations of the added value of these SAR data for land process models will be based on recent campaign data, theoretical models.and on the revisit of past ERS-1 data (Ice phase). Available datasets: - AGRISAR data: ESA managed airborne campaign with SAR datatakes at X-, C-, L- and P-band (including interferometry) over an agricultural site (spring-summer 2006) This campaign was a series of airborne acquisitions throughout the growing season (April to July) with appropriate SAR/Optical instruments along with coincident in-situ measurements. There have been 3-4 intense measurement periods of a few days each (with airborne acquisitions every day) spread over the growing season. this gives a very good time sampling. - BIOSAR/ICESAR data: ESA managed campaign with SAR datatakes at X-, C-, L- and P-band (including interferometry) over a forest site (temperate/boreal) and an ice sheet acquired several times over a period of ~40 days (spring 2007), together with in situ measurements. - ERS-1 SAR data available for the ice phase (3-day repeat) over Middle-Zeeland (agricultural site) and other sites Deliverables: Deliverables: - final report - prototype algorithms (retrieval of biogeophysical variables from time series of SAR data) Current TRL: - Target TRL: Software: Algorithm Page 14 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: GMES 1, CoreH2O (Phase 1), 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8153 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T107-026EE TD: TD07 Title: The generic radiative transfer toolbox for the Earth environment, ESAS-Light: from a prototype tool to a community tool Objectives Under the General Study Progamme, a Generic Radiative Transfer Model for the Earth’s Surface-Atmosphere System, ESAS-Light, is being prototyped (activity has started). The objective of this activity is further develop the ESAS-Light to give full access to actors in the field of remote sensing of Earth Observation and planetary environments to a user friendly, well documented and free of charge radiative transfer toolbox Description In the frame of the General Study Programme (GSP), a demonstration version of a radiative transfer toolbox, hereafter referred to as the ESAS-Light toolbox, providing forward modeling capability from the UV to the TIR spectral domain, for the Earth atmosphere-surface system is being prototyped. At completion of this activity, in mid-2009, the delivered ESAS-Light prototype version shall serve a dual objective: a) strengthen ESA radiative transfer forward modeling capability for internal purposes (instrument design and prototyping of inversion algorithms) and b) provide a set of standard forward radiative transfer tools for the development of ESA commissioned inversion schemes and ESA commissioned calibration/validation activities (for its current and future EO missions). Contractually wise, at the end of the current GSP activity, ESAS-Light will be available only for ESA commissioned activities and to ESA internal activities. However, because such tool is valuable to entities in the ''outside world'' (laboratories, universities, companies) that cannot afford the cost of such a development, it is proposed in a subsequent TRP activity, to take action to broaden its distribution to a wider community. This will be achieved by expanding its functionalities, imposing high software quality standards, putting in place an appropriate distribution strategy and the web infrastructure to offer an ESAS-Light consolidated version to the Earth Observation and Planetary Remote Sensing community. Deliverables: The main output of this activity is the consolidated of ESAS-Light radiative transfer toolbox and its associated documentation Software: Beta Version Current TRL: - Application/Mission: EO mission with UV to TIR instruments, by 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : Open source Dossier0 Ref.: T-7770 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T107-028EE TD: TD07 Title: Improvement of the Tenti model for atmospheric Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering Objectives Improve an existing model for Rayleigh-Brillouin scattering, used for the modelling of Rayleigh backscattered light from lasers Description The so-called Tenti model is the most widely used model for correction of Brillouin scattering contribution to the Rayleigh return signal from atmospheric lasers. The model was developed in the 1970s, and has been validated by measurements of monoatomic gases (N2 and O2) and CO2 only. A GSP study is being launched to validate the model by comparing it to measurements in gas mixtures; N2+O2, H2O and air, representative for the Earths Atmosphere. This TRP is foreseen to improve/refine the Tenti model according to the findings from the experimental model validation. The resulting improved model should be used for the up-coming lidar Earth Explorer Missions ADM-Aeolus, EarthCARE, and for the proposed lidars within the post-EPS. Page 15 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Model description (Detailed Processing Model / Algorithm Theoretical Basis Document), input-output data, example model description, Technical Notes and Final Report Software: Prototype Current TRL: - Application/Mission: Post-EPS/Earth Explorer laser instruments, 2018 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7772 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T107-029EE TD: TD07 Title: Advanced modelling of coherent propagation effects on active microwave remote sensing Objectives To develop an atmosphere/ionosphere microwave propagation model that accounts for phase-related effects and is applicable to Earth Observation specificities Description When reaching frequencies as high as Ku-band and as low as P-band, using phase measurements to retrieve bio-geophysical parameters, or looking for extreme accuracies, the coherent interaction with the propagating medium (atmosphere, ionosphere) must be taken into account. However, models so far are mostly designed for telecommunication satellites and are not always suited to remote sensing configurations. This activity shall review and analyse the phase-related effects affecting the propagation of microwave remote sensing signals, for geometries typical of Earth Observation missions. Both the atmosphere and the ionosphere shall be studied. First, a review of the available measurements shall be conducted. Then a detailed propagation model shall be proposed, which will rely as little as possible on statistical assumptions and on simplifying geometric considerations. As an example, this model shall be able to simulate the effects of tropospheric (ionospheric) scintillations on a Ku-band (P-band) SAR or on an active occultation measurement. This tool will be used as a benchmark for the assessment of the performance of error mitigation techniques developed in the future. Deliverables: Coherent propagation model through atmosphere / ionosphere. Implemeted software. Current TRL: - Target TRL: Software: Algorithm Application/Mission: BIOMASS, ACCURATE, by 2015 Open source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8197, T-8212 N/A TRP Reference: T107-030EE TD: TD07 Title: ESA manual towards a new scattering statistics database for different terrain types Objectives The goal of the activity is to have harmonised guidelines in order to enable the gradual construction of a scattering database. Description Page 16 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Very often terrain scattering statistics used in the fields of remote sensing, telecommunications and navigation applications rely on data assembled in the 1970's. At that time, the possible means to characterise in-situ parameters was at a far lower technical maturity as is currently the case. Also, the understanding of the geophysical parameters under investigation, such as snow, was more limited at that time. In the following period (1980 - present) far more effort has been spent on assembling either spaceborne or airborne data. A difficulty herein is in the fact that in-situ parameterisation is either difficult or impossible (none collocated measurements). Therefore, the proposed activity will investigate the ground-based instruments and required in-situ parameters in order to build up a future scattering statistics database. One of these instruments could be the ESA X- to Ku-band ground-based scatterometer currently under development. Instruments covering other frequency ranges will have to be identified and campaign logistics will also have to be described in this manual. Deliverables: Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: GMES N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Software: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8153 N/A TRP Reference: T107-031EE TD: TD07 Title: Capability of atmospheric parameter retrieval and modelling for wide-swath spaceborne atmospheric radars Objectives The aim of the proposed activity is to investigate the retrieval accuracy and capability of wide swath atmospheric radars in arriving to horizontal wind profiles Description The capability of microwaves to penetrate cloud and rain has placed the weather radar in an unchallenged position for remotely surveying the atmosphere. Although visible and infrared instruments on satellites can detect and track storms, only microwave observations can reveal the internal structure of the storm. The current techniques allow the detection of significant updraft/downdraft revealing convective-type clouds. Furthermore with the recent advancements in radar and its related processing algorithms, investigations are required to assess and develop new ideas, theories and technologies to be implemented in future atmospheric radars. One of the new ideas - and to be further expored in this activity - is to assess the potential for a W-band radar (94 GHz) with wide swath to determine horizontal wind profiles. A recently concluded GSP activity (Extreme Weather Events) has arrived to a preliminary set of instrument requirements that will be used as a starting point in this activity. Effect of multiple scattering and depolarisation (particularly in ice clouds) on determination of the wind vector using both doppler and polarimetric techniques will be investigated. Deliverables: Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Software: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7769 N/A TRP Reference: T107-032EE TD: TD07 Title: Potential and characterisation of geophysical parameter retrieval using a passive interferometer Objectives The activity intends to quantify retrieval accuracies for a passive interferometer and compare these with more conventional mechanically scanning radiometers. Page 17 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Description This activity would firstly look into the effect on the incidence angle dependency of the desired product (fixed for both MIMR and EGPM). Some preliminary studies have shown that the incidence angle would not need to be a fixed parameter. Especially the lower frequencies may benefit from an interferometer solution for a conical scanning radiometer assembly such as EGPM/MIMR type radiometers. This activity would also be of interest to post-EPS. Clear advantage of the interferometer solution is there will be no need of large scanning reflectors (+2 m) and the entire payload would be less bulky. The study would look into which frequency band(s) is/are likely to be integrated on a passive interferometer. Achievable radiometric resolution and accuracy using this technology will be assessed including a comparison with user requirements. Accuracy of geophysical parameter retrieval will be assessed. Deliverables: Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Software: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8154 N/A TRP Reference: T108-033SM Title: Analysis of Normalised Differential Spectral Attenuation (NDSA) Technique for Inter-Satellite Atmospheric Profiling TD: TD08 Objectives Modelling the impacts of tropospheric scintillation on atmospheric sounding by inter-satellite links Description The capability and performance of atmospheric sounding with intersatellite microwave links can be strongly affected by the presence of scintillation caused by atmospheric turbulence. The existing models have a wide spread of predicted behaviours and the relations to actual data, mainly derived from high-resolution radiosondes, requires revision too. Improved models, tailored to the intersatellite will be developed and validated with available radio propagation experimental data. Retrieval performance will be evaluated. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: GMES 4, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Software: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7769 N/A TRP Reference: T116-034PI Title: Long Life Scanning Mechanism - Contactless Power and Data Transmission TD: TD15 Objectives For the post-EPS mission in preparation, a long operational life requirement approaching 10 years per satellite is considered as a goal. Description For the post-EPS mission in preparation, a long operational life requirement approaching 10 years per satellite is considered as a goal. Mechanically scanned MW radiometers require a rotating mechanism together with power and data transmission across the rotating interface with the corresponding life-time. The long-life rotating mechanism has been the subject of past and on-going development activities such as the Ball-bearing Active Preload (BAP) device and lead-lubricated ball-bearing life-test. The objective of the proposed activity is to develop a contactless/inductive power and data transmission device across such a rotating interface. Such a device exists for terrestrial applications which needs to be adapted to the space environment. A breadboard operatable in vacuum environment shall be built and tested, and shall be subjected to an accelerated life-test. Page 18 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Breadboard, life-test result TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 TRL5 by 2012 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8226 N/A 1-02 - Optical Payloads TRP Reference: T101-035ED TD: TD01 Title: New Techniques for efficient multi-spectral data compression Objectives Research and development of new techniques for efficient multi-spectral data compression Description Future Earth Observation missions with high data rate instruments will have a need for efficient multi-spectral compression to reduce the amount of data to transfer. The actual techniques (based on transforms) are very efficient in terms of compression, but quite demanding in terms of computing resource and also not robust enough to cope with not highly correlated bands. New techniques based on predictors, like the DSC (Distributed Source Coding) are very promising in terms of robustness and lower complexity. The new technique shall be robust, in order to be able to perform intra-band compression even when the correlation is not very high (e.g., in case of slight misregistration). Moreover it shall be efficient and not complex, in order to be implemented on-board in a real time context. Deliverables: Algorithm specification, prototype implementation and performance characterisation TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8331 N/A TRP Reference: T103-04FP TD: TD16 Title: Lightweight large aperture deployable telescope for lidar applications Objectives Description Large aperture telescopes can unfortunately drastically increase mission costs if large fairing launch vehicles are required. Deployable telescopes will provide the required performance enhancement while maintaining volume requirements compatible with small fairing launchers. It is proposed to carry out the research and development of deployable telescopes with large collecting area and at first optimised for future Earth Observation lidar applications. Deliverables: - Technology review report - Reduced scale / critical component breadboard - Development plan and cost estimate Current TRL: 0 Application/Mission: Future Lidar; SCI exploration misions Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 19 of 217 TRL5 by 2012 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-419 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T107-027EE TD: TD07 Title: Atmospheric Corrections for Fluorescence Signal Retrieval Objectives The objective is to develop the algorithms for deriving bottom-of-atmosphere radiances and fluorescence signal from satellite observations. Description This follow-on TRP activity would further define and implement an atmospheric correction and cloud screening scheme for both the estimation of the fluorescence signal emitted at BOA (Bottom-Of-Atmosphere) and the determination of BOA reflectances for the FLEX instruments covering the VNIR (Visible and Near-Infrared) domain. The study will also reflect on algorithm implications which are due to the fact that the mission is implemented as an in orbit demonstration mission. Deliverables: ATBDs and prototype S/W Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: FLEX, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Software: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7770 N/A TRP Reference: T108-036SM TD: TD08 Title: Sensitivity study on the influence of a target spectral signature in the unfiltering process for broadband radiometers Objectives The objective of this study is to understand the impact of the lack of information on the full spectral signature of a terrestrial target on the accuracy of the integrated shortwave / total radiance from a broadband radiometer measurements. Description A broadband radiometer performs measurements in two channels, in the shortwave (sun reflected light) and in the total spectrum (sun reflected + emitted). Perfectly flat spectral responses are not possible. This means that the sensitivity in certain regions of the electromagnetic spectrum is higher and that to convert its measurements into physically meaningful measurements (top of atmosphere radiances), scene-dependant calibration coefficients are needed to account for the spectral shape of the scene signature. This is the so-called unfiltering process. Such spectral shape requires additional measurements than the ones performed. This study will aim at designing at an algorithm enabling the unfiltering of the measurements, identifying requirements for data coming from other payloads and from auxiliary data (numerical weather prediction model), and finally, quantify the radiometric impact of the unfiltering process on the final products. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: GMES 4, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7769 N/A Page 20 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T116-037MM Title: Ultra narrow linewidth phase locked laser for beam splitting TD: TD17 Objectives The provision of an optical ultra precise frequency beam splitting and re-combiantion control for the cold atom sensor system. The phase error between the beam splitters must be less then 1mRad to achieve the highest rotation resolution from the sensor. Description In this application (cold atom interferometers) the prepared atoms must be split and recombined optically in a very precise and controlled manner to observe the interference pattern caused, for example by a rotation of the frame containing the sensor. This can be done by the realisation of Raman Lasers whose function are to split and later recombine the atoms in the atom interferometer. The interferometer functions like any interferometer where now the atoms are controlled (split and re-combined) by light. Because the shift required is so small the laser frequency/phase needs to be very controlled and precise. Deliverables: Semiconductor Raman laser for beam splitting and re-combination either for Rb or Cs with ultra low phase error between sources by using ultra precise microwave equipment coinciding with either the Rb or Cs ground state splitting. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Earth Gravity Post-GRACE type missions, by 2018 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8194, T-8186, T-8187, T-8189 TD: TD17 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T116-038MM Title: Red-enhanced L3CCD and gain stability evaluation Objectives Development of a breadboard demonstrator and a detailed understanding of the underlying physics of the ageing (gain degradation) of its L3 register, providing a reliable behaviour prediction model. Description Good sensitivity in the long wavelength range requires a thick photo-active layer with a large depletion depth. This is achieved by a thick Si epi-layer in high-resistivity material. Implementation of a charge-amplifying L3 register with corresponding high-voltages is not straight-forward but has been developed at E2V and can be considered mature. The Lidar-specific design will strongly benefit from the devices developed under a current contract targeting the UV region for Earth-care. A minor re-design will be needed to improve the linarity at low signals. However, a more systematic and thorough investigation of the ageing process is urgently needed to reliably establish gain degradation as a function of operating parameters & establish proper burn-in procedures. This is only superficially addressed at present, but is critical for radiometry. Deliverables: The deliverables shall consist in a bread-board of a red-enhanced lidar detector and a validated ageing model to reliably predict its performance during its lifetime. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Lidar Missions, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T116-039MM TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7886 Technologies for Optical Remote Passive Instruments, Roadmap Ref A2 TD: Page 21 of 217 TD17 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Title: Solar-blind UV Lidar Detector Objectives Pre-development of a breadboard to address the UV spectral range which is becoming increasingly in demand for various Lidar instruments and being extended towards ~250nm (e.g. Post-EPS) Description While the Roadmap refers to Diamond, more recent results indicate that AlN is capable of the same high performance levels with the advantage of greatly eased manufacturability. Diamond only maintains its advantage for extreme thermal requirements… Deliverables: Technology demonstrator breadboard Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Post-EPS, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7886 Technologies for Optical Remote Passive Instruments, Roadmap Ref. D8 TRP Reference: T116-040MM TD: TD17 Title: Low dark current 2D TIR CMT detectors based on p/n technology Objectives Development of a breadboard to a higher maturity level (~EQM) targeting the concrete needs of TRAQ Description Earth observation missions are placing more demanding requirements on long wave TIR performance, in terms of both spectral and imaging response. The majority of MCT PV arrays are currently manufactured using n on p technology where the n-type region is created by ion implantation into a p-type epitaxial substrate. Reversing this structure using an n-type substrate with p-type implantation has the possibility to reduce dark current and/or increase detector operating temperature, both desirable improvements. This activity aims to develop a high maturity demonstrator. Deliverables: Technology demonstrator breadboard Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: TRAQ and others, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8176 Technologies for Optical Remote Passive Instruments, Roadmap Aim C TRP Reference: T116-041MM TD: TD17 Title: Mercury cadmium telluride avalanche photodiode detector with >2 um cut-off wavelength. Objectives Development and characterisation of a mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) single avalanche photodiode (APD) detector for use in satellite LIDAR missions to monitor greenhouse gases. Description Photon counting detectors in the SWIR waveband have direct application in the areas of LIDAR missions for greenhouse gas monitoring. This activity will aim at developing a large area single MCT APD and supporting electronics to demonstrate this capability. Deliverables: Technology demonstrator breadboard Page 22 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7886, T-8187 Technologies for Optical Remote Passive Instruments, Roadmap Ref. C6 TRP Reference: T116-042MM TD: TD17 Title: Development of an adhesive-free bonding technique for optical components through substrate metallisation and hard soldering Objectives Development of a method for bonding of different optical substrates and fibres to mechanical structures (optical benches, mirror mounts) without the use of (potentially outgassing) adhesives to reduce molecular contamination criticality in high fluence laser systems in vacuum environment. Description The method that shall be developed is based on metallisation of different optical substrates and hard soldering to a metal structure. Deliverables: Technology demonstrator, e.g. laser diode (stack) module TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Future LIDARs and altimeters, by 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8186 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T116-043MM TD: TD17 Title: Laser Source for Atmospheric CO2 and Methane Monitoring Objectives This activity shall complement ongoing TRP activities on the development of source (laser + FC or fibre laser) and receiver technology in the 2.05 ?m domain by exploring the feasibility and performance of a Holmium solid-state laser source at 2.05 ?m for spaceborne DIAL measurements of CO2 and methane. In particular the development shall demonstrate both the extremely challenging spectral performance as well as the pulse energy levels of the transmitter required for the measurements. Description The measurement of atmospheric greenhouse gases from space represents a technical challenge in terms of laser transmitter and receiver technology. Previous studies have identified the spectral bands around 1.57 ?m and 2.05 ?m as the best candidates for active sensing of CO2 and methane. For the generation of laser radiation at any of the considered frequencies in the targeted bands there is either the possibility of frequency conversion (FC) of an “established” laser source, e.g. Nd:YAG, to the target wavelength or the option of direct generation (DG) from a suitable laser material. While the FC approach in general benefits from a certain flexibility with respect to the choice of target wavelength, the DG approach shows potential for a lower overall system complexity and increased wall-plug efficiency. In the 2 ?m spectral domain powerful Holmium-lasers have been demonstrated suitable for (terrestrial) atmospheric water vapour DIAL. Such a laser source offers the potential of DG generation of laser radiation at 2.05 ?m for CO2 and methane spaceborne monitoring. This activity shall complement ongoing TRP activities on the development of source (laser + FC or fibre laser) and receiver technology in the 2.05 ?m domain by exploring the feasibility and performance of a Holmium solid-state laser source at 2.05 ?m for spaceborne DIAL measurements of CO2 and methane. In particular the development shall demonstrate both the extremely challenging spectral performance as well as the pulse. The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Page 23 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Breadboard of critical transmitter unit Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, by 2015 SW Clause : Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 20 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8186, T-8187, T-8188, T-8189 TD: TD17 N/A TRP Reference: T116-044MM Title: High-Stability Laser with Fibre Amplifier for Interferometric Earth Gravity Measurements Objectives This activity aims at an early instrument pre-development of a high-stability solid-state or fibre laser source with fibre booster amplifier that is suitable for the purposes of the LDI mission. Description The Directorate of Earth Observation is currently in the process of defining a follow-up mission to GOCE, that offers both higher spatial resolution and measurement accuracy in the mapping of the Earth’s gravity field. A previous GSP study (“Laser Doppler Interferometry Mission for Earth Gravity” [LDI]) has shown the principal feasibility of such undertaking based on optical interferometry between two satellites in 10 km distant formation flight. As a first development step the ongoing TRP activity “Laser Interferometry High-Precision Tracking for LEO” is to demonstrate the measurement principle with reduced performance requirements in a laboratory setup. The final mission-representative measurement precision relies crucially on the availability of an extremely long-term stable laser source, the specifications of which are close to but a bit more relaxed than those of the lasers for LISA. This activity aims at an early instrument pre-development of a high-stability solid-state or fibre laser source with fibre booster amplifier that is suitable for the purposes of the LDI mission. Deliverables: Demonstrator breadboard of the highly stable laser source Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Satellite-to-satellite interferometry Application/Mission: missions for Earth gravity mapping, by 2018 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 20 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8186, T-8188, T-8189 N/A TRP Reference: T116-045MM TD: TD17 Title: Back-thinned InGaAs array for visible-SWIR imaging Objectives Development of a thinned, back-illuminated InGaAs array for single-detector imaging in the visible and SWIR wavebands. Description Spectral imaging in the visible and SWIR wavebands has a number of applications in Earth observation and planetary spectroscopy and is traditionally achieved with two or more detectors. A thinned, back-illuminated InGaAs array offers the possibility to have a detector that has high sensitivity from 400 to 1700 nm or even 2500 nm with moderate cooling. InGaAs material is sensitive to wavelengths in both the visible and NIR but arrays are fabricated on an InP substrate which is opaque to wavelengths below about 900 nm. Thinning the InP layer and illuminating from the back surface allows the shorter wavelengths to reach the InGaAs array without affecting the NIR sensitivity. This activity will aim to develop a fully functional array of moderate size to demonstrate this capability. Deliverables: Technology demonstrator breadboard Page 24 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: TRAQ, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 TRL5 by 2011 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8173, T-8184 Technologies for Optical Remote Passive Instruments, Roadmap Ref. C4 TRP Reference: T116-046MM TD: TD17 Title: Pulsed Laser Source at 1.57 micro-meters for Atmospheric Greenhouse Gas Monitoring Objectives This activity shall complement ongoing TRP activities on the development of source and receiver technology in the 2.05 micro-m domain by exploring the feasibility and performance of a solid-state or fibre-based laser source at 1.57 micro-m for spaceborne DIAL measurements of CO2 and methane. In particular the development shall demonstrate both the extremely challenging spectral performance as well as the pulse energy levels of the transmitter required for the measurements Description The measurement of atmospheric greenhouse gases from space represents a technical challenge in terms of laser transmitter and receiver technology. Previous studies have identified the spectral bands around 1.57 ?m and 2.05 ?m as the best candidates for active sensing of CO2 and methane. While the 2.05 ?m band appears to offer some advantages from a spectroscopic point of view, the 1.57 ?m band could largely benefit from the heritage of laser technology at 1.55 ?m developed for the terrestrial telecom market. At this point in time the definitive selection of either spectral band cannot be made as the trade off comprises a number of performance characteristics of laser source and receiver which are currently only vaguely known. This activity shall complement ongoing TRP activities on the development of source and receiver technology in the 2.05 ?m domain by exploring the feasibility and performance of a solid-state or fibre-based laser source at 1.57 ?m for spaceborne DIAL measurements of CO2 and methane. In particular the development shall demonstrate both the extremely challenging spectral performance as well as the pulse energy levels of the transmitter required for the measurements. The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Breadboard of critical transmitter unit Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, by 2015 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 TRL5 by 2011 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8186, T-8187, T-8188, T-8189 TD: TD16 N/A TRP Reference: T116-047MM Title: High efficiency volume Bragg gratings (VBG) for spectrometry Objectives Identify the possible uses of volume Bragg gratings (VBG) for TRAQ and FLEX missions (high efficiency filters, chirped VBG for beam dispersion etc…) and assess the expected performances. Design of VBG with Photo-Thermo-Refractive (PTR) glass. Procure and test VBG made of PTR in representative environment. Description Page 25 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Volume Bragg grating (or Volume Phase grating) is a well known technology for spectral filtering, spectral dispersion etc… Its main advantages are high peak diffraction efficiency, polarisation effects lower than for bulk gratings, low level ghosts and scattered light etc… A number of materials can be used for recording permanent holograms (LiNbO3, crystals, photosensitive glasses and bulk photopolymers). Nowadays for large holograms, a sandwich glass/polymer/glass is used, but a photosensitive glass named PTR and manufactured in the USA have shown properties making the VBG an interesting alternative in space applications to bulk dispersive elements as reflection diffraction gratings, prisms, grisms for the visible and Near InfraRed. On a PTR substrate, holograms with spatial frequencies of 10 000 mm-1 can be recorded, the phase pattern can not be erased by any type of optical or ionizing radiation and heating up to 400 C are tolerated. Furthermore the substrate can be polished as any ordinary optical glass. Some possible applications are high resolution spectroscopy, spectral beam combining, tuneable narrow band filter, beam steering, slitless spectrometry and imaging spectrometry. It is of great interest to assess the relevance of this technology for space applications. For this, the possible applications in the missions FLEX and TRAQ will be identified. Then, those devices will be designed and their performances will be assessed with respect to the requirements of FLEX and TRAQ missions. Finally representative samples of VBGs made of PTR will be procured and tested. Deliverables: Test results and VBGs samples TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: TRAQ, FLEX by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8172, T-8183 N/A TRP Reference: T116-048MM TD: TD16 Title: High-performance low-straylight gratings for compact high resolution optical spectroscopy: Immersed grating technology for compact high resolution optical spectroscopy in the near-infrared Objectives Study and exploration of high resolution grating technologies for future EO missions. Short list selection of a few realistic high resolution grating technologies. Breadboarding of a promising approach. Description Spectrometers equipped with conventional diffraction gratings have a spectral resolution inversely proportional to the telescope aperture and the angular slit width. To increase the spectral resolution while maintaining the instrument dimensions, immersed gratings for instance have been proposed in the literature. Other techniques, based on new optical structures and materials (meta-materials, photonic crystal structures etc.), might also contribute to a spectral resolution improvement in future space borne spectrometers. The activity shall therefore initially investigate all imaginable materials and techniques to achieve an increase in spectral resolution and to reduce the level of straylight generated. Samples shall be produced and tested to assess the suitability of the materials and technologies. The most promising approach shall then be selected for the detailed design and the production of a full-size grating (> 100 mm diameter). Optical performance and environmental tests shall be executed to assess the performance in space. Deliverables: Full-size grating TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: FLEX, TRAQ, Sentinel 4, Sentinel Contract Duration: 5 by 2015 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8172 N/A TRP Reference: T116-049MM Title: Micro Optics Filtering Technology TD: Page 26 of 217 TD16 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives Demonstrate the feasibility of micro optics filtering technology to be used for on-board spectral calibration of DIAL systems. Description DIAL systems can be used to map the density of atmospheric molecular species. In a DIAL system, typically the selected “on” and “off” absorption lines are very close to each other (within <1nm) to ensure the same scattering properties (scattering by the same molecular specie). To control the exact central wavelength position of the emitted laser lines, onboard spectral calibration might be required. Micro optics filters, like optical fiber devices, can be used to perform filtering and de-multiplexing of optical signal. The major advantages of these devices are being very compact and lightweight. High resolution tunable filters with very narrow bandwidths can be manufactured on optical fibers and offer, at least, identical optical performances as standard optical filters. These devices can be used for onboard DIAL spectral calibration. Since they could be included in the DIAL transmitter path the normal coupling problems, associated with these types of single mode devices, are not critical. Specific fiber based interferometers, FBG devices or embedded FP within the fiber can be considered as potential technical solutions. Currently, on another ESA activity, optical fiber filters are being developed to demonstrate the feasibility of tunable, narrow band and thermal stable optical filters based on fiber technology. This activity shall include: • Study of micro optics filters based on fiber devices • Assess the use micro optical filtering on the on-board spectral calibration of DIAL space systems • Manufacturing and testing of a representative breadboard based on micro optics devices, for the spectral calibration of a DIAL system. The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Micro optics filtering breadboard TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, SPACEWAVES, by 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8188 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 18 months N/A TRP Reference: T116-050MM TD: Title: Optical filtering for onboard LIDAR calibration TD16 Objectives Study and demonstration of optical filtering technology for onboard LIDAR calibration Description LIDAR instruments require accurate spectral and radiometric calibration of the emitted laser line. This is particularly critical for DIAL(Differential absorption LIDAR) systems where several wavelengths are used (with “on” and “off” lines very close to each other) and because the measurement relies on differential absorption techniques (requiring accurate knowledge of the laser power for each line). On ground, DIAL systems usually use specific gas cells to perform calibration. Calibration systems using gas cells can be bulky and requires the use of pressurized containers. One alternative to gas cells could be to use high stable and tuneable optical filters. Possible solutions are Fabry-Perot etalons (with capacitive or thermal control and stabilization) or micro-optics technology (fiber embedded devices). The activity shall include: • Study techniques for in-flight optical calibration (determination of radiometric and spectral properties of emitted laser lines) of future space DIAL systems (A-SCOPE or SPACEWAVES) • Review optical filtering technologies (including macro and micro optics) • Propose possible configurations for the optical calibration sub-system and perform system level trade-offs (including using the receiver optical filtering sub-system) • Demonstrate the selected concept and technologies feasibility by designing, manufacturing and testing a representative optical calibration sub-system breadboard.The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Lidar optical calibration sub-system breadboard. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Page 27 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, SPACEWAVES, by 2015 Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8188 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 20 months N/A TRP Reference: T116-051MM TD: Title: Large Aperture Telescope Technology TD16 Objectives Develop lightweight telescope technology for LIDAR applications. Manufacture representative breadboard for functional and environmental testing. Description The effective aperture of a telescope is a key design parameter in LIDAR instruments. The aperture size of the telescope defines the amount of backscattered laser energy collected by the telescope making it a fundamental parameter in the determination of the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of the instrument. In order to increase the LIDAR SNR, the aperture of the LIDAR telescope needs to be maximized. This allows the relaxation on the power of the laser transmitter that might be also limited by technology or eye safe considerations. In addition the spacecraft total power consumption is also reduced. The use of large aperture telescopes for space applications is however limited for several technological reasons. The first limit is the space available for the payload inside the launch fairing, which for medium-sized launchers can be less than 2 m in diameter. Secondly, since the payload mass drives the launch costs, the extreme restrictions on the payload mass budget demand the use of very lightweight materials and innovative design techniques. A recently concluded ESA activity studied large aperture telescopes using deployable mechanisms and thin deformable primary mirror. It was demonstrated that a LIDAR telescope could have >9m2 aperture with an area density < 16kg/m2. This previous activity focused on the demonstration of the actuator performances and on the electrostatic locking mechanism required for the thin mirror survival during launch. A second activity is going to start to demonstrate critical technologies for the future development of a deployable large aperture telescope. This activity shall make use of the lightweight telescope technologies developed and demonstrated on the past activities, and combine these developments on a representative breadboard. The breadboard shall be used to demonstrate the feasibility to achieve large aperture and lightweight mirrors, with the required optical performance and be able to withstand vibration and thermal testing. The activity shall include: • Review of deployable and lightweight telescope technologies • Develop lightweight telescope technology for LIDAR applications • Design and manufacture of a representative breadboard (curved spherical/parabolic mirror) • Perform optical and environmental testing Deliverables: Representative breadboard of a large aperture telescope for LIDAR applications Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SPACEWAVES, LIDARs, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-341, T-371 N/A TRP Reference: T116-052SF TD: TD17 Title: Critical Technology for future imaging spectrometers in the UV to SWIR range and Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) Objectives To study Criticial Technologies for future imaging spectrometers in the UV to SWIR range and Fourier Transform Spectrometers (FTS) Description Page 28 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities In the on-going phase 0 studies for the 6 candidate missions new technology requirements might be formulated. In the case of TRAQ, this might be for pushbroom imaging spectrometers covering the range from UV to SWIR wavelengths. This includes technologies for detectors and calibration aspects. In addition, the Fourier Transform Spectrometer and the multi-view polarisation-resolving radaiometer development might require further technology developments. This activity would target the new technology requirements formulated in the studies. The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the TRAQ mission. Deliverables: Study reports. Breadboards. Current TRL: TRL2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: TRAQ, Post-EPS, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8174 N/A TRP Reference: T116-053SF Title: Critical Technology Activities for high spectral resolution fluorescence imaging spectrometer TD: TD16 Objectives To study Critical Technologies and breadbording of critical units and components of high spectral resolutions fluorescence imaging spectrometers Description For a high resolution fluoresence imaging spectrometers, covering the oxygen A- and B lines with a sub-nanometer resolution critical technology areas need to be defined, solution analysed and breadboarded. This includes technologies for optical spectrometer, detectors and calibration aspects. Deliverables: Study reports & Breadboards Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: FLEX, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8184 N/A TRP Reference: T116-054SF Title: VLWIR Detector breadboarding for an Infrared Limb sounder TD: TD16 Objectives VLWIR Detector breadboarding for an Infrared Limb sounder based on the outcome of the MTG IR detector activities. Description Based on previous activities detector demonstrator shall be build concentrating on the proper size and critical functionality (on-chip binning and low noise performance). Deliverables: Detector demonstrator. Reports Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: PREMIER, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8181 Page 29 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T120-055MC TD: Title: Advanced Laser Instrument Thermal Design TD21 Objectives The objective is to develop an integrated, optimised thermal design concept for future (high-power) laser-based instruments Description Solid-state laser instruments are very demanding with respect to thermal control. On one side the actual laser diodes have to be thermally controlled fullfilling stringent requirements; e.g. high thermal flux densities, high temperature stability and uniformity (over lifetime), increased dissipation over lifetime. On the other side, the optical medium needs to be also thermally controlled with requirements on temperature stability and uniformity, while - at the same time being a quite fragile optical element. Current thermal designs are based on a 'box-level' approach, where heat pipes (or potentially in the future loop heat pipes) are attached on the outside of the actual laser-box, i.e. quite away from the actually to be thermally controlled items. Therefore such an approach results in rather low radiator temperatures due to a number of thermal resistances in the heat path resulting - especiallly in LEO - in large radiators which complicates the accommodation of such instruments. The activity shall - based on one of the two currently existing laser design (i.e. ADM or ATLID) - critically review the current thermal design. All potential areas for improvement of the thermal design shall be clearly identified, taking into account advanced thermal control tools. Based on this, an advanced new thermal design concept shall be proposed resulting in reduced temperature drops, high temperature stability and uniformity as well as temperature controllability. This activity shall be supported by adequate thermal modelling to predict the performance of the new concept. A demonstrator of the selected concept shall then be built and fully tested. Based on these activities, thermal design guidelines and recommendations shall be issued for future laser designs.The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Laser thermal control demonstrator Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8338 N/A TRP Reference: T124-056QM Title: Optical Components materials and process development and validation for high power space borne lasers TD: TD25 Objectives To understand and control the mechanisms responsible for laser-induced contamination and laser-induced damage, paying particular attention to the wavelength dependency, laser chemistry, and surface interactions responsible for these effects.To standardise the testing and validation procedures for materials used for high power lasers in space. Description Page 30 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities High power space borne lasers are currently being developed for several ESA missions (e.g. Aeolus, Earth-Care, and their follow-on, Bepi Colombo). Experience with Aeolus is showing that the risk of laser induced deposition of contaminants on optical elements (especially multi-layers) is placing new constraints on the materials and processes which can be used for the satellite and payload. For example, out-gassing of materials routinely used for conformal coatings and screw locking are known to induce contamination on the laser optics, even though these materials have widespread acceptance for space use. Suppliers are often only qualified for processing specific materials, and do not have alternatives readily available. In support of future missions utilising high power lasers, there is a need to a) Understand the physics of the processes occurring in the contamination deposition and degradation, as well as the causes for reduced damage threshold; b) Establish the criteria for materials and process selection, screening and testing c) Develop optical coatings which are more insensitive to laser induced contamination, especially in the UV, and which exhibit high damage threshold in representative laser environmental conditions and optical configuration. Deliverables: i) Guidelines and standard test procedures for the selection and validation of materials and processes used for high power laser missions, including a preliminary high power laser materials/optics database ii) Optical coatings/optical assemblies with improved laser damage thresholds for a high number of laser shots, particularly at 355nm, robust to laser-induced contamination via suitable choice of processes and materials iii) Models for laser-induced contamination and laser-induced damage, validated by test, that can be easily applied to current models used by the Agency. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Laser based instruments, 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 TRL5 by 2011 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8189, T-8186, T-419 Lidar Component Harmonization Dossier 2006 1-03 - Platforms/others TRP Reference: T101-057ED TD: TD01 Title: SpaceFibre Very High Speed Link Technology Demonstrator Objectives Development of a SpaceFibre link capable to transfer up to 2 Gbps using FPGA and Serialiser/Deserialiser components which are already available as radiation tolerant form. This to demonstrate the feasibility of SpaceFibre to be used as very high speed link on board of satellites. Further the SpaceFibre CODEC shall be developed and made available as ESA IP-core for distribution and reuse in other projects Description SpaceWire with its maximum data rate of 160Mbps is the most powerful data link directly available for space applications today. A number of optical and microwave earth observation instruments produce data at significantly higher rates. At the moment the fall back solution is the use commercial data link components. These components have to undergo a specific space qualification program including radiation testing. This is not only expensive but also always carries the risk of failure. In order to address the recurrent need of very high speed data links the SpaceFibre concept has been developed. It is an extension to SpaceWire and targets data rates up to 10 Gbps over optical fibre as well as copper as physical medium. During this activity SpaceFibre CODECS shall be developed based on components available in radiation tolerant technology in order to demonstrate the feasibility of a very high speed data link and to evaluate the performance. An IP-core of the SpaceFibre CODEC shall be developed and documented to allow reuse in other projects. Deliverables: SpaceFibre link demonstrator and SpaceFibre IP-core Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8328 On-board Paylaod Data Processing - B8.1 Page 31 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T105-058EC TD: TD05 Title: On-board autonomous dynamic planning for operational observation wrt AOCS constraints Objectives The objective is to develop and demonstrate on-board autonomous dynamic planning taking the AOCS constraints into account. Description Higher agility allows now several possible scenes combinations for a pre-defined operational observation scenario. On-board precise navigation allied with real-time processing of observed environmental conditions (e.g. clouds) or target features (activity) would allow to maximise the observation sequences return, relying on real-time on-board observation planification. This means that on-board sensing and optimisation algorithms shall be designed to plan dynamically observation scenarii wrt AOCS constraints on agility, availability, safety and coping with transient behaviours as well as spacecraft constraints such as payload illumination, thermal conditions whereas ensuring the best observation return... All these new algorithms (from environmental conditions and scene features detection and interpretation to optimisation and planning algorithms) shall be defined, designed and tuned as well as their interests and limits checked against detailed simulations. Deliverables: Simulation models, demonstration platforms Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8339 N/A TRP Reference: T105-068EC TD: TD05 Title: Modern attitude control of EO satellites with large flexible elements Objectives To review state- of-the-art methods to achieve robust optimal control of satellites with large flexible elementa such as BIOMASS and CoreH2O , with inputs from phase A activities, setup of simulation framework, model definition, analyses. Description Based on the following inputs: models of the dynamics (of increasing detail, along the Phase A) of the BIOMASS and COREH20 satellites, including flexible appendages (e.g. stiffness and damping matrices, with associated statistics), the following tasks shall be performed: review of state-of-the-art (attitude) control methods to achieve the robust optimal control of the spacecraft, set-up of simulation framework, of reasonably wide applicability for LEO flexible satellites carrying large antennas and large solar arrays, definition of relevant models for sensors (incl. possibly sensors on flexible elements) and actuators, analyses of dynamics models available, identification of possible generalizations, application of selected design methods to specific cases of interest (particularly with reference to BIOMASS), simulations to analyse performance, envelope and margins, to assess robustness with respect to dynamic parameters, derivation of conclusions and (detailed) recommendations Deliverables: The following reports are required: analyses, review of methods, simulation models, preferred (detailed) algorithms for attitude control of e.g. BIOMASS Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Biomass and H20 N/A SW Clause : TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 5 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Page 32 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T106-059ET TD: TD06 Title: Advanced Techniques for High Data Rate Links for Earth Exploration Satellites Objectives The objective of this activity is two folded; on the one hand to identify, compare and propose advanced coding and modulation schemes appropriate for high data rate telemetry links and to study and analyse the adequacy and architectural impacts of implementing on-board pre-distortion techniques for high order modulation schemes. And on the other hand to provide analysis, modelling and simulations of mitigation techniques for High Data Rate Telemetry communications systems based on dual polarisation and to cancel the interference from other satellites operating in the same band. Description In order to better exploit the available bandwidth in the X-band, the implementation of a dual polarised system has been proposed. One of the major objectives of the activity is to provide the analysis, modelling and simulation of a High Data Rate Telemetry downlink architecture based upon the use of dual polarisation when using an isoflux antenna. In addition, a second scenario shall be investigated which considers the interference experienced amongst different EO missions using different modulation schemes and operating in the X-band. The activity will identify a number of realistic interference scenarios, assess the impact of the interference in terms of bit error rate degradation and investigate effective restoration and mitigation methods that will prevent unacceptable communications link degradation. The activity shall consider the operational aspects as well as the impact to the on-board and ground segments (in terms of complexity). The activity shall propose an architectural design of the receiver, analysing impacts in terms of acquisition, synchronisation, speed of the DSP, etc. The other major objective of the activity is to provide a revision of the latest coding techniques; in particular those proposed in the frame of CCSDS, like LDPC and SCCC and identify the most suitable codes for the high data rate applications. Trade-offs shall be provided in terms of implementation, flexibility, complexity, performance and compatibility with existing ESA standards. The activity shall investigate pre-distortion techniques adequate for high rate telemetry links; in particular for the EO scenario and high order modulation schemes, such as 8PSK, 16APSK. The activity shall consider static pre-distortion as well as dynamic pre-distortion to compensate for the amplifier non-linearity characteristics changing over voltage, temperature and ageing, propose the architecture and evaluate the complexity. Deliverables: Technical Notes, simulation software and mathematical models. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All future EO missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8332 N/A TRP Reference: T106-067EE TD: TD06 Title: Channel modelling for design of EO Ka band data downlink systems Objectives To develop propagation models for the design of the 26 GHz high data rate downlink system. The major focus shall be on models combining the dynamic of the atmopsheric channel with the orbital patterns and to assess the accuracy of advanced fade mitigation techniques in this configuration. Design of dual polarizations systems shall be also included. Description Current propagation models for the design of data downlink systems are all almost derived for GEO SatCom systems. Therefore they can be applied mainly for link budget analysis but the analysis of channel dinamical properties (fade slope, fade duration) and the implememtation of fade mitigation techniques (e.g. site diversity, time diversity, nowcasting, Adaptive coding and modulation) need to be improved to take into account the interaction between atmopsheric components (gases, clouds and rain) and link dynamic during the passage over the station. This study is aimed to start from the identification of key system aspects carried out from the findings of the current activity and to adapt or develop new models to support system analysis (including the simulation and trade-offs). Page 33 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Final Report and prototype SW Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: EO Missions TBD SW Clause : TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 5 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T107-060EE TD: TD07 Title: Innovative planar highly directive antenna based on artificial surfaces Objectives To demonstrate the use of quasi-periodic printed multilayer planar structures fed in-plane to obtain highy directive shaped beams, with optional scanning capability, for Ka-band data downlink antennas. Description To provide an efficient, low-mass and low-cost solution for data downlink antennas with optional beam switching/scanning capabilities. Such antenna is required for Ka-band data downlink in future missions. Quasi-periodic planar structures obtained by multiple dielectric layers with printed metallic shape of suitable geometry are known to be able to produce highy directive shaped beams when fed in-plane. A theoretical model has been recently developed leading to a very effective design procedure and showing the possibility to operate the antenna in dual polarisation. This solution will be applied to demonstrate the feasibility of simple, low-mass, low-cost and high-gain Ka-band data downlink antenna concept with optional beam switching/scanning capability for. Deliverables: Validated design procedure and proof-of-concept design Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All future EO misions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8333 N/A TRP Reference: T107-061EE Title: Ka-band payload data downlink antennas definition for Earth Observation TD: TD07 Objectives This activity shall identify and define suitable antennas designs and technologies for electronic steerable Ka-band (25.5-27 GHz) antennas able to meet the data downlink requirements of future EO missions. The activity shall include preliminary critical breadboarding and the antenna design shall be sufficient to enable a follow-on demonstrator development activity. Description Current data downlinks at X-band are becoming an increasing constraint on the volume of data that can be handled. The frequency band allocated to telemetry at Ka-band, 25.5-27.0 GHz, provides the capacity for downlinking at the high data rates necessary to advance the usefulness of future EO missions. Consequently there is a definite need for the design and development of suitable data downlink antennas operating in this band and which should also be electronically steerable to meet the anticipated gain requirements for increased data rates. Deliverables: Advanced antenna designs/development sufficient for continuation to demonstrator activity Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All future EO missions N/A SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 9 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8333 Page 34 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T118-062MP TD: TD19 Title: Development of a Highly Throtteable Low Power Hall Effect Thruster for Earth Observation. Objectives The objective of the activity will be to initiate the development of a highly throtteable, low power Hall Effect Thruster designed to comply with the recent Earth Observation mission requirements. The activity will be initiated only if the A-SCOPE mission is selected and its system definition results in electric propulsion being retained. Description ESA founded studies have already identified Electric Propulsion as enable technology for future EO Missions due to its high fuel mass efficiency and its high accuracy thrust capability. Those studies have highlighted the potential payload advantages of using Electric Propulsion systems compared with Chemical Propulsion systems, gained by reducing altitude and/or to increase the mission lifetime. A LIDAR is the most promising payload that could use those advantages due to the direct link between power-aperture product and altitude and performances. As example, in the WALES mission with a high power LIDAR, baselined at 450 km with Chemical Propulsion, the use of Electric Propulsion systems to perform drag compensation would allow an altitude reduction of 100km without an increase of the total power consumption (assuming constant measurements performances). The most important possible benefit was found to be the simplification of the LIDAR and the possible reduction in the aperture size and mass of the payload which opens the possibility to use cheaper launchers. The same could potentially be applied to A-SCOPE, one of the six candidates Earth Explorer missions, which is using the same measurement principle as WALES and is currently baselined at 450km. Taking WALES as reference to define future needed thrust requirements a range between 2mN - 15mN is identified. ESA has initiated the development of a 100W-class HET in 2005, but this thruster seems to be able to fulfil just a fraction of the required applications. Within the proposed project the Contractor will design and build a low-power, highly throtteable, HET prototype capable to satisfy the envisaged thrust range required. The prototype will undergo a functional test campaign in order to modify the thruster design in preparation of an Engineering Model definition. Moreover, being the successful implementation of a low-power HET into a flight ready propulsion system dependent on a number of additional elements (Power Supply Unit and suitable propellant feed system) and although hardware development of these system elements is not required within this program, the Contractor shall also prepare preliminary specifications that maybe used to plan development activities for these equipments. The implementation of this activity is conditional on the selection of the A-SCOPE mission. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: A-SCOPE, by 2015 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8336 I2 (EP harmonisation) TRP Reference: T118-063MP Title: High Efficiency Inert Gas thruster TD: TD19 Objectives Proof of Concept and Characterisation of a low power / high efficiency inert gas Resistojet Description Page 35 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities There is increasing interest in the use of very low thrust inert gas thrusters for pointing and stationkeeping applications for sensitive optical spacecraft, and also for several missions requiring accurate formation flying. The use of an inert gas is often mandatory to prevent deterioation of the optical surfaces of the on-board instruments. This activity builds on the experience of micro- and milli-Netwon class thrusters typically using Nitrogen (Isp ~70s) and combines it with resistojet technologies (such as capillary heaters) to improve the performance of such thrusters. Deliverables: Proof of Concept Bread Board Model thruster, test reports TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: Future Earth observation Application/Mission: spacecraft with fine pointing requirements, 2018 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8336 N/A TRP Reference: T122-064QC TD: TD23 Title: Radiation Evaluation of DDR-2/DDR-3 Memories for future high throughput Solid State Recorders (1Gbit/2Gbit) Objectives This activity aims at evaluating radiation effects in commercially available state-of-the-art DDR memories. Description In support of future Spacecraft Solid State Recorder, state-of-the-art DDR-2/DDR-3 memories are required as current SDRAM are becoming obsolete. As commercially available memories have no radiation testing history the objective of this activity will be to radiation characterize current available DDR memories against TID and SEE effects in order to identify candidate types for flight. Basic radiation characterization of various types of DDR memories shall be covered during heavy ion, proton and Co-60 campaigns. These tests shall be carried out on a dedicated DDR memory test system capable of performing Static and Dynamic (at max. speed) tests. Also an error mapping and error analysis capabilities shall be developed for full identification of observed events. With DDR memories having a short life time everything around the radiation characterization shall be optimized for a fast turn around time. Deliverables: Test set-up, Test results Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8329 N/A TRP Reference: T125-065GR TD: TD26 Title: Open Rich Client Platform (RCP) for user service tools Objectives Assess progress and perspectives of Reach Client Platform environments and demonstrate their feasibility and benefits for EO Ground Segment user interfaces. Description Page 36 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The modularity offered by the features and plug-ins architecture of an RCP allows delivering highly specialised applications, instead of old-fashioned monolithic “core” applications. Reusing pieces of software between projects is made easier: dependencies between plug-ins in an RCP environment are explicitly defined and enforced, making it easier to safely pick and choose only those plug-ins that a particular application needs rather than forcing everyone to use a monolithic “one size fits all” program. A plug-in can be either UI- or non-UI- based (a Catalogue GUI, a map module, a HMA catalogue interface module, an orbit propagator, a product viewer,...). The activity shall study the trends on open RCP environments for advanced user interface generation and components creation and sharing. A prototype shall demonstrate and verify capabilities for specific cases like: search on ESA catalogues, multiple layers 3D map display, product access and visualisation, possible cooperation with 3rd party tools from relevant application domains. The objective is to identify an environment permitting in future the convergence of different interfaces. Deliverables: Documented functional prototype. Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-553 N/A TRP Reference: T125-066GR Title: Support to topology TD: TD26 Objectives Obtain an update on status, perspectives and capabilities on this topic. Description Individual features or shapes can be extracted from Earth Observation images. However their understanding as specific objects is in many cases (particularly for the complex ones) possible only through the identification of relations between neighbour objects, e.g., a nuclear plant identified by the proximity of specific components. Therefore, in order to automate the identification of specific objects, it is essential to identify the single objects, but also their topological hierarchies and relations, as well as the matching of this topology against pre-defined models. The proposed activity shall analyse the state of the art and the perspectives of all theoretical and implementation aspects for to the identification of image objects through topology information. These aspects shall include related methodologies (object / feature extraction, geometry and topology information identification), models, tools (model creation and matching vs. data) and supporting technologies (databases and management systems for storage, search and retrieval of objects / features, geometry, topology and models). A few representative cases shall be identified and related environment(s) and algorithm(s) shall be implemented in order to demonstrate feasibility and capabilities. Deliverables: Technical report with asessement and ranking of the alternatives; algorithm(s) demonstrating techniques and capabilities on selected cases. Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: All EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Algorithm Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1569 N/A 3 - Human Spaceflight and Exploration Preparation 3-01 - Robotics Assistance technologies Page 37 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T309-001GD Title: MMI for Exploration Missions TD: TD09 Objectives To develop an algorithm for integrating visual and numeric data into a display, To prototype operations with rovers and cameras Description ESA's current generation of mission control infrastructure provides facilities for displaying alphanumeric and numerical data. However, there is no experience with payload-type data or controlling rovers by integrating images and other data or developing a plan using image data. Planetary rovers may combine the provision of extensive numerical and location data with image data gathered by multi-spectral devices and cameras. This study shall show how such data can be extracted from telemetry packets and integrated into images; data can also be combined from other sources (planning systems, prediction models, other rover instruments e.g. for distance measurement). The study will develop a source of image data and numerical representative data. Prototype displays of graphical image data will be developed to display the images and integrate state based numerical data and show planned paths and predictions of paths. Deliverables: Source code for models, and infrastructure changes, Validation simulator and test cases, User Manual, Prototype S/W, including test harnesses, data and procedures, and associated documentation Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Exploration Missions (>=2013) Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3-TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8417 N/A TRP Reference: T310-003GF TD: TD10 Title: Radio tracking of a landed spacecraft: determination of the spacecraft position and of the planet's ephemeris and orientation in space Objectives In this study the usage of radiometric tracking data acquired from a spacecraft landed on a distant planet shall be analysed. The objective is to use this tracking data to determine the position of the spacecraft on the surface of the planet and to improve the knowledge of the planet's ephemerides and it's orientation and rotation in space. Description When a spacecraft is delivered to a distant planet then it is important to specify its location on the surface of the planet. One means to determine the location of the spacecraft is to use the Doppler shift in the radio communication link between the lander and the ground station on Earth or between the lander and a relay satellite in orbit around the planet. The usage of such a technique is directly applicable to the Exo Mars and the Rosetta mission as well as for any other future ESA mission that involves landing on a solar system object. Apart from this direct operational application the radio signal could furthermore be utilised to improve the knowledge of some planetary properties. Long term Doppler measurements can be used to determine the orientation and rotation of the planet in space. Range measurements between the landed spacecraft and the ground station on Earth contain information about the ephemeris of the planet, which can therefore be improved by exploiting these measurements. For instance doing ranging with Exo Mars when landed on the surface of Mars will significantly improve the ephemerides of Mars, which is of benefit to all subsequent Mars missions. In fact, accurate planetary ephemerides are essential to reduce the risk of planetary mission failures and to cope with increasing navigation demands of future planetary missions. Goal of this study is to analyse on a case by case basis what accuracy of the estimated parameters can be expected under different scenarios In order to do so a prototype software shall be developed that allows to determine the aforementioned parameters from radiometric tracking data of a landed spacecraft. Re-usage of infrastructure software modules that are already availabe within ESOC Flight Dynamics is foreseen in order to simplify and guide the prototype software development. Deliverables: Deliverables are the final report, which shall cover the following: a description of the developed mathematical algorithms, a description of the software and the tests that have been performed as well as results of the case studies. Further deliverables are the prototype software itself including related documentation and scripts. Page 38 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRL 3 Current TRL: 0 Application/Mission: Autonomous Robotic Systems (>=2013) Contract Duration: SW Clause : Operational SW Dossier0 Ref.: T-7715 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2010 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T313-004MM Title: Dexterous Robot Hand TD: TD13 Objectives The goal of this activity is to produce a space robot gripper comparable to human-hands in terms of size, strength and manipulation capabilities, to enable the handling of objects which can currently only be handled by Astronauts in space suit. With such a hand a robot can also handle soft objects, e.g. removal of multi-layer thermal insulation can be removed for access to equipmenmt (and placed back), which at the moment is a task which consumes much EVA time). Description The activity shall produce a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a space robot hand. The hand will be tested in a representative application. The development shall start from the latest DLR hand, shall accommodate latest robust tactile sensors and shall produce a system that can accommodate real space mission requirements and constraints. Deliverables: Proof-of-concept demonstrator of a space robot hand. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Lunar Orbital Hub Habitat, Autonomous Robotic Application/Mission: Systems,Crew Assistants,System Maintenance (2015) SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011-2012 21 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-939, T-871, T-8429 "Automation and Robotics" 1st semester 2007 consistent with activity A1 "Dexterous Robot Hand" TRP Reference: T313-005MM Title: Human Hand Exoskeleton TD: TD13 Objectives The goal of this activity is to produce a human hand exoskeleton. This device is a sort of semi-rigid glove that when worn by a human operator allows him to command a dexterous robot hand and receive haptic feedback from it. The human hand exoskelton subject of this development is intended to be used both in-orbit and on-ground. With such an exoskeleton hand a robot hand can be controlled in a very intuitive way with a minimal amount of training, as has been demonstrated for controlling a robot arm with an exoskeleton arm. Description The activity shall produce a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a human hand exoskeleton to be used both in-orbit and on-ground, to control remote dexterous robot hands. The demonstrator shall be designed to smoothly integrate with ESA human arm exoskeleton. The control of a robot hand by the Human Hand Exoskeleton will be tested in a representative application, integrated with the Exoskeleton arm. Deliverables: a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a human hand exoskeleton Page 39 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Lunar Orbital Hub Habitat, Autonomous Robotic Application/Mission: Systems,Crew Assistants,System Maintenance (2015) SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011-2012 21 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-939, T-871, T-8429 "Automation and Robotics" 1st semester 2007 consistent with activity A2 "Human Hand Exoskeleton" TRP Reference: T313-006MM TD: Title: Autonomous Controller TD13 Objectives The objective of this activity is to implement a general-purpose autonomous controller for autonomy level E4 (Goal-oriented mission re-planning). Description In the course of many years ESA has developed a robust robot control system capable to operate on multiple robot arms and to implement an autonomy level E3 (Event-based autonomous operations execution of on-board operations control procedures) as per ECSS-E-70-11. The activity shall produce a proof-of-concept demonstrator of autonomous controller for space robotics,l building on the previous ESA developments (e.g. RT Operating Systems, Robot Control Software, Autonomous planning and scheduling) to implement goal-oriented autonomy. Deliverables: a proof-of-concept demonstrator Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Lunar Orbital Hub Habitat, Autonomous Robotic Application/Mission: Systems,Crew Assistants,System Maintenance (2015) SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011-2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-939, T-8429, T-8430, T-8433 "Automation and Robotics" 1st semester 2007 consistent with activity B1 "Autonomous Controller" TRP Reference: T313-007MM TD: Title: Heavy Duty Planetary Chassis TD13 Objectives Exploration and exploitation of the Moon and in future of Mars, indisputably requires surface locomotion means. The goal of this activity is to realise a general-purpose heavy-duty chassis, derived from the ExoMars one, capable to constitute the body of a planetary robotic assistant (“centaur”configuration). Description The activity shall produce a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a heavy duty locomotion chassis capable to constitute the body of a planetary robotic assistant (“centaur”configuration). Particular focus is required on the stability of the platform, which must be kept high without limiting the usability of the robotic assistant. Deliverables: a proof-of-concept demonstrator of a heavy duty locomotion chassis Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Page 40 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2011-2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Lunar Orbital Hub Habitat, Autonomous Robotic Application/Mission: Systems,Crew Assistants,System Maintenance (2015) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8429 "Automation and Robotics" 1st semester 2007 consistent with activity C1 "Heavy Duty Planetary Chassis" TRP Reference: T313-009MM TD: Title: Motion Control Chip TD13 Objectives The subject activity shall implement a motion control chip for Dependable space robotics applications (Dependable Processing allows to do complex processing of science data onboard the spacecraft; using standard commercial components arranged in a unique architecture, along with special software to detect and correct radiation induced errors, this technology will allow to build computers that are more capable than current day spaceborne computer systems). The controller based on the ESA proven LEON-3 architecture shall include all the peripherals needed to acquire common motion sensors (position, speed, torque) process the control algorithm (specified with software), to provide signals to the power drives (half or full bridge with PWM) and to communicate with a top level controller. Description The activity shall produce a technology demonstrator of a motion control chip for robotics applications. LEON-3 architecture shall include all the peripherals needed to acquire common motion sensors (position, speed, torque) process the control algorithm (specified with software and logic code), to provide signals to the power drives (half or full bridge with PWM) and to communicate with a top level controller. Deliverables: Technology demonstrator of a motion control chip for robotics applications Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Lunar Orbital Hub Habitat, Autonomous Robotic Application/Mission: Systems,Crew Assistants,System Maintenance (2015) SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011-2012 27 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-939, T-8429, T-8430, T-8433 "Automation and Robotics" 1st semester 2007 consistent with activity A5 "Motion Control Chip" 3-02 - Life and Physical Sciences TRP Reference: T314-010MM TD: TD14 Title: Continuous Physiological and Medical Monitoring (non-invasive) Objectives The objective of the activity is to demonstrate the feasibility of continuous, non invasive and automated measurement of physiological and medical data with the help of a validated demonstrator. Description Continuous non-invasive monitoring of the main physiological/medical parameters is a precondition for a safe long term exposure of human subjects to unusual conditions. This shall be applied to bedrest, centrifugation, isolation (eg Concordia) and finally long term exposure under spaceflight conditions. The main parameters of interest will be defined within the activity and concepts for the most important ones will be established. This will include inter alia blood pressure as one of the key parameters to monitor in human physiology. For the demonstration of practical feasibility the cuff-less blood pressure measurement is selected as the first concept to be demonstrated in practical terms. Page 41 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current available techniques range from invasive direct measurement to widespread non-invasive, indirect assessments: the arm- or wrist-cuff-based methods. The latter are well adapted to single measurements. They are also used for longer-term monitoring , however have drawbacks as the inflation of the cuff every 30 minutes is a sure disturbance to the sleep quality and moreover those techniques do not provide information about the status of the vasculature parameters (such as arterial/venous compliance, arterial stiffness …). Those parameters are of increasing importance to the cardiovascular diagnostics. Combined with the more classical cardiovascular parameters (ECG, heart rate …) they would be of interest for space applications in assessing the status of cardiovascular de-conditioning and measuring more accurately the efficiency of cardiovascular countermeasures. Several non-invasive/non obtrusive measurement principles are reported in the specialised literature, and preliminary assessments show that a couple of them are of high potential interest (tonometry-based, ultrasound-based, pulse transit time). The main tasks in the present activity are: A) Review and recommend physiological parameters to be measured non invasively; B) Refine the specifications and propose concepts;C) confirm the /signals and parameters of interest for assessing the compliance of the vascular system (including: pulsed waveform, pulsed transit time, FFT of the arterial waveform …); E) Assess the available solutions for cuff-less blood pressure monitoring (based on applicability to space situations) and confirm or update the selected measurement principles (up to two); F) For the selected principle(s) build a demonstrator and demonstrate its performance in vivo. Deliverables: Validated breadboard TRL 3-TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Human Exploration preparation / Human Phsysiology (2015) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8422 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T314-011MM TD: TD14 Title: Integrated Countermeasures with biofeedback and actuators Objectives The aim of the activity is the development of an integrated system for countermeasures in the neuro-sensory domain including the use of advanced bio-feedback system integrating physiological signals into the loop. Description After prolonged interplanetary trips, the human neuron-muscular-skeletal system suffers severe deconditioning and impairment of the corresponding functions. In particular, the loss of neuron-sensory control and motor skills can be problematic and shall be counteracted efficiently. Integrated countermeasure systems shall be developed to allow astronauts being fit as soon as possible after landing (be it on earth or at their destination, e.g. Moon/Mars). Two parallel activities ( ESA Contracts 20766 and 20767) have been started to develop and test technology concepts for integrated countermeasure systems to counteract the above-mentioned deleterious effects of prolonged microgravity exposure. Building on them, the present activity is aimed at pursuing the initial development work as follows: A)Developing an integrated system based on the outcomes of the previous activities; B) Develop integrated biofeedback systems, e.g. integration of human physiological responses into the biofeedback loops, aimed at optimising the musculo-tendinous responses; C) Assess, Develop and integrate into the Integrated Countermeasure Stimulators new non-electromechanical actuators for the countermeasure systems, e.g. electro-active polymers, distributed somato-sensory stimulators, usage of shape memory allow materials… : D)Characterize and when possible evaluate the above-developed technologies on human beings.The next step (out of the present activity) should be to develop a TRL6 integrated system. The present activity can in addition have applications in the medical field, to rehabilitate or prevent the impairment of the functions controlling the human voluntary movements or balance (elderly, post-stroke rehabilitation …) Deliverables: Technology Demonstrator and validated data Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3-TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Human Exploration preparation / Preparation for long duration Application/Mission: Contract Duration: human missions in flight validation 0 (2013-2015) Page 42 of 217 TRL 5/6 in 2010 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-8424 N/A TRP Reference: T314-012MM TD: Title: X-ray based analytical and imaging devices TD14 Objectives Develop a consistent concept for the multidisciplinary application of x-ray based analytical and imaging methods in the context of exploration. Build and validate as a first step a technology demonstrator for a x-ray based analytical device for human physiology, with imaging capabilities and integrated shielding. Description X-ray as non-destructive analytical method has a wide range of application ranging from the use in human physiology to the imaging of the integrity of metallic structures. Within this range of application common building blocks/subsystems have to be identified and integrated into a consistent concept for multidisciplinary application of X-ray in the frame of space exploration. As a first demonstrator in this context an application in human physiology is envisaged. Preparing for manned space exploration will require a very good understanding of the dynamics of the space-flight related physiological deconditioning (muscle, bone, motor control, cardio-vascular) a good assessment of the efficiency of the countermeasures developed. To achieve this goal, accurate analytical and medical imaging methods will be required in space. Even if known as one of the best analytical and imaging medical modalities, X-ray based analytical and imaging technologies have not been used in space so far, mostly because the equipment was bulky, required power levels hardly compatible with what a spacecraft could provide (in the KW range or more), and was producing quite high levels of radiation. The advent of new technology for x-ray tubes now enable the use of analytical devices like the peripheral quantitative computed tomography which not only would provide a very accurate analysis of the dynamics of the bone structure changes but would also allow the analysis (and possibly imaging) of peripheral bone/muscle systems and other types of soft tissues (like changes in bone marrow composition) with low doses of x-rays (less than the dose received for one chest x-ray, or one round-trip between US East and West coast). By their accuracy, these technologies would provide essential inputs to the better understanding of above-mentioned dynamics of the spaceflight related physiological deconditioning and an accurate assessment of the effectiveness of the countermeasures developed. However they are not available for being ready to use in space. The purpose of the present activity is to: A)confirm the leading requirements and parameters for building a space-compatible x-ray based human analytical system for non-invasive analysis and possibly imaging of subsystems of the human body , including bone-muscle system; B)Identify the constrains for using a x-ray based analytical and imaging system in a space environment and derive the design drivers for such a system (including: physical: power, energy, cooling, radiation operational and processing constraints, including human safety (shielding)); C)refine the specifications of a space-compatible analytical x-ray based system, with imaging capabilities; D)establish the technology concept and evaluate and test the critical technologies available on the market (including: production and collimation of dual-energy soft x-ray, x-ray shielding, power, thermal aspects). This includes proposing a preliminary design for a breadboard; Build and evaluate a demonstrator of a low-dose, high accuracy x-ray based system with analytical and imaging capabilities. Deliverables: Validated Demonstrator TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Human Exploration preparation / Moon/Mars Missions (2015) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8422, T309, T-8425 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL 6 in 2012 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T314-013MM TD: TD14 Title: Non-stochastic detectors of bio-markers for space applications Objectives Page 43 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Develop concepts for single molecule detection based on nanotechnology methods. Description Space biology, be it autonomous exploration- oriented or manned, will have to make use of the recent developments in the fields of nano bio-sensors, potentially able to detect bio- organic molecules by counting them, and not by proceeding from a stochastic approach as is the case with traditional biological analysis. A wealth of developments exist in that field (e.g. Euronanoforum 2005, or to-come Euronanoforum 2007). Nano-based bio-sensors have high potential because they can be accommodated into very small size and weight, have potential for high autonomy/automation and for extremely low power and reagents consumption. Most importantly, they also open the field of detection by molecule counting, instead of stochastic detection, thus making it possible to address the understanding of mechanisms of molecular signaling – a key to the understanding e.g. of the transmission of neuromuscular signals or to the cell signaling mechanisms. This mode of determination will also be useful in the extra-terrestrial biology, enabling the detection of bio-markers which might be present in so small amounts that stochastic detection is hardly applicable. As this field of activity is evolving very rapidly the activity will include the organisation of a workshop to review, evaluate and recommend / prioritise candidate technology concepts, amongst the basic principles of nanobiosensing reported and/or concepts already proven. Deliverables: Identification of new and critical technologies TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Physical Science / On orbit and in situ analysis (2017-2018) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8420 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5/6 in 2015 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T314-014MM TD: Title: Imaging of wave scattering in solids TD14 Objectives The objective of this activity is to achieve a non invasive diagnostic setup for the detection of inhomogenities in solid materials, such as mixed phase materials, propagating cracks in alloys, delaminating effects in composites etc. The contractor shall design, build and test a technology demonstrator for various applications showing the feasibility and reliability of this measurement technique for e.g fatigue detection in metals. Description Imaging of an elastic nonlinear wave-scattering source in solids is an imaging method for locating isolated nonlinear scattering source(s) in solids. It relies on extracting the nonlinear response of a solid by modulation of a high by a low-frequency wave, and employing moving-window, synchronous detection. The resulting image consists of nonlinear wave reflection profiles with remarkable sensitivity to isolated elastic nonlinear sources, like cracks. In creating the image, one can distinguish between a nonlinear scattering source(s) and other wave scatterers in the material. By assembling a technology demonstrator and performing tests on various materials, like alloys, composites and inhomogeneous materials, the feasibility and sensitivity of this technique shall be demonstrated. Deliverables: Technology Demonstrator, Test Data TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Physical Science / Long duration Contract Duration: missions (Moon/Mars) (2014-2015) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL 5/6 in 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T309, T-8425 N/A TRP Reference: T314-015MM TD: Title: Time Resolved Correlation Spectroscopy and Total Internal reflection Scattering Page 44 of 217 TD14 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives Breadboarding of a combined miniaturised setup for time resolved correlation spectroscopy and total reflection internal scattering as a diagnostic tools for in situ investigation on foams, gels glasses and emulsions. Description The present techniques that are used for the study of turbid media like colloidal glasses and gels, foams and emulsions are all based on Diffusive Wave Spectroscopy , which allows the determination of the structural modifications of the sample by measuring the time correlation of radiation diffused in the multiple scattering regimes. There is another technique for investigating temporally heterogeneous dynamics, which is termed time-resolved correlation (TRC). TRC is applied to data obtained by diffusing wave spectroscopy probing the slow dynamics of a strongly aggregated colloidal gel. Other examples of TRC data, collected for different jammed materials in single and multiple scattering, are provided to demonstrate the wide range of applicability of this method. In all cases there is evidence that the slow dynamics results from a series of discrete steps rather than from a continuous motion, suggesting temporal heterogeneities to be a general feature of slow dynamics in jammed systems. A novel technique that is complementary to DWS is Total Internal Reflection Scattering (TIRS). From the detection of light reflected by the surface above the total internal reflection angle (a region that is prohibited in geometrical optics), it is possible to reconstruct spatial information of the sample (the two dimensional spatial Fourier) like traditional single scattering techniques. Since the set-up of TIRS is very similar to DWS in reflection, it is believed that the combination of the two techniques may be easily implemented in future microgravity experiments on foams, gels, glasses and emulsions. Deliverables: Breadboard and Test Results Current TRL: - Target TRL: Algorithm Physical Science / Exploration Application/Mission: Preparation / Study of Complex Plasmas (2013-2014) SW Clause : Contract Duration: Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: TRL 5 in 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8427 N/A TRP Reference: T314-016MM TD: Title: Invasive Physiological Monitoring TD14 Objectives To develop an implantable device for monitoring several physiological parameters in mice. Description Scientific data generated during long term exposure of mice to reduced gravity (micro-g, Moon- and Mars-Gravity) are considered as a valuable input for the planning of long term missions of human beings. The planned implantable sensors to be used on-board FOTON in a mouse facility will allow to follow crucial phsyiological data on-line. The data set contains body core temperature, heart rate, ECG and blood pressure and will be transferred by telemetry. This allows a continuous monitoring of the physiological status of the animal. This will be of particular importance in future oriented experiments e.g. drug testing in the context of countermeasures. The application of these tiny sensors to man (implantation) on long term missions may be an interesting option to blood withdrawal in regular intervals, also seeing the fact, that in the future this implants may equipped with tiny biochemical sensors. Ethical and personal (crew) acceptance still has to be discussed. The concept has already been developed under ESA contract 19033 most of the effort in this activity will be devoted to the development of the ASIC and its testing in the implant. Deliverables: Demonstrators of implants and receivers. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Human Exploration preparation / Application/Mission: FOTON experiments with mice (2014-2015) SW Clause : N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 6 in 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8422 Page 45 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T314-017MM TD: Title: Computer aided medical diagnostics and surgery TD14 Objectives The aim of this activity is to develop a demonstrator for Augmented Reality (AR) based assistance to high precision echographical examination tasks and the extension of the technology towards assistance during surgeries. Description A main challenge during human planetary exploration will be the diagnostics of the physical health of the astronauts and the treatment of medical problems. A variety of diagnostic/treatment tools will be used for this, which usually needs experts or long training. Experts and time are limited in space: therefore an - Augmented Reality (AR) based assistance tool shall guide the astronauts through various (medical) examination or treatment tasks. In the present project a first step in the direction of such a multi-purpose guidance tool will be taken by the development of an Augmented Reality based guide to high precision echography diagnostic: The astronaut will see in the interactive mode the guidance information superimposed over his real view of the probe. As this technology shall also be used for treatment - for example during surgical acts - an integrated concept for AR based assistance during surgeries will be included in the project. The main tasks of the present activity will therefore be as follows: a)Review of critical technologies of an Augmented Reality based assistance to high precision echography; b)Demonstration of critical technologies (e.g.: superimposing the guidance information, calculating correct guidance information); c)Evaluation and test (one possibility is Concordia); d)Assessment of extension towards a model surgical act. Deliverables: Technology Demonstrator, Verification Data Current TRL: - Target TRL: Algorithm/Protot Application ype Need/Date: Human Exploration preparation / Moon and Mars missions, Application/Mission: preparation/verification in ISS context (2015) SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: TRL6 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8423 N/A TRP Reference: T314-018MM TD: Title: In-situ, continuous biochemical analyzer TD14 Objectives Develop on-line analysis of cell culture by-products. This includes the development of add-on technologies required to prepare the human samples for immunobiochemical analysis and standardisation of processes including test kits. Description Technologies for immuno biomedical analysis developed so far (I-BA 2, ESA Contract 19391) focused primarily on monitoring blood or urine parameters. However, preparing for exploration, will require in addition to focus the attention on the metabolism of drugs by the human body, hence cell cultures will have to be used for that purpose, especially in microgravity conditions. For the future it would be of interest to have technologies that would allow to measure the instantaneous reactions of a cell population to a given drug, whithout having to fix (kill) the cells for that purpose, as it is traditionally done today. Methods enabling on-line analysis of cell-produced chemicals to follow-up the cell reactions to drugs concentrations in a continuous way is of high interest for the future. Building on the technologies for bio-chemical analysis developed within previous TRP activities, the proposed activitiy is aimed towards the adaptation of the microgravity-compatible technologies to a continuous monitoring of the cell development cycles and cell reaction to drugs on-line in the the living cell culture. Building on this previous development, the main tasks of the present activity would be: A) Confirm the classes of bio-markers and parameters to measure; B) Define interfaces with cell culture systems (generic, specific);C) Confirm the methods for sampling fluids and sample conditioning; D) Specify, Build and validate a breadboard. Page 46 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Validated Breadboard Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Human Exploration (2013-2014) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8420 N/A 3-03 - Human Exploration Technologies TRP Reference: T304-019EE TD: TD04 Title: Physics models for biological effects of radiation and shielding Objectives Development and validation of new physics models for biological effects of very high energy cosmic ray heavy ions encountered in interplanetary space and lunar/planetary surfaces, including shielding aspects. Description Improved heavy ion hadronic physics modelling has been identified as a key development requirement by the space radiation effects and shielding community e.g. in the independent external review of the Geant4 collaboration in 2007. This is especially important for future Exploration missions beyond the Earth's magnetosphere, where unattenuated fluxes of highly damaging very energetic cosmic rays are encountered. The present activity will start with an analysis of Geant4 and other Monte Carlo codes capable of hadronic physics simulation (e.g. FLUKA, PHITS, RQMD), including analysis of relevant theoretical models, analytical codes (e.g. US HZETRN code), and experimental data. Methods of implementing and interfacing the best models into the Geant4 formework shall be developed. The resulting software will be thoroughly validated by comparisons to experimental data (exisiting or produced in the activity) and to other codes. The resulting codes will be applied to realistic cases dealing with human effects. Emphasis shall be put on the usability of the codes both in terms of computing speed and availability through widely accepted engineering interfaces (e.g. Spenvis). Deliverables: New models of heavy ion hadronic physics interactions for shielding and human effects analyses for future manned missions; engineering implementations and interfaces for these models. Experimental work where necessary. Reports. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - habitat / All manned projects beyond ISS, in particular to lunar/interplanetary environments and EVA, shielded Application/Mission: Contract Duration: vehicles and habitats (2020) / Technology demonstration possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : Open Source Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7780 ,T-309 2006a Rad. Effects Tools TRP Reference: T304-020EE TD: TD04 Title: Radiation shielding by ISRU and/or innovative composites for EVA, vehicles and habitats Objectives Page 47 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Development of lightweight radiation shielding for vehicles, EVA and use of ISRU material for habitat shielding, including storm shelters. Description The use of alternating layers of high and low atomic weight structures may allow lighter radiation shielding to be created. This study would design, fabricate and test such a material with the aid of detailed simulation and irradiation. It would also investigate the shielding properties of lunar and Martian surface materials, including secondary radiation production for solar and GCR energetic particle populations. Radiation on planetary surfaces arises from secondary interactions with atmosphere and planetary surface and habitation structures. Severe solar particle events may require a heavily shielded refuge for crew. The design of this needs to be made and guidelines for its use created. Deliverables: Design, sample material and test results, reports. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - habitat / All manned missions, incl. Surface EVA and ISS, Exploration (2020) / Application/Mission: Contract Duration: Technology demonstration possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7780, T-7791, T-654, T-309 2006a Rad. Effects Tools TRP Reference: T308-021SW Title: Crew Information System TD: TD08 Objectives To refine the requirements baseline of Mission Execution Crew Assistant (MECA) by conducting field and in-orbit test & assessments . Description The objective of MECA (Mission Execution Crew Asistant) is to empower the cognitive capacities of human-machine teams during lunar/planetary exploration missions in order to cope autonoumously with unexpected, complex and potentially hazardous situations. Best practicies of Usability Engineering calls for iterative assessment of real products in operational contexts even in the R&D phase. Therefore, during the course of the proposed study the following tasks are foreseen, to refine the MECA requirements baseline by conducting field and in-orbit test & assessments: - Prepare, test and evaluate MECA concepts and data-sets in a representative analogue terrestrial setting involving team collaboration. - Define and conduct inorbit test of a sub-set of MECA concepts, focussing on decision making. - Adapt MECA capability and architecture to the inorbit crew transportation scenario. Deliverables: MECA requirements baseline v2. MECA operational PoC demonstrator, ( > 2 configurations). MECA technical specification, incl a CSTS configuration. Evaluation reports from terrestial and inorbit assessments. Current TRL: Algorithm - S/W Target TRL: Prototype - S/W Application on commercial Need/Date: H/W Human exploration - life support (2020) / Technology demonstration Application/Mission: Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5 by 2012 48 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8417 N/A Page 48 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T319-022MC Title: Window design for Manned Spacecraft TD: TD20 Objectives To establish a feasible structural integrity approach for critical pressurized windows in manned spaceflight application. Description European experience in designing and manufacturing pressurized glass windows for human spaceflight applications(spacecraft and payloads) is limited. The fact that small cracks tend to grow as a function of time, rather than pressure cycles, and the sensitivity to brittle failure due to stress concentration, makes safe design for long lifetime challenging. Currently pressurized glass of payloads is designed to relatively low stress, and definition of acceptance criteria for defects can be problematic. The study should address: * detailed definition of design criteria and specification for candidate materials for pressurized windows; * development of inspection methods, proof test methods, other acceptance test methods and criteria for acceptance of detected defects; * determination of relevant strength, fracture toughness and crack growth parameters of candidate materials applicable environments; * analysis, design and test of breadboard pressurized window, candidate materials include: fused silica, MgF2 (TBC), sapphire (TBC). This activity will specifically focus on the structural integrity aspects of windows /viewports in payloads/experiments and habitats. Detailed aspects related to materials, manufacturing processes etc for windows shall be covered in a separate study!! Deliverables: Design criteria and procurement specification; development of acceptance test program; materials properties testing results; breadboard design & test results report. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - habitat / all payloads and modules using windows/viewports (2020) / Application/Mission: Contract Duration: Technology demonstration possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 >=2015 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-309 N/A TRP Reference: T319-023MC TD: TD20 Title: Flexible window concept for inflatable and expandable habitat modules Objectives Review possible flexible window concepts for application in inflatable or expandable habitat modules and perform basic proof-of-concept testing. Description The current flexible habitat module concepts rely on rigid windows to be integrated in them. It has been demonstrated difficult for assembly (hard/soft interfaces) and not efficient in terms of packaging (rigid part with the soft assembly). The proposed activity will review alternative window concepts for integration into inflatable or expandable habitat modules (windows made of flexible transparent material, or rigidized after deployment). The study shall be concluded with basic proof-of-concept testing on samples. Deliverables: Design files, test reports for Proof-of-concept tests, Development plan Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 49 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5/6 >=2015 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Human exploration - habitat / all inflatable modules/habitats etc Application/Mission: (2020) / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-309 N/A TRP Reference: T319-024MC Title: Hypervelocity Impacts on Expandable Protections for Space Vehicles TD: TD20 Objectives To explore the ballistic performances of advanced space debris and meteoroids protections for manned pressurised modules. Description This exploratory work shall, as a minimum, address the effect of spacing on the performances of promising configurations; the effect of thickness and characteristics of the first and the last layer of the protection on its ballistic performances.; the performances of promising configurations under oblique impacts.; the evaluation of up range and down range ejectas; the measure of momentum transfer under impacts and a comparison of this momentum transfer with the performances of protection with stiff metallic components. Testing will be performed for selected configurations. Deliverables: Ballistic Limit Equations suitable for Risk Analysis. Test reports. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - habitat / Human Exploration Missions Application/Mission: (2020) / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5 by 2012-2013 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-309 co-ordinated through Network of Centres Space Debris Coordination Group (NoC SDCG)). TRP Reference: T321-025MC TD: TD22 Title: Characterisation of a Nitrogen recycling unit for water recovery Objectives Study of static mass balances and hydrodynamics of a nitrifying process. Description Nitrogen recycling is a well known difficulty in the ECLSS domain and so far technologies are mainly aiming to a N complete removal. Unfortunately, the only known technology is energy costly and bi-phasic. Alternative approaches would require a specific pre-treatment of Nitrogen. Preliminary trade-off has allowed to identify the nitrification as a very promising pre-treatment, but this possibility needs to be confirmed by a higher level of process characterisation (mass balance, oxygen needs, volumetric mass transfer coefficient KLa,..). This characterisation will allow to issue recommendations for a preliminary design. Deliverables: mass balances, Test reports. Recommendations for a prelimary design. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 50 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5/6 by 2015 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Human exploration - life support / Preparation for Exploration (2020) Application/Mission: / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 30 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7785 N/A TRP Reference: T321-026MC Title: Microbial pathogen identification in water TD: TD22 Objectives Study and selection of technologies for automatic and fast identification of pathogen in water. Description The need to close the water loop on board considerably increases the microbial risk. This risk has been recently confirmed by the modification of the ISS Medical Operation Requirement Document, which now requires to identify potential pathogens in water. The proposed activity will exploit the experience of terrestrial industry to develop a system for continuous monitoring of microbial contamination in the water on board manned spacecraft. The basic idea is to take advantage of gene based techniques and to study the implementation of all the steps versus space applications requirements. Within this study it is proposed to review, select and test potential technologies for a fast and automatic identification of pathogens in water. Deliverables: trade-off, tests document Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - life support / Preparation for Exploration (2020) Application/Mission: / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7782 N/A TRP Reference: T321-027MC Title: Removal of specific chemical contaminants in water TD: TD22 Objectives To study, test and select best-suited technology, establishment of a technology development plan. Description In order to increase water loop closure in future planetary habitats, a condensate, urine and grey water recovery unit is being defined (C 19857). This unit combines nitrification and advanced filtration techniques. Heavy metals originating from condensate (leaching from heat exchanger, piping) will certainly accumulate in the recovery unit and become toxic for the nitrification. Today, minerals (including heavy metals) are absorbed in ORU multi-filtration beds. Part of the minerals, which could be further used in other LSS elements (i.e. food production unit) are consequently wasted. In order to allow maximum recycling, it is necesary to develop a new technique for specific removal of heavy metals (Zn, Cu, Ag, Ni, Na). Deliverables: trade-off, tests documentation, development plan Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Page 51 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5/6 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Human exploration - life support / Preparation for Exploration (2020) Application/Mission: / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7785 N/A TRP Reference: T321-028MC Title: Extraction of specific chemical contaminants in the Air TD: TD22 Objectives To review and study existing techniques wrt targeted contaminants, perform preliminary tests, select best-suited extraction technology, establish a development plan. Description The LSS for a future planetary habitat shall allow maximum recovery of consumables from the wastes generated by the crew in order to increase water and gas loops closure. Such a LSS will be composed of several interlinked sub-systems, from waste treatment to food production. To date, all waste treatment systems under development mainly generate CO2 and gaseous contaminants, the nature of which depends on the selected waste treatment technique. Currently, photo-oxidation processes are used to transform volatile organics into re-usable CO2. However, such processes are not able to cope with contaminants such as NOx, SOx, H2S, skatole, furans, phenols and other conjugated organics. These gaseous contaminants need to be removed in order to allow re-use of the produced CO2 in a closed life support systems. Deliverables: trade-off, tests documentation, development plan Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - life support / Preparation for Exploration (2020) Application/Mission: / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 by 2012 30 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7786 N/A TRP Reference: T321-029MC TD: TD22 Title: Preliminary definition of on-line chemical water quality analysis equipment Objectives To study and test analytical methods to monitor water quality and select the best-suited methods for on-line application. Description Today, aboard ISS, monitoring of the quality of recovered water is mainly performed using on-line pH and electroconductivity measurement. Contamination by organics is not monitored. Electroconductivity is a lump parameter, which indicates the amount of minerals present in the water but does not allow understanding the origin of any mineral contamination. As mission duration increases, water loop closure shall also be increased by considering recycling of urine and hygiene water. In order to better monitor the quality of recovered water and to be able to determine the origin of contamination, the development of an on-line analytical system is necessary. Preliminary attention will be paid to , NH4, NO3, Na, K, P and generic technologies. this study will include bibliography review, preliminary tests of analytical techniques, selection of the best suited techniques for on-line application. Deliverables: trade-off, tests documentation Page 52 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Human exploration - life support / Preparation for Exploration (2020) Application/Mission: / Technology demonstration Contract Duration: possible in earlier Demo mission or onboard ISS (2015-2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5/6 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7782 N/A 3-04 - Autonomous Robotic Exploration missions TRP Reference: T316-030MM TD: Title: Miniaturized Imaging Lidar system (Ph.1) TD16 Objectives The objective of this activity is to design, manufacture and test a miniaturized Imaging Lidar system. Novel and advanced technologies shall be developed and implemented in order to minimize the system mass and power consumption. Description The missions of the Exploration Programme foresee several RVD (Rendezvous and Docking), landing and rover navigation operations where Imaging Lidar instruments shall play a key role. Typically Imaging Lidars rely on scanning mechanisms that are still bulky and rather heavy, which is not favourable for space missions. On-going ESA activities focus on the development of Imaging Lidar sensors that will implement detector arrays. However the number of pixels of these arrays is not sufficient to cover the total field of view with the required high spatial resolution. For this reason a scanner mechanism is still needed (with relaxed scanning performance when compared with a single detector system). In order to miniaturize an Imaging Lidar system novel technologies, including miniaturized scanners (such as Micro-Opto-Electro-Mechanical Systems - MOEMs) and high performance detector arrays (such as APD arrays), have to be developed and implemented. During this activity novel and advanced technologies shall be studied and implemented with the objective to develop a miniaturized Imaging Lidar sensor. The following tasks shall be performed: 1)Review novel technologies in view of its utilization in a miniaturized Imaging Lidar system focussing on one specific GN&C application (rendezvous and docking, landing or rover navigation) 2)Execute precursor experiments and development tasks to assess and increase the readiness level of novel and advanced technologies.3)Design, manufacture and test a miniaturized Imaging Lidar breadboard. Deliverables: Miniaturized Imaging Lidar breadboard Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEXT, MSR (>2016) SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2013 20 months T-7719; T-7745; EDL(Autonomous) Navigation Systems; EDL: Autonomous Landing GNC Technology Dossier0 Ref.: Development; Autonomous RDV Navigation System inc. Sensors; RDV: Autonomous Rendezvous GNC Technology Development N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 N/A Page 53 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities 4 - Space Transportation 4-01 - Launchers oriented Technologies TRP Reference: MPC-846 TD: TD24 Title: Acquisition and Evaluation of Cryo-Solid Propulsion: Additional Testing Objectives The objective is to evaluate and demonstrate the Cryogenic Solid Propellants (CSP) concept. Description Conventional solid rocket propellants have specific impulses that are low compared to cryogenic liquids. Cryogenic Solid Propellants (CSP), defined as frozen propellants that normally are liquids or gases, compare very favourably with conventional ones. The goal of this activity is to establish a firm evaluation of CSP in terms of applicability, performance, operability and cost. It is also necessary to establish the theoretical and experimental foundations of CSP-grain design, production, integration, handling, ignition, combustion etc and rapidly provide the knowledge base of a prototype demonstrator version of a CSP-motor. Experimental work carried out as part of this activity shall include investigations of strand burner and tests with sub-scale motors. This CCN will continue the experimental work. Deliverables: Test data Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Future launchers N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2-3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5 by 2020 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: - N/A TRP Reference: T409-002GI TD: TD09 Title: Assessment of the suitability of ESOC Ground Segment infrastructure S/W for its use in the launcher field. Objectives 1. To assess the suitability and identify the limitations of ESOC Ground Segment infrastructure s/w (Mission Control System, Simulator) for use in the launcher field; 2. To perform a gap analysis in terms of requirements (functional, performances, operational, quality, safety, etc.) and in terms of system architecture; 3. To sketch the concept of s/w infrastructure product line for launcher Ground Segment infrastructure identifying commonality and specifics between the spacecraft and the launcher domains. Description ESOC Ground Segment infrastructure s/w application (SCOS-2000 and SIMULUS) demonstrated its versatility to fulfil the requirements of the various ESA Missions but also to fulfil the requirements of 3rd party spacecraft operators like DLR, EUMETSAT, RADARSAT and Arabsat. SCOS-2000 also demonstrated its suitably as a kernel for implementing a Payload Operations and Programming Centre (SMOS mission) but also for implementing an EGSE system for a satellite (Herschel Plank) or for a launcher like VEGA. While SCOS-2000 was initially selected to be part of VEGA Control Centre Bench (BCV), during the Project design phase, the choice was revisited and the decision was made to remove SCOS-2000 from the architecture. While no justification was provided at the PDR to substantiate this choice, it is clear that VEGA commanding, monitoring and acquisition real-time performance requirements were very challenging for SCOS-2000 (Commanding request < 250 ms, monitoring reaction < 50ms, Single/multiple acquisition < 250/500 ms). To date, no studies have been performed to determine the suitability and limitations of the Ground Segment infrastructure s/w to fulfil the specific needs of launchers. Therefore, the activity shall assess the suitability of ESOC Ground Segment infrastructure s/w for its use in the launcher domain (EGSE, Control Bench, Mission Control system) identifying the necessary addition to develop suitable product line of applications for launchers. The approach shall consist in: 1. Performing a requirements gap analysis (functional, performances, operational, quality, safety, etc.) between the Page 54 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities various launchers applications and the current ESOC Ground Segment s/w infrastructure. 2. Describing a high level system architecture for a launcher Ground Segment infrastructure s/w by identify commonalities and specificities between the satellite and the launcher domain. 3. Proposing follow up studies activities to further analyse the more uncertain technical areas. Deliverables: 1. Technological analysis, requirements and Use Cases 2. High level architectural design N/A Current TRL: N/A Application/Mission: All launchers, re-entry vehicles (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : Operational SW Dossier0 Ref.: T-120 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T415-003PV TD: TD15 Title: Study for an on-board contamination measurement for launchers Objectives Several assumptions and rough analyses are carried out during the launcher design phases and mission analysis to estimate the level of contaminants (molecular and particulate) originated by the launcher that may deposit on the Payload. Due to the stringent cleanliness requirements sometimes imposed by the P/L (e.g. optical sensors) it is important to have a feedback on data from real missions. Description It is proposed to initiate a feasibility study as well as a preliminary design for an On-board Cleanliness Measurement System (OCMS). The OCMS will be able to send by LV TLM the actual levels of molecular and particulate contamination accumulated , based on sensors to be located as much as possible closed to the P/L location. The OCMS shall have its own battery (already certified by safety) and shall not have any redundancies expect for what it is functionally needed. Moreover the maximum use of off-the-shelf equipment and qualified H/W shall be sought. Deliverables: 1) Research on similar equipments for non-European Launchers. 2) Feasibility study. 3) Preliminary architecture. 4) List of possible Bidders for the system development TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Identified need for Vega. (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-855 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 6 months N/A TRP Reference: T417-004MP TD: TD18 Title: Launcher stage separation and plume interaction validation Objectives The objective of this activity is to enhance our tools for stage separation load assessment by performing dedicated experimentation in suitable facilities and address flight extrapolation and scaling. The broader scope is to 1. to address the absence of a suitable validation database 2. to provide an initial evaluation of current software. 3. to support to post-flight analysis for current and future launchers. Description Page 55 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Stage separation shows itself to be an area of risk in relation to past, current and future launch vehicles. The process of stage separation at high Mach numbers involves complex flow interactions and multi-body motion and, thus, the process is not fully verifiable on ground. Therefore; in order to mitigate against risk, approaches to stage separation are traditionally conservative and non-optimal from a cost and performance perspective. Improving the current state of the art for stage separation should therefore focus on a combination of ground based wind tunnel testing and simulation. Tests are a pre-requisite in order that numerical tools can be properly validated before application to flight scale. Currently, such problems may be modeled but the validity of the results (in the absence of a thorough knowledge of the true flow physics) is questionable. During the course of the activity it is foreseen: • The contractor shall review available data on stage separation from past experimentation ( e.g. A4) and define a strategy for validation experimentation including flight extrapolation and scaling with the objective to enhance present day knowledge as well as taking into account recent lessons learned from the VEGA working group on stage separation. • The contractor shall define in agreement with the agency the windtunnel model(s) for aerodynamic testing in transand supersonic facilities representative of a selection of stage separation approaches (including both current and potential future configurations). • The contractor shall perform sub-scale wind-tunnel testing with variation of the major aerodynamic and geometrical parameters in order to construct a database against which numerical tools shall be validated. • The contractor shall perform CFD activities in order to evaluate them w.r.t the generated experimental database (including parametric variations). • The contractor shall perform CFD activities to investigate the sensitivity of the CFD results w.r.t extrapolation to a flight representative scale and boundary conditions. • An assessment of the uncertainties introduced due to parameters that are not possible to fully reproduce on ground shall be included. • Where windtunnel results are obtained in relation to current/historic configurations the contractor shall ensure that a comparison with post flight data is possible. • Based on the results obtained, a synthesis and recommendations for future work shall be given. Deliverables: Wind tunnel test data, CFD Solutions, Technical notes, Test Articles, Test Data TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All staged launch vehicles (Mission Contract Duration: Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7900, T8095 Consistent (A18) TRP Reference: T417-005MP TD: TD18 Title: Launcher base flows and shock interaction regions improved load characterization Objectives The objective of this TRP is to enhance the tools ( facilities, instrumentation and CFD modelling ) simulating the heat flux and pressure loads for Ariane and Vega launchers. Priority is given to revisiting base flow regions and regions with strong pressure gradients (SWBLI) as these are the regions which are usually strongly over dimensioned. In addition present day facilities have been improved and more knowledge has been obtained as to the influence of the hot plume onto base flow regions thereby allowing a more accurate assessment of the design loads. The outcome of the study should be improved modelling of loads at e.g. regions around the batimoteur of A5 or around the DAAR/DAAV regions reducing the required TPS mass and therefore optimize the complete launcher as well as saving recurrent cost. ( as an example: today 600kg Prozial is used in A5 base region which most likely can be reduced) Description As part of the harmonization of the Aerothermodynamics tools, the need to improve the means (experimental and numerical tools) to assess the environmental loads for launchers became a priority. In particular the tools used to define the maximum pressure and heat flux loads in base flow regions such as those encountered on Ariane 5 are a priority. Page 56 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The present TRP deals with enhancements of the methods used to define the pressure and heat flux loads taking into account the influence of the hot plume. The phenomena to be addressed in the context of this TRP are unsteady pressure and heat flux loads around launcher base regions where plume entrainment, recirculating unsteady flows and afterburning determine the level of the convective heat fluxes and maximum pressure loads. These loads define the general specifications who drive the design of the Structural, thermal protection and venting holes. Previous studies concentrated mainly on buffeting unsteady pressure loads driving the gimballing actuator forces on the Vulcain as well as on the nozzle start up transient side loads. Here the focus is on radiative and convective heat loads and on pressure loads in base regions but also in regions where strong shock interactions occur such as around the upper and lower A5 EPC attachement bars ( DAAV and DAAR). . The contractor shall perform the following activities : • Review of present day tools used for A5 and Vega launcher loads; • Analysis and prioritization of uncertainties for heating and pressure loads. • Definition of generic configuration or use of existing windtunnel models representing the phenomenon and region of interest. • Feasibility of addressing influence of hot plume in existing facilities e.g. (Onera S3, or DLR KOLN ) or retrofitting facilities such as the TNO propulsion stand to obtain basic data on hot plume base flow interaction • Instrumentation developments, and windtunnel testing ; • Analysis of data and numerical rebuilding including flight extrapolation and scaling • Uncertainty analysis and consolidation of new approach for follow up application for A5 and Vega launchers • Synthesis and recommendations Deliverables: Software / manuals / technical reports and numerical data from validation TRL 6 Current TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: Launcher load optimization (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7900, T8095 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Consistent (A11) TRP Reference: T418-006MP Title: Experimental Investigation of Rotordynamic Fluid Forces on Cavitating Helical Inducers TD: TD15 Objectives The main purpose of the proposed activity is the experimental characterization of the unsteady fluid forces and moments acting on turbopump inducers as a consequence of their whirl motion under cavitating/noncavitating conditions, with special emphasis on the onset and development of lateral rotordynamic instabilities. Description The most critical rotordynamic instability in turbopumps is the development of self-sustained lateral motions (whirl) of the impeller under the action of destabilizing forces. These forces can be of mechanical origin (internal damping and hysteresis of the rotor and of the shaft, anisotropy of the rotor and bearing stiffness, dynamic unbalance, direct contact of the static and rotating parts, system nonlinearities, etc.) or of fluid dynamic origin (flow asymmetries, cavitation, journal bearing or seal forces, leakage and recirculation flows, rotor/stator interactions, non-stationary phenomena). Because of their greater complexity, rotordynamic forces of fluid mechanical origin have so far received less attention in the open literature than mechanically induced rotordynamic forces, despite of their well recognized potential for promoting rotordynamic instabilities of high performance turbopumps and for significantly modifying, in conjunction with cavitation, the dynamic properties of the impeller, and therefore the critical speeds of the whole machine. A significant amount of work has also been developed for analyzing the various forms of flow instabilities in pumps by theoretical and/or numerical means. A consistent body of systematic experimental information on unsteady rotordynamic fluid forces and, among them, cavitation forces in high performance turbopumps is, at the same time, vital for future propulsion applications to reusable launchers and, at present, almost completely lacking in the open literature. Practically nothing is known on the interactions of cavitation-induced instabilities, in particular rotating cavitation, and lateral rotordynamic impeller forces. There is, therefore, a great need for further work in the this area, particularly in Europe, since earlier openly published efforts have mostly been developed in the United States and recently, with rapidly increasing success, in Japan. Current trend towards supercritical operation of turbopumps for liquid propellant feed systems imposes careful Page 57 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities reconsideration of the contributions of rotordynamic fluid forces on cavitating impellers in determining the dynamic properties of the rotors. Simple overestimation of these forces with reference to noncavitating operation works well in subcritical pumps but is clearly no longer acceptable in supercritical machines, since it would lead to unrealistically low values of the critical speeds and to drastic overestimates of the stability margins at design conditions, where significant cavitation is commonly accepted. Nowadays experimentation still plays an essential role for progress in this technology field because the extreme complexity and imperfect understanding of the relevant unsteady fluid dynamic phenomena prevents the possibility of relying on theoretical or numerical predictions alone. Operational and economic limitations clearly indicate that detailed, highly-instrumented experiments can only be effectively carried out on turbopumps operating under fluid dynamic and thermal cavitation similarity. Ultimately, the proposed activity will provide the designers of high performance turbopumps with a systematic set of experimental data on the impeller fluid forces resulting from its position or whirl motion with respect to the pump casing. This information, expressed in terms of properly nondimensional flow-induced rotordynamic coefficients under fluid dynamic and thermal cavitation similarity, will allow realistic estimates of these forces in full-scale turbomachines to be deduced from model data or from the direct measurement of the impeller position and whirl motion in full-scale turbopumps. Even more importantly, it will provide corrections of the machine’s critical speeds to account for the presence, nature, and dynamic behavior of the entrained fluid, thereby effectively contributing to identify the operational regimes that are likely to develop into dangerous and potentially destructive rotordynamic instabilities. The availability of a systematic set of experimental data on rotordynamic fluid forces on whirling impellers represents an important step for the reduction of the development costs of advanced turbopumps for space applications. Deliverables: Technical notes, test data file(s) TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All launchers with liquid propulsion Contract Duration: (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7899 N/A TRP Reference: T418-007MP TD: Title: European medium thrust engine concept TD19 Objectives The aim of this activity is to develop the needed propulsion technologies enabling the implementation of a medium thrust engine suitable for space transportation purposes that encompass launcher, transfer vehicle, planetary transfer and descent/ landing applications. Description Launcher system studies suggest the usage of a medium thrust engine for small launcher upper stage and for heavy launcher in dual launch configuration, orbit transfer vehicles need thrust levels in the same range. Planetary transfer studies, carried out with the objective to meet Mars and Lunar mission requirements, come to the same conclusion. The following cases can be mentioned in support to the above assessment: the Vega launcher upper stage engine (currently purchased abroad), the ATV propulsion design, the several ESA CDF system studies for transfer to Mars and Moon and entry/landing and ascent on the planet surface, ESA GSP activities done in the frame of the design and technology investigation for the propulsion systems to satisfy MSR (Mars Sample Return) mission requirements. The activities will span from the analysis of requirements, to the performance of architectural studies, the design of fluid dynamic aspects of a prototype for demonstration of the technologies to implement a medium thrust (3 – 8KN) engine. To reach this goal, Industry will capitalise on the work previously done in Europe in this area. It will be of paramount importance to have a clear view of this already at industry proposal level, where the bidder shall provide full evidence of the past work and clear understanding of the current availability and validity of the relevant results. Also, in the Industry Proposal, the data available from past ESA survey studies shall be analysed and used for full justification of the proposed engine concept solution. The main tasks to be performed can be summarised as follows: Task1: to define engine requirements according to a reasonable envelope of the main listed mission requirements Task2: to design the chamber material to allow long duration firing Task3: to design the nozzle extension for long duration firing Task4: to develop the pulse mode firing concept at all parts level Task5: to perform the injector head design for multi start and long duration firing Task6: to design a valve able to feed the engine in pulse mode firing and in steady state firing Page 58 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Task7: to prepare the technology development test plan based on the achievements reached in the design phase and outline the complete engine development phase As a general rule during the activities, it will be recommended to maximise the usage of existing H/W (where applicable) while it will be acceptable to design new equipment where the need is demonstrated. Deliverables: Industry background data, engine parts preliminary design report, engine preliminary design report, prototype technology development test plan, engine development plan TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Future Vega/Ariane upper stages, Exploration (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8324 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T418-008MP TD: TD15 Title: Dynamic Characterization of Cavitating Turbopumps and Inducers for POGO Suppression Objectives The objective of the present proposal consists in experimentally characterizing the dynamic transfer matrices of typical cavitating inducers for rocket propellant feed turbopumps operating under fluid dynamic and thermal cavitation similarity, in order to investigate the influence of the frequency and amplitude of the excitation, the potential impact of thermal cavitation effects, the system-independence of the results and the intensity of the ensuing forces on the rotors. Description The term POGO refers to the out of phase motion of the ends of a liquid rocket, which can build to a dangerous magnitude due to propulsion system feed-back caused by self-excited pressure oscillation in the propellant feed lines. Since the development of the Titan II launcher for the Gemini programme, POGO instability has been one of the major concerns in the design of modern rockets. As the inception and control of POGO oscillations is largely affected by the multiphase behavior of fluids in the feed system, and thus by the cavitating response of propellant turbopumps. The fatigue failure of an inducer blade due to fluid dynamic instabilities of the Japanese LE-7 liquid hydrogen turbopump and the consequent catastrophic loss of the first H-2 launch in November 1999 dramatically confirmed that cavitation-induced instabilities represent the dominant fluid mechanical phenomena that adversely affect the dynamic stability and safety of propellant feed turbopumps. Several important aspects of the dynamics transfer matrices of cavitating turbopumps still require further investigation, namely: a) the behavior at higher reduced frequencies, relevant to a number of critical turbopump instabilities; b) the influence of thermal effects, which is known to be quite significant in steady operation and is likely to be of comparable importance also in dynamic conditions; c) the independence on the pump’s boundary conditions, which is essential for the practical value of measured transfer matrices and has not yet been verified by previous experiments; and d) the magnitude of the fluid forces induced on the pump rotors, whose knowledge contributes to the most efficient structural design of the machine. Currently, these extremely complex aspects can only be realistically addressed by means of detailed forced vibration experiments on turbopumps in fluid dynamic and thermal cavitation similarity. However very little specific experimentation has been so far performed in Europe related to these issues, which have been accounted for by increasing design margins in an empirical and not necessarily efficient way. The experiments will be carried out by harmonically perturbing the inlet/outlet flow of the machine by means of suitably designed flow fluctuators. Thermal cavitation effects will be investigated by adjusting the liquid temperature as necessary for adequately scaling the pump prototype operating at design conditions (flow coefficient and cavitation number) with the given propellant (LH2, LOX, hydrazine, UMMH or NTO). System-independence will be verified by modifying the dynamics of the suction/discharge lines of the pump by means of suitable additional components (resistances, capacitances or inertances) and, as far as possible, by comparison with the data available in the literature. The ultimate objective of the activity consists in providing pump designers and manufacturers with a wider experimental database on the dynamic response of cavitating turbopumps to inlet line pressure oscillations, and on the related unsteady impeller forces, to be used for improving the capability of controlling, suppressing or possibly surviving dangerous POGO instabilities of liquid propellant rocket propulsion systems. Deliverables: Technical notes, test data file(s) Page 59 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Launch vehicles. (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7899 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T418-009MP Title: Technology feasibility of cryogenic PMD elements TD: TD19 Objectives The design and development of a complete cryogenic PMD for large upper stages like Ariane 5 is a very complex task requiring noticeable funding and long schedule. Objective of this study is to start this process by a design and pre-development work on selected PMD elements to investigate the preferred conceptual approach and verify its feasibility. A survey of European industrial experience and knowledge together with worldwide background will have to be coupled with maximum usage of existing data. Description Re-ignitable Launcher Upper stage cryogenic propulsion systems need Propellant Management Devices (PMD) of a different concept with respect to more traditional non re-ignitable systems. Definition and development of such PMDs is an enabling technology to allow implementation of advanced launcher upper stage propulsion. Previous ESA and industrial studies largely agree on this need and plenty of technical data is available to support initiation of experimental activities on such devices. The European industry has performed initial activities both in the field of fluid-dynamics and thermal. Preliminary definition work is available. However, a cryogenic PMD is a complex device whose definition is very much correlated to system and propellant tank design aspects; the activities will initially focus on the definition of a number of possible cryogenic PMD concept candidates, their preliminary design and analysis followed by trade studies, also in relation to ESA programs strategic needs, to select a preferred concept. Detailed design of demonstrator elements of the selected concept will be performed and manufacturing and functional testing will be performed. In particular, the foreseen work can be summarised in the following tasks: Task1: to analyse mission applications in relation to PMD functions and streamline a list of representative requirements. Task2: identify attractive PMD concepts and perform preliminary design definition Task3: select preferred concept based on trade parameters agreed with ESA Task4: perform detailed design of functionally representative PMD parts and manufacture. Consider as a minimum the following aspects: screens, capillary devices, start basket, venting, cooling coils. Task5: define a test plan for the PMD parts and demonstrate their coverage of the technology demonstration needs. Task6: perform test plan and post process test data. Task7: assess further cryogenic PMD technology development roadmap. Deliverables: Survey of European and worldwide state of art, Cryogenic PMD mission needs, Cryogenic PMD concepts trade studies and selection, preliminary design of representative parts, parts test plan, parts test results, technology development roadmap. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Re-ignitable cryogenic stages, (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7568 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T418-010MP Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Consistent TD: Page 60 of 217 TD19 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Title: Simulation models for Solid Rocket Motor’s (SRM’s) Ignition Transient (IT) Objectives The present activity shall be devoted to achieve the following two objectives: • to increase the knowledge of the more relevant phenomena involved in the SRM ignition transient (IT), their interactions and their dependencies from the main design parameters (igniter configuration and operation, propellant grain geometry, pressurization level, pressurizing gas typology etc.); • to develop and /or validate a simulation model able to reproduce the SRM IT behaviour for a large variety of SRM configurations. This simulation model shall to be characterized by high reliability, flexibility and low computational time. The expected outcomes, with respect to the previous objectives, are: i) to provide general and specific indications to address the SRM design process toward the achievement of proper ignition IT behaviour; ii) to develop a computer code to be used to analyze and predict the SRM IT. Description The ignition transient phase of a Solid Rocket Motor (SRM) generates a number of issues and behaviours on the launcher that might be detrimental to its performances and may eventually lead to the loss of the mission. A good understanding of the phenomena associated to the ignition transient is essential and the development of a simple, reliable tool capable to reproduce these ignition transient phenomena is requested as an important support to current and future applications of SRMs. The ballistic behaviour of a SRM during the Ignition Transient (IT) phase mainly generates the following issues: i) Thrust imbalance (dual booster configuration). ii) Rate of increase and oscillations of propulsive thrust. iii) Stage separation procedure and timing. iv) Structural integrity and deformation of propellant grain. v) Payload integrity (frequency and amplitude of induced oscillations). vi) Others. In order to prevent possible problem, a good level of detail in the IT reconstruction is mandatory. By looking at the evolution of the internal pressure during the IT, different motor configurations lead to different pressure evolution typology. Even if the propagation phenomena could be more or less significant in characterizing the IT evolution (for example, by pressure oscillation with significant frequency and amplitude), an efficient, robust and reliable unsteady gasdynamical model is considered as a mandatory requirement to simulate the IT phase. In order to fulfil the requirement of reasonable computing times, a quasi 1D unsteady model shall be adopted to approach the problem. More complex, and time consuming, 3D models could be proposed for the preignition gasdynamical simulation and/or for validation purposes. Due to its great influence on the IT behaviour, also others phenomena shall be modeled, such as the propellant surface heating and ignition, the propellant combustion, the igniter operation etc. To simulate these phenomena the support of specific sub-models is required. The total activity could be partitioned in the following work packages: • Basic gasdynamic model and sub-models’ formulation and discussion. • Computer code development. • Model and computer code validation. Deliverables: Technical notes, computer models. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: SRM for Launch vehicles. (Mission Contract Duration: Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T418-034MP TD: Title: Experimental Investigation of Key Technologies for a Turbine Based Combined Airbreather-Rocket Engine Page 61 of 217 TD19 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives The largest component of the program is the precooler development. This will involve manufacture of approximately 65 precooler modules, which assemble into 3 drums (21 modules per drum). The complete pre-cooler will then be installed upstream of a jet-engine to simulate realistic operational conditions including the effectiveness of the frost control. The investigation of oxidiser cooling of the chamber consists of oxidation trials on coated copper coupons in appropriate atmospheres, followed by the manufacture of a small chamber with cooling channels, tested under combustion conditions with air cooling plus hydrogen film cooling in airbreathing mode, and lox cooling in the rocket mode. The investigation of nozzle stability consists of design, procurement and cold flow testing of small adapting nozzles based on analysis of previous test work, followed by procurement of a larger scale model for hot firing at higher flows proving the stability of a highly expanded nozzle at surface atmospheric back pressure. Description The experimental investigation of key technologies for a turbine based combined air-breather-rocket engine cover demonstration of pre-cooled engine with frost control, thrust chamber and nozzle concept, variable air intake geometry, and implementation and functional operation issues of achieved developments in aerospace programmes. Specifically the following need to be addressed: - Demonstration of pre-cooled engine with frost control (REL) air intake: The largest component of the program is the precooler development. This will involve manufacture of approximately 65 precooler modules, which assemble into 3 drums (21 modules per drum). The complete pre-cooler will then be installed upstream of a jet-engine to simulate realistic operational conditions including the effectiveness of the frost control. - Thrust chamber and nozzle concept (EADS-Astrium + Bristol university): The thrust chamber must be cooled by the oxidiser, high pressure air during airbreathing and liquid oxygen during rocket modes. The thrust chamber activities are targeted at demonstrating liquid oxygen and air cooling of a copper liner and the operation of a suitable atmospheric compensating nozzle. A hybrid airbreathing and rocket engine must operate over the whole range of back pressure, from the Earths surface to space. The engine performance is therefore very dependent on the expansion ratio of the nozzle. There is strong motivation to find an adaptive nozzle design which can compensate for atmospheric back pressure. This activity involves use of earlier in-house work at Reaction Engines and shall involve potential manufacturers of the eventual prototype system. - Air intake (GDL): The program shall demonstrate the recovery over the Mach range 0 - 5. There is also a requirement to accommodate wide flow variations with limited variable geometry in an axisymmetric intake. - Implementation and operational issues of developments in aerospace programme (REL): The exact breakdown of these activities depends on the results to be achieved and emerging system requirements by ESA and BNSC against specific aspects of the program. Phase I essentially covers experiments to gain confidence on concepts of initial elements in particular demonstration of pre-cooled engines with frost control, thrust chamber and nozzle concept. In Phase II experiments will be performed with more representative hardware, e.g. air intake and will address system implementation and operational issues. Deliverables: Technical reports, database of experimental results, hardware (oxidation trials test specimens, test combustor and injector, cold flow nozlle, hot chamber) Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: TRL7 (Mission Date: 2020) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3-TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2017 24months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8260 European Space Technology Harmonisation – Technical Dossier : Aerothermodynamics Tools TRP Reference: T419-011MC TD: Title: Delamination assessment tool for composite structures Page 62 of 217 TD20 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives To develop a comprehensive damage tolerance verification logic for highly loaded composite launcher structures, addressing both numerical methodologies as well as material-, subcomponent- and component testing. This shall include advanced numerical tools/methodologies to model the onset and propagation of delaminations in CFRP structures subjected to high loads, as well as methodologies for the definition and execution of model calibration and verification tests. Description Several problems related to delamination have been encountered during the VEGA development as well as for Ariane-5 structures, underlining the need for the development of consolidated design verification methodologies addressing the effect of delaminations. The use of advanced composite structures in launchers requires a thorough understanding of the inelastic response of composites under general loading conditions. One of the most relevant mechanisms that contribute to the loss of stiffness and to the structural collapse of composite structures is delamination. Besides degrading the structural integrity of composites, delamination is also difficult to detect using traditional non-destructive inspection methods. The majority of the analytical and experimental investigations of delamination have been focused on the study of delamination growth under quasi-static loads, and use simplified and limited numerical tools such as the virtual crack closure technique- often without adequate verification by test. In addition, under cyclic loading, delaminations may grow up to a critical size for loads well below the critical load for quasi-static loading. Currently, the applied design and verification methodologies barely consider the possibility of interlaminar crack growth under static and dynamic loading, being more oriented to prevent fatigue damage by assuring that a stress or strain threshold for delamination onset is not exceeded. It is hence proposed to develop a more comprehensive verification logic, addressing both numerical methodologies as well as material-, subcomponent- and component testing. The currently applied design and verification methodologies for highly loaded composite structures barely considers the possibility of interlaminar crack growth under static and dynamic loading, being more oriented to prevent fatigue damage by assuring that a stress or strain threshold for delamination onset is not exceeded. It is hence proposed to develop a more comprehensive verification logic, addressing both numerical methodologies as well as material-, subcomponent- and component testing. The new design verification methodologies to be developed will address both delamination initiation and growth under quasi-static and cyclic loads of large highly loaded launcher structures, and should include aspect such as interface cohesive finite elements, able to predict both delamination onset and delamination growth. Methodologies for model correlation by test will be included, including both material coupon tests as well as design representative sub-component or component tests. The workplan will include the development of an overall verification approach, numerical modelling and relevant tests. A number of case-studies will be defined and addressed in detail. A limited demonstrator test program will be performed and numerical predictions will be compared with the experimental results and design guidelines will be proposed. In the framework of the development of virtual tools, damage tolerance verification methods addressing the prediction of delamination onset and growth under fatigue loading emerges as one of the most important topics to assess the integrity of highly loaded launcher structures. Deliverables: Verification (analysis/test) methodology, documents, test results and coupons Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: all large and highly loaded Application/Mission: launcher structures (Mission Date: Contract Duration: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8116, T-8138, T-8289, T-8318, T-579, T-7763 TD: TD20 N/A TRP Reference: T419-012MC Title: Fracture Control/Damage Tolerance methods for highly loaded launcher components Objectives Page 63 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Establishment of advanced fracture/damage tolerance tools and methodologies for highly loaded launcher structures such as engine components, tanks, skirts etc. Such methods shall make use of recent advances in stochastic analysis and defect propagation retardation models. Description Classic damage tolerance methodologies based on linear elastic fracture mechanics (without taking into account the potentially beneficial effects of the interaction of loads with variable amplitude) are in many case not considered feasible for a number of launcher structural components such and nozzles, engine parts, highly loaded components etc. without resulting in much too heavy components. More advanced methodologies are available that can help to make damage tolerance approach for such items feasible, and thus improve the reliability and safety of such components. The study shall build upon e.g. experience with retardation models developed for the ESACRACK software (NASGRO module), and stochastic methodologies developed for e.g. aeroengines and Space Shuttle (DARWIN and NESSUS software). Also a probabilistic version of the ESACRACK software is available for such application. Classic damage tolerance methodologies are currently applied for the verification of most launcher structures and other subsystems. However, for a number of components such and nozzles, engine parts, highly loaded structural parts etc. the classical linear approach can often not be applied or will result in much too heavy components if applied. More advanced methodologies such as retardation methods and the application of stochastic tools have been developed, e.g. for application in aeroengines, and could be used for launchers as well. This study will address two areas namely: a) Feasibility on the applicability of retardation models (strip-yield model of ESACRACK software) for ELV/RLV and transfer vehicle structures. Well defined high loads early or at regular intervals in the fatigue load spectrum of the structural items can reduce the growth of cracks in the rest of the fatigue life. Examples of such loads are proof loads, highest loads during launch, etc. The risk to overestimate the beneficial effects of such overloads must however be reduced to acceptable level. As such the development will address methodologies for definition of load spectra, and the approach to be followed to apply safety factors, scatter factors etc. in the verification has to be critically assessed and modified if necessary. b) Application of stochastic damage tolerance methodologies, specifically relevant for nozzles, engine parts etc. The study shall explore the stochastic nature of the most important parameters of the damage tolerance evaluation, like mechanical (incl. thermo-mechanical) loading, and initial flaws present in the structural parts. It shall be investigated whether the distribution of initial flaws should be based on the characteristics of the non-destructive inspection method, or on e.g. known flaw distribution inherent to the material and manufacturing process (complemented or not by NDI). The reliability target needs to be investigated as well, e.g. by application of the methodology to proven reference concepts (similar what is e.g. done in aeroengine practice). Deliverables: Analysis & verification methodologies, documents, software, test coupons as relevant TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All space transportation vehicles (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8318, T-7763 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 18 months N/A TRP Reference: T419-013MC TD: TD20 Title: Structural integrity of pressurized structures: Advanced non-linear methodology Objectives To improve non-linear fracture mechanics models for application in damage tolerance evaluation of pressurized launcher structures including welded structures and other high performance applications where LEFM is too conservative or inadequate. Description Pressurized structures, such as launcher tanks, booster cases and pressure vessels are generally optimized for mass and therefore operate at relatively high stresses. Application of the traditionally applied Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) for safe life evaluation is in some cases inadequate for such applications: depending on the situation it may be both too conservative (resulting in mass penalty) or potentially unsafe. The need for more advanced, non-linear or Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics (EPFM) is therefore recognized, and will be reflected in Page 64 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities e.g. the next version of the ECSS fracture control standard (ECSS-E-32-01). EPFM methodology has been applied successfully on e.g. a number of European launcher structures, based on the results of the Structural Integrity of Launchers Study performed by ESA in the 1990s. Meanwhile, EPFM methodologies have evolved, e.g. in European (SINTAP, FITNET) and American studies. The need to evaluate the suitability and potential of the improved methods for highly loaded space (pressurized) structures, and to provide guidelines and better integration with the existing software tools used for damage tolerance verification on ESA projects (ESACRACK, FRAMES-2) is identified. In general, current damage tolerance analysis methods relies on LEFM for safe life evaluation. For high performance structures, including pressure vessels, for the next generation of RLV or ELV structures such evaluation may be too restrictive or even inadequate. Damage tolerance evaluation, which may take into account material plasticity becomes necessary. This activity will include several tasks: • Establishment of advanced methods for analysis of crack extension and strength under static load (e.g. R6, SINTAP, strip yield), including development of relevant new J-integral solutions for structural details containing surface cracks; • Assessment tools for void creation, extension and strength under static load (e.g. Gurson models); • Establishment of advanced methods for analysis of fatigue crack and void growth in plastic conditions, incl. investigation and improvement of existing models; • implementation in damage tolerance analysis and database software tools (ESACRACK, FRAMES2), or to link/integrate them with suitable existing non-linear fracture mechanics software, as appropriate. Guidelines on how to implement more advanced finite element analysis in case simplified analysis using the standard software tools is considered inadequate. • These tasks will include tests on cracked samples of representative materials (e.g. Al2219, Al-Li, D6AC steel, Inconel, titanium) to verify the analytical models, where necessary. Deliverables: Documentation, software modules and test results TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: FLPP, manned vehicles (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8318, T-7763 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T420-014MC TD: TD21 Title: Development of nano-structured cryogenic foam insulations Objectives To assess the potential of advanced nano-structured foam insulations and to pre-develop an insulation system for cryogenic tanks of launchers and potential long-term missions. Description New advanced nano-structured foam materials based on PU and PI have been developed in recent years. At the same time previous materials selected as promising candidates for such applications became unavailable due to the lack of sufficient industrial interest. The newly developed materials are expected to be good candidates for the insulation of large cryogenic tanks of future launchers. Further, new advanced insulation systems will be required for long-term missions to the Moon or Mars. :Within this activity newly developed nano-structured materials shall be screened and assessed in view of their suitability for cryogenic tank insulations. Relevant screening tests shall be performed in the applicable temperature range. Relevant aspects concerning integration, cryo-pumping and sealing shall be investigated. Deliverables: Screening, test and study reports, test samples Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 ELV, RLV, Long-term missions Application/Mission: using cryogenic propellants (e.g. CSTS) (Mission Date: 2017) Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 65 of 217 For TRL5: 2012 12 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-8275 N/A TRP Reference: T423-015MC TD: TD24 Title: Passive / Active oxidation of CMC structural materials Objectives The objective of the proposed activity is to characterize CMC materials for oxidation behavior by identifying a series of test conditions (representative, as much as possible, of flight environments), identifying adequate measurement techniques, material erosion rates and the triggering of passive to active oxidation. In addition a dedicated test campaign on samples representative of- and subjected to environments relevant for space transportation systems shall be performed. The expected output will be: o To achieve a better understanding of the critical parameters under which transition from passive to active oxidation occurs; o To characterize CMC materials for oxidation behavior; o To improve the tools (measurement techniques and physical models) addressing the passive to active transition (PAT) phenomena; Description The application of ceramic matrix composites (CMC's) for hot structures and thermal protection systems for space transportation vehicles is a necessity for mass and performance reasons. Large efforts have been made during the last fifteen years to mature the technology readiness of CMC materials and flight worthy structures have been developed and tested successfully. However, the behavior of such CMC materials under critical thermo-mechanical environments requires further investigation. In particular, the application of CMC materials in reusable space transportation systems requires the deep knowledge of the passive to active oxidation boundaries of such materials. The results will be directly applicable to FLPP and manned vehicles. The activity shall include: Selection of existing hot-structures and TPS CMC materials with their respective Oxidation Protection Systems. Identification of a series of test conditions (representative, if possible, of flight environments), identification of adequate measurement techniques, material erosion rates and the triggering of passive to active oxidation and performance of a dedicated test campaign on samples in the area of interest for space transportation systems environments. Extrapolation of test conditions to typical flight conditions and evaluation of operational/ lifetime constraints based on the tested materials. Identification of technology developments needed to improve the oxidation protection of CMC materials. Deliverables: documentation and test samples Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 all future re-entry vehicles using Application/Mission: CMC materials for TPS (Mission Date: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Dossier0 Ref.: For TRL5: 2012 18 months T-8116, T-8138, T-8289, T-8318, T-579, T-7763 N/A 4-02 - Human Space Flight oriented Technologies TRP Reference: T401-016ED TD: Title: Safety oriented reference architecture TD01 Objectives Page 66 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities To provide a reference architecture for systems where Safety is the driving requirement and especially for man rated systems with the possibility of scaling down the system for other high availability system like for robotics mission. This architecture shall be based on technologies update (higher miniaturisation as compared to ATV or DMSR like, problem of the components obsolescence), and include the specifications of the key building blocks and their interfaces, with special attention to the computer as being the most complex and then costly element (typically 50 % of the hardware) for a Safety oriented Fault tolerant Data system. In addition the analysis shall be performed in the perspective of recurrent production and within an overall system assessment of the whole platform avionics. This reference architecture shall then foster the definition, design and development of a suite of compatible building blocks. Description If most of the space systems fall into the category of “reliable” oriented systems where emphasis is given to guarantee an operational life time over a given period of time (mission dependent, typically 15 years for a telecom satellite) although tolerating episodic interruption of services for the purpose of reconfiguration for example, there is a category of systems where no interruption of service is allowed as it could have catastrophic consequences, and in particular for man tended systems. ATV is to-day the best example of such system but is built upon a technology that is to day obsolete (like the 3 chips ERC32 microprocessor out of production…). The activity shall provide reference to the development of safety critical system (i.e. where human safety is a concern) as a first priority but shall also be a useful reference for systems having high requirement for high availability as it can be the case of autonomous robotics mission by performing a down scaling of the requirements applicable to man rated systems. (including previous related studies) Phase 1 :The activity shall start from an evaluation of the state of technology both in the domain of space transportation and launcher (ATV, Ariane-5…) and in other domains where safety issues are of prime importance like Aeronautics, Automotive, nuclear plants... It will then specify the functional and performance requirements extracted from prospective use cases on CLV and ELV evolution for launcher and other space transportation scenarios (space tug, Moon or Mars lander…) with a particular attention to characterise for each case the availability defined by the need to maintain a continuity of services even in the presence of failures that can vary from “tolerance 0” i.e. when no outage is tolerated in the most stringent cases (as ATV) up to cases where some outage can be tolerated as long as it does not exceed some limited TBD time value. The contractor shall perform the architecture trade-off in relation with some perspective on the underlying technology for implementation (e.g. migration from 0.25 µ rad tolerant process to 0.13 µ or 90 n, possible use of COTS.. ) and to conclude by the identification of the main building blocks (H/W and S/W) as necessary to build the system core. In a second step, the contractor shall issue his specification of the architecture, namely the buildings blocks and their interfaces (H/W-H/W, H/W-S/W, S/W-S/W) as well as providing the models corresponding to their specifications. This step shall be concluded by a PDR prior to make available the requirements for the different activities involved in the design and development of the main building blocks e.g. : • the computer and the main I/O and peripheral such as the internal interfaces (buses, networks) both at platform level and “in the box”(inter-modules) or external (TM-TC), • highly resilient data storage that can be used as safeguard that can provide a data storage service able to tolerate specific events or failures (as power down)without loosing any bit of critical data (e.g. on board data bases, software back-up, recovery points…), • dedicated co-processor or embedded sensor that can be required by a given mission definition Emphasis shall also be given on the provision of a modular architecture allowing system extension in order not to block the evolution of the system with time (technology upgrade) . At the end of Phase 1, the “architect” contractor shall release a consolidated preliminary specification of requirements for the design and pre-development of the main building blocks as well as specifying the building blocks interfaces. Phase 2 In a second step, the ”architect” contractor shall follow-on the individual building block design and development phases, supporting the analysis of any simulation, validation, test analysis. He shall lately support the integration of the different building blocks breadboards, to be performed under parallel activities, into a reference test bench. At the end of the activity, the contractor shall provide an updated specification of the main system building block and a roadmap for their implementation up to the flight model . Deliverables: Page 67 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities - Specifications of requirements of reference architecture (functions, specification of main building blocks and their interfaces (H/W-S/W, H/W-H/W, S/W-S/W)), - Models of the building blocks and interfaces, - Technology and architecture trade-off for the FT computer and release of initial set of performance requirements, - Specifications of requirements for the Use cases “test applications”, - Test review and analysis of the delivered building blocks (module, unit level), - Technical follow-on of the integration activities (model based up to reference architecture test bench integration). Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Human Space Flight (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8308 Consistent (Avionics/Embedded item A4 , and Computer data system item B1) TRP Reference: T405-017EC Title: Robust Skip-entry Guidance and Control Techniques TD: TD05 Objectives To study the most effective, robust and accurate guidance and control strategies guaranteeing "anytime return" from the surface of the Moon to the same Earth landing site(s); - To develop and validate the most promising skip-entry guidance algorithms on a dedicated high fidelity simulation environment against various reentry scenarios including perturbation in initial entry conditions, vehicle mass and aerodynamic properties and atmospheric density; - To demonstrate their real-time closed loop performance on a tailored reentry real-time test bench. The expected results are the delivery of validated robust skip-entry guidance components (TRL: 3) general enough to be applicable to similar CSTS vehicle concepts with different vehicle characteristics. Description One important aspect of manned space exploration is the safety of the crew. It is required to provide safety considerations at all stages of flight: during launch, in flight and during re-entry. In particular, future lunar manned mission architectures require that the crew vehicle return safely (abort mission conditions) at anytime from the lunar surface to the same terrestrial landing site(s). Such a requirement is also applicable for ascent aborts or emergency returns from orbit. In order for the crew vehicle entry trajectories from lunar return or LEO to use the same landing site(s), it is necessary to extend the downrange capability (> 10,000 km) of the re-entry vehicle. This can be obtained by using a skip-entry guidance on the lunar return trajectories. The skip-entry lunar return technique provides an approach for returning crew to a single landing site, for ease and minimal cost of recovery, post-landing safety, and reusability of the spacecraft, anytime during a lunar month. The Russians for their abortive manned lunar program perfected this technique in the 1960's. While skip-entry promises tremendous operational capabilities it creates technical challenges for the thermal protection system as well as guidance and control. Therefore, robust re-entry guidance and control algorithms are not only desirable but also compulsory. The activity starts with an analysis of the mission and system requirements and constraints of past and future lunar manned mission architectures, such as Apollo, CEV and CSTS, and translation into the navigation, guidance and control chain requirements (Task 1). An analysis and trade-off of candidate skip-entry guidance and control strategies are carried out leading to the selection of the most promising algorithm(s) satisfying the entry range requirements (Task 2). Subsequently, a standardized entry flight profile allowing to target the same range-to landing site trajectory for all return scenarios so that the crew and vehicle experience the same heating and loads during each lunar return entry flight is defined (Task 3). The detailed design of the most promising skip-entry guidance and control algorithms are performed and their performance robustness tested on a dedicated high fidelity simulation environment. Monte Carlo simulations are used to disperse the environment (atmosphere and winds), vehicle systems (navigation, vehicle thrust, control system), and vehicle state (position and velocity) to ensure that the vehicle achieves the desired landing site with the proper reserves of consumables. The simulations will also used to size the vehicle thermal protection system that protects the vehicle from the intense heat of entry; to ensure excessive accelerations and dynamic pressure limits are not exceeded; and to size the vehicle engines and control system accordingly (Task 4). Finally, to achieve TRL 3 embedded software prototypes of the selected skip-entry guidance and control algorithms are produced using industrial automatic code generation tool and their real-time closed loop performance demonstrated on a tailored reentry real-time test bench (Task 5). Deliverables: Page 68 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities ESA will be provided with validated robust skip-entry guidance and control algorithms and associated embedded software, including technical documentation, as well as Monte Carlo simulation and real-time closed loop performance test reports using a CSTS-like vehicle as the main test case. Moreover upgraded version of an existing high fidelity reentry functional engineering simulator (Reentry-FES) and real-time test bench (Reentry-RT) will be delivered at the end of the activity. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: CSTS, RV requiring extended Application/Mission: downrange, Space Exploration (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8300 N/A TRP Reference: T417-018MP TD: TD18 Title: Planetary Probe Standard model testing in High enthalpy facilities Objectives Background: (including previous related studies)Planetary probe model testing in high enthalpy facilities such as F4 ( lessons learned from MSRo) in air and Co2 as well as recent experimentation on similar probes at Tsagi revealed the need to enhance our knowledge for a series of critical issues for planetary probe design such as - existence of supersonic wake closure - wake shear layer transitional flow - shoulder heating - influence of sting on base flow and this in air as well as in Co2 environments. Objectives of the study and expected results: Creation of an experimental data base using 2 types of standard models and testing in different high enthalpy facilities for the study of critical aerothermodynamic phenomena such as - base heating, - sholder overheating including boundary layer transition as well - data on hypersonic stability and trimming. The 2 standard models shall be tested in different hypersonic facilities in air as well as in Co2. The purpose is to use where possible existing models; attention shall be placed on appropriate instrumentation and provision of free stream condition shall be made. The first standard model shall be an axisymmetric blunt cone simulating a ballistic entry (the existing 70 degree planetary blunt cone) and the second standard model shall be the Apollo like (EXOMARS) shape configuration (simulating a 20 degree trimmed reentry) . The outcome shall be experimental data on pressures, heat flux, flow field densities as well as nozzle free stream characterization. CFD workshop type of validation exercises shall be performed and conclusion drawn on uncertainties associated with above listed critical phenomena. Description The contractor shall perform the following activities : - Review of past experiments on planetary probes and capsules, analysis, quantification and prioritization of critical phenomena - Definition of 2 type of instrumented standard models, taking into account availability of existing models and proposing new ones pending budget constraints. 1 to study ballistic planetary probe phenomena and a second one simulating trimmed capsule Apollo type phenomena - Execution of appropriate hypersonic test campaigns in Air and Co2 - CFD validation workshops - Analysis of data, conclusion on remaining uncertainties associated with the critical aerothermodynamic phenomena listed above including assessment on flight extrapolation. - Consolidation of lessons learned, synthesis and recommendation Page 69 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Wind tunnel test data, CFD Solutions, Technical notes, Test Articles, Test Data Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 planetary probes, sample return, Application/Mission: human space flight, exploration vehicles. (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7904 Consistent (B4) TRP Reference: T418-034MP TD: TD19 Title: Solid Modulated Propulsion for Space Exploration Objectives The main objective of the proposed TRP activity is to demonstrate thrust modulation capacities (based on solid propulsion technology) for ascent and possibly accurate and soft landing. The activity is expected to demonstrate the technology feasibility of thrust modulation in solid propulsion motors for application to missions on other planets. Description Among the intrusive measurement techniques for in-flight experimentation in entry vehicles, classical instruments such as thermocouples of various type and heat flux sensors are extensively used. They are easy to procure and relatively cheap, but it has been recognised that they could fail to provide accurate aerothermodynamic data unless an extensive characterization activity of their transfer functions is carried out prior to in-flight experimentation. It is to be noted that each sensor reading available to the experimenters for post-test rebuilding activities is only the final output of a measurement chain significantly affected by the properties of the material on which the sensor is integrated, the adopted integration technique and obviously the characteristics of the sensor itself. In specific cases such as thermocouples in pyrolizing ablative materials it has been seen in the U.S. that not only the integration of sensor heads but also the layout of the whole sensor has an impact on the final sensor reading. Although each Thermal Protection System material (ceramic, metallic, ablative) features different properties (thus requiring different One of the major limitations of solid propulsion has been so far the impossibility to modulate the thrust according to the mission needs. For planetary applications to ascent and eventually even descent and landing where the need of high thrust (typical of solid propulsion) is coupled to the requirement of thrust modulation, the introduction of a modulation capability on solid rocket engines will provide an important add-on with respect to the currently available propulsion technologies. Preliminary assessment to introduce such capability has been performed by industry, but a dedicated R&D activity is needed to bring the TRL level to the point to decide about the capability for this propulsion technology to compete with others currently available. The proposed TRP activity shall include: - mission requirements establishment, for the definition of a representative thrust modulation profile and behaviour; - trade-offs on candidate thrust modulation techniques for solid propulsion; - motor design; - development of breadboard(s); - testing activities for thrust, performance, and modulation ratio capacities demonstration; - technology development plan for future activities. Deliverables: Technology design report; test report; technology development plan. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Relevant missions: AURORA Application/Mission: missions, ExoMars >2013, Precursor missions, MSR 2020. SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Dossier0 Ref.: For TRL5: 2012 18 months Flight Test and Measurement techniques 17-C-II Consistent Page 70 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T420-019MC TD: TD21 Title: Development of a European ablative material for heatshields of sample return missions Objectives To develop, test and characterise a European ablative heatshield material for the Earth entry capsule of sample return missions (e.g. Mars, comets, asteroids), able to cope with the stringent environment (typical peak heat fluxes of 15-20MW/m2 and heat loads up to 200MJ/m2) while conforming to the mass budget. The development shall take into account a potential later application of the material for human return missions (CSTS). Description The Earth return from extraterrestrial bodies (e.g. Mars or comets) involves a hyperbolic entry with velocities of typically above 12km/s and resulting peak heat fluxes of 15-20MW/m2. In a previous activity a screening of existing European ablators to assess their suitability for a sample return mission was performed. Unfortunately, it turned out that none of the materials is suitable to sustain the very high heat fluxes while coping with the stringent mass requirements. The work to be performed within this activity shall be based on a stepwise approach: • Trade-off concerning new development or modification of an existing material, • Identification of necessary development steps, • Iterative material development supported by adequate sample tests, • Development and assessment of advanced ablative heatshield concepts • Characterisation testing including plasma wind tunnel testing at appropriate flux levels, • In addition to the development of the material, approaches shall be developed to advance the design, testing, validation and verification process for such materials e.g. shock tubes and wind tunnels. Deliverables: Material samples, documentation TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: MSR, CSTS (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8283 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 18 months N/A 4-03 - Generic Space Transportation Technologies TRP Reference: T403-03MC.B TD: TD18 Title: Improvement of the gas-surface interaction models, to account for the coupling pyrolisis-catalysis. Integration of models into a CFD code. Validation. Objectives The objective of this activity if to continue the development inititated in the "Multidisciplinary Modeling of Fluid Structure Interaction" TRP activity, aiming at improving the gas-surface interaction models. Description Planetary entry capsules, such as Huygens, are most of the time equipped with thick ablative heat shields to cope with the high temperature dissociated flow surrounding the vehicle during its entry. The design and verification of the shield requires the analysis of the interaction between the flow field and the TPS material. In particular, models for ablation and hypersonic flows have been developed in some groups. The dissociation of the flow in the shock layer is accompanied with the transport of atomic species to the surface, where they recombine and release their recombination energy directly to the vehicle: This process, called catalycity, increases the thermal loads on the vehicle. It exists together with the ablation of the TPS material. The interaction between the two processes needs to be further analysed to assess the thermal environment and the design margins available. Deliverables: Models. Computational modules. Test cases selection/simulation. Results analysis + conclusion/recommendation. Page 71 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Prototype Current TRL: Target TRL: Beta Version Application Need/Date: All Space Transportation, re-entry Application/Mission: and entry vehicles (Mission Date: Contract Duration: 2017) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: SW Operational > 2011 16 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8091 Consistent (B27) TRP Reference: T405-001EC Title: On-line System Identification Technology TD: TD05 Objectives To specify the requirements and design drivers for on-line reentry vehicle model identification systems To select the most promising on-line system identification techniques for re-entry vehicles according To performance robustness against parametric and dynamic uncertainties, aerodynamic coefficients estimation accuracy, real-time implementation, etc. To develop and benchmark the selected on-line reentry vehicle model identification systems Description Within the IXV demonstrator project, gathering of flight data and processing them via system identification techniques is fundamental (i) for vehicle performance assessment, (ii) for stability and control evaluation, (iii) for future European re-entry vehicle development. With respect to the first two points, vehicle system identification techniques are to be investigated for the development of more accurate flight validated reentry vehicle dynamical models. Accurate modeling validation and verification is one of the most expensive activities for reentry vehicles. Special flight test techniques to adequately excite the system in combination with system identification techniques allow reconstructing accurately the vehicle dynamics experienced during flight. Main elements of the mathematical model to be reconstructed are the control and stability derivatives, FLAP/RCS control efficiency, closed-loop flying qualities properties, etc. that determine how well the vehicle responds to desired commands. These needs have already been recognized within the IXV project and will be addressed via the so-called Vehicle Model Identification (VMI) experiment, which is conceived as an off-line post-flight system identification experiment with special focus on the post-processing of the in-flight data for determining the vehicle aerodynamic coefficients and associated derivatives. The next step, to specifically address point (iii) above, is to develop on-line system identification techniques which would allow decreasing the need with respect to GNC robustness, so that systems margins and uncertainties can be further adapted at the increase of global performance and confidence. The activity starts with the specification of the functional, performance, operational, etc. requirements and design drivers for on-line reentry vehicle model identification systems (aerodynamic coefficients and derivatives, vehicle MCI parameters, etc.) (Task 1). The on-line reentry vehicle model identification system architecture: minimal sensors suite characteristics, excitation profiles, algorithms, etc., is then defined and analysed (Task 2). An analysis and trade-off of candidate on-line system identification techniques are carried out leading to the selection of the most promising one(s) (Task 3). Subsequently, the detailed design of the selected on-line system identification algorithm(s) are performed, performance metrics defined, and performance robustness against parametric and dynamic uncertainties evaluated on a dedicated high fidelity simulation environment using IXV as a reference test case (Task 4). Finally, a functional prototype of the baseline on-line reentry vehicle model identification system will be developed and validated at a later stage using IXV in-flight measurement data (Task 5). Deliverables: ESA will be provided with on-line system identification components for reentry vehicles, including technical documentations, as well as performance and benchmark simulation test reports using IXV as the main reference test case. TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: RTVD, CSTS, RLV (Mission Date: Contract Duration: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8300 N/A Page 72 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T405-020EC Title: Robust Flight Control System Design, Verification and Validation Framework TD: TD05 Objectives To develop an enhanced robust flight control system design framework, including methodology, algorithms and tools, for uncertain non-linear time-varying safety critical systems such as Expendable Launch Vehicle (Ariane, Vega Evolution) or Re-entry vehicles (IXV, CSTS, RLV). The framework shall reduce significantly the Design, Validation & Verification (DV&V) effort, shall comply with high level missionization requirements and shall ensure enhanced dependability by design. The expected result is a DV&V framework for robust launcher GNC development that makes use of the latest advances in robust multivariable control technology. The framework will be developed is such a way that it fits well with the current industrial DV&V process and common design practices as well as being applicable for re-entry vehicles. Description Currently well established gain scheduling control laws based on eigenstructure assignment, filtering, LQG, and/or H-infinity are already flying (Ariane). However, the compromise between robustness and launcher performance seemingly almost to be achieved is a result of a tedious trade-off between rigid mode control and attenuation needs for bending modes. For future launcher applications such as Vega Evolution, but still applicable for the current Vega (see Vega SCDR Board Report), GNC missionization is a key requirement that can definitively be improved by advanced control design methods. To address and improve the goal of increasing vehicle performance, safety, reliability and efficiency, a more powerful design process needs to be developed. Significant results have been obtained in robustness modeling, robustness analysis and robust control synthesis with associated validation and verification technologies for the development of complex nonlinear and time varying flight control systems. In a small explorative study (see previous related study) it has been shown that the above mentioned robust GNC missionization requirement can be met by novel robust multivariable control technologies. By means of specially developed uncertainty management models with appropriate techniques and tools it has been shown how the design process can be simplified and made more accurate by systematic and guaranteed model coverage for the control design and control analysis and verification. However the technology readiness level of the technology is still at a level between one and two (method verified on a single axis launcher vehicle) and not yet applied to full scale of launcher GNC system. In the light of the above consideration, the aim of the proposed activity is to develop a DV&V framework for robust launcher GNC development. The framework shall increase the TRL of this technology and consist of industrially applicable modelling, design analysis, validation and verification tools for complex evolving launcher GNC systems. Special attention shall be given such that these tools fit well in the current industrial DV&V process and common design practices. Emphasis will be given to the development of advanced control concepts and tools to increase the launcher performance level at increased level of confidence while simplifying and making the developmental process more rigorous and systematic. Having such an infrastructure in place minimum effort for retuning, analysis and verification shall be demonstrated. Specific tasks to be performed include: - Development of generic modelling tools for the systematic incorporation of launcher model uncertainties at various system and subsystems level. Demonstration of these tools on a fully industrial VEGA launcher system via the development of multi-purpose uncertainty models; - Development of a suite of theoretically well founded analysis and worst-case analysis tools allowing to measure various performance and robustness measure related to launcher flight control systems architectures; - Further development of a suite of theoretical robust gain scheduling control concepts suitable for the specificity of the launcher problem; Detailed design and development of novel control laws using the newly developed control methods; - Development and model validation of a simulation software tool for the analysis and robustness performance assessment of robust launcher flight control systems for representative industrial uncertainty scenarios in order to demonstrate how the infrastructure can respond to rapid design changes; - Real-time simulation and analysis for the model and performance validation of the robust G&C algorithms (real-time software prototype); - Industrial implementation and comparison with the current industrial solution Deliverables: ESA will be provided with a validated Robust Flight Control System Design, Validation and Verification Framework: methodology, algorithms and tools, including technical documentations and associated ECSS-040 software documentations. Benchmark performance metrics and test reports will also be provided. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Ariane 5 Evolution, Vega Application/Mission: Evolution,CSTS, RTVD, RLV (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8303 Page 73 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T405-021EC TD: TD05 Title: Hybrid Navigation (HiNAV) System Architecture Consolidation Objectives To consolidate the HiNAV functional, performance, safety and operational requirements for satisfying AR5 Evolution, Vega Evolution and Crew Space Transportation System (CSTS) navigation needs; To consolidate the HiNAV mechanical and electrical architecture, including the selection of European IMU and GNSS equipments selection, GNSS antennae accommodation, etc., while ensuring its compatibility with Galileo positioning system; To generate the HiNAV industrial file for the development of a Flight Model, including specifications, development, verification & validation approach, programmatic, cost, industrial organisation, etc. The expected results are a demonstration of the HiNAV technical and economical benefits for future European launchers and Space Transportation System such as CSTS. With regard to the later the HiNAV system could be considered as an ESA under-taking to the CSTS programme (international cooperation). Description The emergence of composite terrestrial missions (launcher, reusable space transportation system, earth re-entry with precision landing) featuring a succession of different phases (ascent, orbital, re-entry, TAEM and landing) calls for hybrid navigation solutions combining different navigation means into a sensor suite (IMU, GNSS, DGNSS, air data sensor, radar altimeter, etc.). Hybridisation has become in recent years a technology in itself and has been identified by Eurospace as a strategic technology for the European Space Industry. In this respect, the Agency has initiated since fall’05 the design, development and real-time testing of a robust multi-mission hybrid navigator (HiNAV) breadboard. Phase I results, recently completed, have demonstrated that the selected ultra-tight aided navigation solution fulfilled the hybrid navigation system functional and performance requirements for a wide spectrum of mission reference scenarios and vehicles: A5 GEO (launch), ATV (orbital/far rendezvous), EVEREST (re-entry and TAEM) and Phoenix (landing). Phase II, to be completed in 4Q07, will develop a breadboard of the hybrid navigation system and will demonstrate its real-time closed loop performances on a dedicated COTS avionics test bench (dSPACE, SPIRENT II and LEON boards). The activity starts with a detailed analysis of AR5, Vega, CSTS mission profiles, operations, system, electrical and avionics architectures, etc., leading to a consolidation of the multi-mission HiNAV functional, performance, safety and operational requirements (Task 1). The existing hybrid navigation chain design is then reviewed and consolidated (if necessary) for each application cases, with the identification of hardware and software resources impacts (Task 2). Similar analyses are made on Processing and FDIR design as well as HiNAV electrical and mechanical implementation issues onboard AR5 and Vega (Task 3). Based on the European IMU, GNSS equipments selection results, GNSS antenna accommodation and multi-path analyses, compatibility with Galileo positioning system analyses, and HiNAV breadboard activity results, the multi-mission HiNAV system architecture, including electrical and mechanical detailed design, is consolidated (Task 4). Upon acceptance of the upgraded HiNAV functional engineering simulator and real-time closed loop test bench, the demonstration of the multi-mission capability of the HiNAV is simulated (functional and real-time) for AR5, Vega and their evolutions as well as CSTS with representative reference scenarios, and test reports produced accordingly (Task 5). Finally, the complete industrial file for the development of the HiNAV Flight Model is elaborated, including the development, verification and validation approach, as well as the programmatic file (Task 6). Deliverables: ESA will be provided with the multi-mission Hybrid Navigation (HiNAV) system industrial file for the development of a Flight Model as well as real-time performances and mission instantiation demonstration test reports for representative AR5 Evolution, Vega Evolution and CSTS mission scenarios. Moreover upgraded version of the HiNAV functional engineering simulator (HiNAV-FES) and real-time test bench (HiNAV-RT) will be delivered at the end of the activity. Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Ariane 5 Evolution, Vega Application/Mission: Evolution, CSTS,RTVD, RLV (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8302 N/A Page 74 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T405-022EC TD: TD05 Title: Advanced Reentry Flying Qualities Analysis Framework Objectives To develop an advanced Flying Qualities Analysis framework for re-entry vehicles, including methodology, advanced modelling, algorithms and SW tools, for the analysis and determination of safe and reliable controllable operating envelope of re-entry vehicles while overcoming the traditional flying qualities analysis process shortcomings; To assess the benefits of the advanced Flying Qualities analysis framework with respect to the traditional flying qualities analysis process using IXV as reference test case. The expected result is a new approach for flying qualities analysis of re-entry vehicles that takes into account dynamics coupling and uncertainties (aerodynamics parameters, flight conditions, etc.) and makes use of the latest advances in robust multivariable control technology. Description Flying qualities of a re-entry vehicle reflect the desired closed loop system properties and stability properties determined by the vehicle shape, controls and control systems. Traditionally the trim and stability analysis are executed loop at the time in a single variable setting, i.e. longitudinal and lateral motions are assumed to be decoupled, whereas re-entry dynamics is high angle of attack and inertia roll coupling may appear in case of roll reversal manoeuvers. Therefore, dynamics coupling needs to be addressed carefully. Further, many vehicle characteristics, such as aerodynamics coefficients are not well known especially in the transonic regime. As a result the definition of worst cases accounting for uncertainties on aerodynamic parameters and/or flight conditions is time consuming and difficult. To improve the traditional flying qualities analysis process, concepts from multivariable control theory and uncertainty modeling could be used to determine worst case parameter sensitivities on the vehicle multi axis flight mechanics enabling the determination of safe and reliable controllable operating envelope of the re-entry vehicle. - The activity starts with a critical analysis of the traditional Flying Qualities analysis process for re-entry vehicles and the identification of the shortcomings accordingly. The analysis shall lead to the formulation of relevant selection criteria and performance metrics used for the selection of the most promising solutions fro improving the traditional process (Task 1). The advanced Flying Qualities Analysis framework is then defined and specified as well as the respective candidate techniques and software toolsets for modelling and worst case flying qualities analysis (Task 2). The framework, including methodology, advanced modelling, algorithms and SW tools, is then developed according to ECSS-040 tailored to small project (Task 3). The advanced reentry Flying Qualities Analysis framework is then tested and benchmarked against the traditional process using IXV as a reference test case, leading to the desired TRL 2 (Task 4). Finally, major findings are synthesized and lessons-learnt reported (Task 5). Deliverables: ESA will be provided with an advanced Flying Qualities Analysis Framework: methodology, algorithms and tools, including technical documentations and associated ECSS-040 software documentations. Benchmark performance metrics and test reports will also be provided as well as critical assessment and follow-on activities. TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: CSTS, RLV, RTVD (Mission Date: Contract Duration: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8300 N/A TRP Reference: T406-023EE Title: Re-entry Vehicle Communications Technology TD: TD06 Objectives Page 75 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities To consolidate and extend the electromagnetic interaction model for the prediction of antenna radiation pattern in the presence of engine plumes and of plasma, e.g. during atmospheric re-entry, based on the models initially developed; To define, develop and demonstrate robust communication architecture and technologies for the monitoring, command and control system providing non-interfering, continuous, communication under all flight conditions with special attention to the blackout phase. The expected results are the development of a robust communication system and an antenna radiation pattern prediction tool for re-entry vehicles. For the later two main classes of vehicles will be considered: ballistic re-entry vehicles (e.g. ARD) and unpowered lifting vehicles (e.g. IXV). Description During flight trajectories, re-entry vehicles can generate electron densities with plasma frequencies exceeding the RF transmission frequency, leading to communication blackouts. Communication is restored when plasma frequencies decrease, due mostly to the deceleration to lower vehicle velocities and increase in collision frequency of electrons with neutral particles due to the higher density of the plasma at lower altitudes. The ARD RF link during re-entry produced much higher signal than expected during the plasma phase leading to the conclusion that an RF link could be maintained if the antenna positioning is selected in a suitable way. To meet public safety concerns, it is necessary to maintain communications for telemetry and vehicle control as well as navigation and tracking of vehicle during the so-called blackout phase. The proposed activity will define the communications architecture required for future missions, inc. IXV and CSTS. The design drivers are communications via the TDRSS data relay satellite constellation and possible communications via Artemis or a small GEO platform providing data relay capabilities. There is a communications relay package proposed for the ARTES-11 small GEO activity. The communication link outages that can be expected during re-entry and determine the most efficient means of getting high priority TM to the ground during entry, descent and landing onto the Earths surface will be considered. The telecommand link shall also be considered as part of the baseline architecture. This will involve a direct Earth to vehicle communications link using direct sequence spread spectrum modulation or other resilient types of communications systems. The study will also consider the need for a telecommand to be relayed to the re-entry vehicle during the re-entry phase (90-45km from Earth), when direct Ground to Vehicle communications links are not possible due to plasma effects. A baseline architecture shall be proposed in order to maintain telecommand capability with a high degree of reliability during critical mission phases. On the other hand, post-mortem modelling of the ARD TT&C antenna pattern has demonstrated the possibility to predict with good accuracy the effects of the plasma sheath generated during re-entry in the Earth atmosphere on the RF link. These models are to be consolidated and extended to cover the case of engine plumes, also including the presence of metallic particles, made suitable for more general vehicle geometries and antenna types, and implemented as a component for the European Antenna Modelling Library to offer an effective prediction and design tool for future missions. The tool will be validated with existing ARD data as well as with other data made available by the Agency, e.g. from future re-entry experiments (e.g. EXPERT, IXV). Deliverables: ESA will be provided with the definition and detailed design of a robust communication system for re-entry vehicle, including associated technical documentations. In addition a validated antenna radiation pattern analysis tool will be delivered at the end of the activity. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: CSTS, RTVD, RLV (Mission Date: Contract Duration: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8059 Consistent with “TT&C transponders and Payload Data Transmitters” Technical Dossier TRP Reference: T417-024MP Title: Damping derivatives assessment for hypersonic re-entry vehicles exhibiting high angle of attack TD: TD18 Objectives Background : (including previous related studies)During the atmospheric entry or re-entry of flight vehicles, one critical Page 76 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities issue is the dynamic stability of the vehicle in the transonic and supersonic regimes. Aerodynamic stability is a function of the aero-shell shape. Static stability is highest in the hypersonic region and decreases with decreasing Mach number. Since dynamic stability also decreases at lower speeds, space vehicles can become unstable in the low supersonic to subsonic flight regime. This situation often requires the solution of parachute deployment in the supersonic regime avoiding any risk of loss of the vehicle. Deploying a parachute at supersonic speeds requires a much more robust parachute design and a highly performant deployment system. The additional robustness requirement for the deployment system and parachute design leads to additional mass requirements for the system. If the dynamic stability of a vehicle can be determined accurately through ground testing, some of the constraints on the parachute deployment system could be relaxed. Measurements of static stability parameters are routinely performed in wind tunnels in all speed regimes. In contrast, measurement of dynamic stability parameters, the so-called dynamic derivatives, is not a well-developed capability in Europe. In fact, there are only a few facilities capable of measuring the dynamic stability of flight vehicle configurations over limited flight environment conditions. Two types of facilities have been used for this type of testing in the past: 1) free-flight ballistics range and 2) free-to-tumble/forced-oscillation configurations in transonic / supersonic wind tunnels. In the past ESA studied dynamic derivatives for ballistic configurations such as EXPERT and Huygens in respectively facilities at VKI (S1) and at FOI (T1500 and S4). The present TRP addresses not the ballistic planetary shape like configurations rather focuses on CSTS and IXV shapes exhibiting large angle of attacks in the transonic domain. These lifting body configurations, having a quite large base area and a limited number of control surfaces, perform an autonomous flight in the supersonic-transonic regimes with an angle of attack larger than 45°. For GNC the static and dynamic aerodynamic coefficients are required. With a re-entry vehicle flying at high angle of attack in supersonic-transonic speeds, the knowledge of the dynamic derivatives become more and more significant. Considering that for the above configurations of interest(CTST, IXV) , no data are available in the literature, it is proposed through the present TRP to define a working plan to improve the tools ( CFD, WTT) for the prediction of the dynamic derivatives Objectives of the study and expected results :The objectives of the present study is to improve the dynamic derivatives characterisation and in particular the pitch damping for CSTS and IXV type of configurations exhibiting large angles of attach in the transonic domain. The tools to be improved are both the experimental techniques as well as the numerically unsteady tools addressing mainly Reynolds effects required for flight extrapolation and in situ windtunnel sting support influences. For high angle of attack application, the dynamic derivatives are found to depend strongly on non-linear effects induced by flow field separation, vortex breakdown, wake flow dynamics etc and cannot be predicted properly by means of presently used empirical methods. It is well known that flow separation is dependent on Reynolds number, thus one of the key points of this study will be to reproduce as close as possible the flight Reynolds number. Basically, the damping derivatives of interest are as follow : Cmq, Cnr, Clp, Cnp, Clr .Through the present TRP, a deep analysis will be performed with emphasis on the Cmq.i.e. the pitch damping. Description Page 77 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The contractor shall address the following activities : Review of existing European wind tunnel capabilities and numerical expertise associated with transonic dynamic derivative assessment for high angle of attack blunt body configurations. Selection of 2 configurations: e.g. one associated with the latest CSTS shape and one using an existing IXV model Selection of windtunnels ( blow down, continuous or ballistic ) and sting support technique ( base sting, free to tumble, magnetic suspension..) Performance of test campaigns, post-processing of the time histories and numerical rebuilding activities. Analysis data, uncertainty assessment and flight extrapolation. The numerical results will be assessed with emphasis on the sensitivity of the main parameters involved in the damping derivatives like computational strategy effect, turbulent modelling effect, mesh effect, post-processing of the time history employed, etc Synthesis to be carried out, highlighting the main lessons learned and drawing recommendations for further activities. Deliverables: Technical Notes Test Articles Test Data TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All re-entry and entry vehicles (Mission Date: 2017) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7904 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T417-025MP TD: TD18 Title: Development of an innovative validation strategy of gas-surface interaction modelling for re-entry applications. Objectives Background : (including previous related studies)Various modeling tools have been developed in the past decades within Europe to address the gas-surface interaction phenomena occurring at the interface between Thermal Protection System (TPS) materials and the aerodynamic flowfield in re-entry conditions. The practical interest in the thorough understanding and control of these phenomena (such as catalysis and oxidation) is associated to their impact on the design and sizing of the TPS. In fact, considering for instance catalysis, it is well known that the catalytic reactions occurring at the interface between the flowfield and the solid domain are exothermic, thus lead to an increase of the heat flux and consequently of the thermal load which the TPS has to sustain. A detailed understanding of the catalytic mechanisms and a full confidence on the associated modeling tools would enable the precise determination of the induced thermal loads and the optimal sizing of the TPS, avoiding excessive margins which would translate into additional vehicle mass. The aerothermodynamic community has been striving in the past years to understand on one hand the basic physics driving the gas-surface interaction phenomena and on the other to collect ready-to-use information for project applications; various models (ranging from state-to-state basic model to semi-empirical curve fitting tools) have been developed or are still being consolidated, but so far none of them has undergone an extensive and successful validation campaign to prove its suitability and reliability for project applications. Indeed, the experimental activities have demonstrated that the collection of data on gas surface interaction phenomena is an extremely difficult task due to the severe environmental conditions in which the phenomena take place, the location at which the measure should be taken (interface between two domains) and the need of a high enthalpy but pure flow field to avoid any pollution. Only the development of an innovative testing strategy could enable the overcoming of these difficulties; the strategy should be based on innovative test set-ups, advanced measurement techniques and potentially technologies transferred from different domains. Page 78 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities In the last years, Europe has matured an improved knowledge of the ground facilities performances and on the use of conventional measurement techniques and has benefited form the cross-fertilization among different research institutes and fields of expertise, creating the necessary background to develop an innovative validation strategy for gas surface interaction tools, with the aim of gaining the sought confidence and to serve at best re-entry project applications. Objectives of the study and expected results :The objective of the proposed activity is to develop an innovative validation strategy of gas-surface interaction modelling, on the basis of the theoretical, numerical and experimental work carried out during the past decades and exploring possible synergies with technologies developed for different applications for test purposes. The activity shall result in the validation of the gas-surface interaction modelling tools through the definition of an innovative test approach (including test set-up and test conditions modulation), the identification of the most suitable measurement techniques (conventional and/or innovative) and the selection of the test cases. Description The proposed activity shall include the following tasks: Identification of the gas-surface interaction phenomena of interest for re-entry application including as a minimum catalysis and oxidation for ceramic and metallic Thermal Protection System in typical re-entry ranges. Extensive survey of the currently available modelling approaches for the selected phenomena, classification and selection. After having established a number of modelling categories, the Contractor shall provide an exhaustive description of each modelling approach highlighting in particular the underlying physical rationale, the driving parameters, the targeted applications and the potential weak areas. The Contractor shall moreover propose a set of modelling approaches for further validation to be approved by the Agency. Extensive survey and classification of the gas-surface interaction experimental on-ground activities carried out in the last decades. For each test category, the Contractor shall detail the test philosophy and objectives, the underlying assumptions, the test facility’s advantages and limitations, the test article features and the selected measurement techniques with associated impact on the test results. Definition of the innovative validation strategy. Based on the outcome of the previous tasks and on the exploration of measurement technologies developed for domains other than re-entry, the Contractor shall propose an innovative modelling approach for gas-surface interaction modelling, specifying the test objectives, the test procedure (including test article and set-up), the associated measurement techniques and the test cases definition philosophy. The Contractor shall be able to prove the innovation and at the same time the engineering consistency of the proposed validation approach for the Agency approval. Ideally the Contractor shall also be able to establish a link a priori between the proposed approach and the reviewed experimental results for post test elaboration. In case in-flight data are available for validation purposes the Contractor shall ensure that the validation strategy adequately accounts for them. Validation Campaign preparation, execution, discussion of the results. The Contractor shall prepare the experimental activity as per agreed validation plan, execute the tests and discuss the results addressing in particular the achievement of the validation objectives. This phase shall include all the necessary rebuilding activities. Conclusion and recommendations. The Contractor shall conclude on the suitability of the adopted validation approach and on the validation status of the selected gas-surface interaction tools for the Agency approval. Deliverables: Technical Notes Test Article Test Data TRL 5 Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All re-entry and entry vehicles (Mission Date: 2017) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7898 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 24 months Consistent (B26) TRP Reference: T417-026MP TD: Title: Definition and validation of transfer functions for intrusive measurement techniques in re-entry and entry environments Page 79 of 217 TD18 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives The objectives of the proposed TRP activity are: • To define (for a set of intrusive measurement techniques in entry and re-entry applications) a generic transfer function formulation embedding dedicated “application-dependent” parameters to account for material and integration techniques properties. • To validate this approach through dedicated basic experiments on adequately selected material/sensor combinations (e.g. thermocouples/heat flux sensors and ablative/metallic/ceramic materials) enabling in addition the set-up of an engineering database for the “application-dependent” parameters. • To draw conclusions on the impact of “application-dependent” parameters on the experimental results and to issue recommendations on engineering practices to mitigate this impact. Description Among the intrusive measurement techniques for in-flight experimentation in entry vehicles, classical instruments such as thermocouples of various type and heat flux sensors are extensively used. They are easy to procure and relatively cheap, but it has been recognised that they could fail to provide accurate aerothermodynamic data unless an extensive characterization activity of their transfer functions is carried out prior to in-flight experimentation. It is to be noted that each sensor reading available to the experimenters for post-test rebuilding activities is only the final output of a measurement chain significantly affected by the properties of the material on which the sensor is integrated, the adopted integration technique and obviously the characteristics of the sensor itself. In specific cases such as thermocouples in pyrolizing ablative materials it has been seen in the U.S. that not only the integration of sensor heads but also the layout of the whole sensor has an impact on the final sensor reading. Although each Thermal Protection System material (ceramic, metallic, ablative) features different properties (thus requiring different integration techniques), it is considered possible to identify for each sensor of interest (e.g. thermocouples, heat flux sensors) a generic transfer function formulation containing within well confined parameters the dependency onto materials and associated integration techniques. A set of basic experiments on selected materials/sensors would allow to determine the quantitative impact of the dependency parameters on the final sensor reading and to identify engineering ways to mitigate this impact. The proposed TRP activity shall include: A survey of the intrusive measurement techniques of interest (including as a minimum thermocouples and calorimeter probes) for on-going and future re-entry and entry applications. The Contractor shall then down select a set of intrusive measurement techniques and associate to each of them (in a database format) the typical application in which it is used, the type of material on which it is integrated and the most frequently applied integration techniques. The Contractor shall detail as well the environmental constraint that each equipment can survive and the parameters driving the measurement accuracy. • Definition of the generic transfer function formulation. For each selected measurement technique the Contractor shall study and define a suitable generic transfer function in which the “application-dependent” quantities are isolated by the independent parameters; the Contractor shall dedicate significant effort to the modelling of these application-dependant parameters, identifying the most suitable mathematical structure to describe further sub-dependencies (e.g. on the material, on the integration technique on the sensor layout, etc.) in view of dedicated basic experiments to be carried out later in the course of the activity. • Preparation and execution of the transfer functions validation phase. On the basis of the outcome of the previous task, the Contractor shall establish a validation approach for the transfer functions, preparing for each measurement technique a test matrix covering adequately different material categories, integration techniques, measurement ranges and test duration. Following the Agency approval the Contractor shall carry out at suitable premises the agreed experimental activities, shall report the obtained results in a database format and shall analyse the data vis-à-vis the validation objectives. In case available experimental data could serve the validation purposes, the Contractor shall include them in the validation plan. • Post-test assessment. The Contractor shall correlate the obtained experimental data with the mathematical formulation of the transfer functions and in particular of the “application-dependent” parameters and shall complete the engineering database accordingly. On the basis of the correlation, the Contractor shall assess the achievement of the validation objectives and establish the quantitative impact of the “application-dependent” parameters on the measurement output. • Conclusions and recommendations. As a final task the Contractor shall conclude on the work carried out and shall issue recommendations for engineering best practice in the integration of intrusive measurement techniques. Relevance / Applications: Intrusive measurement techniques could fail to provide accurate aerothermodynamic data unless an extensive modelling and characterization activity of their transfer functions is carried out prior to in-flight experimentation; the general approach developed within this activity provides sufficient flexibility in the transfer function modelling to adapt to different applications such as re-entry and entry vehicles instrumented thermal protection systems but also future launch vehicles components operating in severe environments. Moreover, the set of basic experiments carried out within the present activity could serve as an engineering database for the abovementioned project applications. Deliverables: Technical Notes Test Articles Test Data Page 80 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 All re-entry and entry vehicles to be instrumented with classical sensors; future launch vehicles Application/Mission: components operating in severe environments. (Mission Date: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7903 Consistent (B27) TRP Reference: T418-027MP TD: TD18 Title: Aerodynamics of down load systems: parachutes Objectives The present TRP will enhance the PADSA capabilities by augmenting its data base with new windtunnel experiments simulating as a priority supersonic deployment scenario’s. The experiments will be performed taking into account past experimentation, lessons learned and focus on the upcoming DLS agency needs. These basic experiments will be used to update PASDA for the supersonic DLS design and analysis. Priority shall be put on improvements associated with supersonic deployment. This new experimental data base shall be used to enhance the Agency PASDA tool. Description The performance of Down Load Systems (DLS) especially the deployment of supersonic parachutes have recently shown to be inadequately mastered (lessons learned Genesis). Note that even subsonic deployment is still today without risk (lessons learned USV). The expertise on supersonic parachute deployment resides mainly (with the exception for Huygens ) in Russia and in the US. The Agency invested in the past in the PASDA tool development; PASDA stands for Parachute System Analysis and Design tool and contains mainly engineering routines for subsonic parachute operation and deployment. It was used for post flight analysis of the ARD The contractor shall perform the following activities : - Review state of the art in parachute design and analysis and address the limitations and short coming of the Agency PASDA tool especially for the supersonic regime. - Propose experimental strategy taking into account agency needs, select appropriate wind tunnel models for transand supersonic windtunnel testing. - Improve PASDA tool by enhancing engineering routines for supersonic DLS deployment and perform validation exercise using present new experimental data base. - Apply updated tool to some agency defined test cases such as e.g. EXPERT and Huygens. - Provide synthesis and recommendations to expand PASDA tool to include other type of decelerators such as ballutes, inflatable systems or other types of drag chutes. Deliverables: Wind tunnel test data, CFD Solutions, Technical notes, Test Articles, Test Data, updated PASDA Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 All earth reentry vehicles, Application/Mission: planetary probes (Mission Date: 2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7906 Consistent (Add 3) TRP Reference: T418-028MP TD: TD19 Title: Extra light nozzle extension for upper stage engine and in space propulsion Objectives Page 81 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Existing European technology currently employ a 3D multi-weave fabric called GuipexÒ, which thickness range can be as low as 0.8 mm for different C-SiC applications in operation or in development. This material is applied on aeronautic engines components or thermal protection systems (IXV windward TPS). It is therefore a promising technology to use in the design of even lighter nozzle extensions. A proof of concept C-C nozzle has been manufactured to check the capability of GuipexÒ to design large bell shape components (diameter: inlet 0.4 m, outlet 1.1 m, Length 1.1m, wall thickness 1.5 mm) and resulted in a 6.2 kg weight of the component, representing more than 30% mass saving compared to the same part that if it had been made with RL10 B-2 technology. The objective of the activity is mature the technology from the current TRL2 to TRL3 before it can be considered for such technology demonstration programs such as FLPP. Description One of the design criteria for upper stage propulsion and in-space propulsion is the reduction of the mass of components whilst achieving high performance. Generally for rocket engines very high nozzle expansion ratio’s are required to achieve high Isp’s . Therefore this study is to evaluate the potential advantages of developing such an extra-light weight nozzle extension and to bring the technology to a level of maturity such that it can be considered for future launch vehicle programs. The current state of the art is the RL10 B-2 C-C NE ( RL10 B-2 engine Carbon-Carbon Nozzle Extension). This has proven to be very efficient and the right solution to that extent thanks to the high temperature resistance and low density of Carbon-Carbon. However, the 3D technology currently utilized in the design of such very large nozzle extensions has a limitation of a minimum 2.3 mm wall thickness which limits the weight reduction potential for future projects. Threfore, the proposed activity is as follows: • Perform an assessment / trade-off of potential applications of the extra-light weight nozzle. • Define a generic nozzle extension with relevant singular areas such as attachment flange, integrated stiffener, aft stiffener, wall construction and wall thickness (use of existing tooling to concentrate the effort on the technology only) • Manufacture one generic extra light Carbon-Carbon nozzle • Material characterization on coupons from part or plates • Perform preliminary margin evaluation for generic sizing loads Investigate potential application and full scale demo firing testing options for next technology maturation phase (TRL3/4 – TRL7) Deliverables: Extra-light weight nozzle hardware, design and development data package as output of activity. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Application/Mission: All launchers (Mission Date: 2020) Contract Duration: N/A SW Clause : Dossier0 Ref.: T-472 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: For TRL5: 2014 12 months N/A TRP Reference: T418-029MP TD: TD19 Title: Battleship chamber for unsteady combustion process analysis Objectives The proposed study aims at studying the feasibility, designing, manufacturing and operating of a simplified test rig, in the form of a battleship combustion chamber, to provide relevant test cases for the tuning of the predictive models. At the same time, this test facility could provide an excellent test bed for assessing, even with empirical methods, devices or design features likely to damp or even eliminate the non desirable phenomena (dampers, specific injection features,…) Description The problem of combustion instabilities, Low Frequency or High Frequency, has always been a major hazard in the development of launcher or spacecraft engines. There is currently no other way than extensive and consequently expensive testing to verify that the design is on the safe side. Moreover, the conservatory measures to mitigate the risk are costly in terms of engine performance (high delta Pressure of the injector and consequently increased turbopumps power requirements, etc,…). The current design and validation tools are essentially empirical and the Page 82 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities recovery actions in case of problems often palliative (treating the effects and not the causes). On the field of High Frequency combustion instabilities, specific studies, including also ESTEC, have been triggered by the accident of the Aestus Ariane 5 third stage engine, during flight 510, but it was never possible to fully understand and describe the chain of events leading to the failure.The efforts aiming at improving the capacities to design more robust engines, taking those phenomena into account, are hindered by the absence of tools due in part to the lack of basic validation experiments. The activity will start with a comprehensive literature survey of the existing background and worldwide. Then a preliminary study will be initiated and the main parameters traded off. The following list gives an example of the main open choices: • propellant combination • size and shape of the chamber • Conceptual study of the devices used to adapt the sensitivity to instabilities (volume of injection domes, pressure losses,…) • possible excitation devices • instrumentation needs The design should be driven by the goal to maximize the chances to encounter instabilities but also by possibilities to counter them. Then the detailed design should be performed and the material manufactured. Eventually, the tests facility will be commissioned with the first run in tests. After, the test bench and articles will be available for subsequent validation tests cases performance. Deliverables: Literature survey Feasibility and Preliminary design File. Detailed design Bench Commissioning Tests report TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All launchers with liquid propulsion Contract Duration: (Mission Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7899 N/A TRP Reference: T418-030MP Title: Innovative PED bladder technology TD: TD19 Objectives To demonstrate feasibility an innovative propellant expulsion device (PED) concept compatible with hydrazine and nitrogen tetroxide propellants and suitable for demanding mission requirements such as LV upper stage bi-propellant storable propulsion systems, Small-medium Bi-propellant spacecraft, Space exploration missions, Orbit transfer vehicles. The activities shall focus on PED technologies including selection of base materials, functional and environmental testing and manufacturing at material sample level. Description Page 83 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities In the area of satellite applications, European Industry accumulated appreciable experience in the development of bi-propellant compatible diaphragm materials for propellant tanks. Material formulation and manufacturing technologies were investigated and initial works performed on diaphragm design and manufacturing. All the activities shall be addressed to the identification of suitable material and its development testing to verify its usability on a wide range of space missions. To this end, the following main tasks shall be carried out: Task1: definition of high level requirements Task2: survey of candidate materials Task3: sample candidate material manufacturing Task4: laboratory level testing of candidate materials Task5: material trades and selection, assessment of space mission applicability Task6: definition of material development test specification Task7: material development test program Task8: preliminary manufacturing plan at diaphragm/bladder level Deliverables: Documentation relevant to the identified tasks. Candidate materials formulation, chemical composition, compounds chemical characteristics and procurement frame and any other details necessary to allow material technology transfer were needed. Material manufacturing file including main manufacturing process steps and specifications. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 LV upper stage bi-propellant storable propulsion systems, Application/Mission: Small-medium Bi-propellant spacecraft, Space exploration missions, Orbit transfer vehicles. SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. Consistent TRP Reference: T420-031MC TD: TD21 Title: Material characterization of European ODS material candidate, Kanthal APMT, for application in metallic TPS Objectives To produce ODS sheet and foil from Kanthal APMT and characterize material properties relevant to application in metallic TPS. Description Metallic TPS is being studied in the context of the FLPP-1 M&S activities by Dutch Space. The driving requirements initially led to ODS materials from Plansee, PM1000 and PM2000, being identified as baseline for the tile demonstrator. However, with the withdrawal by Plansee from the space business, a search for another supplier was started, because only an ODS material is foreseen to be capable of repeated cycling to peak temperature levels. While Kanthal APMT was identified as an option, further study is required to confirm its suitability, especially it has to be verified that it can be produced in a form which can be used for the tile, while retaining the desired characteristics. The driving requirements for metallic TPS and the analysis of the requirements by Dutch Space is included in: TPS Tile Technology Development Based on ODS Material Architecture Concept, Trade-off and Design Report, M&S-DS-TR-006 A first evaluation of Kanthal APMT is included in: Roadmap for development of metallic TPS tiles using super-alloys as alternative to ODS materials, M&S-DS-ME-004 It concludes that presently too little is known about Kanthal APMT and that super-alloys will be used for IXV metallic TPS, as replacement for PM1000 and PM2000. The TRP activity has the objective to fill the gaps in the characterization of Kanthal APMT and identify the route to raise the technology maturity level to make it a competitive choice in a post-IXV perspective, offering the advantages of ODS material for high-temperature applications. The activity will include: • To establish the manufacturing route of Kanthal APMT sheet material (0.25 and 0.5 mm thick) and foil (0.075 mm thick) and identify any associated limitations (e.g. size, thickness, heat treatment or grain-size) • To produce TBD samples of Kanthal APMT sheet material • To define a test plan to perform material characterization (e.g. elasticity, yield strength, creep, tensile strength and thermo-physical properties), collecting necessary data to evaluate the suitability of Kanthal APMT for use in metallic Page 84 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TPS, i.e. over the temperature range from RT to 1400 deg C. • To perform testing according to test plan • To compile a test report, including conclusions on the potential for improvement of the material characteristics by adaptation of the manufacturing route. Deliverables: Tested samples plus a corresponding set of reference samples, test reports, Final report TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All entry vehicles (Mission Date: 2017) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-575 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: For TRL5: 2012 9 months N/A TRP Reference: T420-032MC TD: TD21 Title: Development of lightweight flight sensors and measurement techniques for planetary entry probes and vehicles Objectives To develop measurement techniques and relevant lightweight sensors to assess the interaction between aerothermodynamic flow and the response of the TPS. This shall include as a minimum the following parameters: temperature, pressure, heat flux, erosion, gas composition. Description The heatshield represents an essential component of any planetary entry probe or vehicle, and can consume a considerable fraction of the available probe/vehicle mass. The sizing of the thermal protection system involves rather large margins stemming from the uncertainties in deriving the heat fluxes and the interaction between the aerothermodynamics and the response behavior of the TPS. Reducing these uncertainties requires in-flight data from previous missions. Unfortunately, such data is very limited since the heatshield instrumentation is usually either omitted or extremely reduced due to the strict mass limitations. It is therefore essential to develop lightweight techniques and sensors to assess the interaction between the aerothermodynamic flow and the TPS. During the course of the activity following tasks shall be performed: • Review of existing sensors and assessment of mass reduction potential • Investigation of alternative measurement techniques and concepts • Screening and trade-off • Iterative design development • Breadboard design, manufacturing and test Deliverables: Concept description and trade-off, development and test reports, breadboards and demonstration samples Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Planetary exploration missions e.g Application/Mission: MRS, CSTS, RLV / IXV (Mission Contract Duration: Date: 2020) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: For TRL5: 2014 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8282 N/A TRP Reference: T420-033MC Title: Zero Boil Off propulsion system feasibility demonstration TD: TD21 Objectives Page 85 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The aim of this activity is to analyse the applicability of ZBO concepts to both space transportation and exploration missions. To reach this goal propulsion and system analysis will provide design and technology needs based on a number of identified mission typologies. On the above grounds, capability of long term cryogens storage and management without cryogens losses will be demonstrated and impacts on cryogenic propulsion system design aspects evaluated. Description The idea of this activity is to realise a design where the heat losses of a cryogenic storage tank are compensated by the cooling power produced with an active cooling system. In practice, especially for large tanks, there is always a non-avoidable heat input into the cryogens which needs conditioning of the cryogens to avoid creation of large temperature gradients. To study this issue and define a baseline for the ZBO, the following tasks are foreseen: • Task1: Identification and specification of mission typology in relation to ZBO aspects. In particular: analysis of mission duration boundaries in relation to ZBO needs, assessment of propulsion and system impacts on upper stage and interplanetary missions. • Task2: Definition of main functional and design propulsion requirements for upper stage and interplanetary missions. • Task3: flow down of propulsion specifications at tank and thermal control hardware to define ZBO requirements. • Task4: architectural studies of tankage and thermal control hardware for different cryogenic propellants (O2, H2, Cryogenic Hydrocarbons); identification of critical aspects regarding propulsion functionality and thermal control. • Task 5: Establishment of a thermal and fluid dynamic model of the whole propulsion system including engine, tankage and thermal control hardware representative of the different mission phases identified. • Task6: Scaling down of the cryogenic tank design to a representative breadboard for testing using LN2. • Task7: Manufacturing of breadboard, testing and correlation with thermal and fluid dynamic models. • Task8: Updating of mathematical models for large tanks for different propellants. • Task9: Preparation of technology development roadmap including analyses of flight experimentation at breadboard level. Deliverables: ZBO mission needs, conceptual design report of ZBO propulsion system architecture, thermal and fluid dynamic model for mission representative and breadboard versions of the propulsion system including correlation with test results, breadboard model design report, breadboard model test results, breadboard hardware. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: (Mission Date: 2020) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: For TRL5: 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8275 Consistent 5 - Telecommunications 5 - Telecommunications TRP Reference: 03/ETM-001 TD: Title: SAW Filter Development TD06 Objectives The objective of this activity (CCN) is to continue the original SAW filter development by extending the device working frequency and test it on a breadboard. Description Page 86 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Surface Accoustic Wave (SAW) quartz resonators are often used in Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO) with demanding phase noise requirements. However, the use of SAW resonator based VCOs (SAWR-VCO) has so far mainly been limited to frequencies below 1 GHz for very high Q (Quality factor) applications. The use of SAW resonators at higher frequencies and on other materials has been demonstrated in the MATOPS program for the use in low-loss impedance element filters (IEF). For both SAW-IEF and SAWR-VCO the main goal in design of the resonators is to achieve high resonator Q-values (and therefore low energy dissipation per cycle). In 2006 an activity was started aiming at investigating and improving SAW resonator technology for use in VCOs in the 1-2.5 GHz range. The expected space applications of low-phase noise VCOs are in navigation and communication systems operating in this frequency range. The results are applicable for narrowband low-loss filters and SAW notch filters. The new CCN shall aim at extending the working frequency of the developed resonator device and test it on a breadboard including a LO (Local Oscillator). The breadboarding shall include design, development and testing. Deliverables: Breadboard TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2-TRL 3 Application/Mission: Navigation and communication systems Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: - Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2012 18 months - TRP Reference: T504-001EE Title: Slot Region radiation environment TD: TD04 Objectives Investigate radiation environment at the altitude range of future low and medium altitude constellations where environment is harsh but poorly characterised Description The altitudes of future telecom constellations is characterised by the outer edge of the proton radiation belt and the variable "slot" region . As seen by Globalstar, where many anomalies are attributed to the environment, this environment can be extremely problematic. The proton environment gives rise to many degradation and single event effects not encountered at GEO and the electron environment can be harsh and dynamic, giving rise to internal charging and high doses. Models of the environment specific to these regions will be developed allowing these effects to be analysed efficiently. Deliverables: Calculation models and tools. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Low-medium altitude comms constellations (>2010) Contract Duration: SW Clause : Operational SW Dossier0 Ref.: T-9 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: Study results applicable by 2010 24 months N/A TRP Reference: T506-002ET TD: TD06 Title: Modelling and Design of Optimized Waveguide Components utilizing 3D Manufacturing Techniques Objectives Objective is the analysis, EM modelling and demonstration of novel waveguide resonator and iris geometries using sophisticated shaping strategies to achieve cost-competitive high performance waveguide filters with up to 30% reduced dissipation losses. Page 87 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Description 3D manufacturing techniques such as selective laser melting offers new freedom for the RF-designer to employ optimised geometries to improve RF performance without significant impact on production cost. In this activity optimum resonator and iris shapes shall be developed and investigated. For this purpose dedicated highly efficient EM software shall be developed for accurate and fast computation of the losses of the optimum resonator and coupling apertures. A Ku-band OMUX channel filter with optimum resonator and coupling aperture shall be designed, modelled and analysed to demonstrate the RF performance improvements achievable. The resonator and iris shapes investigated shall be realisable without the constraints of conventional milling techniques but adapted to 3D manufacturing techniques. Electrical, mechanical and thermal performance as well as production costs including prototyping, assembly and tuning shall be evaluated in detail and compared to standard designs using conventionally employed manufacturing techniques. The predicted RF performance improvements of the optimized resonators and coupling structures shall be verified on Ku-band demonstrators. MOTIVATION: 3D manufacturing techniques are very cost competitive but also provide new freedom for the RF designer. Very complex geometries can be fabricated without much impact on cost. Furthermore significant cost savings can be expected since separately assembled components with mechanical and thermal functions are now integral part of the hardware. With this approach of single part hardware, the number of contact interfaces is minimized resulting in improved Q and PIM. In addition advanced resonator geometries and iris shapes for further Q improvements can now be realised and cumulative Q improvements of up to 30% can be expected. Deliverables: Efficient and accurate software capable to analyse a 3D waveguide filters with advanced geometries including the accurate modelling of losses; Breadboards of optimum shaped Ku-band resonators and coupling structures to demonstrate achievable RF performance improvements; Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2017) Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2014 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7929, T-7909 Consistent TRP Reference: T506-003ET TD: TD06 Title: Study of high order modes and fringing fields in Multipactor effect Objectives The aim of this activity is the study of RF breakdown (Multipactor effect) in large gaps where high order modes and fringing fields are considered. The product Frequency-gap is directly linked to high power RF hardware with large gaps (OMUX, Filters, OMT, antennas, etc …) and future high frequency applications. It is expected that many telecommunication components can enhance their power capabilities by addressing the Multipactor effect considering these two effects. Description The product Frequency-gap is an important parameter to predict Multipactor effect. The RF breakdown threshold can be calculated from this ratio in easy geometries. However, the model fails when the gap is large and the travelling electrons change direction several times before they collide with the inner walls of the waveguide due to the change in polarity of the RF electric field.Thus, in irises and corrugated elements, the Multipactor parallel-plate approach is valid only for a certain range of gap width to gap length ratios (up to 1). For larger ratios the voltage necessary to induce multipactor increases significantly. If the ratio gap width to gap length is increased, more electrons tend to accelerate along curved paths rather than along the straight-line path between the walls. The resonance condition within the gap is no longer valid. The longer effective path length shifts the operating location to larger values of the f x d product. Higher field gradients across the gap are thus necessary as the multipactor diagram shows. Furthermore, many of the electrons are accelerated in a direction completely away from the gap region and are no longer available for the breakdown. It is expected that for gap width-length ratios between 1.2 and 6, there is an exponential function of the voltage increase factor and gap width-length ratio, leading to dramatic power increase factors between 4 and 49. This activity will investigate the importance fxd product (gap height and high frequencies) in the prediction of Multipactor effect and the effect of the fringing fields in the threshold. Deliverables: Any hardware produced: test samples with irises. Page 88 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2010) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Study results applicable by 2009 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7929, T-7909, T-7919 Consistent with "RF Power measuring and modelling" (TEC-ETM/2007.30/DRG/drg, Activity 3B2) TRP Reference: T506-004ET TD: TD06 Title: Widely-tunable MEMS LC tank for Wideband Oscillators Objectives The objectives are to develop, manufacture, and test a MEMS LC tank featuring a wide tunability while maintaining a stable Q-factor. Description There is a need for Local Oscillator with a large tuning range. However, in practise, resonators with large tunability tend to offer degraded performance due to the decrease of the Q-factor with tuning. This translates into degraded phase noise of the LO. The MEMS LC tank is a resonator which can have a large tuning range while maintaining a fairly high Q-factor. In a first phase, after reviewing state of the art achievements in the field and assessing all applications where a wideband oscillator is of prime interest, MEMS varactor with large capacitance control as well as MEMS inductance with high resonant frequency shall be investigated. In a second phase, those two element shall be integrated into a single MEMS tank circuit which shall then be evaluated in an oscillator with a wide tuning range. Deliverables: Breadboard of wideband oscillator. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2015) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Dossier0 Ref.: TRL5 by 2011 24 months T-7928, T-7918, T-7908, T-7746 Consistent (MEMS Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T506-005ET TD: TD06 Title: High-Q MEMS resonator for high-performance oscillators Objectives Develop, manufacture, and test MEMS based mechanical resonators; to highly improve degree of integration, reduce of cost, mass and size of payload. Description Page 89 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Laboratory demonstrations have shown that MEMS resonators may become an interesting alternative to crystal resonators both in oscillators and filters. Already today, very high Q-values comparable to those of good crystal resonators have been demonstrated for the MEMS resonators. Important advantages of the MEMS resonators are foreseen in their extremely small size and integration compatibility with silicon process. In comparison to crystal resonator, cost reduction is expected at lower frequencies (from 10 MHz) whereas better performance is expected at higher frequencies (from 100 MHz). One more important aspect is that the MEMS fundamental mode frequency can be much higher than that of the crystal. Demonstrations have been done (mostly US) for devices from 10 MHz to 500 MHz. However, it is evident that technological challenges remain in several areas, such as temperature compensation, packaging, long term stability, and phase noise. The activity aims at developing MEMS resonators, MEMS test structures for e.g. coupling characterisation, and RF oscillator demonstrators. The design frequencies shall be selected in the 10 MHz to 500 MHz range and designs optimised for the best achievable RF performance. In the beginning of the activity, the available MEMS technologies and process shall be investigated and their properties evaluated in the light of the MEMS resonator performance. Then, the MEMS resonators and the RF oscillator shall be designed, manufactured and tested. The test shall address the critical parameters such as the frequency stability, long term stability, phase noise, Q and resonator coupling properties. The performance, size, and mass of the MEMS oscillators will be evaluated and compared with those of a crystal oscillator. Deliverables: MEMS resonators, oscillator breadboards. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2015) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7908, T-7928 Consistent TRP Reference: T506-006ET TD: Title: Efficient Techniques for On-Board Processing TD06 Objectives The study shall review, analyse and assess efficient algorithms and processing techniques for improving power consumption and integration (i.e. mass) efficiency of telecom OBPs. Appropriate design and optimization methods shall be identified and tailored to comply with typical payload performance specifications. Description Several architectures and algorithms have been recently introduced to decrease the computational burning of elementary digital processing elements such as Finite Impulse Response (FIRs) filters and Fast Fourier Transforms (FFTs). As well as new techniques allow reducing oversampling ratios in polyphase filter banks. Jointly such techniques could prove themselves highly effective in reducing ( potentially up to 20-30%) the complexity (ASICs area and Power) or in extending the performances (increased processed bandwidth and number of beams) of On-Board Digital Processors for telecommunication satellite systems. Full exploitation of these techniques requires a design flow change (from round-off of the ideal filter/BFN coefficients to filter/BFN design based on constrained architecture and coefficients space). Typically the design is further complicated by the combinatorial nature of the filter/BFN coefficient space (e.g. Sum-Of-Power-Of-Two - SOPOT, Canonical-Signed-Digit - CSD, etc.) and requires the adoption of appropriate search and optimization methods. Tasks to be carried out shall include: • Standard arithmetic with reduced multiplication/addition complexity for filtering and beamforming (e.g. multiplier-less SOPOT, CSD, etc.) • Non-standard arithmetic for signal processing (e.g. residue number system – RNS et alii) • “FFT-like” and reduced oversampling techniques in polyphase filter banks. • Analysis and assessment of coefficient round-off and finite arithmetic errors • Integrated design of Multi-Channel Demultiplexing and Beamforming based on constrained (for efficiency) digital arithmetic. • Pros and Cons assessment with respect to benchmarking OBP scenarios (narrowband and broadband). Page 90 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Reports, models and technology roadmap. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2014) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7913 Consistent TRP Reference: T506-007ET TD: TD06 Title: Reconfigurable multi-mission payload feasibility study Objectives To study the architecture of a reconfigurable payload with flexible allocation of resources ( bandwidth, power, coverage) to different missions (i.e. broadcasting, multibeam access, high speed point to point,…) during the life of the satellite. Reconfigurable payload building-blocks shall be identified and trade-offs on the most suitable technologies carried out. Description Prior R&D work has demonstrated an important capacity gain (15%-20%) granted by flexible power and bandwidth allocation in addition to a factor 2 spare in DC power in the case of a realistic unbalance traffic demand distribution over the coverage in a multibeam payload application In case multiple missions are hosted on board the same spacecraft, a high gain is expected by flexible and dynamic sharing of power and frequency resources This activity will study the architecture of a reconfigurable payload with flexible allocation of resources ( bandwidth, power, coverage) to different missions (i.e. broadcasting, multibeam access, high speed point to point,…) during the life of the satellite. Reconfigurable payload building-blocks will be identified and trade-offs on the most suitable technologies carried out. Deliverables: Reports, models and technology roadmap. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2014) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7746 Consistent TRP Reference: T506-008ET TD: TD06 Title: Payload/system evaluation of beam hopping techniques Objectives • Definition, simulation and evaluation of an advanced Ka band multibeam payload using beam hopping techniques. • Identification of key equipment for further development under ARTES 5 programme. Description This activity will be focusing on payload aspects related to beam hopping will represent the follow up of an ongoing ARTES 1 beam hopping system activity. Beam hopping represents an efficient solution to flexible resource allocation in multi-beam networks that has large impacts on the space and ground systems. The proposed activity shall continue this work with a detailed evaluation, simulation and evaluation of an advanced payload implementing beam hopping tecniques. In particular, different beam hopping payload architectures using advanced antenna and RF front end concepts ( DRA, FAFR, ….) and advanced technologies available in the near future ( high temperature electronics, GaN, Page 91 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities mini-TWTs, highly integrated BFNs, next generation digital processors using deep sub micron technology, optical processors,…) shall be proposed. The payload performance will be compared to more conventional payloads. After a first analysis and trade-off between the different options, payload computer models shall be generated for simulation and assessment of the system performance obtained and perform a comparison with non beam hopping payload solutions. The payload models and payload/system simulations shall consider representative physical layers(i.e. modified DVB-S2/RCS) , and shall include the effects of the main payload impairments ( i.e. non linear distortions, interference,….) As a result of this activity, a development plan shall be proposed for the breadboarding of the key building blocks of a beam hopping payload . Deliverables: Beam hopping payload/system model and reports. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2015) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7746 Consistent TRP Reference: T506-009ET Title: Benefits of the introduction of GaN technology on an L- band GEO mobile payload TD: TD06 Objectives The objective of this activity is the assessment of the benefits of the introduction of GaN SSPA technology on an L band GEO mobile payload. With this purpose, a first basic iteration shall be done of the payload architecture definition, preliminary design, accommodation and payload/system assessment of an advanced INMARSAT XL payload using GaN SSPA technology, and compare the results with the current implementation based on GaAs SSPA technology. Description The study aims to define a set of possible payload architectures to take advantage of GaN SSPA technology and determine a preliminary sizing estimate and accommodation. The work is organized in to two tasks. Task 1 INMARSAT shall be taken as a reference payload baseline with which to compare the new architectures. The contractor shall begin by identifying potential payload architectures introducing GaN SSPA technology. The following levels of architectural changes shall be considered; 1. Simple replacement of the current GaAs based SSPAs by GaN versions, possibly with higher RF output power capabilities and with commandable bias point of the transistors to achieve extra RF power flexibility. 2. A MPA-less implementation, based on a set of redunded GaN SSPAs, with the implementation of power flexibllity based on the combination of commandable SSPA bias to increase/decrease the output power capabilities of each SSPA and the adjustment of input power at carrier level by BFN in the digital processor. 3. A solution MPA less, but without implementation of SSPA redundancy and the use of a “cold” redundancy approach based on bias control and BFN carrier level control. For each of the identified architectures, the full potentiality of GaN technology shall be identified and evaluated. Further, for each of the proposed architectures, a methodology for the sizing and assessment of the payload shall be proposed. At the first meeting at ESTEC three will be chosen for further study. Task 2 For each of the three payload architectures identified at the end of Task 1, ASTRIUM will do a first iteration of payload definition and preliminary sizing and accommodation. The objective of this exercise is the assessment and quantification of the potential for improvement at payload/system level of the different identified GaN based payload architectures. The work will be done according to the methodology agreed at the end of phase 1. For each of the payload concepts, the following outputs will be provided and compared against the current Page 92 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities performance of INMARSAT XL payload. • Payload architecture and block diagram • RF budgets • Payload capacity estimation • Payload flexibility assessment • Preliminary accommodation • Mass and DC consumption/dissipation budgets • Hardware matrix • Estimation of comparative recurrent costs with current INMARSAT XL • Conclusions and recommendations for future work Deliverables: D1: Payload architecture preselection (set of meeting power point slides). D2: Final Report N/A Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: L-Band Mobile Geo Payloads N/A SW Clause : N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T507-009EE TD: TD07 Title: RF MEMS based reconfigurable telecommunication dual reflector antenna Objectives The objective of this activity is to investigate the feasibility of using MEMS switches for programmable contoured beams in Ku- and Ka-band dual-reflector telecom antennas. Included in this activity are the following actions: • Identification of possible telecom applications that may benefit from the use of MEMS-based reflect-arrays • Analysis of performance improvement that can be realised by using programmable MEMS controlled reflect-array sub reflectors over traditional solution • Design and critical bread boarding of representative MEMS-based reflect-array prototype Description Most commercial communication satellites today have a 15 to 18 years life time in orbit. This means that by adding the duration of the system definition study, the coverage of the satellite antenna must be frozen around 20 years before the end of the mission. It is obvious that during such a long period the traffic demand, e.g. multimedia, TV broadcast or phone, evolve drastically. Therefore, a very attractive solution for satellite operators is to have an antenna that is able to change its coverage in flight. Of course the extra cost that is involved in such a solution should be reasonable. For this reason, it is proposed in this study to perform the coverage reconfigurablity by modifying the sub-reflector characteristics while keeping unchanged the lightweight main reflector technology. To achieve the reconfigurability of the subreflector, this study will perform the design and develop a MEMS controlled reflect-array. One of the critical issues of using MEMS switches is the reliability and the power handling, but it is foreseen that for the typical applications referred to in this activity the power per MEMS element will not exceed 1-2 W. Final performances will have to be demonstrated by test with a partial sub reflector demonstrator and analyses at antenna level. Deliverables: Ku-band Subreflector Reflectarray breadboard with active RF MEMS. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), DBS missions (2015) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7907 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Consistent- Array Antennas - 2005 Page 93 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T507-010EE Title: Self focussing retroreflective Tx Rx antennas for Mobile Terminal Applications TD: TD07 Objectives The objective is to develop self-focusing terminal antennas for Mobile Applications Description To date, satisfactory designs that combine Tx/Rx function, low profile and low cost are not available. Low profile designs exist based on array technology (patch or waveguide), with a combination of electrical and mechanical scanning in elevation and azimuth respectively, but these do not have a sufficiently low cost potential so as to enable mass market appeal. Low cost products based on reflector technology exist but these are necessarily high profile designs and suitable mainly for larger vehicles. Fully active planar array are under development but mainly in receive mode only. Innovative design is therefore mandatory to satisfy the market requirement for low profile and low cost product that can be conveniently integrated into smaller vehicles. It is considered of major interest to investigate innovative antenna concepts to overcome the above mentionned limitations. As an example, some companies in Europe have developed high performances receive antennas, for broadband communications via geo satellites, based on cryoelectronic components. Using superconducting circuits, quantum electronic components and cryocooled semiconductor amplifiers practically noiseless RF front ends may be designed. As a consequence of this extremelly low noise temperature, for a given G/T requirement, the receive antennas based on cryocooled aperture incorporating superconducting structures can be the smallest possible. This promising technology may offer extremelly important advantages also in transmit. In particular, the Microwave Phase Conjugation allows novel methods of handling propagating signals. Recently, phase conjugation elements sufficiently small to be used in planar arrays through the use of high temperature superconductors have been developed. Beside superconductive devices, Direction Of Arrival can be obtained through RF closed loop, information from on board computer and attitude sensors. This activity will investigate different antenna concepts allowing to range finding of several satellites at once and assess the technical feasibility and cost issues. Ability to handle dual polarisation shall be considered. The use of these techniques may allow the system to self-focus, potentially onto several satellites at once, offering simultaneous ranging of these satellites. This is a significant advantage as from the received signal the antenna is able to send back the signal in the same direction. The need for extra information comming from GPS is then avoided and this results in faster setup times and reduced complexity. Also, distortions to the phase conjugation surfaces or in the propagation path can be automatically corrected. Deliverables: Study Report, limited supporting prototype hardware. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Mobile Telecom (2015-2017) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2013 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7923, T-7910 N/A TRP Reference: T507-011EE TD: TD07 Title: Circular polarisation dual-optics proof-of-concept Objectives To obtain proof-of-concept experimental demonstration of critical antenna elements for dual-optics CP antennas. Description The circular polarisation equivalent of "dual gridded"reflector antennas will enable the reduction of mass, enveloppe and cost of the antenna farm for many future Ku and Ka band missions. The availability of space-wave circular polarisation filters to improve polarisation purity for circular polarisation coverages and allow the implementation of dual-optics solutions (the CP equivalent of dual-gridded reflector antennas) is a longstanding unsatisfied need for telecommunications missions. Recent development finally made a viable concept available. This activity is aimed at an experimental demonstration in Ku or Ka band. Deliverables: Proof-of-concept demonstrator. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Page 94 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2014 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Fixed Satellite Services (FSS), Application/Mission: Broadband Satellite Service (BSS), Contract Duration: (2017) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7907 Consistent- Reflector Antennas - 2004 TRP Reference: T507-012EE TD: TD07 Title: Assessment of propagation modelling risk for Satcom system design Objectives To identify the risk and the error budget associated to paths radiowave propagation models at Ku, Ka and Q/V bands. The identification of variations on daily, seasonal and long-term (e.g. El-nino) periods on a global scal is another objective of this actvity. Description The use of prediction risk/error during system design would permit a more realistic trade-offs between different options/architectures (e.g. availability target, coverage area, EIRP levels and margins). The identification of all various contributions to the overall error budget of prediction models shall permit to identify and control the risk associated to prediction. The assessment of variability and its temporal scale is also useful for planning services and costs. This activity shall make use of long-term Numerical Weather Prediction and Earth observation databases to identify the error covariance matrix. Deliverables: Final report, Models and proposals for ITU-R recommendations. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Fixed Satellite Services (FSS) for Application/Mission: Interactive Broadband Services (2014) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8252 N/A TRP Reference: T507-013EE TD: TD07 Title: Combination of tropospheric and local environment propagation effects for MSS above 10Ghz Objectives Consolidate propagation models that combine effectively local envinroment and tropospheric effects using data from measurement campaigns, climatological databases and existing models developed for fixed and mobile services. Description Mobile Satellite Systems at L and S bands are mainly affected by free-space loss and propagation effects in the local environment. Future systems that require larger bandwidth will use higher frequency bands such as Ka/Ku, where the tropospheric effects also plays a role. The activity aims to consolidate the physical principles to combine mobile and atmospheric effects at frequencies above 10Ghz based on existing models for MSS and FSS and data from narrowband and wideband mobile measurement campaigns at Ku and Ka bands from previous ESA contracts. Effects of multipath and shadowing together with gaseous and rain attenuation including the dynamics of the user terminal and atmosphere shall be considered. Deliverables: Report, protoype software (consolidated calculation model). Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 95 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: Ku/Ka band mobile comms & broadcasting (2015) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8251, T-7923 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 12 months Consistent (EEP propagation dossier) TRP Reference: T507-014EE TD: TD07 Title: Advanced propagation tool for satellite ATM & aeronautical communications Objectives Develop a tool for propagation analysis of aeronautical communications and air traffic management by satellite. Description The activity aims to develop an operational software raytracing tool for the study of signal propagation on ATM satellite communication in all phases of flight focused in L band (unless requirements and air interface is redefined before the activity is started). The tool shall be able to include 3D models of most commercial airplanes, and digital elevation maps for approaching phases shall be included. The characteristics for broadband communications for in-flight entertainment, internet and multimedia shall be also considered, due to its analogy regarding propagation, however keeping the focus on ATM. Deliverables: Software, report. Prototype (alpha Application version) Need/Date: Current TRL: Algorithm Application/Mission: All telecommuntication missions (>2013-2014) Contract Duration: SW Clause : Operational SW Dossier0 Ref.: T-8256 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: SW Operational by 2013 18 months Consistent (EEP propagation dossier) TRP Reference: T507-015EE Title: Compact Low-mass global antennas TD: TD07 Objectives The objective of this activity is to design, manufacture and test a breadboard model of a light and compact C-band antenna, with dual polarisation (linear or circular), able to provide global reception/transmission for telecommunications from geostationary orbit. Efforts shall be focused on overall volume reduction while complying with RF performances over the required frequency bandwidth. Description There have been studies aiming at reducing the volume of global coverage antennas either for navigation or for telecommunication bands . At C-band and below, this type of horn is very bulky for implementation on the earth deck of a large satellite and it becomes a major concern for small satellites (2-3 tons). Although a reduction in volume has been achieved, so far the bandwidth performance has been very low (around 1%). It is therefore required to investigate ways of expanding the bandwidth. The preliminary specifications for this transmit/receive antenna would be the following: frequency band: C-band; mass < 0.8 Kg; radiating element height < 2.5 wavelengths; gain higher than 16.5dBi within theta = ± 9º; bandwidth around 2-3 %. Other telecommunications frequency bands (L, S) could also benefit from this activity. Receive only might also be considered for some applications. Deliverables: EM of antenna. TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Fixed Satellite Services (FSS, >2015) Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7746 Target TRL: Page 96 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2012 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Consistent- Reflector Antennas - 2004 TRP Reference: T516-016MM TD: TD17 Title: Interchip-Optical Communciations and Photonic PCBs for next gereration OBP Objectives To investigate the potential benefits of using chip to chip optical communications in a photonic or electro-photonic PCB for the next generation OBP (On-Board Payload). Description Next generation OBP are very power demanding as they are designed to handle aggregate traffic of several Tbps. In this activity the effort will be to stuidy and lenerage to space the systematic investment undetraken by the commercial computing industry in implementing optical communications at the IC and PCB level inorder to achieve power efficient processors of ultra-high capacity and speed. A trade-off of the variosu optical communcaitions techniques shall be perfromed together and a comparison to the electrical equivalent shall be made. The most suitable technologies shall be identified and a technology roadmap shall be prepared. Aprelimnary design of a represntative photonic PCB with selected IC-IC optical Communciations and optical interfaces to other PCBS ahall be prepared supported with simulation results. Deliverables: A deyailed Technical Report on Applications and Technologies Trade-off analysis and a Preliminary design with simulation results of a photonic PCB with inter-chip optical ommuniciations and optical intercafes to other PCBs designed according to the requrieemnts of the NG OBP. TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Next Generation Payload (NGP, >2015) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7913 Not linked to the Harmonisation Roadmap. Related to ARTES 5 activity on "Inter-board Opticalcommunications TRP Reference: T516-017MM TD: Title: Electro-Photonic ADC TD17 Objectives To study the impact of a high frequency electro-photonic ADC on a telecommunications payload and demonstrate experimentally the concept of subsampling at a frequency adapetd to the requirement such a payload. Description Recent advancments in phtonic micrwave devices have enabled the use of ultra-low jitter laser pulse sources for high quality sampling of high frequnecy of RF signals up to 20 GHz, using principles of subsampling such an electro-photonic ADC coul dperfrom sampling directly at the carrier frequency of incoming signals in satellite communication paylaods. The activity shall study the impact that this device has in the architecture of sat-com payloads and demonstrate its operation at a frequency up to Ka band adapted to the needs of such payloads. Deliverables: A Technical Reprot on assessment of the impact of electro-photonic ADC on satellite payload and a demonstartor of an electro-photonic ADC operating at a frequency requried by such a payload. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Future Digital Paylaods (2015) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Study applicable results >2009, 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7746 Not linked to the Harmonisation Roadmap. Related to ARTES 5 activity "Hybrid ADC/DAC with optical interconnects Page 97 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T516-018MM Title: Opto-microwave based front-end for a multi-beam large direct radiating array antenna TD: TD16 Objectives To design, manufacture and test a proof-of-concept demonstrator of an innovative opto-microwave based front-end for a large direct radiating array antenna with multiple beams, with the main target to demonstrate (a) the expected mass / volume / power consumption savings and (b) the enhanced performance (e.g. capability to generate additional beams without increasing complexity) compared to a pure-microwave or a digital beam-forming implementation options. Description Recent accomplishments (in the ESA ITI program) in microphotonic device fabrication (Buttler matrices) pave the way for considering constructing large feed array antennas using optical BFN. In this activity, the Contractor shall carry out the design of an optical assembly suited to be included in the front-end of a very large transmitter direct radiating array, taking into account the end-to-end system level requirements of a broadband multi-beam communications mission in Ka-band (e.g. multimedia via satellite, HD-TV). In particular, it shall include: • The passive beam-former network (with optical architectures to reduce the number of input ports and the BFN complexity). • Frequency up-converters (from I.F. to microwave downlink frequency in Ka-band) • Fast optical switches able to provide very fast beam-hopping (if required). Options for integrating various functionalities into a single device, or even a single chip shall be assessed. RF performances (e.g. C/I+N, RF gain, directivity degradation due to fabrication tolerances) shall be validated by manufacturing and testing a representative proof-of-concept demonstrator of a fully operational opto-microwave based front-end for a multi-beam large DRA antenna with optimised opto-electronic interfacing to the payload. Deliverables: A representative proof-of-concept demonstrator of an opto-microwave based front-end for a multi-beam large DRA antenna. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Future missions (>2015) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012-2013 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7746, T-7926 N/A TRP Reference: T518-019MP TD: TD19 Title: Electronic pressure regulator for Small GEO Electric and-cold gas propulsion system applications Objectives Objective if this activity is a the design from a BB to an EM level of an Electronic Pressure Regulator based on proportional valve for Small GEO Electric propulsion system and cold gas system Description Small GEO Propulsion system will be based on Electric propulsion system and a cold gas system. Do to the wide range of mass flow rate demand from 1 g/sec for a 0.25 N Xenon cold gas thruster to 0.5 mg/sec for an a ion engine, this range is prohibitive for a mechanical pressure regulator. Electronic bang-bang regulator might not be able to operate successfully. It is proposed the development and manufacturing of a pressure regulator based of a proportional valve realised with new technologies (e.g. piezo) in closed loop with suitable transducers (pressure or mass flow) able to cope with this large range of mass flow requirement Deliverables: Electronic Pressure Regulator at EM level and test data. Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Small GEO (2012) N/A SW Clause : TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7979 Page 98 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T520-020MC TD: TD21 Title: High conductive CFRP sandwich technologies for platforms Objectives Development of CFRP spacecraft panel structures using conductive CFRP fibers in order to reduce mass, where conductive fibers are need for thermal reasons. The design shall show clear mass benefits with limited cost and impact. Description Design/ manufacturing and qualification of demonstrator radiative panel using high conductive CFRP. Material screening and selection. Manufacturing of samples as well as a demonstrator breadboard. Deliverables: Breadboards/demonstrators. Synthesis report. TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: Telecom platforms (2013) N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7937 Composite materials harmonisation 6 - Navigation 6 - Navigation TRP Reference: T604-001EE Title: Highly miniaturized active MEO radiation monitor Ph.A-B TD: TD04 Objectives Development of highly miniaturized active radiation monitor Description Using advances in ASIC technologies and detector technologies from non-space sectors (HEP), develop a very small (<20g, 2cm3) device with pulse height analysis capability, built-in storage and communications, to allow monitoring of radiation environments at various locations in a s/c and/or on multiple s/c. The activity will establish the basic technology for ASIC implementation and validate the principles through irradiation and simulation. Deliverables: prototype highly-miniaturized active radiation monitor Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Galileo Evolutions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T604-002EE Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8374 2005a rad monitors TD: Page 99 of 217 TD04 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Title: Energetic electron shielding, charging and radiation effects and reduction of margins Objectives Development and application of new radiation shielding models. New physics models with related easy-to-use engineering interfaces to treat radiation shielding, deep charging and dose effects problems specific to the MEO environment will be developed. Use methods will be developed to produce optimised shielding schemes, including material composites. The role of dose enhancement close to a target device due to high Z (atomic number) in packaging and chip construction materials shall be addressed in explaining the discrepancies observed in orbit (GIOVE-A). Detailed analysis of sources of error and margins in radiation environments and effects evaluation processes will be performed, and models and methods to reduce margins will be developed. Description The activity will develop new physics models and rapid methods for assessing in particular the electron and secondary gamma shielding, charging, dose enhancement and other effects issues, relevant for the MEO environment and for the specific materials and geometries used in Navigation spacecraft. Engineering interfaces to widely used industrial tools, such as e.g. SPENVIS and FASTRAD will also be developed. The new models and tools will be extensively validated by comparisons with (exisiting and/or produced) experimental data, and compared to a range of other methods. The developed models will be used to development of new shielding methods which may include layered shielding and denser packing of existing mass within spacecraft. Potential gains to be made by simulation of physics of particle tracks to reduce/validate margins in sector methods, and to compute accurately the effects of spot shielding. Radiation transport modelling shall be performed to investigate how to optimise shielding using alternating high and low atomic weight materials. Sample material composites shall be fabricated and tested. Experimentally, GIOVE-A measurements indicate that heavily shielded RADFETs receive a much higher dose than expected. One possibility is that the heavy flux of electrons is interacting with local high-Z (atomic number) materials to generate a shower of photons and secondary electrons, enhancing the dose. If true, this could give rise to needs for additional shielding, higher margins and better dose calculation methods. The activity will investigate this phenomena and model the GIOVE-A and B geometries down to device level, for both measurement devices and electronic components and establish rules and methods and new dose models. Furthermore, radiation environment and effects evaluation processes for projects are subject to uncertainties and statistical variations which are accounted for through margins. However, the establishment of margins is highly problematic in many projects, in particular those encountering high-flux electron environments. They are not always rationally established and can lead to significant over-design and cost (too high margins) or high risk (too low margins). A complete analysis of sources of margins in calculation of environment (modelling methods, data analysis, instrumental issues) and effects (shielding, dose, SEE) will be performed. The output of the activity will be substantially improved environment and effects models, tools and methods for applying margins in satellite designs. Deliverables: Updated physics models; software and methods; improved engineering interfaces; validation and analyses; material design, sample materials, test recommendations and results; margin practices and recommendations Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Galileo; other mission categories encountering high-flux electron environments (e.g. Telecom, Application/Mission: Contract Duration: missions to outer planets). Margins reduction is furthemore benefiting all missions. SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL5 > 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8374 Rad Effects (2006a); radiation test facilities and engineering tools (1st. sem 2006) consistent with activities E1: ensure access to validated tools, D2: coordinated radiation effects, C1: enhanced capabilities of tools TRP Reference: T604-003EE TD: TD04 Title: Dose enhancement in high electron environment as source of under-prediction Objectives To investigate the role of dose enhancement close to a target device due to high Z in packaging and chip construction materials in explaining the discrepancies observed in orbit (GIOVE-A) Page 100 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Description GIOVE-A measurements indicate that heavily shielded RADFETs receive a much higher dose than expected. One possibility is that the heavy flux of electrons is interacting with local high-Z materials to generate a shower of photons and secondary electrons, enhancing the dose. If true, this could give rise to needs for additional shielding, higher margins and better dose calculation methods. This activity will investigate the phenomena and model the GIOVE-A and B geometries down to device level, for both measurement devices and electronic components and establish rules and methods and new dose models. Deliverables: Rule, margins, models, methods, test recommendations TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: Galileo N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8374 N/A TRP Reference: T606-004ET TD: TD06 Title: Innovative algorithms for multi-system Precise Point Positioning Objectives Improvement of PPP performance (using GPS plus Galileo, and advanced algorithms) in terms of initialisation time, accuracy, and integrity. Description PPP using GPS is an existing technique, offering decimetre-level real-time navigation. PPP offers world-wide coverage, requiring only precise orbits to be transmitted to the user. However, one of the main limitations today is the initialisation time (up to 30 minutes). If the initialisation time can be reduced, the number of PPP-users might increase significantly. PPP might become one of the commercial services of Galileo. Within this task, a study shall be performed of new algorithms to enable enhanced multi-constellation PPP (GPS+GLONASS+GALILEO/GIOVE). The bidder shall use the new available signals and the expected lower latency of IGS products. The reduction of the initialisation time of PPP shall be addressed. Deliverables: A technical document reporting of the improved PPP performances achievable with Galileo and associated innovative algorithms, plus simulation software. TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8161 N/A TRP Reference: T606-005ET Title: Peer2peer positioning TD: Objectives * Development of peer2peer algorithms and processing techniques Demonstration of the benefits of the peer2peer concept TD06 * Description Traditionally, navigation systems (e.g. GPS, DGPS, EGNOS, Galileo) are using a one-way flow of information (i.e. from the system to the users). The concept of peer2peer positioning addresses the exchange of information between users, hereby improving navigation performance. In addition, ranging between users might be considered. Especially in difficult environments (e.g. indoor, interference, multipath), peer2peer positioning is expected to be beneficial. In this activity, the peer2peeer algorithms shall be developped, and the concept shall be demonstrated. Deliverables: Page 101 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Design, development and performance report for the peer2peer navigation system concept. Software simulation tool. TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Operational SW SW Clause : TRL 3 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8372, T-8055, T-8052 N/A TRP Reference: T606-006ET TD: TD06 Title: Real time ODTS Algorithms for navigation satellites Objectives Development of innovative real time ODTS algorithms (Kalman filtering, neural networks, etc.) using paralel processing. The activity will allow to analyse the improvements of orbit and clock predictions and at the same time develop suitable innovative algorithms. Description Currently the ODTS algorithms in Galileo and EGNOS are based on batch least squares algorithms. This means that real time estimation will never be possible, and only predictions can be used. Recent developments however have shown that statistical techniques for the process noise makes Kalman Filtering possible for GNSS. This is used in GPS today. Also other techniques like neural networks improve the accuracy of ODTS. At the same time the real-time character of the current and future algorithm can be improved by using recently developed paralellisation techniques like OpenMP. The expected improvement with this new technique compared to current Galileo budget, should be in the order of 10-50cm over 1 hour (range level orbit and clock). Deliverables: “Representative” proof-of-concept demonstrator of an integrated optical-quantum ISL Technology Data Package Summary Report Modelization tools (mathematical/numerical computer models) TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8161 N/A TRP Reference: T606-007ET TD: TD06 Title: Design and pre-development of Techniques and Technologies for Payload Autonomous integrity monitoring Objectives The objective of this activity is to study the techniques and the technologies that could be introduced at Payload level to allow monitoring the integrity of the emitted signal directly measuring the signal at the payload RF output. The satellite will be able to qualify autonomously the signal transmitted identifying more promptly and more accurately some specific failure modes reducing the probability of failure of the satellite leading to a drastic simplification of the Ground Integrity monitoring system. Description Integrity monitoring is currently provided with the usage of very complex Ground infrastructure which is not only very expensive but also affected by all the propagation/geometric/network effects and so sometimes very inaccurate. Proper calibrated equipment can be included on board to measure the signal at the RF output of the payload providing instantaneous and accurate detection of specific failure modes. The satellite failure probability can be drastically reduced if not made negligible thus reducing the need for a complex ground infrastructure. Page 102 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Technical Notes analysing in details payload feared events and models, possible algorithm to detect them, a concept architecture for the monitoring, performance of the algorithm, analysis of the improved reliability, simulation and source code. Breadboard implementation of critical software and/or hardware elements. TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Contract Duration: N/A SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 13 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8047 N/A TRP Reference: T606-008ET TD: TD06 Title: Advanced signal-in-space Techniques (Mod, Cod, Message) Objectives This activity is focused on the introduction of state of the art tele-communication techniques (Modulation, Coding, Message, etc) in to the navigation domain to improve the performance of the Navigation signals for those types of users and Services for which the current signal design is not optimised or to achieve a more efficient use of the available RF resources to be exploited for future radionavigation system design. Description Communication techniques can be introduced in the Navigation domain to improve the performances. Easyness of the generation/reception of the signal, reduction of the intrasystem interference, higher orthogonality of the spreading sequences, efficiency of the message encoding mechanism to achieve higher data rate or lower BER, robustness of the signal tracking, higher efficiency in the exploitation of the available bandwidth, robustness to hostile RF environment, jamming and anti spoofing capability etc. are areas for possible improvement. Use of multilevel codes, structurally banlimited or compact signals, multiobjective optimisation of the spreading sequence and of the pulse shape, turbo codes, are just example of possible ways to achieve these improvements, whose applicability or the real advantages have to be proven and studied in detail. The impact on the receiver and payload design must also be taken into account for the feasibility. Deliverables: Technical Notes including simulation models and source code Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8372 N/A TRP Reference: T606-009ET TD: Title: Autonomous on-board timing reference TD06 Objectives The objective of this activity is to develop and validate techniques for the implementation of autonomous on-board timing references. Description The on-board timing reference of GNSS systems is a key driver of the navigation and integrity performances. The today solution is to embark Atomic Clocks whose performance and integrity are monitored on ground, via the OD&TS process. This puts significant constrains on both the reliability and performance of the on-board clocks and on the operation and control of navigation and integrity. Several methods (e.g. phase comparison, three-corner-hat…) offer the possibility to monitor directly on-board the performance of the timing system, and to implement some switching strategies in case of failure, with no effect on the phase coherence. The aim of this activity is to investigate such methods and to implement and validate at breadboard level an autonomous on-board timing reference. Deliverables: 1BB Page 103 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2010 24months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8046 N/A TRP Reference: T607-010EE TD: TD07 Title: Assessment techniques of tropospheric effects for local augmentation systems Objectives To develop channel models and channel assessment techniques to support the reduction of error introduced by the troposphere by means of local augmention systems and external sensors. To model spatial and temporal correlation of troposperic delay for development of synthetic time series generators. To define covariance elements and distribution of the error of models for GNSS users receivers. Description The accuracy of tropospheric excess path length estimation in a GNSS receiver can be increased by using an estimate of current or short-term evolution of atmospheric conditions. This information can be provided by ground or space based sensors and numerical weather prediction systems (like ECMWF for a global scale or HIRLAM/MM5 for regional scale). The models and algorithms to process this type of information and convert it into a message for local augmentation systems need to be develped. The modelling of the spatial and temporal correlation properties of tropospheric effects is also relevant for the development of channel models to be used by system simulation tools. Deliverables: Report, prototype software. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: EGNOS & Galileo evolutions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8033 N/A TRP Reference: T612-011MM TD: TD12 Title: Demonstration of optical clocks based on cryogenic resonators Objectives To design and breadboard a cryogenic resonator optical clock, that is ready for ground station operation and has the following Allan deviation requirements: · 1E-14 @ 1 second · 1E-15 @ 100 seconds · 1E-16 @ 10000 seconds Description A new generation of atomic standards, based on optical atomic clocks, is expected to outperform microwave frequency standards by two to three orders of magnitude in both short- and long-term stabilities. Optical clock technology is however at an initial stage, and some work will be required until this technology reaches a level of maturity that leads to the full achievement of the high potential of optical clocks for applications both on ground and in space. Cryogenic resonators can be used as stand alone optical clocks (if the optical cavity is well designed, cryocooled and properly stabilised) or local oscillator stages for optical atomic clocks. The development of improved optical cryogenic resonators is twofold. On one hand, an optical clock of excellent performance can be available at lower cost, volume and size than that of a complete optical atomic clock, which makes this technology a very promising one for on-board optical clocks. On the other hand, improved cryogenic resonators can be used as local oscillators in state of the art optical atomic clocks. The advent of optical clocks will open the field to an outburst of new applications and mission returns. In the case of Page 104 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities GNSS systems, the use of optical clocks will provide the means for more stable and more performing systems, and will minimise the rate of frequency corrections. The specifications generated as part of the feasibility study to be completed in 3Q2007 will be used as input to this activity. The breadboard produced as part of this activity shall be ready for ground station use and comply to the following Allan deviation requirement: - 1E-14 @ 1 second - 1E-15 @ 100 seconds - 1E-16 @ 10000 seconds. The optical cryogenic resonator shall be developed based on a design phase in which the following is carefully assessed: - Industrialisation - Cost - Size - Maintenance - Operation - Required operational environment - Monitoring and control - Synthesis of frequencies - Regeneration to microwave frequencies Deliverables: – Breadboard of an optical clock based on cryogenic resonator technology – Documentation (Design, Integration, Tests, Manuals) TRL 1 Current TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2014 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8381 YES (Harmonisation of ground Frequeny and Time activities, 2006) TRP Reference: T612-013GS Title: Optical cavity cryo resonator breadboard for ground optical clocks TD: TD12 Objectives This study pursues the design, breadboarding and testing of an optical cavity resonator of high finesse, a laser source, servo electronics to lock the laser to the cavity, vibration isolation and tilt control means. This equipment will be used to: Confirm design feasibility Optimise all interfaces (Electrical, Mechanical, Thermal, Monitoring & Control) Validate integration procedures This equipment shall be designed to operate as a cryogenic resonator, even though cryogenic stages will be designed and built as part of a subsequent phase. It shall also be possible to use the equipment developed within this activity as LO stage in a full optical atomic clock. Description A new generation of atomic standards, based on optical atomic clocks, is expected to outperform microwave frequency standards by two to three orders of magnitude in both short- and long-term stabilities. Optical clock technology is however at an initial stage, and some work will be required until this technology reaches a level of maturity that leads to the full achievement of the high potential of optical clocks for applications both on ground and in space. Cryogenic resonators can be used as stand alone optical clocks (if the optical cavity is well designed, cryocooled and properly stabilised) or local oscillator stages for optical atomic clocks. The development of improved optical cryogenic resonators is twofold. On one hand, an optical clock of excellent performance can be available at lower cost, volume and size than that of a complete optical atomic clock. On the other hand, improved cryogenic resonators can be used as local oscillators in state of the art optical atomic clocks. The advent of optical clocks will open the field to an outburst of new applications and mission returns. In the case of Page 105 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities GNSS systems, the use of optical clocks will provide the means for more stable and more performing systems, and will minimise the rate of frequency corrections. The specifications generated as part of the feasibility study will be used as input to this activity. The breadboard produced as part of this activity shall be meant for ground station use and comply to the following Allan deviation requirements: - 1E-14 @ 1 second - 1E-15 @ 100 seconds - 1E-16 @ 10000 seconds. The optical cryogenic resonator shall be developed based on a design phase in which the following is assessed: - Stability performance (Allan deviation and phase noise) - Operating temperature - Sustaining electronics - Vibration isolation - Sensitivity to external perturbations - Power consumption - Size - Materials, processes and parts - Environmental conditions - Reliability, operation and maintenance - Definition of interfaces (electrical, thermal, mechanical) - Transportability - Expected final manufacturing costs The breadboard shall be then manufactured and tested accordingly. Deliverables: – Breadboard of a cryogenic resonator – Documentation (Design, Integration, Tests, Manuals) TRL 1 Current TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2014 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8381 YES (Harmonisation of ground Frequeny and Time activities, 2006) TRP Reference: T616-012MM Title: Applications of optical-quantum links to GNSS TD: TD16 Objectives The objective of this activity is to investigate the potential of optical-quantum links for next generation navigation systems, to assess the achievable performances and to design an optical-quantum terminal (i.e., optical terminal with an integrated quantum transceiver, as part of a complete optical-quantum intersatellite link and/or space-ground link). This combined optical-quantum terminal shall improve the knowledge of the satellite’s orbit and its on-board time reference, compared to an approach based exclusively on ground-space measurements or using RF intersatellite links. It shall also offer the possibility for implementing a secure scheme for distributing cryptographic keys to/from the satellite on demand. The performances of the proposed design of an optical-quantum terminal shall be verified and validated by means of a laboratory proof-of-concept demonstrator, which shall integrate multiple functionalities (e.g., quantum key distribution, quantum clock synchronization, optical metrology, full-duplex bidirectional high speed communications link). Description ESA and several European National Agencies have maintained the effort, after the successful SILEX experiment, in developing the next generation of optical terminals with reduced mass, size and power consumption, and increased data transmission rate (e.g. LOLA program in France, LEO TerraSAR-X in Germany). In contrast to optical (classical) communications, quantum communications offer some unique features like security (i.e., Quantum Key Distribution provides means for two parties to exchange with complete security an enciphering key, meaning that the presence of an eavesdropper will always be detected), improvement of the estimation of a physical parameter (i.e., Quantum Metrology), etc. Such quantum protocols rely on the foundations of Quantum Physics. In this context, ESA has conducted several R&D studies within the ESA’s General Studies Programme (contract numbers: 16358/02/NL/SFe, 16441/02/NL/SFe, 17766/03/NL/PM, 18805/04/NL/HE). In these studies novel concepts for space communication systems based on the principles of Quantum Physics have been identified and investigated, Page 106 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities and proof-of-concept experiments utilizing available space infrastructure (e.g., ESA’s Optical Ground Station) have been carried out (i.e. free-space distribution of entanglement and single photons over 144 km atmospheric path). This achievement paves the way towards a future space-based Quantum Key Distribution demonstration. The improvement of the estimation of the orbit parameters and the on-board clock is of paramount importance in next generation navigation systems. The combination of (classical) optical communications and quantum communications can enhance the knowledge of these critical physical parameters, by integrating a quantum transceiver in an optical terminal (i.e., an optical-quantum terminal), and implementing optical-quantum intersatellite links (ISLs) and space-ground links in the satellite constellation. This activity shall start with an assessment of the potential of optical-quantum ISLs and space-ground links for next generation navigation systems, to complement ground-space measurements for orbit and time synchronization. The benefits and drawbacks of optical-quantum links compared to a navigation system with only ground-space measurements or also with RF ISLs shall be critically assessed (e.g., potential complexity reduction for disseminating a clock reference in space = towards a single clock in space, improvement of clock synchronization accuracy between ground and space clocks). The impact on overall architecture shall be outlined and the requirements for the optical-quantum link and terminal derived. The design of an integrated optical-quantum terminal shall be carried out. This terminal shall encompass multiple functionalities: • distribution of quantum keys for confidential data encryption (including remote control access to satellite) • synchronization of on-board clocks by means of a quantum channel (including the quantum protocol) • high speed optical communications for time / orbit information transfer • high precision optical (classical) metrology Particular attention shall be paid to the accommodation of the quantum subsystems as part of the optical (classical) terminal. Technical solutions in the optical bench to fulfil isolation requirements (between quantum and classical channels) shall be investigated in depth. Impact of moving targets shall be assessed and solutions to correct the effects of relative motions proposed. To evaluate the predicted performances (i.e., position accuracy, time synchronization, key rate), a laboratory proof-of-concept demonstrator of an optical-quantum link (i.e. end-to-end including relative motion effects) shall be developed and tested using as much as possible off-the-shelf technology and breadboards available at the Contractor’s premises. Experimental validation of the predicted performances in a scenario “representative” of a space-ground link (e.g., inter-island experiment) is out of the scope of the present activity and will be executed in a follow-on contract. This activity shall include: • assessment of the potential applications of optical-quantum ISLs and space-ground links for next generation navigation systems • consolidation of optical-quantum link requirements (for both ISL and space-ground links) • design of a multi-functional optical-quantum terminal • development of a laboratory proof-of-concept demonstrator of an optical-quantum link (including two “representative” optical-quantum terminals) • performance validation of the proof-of-concept demonstrator (including testing) • appraisal and recommendations Deliverables: Proof-of-concept demonstrator of an integrated optical-quantum link, Modelization tools (mathematical/numerical computer models) TRL 1-TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2020 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8161, T-8045 Technology harmonization roadmap for “Optical Communications for Space” TRP Reference: T616-013ET TD: Title: Advanced receiver architectures TD06 Objectives Page 107 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities This activity proposes to study optimisation of the receiver processing architecture via tighter integration between the navigation and the signal processing, and exploitation of large amount of redundant information available with multiple constellation, frequency, signals, in order to improve in general acquisition and tracking performance, robustness against hostile RF environment etc.. The activity also includes the design and prototyping of a channel monitor for multipath estimation and mitigation in GNSS receivers. Description New architecture/design of the receiver processing chain can contribute in improving the performance. Recent increases in the computational power of computers and digital signal processors have made possible novel signal tracking techniques in GNSS receivers, so that both the Signal processing and the Navigation processing can be optimised or even combined in to one single estimation algorithm. Such techniques as Direct Correlators Output Processing (DCOP) or Vector Delay Lock Loop, channel estimators replace individual traditional tracking loops with a single Kalman Filter, which jointly processes the received signals while exploiting their correlated noises. Potential benefits of these new tracking techniques include an order-of-magnitude improvement in positional accuracy in environments of jamming and high dynamics. More over exploitation of the signal, frequency constellation diversity can also be a means to achieve higher performance. Deliverables: Technical Notes describing the architecture of a receiver, models of the environment and of the signals effects, SW implementation of Rx, simulation/analysis of perfromance and comparison with existing receiver architecture. Deliverables are SW source code and Techinical reports with results TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Navigation and communication systems Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8052 Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2014 12 months Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T616-014ET TD: TD26 Title: Enhancement of GALILEO system robustness exploiting Signal-of Opportunity Objectives This activity aims at identifying way to exploit Signal-of-Opportunity (SoO) coming from other not known a-priori sources in order to supplement GNSS system when it works in difficult environments (such as urban canyon or inside buildings) as well as when unintentional and intentional interferences, human errors and natural phenomena effect GNSS performance. There have been several studies aimed at identifying ways to exploit Signal-of-Opportunity coming from terrestrial and space based signals (such as such as TV broadcasting antenna, mobile towers and satellites) but all of these studies assumed known the location of the SoO emitters and consequently they only have proved the feasibility to use SoO as navigation signals. The new idea behind this activity, instead, is to develop a system concept and architecture able to automatically recognise SoO that are present into the environment (it means that the receiver has to be able to recognise the bit pattern and modulation technique for instance) and calculate the locations of their emitters exploiting GNSS systems when these provide adequate performance. After this first stage thanks to which the SoO emitters locations is known, the receiver should be able to calibrate the obtained System-of-Opportunity and so exploit SoO for positioning when it turns to work under conditions of GNSS denial and in difficult environment. This activity it is very important because the utilization of the Signal-of-Opportunity in the performance of position, navigation and timing, guaranteeing and improving GNSS services, actually enhances the robustness of the overall GNSS system. Description Page 108 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The activity has to provide a proof of concept of the feasibility of exploiting Signal-of-Opportunity coming from other not known a-priori sources to supplement GNSS systems when they work in difficult environments (such as urban canyon or inside buildings) or under the influence of unintentional or intentional interferences. The activity shall involve a preliminary study phase aimed at investigating all available technologies capable to provide potential SoO followed by a development phase that shall be carried out: - identifying and specifying the most promising Signal-of-Opportunity by mean of simulations at system level. - providing simulated-based validation of the system concept assessing the performance enhancement. - developing a preliminary architectural design of the user receiver Deliverables: Technical Notes describing all available technologies capable to provide potential SoO as well as the proof-of-concept of the system feasibility. The technical notes shall also include detailed description of the used simulation models and accordingly results. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Galileo/Navigation and Communications Systems Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8376 Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2015 18 months Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T616-015ET TD: TD06 Title: GaN Power stage based on European technology for Navigation SSPA in L-Band Objectives Develop a L-band power stage based on European GaN technology with output power in the range of 120-150W capable of power flexibility. Description The objective of this activity shall be to investigate very high power amplifiers based on solid state European GaN technology. Unlike the amplifiers available today, GaN technology shall offer the possibility to build such HPA with only one power module at the output. On its own this shall improve efficiency, ease of manufacture and price. This activity shall also investigate the possibility to implement power flexibility and design techniques for increasing efficiency in presence of digitally modulated signals and their implications in case of navigation application (e.g group delay and gain flatness, stability etc..). Finally the activity shall consider careful Multipactor related design. Deliverables: HPA breadboard and design documentation. TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Galileo/Navigation and communication systems Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8046 Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 >2015 24 months Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T616-016GS TD: TD12 Title: Development, integration and test of critical ground optical clocks elements Objectives Page 109 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities This activity aims at the breadboarding of a ground optical clock based on a cryogenic resonator. The clock will perform at a stability of 1E-14/sqrt(Tau) or better up to 10000 seconds. This breadboard will be used to: - Confirm design feasibility - Optimise all interfaces (Electrical, Mechanical, Thermal, Monitoring & Control) - Validate integration procedures Cryogenic stages will be designed and built as part of this activity. The cryogenic resonator will be available as part of a parallel TRP activity. Description In parallel to a TRP activity dealing with the design and development of a cryogenic resonator, this activity pursues the design and development of missing optical clock elements and the integration and test of a full optical clock. More in detail, the design shall at least consider the following aspects: - specifications for the cryogenic stage - optical incoupling control unit - modulation detection unit - tilt stabilisation system - specifications and characterisation of frequency comb - analog servo circuit boards - monitoring & control - signal recovery and relock routines - integration of all subsystems (resonator, detection package, cryogenics, frequency comb) A complete breadboard shall be manufactured and tested accordingly. Deliverables: – Full optical clock breadboard – Test report – Final report TRL 2 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: Ground Systems/Frequency Standards Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-8361 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2016 18 months Consistent (Demonstration of single ion optical clock Roadmap) 7 - Generic Technology and Techniques 7-01 - On-board Data Systems TRP Reference: T701-001ED TD: Title: PowerLink : Two- wire Power and Data Link TD01 Objectives To define a harness efficient solution for interfacing smart sensors. This can be achieved by combining on the same wires, a data communication channel and the power supply lines. This concept is different from the PLC (Power line Carrier) where an existing power distribution network is used to convey data as well. Powerlinks are point to point links specifically designed for the dual purpose of providing a two-wire only interface. It applies to secondary power distribution (from the control-unit to the (smart sensor). Description Page 110 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities This aims at defining the requirements in terms of voltage range, current supply range (hence power) and in terms of data communication throughput. This first step will be followed by a reduced scale demonstrator based on commercial technology. Deliverables: Reduced scale breadboard and concept demonstrator TRL 1 Current TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 Consistent “Computer and Data System” (2nd semester 2006) D2.1 TRP Reference: T701-002ED TD: TD01 Title: Demonstration test bed for a secure TMTC system - step 1/Securing space communications – Cryptographic line replaceable units Objectives The objective is to a set up the foundation of lines of products embodying cryptographic logic that can be used to build up security solutions, enable evolutions in security techniques with limited impact on the environment and prepare cross vendor compatibility. Description Cryptography provides primitives that are at the base of several security functions. A significant part of known cryptographic techniques relies on the difficulty to resolve mathematical problems. The domain of cryptography is in permanent evolution and not exempt from mutations and breakthrough susceptible to reduce investment in security implementations to nil. A strategy is to be devised to isolate infrastructures, systems, equipment parts and security controls from the details of used cryptographic techniques. In order to define a line of security products it is proposed to identify groups of security functions that can evolve separately from each other taking into account interface security, interdependencies and maintainability aspects. The number of interface is minimized and validated from security standpoint to reduce costs through economies in production of equipment. The results of this activity are expected to be trustworthy in the sense that sufficient credible evidence is provided for one to believe that the results of this activity can be used to build-up security solutions. Therefore information assurance techniques to ensure that the result of the activity is secure may be needed to be used from the start of activity. The activity will identify and define a set of cryptographic line replaceable units (LRU), each of those units consisting in a group of one or several security functions supported by cryptographic logic with an interface that can economically support a wide range of applications.Ultimately a set of one or several of those line replaceable units will be identified as critical to build up security solutions using cryptography. Those critical components can be assigned priority for secure development (e.g. IP cores) and implementation in possible pilot follow-on activities. The scope of this activity includes both security engineering and assurance aspects. The activity will produce implementation independent documents that can serve as a basis for the design, development of security products by industry and possible evaluation of security solutions by accredited organizations. Deliverables: security requirement/objective analysis, correspondence, dependencies, assumptions, external functional specification, interfaces, high level design, and information assurance. TRL 2 Current TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7805 Consistent (“Computer and Data System” (2nd semester 2006) – activity A9 “Secured TM-TC building blocks” step 2) TRP Reference: T701-003ED TD: Title: Demonstration test bed for efficient on board sensor networks - STEP 1 Page 111 of 217 TD01 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives To evaluate solutions for sensor buses Description The activity shall provide an evaluation of sub-bus (sensor bus - e.g. I2C, LIN 2.1, 1-wire) technologies which are currently used or planned for automotive/avionics industry and assess their suitability to space. Following an analysis of missions requirements (Science,EO, Navigation, Exploration), solutions providing efficient implementation of the I/O required for the monitoring, command and control of the platform and payload equipment shall be selected, considering lessons learnt from other domains (e.g. aeronautics, automotive). A breadboard hardware demonstrator shall be implemented, to assess performances and suitability of the selected technologies. Deliverables: Breadboard implementation of the busses. TRL 2 Current TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8383 Consistent with harmonisation roadmap and conclusion (Second semester 2006 – Computer and Data system A2.1) TRP Reference: T701-004ED TD: TD01 Title: Techniques for radiation effects mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs Objectives The objective of this activity is to describe in a single document the available mitigation methods against radiation effects. This document shall enable the designers of microelectronic circuits to check the adequacy of their methodology for radiation hardening, and to complement their design techniques where necessary. Description Microelectronic circuits for space applications are required to tolerate radiation effects in the space environment. Available microelectronic technologies with radiation tolerant capabilities are already applying a number of different mitigation techniques. While this relieves the designer of integrated circuits from applying the same methods himself, the designer is always challenged for a number of issues: --The choice of the most suitable technology (foundry, process, and cell library). --The identification of critical parts of the circuit with respect to radiation effects (including, but not limited to SEL, SEU, SET, and TDI) --The application of high level design techniques against radiation effects such as triple modular redundancy (TMR), checksums, or memory scraping. --The design for synthesis and testability of redundant circuits. --In full custom design: the application of low level design techniques against radiation effects such as the adjustment of layout design rules to prevent single-event latchup (SEL) or enclosed layout transistors to prevent leakage current. This activity shall describe in detail the available technology choices and mitigation techniques for --Digital ASICs –FPGAs --Mixed-Signal and Analogue ASICs. Such a document is frequently requested from companies which have not developed circuits for space applications before, in both, new and old ESA member countries. Deliverables: “Techniques for Radiation Effects Mitigation in ASICs and FPGAs” document N/A Current TRL: N/A Application/Mission: reliable space IC design, all missions Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7804 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: 2010 12 months Consistent (activity: B1, in µE Dossier - Sem 1 2007 (mapping)) TRP Reference: T701-005ED TD: Title: High capacity, high speed IC test system for automatic fault injection and analysis (FT-UNSHADES2) Page 112 of 217 TD01 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives Provide space industry (and projects) with a tool not available today to analyze the robustness against SEUs of digital integrated circuits (both ASICs and FPGAs) that have been protected with design techniques, totally or partially. The new tool based in fault injection will allow the tests to be done on the chip: A) before manufacturing the chip, in order to ensure that the protection logic inserted by the designer is good enough and acting as expected (it is correctly designed) B) and/or to investigate anomalous behaviors that are suspected to be caused by radiation (after chip irradiation campaigns, or after in-flight anomalies) Description This activity proposes the development of a mature tool to analyze the robustness of digital designs against radiation. The tool is based on Fault Injection and is composed of a reconfigurable board and SW CAD tool. The activity is based on the experience from the work already performed on FT-UNSHADES, which is a new system for SEU injection, analysis and diagnostics over post synthesis netlists, to automatically diagnose IC weak point w.r.t. radiation-induced bit-flips. The FT-UNSHADES has been developed since 2003 under ESA contract (Small study on corporate budget: contract C17540). Both HW and CAD of the FT-UNSHADES tool have already been developed and are being used: they prove the concept of fault injection using partial reconfiguration of the Xilinx SRAM-based FPGAs, and several designs have been used to verify the complete flow for both ASICs and FPGAs. The task breakdown is as follows: Phase I: - Feasibility study of the new FT-UNSHADES2 system based on the FT-UNSHADES experience- Definition of reconfigurable board architecture, the control FPGA architecture and the CAD tool architecture- Detail design of all the parts: board, FPGA design and the CAD tool- FT-UNSHADES2 integration and verificationPhase II: - Use of the tool for a test case- Final Generation of Application Notes on how to efficiently use the system Deliverables: The deliverable includes: (1) - Reconfigurable prototyping board based on state-of-the-art commercial reprogrammable FPGAs (2) - CAD tools to: - assist in the design flow of integrating the Module Under Test (MUT) into the reconfigurable prototyping board - perform Single Event Upset campaigns and assist in the analysis of the results (3) – Documentation of the development and User Manuals and White Papers on how to use the tool Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7804 Consistent (activity: B7, in µE Dossier - Sem 1 2007 (mapping)) TRP Reference: T701-006ED TD: TD01 Title: Asynchronous design in space IC (Phase1): Methods, tools, design Objectives investigate, enable and demonstrate the use of asynchronous, clock-less design techniques for digital ASIC in space.Phase 1 includes analysis/simulations, establishment of a design flow, and design of a demonstrator chip to be manufactured and tested (performance, radiation) in a second phase. Description Phase I: Survey and feasibility study on the use of asynchronous design techniques for digital space ASIC's; Survey of the state of the art (scientific publications, status in industry); Investigate (analysis, simulations) environmental effects (radiation and temperature) ; Define a methodology to port existing (synchronous) designs Deliverables: Technology survey report - Environmental effects analysis/simulation report and models - Design flow documentation and dedicated scripts and software Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2014 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7801, T-7799 Page 113 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Consistent (activity B8, in µE Dossier, Sem 1 2007 (mapping)) TRP Reference: T701-007ED TD: Title: European DSP Trade-off and Definition Study TD01 Objectives Definition of a detailed set of requirements for the implementation of the next generation of European DSP Description Based on the recommendations of the Round Table on the Next Generation European DSP a set of detailed requirements for the implementation have to be defined. These requirements shall be specific enough to start the implementation of the DSP ASIC and the related development environment in follow-on activities. Dependent on the selected baseline this can comprise an architectural design and / or first prototyping and test of critical areas on FPGA. It comprises further the selection of a suitable ASIC technology. Deliverables: Requirements and architectural design for the implementation of the next generation DSP Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7798 Consistent with "On-board Paylaod Data Processing" (activity A1.1- Sem 2 2006) TRP Reference: T701-008ED TD: TD01 Title: European DSP Application Development Environment and Software Libraries Objectives Development of an Application Development Environment and Software Libraries for the Next Generation European DSP Description This activity aims at the development of an Application Development Environment and Software Libraries for the Next Generation European DSP. It will be based on the requirements obtained from the European DSP Trade-off and Definition Study. The availability of a comprehensive set of SW development tools is essential to promote the usage of the new processor. The same holds for a Software library for common functions which allows to develop the SW at a higher level of abstraction. An integral part of this activity is as well the validation of the developed or adapted tools. Deliverables: Application Development Environment and Software Libraries for the Next Generation European DSP Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions Open source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7798 Consistent with "On-board Paylaod Data Processing" (activity A1.5- sem 2 2006) TRP Reference: T701-009ED Title: SpaceWire Backplane TD: TD01 Objectives Trade-off of SpaceWire Backplane Architectures, specification and selection of suitable connectors. Description Page 114 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The SpaceWire physical layer as defined in ECSS-E-50-12A is a point to point cable connection. This is most suitable for the data link between equipments. With the success of SpaceWire it is also used more and more to connect different boards within the same box. For this type of use typically a connection via the backplane would be used. So far there is no standardised solution for SpaceWire connections over the backplane defined. In this activity the different possible architectures of active and passive backplanes shall be traded-off. A suitable, impedance matched backplane connector shall be found. A SpaceWire Backplane specification shall be defined that can be used as input for the backplane standardisation work. Deliverables: SpaceWire Backplane specification Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7801 Consistent with "On-board Paylaod Data Processing" (activity B3) TRP Reference: T701-010ED TD: Title: SpaceWire Evolutions TD01 Objectives Definition, implementation and test of new techniques proposed to be used on SpaceWire like sideband signalling for interrupt distribution and simplex SpaceWire. Prototyping of the proposed techniques prior to the formal standardisation. Description Some evolutions of the SpaceWire standard have been proposed by the SpaceWire working group. Among the discussed techniques there is the sideband signalling for interrupt distribution and the introduction of SpaceWire operating in simplex mode. These new backwards compatible techniques need to be breadboarded prior to their eventual standardisation. The SpaceWire test setup shall be mainly based on existing SpaceWire equipment which is upgraded with the enhancements. A full set of functional tests shall be performed, assessing the usefulness and derive recommendations for improvements. Deliverables: SpaceWire test setup for the investigated evolutions, test results and recommendations Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7801 Consistent with "On-board Paylaod Data Processing" (activity B3) TRP Reference: T701-011ED TD: Title: Security architecture for command and control TD01 Objectives To determine the impact on the flight DHS architecture of the introduction of security layers. Description The majority of ESA spacecraft utilise existing, ESA defined, components or standard IP cores to assemble a robust TT&C system. The introduction of security on forward and return links may impact the use of existing components or even invalidate their use. This activity seeks to understand potential impact of the introduction of security on current and future architectures and developments. Note: this activity will not concern itself with security mechanisms or algorithms. Deliverables: Study report identifying the various levels of security that will likely be used in future ESA spacecraft and how each of these may impact the flight DHS. The report will identify any changes required to existing components or standards. Page 115 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 Consistent with "Computer and Data System" (2nd semester 2006, activity A8) TRP Reference: T701-012ED TD: TD01 Title: Space internetworking protocols (Ph.1 of T701-012ED +T701-103ED) Objectives To determine the communication requirements for future exploration based missions involving multiple space-borne and landed elements. Description Future exploration missions will rely on cooperative in-flight configurations ìnvolving many space borne and landed elements with multiple, possibly disjoint, communications paths between them. Communication will most likely rely on IP connectivity, coupled with delay tolerant mitigation techniques. The communication requirements will impact the flight (and ground) systems in terms of the protocols used, the resources required and the procedures used for 2-way communication. This activity is consistent with the Ph.1 of the combined T701-012ED + T701-103ED developement, and will study the end-to-end packet level communications requirements of future in-flight scenarios, to determine the most suitable communication protocols. Deliverables: Reports describing the scenarios expected in future exploration missions, the derived communication requirements and the proposed supporting protocols Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7727 Consistent with "Computer and Data System” (2nd semester 2006, D2.5) TRP Reference: T701-013ED TD: Title: SOIS interfacing to PUS TD01 Objectives To analyse the use of the ESA packet utilisation standard (PUS) in the context of the CCSDS Recommendations for spacecraft onboard interface services. Description The CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) has developed a standard set communications services to be applied to the onboard DHS. The main intention of these services is to foster reuse of interfaces and software across multiple missions. Before applying the approach to ESA spacecraft it will necessary match the proposed services to those of the ESA packet utilisation standard as used by all ESA missions. This activity will examine the required harmonisation of the SOIS (Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services) services with those provided by PUS in order to ensure compatibility. Deliverables: Analysis of the packet level end-to-end communication system between ground (SCOS, Spacecraft Control & Operation System) and flight elements (incorporating C&C, payload and mass storage) covering the use of PUS services in combination with those provided by SOIS. The mapping of PUS services onto those provided by SOIS subnetwork and Application support layer service. Identification of any shortcomings and the proposal of solutions including updates to SOIS draft recommendations. Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 116 of 217 2010 6 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 Consistent with harmonisation roadmap and conclusion TRP Reference: T701-014ED TD: Title: SOIS proof of concept TD01 Objectives To prototype the CCSDS SOIS recommendations together with other supporting developments to provided system validation. Description Within the SOIS (Spacecraft Onboard Interface Services) area of the CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems), a set of draft recommendations have been developed with the internet of standardising the communication services used within the flight datahandling system. Before transiting to full CCSDS standards, it is necessary to prototype the recommendations both to validate the protocols and ensure the suitability for adoption by ESA. The SOIS activity covers hardware and software interfaces and protocols, the use of onboard resources such as mass memory, and the interfacing with ground services defined by the ESA packet utilisation standard. Deliverables: Software modules implementing SOIS services and protocols, integrated with PUS software modules, interfacing via SpaceWire and Milbus SOIS compliant protocols. Demonstration environment based on the ESA RASTA test bed capabilities supplemented with the necessary hardware, software and test facilities to demonstrate the complete SOIS set of recommendations in a representative system. Set of use cases covering all SOIS services Analysis reports of each service; Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions Open Source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 Consistent (Second semester 2006 – Computer and Data system A2.1) 7-02 - Space System Software TRP Reference: T607-08EM TD: TD02 Title: Standardisation and Building Blocks: Standardisation watch and verification Objectives The activity aims at guiding, supervising, controlling and verifying the standardisation of the building blocks. Description This is a long term activity all along the standardisation period. It includes the creation and animation of a standardisation watch group involving industry members who will be in charge of defining what needs to be standardised, how it is standardised. It takes care of the maintenance of the standard. It steers the open source implementation, it guarantees the availability of the reference architecture, it decides on the deployment, and is responsible for organising the maintenance of the building blocks. It also includes the verification of the standards during their definition in terms of completeness and consistency between each others. This will be done with some dedicated tasks to verify specific technical aspects such as consistency of interface, completeness of the behaviour definition, data models, etc. Deliverables: System Model of a generic avionic architecture and a decomposition in building blocks. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 117 of 217 SW operational >=2009-2010 12 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T7667, T7661 Consistent (G1) TRP Reference: T702-015SW TD: TD02 Title: Schedulability analysis techniques and tools for cached processors Objectives This project addresses how the existence of cache in the processor can and should impact software design and implementation in order to maximize software and system performance and at the same time ensure a high level of testability, predictability and analyzability. Further the project shall specify, implement and verify low level functions (HW or SW) needed in order for the software to manage and control the cache functionality on LEON processor Description - Requirements and recommendations for Software development tools in supporting implementation for cache processor execution - Requirements and recommendations on ways to structure application SW using the LEON caches for different programming languages - recommendations for the LEON3 cache architecture - Specified, implemented and validated low level layer Software functions for cache management for LEON processor - Tools for cache analysis Deliverables: Requirements and recommendations Software layer for cache management Tools for cache analysis Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7667, T7665 Consistent (E2) TRP Reference: T702-016SW TD: TD02 Title: Complexity, cost and change impact based on models Objectives The objective of the activity is to try and formalize better the notions of software complexity and/or cost, and the impact of change of a requirement, taking advantage of the Model Driven approach that itself formalizes the requirements Description The software requirements in English language can be formalized: - in an advanced way , through knowledge organisation - in a more usual way, with the Model Driven approach. This formalism is equivalent to a high level language. On the other hand it is possible today to use software coding language to asses the complexity and cost of software. This activity will attempt to use the high level language expressing the requirements by adapting the techniques of complexity, cost and change impact assessment available for coding languages, or derive new ones. The activity shall include: - requirements engineering knowledge organisation '- selection of system and software modelling language (e.g. SysML, UML) - definition of metrics for complexity, cost and change management - prototype tools Deliverables: Page 118 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities - definition of metrics, - guides on the use of metrics, - prototype tools Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T303, T7660 Consistent (A2) TRP Reference: T702-017SW TD: TD02 Title: Development environment for future DSP/multicore Objectives Characterize the effects of compilers, cache, buses, MMU on multicore microprocessor. The multicore microprocessors, like GINA, provide computation power, but it is extremely hard evaluate the variability on execution time due to effect of cache, MMU, busses etc. The device response characterization is the first step to understand where put the effort to improve either SW that HW. Description The proposal aims at analyzing and characterizing the performances and the behavior of these new products: - RTEMS for Multiprocessors - Aonix - ObjectADA for Multiprocessors - AdaCore - GnatPro for Multiprocessors - Linux for Multiprocessors / ECOS / etc. The work to be carried out under this TRP is structured as follows: 1. Consolidate the discussion on the development environment of multicore placed in the proposal. 2. Port and run the ERB test suite on multicore environments 3. Analyse the results and agree on improvements 4. Implement the agreed improvements in the development environment 5.Check, consolidate or define the commercial availability and the maintenance scheme for each elements of the environment. Update the relevant documentations Deliverables: - ERB test suite (source code, executables) with related documentation - prevalidated selected cross development environment Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: All missions Open Source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7665, T7753 Consistent (D5) TRP Reference: T702-018SW Title: Interface Standardisation verification by data modeling TD: TD02 Objectives Following the definition of the reference architecture in CORDET, implement the data modelling technology to verify the interface to be standardized Description - consolidate if needed the reference architecture - detail the interface requirements - model the interface - verify the interface - integrate into the reference architecture, with the functional view tool, and with vertical transformation to a virtual machine Deliverables: Page 119 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities - data types in ASN.1 - binary encoding and integration into the virtual machine context and the functional tools context Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7667, T7661 Consistent (G1) TRP Reference: T702-019SW TD: TD02 Title: Dependability design/approach for critical flight software Objectives The starting TRP on "performance and verification" addresses software and hardware fault models combination to derive dependability properties. Everything cannot be done in this TRP which needs a follow on fror example for discrte event controller modelling and generation Description 1.Evaluation and justification of a unified modelling and specification approach suited for automated analyses, which are mandated by the development lifecycle of the critical on-board systems, and definition of the System-Level Integrated Modelling (SLIM) formalism; 2.Development of a tool-set, Integrated Platform for System-Software Co-Engineering – Correctness, Performability and Safety, implementing the required analysis techniques based on combined use of model checking and numerical solution algorithms; 3.Demonstration of the approach on a case study and evaluation of the experimental results in terms of scalability and usability; 4.Evaluation of applicability of the approach and developed technology to the specifics of the critical on-board systems and software development for the space domain. Deliverables: Verification and analysis methods and tools covering such aspects as correctness, safety and dependability in the context of dynamic system operation, system performance, influence of degraded modes of operation and fault tolerance measures on the system aspects, effectiveness of the FDIR procedures and automated derivation of observability requirements for effective diagnosability by FDIR. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7661 Consistent (H5) 7-03 - Spacecraft Power TRP Reference: T703-020EP TD: TD03 Title: Investigations on avoidance of Solar Array thermal/electrical unbalance in power systems equipped with Maximum Power Point Tracker interface. Objectives To define the boundaries of thermal/electrical unbalance in order to use MPPT schemes at their best performances. Description Page 120 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities A solar array/panel is formed by a number of sections in parallel, which are in turn formed by a number of strings in parallel. Each string is provided with a series blocking diode, and is formed by a series of solar cells. It is well known that the temperature dependance of open circuit voltage VoC and maximum power voltage Vmp of a solar array cell are negative. If a MPPT system forces a solar array panel or section to work at the Vmp, and if, for any reason, within the same panel or section one SA string transfers less power than the others, it will heat up more, since more power "stays" locally in the string itself (e.g. it is not removed electrically). Since the string becomes hotter, it will transfer even less power to the power system, possibly triggering further strings to reduce their transferred power due to increased thermal differentials in the solar array/panel. The phenomenon might evolve further until the string is disconnected from the power system due to the presence of the blocking diode. It highly depends on the in-plane thermal condunctance of the solar array/panel. Some minor, unexplained power difference during MPPT operation has been observed in Venus Express, that might be reconducted to the thermal/electrical unbalance phenomenon hereby described. It is important to establish the boundaries of this phenomenon especially in relation with critical foreseen applications such as, Sentinel 3 or Bepi Colombo where the phenomenon might be enhanced due to the high expected thermal flux on the SA. The activity will will include developing a thermo-electrical model of a solar array, and validate it on the basis of the test data from at least two different representative solar array/panel coupons subject torepresentative test conditions to enhance as much as possible the thermal runaway phenomenon. The model will then be used to identify the boundaries of the problem. Deliverables: Thermo-electrical model, reports and technical notes. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7814 N/A TRP Reference: T703-021EP TD: TD03 Title: High Power Battery - Supercapacitor system study Objectives To compare supercapacitors, hybrid systems, high power lithium batteries and their impacts on the power system, and identify potential applications for such technologies Description Future spacecraft may require a battery sustem able to provide bursts of high power (SAR, Lidar, 'agility'). A TRP activity on "development of supercapacitors for space applications" ended in Dec 2006. Supercapacitors have a large power density but a poor energy density (5Wh/kg). They can be used in hybrid systems combined with a lithium battery to optimise the power system for energy and power. However, power conversion and management of such a hybid may not be simple. High power lithium ion batteries are now available, and to be qualified for Vega TVCs. An assessment of different technologies available (supercapacitors, hybrid systems, high power lithium ion batteries) is necessary, together with the assessment of the potential applications of such technologies. The impacts of these technologies on the power sub-system will need to be addressed also. A trade-off of the different technologies, for the different applications identified will be performed. Deliverables: Report Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: LIDAR, SAR misions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7810 Consistent with "Battery" roadmap issue 1 revision 3 September 24 2006 (Activity F0 Requirement T-8062) TRP Reference: T703-022EP Title: Carbon Nanofibres for advanced Lithium-Ion Batteries TD: Page 121 of 217 TD03 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives Improving the rate capability of batteries, improving the low temperature charging capabilities, imnproving the cycle life. Description This activity focuses on (partial) replacement of active carbon in Li-Ion batteries with carbon nanostructures, which , in preliminary short tests, showed superior cycling behaviour compared with standard carbon materials used in the Li-Ion batteries investigated so far at ESA. During the course of the activity small Li-ion demontrator cells shall be built and validated by lab scale testing. Deliverables: Test data, selected prototype cells for eventual testing at the ESBTC. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All EO, SCI, COMS S/C N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 9 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7810 Consistent, and considering industrial requests as well TRP Reference: T703-023EP Title: Further Advanced Lithium Cell development TD: TD03 Objectives To evaluate a new battery technology with an energy density > 300 Wh/kg. Description The current advanced lithium barrery activity is adressing improvements to lithium-ion in oder to reach 250 Wh/kg. Other non-lithium-ion technologies such as Li-polysulphide, Li-air) are emerging for terrestrial applications and offer specific energies in excess of 300 Wh/kg. Battery electrodes are also benefiting from the use of nano-size particles or nano-caoatings. It is necessary to keep up to date with the latest developments and to evaluate rapidly any new emerging technology interesting for space use, and keep the leading place of Europe in batteries for space applications. The activity will consist of: Evaluation of promising very high specific energy battery systems and their potential application to space. Deliverables: Test Data, battery samples Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: All S/C platforms N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7810 Consistent with "Battery" roadmap issue 1 revision 3 September 24 2006 (Activity G2. Requirement T-7937. Looking beyond Li-Ion) TRP Reference: T703-024EP Title: Development of Next Generation triple junction Cells & SCAs TD: TD03 Objectives To improve the cost-effectiveness of solar cell technology Description Page 122 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The work performed in previous TRP contracts C15134, C18767 and C20761, has led to subsequent qualification and use of fully European GaAs based solar cells with state-of-the-art performance (27.5% beginning of life, typically 24% at end of life). However, a new generations of devices are under development both in Europe and from US manufacturers and there remains considerable identified scope for cost-effective improvements (ie. the cost of development is likely to be repaid in performance improvements and cost reductions). The activity will perform both improvements of triple-junction cells and cells with more than three junctions. This will include improvement of the components of the device (each triple-junction cell consists of three photovoltaically active junctions linked electrically by two tunnelling diodes - more than thirty semiconductor layers in total) and optimisation of the associated processes. For cells with >3 junctions, development of new test methods with illumination spectra matched to the devices will also be necessary. Deliverables: Solar cell manufacturing; characterization/qualification documentation and hardware. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7805 N/A TRP Reference: T703-025EP TD: TD03 Title: Manufacturing Technologies of ultra-thin GaAs based solar cells Objectives To demonstrate the feasibility of manufacturing ultra-thin solar cells Description Whereas the previous activity (T728-02EP) addressed the demonstration of very basic techniques for ultrathin solar cells and selection of a viable concept in a lab environment, this activity is intended to address the manufacturing aspects and characterization of the ultra-thin solar cells. Deliverables: Characterization and Pre- Qualification of next generation solar cells Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7806 N/A TRP Reference: T703-026EP TD: TD03 Title: Solar cell development based on nano technology for new materials Objectives To improve the solar cell efficiency Description In order to increase efficiencies of solar cells beyond 33 % new technologies have to be explored. Amongst these new technologies and also with good prospects to achieve this goal, are nanotechnologies such as quantum wells and quantum dots. Previous studies have shown the potential to increase solar cell performance by implementing quantum wells and quantum dots in solar cell structures. This activity is a follow up on the TRP activity T604-06EP “Nanotechnology for space solar cells” that investigates the impact on solar cell efficiencies by nanotechnologies. The implementation of these technologies into an industrial solar cell manufacturing process is likely to demand further R&D activities. The activity focuses on the possibilities to implement promising nanotechnologies in current state-of-the-art space solar cells. Impacts on industrialised processes shall be analysed. Deliverables: Page 123 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities 10 prototype of solar cell Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: >2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7806 N/A 7-04 - Spacecraft Environment & Effects TRP Reference: T704-027EE Title: Highly miniaturised radiation monitoring TD: TD04 Objectives Design, manufacture and test a monolithic radiation detector integrated on a single chip, including energy deposition discrimination, counting, accumulation and processing. Two possible designs for the single-chip radiation monitor will be investigated. Description Two possible designs for a single-chip monolithic radiation monitor will be evaluated: the first design based on Active Pixels Sensors and the second on silicon sensors (e.g. silicon micro strips). This radiation monitor will have capabilities to discriminate between different parts of the LET (energy deposit) spectrum. After having identified the best technology and architecture, a prototype will be manufactured and tested. The prototype will have standard interfaces to spacecraft data handling systems so that it can be treated as a source of housekeeping telemetry. Such a highly-miniaturized radiation detector will be beneficial for all ESA and commercial missions, providing a reliable real-time monitoring of the radiation environment at specific spacecraft locations. This can be useful for alerts in case of very intensive radiation fluxes (e.g. during solar storms) to take counter-measures to protect sensitive parts and of particular importance for astronauts' radiation safety. The very small size (<1 cm3) and weight (<20g) allows placing many chips at different critical locations or stacking them in a telescopic configuration to extend the energy/spatial resolution. This single chip detector can be used to correlate in-flight Single Events Effects occurrence with the measured LET spectrum. The activity will produce a number of prototypes of the monitor chip architecture. Preliminary characterisation of the prototype will also be carried out in an appropriate radiation environment. Deliverables: The activity will produce the selected architecture, relevant detailed design, breadboard, and test results Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All Missions\ N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-18 Radiation environment modelling and in orbit measurement (1st Sem. 2005)-Consistent with activities: Technology for miniaturisation/highly miniaturised monitor. TRP Reference: T704-028EE TD: Title: Reduction of margins in radiation analysis TD04 Objectives To perform the detailed analysis of surces of error and margins in radiation environments and effects evaluation processes. Development of models and methods to reduce margins. Description Page 124 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Radiation environment and effects evaluation processes for projects are subject to uncertainties and statistical variations which are accounted for through margins. However, the establishment of margins is highly problematic in many projects. They are not always rationally established and can lead to significant over-design and cost (too high margins) or high risk (too low margins). A complete analysis of sources of margins in calculation of environment (modelling methods, data analysis, instrumental issues) and effects (shielding, dose, SEE) will be performed. The output of the activity will be substantially improved environment and effects models, tools and methods for applying margins in satellite designs. Deliverables: Software based on updated models and methods Current TRL: Algorithm Application/Mission: All Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-10, T-19, T-7765 Radiation test facilities and engineering tools (1st. sem 2006) consistent with activities E1: ensure access to validated tools, D2: coordinated radiation effects, C1: enhanced capabilities of tools TRP Reference: T704-029EE TD: TD04 Title: Simplified standard MEO/GEO tools for spacecraft charging Objectives To develop a tool for the evaluation of surface electrostatic charging that can be used without specialized training and which guides user in making appropriate choices for GEO/MEO…. application. Description A user-friendly tool will be developed using software components from the SPIS (Spacecraft plasma Interaction Software). It will include standard plasma environment, material property lists, and will alllow 3-d geometrical models to be created. The tool will allow for a high degree of automisation of parameters needed to make the code run but which do not reflect real phsical inputs, e.g. mesh resolution, particle weights, time-steps. The code will be extensively verified using available data. User and data interfaces will also be produced. Deliverables: Software for MEO/GEO…. charging calculation and related data and user interfaces Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All GEO, MEO, PEO, Jupiter Open source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8395 Subject not harmonised TRP Reference: T704-030EE TD: Title: Update of meteoroid flux model TD04 Objectives To update an existing preliminary interplanetary meteoroid model. This shall be done by implementing identified enhancements and by improving the user interface and computational speed of the model. Description The main activities of this study are the development of an enhanced meteoroid population model for interplanetary space. The model shall be applicable for distances between 0.3 AU and 10 AU from the sun. It shall cover as a minimum the size range 10E-12 g to 1 g and include the directional and velocity distribution of meteoroids. As a starting point the IMEM model shall be used, which will be provided by ESA. The activity shall include the validation and enhancement of the underlying physical model parameters, assumptions and simulation procedures. The efficiency of the computational algorithms shall be improved. The final model shall be validated against measurements near Earth (e.g. from meteor observations and impact studies of retrieved hardware) and against other models. A user friendly interface shall be developed. The model shall allow the calculation of incident fluxes for user specified meteoroid mass ranges, trajectories (Earth, planetary or interplanetray) and spacecraft surface orientations. Page 125 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: The model software; corresponding software documentation; input and output files of test cases. Current TRL: Algorithm Application/Mission: All missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-17 Subject not harmonised but activity consistent with work plan of NoC Coordination Group on Space Debris 7-05 - Space System Control TRP Reference: T603-04ES TD: TD05 Title: Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) for Space Constrained Systems Objectives The objective is to develop a Robust Model Predictive Control (MPC) control design toolbox suitable to analyse critical space mission scenarios. Description Model Predictive Control (MPC) is a widely used and well accepted controller design method in the process industry. The most appealing feature of this type of control is its ability to cope with constrained systems. Thanks to the combination of new research results, increasing processor and FPGA performance capabilities and recent progresses in embedded MPC technology it has recently been possible to develop MPC controller for fast dynamics applications such as automotive and aerospace. Finally, as a variety of performance goals such as optimal path planning, obstacle avoidance and dynamic safety margin can easily be incorporated in the MPC controller, MPC technology is well suited for space applications requiring a high level of autonomy. The aim of the proposed activity is to evaluate, benchmark and demonstrate the benefits of robust Model Predictive Control on two yardstick space applications, one of them being a planetary rover locomotion. The real-time performance (CPU, memory, etc.) of the respective MPC based wheel-slip and motion planning controllers will be assessed, and a MPC software framework (design methodology, chain tool, algorithms library, study cases, standard test elements) for the development, validation and verification of embedded MPC controller for space applications will be developed. Deliverables: Robust MPC control design toolbox including benchmark models and documentation (technical data package, summary report, and abstract). Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: all Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 N/A TRP Reference: T705-031EC TD: Title: Star Tracker on a chip pre-development (Phase 1) TD05 Objectives The objective is to perform a pre-development of a star tracker on a chip and get proof-of-concept. Description The Sensor on a chip activity has shown the feasibility of a 75g, 0.2 watt, 30 arcsecond accuracy fully autonomous star tracker with all functionality implemented on a single chip. Several key unknowns however still exist and can only be verified by test. These include: Optical quality acheivable, on chip NVM behaviour, radiation behaviour of key functions, noise cross talk and power management. Phase 0 of this predevelopment shall concentrate on demonstrating the optical elements including the bonding to the silicon substrate and environmental testing. Deliverables: Page 126 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Test optics Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: micro satellites, telecom, EO, landers SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7815 Consistent with "AOCS Sensors and Actuators" Oct 05 (Star Trackers AIM F) TRP Reference: T705-032EC TD: Title: Accelerometer for IMU feasibility demonstrator TD05 Objectives The objective is to develop a accelerometer demonstrator for a low cost IMU. Description The purpose of the activity is to develop an accelerometer demonstrator to be implemented as the accelerometer component of a low-cost IMU for vehicle applications. This development will rely on the the conclusions from 'Definition of accelerometer needs for an IMU', which aims at defining the technical specification and a preliminary design for the accelerometer, covering a wide scope of space applications including, but not limited to, landers, rovers, re-entry vehicles, interplanetary probes, launchers. MEMS technology is expected to be a relevant technology for this development. Deliverables: Elegant breadboard TRL 2-TRL 3 Current TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4-TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7818 Consistent with "AOCS Sensors and Actuators" Oct 05 (Accelerometers AIM A) TRP Reference: T705-033EC TD: TD05 Title: Feasibility of GNSS sensors for AOCS applications in GEO and higher altitudes Objectives The objective is to demonstrate the feasibility of GNSS sensors for AOCS applications in GEO and higher altitudes. Description In this study the feasability of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receivers for the usage of AOCS orbit sensors in GEO and higher altitudes (lunar transfer) shall be investigated (autonomous orbit control, ephemeris generation and attitude control). The GNSSs to be considered shall be Galileo, GPS Block 2 and also the new GPS Block 3. The simulation environment shall be as realistic as possible and use HW-in-the-loop tests where suitable. Especially the performance improvement when using additionally to the main lobes also the side lobes shall be investigated as well as single and dual frequency use. The activity shall specify the final AOCS performance as well as the GNSS sensor, and should provide input for the future definition of the Galileo space service volume users. Deliverables: 1. Performance results from high accuracy simulation and evaluation 2. AOCS orbit sensor specification (including GNSS sensor) 3. Space Service Volume Requirements TRL 3-TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2-TRL 3 Application/Mission: Telecom, Navigation, Earth Observation Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7821 Target TRL: Page 127 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2010 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T705-034EC TD: TD05 Title: Active and passive disturbance isolation for high accuracy control systems Objectives The objective is to study an optimised solution combining active and passive isolation systems. Description Sub microradian line of sight stability together with stringent attitude restitution requirements lead to the need of better rejection of disturbances. Reaction wheels are still the most efficient actuators for many applications and other disturbances (cryocoolers for example) cannot be avoided. In particular, for Earth Observation and Science missions, reaction wheel microvibration perturbation is an obstacle to stability pointing improvement. Several solutions have been sketched so far such as new units techniques (low noise magnetic bearing reaction wheel), active and passive microdynamics control, isolators... Considering current maturity of these solutions, a combination of active and passive solutions seems promising to isolate, damp and/or control the perturbation: active control of low frequency perturbation (e.g. reaction wheel first harmonics) combined with passive isolation well above the AOCS control bandwidth. The interaction with the AOCS control loops stability will be analysed. An alternative solution with active / passive isolators close to the instrument line of sight will also be considered but this is more specific of each mission. Most promising solutions shall be breadboarded and tested against representative scenari. Deliverables: 1) TN 2) simulation models 3) demonstration platforms TRL 3-TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: SCI/EO missions (with stringent Contract Duration: disturbance isolation requirements) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL5 by 2010-2012 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8384 N/A TRP Reference: T705-035EC Title: Versatility of Filtering Techniques in Non-Linear Programming Optimization TD: TD05 Objectives The objective of this study is to explore an alternative theory, mainly studied and promoted by Dundee University (Pr. Fletcher), which would use advanced filtering techniques for NLP solvers. The idea is to iteratively evaluate progress during an optimization by checking the development of a set of criteria, inspired by composite objectives. Description In recent years the optimization research community has put major emphasis on the development and implementation of interior point methods for NLP solvers. However, in the light of practical application cases, for instance trajectory optimization or launcher design optimization, this trend does not seem to be the best suited method, since the composition of the set of active inequality constraints is rather static, especially, for qualified initial guesses. Therefore, alternative methods need to be studied. The primary task of the study is to determine the characteristics of an NLP solver for space applications based on filtering techniques. The findings shall be practically demonstrated and illustrated by applying testing of preliminary solver designs on a number of optimization problems that are representative of typical space applications.The following tasks would be included: - Assessment of filtering techniques for space centric NLP optimization evaluation of the individual qualities (theory) - Use of a preliminary filter implementation to compute a number of space optimization problems - Description of the basic concept and analysis of benefits - Prototype the algorithms with the target of obtaining a proper a reliable benchmarking of the benefits obtained Deliverables: Page 128 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities 1) TN 2) application to study cases 3) Prototype of filtering algorithms Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3-TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 10 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 N/A TRP Reference: T705-036EC TD: TD05 Title: Mathematical Optimisation Methods for Concurrent Early Design of Trajectories, Propulsion, and Aerothermodynamics Objectives The objective of this study is to explore the feasibility and benefit of a co-design and optimisation at an early stage to increase design efficiency and cut cost. Space Transportation vehicle conceptual design is today separated from trajectory optimization. Due to the high interaction between trajectory selection and aerothermodynamics & propulsion subsystems, this process requires much iteration prior to fulfilling the design requirements. This traditional approach is highly time consuming and does not guarantee the finding of the optimal solution for the vehicle design. Description The tasks of this study will be to 1) Design, and develop the mathematical models for conceptual concurrent design of trajectory, propulsion and aero disciplines. The mathematical models shall be valid for the commonalities of all addressed discicplines. 2) Obtain key parameters and constraints from the concurrent models of the previous phase as to be inserted into an appropriate NLP solver. 3) Prototype the algorithms that will lead to early optimal design inside a suitable optimizer Deliverables: Application to study cases for a heavy launcher and a re-entry mission, SW prototype of mathematical algorithms Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: all N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3-TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 10 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7816 N/A TRP Reference: T705-037EC Title: Enhanced LFT Toolbox TD: TD05 Objectives The objective is to develop generic modelling software tools for worst case analysis in order to improve the Validation & Verification cycle. The tools allow worst case stabilty and performance robustness analysis for systems in LFT form (Linear Fractional Transform). LFT forms are special model representations that allow to iclude uncertainty models. Software modules for the generation of LFT uncertainty models for space systems dynamics reflecting flexible models & sloshing satellites including subsystems such as actuator, sensor and environmental models. The toolset shall enable the generation of LFT uncertainty models of variable complexity and granularity depending on the analysis requirements. The S/W toolset shall contain model validation tools, model manipulation and reduction tools to enable worst case efficient and reliable worst case V&V analysis. Description Page 129 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities It is proposed to develop LFT libraries for generic space systems that allow to compose and assemble complex uncertainty models for the purpose of worst case analysis using Mu-type of analyses. The activity shall include at a minimum the following tasks: • Perform an analysis of existing LFT modeling tools in order to set up research direction towards efficient LFT modeling approach • Perform a critical analysis for an industrial LFT framework that enables to be employed during the entire development cycle of a space systems. • Development of S/W LFT libraries for satellite/rendezvous/Launcher/RLV dynamics including all necessary models (MCI offset, flexible modes, sloshing, actuators nonlinearities, sensors models including noises, Digital effects and distortions, System and component degradation mechanism to faults, etc) including model validation tools • Benchmarking of LFT models using Worst Case Analysis using advanced Mu-analysis tools on inustrial appications and comparision new V&V (verification & validation) process with traditional V&Vprocess Deliverables: Generic, reliable and validated LFT uncertainty models for space systems in S/W libraries for LFT models. TN's describing new approaches for uncertainty modeling principles. Space applications demonstrating efficient worst case and V&V procedures. Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: all Open Source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 N/A TRP Reference: T705-038EC TD: Title: Maturation of Robust LPV Techniques TD05 Objectives Extension of the LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) framework (process methodology, algorithms & tools ) for modeling, analysis and design for safety critical GNC systems applied to satelllites, Launchers, RLV's and rendezvous missions. Enhance and reduce Validation & Verification effort and increase flexiblity for nonlinear robustness analyses by providing mature modeling and analysis tools for the validation and verification for nonlinear control laws. Develop efficient reconfiguarble LPV control strategies for uncertainties, disturbances and faults including LPV detection as support to robust autonomous GNC functions. Implementation and numerical issues for on board GNC implementation of the reconfigurable LPV concept are investigated. LPV design process enhancements for on board autonomous GNC performance, robusntess and safety. Description Further process integration is aimed by demonstrating the implementation aspects of LPV techniques over the entire design process until implementation of LPV GNC on an onboard computer. Investigated and demonstrated reconfigurable LPV control in support for autonomous space GNC systems. Adaptive structure and multi rate LPV control shall be investigated in the face of variable computational resources, on-line changing needs, disturbances and uncertainty profiles. The variable performance and robustness issues will be addressed in a multi objective fashion to improve the trade-off in the achievement of simultaneously competing objectives. The validation and verification procedures for the enhanced version of LPV systems must be refined and improved. In order to achieve the objectives the activity shall perform: • Detailed requirement analysis and trade-off analysis for enhanced LPV modeling, analysis, design, validation & verification strategies • Development of LPV S/W tools • Application of the various LPV technology components to industrial GNC problems • Implementation of LPV concepts in real-time systems • Validation and Verification by means of software in the loop experiments • Study synthesis Deliverables: The outcome is a robust and fault tolerant LPV GNC development process (methodology, algorithms & tools ) for real time applications demonstrated on industrial applications. Maturated LPV software with implementation and improved designs on industrial space applications showing the improved design process, V&V. Increased on board safety. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 130 of 217 Application Need/Date: TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: all N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 N/A TRP Reference: T705-039EC TD: Title: Space MPC-On-a-Chip Building Blocks TD05 Objectives Autonomous RVD requires a guidance and control unit that implements the on-board MPC (Model Predictive Control) GNC flight software for attitude and orbit control during RVD experiments. The MPC guidance and control unit includes flight management function for mode control, fault tolerance and trajectory planning and reconfiguration to realize the autonomous RVD function. In MPC the control actions are calculted on-board and necessitate on-line state estimation, online model generation and fault detection and isolation functions. This activity is concerned with the set up of a software infrastructure and building blocks enabling implementation and hardware acceleration of model predictive control MPC implementations on Field-Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs). FPGA programmable MPC software libraries with underlying components will allow to develop a methodology for the design of reconfigurable GNC hardware architectures for MPC for future autonomous space applications. Description Model predictive control allows to develop online control solutions for complex nonlinear multivariable systems with optimality guarantees incorporating physical, safety and performance constraints making this technique very suitable for autonomous GNC technologies. To enable the application of MPC for real time applications the limitations imposed by the computation speed with conventional processors can be overcome by exploiting code parallelisation, pipelining as well as flexible numerical representation capabilities given with FPGAs solving the constrained nonlinear optimization problems on line at orders of magnitude faster than it is until now possible. MPC libraries must be developed to implement online numerical constrained optimization problems, as well as libraries implementing online MPC support function (plant dynamics updates, state etimators, adaptive filters, detections filters and remodelling dynamics for reconfiguration needs) within the FPGA architecture. Detailed GNC hardware trade-off study shall be conducted to establish computational load involved with autonomous GNC applications using latest results from hardware development and implementation strategies and methodologies of massively parallel constrained optimization algorithms on FPGAs. The following steps have to be investigated: • Perform a trade off study for the most suitable hardware dedicated formulations of numerical optimization programs solving the MPC problem. • Develop Libraries for MPC implementing customized optimization algorithms and MPC utilities. • Perform FPGA based MPC software design and coding, software integration and testing Deliverables: Software Libraires for automatic generation of hardware description language (VHDL/Verilog/Handel-C) implementation of MPC based GNC system and TN's describing the MPC implementations Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: all N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 N/A 7-06 - RF Payload Systems TRP Reference: T603-40ET TD: TD06 Title: Evaluation and validation of electromagnetic software, test facilities and test standards in Europe to predict and test RF breakdown and passive intermodulation (PIM) Objectives Page 131 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Identifying the European needs in terms of prediction/simulation tools to avoid RF breakdown and PIM in space hardware; evaluate and recommend, among the major existing/available software packages, the best options. Description This activity shall start with a survey among the European Space Industry to identify the European needs in terms of prediction/simulation tools to avoid RF breakdown and PIM in space hardware. The activity will propose a number of existing and available software packages best matching these needs and recommend which ones could be the baseline in Europe for future software developments in the field. The selection shall be done comparing prediction data using the proposed packages with test results on a number of RF passive devices defined during the first phase of the study. To achieve this, the contractor shall also identify test facilities in Europe technically capable to perform high power RF tests (Power handling, Multipactor and Corona) and passive intermodulation (PIM) on space hardware. A number of waveguide test samples (golden samples) shall be produced and carried to the different test sites for the evaluation of their facilities and test procedures. This activity has been proposed in the frame of the “power RF measurements” document, presented by ESA during the Harmonization meetings in 2004. Deliverables: Golden test samples for each frequency band. Documentation. Current TRL: N/A Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Standard >2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: Consistent with “Power RF measurements” document, presented by ESA during the Harmonization meetings in 2004. TRP Reference: T706-040ET TD: TD06 Title: Cryptographic Pseudo-noise codes and related acquisition techniques for direct sequence spread spectrum transponders Objectives The main objective is to determine cryptographic Pseudo-noise (PN) codes that provide a protection against the traffic analysis threat. A secondary objective is to improve the anti-jamming protection provided by current spread spectrum transponders that use linear PN sequences. Description The aim of the proposed activity is to evaluate, benchmark and demonstrate the benefits of robust Model Predictive Control on two yardstick space applications, one of them being a planetary rover locomotion. The real-time performance (CPU, memory, etc.) of the respective MPC based wheel-slip and motion planning controllers will be assessed, and a MPC software framework (design methodology, chain tool, algorithms library, study cases, standard test elements) for the development, validation and verification of embedded MPC controller for space applications will be developed. Deliverables: Technical Notes, Simulation reports and Final Report Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: EO, Telecom, Galileo N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010-2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8379, T-7784 Subject not harmonised so far 2007 Harmo dossier in preparation. Consistent with “TT&C transponders and Payload Data Transmitters” Technical Dossier. TRP Reference: T706-041ET TD: TD06 Title: Wireless integrated communications and navigation system for formation flying missions Objectives Page 132 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities To study, specify and simulate the RF wireless technology allowing navigation and high data rate communications for a formation flying (FF) mission with multiple satellite. The activity will explore existing standards and technologies from the terrestrial wireless techniques, and define the adaptation to the FF space missions. The activity also includes performance assessment based on SW simulations Description Formation flying (FF) missions are envisaged in different space domains to enable new missions that cannot be performed by conventional single spacecraft (e.g. interferometer with large baseline or telescopes with large focal length). The RF inter-satellite navigation/communication link will exchange data between different spacecraft (distributed architectures and sensors) and give the possibility to exploit the inherent redundancy inside a formation and the optimisation of the resources (centralised vs decentralised data processing). This is only possible with inter-satellite links of Mbps. The RF metrology unit developed by (former) Alcatel Space in the frame of previous ESA activities ( contract 15511/01/NL/EC) does incorporate a communications link at only low bit rate (up to 4 kbps). Ensuring a reliable inter-satellite navigation/communication link (ISL) at high rate allows the formation to operate together as one "virtual satellite" and strengthens the ability of multiple small satellites flying in formation to perform missions traditionally carried out by single, larger satellites. The architecture for each spacecraft could be much simpler as the ISL opens the possibility to share resources (like memory and bandwidth) between the spacecrafts and to increase autonomy and reliability. The scope of the proposed activity is to identify and analyse RF technologies allowing navigation and communications using a single RF signal, aimed at a formation flying missions with multiple spacecrafts. Secondly, a performance assessment based on SW is proposed to prepare the future devices allowing easy interactivity between satellites of a same formation. A preliminary work breakdown is given below. 1- Selection of the frequency in accordance with regulations of ITU for inter-satellite links. 2- Analysis of the terrestrial wireless techniques for formation flying applications in order to take benefit from the existing standards and technologies (System-on-chip…) 3- Adaptation of chosen candidate for space formation flying mission in terms of communications and navigation. The design choice shall be driven by very low power consumption and mass, and allowing components integration. 4- Performance analysis of the proposed system in terms of communications and navigation taking into account multiple spacecraft formation. 5- Definition of the hardware and software technologies parts (RX and TX) Deliverables: Final report including specifications technology trade-off and design performance assessment. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Formation Flying Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-783, T-7747 Consistent with Formation Flying (FF) radiofrequency (RF) Metrology Technology dossier. Will be harmonised in 2nd Semester 2007. TRP Reference: T706-186ET Title: Millimetre-wave measurements at MilliLab TD: TD06 Objectives Support the Millilab test facility by means of a 5years frame contract (2008-2012) Description MilliLab was established in 1995 as a joint institute between Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) and Technical University of Helsinki (TKK). A work order contract (no. 11655/95/NL/PB) was awarded in December 1995 to MilliLab, according to which MilliLab has acted as the ESA External Laboratory on Millimetre-Wave Technology. Its main task has been to establish and maintain a state-of-the-art measurement and characterisation facility for mm-wave components, circuits, and systems, and to make these services available to European companies and institutes. During the period 1995-1999 ESA supported MilliLab with an amount of 1 MEUR for upgrading the measurement facility and for setting up of the measurement services. In addition, significant national support was provided by Tekes and the parent organisations VTT and TKK. Page 133 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Since the initial period, further development of the facilities and all the investments have been the responsibility of VTT and TKK. ESA funded activities at MilliLab have consisted largely of the utilisation of the facilities in specific measurement and modelling tasks, often in connection with other ESA activities. MilliLab has also acted as a sub-contractor or service-provider in ESA activities. In addition to space-related activities, MilliLab has been actively involved in many national and international development activities for terrestrial applications, and has provided direct measurement services to the industry. Driven by the needs of the future mm-wave instruments for Earth observation, several technology activities are being carried out and will start in near future for the development of European mm-wave components and subsystems, with the funding from TRP, GSTP and Earth Observation Directorate. The present procurement aims to set up a contractual framework for the utilisation of the services and facilities of MilliLab in support of ESA technology programmes. The development efforts for Schottky devices and modules for frequency conversion and multiplication at 664 GHz have just started in several European institutes. The first task of MilliLab is foreseen to be the characterisation and modelling of these components and modules. The independent characterisation and modelling facility of MilliLab is also foreseen to be utilised in support of the development of other mm-wave components and modules, like HEMT devices and MMICs for low noise and power amplification, and mm-wave detectors. Deliverables: Test report N/A Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A 60 months Dossier0 Ref.: N/A 7-07 - Electromagnetics Technology TRP Reference: T707-042EE TD: TD07 Title: Electromagnetic field prediction tool for solar panels Objectives Objective is to develop a simulation tool for the prediction of electromagnetic fields generated by solar panels Description Many EO and scientific satellites embark magnetometers and electromagnetic sensitive instruments (e.g. bolometers, sounders) that pose severe constraints on the electromagnetic cleanliness of the entire system. The solar panels (SA) are known to be one of the main sources of electromagnetic disturbances and unfortunately no simulation tools are available to assist the engineers in the verification of SA compatibility with the overall system.. As opposed to units like latch valves, thrusters and batteries, the magnetic field generated by solar panels cannot be measured and easily controlled throughout the entire development phase. The ability to estimate, analytically and/or numerically, the AC and DC magnetic fields generated by the SA would improve the accuracy and the reliability of the estimate of the overall magnetic field, avoiding late problems fixing that necessarily call for design and manufacturing modifications. Similarly the ability to predict the electric field generated by SA to frequencies up to few MHz is also of paramount importance to assess the solar panel compatibility with susceptible payloads like sounders. This activity will entail: 1.- The developement of an INPUT interface (geometry descriptor) able (i) to define SA sections' layout (ii) to define sections wiring (iii) to input SA current waveform (time domain) with various regulation systems (iv) to account for 3D mutual positioning between SA and S/C structure 2.- The development of a SOLVER able (i) to compute the current to electromagnetic field transfer function (ii) to predict the electromagnetic field at any location (3D) within a specified volume 3.- The developement of an OUTPUT interface 4.- Tool validation by measurments on test samples Page 134 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Simulation tool User manual and relevant technical notes Test sample and relevant reports Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: EO and Science S/C N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-50 Not included in harmonization but consistent with EMC Dossier TRP Reference: T707-043EE TD: TD07 Title: Advanced shielding techniques for spacecraft harness Objectives Objective is to study and characterize different methods of shielding and connector types based on dedicated measurements for representative test cases. Selection criteria and guidelines will constitute the output of the study. Description Today there is still a lack of knowledge and universal agreement on the selection and the effectiveness of various shielding methods and their implementation to attain built-in EMC compatibility at system level. This is particularly true when constraints of weight, cost and implementation efforts are accounted. In a previous ESA study (contract number 14455/00/NL/WK ), a limited number of operative solutions have been explored and assessed on the basis of measurements of selected test cases. Though correct in the methodology the approach followed in the abovementioned study has permitted the characterization only of a small number of solutions over a limited frequency range. The variety of targets (e.g. magnetic cleanliness, electric cleanliness) presented by different satellites together with the introduction of new materials call for further analytical and experimental investigations of the shielding techniques nowadays available. The results of the study will form a sound and consolidated basis for the selection of the optimal shielding solution which is not currently available. The activity consists of: 1.- Analysis of the results from the previous study 2.- Definition of representative test cases of the techniques nowadays available 3.- Analytical proof of concept for shielding efficiency of the selected test cases w.r.t. different shielding targets 4.- Verification by measurements 5.- Definition of selection criteria and guidelines Deliverables: Reports with technical findings Measurement Report Technical note with guidelines and selection criteria Test samples Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All Spacecraft N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-50 Not included in harmonization but consistent with EMC Dossier TRP Reference: T707-044EE TD: Title: Reverberating chambers TD07 Objectives Page 135 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Assess the viability of performing radiated tests in stirred mode chamber at unit and subsystem level targeting reduction of cost and testing time. Description Radiated emissions and, mainly, susceptibility tests constitute an expensive element in the overall qualification of any satellite. The relevant expensive facilities and the long test time impose a cost burden to EMC development and testing especially to Small-Medium Enterprises. Despite these costs, such tests are afflicted by inherent large uncertainties in the results. A cost effective alternative to an anechoic chamber in the frame of radiated verification is the use of stirred mode reverberation chamber that is not yet used in the space Industry domain. The stirred mode chamber is much cheaper in construction than conventional EMC chambers. It requires only basic EMC instrumentation, less RF power to achieve high field strengths compared to conventional methods used by Space industry. It is therefore surely affordable even by Small-Medium Enterprises, which would reach autonomy in EMC testing with the obvious business benefit. This activity will entail: (i) Study of the state-of-the-art of the reverberating chambers techniques (ii) Study of the viability of performing radiated tests in stirred mode chambers in the space Industry domain, assessing costs and programmatic implications. Deliverables: Technical report with the assessment of applicability to space domain including design specifications Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All Spacecraft N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-53 Not included in harmonization but consistent with EMC Dossier TRP Reference: T707-045EE TD: TD07 Title: Advanced grounding rail concepts for satellite applications Objectives Theoretical and experimental study of grounding solutions alternative to flat grounding rails for CFRP structures. Description CFRP S/C honeycomb structures are generally equipped with flat grounding rails to guarantee a common reference ground. Recent studies (contract 18985/05/NL/JA) have proven that in the high frequency range the conductivity of the CFRP structure is sufficient to provide the functionality of the grounding rails. Low frequency fault currents can be routed, if needed, by simpler wires or other solutions (e.g. metallised surfaces or embedded copper meshes). Technical solutions alternative to flat grounding rails shall be explored in this activity with the objective of achieving weight reductions and much simpler and more flexible S/C design. This activity will entail: 1.- Definition of alternative grounding concepts (e.g. wires, conductive surfaces) 2.- Theoretical and/or numerical analysis of new concepts 3.- Design and manufacturing of test samples 4.- Experiments with different concepts on breadboard and demonstrator Deliverables: Technical notes with experimental and theoretical findings. Test samples, breadboard and demonstrator. Guidelines for selection of grounding concept w.r.t. to operational configuration (frequency, power etc.) Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All Spacecraft N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-50 Not included in harmonization but consistent with EMC Dossier Page 136 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T707-046EE TD: TD07 Title: Polarimetric (sub)millimeter wave antenna architectures Objectives The objective is to demonstrate a novel polarimetric concept that meets the stringent Eatrth Observation and science requirements and to maintain the European lead. This study shall assess the scientific impact, determine the topology of potential sub-millimetre wave polarimetry concepts for space and identify the critical technologies. Description Polarisation properties of electromagnetic radiation can reveal important information about the emitting sources. Examples in astronomy include the polarisation of the cosmic microwave background radiation, and the tracing of magnetic fields in active galaxies and star-formation regions. Examples in Earth observation include the polarised scattering by water ice particles in cirrus clouds, which allows determination of the size of these particles and therefore how they affect the Earth's radiation budget. Submmw polarimetry has opened up a very active new field in science, and a dedicated post Planck mission is considered.The payload will consist of many feeds in such a polarisation configuration to retrieve all the relevant (Stokes) field parameters. The study will identify the applications and/or mission scenarios for which sub-millimetre wave polarimetry technology offers significant advantages. In particular, as a minimum, the following areas will be investigated: scientific objective of the applications and/or mission scenarios (scientific products), system requirements, system concept, instrument topology, technological risk, fabrication issues, critical technologies. Deliverables: Scientific products, alternative conceptual designs and performance analysis, critical technology development roadmap Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Enabling ESA Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2015 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-47 Consistent with "Technologies for (sub) millimeter wave passive instruments" - 2nd Semester 2006. This activity is included in Roadmap B1, activity "sub millimeter wave polarimetric concept". TRP Reference: T707-047EE TD: TD07 Title: Feasibility of Very Large Effective Receiving Antenna Aperture in Space Objectives The objectives are to investigate the feasibility of developing a space-based very large effective aperture array, to assess the technical benefits, cost aspects and to identify the associated technologies readiness level. Description The continuous development of ultra-light weight deployable structures in space can lead to viable very large space-based antenna apertures, based on the backside of the Moon as well as exploiting formation flying. The wide-bandwidth advanced technological developments are useful in a range of applications as already noted in the frame of the international Square Kilometre Array (Earth based project). Very large antenna systems, free flying with formation flying focal units as well as satellite cluster are considered. Hybrid solutions further allow expandibility, in combination with various solutions to realise large apertures with strong requirements on nulling out multiple interfering sources. Applications include remote sensing and Deep Space communication potential additional to radio astronomical tasks as well as extended mobile telecommunications capabilties. Candidate applications are investigated, starting from a General Study result (contract 18378/04/NL/AG) on the subject, trade-offs and baseline design investigations with critical aspect identification. Feasibility and readiness investigations are to be supported by a road mapping, technology identification and mission support constraints. Deliverables: Study report with preliminary Design Development Plan Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Page 137 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2015 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: Enabling ESA Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7832, T-8399 Not included in harmonization but consistent with EEA array dossier TRP Reference: T707-048EE TD: TD07 Title: Design study for precision microwave radiometer in ESA Ground stations Objectives Analysis and preliminary design of precision radiometer for intregration in ranging stations. Description Passive radiometric receivers operating in the 20/30, 50 and 90 GHz frequency bands can provide information on the atmospheric excess path length, but the current technology is not providing sufficient accuracy and stability for the requirements imposed by ESA's most demanding science and earth observation missions. This study shall address the technological issues which need to be solved in order to build a microwave radiometers suitable for integration in ESA ground stations for Science and Earth Observations missions where precise ranging is required. Deliverables: Preliminary design of a radiometer for ESA ground stations, including RF front end, Antenna and tracking system. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Science, EO, Nav N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-46 Not included in harmonization but consistent with Wave Interaction Dossier 7-08 - System Design & Verification TRP Reference: T708-049SW TD: Title: Space Simulation Reference Architecture TD08 Objectives The main objectives of the study are: • Technological advancement: Bring simulators technology forward from the typically C++ and object -orientated approaches that were popular in the 1990s to a model driven development approach. • Decreased complexity. One of the main issues with current simulator development is that the mission specific developments are highly integrated and complex software systems. A way to simplify their implementation should be researched. • Increased reuse: Allow more extensive reuse across missions and throughout mission phases. • Decreased risk: Due to the high complexity of space simulators and their dependency on the space elements to be simulated, the development is considered high risk. Reduced risk can be achieved by increasing generality of models, reuse as well as allowing more flexibility to be put into the development cycle. • Reduced cost: If the risk and complexity of simulator development can be reduced, and reuse can be extended, it is natural that a reduction in cost can be achieved as well. Description Page 138 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The study will address the entire development lifecycle of a space simulator within the overall space programme context including: 1) Definition of a Space Simulator Reference Architecture. The architecture shall identify the main components of a spacecraft simulator and their interfaces and capture them in a formal language. 2) Selection and application of suitable modern methods, such as a model-driven approach, in order to achieve the study objectives. 3) Provision of rules and guidelines to guide the granularity of the components into which a simulator is broken down. 4) Define migration strategy for legacy models 5) Prove the suitability of the proposed Reference Architecture by selecting one or more reference missions or infrastructure and making its simulation implementations throughtout the mission life cycle. 6) Analyse previous and current projects to show how the Reference Architecture would meet their needs or any changes that would be required. Deliverables: The expected outputs are: 1. Reference Architecture captured in UML (delivered as XMI) and XML schema definitions targeting the E-40-07 standard. 2. Reference mission and its simulator implimentations 3. Technical notes documenting the space simulator reference architecture. 4. Prototype software, including test harnesses, data and procedures, and associated documentation. 5. Updated Requirement Specification of a full Reference Achitecture framework taking into account the leassons learned from this study that can be used as starting point for developing an operational version from the prototype. 6. Study final report and presentation, summarising the experience, results and recommendations. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T708-050SW Title: Conformance Kit Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7834 Consistent with "System Modelling and Simulation Tools"(B3) TD: TD08 Objectives Develop a conformance kit to establish the conformance of simulation models as well as simulation environments with the ECSS E40-07 standard. Description After the establishment of the portability standard (E40-07) it will be necessary to have the means to verify the compliance of simulation artefacts with this standard. This enables the certification of suppliers of models and environments for the space market. This activity shall establish a test harness and associated environment allowing a standalone verification of this conformance. Deliverables: Validated E40-07 conformance kit Current TRL: Algorithm Application/Mission: all missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Beta version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 9 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7834 Consistent with "System Modelling and Simulation Tools"(B2) TRP Reference: T708-051SW Title: Automatic generation of database MMI from a domain ontology TD: TD08 Objectives Page 139 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The objective is to automate the generation of database editor MMIs resulting from a formal data-model in order to facilitate the rapid production of user interfaces that mirror the choices of the particular operational services chosen through the process of tailoring of ground-space interface definitions. Description The objective is to automate the generation of database editor MMIs resulting from a formally specified data-model. The data model is constructed in line with a domain ontology (prepared in an existing approved TRP activity) which removes ambiguity in terminology and data content. It is refined through the tailoring of E70-41A (packet utilisation standard). This will enable the automated generation of user interfaces to M+C AIT databases according to project specific space-ground ICDs. Deliverables: Output will be: - a demonstration of the capability to automate the production of MMI using an existing ontology - The prototyping of a tool supporting the automatic production of database MMI. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7292 N/A TRP Reference: T708-052SW TD: TD08 Title: Automation of space system test data collecting, processing and reporting Objectives The objective is to study the cycle of electrical test reporting from test specification to test report close-out and to analyse the applicability of methods and tools used in other domains with similar domains to establish whether a spin-in of such tools could accelerate the application of benefiting from modern IT technology solutions. Description Study will address the life cycle of electrical test reporting from test specification to test reporting as defined by ECSS-E10 part2 & part3. A mapping will made to similar domains in aerospace, automotive, energy industries. Candidate tools will be identified procured and evaluated in order to assess their suitability. The roles of a Database of test results and the associated tools will be proposed that support data analysis (trends, graphical records etc) and automated test documentation production. Impact on current EGSE architectures and solutions to be assessed. Deliverables: Output will be: - a critical assessment of the current process - technical note identifying requirements for an IT based end-to-end solution - set of candidate tools - a set of mock-ups demonstrating the use of the tools. - final report containing a set a requirements specification Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7557 N/A TRP Reference: T708-053SW TD: TD08 Title: Tools from non-space domains to support space system testing Objectives Page 140 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Study will address the hardware and software tools employed outside the space domain for complex electrical system testing to determine the value of spin-in of such technology. The objective is is to determine how more commercially available solutions can replace the bespoke solutions currently employed and to determine the extent of commonality achievable with the space product design and development and verification life cycle. Description Analyse of the applicability of the tools assessed will be made to determine extent of applicability to the space domain. An assessment of selected tools against a specific project's requirements will be performed. The commonality with the design and development tools will be analysed to establish the level of continuity. The goal is to demonstrate the (dis)advantages of such an approach from a set of criteria (e.g. financial, commercial, risk) and to propose an EGSE concept derived from the results. Deliverables: Output will be: - survey report of solutions in comparable domains - technical note identifying commonalities with spec product design an and development - trade-off report matching typical project requirements against candidate tool capabilities - catalogue of candidate tools - trade-off report demonstrating benefits accrued from such an approach - prototype adaptations of selected tools Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: all missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7292 N/A TRP Reference: T708-185SW TD: Title: Autocoding for PUS and satellite database TD08 Objectives The purpose of this activity is to enhance the production of OBSW (On Board SW) by automating the production and verification of the OBSW PUS (Packet Utilisation Standard) services. It is important in OBSW projects to avoid discrepancies between the source-code, the documentation and the system model (e.g. the SCOS - Spacecraft Control & Operation System - based S/C databus). Therefore using a single source for the definition and implementation of these OBSW artefacts will increase the efficiency of software projects. The activity will build upon recent ECSS work related to the definition of a space system model (refer to ECSS-E-70-31A, related to Monitoring and Control Data Definition), which contains a PUS service model. Description Page 141 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities A prototype CASE tool will be developed using a model driven approach based upon the ECSS E-70-31A definitions to auto-code, auto-document and (optionally) auto-test the PUS services of the on-board data management software. The ECSS E-70-31A standard introduces the concept of a space system model (SSM) which is used to capture and share knowledge related to the space system and specifies the monitoring and control data definitions required for testing and operating the Spacecraft. Compliant with ECSS-E-70-41A (the PUS), the ECSS-E-70-31A formally introduces the rules to apply to tailor PUS and identifies the associated mission specific data. Therefore this activity will produce a toolset that implements the following steps: 1. tailoring of the PUS service as defined in ECSS E-70-31A, including adding mission-specific services and extensions. 2. definition and population within the SSM of the OBSW-specific parameters (e.g. TM Service 5 event IDs, AOCS on-board parameters, filtering values, enumerations, etc) 3. consistency verification of the SSM mission data 4. generation and maintenance of OBSW and SSM artefacts: TM/TC interface + datapool source-code, software user manual, and update the SSM with new OBSW model 5. automatically generate test scripts for unit level white-box validation of the generated source-code The generated source-code (both C and Ada shall be supported) shall be MISRA-C compliant (for C) and conform to ESA coding standards (both Ada and C) ensuring that the code is suitable for use with embedded systems. Deliverables: - Updated SSM. - Automatic toolset. - User manual. - Case study. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions (>2012-2013) Open source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Prototype by 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7662 Consistent 7-09 - Mission operation and Ground Data Systems TRP Reference: T709-054GI TD: TD09 Title: European Technology Harmonisation on Ground Systems Software - Phase 2 Second set of standard interfaces Objectives The main objective is to select 2 main Ground Data Systems Interfaces and produce a set of ICDs to be delivered to the ECSS as proposed future standards. This shall ensure the coherence of the accepted roadmap during the European Technology Harmonisation agreements Description The following activities have to be performed: - Collection of Data Systems Information from different European Organizations and Industry - Assessment of Data System Information against the Harmonisation Reference Architecture - Consolidation of the Reference Architecture for the selected Subsystems - Production of the IRD requirements - Definition of the Interfaces - Production of the selected ICDs - Support to the Steering board Deliverables: A set of standard interface definition between the modules of the Ground Systems reference Architecture Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Application/Mission: Output to become ECSS Standard Contract Duration: Page 142 of 217 2011 12 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-7840 Consistent with Grfound Segment Subsystem Interfaces (1st semester 2003) TRP Reference: T709-055GI TD: Title: Flight Control Team Multi-Agent System TD09 Objectives A new concept of high level spacecraft monitoring is proposed to be validated with agent technology. The main objectives are: Situation Awareness at Flight Control level, Time saving due to autonomous monitoring of nominal spacecraft behaviour, Initial assessment of implications of anomalies Description Development of a Multi-Agent system where each member of the Flight Control Team has an Agent that acts on his behalf. He configures his agent to perform the monitoring task he would. The monitoring results of the agent are available to other agents and to the members of the Flight Control Team. Other agents can then perform an initial assessment of the implications of the reported anomaly in the subsystems they are responsible for. The FCT members will take the initial assessment of their Agents and further elaborate based on their knowledge and experience. The main benefits of this approach are: - Distributed monitoring of the Spacecraft Behaviour. Every agent has the expertise of the FCT member that has configured it. - Autonomous monitoring of nominal spacecraft behaviour - Quick communication among members of the FCT when something unexpected happens. The FCT agents can provide an initial assessment of the implications of the reported anomalies in several subsystems. - The Flight Control Team members save time by getting the initial assessment by the agents - Situation Awareness at FCT level Deliverables: * Technology assessment report enabling the use of Multi-Agent Systems and the transmition of the knowledge from the FCT members to the Agents * Prototype implementing the monitoring & diagnosis via Agent-based FCT * Operational Assessment of the prototype * Relevant documentation (requirements, design, validation, software user manuals, software source code, etc.) * Support during the validation of the prototype with a selected ESA mission * Final study report and presentation 1 Current TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Target TRL: 3-4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 6 by 2011, TRL 9 by 2013 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-120 Not part of harmonisation TRP Reference: T709-056GI TD: TD09 Title: Linux and multi-core processor technology for simulators Objectives - To develop a light version of a simple simulator that has minimal host performance requirements. - To develop a high performance simulator that can run efficiently on multi-core processor technology. Description Page 143 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The activity includes the two main tasks : 1. Development of a light-weight version of a simple simulator that has minimal host performance requirements, identifying the irreducible residual operating system dependencies. In particular this form of ther similator could run embedded e.g. in an ERC-32 processor on-board for PROBA-3. Including following subtasks: • Analysis of how to communicate with an embedded simulator. • Definition of new API for serial input/output to and from simulation including starting, stopping, external interaction to replace user commands normally sent by the MMI. 2. Development of a high performance simulator that can run efficiently on multi-core processor technology. This will include • Technological advance: develop an algorithm for a scheduler which can use modern multi-core CPUs effectively. • Achievement of higher levels of performance and parallelism by improved model construction and annotation Including following subtasks: • Survey literature on Discrete Event simulation. • Analyze the architecture of operational simulators and compare with other industrial simulations where more aggressive scheduling algorithms have been used Deliverables: For both the Linux embedded simulator and the multi-core simulator the following will be expected: 1. Source code for models, and any infrastructure changes 2. Validation simulator and test cases 3. Technical notes and User Manual. 4. Prototype software, including test harnesses, data and procedures, and associated documentation. A Study final report and presentation, summarizing the experience, results and recommendations. shall also be delivered Algorithm Current TRL: Target TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: Contract Duration: Operational SW SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: SW Operational > 2013 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7843 Not part of harmonisation TRP Reference: T709-057GI TD: TD09 Title: Suitability of emerging service based technologies in ground data systems Objectives Assess the suitability of emerging technologies such as Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Data Distribution Service (DDS) for ground data systems infrastructure applications. Description The activity shall assess the limits of Service Component Architecture (SCA) and Data Distribution Service (DDS) in their applicability to space M&C systems, particularly the possibility of interacting with legacy systems. It shall be validated whether SCA and/or DDS technology are able to provide the level of performance and flexibility required by monitoring and control software: - A detailed analysis of the maximum and minimum requirements concerning this two aspects needs to be performed. - Evaluation of Pros/Cons of the frameworks implementing the SCA and/or DDS specification based on the specific needs for M&C. - This architecture shall be validated against a set of representative scenarios (Use Cases) Deliverables: Technological analysis, requirements and Use Cases, Implementation frameworks, design, Proof-Of-Concept TRL 3-TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: next generation of data systems development framework. Contract Duration: SW Clause : Operational SW Dossier0 Ref.: T-7843 Target TRL: Page 144 of 217 Application Need/Date: TRL 6 by 2011, TRL 9 by 2013 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Not part of harmonisation 7-10 - Flight Dynamics and GNSS TRP Reference: T710-058GF Title: Interactive Design of Interplanetary Trajectories TD: TD10 Objectives The objective is to develop new working methodologies and s/w tools for a preliminary and interactive design of interplanetary missions based on the ASTRO-toolbox philosophy. To be covered are: Planetary swing-bys, asteroid/comet rendez-vous and fly-bys, weak stability boundary transfers, aerocapture and aerobraking, chemical and low-thrust propulsion, atmospheric entry and landing, planetary ascent and Lagrangian points. Description Starting with the ASTRO Toolbox, trajectory design modules shall be built that the mission analyst can use to quickly make a first mission design. Trajectories based purely on chemical propulsion (e.g. Rosetta type), low-thrust trajectories (BepiColombo type), trajectories passing through planetary atmospheres and trajectories around Lagrange points (e.g. Herschel/Planck) shall be designed to validate the proposed concept. Deliverables: Detailed Architectural Design, software (source code) TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: Sci/Exploration missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8435 N/A TRP Reference: T710-059GF TD: TD10 Title: GNSS contribution to next generation global ionospheric monitoring Objectives To significantly improve on the existing capability of making near-real-time ionospheric models, by exploiting the growing availability of GNSS data sets Description This study will propose new approaches and improvements to existing ionospheric modeling, and produce a prototype implementation of selected new features. Improvements are expected in areas of: - timeliness (models can be available closer to real-time) - resolution (in position or time)- realism (multi-layer or 3-dimensional modeling) - accuracy - modeling techniques (e.g. using additional data or measurement types) Deliverables: prototype implementation Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7941 N/A Page 145 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities 7-11 - Space Debris TRP Reference: T711-060GR TD: Title: Space Debris Stare and Chase TD11 Objectives The objective is to develop a stare and chase mode for the L-band radar at FGAN. It shall allow to follow a space object once it is detected inside the 3db radar beam. Test campaigns shall be performed where the radar beam is parked ("stare") until an object passes through the beam, whereupon the radar follows the object ("chase"). Based on the tracking information rough orbital elements have to be determined. Description The primary way to obtain a better knowledge of the near-earth environment are radar measurements. The Research Establishment for Applied Science (FGAN) carried out a TRP study on Advanced Radar Techniques for Space Debris Observation (contract nr. 11184, FR in June 2000). In a second TRP study (contract nr. 13261, FR in July 2003) H/W and S/W upgrades were implemented which further increased the sensitivity of the radar. FGAN operates a powerful Tracking and Imaging Radar (TIRA) consisting of a 34-m parabolic antenna, a monopulse L-band tracking radar, and a high resolution Ku-band imaging radar. The L-band radar can detect 2 cm space debris at a range of 1000 km. Ten 24 beam-park experiments were performed in the years 1999 to 2006. Up to 500 objects were detected during each measurement campaign. Not even one quarter of these detections can be correlated with catalogued objects. With a successful stare and chase operation, a couple of minutes of tracking data can be collected which allows a reliable determination of the orbital plane (i and O) and semimajor axis. It is expected that correlations with known satellite breakups can be established. WP 1. Development of stare and chase algorithms The software to control the radar has to be extended to trigger a chase mode once an object passes the radar beam. WP 2 Preparation and execution of a multi-hour test campaign The concept developed in WP1 shall be validated. First it will be tested on objects which are known (i.e. the time and direction of the passing object can be predicted) but finally it needs to be tested on unknown objects. On average objects pass the radar beam every 3 minutes triggering the stare and chase mode. WP 3. Data Processing and Orbit Determination Output: Detection list with orbital elements, size estimation and rms-errors in range, range rate, azimuth and elevation. Deliverables: Algorithms, detection list with orbital elements and their parameters Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/A Application/Mission: Prototype algorithms in mid 2009 Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Prototype algorithms in mid 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1093 N/A TRP Reference: T711-061GR TD: TD11 Title: Preliminary design and analysis of new generation space debris cameras Objectives The objective of this study is to prepare the improvement and expansion of the application of ESA's Optical Ground Station for the purpose of space debris observation, space surveillance and astronomical use through the introduction of a new generation sensors. The study shall identify and specify leading edge technology, coming with faster processing and higher sensitivity that allows multiple purpose use and generates experience for future applications (SSA, JWST, space debris research,...) in all three domains. Finally, the necessary adapations to the camera controller software shall be developed and tested. Description Page 146 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities ESA owns a 1-meter Zeiss telescope located at the Observatorio del Teide on Tenerife, forming part of the ESA Optical Ground Station (OGS). One of its most important missions is the regular survey of geostationary altitudes in which it can detect objects down to 15-cm sizes. This is almost one order of magnitude better than the performance of the USSTRATCOM space surveillance network (SSN) for this orbit region. It employs a 4096 x 4096 pixel space debris camera which is reaching its end of live, showing already first signs of instability. With a replacement being urgently required, there is an opportunity to switch to leading edge technology. New generation HyViSI (Hybrid Visibile Silicon Imager) sensors for example allow to readout pixels through direct access. This permits to generate subframes and allows for continuous and fast readout, reducing the background level. In this study, technologies shall be identified and analysed that satisfy the needs of several application domains in parallel (e.g. astronomy and space surveillance), allowing them to apply, evaluate and optimise this technology for their purpose. In a first step the needs of telescope users from all domains shall be analysed and specifications of the camera shall be drafted. Available products shall evaluated in terms of performance and interface. The specifications shall be completed and a development and assembly, integration and a validation plan generated. The existing camera controller software shall be analysed and necessary adoptions specified. The camera controller software shall be updated according to the specifications and tested in the development environment. Deliverables: ? Specifications ? Design documentation and camera specifications, ? Technical report on market survey and recommended products ? Development and assembly, integration and validation plan) Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: TRL 3 by mid 2008 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 3 by mid 2008 6 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1093 N/A TRP Reference: T711-062GR TD: TD11 Title: Development and simulation of strategies for the detection and tracking of MEO objects Objectives This study shall develop and analyse observation concepts for the optical detection of dcimetre sized uncorrelated objects in inclined MEO orbits. The efficiency of the survey strategies shall be demonstrated through simulation and detection algorithms shall be prototyped. The goal of this study is to provide the feasibility and performance assessment as a technical fundament for a later implementation of the techniques into ESA's space debris telescope. Description Today, MEO orbits with semi or higher order synchronous periods typically between 20,000 and 26,000km altitude become more and more important (Galileo, GPS,…). The regular surveillance of this region through a future autonomous European system is a challenging task and has not been exercised in Europe so far. Critical technologies comprising observation strategies, correlation and preliminary orbit determination algorithms for such surveillance activities need to enter the prototyping stage. In this study, a strategy for the detection of inclined MEO objects needs to be developed. This strategy must take the performance of preliminary orbit determination algorithms into account in order to guarantee correlation of objects in separate observations. Existing detection, telescope control and orbit determination algorithms need to be reviewed and their suitability for MEO observations analysed. The necessary adoptions shall be specified, implemented and verified. Available simulation techniques shall be used to optimise and validate the survey concept. Deliverables: ? Technical report on the evaluation of survey strategies ? Prototpye detection algorithms and associated software documentation ? Technical report on necessary upgrade to the telescope and camera control systems Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/A Application Need/Date: Application/Mission: Prototype algorithms in early 2010 Contract Duration: Page 147 of 217 Prototype algorithms in early 18 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-1093,T-1102 N/A 7-12 - Ground Station Systems and Networks TRP Reference: T712-063GS TD: TD12 Title: Study on the architecture for the next generation of ESA TT&C processors Objectives The goal of this study is to explore and breadboard new architectures for the next generation of multi-mission TT&C processors, in support of future missions, ranging from S- to Ka-band allocations. Description The study will define and breadboard the new TT&C processor, which is the central equipment in every ESA tracking station. The study is needed now because the currently deployed multi-mission TT&C platform is not able to support additional and more advanced functions. Moreover, problems of maintenance of the related hardware are expected to come up in the next years. More in detail, the study shall cover the following aspects: • collect any requirement, in terms of telemetry reception, for future scientific, Earth-observation and Exploration missions • collect any requirement, in terms of telecomand transmission, for future scientific, Earth-observation and Exploration missions • collect any requirement, in terms of orbit determination (ranging, Doppler, wide-band ranging, delta-DOR, regenerative ranging, same-beam interferometry, etc), for future scientific, Earth-observation and Exploration missions • consider interoperability requirements with other Space Agencies working in the same fields, so that cross support could be granted, once the system under study becomes operational, as per present and projected CCSDS/ECSS recommendations • consider recent advancements in terms of automatic reconfiguration of receivers • consider the performance of state-of-the-art DSP components and processors, including off-the-shelf IP cores, and related analogue-to-digital conversion components • define new RF interfaces, to cope with the increased demand of high data rate (telemetry) and larger band (precise orbit determination) • consider state-of-the-art design methodology issues • evaluate and select novel receiver algorithms, more suitable to the expected high integration requirements • define and consolidate the TT&C processor requirements • provide high level architectures of the processor, defining interfaces and operation modes • Detail the hardware and software architectures, so that appropriate feasibility can be evaluated. Detailed analysis of the needed design is foreseen in a further phase • argue the cost, operation and maintenance of the new TT&C processor • Set the specifications of the new TT&C processor • Produce a breadboard of the new TT&C processor following this specifications • Make a test plan for the breadboard test • Validate the breadboard. Deliverables: Breadboard of a new TT&C processor TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1227 N/A TRP Reference: T712-064GS TD: TD12 Title: New and improved cryocooler technologies for deep space antennas cryogenic sub system Objectives Page 148 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities New and improved cryocooler technologies for deep space antennas cryogenic sub system Description In order to avoid any service interruption in case of cold head failure, it will be considered to implement two cold heads working in parallel inside the vacuum enclosure. By this the second cold head will still be in operation when the first cold head fails. In order to be able to replace the faulty cold head without breaking vacuum and without service interruption, it will be necessary to implement cold head sleeves to allow rapid substitution of the cold head. During maintenance the cold head sleeve is exchanged with a spare and no service interruption is required. The double cold head and cold head sleeve principles are already used in magnetic resonant imaging, where very high reliability is required. Such concepts have to be adapted to the communication environment, taking into consideration the specific constraints and interfaces. The study will also cover the evaluation of Low frequency pulse tube technology. This technology reaches the same level of performance as Gifford Mc Mahon coolers, which are currently used in ESA ground stations. Pulse Tube technology does not have any moving part inside the cold head and can theoretically work for an indefinite period of time without maintenance. This study will cover: - the analysis of the redundant cold head and cold head sleeve concepts - the design of cryocooled dewar prototype with redundant cold head and sleeves - the design of cryocooled dewar prototype with redundant cold head and pulse tube technology - the performance assessment of the developed breadboards - The final aim of the study is to apply the developed concepts to future production units to be deployed in ESA stations. Deliverables: Dewar prototypes with redundant cold head and modular sleeve or pulse tube, Test report TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A SW Clause : TRL 2 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: by 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1263 N/A TRP Reference: T712-065GS TD: TD12 Title: Feasibility and breadboarding of a multiple frequency cryogenic receiver Objectives It is expected to upgrade 35 m deep space stations with the K band (25.5-27 GHz) in order to support mission going to the Lagrange point (Darwin, WFI, FIRI). In order to upgrade deep space station with this band and fulfil link budget requirement (as shown in 19719/5/F/VS GSP study), it will be necessary to develop new dual band (X/K) cryogenic receivers. The same techcnology could be used for X/Ka-Band application. Description The X/K cryogenic low noise amplifier will be made of two separate RF circuits, one for K band and one for X band. Both RF circuits will share the same vacuum dewar enclosure and the same refrigerator. The RF circuits will be made of input coupler, filters, isolators, HEMT LNA cooled at 15K and post amplifiers at ambient temperature. This study will cover: - Feasibility analysis of the dual band cryogenic receiver in X/K- and X/Ka-Band - Design of the cryogenic receiver in X/K-Band - Prototype realization - Performances assessment The activities of this TRP study shall be continued with the development of the production units with infrastructure funding and the installation of the units in ESA Ground Stations. Deliverables: Dual band cryo receiver demonstrator, Performance assessment report Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A by 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1263 Page 149 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A 7-13 - Automation, Telepresence & Robotics TRP Reference: T713-066MM Title: Multi wafer hybrid integration: Robotics IMU I TD: TD13 Objectives The goal of this activity is to develop an integrated micro localisation platform based on inertial platform (3-axis solid-state gyro + 3 accelerometer) with a digital serial bus interface (e.g. CAN). The platform shall be specifically designed for use in navigation for robotics applications where mass is extremely critical and there is a wide spectrum of mechanical noise. The effort of the activity will be on very tight integration of ESA-developed sensors and interface/processing circuitry aiming to total mass below 200 gr. Description The activity shall 1) detail requirements for an IMU in robotics operations 2) define interfaces and architecture 3) design a Robotics MEMS IMU based on ESA harmonised sensors 4) prepare proof-of-concept demonstrator Deliverables: Robotics MEMS IMU proof-of-concept demonstrator TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: robotics for future planetary surface missions/ orbital servicing SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-6,T-876,T-7818 Consistent with first semester 2007 harmonisation on A&R (activity A4) 7-14 - Life & Physical Sciences Instrumentation TRP Reference: T714-067MM Title: High Temperature Sensors with self calibrating capabilities TD: TD14 Objectives The objective of this activity is to achieve a fully functional and reliable temperature measurement setup with self calibrating capabilities for temperatures up to approx. 2500 °C, targeting applications in propulsion systems and other high temperature applications. With these temperature sensors, an advance in durability, range and accuracy shall be achieved in comparison with the actual high temperature thermocouple systems. Description It is perceived that reliable thermocouples with self calibrating capabilities, by means of carbon eutectic fixed point cells for temperature monitoring and control, are important for high temperature applications. These carbon eutectic materials are at this moment of high interest as temperature standards for temperatures above the silver point.The system shall consist of a compact system housing containing electronics, mechanics etc. together with data acquisition and evaluation and operation units a central processor unit, data acquisition, evaluation and storage unit appropriate interfaces for real-time optical temperature measurements Thermocouple sensors with calibration cells containing single eutectics Thermocouples with calibration cells containing multiple eutectics in adjacent compartments Supporting tools, such as: calibration samples, pyrometers, etc. Deliverables: Functional breadboard, test data Page 150 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRL 2 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: SW Clause : TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8266 N/A 7-15 - Mechanisms & Tribology TRP Reference: T715-068MM TD: TD15 Title: European Space Tribology Laboratory Technology Application Programme Objectives Development of space tribology technologies and associated engineering tools to enable the timely development of ad-hoc mechanisms for future missions Description This activity is dedicated to the tribological evaluation of emerging dry and fluid lubricants, materials, coatings and tribo components under harsh environment and duty cycle. Elaboration of tribology engineering tools to predict in orbit behaviour of mechanisms. Deliverables: Samples, breadboards, tests reports, technical notes, Tribology handbook updates, tribology softwares Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: 2010-2012 N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010-2012 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7846 N/A 7-16 - Optics TRP Reference: T716-070MM TD: TD16 Title: Innovative Technologies for Large Deployable Optical Telescopes Objectives The main objective of this activity is to identify and assess suitable advanced technology concepts and materials that may provide a disruptive breakthrough for very large optical space telescopes (e.g. deployable membranes) Description Page 151 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Large aperture telescopes are increasingly required for space projects where sensitivity and resolution are mission drivers. Current light-weight mirror technologies (25 kg/m2) based on ceramic composites satisfy the needs of missions in implementation (Herschel/Planck, GAIA). Future missions aiming at the observation of the sky (science/astrophysics) or of the Earth (GEO-based Earth observation, high-sensitivity lidars and sounders) will require much larger and/or much lighter mirrors and telescopes. Ultra-thin membrane mirrors with actuators (adaptive optics) to reach and maintain the WFE after deployment have been identified as potential candidate solutions to reach an areal mass close to 1 kg/m2. These foldable and light-weight membranes provide focusing based on diffraction. The principle is based on zone plate Fresnel lenses. Instead of rings, the “photon sieve” diffractive optics uses a large number of pinholes as diffractive elements. This activity shall - review the state-of-the-art of thin membrane mirrors, - assess the achievable optical performances, - study the limitations in terms of field-of-view, spectral range, optical throughput, wavefront error, aperture, - identify the technological manufacturing limitations and the methods for deployment and in-orbit metrology, - assess the suitability of this new technology for the space environment. The main functionalities shall be demonstrated in a down-scaled breadboard. Deliverables: Study Report + BB of a representative downscaled demonstrator TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: TRL 5 by 2013, for future science and EO missions Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7855 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: TRL 5 by 2013, 24 months Harmonisation planned for Sem 1 2008 7-17 - OptoElectronics TRP Reference: T716-069MM Title: Use of the Novel Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers technique in the Sub-Picosecond Regime for Space Missions TD: TD17 Objectives The present activity addresses the applications of sub-picosecond Mode-Locked-Semiconductor Lasers-based new metrology concepts for ( future) space missions such optical interferometry and metrology missions, spectroscopy, optical communications, on-board data processing, etc, and assess the impact at overall performance and system level. Description The novel technology of Modelocked Semiconductor Lasers (MLSCL) is a promising candidate to be used in optical metrology systems for various space applications, e.g. in the context of optical interferometry or frequency and distance metrology as well as optical communications and data processing. Recent laboratory demonstrations of MLSCLs are capable of producing VIS / NIR ultrashort light pulses in the few picoseconds time regime at very high repetition rates in the MHz domain. These ultrashort light signals can be used in a simple time-of-flight (TOF) metrology system for the measurement of short and - limited by the achievable optical output power - also long distances of potentially kilometres with an accuracy on the millimetre level. Due to the MLSCLs compactness and superior wall plug efficiency they could be integrated into miniature optical systems replacing presently used laser light sources of large unit dimension. The present activity addresses the development and performance characterisation of MLSCLs in the sub-picosecond time domain investigating the suitability for space applications. Deliverables: Braedboard of a sub-picosecond metrology system based upon MLSCL concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Page 152 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Optical interferomtry and metrology missions, spectroscopy, Application/Mission: Contract Duration: optical communications and data processing/ 2012 SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7757 Subject not harmonidsed 7-18 - Aerothermodynamics TRP Reference: T717-071MP TD: TD18 Title: Laminar to Turbulent transition in hypersonic flow Objectives The objectives of the present activity is to improve bypass transition correlations for hypersonic space vehicle design. Description One of the most critical design drivers for earth reentry or planetary entry vehicle design are the specifications associated with allowable gap,step, or roughness as well as the assessment of the transitional reattachment heating for separated flow fields typically encountered on defelcted flaps. The present TRP shall focuss on advances of transition correlations by performing experiments in hypersonic facilities thereby improving wind tunnel to flight extrapolation and scaling by advancing the Hot Experimetal Testing Techniques (HET) so as to improve T-wall over T-recovery effects. In addition special will be given to the measurememts of the unsteady components such as pressures and temperatures to augment the data base for follow up analysis using advanced methods such as LES or DNS. Finally,where possible, synergies with potential passenger flight opportunities should be proposed. In detail : o The contractor shall assess state of the art of present day by-pass transition correlations. o The contrator shall analyse present and future planned in flight testing projects and recommend experimetal activities to improve the data base associated with roughness induced and shear layer transition o The contractor shall propose a set of roughness induced transition experiments taking into account the wall temperature effects o The contractor shall propose shear layer transition experiments talking into account wall temperature effects. o The contractor shall in addition to the classical windtunnel measurements improve and implement unsteady pressure and temperature meausrements thereby augmenting the data base for analysis of advanced methods. o Rebuilding of windtunnel experiments /extrapolation to flight/ recommendation for future. Deliverables: technical notes Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: TRL 3 earth reentry vehicles, planetary Application/Mission: probes, future launchers, debris analysis . SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: . 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8315, T-8097 Consistent (Roadmap item B2) TRP Reference: T717-072MP TD: Title: Multi-phase aspects in propulsion systems TD18 Objectives Page 153 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The objectives of the present activity is to improve the understanding of multi-phase phenomena occuring during transients, start-ups and shut-downs in propulsion systems. This entails waterhammer effects or pre-combustion where propellants undergo drastic changes due to sudden exposure to near-vacuum conditions. To allow proper modelling, detailed experiments need to be created for typical multi-phase, multi-component flow phenomena: waterhammer during priming, flash atomization and vaporization. Description The activity shall include: - evaluation of the liquid front behaviour during waterhammer prior, during and after impact for different operational conditions - evaluation of atomization processes in flashing conditions at different conditions - evaluation of vaporization rates in flashing conditions at different conditions - extension of correlations for flash atomization - extension/validation of correlations for flash vaporization Deliverables: technical notes TRL 3 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All s/c and upper stages propulsion Contract Duration: systems SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7899 Consistent (Roadmap item A4) 7-19 - Propulsion TRP Reference: T718-073MP TD: TD19 Title: Assessment of the interaction between spacecraft and electric propulsion systems Objectives The objective of the activity is to create an experimentally validated model for thruster interaction with the S/C subsystems Description Smart-1 with a Hall-effect thruster (HET) on board and an Electric Propulsion Diagnostic Package (EPDP) has demonstrated the good functioning of electric propulsion for interplanetary missions. Nevertheless, possible interaction of the backflow of the thruster or even the primary ions in telecommunication satellites could produce some interactions (erosion, contamination, electromagnetic compatibility issues, etc.). Diagnostics and modelling are the main tools to assess this issue.This activity should look at all the possible models employed in this work and assess the design of specific experiments to tackle this issue. Flight data of some spacecraft such as Smart-1, Artemis, etc.shall be used to demonstrate that the current models have been validated and that the experiments can give a good insight in the problem. Furthermore several tests will be performed durng this activity in order to fully validate and assess the use of these models in this specific matter. In deatail, following tasks shall be performed: o Assessment of the impact of on-ground testing conditions on the main physical properties of EP thrusters compare to in-flight conditions – specifically on the external environment induced by the EP thrusters (backflow, back-sputtering…) o Analytical quantification of this impact and comparison of flight-data to on-ground testing of EP thrusters (Hall effect, HEMPT, Ion, FEEP) o Identification of possible diagnostics for performing measurement relevant to the thruster-S/C interaction in a test facility during on-ground testing o Selection of a specific set of diagnostics providing a full characterisation main physical parameters of EP thrusters relevant to thruster-S/C interaction o Design of an experiment(s) in which the diagnostics will be used and identify the models required to assess this problem o A test using diferent thrusters, validation of the identified models with the test data and finally comparing the results with the flight data available. Deliverables: Page 154 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Technical Notes Current TRL: TRL 1/2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions with EP systems Open source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-856 Consistent (Roadmap item G1-G4) TRP Reference: T718-074MP Title: Development of a Hollow Cathode Thruster TD: TD19 Objectives The objective of this activity is to demonstrate the feasibility of Hollow Cathode Thruster Description For small satellite propulsion or large communication satellites with electric propulsion on board, it would be beneficial to make use of the existing Xenon supply system for an auxiliary AOCS system based on Hollow Cathode Thrusters (HCT). This would effectively remove the complete chemical propulsion subsystem and replace it with a few additional Power Supply Units (PSU) and HCT. During the course of this activity a thruster system consisting of the Hollow Cathode Thruster, Flow Control Unit, Power Supply Unit shall be breadboaded and its performance characterized. The test shall include direct thrust measurement and plasma characteristics through the use of balances, diagnostic prrobes, etc. The use of this thruster also as a cold gas shall also be assessed during this activity. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Telecom platforms N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-867 Consistent (Roadmap item I5) TRP Reference: T718-075MP TD: TD19 Title: Preliminary characterization test campaign of Electric Propulsion technology with non conventional propellants. Objectives The objective of the activity is to perform a characterization test campaign with existing Electric Propulsion Thrusters (HET, GIE) propelled with non-conventional gaseous propellants. Description Page 155 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Previous ESA/non-ESA studies assessing the possibility of extending LEO mission’s duration and allowing very low altitude operations, identified the mass of propellant required to perform drag compensation manoeuvres as the major limiting factor. The ESA Ram-EP GSP study proposed an innovative solution to enable those LEO missions: collecting from the atmosphere the molecules causing the drag and use them to propel Electric Propulsion Thrusters. Indeed Electric Propulsion thrusters (HET, GIE) have the capability of operating from virtually any gaseous propellant, including oxygen and nitrogen (although with a lower efficiency). One of the main concerns highlighted by the study was the fact that the performances of the thrusters used to assess the concept’s feasibility require experimental verification. As a natural follow-on of the GSP study and in order to assess the feasibility of the concept for future applications, this TRP activity has the objective of verifying the thruster performance, when the thruster is required to operate with different propellant. A mixture between the selected propellant and the conventionally used Xe will be also considered. Earth upper atmosphere for given solar activity shall be examined to obtain information about the densities, pressures, temperatures and composition for an altitude ranging between 150km and 500km. Since the concept is also applicable to orbiting manoeuvres around different planet, an investigation of the Martian atmosphere composition will be also performed in order to assess the feasibility of using its gaseous components as possible propellant. Following the selection of the propellant, an existing thruster will undergo a preliminary characterization test campaign (about 300 hrs of operation total). The performance models shall be correlated in accordance with the results of the test activity and the numerical simulations shall be modified in order to predict long term behaviour. In the case of modifications required to current thruster’s design, the contractor shall propose a way forward to update the thruster design in preparation for an EM definition, suitable for operating with selected propellant. Deliverables: Technical Notes TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Vey low altitude satellites around Mars and Earth Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-855 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: 12 months Consistent (Roadmap item I5) TRP Reference: T718-076MP Title: Surface tension PMD for low-fill fraction and horizontal transportation TD: TD19 Objectives The objectives for this activity are as follows - 1. A market assessment detailing the applications and potential cost savings of this technolgy. 2. A trade-off of all of the different PMD options with downselction to the most promising candidates. Description A surface tension PMD will allow for horizontal processing of spacecraft which would lead to faster (and hence cheaper) ground processing activities. A low-fill fraction capability would expand the range of missions that a single propellant tank would be able to fulfil, thus reducing the need to develop a large range of tanks for European spacecraft. Deliverables: Concepts trade-off, preliminary design datapackage Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Exploration, SCI S/C telecom S/C N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 2012 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 9 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-867 N/A TRP Reference: T718-077MP TD: TD19 Title: Throttable Flow Control Valves for Spacecraft class thrusters Objectives Page 156 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The objectives of this study is to evaluate the different valve concepts and mission scenarios as well as performing a market evaluation. The study will focus on evaluating valves for thrusters of 500N or less. Once the most promising concept has been selected a breadboard model will be constructed and tested to demonstrate the key technologies/operating principles of the valve. A way forward will then be defined to take the design forward to future design completion and qualification. Description A number of spacecraft/lander systems are considering different thrust ranges for different mission phases. The current generation of bi-propellant thrusters have limited ranges in thrust variation and this change in thrust can only be achieved by the controlling pressure conditions in the propellant tanks. The purpose of this activity is to control thrust ranges by throttling the engine flow control valves, thus adding flexibilty to the propuslion system that is not achievable by pressure regulation. There are several cases where this would be desirable - 1. Exploration where a throttable engine would be useful for planetary descent/ascent and 2. Next generation science/telecommunication spacecraft which envisage 20N and 10N thrusters for ACS systems. These could be replaced for example with a single choice of thruster eg a 20N thruster with a 50% throttablity range. In both cases this will lead to a sub-system reliabilty increase and reduction in cost by the reduction in the number of components required. Deliverables: Breadboard TRL 1 Current TRL: Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: Exploration, SCI S/C telecom S/C N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-867 N/A TRP Reference: T718-078MP TD: TD19 Title: Performance characterisation of aged Hall Effect thrusters Objectives The objective of the activity is be to perform a characterization test campaign with existing Hall Effect thrusters to understand the wearing mechanisms and thus the lifetime limitations Description A lifetime test of around 12 000 hours has been performed on a Hall Effect thruster within the frame of the Alphabus project. The thruster was still running when the test was stopped. In the frame of future missions using electric propulsion (telecom, exploration missions to outer planets, etc.) it is important to understand the real limiting factors of the Hall Effect thruster technology for different powerlevels. Therefore during the course of this activity available aged Hall Effect thrusters (PPS1350 and SPT-100) shall be tested in order to validate the available modelling tools with the results of this activity. Extrapollation of lifetime issues to higher operational ranges shall also be performed. Deliverables: Performances and lifetime models TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: all missions with Hall Effect thrusters Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-856 Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: 24 months N/A 7-20 - Structures & Pyrotechnics TRP Reference: T601-50MC TD: Title: Advancement in Thermo-Elastic Distortion Verification Methods for Spacecraft Structures (Phase 2) Page 157 of 217 TD20 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives The objectives of the proposed activity are the following: - Improvement of materials modeling, especially composites and other advanced materials. - Improvement of numerical simulation of materials, components and assemblies of structures by using existing FEM software tools, but including in the mathematical models the specific aspects of materials and components. This shall consider non-linear and stochastic analysis. - Application of new measurement and monitoring techniques, such as ESPI (Speckle interferometry), laser radar and optical fibre sensing (Bragg grating), thermography... Description The activity consists of two phases: Phase 1 - short review of current state of the art with regard to analysis, control and test methods; - Modeling of composite materials, components, joints and assemblies. Typical hypothesis, such as the linearity of thermal expansion, shall be investigated, as well as the effects of anisotropy and large temperature ranges; - Measurement of material properties on coupons, including expansion coefficients, stiffness, thermal conductivity and all relevant parameters identified previously; - Verification of simulation tools and methods on coupons and joints; - Establishment of measurement uncertainty requirements and stochastic character of simulation tools; - Establish guidelines for predicting thermo-elastic distortions. In addition to methodologies for improved modeling, these guidelines shall also consider making recommendations on the need to perform material and component level tests. Phase 2 - Definition of a breadboard representative of the complexity of a scientific instrument; - Modeling and prediction; - Stochastic (and non-linear) analysis; - Definition of test set-up and selection of measurement technique; Correlation Where necessary, updating of guidelines established in Phase-1, and extension of guidelines to include recommendations on performance of system level test verification methods. Deliverables: Design and verification guidelines; test coupons and breadboard; modeling procedures. TRL 3-TRL 4 Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: Engineering tools applicable to all S/C. SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 > 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-543 This work has been planned since 2005 in the frame of the Space Debris Programme. It is supported by CNES and DLR in the frame of the Network of Centre Space Debris Coordination Group (NoC SDCG). TRP Reference: T719-079MC Title: Mechanical design and verification methodologies for ceramic structures TD: TD20 Objectives Development of design and verification methodologies for highly stable structures manufactured from ceramic materials. Analysis methodologies as well test methodologies shall be defined. This shall include: appropriate methods for derivation of allowables; numerical analysis methodologies e.g. effect of stress concentrations, failure criteria etc; test methodologies, e.g. for prooftesting. Description Ceramic materials are being used in larger and load carrying structures and subsystems, however design and verification methodologies to assure the reliability of such structures are lacking. The characteristics of such materials, e.g. the variation in properties, brittleness, low damping etc makeing the application of conventional design and verification approaches questionable - and in some cases unconservative. Deliverables: test results, TN for all aspects related to the developed methodologies Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: TRL 6 Page 158 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2010 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Preferably in support to current and new projects using ceramic Application/Mission: Contract Duration: structures (optical benches, struts, tores etc) SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-5296, T-7750 N/A TRP Reference: T719-080MC TD: TD20 Title: Self-Deploying Structures PHASE-1 : Concepts and Tools Objectives To develop and validate new concepts for a deployable structures Description Self-deploying structures offer an alternative to inflatable structures and classical mechanical constructions, with outstanding mass/stiffness efficiency. Examples range from long masts and booms, foldable antennas, elastic hinges, sunshields and sunshades... Operational constraints however, can require strict verification of requirements that are not always possible with existing technologies. An example of operational difficulties is the deployment of the MARSIS antenna onboard Mars-Express. A better knowledge and understanding in this technical discipline would have simplified the operational difficulties. Following tasks shall be performed: 1. Consolidate the state of the art of deployable structures exploiting the self-deployment principle of elastic energy storage, 2. Study of applicability in terms of performances, failure modes and verification approach, 3. Provide materials characteristics, 4. Select benchmark cases for different applications (deployable masts, foldable antennas...), 5. Develop verification methods, in particular mechanical analysis of deployment, shock and thermal stability. 6. Breadboard of elastic hinge and foldable mast for correlation of tools. Deliverables: Material data base, Mathematical models, Prototype software, Samples and breadboards Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Science missions, Earth Observation missions, Telecom missions, exploration, manned Application/Mission: modules, specifically: booms (SCI), Radar/P band antenna (EOP), Shields, Solar Array structure. SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-617, T-7896 T-534 N/A TRP Reference: T719-081MC TD: TD20 Title: Verification of New Sources of Composite Materials for Spacecraft Structures Applications Objectives The objectives of this activity is to identify and verify European sources for fibres and resin. Description Page 159 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities European manufacturers of space structures are mainly using materials from the US and Japan. Although European providers of resins and fibres are available their acceptance for space projects is limited. Typical reasons are a lack of familiarity and missing confidence in those materials. Also costs, risks and efforts for performing individual qualification programs is discouraging European manufacturers to select local suppliers. However, within the last year the availability of “space proven” composite materials has become critical and may soon require to have reliable alternatives. THerefore, during the course of this activity following tasks are foreseen: a) Researching the European market w.r.t. available resins and fibre materials (e.g. UMS 3536 carbon PAN fiber), b) identifying two or three materials of each category, which are mostly used by all manufacturers of space structures (eg. RS-3, RS-9, T300, M40J, M55J), c) identifying the advantages of European “new generation materials” compared to older, certified materials, e.g. ACG LTM123 low temperature moulding cyanate ester resin or novel spreading technology, which enables production of very lightweight (80gsm) fabrics from more available/affordable large tows (12k and higher), d) performing Qualification Tests according to ECSS and other standards and directly comparing the performance of the materials under otherwise identical conditions (stiffness, strength, CTE, outgassing, thermal cycling, degradation by radiation). Deliverables: Samples, Test Procedures, Test Results and statistical analysis, Documentation Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-534, T-7750 Consistent (Composites Harmonisation) TRP Reference: T719-082MC TD: TD20 Title: Innovative curing systems for polymerisation in space Objectives To improve existing concept or find innovative solutions of curing system for rigidization by polymerisation, of an inflatable composite structure. Description In the frame of TRP " Ultra-Light Structures", specification of curing system requirements (lighting characteristics, temperature, inflatable structure geometry, polymerisation duration) and review of the available technologies for lighting and/or heating system have been undertaken. During the course of the proposed activity, this will be updated taking into account lessons learnt from the TRP project and problems identified on the current solution. Deliverables: Curing technology for inflatable and deployable structures, test samples, test reports Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All spacecraft N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-534, T-7754, T-617 Consistent (Inflatable structures RoadMap) TRP Reference: T719-083MC TD: TD20 Title: Methodology for analysis of structural born micro-vibration Objectives Development of a methodology for analysis of micro-vibration transmission through spacecraft structures. Description Page 160 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Equipment like Reaction Wheels, Gyros and Coolers are sources of micro-vibration in spacecraft. Often such payloads/instruments onboard spacecraft have restrictions wrt the allovable micro-vibration disturbance allowed. The verification is generally based on analysis, in some cases supported by source characterisation tests and tests to define the transfer function in the structure. However, methodologies on how to perform the required analysis is missing. Often the higher/mid-range frequencies are disregarded due to shortcomings in the FE models, and often the dynamics and damping of the structural models are not verified for micro-vibrations (the dynamics and damping of teh structure can be different when very small amplitudes are applied). In this study methodologies for micro-vibration analysis will be developed, addressing details of the math models to be used as well as tests needed to characterize the structure. Deliverables: documentation, test results, TRL 5 Current TRL: - Application/Mission: all spacecraft having micro-vibration restrictions Contract Duration: SW Clause : N/A Dossier0 Ref.: T-7750, T-7766 Target TRL: Application Need/Date: 2011 18 months Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T719-084MC TD: TD20 Title: Vulnerability of spacecraft equipment against space debris impacts Objectives The objective of the work is to provide quantified survivability data of meteoroid and debris impacts on critical spacecraft subsystems to improve the mission success rate and/or to reduce the structural mass of future spacecraft. Description Impact tests have to be performed on various equipment or representative samples (wiring, electronic boxes, pressure vessels, batteries) to assess their functional degradation when damaged by space debris impacts. The test conditions (low and high velocity, obllique impacts) will complement the test results already available.This could lead to a more effective design of future spacecraft. Deliverables: Functional Ballistic Limit Equations suitable for Risk Analysis. TRL 5 Current TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All spacecraft subject to meteroid and debris impact risk SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-584, T-7765 This work has been planned since 2005 in the frame of the Space Debris Programme. It is supported by CNES and DLR in the frame of the Network of Centre Space Debris Coordination Group (NoC SDCG). 7-21 - Thermal TRP Reference: T720-085MC TD: TD21 Title: Innovative Analysis Methods for Improved Thermal Testing Objectives Develop and demonstrate innovative methods and software to reduce cost and time for performing thermal tests and correlating between analysis predictions and test results. Description Page 161 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Today's ubiquitous availability of affordable and high performance computing and network communication enables several options to significantly increase the efficiency of thermal testing. In this activity a coherent set of methods and proof-of-concept software implementations to achieve such efficiency improvements will be developed: (1) Early prediction of the thermal equilibrium during a TB test; (2) Near-real-time correlation of observed test results with analysis predictions; (3) Near-real-time extrapolation of temperature sensor readings of a system's test specimen to nodal temperatures of a thermal mathematical model of the same system, including mapping onto and visualisation of a 3D geometric representation of the system. As a realistic target these measures should result in a reduction of both cost and elapsed time of TB/TV tests in the order of 20%. In detail: Ad (1): After some time into a test it is possible using advanced discrete signal processing techniques (a.o. Kalman filters) to predict, on the basis of the observations collected so far, what equilibrium temperatures will be reached when. It enables better planning and allocation of people in the 24 hour shifts and, second, it permits shortening of test phases. Ad (2): Using automatically reduced models and advanced (stochastic) mathematical techniques for mapping, inter/extrapolation and data fitting, it is in principle possible to correlate thermal mathematical models with observed test results in a highly automatic way, much faster than today and already during the test. Ad (3): Near-real-time display of temperature fields on a 3D geometric representation of the test article (similar to or identical with the thermal geometric model) during the test greatly enhances the understanding of the thermal engineers participating in a test, and thereby make them more efficient in performing their task. The improvements shall be validated and demonstrated on at least two representative Phase C/D thermal test articles and facilities (ESA space missions). The proof-of-concept software implementations shall be mature at beta version level and shall be implemented in, or work seamlessly with, existing thermal analysis and test data processing software that is commonly in use in ESA space projects. Deliverables: (a) Technical report on new method to predict thermal equilibrium during space system thermal balance tests; (b) Technical report on new method to perform near-real-time correlation of observed test results with analysis predictions; (c) Technical report on new method to extrapolate temperature sensor readings onto 3D geometric model representations; (d) Software implementations at beta version level for all improvements; (e) Demonstration report and presentation; (f) Executive summary report and final presentation. Note: In accordance with agreement reached in the Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software, all deliverables shall be published in the NESTA "R&D Pool" Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: TRL 5 All space missions, and in Application/Mission: particular for those with stringent thermal requirements SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7882 Consistent with Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software (2002-2005) and subsequent Network of Experts on Space Thermal Analysis (NESTA) TRP Reference: T720-086MC TD: TD21 Title: Integrating the Finite Element Method into the Space Thermal Analysis Process Objectives The objective of the proposed activity is to address the deficiencies in current Finite Element Method (FEM) tools that make them unsuitable for space thermal analysis. Prototype software and technical documentation will be produced. Description Page 162 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for space thermal analysis promises many benefits compared with the current Thermal Lumped Parameter (TLP) method used today. Thermal engineers would have access to state of the art FEM pre-processors, providing more modelling functionality and increasing their efficiency. The fidelity of thermal models, and their applicability for high accuracy and thermo-elastic applications, would also be improved. Furthermore, the use of FEM modelling tools, and the link with CAD that they provide, would bring advantages for the mechanical engineering design process (e.g. sharing of models with structures). The objective of the proposed activity is to attain these potential benefits by addressing deficiencies, for S/C thermal analysis, in current FEM tools, such as: • FEM modelling of specific hardware for space thermal control such as multi-layer insulation (MLI), heat pipes, fluid loops and heaters. • FEM modelling of phenomena crucial for space thermal analysis e.g. thermal contact resistance • Modelling of radiation exchange in an efficient way using FEM tools and solvers • Implementation of thermal control logic in FEM models e.g. different operational modes of equipment • Integration of traditional TLP models and FEM models e.g. how to plug in a subsystem level TLP model into a S/C level FEM model or vice-versa Deliverables: (a) Software implementations at beta version level with user manual; (b) Technical report providing: - New finite element types developed, including generic mathematical formulations - Techniques for modeling radiation and environmental heat fluxes using FEM - Case studies / tutorials demonstrating the use of FEM for space thermal analysis and the functionality of the developed prototype software - Methodology for integrating hybrid FEM/TLP models and how to translate between the two methodologies (c) Executive summary report and final presentation. Note: In accordance with agreement reached in the Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software, all deliverables shall be published in the NESTA "R&D Pool" Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All space missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7882 Consistent with Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software (2002-2005) and subsequent Network of Experts on Space Thermal Analysis (NESTA) TRP Reference: T720-087MC Title: Thermal-radiative analysis of systems with wavelength dependent thermo-optical surfaces TD: TD21 Objectives Develop a method and software for thermal analysis of systems in which thermal radiation in the solar and infra-red spectral bands depends on wavelength to such a degree that surfaces can no longer be idealized as grey bodies. Description Page 163 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Traditionally space thermal-radiative analysis is performed using the idealisation of grey bodies, which means that the thermo-optical properties of all surfaces are regarded to be constant (i.e. independent of the wavelength of the incoming radiation) within two spectral bands: the solar spectrum and the infra-red spectrum. This idealisation is implemented in all space thermal analysis tools, such as ESARAD and ESATAN. For systems in that have parts (in relatively close proximity) operating at very different temperature ranges – e.g. some parts at moderate (room) temperature and some parts at very low (cryogenic) temperature or a mix of moderate and very high temperatures – the grey body idealisation is no longer correct and causes large discrepancies between analysis predictions and observed thermal behaviour. Also such thermal analysis models do not provide the thermal engineer with an adequate insight in the heat balances that govern the thermal design problem. A so-called non-grey body analysis capability is needed. This situation has arisen in a number of thermally demanding spacecraft programmes, e.g. for the Herschel cryostat. In this activity a method to perform thermal analysis for such systems shall be developed and clearly documented. The method shall then be implemented and demonstrated on one of the space thermal analysis tool suites that are commonly used in European space projects. The demonstration models shall comprise at least three simple reference configurations for which theoretical results are available and at least two representative real ESA space project models. Deliverables: (a) Technical report on method to perform thermal-radiative analysis for models with wavelength dependent thermo-optical surfaces; (b) Software implementations at beta version level with user manual; (c) Demonstration report and presentation; (d) Executive summary report and final presentation. Note: In accordance with agreement reached in the Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software, all deliverables shall be published in the NESTA "R&D Pool" Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Science/EO Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7882 Consistent with Technical Harmonisation of Thermal and Space Environment Analysis Software (2002-2005) and subsequent Network of Experts on Space Thermal Analysis (NESTA) TRP Reference: T720-088MC Title: Small Scale Cooler TD: TD21 Objectives The objective is to develop and test a small scale cooler for the temperature range down to 80K for small payloads. Description For Earth Observation, Science and Exploration, there is a need in the future to have small scale coolers (with a mass of less than 1 kg) providing cooling capacities of 0.5 W down to 80K to fulfil the needs of small payloads, experiments and piggy-back missions. Currently several European and non-European missions use a Israelian tactical cooler for this purpose, however with limited visibility on the configuration and qualification status. In Europe there exist today a variety of suitable cooler and compressor technologies which are currently used for different space and military applications, such as Stirling, Pulse Tube and JT coolers using either linear, rotary or sorption compressors. Based on these technologies, a small, compact and competitive cooler shall be developed. In addition, such a cooler shall also provide a standard I/F towards the detectors as e.g. used for military ground aplications to allow the potential use off COTS detectors and dewars in the future. In the first part of the activity, a detailed design of the cooler shall be performed, supported by a detailed modelling study on miniaturisation, based on an existing proven cooler design. In the second part, the cooler shall be manufactured and performance tests shall be performed. Deliverables: Cooler Prototype; complete set of technical documents incl. design, test and test evaluation documents Page 164 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T720-089MC Title: Linear Fluid Pump Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7877 Under discussion TD: TD21 Objectives The objective is to develop a highly reliable longlife pump for liquids based on the existing flexure bearing linear compressor technology developed for Stirling/Pulse Tube coolers, Description Compressors based on flexure bearings have been successfully developed in Europe for driving Stirling and Pulse Tube coolers and have shown a lifetimes of up to 16 years during ground tests and 8 to 10 years of in-orbit operation. For pumping liquids as for example in heat transport loops (single or two-phase), the pumps are mainly based on rotary types, with the need for dynamic seals and bearings. As potential alternative to such pumps, an existing longlife compressor (based on flexure bearings and hence not needing any dynamic bearings) shalll be adapted to allow the use of liquids instead of gases as working fluid. As this design does have the potential for scaling, potential applications for such pumps in cooling loops (single- and/or two-phase) can cover a large range, from the thermal control of Rovers, dedicated thermal control of laser instrument, up to pumped thermal control loops for future telecom S/C. The activity shall start with the establishment of a list of liquids compatible with the compressors and with thermal properties needed for thermal control loops and potentially also in heat pumps. The existing compressor design shall then be adapted for such fluids if and where needed, however without changing any of the design features which are related to lifetime issues. The adapted compressor shall then be tested with various fluids, mainly focussing on fluids suitable for thermal control purposes. After evaluation of the results, an improved, preliminary design of a liquid linear longlife compressor shall be established and performance estimates provided Deliverables: Linear Fluid Pump breadboard; complete set of technical documents incl. design, test and test evaluation documents Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8437 N/A TRP Reference: T720-090MC TD: Title: Thermo-Electric Cooler TD21 Objectives The objective is to develop a European highly reliable thermo-electric cooler for detector and sample cooling compatible with the Space Environment. Description Page 165 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities A number of instruments and payloads for Earth Observation, Exploration and Science require active solid state cooling of detectors or samples up to 30K below the environment to either achieve the operating temperature or to stabilise the temperature. Such a technology could also be used as add-on stage to a passive cooler/radiator to reach cryogenic temperatures without the use of Stirling or Pulse-Tube coolers (e.g. for SWIR detectors). Thermoelectric (Peltier) coolers can provide an effcient and compact solution for such applications. However, there is currently no European source for such items for use in space applications. Within the activity, a thermo-electric cooler, suitable to cool detectors or sample 30-40 K below the environment in Space shall be developed, taking advantage of existing technologies and capabilities developed in Europe for ground and military applications. Various staging concepts shall be investigated. The packaging and I/F shall be compliant with standard space procedure/standards and a suitable electronics concept to operate the Thermo-Electric Cooler shall also be established. A prototype of such a cooler shall then be manufactured and tested to establish its perfomance map. Deliverables: Cooler Prototype; complete set of technical documents incl. design, test and test evaluation documents Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: EO/SCI/Microgravity Payloads/Exploration SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7877 Under discussion in the frame of Cryogenics & FocalPlane Cooling Harmonisation 2007; strongly supported by EuroSpace TRP Reference: T720-091MC TD: Title: Extra Flat Mini Two-Phase Loop TD21 Objectives The objective is to design, manufacture and test extra flat miniaturised two-phase loop at development model level Description The thickness of a miniaturised European loop heat pipe (Mini-LHP) evaporator-reservoir bloc is currently around 18-20 mm depending on the overall loop architecture (mainly fluid line and condenser length). Even though there are a number of very promising applications for this design, the accommdation of such an evaporator inside electronic equipment and directly on electronic boards is limited due to this thickness. A further reduction of this thickness would allow to implement such Mini-LHP much closer to the actual heat source, e.g. on or next to the high power component. The goal of the activity is to reduce the thickness of the miniaturised evaporator to less than 10 mm. This could be obtained by design modification of the reservoir which could be located close to (maintaining the LHP concept) or remotely from the loop evaporator (baselining the CPL concept). The activity shall start with a trade-off of all potential design concepts allowing to further reduce the evaporator thickness, followed by a detailed design of such a device and a complete test programme to fully elaborate its performance. Deliverables: Development model(s) of Extra Flat Mini-TPL; complete set of technical documents incl. design, test and test evaluation documents Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: EO, Telecom, Sci, Exploration N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7875 Consistent with Heat Pipe & Two-Phase Harmonisation 2003 TRP Reference: T720-092MC Title: Heat Pump conceptual study and design TD: Page 166 of 217 TD21 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives The objective is to establish a conceptual thermal control design based on a heat pump system to enable future ESA Exploration missions subjected to "warm" environment and/or to enable future very high-powered telecommunication satellites Description The heat rejection for future Moon/Mars missions and high-powered S/C will necessitate unacceptably large radiating surface with current thermal control devices. The only way to enable those missions is to raise significantly the operating temperature of the limited radiating surfaces that could be implemented in the spacecraft and/or on a planetary base. This could be obtained by using heat pumps which are not yet used for space applications. A heat pump is by definition any device that accepts heat at one or more temperatures and rejects heat at a higher temperature. The study will be divided into several tasks : - To perform a complete review/assessment of all terrestrial heat-pump technologies resulting in an extensive heat-pump database - To review the compliance of all heat-pump technologies with respect to space environment in general and to lunar and martian specific environment - To perform an extensive trade-off between the selected heat-pump technologies - To establish a conceptual design and a Development Plan based on the most promising technology/technologies, clearly indicating all steps to be taken in order to reach space-useable/qualified heat pumps. Deliverables: Heat Pump Database; conceptual design of heat pump; development plan for a heat pump for space Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Exploration, Telecom N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8439 N/A 7-24 - Materials & Processes TRP Reference: T723-093QM TD: TD24 Title: Gecko mimetic Tape as new joining technology. Objectives To investigate the possible methods of mass producing adhesiveless pressure sensitive tape. Description There have been numerous attempts to replicate the adhesive properties of the gecko lizard whose mechanism is dependent on submicron keratin hairs, each of which produces a small adhesive force. Recently, prototypes of this tape have been produced by replicating the structure of these hairs though microfabrication of dense arrays of flexible plastic pillars. Some laboratories already produce this tape, but with small surfaces size (typically a few square centimetres). The work performed through this activity will aim at: • Developing size, • Developing reliability (same properties everywhere), • Investigating on which surfaces such a tape can work, • Investigating in which conditions of temperature, pressure and so on such a tape can work. Deliverables: Test samples, Test report. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 5 by 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8388 Page 167 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T723-094QM TD: TD24 Title: Stress Corrosion Testing of Particle Metal Matrix Composite (PMMC) and Friction Stir Welded (FSW) of Particle Metal Matrix Composite (PMMC) Materials Objectives To screen suitable ultra-fine PMMCs and FSW PMMCs for space applications. Investigate stress-corrosion susceptibility of the selected combination of PMMCs and FSW PMMCs. Description In the last few decades, Particle Metal Matrix Composites (PMMCs) have come increasingly to the attention of the academic community and of the industrial sector. The main improvements brought by PMMCs with respect to the mere matrix are higher stiffness, mechanical and wear resistance, with a quasi-isotropic mechanical response. A major concern for PMMCs application lies in the joining technology and the resulting strength of the bond. Solid state processes, like Friction Stir Welding (FSW), have generally a lower detrimental impact on the strength of PMMCs than liquid state processes. Until now the PMMCs submitted to test campaign, did not reach the Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) resistance, required for space applications. New materials reinforced with ultra-fine particles, new manufacturing and joining technologies could allow PMMCs to be used in structural space components The study shall include screening of new ultra-fine PMMCs suitable for space application, screening of optimum FSW parameter for the selected PMMCs, test-plans, test samples, test reports. In case of successful outcome of FSW of PMMC, a definition of deeper mechanical characterisation of the selected materials and joints will be performed. Preparation of test plan and costs estimate for future test activities will also be drafted. Deliverables: Material procurement, Tests data and report. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All primary Spacecraft structure N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL 5 by 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8388, N/A TRP Reference: T723-095QM TD: TD24 Title: Carbon Nano Fibre based material for high conductivity Objectives To develop high conductivity materials based on Carbon Nano Fibres (CNF) / metal. Description The feasibility of mixing very high volume-percent of Carbon Nano Tubes (CNT) into a metallic matrix has been demonstrated through the TRP “Carbon nanotube based composite materials” contract (number 19128). The expected advantage of such CNT reinforced material was a very high conductivity. It nevertheless appeared that the conductivity was not as high as expected. The matrix / reinforcement combination was not optimal. The matrix reactivity toward CNT was not sufficient and the very small diameter of the CNT was impeding the thorough mixing of the CNT with the matrix. Two means of improvement can be pursued in order to obtain the desired very high conductivity: • Using CNF (Carbon Nano Fibres) as they are bigger and their surface is more reactive than CNT, • Work on the matrix composition to further increase reactivity. The activity shall include the selection of composite system (matrix and reinforcement), the optimisation of material processing and the characterisation of the materials developed. Trade-offs between these materials will also be performed. Deliverables: Samples production, Test report. Page 168 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Lidars, LISA N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2015 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8390 N/A TRP Reference: T723-096QM TD: TD24 Title: Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE) variation of thermally stable materials Objectives To establish the best technique to measure accurately CTE of dimensionally stable materials (e.g. Zerodur, SiC and Invar) down to a temperature of at least 10K and with an accuracy of 10 ppb/K (parts per billion/Kelvin), in order to predict large structures behaviour. Description The basic problem tackled through this activity will be the ability to predict, based on small samples, the behaviour of a large structure made of stable materials. The activity shall include a literature survey of possible techniques for CTE measurement and trade-off of CTE measurement techniques. A round robin (i.e. same materials tested with different techniques at various spots) measurement of some stable materials shall be performed. The definition of requirements for manufacturing equipment able to measure CTE variations of stable materials shall be established. Deliverables: Test programme, Test report, definition of measurement facilities requirements. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: LISA, JWST, EO missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8391 N/A 7-26 - Spacecraft Avionic System TRP Reference: T701-097ED TD: TD01 Title: Reference Architecture for High Reliability - Availability systems Objectives Provide a Reference architecture for the category of “Highly reliable-Available systems” Description Within the AVIONICS initiative a new architecture for the category of “Highly reliable-Available systems” needs to be developed. It shall be a multi-mission avionics based on a compact integrated and open design with emphasis on: - Reusability, - Reduction of mass/power/size/harness budgets, AIT effort, - Plug and Play architecture based on standards such as CCSDS SOIS, - Specifications of main building blocks and related interfaces, - Implementation of FDIR-Autonomy requirements The activity will be performed into two main phases. In the first phase, from the analysis of the reliable/available missions and of the ESA SOW, the contractor shall provide an initial definition of the reference architecture to be object of a SSR and a public presentation forconsolidation. When consolidated, the contractor shall perform the specifications of the architecture, identification of the main building blocks and o their internal and external interfaces that shall include models generation. Those specifications after PDR , will be provided as an input to the activities dedicated to the development of the reference building blocks Page 169 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Reference Specifications of requirements of reference architecture, Models of the building blocks and interfaces, Specifications of requirements for the Use cases “test applications”, Behavioural parameters Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7803 Consistent (“Avionics- Embedded System” (2nd semester 2006) – activity D1) TRP Reference: T701-098ED Title: Requirements Definition for On Board Data Systems and software for end to end security TD: TD01 Objectives Within the frame of the multi-mission avionics reference architecture and within the scope of scientific or commercial missions, this activity is the first step to perform the definition of an end to end security concept (single and multi-systems) and using the proper methodology on which to base the definition and the specifications of the on board security building blocks that shall be designed and developed by follow-on activity in GTSP or Artes . Description To provide in a first step an end to end security concept from use cases analysis in different service domains (telecommunication, EO, science, Man space, robotics exploration) To infer and extract the set of requirements to be met on board by the on board equipment (TM-TC, internal communications support, O/B software) that shall be subject of a PDR To publish the consolidated requirements as an input to the activities in charge of developing the corresponding on board building blocks as well as establishing the overall validation strategy Deliverables: specifications of requirements, validation strategy Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7805 Avionics- Embedded System (2nd s'r 2006) – activity E1 TRP Reference: T701-099ED TD: TD01 Title: Spacecraft Controller on Chip (SCOC3) ASIC manufacturing & test Objectives Manufacturing, test and initial validation (TRL4) of the SCOC ASIC and its establishment as a standard component available to European space industry Description SCOC is a concept integrating various functions of an on-board computer into a single (System-On-Chip = SOC), such as the main processor, memory interfaces, telecommand/telemetry units, housekeeping data collection, time generation and various interfaces to other subsystems (spacewire, CAN, 1553 etc.). Main benefits of the SOC integration are the improvement of the performance vs. power and mass ratio, and the increase in reliability by reducing board-level interconnect. Feasibility study and proof of concept with an FPGA demonstrator has been conducted previously in TRP contract C13345, and the Architectural Design of the SCOC ASIC is currently ongoing in TRP contract C20167. The architectural design, which has been established, coded in circuit description language and verified during the predecessor contract (C20167), will be finalised (e.g. adding test logic) and synthesised into a gate level netlist mapped on the ASIC vendor's standard cell library. ASIC Layout will then be produced by/in cooperation with the selected ASIC foundry. ASIC manufacturing and production test is outsourced entirely to the ASIC vendor. Finally, the contractor shall perform validation of the ASIC in an application board. Continuous Page 170 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities verification of the results by various techniques and tools accompanies the whole development flow and is an important part of the activity. Availability of this new chip as a "standard ASIC" shall be ensured by making appropriate contractual agreements in order to guarantee fair commercialisation of the device for European space industry, supported by comprehensive device documentation and technical support. Task breakdown: Feasibility and Delta Architectural Design: updating the existing design to latest known versions of its basic building blocks, adding testability logic etc. Feasibility study to confirm the ASIC technology selected in the predecessor contract. Concluded with Delta-PDR. Detailed Design: Logic Synthesis (translation into gate level netlist), concluded with Detailed Design Review. Layout: Mainly performed by the ASIC foundry, but contractor gives support during layout optimisation and verification of the post-layout netlist. Concluded with Design Review (or CDR). Manufacturing in the Atmel ATC18RHA technology and Testing: Performed by the ASIC foundry, but contractor has to provide test pattern and analyse test results (failures). Silicon cost to be covered by the SMPW programme. Validation: Development and production of a validation board, where the chip will be exercised in various operating situations, following a validation plan. Concluded with Validation/Final Review. Deliverables: Verification/validation plan, Datasheet, Detail Specification, Design Reports, Design Database with source code, scripts and netlists at various stages until final gate netlist, ASIC prototypes, validation hardware (board) and software, standard component agreement/commitment Current TRL: TRL 4 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 6 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7753 T-7799 Consistent (E12, in µE Dossier) TRP Reference: T701-100ED Title: Network Discovery Protocols TD: TD01 Objectives Definition, implementation and test of the network discovery protocol and plug and play techniques over a SpaceWire network. Prototyping of the technique prior to the formal standardisation. Description The SpaceWire working group on PnP has drafted a protocol specification to allow network discovery and the detection of configuration changes in the network. The objective of using these techniques is to support rapid integration of future spacecraft that are using SpaceWire networks. A SpaceWire network PnP test bed shall be built up mainly from existing SpaceWire equipment. The necessary functions to support the PnP protocol shall be implemented firmware and in software. Functional tests shall be performed, assessing the usefulness and derive recommendations for improvements. Deliverables: SpaceWire network PnP test bed, test results and protocol recommendations Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7801 "On-board Paylaod Data Processing" (activity B2) TRP Reference: T701-101ED TD: Title: Avionics System Integration and Validation TD01 Objectives This activity is a complement to the "Reference Architecture for High Reliability - Availability systems" activity, aiming at seting up a test and validation testbench for building blocks conformant to the architecture definition. Description Page 171 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Under this activity the specification of a common evaluation environment will be prepared and provided as input to all relevant activities. The specification shall take the existing ESTEC RASTA test-bed as input and include any upgrades that may be required to incorporate TRP activity output or reach system level integration. Support shall be provided for the acceptance of each TRP deliverable and subsequent overall system integration and test. Tasks will include the connection to similar test-beds both within estec and and ESOC. Deliverables: Technical report of expected TRP outputs and how they may be evaluated in the RASTA environment; the report will identify any updates required to RASTA. Updated RASTA test-bench implementation; Specification of the finalised RASTA environment to be applied to the delivery and test requirements of all relevant TRP activities. Support for the integration and acceptance testing of each TRP deliverable; Current TRL: TRL 4 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 6 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7803 “Avionics- Embedded System” (2nd semester 2006) TRP Reference: T701-103ED Title: Delay Tolerant Networking prototyping (Ph.2 of T701-012ED +T701-103ED) TD: TD01 Objectives In relation to the ESA exploration programme and the constellation programme of NASA, the CCSDS is developing new protocols applicable to a networked environment involving significant delays and disjoint connectivity. As part of the CCSDS specification process, there is a need to prototype the selected protocol stack and validate the communication protocols in a realistic test-bedding environment. Description This activity Ph.2 of the combined T701-012ED + T701-103ED developement, and will perform the necessary prototyping and validation exercise for the flight implementation. A separate activity is performed for the ground segment and as part of the work the two implementations will be interconnected and evaluated. Deliverables: Prototype implementation of the selected protocol suite covering both forward and return links ported to the Estec Rasta facility. Test suite suitable for analysing all aspects of the protocols. Test report providing feedback on the protocol stack specification. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7727 Consistent with “Avionics- Embedded System” (2nd semester 2006) TRP Reference: T702-104SW TD: TD02 Title: Software Reference Architecture implementation prototype Objectives Following the definition of a generic on-board software architecture in CORDET, this study intends to consolidate the definition and prototype an implementation Description Update the CORDET reference architecture with the last technology update and harmonisation decision; baseline the tools for the genericity definition and the vertical transformation and the middleware; develop the functional models and the non functional architecture and interface; generate code and integrate and validate Deliverables: Page 172 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities CORDET requirement baseline, prototype implementation including technical specification and associated models, design, code, tests; sw development environment Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7671 Consistent (G1) TRP Reference: T702-105SW TD: Title: Guidelines for the selection of architectures TD02 Objectives Within the context of the definition of reference architectures, provide a methodology to select one of them w.r.t a set of paremeters relevant to space missions. Description Establishment of a systematic list of criteria impacting on the design of an avionic embedded system (physical characteristics such as power and throughput, functional capabilities such as applications type, non-functional such as dependability, security, safety); establishment of a set of potential solutions (number of processor, hot/cold redundancy, IMA, decentralized, distributed, etc); systematic trace criteria/solutions and guidelines on trade-offs. Deliverables: Guidelines for the selection of an avionics embedded system Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 12 months T7743, T7661, T7662, T7753, Dossier0 Ref.: T7937, T7739, T7660, T7803, T5224 N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Consistent (I7) TRP Reference: T702-106SW TD: TD02 Title: Functional requirements and verification techniques for the software reference architecture Objectives To complement ASSERT with a systematic investigations for verification aspects (proof-based) for real-time and fault tolerance Description selection of list of methods and tools for functional and non functional aspects and of a middleware; systematic analysis of the methods and tools to derive possible verification and associated methods; analysis of the possibilities of the proof of the middleware (e.g. formal methods or other modelling); investigate the Globally Asynchronous Locally Synchronous approach; implement missing tools; demonstration on a case study Deliverables: guidelines and user manual on the systematic approach of verification of models and middleware; associated toolset; case study Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 173 of 217 2011 2 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : T7743, T8157, T7667, T7661, T7662, 7666, 7753, 7937, Dossier0 Ref.: 7660, 908, T7820, T5224, T1560, T1073 N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Consistent (I4) TRP Reference: T702-107SW TD: Title: System impact of distributed multicore systems TD02 Objectives How to make best use of the future multicore and to mitigate the risks due to (software) complexity, in relation with the system needs Description setup the various system scenarios where a multicore can be used (distribution, segeragation, debugger-on-chip, parallel processing, reconfiguration, etc); analyze the hardware capabilities of the chip as designed at that time; define guidelines on the use of the chip, hardware configuration, software use or misuse; software implementation in various cases to measure the impact Deliverables: guidelines for the use of multicore in spacecrafts; prototype implementation with software, case study and report Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7743, T8157, T7803, T7799, T5224, TD: TD02 Consistent (I5) TRP Reference: T702-108SW Title: Verification of failure impact by model checking Objectives To complement the work done with discrete model checking with hybrid model checking Description The activity shall complement the scenarios investigated up to now for on-board model checking with the control needs (monitoring of continuous values). Furthermore, it shall investigate the hybrid model checking technologies; realize an on-board component prototype and demonstrate it with a case study Deliverables: prototype component of on-board hybrid model checking and documentation; case study Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months T7743, T8157, T7727, T7667, Dossier0 Ref.: T7662, T7666, T5224, T1073, T1259 Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Consistent (I6) TRP Reference: T702-109SW TD: Title: Spacecraft Controller on Chip (SCOC3) software support Page 174 of 217 TD02 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Objectives Software support development for the SCOC3 Description Selection of software functions from the reference architectures to be implemented on the scoc3 board in order to exercize the design in a representative manner, with focus on the lower level layers of the software, plus a dummy application or VSRF like. Implementation, test and validation. Deliverables: Software support components, Selected key S/W functions, Representative application, Test reports for SCOC3 and associated E40 tailored documentation Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Open Source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T702-110SW Title: HW-SW Codesign Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7753 T-7799 Consistent (activity D1) TD: TD02 Objectives Derive a common approach for SW and HW design, with common up-front descriptions/specifications and tools. Description Summary of the model based technologies for avionics and software (SysML, UML, AADL, Scade, SDL, etc); summary of the current trends in microelectronic in the beginning of the life cycle (SystemC); consistent mapping and continuity (model transformation) between avionics and [software/microelectronics] in order to make consistent the HW/SW co-design; identification of needed tools; methodological guidelines Deliverables: Study report documenting methodologies avionics, sofwtare and microelectronic; description of a development environment Guidelines for a common SW and HW design methodology Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : Contract Duration: 2010 18 months T7743, T7661, T7662, T7753, Dossier0 Ref.: T908, T7799 N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Consistent (K1) TRP Reference: T702-111SW TD: Title: Full Model Driven Development for o/b software TD02 Objectives Use Assert for the aspects which are consistent, complement the assert pilot projects, prepare the commercialisation of the tools, adapt methodology for use in projects Description selection of a virtual machine, vertical transformation tools; selection of functional tools; consolidation of the links functional/non-functional; case study selection, requirements and technical specification; code generation and vertical transformation, integration and test Deliverables: case study functional and non functional models, sw development environmnt, validated case study Page 175 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : Contract Duration: 2010 18 months T7743, T8157, T7667, T7661, T7662, 7666, 7753, 7937, Dossier0 Ref.: 7660, 908, T7820, T5224, T1560 Open source Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Consistent (I1) TRP Reference: T705-112EC TD: Title: FDIR using Model Predictive Control TD05 Objectives In the preparation of future avionics technologies the activity will prove the concept of model-based FDIR using MPC (Model Predictive Control) technology. In particular, it will demonstrate that the GNC implements safe and precise control, while enabling automatic reconfiguration capabilities to cope with e.g. actuator degradation, mission goal change, and even collision avoidance. In addition, a HW-SW co-design approach will allow to trade-off software and FPGA implementation in view of very demanding computational resources required. Description The activity will study the guidance and control unit includes flight management function for mode control, fault tolerance and trajectory planning and reconfiguration. At system level, the activity will study the Impact of MPC on system design and architecture, in particular hardware and software performance and architecture. The verification aspects of such a system, in particular real-time behaviour (predictability), will be also investigated A trade-off of various real-time FPGA processor implementations of the MPC algorithms for autonomous rendezvous shall be examined to establish and understand timing effects and decision of the reconfiguration strategies in the face of the closed loop control system properties. Based on real time considerations and operational constraints a trade-off study must be conducted to develop new FPGA based GNC architectures and relate it to the on-board software architecture. The activity will select an industrial case study (e.g. the micro inspector), and develop an experiment that shall be implemented on a dedicated experimental unit that tests the functional capabilities of the autonomous reconfiguration GNC based on the MPC concept. The experimental unit will activate the FPGA based GNC and collect data for online and post processing. The activity shall consolidate the MPC based GNC optimization and processing algorithms including MPC support functions. The FPGA related tasks should include: • Establish FPGA based MPC implementation issues, integration with all GNC functions, consolidate a suitable GNC architecture. • Development of MPC based rendezvous GNC architecture and software components and detailed design, coding and validation in a flight-like processor. • Design, development and testing of the FPGA implementation of the identified rendezvous critical functions such as self test and online MPC validation function that guarantee performance and the stablity of the closed loop system at any time. • Detailed design, manufacturing, integration and testing (electrical and functional) of the experiment unit integrated with of the rendezvous GNC on the FPGA. Deliverables: Development of autonomous and fault tolerant rendezvous GNC expriment with MPC implementation on an FPGA. Validated MPC GNC on an FPGA breadboard. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7821 Consistent (D1) Page 176 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T705-113EC Title: Anytime Monitoring and Control TD: TD05 Objectives Current digital control systems are based on a fixed cyclic implementation. This activity will analyse the interest (e.g. for high accuracy systems) and feasibility of adapting during execution the value of the control loop cycle to external constraints such as dynamics of the input, accuracy needs, or computer throughput availability. Description Anytime algorithms for realtime systems are special computational structures that provide optimal monitoring and control with respect to the available computational resources.This activity aims at developing theoretically well founded real time control implementations of nonlinear systems and structured paramter varying systems. The objective is to first develop special system decompositions into multiplexed Linear Time Invariant modules to allow variable structured system implementations reflecting varying hierarchical levels of performance and robustness. The sum of the all the LTI components allow fixed time computation and can always be executed within a fixed available CPU. However when CPU resources vary and become less that allocated, the control algorithms cannot be executed. By multiplexing the right amount of switched systems to fit the available CPU an optimal performance can be achieved anytime. Second the activity aims at studing the system theoretic aspects relavant to real time implementations of model based estimation and control algorithms as to be able to guarantee online system robustness and performance. Definition of a scenario to measure the impact of anytime control compared to traditional one (e.g. thruster Pulse Width Modulation). Architecure definition and trade-off on hardware (FPGA) and software implementation. Implementation of case study and benchmarking. Impact on the schedulability analysis. Deliverables: System architecture, method (schedulability verification), tools, implementation of software demonstrator of anytime monitoring and control Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8384 Consistent (H3) TRP Reference: T705-113EC Title: Mathematical Library for On-board AOCS Algorithms TD: TD05 Objectives The end objective of this activity is to develop on board SW library offering generic mathematical services (trigonometric functions, matrices and quaternions operations ...) and high level functions such as integrators, filters, propagators on-board a spacecraft. The intention is that these building blocks will be made available to ESA member states, in line with the Embedded Systems Harmonisation roadmap. Description The AOCS application software is based today on mathematical models which include some operators and basic functions on several types of data. In a first time, the goal of this activity will be to specify a hierarchical library of mathematical functions. The first layer of this library will be the basic trigonometric functions and operators on data type as quaternion, vector, matrice. The second layer will be based on the "state of art" AOCS need , with a first set of high level functions such as integrator, filter, propagator etc .... From this library specification, the activity will proceed with the implementation of the functions (the definition beeing captured on a Matlab/simulink model), and the qualification of these ones for a Leon environment. As output of the qualification, a user manual will be delivered to precise the domain of use and numerical accuracy of each on board algorithm. To avoid to embed systematically all the library if not necessary, a build procedure to take into account only the final user needs will be proposed. During all this activity the ECSS E40/Q80 shall be applicable. Deliverables: Page 177 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables will be compliant with the SW ECSS : - software design development and validation plan - requirement document - design document with appropriate justification - verification and validation report - user manual - source code - test plans and procedures to rerun the validation campaign as needed Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype/Beta version Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 9 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7817 Consistent (H3) TRP Reference: T705-185EC TD: Title: AOCS unit simulation models TD05 Objectives Framework definition and prototyping for the coordinated development and validation of AOCS units simulation models by AOCS unit suppliers. The generic development of such Building Blocks has been recommended by the ESA avionics workshop ADCSS in 2007 and the associated bilaterals with industry. Description An experienced AOCS contractor shall develop the generic requirements and framework for AOCS units modelling and together with some unit supplier(s) develop a first set of simulation models. The initiative will consider both functional models of adequate fidelity needed for AOCS system design, and interface-representative models for avionics verification on Virtual Test Bench. This contract should be followed by dedicated model developments with each unit supplier to produce and validate, against real unit tests, the models for their units. These models shall be made available to all European companies as part of unit procurement. Deliverables: - Generic guidelines for the development of European units simulation models. - Requirement specifications for Simulation Models. - Validated simulation models for one representative AOCS unit. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype/Beta version Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7816 Consistent (D1) TRP Reference: T706-114ET TD: TD06 Title: Securely Partitioning Spacecraft Computing Resources Objectives Enable future evolutions of earth observation, telecom and navigation missions to be of dual use nature, providing service to commercial, scientific, civilian security and defence endeavours simultaneously from a single platform Description Page 178 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities This proposal aims at analysing, adapting and prototyping the fundamental concept of securely separating a physical computer resource into multiple logical partitions for computer systems on board a spacecraft. The overall objective of this TRP is to substantially contribute to the technological foundation for the evolution of earth observation, telecom (e.g. AmerHis) and navigation missions as well as “new initiatives in the dual-use, security and defence sectors (quote taken from ESA/ADMIN/ORG(2006)11, DG’s Policy Office). Apart from traditional dual-use, secure partitioning could also enable competing commercial entities using a single platform by providing confidentiality guarantees for sensor data, intellectual property like FPGA program codes for space-reprogrammable devices and operational procedures inside a partition Deliverables: Technical Note and Proof-of-concept of a secure partitioning operating system kernel Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions SW Clause : Operational SW Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Dossier0 Ref.: 2011 12 months T959, T1259, T1261, T7751, T7753, T8157 Consistent (SD7 Avionics vision) TRP Reference: T709-115GI Title: Ground Segment Data System Architecture to support CFDP, Bundle Protocol & IP TD: TD09 Objectives To definee an on-board / Ground Reference Architecture around the CFDP, Bundle & Internet Protocols. It shall encompasse all the on-board and ground system elements, its interactions and the guidelines and principles for its governance. The Reference Architecture shall represent the recommended long-term target architecture that should evolve from the current ESA's capabilities Description Under this activity the specification of a generic On-Board - Ground Segment architecture based on the CCSDS FDP, Bundle & IP protocols will be provided. This top level ESA reference architecture has to be developed to address all known ESA Earth Observation, Science, Exploration, Telecommunications, Navigation and Operations needs through the 2025 time period. This activity will be complemented by a similar one for the on-board architecture. An SSR shall be produced for the Reference Architecture considering the ESA current Ground Segment Legacy and its future evolution when addressing the CCSDS FDP, Bundle and IP protocols. Once consolidated, the main building blocks and its interfaces shall be specified and the respective models generated. A prototype, as proof of concept, shall be implemented.D Deliverables: Architecture, Component Interface Definition, Component, Prototype as proof of concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7843 TD9 Avionics Vision TRP Reference: T709-116GI TD: Title: Global Security: The Ground Component TD09 Objectives Provide an ESA Global secure System (Space & Ground) with a suitable architecture and protocols. Description Page 179 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The security of space missions depend on many factors, most notably the ability to secure the communications involved in the command and control of spacecraft. The security architecture provides the capabilities to verify the authenticity of Command and Control data and to prevent the unauthorized disclosure of TM data while it is sent through the communications infrastructure.It also covers major aspects of Information Assurance. Under this activity the following will be covered: - Implications of incorporating security services at the physical, network and application layers - possible implementation options at each of these layers (in particular for authentication and encryption) - criteria used for consideration by a mission for selecting a secutrity implementation This activity will be complemented by a similar one for the on-board system Deliverables: Generic Secure Ground Architecture, Secure Ground Component Interface Definition/Component Design Concept, Prototype as proof of concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7839 Consistent (TD9 Avionics Vision) TRP Reference: T709-121GI Title: Ground Segment Data Systems Plug & Operations TD: TD09 Objectives Devlop an On-Board / Ground Architecture based on the Plug & Operations concept. The architecture will be based on a Mission Operations (MO) Service Framework, which follows the principles of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA). It defines an extensible set of end-to-end services that support interactions between distributable mission operations functions, e.g. software applications specific to the mission operations domain. This architecture will also be based on the Plug & Play CCSDS architecture standards (MOIS and SOIS) Description Definition of a framework and design, which will allow a ground architecture following the Plug and Play concept. This concept is based on the work currenttly being done in CCSDS i.e. CCSDS SOIS Services (on-board), CCSDS SM&C Services (ground) The Missions Operations Service Framework sits between application software specific to the domain of spacecraft mission operations and the underlying technology used for communications between distributed applications. This isolates compliant software applications both from each other and the underlying communications technology. Applications may be plugged in and operated to the service Framework through standardised Service Access points (SAPs), one for each end-to-end service. This activity will be complemented by a similar one for the on-board plug & ops. concept Deliverables: Architecture, Service Interface Definition/Design Concept, Prototype as proof of concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7843 Consistent (TD9 Avionics Vision) TRP Reference: T710-117GF Title: Flight Dynamics Components for Rapid Support System Generation TD: TD10 Objectives To compose a Flight Dynamics System within 6 months from validated generic building blocks Description Page 180 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Definition of a generic FDS architecture, interfaces and components based on validated elements matching standardised S/C components. Deliverables: Architecture, Component Interface Definition/Design Concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7938 Consistent (ESOC G6) TRP Reference: T710-118GF TD: TD10 Title: Concepts for common utilisation of advanced emulation and validation tools Objectives Speed-up development and save cost by enabling E2E utilisation of emulation tools throughout mission design, implementation and execution. Description Definition of a framework and concepts for sharing emulation and validation tools between teams of spacecraft manufacturer, ESA engineering and groundsegement throughout the developmentcycle and even while these tools are still evolving. Deliverables: Advanced emulation requirements, Open emulation framework concept, Utilisation interface definition. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7938 Consistent (ESOC G7) TRP Reference: T710-119GF TD: TD10 Title: Common concepts and components for environmental modelling Objectives To consistently use and share environment models between the various parties involved in the design, implementation and execution of space missions. Description Identification of future needs for environment models within advanced mission concepts. Definition of a standardised approach (plug-and-play) for model impementation. Deliverables: Space environment models identification, Definition of plug-and-play framework for implementation, Methodology for shared model updates Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7938 Consistent (ESOC G8) Page 181 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T710-120GF TD: TD10 Title: New concepts for relative navigation at planetary approach Objectives Satisfy high-precision navigation requirements at planetary approach resulting from upcoming, advanced missions by utilisation of new concepts involving also unconventional measurement types. Description Survey of present and future measurement types, identification of navigation concepts, elaboration of a S/W implementation approach Deliverables: Survey of advanced measurement types, Navigation concepts identification, S/W implementation concept Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: SCI/EO/Exloration Missions Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2013 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. Consistent (ESOC G5) 7-27 - End to End System Design Processes TRP Reference: T708-122MC TD: TD08 Title: Next generation requirements engineering as a basis for MBSE and E2E performance analysis Objectives Establish a mechanism for the specification, use and verification of complete, computer-interpretable requirement specifications using a combination of structured natural language and formal language Description Background: A complete and consistent set of verifiable requirements form the basis for MBSE and End-to-End performance analysis. Wherever possible requirements should be quantified in the form of constraints (mathematical formulae) w.r.t. properties, i.e. relating a quantity to a (range of) desired values. Also the logical relationship between requirements should be made explicit. Where needed uncertainty margins and probability distributions should be taken into account. Such requirements then form in principle a set of equations to be satisfied during verification and validation. This activity should build on earlier studies on requirements specification such as SpecRight. Inputs: MathML (content and presentation), OpenMath, OCL, SysML, Structured Natural Languages, Formal Languages, ... Tasks: (1) Analyze common patterns in requirements specification and develop/document methods to transform test based requirements into property-based requirements; (2) Develop automated transformation of sets of property-based requirements into SysML Parametric Diagrams or similar notations; Feed into non-causal mathematical solver engines such as Ecosim or Modelica; Link with MBSE for automated computer executable verification of design models w.r.t. the property based requirement specifications; (3) Integrate and demonstrate in at least two requirements engineering tools. Deliverables: Sample Executable Specifications; Demonstrations with two requirements engineering tools Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1073, T-7863 N/A Page 182 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T708-123MC TD: Title: System to Discipline Integration Layer TD08 Objectives Establish and demonstrate an integration layer that supports data exchange between discipline specific tools and the system model / engineering database and other systems engineering tools. Description Develop a data exchange integration layer that implements the ECSS ETM-10-23 data model in the form of middleware, i.e. a middleware layer that facilitates the creation of robust data exchange interfaces between system engineering tools / databases and discipline-specific tools / databases. Following OMG's MDA approach the middleware should be auto-generated as much as possible from the formal ETM-10-23 UML2 data model into open standard based protocols such as: SysML, XML, XML/Schema, RDF/OWL, Web Services, STEP Express, ECSS E-40-07 (SMP2). Relevant programming languages should be targetted. The integration layer shall be demonstrated in an application for generation of a VCD (Verification Control Document) from a real world system engineering database in which design and verification data from at least three different specific engineering disciplines has been collected. Deliverables: Distributable ECSS ETM-10-23 data integration layer, VCD generator demonstration Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7863, T-1076, T-1238 N/A TRP Reference: T708-124MC TD: TD08 Title: Simple interface for near real-time provision of EGSE sensor data to tools of other engineering domains Objectives More efficient system level AIT Description A simple telemetry query interface shall be developed for use by clients from outside the EGSE LAN (e.g. DynaWorks) to get sensors readings in near real-time. SCOS2000 EGSE will be an important reference. Background: Many non-electrical subsystem tests (structural, thermal, RF, EMC, optical/payload integration, ...) need sensor readings (telemetry) that are only available in EGSE. Today mostly dedicated project specific interfaces are developed to provide this data. Often data is not available in real-time. Deliverables: Telemetry query i/f unit breadboard (initial protocol and software implementation) Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7292 N/A TRP Reference: T708-125SY TD: Title: Global CE infrastructure for Space Project Lifecycle TD08 Objectives Page 183 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Assessment and demonstration of a global distributed concurrent engineering infrastructure to later project phases. Description - Integration of already developed concurrent engineering tools into a global infrastructure - Evolve available GRID tools, data server (OCDS) and accessing tools (iCDF) towards later phases of space projects. - Assessment of the applications of the global infrastructure in support of the system, design and product reviews Deliverables: a global infrastructure layer integrating and linking current and future elements of the CDF infrastructure such as: - the OCDS (Open Concurrent Design Server), industrialisation of the CDF integrated design model - tools like i-CDF (remote access to the design environment via Internet) - and GRID based techniques and infrastructure. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 3 Application/Mission: All mission N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-1076 N/A TRP Reference: T708-126SY TD: Title: Space instrument design modelling TD08 Objectives Develop modelling tools for optical active, microwave passive & active instruments Design Activity to be able to perform end-to-end instrument studies and to perform independent technical assessments of instruments (Extension of existing IDA Instrument Design Activity) Description - Develop modelling tools for optical passive, microwave passive and active instruments, like done for the optical passive instruments - Enhance the CDF IDA Model with interfaces - Integration in the CDF - Validation with contractors and ESA test cases Deliverables: Integrated Design Model tool for active optical and the passive & active microwave instruments Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: SW >2009 operational 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7835 N/A TRP Reference: T708-127EE TD: TD08 Title: Model-based System Engineering components of antennas Objectives To implement simple high-level antenna models suitable for the quick assessment of antenna performances in Phase0/A and early Phase B. Description Rather sophisticated antenna models, based on a Virtual Electromagnetic Satellite paradigm, are available within the European Electromagnetic Modelling Library for accurate prediction of antenna performances. However these models are not suitable for Phase 0/A and early phase B activities in a Model-Based System Engineering context, where fast, not so accurate but reliable predictions, with a known uncertainty margin, are required in order to avoid over- or under-specification and reduce the risk of under or over-design in later phases. Parametric techniques to model antenna performances have been recently developed and applied, among others, to Page 184 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities antenna synthesis problems. High-level models suitable for quick iterations can be implemented using these techniques as data reduction algorithms to estimate the parameter values of the high-level models for the relevant antenna configuration case, on the basis of information extracted from suitable databases or from ad-hoc runs of antenna design tools. The synthesis algorithms, based on the same parametric models, can be coupled with a facility to derive a quantitative form of the antenna requirements from system-level and can be extended to generate antenna configuration and performance descriptions suitable for the system modelling. Such an extension of existing antenna synthesis algorithms implies computing different quality figures from those usually applied in antenna design, typically tied to directly measurable performances like directivity, and producing different descriptions of the antenna configurations, closer to their actual physical appearance than to the modelling needs of antenna design tools. Finally to allow the use of the result produced by existing antenna design tools in the derivation of the model parameters it is necessary to develop and implement a methodology to estimate their uncertainty. Metrics derived from physical invariant and boundary conditions can be used to obtain a quantitative estimate of the quality of the results and consequently derive model uncertainties. The activity covers the study, design and development of a proof-of-concept demonstrator of the antenna high-level models including all the above elements in the form of a small tool, suitable as validation test bed (against accurate predictions and available measured data) and adequate to practically demonstrate the model themselves on selected real-life test cases. The demonstrator will be developed as a component of the European Antenna Modelling Library so as to optimise the connection to the antenna design tool needed to feed it with initial data and to simplify its demonstration. Deliverables: MBSE models and demonstrator (modelling tool prototype) Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8397, T-7835 N/A TRP Reference: T708-128EE Title: Innovative RF testing approaches for reduced antenna/payoload AIT/AIV TD: TD08 Objectives To develop testing methodologies for antenna/payload end-to-end RF testing at satellite level Description The increasing complexity and stringent performances required in RF instruments and payloads demands more and more that RF functional verification be performed on the integrated satellite under the most realistic operational conditions. As a consequence and in order to minimise the cost and duration of test campaigns it is necessary to develop advanced RF test methodologies. Extending testing to end-to-end performance requires a significant departure from traditional techniques, mostly based on CW tests (Continuous Wave tests, i.e. using non-modulated single frequency input signals) under (simulated) worst-case conditions, in favour of methods that expose antennas, instrument or payload to realistic operational conditions, in terms of signals, power levels, etc. While easy to conceive, such evolution implies a large shift in testing methods and test facility configuration as well as a much more extensive permanence of the unit under test in the test facilities, since functional testing typically requires a virtually complete and systematic coverage of the full spectrum of operational conditions. Ways to extend existing test facilities to cover the new needs have to be explored, taking into account the different type of performance figure required for system-level assessment and, at the same time, assessing the use of existing accurate models as interpolators to achieve complete functional characterisation from a reduced number of measurements so as to keep the overall testing time within acceptable limits. Such approach has been variously experimented and successfully applied in the past to specific cases, but a systematic in depth study of the test configurations and procedures is missing, in particular a careful determination of the "performance sampling rules" to be used in common cases and in dept assessment of the suitability and procedures for the use of the relevant antenna modelling tools. The objective of this activity is to study and demonstrate a functional testing solution for antenna/payload verification based on extended testing capabilities and combined use of antenna modelling tools, with a thorough assessment of the test configuration, basic procedures and modelling tools usage. Deliverables: Methodology with proof-of-concept demonstration Page 185 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7557 N/A TRP Reference: T708-129EE TD: TD08 Title: Innovative EMI/EMC testing and modelling approaches for full development cycle support and reduced AIT/AIV Objectives To develop methodologies to perform EMC testing at satellite level Description The complexity and stringent performances of most satellites demand reliable and complete EMI/EMC assessment during the full development cycle, in particular before final integration and verification at system level. At the same time there is need for verification under the most realistic operational conditions, while worst-case testing at unit level does not always provide the right answer. As a consequence new testing methods are necessary as well as advanced modelling tools to support full-life cycle EMI/EMC assessment, with objective of minimising the cost and duration of test campaigns at satellite level while ensuring design optimisation. Generic EMC models, validation of simulation tools, and advanced instrumentation and test beds are required to this end and to enable the application of best practices across the full development cycle. The activity involves the development of new techniques for EMC testing under realistic conditions, the consolidation of generic EMC models and of ad-hoc modelling tools. The resulting methodology will be demonstrated against selected case studies. Deliverables: Methodology with proof-of-concept demonstration Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2008 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7557 N/A TRP Reference: T708-133TC TD: Title: Portable Virtual AIT Visualiser TD08 Objectives To develop an application able to visualise the AIT procedures in Augmented Reality, for real-time comparison on real HW Description •Develop a portable model tool based on DMU and Virtual Facility data, allowing superimposition of the AIT procedures (derived following the results of the Virtual Spacecraft Design TRP activity) and the target HW in an “Augmented reality” fashion. Develop and test the relevant MMI. Implement interfaces with Virtual AIT environment (applicable Virtual Spacecarft Design + test facility). Deliverables: A Portable Virtual AIt Visualiser implementing: - Eye-controlled application enabling hands-free performance of demonstration application - Selectable View recording functionality (video streaming) - Data import-, processing-, post processing software for demonstration - Indoor position acquisition and adaptation of scale and perspective depending on position The tool shall run on a portable (PDA sized), light weight processing unit, complemented by augmented display glasses Page 186 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: Prototype Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7863 N/A TRP Reference: T708-134SW TD: TD08 Title: Low Cost Functional System Qualification Testbench and Electrical AIT Objectives Advance the Electrical AIT state of the art by the use of simulation in closed-loop during system qualification Description Based on the output of ongoing Spacecraft Vritual Design studies, and EGSE modular architectures, the methodology and tools necessary to build low-cost, closed loop qualifiation testbenches will be developed. These testbechnhes effectively cosntitute the EQM necessary to qualify the design regarding functional and electrical aspects. The seamless integration of the simulator developed in support of the design will be implemented, taking into account the lessons learnt in past projects (typically ATV, H-P and MDVE-based systems used for Earth Observation). The system shall be scalable to low cost projects and shall implement the EGSE interface standards currently developed in the frame of the European Harmonisation on GS software. Deliverables: Methodology and tools to integrate system qualification testbenches on the basis of sub-system EGSE and design simulations Current TRL: Prototype Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7863 N/A TRP Reference: T708-135SW TD: Title: Model Based System Tools Integration TD08 Objectives Integrate and industrialise the system development environment for MBSE Description Taking the results of the Virtual Spacecraft Design activity and associated element developments (such as the system reference model and associated engineering database, the architecture modelling tool etc.) the overall environment needs to be integrated and prepared for a deployment in projects, starting with a pilot application, for all stakeholders in the space industry. Focus will be on - distribution - collaboration - standardisation of the elements. The deployment in industry needs to be addressed. Deliverables: Integrated and validated MBSE environment Current TRL: Prototype Application/Mission: All mission Open Source SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: Beta Version Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7863 Consistent with "System Modelling and Simulation Tools" (B7) Page 187 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T709-130GI TD: Title: Knowledge Capturing, Transfer and Recovery TD09 Objectives Support the capturing, recovery and transfer of specialised knowledge about space systems . Reduce the ‘duplication’ of efforts in projects with highly specialised staff working in separate teams but requiring a common knowledge base. Description Analyse the different types of knowledge that need to be supported, with particular attention to all the disciplines where transfer of knowledge is required between the spacecraft development teams and the operations teams (e.g. on-board S/W troubleshooting, test outputs, behavioural knowledge, configuration details) Identify suitable technologies enabling the capturing and recovery of specialised knowledge in a model-based engineering approach. In particular, wikis based shared repositories shall be explored. Define a methodology and select supporting products for operational implementation. Deliverables: 1.- Technical notes and other supporting documents reporting about the technical outputs of the study, in particular: - Overview of existing technologies addressing this domain - Recommendations for an approach to the layout of such a knowledge capturing environment. 2.- S/W prototype of infrastructure supporting the feasibility of the approach including associated source code. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2013-2015 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-120 N/A TRP Reference: T709-131GI Title: Collaborative Environment for Space Systems Engineering TD: TD09 Objectives Enable the effective ‘integration’ of geographically distributed teams collaborating for a given mission throughout all phases (from specification to operations) Description Identify the domains/needs driving the collaborative environment (e.g. system specification, S/C design, on-board S/W, end-to-end verification) Select technologies enabling the sharing of common elements (e.g. the model) between different teams and throughout different phases Establish a suitable methodology to improve efficiency across domains (e.g. verification/synchronisation points, interfaces definitions): ?‘Virtual integration’ at any given point Establish a suitable methodology to bridge subsequent phases (e.g. traceability, knowledge transfer): ? Transition from design verification to implementation verification models/environments. Deliverables: 1.- Technical notes and other supporting documents reporting about the technical outputs of the study, in particular including recommendations for an approach to the layout of such a concurrent collaborative environment. 2.- S/W prototype of infrastructure supporting the feasibility of the approach. Current TRL: Algorithm Target TRL: Prototype Page 188 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2013-2015 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-120 N/A TRP Reference: T709-132GI TD: Title: Model Based Operations Validation System TD09 Objectives Reduce the efforts required to ensure full validation of spacecraft operations. Increase the safety of operations execution Description ‘Off-line’ (‘fully automated’) validation of operational procedures against a set of rules ‘On-line’ automatic synchronisation of the underlying models with the current spacecraft state, as determined based on telemetry and auxiliary data ‘Fast prediction’ of the future spacecraft state, such to ensure that no safety rule will be violated during the execution of all commands currently scheduled for (ground or space) execution. Deliverables: 1.- Technical notes and other supporting documents reporting about the technical outputs of the study, in particular including recommendations for an approach to the layout of such a concurrent collaborative environment. 2.- S/W prototype of infrastructure supporting the feasibility of the approach. Current TRL: - Target TRL: Application/Mission: All mission Operational SW SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Prototype 2013-2015 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-95, T-98 N/A 7-28 - Electronic Components TRP Reference: T703-136EP TD: TD03 Title: Study of mitigation techniques/optimisation for analogue circuits in space radiation environment Objectives 1. To study mitigation techniques for He-Ion radiation effect in critical spacecraft functions that is using common analogue electronic components, To trade-off complexity vs. reliability, i.e. how complex a circuit needs to be to achieve a certain likelihood of activation. 2. To analyse and test known critical circuits using established analogue components and compare the same circuities also with COTS candidate devices for replacement in future missions. Description In digital electronics circuitry's, we have well established solutions for handling SET/SEU effects and guarantee reliable functionality (TMR solutions etc). The solutions have also usually been tested in real application cases and with Rad-test. For analogue circuits however, the SET testing are usually made only on component-level in open-loop conditions or even as a stand-alone applications, whereas the real applications almost always are operated in closed loop configuration and even with positive feedback conditions (latches etc.). Very little test data and analysis exist on these circuit configurations. Furthermore, many COTS alternatives are discarded in evaluation or after component-level radiation testing, where it still could be useful to study specific operating conditions where the component possibly could be used for space applications. Page 189 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The following activities are foreseen: 1 - To make a survey on known SET/SEU performances on the target analogue components, commonly used in space applications (op amp, comparators, transistors, memory cells, voltage references), analyse the data and critically map issues related to components based on similar technologies (Bipolar, CMOS, BCD, etc). 2 - To study analogue voting, latching, "failure silent" or in general fail-safe circuit solutions for S/C critical functions, with classically used space components, and determine the trade-off between designing complexity and cost. 3. To set up test-HW and run Radiation tests for a number of critical functions, where one mitigation of a critical function is tested in He-Ion and/of Proton environment with different complexity in circuit designs. Results of SET/SEU sensitivity shall be traded with mitigation complexity. To derive possible explanations and analyse the SET/SEU results in order to extend the evaluation to similar components based on the same technology. 4. To set up the same circuit as a well known analogue component (example: LM139), but with a COTS candidate comparing the results using the same mitigation techniques 5. To propose, as far as possible, as set of design recommendations using European components and/or ITAR-free components to establish common critical analogue build blocks (i.e. PCDU MEA, over-voltage protections, Latches, Optical-interfaces, Point of Load converter stages) Deliverables: Design Recommendations,Test reports, Breadboards Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 2011 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7804 N/A TRP Reference: T722-137QC TD: TD23 Title: Evaluation of new assembly methods of IGBT dice on hybrids Objectives The objectives of this study are to develop and evaluate a laser die soldering method that has voiding of less than 5%, capable of soldering die of 1.2mmx1.2mm on a range of substrates. While the interconnect issue shall be addressed by the use of a copper frame process. Description Power Modules often use IGBT (Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors) and MOSFET (Metal Oxide Semiconductor Field-Effect Transistor) die attached to a substrate by glue or solder. In order to have good thermal conductivity this die attach must be of very good quality and be homogeneous and void free. The quality of the solder joint is very process dependent and with an appropriate choice of technique a void free joint may be realised. In addition the electrical connection of these power devices also uses very heavy wire interconnects which are reliability drivers. An alternate and more reliable interconnection scheme coupled with an improved die attach will improve the overall performance of IGBT and MOSFET modules. Deliverables: Technical note listing the existing soldering power dices process and defined the new process method. And evaluation plan defining the percentage of voids. Technical note listing the existing connections techniques for power hybrid and defining the new method. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions Target TRL: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 190 of 217 2009 12 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-138QC TD: TD23 Title: Evaluation Of Junction Temp reduction techniques on metal ceramic substrate Objectives Aim of the activity will be to test different technological solution of hybrid circuits design and manufacturing in order to reduce backside temperature of functional chips and, consequently, their junction temperature. Another scope of the activity will be to develop the thermal test capability on active junction of GaAs components (p-hemt/HBT or other), based on measurement of electrical parameters related to temperature (indirect parameter measurement). Description It is very important to reduce operating junction temperature of functional chip to increase lifetime of them. Technological design skills and development of junction temperature measurement techniques (for instance indirect Tj measurement) can play a crucial role in the effort of reducing operating temperature of power components Deliverables: new test method and design methodology for junction temperature management and reliability improvement. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 5 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-139QC TD: Title: Very high dissipative RF/LF package TD23 Objectives The activity is aiming at developing a new generation of packaging technology - in particular for wide band gap semiconductors. Description There is a constant need for thermally managed microwave packages. In particular as the wide band gap technologies start to yieled products and the new power MMIC processes are being developed there is a clear need for a European package based on the emerging state of teh art materials in which Europe excels. European industry is developing higly thermal conductivity materials ( >600W/mK is the target) in AlSi, Metals matrix composites and Carbon Nano tube filled matracies. Using these emerging technologies it should be possible to meet the needs of the new semiconductor market for a highly disspitive package with the insertion of RF ceramic feedthroughs for high frequenciesand high current LF feedthroug. The real technology challenge will be to development a series of processes to machinge, form and high temperature braxe (AgCu #800°C)/ assembly and test such a package.The new wide band gap – WBG – components have a thermal dissipation 10 times the actual GaAs power transistors (i.e. SSPA as an example) The materials used as base for the power micro package, needs to be able to match the CTE of the mounted devices, have a strong thermal conductivity limitation (CuW is in the range 200 – 250 W/m.K).That means new materials need to be introduced. A survey of the availiability of European materials will be under taken determining what can be machined and formed with high yeileds and subsequently formed in to a highly disspitaive hermetic package with Rf and power feedthroughs. Deliverables: Develop an European range of highly dissipative packages, evaluated packages, procurement specification, thermal models. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: Page 191 of 217 2009 12 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-140QC TD: TD23 Title: Influence of glob top thickness on reliability of GaAs dice and the successful application of the process. Objectives To determine resin types vailaible that a compatible with GaAs, Silicon, Gold interconnection, dertmne optimum processing and qulaity assurance methods for the application of such a technique. This includes thickness of the resin as a function of : Process requirements : height of bondings related to micorwave componet constraints. The relaibility of the system on component performance and the ability to determine the amount o resisn to demonstrate a quasi-hermetic approach. Description Different studies through ESA and CNES contracts have shown the capability for RF glob-top to fulfil the space requirements in term of reliability (through thermal cycles, humidity tests…).However, all the tests have been conducted with a "standard" thickness of resin on the top of the bare dice. For microwave considerations, the thickness of the resin on the top of components must be minimized (cavity effects…) to ensure optimium RF performance. This has an impact on the materials choice and the relaibility considerations. While on the process and qulaity aspects, the standard procedure for hybrids includes a visual inspection before hermetic sealing and for microwave applications, the control has to take into account the small size of the cavities (to minimize resonances), i.e. the presence of metallic walls close to the area to be inspected. These are all probelmatic. With glob-top technology the hermticity requirement may be removed but the technique introduces an extra operation with the resin deposition on top of dice and around all the wire bondings. A specific control has to be included in the process flow to check the influence of the resin deposition and polymerisation on the bondings and the homogeneity of the resin (no bubbles) is considered vital. Techniques must therefore considered to determine the influence of inhomogentiety of performance. Deliverables: A materials selection, process assessement, evaluation on RF demonstrators. Leads to new tools, techniques and low cost approach for microwave assemblies. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-141QC TD: TD23 Title: Evaluation of high fatigue resistance of lead free solder Objectives To evaluate some of the Sn/Ag/Cu, Sn/Ag/Bi, Sn/Cu/In/Ga alloys. Scope of the study shall be: the selection of materials and Assembly and Evaluation testing of Test Vehicles that cover both SMT and Hybrid technologies. Description The WEEE (Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipment) EU Commision Directive will put the ban on the use of Pb, Hg, Cd, esavalent Cr and halogenized FR’s from 01/06/2006 (last reschedule) in the electronic products sold in the EU countries. Also Japan has a similar directive (RoHS) and is already going “lead free” and USA is hardly working on the matter to be prepared. At present there are a large number of materials that have been proposed as replacements for lead containing solder. Primary among these are the Sn/Ag/Cu (SAC) alloys. There are several variations of the Sn/Ag/Cu alloys that have been suggested as the preferred replacements for Sn/Pb solders. Two are of special interest: the Japanese adopted alloy of Sn96.5/Ag3.0/Cu0.5 and the North American Electronics Manufacturing Initiative (NEMI) alloy of Sn95.5/Ag3.9/Cu0.6. Also Sn/Ag/Bi and Sn/Cu/In/Ga alloys have shown good fatigue resistance compared to Sn63/Pb37 Page 192 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Evaluation test reports of the performance of the candidate solders and relevant procurement specifications of the solders. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 5 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-142QC Title: SMT Evaluation of LCC and micro-BGA packages on LTCC boards TD: TD23 Objectives To evaluate LTCC substrate manufacturing with different internal/ external pastes and the assembly techniques for such paste technologies. Focus on LCC and micro BGA's to LTCC substrates. Description LTCC continutes to grow in its importnace for low cost custom packaged hybrid soultions. Indeed as the process has matured and the relibaility and reproducability probelms have been addressed more companies have sought to use this as a technology option in their equipments. In Euorpe there are several leading companies using this to provide commercial hybrids one of whom is a space company. It is the objective of this work to evaluate the critical process parameters for the SMT techniques against the LTCC options, and determine the optimum structure and materiials and design rules for SMD's on these LTCC substrates. The activity will concern the SMT boards environmental test for a technological evaluation of involved manufacturing subtechniques. Deliverables: Test vehicle, design rules or guidelines for LTCC technology that will have SMD, characterisation to environmental standards of LCC and Micro BGA components. Development of European assembly capability, designs for SMD and inspection techniques for users. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 5 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8404 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-143QC TD: TD23 Title: Utilisation of a Heavy and Light Ion Facility at UCL for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) Objectives To utilise, improve and maintain the capabilities of the UCL Heavy Ion (HI) and Light Ion (LI) irradiation test facility for the purpose of characterising SEE effects in EEE components for flight on ESA missions and missions developed by European industry. Description This activity concerns execution of regular irradiation test campaigns on EEE components for flight on ESA and European space missions. Up to 330 hours of beam time is available free of charge on a priority basis for ESA. Additionally, a minimum of 500 hours is available for ESA sub-contractors, research institutes and other interested users (based on hourly beam time cost). The agency provides the facility with a detailed work programme of the test campaigns. Subsequently, the facility performs test campaign scheduling (in agreement with the Agency). Deliverables: D1: Annual Report Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/A Page 193 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2008 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7888, T-7887 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-144QC TD: TD23 Title: Utilisation of the High Energy Heavy Ion Test Facility at JYFL for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) Objectives To utilise, improve and maintain the capabilities of the RADEF High Energy Heavy Ion (HI) irradiation test facility for the purpose of characterising SEE effects in EEE components for flight on ESA missions and and missions developed by European industry. Description This activity concerns execution of regular irradiation test campaigns on EEE components for flight on ESA and European space missions. Up to 240 hours of beam time is available free of charge on a priority basis for ESA. Additionally a minimum of 500 hours is available for ESA sub-contractors, research institutes and other interested users (based on hourly beam time cost). The agency provides the facility with a detailed work programme of the test campaigns. Subsequently, the facility performs test campaign scheduling (in agreement with the Agency). Deliverables: D1: Annual Report Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/A Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-145QC TD: TD23 Title: Utilisation of the Proton Irradiation Facility at PSI for Component Radiation Studies (Time period 2008-2012) Objectives To utilise, improve and maintain the capabilities of the PSI High Energy Proton irradiation test facility for the purpose of characterising Single Event Effects (SEE) and Displacement Damage (DD) effects in EEE components for flight on ESA missions and missions developed by European industry. Description This activity concerns execution of regular irradiation test campaigns on EEE components for flight on ESA and European space missions. Up to 240 hours of beam time is available free of charge on a priority basis for ESA. Additionally, a minimum of 500 hours is available for ESA sub-contractors, research institutes and other interested users (based on hourly beam time cost). The agency provides the facility with a detailed work programme of the test campaigns. Subsequently, the facility performs test campaign scheduling (in agreement with the Agency). Deliverables: D1: Annual Report Current TRL: N/A Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) Page 194 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T722-146QC Title: MTSL Laboratory Test Service TD: TD23 Objectives Continue to maintain a call off order based system for component assessments and specialist testing open to all of ESA. Description Tyndall formerly the NMRC Cork has had a working relationship with ESA for several years providing expert test services that complement the ESA laboratories. This service supported by the host government acts as extra capacity as well as providing access to a prototype foundry. Typical tests include the evaluation of DC/ DC converters, the constructional analysis of complex hybrids and the development of new component topologies. The structure of this relationship has been a TRP funded call off order based system that is open to all ESA projects. Deliverables: Reports for each activity, regular reporting and competence transfer between ESa and contractor. Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A N/A Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 36 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. CAB TRP Reference: T722-147QC TD: TD23 Title: Enabling of Ultra short gate length commercial MMIC process Objectives The activity will aim at developing a dual MMIC Process usable for both Low Noise and Medium Power applications at very high frequency. Description The activity is listed in the CTB microwave dossier. It shall considert results obtained via previous ESA TRP (ESA contract N° 15909 : “Process Development and Concept Validation of Metamorphic HEMT”) and CNES activity on Ommic D01MH process as well as French MoD contract (DGAcontract N° 01 34 013 : ETUDE ET REALISATION TECHNOLOGIQUE POUR L’AMPLIFICATION DE PUISSANCE MILLIMETRIQUE ) The activity will aim at developing a dual MMIC Process usable for both Low Noise and Medium Power applications at very high frequency. It will first focus on solving basic technical problems for the processing of short channel metamorphic or pseudomorphic HEMT (targeted maximum gate length 70 nm), with the goal to optimise the high frequency performance of these devices in terms of gain and cut off frequency with a final Lg ~ 5 0 nm as target for processing ultra short gate. Following tasks are included: Task 1: Process development: optimisation of existing process to achieve short channel metamorphic or pseudomorphic very high frequency active devices; integration with existing MMIC passive components . Task 2: MMIC process validation: The Characterization of the active elements will be done in terms of noise and gain to analyse whether the technology and material is capable of meeting the low noise requirements of mm-wave receivers for future space applications. Libraries will be updated and a RIC (Representative Integrated Circuit) will be designed to evaluate the device performance. Task 3: MMIC process Space Evaluation: Together with the RIC, adequate TCV (Technology Characterization Vehicle) and DEC (Dynamic Evaluation Vehicle) will be designed and processed for performing MMIC process evaluation as per ESCC 2269010. Accelerated life tests on TCVs and DECs and RIC testing will be used to evaluate the reliability performance of this advanced technology. Deliverables: After successful evaluation, the possibility to expand the acquired expertise and technological know-how to process ultra short gate length active HFETs will be studied. Evaluated technology will be available for user designs. Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2008 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T283 Page 195 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-148QC TD: TD23 Title: Laser diode reliability study, derating and optimization of screening and qualification Objectives To investigate laserdiode life time reliability, investigating and developing a test method to measure COD threshol and to develop a laser diode derating rule based on life time relibility findings. Description High power laser diode are becoming increasingly critical components for many ESA missions since they are used to pump semiconductor laser source such as Nd:Yag Laser, which are use in more and more ESA projects, example, space based LIDAR applications. The reliability of these laser diodes is not fully understood and effort to understand failure mechanism, life time and other degradation modes is a pressing need. Within this activity it is proposed to study the life time degradation mechanism in the main types of laser diode at the stuck level, used today. Another area of study should be the investigation of Catastrophic Optical Damage (COD) mechanism and fine tuning a universal test method to measure COD threshold that will enable us to compare different technologies from different manufacturers when lasers are procured. The later activity stems from a recommendation made by the laser diode working group since we do not have a standard test method at the moment. The COD threshold is test method dependant and hence it is difficult today to make reasonable judgement based on any one manufacturer test method. As a consequence of this activity a general laser derating rule could be established. Deliverables: Technical document Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Immediate Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7889 Consistent (Component Technology Board (CTB) Dossier) TRP Reference: T722-149QC TD: TD23 Title: Base metal electrode ceramic capacitors studies Objectives A study shall be undertaken to determine the suitability of such metal electrode system products for use in space equipments. The objective is to reduce procurement time and cost by a significant factor while demonstrating the same level of performance Description The base metal electrodes (copper and nickel) are used in commercial products in place of noble metal electrodes (silver and palladium), so as to allow cost reduction of these components. This has been the aim of the commercial electronics industry for long term. However there are issues on the reliability and long term performance in space on such electrode based components. Understanding these issues is important, when the cost of passive components is relevant (European passives are 10X the cost of the US military counterparts) Deliverables: Industrial evaluation of commercial technologies, ESCC evaluation of chosen technology types. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T 7890 N/A Page 196 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T722-150QC TD: TD23 Title: High Temperature RF/Microwave interconnection Objectives This activity consists of the study the actual limitation of the existing microwave interconnection, following by a trade off of possible solution to meet operating temperature requiurements of the worst case applications. A first design will be manufactured and tested before a final batch of an updated design. Description RF cabling is needed in many missions such as Planetary exploration, launcher and propulsion activity high temperature operation. In addition Rf cables are used in the qualification activity where accelerated life testing is undertaken. All of this requires high temperature capabilities beyond the actual rating of the cables and interconnects used. An activity is required to develop such cables and interconnects. Deliverables: component design and evaluation that preceedes formal ESCC evaluation. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T 283 N/A TRP Reference: T722-151QC TD: TD23 Title: Technology assessment of DRAM and advanced memory productsfollowing in from Radiation test and benchmark of commercial products against space requirements. Objectives A study shall be undertaken to assess commerciale state-of the-art Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM). It shall identify and assess the suitablility and reliability of such a technology for space applications, following a first radiation assessment already done under different funding scheme. A second objective shall be to carry out a reliability assessment of advanced memory devices that are of potential interest for space application like FeRAM, MRAM and CPM due to their intrinsic robustness against radiation effects. Description Users have increased demand to larger memory sizes in future applications. Dynamic Random Access Memories (DRAM) in state-of-the-art technolgies has therefore already been investigated by ESA in order to pre-assess radiation performance (up to 512M modules). In this study large difference of radiation performance, depending of the manfuacturer, has been found. The difference can be based in the used technologies and/or error correction. The Advanced Memory devices such as Phase Change Memory (PCM) and Magnetic RAM (MRAM) and FeRAm (Ferroelectric RAM) are promising great performances compared to commonly used non volatile EEPROM and Flash. MRAM is seen as an attractive technology for generations about the 65nm node, and could be of large interest here also for the space applications. However, further scaling is hampered by the large current required to generate the magnetic switching while the half select problem requires complex solutions like the toggle switching cell. Also, control of the thickness uniformity of the thin tunnel barrier over wafer size will remain very critical. PCM is a technology with much better scaling potential. However, reliability properties as cycling endurance and high-temperature retention so far are still inferior to that of the rival technologies, while also program speed is slower. Scope of this activity is to cosnider the types of memories on the market and identify the most promising DRAM candidates following a detailed analysis of the radiation tests, consider the current market offer for PCM, MRAM and FeRAM, select the devices the shows on the datasheet the most promising performances compared to existing used memory devices, procure a number of parts, characterize and evaluate their reliability and radiation performance and identify the devices that show the greatest potential for use in space application. Deliverables: Page 197 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities D1: Study report, further radiation assessment, recomemndations of candidate technologies , D2: Reliabilty test report of promising DRAM components AD1- Report on the market offer of MRAm, PCM and FeRAM. Identification of most promising memory devices AD2- Procurement of 30-50 parts of each part type as identified in D1 AD3- Preparation of a radiation tets plan and a reliability assessment plan AD4- Report on the results of the radiation and reliability assessment test. AD5- Conclusions and suggestions on the prosecution of the activities- Lessons learned. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2011 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7892 N/A TRP Reference: T722-152QC Title: Reliability testing of Commercial Available Flash memories (Follow on from: Radaition assessment of Commercial Flash) TD: TD23 Objectives A study shall be undertaken to determine the testing sequence for non-volatile flash memory with respect to space applications. Description Non-volatile memory (NVM), especially FG flash based, is becoming increasingly popular for many commercial applications. In this context industry has developed own test / bake sequences to assess flash based failure modes (data retention, endurance, moving bit, erratic bit). However, space application have significantely different requirements, i.e. especially lower endurane requirements (ca. 100 write/erase cycles vs >10E5 in industry), but much higher data retention requirements (>15yrs vs. ca 7yrs in industry). Goal of this activity is to analyse available and develope further on optimized test sequences for enabling ESA to clearly predict the reliability performance of such devices in space. Deliverables: D1: ESCC generic specification for Flash test, initial test results of candidate technologies. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T 7855 N/A TRP Reference: T722-153QC TD: TD23 Title: Comparative Study of the PGS test as a relaibility assessment tool for MOSFET devices Objectives Objective of the study will be to analyse standard reliability test methods to assess Power MOSFET oxide reliability. Part of the study is the execution of the test methods, the analysis of the results and the drafting of recommendations for improving current space standards. Description Page 198 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities ESCC 5000 together with MIL-750 standards are the reference for screening and qualification of discrete devices. In particular MIL-STD-750E test method 1080 is the reference test method for SINGLE-EVENT BURNOUT AND SINGLE-EVENT GATE RUPTURE. As part of this test method is the SEGR post gate-stress test (PGS test) that consists in the verification of the integrity of the gate oxide after the SEGR test. Recent radiation tests performed on European Radiation Hardened Power MOSFET (ref ECI/I) have indicated a potential weakness of the gate oxide of these devices that was not revealed by HTGB and HTRB tests which are normally carried on during evaluation and qualification phases. The study has the objective to analyse the test method conditions, perform a comparison of the standards and propose a test plan to verify the equivalence of the test methods in screening out devices affected by latent damage to the gate oxide, Implement the test plan on currently available Power MOSFETs (commercial level IR, commercial ST, ST rad hard, JAXA- Fuji commercial and rad-hard), analyze the results and draft recommendations for improving current space standards. Deliverables: Comparative test method report, Test plan, Test results, Recommendations. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 5 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T 7888 N/A TRP Reference: T722-154QC Title: Radiation Testing Methodology's for FLASH Memories TD: TD23 Objectives This activity concerns the study of long term radiation effects in commercially available state-of-the-art COTS FLASH memories. Description In support of ongoing radiation characterisation with IDA of 1-Gbit, 2-Gbit and 4-Gbit FLASH memories for "SafeGuard Data Recorder" applications, it is also desirable to have additional technology and reliability information on these state-of-the-art memories. Basic radiation characterisation of various types of FLASH memories have been covered during heavy ion, proton and Co-60 campaigns and a baseline SGDR design successfully demonstrated during Cf-252 testing. Further on-going SGDR radiation, reliability and benchmarking testing will still continue to be carried out as well as further radiation characterisation of new candidate FLASH memory types. However, as these FLASH memories are commercially available state-of-the-art COTS components – driven by performance, cost and short life time – radiation reliability and long term effects also need to be addressed, in particular if used in space applications. Candidate memory types need to be technology and architectural evaluated in order to optimise their selection for flight. Safe operating modes, life testing, 1 vs 2 bit/cell, array size, floating or biased storage, errors in FG array, endurance tests, retention tests and other long term radiation effects need to be addressed. Optimised screening and testing methodologies shall be identified in order to minimise failures in flight selected FLASH types. Following irradiation exposures of 2Gbit, 4Gbit and 8Gbit FLASH memories under different test conditions and using different radiation environments, floating gate charge loss, charge pump, SRAM buffers and their finite state machines degradations need to be fully characterized. As FLASH memories rely on a tiny amount of charge stored in a floating gate and a single ion strike can cause severe leakage, effects of ion energy and angle also need to be characterized. Deliverables: D1: Technical report covering heavy ion effects in state-of-the-art FLASH memories. D2: Technical report covering proton effects in state-of-the-art FLASH memories. D3: Technical report covering gamma effects in state-of-the-art FLASH memories. D4: Final report covering Radiation effects in state-of-the-art FLASH memories. Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: TRL 5 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 Not harmonised Page 199 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T722-155QC Title: Radiation Assessment of Deep Submicron CMOS Devices TD: TD23 Objectives In a previous contract (nr. C14924) radiation assessment of advanced submicron devices down to 65nm feature size has been carried out. In previous years such exercises had established the tolerance of submicron technology to total ionising dose radiation. However, the most current results from the contract C14924 indicate radiation sensitivity of 90nm and 65nm devices to proton irradiation. Technology trends in downscaling is progressing very fast and smaller than 90nm technology nodes will soon be commercially available. The rapid technology development and the increasing trend to employ COTS devices in Agency space applications make it essential to characterise these state-of-the-art technologies enabling identification and selection of the appropriate technology for space missions. Description This activity consist of irradiation characterisation of 65nm devices including initial gamma irradiation characterisation followed by detailed proton irradiation characterisation. Gamma characterisation is performed to verify whether the observed catastrophic gate leakage current increase (in 90nm and 65nm proton irradiated devices) is due to surface effects (total ionising dose) or bulk effects (displacement damage). The gamma characterisation is followed by detailed proton irradiation characterisation of these devices under various operating and environmental conditions. At the completion of the activity an assessment shall be made to identify whether the observed radiation effects also impact commercial sub-micron technologies planned employed in future ESA space missions and discuss engineering approaches for characterising these effects in commercial technologies. Deliverables: D1: Technical report on the gamma radiation assessment of the IMEC 65 nm high-performance CMOS technology. D2: Technical report related to the systematic proton radiation testing of the IMEC 65 nm CMOS technology. D3: Technical report related to the investigation of thermal annealing on the post-irradiation performance of the 65 nm CMOS technology. D4: Summary report on the radiation activities performed in the two Activities and general guidelines concerning radiation effects in potential semiconductor devices for future space applications. This report will be considered as the Final Report of the activity. Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 20 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 To be discussed in Component Technology Board (CTB) Radiation Working Group TRP Reference: T722-156QC TD: TD23 Title: TID characterization of power-up behaviour for FPGAs Objectives The aim of this activity is to characterise Atmel's AT40KE and AT280 FPGAs and Actel AX2000 (RT or non-RT) power-up behaviour as a function of cumulated dose Description Previous irradiation test results of FPGAs have indicated the criticality of the power-up sequence with total dose degradation. In a previous contract (nr. 11407/NL/MV/CCN-3, COO-3) this failure mechanism was observed for the Xilinx Virtex-I FPGA. The Actel RT14100 FPGA is another example. However, no TID reports from FPGA manufacturers address this issue. It is likely that the power supply solutions used for these TID tests are over dimensioned and far from representative of space applications and too optimistic. The activity will be initiated by studying issues related to FPGA power-up sequence, TID effects and power supply impact. In the study phase possible power solutions for the FPGAs addressing space applications shall be investigated. For these power solutions critical parameters of the power-up sequence of the FPGA shall be identified. Subsequently an irradiation test plan for the FPGAs shall be developed. The test shall be optimised for characterising critical parameters in the power-up sequence behaviour as a function of cumulative dose. At the same time Atmel's AT40KE and AT280 including Actel AX2000 (RT or non-RT) shall be procured. Following the evaluation of the irradiation test plan the irradiation test campaign shall be initiated. Finally, an irradiation test report shall be generated including a final technical document detailing the findings of the activity. Deliverables: Page 200 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities D1: Study report D2: Test system specification D3: Radiation Test plan, D4: Test system design documentation D5: Radiation test report D6: Final Report Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 Not harmonised TRP Reference: T722-157QC TD: TD23 Title: Development of 2-D imaging devices (CCD, APS, etc.) displacement damage test guideline - First Assessment Objectives The aim of this activity is to characterise the extent of displacement damage and to propose test guidelines for 2D-imaging arrays operated at cold temperatures. Description CCDs display sensitivity to displacement damage as well as ionising damage when exposed to the harsh space radiation environment. The large number of parameters affected by radiation makes the usability of CCDs strongly application dependant. Many scientific applications (e.g. GAIA) operate CCDs at cold temperatures to improve the device performance. CCDs may be at cold temperatures during the major part of their operational life time. Currently, most CCD irradiation tests are performed at room temperature for practical reasons. However, recent work performed in activity 17928/04/NL/PA illustrates that some displacement damage effects may enhanced when irradiated at cold temperatures. THerefore, during the first phase of the activity and in discussion with CTB RWG members a draft low-temperature displacement damage test guideline shall be generated. Additionally, suitable CCD and APS components shall be selected and purchased for irradiation test campaign. Subsequently, an irradiation test campaign shall be carried out at a suitable facility capable of handling low-temperature irradiation. Following the test campaign, an irradiation test report shall be generated and the low-temperature displacement damage test guideline updated. Deliverables: D1: Draft low-temperature 2D-imaging device displacement damage test guideline.D2: Irradiation test plan. D3: Irradiation Test Report. D4: Final low-temperature 2D-imaging device displacement damage test guideline. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, N/A TRP Reference: T722-158QC TD: Title: Avoidance of MEMS dielectric charge trapping TD23 Objectives Investigate dielectric charging and charge trapping phenomena. Define identification procedures. Propose and validate through actual testing possible technological solution including solution based on nanomaterials Description Page 201 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities MEMS in development today at ESA generally suffer from the so called dielectric charging effect which is limiting their lifetime and also their state of the art performance over time. This is obviously the case for capacitive RF MEMS but other components such as MEMS gyro, MOEMS and we anticipate the same limitations will be observed on accelerometers. Sometimes, the presemceof just a native oxyde left during processing is sufficient to see the phenomena. This is also the case for major MEMS development going on presently for ESA projects. The activity wll therefore concentrate on defining method to detect such phenomena and define adequate procedures to test it. In a second stage possible technological solutions including the usage of nanotechnology will be investigated and tested. Deliverables: Samples characterization report, processing recommendations Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7892 Consistent (MNT Component Technology Board (CTB) WG) TRP Reference: T722-159QC TD: TD23 Title: Development of standard test methods for Single Event Transient characterisation in CMOS using FPGA as test vehicle Objectives This activity aims at developing and verifying a standard test method (based on a FPGA) for characterization of Single event transients (SET) in CMOS ASICs and FPGAs. Description With shrinking CMOS technology feature sizes the single event transients SET is becoming a major concern. SET sensitivity has been reported for the Atmel ATC18RHA ASIC technology, Atmel AT697E leon processor, Actel RTSX-SU and RTAX-S families. However the test methods used to characterize these events vary widely and are often inadequate. Considering the growing impact of SETs on device performance for these technologies, it is considered crucial to develop improved and standard test methods for SET characterisation for such devices. The test method is additionally beneficial during the development phase of custom ASICs and FPGAs. The activity is initiated by studing issues related to SETs in digital ASICs and FPGAs and currently applied test methods. Following the study phase, the activity shall identify standard test structures optimised to accuratley characterise the SET generation and progagation phenomena within real life digital ASICs and FPGAs. These test structures shall represent as many "common" designs employed in ESA missions and applications as possible. Test methods to characterise the standard test structures are subsequently developed optimised for reduced measurement complexity and maximum efficiency. As a minimum test structures for characterisation of SETs in combinatorial logics, asynchronous reset logics and clock network shall be developed. An irradiation test campaigns shall be executed employing a FPGA for reduced cost and development time (e.g. Atmel AT280). Following the irradiation test a preliminary SET test standard plus a verification plan are presented in a one day workshop with participants from the CTB Radiation Working Group memebers and experts in the field. Following the workshop and update of documents a second irradiation test campaigns shall be executed employing a second FPGA(or maybe ASIC). This test campaign is used for verification of the applicability of the SET test standard. The SET test standard shall be updated based on the verification activity results. The SET test standard shall be supplemented with a report discussing advantages, disadvantages and limitations of all evaluated test concepts. Deliverables: D1: Study Plan, D2: Test vehicle design report, D3: Irradiation test plan, D4: Irradiation test report, D5: Draft SET test standard, D6: Verification plan, D7: Irradiation test report for second test vehicle, D8: SET test standard with supplementary report Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2009 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7888, T 7887 Page 202 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Not harmonised TRP Reference: T722-160QC TD: TD23 Title: Possible micro power sources and associated architectures Objectives Perform a technology watch on possible MEMS-based micro power generation sources and propose associated system architectures. Description To investigate the possibilities offered by MSTs (Micro Systems Technologies) to design, develop and prototype a smart micro-power generator to be used on micro-aerobots, microprobes and nanorovers for planetary exploration. Traditional power systems such as batteries or solar cells very often limit the lifetime (e.g. dust storms on Mars) or are an impediment to the foreseen extreme miniaturization. New concepts for micro-power generation are already reported today with various maturity levels, which should allow to achieve the challenge of limiting the associated weight of the micro power generator to less than 25 grammes with an order of magnitude power density improvement over current battery technology!! The technologies currently under development include: 1) Power extraction from ambient vibration, in this case the micro power generator is based on ambient energy. The mechanical energy issued from a movement (like self spinning of the probe for example) is converted into electrical energy based on charge transportation between 2 parallel capacitors.2)Micro Electrical Generators integrated on a micro-turbine using for example micro-lithographed planar Copper Circuits on Silicon, 3)“Spatialisation” of biomedical thermopiles, 4) Micro-tubular or other fuel cells 5)Last but not least, efficient conversion from radiation energy into electrical energy may also be an interesting concept for which suitability with ESA requirements may be checked. Different approaches may be reviewed: the radiation is used to generate a cantilever movement which is then converted into energy; the irradiated power is stopped using MEMS membrane thermally isolated structure; this results in a temperature difference, which is convertible into electrical power using thermopiles. This activity will aim at performing a trade off study of the various concepts listed above for selection of a preferred concept to be designed, breadborded and tested in a follow on activity. The possible architectures associated to these various concepts will also be studied. Deliverables: Report on the market survey, technology study and recommendations. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: Sci, Exploration N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 1 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: N/A 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. Consistent (MNT Component Technology Board (CTB) WG) TRP Reference: T722-161QC TD: TD23 Title: RF potentialities of Carbon nanotubes for nanoscale interconnections Objectives Based on a complete survey of the domain of nanowire/CNT for RF application, status of localised growth of carbon nanotubes/nanowire will be given. Selection of 2 main test structure (one with CNT, the other with nanowire) will enable first demonstration of nano based RF application. The activity will be concluded by RF measurement of individual carbon nanotubes/nanowire and arrays of carbon nanotubes/nanowire implemented into new RF component and/or interconnect scheme. Description Phase 1 : Literature survey on potentiality of CNT and nanowire for RF application. State of the art in the field of characterization of nano-objects with focus on electrical performances. Phase 2 : Design of RF test structure enabling to determine intrinsic behaviour of CNT. Manufacturing of 2 selected test structures based on localized nano object growth Phase 3 : Measurement of individual carbon nanotubes/nano wire and arrays of carbon nanotubes/nano wire RF properties. Deliverables: Reports and prototypes and caharcetised materials Page 203 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T722-162QC Title: Hot Vias MMICs TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7892 Consistent (MNT Component Technology Board (CTB) WG) TD: TD23 Objectives Development and space evaluation of Hot Via technology for Low Noise and Low Power application Description The activity shall aim in improving a MMIC Process suitable for both Low Noise and Low Power applications in the frequency range of 10 GHz to 14 GHz. It will first solve the technical problems in designing a LNA circuit with hot via transitions, with the goal to optimize the targeted performance in the frequency range. Special focus will be on the simulation of thermal performance of the MMIC chip assembled with solder bumps on a substrate. Investigation and development of on wafer measurement techniques under the special requirements of the access of the DC and RF pads from the backside of the wafer only. Assembly evaluation of the diced MMIC chips on a substrate using solder bump reflow techniques. Validation of the mounting process by existing investigation methods shall be performed. After successful assembly of the representative MMIC on a substrate as test vehicle, the evaluation shall be performed according to relevant ESCC specification to evaluate the reliabilty performance of this advanced technology. Deliverables: Report and hot vias MMICs Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: ASAP 12 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7908 Consistent (MNT Component Technology Board (CTB) Microwave dossier) TRP Reference: T722-163QC TD: TD23 Title: Evaluation of new FPGA technologies (hardened-SRAM, Flash, mixed-signal) Objectives The objective of the proposed activity is to evaluate the suitability of the new FPGA technologies (mixed signal, flash based, low power, RadHard SRAM-based) for space designs. The FPGA technologies addressed are not yet available for the space market but they are already present for the commercial applications and the vendors are planning to bring them to the space community in the future. This evaluation therefore aims to learn best practices in the use of the new FPGA devices for space taking advantage of their current availability and anticipating its eventual future introduction into space. Description In the present Actel devices based on antifuse technology are the predominant technology used for FPGAs in the space sector. However, Actel is already working on bringing other mature technologies into the space domain: Flash-based (the ProASIC family) and eventually also the mixed signal FPGAs (the FUSION family). Other major players in the commercial sector are moving since some years into the space sector: Xilinx offers large SRAM-based Rad Tolerant FPGAs and are already working on Rad Hard versions of their newest Virtex-5 family based on 65nm geometry. The proposed activity is an evaluation of these new FPGA technologies in designs for space. The Task breakdown is as follows: - Feasibility analysis on the FPGA devices and development boards to be used in the evaluation (commercial boards), on the target designs and on the metrics to be used (as for example resource usage, max. frequency, …).- Architectural and detailed design phases of the target designs to be used; porting of the design to the different FPGA technologies- Performance measurements according to the metrics on the development boardsFinal report including the comparison of the different FPGA technologies and the predicted and measured metrics Deliverables: Page 204 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The deliverables include: - the final report with the evaluation of the new FPGA technologies- guidelines for the usage of these FPGAs in space applications- the boards and designs used in the evaluation (to be negotiated if proprietary design/s are used as part of the evaluation). - the documentation required by ECSS-Q-60-02 on FPGA development for the target FPGAs TRL 4 Current TRL: Target TRL: Application/Mission: All missions N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2010 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7795, T-7802, T-7746 Consistent (D1, in µE Dossier) 7-29 - NEOMEX TRP Reference: T701-164ED TD: TD01 Title: Data handling system design and proof-of-concept for modular system-of-microsystems approach Objectives Define a modular data handling system architecture based on system-of-microsystems for nanosatellites. Build a proof-of-concept setup and demonstrate the architecture. Description A top level systems design with preliminary microsystem modules can be assumed as an input. The activity shall trade-off different data handling systems concepts and select the best one for proof-of-concept. The trade-off shall consider for instance computational power, task sharing, power reduction, identification of possible ASIC implementation of low power standard interfaces, standardized micro scale connectors and interfaces. The design and implementation of the physical bus, application protocols, distributed data flow (DDF) vs. client/server (centralized) vs. point-to-point (P2P) architectures, and added value of plug ’n play (PnP), needs to be addressed. Standards such as Space Plug ‘n play Architecture (SPA-C, SPA-U, SPA-S) and the OpenSAT initiative shall be considered. The data system in itself shall be highly miniaturized (using e.g. 3D System-in-Package, ASIC, FPGA-based solutions, or 3D-SiP technology) and low-power, but shall also be developed with minimum recurring cost in mind. The data system must also be modularized and scalable in an appropriate way. Modular means that the same system/unit can be used for different system designs and geometrical platforms with only application s/w level changes. The study shall decide on the proper hardware technology, given the initial trade-off, and the intended general application. The system shall be suitable for system-of-microsystem based nanosatellite platform. General applicability and modularity are major drivers. Mission-specific payload modules can be hooked into the system. A specific trade-off shall be conducted on the payload expected requirements and bus selected for the architecture. For example, it may or may not be efficient to use a high speed bus and low-speed bus in parallel to save power (with only a few units using the high speed bus). Bandwidth analysis or equivalent shall be performed, in order to evaluate the proposed design. The data handling architecture shall address thermal issues and if possible by multifunctional design allow a higher power outtake than today, up to 10-15 W per unit to allow high performing nanosatellites. Note the design shall also decide on the overall s/c computing architecture (e.g. fully centralised vs de-centralised by sub-system) and should consider different plug and play architectures per sub-system as appropriate. Deliverables: Survey of current technologies, Design trade-off report, Proof-of-concept setup (including PDR, H/W, S/W - embedded and PC control manager, debugger -), Final report. Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRP Reference: T703-165EP TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2016 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TD: Page 205 of 217 TD03 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Title: Thin-film Lithium Batteries Objectives To assess the potential of the thin-film batteries for use in space. Description All-solid-state Lithium batteries are made by depositing the components as thin films (<5µm) on a substrate. When embedded in micro-devices, such batteries act as an autonomous power source. This technology is foreseen for medical applications, RFID tags, memory chips. Many US small companies hold licences of the Oak Ridge Lab technology. In Europe there have been some previous developments and expertise exists, e.g., in Germany and France. The performances are extremely interesting. One company claims to have a lithium batteries working from -40°C to +150°C. A system based on a lithium metal anode, LIPON electrolyte, would have the following characteristics: 300 Wh/kg, 959 Wh/l, 6000 W/kg, 40000 cycles. The maximum capacity claimed is 10 mAh. If confirmed, these type of batteries could have a large potential for use in space, e.g. in miniaturized S/C. Therefore, within this activity, an assessment of the potential applications of thin film batteries and the impacts of such technology on the power system needs to be undertaken, as the first step. Furthermore, a review of the thin film batteries available in Europe will be conducted, followed by a full study of this technology including characterisation, evaluation, possible scalability. Deliverables: Test Report, batteries samples Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7810 N/A TRP Reference: T703-166EP TD: Title: Very thin GaAs MJ solar cell development TD03 Objectives To demonstration of a concept for ultrathin solar cells Description The performance to weight ration of multi-solar cells is dominated by the Germanium substrate. Being able to realeasing the cell from the Ge-substrate after manufacture would dramatically change this ratio. Several developments worldwide, both in Europe, Japan and the US, have shown that the concept of an ultra-thin GaAs based solar cell is a realistic proposition: - Report of TRP (ITI) contract 18993 - Flexible thin-film III-V multijunction solar cells, T. Takamoto, et al, Proc. 19th European Solar Energy Conference, Paris (2004) 3689. - Lattice mismatched approaches for high-performance, III-V photovoltaic energy convertors, M.W. Wanlass, et al., Proc. IEEE Photovoltaics specialists conference, (January 2005). In particular, Sharp has demonstrated a string of operational multi-junction cells with a thickness of a few microns. In Europe, the work performed in previous a TRP contract (ITI contract 18993) has shown the potential to both to make a cell with a thickness of a few microns (hence dramatically improved W/kg) and to recover the substrate upon which the cells structure is grown – this can account for of the order of 30% of the cell cost. In a different concept, IMEC have produced 20?m Ge substrates by physically grinding / polishing away material which can then be recycled. As there are many possible concepts and process flows which show potential, the scope of this new activity is to improve the substrate release process and also to manufacture first samples of ultra-thin 3J solar cells. New bonding techniques may be implemented. The Substrate release process shall be improved and the reliability of this process after high temperature exposure shall be demonstrated. State-of-the art 3J solar cells shall be grown epitaxially on thin Ge substrates which are bonded to a support structure. Deliverables: at least 20 samples of ultra-thin 3J cells Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: TRL 2 Page 206 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2011 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7806 N/A TRP Reference: T705-167EC TD: TD05 Title: Definition and sizing of AOCS for NEOMEX Nanosatellite Objectives Analysis and definition of a modular, flexible AOCS for Nano satellites Description During the course of the activity an analysis of the AOCS design to show the capabilities of the s/c, the limitations of the s/c, the AOCS mass and power budgets, the level of re-use between missions and the AIT effort shall be performed: - An assessment of the potential improvements in terms of mass, power, AIT effort and development time over a ‘standard’ current approach. - Demonstration of the potential capabilities and feasibility of an advanced multi mission nano satellite and providing inputs for the development of the AOCS and associated sensors and actuators to realise such a s/c. The work shall be based on the ESA provided ‘straw man’ NEOMEX nano-sat design concept as a starting point. However, other example applications shall also be considered: a distributed science mission experiment (e.g. radio telescope or magnetometry) and a LEO constellation mission for either data relay or rapid disaster monitoring. Furthermore, the AOCS software architecture shall be defined demonstrating modularity and ease of development, test and mission configurability. The Activity shall also assess need unit specifications and unit suite, including propulsion needs, for each mission type (LEO, NeoMex, Constellation, inspector). The unit definition shall include consideration of an AOCS sensor 'plug and play' TM/TC interface suitable for all units and which considers all units to be provided with a digital data interface: - Definition of a basic central computer software structure that schedules, runs and allows the easy replacement of AOCS (and other) application software ‘modules’ with minimum re-test needed for quick and cheap mission customisation. - Definition of a plug and play data interface standard for AOCS hardware allowing rapid s/c customisation with minimal re-testing - Definition of the AOCS hardware suite required for each of the different supported mission types - Derivation of the functional requirements for each of the AOCS sensors and actuators - Selection of three example missions, and production of the AOCS design for those missions. Deliverables: AOCS design report covering the modular design concept and the three example missions, proposed AOCS hardware plug and play draft standard, AOCS nano satellite unit requirement specifications, nano satellite simulator running on Matlab. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T705-168EC TD: Title: Digital sun sensor on a chip prototyping TD05 Objectives The development, production and test of a plug and play compatible digital sunsensor prototype on chip that is capable of being used in an AOCS test bench. Description Page 207 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities The activity includes the design, manufacture and test of a sun sensor on a chip prototype with following characteristics: - Plug and Play interface and alternative SpW interface - Mass < 20g - Power < 0.1 Watt - Accuracy < 60” - Dimensions < 3*3* 1.5 cm - Power supply – 5V Demonstration of capability to realise useful AOCS equipments ‘on a chip’ and to verify the feasibility, workability and benefits of a plug and play system for AOCS hardware. Deliverables: The outputs shall include: - 5 tested prototypes Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 6 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 15 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7816 N/A TRP Reference: T706-169ET TD: Title: Transmitter Vacuum Electric Power Amplifier TD06 Objectives To design, realise and test a Vacuum Electronic Device Power Amplifier. Description Travelling wave tube amplifiers (TWTAs) are often opposed to solid-state power amplifiers (SSPAs). As a rule of thumb, TWTAs outperform SSPAs in efficiency and absolute output power while SSPAs are more linear than TWTAs. In addition, in terms of mass/size, TWTs scale down with frequency while SSPAs scale up with output power. Ideally, one would like to have a device which exhibits the linearity of an SSPA combined with the efficiency of a TWTA at a fraction of the size: this is the goal of this activity. The activity shall first address the main building blocks of the Vacuum Electronic Device Power Amplifier which are the modulated source of electrons and the amplifying vacuum electronic structure. The source of electron is foreseen as a semiconductor device based on promising gallium nitride (GaN) structures which would offer a very simple modulation access, up to possibly X to Ku-band. The amplifying vacuum electronic structure is expected to be a shrunk version of existing structures used in vacuum power electronics e.g. the helix of a travelling wave tube (TWT). The two building blocks shall then be assembled and connected to a laboratory power supply to form the VEPA breadboard which shall be fully tested. Deliverables: Breadboard of Vacuum Electronic Power Amplifier Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2013 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T706-170ET TD: Title: Receiver low-power analogue decoder TD06 Objectives The proposed activity aims at demonstrating the feasibility of iterative analogue decoding for on-board receivers with low DC power consumption. The demonstrator shall include the implementation of analogue decoder for a practical coding scheme. The comparative assessment of the analogue decoder versus their conventional digital decoder counterparts shall be based on energy efficiency, decoder throughput, and circuit complexity and decoding performance. Page 208 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Description There have been several research activities in recent years to study and design analogue decoding schemes for terrestrial applications. Potential improvements in power-to-speed ratio (i.e. reduction in energy spent per each decoded bit) as well as circuit complexity provide a strong incentive for continuation of such research activities. Several prototype analogue decoders, albeit for simple decoders, have been implemented and reported in the open literature. Published test results indicate more than 5 folds reduction in power-to-speed ratio while predictions for such improvements are as high as 10 times improvement. Iterative analogue decoding can in principle provide an attractive solution, particularly for on-board receivers with stringent requirements on DC power consumption and payload mass. The proposed activity aim at demonstrating the feasibility of iterative analogue decoders for space applications. Some of the technological challenges to be addressed in this activity include: analogue storage, serial to parallel conversion and interleaver wiring. In addition, techniques for dealing with large coding block sizes will be investigated. In the first phase of proposed activity, the applicability of the proposed techniques to implementation of on-board demodulators with low DC power consumption shall be investigated. In addition, the proposed activity shall address the required VLSI technologies to implement analogue decoders for space applications. Upon a successful selection of the architecture as well as the space qualified technology, an iterative analogue decoder shall be prototyped for the selected practical coding scheme. The output of the second phase of the activity shall include a hardware demonstrator based on a customized design that implements the iterative process for one selected coding scheme. Deliverables: Technical Notes, Test Reports, Hardware Demonstrator Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T707-171EE TD: TD07 Title: Miniaturised multi-functional antenna system for micro/nano-satellites Objectives To study and demonstrate a miniaturised antenna system suitable for TT&C and data transmission fitting the ultra-tight accommodation requirments of micro/nano-satellites. Description Distributed antennas are used for TT&C sub-systems in all spacecrafts, however micro-nano satellites pose the extra challenge of ultra stringent accommodation requirements, leading to the need of antenna system miniaturisation and multifunctionality. The very small size of the platform results in the fact that the whole satellite acts as an antenna, leading to very specific design requirements. On the other hand this fact can be exploited to reduce the size of the RF-emitters to the bare minimum, provided that suitable design methodologies and tools are available for the purpose. Furthermore a clever use of a small number of RF-emitters will provide at the same time robustness, via the added redundancy, better link margin as well as the possibility of extra functionality, like an RF tracking capability that could be used to help pointing the spacecraft using a beacon on the mother-ship and the use as a single higher-gain antenna for the transmission of observation data. To design a distributed RF-emitter advanced modelling capabilities are necessary, for both the antenna elements and the spacecraft structure that dominates the antenna performances and shall be developed, based on existing and proven tools used for "calssical" distributed antenna systems and on the knowledge derived form other applications (e.g. cellular phones and WIFI equipment), including the integration of active elements with the RF-emitter. The same knowledge shall be applied to design the protype antenna system for a demonstration platform having realistic sizes and features. A proof-of-concept prototype of the antenna system will be built and tested on a platform model. Deliverables: Proof-of-concept prototype Current TRL: TRL 1 Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Target TRL: TRL 2 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7832, T-48 Page 209 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: N/A TRP Reference: T713-172MM TD: TD13 Title: Architect of the System-of-Microsystems nanospacecraft Objectives The objective of this activity is to adopt the role of an eventual systems architect and potential systems integrator for the future system-of-microsystems nanospacecraft. Hereby, a consistent evaluation of the concept and technology needs and performance shall be obtained. Description Within this activity, the contractor shall keep track of the progress of other relevant developments within ESA, particulartly those associated with the Disruptive technologies theme, in order to evaluate the performance of the developed technologies from the perspective of an would-be system architect and systems integrator for a system-of-microsystems nanospacecraft. Particular emphasis shall be on the general applicability, a Near Earth Micro Explorer mission (NEOMEx) and an early LEO demonstrator mission. The activity shall roadmap future necessary developments with the goal of a real mission with use of an intermediate in-orbit demonstration. The roadmap shall build on the experience gained from the associated evaluated activities. The activity is also expected to identify additional necessary activities during the progress, and the contractor shall report such items continuously. Deliverables: Evaluation of system-of-microsystems, Critical further activities list (constantly updated), Roadmap Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T713-173MM TD: TD13 Title: Standard modular microsystems interface definition and proof-of-concept Objectives Trade-off, definition and proof-of-concept of a standard micro-interface to be used to the modular microsystems of the system-of-microsystems. Description Trade-off, definition and proof of concept of a microsystem interface to be used to the modular microsystems of the system-of-microsystems. The activity shall prove the concept for data and command, power distribution, and propellant management. It is recognised that it may be difficult to obtain a true standards interface for everything. The activity shall trade-off and define the requirements and designs for interfacing between microsystems, microsystems to circuit boards, microsystems to fluidic systems, and microsystems to power electronics. The following items shall be addressed within the activity: - Modularization guidelines: How to define interfaces between power, data, communications, payload, AOCS, and propulsion in the system-of-microsystems? - For true modularity, local/distributed micro power conversion (dc/dc/step-down), power control (solid state power controller (SSPC), latch-up protection, must be included. A trade-off between the recommended unit size and level of power distribution should be investigated. - Top-level module interfaces requirements definition and module interfaces conceptual designs. Trade-off and critical items identification. - The activity shall also perform proof-of-concept demonstrations of the critical interface items, separately and in a breadboard setup. Deliverables: Survey of current developments, Trade-off report, Proof-of-concept of separate interface functions, demonstration of critical interfaces in breadboard test setup. Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Page 210 of 217 Application Need/Date: 2012 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Contract Duration: 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 N/A TRP Reference: T713-174MM TD: Title: Integrated harness technology TD13 Objectives To evaluate the performance of integrated harness technology in the context of a system-of-microsystems architecture. Description The concept to be developed would be the application of new technologies to the harness function, such as wireless technology. Although the mass saving for a wireless harness may not be significant for a system of Microsystems the concept when proved would have major implications for larger spacecraft. This development is linked to the multifunctional structures activity. Studies and breadboards of embedding electronic components and harness into the structure have been performed and a complete test campaign should be performed to assess the structure. Deliverables: Test report Current TRL: TRL 3 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 5 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8382 N/A TRP Reference: T716-175MM TD: TD16 Title: Space instruments based on microtelescope array, proof-of-concept Objectives This study will investige innovative micro optical systems and explore potential inclusions of sensing capabilities like vision, spectroscopy, polarization or distance detection Description The objective of this study is the design and development of a microoptical system for close-up imaging in space. This micro optical system will be integrated into a larger system of microsystems. Optical microsystems are particularly interesting for applications where size, power consumption, ruggedness and multifunctionality are important such as planetary probes. Functions such as imaging, spectrometry and distance measurement (e.g., altimetry) can be performed by very compact devices using fabrication and packaging techniques akin to silicon chips and microlenses. The study will investigate innovative micro optical imaging concepts (e.g., compound - insect eye systems) and explore potential inclusion of additional sensing capabilities such as spectroscopy or distance measurement. The activity will start with an identification and review of possible microptical imaging concepts, followed by an assement of their performance capabilities and technical feasibility. Promising solutions will be further elaborated and traded off with a view of selecting a preferred design, with due consideration being given to the interfacing and later integration of the microoptical system into a larger system of microsystems. After the detailed design, critical technologies will be breadboarded and the achievable performances experimentally assessed. Deliverables: Micro optical system study + BB of micro optical system Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7861 N/A Page 211 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T718-176MP TD: TD19 Title: Medium delta-v, low-power, low-voltage microthruster module breadboarding Objectives The objective of this activity is to demonstrate the feasibility of a Hollow Cathode Thruster for micro S/C. Description The proposal aims to achieve a micro-thruster suitable for stand-alone use or as an enabling technology for all-electric spacecraft ready for space qualification. In particular, the microthruster should be adapted to use on a modular nanospacecraft platform, for medium delta-v manoeuvres and possibly attitude control and free-flying operations. The limitation when considering the application of micro-propulsion technologies to small spacecraft, particularly for attitude control, is constraints in volume, mass and power. While larger satellites (>200kg) may be able to incorporate high performance systems for such as mono-propellant, bi-propellant and conventional electric propulsion systems, smaller spacecraft face severe resource limitations which place these systems beyond their reach. The inability to suitably scale conventional high performance systems down means these satellites are generally forced to operate with only the simplest of propulsion systems, such as cold gas or resistojets and leave these spacecraft unsuited to anything other than low earth orbit operations. Hollow cathodes are a mature technology developed and tested extensively in the space industry as electron sources for gridded ion engines and hall thrusters. While hollow cathode plasma devices have recently been shown to produce usable thrusts (>5mN) at reasonable performance (>500s specific impulse), and highlights a possibility to integrate a high performance thruster and associated subsystems onto an integrated and scalable device suitable for use with limited onboard resources or as part of an all-electric spacecraft. The work would aim to generate an optimized microthruster, e.g. based on hollow cathode, with appropriate operational characteristics, propulsive performance and life to fulfill this role. Deliverables: Microthruster demonstration model Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T718-177MP TD: Title: Propellant management and storage module TD19 Objectives The contractor shall design a modular miniaturised propellant storage system and show that the design can meet the requirements for different missions, in particular the NEOMEx. In a second phase the contractor shall build a breadboard of the system and perform functional tests on it. Description Small and very small spacecraft will perform more and more advanced missions requiring attitude control, power storage, payload purging and propulsion. A suitable miniaturised propellant storage device can help these satellites to perform these functions. These satellites will need a suitable fuel storage system for propulsion, energy supply, or (in the long term) also possibly for the inflation of structures like antennae, airbags etc. Envisioned applications are nanosatellites (< 10 kg), miniature planetary landers and inspection satellites that can be used for Space Station or could accompanying larger satellites. In particular, a Near Earth Object Micro Explorer is used as a strawman mission. In order to be efficient, such a miniature storage system should have features that allow autonomy, long storage and no loading or venting activities after integration into the spacecraft. The system should have a high inherent flexibility so it can easily be adapted to different spacecraft and missions. As small spacecraft are often launched piggy-back the main payload dictates that high pressures, pyrotechnics or high temperatures should be avoided as much as possible during storage and launch. The system shall be able to survive long storage periods on earth and in space and shall have a negligible leakage during this time. The storage system shall include valves and pressure sensors to monitor its status. These functions should be integrated in a microsystem system device. The activity should demonstrate this through proof-of-concept breadboard. Page 212 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities Deliverables: Propellant storage module breadboard Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T719-178MC TD: Title: Multifunctional structure TD20 Objectives To combine the primary and secondary structure, integration microsystem functions into the structure. Description The main aim of this activity would be to combine the roles of primary and secondary structures. Currently primary structure carries the loads and secondary structure is attached to the primary structure and houses electronics. This would introduce significant mass savings, but the focus of interest would be on developing structure which perform both roles: To act as the load path and also to protect the electronics and microsystems. Current studies into small self deploying structures could be advanced to a flight demonstrator concept. Foldable structures which would achieve low volume and good performance in the launcher environment could be investigated. Compact structures with the ability to self deploy, such as Silicone based materials, could have electrical subsystems integrated into them. Deliverables: TN, breadboard Current TRL: TRL 1 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 3 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2013 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A TRP Reference: T720-179MC Title: Temperature-dependent thermal coatings TD: TD21 Objectives To develop thermal coating which change their thermo-optical properties with temperature such as to minimise the need of electric heater power. Specific emphasis will be on coatings which minimises the need of electrical power during eclipse times. Description Materials with thermo-optical materials changing with temperatures are known already. Within the activity, the dynamic range epsilon (alpha) with temperature shall be further increased and the long term behaviour in space shall be assessed. The application of the coatings on various structural materials shall be tested and the physical performance parameters shall be measured. Deliverables: Technical documentation, physical properties of the coatings, samples on various substrates Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A Page 213 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T720-180MC TD: Title: Micro-phase-change materials TD21 Objectives The objective of this Activity is to develop a space Phase change material, which can be easily applied on various geometries of different size, including micro/nano satellites, based on commercially available microencapsulated PCM’s. The PCM’s shall be used to minimise the electrical heating power during eclipse times to minimise the size of the on-board batteries. Description Various microencapsulated commercially available PCM materials shall be analysed for their use in a space environment. The most promising materials shall then be embedded in a Phase change capacitor, which can be applied in a flexible way on any spacecraft. It shall therefore be possible to apply the PCC directly to the dissipating unit or to fill any void volume which might be available in the satellite. Investigation to implement the PCM into structural elements (compound materials) shall be investigated Deliverables: Technical documentation, physical properties of the PCM, PCC design, PCC breadboard Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-8440 N/A TRP Reference: T720-181MC Title: Micro heat management systems TD: TD21 Objectives The objective is to identify suitable thermal control means for micro/nano satellites, identify suitable standard thermal hardware (e.g. thermistors, MLI) and design tools compatible with the mass and volume of a micro/nano sat and identify any novel technology required to enable a passive, low power thermal control system for a multipurpose micro/nano satellite Description Within the activity a thermal control system fo0r a micro/nano sat shall be established, with the goal to minimise the heater power required, specifically during eclipse times, when no power from the solar arrays are available. For this purpose, coatings with variable epsilon/alpha shall be analysed and the use of PCM’s shall be considered. In addition, it shall be assessed whether the use of heatswitches, micro heat pipes or other thermal technologies are required to simplify the thermal control system of a Micro/nano sat After this, an equipment list for the micro heat management system shall be established and suitable suppliers shall be identified. In case no existing hardware can be identified, a development plan for the missing items shall be established. In parallel, the applicability of thermal design tools and margins philosophies used in classical Spacecraft shall be critical assessed for micro/nano spacecraft technologies. If required, alternative tools shall be investigated and a new margin philosophy shall be established. Deliverables: Thermal control system of a nano/micro sat, supplier list, development plans Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 18 months Dossier0 Ref.: T-7880 N/A Page 214 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T722-182QC Title: Connectivity and Packaging of systems-of-microsystems TD: TD23 Objectives Design, prototyping and testing of a system-of-microsystems packaging approach including connectivity issue. Description This activity will address the packaging of a system of micro-systems it will be a logical complement of WALES, a TRP activity being presently initiated which will cover MEMS Wafer Level Packaging. The activity will aim at designing, prototyping and testing a global packaging solution for micro-systems including wafer level packaged MEMS. Critical points that need to be adressed are: - Packaging techniques and 3D stacking technologies for the fabrication of miniaturised SIP (System-In-Package) - Micro-systems integration including MEMS, electronics and other relevant functions - Hermeticity, internal package atmosphere and getters - Assessment of the reliability for space applications Attention will also be given to the connectivity of the System-In-Package. The activity will be sub-divided as follows:Task 1: Survey of packaging/connecting techniques,Task 2: Trade off , Task 3: Design,Task 4: Manufacturing/prototyping of a micro-system including a reasonable amount of wafer level package MEMS, Task 5 Validation by testing Deliverables: TN, design, breadboards, test programme, test reports Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 >2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7892 Consistent (Harmonised via MNT CTB dossier Paragraph 12.7.2) TRP Reference: T722-183QC TD: TD23 Title: Reliability and standardisation for systems-of-microsystems Objectives Esatblish and validate methodology and procedure for evaluating MEMS realiability, exploit Neomex environment for a tentative standardisation. Description The activity will take advantage of having several MEMS candidates integrated in Neomex to establish generic (or at least as much generic as possible) methodologies for assessing the reliability / quality of these MEMS. This shall be done at sub-system level and then review the commonalities for each device in order to get a basic generic MEMS reliability procedure to which additional quality assessment can be added depending on the type of micro-system which is addressed. It shall also address the complete system reliability assessment and help to decide how we should in the future treat a system of micro-systems: “black box” approach or do we need specific approach for the global system which takes into consideration the type of embedded micro-systems? Today different approaches are taken according to the project (GAIA, JWST…) but we need to standardise that in the future. The following tasks will be included: identification of available micro systems, definition of a reliability approach for each candidate, validation, consolidation. brainstorming, standardisation Deliverables: TN, design, breadboards, test programme, test reports Current TRL: TRL 2 Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Target TRL: TRL 4 Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: TRL5 by 2012 16 months Dossier0 Ref.: T7892 Consistent (Harmonised via MNT CTB dossier Paragraph 12.7.3) Page 215 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities TRP Reference: T723-184QM Title: Advanced manufacturing methods for systems-of-microsystems nanospacecraft TD: TD24 Objectives To implement the design of a nanospacecraft supporting structure into a technology allowing to manufacture it in one shot and possibly to implement using this manufacturing techniques additional functional features. Description When "buy to fly ratio" is below about 30% (meaning that 70% of the initial block of material is machined away) additive manufacturing technologies becomes an alternative to conventional machining. With systems of micro-systems spacecraft, the integration level of the micro-systems can be heavily improved using such techniques. Taking into account the system study and the capabilities of the advanced manufacturing technologies, geometry of the casing will be adapted to embedd additional features compared to classical design, thus lowering further mass. Deliverables: TN, design, prototype, test and final reports Current TRL: TRL 2 Target TRL: TRL 4 Application/Mission: NEOMEX N/A SW Clause : Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Application Need/Date: Contract Duration: 2012 24 months Dossier0 Ref.: no ref. N/A 7-27 - Electronic Components TRP Reference: T709-133QT TD: Title: SEE Testing of european GaAs Technologies TD22 Objectives SEE Radiation testing of European GaAs MMIC processes in order to try relaxing the relative ESA ALERT EA-2008-EEE-05 issued after Metop LRTP Failure. Determination of the need or no-need for RF signal applied during SEE testing. Possibly diminution of the Alert perimeter by additional testing on HEMT and HBT technologies. Description The most likely cause of Metop HRTP in flight failure is today considered as the sensitivity of a GaAs MESFET to SEE radiation. This finding ended up last year as an ESA Alert ESA EA-2008-EEE-05 in which a couple of recommendations were made with only a limited set of results and which now require more in depth investigation in order to better advise european space end users and possibly relax the alert by limiting its perimeter to a couple of devices or/and processes rather than advising to consider all GaAs technologies for testing has it had to be done a couple of months ago, The study will therfore aim at selecting a set of preferred european GaAs MMIC technologies for SEE testing with and without RF testing under various DC conditions. The main objective is to answer 5 major questions daily raised today by end users: 1) do we or not need to test for SSE sensitivity with RF applied 2)Do we need to test other technologies than the MESFET GaAs processes?. 3) How do our preferred european processes behave wrt SEE radiation. 4) Can we relax the ESA Alert by limiting it to a couple of devices or/and thechnologies. 5) Can we test SEE sensitivity in the future during ESCC process evaluation or do we need to test for each design (like for some VLSI technologies and products) and therfore do radiation testing on a product to product basis? Deliverables: Final Report and technical recommendations for SEE testing of GaAs MMIC devices as well as possible relaxation of the Alert issued in 2008. Current TRL: N/A Target TRL: N/A Application Need/Date: All without exception, all programs used and will continue using GaAs Application/Mission: technologies for a minimum of 5 Contract Duration: years before GaN start to take slowly over. Page 216 of 217 Immediate 14 months TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09 TRP Work Plan 2008-2010 Description of Activities SW Clause : N/A Consistency with Harmonisation Roadmap and Conclusions: Dossier0 Ref.: All programs without any exception need radiation data and relaxation of the ESA Alert EA-2008-EEE-05 to facilitate project PADs approval Page 217 of 217 TEC-SB/7934/dc 22/Jun/09