Trafalgar Gazette Principal’s Pen May and June bring a flurry of activities and celebrations to Trafalgar! Fifth grade students who are attending Seacamp leave on May 9th through the 11th. Our Leadership Night takes place on Thursday, May 12th from 5:00 – 7:00 P.M. Teachers will showcase their students’ work and projects related to this year’s theme and curriculum. Pizza dinner will be offered for $4.00! Please see the flyer that came home earlier this month for details. We then invite our incoming kindergarten students for next year to our Kindergarten Orientation on May 23rd. We are excited to introduce them to our amazing school. We begin our awards ceremonies starting with Kindergarten on June 1st, through 7th. Our fifth grade promotion ceremony takes place at Trafalgar Middle School on Thursday, June 9th. We end the year with three early dismissal days on June 8th-10th. Thank you to all of our families for another fantastic school year. We hope that you have an enjoyable summer and we look forward to seeing you back with us in August! PTO Corner The PTO is helping look for volunteers for one final event for this year— the Spring Book Fair, May 11th-13th. If you are interested in helping, please email the PTO. With the end of the school year quickly approaching, we would like to remind you to keep collecting your BOX TOPS and continue to snap away on Shoparoo! Even during the summer, these two small things can help add up to BIG reward for our school So far are this year we have collected over 30,000 BOX TOPS and earned more than $400 on Shoparoo, but we still have time to add more. Thank you for your support of these ongoing fundraisers this year! The PTO Board would like to send out a special thank you to everyone who supported us this year by either volunteering or supporting our fundraisers. All your support is greatly appreciated and has helped to make this year a great success and a lot of fun! We hope that you all had a wonderful year and hope to see you again next year! Trafalgar PTO End of Year Awards Schedule Mrs. Fainer We are planning to Raise the Roof here at Trafalgar Elementary School. A planning meeting is scheduled for May 3 at 2:30 in the Media Center. Trafalgar Elementary Volume 12, Issue 9 May 1, 2016 Kindergarten Scheduled by teacher 1st Grade Scheduled by teacher 2nd Grade Scheduled by teacher 3rd grade June 6 8:15 Blanco, Sardinas, Hurley, Bromfield If you’d like to find out more about the plan to raise the funds to cover the basketball courts, please join us! 9:15 Cruz, Johnson, Suhrie, Grant 4th Grade June 7 8:15 Caneer, Hughes, Berry The School District of Lee County offers breakfast to all students, free of charge. If your child needs to eat breakfast upon arriving to school, please encourage him/her to go to the cafeteria. Breakfast is served from 7:25 to 7:50. 9:15 Goodhind, Mazon, Kerans 5th Grade Promotion Ceremony June 9 Information to follow May is “Better Hearing and Speech Month”! Dear Parents: Are you concerned that your kids spend too much time on tablets, smartphones, or other devices? Do you have fewer conversations with your kids than you’d like because of technology distractions? Do you find yourself constantly asking your kids to lower the volume on devices because you can hear the music blaring through their earbuds or headphones? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you are a typical parent in the digital age. These are struggles for most of us as technology increasingly becomes central to our lives and our children’s lives. During May, my professional association—the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)— celebrates Better Hearing & Speech Month. Given that, I want to take this opportunity to remind you of the important roles that verbal communication and personal interaction—free from technology distractions—play in children’s academic and social development. Kids today are using devices for hours every day—time that once was reserved for talking and reading, interactive and imaginative play, outdoor experiences, and other activities. Yet, the primary way young children develop their speech and language abilities is through verbal exchange—talking and reading with parents. This is a precursor for their own reading abilities and overall academic success. Children also learn from hands-on experiences. Educational apps can play a part, but they are in no way a replacement for what is learned through person-to-person communication. As we head into the summer months, when children no doubt will have more time to use devices, consider carving out some device-free time each day. You may be surprised by how little they (and you) miss it! Another pressing issue related to technology use is hearing damage. Unfortunately, there has been a significant spike in hearing loss in young people in recent years. This coincides with the rise in popularity of mp3 players, tablets, and other devices. Even mild hearing loss can lead to reduced academic achievement (particularly in reading and math), poor self-concept, and feelings of social isolation, among other consequences—so, encourage your kids to keep the volume on their devices to half level and to take listening breaks. Hearing loss due to unsafe listening habits can be prevented, but once it occurs, it is irreversible. Teach (and model yourself) these good habits early. Finally, this is an opportunity for me to remind you about my availability should you have any concerns about your child’s communication development. Speech, language, and hearing disorders are among the most common disorders in school-aged children. Communication disorders are also treatable and some can even be prevented if identified early. Sincerely, Jill M. Muller, MACCC-SLP Trafalgar Elementary Order next year’s school supplies now. Order forms can be found on our website or you may conveniently order online with the information below. Lunch Giveaway! Buy a lunch on May 11 and you will receive a prize! School Nurse Health Note Sodas and Energy Drinks-------What Everyone Should Know You probably know that sodas aren’t good for you. Sodas provide a lot of empty calories, “liquid candy,” about 10 teaspoons of sugar per can, and almost no nutrition. Just how bad is soda? • Drinking soda can cause weight gain. • The sugar in soda harms teeth. • Soda may contribute to diabetes. Being overweight puts you at higher risk for type 2 diabetes. What about diet sodas and energy drinks? They have sugars just like regular soda and also caffeine which can cause irritability, problems sleeping, headaches, and anxiety. You are just better off drinking water and milk and getting vitamins and minerals from real food. Drinking soda increases your risk of osteoporosis or brittle bones. People need plenty of calcium throughout life for strong bones. What you drink and eat can pay off big time when you get older. REMINDER... that children who have reached the age of ten (10) are eligible to receive the Tdap immunization (*this shot will be required for your child to enter the 7th Grade) Why wait? You can get a jump start and get the shot when your child turns 10 or 11. The Lee County Health Department offers immunizations free of charge to children under the age of 18 or you can make an appointment with your child’s pediatrician. Then please bring that documentation/record of that Tdap to your school nurse. The Michigan Ave. health department has a summer clinic set for Saturday, May 21 from 9-1PM. Call 332-9601 for more information. This is especially for those needing the 7th grade Tdap! The sun is shining brightly and will all summer. Apply sunscreen as frequently as directed. Other ways to protect your family from the sun include wearing protective clothing, such as: *Hats with wide 4 inch brims that cover the neck, ears, eyes, and scalp. * Sunglasses with UV ray protection to prevent eye damage. * Loose-fitting, tightly woven clothing that covers arms and legs. * Clothing made with sun protective fabric. They have a special label that tells you how effective they are in protecting your skin from ultraviolet rays. Have a safe and fun summer vacation !