Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 School of Electrical and Computer Engineering ECE2040 Dr. George F. Riley Summer 2007, GT Lorraine Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources In chapter 8 in the textbook, we determined that if the forcing function (the voltage Vs (t) or the current Is (t)) is of the form Vs (t) = Vm cos ωt then forced response vo (t) of an RC circuit or RL circuit is of the form: vf = A cos ωt + B sin ωt √ 2 2 +B we get: If we multiply the right side of the above equation by √A A2 +B 2 √ B A cos ωt + √ sin ωt vf = A2 + B 2 √ A2 + B 2 A2 + B 2 Now, if we define θ = tan−1 (B/A), we can say that: sin θ = √ B + B2 cos θ = √ A2 A + B2 A2 So vf = cos θ cos ωt + sin θ sin ωt By the trigonometric identity: cos α − β = cos α cos β + sin α sin β we get: vf = √ A2 + B 2 cos(ωt − θ) (1) The above result will be used in the next set of equation. The previous analysis is found in section 10.3 in Dorf and Svoboda. 1 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 Now consider the circuit below where vs (t) = Vm cos ωt and we want to find the forced response if (t). This analysis is found in section 10.4 of Dorf and Svoboda. R + vs(t) L i(t) − Using KVL: di + Ri = Vm cos ωt dt From chapter 8, we know that the forced response if (t) will be of the form: L if (t) = A cos ωt + B sin ωt and: di = −ωA sin ωt + ωB cos ωt dt thus: L(−ωA sin ωt + ωB cos ωt) + R(A cos ωt + B sin ωt) = Vm cos ωt We can find A and B by chosing a value for ωt that makes sin ωt = 0 and cos ωt = 1. ωLB + RA = Vb and a value for ωt that makes sin ωt = 1 and cos ωt = 0. −ωLA + RB = 0; Solving for A and B we get: A= B= R2 RVm + ω 2L2 ωLVm R2 + ω 2L2 2 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 From equation 1, we know that: So we need to find √ vf = A cos ωt + B sin ωt = A2 + B 2 : A2 + B 2 = √ A2 + B 2 (cos ωt − β) ω 2 L2 Vm2 R2 Vm2 + (R2 + ω 2L2 )(R2 + ω 2L2 ) (R2 + ω 2 L2 )(R2 + ω 2 L2 ) A2 + B 2 = √ Vm2 (R2 + ω 2L2 ) (R2 + ω 2 L2 )(R2 + ω 2 L2 ) A2 + B 2 = √ Vm R2 + ω 2 L2 So finally: i(t) = √ A2 + B 2 cos(ωt − β) = Vm cos(ωt − β) Z (2) where: Z= √ R2 + ω 2L2 ωL R Equation 2 above is the solution for the forced response to an LR circuit with sinusoidal forcing function, and should be memorized. β = tan−1 (B/A) = tan−1 3 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 We now turn out attention to the RC circuit shown below, where vs (t) = Vm cos ωt. This analysis is not in the textbook, but is inportant and should be studied and understood. R + + vs(t) C vo(t) − − We know that the current is the same across all elements of this circuit, and that the current through a capacitor is: C dv dt KVL around the loop gives: Vs (t) = Vm cos ωt = RC dv + vo (t) dt As before, assume the response vo (t) is of the form: vo (t) = A cos ωt + B sin ωt so substituting above for vo (t) and dv dt we get: Vm cos ωt = RCBω cos ωt − RCAω sin ωt + A cos ωt + B sin ωt Again choosing appropriate values for cos ωt and sin ωt, we get: B = RCAω A = Vm − RCBω Solving for A and B we get: Vm 1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 RCωVm B= 1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 A= Again finding √ A2 + B 2 = A2 + B 2 : Vm2 + R2 C 2 ω 2Vm2 Vm2 (1 + R2 C 2 ω 2) Vm2 = = (1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 )(1 + R2 C 2 ω 2) (1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 )(1 + R2 C 2 ω 2) 1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 4 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources √ ECE2040 – Summer 2007 A2 + B 2 = √ Vm 1 + R2 C 2 ω 2 Finally, the forced response vo (t) is: vo (t) = Vm cos(ωt − β) P (3) where P = √ 1 + R2 C 2 ω 2, β = tan−1 (B/A) = tan−1 (RCω) Equation 3 above is the response to an RC circuit with a sinusoidal forcing function and should be memorized. 5 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 Next, we will analyze an RL circuit with a complex exponential forcing function. The circuit below is the same as the LR circuit used previously, and the forcing function vs (t) is again Vm cos ωt. However, in this case we will see that the analysis is a bit simpler. R + vs(t) i(t) L − We start by observing that: vs (t) = Vm cos ωt = Re Vm ejωt Where the Re notation indicates the real part of the complex variable. For the remainder of this analysis, we will drop the Re notation, and simply take the real part of the computed forced response when we are done. Using KVL: di + Ri dt We know that the response to an exponential forcing function is of the form: vs (t) = L io (t) = Aejωt So: vs (t) = Vm ejωt = AjωLejωt + RAejωt = Aejωt (jωL + R) Solving for A: A= Vm Vm −jβ = e R + jωL Z where: Z= √ R2 + ω 2 L2 , β = tan−1 ωL R So the response is: Vm −jβ jωt Vm jωt−β Vm io (t) = Re = e e e = cos(ωt − β) Z Z Z which matches the result earlier in equation 2. We could do a similar analysis for an RC circuit using the same technique, which would give the same results as in equation 3. 6 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 Now we look at using the concept of Complex Phasors to solve LR and RC circuit responses with sinusoidal forcing functions. In the previous analysis, we found that the term ejωt occurred often, and was unchanged from the forcing function to the respose function. For ease of notation, we use the notation: V = Re Vm ejβ ejωt = Vm ∠β The boldface V indicates the value is a Phasor, which has a magnitude and a phase angle. Phasors also have an ejωt term which is not written but assumed present. To see how this is useful, consider the circuit below with vs (t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ). R + vs(t) L i(t) − vs (t) = Vm cos(ωt + φ) = Re Vm ej(ωt+φ) Assume the response i(t) is of the form: By KVL: i(t) = Im cos(ωt + β) = Re Im ejωt+β vs (t) = L di + Ri dt Vm ej(ωt+φ) = (jωLIm + RIm )ej(ωt+β) To convert to phasor notation, first remove the ejωt from every term: Vm ejφ = (jωLIm + RIm )ejβ Vs = Vm ejφ , I = Im ejβ Thus in phasor notation, we have: (jωL + R)I = Vs I= Vs jωL + R 7 Analysis of LRC with Sinusoidal Sources ECE2040 – Summer 2007 If we let φ = 10◦ , ω = 100rad/s, R = 200Ω, L = 2H, we get: Vs Vm ∠10◦ Vm ∠ − 35◦ Vs = = = jωL + R j200 + 200 283∠45◦ 283 Converting back to time domain representation, we get: I= Vm cos(100t − 35◦ ) 283 As another example, use Phasor notation to solve for vo (T ) in the figure below, where i(t) = 10 cos ωt. i(t) = + i(t) R C vo(t) − i(t) = 10 cos ωt = I = 10∠0◦ By KCL: dv vo (t) +C R dt i(t) = 10Re ejωt vo (t) = Vm Re ejωt+β i(t) = Vm j(ωt+β) e + jωCVm ej(ωt+β) = 10ejωt R Suppress the ejωt term to convert to phasor notation: 1 ◦ + jωC Vm ejβ = 10ej0 R 1 + jωC V = I R Let R = 1Ω, C = 10mF, ω = 100, we get: 10∠ − 45◦ I 10∠0◦ √ = , V= √ 1 + j1 2∠45◦ 2 Converting back to time domain representation, we get: (1 + j1)V = I, V = 10 vo (t) = √ cos(100t − 45◦) 2 8