LEVEL 3 3015 COMMUNICATIONS, SIGNALS AND SYSTEMS 2003 Peter H. Cole March 13, 2003 Appendix H SOME NOTES ON PHASOR ANALYSIS H.1 Objective The objective of these notes is to clarify the basic concepts of phasor analysis of AC circuits in the sinusoidal steady state. H.2 A Simple Circuit Our vehicle for this instruction will be the analysis of the simple circuit shown in the Figure H.1. i(t) + _ + vL(t) + L v(t) R vR(t) _ _ Figure H.1: A simple circuit for analysis. In analysing this circuit, we will assume the sinusoidal current with peak value Im and phase and φ. i(t) = Im cos(ωt + φ). H.3 (H.1) Analysis by Differential Equations For the basic circuit elements R, L, and C, we can write differential equations relating the terminal voltage and the element current, using reference directions for voltages and currents as shown in Figure H.2. 231 232 APPENDIX H. SOME NOTES ON PHASOR ANALYSIS i(t) i(t) i(t) + + v(t) v(t) R + L _ _ v(t) = Ldi(t) dt v(t) = R i(t) v(t) C _ i(t) = C dv(t) dt Figure H.2: Sign conventions for circuit variables. For a resistor R v(t) = Ri(t) = RIm cos(ωt + φ). (H.2) For an inductor of self inductance L, di(t) = −ωLIm sin(ωt + φ). dt For a capacitor of capacitance C, v(t) = L 1 8 1 v(t) = Im sin(ωt + φ). i(t)dt = C ωC Thus for the circuit of Figure H.1 we have di(t) dt = RIm cos(ωt + φ) − ωLIm sin(ωt + φ) v(t) = Ri(t) + L = Im R2 + (ωL)2 sin(ωt + φ + θ) (H.3) (H.4) (H.5) (H.6) (H.7) where ωL R sin θ = and cos θ = . R2 + (ωL)2 R2 + (ωL)2 H.4 (H.8) Disadvantageous Features Most people find this analysis burdensome, particularly in the last step where a sine wave and cosine wave of excitation must be combined. We will show in the below sections that analysis using complex phasors provides the correct results with less trouble. Although we achieve this result by introducing complex numbers to represent the sinusoidal variables, all the voltages and currents within our circuit remain real numbers. H.5. REPRESENTATION OF SINUSOIDS H.5 233 Representation of Sinusoids It is well known that the circular functions sin(ωt) and cos(ωt) bear simple relations to the complex exponential ejωt . It is also well known that the complex exponential ejωt has a particulary simple time derivative i.e. jωejωt , in which the functional form of the variable does not change; it is merely multiplied by a constant. This prompts us to investigate whether complex exponentials can be used to provide a simpler version of AC circuit analysis than that just illustrated. We first introdce the concept of phasor to represent a sine wave (or more correctly a cosine wave) excitation. In doing this, we first observe that, in a situation in which all variables are sinusoidal and at a common angular frequency ω, the sinusoidal current i(t) = Im cos(ωt + φ) is completely determined by its magnitude Im and its phase φ. We may therefore represent that magnitude and phase information by a complex number of magnitude Im and argument φ, i.e. the complex number Im ejφ as shown in the Argand diagram on Figure H.3 at the point P1 . imag Rotation P2 Im P1 O Instantaneous value at time t Im wt Rotating arm Phasor (fixed) f real Instantaneous value at time t = 0 Figure H.3: Phasors, rotating arms and projections. We notice that the point P1 does not move. Moreover, if we take the projection of the point P1 on the horizontal axis, we obtain the value Im cos φ, which is the value of the sinusoidal excitation at the time t = 0. If we add an additional time-varying phase angle ωt to the phase angle φ of the phasor leading to the point P1 , we obtaine the rotating arm in which the point P2 describes a circle centred on the origin and of radius Im . At any time, the projection of the point P2 on the horizontal axis gives the instantaneous value of the sinusoidal quantity Im cos(ωt + φ) at time t. We notice that the horizontal projection is just the real part of the complex number represented by the rotating arm. 234 APPENDIX H. SOME NOTES ON PHASOR ANALYSIS H.6 Analysis Leading to Algebraic Equations Let us now investigate the way in which taking our variables as the real parts of complex exponentials may simplify the work involved in circuit analysis when sinusoidal signals are present. We begin with i(t) = {Im ej(ωt+φ) }. (H.9) Then di(t) d {Im ej(ωt+φ) } = dt dt dIm cos(ωt + φ) = dt = −ω sin(ωt + φ) = {jωej(ωt+φ) }. (H.10) (H.11) (H.12) (H.13) So we see that we may achieve the object of differentiation, which is initially to be done externally to the operation of taking the real part, by performing the differentiation first on the complex function, and then the taking the real part of the result. This is actually a quite general result which applies to complex functions of a real variable when we differentiat with respect to that real variable. What is, however, interesting for us here is firstly that the differentiation operation has the simple effect of multiplying the complex function by jω, and secondly that there is no other change in the functional form of the complex function. H.7 Application to Circuit Analysis So in our analysis of the simple circuit given in Figure H.1 with the sinusoidal excitation i(t) = {Im ej(ωt+φ) } (H.14) we may derive the input voltage by the steps v(t) = = H.8 {RIm ej(ωt+φ) + jωLej(ωt+φ) } {(R + jωL)Im ej(ωt+φ) }. (H.15) (H.16) The Physical and Mathematical Systems These steps lead to the following interpretation, in which it is useful to distinguish between a physical system and a mathematical system. H.8. THE PHYSICAL AND MATHEMATICAL SYSTEMS H.8.1 235 The physical system In the physical system, we have an excitation current and the resulting voltage which are both real and sinusoidal, but are expressed as the real part of complex exponentials, as below. i(t) = {Im ej(ωt+φ } ; v(t) = {(R + jωL)Im ej(ωt+φ) }. (H.17) It is very evident that the voltage and current are real, as they must be. H.8.2 The mathematical system In the mathematical system we might treat our input current as the complex function Im ej(ωt+φ) (H.18) and treat resistors, inductors, and capacitors as having complex impedances of R, jωL and 1/(jωC) resepctively, and calculate voltages, (and in more complicated circuits maybe other currents), by the same rules of circuit theory as we have been used to in DC circuits, but where the resistances are replaced by the complex impedances defined in the equations above. To find the answer to the physical problem, we take of the real parts of the complex functions. Thus i(t) = {Im ej(ωt+φ) } (H.19) and v(t) = = H.8.3 {V e(jωt) } {(R + jωL)Im ejφ ejωt }. (H.20) (H.21) Deletion of the time function We notice that the time function ejωt is a common factor of all of the above operations. Thus we can delete it from from the function Im ej(ωt+φ) at the beginning of the calculation, to obtain the phasor Im ejφ . Then we operate on that phasor by our complex impedances, (in our case we multiply by our complex impedance (R +jωL), to obtain our input phasor V = (R + jωL)Im ejφ . We then re-attach the common factor ejωt , and take the real part of the result, to get the real solution to the physical problem. v(t) = = {V ejωt } {(R + jωL)Im ejφ ejωt }. (H.22) (H.23)