SUPERPOSITION OF PHASORS; ANTENNA ARRAYS/APERTURES Superposition of Waves, Applications: Multiple waves launched by antenna (Antennas designed to yield desired pattern) + - + - + - Multiple reflections intercepted by receiver (Multipath) Multiple points of interception in receiver antenna (Same as transmitting antenna, time reversed) A B cos ωt + cos (ωt + φ) = A cos(ωt + θ) C [= 2 cos (ωt + φ/2) cos (φ/2)] Note: fields add, powers do not A+B t A+C D A+D L6-1 SUPERPOSITION OF PHASORS Graphical Method: A(t) = Re {Ae jωt } = Re {Re {A} + jIm {A} [cos ωt + jsin ωt ]} = Re {A}cos ωt − Im {A}sin ωt Im{A} Superposition of Phasors: Im{A} j Sin Cos ωt Sin Cos ejωt Re{A} 2 + j = (12 + 22)0.5 ejβ ⇒ 2cos ωt -sin ωt = (12 + 22)0.5cos(ωt + β) (“phase lead” of β) β Re{A} Im{A} i B = ∑ i A i e j φi 0 φi 1 • e jπ 2 → A i = 1 , φi = π 2 Re{A} L6-2 ANTENNA ARRAYS Superposition of Waves: E(r, θ, φ) = ∑ ai Eie− jkri + - i + - = E ∑ aie− jkri = (element factor E ) (array factor ) i E(r,θ,φ) can be factored if elements have the same orientation and pattern (so Ei = E), but different locations ri, and amplitudes and phases ai, where ai characterizes the currents driving each radiating element Example, horizontal arrays of vertical dipoles: In phase: z x y At 30° relative power = 2 (90° out of phase) 1 λ/2 0 Array factor 1 λ/4 30° x Relative power in x direction = 4 y x 180° out of phase: 90° out of phase, y relative power =2 Element λ/2 factor Relative power in y direction = 4 30° λ/4 x L6-3 TWO-ELEMENT ARRAYS In-Phase, 2λ λ Separation: 90° phase, λ/4 separation y null y 3λ/2 λ/4 null θ = cos-1(3/4) x λ/2 1 x j (phase lead 90°) 2λ 180° phase, λ/2 separation unequal sources y Nulls at: θ = cos-1([λ/2]/2λ) θ = cos-1(3λ/2]/2λ) Peaks at: θ =0 θ = cos-1(λ/2λ) = π/3 λ/2 a b x 2 unequal sources cannot produce a null L6-4 LINEAR ANTENNA ARRAYS D Linear uniformly excited array: θnull = sin λ/2L = ~λ/D x L Phasor for Uniform 8-Element Array: Im{A} λ/2 Im{A} ωt Sin null Peak power ∝ 82 0 Re{A} Cos 45o Im{A} 45o First null D Second null First null Im{A} y x λ/2 ⇒ φ=1800 Peak ∝ 82 Re{A} x 0 0 First null Re{A} θ 0 90o Re{A} G(θ) ∝ E(r, θ, φ) 2 z θfirst null = sin-1[(λ/2)/(4D/7)] First sidelobe Second null L6-5 FREQUENCY REUSE Cell phones: Frequency allocations are limited Therefore multiple narrowband signals or other orthogonal signals are used (e.g., TDM) Base station antennas enable frequency reuse All frequencies, α = 0, V i = V o e jmα All frequencies, α = π Element factor E(θ) Typical 4-antenna face Most clients can access non-faded frequencies Assume 3λ L6-6 MULTIPATH EFFECTS Fading, scintillation: Causes of fading: aEe− jφ N paths L E Moving reflectors (trucks, trees) vary φ Moving sources and receivers Variations in c due to temperature, humidity Polarization rotation or variation Examples: FM radios in moving cars click during nulls below FM threshold Snowy TV broadcast stations waiver as planes fly overhead or trucks pass Strength of radio stations varies with the weather (also due to refraction) Ionosphere (faraday) rotates linear polarization ~ < 3 GHz, causing fades Doppler shift ∆f: If the path L to the source increases at v = ∂L/∂t, we lose fD = (∂L/∂t)/λ cycles per second = v/λ = fov/c Hz, so fD = fo(1 - v/c) Hz Remedies: Doppler shift – retune receiver Fading – high sensitivity and dynamic range; error-correction codes; space, frequency, polarization diversity L6-7 DIFFRACTION Uniformly Illuminated Aperture: B= x jφ jrˆ • x dx ˆ ∫ A(x)e ∑i Ai e i → x 45o First null x D E(r, θ, φ) θ 2 z θfirst null = sin-1[(λ/2)/(4D/7)] 0 λ/2 ⇒ φ=1800 x' Planar Aperture: x θfirst null = sin-1(λ/D) y' θ r' r z' θB z D λ/2 ⇒ φ=180° θB(eye) ≅ sin-1(λ/D) ≅ 0.5×10-6/10-3 ≅ 1 arc min Uniformly Illuminated Aperture A: ( ) 5×10-4 radians Eff ≅ θˆ jke− jkr 2πr cos θ ∫ E x (x ',y ')e jkrˆ •r ' da' A (~Fourier transform)(r is distance from origin to ff) L6-8