JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION Vol. 43, No. 6 AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION December 2007 IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE1 Robert G. Maliva and Karl P. Hopfensperger2 ABSTRACT: The population of Collier and Lee Counties in southwestern Florida has increased 11-fold from 1960 to 2004 with a concomitant increase in freshwater demand. Water levels and salinity within the water table aquifer over the past two to three decades have generally been stable, with more monitoring wells showing statistically significant temporal increases in water level than decreases. Residential development has had a neutral impact on the water table aquifer because the total annual evapotranspiration of residential communities is comparable to that of native vegetation and less than that of most agricultural land uses. Public water supply systems and private wells also result in net recharge to the water table aquifer with water produced from deeper aquifers. Confined freshwater aquifers have overall trends of decreasing water levels. However, with the exception of the mid-Hawthorn aquifer, water levels in most areas recover to near background levels each summer wet season. Freshwater resources in humid subtropical areas, such as southwestern Florida, are relatively robust because of the great aquifer recharge potential from the excess of rainfall over ET during the wet season. Proper management can result in sustainable water resources. (KEY TERMS: sustainability; ground-water management; evapotranspiration; water supply; water policy.) Maliva, Robert G. and Karl P. Hopfensperger, 2007. Impacts of Residential Development on Humid Subtropical Freshwater Resources: Southwest Florida Experience. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 43(6):1540-1549. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2007.00126.x INTRODUCTION Rapid population growth in the sunbelt of the United States is resulting in increasing withdrawals of fresh ground water for domestic use and the irrigation of residential, commercial, and recreation areas. It has been generally taken for granted that increased water use associated with residential development has adverse impacts, such as the depletion of aquifers, saline-water intrusion, and the drying out of wetlands. Such negative assumptions focus largely on water withdrawals. However, residential development of land does not necessarily cause adverse impacts because positive changes in the water balance can occur, such as a net increase in recharge to the water table aquifer as explored in this paper. Meaningful evaluation of the impacts of land use changes therefore requires consideration of changes in the overall water balance. Collier and Lee Counties in southwestern Florida (Figure 1) have undergone a population and residen- 1 Paper No. J06022 of the Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA). Received February 8, 2006; accepted April 12, 2007. ª 2007 American Water Resources Association. Discussions are open until June 1, 2008. 2 Respectively, Senior Hydrogeologist, Missimer Groundwater Science, a Schlumberger Company, 1567 Hayley lane, Suite 202, Fort Myers, Florida 33907; and Hydrogeologist, CDM, 2295 Gateway Oaks Drive, Suite 240, Sacramento, California, 95833 (E-Mail ⁄ Maliva: JAWRA 1540 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE FIGURE 2. Average Annual Monthly Temperature and Rainfall in Fort Myers, Lee County (Southeast Regional Climate Center, 2006) and Estimated Average Monthly ET Potential for Coastal Southwestern Florida in 2003-2004 (Abtew et al., 2005). FIGURE 1. Map of the Study Area Showing the Locations of the Studied U.S. Geological Survey Monitoring Wells. tial development boom over the past four decades. Concerns over the impacts of population growth on the water supply of the region had been noted as early as the 1960s (Boggess, 1968). The existence of a regional ground-water monitoring network, installed and operated by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), makes these counties a natural laboratory to evaluate the impacts of rapid residential development on fresh ground-water resources, the primary potable and irrigation water source in the region. The objective of this investigation is to evaluate the impacts of rapid residential development on water levels and salinity in the freshwater aquifers of Collier and Lee Counties. In particular, does the monitoring data show evidence of unsustainable withdrawals. Actual information on the sensitivity of freshwater to increasing exploitation would provide guidance for optimal management of the ground-water resources in humid subtropical areas. average daily high temperatures of approximately 33C in June through August and 24C during December through February (Figure 2). The region has a pronounced seasonality in rainfall with a summer wet season and winter and spring dry season. Approximately 66% of the 138 cm of historic average annual rainfall in Fort Myers falls in the months of June through September (Figure 2), during which time rainfall exceeds evapotranspiration (ET). During the fall and winter dry season, ET exceeds rainfall. There has been considerable variation in annual rainfall, but there are no overall trends that could be responsible for longterm temporal changes in aquifer water levels (Figure 3). SETTING Collier and Lee Counties adjoin the Gulf of Mexico in southwestern Florida. Both counties have very low topographic relief. The highest point in southwestern Florida is a Calusa Indian shell mound (Indian Hill) on Marco Island, which has a maximum elevation of 15.5 m above sea level. Southwestern Florida has a subtropical climate with JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION FIGURE 3. Historic Annual Rainfall for Fort Myers, Florida (Southeast Regional Climate Center, 2006). 1541 JAWRA MALIVA AND HOPFENSPERGER TABLE 1. Collier and Lee County Population Data. Collier County Lee County Total 1960* 1970* 1980* 1990* 2000* 2004 (est.)* 2020 Projected** 15,753 54,539 70,292 38,040 105,216 143,256 85,971 205,266 291,237 152,099 335,113 487,212 251,377 440,888 692,265 296,678 514,295 810,973 349,200 594,300 943,400 Source: * U.S. Census Bureau, source:** South Florida Water Management District (2000). Southwestern Florida has been experiencing rapid population growth. The combined population of Collier and Lee Counties increased from 70,292 in 1960 to 692,265 in 2000, and is projected to reach 943,000 in the year 2020 (Table 1). The projected year 2020 population may be conservatively low in that population growth and associated home construction have accelerated over the past several years. The bulk of the population is concentrated along the coast in the cities of Cape Coral, Fort Myers, Bonita Springs, Naples, and Marco Island, and adjoining unincorporated areas. The inland areas are mostly undeveloped, low-density residential or agricultural (mostly winter vegetables, citrus, and pasture). Water demand in southwestern Florida is estimated in the latest Lower West Coast Water Supply Plan (South Florida Water Management District, 2000). Total water demand in Collier and Lee Counties is projected to increase from 552.5 million cubic meters (Mm3) per year in 1995 to 828.7 Mm3 per year in 2020 (Table 2). Most of recent historic and projected future increase in demand is for residential and recreational uses, which is correlated with population growth. Recreational uses include landscape and golf course irrigation. The hydrogeology of the freshwater aquifers of Collier and Lee Counties has most recently been discussed by Boggess et al. (1981), Wedderburn et al. (1982a,b,c), Peacock (1983), Knapp et al. (1986), Weedman et al. (1997, 1999), Missimer (2001), and Missimer et al. (2003). Four main aquifers are locally used in Collier and Lee Counties for freshwater supply; the water table aquifer, and three underlying confined aquifers. The water table aquifer in most places has water levels within several feet of land surface. The semi-confined to confined aquifers are the lower Tamiami aquifer, Sandstone aquifer, and mid-Hawthorn aquifer (Figure 4). Although the strata that constitute each of the confined aquifers are all present throughout much of the study area, the transmissivity and leakance of the strata are highly variable. Typically only one of the confined aquifers is an important freshwater source in any area. The lower Tamiami aquifer is widely used in Collier County and southwestern Lee County. The mid-Hawthorn aquifer is used extensively for domestic water supply in northwestern Lee County, including parts of the City of Cape Coral. The Sandstone aquifer is used for domestic, irrigation, and TABLE 2. Estimated Water Demand in Collier and Lee Counties. Demand (mcm per year) Collier County Lee County Use Classification 1995 2020 1995 2020 Public water supplied Domestic self supplied Commercial and industrial self-supplied Total recreational Total agricultural Thermoelectric power generation Total 61.44 7.46 8.26 113.30 8.22 15.76 59.29 8.32 7.47 92.06 11.94 11.83 81.06 178.04 0.00 169.53 218.36 0.00 58.18 82.03 1.06 102.39 85.27 1.06 336.18 525.17 216.35 303.52 Source – South Florida Water Management District (2000). JAWRA FIGURE 4. Hydrogeologic Diagram of Lee and Collier Counties. 1542 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE public water supply in central and eastern Lee County. considered in the study to be a manageable degradation of water quality. METHODS WATER LEVEL AND CHLORIDE DATA To evaluate the effect of population growth on the water resources of southwestern Florida, a desktop evaluation of available ground-water level and salinity data was performed. Historic water level and chloride concentration data obtained from the Water Resources of Florida on-line database (USGS, 2005) were used in this study. Chloride concentration was used as a proxy for salinity. The USGS database includes water level and chloride measurements performed monthly or at less frequent intervals. Data from a well was included in this study using the following salinity and time frame criteria: an initial chloride concentration 250 mg ⁄ l or less, the first measurement was from the year 1986 or earlier, and the latest reported measurement was from the year 2000 or later. Year 1986 was chosen as a cutoff date to exclude wells installed less than two decades ago, and thus provide a relatively short hydrologic record. The study database included 97 wells for water levels, 32 of which also have chloride concentration data for the same period of record. For each well database, a least-square regression analysis was performed to identify and quantify temporal trends in the data. A t-test was used to evaluate the probability of the null hypothesis that the data come from a population in which the regression coefficient (slope) is zero. A regression coefficient of zero means that there is no change in water level or chloride concentration over time. Significance levels of <1% are nearly always judged to be statistically significant (Sokol and Rohlf, 1981). Datasets with a probability of £0.01 (1%) are considered herein to have significant changes in water level or chloride concentrations over time. Small changes in chloride concentration may occur over time in some wells that are statistically significant, but not hydrogeologically significant in terms of water resources management. For example, a 10 mg ⁄ l increase or decrease in chloride concentration from a 20 mg ⁄ l initial value may be statistically significant, but would not impact use of the water as the Florida secondary drinking water standard for chloride is 250 mg ⁄ l. An additional criterion is therefore necessary to evaluate the hydrogeological significance of changes in chloride concentration with respect to resource management. Regression coefficients of <0.0055 mg ⁄ l per day (2 mg ⁄ l per year) are Approximately 82% of the water table aquifer monitoring wells have a trend of either stable water levels or significantly increasing water levels (Table 3). More monitoring wells have a trend of significantly increasing (n = 11) than significantly decreasing (n = 7) water levels. The rates of change in elevation of the water table aquifer (regression coefficients) are low. For six of seven wells showing a significant decrease in water level over time, the regression coefficient is 5.2 · 10)3 cm ⁄ day or less, which corresponds to an annual rate of 1.9 cm ⁄ year. Plots of water level vs. time for wells with significant increasing (Figure 5A) and decreasing (Figure 5B) water levels have a large seasonal variation. No spatial trends are evident in the data (Figure 6A). For example, there is no pattern of decreasing water levels in the western part of the study area, which has the greatest development and water use. No overall trend is evident in the lower Tamiami aquifer well data (Table 3). Ground-water levels have been stable or increasing in coastal northern Collier County, a major aquifer use area (Figure 6B). Approximately 78% of the Sandstone aquifer and 68% of the mid-Hawthorn aquifer monitoring wells have a significant decrease in water levels over time (Table 3; Figures 6C and 6D). Two patterns are evident in the time-drawdown plots of the water levels from the confined aquifers. Some wells have a trend in which both dry and wet season water levels are progressively decreasing over time (Figure 5C). Progressive decrease in both dry and wet season water levels commonly occurs in the mid-Hawthorn aquifer, where a JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION TABLE 3. Summary of Monitoring Data. No Significant Significant Significant Increase Decrease Change Water level Water table aquifer Lower Tamiami aquifer Sandstone aquifer Mid-Hawthorn aquifer Other (deeper) aquifers Chloride Concentration Water table aquifer Lower Tamiami aquifer Sandstone aquifer Mid-Hawthorn aquifer 1543 11 6 1 4 1 7 5 14 13 0 20 9 3 2 1 2 2 0 3 1 0 0 1 4 6 7 6 JAWRA MALIVA AND HOPFENSPERGER FIGURE 5. Water Level vs. Time Plots From USGS (2005) Monitoring Wells: (A, B) water table aquifer wells with significantly increasing and decreasing, respectively, water levels over time; (C) trend of progressively declining both wet and dry season water levels in a mid-Hawthorn aquifer well; and (D) wedge-shaped pattern in a sandstone aquifer well. deep depression of the aquifer potentiometric surface has developed in the City of Cape Coral – western City of Fort Myers area. The depression in the midHawthorn aquifer was present as early as the 1970s, but has grown over time (Bengtsson and Radin, 2001). A second common water-level vs. time plot is a wedge-shaped pattern in which dry season water levels are progressively decreasing, but water levels recover in the wet season (Figure 5D). During the wet season aquifer recharge exceeds withdrawals and the aquifer potentiometric surface recovers. Wedgeshaped time-plots are more typical of the sandstone and lower Tamiami aquifers in high use areas. The limited long-term chloride concentration data (Table 2; Figures 6E and 6F) show that 7 of 32 (19%) monitoring wells have a significant trend of increasing chloride concentration over time. The remaining 25 wells (81%) show either no significant trend or a significant decrease in chloride concentration over time. Monitoring of chloride concentration in the majority of the wells for which there was JAWRA long-term water level data was discontinued in 1993 to 1999. There is some bias in the data in that the minority of wells in which chloride monitoring was continued tend to be clustered towards the coast where there is a greater potential for the intrusion of saline water. DISCUSSION It is often intuitively assumed that residential developments with irrigated landscaped areas and associated golf courses result in a large consumption of water. The consideration of the impacts of residential development on water resources in South Florida, and elsewhere, typically focus largely on water withdrawals. Ground water and surface water withdrawals are only one component of the water budget. Equally important are changes in actual water loss 1544 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE A B C D E F FIGURE 6. Maps of Monitoring Wells Showing Water Elevation and Chloride Concentration Trends: (A-D) water elevations in water table aquifer, lower Tamiami aquifer, mid-Hawthorn aquifer, and sandstone aquifers, respectively; (E-F) chloride concentrations in the water table and confined aquifers, respectively. JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION 1545 JAWRA MALIVA AND associated with changes in land use and cover, particularly ET, and the cycling of water within and between aquifers. Water Use and Land Development A fundamental concept concerning the impact of residential and agricultural development activities on water resources is that the change in actual water use at a site is predominantly a function of difference in ET between the existing and new land cover (Stewart and Mills, 1967), provided that there is no significant change in stormwater runoff and recharge. Different vegetation types (e.g., turf grass vs. forests) may have comparable ET rates because environment (incoming solar radiation) is the main factor controlling ET, provided there is a continuous canopy or coverage of the soil surface (Augustin, 1983). Residential development in southwestern Florida typically results in a change in land cover from either native vegetation or farm fields, to a combination of turf grass and subsidiary ornamental vegetation, lakes (excavated for fill), and impervious areas (e.g., houses, roads, driveways). The main variables for evaluating the change in water use resulting from residential development are the ET rate of the native vegetation and the area and ET rates of residential landscape and golf course vegetation and excavated lakes. Little data are available on measured annual average ET rates for different land covers in southern Florida, and the available data are concentrated on Everglades wetlands environments. Residential development in Southwest Florida occurs primarily in uplands areas. Computed ET rates for a sometime dry sawgrass site the Everglades is 108.7 cm per year for (German, 1999, 2000). Calculated ET rates for sites in west-central Florida, north of the study area, are 106.0 cm per year for pine flatwood-type vegetation and 97.0 cm per year for cypress swamp-type vegetation (Bidlake et al., 1996). Melaleuca forests, a widespread invasive tree in South Florida, have an annual ET rate 160.0 cm, which includes 30.0 cm of ET from intercepted rain water (Chin, 1998). An average annual ET rate of 106.0 cm is thus a reasonable estimate for upland forested areas in the study area, which have been prime targets for development. Land infested with exotic vegetation may have greater ET rates. The average annual ET rates for various crop types in Southwest Florida is estimated with the modified Blaney-Criddle method (Soil Conservation Service, 1970) using climatic data from the South Florida Water Management District (2003). The main crops grown in the study area are citrus and winter vegetables and fruits. Estimated average annual ET JAWRA HOPFENSPERGER for agricultural land uses in the study area ranges from 127.0 to 168.0 cm depending upon the crop and growing season. A typical golf course community in the study area may contain approximately 60% landscaped area, 25% impervious area, and 15% lakes (excavated for fill). The percentage of impervious area is greater in communities without golf courses. Undeveloped preserve areas (wetlands and uplands) are also present in large developments, which would not experience a significant change in ET as a result of development activities. Average annual lake ET rates in Lee and Collier Counties was reported to be approximately 132.0137.2 cm (Visher and Hughes, 1969). Computed ET rates for an open-water site in the Everglades was 141.0 cm per year (German, 1999, 2000). The ET potential in the southern part of the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) was estimated to be 136.9 cm per year (Abtew et al., 2003). The annual estimated ET for turf grass in Fort Myers calculated using the modified Blaney-Criddle method is 151.4 cm in Fort Myers and 150.9 cm in Naples. However, microclimate conditions of a site, particularly solar radiation level (shading) and wind velocity can significantly affect turf grass ET (Feldhake et al., 1983). Open golf course fairways may have higher than average ET rates, whereas shaded and sheltered turf grass between houses may have lower than average rates. Calculated ET rates for turf grass in Southwest Florida are significantly higher than measured rates of approximately 108.7 cm from research plots in Fort Lauderdale (Stewart and Mills, 1967; Augustin, 1983). The measured rate for turf grass is close to the estimated rates for dry native environments. Impervious areas have minimal ET, which consists mostly of the drying of surfaces (pavement, buildings) wetted during rainfalls. Impervious areas of the residential and commercial developments act to increase water levels in the water table by reducing ET, provided that there is not an associated increase in stormwater runoff. Using a lake annual ET of 137.1 cm per year and a turf grass annual ET of 151.1 cm (from the above cited data sources), the estimated total average annual ET for a residential community is approximately 111.3 cm (Table 4). Difference in ET between undeveloped uplands and residential communities is well within the uncertainties of the ET values. On the contrary, agricultural land uses result in a significantly higher ET than both undeveloped land and residential communities. Both agricultural and residential communities are typically irrigated. The average annual irrigation requirement for turf grass in Fort Myers and Naples is 81.0-91.5 cm, depending upon soil type, as 1546 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE TABLE 4. Estimated ET Rates (cm per year) of Different Land Covers and Uses. Vegetation ET Lake ET Total ET Undeveloped Uplands Agricultural Residential Community* 106.0 0 106.0 127.0 to 168.0 0 127.0 to 168.0 90.7 20.6 111.3 Note: *Based on 60% turf grass, 25% impervious, 15% lake. calculated using the modified Blaney-Criddle method. Additional irrigation water is typically applied to compensate for the different efficiencies of the various irrigation methods or because of excessive irrigation. Irrigation is a ‘‘use’’ of water only to the extent that it supports higher ET rates. If there are no significant changes in overall ET rates and runoff, then much of the irrigation water necessarily must return to the water table aquifer, and is thus not a net consumptive use of water. The SFWMD (2006) limits off-site discharge rates to historic (i.e., predevelopment) rates. Stormwater retention areas are constructed to reduce off-site discharges and increase recharge rates. Where then irrigation water is obtained from underlying confined aquifers or external sources (reclaimed water), then irrigation water is a net addition to the water table aquifer, which would contribute to higher water levels in the aquifer. Water Table Aquifer The monitoring data for Lee and Collier Counties indicate that water levels in the water table aquifer are for the most part either stable or increasing despite the large increase in population and associated land development. The drying out of wetlands, a major issue for water use permitting, is not occurring on a regional scale. The change in land cover from native vegetation to golf course and residential communities is approximately neutral as far as overall impacts to the water table aquifer. Increases in population also result in increased domestic water use, which also impacts aquifers. Domestic self-supply in Collier and Lee Counties results in an overall net local addition to the water table aquifer because water produced predominantly from underlying confined aquifers recharges the water table aquifer through septic systems and residential irrigation. The public water supply systems in Lee and Collier County use a variety of water sources, including desalination of brackish water, confined freshwater aquifers, surface water, and the water table aquifer. Reclaimed water is sent to reuse systems and, when supply exceeds demand, to JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION percolation ponds, river outfalls or deep injection well systems. Some utilities (e.g., Collier County, City of Cape Coral) send nearly all of the dry season reclaimed water flow to their reuse systems. Overall, the public water and wastewater utility systems also result in net recharge to the water table aquifer. An additional factor responsible for local increases in the elevation of the water table is the construction of weirs on the drainage canals in Collier County by the Big Cypress Basin of SFWMD. The maintenance of water levels upstream of the weirs reduces the local dewatering in the vicinity of the canals. Although development activities have had a neutral to favorable impact on the regional water balance in the water table aquifer, adverse impacts may still occur locally, where there is a local net export of water from the water table aquifer. For example, water table aquifer withdrawals may adversely impact wetlands near wells and wellfields, if the recharge of the produced water occurs elsewhere. Fresh ground-water resources could also be adversely impacted if the recharge water is of poor quality. Residential, commercial, and agricultural development also increases the potential for local contamination of the water table aquifer from both point and nonpoint sources. From a water management perspective, it is preferable to irrigate using typically lower quality water from on-site water table aquifer sources, with the water being cycled back into the aquifer, than using better quality water from confined aquifers, which could be reserved for greater value uses (e.g., potable supply). The potential for adverse local impacts can be managed by strategic location of withdrawal and recharge areas. For example, impacts to wetlands can be reduced by maximizing the separation of withdrawal points from wetlands and having intervening recharge (i.e., irrigation areas). Confined Aquifers In contrast to the water table aquifer, the confined aquifers of Collier and Lee counties have experienced a significant overall lowering of their potentiometric surface over time. Trends of decreasing elevation of the potentiometric surface over time can have two end-member causes. Decreases could be due to mining of the aquifer, in which long-term withdrawals exceed recharge. Alternatively, decreases may be a dynamic response to increased pumpage, analogous to the growth of the cone depression around a single well as the pumping rate increases. The lowering of the potentiometric surface increases hydraulic gradients, and thus flow into the aquifer, which balances 1547 JAWRA MALIVA AND withdrawals under steady-state conditions. In the case of aquifer mining, the current rate of withdrawal is not sustainable. Where drawdowns are a dynamic response to pumping, current rates of use are sustainable provided that there are no associated adverse impacts, such as lateral or vertical migration of saline water. However, the rate of growth of withdrawals may not be sustainable. Where the water level vs. time plots have a wedge-shaped pattern, current aquifer use is clearly sustainable, as water levels recover during the wet season. Dry season lowering of aquifer potentiometric heads can still cause problems. There have been scattered reports of wells ‘‘going dry,’’ which have been due to water levels dropping below pump intakes, use of centrifugal pumps with their limited lift depths, or wells that are too shallow for the lowered water levels. The lowering of the potentiometric surface can also allow for saline-water intrusion. The mid-Hawthorn aquifer in Cape Coral is particularly susceptible to large drawdowns because of its relatively low transmissivity (62.1-124.2 m2 ⁄ ft; Missimer, 2001) and leakance. Water levels near the core of the potentiometric surface depression are approaching what is judged by the SFWMD to be the minimal acceptable level, the top of the aquifer. An on-going expansion of the public water supply and reuse system will result in a progressive abandonment of mid-Hawthorn aquifer domestic wells, and corresponding recovery of the potentiometric surface. Saline-Water Intrusion Saline-water intrusion has occurred in Southwest Florida and resulted in the abandonment of some of the earlier wellfields that were located along the coast, near the saline-water interface (Boggess, 1968). Wellfields were subsequently moved inland. Increases in the salinity of wells have also been due to upward leakage through defective or improperly constructed wells (Boggess, 1968; Boggess et al., 1977; Schmerge, 2001). Saline water in the shallow confined aquifers of Collier and Lee counties is locally connate water trapped during sea level highstands (Schmerge, 2001; Missimer et al., 2003). Ground-water withdrawals have actually locally improved water quality as some of the saline connate water was removed from the aquifers (Missimer et al., 2003). The chloride monitoring data evaluated in this study indicate that saline-water intrusion into freshwater aquifers has not been widespread over the past 20-30 years, and is more of JAWRA HOPFENSPERGER a local, rather than regional concern, as far as impacts to freshwater resources. CONCLUSIONS A widely held view is that rapid population growth and associated residential development, such as has been occurring in Collier and Lee Counties, necessarily results in an overtaxing of freshwater resources and water-related environmental problems. Monitoring data encompassing the period of rapid growth indicate that freshwater resources in subtropical areas, such as southwestern Florida, are more resilient to increased use than generally considered, although they are by no means unlimited. A key hydrologic advantage of the subtropical areas, such as southwestern Florida, is a large excess of rainfall over ET during the summer wet season, which recharges the aquifers. With the exceptions of the mid-Hawthorn aquifer and portions of the sandstone aquifer, the freshwater aquifers in most areas are refilled each wet season. Water budget considerations indicate that the actual water use (total annual ET) of residential communities is comparable to that of native vegetation and less than that of most agricultural land uses. The increased ET of irrigated turf grasses and ornamental vegetation is largely offset by ET savings from impervious areas. Stormwater management in residential communities is critical for maintaining water levels in the water table aquifer by minimizing runoff and maintaining recharge. The overall public and private water supply systems in Collier and Lee Counties also result in a net addition of water to the water table aquifer in irrigated areas. The results of this study emphasize the importance of actual monitoring data in water resources management, as a priori assumptions about the impacts of water use may not be borne out by actual data. In general, freshwater resources are currently being managed and utilized in a sustainable manner. The water management challenge moving forward will be to optimize the use of large potential aquifer recharge afforded by the humid subtropical climate of the region, and to perhaps augment it with artificial recharge (aquifer storage and recovery or other means). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Robert Schreiber, Lee Wiseman, Shelley Day, and Frank Winslow of CDM and two anonymous JAWRA reviewers for their thoughtful reviews. 1548 JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN WATER RESOURCES ASSOCIATION IMPACTS OF RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT ON HUMID SUBTROPICAL FRESHWATER RESOURCES: SOUTHWEST FLORIDA EXPERIENCE LITERATURE CITED Abtew, W., R.S. Huebner, and V. Ciuca, 2005. Hydrology of the South Florida Environment. 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