Southwest Power Pool, Inc. OPERATING RELIABILITY WORKING GROUP Tampa Bay Florida, FRCC Offices May 31, 2016 8:00 - 5:00 PM June 1, 2016 8:00 - 12:00 PM • Ac t i o n It em s an d Vo t i n g R e co rd • 1. Create a document providing examples to illustrate how all ratings including short term emergency ratings work. Consent Agenda a. May 5, 2016 ORWG Meeting Minutes Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to approve the consent agenda and Jim Useldinger (South Central MCN) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. RR134 Outage Scheduler Derate Threshold John Stephens (City Utilities of Springfield) moved to approve RR134 Outage Scheduler Derate Threshold as modified, and Todd Gosnell (Omaha Public Power District) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. 30 Minute Standardization of Ratings Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to approve the drafted language for the “30 Minute Standardization of Ratings”, and to move forward with submitting the draft as an official revision request. John Stephens (City Utilities of Springfield) seconded the motion, and the motion was approved with 2 abstentions (Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. and ITC Holdings) and 1 opposition (Empire District Electric Company). MPRR155 Modification of OOME Rules Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to withdraw MPRR155 Modification of OOME Rules, and Paul Lampe (City of Independence, MO) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. 2016 Flowgate Candidates and TRM Values Todd Gosnell (Omaha Public Power District) moved to approve the 2016 Flowgate Candidates and TRM values as presented, and Allan George (Sunflower Electric Power Corporation) seconded the motion. The motion was approved with 1 abstention (Empire District Electric Company) and no oppositions. 2016 VIS Revised Scope Dennis Sauriol (American Electric Power) moved to approve the 2016 VIS Revised Scope as presented, and Craig Speidel (Western Area Power Administration) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. Southwest Power Pool, Inc. OPERATING RELIABILITY WORKING GROUP Tampa Bay Florida, FRCC Offices May 31, 2016 8:00 - 5:00 PM June 1, 2016 8:00 - 12:00 PM • M INUT E S • Administrative Items / Attendance / Agenda Review Chairman Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) opened the meeting at 8:02AM on 5/31/2016. Day1 Chairman Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) opened the meeting at 8:00AM on 6/1/2016. Day2 Jason Tanner (Southwest Power Pool) called attendance. Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) and Casey Cathey (Southwest Power Pool) reviewed the agenda, and noted the items that would require action. Chairman Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) recognized Darrel Yohnk (ITC Holdings) for his service to ORWG, and the ORWG membership expressed appreciation to Darrel Yohnk for his service. Consent Agenda Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) discussed the consent agenda, which included the May 5, 2016 ORWG Meeting Minutes. Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to approve the consent agenda and John Stephens (City Utilities of Springfield) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. Liaison Reports Agenda Item 5 - Load Shed Test Results Karen Thomas (Southwest Power Pool) provided an update to the load shed test results that occurred on 5/5/2016. Karen stated that the test will rotate every 7 weeks on Thursdays, and SPP staff will contact TOP personal with pro-rated load shares for the load shed test. Karen stated that the 5/5/2016 test began at 0910 CPT and 21 TOPs were contacted with a 1017 MWs of load to shed across the footprint, and the 21 TOPs responded with simulated amounts totaling to 1,070 MWs. Karen stated that the test concluded at 0958 CPT and believes a blast call is necessary for these types of events over individual calls to reduce response time. Karen stated that the next test will occur on 6/23/2016. Agenda Item 6 - Voltage Task Force Update Jason Tanner (Southwest Power Pool) provided an update to the activities occurring at the Voltage Task Force. Jason stated that the VTF held a teleconference on 5-26-2016, and discussed a revision request draft to modify solar and wind GIAs to require voltage control capabilities. Jason stated that the revision request will likely have to be split into separate revision request due to the FERC NOPRs current status. Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) suggested adding language to allow for the FERC exemption until FERC makes a ruling on the NOPR. Jason stated that he would return to the VTF with those suggestions. Jason stated that the VTF discussed voltage settings for the phase 2 Variable Generation Integration Study and hosted Powertech Labs at the meeting to receive stakeholder feedback before beginning the study. Agenda Item 7 - Variable Generation Integration Study Jason Tanner (Southwest Power Pool) provided an update for the 2016 Variable Generation Integration Study (VIS) and stated that the scope was approved by ORWG and is currently working through TWG and ESWG for the project scope review. Efforts are also underway to finalize a consultant contract with Powertech Labs. Jason stated that the consultant will analyze voltage stability for the SPP power system, and develop Transient Stability models. Upon completion of the analysis the consultant will deliver transfer limits for critical contingencies, P-V curves of critical load buses, identified voltage and thermal voltage limits and associated curtailment of resource MWs. The target completion date for the SPP Variable Generation Integration Study report is January 1, 2017. Agenda Item 8 – FRCC Operational Challenges with Solar PV. Eric Senkowicz (Florida Reliability Coordinating Council) provided an overview of the FRCC RC functions, FRCC stakeholder structure, and provided an update from the FRCC Solar Task Force. Eric stated that FRCC includes 50 registered entities 1 Reliability Coordinator, 10 Balancing Authorities, 14 Transmission Operators, and 27 Generator Operators. Eric stated that the FRCC Solar Task Force is working to consider transmission planning and grid operations needs to reliability support penetration of solar generation within the FRCC region. Eric stated that based on the 2015 Solar Task Force survey penetration levels are not expected to exceed about two percent of the summer peak load. Agenda Item 9 – RR134 Outage Scheduler De-Rate Threshold. Jason Tanner (Southwest Power Pool) presented the changes to RR134 Outage Scheduler De-Rate Threshold. Jason explained the history leading up to the decision to use 25 MWs as the de-rate threshold. Jason explained the changes to sections 2a, 2b, 2c, 2d, and 2e. Ron Gunderson (Nebraska Public Power District) provided adjusted language for sections 2a, 2b, and 2c which the ORWG accepted John Stephens (City Utilities of Springfield) moved to approve RR134 Outage Scheduler Derate Threshold as modified, and Todd Gosnell (Omaha Public Power District) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. Agenda Item 10 – MPRR155 – Modification of OOME Rules. Micha Baily (Southwest Power Pool) discussed MPRR155 and stated that the revision request was designed to modify OOME instructions language into two categories: reliability issues and Emergency Conditions. Micha stated that the revision request would allow SPP to move a resource for general reliability that the market is unable to resolve, and would be able to utilize the OOME functionality in the Markets systems to communicate dispatch instructions to resources. No reliability directive phone call would be required. Micha stated that recently RR145 was approved which allows for the removal of the MPRR155 language, and requested action from ORWG to withdraw MPRR155. Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to withdraw MPRR155 Modification of OOME Rules, and Paul Lampe (City of Independence, MO) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. Agenda Item 11 – 2016 Flowgate Candidates and TRM Values. Will Tootle (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the list of flowgate candidates that were approved by the TWG to be added and removed. Will reviewed the list with the ORWG and discussed the naming convention between the operations and planning models. Will recommended that ORWG take action to approve the 2016 flowgate candidates and TRM values list. Todd Gosnell (Omaha Public Power District) moved to approve the 2016 Flowgate Candidates and TRM values as presented, and Allan George (Sunflower Electric Power Corporation) seconded the motion. The motion was approved with 1 abstention (Empire District Electric Company) and no oppositions. Agenda Item 12 – TOP Posted Studies. Will Tootle (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the TOP Posted Studies and what was being posted to the FTP site. Will discussed the benefits for using the site over e-mail, and will stated that if access is needed to send him an e-mail for assistance. Will stated that data will be housed on the FTP site for three years before being removed, and Will asked for ORWG to review the posted studies and assess the details of the data to determine if a standard format development would be needed. Agenda Item 13 – 30 Minute Standardization of Ratings. Derek Hawkins (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the proposed language for the short term emergency rating revision request. Derek explained the changes in Criteria section and discussed the changes make in Appendix OP-1. Under section Ron Gunderson (Nebraska Public Power District) suggested modifying the language to “Each Transmission Owner shall provide a Normal, Emergency, and Short-Term Emergency rating, calculated in accordance with the Transmission Owner’s facility rating methodology and the following criteria, to the SPP Reliability Coordinator”. The group discussed examples for how the market dispatches around normal emergencies, and 30 minute ratings. ACTION ITEM: Create a document providing examples to illustrate how all ratings including short term emergency ratings work. Jeff Wells (Grand River Dam Authority) moved to approve the drafted language for the “30 Minute Standardization of Ratings”, and to move forward with submitting the draft as an official revision request. John Stephens (City Utilities of Springfield) seconded the motion, and the motion was approved with 2 abstentions (Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. and ITC Holdings) and 1 opposition (Empire District Electric Company). Bryn Wilson (Oklahoma Gas & Electric) Abstains “My abstention was due to the need to further evaluate the “final” language, including for compliance purposes. In addition, the language for this proposal needs to be clarified and should follow the formal Revision Request process.” Darrel Yohnk (ITC Holdings) Abstains “ITC abstained from the vote on the proposed language changes for the upcoming RR posting to update the Operating Criteria to include short term emergency ratings since the implementation mechanism is not documented and by default is to dispatch the system in real time to the STE. In essence, this just moves the “squishiness” of the ratings discussion from the emergency rating to the STE placing reliability of the BES at greater risk. The default should be to continue to operate to the emergency rating and use any extra room afforded by the STE solely for unexpected situations rather than continually operating to the STE rating. This will ensure alignment between operating and planning of the system.” David Pham (Empire District Electric Company) Opposes “This extra set of rating won’t gain consistency about the rating. It will create more work for members and staff to maintain it. In real-time, it will create more confusion and coordination of this rating wouldn’t be fun neither. Furthermore, we will just push the envelope out further and can potentially accelerate the degradation the system over time.” Agenda Item 14 – SPP Communications Protocol Redlines. CJ Brown (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the SPP Communications Protocol document, and CJ explained that SPP will not make modifications to the document. CJ explained that SPP will be prepared to take operating instructions from TOPs and GOPs, but the SPP Communications Protocol document will only be applicable to SPP operators issuing operating instructions. Agenda Item 15 – Oscillation Event Using PMU Data. Mike Nugent (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the February oscillation event and presented the results that were recorded from the Little Spardra PMU. Mike stated that the oscillation lasted for 5 minutes and impacted Bull Shoals, Table Rock, Norfork, Greer’s Ferry Dam, and Arkansas Nuclear One. Mike stated that Unit 8 at Bull Shoals tripped at the height of the event, and oscillations stopped shortly afterward, and Entergy saw much larger MW swings on their 500kV lines at ANO and Dell. Mike showed the observed frequency, Voltage, and Current Magnitudes at Little Spadra. Mike also showed the 35 degree Phase Angle swing along the Little Spadra – Igo 161kV line. Mike stated that Entergy is engaged and working with Washington State University to investigate the event using Entergy’s and SPPs PMU and SCADA data. Agenda Item 16 – Public Appeals. Casey Cathey (Southwest Power Pool) stated that During the February ORWG Load Shed Test review, SPP took an action item to confirm the Public Appeals process workflow. Casey stated that the Shift Supervisor will notify the Manager of Operations, or designee, of situations that could require notifications to the SPP Communication Department. Casey stated that SPP will coordinate emergency communications and activities between SPP member entities including the Stakeholders and neighboring BAs. Public Appeals to reduce demand will be managed using the SPP Corporate Communications structure through the Transmission Operator’s established relationships with the public. Casey also discussed public appeals in an EEA 2 and the message that would be communicated. Ron Gunderson (Nebraska Public Power District) stated that he would like to see all loads notified during public appeals. Agenda Item 17 – Summer Assessment Sensitivity Review. Jon Langford (Southwest Power Pool) presented the Summer Assessment Sensitivity Review. Jon explained that the 2016 Summer Operations within the SPP Balancing Authority and Reliability Coordinator footprints are expected to be normal with no forecast of extreme operational situations. Jon stated that the transmission constraints and mitigations appear to be sufficient to maintain the requirement of the operating criteria. Jon stated that our forecasted demand was 53,230 MWs with a capacity of 67,649 MWs. Agenda Item 18 – Eastern Interconnection System Inertia. Casey Cathey (Southwest Power Pool) discussed the Eastern Interconnection System Inertia and stated that in 2015 the NERC Board of Trustees approved several measures from the NERC Essential Reliability Services Task Force. Casey stated that Synchronous Inertia at the Balancing Authority (BA) and Interconnection level is a measure which was approved to be tracked at NERC starting in 2016. Casey stated that since the SPP market went live SPP has seen a reduction in system inertia due to the reduction of commitments. Casey stated that we need to understand where we are at and return to ORWG to address any necessary policy concerns, or assess the need for additional products. Agenda Item 19 – 2016 VIS Revised Scope. Jason Tanner (Southwest Power Pool) presented the modified scope changes that reduced the number of load pockets, and modified the Nebraska load pocket to only include Omaha and Lincoln. Jason requested the ORWG take action to approve the presented version of the scope. Dennis Sauriol (American Electric Power) moved to approve the 2016 VIS Revised Scope as presented, and Craig Speidel (Western Area Power Administration) seconded the motion. The motion was approved without opposition or abstention. Agenda Item 20 – Meeting Schedule a. 7/7/2016 WebEx (Thurs) 0830-1200 b. 8/4/2016 WebEx (Thurs) 0830-1200 c. 8/31-9/1/2016 Face-to-Face (Little Rock, Arkansas) - CONFIRMED d. 10/6/2016 WebEx (Thurs) 0830-1200 e. 11/3/2016 WebEx (Thurs) 0830-1200 f. 12/1/2016 WebEx (Thurs) 0830-1200 Agenda Item 21 – Summary of Action Items See Page 1 Action Item list. Agenda Item 22 – Adjourn Chairman Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) adjourned the ORWG at 4:35 PM. Day 1 Chairman Allen Klassen (Westar Energy, Inc.) adjourned the ORWG at 10:01 AM. Day 2 Respectfully Submitted, Casey Cathey Secretary Operating Reliability Working Group Meeting Attendance: 5/31/2016 6/1/2016 M=Member, G=Guest, S=SPP Staff, P= Proxy Day 1 Day 2 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Name Allen Klassen, Chairman Ron Gunderson, Vice Chairman Allan George Bryn Wilson Chance Myers Craig Speidel Darrel Yohnk David Pham Dennis Sauriol Jeff Wells Jim Useldinger John Stephens Kyle McMenamin Matthew Stoltz Paul Lampe Steve Haun Todd Gosnell Ron Thompson Darryl Boggess Mick Kirwan Carrie Dixon Jay Patel Jessi Tucker Denney Fales Jeremy Severson Steve Gaw Jamie Hajek Jason Mazigian John Boshears John Allen Kevin Ma Mark Ahlstrom Mike Grimes Robert Hirchak (Cleco) Eric Senkowicz Chris LaRussa Neal Faltys Margaret Q. Adams Casey Cathey Moses Rotich Will Ragsdale Mike Nugent Jason Tanner Jon Langford Status M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G S S S S S S S Company Westar Energy Nebraska Public Power District Sunflower Electric Power Corporation Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Western Area Power Administration ITC Holdings Empire District Electric Company American Electric Power Grand River Dam Authority South Central MCN City Utilities of Springfield Xcel Energy Basin Electric Power Cooperative City of Independence, MO Lincoln Electric System Omaha Public Power District Nebraska Public Power District Western Farmers Electric Cooperative Western Area Power Administration Xcel Energy Kansas City Power & Light Kansas City Power & Light Kansas City Power & Light Basin Electric Power Cooperative The Wind Coalition NorthWestern Energy Basin Electric Power Cooperative City Utilities of Springfield City Utilities of Springfield Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. Wind Logics EDP Renewables Cleco Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc. Florida Reliability Coordinating Council, Inc. Omaha Public Power District Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool x x x x x x x 45 46 47 48 49 Micha Bailey Derek Hawkins Karen Thomas Will Tootle Greg Sorenson S S S S S Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool Southwest Power Pool RE