Lista lucrari

Publicații și activitatea științifică
Publicaţii şi activitatea ştiinţifică
Numele CĂTANĂ Dorin
Universitatea Transilvania din Braşov, România
(a) Teza de doctorat (PhD thesis):
Contribuţii la obţinerea sculelor aşchietoare prin deformare plastică (Contributions to
obtaining by plastic deformation cutting tools), 1997, conducător ştiinţific prof. dr. ing.
SECARĂ Gheorghe
(b) Cărţi (Books):
1. Cătană D. Procesarea materialelor avansate (Advanced materials processing),
Editura Lux Libris, ISBN 973-9428-73-8, Braşov, România, 2002, 210
2. Cătană D., Tehnologia Materialelor – Teste (Materials Technology – Tests), Editura
Universităţii „Transilvania” Braşov, ISBN 973-8124-10-7, Braşov, România, 2001, 56
3. Cătană D., Dinescu I., Eftimie L., Tehnologia Materialelor – Tehnologii Industriale
(Materials Technology – Industrial Technologies), Editura Universităţii „Transilvania”
Braşov, ISBN 973-9474-38-1, Braşov, România, 1999, 104
4. Eftimie L., Dinescu I., Cătană D., Tehnologia Materialelor – Tehnologii Secundare
(Materials Technology – Secondary Technologies), Editura Lux Libris, ISBN 973-924055-0, Braşov, România, 1998, 219
5. Dinescu I., Eftimie L., Cătană D., Tehnologia Materialelor –Tehnologii de Bază
(Materials Technology – Basic Technologies), Editura Lux Libris, ISBN 973-9240-17-8,
Braşov, România, 1997, 227
(c) Co-editor conferinţe internaţionale:
(d) Articole în reviste
conferences papers)
(d1) Reviste ISI (ISI Journals):
1. Cătană D., Dependence between deformation speeds and high speed steel plastic
deformation strength, Metalurgia Internaţional Vol. XVI, no. 3, ISSN 1582 –2214, 03,
2011, pp 68-70, FI=0,17
2. Cătană D., High speed steel HS 2-9-1-8 (W 1.3247) plastic deformation strength,
Metalurgia Internaţional Vol. XVI, no. 2, ISSN 1582 –2214, 02, 2011, pp 80-83, FI=0,17
3. Cătană D., Traction behaviour simulation of spot welded, DAAAM International
Scientific Book 2010, B. Katalinic (Ed.), Published by DAAAM International, ISBN 9783-901509-74-2, ISSN 1726-9687, Vienna, Austria DOI: 10.2507/daaam.scibook.2010.50
4. Cătană D., Cătană D-A., Thermo-mechanic treatment influence on microstructure
and mechanical properties of high speed steel, Metalurgia Internaţional Vol. XV, no.
9, ISSN 1582 –2214, 09, 2010, pp 44-46, FI=0,17
5. Cătană D., Casting method influence on microstructure and mechanical properties
of the antifriction alloys, Metalurgia Internaţional Vol. XIV, Special issue no. 3, ISSN
1582 –2214, 2009, pp 161-164, FI=0,17
Publicații și activitatea științifică
(d2) ISI Proceedings:
1. Cătană D., Scârneciu I., Popescu R., Technological processes influence regarding
titanium alloys biomaterials corrosion, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of
the 20th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation:
Theory, Practice & Education” 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria – published by
DAAAM International Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-90150970-4, pp 483-484
2. Cătană D., Cătană D-A., Temperature and speed influence on plastic deformation
strength of high speed steel, Annals of DAAAM for 2009 & Proceedings of the 20th
International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Theory,
Practice & Education” 25-28th November 2009, Vienna, Austria – published by DAAAM
International Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-70-4, pp
3. Cătană D., Traction behaviour simulation of spot welded joints, Annals of DAAAM for
2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent
Manufacturing & Automation: Focus Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and
Solution” 22/25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia – published by DAAAM International
Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, pp 213-214
4. Cătană D., Temperature range determination for butt welding, Annals of DAAAM for
2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent
Manufacturing & Automation: Focus Next Generation of Intelligent Systems and
Solution” 22/25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia – published by DAAAM International
Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, pp 211-212
5. Cătană D., Scârneciu I., Popescu R., Thermal treatment influence on micro hardness
titanium alloy, Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International
DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus Next Generation
of Intelligent Systems and Solution” 22/25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia –
published by DAAAM International Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN
978-3-901509-68-1, pp 22209-210
6. Cătană D., Popescu R., Cătană D-A., Residual stress calculation for butt welding,
Annals of DAAAM for 2008 & Proceedings of the 19th International DAAAM Symposium
“Intelligent Manufacturing & Automation: Focus Next Generation of Intelligent
Systems and Solution” 22/25th October 2008, Trnava, Slovakia – published by DAAAM
International Vienna – editor B. Katalinic ISSN 1726-9679, ISBN 978-3-901509-68-1, pp
(d3) Reviste româneşti:
(d4) Conferinţe internaţionale (International conferences):
1. Cătană D., Cătană D-A., Statistical weights method to assessment global risk level,
8th International Scientific Conference – Health, work and social responsibility,
University Urbaniana, Rome, Italy, 28-02.10.2010, pp 126
2. Cătană D., Theoretic contributions for the plastic deformation simulation process,
International Scientific Conference „Modern Technologies, Quality, Restructuring”
TMCR 2005, Technical University of Moldova, Chişinău, Republica Moldova, 1922.05.2005, Vol I, ISBN 9975-9875-4-0, pp 333-337
3. Trif N., Cătană D., Mecanisation and automation for the electric arc spray, 3rd
International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry RaDMI
2003 Herceg Novi Serbia and Montenegro, 19-23.09.2003, pp 2012
Publicații și activitatea științifică
4. Cătană D., Trif N., The simulation of deformation at traction of spots welded joints,
3rd International Conference Research and Development in Mechanical Industry RaDMI
2003 Herceg Novi Serbia and Montenegro, 19-23.09.2003, pp 1212
5. Cătană D., Eftimie L., Study regarding the repression in the case of non-uniform
plastic deformation, The 10-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent
Manufacturing & Automation: Past-Present-Future”, DAAAM International Vienna,
Vienna University of Technology and Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects
Oiav 1848, Austria, 21-23.10.1999, Vol. XXVI, ISBN 3-901509-10-0, pp 003
6. Cătană D., Eftimie L. The study of plastic deformation process with the model help,
The 9-th International DAAAM Symposium “Intelligent Manufacturing, Automation &
Networking”, DAAAM International Vienna, Technical University Cluj-Napoca, Vienna
University of Technology and Austrian Society of Engineers and Architects Oiav 1848,
România, 22-24.10.1998, ISBN 3-901509-08-9, pp 103-105
7. Cătană D., Munteanu M., The study of heating and cooling processes at high
frequency currents hardening using the finite element analysis, International
Conference of PhD Students, University of Miskolc, Hungary, 11-18.08.1997, pp 95102
(d5) Conferinţe româneşti:
(e) Patente:
(f) Proiecte Internaţionale:
(f1) Director pentru România:
(f2) membru:
(g) Proiecte româneşti:
(g1) director:
(g2) membru:
Numele CĂTANĂ Dorin
Data 25.11.2011