2016 Reporting cycle kick-off

What’s New for Reporting to
TCR in 2016?
(866) 523-0764 x3
Welcome to the 2016 Reporting cycle kick-off webinar: “What’s new for reporting to TCR in 2016?”
All attendees are in listen only
Two ways to ask questions:
 Type your question into the
GoToWebinar chat box
 Raise your hand by clicking the hand
icon on the GoToWebinar panel,
then we’ll unmute you
Ryan Cassutt
Program Associate,
The webinar slides & recording
will be available on our
My name is Ryan Cassutt, and I am a Program Associate with Government Services. I look forward
to showing you all of the updates we’ll be sharing with you today, and I look forward to working with
all of you this reporting season!
Just a few housekeeping notes before we get started: All attendees are muted, but please feel free to
ask questions at any point in the presentation. You can do that 1 of 2 ways – either type your question
into gotowebinar’s chat box, or click the hand symbol on the gotowebinar panel to raise your hand,
then we’ll unmute you so you can ask your question verbally. The slides with notes, and a recording
of the webinar, will be available in our reporting toolkit.
The Climate Registry
Your measurable path to sustainability starts here.
It’s been another great year for greenhouse gas reporting thanks to our TCR member organizations.
Our diverse Member base includes leading corporations across all sectors, state and local
governments, universities, consultancies and NGOs – all of you form an important community of
climate leaders who are leading the way to a low carbon future. We look forward to supporting you as
you report another year of your organization’s GHG emissions data to TCR.
TCR in 2016: an overview
Reporting and verification policy updates
in GRP v. 2.1
Reporting resources and reporting toolkit
CRIS 4.0 functionality updates
Member Presentation:
 The Tower Companies, Director of Corporate
Responsibility, Eugenia Gregorio
• In today’s webinar we’ll hear from TCR’s Executive Director, who will recap our current, ongoing
projects, as highlight TCR’s plans for 2016.
• We’ll then give an overview of the significant updates and clarifications made to our reporting and
verification policy in version 2.1 of our General Reporting Protocol, which you should take note of
for this reporting cycle.
• We’ll also talk about some exciting updates to the Reporting Toolkit and verification resources on
our website, designed to make it easier to find the tools and resources you need to support your
• Finally, we’ll hear from one of your fellow members, The Tower Companies, about their long history
of reporting to TCR and their current sustainability initiatives in the real estate sector.
• Of course, we’ll leave some time for Q&A at the end of the presentation to be sure everyone has all
their questions answered.
TCR in 2016
David Rosenheim
Executive Director
Without further ado, I’ll start by introducing our executive director, David Rosenheim -- take it away
Hello everyone- I’d like to give a warm welcome to our members, verifiers, ANSI
accreditors and of course our staff on the call. I hope all is well with each of you. I am delighted
to join you in this kick-off the 2016 reporting season. Our team has added some fantastic new
functionality to CRIS 4 that they are excited to tell you about, but first, I’d like to start by saying
thank you for your hard work and participation of The Registry- your support means everything
to us. And so does your commitment to the work of accurately measuring, reporting and
verifying your organization’s emissions. This is the critical first step in making real reductions
that drive down energy and fuel costs and advance our path to a sustainable future.
We have a busy agenda for the hour, so I will just mention a few things that we are
excited about at TCR:
First, I’d like to give a quick re-cap of TCR’s experience in Paris, where we co-led a
delegation that included 3 governors, 2 former governors, cabinet level officials from 7 states
and several TCR members. Our primary objective there was to provide a learning opportunity
for our delegates and also to showcase the leadership of states and provinces that sit on
TCR’s board. And indeed, sub-national leadership played an important supporting role in the
negotiations. We hosted several briefings and social events, as well as three high profile
panels. There was a significant presence of businesses, local governments in addition to
states and provinces, And it became more evident than ever that your work is where the rubber
meets the road. We are now just two months after 195 countries came together to sign the
historic Paris Agreement, but the implementation of that Agreement and the targets set by the
U.S. and other countries CANNOT be achieved without the commitment and hard work of each
of you and your colleagues.
In other TCR news, in December we released new guidance for quantifying the
embedded emissions in fresh water supply. Our policy director Peggy Kellen will tell you more
about this shortly.
I’m happy to announce that The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) is providing its
largest award in the 2015 State Energy Program Competitive Award cycle to Tennessee and its
project partners -- Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Pennsylvania, The Climate Registry
(TCR) and the National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO) - to design a national
energy efficiency registry (NEER). A NEER is infrastructure that will allow states to
transparently track energy efficiency initiatives within their own programs as well as
demonstrate compliance with U.S. EPA’s Clean Power Plan (CPP). We will be kicking off the
stakeholder phase of this two-year process in March.
TCR continues to expand our work globally. Our experience in building and operating
the premier GHG reporting program in North America with many of you is now being leverage
to inform the development of rigorous, high quality GHG reporting programs in SE Asia. In
August we launched a new registry program in Thailand, and we are soon to release a new
report on how to design and build a GHG reporting program, this work being sponsored by WB
PMR. It is because of the leadership that you have all taken that others around the world can
also make strides to measure, report, verify and lower their carbon emissions.
Many of us at TCR are busy preparing for the fifth-annual Climate Leadership Awards
and conference. Many of our members will be featured speakers and/or award recipients. This
is sponsored by US EPA and co-produced by our friends at C2ES, and will be held this year in
Seattle, March 8-10. I encourage all of you to attend- it is a fantastic meeting of corporate
climate leaders and practitioners, government environmental officials. rates increase at
midnight tonight, so do reach out to take advantage of the discounted rate. As TCR members,
you are eligible to receive a 20% discount on registration. Please contact the help desk for the
discount code and to learn more.
I would like to commend the efforts and talents of our staff at TCR. Our technical staff,
verification, policy and Cool Planet EE Program staff are all doing amazing work. I’d like to
especially recognize the great work of our membership and tech services team Ryan Cassutt,
Chelsea Hasenauer, Jordan Faires, Saul Bautista and Wai Lam. This team is incredibly
dedicated to the success of our members, so please know that they are your resource as you
go through the process of reporting this season.
I will turn it back to you, Ryan, but I just want to say again how appreciative we are at
TCR for your participation and support. We look forward to another great reporting season and
year of collaboration with each of you.
Thanks, Dave –
Just as a reminder: TCR Members are eligible for a discounted registration for the Climate
Leadership Conference. It’s not too late to join us in Seattle March 8-10. As Dave mentioned, there
will be an impressive line-up of speakers in the climate community to engage with. Get in touch with
our help desk for our member discount code! Alaska airlines is also offering a 10% discount off flights.
Head to the Climate Leadership Conference website for more details.
Policy & Verification
Program Updates and Clarifications
Peggy Kellen
Director, Policy and Verification
Now, I’d like to pass it off to Peggy Kellen, our Director of Policy and Verification. Peggy will discuss
the significant updates and clarifications made to our reporting and verification policy in version 2.1 of
the General Reporting Protocol (GRP), as well as other guidance that TCR is working on and updates
to verification for 2016.
General Reporting Protocol
New version:
 GRP v. 2.1: January 2016
 Developed through public comment process in
fall of 2015
 Consistent with new requirements in GHG
Protocol Scope 2 Guidance
 Incorporates June 2014 Updates & Clarifications
2016 Default Emission Factors
 On website soon
New GRP v. 2.1 (previous was GRP 2.0).
Only document to reference for this reporting season (no current updates and clarifications).
General Reporting Protocol
Version 2.1
Key updates
 Updated definition of complete reporting
• Two Scope 2 totals
 Location-based method
 Market-based method
• Indirect biogenic emissions
 Updated eligibility criteria for market-based
 Reclassification of optional Scope 2
 New recommended information disclosure
 New terms incorporated in glossary
-Location-based method: quantifies average emissions from electricity generated and consumed in
a Member’s geographic region(s) of operations within a Member’s boundaries, primarily using gridaverage emission factors – emissions associated with physical electrons
-Market-based method: quantifies emissions from electricity generation and consumed that a
Member has purposefully purchased, using emission factors conveyed through contractual
instruments between the Member and the electricity or product provider – reflects actions taken in the
Indirect biogenic emissions must now be reported for complete reporting (new requirement).
All scope 2 now required (no more Scope 2 optional category)
New terminology to align with Scope 2 guidance from GHG protocol
Other Reporting Guidance
Small Business Guidance
 Finalized in October 2015, and will be published
on TCR’s website this month
 Includes methods to estimate Scope 3
emissions (business travel, employee
commuting, upstream and downstream
shipment of goods)
Water-Energy GHG (WEG) Guidance
 Version 1.0 released December 2015
 Applicable to water agencies in Southern CA
 Optional Intensity Metrics that reflect the
emissions embedded in delivered water
General Verification
Current Version:
 GVP 2.1: released June 2014
Developing GVP Updates and Clarifications
to align with updates to the GRP
The materiality threshold for Scope 2 must be evaluated by calculating entity-wide emissions
separately for each Scope 2 method total, so that a five percent or greater understatement or
overstatement of emissions by either Scope 2 method will exceed the materiality threshold. In
summary, verification bodies must assess materiality for indirect (Scope 2 plus biogenic) locationbased emissions and marked-based emissions separately.
We will have a smaller stakeholder process and will have updates posted soon.
VBs must to achieve accreditation against specific industry sectors specified by ANSI in order to
conduct verification work for clients that have operations in any of the following sectors:
General (all organization-level reporting)
Power Generation
Electric Power Transactions
Mining and Mineral Production
Metals Production
Chemical Production
Oil and gas extraction, production and refining, including petrochemicals
2016 Batch Verification
2016 Batch Verification Body to be
announced in March
 Eligibility requirements:
 Not more than a total of 1000 metric tons CO2e
emissions per year from specified sources
 No process emissions; and
 Fugitive emissions must be from specified
sources and less than 5% of emissions
Would your organization benefit from Batch?
 Find out in the Introduction to Batch Verification
webinar on March 29, 2016, 11:00 am Pacific
Technical Services
CRIS 4.0 and Reporting Toolkit updates
Chelsea Hasenauer,
Program Associate,
Technical Services
Now I’ll pass control over to Chelsea Hasenauer, TCR’s Program Associate of Technical Services.
Chelsea will provide an overview of the updated functionality available to you in CRIS 4.0, and also
show you where to find updated resources on our improved reporting toolkit.
CRIS 4: New Features
Apply offsets directly in CRIS
 Net Inventory Form is now “Apply Offsets
CRIS automatically separates biogenic
 No need to create two sources
Utility-specific emission factors (those
reported to TCR’s EPS Protocol) now
available directly in CRIS
 Emissions summary reports now available
 Only public data included!
Before I jump into how you will report to the new GRP requirements in CRIS, I’d like to start by talking
through some of the other new features available to you in the system this year.
We’ve added a few new bells and whistles, including:
• Net Inventory form is now in CRIS as the “Apply Offsets Form”
• You will no longer need to create 2 sources to report for biogenic CO2 emissions separately from
the Scopes (only biofuel blends required to be reported this way going forward)
• Utility-specific emissions factors that have been reported to TCR’s EPS protocol are now available
in CRIS without customizing an emission factor
• New Emissions summary reports coming next week (only public data, make sure you specify your
industry correctly on manage entity page)
CRIS 4: Scope 2 Reporting
When you create a Scope 2 source for the
location-based method, CRIS will automatically
create a market-based counterpart.
You must upload a Scope 2 Disclosure Form in
 Ensures consistent and transparent Scope 2
Scope 2 FAQ resource is available in the
Reporting Toolkit
Note: until more emission factors are made
available, you may end up reporting two Scope 2
totals that are exactly the same quantity under
both methods.
CRIS has been updated to support reporting to the new GRP requirements that Peggy
discussed earlier, including the reporting of the two Scope 2 totals.
Please note that due to the extent of the changes to Scope 2 reporting requirements, no S2
emission sources will copy forward when you use the Copy Inventory function to create a new
emissions year during this reporting season.
• However, to streamline the reporting process for those of you who do rely on CRIS’ built-in
calculator, you should start by creating Scope 2 source for the location-based method on the
enter source level data page. If you report for the location-base method first, CRIS will
automatically create a market-based counterpart of that source. From there, you can edit the
market-based source as needed. You can see this in action in our new recorded CRIS
demonstration which will be published to our website shortly. Please note that you can
certainly choose to report for your market-based emission totals first as well, however CRIS
will not automatically create the location-based counterpart in this case.
• You must also complete and upload a Scope 2 disclosure form to submit with your inventory.
The Scope 2 Disclosure form should be available for use in early March.
A few notes about the form:
-If you choose to hide your location-based emissions totals from your public report,
you’ll need to disclose the “hidden” totals on this form.
-You’ll be required to disclose the residual mix emission factor you used and provide
documentation of the source data, or you’ll disclose that a residual mix EF wasn’t
available to you for the region you are reporting for.
-You’ll need to document the categories of contractual instruments you purchase and
use to calculate emissions under the market-based method, if any (i.e., energy attribute
certificates, utility-specific EFs, etc).
-If you’ve set a base year with TCR, you’ll be required to disclose which Scope 2
method you’ve used to calculate the emissions totals.
-In GRP Section 17.2 of GRP v. 2.1, there is a list of disclosures that are recommended,
versus required (this list includes things like estimates of avoided emissions from
contractual instrument purchases, total electricity consumption, etc). These
recommended disclosures can be included on the form.
• New Scope 2 reporting resources, like a Scope 2 Reporting FAQ sheet and Scope 2 activity
data calculation tool, are available now in the Reporting Toolkit on our website.
• Please keep in mind that until more emission factors are made available for S2 reporting,
you may end up reporting 2 S2 totals that are exactly the same quantity under both
CRIS 4: Scope 2 Reporting
What do the two Scope 2 totals
look like in a CRIS report?
Now, we’ll take a quick look at what your reports in CRIS will look like with the two Scope 2
Please note that the location-based Scope 2 grid can be hidden from public reports. However,
complete reporters will need to disclose the hidden Scope 2 total on their Scope 2 Disclosure
CRIS 4: Support
Tooltips and on-screen instructions
 New: “wizard” for CRIS navigation
 Full-length video tutorial
 Help Desk Support
 (866) 523-0764 ext. 3
 help@theclimateregistry.org
Updated CRIS 4 User Guide
Coming Soon!
Now, let’s talk about where to look for help and support with CRIS.
First and foremost, remember that there are tooltips and instructions that can be found on every page
of the software.
There is also a new “wizard” available to you for navigating the more tricky pages. For instance, the
wizard will walk you through how to copy an inventory for a new emissions year and how to manage
your entity details. You can access the wizard at any point by clicking “Wizard” in the instructions box
on select pages.
If you need a refresher on how to navigate through CRIS, we’ve also recorded a new CRIS
demonstration that includes a demonstration of the new Scope 2 functionality. You can find that on
our website under the CRIS Resources tab of the Reporting Toolkit shortly.
A new, updated CRIS 4 User Guide will also be coming soon. Please watch for that in the coming
If you’d like some more personalized support, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We can be reached
via the phone number and email address you see on your screen and we’re open from 9am to 5pm
pacific, Monday through Friday. I’m excited to be kicking off a new reporting year with all of you and
look forward to answering any questions you may have at the end of the webinar.
Reporting Toolkit Update
Introducing our new and improved
Reporting Toolkit!
Same place!
This year, we’ve also revamped our reporting toolkit in the hopes that it makes our resources both
easier to find and easier to use.
The reporting toolkit is still found on our website under ‘tools and resources’. However we’ve moved
things around a bit and consolidated a number of resources. You’ll also find that the Verification
resources have been moved outside the toolkit to a the verification section of our website. These
resources will continue to be password protected as well.
Please note that the password for all of the protected pages and recorded webinars found on our
website can be accessed using the carbonCO2 password that you should all be familiar with.
Because these pages are password protected, there is also a captcha device that may pop up
occasionally. This alert helps helps our website verify that you’re not a robot. Simply follow the
instructions on the grey box to enter the tool kit.
You should replace all of your old bookmarks with bookmarks to the new resources, as the old links
will no longer be live. A few new resources to take note of are on the next slide.
Reporting Toolkit Update
Reporting for the first time? Start with
Carbon Footprinting 101.
 Questions about reporting? Consult the
Reporting FAQs.
 Questions about the new Scope 2
requirements? See the Scope 2 FAQs.
 Need help quantifying your Scope 2
emissions? See Scope 2 Calculation
Tools & Resources.
We’ve created some new resources, and revamped existing ones, for this reporting season.
In particular, you should take a look at these resources:
- The Carbon Footprinting 101 training is an excellent place to start if you’re reporting for the first
time, or if you need a refresher about GHG accounting, TCR’s reporting program, or reporting your
- We’ve completely revamped our Reporting FAQ document with the latest in frequently asked
questions that we receive on the help desk. This includes information on TCR’s reporting program,
building your inventory, quantifying your emissions and the verification process. This Reporting
FAQ document replaces a number of resources, including the Getting Started Guide.
- We’ve also put together FAQs for the new Scope 2 reporting requirements.
- Our electricity calculation spreadsheet has been revamped as the “Scope 2 Calculation Tools”,
which will help you organize and quantify your Scope 2 emissions according to the emission factor
hierarchies for each method.
Reporting Deadlines
California State Agencies: April 1, 2016
 Batch Verification Participants: May 24,
2016 (tentative)
 All Other Members: June 30, 2016
I’d also like to flag our upcoming reporting deadlines for you all, so please mark your calendars.
Those of you working on an inventory for a California State Agency, your reporting deadline is April 1 st
For those of you participating in the batch verification program that Peggy mentioned earlier, your
deadline for reporting your emissions in CRIS 4 is tentatively May 24 th.
And for the rest of you, your reporting deadline is June 30th (which is a Thursday).
Please note that a complete submission in CRIS should include 1) reported emissions under both the
location- & market- based methods, AND 2) required forms and documents. Please be sure to upload
a Scope 2 Disclosure Form alongside your inventory this year. Depending on the reporting options
chosen by your organization or for those of you reporting to a specific sector protocol, you may be
required to complete additional forms or upload additional supporting documentation. Please feel free
to contact the help desk if you have any questions about what constitutes a complete submission.
With that I’ll turn it back over to Ryan.