January 17, 2014

Parshat Yitro 5774
January 17-18, 2014
Shabbat this week
Kiddush—Main: Sponsored by Charles and Shari Weg in honor of the marriage of their
children, Sarah and Netanel Spero. Prepared by the SOI Sisterhood.
Shabbat Schedule
Candle Lighting: 4:43pm
Friday Mincha (Ashkenaz & Sephardi): 4:45pm
Hashkama Shacharit followed by
Talmud shiur w/Jeff Schwartz: 7:30am
Rambam w/Eric Klein: 8:00am
Main Shul Shacharit: 8:45am
Sephardic Shacharit: 8:45am
Children’s Groups: 10:00am
Mincha (Ashkenaz & Sephardi): 4:30pm
Shabbat Ends: 5:47pm
Shabbat—Kids @ SOI
Shabbat Fun Groups
Two groups; ages 1-3 and 3-5: 10:00-11:00am
Jr. Congregation w/Zumi Brody
Teen Minyan w/Mark Littwin
The next Teen Minyan—TBA
Mishna/Gemara with Simcha Reich
Mishna: 10:00-10:30am (all interested)
Gemara: 10:45-11:15am (5th grade and up)
Weekday Schedule
Sunday Shacharit: 7:00am & 8:00am
Mon-Fri Shacharit: 6:45am & 8:00am
Sun-Thu Mincha / Ma’ariv: 4:55pm
Latest Shema: 9:44am
Rabbi Epstein’s Shabbat Afternoon Class: Will meet at 4:00pm.
Seudah Sh’lishit: Sponsored by Charles and Shari Weg in honor of the Sheva Brachot for
Netanel and Sarah Spero.
People to People
Mazel Tov:
To the Weg and Spero families on the recent marriage of their children Sarah Weg
and Netanel Spero. Sheva Brachot will be celebrated during Seudah Sh’lishit.
Refuah Shelaimah:
To Achim Rudoler recovering at home in Florida.
To Len Shabason recovering at home.
To the mother of Esta Garfunkel.
Baruchim HaBaim:
To Rabbi Yehoshua Dov and Chaya Glatt. Rabbi Glatt will be the residential life
program director at FTI.
Young Family Minyan—This Week!
The Young Families’ Beit Midrash Minyan will meet on Shabbat Morning, Jan. 18, 2014.
9:00am Breakfast generously sponsored by Paul Berlin and spirit by Nimi Gal.
9:15am Shacharit ( Pisukei D’zimra). (Please say Berachot and Shema beforehand.)
Gabbai: Uri Halle
D’var Torah: Dore Provda
For information or to volunteer please contact TL Weinberg or Aaron Greenberg.
From our Office Manager
Lost and Found: The lost and found has been growing. Please check it out and claim
your lost items. It is located in the coat room. At the end of January, any items which
remain will be donated to a worthy charity.
Office Information
Karen Chast
Mon-Wed: 9:30am—2:30pm
Thur-Fri: 10:00am—2:00pm
Email anytime at: officeadmin@sonsisrael.com
David Goodman: Wed 6:00-8:00pm
Email anytime: bookkeeper@sonsisrael.com
720 Cooper Landing Rd.
Cherry Hill, NJ 08002
856 - 667 - 9700
FAX: 856-667-9765
Reserve Soon—Our Gala Weekend
On Shabbat Jan 31—Feb 1, 2014 we will be having many special
events to honor our 120th year, including a distinguished Scholar in
Residence, a Friday Night dinner at the shul and a special Kiddush.
Our Scholar in Residence will be Rabbi Mark Dratch, founder of
JSAFE (The Jewish Institute Supporting an Abuse-Free
Environment) and Executive Vice president of the Rabbinical
Council of America (RCA). In 2010 and 2013 he was named as one
of Newsweek's Top 50 Rabbis in America.
$20/adult; $10/first child (4-12); $5/child after 1st; $60/family.
Baby sitting will be available.
RSVP with payment must be received by the SOI office before
Tuesday, January 28, 2014.
Parshat Yitro 5774
January 17-18, 2014
Mitzvah Meals & More
Mikvah Melava Malka
If you are need of these services OR are
available to participate in helping perform
these important Mitzvot please contact:
Mikvah Ohel Leah proudly presents
New Born Baby Meals:
Our community provides meals to families
who had a recent addition. Please contact
Shira Baratz at (609) 558-5785.
Refuah Shelaima Meals:
For those that are recovering from illness/
surgery; meals will be provided. Contact
Rachel Evans (856) 979-7218 or email
Shiva Meals:
For meals during the week of Shiva contact
Marjie Letzter at 321-1026.
Welcome Baskets:
Welcome baskets are organized by Audrey
Dahan and Susan Handman. If you know
of a new family moving into our community,
please let Susan know at 609-440-6161.
Baby Supply Gemach:
If you have a gently used baby item to
donate or would like to borrow a baby item,
please contact Nechama Tropper at 856321-1868.
An Elegant Melavah Malkah
Mrs. Sabrina Spector
Celebrating the first year in our new Mikvah
Motzei Shabbat, February 22, 2014
23rd Adar I 5774
at 8:00 P.M.
Congregation Sons of Israel
Reservations Required
$20.00 per person
Sponsor $54 per couple
Silver Sponsor $108
Gold Sponsor $180
Platinum Sponsor $360
Diamond Sponsor $500
Seudah Sh’lishit
Sponsors are needed. Please contact the
office if you want to sponsor a Seudah
Sh’lishit for a special birthday,
anniversary, to mark a yahrtzeit, or for
any reason.
Jan 18: Charles and Shari Weg
Jan 25: Sara and Richard Bernstein
Feb 1:
Feb 8:
Get it in the Newslink
We are delighted to share news of all happy
occasions & accomplishments of our
congregants. Just let us know by email!
Deadline for each week’s issue is Wednesday.
Announcements: soinewslink@gmail.com
Advertising: soinewslinkads@gmail.com
Your SOI Newslink Staff:
Editorial Team:
Alise Panitch & Aaron Greenberg
Advertising Manager: Tova Freidenreich
Please join us for an evening of excitement and entertainment in this
Multi-Media, Multi-Sensory Trivia Competition on
Panoply, defined as a collection or an
assortment of things, is a multi media
trivia contest covering all topics from A –
Z. Teams of ten compete against each
other in three rounds, comprised of a
variety of topics from every aspect of
This fast paced and entertaining evening
has become a hit around the world and
has been used as a successful fundraising
event to generate revenue for worthy
cause, all while being lots of fun.
1. Team Captains
The more teams, the more challenging
the contest is. Be a team captain and
bring together your own winning group of
trivia wizards. Teammates can be
friends, family, coworkers, neighbors or
we can pair you up with folks to make a
complete team. The top three teams
will win prizes.
2. Signup to Play and Enjoy!
You join a friend’s team or just register
and ask to be assigned to a team.
It’s only $25/person! (Must be 21 or older)
Contact Sabrina Spector or Aaron Greenberg for more information.
SIGN UP TODAY AT: www.PolitzPanoply.org
Participate in person at Panoply on Saturday Night, Feb 1, 2014 OR
buy tickets and enter online at: www.PolitzAuction.org
Parshat Yitro 5774
Buy Scrip!
Scrip is sold by Sisterhood and benefits our
shul. They will have a representative in
the office at the following times:
Monday: 10:00am—2:00pm
Tuesday: 10:30am—2:00pm
Please contact either Janet Miller or Sybil
Bernstein to make alternative
January 17-18, 2014
Shalach Manot—Purim is coming
The committee work has started and volunteers are required
to get this project going.
Please call Lynn Jungreis at 856-667-4234 or email at
lynnbjungreis@gmail.com to show you care!
Look out for notices of upcoming meetings as well.
Shoes for Jews
Drop off new or lightly worn shoes to the Lowitz front porch (414 Tanforan Drive) for
delivery to a shoe Gemach in Brooklyn.
In memory of Rosie & Nolan Gurfinkel.
Dedicated by David & Rachel Glyn.
In honor of the birth of Ayal Mordechai to
Eric and Rachel Klein. Dedicated by Leah
& Herbert Zarge.
A lovely way to honor the memory of a loved
one or to celebrate a special simcha is by
dedicating a new Chumash or Siddur or by
making a contribution to the prayer book
fund. Please contact Sisterhood liaison Sylvia
Levine at 667-5993 to make dedications.
Father & Son Learning
This Motzei Shabbat, and every
Motzei Shabbat at 7:00pm
Pizza * Raffles * Prizes
Please join us for a fun & educational evening.
TOPIC: Daily Life Questions in Halacha
Please do not leave your car parked in front of the synagogue front entrance. This
creates a hazard to our congregants and the school.
Rosh Hashanah
Yitro 5774
Our Sponsors:
Please contact the
SOI Newslink
Advertising Manager,
Tova Freidenreich.
Rates: 1 week—$36
3 weeks—$100
Please send all advertising
requests to:
Sons of Israel @ 120
Historical Perspectives
The SOI saga will continue next week when our
resident bard, Larry Miller, returns from his
4-7, 2014
From the Rabbi
Tora-lationships: The 1st Father-in-Law—Yitro
Family relationships are dynamic and multifaceted. In-law relationships most
certainly add to the mix. Proof- When I googled Mother in-law jokes - there were
36 million hits!! (BTW- I have a wonderful relationship with my in-laws ☺)
In-law relationships are complicated because there is an uniquely inherent struggle
and competition over which side of the family is primary, deserving of more
respect and deference and therefore more influential in the lives of their married
children and of course the delicious grandchildren that somehow resemble
physically whichever side is visiting at the time.
Yitro proves to be a father in law we can all relate to. He shows up at his son in
laws home without invitation; and advances plenty of advice and direction that he
is not asked for. He makes his contribution to Moshe’s home and life generally and
then chooses to leave despite Moshe’s pleading with him to stay on with the people
of Israel.
Moshe is the quintessential son in-law. He welcomes his father in-law with open
arms, honor and pageantry. He listens, accepts and implements the innovations
that Yitro suggests. He then gives credit to his father in-law for his ideas. And
when Yitro decides to leave, Moshe accepts that decision as well.
Although there are some variations in application – the same way we are obligated
to honor our parents, so too we are obligated to honor our in-laws. Honoring them
means giving them a special place at our table, speaking to them with respect and
deference, recognizing that our Semachot are to a degree their Semachot and
because of them and by NOT calling them by their first names (despite what
American culture prescribes).
To be sure, every in-law relationship has its own wrinkles and requires individual
thought and attention how to handle best. We certainly learn a lot of from The
Torah’s first depicted in –law relationship – Yitro and Moshe.
Lesson: Our in-laws intrinsically deserve our respect; they do not need to earn it.
Additionally, the way we get along without in-laws will certainly shape the way our
future children and their spouses will interact with us in the future.
Shabbat Shalom,
Rabbi Ephraim Epstein