LEONARDO DA VINCI LIFELONG LEARNING PROGRAMME From School to Career: A Methodology for a Student-Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT) A Methodology for a Student‐Centric Career Guidance by using Career Path Test (CPT) – introduction of the transferred project http://www.cpteu.com Orhan GÖKÇÖL & F. Tunc Bozbura Bahcesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey January 12, 2012 - Lodz Agenda of the Presentation CPT Methodology Short introduction to CPT – A web based career counseling system for high school students CPT Methodology and Theory CPT Web System Hands‐on CPT (Career Path Test) Reasons for the former project CPT It is hard for people to reach their personal potential and select occupations that are compatible with their personal features without guidance. There are lots of people that are not motivated, who want another occupation, who do not add any value to his/her job in workforce. This emerges unhappy and unsatisfied employees. Employees do not add any value to their job, this creates great loss in the economy. With the help of this program partner countries can benefit its human power efficiently and effectively. People can use their strengths more effectively and efficiently and reach their potential. It is of vital importance to make an awareness on student’s mind, and families’ mind on life long career management It is again of great importance to develop new and innovative tools to outcome this fact. PARTNERS of the Former Project Turkey Bahcesehir University, Faculty of Engineering Local Authority of Education of Istanbul Governorship of Istanbul, EU Coordination Center Greece Slovenia Kadis Hungary Institute of Training & Vocational Guidance – IEKEP Kossuth Lajos Gimnázium, Szakközépiskola, Kollégium és Alapfokú Művészetoktatási Intézmény England Canterbury Christ Church University The main theme behind CPT is….. A career planning system for the students which includes Career Planning Curriculum CPT (Career Path Test) Software Counselor Curriculum COUNSELORS CPT Methodology Web‐Based/Online System We determine students’ personality types by using Dr J. Holland’s RIASEC Theory CAREER GUIDANCE Career Curriculum for Students Students Career Curriculum for Parents Parents We determine students’ learning styles by using Dunn&Dunn’s Learning Style Theory A personalized CAREER GUIDANCE Report What is CPT? Career Path Test (CPT) is a questionnaire based tool which contains questions to measure learning style and personality type and career interests of individuals. Learning styles are determined by using Dunn&Dunn’s theory. Personality types and career interests are determined by using Holland’s RIASEC Theory. Both theories are widely used in counseling psychology. CPT contains a number of questions whose answers are either YES (like) or NO (dislike). These questions explore Holland’s personality types and learning styles for an individual who takes the questionnaire CPT is supposed to be used in a curriculum for career path of secondary schools’ students to prevent unemployment and misemployment as indicated in the project proposal CPT Inventory Two theories were used for the inventory. 1. John L. Holland’s RIASEC Model: used to determine career tendencies. 2. Dunn & Dunn Learning Styles Model: used to determine learning styles of students Learning style of a student also gives some idea on her working style Personalities vs Career Tendencies – Holland Theory The hexagon below shows the similarities and differences between six personality types. Personalities next to each other show similar characteristics. For example, Realistic and Investigative tendencies are close to each other but Realistic and Artistic tendencies are not. Holland Theory simply states that each of the six personality types reflects "the choice of a vocation". Or, vocation choice is an expression of personality. Theory is based on the fact that personalities seek out and flourish in career environments they fit and that jobs and career environments are classifiable by the personalities that flourish in them. So, today, more than 40,000 occupations are classified according to most dominant Holland personality types – generally in triplets like RSA, IRC etc. Learning Styles A learning style is a student's consistent way of responding to and using stimuli in the context of learning. In CPT, Learning style is being determined by using Dunn & Dunn's model. The Dunn and Dunn approach is one of the most widely used models of learning styles in teaching today. The model is designed and planned based on the theory that individual students learn best in different ways. In our approach, learning style affects not only your classroom success or learning potential, but also has an important affect in terms of working life as well. It is therefore linked to career guidance. If you know someone’s learning style, you should have some clues about his/her career interests DUNN&DUNN Learning Style Model The result of Inventory give information about The Starting point for study Persistence Continuity – Concentration Being able of doing / not doing multiple tasks Working Groups Working with Authority Physical Environment Time of Day Information Processing‐Sensory modalities Thinking Style After the Personal Learning Styles Inventory a studying action plan is prepared for the each student. Career Choice and Learning Style The learning style does not affect only the classroom success or learning potential. The learning style has an important affect in the working life as well. A working area inadaptable to the learning style can hinder motivation and output. The points mentioned below are some notes to consider when choosing a career and are relevant with Learning Styles: Working Area : The sitting plan, physical features of the working area affect the motivation and success directly. When the analytical thinkers that prefer working alone could have problems adjusting themselves in working within a group. Again the analytical thinkers can have problems adapting to the open plan offices since they need silence for concentration. Working all the time from a desk can affect the efficiency of the holistic thinkers since they prefer working in a relaxed area. Career Path Test : http://www.cpteu.com KEY FEATURES ‐ Multilingual ‐ Online ‐ Class Management ‐ Reporting ‐ CPT Content Management ‐ Administration ‐ 90 questions for RIASEC Part ‐ 79 questions for Learning Style Part ‐ Average answering time is 25 min. CPT Report Three parts Introduction and summarization of student’s career tendency RIASEC Theory – Career Report Occupation lists Learning It Style Part is about 15 pages long report and is to be evaluated with the help of a career counselor CPT Counselor Tools Each student has one or more counselor Counselors can list the reports of their students Classes can be set up for class counseling purposes Students can be grouped in schools & classes CPT Counselor Tools – Class Management CPT Curriculum ‐ The curriculum has three parts ‐ Students’ curriculum ‐ Parents’ curriculum ‐ Counselors’ curriculum It is in a printed booklet form (multilingual) Students’ Curriculum Be aware of personal characteristics and develop a positive self perception Be aware of the importance of improvement and change Be aware of the benefits of academic success Exploration of the relationship between work life and learning Improvement of the skills for understanding and using career information Understanding of Personal responsibility and the importance of good work habits Develop awareness of interpersonal compliance Development of decision making skills Developing skills of Planning and Problem solving Knowing the process of career planning Counselors’ Curriculum 1‐ Theories about career planning and learning. 2‐ Career planning process 3. Career Counseling Skills 4. Information about industry and work life 5. Counseling Ethics 6. How to use and implement CPT Parents’ Curriculum Understand importance of Career Planning Process Not to make decision about their children’s future but support them A group of activities for the students CPT Booklet – Printed Material A group of activities for the parents Counselor Training Material A Sample Activity CPT Test Drive Please visit conference desk for username & passwords. Then, connect to www.cpteu.com Questions www.cpteu.com THANK YOU! Dr. Orhan GÖKÇÖL orhan.gokcol@bahcesehir.edu.tr Dr. F. Tunç Bozbura tunc.bozbura@bahcesehir.edu.tr Ten projekt został zrealizowany przy wsparciu finansowym Komisji Europejskiej. Projekt lub publikacja odzwierciedlają jedynie stanowisko ich autora i Komisja Europejska nie ponosi odpowiedzialności za umieszczoną w nich zawartość merytoryczną.