Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping

Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping
Ultrasonic corrosion mapping is a key method
in most non-invasive inspection strategies.
Oceaneering utilizes a number of systems to
providing maximum flexibility for a range of
• 100% Coverage of Inspection Area
• Digital Storage of inspection Data
• Fully Auditable Inspections
• Vertical or Inverted Use
Ultrasonic Corrosion Mapping
In ultrasonic wall thickness mapping systems
a transducer is linked to a computer to record
thickness data for predetermined measurement
positions. The transducer is scanned, either by a
semi or fully automated means, over the surface and
thickness readings and exact positions electronically
stored. Each thickness level can be color coded
and wall thinning by corrosion or erosion is more
readily recognized than by manual inspection. High
reproducibility (typically with 0.3 mm wall loss)
enables accurate monitoring and calculation of
corrosion rates.
Wall thickness mapping can be applied in-service at
temperatures up to circa 250°C using special high
temperature probes and couplant. Wall thinning,
pitting, corrosion, flow acceleration corrosion,
hydrogen induced corrosion and hot hydrogen attack
are detected and imaged.
• Digital Storage of Measurement, Location &
System Settings
• Guaranteed 100% Coverage of the Inspection
• Visualization of Wall Thickness Patterns Using
B, C & D Scan Presentations
• Greatly Increased the Scan Speeds
• Surface Temperatures up to 250°C
• Vertical or Inverted Use
• Rope Access Deployable
Pressure vessels and pressure systems are required
to undergo periodic statutory inspection to ensure
continued safe and reliable operation. Traditionally
this has been achieved by means of an Internal
Visual Inspection (IVI), however there can be a very
high cost associated with shutting down a vessel
(loss of production), isolating it and preparing it for
entry. Corrosion Mapping offers a reliable alternative:
Pressure Vessels & Systems
Storage Tanks
Ship Hulls
• 110V - 240V Power Required
• Material to be Inspected must be Penetrable by
Ultrasonic Sound Waves
• Surface must be Clean & Free from Loose
Material, Rust etc.
Latest Technology
The latest technology available for corrosion
mapping is the axial bridge used with the LSI
automated scanner. The scanner moves in a forward
direction along the length of the pipe, held in place
by strong magnetic wheels, with the transducer
assembly sweeping the underside of the pipe in a
circumferential motion. In suitable conditions, circa
50 meters of large diameter pipe (48 inch) can be
inspected in a single shift.
Oceaneering International, Inc. | Asset Integrity | 11911 FM 529 | Houston, TX 77041
email: Asset-Integrity@oceaneering.com | oceaneering.com/asset-integrity
OCEANEERING® is a registered trademark of Oceaneering International, Inc.