(CANCER RESEARCH 50. 3339-3344. June 1. 1WO] Classification of Antineoplastic Treatments by Their Differential Toxicity toward Putative Oxygenated and Hypoxie Tumor Subpopulations in Vivo in the FSalIC Murine Fibrosarcoma1 Beverly A. Teicher,2 Sylvia A. Holden, Antoine Al-Achi, and Terence S. Herman Dana-Farber Cancer Institute ¡B.A. T., S. A. H., A. A-A., T. S. H.I and Joint Center for Radiation Therapy ¡B.A. T., T. S. H.], Boston, Massachusetts 02115 ABSTRACT In order to investigate the effect of environmentally determined con ditions on the cytotoxicity of anticancer treatments, Hoechst 33342 dye selected tumor subpopulations were separated after in vivo treatment and plated for single cell colony survival. The 10% brightest cells were assayed as putative normally oxygenated cells and the 20% dimmest as putative hypoxic cells. At single therapeutic doses, cyclophosphamide treatment resulted in the largest differential killing between bright and dim cells (6.3-fold bright > dim); l,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea was 3.2-fold more cytotoxic toward bright cells and carboplatin was 2.4fold more toxic toward bright cells. Both radiation (10 Gy) and melphalan were 2.2-fold more toxic to bright cells, while m-diamimnedichloroplatinum(II) was 1.8-fold, thiotepa was 1.2-fold and procarbazine was 1.3fold more toxic to bright cells. Actinomycin D was 3.4-fold more toxic to bright cells. Adriamycin was 2.2-fold, vincristine was 2.1-fold, and etoposide was 1.6-fold more toxic to bright cells. Bleomycin and 5-fluorouracil were also tested and were 1.5- and 2.3-fold more toxic to bright cells, respectively. Only four treatments were more toxic to dim cells: mitomycin C (3.5-fold), misonidazole (1.5-fold), etanidazole (3.5-fold), and 43°C,30 min local hyperthermia (2.6-fold). In an attempt to shift the pattern of dim cell sparing, Fluosol-DA plus carbogen (95% O2/5% CO2) breathing was added to treatment with radiation (10 Gy), melphalan, cndiamminedichloroplatinum(II), and etoposide. Although each of these treatments became significantly more toxic with the addition of FluosolDA/carbogen, only with melphalan did the combination overcome the sparing of dim cells. These results indicate that cells located distally from the tumor vasculature are significantly less affected by most anticancer drugs and suggest that successful therapeutic strategies against solid tumors will involve greater use of the few treatments which are more toxic toward this tumor subpopulation. hyperthermia have been shown to be affected by changes in both intra- and extracellular pH (25-28). Position in the cell cycle is also critical to the cytotoxic action of some chemotherapeutic agents and is an important variable in the actions of many others (29, 30). Although a difficult question to approach experimentally (31), it is likely that the great proportion of cells which are distal from the vasculature and in a hypoxic and acidotic environment are noncycling. Cells which are noncycling would be expected to be less sensitive to many agents but may be more sensitive to nitrosoureas and bleomycin (32-35). The ability of drugs to penetrate through cell layers to reach cells farther from the vasculature in concentrations adequate to be therapeutically effective is a variable dependent to a large degree on the lipophilicity and metabolic stability of the drug molecule. Furthermore, the intracellular concentrations of the cytotoxic agents which can be achieved may differ for oxygen ated and hypoxic cells. Although molecular oxygen diffuses only a short distance through tumor tissue because of its rapid metabolic utilization, some dyes and some drugs can diffuse into the tumor mass over much greater distances (8, 9, 36). In this study, the cytotoxic effects of antineoplastic agents from several different classes and treatment modalities on the survival of tumor subpopulations near to and distal from the tumor vasculature from FSalIC tumors treated in vivo were examined. The effect of Fluosol-DA with air or carbogen breathing on several of these treatments was also examined. MATERIALS AND METHODS INTRODUCTION Drugs. CDDP' and carboplatin were gifts from Drs. Donald Picker It is difficult to cure most solid tumors by treatment with nonsurgical therapeutic modalities. Intrinsic resistance of the tumor cells to treatment agents provides a partial explanation for treatment failure (1-3); heterogeneity in several physiolog ical properties of solid tumors resulting from inadequate and nonuniform vascularization is also a contributing factor (4-9). It has been well established that oxygen is rapidly metabolized by cells and, therefore, in tissues has a limited diffusion distance from vasculature (8-14). Regions of hypoxia have been dem onstrated in many solid tumor model systems (10-13, 15, 16) and in human solid tumors (5, 17) by several different methods. In cell culture and in some cases in vivo, significant differences in the effectiveness of many antineoplastic agents and treatment modalities have been demonstrated to be dependent on cellular oxygénation(7, 18-23). Solid tumors may also have regions of more acidic or more basic pH than are found in normal tissues (10, 14, 24). The actions of some chemotherapeutic agents and Received 8/7/89; revised 2/16/90. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact. 1This work was supported by National Cancer Institute Grant POI CAI9589 and a grant from Bristol-Myers. Inc.. Wallingford, CT. 2To whom requests for reprints should be addressed. and Michael Abrams, Johnson Matthey, Inc. (West Chester, PA). Bleomycin (Blenoxane) was a gift from Bristol Laboratories (Syracuse, NY). MISO and ETA were obtained as gifts from the Drug Synthesis and Chemistry Branch, Developmental Therapeutics Program, Na tional Cancer Institute (Bethesda, MD). L-PAM and Mito C were purchased from Sigma Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO). Fluosol-DA, 20% (manufactured by Green Cross Corp.) was provided by Alpha Therapeutics Corp. (Los Angeles, CA). The stem emulsion was stored frozen and the complete emulsion was prepared immediately prior to use. Carbogen is 95% oxygen and 5% carbon dioxide. All other drugs were obtained from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute pharmacy. Tumor. The FSall fibrosarcoma (37) adapted for growth in culture (FSalIC) (38, 39) was carried in male C3H/He mice (The Jackson Laboratory, Bar Harbor, ME). For the experiments, 2 x 10* tumor cells prepared from a brei of several stock tumors were implanted i.m. into the legs of male C3H/He mice 8 to 10 weeks of age. Tumor Subpopulation Studies: Tumor Growth and Hoechst 33342 Labeling. When the tumor volumes were approximately 100 mm3 (about 1 week after tumor cell implantation), animals were treated with a single dose of each drug, with a single dose of hyperthermia (43°C, 'The abbreviations used are: CDDP. m-diamminedichloroplatinum(II); B cells, bright cell subpopulation: D cells, dim cell subpopulation; BCNU, carmustine. l,3-bis(2-chloroethyl)-l-nitrosourea; L-PAM, melphalan. L-phenylalanine mustard; Procarb. procarbazine; 5-FUra, 5-fluorouracil; VP-16, etoposide. VP16-213: Mito C, mitomycin C; ETA. etanidazole, SR-2508; MISO, misonidazole; S.F.. surviving fraction. 3339 TREATMENT TUMOR SUBPOPULATION SELECTIVITY 30 min) by immersion of the tumor-bearing limb in a specially designed Plexiglas water bath at 44°Cwhich allows the centers of tumors to reach 43 ±0.2T as measured by a digital readout thermistor (Sensortech, Inc., Clifton, NJ) placed into the center of the tumor in selected control animals or with radiation ( 10 Gy) delivered locally to the tumorbearing limb ("7C 7-rays at a dose rate of 88 rads/min; Gamma Cell 40; Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd.). Several groups also received Fluosol-DA (0.3 ml, 12 ml/kg) with air or carbogen breathing (1 or 6 h) after drug administration or prior to (1 h) and during radiation. Hoechst 33342 dye (2 mg/kg; Aldrich Chemical Co., Milwaukee, WI) dissolved in phosphate-buffered saline was administered by tail vein injection (0.25 ml) into tumor-bearing mice 24 h after treatment. Tumor cell suspensions were prepared by excising the tumor 20 min after i.v. administration of the dye (31, 40-45) under sterile conditions, and single cell suspensions of tumor cells were prepared for the colonyforming assay (46). To remove contaminating erythrocytes, 0.17 M NH4C1 was added to the tumor cell suspension for 3 min at room temperature just after filtering through gauze. The cells were then washed once with a minimum essential medium, supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum, filtered through a syringe fitted with a 40-um nylon mesh filter to remove cell clumps, counted, and centrifuged at 200 x g. Cells were then resuspended at a concentration of 2 x 106 cells/ml in complete medium. No significant difference in the number of cells recovered in experimental versus untreated tumors was found. The number of cells per tumor was independent of the interval between treatment and excision. Since the numbers of recovered cells per treatment group typically varied by 15%, however, only cell losses of greater than 20% would have been detectable. Flow Cytometry and Sorting. The fluorescence of the cells from tumors was analyzed and sorted using the Coulter Epics V instrument (Hialeah, FL). Hoechst 33342 dye intensity was measured using an argon ion laser with excitation at 350-360 nm (40 mW power) and emission monitored with a 457-nm long pass and a 530-nm short pass filter. The fluorescence distributions were divided into ten fractions based on Hoechst 33342 intensity. Two sort fractions of cells were collected, one which contained the brightest 10% of cells and the other containing the dimmest 20% of cells. For any tumor cell population fluorescence intensity spans about 3 logs on a scale of 1 to 1000. The 10% brightest cells are collected over a fluorescence range from about 75 to 550 and the 20% dimmest cells are collected over a fluorescence range from about 2 to 4. No significant difference in the fluorescent patterns of the sorted cellular populations at 24 h after treatment was observed as compared with cells from untreated control tumors. The cells were washed once with complete medium. After 1 week colonies were stained with crystal violet, and colonies of >50 cells were counted by eye. The plating efficiency for the unsorted population was 15.5 ± 2.7%. For the 10% brightest cells, the plating efficiency was 9.2 ± 1.6%, and for the 20% dimmest cells the plating efficiency was 5.5 ± 1.4%. The survival results are expressed as the surviving fraction ±SE of the treated bright and dim fractions compared to the bright and dim untreated controls, respectively. Table 1 Survival of subpopulations based on Hoechst 3.1342fluorescence intensity ofFSallC cells from FSallC tumors treated with a single dose of an antitumor agent or treatment modality Subpopulation surviving fraction" TreatmentDose(mg/kg)BrightDimFolddifferential* Alkylating agents CyclophosphamideBCNUCarboplatinX-raysMelphalanCDDPThiotepaProcarbazineISO5050(lOGy)1010 ± DAdriamycinVincristineVP0.061.000.62 ± 16101252200.440.290.330.470.38-t-±-4-+± ± Antimetabolite 5-Fluorouracil 40 0.97 ±0.03 2.3 Hypoxic cell selective treatments Mitomycin C 5 0.37 ±0.05 0.11 ±0.02 Etanidazole 1000 0.82 ±0.04 0.24 ±0.04 Misonidazole 1000 0.84 ±0.06 0.56 ±0.04 (43°C, 3 0 min) 0.36 ±0.04 0.14 ±0.02 Hyperthermia " Data are means of three independent experiments ±SEM. * Ratio of D-cell survival to B-cell survival. 0.29 0.29 0.66 0.39 0.43 ±0.06 cells. It has been well established that the toxicity of radiation is diminished under hypoxic conditions (6, 16, 39). Radiation (10 Gy) was 2.2-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. L-PAM (10 mg/kg), a relatively lipophilic nitrogen mustard, was also 2.2-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. CDDP (10 mg/kg) which is a relatively readily water soluble small molecule, was about 1.8fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. Thiotepa (/V,/V',/V"-triethylenethiophosphoramide) (10 mg/ kg), which may undergo extratumoral metabolism to the active alkylating species (22, 53-55), was about 1.7-fold more cyto toxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. Finally, procarbazine (20 mg/kg) which is a lipophilic hydrazine that undergoes a complex metabolism/chemical degradation to al kylating species (56, 57), was about 1.3-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells where it had only a marginal effect. The antitumor activity of actinomycin D is believed to depend primarily on its ability to intercalate into the DNA helix (58, 59). Actinomycin D (l mg/kg) was at least 3.4-fold more RESULTS cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells where no toxicity was observed (Table 1). Adriamycin (25 mg/kg) was Each drug or treatment modality was examined at a single dose. The dose chosen in each case was in the single dose about 2.2-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. The Vinca alkaloid vincristine (2 mg/kg) was at therapeutic range for that particular agent or modality. The least 2.1-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward largest differential tumor cell kill between the bright (presum ably oxygenated) and dim (presumably hypoxic) tumor cell the D cells where no tumor cell killing was observed. The epipodophyllotoxin derivative (60) VP-16 (20 mg/kg) was subpopulations was observed after treatment with cyclophosabout 1.6-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward phamide (150 mg/kg (Table 1). Cyclophosphamide (150 mg/ kg), which is a prodrug for the short-lived alkylating species the D cells. The antitumor peptide bleomycin (10 mg/kg) was about 1.5-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward phosphoramide mustard (47-49), was 6.3-fold more toxic to the D cells. The antimetabolite 5-FUra (40 mg/kg) was about ward the B cells than toward the D cells. The nitrosourea BCNU (50 mg/kg), which is also relatively short-lived in the 2.3-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D circulation (50-52), was about 3.2-fold more toxic toward the cells where almost no cytotoxicity was seen. Only four treatments were found to be more cytotoxic toward B cells than toward the D cells. Carboplatin (50 mg/kg), a platinum complex which is more lipophilic than CDDP, was the dim (hypoxic) tumor cell subpopulation than toward the about 2.4-fold more toxic toward the B cells than toward the D bright (oxygenated) tumor cell subpopulation (Table 1). Mito 3340 TREATMENT TUMOR SUBPOPULATION SELECTIVITY C (5 mg/kg) which has been well established as a hypoxic cell selective cytotoxic agent through predominantly in vitro studies (4-7, 23, 40), was about 3.5-fold more cytotoxic toward the D cells than toward the B cells. Both of the 2-nitroimidazole radiosensitizers, MISO (1 g/kg) and ETA (1 g/kg), were more cytotoxic toward the D cells. MISO (l g/kg) was about 1.5-fold more cytotoxic toward the D cells than toward the B cells; while ETA (1 g/kg) was about 3.5-fold more cytotoxic toward the D cells than toward the B cells. Hyperthermia (43°C,30 min) was about 2.6-fold more cytotoxic toward the D cells than toward the B cells. The effect of Fluosol-DA (12 ml/kg)/carbogen breathing on the cytotoxicity of radiation (10 Gy) toward the B and D cells of the FSalIC fibrosarcoma is shown in Table 2. Fluosol-DA and air breathing had no significant effect on the cytotoxicity of radiation in either tumor cell subpopulation. With carbogen breathing there was about a 2-fold increase in the killing of both tumor cell subpopulations. Fluosol-DA/carbogen breath ing in combination with radiation resulted in about a 5.0-fold increase in the killing of the B cells compared to radiation alone. Fluosol-DA/carbogen breathing in combination with radiation produced about a 3.1-fold increase in the killing of the D cells compared to radiation alone. Therefore, the addition of Fluosol-DA/carbogen breathing to 10 Gy was about 3.6-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. In contrast, Fluosol-DA (12 ml/kg) with carbogen breathing had a marked effect on the cytotoxicity of L-PAM (10 mg/kg) in the D cells (Table 2). Fluosol-DA with air breathing, carbo gen breathing for 1 h, or carbogen breathing for 6 h in combi nation with L-PAM (10 mg/kg) resulted in small, progressive increases in the kill of the B cells of about 1.3-, 1.4-, and 1.5fold, respectively. On the other hand, the addition of FluosolDA to L-PAM (10 mg/kg) resulted in about 1.6-, 9.5-, and 11.7-fold increases in the killing of the D cells when used with air breathing, carbogen for 1 h, and carbogen for 6 h, respec tively. Carbogen breathing in the absence of Fluosol-DA had no significant effect on tumor cell killing by L-PAM (data not shown). L-PAM with Fluosol-DA and carbogen breathing (6 h) was about 3.6-fold more cytotoxic toward the D cells than toward the B cells. The effect of Fluosol-DA (12 ml/kg) and carbogen breathing on the cytotoxicity of CDDP (10 mg/kg) in the bright and dim tumor cell subpopulations is also shown in Table 2. In the B cells, Fluosol-DA and air breathing produced only about a 1.3fold increase in tumor cell killing. When 1 h of carbogen breathing followed administration of Fluosol-DA and CDDP, about a 1.7-fold increase in the killing of the B cells was observed compared to CDDP alone. When carbogen breathing was maintained for 6 h following Fluosol-DA and CDDP treatment, there was about a 2.5-fold increase in the killing of the B cells compared with CDDP alone. In the D cells there was no change in tumor cell killing with Fluosol-DA and air breathing in addition to CDDP treatment. There was about a 1.2-fold increase in the killing of the D cells with 1 h of carbogen breathing following Fluosol-DA and CDDP treatment and about a 3.3-fold increase in the killing of the D cells with 6 h of carbogen breathing following Fluosol-DA and CDDP treat ment compared to CDDP alone. Therefore, CDDP with Fluo sol-DA and carbogen breathing for 6 h was about 1.4-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. Fluosol-DA (12 ml/kg) and carbogen breathing had a marked effect on the cytotoxicity of VP-16 (20 mg/kg) in both the bright and dim tumor cell subpopulations (Table 2). FluosolDA and air breathing increased VP-16 killing of the B cells by about 3.5-fold and increased the killing of the D cells by about 2.0-fold compared with VP-16 alone. Carbogen breathing for 1 h increased the killing of the B cells by VP-16 plus Fluosol-DA by about 5.7-fold compared with VP-16 alone. Six h of carbogen breathing further increased the killing of the B cells so that there was about 21.1-fold greater killing of the bright cell subpopulation by Fluosol-DA/VP-16/carbogen (6 h) than by VP-16 alone. The addition of carbogen breathing for 1 h following Fluosol-DA and VP-16 resulted in about a 3.3-fold increase in the killing of the D cells compared to VP-16 alone. Increasing the carbogen breathing time to 6 h following FluosolDA and VP-16 further increased the killing of the D cells, so Table 2 Sun'ival of subpopulations based on Hoechst 33342 fluorescence intensity ofFSallC cells from FSallC tumors treated with a single dose of radiation (10 Gy) or an anticancer drug with or without Fluosol-DA and carbogen or air breathing differentialTreatment fraction"TreatmentlOGy' Subpopulations surviving alone (combination)Dim/bright2.3 10 Gy/Fluosol-DAc lOGy/Carbogen'' Gy/Fluosol-DA/carbogenMelphalan 10 ±0.03 0.10 ±0.03 0.07 ±0.01 0.022 ± 0.0040.025 (10 mg/kg) Melphalan/Fluosol-DA Melphalan/Fluosol-DA/carbogen h)CDDP Melphalan/Fluosol-DA/carbogen ±0.005 0.019 ±0.005 0.018 ±0.004 0.017 0.0050.15 ± (10 mg/kg) CDDP/Fluosol-DA CDDP/Fluosol-DA/carbogen(l CDDP/Fluosol-DA/carbogen h)VP- (1 h) (6 h) (6 ±0.04 0.22 ±0.04 0.14 + 0.04 0.010.055 0.08 ± ±0.010 0.035 ±0.007 0.0058 ±0.0012 0.0047 120.27±0.00 ±0.05 0.28 ±0.07 0.22 ±0.04 0.083 0.0090.62 ± ±0.02 0.12 ±0.02 0.088 ±0.009 0.059 0.0050.38 ± 2.2 2.0 3.62.2 1.8 0.32 0.281.8 2.3 2.5 1.8 1.4 11.71.0 1.2 3.32.0 16 (20 mg/kg) ±0.03 ±0.05 VP-16/Fluosol-DA 0.11 ±0.02 0.31 ±0.04 VP-16/Fluosol-DA/carbogen(l h) 0.19 ±0.04 2.8 0.067 ±0.008 3.311.9 VP-16/Fluosol-DA/carbogen (6 h)Bright0.11 0.01 8 ±0.003Dim0.25 0.052 ±0.006Fold 2.9Bright1.1 21.1Dim1.1 " Data are means of three independent experiments ±SEM. Ratio of the surviving fraction for each treatment alone (10 Gy, melphalan. CDDP. or VP-16) with each treatment in combination with Fluosol-DA with or without carbogen breathing in the bright and dim tumor subpopulations. ' Radiation was delivered locally to the tumor-bearing limb and drugs were injected i.p. '' Fluosol-DA (0.3 ml, 12 ml/kg) was administered i.v. in the tail 1 h prior to radiation treatment and immediately prior to drug administration. ' Carbogen (95% oxygen/5% carbon dioxide) breathing was maintained for 1 h prior to and during X-ray delivery and for 1 or 6 h after drug administration. 3341 TREATMENT TUMOR SUBPOPULATION SELECTIVITY that there was about 12-fold greater killing of the D cells than with VP-16 alone. The combination of Fluosol-DA/VP-16/ carbogen (6 h) was about 2.9-fold more cytotoxic toward the B cells than toward the D cells. DISCUSSION The effect of the level of oxygénationon the cytotoxicity of several antineoplastic agents and treatment modalities has been determined previously in cell culture (4-7, 18-23). Of the treatments examined in the current study, thiotepa, ionizing radiation, procarbazine, bleomycin, actinomycin D, vincristine and VP-16 were preferentially cytotoxic toward normally oxy genated cells in vitro (7, 18, 22). L-PAM, BCNU, CDDP, and 5-FUra showed no selectivity based on cellular oxygénation(7, 19, 20); and Mito C, MISO, and ETA have been shown to be selectively cytotoxic toward hypoxic cells in culture (4-7, 23). Only a few treatments have been found to be more cytotoxic toward stationary phase cells in culture; these include bleomy cin, BCNU, and hyperthermia (25, 29, 30). Although in vivo the direct cellular effects of these treatments as measured in vitro pertain to cytotoxicity, other properties of the drugs in cluding metabolic stability, lipophilicity, and pH effects are relevant. All of the drugs tested which had no cytotoxic selectivity in vitro based on cellular oxygénationwere more cytotoxic toward the B cells than to the D cells in vivo. This differential may well have been primarily due to lesser penetration of active drug to the D cells, but an additional factor could also have been diminished activity under acidic pH conditions in tumor regions distal from the vasculature (24-28). All of those treatments that showed selective in vitro cytotoxicity toward normally oxygenated cells were also more toxic toward the B cells in vivo. The magnitude of the difference between the killing of B versus D cells was not greater for these drugs than for those without preferential cytotoxicity toward normally oxygenated cells in vitro. This finding may indicate that the collective factors noted above are at least as important as the level of cellular oxygénationin determining in vivo effectiveness. In contrast, all of the drugs which were selectively cytotoxic toward hypoxic cells in culture were more cytotoxic toward the D cells in vivo. These correlations tend to validate both the Hoechst dye methodology and the notion that oxygénationeffects, as studied in culture, are predictive of in vivo efficacy and indicate that significant concentrations of some drugs can reach poorly perfused tumor subpopulations. Fluosol-DA/carbogen breathing provides a means of increas ing oxygen levels in tumor regions (12, 13, 39, 61-66). In a whole tumor cell survival assay the addition of Fluosol-DA and carbogen breathing for l h prior to and during radiation therapy (10 Gy, single dose) reduced tumor cell survival from about S.F. 0.08 to about S.F. 0.03 and increased tumor growth delay from 1.6 ±0.5 days to 5.8 ±1.5 days (39, 67, 68). In the tumor subpopulation survivals, there was a greater increase in the killing of the B cells than in the D cells indicating that even the addition of supplemental oxygen delivery by Fluosol-DA/car bogen cannot fully radiosensitize the most poorly perfused tumor cells (12, 13). Instead, Fluosol-DA/carbogen was prob ably more effective in reoxygenating intermittently hypoxic cells which may well be more plentiful in the Hoechst dye bright subpopulation. In the whole FSallC tumor cell survival assay, Fluosol-DA/ carbogen (1 or 6 h) increased tumor cell killing by L-PAM (10 mg/kg) from about S.F. 0.03 to about S.F. 0.003 and increased 3342 tumor growth delay from 2.9 ±0.3 days to 9.5 ±1.4 days (19, 20). It is interesting that most of this change appears to be reflected in an increase in the killing of the D cells where there was about 1 log increase in tumor cell killing while the change in the B cells was very modest. VP-16 may operate through a topoisomerase II-mediated pathway activating an oxygen-requiring cascade leading to cell death and/or may be toxic through a microsomal activation to reactive free radical species (18, 60). In a multiple dose VP-16 protocol, Fluosol-DA/carbogen markedly increased the tumor growth delay in the FSallC tumor (18). Fluosol-DA/carbogen (6 h) increased the tumor cell killing by VP-16 in both the B and D cells by 1 log or more indicating that oxygen availability may be a greater limiting factor in the antitumor action of this drug than is the ability of the drug to penetrate deeply into the tumor. Additionally, in view of the relative lesser effect of Fluosol-DA/carbogen with radiation in the D cells, it may be that VP-16 requires less oxygen to optimize its cytotoxicity in vivo than does radiation. The most modest changes in tumor cell killing by the addition of Fluosol-DA/carbogen were obtained with CDDP. In a tumor growth delay study in the FSallC fibrosarcoma, Fluosol-DA/ carbogen (6 h) increased the tumor growth delay produced by a single dose of CDDP (10 mg/kg) by about 1.6-fold (69). This increase reflected a 2-3-fold increase in the killing of both tumor cell subpopulations. CDDP does not require oxygen for optimum cytotoxicity in vitro at 37°C(7, 45). In addition, it is a small molecule and probably penetrates well into the region of the D cells so that the increase in tumor oxygénationand/ or tumor blood flow caused by Fluosol-DA/carbogen would not be expected to markedly improve CDDP cytotoxicity. A useful clinical approach may be to use in combination treatments which are selectively cytotoxic to both the oxygen ated (bright) tumor subpopulation and to the hypoxic (dim) tumor subpopulation (7, 25, 27, 40, 44, 67, 70). The combina tion of Mito C and radiation led to an increase in disease-free survival in a recently reported head and neck clinical trial (71). In laboratory studies, combinations of Fluosol-DA/carbogen/ radiation with Mito C, porfiromycin, MISO, and ETA have produced at least additive effects in tumor growth delay and tumor cell survival studies (67, 68). Similarly, combinations of CDDP with ETA, MISO, hyperthermia, and Mito C have led to marked increases in tumor growth delay as well as at least additive increases in tumor cell killing (69, 72). The addition of hyperthermia to treatment with radiation has established benefit clinically (25) and is further supported by the finding that hyperthermia is more cytotoxic toward the dim tumor cell subpopulation and appears to prevent repair of radiation dam age (27). Similar effects have been seen with combinations of hyperthermia and BCNU or Mito C (40). In conclusion, treatment regimens directed toward solid tu mors can be designed based upon a consideration of the phys iological status of tumor subpopulations to be attacked. Such a therapeutic approach would require a combination of agents and/or modalities directed toward cycling and noncycling pop ulations of oxygenated and hypoxic cells at normal and acidic pH. 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