l{rs. Fran HerrJngton Presldent 1-96cf Jln Scoggins Past Prestdent l{rs. J. iql. Dunean, Jr. President Elect 1...--i Don Haug First \rlce Presldent Sarann Johnston Seeond \Ilss Pt'€)sJdent ShJrloy Paeettt Thi rd \Ii cc Pres'f.ctent Mrs. \rirglnie Seeretary Drongoole ,.I t:\ R. A. Varnado Treagurc:l I I Fr, F. E. Daigle ParlJ.anentarlan Itfrs. Toxana. Conn Educatton Chairrnan and Hl storJ an tl Ralph H. tl,,Ihlte Editor - IIIEIfSLETTER iI L ii II !t tl tl t! il rr lI E r'trg ! _ $ L T E F , October ... ,i li I i ,"' fn Menorlam BILL HOOPER Frlends of Bl11 Hooper were saddenedby hls death ln August. He wi-1l be rernemberedas the second preeldent of TSID a.nd the or,mer and presldent of Preelslon Tools of Grand Pratrle. B111rs parents 'rere deaf and preceded hln ln death by only a fer,r nonths. Amonghls nunerous honors, 8111 receJ.rredt,he PrecldentJal Cltatlon 1966 for employi.ng the handlcapped. Jn Death canner,rhen811.1r^recked hls car on hts r.ray home fron I,ove Fleld. He Was severely r;6p16ed r'rhenthe ear trr.r''l lnto flarnes and he had to be pulled fron the lrreckage. Tr.rorreeks later eonpl!-catJons set ln and he dled at Parkland Hospltal ln Dallas. Rlchard (gfff) R. E. Hooper ls surrtved by his'.rlfe, daughter, Kay l{arle. BJ-111e,and one October I, 1969 THE PRESIDEIITgSFAGE It was mailed out. tt has been three months si-nce the last TSID I$EIvSLETTER hardly seens possible that almost half a year has rolled by since the last AnPerhaps we should let this serve as a remi.nder to each of us nual Convention. that the goals we have set for this year must soon be achieved or postponed until- next year! The The following is a brief report on the results of some of our activiti-es. to the courts and lawyers has been prepared and is adraft of the directory waiting a bid. T\,vorough sketches for the TSID pin have been submitted by the one is expected Green Company of iulissouri for review and a third and final strortly, along with a bid, which will be submitted to the Executive Conrnittee for approval. Our menbership chairrnan, Sarann Johnstgn, has appointed representatj-ves in of the various cities to help recruit inactive and new TSID members. A list Robert Daigler is in Our parliamentarian, renewals is included in this issue. the process of selecting a committee to revise the Constltution as amended at can begin with plans for subthe last Annual l,leeting, so that TSIDI..i:ttornev A11 in for TSID to beccme a non-profit organization. mitting an application it seems as though we are making some progress with the goals we have set all, for this year. Our workshop is just around the corner; and I am arxious to have each one of you attend and contribute to its success. Several members have already agreed to help with the workshop; and if you wj-sh to help in some way, please let me know how you would like to help" If you are asked to assist j-n some way, please do your best to accept the assignmento Iir. Al Pimentel, Executive Director of the Registry of Interpreters Deaf, will be our guest speaker Friday night, October 2\, 1969r and with sent j-nformation regarding the posslbility of TSID affiliating would like to urge each of you to plan to aftend the entire session workshop, as I believe it will be of benefit to you. for the will preRID. I of the of i"tiss Grace Hanson, Coordinator, Teacher Training for the Deaf, University Texas Speech and Hearing Center, has graoLouely consented to have the departnent sponsor our workshop on the universiiy campus. She has been most helpful in working out details for the Friday evening meal and the use of rneeti.ng rooms. She has also volunteered the services of the students of that department as guides during our workshop. Be sure to read the section in the IrID{SLETTER dealing make your plans now to attend. with the workshop and See you at the October l{orkshop! Sincerely, .-',f ,,t' , -.' ,,-,, , ,,/ 1 C F'ran Herrington President Prrr:r 2 , ,'jr/t1, tl E < i it o : : t c N o t e : by A1bert PJraenfer.. p.rseut.l\re Secretar\r of the article The forro,'jng "ritten the ea,-e fo: a.ff{1{a-t'lon" Tt for the Dea.f, nre'ents F.eglstrv of fnter"orsfsv. i n t h e ' l _ n t e r s e f o f ' l l r o r r r d l n g a f c r u r n ' , h e r e * h e r r 1 1 g - fi o n o - f l - heinp' offered Aff{liatJon organi.zat'fon nal: be rrle.'ed 4nd ficgg5-6rl 1n an "'lth the n.tionrl rrlanner. ohjectil/e TI]E P.NGISTRYOF IIITENPFEIIRS TOR TFM I'EAF rI}D STAI'I PFOGPTI{S The Regl.trv of fnteroreter^ for the Deaf "as e.tabUshed ac an orfan{zst{on in 1961,.as a re.lrlt servl 6ss f n of a need to {rnrrrove and e:,nancl lnternret{n.g rsf'l.ect^ the the Unlterl State-. Th{s need fo:^ hetter 4nd norelnternretero Our nanv nel actlv{-tle. Jn behal-f of deaf neonle ln the r6s{ f{fteen year-. present oneratJon Jf funded through a Fe.earch anrl l)enonstra.tl-on g,ysnt fron the SoeraI and P.ehabi-'ll.tati.'reServlces of the Depertnent of Health" Educatl.on, a.nd Ilel fare. Our maJor grant obJectivec Jnelude the educat{on of the prrt']'l-c on the need for l-nterrrreter ut11.Lzat.lon, th.e reerultnrent of '!nterproters, the develo'"nent of the of Jnternreter^. and certjf{catlon a tralnlng eurri.culrla forinterpreters Flrt, t.'o actl.vlty. of broad a\renrle< To aceonpl.lsh the.e objectlr/ec'e have re are "orkj"np r.,lfl trrsl York UnlrrereltV ln deye'loplng. a etprJcq'l,Un. The ^econd area- of activitv inrro]ve. assistanee to eaeh state Ln {nnrovlnf, and evDFnd{ng ex1 stJ ng lnterpreterer^vl-cea. Our efforts to assJ.st.cta.tes ha.ve talcen the forrr of e.t,ablishlna state ehap* ter of the PID. Blr e-tabl{.chJn€ a chapter a.tate obta{ns a vehicle for bringtng lnt,erpreter. together for discussJon of thelr profe.sJ.on-1 needs, 1n-sorrrJce tralnJng pro€'rams, recrultlng ne" rnernbers, evaluattng "tartlng the kno"ledge and skl'll,s arraJlable anonp'ite rneraber.hip and pror,{d'lng n neen,a f o r d e a l i n g " l t h a g e n e t e - a n d I n 1 l l r 7 i . f l u s l s' ' h o u t 1 ' ! 1 2 e , o r " h . o u ] d b e u t l l l z l n g , 'l nterpre ter serrrl.ces The RIlt reeonmend. that eha"pter^ g1ses'lfy thelr otate ehe.nter rnernber-1n three hroad ea.teqorl"^--nsnh€r^-ln-tralntngo genera]- nernb6r.. and nrofe.slonal rnernhef.s. conslst of young rreonl,e ''Jth Food ckil'l'{n manua'l eora* Ye&g1j=f4:!3ai-dng rnunicatlon but not consJdered sufflcientlv natll?e {-n af'e, profe^s{6ns1- }n6r.rof l-edge of deafness or ln fornal kno"letlge re1-atl-ng to the rnanv lntri.cacie( i nterpretlnE. General nembeJs nay he'lndLviduals not ln tra{n{nrr but capab'le of interprettnp on a one-to-one basls. A.ub-ea.tegorv of general- rnerqher" rnarrbe der{rab1e ln order to 1ne]ude indtvldrrals lnterestecl in nrorqot{.ng the g'oals a.nd objectlve' of the chaptss" but "ho are not cons{dered to be lnterpretero, Houever, a1-1 general rnembers ohou]-d pos6et's basie factual infornatlon on deafness. melrbers qh.orrld be those lndlviduals Efgfg:Slpl4l "fth t'road exper{-ence as interpreter^. Professl.onal Jnterpreters should be abl-e to lnternret fron and fi'on cleaf peoole hearlng people to deaf peop'le (e:r.ores"lrre lnterprettnf,') to hearlng peoole (rerrer"e i,nterpreting). These ind{vlduals .hould pos.eoo good th.e nan:f a understandlng of ra:,tlfjeatJons of dea.fness. a ehapter ls freThe que.t{on of deaf and hard-of-hearJ-ng'fnterpreter'fn ',le c1uent1.yraJsed. be]ieve that deaf menber. of a chapter a.re e.sent{al-. F'!rstr deaf people are often {nvaluable as an {nterpreterfs lnterpreter, Peg'o ? Secondly, deaf nenbers e-cpeclally so l-n the case of lor^r-verbal deaf people. rdthln procedures 0ther a chapter. evaluatlon and arc needed for training of be members a chapter, to supportive deaf anplicants malr r.rlsh "lich 'rotrJd 'verlr ind{viduals Stt1-l be othor deaf malr Jndl.cate general nernbership. for 1.6r.,-vspfos1deaf people and night be c"lassifJed ski.'lled i-n interlrreting as profc.sJono.-l- mernbers. In s.ny case, r,rhere deaf i.ndividuals are rnembers of shoulrl c1-ear11rJ.ndicate those r.lho aro distri.buted a chepfer, aDI' directory ptrhf to ic confusion. avojd dcaf Ln ordc'r Rs-s$ri-re4l to the opera.tion of chapters. Throe broad ilreas of activJ.t,y are esscntial tral,ning and evn.'l-u,r.tlon. A" a recruitThese activitJ,es invo'l-rre rccrul.tment, a.l'lhavc a systcnatle ne:tns of dl sseminrtl-ng chapters "hould nont actlvittr interpreting. It shoul-d to seelc bring Jnto the ehapter those inform:rtion on provid"l,n€" indivl-dul.ls current'ly intorpretl-ng servjco., those intorested in trn.lning to be i.nterprctcrs and others rbl.o to be of professi.ona'l support to gro"'th lnd chapter ricve1oprnent" Ir*ipiss progran determines t,he professlonal Tho qurlltv of n trainlnf' status of nny Even r,rith ml.nJrn,g.lrosourccs, a chrpter can bogt-n to dcve'lop organlzatlon. progrffr. a worthy training Thls requl.res carefrrl planning to achl-eve mn,rl-reum resul.ts ovcr c peri-od of years. The::e 1s a nced to p ovide opport,unities for merqbers to rrograde their sktl.l.s and knor'1edge. ft ls eosentill thnt ne' recruits to thc profes.i-on havc o rneans of obta'fnlng tra.lnlng. fn addltion to carefitl-1;r plonnerl 1n-s6rvl.ce tr:aintng opportrmJtles r{thin the eh'rpter, 1t i.s inportant to plan for rnorc forr"rr:.l J-nterpreter trainlng cour.es rrnder the suoer* vl.si.on of o co]l-ege or unlrre::sity. Trainlng'shou-]-d be both lnt,ensivo and extonsirre r.rlth a eontlnuing effort to reach rrital corunrrnttv agencies nnd personnel" ErraluatJ"on One of the fundanentn,l purposea of c. eheote:: ls 1,6 dsrrel-op an acceptlb'te etrndard of profe"sJon:r1 lnterpretar perfonranec for the state. All profe.sional organizetJons h:rve qorre nethod of rating nnd/or eertif:ring the'ir lrlhjle this crn be r. dlfflcuj.t nenbors. trrofens1on,:l- tr.sk to put into affectr l-t is a necelss.rr:/ one and should be :pprorched "ith ful-1 chrpter oupport" This becones t'he firnctJon of an errnlun.t,lon eonntttee. Professtonr.l, status Jnvolves nan.'y'factors J.neludlng }:ror'1edgo be:'ond the interprotlng ski-'l-1 it* An cvaluation comnj.ttee needs to .l.ook i.nto tn ronlicantrs self. forrlnl knortls6g" of the "fie1-e freld of deafnesq since interpreterso in the eourse of renderi-ng servlees, are frequent'l1r ealled upon to prorri-de other infornation re-lcted to the problens lnd prograns LlyelvlnS deafness. A1-so, en rpplicant neede to fu]]-y appreeicte the besic inportaneo of the l-nterpret,erts shoul-d have a positive code of cthl-cs and further undel:standing of hi-s/har responsi.bility to the profess'!on of lnterprettng, inc'lud:i.ng the role of the professlonal interpreter to the chrpter" Idith the aborre 3.s e frlr,Ie of reference, tro cn.n nor,r eonslder the possibility thn.t the Texas Society of fntorpreter for the Denf nay.,rl-sh to eons'lder affi"ri..1ion r.ri,th the RID. [rlh.r.t,r.,oul.d affl-llation lnvolve? Besi.eall1r s ssrq]aj-fPago 4 nent b;r TSID to nove tor.rard the objective interpreters. of professi.onnl.ization of their All r,renbers of F,ID State Chapters are not nenbers of the natlonal Reglst::rr. The current bnsic operat,Jng requirenent i.s th:rt alt ehrpter rnerrbers in t.he Genern.l- ner,tberc nav hf.ghest ch:pter- nenbershirr categorl" nu-ot be RID nente:-e" Menber'-ln-trci-n{ng nrtion'rlnerqberohip. be sr:onsor,;d bv the chopter for should not be snonsored for neti6n11 nenbership. The RfD rna.kesno fin:.neirl* donands on Jts ehaptetd or its nsmlrs1.. l'ferqber.h{D dueo to the natlonr.l Regis{",rl na4 nai,rr scp:rate'1.v. lJe hnne to nodJf:l oltt o'n onerat,lon to i.n tho near future to enlb]-e stoteo rlth ehanter" Jn full by1,11.ys have the sole resoonsibJ'lity of sponsorlng alr anpliernts reslding within In thie r'1.lrr st3.fs. "nulri harre eontro'l their etates for n:rtjonal nenbership. and resoonsihJllty for those individuals holdJng nc,tionel nenhershf.n. Also nernbershi.p as o eondltion of belng adnJ.tted to the by requlring natlonrl highest stnt,c crtegory of nernber.hlp, t,he national Registrr Jo assurod of of all those lndlviduals'r. str'.te deer"s t,o be of prr:corrplete ldentJf'lcatlon fcssionr.l e.'rl.i.ber. lhnos of rnenbership cl-assifJcat'ians li:lted in this paper nerel.y sertre 1s .r Sorne ehepter,: hrrre ds,<ignated eonvenJ.ent 'rlJr of descrlbing varl.ous levels. these ea.tegorles rs Interpretor 0ther chapte::o h:ve eoI, ff, rnd lff. t'r.bl.ished several tlmes of eonnJt,t.aes end soleeted rrthcr ne:rns of carr.ring on the recruitrnent., training, anfl srra1-untion functions out'lined :rbove. Thls Stato ehrpters need to I'eser{/e the frcedon to corrjr out nrois pernl-ssibre. fessional- obJect{ves 'ls their rcsourcos, personnel , :rnd e{rcurr.stonces perni.t. Thus rffi]-lation does not nc.rn conplets r.er4-fting of an er.i.tJng set of f1r11r.rs" Ho'.rever, it stands to:reo.son thrt rnrr cxist{ng con-f]lcfs'"Jth the nreqcnt RfD bvl jrrs lroul-d need to be re-odied. strengthen the Drofesstonll Affll.lation ulth RIn r.rq111-fl lrrnge of TSTII" Tt r.'ould neen that TflIf; "crr:'ld ha.ve fi:ll aecr:.s to rnaterJalr'for l-n-serrrlce trnining current'i-y under derrel-onnent,rnd thr.t TSfD offJeer" 11611161 be Jnel-urled in r'l.l distrlbutions of nsttlri"als genr-"rctlng fron other ehapters on vrrJous tooJcs, scrvi.ng as 1ne.t.ns of naLntal.ni-ng Jnter.est and nct{rr1-tl' sr.r* t*t eonrnlttces. Frrther, affi"l"iatlon uouJd nrrt tts kav chant,er rnenbers Jn a nnre favorrrble nosition to bc cons{-dererl for trnJning progr,r,ns r.rhen th'l s beeones e.val]a.ble. l,lo o.?e eurrontl,v negotlatlng vtth r colrege to establlsh a cornpre-t'rhen t.hle doeo nateriallze, hens'lve training nrogrsn" trr.lneeshin opnort,unitles r.'Jll. necessartlX be'l,Jrlited. 0 p n o r t r l r i . t l e s r ' 11 r b e e h a n n c ] o d t o t h o s n o'11ect Jndiv'ldtraj.s j.n pool.tions 'rlthin thelr cbtpters tn rnsftrlnaxJmrx'trrse of the t,rafni.ng aequired. Affiliatlon has adventeges to the RfD, too. ft providco the nrr.tJonrl offJce grceter nroportionntc.lv in strength seeking ner,r prograns and in deveLo'p."i.t,h ing netr 961r,'ices by vlrtue of nossessing bronder :renresont.rtion" Thls lncrcases our ability to herp ':1-1 etates. It e4n enabl-e Lls to aecornn'l-ish our n:rt1onal, nr'ofecoi-ona1i-zrtion goal-s in r shorter spr.n of tine. fn surtnery, Jt ls our belJef that a un{terl effort efn achjeve nc're thln internittent attenpts to i-nprove interprati.ng Further, n.s a. signi.flcant servi"ees. seglent. of a natlon:rl rno:.rentrmln Frofessi-onnll 2Jpg interpreterr, rqnre TSID rrler'lbet:s1'6q'ld be eont'lnuously invo'lver1 in rrarlous onerat{ons, insuring agal-nst fluctuatlons in orrierl',r glor.rth, rrhJ-eh frequcntlv is the ense r,rith Jn4eirendent orga.ni zat,l ons. Page ! TSID IJORI(SflOP TIIET"IB: "Improving our Sign Language Slcills" Sponsored on the U. T. Campus by the U.T. Speech & Hearing Center 0CTOBBR24, l9'o9 Pl,l - 3rd Floor, 5:00 Re3istration 5:00 Evening Meal - U. T. Student Union Building - Faculty Lounge Menu: Buffet Mexican Dtnner, $2.00 per person. Reservations to be made by October 20, 1959 to Vir3inia Drorn3oole, 2607 P e m b r o o l iT r a i l . A u s t i n , T c x a s , 7 6 7 3 L . R e s e r v a t i o n s m u s t b e a c c o m p a n i e db y c h e c l c o r m o n e y o r d e r . Enchiladas Tamales Spanish Rice Beans Student Union Building Spanish Cornbread Spanish Slow Garden Salad r,rlth Avacado Apple Pie Tea or Coffee 7:00 Entertainment - [Ir. RaLph[Jhite, Chairman, ?SID 3:00 speal"er - Mr. A1 Pimentet-, Executive Director, Registry of rnterpreters for the Deaf, LJashington, D. C. Subject: "ProposedAffiLiation of TSID with RID" 8:45 Group Discussions Re: Mr. Plmentelrs Presentation 9:15 Re-assemble for Question & AnsvrerPeriod 10:00 E x e c u t i v e C o m r n i t t e e} l e e t i n g - P r o p o s c d A f f i l i a t i o n and Miscetlaneous of TSID r"rith RID ocToBER25, L969 hl'l B:15 Registration - 3rd Floor, Student Union BuiLding 9:00 AssignrnentsPosted According to Registration 9:00 (1) Critique of Interpreters Panelists: Mr. A1 Pimentel, Exccutive Dlrector of RID Mr. Jacl<Hensley, Teacher, TSD Mr. Jerry HasselL, Teacher, TSI) Audience Ratinqs by deaf as requested by individual interpreters ( R a t l n g s h e e t s r . r 1 1 1b e p r o v i d e d t o t h e a u d i e n c e u p o n r e q u e s t b y interpreters. O u r d e a f f r i e n d s a r e e n c o u r a g e dt o a t t e n d t h i s s e s s i o n . ) (2\ Beginning Interpreters' Seminar Co-Sponsors: Ilrs . Lil Bror.rning, TSID Mrs. Elieabeth Carlton, TSID Prge 6 Preferences (3) Video Tape Sessions C o - S p o n s o r s : M r . D e a n C u n n i n g h a r n ,T S f D Mr. Don Haug, TSID Mr. Harold Herrington, TSID (4) Teachlng Film fnstructor; !1r, Bert poss, ?SID (5) Scmlnar on Mental HeaLth & Medical Terms - Mrs. Texana Conn, TSID 1O:0O Brea[< 10:15 (1) crltique (2) Beginning Interpretersr (3) of rnterpreters 'r n Video Tape Sessions 'r 'l (4) Teaching Filrn rf rf (5) Seminar on ReliSious Interprecing 11:15 Break 11:30 (1) Critique of Interpreters (2) Beginning Interpretersr (3) 12:30 2:00 (second session) Seminar - Mrs. S. Douglas Johnson, TSID (Thtrd Session) rt rr Video Tape Sessions , rl (4) Teaching Fi lm 'r rt (5) seminar on Legal rnterprerlng Seminar - i'rrs, shirley pacetti, TSrD Break for Lunch - U. T. Student Union (1) cririque (2) Beglnning Interpreters I Seminar tt rt (3) Video Tape Sesslons rr rl (4) Teachlng Film rr tl (5) rntroduction of rnterpreters (Fourth session) to sign Lan3uage - Miss Marian pharr, ?srD 3:00 Break 3:1.5 Executive cornmlttee Meeting - Eval-uation of saturday Trlorkshop Session & Miscellaneous 4:00 Dismissed P"Fr' 7 r' __, j : r t I .a- L- -r _/ - r_ ll.. 't |./' i-t !., t j , .i 'I _ ! j- ) a I rtt- "-7' , I I rI r> \ ,l l l.i. tr't),"!hI t.Ai I \i A I i i., .i tvi ! : I I ! I I t J I t, I I !,_ I r,- :l ; II t-' : -lL, r t; 'i. l iA I ;\i .t l"/ tt i?-;.1-', 't 1 \i , '',- . rLtj , , ;li ,l i " l/ | / 1l '.t t.: I \ -T , ',i |, ': I '"' r; .|. //.:: r:' \ i");i:tk, jL ,: i. ,: i ,'*',j l, ," ! l,J .l '/ ):'..' Fl'l /! R l,\l ,'- L T i- t' I ,:.tr- -i Prre 8 r t"' I l t :1 L -; l:', ,' I,NE OOI,I.EGEIIEARII]G I}4PAIR3D PF],JECT A nrogran of vocetJ.onel evaluetJon and t'raining for the henrj-ng I'nnaJred of Sunnorted bv r Feder:r1 et Lee Co]lege i.n B'vto'm. Teias has been institute'l or snecinLized fnnovation Grant, the progrrJrl nrovides re5lrrla.r, nodlfied, services delrenri{ng on the nartieul.ar neeris of cnch el Jent,. Tr^rcntrr*five c'lients r.'i.'l-l-be nccelted riurJnF the fir"t dition,e'l t'renty*ftrro enrol1ing tho secon'l se:"rester. senester rrlth on rd* Centr..r1 to the "ho'l o nrogllar'! Js the pr,rrrisi.on of jnternreter. "ho tra.nslate There cre nreaentl-r/ tro Jnstruct,Jon r;ithin the cl:lsorooms rnd shon rrets. on the str.ff . A.lrilt'l one"l fu]'l -t'lrne 'internretsTp r''f11 fu]'l -.ttrnc int,ernreters be nd<lod to the staff during t,he second senest.er. AI'ATLABI,E FREE.SUBSCRIPTION TO TTE ENDEAVOR the ne'lsletter of the Conventlon of Annerlcrn Inst:ructors of the !-h.,__!n,'1e,:.vgr, Deaf Prrent Seetlon, 1s a.vrileble to Ln'.lone Jntereste'i ln reeeiving this Du5l.icntion. The sectton ic n:r4e un of chiefly pr.rents of ,lclaf eh'i'ldrcn" Anong sone of 1ts gorils rre t,o securc feieral- legjs'l.rtion ln behrlf of the c1onf" to p'rrents thrt '.d1r be he]pfu]. ln understnndtng to rlissenino.te infomrtion the nroblcns of the deaf chilrt, to requ:j.nt the gencrnl Dubl.Jc';lth the deaf, their eann.b1]itleso and their succcssr rnd to sr:f'no::t e4uc.rtors of thc delf in inprorring th.e edrrcatl.crn of the .lerf. Sinph' r.lrlt.e ll'here is no cost to persong r,lho',rLsh to becone subserjbers. n'l,lress then to: end inel_u'lJng send tho zip eoA6 rn,l Iroul. nane l4rs. Marrr J,lne F-hodes ?621 Erst lu2nd Street Indi a.nrpo'l-is, fn,li nnl 116205 LE/\Ders j.r'r A un'ique scrvice organJ.zrtlcln nn.'le up of yorrng people hrs rna'lc a t,errlfJc l,forth. rleaf r.'hieh prct on t,he conrnrtnjtl,'ln Fort They ere LEADer,q str.n,l for' rr'lcnr]J.npears t,o ai,1 the ,leaf.rr OrglnizeC 'i n Jrnuarlr 1969, the e] ub nresentl.v hns t"enty-t,r,ro nernbet:s lhn shr.re their frlen,rshin, theJr glft. of her.rinF, an.l their eorqnrmleat,inn rb'ilitles r,rith the her.rjng innllre,l . TheJr vrlJ.ous rettvJties tnclurlc trebvsi.tting. n16'.dth vJrrjng t,ransport,1tion, essJstinfr t,el cnhone ee.'I.'l-s.rnrl Jnter.rrretlnr" in rrtrl-ous.ltuationg. fn adrl'lt,'lonr f,fiey snon.sor fund-ra{sJnp'" nctiy{ti6.e to sunDort rrr.rJ.ous corrnunit,y nrojects for t,he'leaf Jn Forf I'Jorth. These }'oung rzoluntcers t.rho are fron 16 to 27 yee.rs of ag'e reecil,'e rro nrl'r'lent for thei,r servi-ces. fnstead, thev are credJted they nut in "rlth the nurrber of hours to'r.:-rd serrriee nins. On llorrenber I LEADers r'{1'l herre t.he pn.jor lp"ponslbil.i.trr of intornreting the tr at t,he l-84!9Vi.l 1:ge Oper:r. I{ouse. The errent rd'11 novie, rrPl.int Your !.ls.F'on" be a firnd-raising rctirrit,v of tho Tr.rrant Ccrunty Idorkers I,Iith the Doaf. The proeceds fron it ll-1'l- F'o torrard the sponsorshJ.n of tho Nationnl Theatro of the Denf re nerfornance ln Fort i'Iorth sehe,lulod for Mcrch 17" Page 9 SU}O4ERSTG]IIINSTIT{NE select.ett to attend the first Titree TS1D nftmbel.s r.,'ere rrnong participe.nts held at Ssn Fernando ]Ial.]-ev St,rte College, Irlort,hridge, SrrmrnerSign fnstttute C:1ifornj-,r, June 29 through August 8, Trrnr Kleeb,, formerlr/ of Ft,. l.lorth, at the Delgr.do Co1-lege Pro.ject fo:: tho Daa.f: ECith nor.rchief jnterpretor C'l-o.rls, lls'r l4evjeo: nyrd rliap'i1l"s Hunker, forrrer'l Jr of Annrtll-o, nor.t llvtng'in Fortv peop'le frorn 25 stn.tes rtt.ended. Drong'oo1,eof Austin r,rcre pa:'ticlpants. to teach ncnual eornA11 had a kno'.rl-edge of sl-gn 11n[rusge and r,rere cornitted The D'ireet,or of the fnstl-tute was Krrl nrrnicetJon clrsses in the fal.]. Kerchner, Assistr.nt Professor ln tho Speeirl Edtreation Depart.rnent of the co1lege. the fi.rst of its ki.nd ever to be h.e1d jn the Un'fted Statecu The Instltute, l,'r.s operated u-nder a +r'50r000grant' fron thc Departnent of He.11th, Educct'ion, Pr.rticipant,s reeei-ved sl-x credit horrrs for thclr six r,reeks of and ldeLfare. t,rnining in pslrchologv of the ndu'lt lcarner and the rrse of yncd'iai.n teaching sign l.anf:lrige. Regul:r.r faculty rnenbers rrrere: Dr. Jack Sehr.rar.tz, Di_r.ector, Instrtrct,iona1 ]t{rter:ie1s Laborrtory, SF\ISC; Dr. l,ln.rsha'l-l Hester, Ca.nt'iensd FjlrQs l','tediaCenter, L.r.s Crucos, lle" l'lexieo: Terrenco 0tF.ourke, Dircctor, Conirrrniettlrre Skil.'ls Prograrn, ll:tioncl AssocLation of the Derf, rla.shlngtoni l4fes Ittrpitria \Iai].o Principal, Adult Educ:ltlon Prog'::an, Los Ang'e1 es, One of tho chlef purposed of the Institute lras to "r{t.e 1s.s;.6nphns for .,r.null- cornr.lunJeationelagses. Part{-cipt"nto "el:e dJrridorl into eight grorrps 'lesson p1.r,ns for^ r of five each, n.nd eaeh. group concentro.ted on r set rrf 'l class ei.ther in fingcrspel-'l inF" blslc ri gn l ant'rrr.fe, inter-edi r.te ei gn 1oo-u')6'e, or t.drrrnced sign 1-anp.rrn.g'e" In thts n totr.l eurricu'lun'.les de-"il6 sl.gneC for the tenehin[, of nnntral eomrlrrnieat,ion" Copies of nr.1or leeturc.s and thc lesson pl'r.ns uJl-1 be printed cnd dJstributed t,o rl-'l p-rrtiel.pante" San Fernendo \ral'ley State Co]-l-egehopes t,o hrvc a fo]-lor,r.-11p.eetin{- of the orip'inr.l- /+0 students t.o see r^rl:1 f, ffpy ha''re done with thc ideras therr le.:.::ned during: thc Inst-i.tute, nnd the college staff ls hopcfrrl of seerrr.ing rdditionnl grant,s fron lIEI,l on future "ini'lrr instltutes. Inl.lAPpsv se_. 9aq_JorJ slD_yenb Pronlnent r..rorkshopsrnd neet,ings t,hls fell hrve F€€rt or rri.]l see r. nunber of TSID nernbers ln aetion" ltlrs. Elizabeth Carlton and l'1r^. Berbara Alllson servcd:s inf,erprotcrs:rt the Steter.rlde Meeting on the }toeds of thc Elderly Deaf he] d J-n Fort lrorth Septer"rher 1u. Doi.ng the interpret,i.ng honors at t,he rrTrain{ng fnstitute on l4einta'l-Hea'lth ^ Needs of the Henrlng fnpairedfrin Austtn Oetober "ere ltr.. l{J.ritrn Johnsnno l4rs" Shir.]-ey Pacettl, Mr"" El jzrbeth Carlton, Mrq. Frances Heri-ngtono a.nd Mrs. Gladys Holland. Anong t,hose sel eeted to interpret at, the Fatlonal l^.Iorkshooon Contlnuinp' Educrt,jon for Deaf Adul.ts in Kanses Ctty, I'lissorui, Oetober 19-21 are Mrs. Li]lic.n Beard and r4rc. Shirley Pa.cett{. llith 1{r.. El.iz,,rbeth C:r1ton as coordJn:ltorr Mrs" Lil1th B:^o"rn'lr'.t., }trs. Jonn-r'e Dtucan, ]"fr. " Carol- Davi s e lf:i.. i{ar j o:r'le l{oore o and ]rr". l4rr.r Cnnner "i 'l I shl.r'e thc interpreter.l spot-1.ight at the refionlJ- eonfercncc on nfnfirorrinf thc Coor,ltne.tion of Serrri.ces for thc Deaf bet"een llrlucr.t,jon rnd \Ioeat{onr'l Rehr.bilit,at'l,onrr in Drll as Oetober ?1-2?. Par:e 10 ilege_3nd Tlprg /l feCeral grnnt, to rlevel-op a regional centr:r for tho educnti"on rnd trr.fnJng area has been a','arle'l to the Ca1-l.jst of rleaf-b1-l.nd cht]-drcn ln a four-stat,e Hearln6," and 9neech Center. Dr. E.ir.lin K. Hanrner of Aust{n assuned the dutles of Project Coorrl1n"163 Jp1-y 21. Tn this pos{tion, he r,rll-'l rlevote hls attention to rlaklng a eor,nrehensive survey of the needs fcr cueh a reglonT l center a,nrl 'leternining the tyrres of servlees l-t shou'ld nrovl,de. A:roeant Ln.llcntorl the::e are ,1trDroxi.nste1..,r 1.250 decf.-bllnd ehilrlren of nresurlzcr-..r sehool l6re ln the entire nltion. Est{r,rate of the n.untrer Jn Texro a1one Tn.nges fron l-55 t,o 25O ehi1,dren, n,lny of t,hen rrlctJrns of the rnaternll surley rnd plcnning nfi',e6o of the ruh'e]1r epitlernic of 1961n-65. The tnitjal nrrrject 1re pxDecte,l to'lcc4 u:l.tlnatclrl to . , reg'lona1 eenter for the forrrstn.te area. ADDITTONS TO MNIVIBEP.SHIP -T-ST F a a' t r r l J.!\ 4 qp" ,rrr . Mr"s. TornrnyBro'rn'l ng (t i t-) Rrl ph Churchl.'llB.rlnh Col.enan Deen Cunni ng'hen Ittrs" Don Haukins lr{rs" Ben Hoj-land l"Ir's. Jafies Hunker Wn. W. Morton Joyce PJ.erce l{rs. Darrsl-1. Qrreen It1rs. Joan Shl rl-ey Mrs. Don Smal] J. CrlvJn ldi11ar.1 )51*5 ReS,tl Roa'l, Ft. t.lorth 76'l-1'l 2.012 Atl erf 19, [.r113s 75208 r,lhce'l-J.ngAve., 8'l Paso 78810 "025 2109 \rrnderbi'lt I-,n., Austin 7872' L15) I','re. G, Ft. t'.lorth 76'105 41."1 Crestr.ray, Au,gtin 78711 5W ;1. r Ath, C'l6rri q. II. l"{. 88101 1A6l./+Chrmbo:rs, Hauston 77A"4 1 810 Esqui re P] . , Grrnrl Prai rJ e 75O5O 76117 !"08 l4cQuade, Ft. lrorth r4r51rI. Sh:Idlr Grove f"8, Irvinp' 75060 .l 5l-5 Bel1 , Annr{-11o 79106 212 Libertv B]dr,'., l,laco 7670I Lssoei.rt,e l.{rs. John Q. Adams John Q. Adnns Crrl- Brintnstool Brorminf TODTI;r' Fqnnic l.h.e Gros. Jn.rqesE. Hu:rker Be:r't,E. Poss Bonni ta. l'li-'l-l-is 91.7 lr. ?fud. Ir4.eo 76707 9r 7 N. ?2nd, !,laeo 76707 7R7L1 1725 Deerfl.e.ld" Arrstln ^51n5Rega'l F.4., Ft^ !..lorth 7611.1 46O2 Austin, H.'rrston 77OO/1. 50q 1'I. 18th, C'rov'l-s"11. M. 8Rr61 2209 L{ndel l- . Arrstln 7B7OI. ?556 Rerr]. Rd., Ft. I'Iorth 76ttr IlIe'rnnt to exten'l 51 spooial invl.te.tion to gyg.Trcgg to r.ttenrl the l,Iorkrhorp jrr tir-rstln October 24, anrT 2.5! Reeervations for overnll'fit aceo,'rlnoda.ttons and 'l,frjte for the dJnner October 24th shoul-d be nade b.v October ZQlb. to trft.e. \I{16.i ni::. Drolrgoo].e 2607 Penbrook I'rr.il a'' ') ',1 ) /,usti.n, Texes 7|7il ) ) [1,r-5' Tf vou l{rs " Teyana Conn has been appoJnted Educati.on Chairman and Hi"storlan. to the FIistorlan Book, p1..ease send then to have an11lt,ems to eontribute lhs. Texana Conn, 2007 Par:anount, Austin.o Te:ras Po.Pe l-'l 7A7O/+"