Rochester Institute of Technology, NY Graduate Writing Strategies

Rochester Institute of Technology, NY
Graduate Writing Strategies
Dr. Patricia Poteat
Smartwatch For Self Diagnose
Ivan Slade-Šilović
April 24th, 2014
The average age of Americans is increasing and chronic conditions are becoming
more prevalent. This is statistics, and because of this there is a need to improve the
effectiveness of disease prevention, to improve access to healthcare, and to sustain healthy
independent living.
At the same time, there is increased availability of new technologies and an everimproving health information technology infrastructure. Advances in bioengineering
coupled with the aforementioned needs of society suggest a ripe opportunity for the design
and development of home or mobile technologies that enable functional independence and
can improve quality of life for people with disabilities, chronic conditions, or mild
impairments associated with aging. Home-health and mobile-health technologies are
expected to function not only as monitoring devices, but as essential components in the
delivery of healthcare.
The FOA encourages Research Project Grant (R01) applications for research,
development, and evaluation of systems that monitor health, inform clinical decisions, or
deliver real-time therapies in a minimally intrusive way. These are technologies that enable
monitoring of personal motion, vital signs, and physiological measures in a manner that
minimizes disruption to an individual’s daily routine and at all times protects their privacy,
dignity, and comfort. These systems are expected to integrates, process, analyze,
communicate, and present data so that the individuals are engaged and empowered in their
own healthcare with a reduced burden to care providers. Effective application of homebased and mobile technologies has the potential to increase adherence to rehabilitation and
medical regiments, reduce incidents of avoidable post-acute complications, and improve
self-care management of chronic conditions.
This can be done with new Smartphone diagnoses in a simple, quick, and easy way.
Not just Smartphone, today we can buy several types of Smartwatch, from Samsung,
Philips to Apple iWatch. They all can communicate directly to Smartphone and exchange
all data. Already some of them are capable to check some of body functions like heartbeat.
Tomorrow they will be implementing with more different sensors that can monitor more
and more body function and application for Smartphone that can analyze all that data and
suggest diagnose. As today I sow future design of next generation of iWatch with
HealthBook application. Future will be self diagnose in smartwatch. Let us think in this
writing about those possibilities.
Smartwatch, as define (, Encyclopedia, 2014) is a computerbased wristwatch that provides an extension to a smartphone via Bluetooth. With several
varieties introduced in the 2012-2013 time frame, a smartwatch lets wearers use their
smartphones while remaining in their pockets or pocketbooks. A smartwatch is especially
useful while performing activities such as running, cycling and exercising.
Medical diagnosis (n.d.), based on Encyclopedia Britannica, (Often simply termed
diagnosis) refers to both the process of attempting to determine and identify a possible disease
or disorder (and diagnosis in this sense can also be termed (medical) diagnostic procedure),
and to the opinion reached by this process (also being termed (medical) diagnostic opinion).
From the point of view of statistics the diagnostic procedure involves classification tests. It is
a major component of, for example, the procedure of a doctor's visit.
A smartphone (n.d.) in Encyclopedia Britannica is a term for distinguishing mobile
phones with advanced features from the basic feature phones. Early smartphones typically
combined the features of a mobile phone with those of another popular consumer device, such
as a personal digital assistant (PDA), a media player, a digital camera, and/or a GPS
navigation unit. Modern smartphones includes all of those features plus the features of a
laptop, including web browsing, Wi-Fi, and 3rd-party apps and accessories. The most popular
smartphones today are powered by Google's Android and Apple's iOS mobile operating
system. In this research we hope to find the benefits of using remote diagnostic to help in the
early diagnostics and its overall effect on the patients.
Using Smartwatch for self medical diagnoses can help patient to get in time proper
diagnose and treatment that can save their life.
Purpose of Research
The purpose of this research is to explain why self diagnose in using smartwatch is
better than in-hospital diagnostic for some of diagnoses that can be made anywhere by using
smartwatch connected to smartphones and internet connection to hospital and monitoring
some of functions that is essential for early diagnoses or immediately transportation in critical
cases. This will be suggestion of smartwatch to self diagnose or connection with smartphone
technology for healthy independent living. Research will show benefit of modern technology
for quick and easy self diagnosis that can be made anywhere and send to referent hospital
where can referent doctor or automatic application make and suggest therapy, needed steps to
proceed or diagnosis in case smartphone will have influent data to made self diagnose by
Early proper diagnoses can be done by using smart watch and connection to
smartphone to use application or internet connection for remote data center.
Proper sensors and measurements data can be directly linked over the internet to the central
hospital database and their referent doctor.
The right therapy or an immediate procedure can and would potentially save lives of
many while in the same time reducing the cost and hospital staff time spent.
Cost of using remote medical diagnostic is cheaper than total cost of in hospital
During reading literature there is lot of supporting parts and I will confirm this
hypotheses with this literature review, as one of reasons why I decide to make this. As we all
look in technology in future usage as better, simpler, faster and cheaper, proper research that
include all parameters must prows that, because some of them can or might not be true.
The same problem is not in USA, but in all modern countries, so, some of my next steps in
evaluating these problems will be used for benefit of all.
Literature Review
Problem in modern technology is that when we start research of something new, until
we finish that, technology can be old, because industry forced to pump new and every day
something new. It is not because they are developing something every day, but just presenting
and dictate for market, and promote as marketing, every day something new without really
any good research done for using technology. Research is made by users and in next
generation changes will be done.
So, here we are doing a research of something that is still not in use, suggesting the
benefits of idea that can be in use tomorrow.
Modern Trends
2014 will probably be the year of the smart watch. Apple is expected to unveil one,
which might do better than the disappointments from Samsung and Sony. Google’s watch
may function essentially as a one-inch (2.5 cm) square computer that could be used in a
number of settings, not just on your wrist.
Meanwhile, in the health, fitness and life-tracking arena, popular wristbands like the
Fitbit, Jawbone’s Up and the Nike Fuelband will be joined by an avalanche of competitors.
One of the most interesting is the Basis fitness tracker, which adds so many sensors that it can
track heart rate and caloric consumption as well as general activity. At the same time, the
makers of the pioneering Pebble smartwatch have demonstrated something interesting: It’s
possible to turn a device widely dismissed as a dud at launch into one that more and more
reviewers are finding genuinely useful merely by dint of software upgrades.
One big improvement involves the notifications system built into Apple’s iOS 7.
Using this system as a common language, any app on an iPhone can now push data—text or
graphics—to the Pebble, as well as gather information from the Pebble’s sensors.
About modern design of future smartwatches that is placed on wrist and own antenna
for communication (DVICE, 2014), described trends in future of design . At once a single
step away from a smartphone on a wristband and one of the more advanced smartwatches out
there, this "wrist communicator" is definitely blurring the wearable tech lines. That can
control more parameters of body using benefit of design and position on wrist.
Transportation problem in critical cases
Doctor Radošević (2006) explains that one of the main causes of death is from
cardiovascular diseases. About 75% of those patients sadly die before coming to a hospital. It
is assumed that 25% of that number just or came on time or gat during transportation proper
teratement and medical aid. Preventig or early diagnoses can increase that number.
Dissertation, Mattson (2010), brings transport problems in rural areas for old patients,
showcasing the overall difference in number of physicians, lack of geographical connectivity,
demographics differences and the difficulty of transportation in such cases.
Technical data
According to Brus (2012), FDA gives green light to start using smartphones in ECG
monitoring, so doors are open and we can enter into new era of diagnostic options. In this
article the author brings Food and Drug Administration approval for using smartphones for
electrocardiogram monitoring. They wanted to make heart monitoring easy, affordable, and
accessible to allow caregivers and patients in developing nations the ability to monitor chronic
heart problems. And the latest smartphone technology is much easier to modify to that end
than build entirely new hardware infrastructure. Ultimately they found a way to embed
electrodes in a smartphone casing that can read a patient's vital signs and download the data
for analysis.
Same view Jureško (2009) presents in an article about using smartphones in cardio
monitoring. We can start connecting first sensor to mobile devices that monitors hearth beat
or pulse, then adding pressure and temperature. After that, special sensors that can separate
and diagnose amount of some components in our sweat, breathe, etc.
Describing integration as Park (2012), presenting us, of mobile devices and medical
diagnostic sensors for patient monitoring in technical and functional way by developing
matching small devices and modern small functional patient monitoring sensors that can be
used together without external power and connection.
McMahon (2013), present the option using smartphones in strip testing for testing
urine, urinary tract infections, and renal failure or complications from pregnancy. In his article
he describes the development process of testing strips that can be read at home by using
smartphones. Strips will be made for testing urine, urinary tract infections, renal failure or
complications from pregnancy. As author said: “Putting medical technology in the hands of
patients could revolutionize medicine “.
Also, Weinreb (2012), describe iWatch as solution for patient monitoring, collecting
data and analyze and sending for processing monitoring data of patient functions. In this
article the author brings news about product from Life company, LifeWatch that are
developing a range of wireless monitoring devices for emergency rooms and medical services,
as well as for personal use. This is the first time that someone has combined all these
capabilities on a smartphone. The smartphone has built-in sensors for monitoring heart rate,
pulmonary function, blood sugar levels, body temperature and galvanic skin response (which
measures psychological pressure), and other physiological variables.
Metro-portal (2009), brings option for diagnose from cough by analyzing specific
amount of parts in composition of our breath, using smartphone for diagnose. This text
describes analysing coughing trough mobile phone for diagnostic purpose in a way that can
detect symptoms of different diseases, allowing the prevention to come in a timely manner.
Latest announcement made Gurman (2014), for next generation of iPhones that
developing application Healthbook that can track data pertaining to bloodwork, heart rate,
hydration, blood pressure, physical activity, nutrition, blood sugar, sleep, respiratory rate,
oxygen saturation, and weight.
Other important part is specific application on device that can read from sensor data or
images, transform it into packages and send to central point for analyze. Some of applications
are suitable for reading on small screens, like Anonymous (2011), using smartphone for
reading images that can accurate stroke diagnosis as well as on large medical screens.
Research about using small screens for diagnose and applications is made by Szekely
add all (2013), who found most of applications and small screens of smartphones and tablets
suitable for all operations and reading, including internet connection to large databases and
medical resources that can help writing diagnoses. Using that stored images received from
smartphones for diagnose made by referent doctors can be useful for melanoma
mammography detection like Burki (2013), explain that doctor will make diagnose on images
and results will come back in next 24 hours as one of telederamtology usage example.
The technology used for transforming images from smartphones and sending over
internet to central database on server as Wise & Shaebanyan (2010) did is still in usage for
this transfer as we can see later on in Neunschwander &Seplowitz (2014), methods of
transforming date from smartphones to servers using security protocols that can make patient
data more secure, according to all medical standards.
Benefit of using remote medical diagnosis we will compare too in hospital diagnosis
and emergency transportation to hospital in critical cases using data of military helicopter
In preventing heart failure Domingo ad all (2010), using teleradiology for remote
diagnosis that can in time help and prevent problems cardiology. This research is based on the
satisfaction of patients in using telemonitoring devices for monitoring hearth failure and the
data is divided based on users groups, one option against two option users.
Also, by same author, Domingo ad all (2010), is article is about the new approach to
treating ambulant patients with heart failure using remote telemonitoring. As the main
argument it used the old data before this technology, comparing it with the new data after its
arrival, showing all the pros and cons for this change.
In technology for collecting and distributed patient data, Neunschwander, Albert &
Seplowitz (2014), analyzed a patent description on how diagnostic events can be collected on
electronic devices at geographically distributed service centers and forwarded to a remote
(e.g., network-based) diagnostic service provider ;after analyzing providing information and
guidance to users and other service providers for easier problem solving.
Different type of usage smartphones for medical diagnose
Idea of using mobile devices for EKG monitoring and quick and easy usage of this
diagnose on mobile phones (Jureško, 2009) brings us another usage of smartphones for
medical diagnostic. As EKG is one of most usage and simplest medical monitoring.
The usage of smartphones (McMahon, 2013), describes developing testing strips that
can be read at home by using smartphones. Strips will be for testing urine, urinary tract
infections, renal failure or complications from pregnancy. I want to emphasize again the
author’s words: “Putting medical technology in the hands of patients could revolutionize
medicine “.
We have another example of using smartphone for analyzing cough trough mobile
phone ( 2009), for diagnostic purpose in a way of detection the type of disease
by measuring cough.
Weinreb (2012), brings news about new product from Life company, LifeWatch that is
developing range of wireless monitoring devices for emergency rooms and medical services,
as well as for personal use, but this is the first time that it has combined these capabilities on a
The smartphone has built-in sensors for monitoring heart rate, pulmonary function, blood
sugar levels, body temperature and galvanic skin response (which measures psychological
pressure), and other physiological variables. All that sensors can be implemented into
smartwatch or connect easily to smartwach, that is already caring on hand, or wrist actually.
Technology of modern smartphone diagnostic (Burki, 2013), describes how
smartphones is using from online stores health-care applications for melanoma detection, says
Those who use it, upload picture and compare it with application's database using pattern
recognition software and mathematical algorithms. Return results is potential case for
malignancy or image is sent to "certified dermatologist that can make teledermatology in 24h.
Smartphone applications could offer considerable benefits: they are inexpensive and speedy;
can improve diagnosis for those in remote regions; and can assist dermatologists in triaging
patients. “But they have to be validated in a study” state the author.
In study Anonymous (2011), author validated that doctors can read radiology images
on small iPhone screens just as well as they can on large workstation monitors, and the benefit
of reading images from virtually everywhere in no time. Author made a point based on the
research at the University of Calgary which noted that the research reveals that, by using the
iPhone app to access the images, physicians are able to speed up the time needed to diagnose
a stroke and start treatment.
Technology that use smartphones for medical diagnose
Diagnostic events can be collected on electronic devices at geographically distributed
service centers and transmitted to a remote (e.g., network-based) diagnostic service, analyzed,
and made possible causes of events while providing information or guidance to users and
services (Neunschwander, E., Albert, E. & Seplowitz, L. 2014). Information can be send or
log to diagnostic service for comparison or to create some event.
Professor Park describes (Park, 2012) in his article about developing smartphone and
integration with medical devices for future options in medical diagnostic purposes from
developing point of view.
Research from Szekely, A., Talanow, R. and Bagyi, P. 2013. Tested mobile devices,
tablets, medical applications and other options for medical reading in fields like radiology,
ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, CT, radiographer and nuclear medicine. Also, for user using medical
encyclopedia, specialized books etc. on devices that can help diagnose the problem. They
bring conclusion of new opportunities for medical diagnostic in all fields including learning
and consulting patients.
Technology of Remote virtual medical diagnostic imaging viewer (Wise, K. &
Shaebanyan, M. 2010) is describing how medical images are transferred from capturing to
viewing device over Internet and how they are stored on one or more servers for access
control information.
About privacy in using smartphones, Brickell at al. (2007), they described problems of
privacy that could potentially arise in remote diagnostic and handling with sensitive
information. This research follows secure multi-party computation researches and explained
how encryption transfers and secure protocols affect the performance and stability of the
Professor Park (2102), describes in his article the development of smartphone
integration towards medical devices with the purpose for future quick medical diagnostics.
If we think about possibilities of connecting smartwatch to smartphone, great
description of technical possibilities described, (2014), about Samsung
smartwatch connection to Samsung smartphone and what functions than can be used.
Also a suggestion of external application for usage in this options. For this topic, we
will just mention important ones like GPS location, Internet connection, Pedometer, Weather
app, My Fitness pal, Heartbeat, E-mail, etc.
Interesting part is settings of interface that can be customized as user friendly
environment and settings.
Annotated Bibliography
Anonymous, (2011): Smartphone App Enables Accurate Stroke Diagnosis, Information
week. Retrieved from:
[Accessed: 25 Jan 2014].
In this study the author validated that doctors can read radiology images on
small iPhone screens just as well as they can on large workstation monitors, and the
benefit of reading images from virtually everywhere in no time. Author made a point
based on the research at the University of Calgary which noted that the research
reveals that, by using the iPhone app to access the images, physicians are able to speed
up the time needed to diagnose a stroke and start treatment.
Brickell, J.Porter, D.E. Shmatikov, V. & Witchel, E. (2007): Privacy-preserving remote
diagnostics. Association For Computing Machinery, pp. 498-507.
doi:10.1145/1315245.1315307 [Accessed: 5 Feb 2014].
Authors described problems of privacy that could potentially arise in remote
diagnostic and handling with sensitive information. This research follows secure
multi-party computation researches and explains how encryption transfers and secure
protocols affect the performance and stability of the systems.
Brus, B. (2012). FDA gives ECG smartphone app green light. Journal Record, Retrieved
[Accessed: 3 Feb 2014].
In this article the author brings Food and Drug Administration approval for
using smartphones for electrocardiogram monitoring. They wanted to make heart
monitoring easy, affordable, and accessible to allow caregivers and patients in
developing nations the ability to monitor chronic heart problems. And the latest
smartphone technology is much easier to modify to that end than build entirely new
hardware infrastructure. Ultimately they found a way to embed electrodes in a
smartphone casing that can read a patient's vital signs and download the data for
Burki, T. K. (2013), Diagnostic accuracy of smartphone applications. The Lancet Oncology,
14(3).p. 1. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.2382 [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014].
Author describes how smartphones can be use from online stores health-care
applications to melanoma detection. Those who use the smartphone, upload picture
and compare it with application's database using pattern recognition software and
mathematical algorithms. The image is send to certified dermatologist that can make
teledermatology in 24h. Smartphone applications could offer considerable benefits:
they are inexpensive and speedy, can improve diagnosis for those in remote regions,
and can assist dermatologists in triaging patients. “But they have to be validated in a
study”, concluded the author.
Domingo, M., Lupon, J., Gonzales, B., Crespo, E., Lopez, R., Ramos, A., Urrutia, A., Pera,
G., Verdu M., J. & Bayer-Genis, A. (2010).Non invasive remote telemonitoring for
ambulatory patients with heart failure: Rev Esp Cardiology, 32 (10), p. 9.
doi:10.1016/j.rec.2010.10.032 [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
Article is about the new approach to treating ambulant patients with heart failure
using remote telemonitoring. As the main argument it used the old data before this
technology, comparing it with the new data after its arrival, showing all the pros and
cons of this change.
Domingo, M., Lupon, J., Gonzales, B., Crespo, E., Lopez, R., Ramos, A., Urrutia, A., Pera,
G., Verdu, M., J. & Bayes-Genis, A. (2011). Evaluation of a telemedicine system for
heart failure patients: feasibility, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing, 3 (2),
p. 9. doi:10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2011.02.003 [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
This research is based on the satisfaction of patients in using telemonitoring
devices for monitoring hearth failure and the data is divided based on users groups,
one option against two option users.
DVICE, (2014). Wrist communicators could be the future of smartwatches. [online]
Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
In this article author describe modern design of future smartwatches that is
placed on wrist and own antenna for communication. At once a single step away from
a smartphone on a wristband and one of the more advanced smartwatches out there,
this "wrist communicator" is definitely blurring the wearable tech lines. If you're one
of the folks who wants more tech on your wrist than you're currently being offered.
Gurman, M. 2014. This is Healthbook, Apple's major first step into health & fitness tracking.
[online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Mar 2014].
Author describes next generation of iPhones with new application named
„Healthbook“, which will track data pertaining to bloodwork, heart rate, hydration,
blood pressure, physical activity, nutrition, blood sugar, sleep, respiratory rate, oxygen
saturation, and weight.
Jureško, G. 2009. Mobitel postaje i EKG, Jutarnji List, 04.01l..
This newspaper article brings an innovative idea of using mobile devices for
EKG monitoring, promising an easy diagnostic and usage of this application on
mobile phones.
Mattson, J. 2010. Transportation, Distance and Health Care Utilization for Older Adults in
Rural and Small Urban Areas, North Dakota State University.
This dissertation is about transport problems in rural areas for old patients,
showcasing the overall difference in number of physicians, lack of geographical
connectivity, demographics differences and the difficulty of transportation in such
McMahon, T. 2013. The smartphone will see you now. Maclean's, 126 (9), Retrieved from:
[Accessed: 25 Jan 2014].
This article describes the development process of testing strips that can be read
at home by using smartphones. Strips will be made for testing urine, urinary tract
infections, renal failure or complications from pregnancy. As author state: “Putting
medical technology in the hands of patients could revolutionize medicine “.
18 2009.Zakašljite u mobitel za instant dijagnozu. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 25 Jan 2014].
This text describes analysing coughing trough mobile phone for diagnostic
purpose in a way that can detect symptoms of different diseases, allowing the
prevention to come in a timely manner.
Mims, C. (2014). 2014 will be the year you actually want a smart watch. [online]
Quartz. Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
In this article they said that 2014 will probably be the year of the smart watch.
Apple is expected to unveil one, which might do better than the disappointments from
Samsung and Sony. Google’s watch may function essentially as a one-inch (2.5 cm)
square computer that could be used in a number of settings, not just on your wrist.
Meanwhile, in the health, fitness and life-tracking arena, popular wristbands
like the Fitbit, Jawbone’s Up and the Nike Fuelband will be joined by an avalanche of
competitors. One of the most interesting is the Basis fitness tracker, which adds so
many sensors that it can track heart rate and caloric consumption as well as general
activity. At the same time, the makers of the pioneering Pebble smartwatch have
demonstrated something interesting: It’s possible to turn a device widely dismissed as
a dud at launch into one that more and more reviewers are finding genuinely
useful merely by dint of software upgrades. One big improvement involves the
notifications system built into Apple’s iOS 7. Using this system as a common
language, any app on an iPhone can now push data—text or graphics—to the Pebble,
as well as gather information from the Pebble’s sensors.
Neunschwander, E., Albert, E. & Seplowitz, L. (2014). Remote Diagnostic Service. Retrieved
[Accessed: 5 Feb 2014].
In this topic here is a patent description on how diagnostic events can be
collected on electronic devices at geographically distributed service centres and
forwarded to a remote (e.g., network-based) diagnostic service provider ;after
analysing providing information and guidance to users and other service providers for
easier problem solving., (2014). UX Review of Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
Here is a great description of technical possibilities how to connect and use
Samsung smartwatch to Samsung smartphone and what functions that can be used.
Also a suggestion of external application for usage in this options. For this topic, we
will just mention important ones like GPS location, Internet connection, Pedometer,
Weather app, My Fitness pal, Heartbeat, E-mail, etc.
Interesting part is settings of interface that can be customized as user
friendly environment and settings.
Park, Hyun Gyu. "5.Touchscreen in smartphone for early disease diagnosis." Inside R&D 27
Jan. 2012, Business Insights: Essentials. Retrieved
7/009eebab65bf7aa85d8bd8c1edc49cae?u=nysl_ro_rrlib [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
Professor Park describes in his article the development of smartphone
integration towards medical devices with the purpose for future quick medical
Radošević, D. (2006), Emergency transportation of cardiac surgery patient. SESTRINSKI
EDUKACIJSKI MAGAZIN, 3 (1), p. 1. doi:1334 - 7551 [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
Doctor Radošević in his article explains that one of the main causes of death in
Croatia is from cardiovascular diseases. About 75% of those patients sadly die before
coming to a hospital. It is assumed that 25% of that number could be saved if they had
gotten proper and in timely medical aid.
Szekely, A., Talanow, R. and Bagyi, P. 2013, Smartphones, tablets and mobile applications
for radiology. European Journal of Radiology, 82 (5), pp. 829-836.
In this research the mobile devices, tablets with specific applications are being
tested in the role of medical equipment that can be used for reading in fields like
radiology, ultrasound, X-ray, MRI, CT, radiographer and nuclear medicine. Users,
using medical encyclopaedia, specialized books etc on these devices can even find
diagnose themselves with the extensive symptoms data provided., Encyclopedia (2014). Smart Watch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Apr. 2014].
Here is definition of smartwatch as combination of computer, smartphone and
watch that can be used with all this function in a form of wrist watch.
Weinreb, G. (2012). Lifewatch launches world's first medical smartphone. McclatchyTribune Business News, 04.07.
In this article the author brings news about product from Life company,
LifeWatch that are developing a range of wireless monitoring devices for emergency
rooms and medical services, as well as for personal use.
This is the first time that someone has combined all these capabilities on a
smartphone. The smartphone has built-in sensors for monitoring heart rate,
pulmonary function, blood sugar levels, body temperature and galvanic skin response
(measure psychological pressure), and other physiological variables.
Wise, K. & Shaebanyan, M. (2010), Remote virtual medical diagnostic imaging viewer
Retrieved from:
[Accessed: 5 Feb 2014].
In this article authors describes how medical images are transferred from
capturing to viewing devices over the Internet; explaining the process of how the data
is stored on one or more servers for accessing control information.
Anonymous. 2011. Smartphone App Enables Accurate Stroke Diagnosis. Informationweek –
Online. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 25
Jan 2014].
Brickell, J., Porter, D. E., Shmatikov, V. &Witchel, E. (2007).Privacy-preserving remote
diagnostics. Association For Computing Machinery, pp. 498-507.
doi:10.1145/1315245.1315307 [Accessed: 5 Feb 2014].
Brus, B. (2012). FDA gives ECG smartphone app green light. Journal Record, Retrieved
[Accessed: 3 Feb 2014].
Burki, T. K. (2013). Diagnostic accuracy of smartphone applications. The Lancet Oncology,
14(3).p.1. doi:10.1001/jamadermatol.2013.2382 [Accessed: 24 Jan 2014].
Domingo, M., Lupon, J., Gonzales, B., Crespo, E., Lopez, R., Ramos, A., Urrutia, A., Pera,
G., Verdu M., J. & Bayer-Genis, A. (2010).Non invasive remote telemonitoring for
ambulatory patients with heart failure:.Rev Esp Cardiology, 32 (10), p. 9.
doi:10.1016/j.rec.2010.10.032 [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
Domingo, M., Lupon, J., Gonzales, B., Crespo, E., Lopez, R., Ramos, A., Urrutia, A., Pera,
G., Verdu M., J. & Bayes-Genis, A. (2011). Evaluation of a telemedicine system for heart
failure patients: feasibility,. European Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing, 3 (2), p. 9.
doi:10.1016/j.ejcnurse.2011.02.003 [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
DVICE, (2014). Wrist communicators could be the future of smartwatches. [online] Available
[Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
Gurman, M. 2014. This is Healthbook, Apple's major first step into health & fitness tracking.
[online] Available at: [Accessed: 20 Mar 2014].
Jureško, G. 2009. Mobitel postaje i EKG.Jutarnji List, 04.01l..
Mattson, J. 2010. Transportation, Distance, and Health Care Utilization for Older Adults in
Rural and Small Urban Areas. North Dakota State University.
McMahon, T. 2013. The smartphone will see you now. Maclean's, 126 (9), Retrieved from:
[Accessed: 25 Jan 2014].
Medical diagnosis. (n.d.). In Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved January 30, 2014, from 2009.Zakašljite u mobitel za instant dijagnozu. Retrieved from: [Accessed: 25 Jan 2014].
Mims, C. (2014). 2014 will be the year you actually want a smart watch. [online] Quartz.
Available at:
[Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
Neunschwander, E., Albert, E. &Seplowitz, L. (2014).Remote Diagnostic Service. [Retrieved
cent=true&FT=D&date=20090716&CC=US&NR=2009182533A1&KC=A1 [Accessed: 5
Feb 2014]., (2014). UX Review of Samsung Galaxy Smartwatch. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Apr. 2014].
Park, Hyun Gyu. "5. Touchscreen in smartphone for early disease diagnosis."Inside R&D 27
Jan. 2012. Business Insights: Essentials. Retrieved
bab65bf7aa85d8bd8c1edc49cae?u=nysl_ro_rrlib [Accessed: 23 Jan 2014].
Primorac, M. (2014).Radiolog na Hvaru očitat će nalaz iz Vrgorca. [online] 12.09. Retrieved
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