Rochester Institute of Technology B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences Master of Science in Game Design and Development Capstone Final Design & Development Approval Form Student: Luis Bobadilla Student: Bill Phillips Student: Sebastian Hernandez Student: Andrew Wilkinson Student: Rob Link Student: Jia Xu Student: Nitin Nandakumar Project Title: Into the Paws of Madness Keywords: 3D Platformer David I. Schwartz Supervising Faculty, Capstone Committee Chair Brian May Supervising Faculty Christopher Egert Supervising Faculty Chris Cascioli Supervising Faculty David Simkins Supervising Faculty Adrian Decker Supervising Faculty Jessica Bayliss Supervising Faculty Tona Henderson Director, School of Interactive Games and Media Into the Paws of Madness By Luis Bobadilla, Sebastian Hernandez, Rob Link, Nitin Nandakumar, Bill Phillips, Andrew Wilkinson, Jia Xu Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Game Design and Development Rochester Institute of Technology B. Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences May 15, 2013 ii Acknowledgements Thank you to all the artists that worked with us. Thank you to RIT staff and students. Corinne Dewey David Schwartz Jon Phan Chris Cascioli Jason Pries Brian May Micheal Borba Adrian Decker Richard Borba Chris Egert Daniel Strauss Andrew Phelps Alex Berkowitz Jessica Bayliss Brian Van Horn John Araujo Caitlyn Orta Dan Whiddon Tory Mance Leigh Raze Zachary O’Neill Ivy Ngo 1 Executive Summary Into the Paws of Madness is a 3D platformer that explores the ideas of unpredictable and combinatorial difficulty. As the game progresses, rifts in time and space open up around the area. Each rift causes an effect in the world, like shrinking the player or covering the area in darkness. If the player can reach a rift, they can collect it and disable the effect. Once the player has collected four rifts, they can go back to the center and win. However, if time runs out before they can, then Pomerazziag, the Elder God of Small Annoying Dogs, will awaken and destroy the world. Our biggest challenges throughout the project were finding a balance between fun and frustration with the rift effects and communicating how the game works to the player. We went through several iterations of both the rifts effects and the win condition to find something that people could play and enjoy. However, our original goal of making a game around unpredictable and combinatorial difficulty survived. The random spawning of the rifts and the way that their effects stack with each other create a number of interesting combinations and a slightly different experience for everyone that plays the game. Another success has been the workflow from our Unity prototype to our custom engine. In addition to creating the engine from scratch, we developed a way to export information from the Unity prototype directly into the XML format for the engine, turning Unity into our level editor. This process significantly reduced our workload for both engine programming and level design. 2 Table of Contents 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 7 1.1 References ........................................................................................................................ 9 2 Game Development Production .............................................................................................. 11 3 Game Design Summary .......................................................................................................... 19 4 5 3.1 The Evolution of the Game ............................................................................................. 19 3.2 Game Design .................................................................................................................. 21 Technical Overview ............................................................................................................... 25 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 25 4.2 Architecture Overview .................................................................................................... 25 4.2.1 Message Handling................................................................................................... 25 4.2.2 Centralized, Dynamic Class Factory ........................................................................ 26 4.2.3 XML-Based Soft Architecture ................................................................................. 26 4.2.4 Three-Tier Architecture........................................................................................... 27 4.3 The BTO Renderer ......................................................................................................... 29 4.4 Testing Methodology ...................................................................................................... 32 4.5 Results............................................................................................................................ 33 4.6 References ...................................................................................................................... 33 Asset Overview ...................................................................................................................... 34 3 6 5.1 Platforms ........................................................................................................................ 34 5.2 Details ............................................................................................................................ 35 5.3 UI ................................................................................................................................... 35 5.4 3D Characters ................................................................................................................. 35 5.5 Audio ............................................................................................................................. 36 Research Topics ..................................................................................................................... 37 6.1 3D Model File Reader Implementation — by Luis Bobadilla .......................................... 37 6.2 A Scalable, Data-Centric Multicore Game Loop Architecture — by Sebastian Hernandez 37 6.3 Jumping Through Negative Space: A Reconstruction of Super Mario Galaxy’s Matter Splatter Mechanic — by Rob Link ............................................................................................. 38 6.4 Simulation and Rendering of an Advanced Particle System Engine on the GPU — by Nitin Nandakumar .............................................................................................................................. 38 6.5 Stepping Out of Your Skin: Roleplaying as Non-Humans — by Bill Phillips ................. 38 6.6 The Endless Game: Using Heuristics to Explore the Gameplay of Sandbox Games — by Andrew Wilkinson ..................................................................................................................... 39 7 6.7 Holding on to the Edge: Achieving Dynamic Ledge Grabbing with Vector Math — by Jia Xu 39 Play Testing and Results......................................................................................................... 40 7.1 The Method .................................................................................................................... 40 7.2 Playtest One Results ....................................................................................................... 41 7.3 Playtest One Changes ..................................................................................................... 42 7.4 Playtest Two Results....................................................................................................... 43 4 8 7.5 Imagine RIT Results ....................................................................................................... 43 7.6 Survey Figures (Survey Posted on 1/26/2013) ................................................................. 44 7.7 Informal Observations (Observations gathered from Imagine RIT on 5/6/2013) .............. 62 7.7.1 Gameplay Experience Successes ............................................................................. 62 7.7.2 Gameplay Experience Problems .............................................................................. 62 Post Mortem........................................................................................................................... 64 8.1 What Went Right ............................................................................................................ 64 8.2 What Went Wrong .......................................................................................................... 66 8.3 What We Learned ........................................................................................................... 68 8.4 Future Work ................................................................................................................... 69 8.5 Summary ........................................................................................................................ 70 5 List of Figures Figure 2.1 The Revaluation of Design, Week 1 of Winter ............................................................... 12 Figure 2.2 Proposed Schedule ........................................................................................................ 13 Figure 2.3 Scrum Process, from Wikipedia ..................................................................................... 14 Figure 2.4 Product Backlog ............................................................................................................ 14 Figure 2.5 ................................................................. 15 Figure 2.6 Task Board .................................................................................................................... 16 Figure 3.1 The Tablet UI ................................................................................................................ 24 Figure 4.1 Layered Engine Architecture Graph for Lance ............................................................... 27 Figure 4.2 Three Tier Architecture ................................................................................................. 27 Figure 4.3 Service Provider/Consumer Relationship ....................................................................... 29 Figure 4.4The BTO Renderer Class Diagram ................................................................................. 31 Figure 7.1 Intro to Paws of Madness Survey................................................................................... 44 Figure 7.2 Page one of Paws of Madness Survey ............................................................................ 45 Figure 7.3 Page two of Paws of Madness Survey ............................................................................ 46 Figure 7.4 Page three of Paws of Madness Survey .......................................................................... 47 Figure 7.5 Page four of Paws of Madness Survey ........................................................................... 48 Figure 7.6 Page five of Paws of Madness Survey........................................................................... 49 Figure 7.7 Page six of Paws of Madness Survey ............................................................................ 50 Figure 7.8 Pictures associated with Page 5’s questions .................................................................. 50 Figure 7.9 New pictures associated with page 5’s questions........................................................... 51 Figure 7.10 Results 1 Figures (Results gathered on 3/2/2013) ......................................................... 57 Figure 7.11 Results 2 Figures (Results gathered on 4/26/2013) ....................................................... 61 6 1 Introduction Into the Paws of Madness is a third-person platforming game that explores the idea of unpredictable difficulty. It’s designed for repeated short play sessions (8-12 minutes), whereby the player tries to beat their score on subsequent playthroughs. The player must navigate around an open world to collect Chaos Rifts and cancel their effects before Pomerazziag, the Elder God of Small Annoying Dogs, draws enough power from them to awaken. This project started as Great Bingo in Busy City at a meeting almost a year ago. We were trying to figure out our capstone partners, splitting into semi-random groups and using to generate seed ideas to discuss, talking with each other about what roles we would fill in the group. At the end of several rounds of this brainstorming, we decided to try a round with all of us in one massive group. We got “Great Bingo in Busy City,” and a game idea quickly emerged—a story of the largest bingo game of all time gone horribly wrong. Even though we hadn’t intended to use that meeting to initiate a capstone project, Great Bingo in Busy City stuck with everyone. The idea of unpredictable difficulty, the different effects stacking upon each other to create unforeseen combinations and interesting situations, just stuck with people. We went from joking about the game to seriously talking about it, and we were all pretty much on-board from the beginning. Even as the game morphed into “Into the Paws of Madness,” the entire team stuck together because of the core ideas of unpredictable and combinatorial difficulty. Many games have elements of Into the Paws of Madness, but ’we cannot find anything exactly like it. In terms of 3D platforming, we mostly compared ourselves to Super Mario Galaxy mixed with the jumping puzzles of Guild Wars 2 [1-2]. The levels of both games often have disconnected floating platforms, which inspired our level design and aesthetics. We sought other sources for level design inspiration in terms of floating platforms: Alice: Madness Returns, DMC: 7 Devil May Cry, and the animated movie Dragon Hunters [3-5]. Our character controller behaves similarly to Guild Wars 2’s, with fairly straightforward jumps and control while airborne [2]. In terms of unpredictable and mounting difficulty, we have a number of games to compare to. For mounting difficulty, we have the Flash game Tower of Heaven in which you have to ascend a tower while dealing with an increasingly complex and sadistic set of rules [6]. The game even eventually takes away your ability to see the list of rules currently in effect [6]. ’Despite the extreme difficulty and unfair rules, fans enjoy the great progression of difficulty as it adds extra rules. Guild Wars 2’s jumping puzzles, Goemm’s Lab, also demonstrates an example of mounting difficulty [2]. The puzzle adds new environmental effects incrementally—e.g., bolts of lightning, gusts of wind, and areas of cold—ending with a section combining all three. In terms of unpredictable difficulty, see You Monster DLC for Defense Grid [7]. In the campaign missions, the rules constantly change as you progress though the missions [7]. The set of available towers might change, or perhaps the AI will build towers that help the aliens instead of you [7]. You lack any security, because your status can change in an instant. There is one game that perfectly combines these two ideas, though it’s not a video game: the card game Fluxx [8]. It has both unpredictable and mounting difficulty, but more importantly, the player has some measure of control over both forces [8]. As a player, you can play these additional rules yourself, adding new rules when you feel that they’ll help you [8]. In addition, if you don’t like a particular rule, you can change or remove it. This design prevents the rules from overwhelming the player while providing the player a great amount of power and agency. The rules will mount over time, but you can mold the way that they change to your advantage. Of course, since other players also jockey for control over the rules and everyone draws cards at random, you don’t have complete control, which provides the unpredictable difficulty. Fluxx’s gameplay matches everything we wanted: a world whose rules constantly change, giving the illusion of player control. Some of them 8 you’ll learn to use in your favor, and some you’ll strive remove as soon as possible because they completely ruin your playstyle. Although this combination of unpredictable and combinatorial difficulty exists in Fluxx and other non-digital game, we ’couldn’t find any similar digital games akin to our design goals. Yes, Rogue-likes are the epitome of mounting and unpredictable difficulty, but their challenge builds over hours of play. We’ve built a game that presents interesting and unknowable combinations of challenges within ten minutes. Each effect makes the game more difficult both on its own and when layered on top of the other effects. In the rest of this document, ’we present: Chapter 2: The processes we went through to make this game. Chapter 3: How the game itself changed over time and what our final design was. Chapter 4: The technical details that power the project. Chapter 5: An overview of our assets. Chapter 6: The abstracts of our personal research projects. Chapter 7: The results of our playtesting. Chapter 8: How well the project fulfilled all of our goals. 1.1 References [1] Super Mario Galaxy. Nintendo EAD Tokyo. 2007. Video Game. [2] Guild Wars 2. ArenaNet. 2012. Video Game. [3] Alice: Madness Returns. Spicy Horse. 2011. Video Game. [4] DMC: Devil May Cry. Ninja Theory. 2013. Video Game. [5] Ivernel, Guillaume, dir. Dragon Hunters. Dir. Arthur Qwak. Futurikon, 2008. Film. 14 May 2013. 9 [6] Tower of Heaven. AskiiSoft. 2010. Video Game. [7] Defense Grid: You Monster. Hidden Path Entertainment. 2011. Video Game. [8] Fluxx. Looney Labs. 1996. Card Game. 10 2 Game Development Production At the end of the summer, Paws of Madness was born as its initial concept, “Great Bingo in Busy City.” As a ten person team, we began the first production run taking place during the ten weeks that make up Fall quarter. We used that time to get a head-start on the project and use the review process due at the end of the class as our first prototype. The team consisted of the Paws of Madness team as it is now plus two undergraduates, Ivy Ngo, and Leigh Raze, as well as another graduate student, Dan Whiddon. We made the decision from the beginning to prototype the game using Unity for quick implementation times and the ability to port to anything would allow us to easily find playtesters. We broke into three teams: Engine: Sebastian, Nitin, Luis, and Andrew. Asset creation: Rob, and Jia. Prototyping: Dan, Ivy, and Leigh. Producing: Bill (from outside the class). During this period of time, we had no development process outside of check-ins during class, and no schedules being kept. In the second week of production, another graduate student, Johnny Araujo, advised us that the game idea didn’t make sense and should become more coherent. Bill, Sebastian, Ivy, and Rob sat down with Johnny, at which point the true Paws of Madness was born under the working title “Chaos Quest.” For the remaining eight weeks, everyone stayed focused on their own tasks without much communication or collaboration. At the beginning of Winter quarter, as a group, we made a big change between production styles. We spent the first three weeks ensuring everyone knew the focus of the game. The notes of our meetings can be seen in Figure 2.1. 11 Figure 2.1. The Revaluation of Design, Week 1 of Winter The team reduced down to the seven graduate students, and the team had an important meeting to shift responsibilities into new roles. Rob moved into Level Designer from 3D Artist. Jia into Gameplay Engineer from 2D Artist and UI Programmer. Andrew moved away from engine programmer to Assistant Producer / Programmer so that he could create schedules, run meetings, and ensure we attempted to unify our direction. Bill kept the same position from Fall but accepted more responsibilities as Producer. He also began maintaining the Game Design Document and finding outside talent to create our assets, as our team now lacked dedicated artists. Sebastian, Luis, and Nitin maintained the same jobs working on the core engine, the physics system, the graphics system, and the sub-system interfaces—the interfaces for the core engine to use the physics, graphics, audio, etc. 12 Once everyone identified and chose their roles, we decided as a group to pursue a development process loosely based on SCRUM. We created short fixed-period schedules called Sprints and had bi-weekly standup meetings to discuss progress since the last meeting. We would spend Mondays and Thursdays during class time to do the standup meetings and discuss goals. We then took two steps towards ensuring the project was visible not only to ourselves, but to the faculty interested in our project. The first step, and only thing keeping our work visible to each other, was to create the Sprint schedules. We had chosen to create them in Google Docs, and then visualize them as Gantt Charts by setting cell colors in a spreadsheet, as seen in Figure 2.2. Figure 2.2. Proposed Schedule The schedules themselves followed the SCRUM Model, as seen in Figure 2.3, in that we chose sprint tasks from deconstructed product backlog features. 13 Figure 2.3 Scrum Process, from Wikipedia However, the deconstruction of the product backlog was so fine-grained that the initial connections they made to our backlog stopped making sense. Ultimately, we dropped the product backlog, although well-constructed, in lieu of making decisions on adding, removing, or editing features as we implemented them. See Figure 2.4 for the project backlog. Figure 2.4. Product Backlog 14 The second part of this unification process was to create a website, as seen in Figure 2.5, that represented everything we were working on, again using Google’s tools. We had always planned to keep our team’s design document, blogs, schedules, and current prototype visible and easily accessible to the public so that could accept advice from anyone. Once we posted the website, we could run two play-tests, and receive data from a survey we also hosted on the website, assisting us in our game design direction. Figure 2.5. During this quarter, we also worked with three external teams to create assets: 3D Environment team: Daniel Strauss, Jason Pries, Michael Borba, and Richard Borba. 3D Character team: Corinne Dewey, and Jon Phan. Audio team: Tory Mance and Zachary O’Neill. Immediately, we knew that assigning the coordination of all three asset teams under one person would be too much. And so, we gave management of each group to a corresponding team member 15 while keeping Bill in the loop on all three teams. Rob led the Environment artist team, Luis led the Character Artist team, and Bill led the Audio team. But, we couldn’t fold those external teams into our bi-weekly meetings, or get them to give us concrete schedules. This disconnect in our schedules was not the only lack of structure in our development process at the time. Internally we had always been two teams split between engine production and prototype production. Beyond the schedules and bi-weekly meetings, we had too loose a structure setup for the teams to communicate. Because of this communication difficulty, we had to make another big production change for Spring quarter. We decided we should strictly adhere to the SCRUM style with daily meetings and reduce the amount of written scheduling since we were working on this project full time. Once we claimed a lab for all the graduate capstones, we replaced the schedule system with a physical task board, shown in Figure 2.6. It was essentially a giant piece of foamboard taped to the wall and covered in sticky notes. We each had our own column on the foamboard, and the five different colors of sticky notes denoted different types of tasks: prototyping, porting, engine, assets, and administrative. Figure 2.6. Task Board 16 This visual representation of tasks, allowed us with quick glances to know who was most swamped and encouraged people to divide large tasks and track progress. Although Sebastian kept a personal Trello for tracking engine tasks, we used the physical task board during SCRUM meetings, class meetings, and the primary way for tracking remaining work. In addition to the task board, having everyone working in the same room significantly boosted the speed, quality, and cohesion of production. The team remained committed to the same tasks with a few changes. Luis, who had been working on the engine, finished the animation system. With this system completed, he could shift to a 3D artist position, fixing all the art from the previous quarter and making new assets. We also gained four more external artists: Brian Van Horn rigged and animated still models from the character artists in Winter. Alex Berkowitz created a few environment pieces and all the icons for the rifts in the UI. Caitlyn Orta created an introduction comic and was the only artist we commissioned. Ryan Wilkinson consulted for audio mixing levels and tweaks to the background music. Rob, who had been implementing and cleaning the prototype, had yet another task before beginning level design. With only basic environment art, the level lacked detail meshes for ambiance. Without these meshes, the level would feel bland and non-immersive. Ultimately, we found eighty-two additional models from open sources, and thus, Rob switched over to level design. In the final weeks, and before each of our deadlines (Game Developers Conference, RPI’s Game Fest, Imagine RIT), we planned to make engine builds with content from the prototype. The final development plan of Paws of Madness was using Unity as our prototyping engine, and level editor. We would then use a custom built exporter to convert the level layout into an XML file, which was read by the engine team’s engine. Jia wrote the exporter and worked with Sebastian to smooth the conversion process as much as possible, but we lacked a structure for this 17 communication. Nitin, Luis, and Andrew also needed to ensure there were no bugs in the graphics renderer, animation system, or audio system, which up to this point had not been extensively tested in the engine. In the final weeks, we dropped nearly all forms of SCRUM structure and task board use. Instead, we relied solely on Rob and Sebastian to dictate which areas of the engine and game still needed polish to finish. Sebastian finished working on the engine and moved to integrating and making new UI Assets, as well as new models for the rifts in game. The Post-Mortem section discusses the results of these various processes, how we arrived at the decisions, and reacted to the changes. 18 3 Game Design Summary 3.1 The Evolution of the Game As mentioned in previous sections, this project was originally Great Bingo in Busy City, the story of the greatest bingo game ever played in a particularly busy city. Unfortunately for them, this dense collection of the elderly created an Old Person Singularity, which a massive amount of bingo paraphernalia warped even further. A beam shot out of the Singularity and into the sun, turning it into a giant bingo cage. Bingo balls started to fly out of the sun-cage, landing in the city and inflicting random effects on the city. The player would hold the only bingo card that escaped the Singularity. Adventuring around the city, the player would need to collect the bingo balls while dealing with their effects. Once he had gotten a Bingo on his card, he could return to the center of the city and cancel out the Singularity. If he failed to control the number of active bingo balls or the world has too many simultaneous active balls, the buildup of chaotic energy would cause reality to fracture, ending the game. This original idea was a top-down 2D game much like the original Grand Theft Auto and focused far more on navigation and route planning. We had planned for 25 different effects, ranging from actually gameplay effecting materials, like icy ground zombie crowds or purely visual effects, like waves buildings turning into cheese. 19 We also had some interesting ideas for multiplayer, whereby players would race to complete a bingo and return to the singularity first, scoring bonus points for any extra balls collected or Bingos completed. The design changed considerably during the Fall quarter. The game changed from top-down 2D to a 3D platformer. The 25 effects, a completely over-scoped idea, reduced to five effects with five levels of severity each. We also quickly scrapped the idea of multiplayer to further reduce scope. We then took a radical change and completely overhauled the game’s setting. We scrapped the stories of bingo magic and the modern setting in favor of something more fantasy-based. We moved back in time to 1830’s Prussia, the province of Pomerania. The giant “shakeup event” became the accidental summoning of Pomerazziag, the Elder God of Small Annoying Dogs. Instead of a city, the game now happened in an Indiana Jones-esque set of ruins floating in lava. The random effects of the bingo balls were replaced by rifts in time and space. The bingo card was replaced by a tablet of Pomerazziag with a 3x3 grid on it, and instead of getting a bingo, the player needed to get three-in-a-row on the grid. We worked on this version of the design during 3D Graphics Programming throughout fall quarter. However, this version demonstrated a major problem: our rifts weren’t fun. During this version of the game, we had Fast Speed, High Jump, Low Friction, Bubble Platforms, Ghosts, Fast Traps, Low Gravity, Darkness, and Fire Bursts. Unfortunately, some of these effects combined to create some of the worst 3D platforming ever conceived, particularly when Fast Speed and Low Friction in play simultaneously. This pairing caused repeated trips straight into the lava, over and over again. The player could barely control the character. High Jump and Low Gravity became boring very fast while you waited for your character to come back down. Bubble Platforms were hard to design levels for without just cutting off areas when they were inactive. Most of our effects were simply not fun, not on their own and certainly not when combined. 20 When actual capstone started, we did some “soul-searching” and did another re-design, although much more minor this time. We designed much better rift effects and changed the level setting again from a lava-filled ruin to “chunks” floating in the sky. The rifts separated into three different sections of the map, three in each section, and we changed them to affect only their section. The biggest change arrived very late but significantly for the better. Players generally found the tablet, with its 3x3 grid and tic-tac-toe requirement for victory, to be arbitrary and/or cryptic. We replaces it with a pair of status bars, one for the player and one for Pomerazziag. The player’s bar fills by a certain amount every time the player collects a rift, while Pomerazziag’s bar increases over time as the active rifts generate chaos points. Finally, it no longer matters in what order you collect the rifts or which ones you collect—you just need to get four of the six rifts to win the game. 3.2 Game Design Into the Paws of Madness (PoM) is a navigation-focused 3D platformer that explores the ideas of unpredictable and combinatorial difficulty. The player, a monk that is unscathed by Pomerazziag’s magic, has to navigate around the shattered shards of her former monastery. Pomerazziag lies sleeping at the center, and the rest of the map splits into three sections themed after the outside, the inside, and the dungeons of the monastery. The game starts with two chaos rifts active. A new pair spawns every two and a half minutes, adding to the number of currently active rifts, or if there are no rifts currently open. There are two rifts per section for a total of six effects. Unfortunately, we had to cut three rifts from the final version to ensure that we could polish the remaining six. Having fewer effects allowed us to make the effects global again, rather than restricting each to their section. The rifts that survived scoping are as follows: Gusts of Wind: Areas of wind around the map activate and will blow the player in their direction. Some of the wind areas blow constantly, and others activate on a cycle. 21 Small Player: The player model shrinks to 25% of their normal size. The player’s jump arc and speed reduce slightly, but the main challenge of this rift is the change in perspective. The player also takes double damage from all sources while shrunk. Poltergeist: Small clusters of household objects float up nearby the player and fling themselves at the player. If they hit the player, they deal damage. Meteors: Meteors fall periodically at set points across the map, heralded by a sound effect and a growing light. Being hit by a meteor doesn’t hurt the player. Instead, it sends them flying across the map. If the player excels at in-air control and knows the map well, they can use the meteors as a sort of fast-travel system. Darkness: A globe of darkness covers the area, severely limiting the player’s sight. The player emits light, as do torches placed around the map. The beams of light from the rifts stay visible regardless of distance. Battle Cultists: The cultists of Pomerazziag activate around the area, patrolling their areas and chasing after the player if they get too close. The cultists won’t leave their assigned areas, but they do damage to the player if they touch her. We had to cut these three rifts: Fast Traps, Ghost Platforms, and Portals, described below: Ghost Platforms required a complicated shader that we didn’t have time to perfect. Portals needed extra level design time and ’significant experimentation to become engaging. Fast Traps proved to be boring. Each rift projects a beam of colored light into the sky when active. These beams of light provide the only form of explicit navigation cues for the player. While active, each rift generates a chaos point every tick of the update loop. These chaos points are what fuel Pomerazziag. When the chaos point pool reaches a certain number, then Pomerazziag awakens, and the player loses. 22 Therefore, the more rifts that are in play, the less time the player has to complete the game. On the other hand, every rift collected actively slows down Pomerazziag. With two active rifts at any time during the game, it takes roughly ten minutes for the chaos points to fill. However, every time the player reaches and touches one of the rifts, then the rift will close and the player’s energy bar will fill by one quarter. Two things stop: the effect of the rift and the production of chaos points. If the player fills up their bar, then a final rift spawns at the center of the map, right in front of Pomerazziag. At that point, the player’s last task to win is returning to the center of the map and touching the final rift to banish Pomerazziag. Other obstacles block the player. Mostly in the Shattered Acres area, which is the outdoors section, a number of traps add adversity.’ The traps come in three fun and deadly varieties, all of which damage the player: The Geyser of Steaming Ouchies: A crack in the ground that shoots fire via a timer. The Windmill of Death: Miniaturized windmills with sharp and deadly blades. The Arboreal Bombardment Cannon of Eggy Doom: A tree trunk that fires rotten eggs. The player has five health units, represented by five hearts down at the bottom of the screen. Every hit from a damaging object—any of the traps, active cultists, poltergeist objects—will remove one of the hearts and stun the player for two seconds. The player gets two seconds of invulnerability after the stun ends. If the player loses all of their hearts, then they will black out and respawn at the last checkpoint that they passed. The same thing will happen if the player falls off a platform. Respawning takes very little time, and with many checkpoints placed around the map, death does not greatly slow down gameplay. However, every time the player dies, a small amount of chaos points immediately add to Pomerazziag’s total as a small penalty. The penalty dissuades players from using the checkpoints and jumping off the platforms to travel across the map. 23 The UI at the bottom of the screen, as seen in Figure 3.1, shows the current state of the game. The UI contains the two progress bars for the player and Pomerazziag so that the player can clearly see who’s farther ahead. Underneath the progress bars are the player’s hearts and a status bar for the rifts. The six spots for the rifts begin as empty. As rifts spawn, their symbols fill in the empty slots from left to right. The rift symbol matches the color of the beam of light that the rift emits, and active rifts have a purple glow to denote that they add to the purple bar of Pomerazziag. Once the player collects a rift, then the symbol and the slot both turn gold and glow orange to indicate that they are closed and giving power to the player. The health hearts are on the right side of the UI. When the player takes damage, a heart turns to stone. If Small Player is active, the hearts display as smaller than normal to help communicate the more drastic damage to the player. Figure 3.1. The Tablet UI 24 4 Technical Overview 4.1 Introduction Once the Game Design goals were established during the pre-production stages of the project, it became apparent that Paws of Madness presented significant technical risks. With game mechanics that explicitly relied on combinatorial explosion, and complex, interdependent interactions, even slight changes to one of the game mechanics had the potential to unravel large portions of the code base, should these dependencies be hard-coded into the system itself. Having faced similar challenges in previous Flash game development projects, Sebastian, acting as the Paws of Madness technical lead, decided to design the game engine around a component-based architecture. The Lance Engine’s principles had already been tried and tested in these previous projects, which left only the challenge of translating the architecture to low-level C++ code. To accelerate the porting process, Sebastian implemented Lance with heavy reliance of thirdparty libraries, including Boost [1] and XNAMath [2]. 4.2 Architecture Overview The Lance game engine revolves around three main technologies, as discussed below and summarized in Figure 4.1. Please refer to the appendices for further details. 4.2.1 Message Handling Message handling allows game entities to communicate without requiring knowledge of their underlying interfaces, and contributes to minimize code inter-dependencies and maximize modularity. By allowing message handling to propagate to a class’ child components, game classes could defer entire behaviors to these components, which could then be easily replaced, modified and extended in response to design changes. 25 Figure 4.1. Layered Engine Architecture Graph for Lance 4.2.2 Centralized, Dynamic Class Factory By providing a globally accessible, automated means to instantiate and configure game entities without knowledge of their implementations, Lance allows for extreme flexibility in entity and level construction. A single, data-driven command can create entire hierarchies of component-based game objects. 4.2.3 XML-Based Soft Architecture Most classes in Lance are data-driven, deferring their behaviors to run-time configuration parameters that can be read from external XML files. Programmers and designers can easily read, modify, and 26 automate these files. The hierarchical nature of XML also proves perfect to describe a game entity’s composition and can feed into the Class Factory to automatically populate entire scenes of the game. 4.2.4 Three-Tier Architecture The Lance architecture organizes in a hierarchical model of three Tiers, as shown above in Figure 4.1 and below in Figure 4.2. The main classes for each of the three tiers are relatively simple component containers, which handle the great majority of the game entity’s behavior. Game events received by an entity propagate to their components, allowing update cycles and message handling to trickle down to the lowest levels of the hierarchy. Figure 4.2. Three Tier Architecture 27 Game and Service Tier The top-level tier manages the game Timing, Class Factory, and Configuration systems. The Game class is responsible for creating and maintaining a list of components that provide various services, such scene rendering, audio playback, input etc. The Game and its Service components are globally accessible through singleton pointers. Many game entities act as Service consumers by requesting information and resources from each of the game’s services. Consumers access game services through abstract interfaces. Service consumers interact with the interfaces rather than the services themselves, enforcing interchangeability and platform neutrality. Level Tier The second tier manages game flow by implementing a variety of interaction nodes, like menus, credit screens and gameplay scenes. Implemented as a state machine stack, game flow can reroute by swapping the current Level state by a new one, which effectively terminates the current scene and replaces it for another. Game flow can also temporarily suspend by pushing a level on the stack without releasing the existing state. This design comes in handy when implementing temporary menus and pause screens that return back to the previous game state. Levels create and maintain their own scene graphs, as well Level States that provide a finer degree of control. While Levels can represent entire scenes, Level States can represent loading screens, winning / losing pop-ups, and other temporary changes to game flow that do not require altering the current scene. Levels also provide a list of Level Manager components, which provide scene-wide behaviors, like camera control, game rules and score tracking. Actor Tier The lowermost tier contains all individual instances of game entities that exist on a given scene. Actor Components constitute the workhorse of the Lance Engine and implement most of the interactive behaviors in the game, from simple colliders to playable character controllers. Actors 28 provide a Transform and Velocity in the game world, which their components can access and modify through their behaviors. Actors and components interact with each other through messages and are the main consumers of game Services, as shown in Figure 4.3. Figure 4.3. Service Provider/Consumer Relationship 4.3 The BTO Renderer Paws of Madness uses the BTO Rendering System, as seen in Figure 4.4, a self-contained DirectX renderer designed and developed by several members of the team. BTO compiles into a separate Dynamic Link Library, and its interactions with the Lance Engine mediate through an implementation of the Graphics Service interface. Since BTO features its own window creation and management functions, several modifications were performed to defer Win32 window management to the parent Lance system. In addition to rendering models to the screen and managing Texture, Material, Geometry, and other resource information, the BTO library provides its own resource import methods. The BTO library can read model and animation data from .obj, .fbx and the native .bto formats. 29 The system also features an animation system that can define and play named animation sequences for individual model instances, as well as group and skinned-mesh 3D model rendering. BTO uses custom DirectX 10 shaders to implement a Deferred Rendering pipeline. Shader features include deferred scene lighting with point, directional and spot light sources, hardwaresimulated particle systems, and scene post-processing. 30 Figure 4.4. The BTO Renderer Class Diagram 31 4.4 Testing Methodology Since the engine relies heavily on its messaging, instantiation and configuration features, we emphasized testing and optimizing these core technologies early on. The original implementations of the message handling and configuration systems using STL containers and Boost classes proved to be too slow and were replaced for optimized versions. In some cases, the performance gains reached almost 900%. As the person responsible for building most of these systems, Sebastian led the testing phase. Once the core systems were optimized, the class factory and soft architecture ensured that the unit testing and integration processes were seamless, with minimal time dedicated to test setup. By modifying XML configuration files, key components could be tested in isolation as they were implemented by their respective programmers, then integrated into relevant entities, and finally incorporated into the full game. XML testing generated clashes once the main content integration process began. As more developers began modifying the XML files, we needed to separate the production files from the test environment. Any miscommunication or delay risked causing these two configuration environments to fall out of sync, preventing bug fixes from being applied to the game and, in some cases, overwriting entire configuration updates with old code. With no access to a dedicated configuration tool, the only option left was to painstakingly review the files and ensure that the most recent values applied, which strained the development team in the late stages of the project. In retrospect, one area that lacked proper testing was Service unit and integration benchmarks. Without performing proper stress tests on the rendering system, key performance bottlenecks were left unchecked until extremely late in production. They became apparent by the game performance steadily dropping every time more content added to the level. Moreover, the loss in performance had detrimental side-effects to other systems, including a loss in collision detection accuracy which would sometimes cause game objects to fall through the ground. While fixes were eventually 32 applied, the resulting performance of the game diminished from what could have been accomplished if the renderer was properly benchmarked and optimized early on in the process. 4.5 Results If we consider the overall technical scope of the project, using a modular architecture was a success. With nearly 50,000 lines of code and 10,000 lines of XML configuration, the scope of the overall game is significantly large given the 20-week production schedule. With an easy to automate soft architecture layer, most of soft architecture was programmatically generated and ported from the game prototype with a great degree of fidelity, simplifying the level design and content integration processes immensely. The modular, component-based architecture of the Lance engine managed to implement the complex, combinatorial game mechanics with no significant issues. Nearly all of the known bugs are intrinsic to the various third-party technologies utilized, rather than a result of mishaps or corner cases of component interaction. The interchangeability of game services was put to the test when Sebastian decided to replace physics engine technologies after a significant portion of dependent code had already been written. The migration process from Havok to Bullet physics was completed in little over two weeks, with minimal impact to the rest of the code base. Therefore, the complex, modular architecture paid off by minimizing risk throughout the entire production process. 4.6 References [1] “” boost C++ Libraries. Boost, n.d. Web. 9 May 2013. [2] Sawicky, Adam. “Introduction to XNA Math.” N.p., 4 May 2010. Web. 9 May 2013. 33 5 Asset Overview The direction we took with the assets has changed drastically from where we began to where the project ended. The number of total artists we had working on our project had reached seventeen by the end, including both members of our team and external teams, not even including the ninety-five assets we obtained from the web. The challenge of incorporating all of these assets was trying to maintain consistency. We used references and example material whenever possible to mitigate this issue. The rest of this section describes our decisions towards the specific asset groups. The Art Bible appendix lists the actual final assets we used. 5.1 Platforms During the Fall quarter, Ivy made the initial platforms as large, unit-square chunks in Maya. These platforms had a simple, single texture that we intended for procedural level generation in the prototype game. We had to drop her work in the final product because we changed the setting from the lava temple of the floating platforms. At the beginning of Winter quarter, we built a website to chronicle the development of the project. Part of the website included a master list of platforms that the artists could reference during their development time. This list contained platform name conventions, environment reference photos, material reference photos, and general top-down shapes of the required platforms, as well as approximate platform dimensions in Maya units. Once this list was complete, the team of four environment artists worked autonomously on their designed platforms, checking in each Friday of the week to show progress and give updates on their work. During Spring quarter, we made simplified colliders of the commissioned platforms. Then, Rob created prefabs in Unity that would later interface with the XML exporter. Luis reworked many of the models mostly concerning homogenizing textures across dirt and brick, and adding features to brick platforms to improve fidelity. 34 5.2 Details Work on obtaining detail models did not start until the Spring quarter. During this time, Rob gathered 86 models from across the Web, accounting for licenses and attribution requirements and Luis cleaned and processed nearly all of them by homogenizing scales, centering pivots, and renaming models and materials to fit our internal conventions. Rob then created prefabs that included primitive collision data in Unity that would later interface with the XML exporter. Also at this time, Bill created .bullet colliders for the few detail models that required a complex mesh collision surface. 5.3 UI At the beginning of Fall, Jia’s created and implemented the UI for our original prototype. The choice of system, Awesomium, uses Javascript to load web pages as the UI. We had to scrap a majority of Jia’s work because the game no longer had the original game design ideas the artwork represented. The work didn’t restart until the Spring quarter. The team re-envisioned appearance of the interface, discarding the tablet entirely in favor of a more streamlined interface. Because of this change, Sebastian re-designed and re-purposed a majority of the UI, while Alex re-designed the rift icons. Once the rift icons completed, 3D models of the rifts were created to represent the rifts in the world. 5.4 3D Characters During the Fall quarter, we only had a single member of the team dedicated to character creation. Because of this limitation, only one character—the player character—was scheduled to be worked on during the Fall. Also, the engine could only support group-based animations, and so, we designed the character to be built from a series of separate limb, torso, and head models overlapped at the joints. This character was ultimately replaced by a new, single-mesh character with bone animations after the engine supported bone-based animations. The artists worked on this version of the character, along with Pomerazziag and the cultist character, during the Winter quarter in a manner 35 similar to the production of the platforms. During Spring quarter, Brian Van Horn rigged and animated these models, and we implemented them into both the prototype and final game. 5.5 Audio Audio continues to be the final piece of the project that capstone teams (including ours) tend to leave until the end. During the fall, we worked on implementing sound in the engine and had just acquired placeholder sounds and music to test in the engine. It wasn’t until Winter quarter that we sought a team to handle our audio. Although they produced the main music for the game, they only gave us seven sound effects mostly targeting the character. We found the rest of the sound effects late in the Spring from online free sources. None of the sounds were mixed to relative levels, or cleaned for looping, and the music had repetitive sections, which prompted us to get an external consultant. Ryan Wilkinson spent his free time making sure to address the issues listed above, and returned the work relatively fast. We observed Super Mario Galaxy to try and create a list of acceptable levels for various sound effects and music in the video game. 36 6 Research Topics Please refer to the included Appendix disc for the complete write-ups. Below we summarize each topic. 6.1 3D Model File Reader Implementation — by Luis Bobadilla A graphics engine or rendering engine is a system designed to display graphics on a computer screen. The graphics engine is usually part of a larger system that manages events and creates responses to them. Implementing a controlled model loader that provides all the specified functionality the graphics engine requires is imperative. Even though the basic DXUT layer in the DirectX API provides part of this functionality, DXUT cannot implement all the underlying needs our engine requires. We need a customized model loader that would let the main engine add and modify materials, joints, and animations at runtime. In the present study, I discussed why the implementation of an FBX file reader is required, what kind of information needs to be extracted from it, what are the tools available extract said information, as well as suggestion for future work with the file format. 6.2 A Scalable, Data-Centric Multicore Game Loop Architecture — by Sebastian Hernandez This paper presents and analyzes Task-centric and Data-centric multithreaded game engine architectures, and proposes an alternative architecture that combines the benefits of both approaches and addresses some of their weaknesses. The proposed architecture includes several techniques to solve three common data concurrency problems in game engines. . 37 6.3 Jumping Through Negative Space: A Reconstruction of Super Mario Galaxy’s Matter Splatter Mechanic — by Rob Link The following research set out to discover the possibility of recreating a unique visual and gameplay effect of invisible platforms seen previously in Super Mario Galaxy. The experimentation was conducted in Unity, and the results proved the effect is possible in a modern, component-based game engine. By applying the results of this study, future designers can create more compelling experiences in their future games, or find interesting new ways to utilize the gameplay system. 6.4 Simulation and Rendering of an Advanced Particle System Engine on the GPU — by Nitin Nandakumar The goal of the research was to implement a particle system, to effectively simulate the behavior and quality of an advanced game engine’s particle system on the GPU. I built the engine in DirectX10 using the Geometry Shader Stream-Output functionality. For the experiment, I used the Unity game engine as a reference and the results were tested and compared with the proposed engine. The proposed system can further extend to perform all the simulation properties used by Unity’s Shuriken particle system to completely replicate the system. This approach can serve as a guide for porting an existing game engine’s particle system to perform their simulation and rendering on the GPU. 6.5 Stepping Out of Your Skin: Roleplaying as Non-Humans — by Bill Phillips Races in fantasy RPGs always seem to be cut from the same cloth, with an overpopulation of humans, elves, dwarves, and a few other human-like races that only have minor cosmetic differences. However, a subset of the population prefers to play something dissimilar from humanity. The core RPG books could better serve this market. This paper provides evidence that players of all skill levels can play and enjoy playing as distinctly non-human characters, and that adding options for them could benefit RPGs. 38 6.6 The Endless Game: Using Heuristics to Explore the Gameplay of Sandbox Games — by Andrew Wilkinson Sandbox games have become increasingly prevalent over the past couple of years. Games, like Minecraft and Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim set the standard for undirected free play. Their success show there is an increasing market for such games. This paper explores the assertion that sandbox games need specific design decisions due to their unique properties. The approach to this problem relies heavily on prior work, including: the concept of using game heuristics to evaluate games, a set of established heuristics to use, and the idea that by using heuristics, you can determine if a genre of games has specific design considerations. Previous researchers developed heuristics for design by reading game reviews, and so, I applied those design heuristics to problems found in sandbox game reviews from the same website. The results showed that the reviewers blamed artificial intelligence problems in nine of the thirteen sandbox games reviewed. This study provides an initial glimmer into the importance of artificial intelligence affecting the immersion of undirected free-play. 6.7 Holding on to the Edge: Achieving Dynamic Ledge Grabbing with Vector Math — by Jia Xu Ledge-grabbing is widely used in action games to enrich the gameplay and level design. There are various ways to implement ledge-grabbing, such as collider volumes placed around grab-able edges or ray-casting. However, because we were unsure of the capability of our engine, neither of the established approaches would suit our game. To achieve the goal, I decided to adopt a method by using only one collider attached to the avatar. Once the collider detects a grab-able surface, the hanging point will be calculated via vector math. In the prototype, this approach is fast and robust for most convex shaped platforms. For concave-shaped platforms or platforms with center points outside, more pre-requisite work is required. . 39 7 Play Testing and Results With Paws of Madness, we sought to create a fully functional prototype and run user tests to evaluate our designs. During the Fall quarter, we hadn’t pursued much external feedback on our ideas, which resulted in somewhat of a failure at the end of quarter presentation. But, midway into the Winter quarter, ’we made a functioning game that we could play test. The resulting feedback fed into a redesign of a few mechanics and controls. ’We waited until late Spring to run another playtest that could evaluate the degree of fun. Overall, the development involved an iterative approach based on the feedback from playtests, faculty, students outside the project, and friends of the team. 7.1 The Method Creating the Paws of Madness website, by way of Google Sites, helped us advertise our survey. We developed our surveys in Google Forms because it allows direct embedding into our website. Our team designed the website so that the prototype—which ran in the Unity Web App--exhibited on the front page with a short description of any changes from previous prototypes (if any). We embedded the survey below it. The description above the Unity WebApp asked the player to remember to take the survey after playing the game. The WebApp stored and displayed player information, e.g., best/worst play time, later in the survey. We hoped for more time to make playtest data collection far more effective by adding user metrics to the prototype. However, we couldn’t figure out an efficient way for transmitting that data to a remote server using Unity, and the capable team members had already completely filled their time. Google forms offer variety of benefits, especially automatic collation of all answer submissions as a Google spreadsheet. Additionally, Google displays all the information as relevant graphs, e.g., histograms or pie charts. This technology facilitated the overall analysis of our playtests, but we still struggled to find associations and relationships among the data. 40 Team members with usability and HCI experience constructed the survey. The questions focused on the mechanics and controls of the character using pseudo-Likert scales and established a brief but relevant profile on the “gamer-type” of the tester. Multiple faculty checked the survey to ensure the wording wasn’t leading or confusing. We changed the survey slightly between playtests but only to remove questions about gameplay no longer relevant to our prototype. Once we implemented the website and survey, our team decided on running two playtests. We hoped to compare the second playtest results against a possible baseline from the first playtest. Ideally, this plan would have resulted in a clear indicator to us with data that our game had improved since the first playtest. The first playtest focused on win condition, movement of the player, and interpretation of our initial level. We had not implemented rift effects for this playtest because we chose platforming as our most important game mechanic and wanted to build the baseline from that. Later when we added the rifts in playtest two, we had hoped to discover if the rifts improved the gameplay experience of freeform platforming, or subtracted from it. The goal for the playtest was to reach out to students from our department using Facebook, friends of the team via online chat programs, different faculty from classes, and Steam members on Greenlight Concepts. 7.2 Playtest One Results The first playtest resulted in forty-seven takers and useful information about the state and playability of our game. We learned that movement and control of our character ’needed adjusting, based on answers from Page three of our survey, as seen in Figure 7.4. The majority of people responded to “In general, how did you feel about the control over the character?” as seen in Figure 7.10.9, and nearly seventy percent had said that including in-air momentum would improve gameplay, as seen in Figure 7.10.12. Players experienced with platformer games have a certain level of expectation about how the character controls. The data allowed us to re-address movement as an issue and research examples from other platformers, such as Assassin’s Creed Mario Galaxy. We also noticed the 41 camera initially seemed tricky for people based on the answers from page four of our survey, as seen in Figure 7.5. The slight majority had mentioned they felt like they were falling of platforms due to the camera, as seen in Figure 7.10.14. Simultaneously, they didn’t feel like the camera slowed them down, was bad, or would be better as a smart non-user controlled camera, as seen in Figures 7.10.15, 7.10.13, and 7.10.16 respectively. We interpreted this feedback to mean that people couldn’t see holes in the level and not a fault of the camera feel. We learned that our UI was fairly unintuitive, and most people did not understand the role of some of the game objects or never interacted with them, as seen in Figure 7.6. The win zone was the least recognizable or seen thing in the game, as seen in Figure 7.10.19, followed by the tablet interface displaying what rifts had been collected, as seen in Figure 7.10.21. Upon informal followup questions to some of the participants after the survey, many people determined that the tablet represented the rifts you had collected, and to win the game you needed to collect all of them. A large majority of people had said their gameplay experience would have improved had these game elements the game them explained at the beginning, as seen in Figure 7.10.22. Playtest One also taught us that a majority of people did not play our game more than once, as seen in Figure 7.10.6, and more than half of the players failed to win. Even more disheartening, more than a 25% of our players stopped playing before winning or losing. But, the playtest succeeded in providing useful data and setting up a baseline for future playtests. Still, many of our assertions seemed inconclusive. 7.3 Playtest One Changes After Playtest One, we drastically changed the user interface and win condition to hopefully improve the poor usability feedback we had received. In addition to the new UI, we added tighter controls to the player movement, allowing momentum in the air and a heavier, less “floaty” feel inspired by 42 Mario and other popular platformers. We also added a tutorial at the beginning to walk people through all the game elements and ensure nothing goes unnoticed. 7.4 Playtest Two Results Unfortunately, development demanded more of our time, and we couldn’t devote as much time to gathering play testers for Playtest Two. We had only received eight survey results—only four of them hadn’t played the game before. We recorded and collated the results, but due to the lack of participants, we could not claim improvements or otherwise from Playtest One. 7.5 Imagine RIT Results We had a much more successful informal playtest at Imagine RIT, whereby team members would note observations of players our game and check for significant problems. We also observed the level of frustration versus joy, albeit sometimes from a distance. In general, the player results were very positive with surprisingly high praise among children, who are not considered our target audience. We believe that the perception of our game as a student project skewed the opinions of many when encountering game breaking bugs, or glitches with a general leniency that a professional game wouldn’t face. In light of that, however, we still had many positive reactions about our theme, controls, and level layouts. With a more significant playtest than the last one, and without many people playing the tutorial, we could more accurately test our UI. The majority of people did not understand the UI’s meaning or how to win until a team member explained to them. However, once we explained the UI, players could effectively use the UI to check on the current state of their progress in the game at a glance. Towards the end of the event, the Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences awarded Paws of Madness the “Best Illustration of Creativity.” Although these results did not validate the game’s fun, we can say that people enjoyed playing our game and have expressed interest in playing it again in the future. 43 7.6 Survey Figures (Survey Posted on 1/26/2013) Figure 7.1. Intro to Paws of Madness Survey 44 Figure 7.2. Page one of Paws of Madness Survey 45 Figure 7.3. Page two of Paws of Madness Survey 46 Figure 7.4. Page three of Paws of Madness Survey 47 Figure 7.5. Page four of Paws of Madness Survey 48 Figure 7.6. Page five of Paws of Madness Survey 49 Figure 7.7. Page six of Paws of Madness Survey Figure 7.8. Pictures associated with Page 5’s questions From left to right: Checkpoints, Win Zone, Rifts, Tablet User Interface 50 Survey 2 Edits (Survey posted on 4/17/2013) Difference in questions from previous survey: We added: “Have you played one of our previous play-tests?” We replaced: “If you won the game, what was your best time?” and “If you won the game more than once, what was your worst time?” with “If you won the game, what was your best score?” We removed: “Our character has no momentum in the air (the character will stop moving mid-air if you let go of W, A, S, or D). Would you say that including air momentum would improve gameplay?” We Removed: “How do you think the gameplay would be affected by including a smart camera you didn’t have to control?” We Removed: “See Picture 4 below the survey depicting a user interface object. At what point did you recognize what this user interface object was displaying?” We Removed: “Would your gameplay experience have been affected if all these elements were explained at the beginning before of the game?” Figure 7.9. New pictures associated with page 5’s questions From left to right: Rifts, Win Zone, User Interface/Player Progress 51 Figure 7.10.1. Results for “Please check off your TWO most commonly played genres of game.” Figure 7.10.2. Results for “On Which Platform do you primarily play games?” Figure 7.10.3. Results for “When you play games on your home computer do you play more often with a keyboard + mouse, or a gamepad?” Figure 7.10.4. Results for “Did you play this version of "Into the Paws of Madness" more than once?” 52 Figure 7.10.5. Results for “About how long did you play this version of the prototype across all play sessions?” Figure 7.10.6. Results for “When you played "Into the paws of Madness" (the first time if you played more than once), did you:” Figure 7.10.7. Results for “If you won the game, what was your best time?” Figure 7.10.8. Results for “If you won the game more than once, what was your worst time?” 53 Figure 7.10.9. Results for “In general, how did you feel about the control over the character?” Figure 7.10.10. Results for “How do you feel about the character speed?” Figure 7.10.11. Results for “How do you feel about the character jump height?” Figure 7.10.12. Results for “Our character has no momentum in the air (the character will stop moving mid-air if you let go of W, A, S, or D). Would you say that including air momentum would improve gameplay?” 54 Figure 7.10.13. Results for “In general, how did you feel about the control over the camera?” Figure 7.10.14. Results for “Did you ever feel like you fell off of a platform due to the camera?” Figure 7.10.15. Results for “Did you ever feel that controlling the camera slowed you down?” Figure 7.10.16. Results for “How do you think the gameplay would be affected by including a smart camera you didn’t have to control?” 55 Figure 7.10.17. Results for “At any point Figure 7.10.18. Results for “See Picture 1 did you give up because you didn’t know below the survey depicting a game what you were supposed to do, or where object. At what point did you know what to go?” impact this game object had on the game?” Figure 7.10.19. Results for “See Picture 2 Figure 7.10.20. Results for “See Picture 3 below the survey depicting a game below the survey depicting a game object. At what point did you know what object. At what point did you know what impact this game object had on the impact this game object had on the game?” game?” 56 Figure 7.10.21. Results for “See Picture 4 Figure 7.10.22. Results for “Would your below the survey depicting a user gameplay experience have been affected interface object. At what point did you if all these elements were explained at the recognize what this user interface object beginning before of the game?” was displaying?” Figure 7.10. Results 1 Figures (Results gathered on 3/2/2013) Figure 7.11.1. Results for “Have you played one of our previous play-tests?” Figure 7.11.2. Results for “Please check off your TWO most commonly played genres of game.” 57 Figure 7.11.3. Results for “On which platform do you primarily play games?” Figure 7.11.4. Results for “When you play games on your home computer do you play more often with a keyboard + mouse, or a gamepad?” Figure 7.11.5. Results for “Did you play this version of "Into the Paws of Madness" more than once?” Figure 7.11.6. Results for “About how long did you play this version of the prototype across all play sessions?” 58 Figure 7.11.7. Results for “When you played "Into the paws of Madness" (the first time if you played more than once), did you:” Figure 7.11.8. Results for “If you won the game, what was your best score?” Figure 7.11.9. Results for “In general, how did you feel about the control over the character?” Figure 7.11.10. Results for “How do you feel about the character speed?” 59 Figure 7.11.11. Results for “How do you feel about the character jump height?” Figure 7.11.12. Results for “In general, how did you feel about the control over the camera?” Figure 7.11.13. Results for “Did you ever feel like you fell off of a platform due to the camera?” Figure 7.11.14. Results for “Did you ever feel that controlling the camera slowed you down?” 60 Figure 7.11.15. Results for “At any point Figure 7.11.16. Results for “See Picture 1 did you give up because you didn’t know below the survey depicting a game what you were supposed to do, or where object. At what point did you know what to go?” impact this game object had on the game?” Figure 7.11.17. Results for “See Picture 2 Figure 7.11.18. Results for “See Picture 3 below the survey depicting a game below the survey depicting a user object. At what point did you know what interface object. At what point did you impact this game object had on the recognize what this user interface object game?” was displaying?” Figure 7.11. Results 2 Figures (Results gathered on 4/26/2013) 61 7.7 Informal Observations (Observations gathered from Imagine RIT on 5/6/2013) 7.7.1 Gameplay Experience Successes Most people seemed to generally enjoy the game and would often play long enough to lose, or play multiple times to complete at least one objective. Children in particularly audibly showed their approval of our game to us and to each other regardless of whether they were winning or not. Player’s seemed to like the speed of the game and the movement. Paws of Madness was awarded with “Best Illustration of Creativity” from the Thomas Golisano College of Computing and Information Sciences. Most people seemed to find the theme humorous and enjoyed the description of the story when it was told to them. 7.7.2 Gameplay Experience Problems Players encountering game breaking bugs would often write them off, the idea of a student game seemed to sway their opinion on quality of our product. Players couldn’t decide which way was the right way between camera with invert-Y and normal-Y. Players were un-aware of the story almost always, and couldn’t piece it together without the help of one of the team members. Tutorial level doesn’t accurately explain the win condition. Players don’t face Pomerazziag when they start the game, they are facing the other way, and don’t see him. Players cannot always see the light pillars in the game, and hence, do not understand the objective. 62 The Rift effects affecting the world, is not clearly understood by most players. Players do not realize that they can double-jump. Some players felt the camera was too-close to the player when they turn. Speed of the animations of the player, do not match the run speed. Darkness Rift too dark/difficult, and most of the playtime is filled with darkness. Wind direction not noticeable to most players. Some people felt it odd controlling the player movement in mid-air and most of them did not realize it. People did not realize the hearts or representation of health in the UI. The player checkpoint particles are distracting, and people confuse them for important objectives than just save points. People try to interact with the checkpoint book. Battle Cultists seem more important when remaining inactive, and the players run towards them and try to interact with them. Players were found often retracing their steps when confronted with non-commonly placed dead-ends (Rifts in the Fractured Sanctuary in particular). Bugs found: players jumping into platforms, players getting stunned permanently by the windmill, player wall sliding makes camera go jerky, collision mesh visible on some walls, and a very rare infinite stun bug caused by traps. 63 8 Post Mortem 8.1 What Went Right One of the most critical elements that lead to the successful development of Into the Paws of Madness (or just, Paws) was the acquisition and repurposing of lab space by the graduate students. Because of the large team size, having a space free from outside distractions was instrumental to the flow of development. This space allowed our team to co-locate 100% of the time, facilitating very fast problem turnarounds via team communication. The dedicated space also helped lead to regular team member attendance and even internally enforced daily work hours. Also, the dedicated space resulted in a much more tension-free work environment compared to working in a lab shared with many other students. We often found ourselves talking over other students, which seemed unfair. The dedicated workspace alleviated these problems, and we felt much more comfortable leaving project supplies (such as the project task board) within the area itself. Another aspect of development that went well was the internal roles that each team member assumed. By having a strong lead engine architect, those working on the engine team could quickly go to the engine lead for guidance and technical help. Another important role that was fulfilled was the role of producer, who monitored each team member’s progress to help keep everyone on the same page throughout development, which included hosting the SCRUM meetings. Generally speaking, the re-purposing of roles after Fall quarter led to a better usage of each team member’s strengths and allowed each team member to work towards their own education goals. As mentioned previously, we refocused our efforts after the Fall quarter, which proved very beneficial for the development of the game. During the first few weeks of Winter quarter, we emphasized evaluating Paws’ state to get everyone on the same page. We help many meetings early on in the quarter to ensure that everyone focused their effort on providing fun gameplay. This series of meetings affirmed that using a SCRUM-style of development with regular meetings would help 64 keep development moving forward. These regular meetings especially helped at the end of Fall quarter. Thus, we decided early on in Winter quarter to continue with SCRUM meetings twice weekly, which eventually turned into daily SCRUM meetings during Spring quarter. This refocusing of efforts combined with the regular meetings likely played a large role in the generally good group cohesion and helped prevent group disintegration. In terms of development, many things went well. The decision to have a continuously developed and iterated prototype in Unity helped Paws emerge. The inclusion of Unity in the longterm development of the project also allowed us to host playtests on our website at all times, which immensely benefited receiving feedback from distant friends and family. Unity also served as an ancillary purpose as a level design tool, allowing content developers to port their systems into the engine with some nifty XML usage. Development of the Lance engine itself generally went well, and Paws’ final build has almost all of the many necessary services. Including outside artists on the project also helped. Although we had negative issues (see next section), the artists brought fresh perspective, as we lacked the internal art talent necessary to complete a game of this magnitude. Another one of the key ingredients to the successful development of Paws was the unique timing of the many extra-curricular events that cropped up during Spring quarter. By showcasing our game at GDC 2013, and participating in events such as RPI GameFest and Imagine RIT, we could enforce secondary deadlines. The sequence of deadlines resulted in a series of functional, content-filled builds near the end of Spring quarter, which also let us re-evaluate Paws each week. We could join other students in showcasing our hard work to interested people while not putting all of our eggs in one basket for the final capstone defense. Generally speaking, much went well for the development of Paws, especially considering just how much could have gone horribly wrong with a capstone of this scope. By the end of Spring quarter, the rifts were generally entertaining to our playtesters, a marked improvement to the un-fun 65 rift effects of Fall quarter. The final level was generally well-received at Imagine RIT, and the project was awarded with a creativity award from the school. One of the most positive aspects of the Imagine RIT event was that kids really enjoyed playing the game, and even a few parents had asked how they could get a copy of the game for their kids. 8.2 What Went Wrong Although we could have achieved more with the playtests, they were useful in the discussion among our group. But, we often ignored the data in design discussions because the team did not trust the validity of it and/or the analysis wasn’t thorough enough. We made changes based off of hunches we already had and were often only strengthened by the agreement of others through the user surveys. Still, we cannot concretely claim that our game is fun, as fun is hard to define, but we can say that people have enjoyed playing our game, and have expressed interest in playing it again in the future. Also, many team members working on the project during Fall quarter took roles that did not capitalize on their strengths. The work lacked transparency in Fall quarter, and some of the most critical tasks, like character control and XML exporting, were delegated to classmates who did not continue with the project. Also, the lead designer was not enrolled in the Fall quarter class, which meant design issues that would pop up in class meetings would often have long response times or information disconnects. These various follies ultimately led to a prototype-level game at the end of Fall quarter, whereby we discovered that many of our rifts were just downright annoying. However, we addressed all of these issues during the first few weeks of Winter quarter. However, we didn’t resolve all issues before full capstone production. With further preproduction planning, we could have focused on the porting of the various rift mechanics from Unity into the Lance engine. Although mechanic prototyping overall went well, we did not outline the systems beforehand, leading to some systems requiring a redesign and restructuring by the porter to 66 comply with the requirements of the engine. This issue may have been alleviated if all members of the team had a hand in designing mechanical prototypes early on in the process, before full-on production started. Concerning management, we also lacked a strong bridge between the primary team members and the external artists. For the most part, external teams worked autonomously but attended weekly meetings with one or two members of the group who had other primary responsibilities. However, this structure led to us recreating some assets, as they did not match assets developed by other artists. A dedicated Art Lead or Concept Artist within the team could have properly interfaced with outside talent while crafting a strong visual identity for the project that other artists could rally behind. A few other technical issues arose during development. We chose Havok early, only having to scrap all of the hard work and start from scratch halfway through using Bullet. We also discovered problems with the animation system too late into the development process, although we remedied them in time for big events, like RPI Game Fest and Imagine RIT. The version control system had incongruences, particularly in regards to files in the Unity repository randomly disappearing or duplicating themselves, even between commits. We ultimately resolved the issue with a deep cleaning of the repository to destroy duplicate assets, but some additional research into Unity version control solutions early on could have mitigated more than a few headaches. Lastly, we encountered framerate issues very late into the project. The graphics programmer’s time was quite fragmented between a wide variety of responsibilities, such as lights, cameras, particle systems, and engine interfaces. This issue could have been addressed by delegating some of the tasks to other programmers. Although we accomplished many of the tasks we sought to do, we had to cut some of them to find time to work on the more important aspects of the game. One of the biggest items that we had to cut was the scoring/achievement system. Sadly, this system gave Paws replayability, as it could invite the player back to unlock hidden achievements or give goals parallel to the banishing of 67 Pomerazziag. We also had to cut a system for gathering playtest data during runtime. We hoped we had more time to make play test data collection far more effective by adding user metrics to the prototype. However, we couldn’t figure out an efficient way for transmitting that data to a remote server using Unity, and most team members by this point had their time completely filled with other tasks. We also need proper documentation throughout the code, scripts, and even XML. Perhaps one of the reasons the project lacks much of the in-line documentation is actually because of the strict co-location and ease of finding and talking to other members of the team throughout development. Lastly, there were a few issues with overall group interaction. For example, we learned that we were often afraid of confronting each other over important issues that we could have resolved through more regular group discussions. Also, group-wide virtual task boards, such as Trello and the Google Site asset tables, ultimately did not work out. However, the physical task board and Post-It note strategy was well received, as the giant board on the wall acted as a constant reminder of everyone’s current and future tasks. Also, aside from the occasional peer-programming session, we never had group-wide code review sessions to update everyone. 8.3 What We Learned Below, we summarize the lessons learned from the development of Into the Paws of Madness: 1. Communication and co-operation can be more valuable than individual skill. A team is more productive when working together to solve problems than when everyone pulls in a different direction. 2. Knowing your target audience is critical to being successful. Kids love our game, even though they were not necessarily our target audience to begin with. 68 3. Regularly getting outside people to playtest your game can yield invaluable knowledge about your own work and reveal truths that may not be immediately visible. 4. It’s extremely important to update everyone on the team and ensure that everyone is “on the same page,” i.e., working on something that they themselves enjoy. 5. Large group projects mean communication and transparency is essential, not optional. Colocation and regular working hours, paired with visual task boards and SCRUMs where team members feel they can ask for help will improve productivity. 6. Find the fun early on, and keep iterating on it. 7. Systems can always be improved and features added, but knowing when to say “No” to feature-creep can be just as important. Keep the project within scope. 8. It’s important for everyone to understand what the project is about. A game that showcases technical ingenuity and a game that aims for artistic expression have different goals. Knowing where your game fits on the spectrum can help you figure out what you want to get out of that project. 8.4 Future Work The following list details some of the features that could be expanded upon or improved in future versions of the game: 1. Score/achievement system: Reward the player for overcoming challenging play. 2. A more intuitive tutorial: Teach the player through actions instead of words. 3. Project documentation: Extensively documenting code, scripts and shaders. 4. More community interaction: Leverage our website and Steam Greenlight page for added visibility. 5. A level editor for the Lance Engine: Visually layout levels without Unity. 69 6. Dynamic shadows: A planned feature that did not make it into the final build. 7. Finishing the .pom format/Documenting it: A custom file format for reading model data. 8. Fixing the skybox: Adjust the skybox to correct the lines around some of the edges. 8.5 Summary Needless to say, the team behind Into the Paws of Madness is quite proud of the game we have created for this capstone project. We have accomplished the majority of the goals we set out to do and have had players respond well to our final product. We learned that internal communication and transparency were vital to the success of the project. With the help of other students, faculty, and play testers, we could identify problem areas of the game design and address them. We have learned how to leverage each other’s strengths while being aware of the team’s weaknesses. By iterating on our past failures, we created something that others can enjoy, and we are proud of that. 70