Rochester Institute of Technology Academic Quality Dashboard (AQD) Framework The AQD (attached) was developed in collaboration with the Education Committee over the course of three years. The dashboard was designed to support the Education Committee’s role in monitoring the major indicators of academic quality. The dashboard model is similar to the Input‐Environment‐Outcome (I‐E‐O) model developed by Alexander W. Astin as a guiding framework for assessments in higher education. The premise of the model is that educational assessments are not complete unless the evaluation includes information on student inputs (I), the educational environment (E), and student outcomes (O) (Astin, 1993). RIT’s AQD is comprised of a comprehensive combination of inputs, environmental indicators, and outputs which provide a context against which to measure academic quality at RIT. In addition, a distinctive feature of the AQD, is not only the Input indicators for students (mean GPA, class rank, test scores), but it also includes inputs for faculty (terminal degree, demographics). The Environmental indicators include student data (persistence and graduation) and also faculty data (section size, teaching effectiveness, student‐faculty ratio, and % of sections taught. The Output indicators focus entirely on students (placement, co‐op performance, learning outcomes, post‐graduation). The Education Committee conducts an annual review of the AQD. A detailed description of the evolution of the dashboard is provided below in the “How you got there” section on page 5. AQD and RIT’s Institutional Assessment Framework The AQD is a signature piece of RIT’s Institutional Assessment Framework. RIT has significantly enhanced its institutional assessment infrastructure in order to support existing assessment efforts across the campus including academic quality. The framework, developed over the last two years, has four integrated elements which power RIT’s institutional assessment efforts: Strategic Vision, Planning for Assessment, Implementation, and Use of Results for Continuous Improvement. The AQD elements are circled on the framework. AQD and Student Learning Outcomes Assessment A key opportunity to focus on academic quality for both the Education Committee and the full Board is the annual review of RIT’s Strategic Plan. The Strategic Plan is centered on four Key Result Areas (KRAs) with corresponding goals and indicators. KRA (Organizational and Operational Excellence) three includes two program level student learning outcomes goals/indicators: the percentage of program that meet/exceed designated student achievement benchmarks the percentage of programs practicing data‐driven improvement As a result, RIT developed the Student Learning Outcomes Assessment (SLOA) Progress Report (attached) which provides an in‐depth look at program level assessment practices and provides data to measure the two indicators. University and college level results are shared with the Provost’s Office, Board of Trustees, Deans, Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Committee (SLOAC), departments, and programs.