Pakistan: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Roads Improvement Project Project Name Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Roads Improvement Project Project Number 47360-001 Country Pakistan Project Status Proposed Project Type / Modality of Assistance Technical Assistance Source of Funding / Amount TA: Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial Roads Improvement Project Technical Assistance Special Fund Strategic Agendas US$ 1.00 million Inclusive economic growth Drivers of Change Sector / Subsector Transport - Road transport (non-urban) Gender Equity and Mainstreaming Description The proposed Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Provincial highways Rehabilitation Project (project) in the Province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). The project will (a) rehabilitate approximately 300 km of provincial highways throughout KPK; and (b) strengthen the capacity of PKHA in planning, maintenance and highway safety. The PPTA will carry out a due diligence of the detailed design carried out by Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Highways Authority (PKHA) for the entire provincial highways and will complete technical, economic, financial, social, and environmental due diligence in accordance with ADB's requirements for the 300 km of provincial highways to be financed by ADB. The PPTA will also assist the executing agency (EA) in developing required documentation for country resource allocation including PC-1 for submission to the Planning Commission. The cost estimate of each package will be prepared by the PPTA consultant. Project Rationale and Linkage to Country/Regional Strategy KPK is the third largest province in Pakistan with a population of approximately 28.9 million and a total land area of 74,521 square kilometers. KPK's economic growth faces challenges because of its landlocked location and lack of an adequate road network, which raises transport and trade costs. Its share of the unemployed labor force remains above the national average in fiscal year 2014. KPK's poverty rate declined to 28.2% in 2005-06 but remains higher than the national average of 22.3%. The Planning and Development Department of the GoKP is in charge of planning coordination, budget allocation, monitoring and evaluation in KPK. The Communication and Works Department (CWD) is responsible for building, planning, execution and maintenance of 11,400 km of district roads. PKHA, under the control of CWD, is solely responsible for the management of 1,924 km of provincial highways. PKHA was setup as an autonomous entity to generate revenues through toll tax to maintain provincial highways. There is a significant backlog in maintenance and rehabilitation in KPK, as only 27.7% of the 1,924 km of the provincial highways maintained by PKHA are in "fair to good condition" while the rest are in poor condition. The GoKP plans to raise the ratio to 80% by 2020. To achieve this it needs to mobilize external funding to reduce the maintenance backlog and bring its highway network back to fair/good condition and maintain at an acceptable level. PKHA has established a Road Asset Management System (RAMS) and a Road Management Unit (RMU) which is fully equipped with modern testing equipment. PKHA has already completed the detailed design of the Project, comprising of physical pavement condition surveys, traffic counts, road roughness surveys, geotechnical investigations, pavement structural strength evaluation and pavement design. The candidate highways are in a high state of readiness for donor funding. By 2020, the Project proposes that about 16% of the provincial highways shall be rehabilitated to 3.5 International Roughness Index (IRI), thus bringing them to acceptable levels. The scope of works shall include resurfacing dual lanes, improving drainage, structures, safety aspects of the road and making the highways climate resilient. This will reduce the operating costs borne by road users, and reduce future road maintenance costs. The Project will improve the sustainability of KPK provincial highways maintenance by maximizing the provincial highways maintenance fund. The project will provide capacity development support to PKHA to improve its functions in highway planning, maintenance and highway safety. The project will also assist PKHA in embedding and strengthening a project finance and PPP function in the PKHA. The institutional strengthening component will lead to better governance and enhanced sustainability of the provincial highways. Highway rehabilitation will contribute to improvements in overall highway safety by removing blind curves and black spots, introduction of highway safety audits, installation of necessary infrastructure and road furniture, and provision of emergency response equipment for traffic police. The main lessons learned from previous similar projects in KPK highlight the need to: (a) ensure highway safety, (b) consider the security situation in the project area, (d) advance the procurement of civil works, (e) avoid frequent changes of key implementing staff by securing firm commitments from the Government, and (f) ensure full compliance with ADB's Safeguard Policy Statement (2009) (SPS). Impact Outcome Outputs Geographical Location Summary of Environmental and Social Aspects Environmental Aspects Involuntary Resettlement Indigenous Peoples Stakeholder Communication, Participation, and Consultation During Project Design The main stakeholders of the project include local Government, farmers, trading companies, transport companies, local business, and local residents. All these stakeholders will participate in the community meetings and consultation during project design and implementation. It is envisioned that during the PPTA stage, the consultation and participation process will involve a stakeholder analysis followed by subsequent consultations with various groups. It is planned to conduct community meetings and consultations with local Government, Non-Government Organizations, transport related societies. A series of focus group discussions and consultation will be undertaken with all stakeholders as part of poverty assessment, the socio-economic analysis and preparation of resettlement planning documents. During Project Implementation PPTA Consultants (Social Development Specialist) will identify all key stakeholders for consultations, information sharing and ensuring community needs and suggestions are incorporated during project implementation. Business Opportunities Consulting Services The consultants for construction supervision and capacity development under the Project will be recruited in accordance with ADB's Guidelines on the Use of Consultants (March 2013, as amended from time to time). Procurement Goods and civil works financed from the ADB loan will be procured in accordance with ADB's Procurement Guidelines (April 2015, as amended from time to time). Responsible Staff Responsible ADB Officer Dong-Soo Pyo Responsible ADB Department Central and West Asia Department Responsible ADB Division Transport and Communications Division, CWRD Executing Agencies Communication and Works Department, KP Civil Secretariat, Peshawar, KPK Timetable Concept Clearance - Fact Finding - MRM - Approval - Last Review Mission - Last PDS Update 26 Sep 2016 Project Page Request for Information Date Generated 03 October 2016 ADB provides the information contained in this project data sheet (PDS) solely as a resource for its users without any form of assurance. Whilst ADB tries to provide high quality content, the information are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and non-infringement. ADB specifically does not make any warranties or representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any such information.