Diablo Valley College Course Outline for COMSC

Diablo Valley College Course Outline for COMSC-200
COMSC-200: Object Oriented Programming C++
This course provides detailed coverage of the concepts and syntax of the C++ Language. Topics include inheritance,
overloaded operators, overloaded default operators, virtual functions, memory management, files, streams, templates,
and exceptions. CSU, UC
COMSC-165 or equivalent
General Information
Department: Computer Science
Units: 4
Grade Code: Student choice
Repeatability: None
Max class size: 35
Number of Hours
Per Semester
Lecture: 54 hours
Laboratory: 54 hours
Students will be able to:
In lecture and laboratory
A. Use correct syntax for object-oriented programming.
B. Apply concepts of encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism to problem solving.
C. Apply the principle of least privilege using C++ syntax.
D. Define and use container classes.
E. Use dynamic memory allocation for memory management.
F. Define and use friend functions and classes.
G. Know when and how to apply the "const" keyword.
H. Use function overloading in inheritance.
I. Apply the C++ Standard Template Library (STL).
J. Use the Microsoft Foundation Classes (MFC) for Windows programming.
In lecture and laboratory
A. Review of C++ basics
B. Objects and classes
C. Pointers, arrays, and references
D. Structures, classes and unions
E. Operator overloading
F. Inheritance and Polymorphism
G. Pointers and memory management
H. Virtual functions
1. Abstract classes
I. Streams and disk file processing
1. Parsing
J. Function and class templates
1. Data abstraction
K. Exceptions
1. Try/catch structures
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COMSC-200 Course Outline
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DVC COR, continued
L. Introduction to the standard template library
1. Vectors, lists, deques, sets, and maps
a. Iterators
2. Sort, swap, find, fill, and copy algorithms
Lecture, Laboratory, Discussion, Distance Education
Reading 1:
Review the chapters on C++ programming basics, including variables, data types, sequential processing, branching and
looping, void and value-returning functions, and pointers.
Reading 2:
Read the chapter on polymorphism, with focus on virtual functions, abstract classes, and C++ syntax for their
Writing, problem solving, performance 1:
Write a class named Shortest Route, to determine the shortest route between San Francisco and New York City.
Potential routes are to be encapsulated in Route objects, each of which consists of an array of connecting Leg objects.
The class is to include two recursive functions -- the first is simple, and just finds a valid route through the network,
without regard to the shortest distance. The second finds the shortest route. Use "friend" relationships among the
classes for access to private data members.
Writing, problem solving, performance 2:
Write a program that simulates the operation of a bank of elevators in a multi-floor building. The purpose of the
simulation is to test your elevator design (number, capacity, and speed), to see if it is adequate for your building with its
average rider arrival rate. Your design objective is to include the "right" speed, size, and number of elevators for your
building, for your chosen arrival rate of riders, and your number and location of floors. Your simulation should appear to
reach a "steady state" (without accumulating large crowds of riders on the floors) after 10 minutes or so. You may have
to adjust your elevator configuration (number, size, speed). Design and use Rider objects, Elevator objects, Floor
objects, and a Building object. Use public accessor and mutator functions for communication among objects.
Lab, field activity, product or report:
Using Visual Studio, create a dialog-based MFC application that uses the six shape classes that you created and tested
in earlier console-based lab work. Show that the classes are independent of the user interface in which they are placed.
A user of your Windows program should be able to select one of the six shapes, enter dimensions, and click a
"calculate" button to view volume and surface area.
Sample One:
Using the STL, write C++ code to print the largest value in an int vector (declared as a vector of ints). Assume that the
vector is not empty. Assume that all of the required includes already exist.
Sample Two:
The static void member function fun() of the class X contains the throw "Ouch"; statement, which it executes in the event
that it is unable to perform its task successfully (whatever that task may be). Write C++ statements to call this function,
and if it causes an exception, print the phrase "NO FUN" to cout. Assume that all required include directives and
declarations already exist.
Frequency of Evaluation:
Evaluations will adhere to the DVC "Fairness in Grading" guidelines and will include as a minimum: (1) Evaluation of
students within the first quarter of the course and notifying student of the results (2) Counting a final examination for no
more than one-half the course grade (3) Basing final grades on at least three students' tests and/or reports.
Sample Textbook
See the current course syllabus or bookcenter.dvc.edu for the actual course textbook.
Book One:
Author: Deitel, Harvey and Paul Deitel
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COMSC-200 Course Outline
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DVC COR, continued
Title: C++ How to Program, 9th Edition
Publisher: Helen Kow
City: Pleasant Hill, CA
Year: 2013
Book Two:
Author: Balagurusamy, E.
Title: Object Oriented Programming With C++, 6th Edition
Publisher: Prentice Hall
City: Upper Saddle River, NJ
Year: 2013
Approval Date
Sep 17 2014
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