ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use estec European Space Research and Technology Centre Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands T +31 (0)71 565 6565 F +31 (0)71 565 6040 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities – Domains: Earth Observation, Space Transportation, Navigation, Generic Technologies and Techniques and Space Situational Awareness Prepared by Reference Issue Revision Date of Issue Status Document Type Distribution TEC-TI TEC-T/2016-03/NP 1 2 5-02-2016 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Title GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Issue 1 Revision 2 Author Date 5-02-2016 Approved by Date Reason for change Issue Revision Date Issue 1 Reason for change Revision 2 Date Pages Paragraph(s) Page 2/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Table of contents: 1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................ 5 2 LIST OF ACTIVITIES ......................................................................................................................... 7 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES ........................................................................................................ 22 3.1 Earth Observation ............................................................................................................................................................22 3.1.1 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems .....................................................................................................................................22 3.1.2 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques ................................................................................................. 27 3.1.3 TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems ................................................................................................ 30 3.1.4 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking.............................................................................................................. 31 3.1.5 TD 16- Optics .................................................................................................................................................................33 3.1.6 TD 24 – Materials and Processes .................................................................................................................................. 35 3.1.7 TD 26- Others ................................................................................................................................................................36 3.2 Space Transportation ...................................................................................................................................................... 38 3.2.1 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques ................................................................................................ 38 3.2.2 TD 18- Aerothermodynamics ........................................................................................................................................39 3.2.3 TD 19- Propulsion ......................................................................................................................................................... 40 3.3 Navigation ........................................................................................................................................................................ 41 3.3.1 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems ..................................................................................................................................... 41 3.3.2 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques ................................................................................................. 59 3.4 Generic Technologies and Techniques ............................................................................................................................ 61 3.4.1 Core ................................................................................................................................................................................ 61 TD 1- On-board Data Systems .................................................................................................................................... 61 TD 2- Space System Software..................................................................................................................................... 67 TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power.............................................................................................................................. 75 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects .................................................................................................................. 83 TD 5- Space System Control ...................................................................................................................................... 85 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems ..................................................................................................................................87 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques ..............................................................................................95 TD 8- System Design & Verification ......................................................................................................................... 99 TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems ............................................................................................ 105 TD 10- Flight Dynamics and GNSS .......................................................................................................................... 110 TD 11- Space Debris .................................................................................................................................................. 112 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking......................................................................................................... 118 TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics ......................................................................................................... 120 TD 14- Life & Physical Sciences ............................................................................................................................... 121 TD 15- Mechanisms & Tribology .............................................................................................................................. 122 D 16- Optics ............................................................................................................................................................... 123 TD 17- Optoelectronics ............................................................................................................................................. 127 TD 19- Propulsion ..................................................................................................................................................... 128 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics ........................................................................................................................... 129 TD 21- Thermal ......................................................................................................................................................... 136 TD 23- EEE Components and quality ...................................................................................................................... 138 TD 24- Material and Processes ................................................................................................................................ 144 3.4.2 Specific area: Clean Space ........................................................................................................................................... 146 TD 5- Space System Control ..................................................................................................................................... 146 TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics ......................................................................................................... 152 TD 18- Aerothermodynamics ................................................................................................................................... 154 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics ........................................................................................................................... 155 TD 24- Materials and Processes ............................................................................................................................... 158 TD 26- Others ........................................................................................................................................................... 162 3.4.3 Specific area: SAVOIR ................................................................................................................................................. 164 Page 3/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 1- On-board Data Systems .................................................................................................................................. 164 TD 2- Space System Software................................................................................................................................... 165 3.4.4 Specific area: Space & Energy ..................................................................................................................................... 167 TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power............................................................................................................................ 167 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects ............................................................................................................. 168 TD 21- Thermal ......................................................................................................................................................... 169 TD 22- Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and InSitu Resource Utilisation (ISRU) ................. 177 3.5 Space Situational Awareness ......................................................................................................................................... 179 3.5.1 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects.................................................................................................................... 179 3.5.2 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques ............................................................................................... 192 3.5.3 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking............................................................................................................ 195 3.5.4 TD 16- Optics .............................................................................................................................................................. 200 3.5.5 TD 26- Others ............................................................................................................................................................. 202 4 ANNEX I - ACTIVITIES IN GSTP-6 E1 WORK PLAN / PROCUREMENT PLAN ............................... 205 5 ANNEX II - ACTIVITIES CANCELLED FROM THE INITIAL COMPENDIUM .................................. 217 Page 4/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 1 INTRODUCTION During the Council meeting at Ministerial level held in November 2012, the sixth Period of the GSTP was presented (ESA/C(2012)199) and extensively subscribed by the GSTP Participating States with the following framework: GSTP-6 Element 1 - Support Technology Activities for Projects and Industry GSTP-6 Element 2 - Competitiveness GSTP-6 Element 3 - Technology Flight Opportunities GSTP-6 Element 4 - Precise Formation Flying Demonstration The GSTP6 E1 Compendium is a list of candidate activities to the GSTP6 E1 Work Plan, pre-selected following the ESA End to End process, including programmatic screening and consistency checking with technology strategy and THAG Roadmaps, as indicated in ESA-wide process described in ESA/IPC(2008)61 rev 1. The aim of the GSTP6 E1 Compendium is to provide to industry and Delegations a consolidated overview by Domain and Technology Domain of the priorities for ESA in the development of technology within the GSTP Programme. This document is a revision of the GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities presented in 2013. In particular, of the following two documents: GSTP-6 Element 1 – Compendium of Generic Technology Activities issued in February 2013. GSTP-6 Element 1 – Compendium of Potential Application- Domains: Earth Observation, Human Spaceflight, Space Transportation, Navigation, Generic Technologies and Techniques, Space Situation Awareness and Robotic Exploration issued in December 2013. The activities presented in these two documents have been reviewed and the descriptions/budgets have been updated accordingly. This revision of the GSTP-6 E1 Compendium provides a list and descriptions of candidate activities to the Work Plan of the GSTP-6 Element 1 (Chapter 2 and 3 of this document). The pre-selection of the activities corresponds to activities belonging to the following specific domains. Earth Observation Space Transportation Navigation Generic Technologies and Techniques Space Situation Awareness Page 5/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use The activities that belong to the domains Human Spaceflight and Robotic Exploration are under revision and they will be provided in a further revision of the Compendium. The activities from the initial Compendia published in 2013 that are already part of the GSTP-6 E1 Work Plan/Procurement Plan are not included in this revision of the GSTP E1 Compendium. However, for traceability these activities are listed in Annex I of this document. Descriptions of these activities are presented in the document: Complete list of GSTP-6 E1 WP/PP activities ref. ESA/IPC(2015)139. The activities from the initial Compendia that have been considered obsolete are withdrawn in this revision of the GSTP Compendium. For traceability these activities are listed in the Annex II of this Compendium. The description for these activities is not provided in this document. In addition to the core activities in the domain Generic Technologies and Techniques which are dedicated to the development of technologies, building blocks and components for future space, three special areas have been identified whose activities are shown in these documents in separate sections: CLEAN SPACE: This is an ESA cross-cutting initiative with the aim to contribute to the reduction of the environmental impact of space programmes, taking into account the overall life-cycle and the management of residual waste and pollution resulting from space activities. The list and descriptions of candidate activities for this special area is provided in a separate document. SAVOIR: Space Avionics Open Interface aRchitecture. This is an initiative to federate the space avionics community and to work together in order to improve the way that the European Space community builds avionics subsystems. SPACE & ENERGY: This special area addresses open innovation, spin-in /out and joint R&T as currently initiated under GSTP 5 with the overall goal of achieving a more sustainable, less-carbon intensive European energy sector. This compendium is issued to Delegations of GSTP-6 Participating States and their industries for comments. Such comments will be considered in the following updates of the work plan for this GSTP 6 Element 1. The objective is to have a good indication of the developments the Participants intend to support in order to present updates of the GSTP-6 E1 Work Plan with consolidated set of activities to the IPC for approval. Page 6/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use LIST OF ACTIVITIES 2 EARTH OBSERVATION TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G611-006ET G611-007ET G611-050ET G611-051ET Title Budget(K€) Pulsed HPA for Ka-band SAR instruments Miniature filter for L-band radiometer HBV components for space - step 2 Dual-polarization receiver prototype 900 500 650 1,200 Total 3,250 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G611-009EE G611-010EE G611-011EE Title Budget(K€) Advanced End-to-End Testing of Active Transponders Multi-Frequency/Multi-Pixel Integrated Lens Antenna for Microwave Radiometers Compact Multi-band Feeds for Radiometer Instruments Total 350 400 400 1,150 TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G611-052GI Title Budget(K€) Approach for Migrating the EO Kernel for MCS to EGS-CC 200 Total 200 TD 12- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G611-053GS G611-054GS Title Budget(K€) Tri-band (S/X/K) feed system design for future EO missions Tri-band (S/X/K) antenna design and manufacturing of critical RF components for future EO missions 500 700 Total Page 7/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,200 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G611-016MM Title Budget(K€) Large non-flat monolithic mirrors with ultra-lightweight honeycomb structure 1,000 Total 1,000 TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G611-055QT Title Budget(K€) Handheld contact less surface cleaner for removal of molecular contamination 500 Total 500 TD 26- Others GSTP-6 Reference G611-024EO G611-026EO Title Budget(K€) Technologies for the Management of LOng EO Data Time SEries - LOOSE ESE ERGOnomic User Interface ESE_ERGO Total Page 8/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 2,000 800 2,800 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SPACE TRANSPORTATION TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G614-020EE Title Budget(K€) Development and flight on-board launcher of electrostatic experiments Total 1,000 1,000 TD 18- Aerothermodynamics GSTP-6 Reference G614-005MP Title Budget(K€) Liquid film cooling in MMH-NTO rocket engines 500 Total 500 TD 19- Propulsion GSTP-6 Reference G614-006MP Title Budget(K€) 10 kW Hall Effect Thruster 2,000 Total Page 9/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 2,000 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use NAVIGATION TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G616-001ET G616-002ET G616-003ET G616-004ET G616-005ET G616-009ET G616-011ET G616-012ET G616-013ET G616-014ET G616-015ET G616-016ET Title Budget(K€) Beam-Forming Technology for GNSS Reference-Station Flexible and reconfigurable GNSS signal testbed Digital Beam-forming Based Advanced Navigation Receivers Prototype Terminal Advanced hybrid navigation user platform Advanced receiver architecture platform Payload simulation tool for complex GNSS RF front-end architectures Study and design of a GNSS Living Lab testbed into a Smart City Railway GNSS receiver chain technology enabler Methodology to support characterisation of GNSS performance in railway environments Interference Suppression Unit (Pre-Receiver) Clock Ensemble Monitoring and Switching Unit for Robust Timescale Generation Technology Validation of a Cold Atom Microwave Atomic Clock (CAMAC) Total 1,800 1,000 1,000 1,000 800 450 200 1,000 1,000 500 500 1,000 10,250 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G616-010EE Title Budget(K€) Environment survey and calibration instrumentation for GNSS propagation error sources, including direction of arrival Total Page 10/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,000 1,000 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use GENERIC TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES TD 1- On-board Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-006ED G617-007ED G617-250ED G617-251ED Title Budget(K€) Micro-controller for embedded space applications: Simulator Development Micro-controller for embedded space applications: Software Development Suite (part 1) Fast Emulator for Hardware / Software codesign Microcontroller Softcore for Space Applications 200 400 250 800 Total 1,650 TD 2- Space System Software GSTP-6 Reference G617-012SW G617-013SW G617-252SW G617-253SW G617-254SW Title Budget(K€) On-Board Software Architecture Demonstrator On-Board Software Reference Architecture Component Model support SW for Scalable Sensor Data Processor ASIC - Qualification for flight Qualification activity for COTS IMA Kernel Qualification of RTEMS Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) Total 800 1,100 600 420 700 3,620 TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power GSTP-6 Reference G617-016EP G617-018EP G617-019EP G617-020EP G617-257EP G617-258EP G617-259EP G617-260EP Title Enhancement of COTS supercapacitors for space and characterisation Development of a new glass forming process Yield increase and cost reduction for the 6'' wafer production Improved Ge wafer technology for multi-junction solar cells III Design freeze and qualification of next generation solar cell Development of toughened solar cell coverglass Qualification of solar cells and solar cell assemblies from 6" wafers with and w/o integral diode (140µm) Pre-development of an hybrid Supercapacitor / Li ion battery system for high power demanding applications Total Page 11/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Budget(K€) 300 150 500 1,000 1,200 400 1,000 900 5,450 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects GSTP-6 Reference G617-022EE G617-261EE Title Budget(K€) Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor Phase C-D and single-chip (LETmeter) version Advanced Environment Monitoring Package Total 1,500 1,000 2,500 TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G617-032EC G617-033EC Title Budget(K€) 2nd Generation APS Star Tracker Advanced Reaction Wheel 2,500 1,750 Total 4,250 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-039ET G617-041ET G617-042ET G617-043ET G617-262ET G617-263ET G617-264ET Title Budget(K€) Assessment of cost-effective technologies for on-board RF equipment A small foot print lightweight GaN SSPA for TWT replacement in satellite payloads Critical materials for Traveling Wave Tubes Analogue/Digital on-board Receiver EM Development for TT&C applications Robust miniaturised timing sources Direct LO Generation above 100 GHz Broadband Satellite Channel Emulator for Earth Observation and Telecommunication Links Total 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,000 1,000 500 1,000 6,700 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G617-048EE G617-049EE G617-050EE G617-053EE Title Budget(K€) Testing of passive inter-modulation (PIM) products using antenna Near-Field testing approaches Flat petals compact unfurlable antenna for small satellites THz Testing Facility Development Qualification of novel grounding for composite structural panels Total Page 12/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 450 600 500 1,000 2,550 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 8- System Design & Verification GSTP-6 Reference G617-055SW G617-056SW G617-057SW G617-058SW G617-059SW G617-060SW Title Budget(K€) Adaptation and Demonstration of MBSE for a real project (Pilot) A Generic Mapping Toolbox for Space CAE Data Exchange of Engineering Data Between System and Sub-System Levels Tool support for space system data modelling with the FAMOUS methodology Improvement of integration and verification activities Rationalisation and qualification of simulator tools Total 1,000 400 450 1,500 600 800 4,750 TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-061GI G617-063GI G617-064GI G617-265GI Title Budget(K€) Integration of ESA Ground Data Systems into Cloud Based Platforms (PaaS and SaaS solutions) Demonstrator of next generation M&C protocol for space systems Harmonisation of Numerical Software Validation Facility (NSVF) and Operational Simulator models Harmonisation of the EO and Science Kernels for MCS Total 200 300 200 250 950 TD 10- Flight Dynamics and GNSS GSTP-6 Reference G617-067GF Title Budget(K€) Extension of the DO-IT trajectory design software for interplanetary trajectories based on low-thrust propulsion combined with flybys 200 Total Page 13/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 200 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 11- Space Debris GSTP-6 Reference G617-069GR G617-070GR G617-071GR G617-072GR G617-073GR Title Budget(K€) Extension of combined observation-modelling technologies for ground-based attitude vector determination Feasibility of CMOS on-chip processing algorithms for space debris observations Low thrust manoeuvres in orbit determination tools Advanced re-entry break-up high- and low-fidelity assessment software Extended stare and chase concepts 500 300 Total 1,550 300 150 300 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking GSTP-6 Reference G617-135GS G617-266GS Title Budget(K€) Low Cost Meter-Class Adaptive Optics Communications Breadboard Deep Space Low Cost 4m monolithic Optical Antenna for Day/Night Operations 1,000 400 Total 1,400 TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics GSTP-6 Reference G617-076MM Title Budget(K€) Development of technology tools for training and operations of the METERON Mission Preparation and Training Centre Total 770 770 TD 14- Life & Physical Sciences GSTP-6 Reference G617-078MM Title Budget(K€) Self-Validating High Temperature Sensors 700 Total Page 14/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 700 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 15- Mechanisms & Tribology GSTP-6 Reference G617-080MS Title Budget(K€) Improvement of Solar Array Deployment Mechanisms (SADM) technologies Total 1,250 1,250 TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G617-084MM G617-086MM G617-091MM Title Budget(K€) Demonstrator for active WFE-correction of an imaging telescope Calomel-Based TIR Hyperspectral Imager Optical components based on high-efficiency Volume Bragg Gratings Total 1,000 950 300 2,250 TD 17- Optoelectronics GSTP-6 Reference G617-095MM Title Budget(K€) Development of a low-noise current source for ultra-stable CW laser-diode applications Total 450 450 TD 19- Propulsion GSTP-6 Reference G617-098MP Title Budget(K€) High Power (5 kW) HEMPT (Highly Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster) Total 1,000 1,000 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics GSTP-6 Reference G617-102MS G617-103MS G617-108MS G617-109MS Title Budget(K€) Improvement of industrial approach for design and verification of non-linear spacecraft structures Advanced CFRP assemblies for spacecraft bus and payload module platforms Improved design and verification of cryocoolers subjected to very high number of fatigue load cycles ('gigacycles') Reshaping of Antenna and Telescope Reflectors Total Page 15/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 600 500 700 2,300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 21- Thermal GSTP-6 Reference G617-113MT Extended in-flight validation of LHP modelling methods 150 G617-114MT Heat Pump Conceptual Design and Breadboard testing 600 Title Budget(K€) Total 750 TD 23- EEE Components and quality GSTP-6 Reference G617-116QT G617-118QT G617-119QT Title Budget(K€) Prototyping and characterization of 600V SiC MOSFET Evaluation of high density optical links for high speed transmission Radiation testing of non-volatile memories for space applications 700 300 300 Total 1,300 TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G617-128QT G617-129QT Title Budget(K€) Evaluation of low temperature processing capabilities of novel thin and flexible ceramic coatings Development of Improved Bonding and Repairs for OSRs Total Page 16/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 600 1,100 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Specific area: Clean Space TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G61C-027EC G61C-040EC G61C-041EC Title Budget(k€) Breadboard of a Multi-Spectral Camera for Relative Navigation GNC design and performance validation for active debris removal with RIGID capture GNC design and performance validation for active debris removal with FLEXIBLE capture Total 800 300 300 1,400 TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-042MM Title Budget(k€) Capture of space debris with throw nets: Engineering Qualification Model development and sounding rocket testing Total 3,000 3,000 TD 18- Aerothermodynamics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-003MP Title Budget(k€) Hot gas plume characterisation in vacuum 500 Total 500 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-012MS Bio-composite structure in space applications G61C-043MS Prototype and qualification of a De-orbiting subsystem Title Budget(k€) 500 3,000 Total 3,500 TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G61C-035QT G61C-044QT Title Budget(k€) Development of a complete Cr-VI anticorrosion system and process scale-up at industrial level Alternatives to processes affected by REACH for the manufacture of PCBs Total Page 17/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 500 1,000 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 26- Others GSTP-6 Reference G61C-045SW Title Budget(k€) REIM - Resource Efficiency through Improved Methods for treatment of recycling products 350 Total 350 Specific area: SAVOIR TD 1- On-board Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G61V-003ED Title Budget(K€) AES/SAVOIR: Consolidation of Specification of Modular RTU Modules (electrical, mechanical and thermal interfaces) Total 200 200 TD 2- Space System Software GSTP-6 Reference G61V-004SW Title Budget(K€) AES/SAVOIR: IMA-SP Execution Platform Consolidation and Industrialisation Total Page 18/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,000 1,000 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Specific area: Space & Energy TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power GSTP-6 Reference G61E-001EP Title Budget(K€) Life testing of solar cells for space and terrestrial applications 500 Total 500 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects GSTP-6 Reference G61E-006EE Title Budget(K€) Technologies for space weather services supporting drilling and surveying activities of the European energy industrial sector Total 300 300 TD 21- Thermal GSTP-6 Reference G61E-002MT G61E-003MT G61E-004MT G61E-005MT G61E-009MT G61E-010MT G61E-011MT Title Budget(K€) Heat Storage for Terrestrial Application Thermal Insulation for Buildings & Industrial Processes Loop Heat Pipes for Heat Recovery & Solar Power Conversion Heat Pipes for Batteries & Fuel Cells Cryogenic Composite Tanks - Light-Weight Long-Term Hydrogen Storage Slush hydrogen - up-scaling and optimising production Slush Methane Production for Propulsion and Application to Production of Slush Natural Gas (SLNG) Total 400 500 200 600 400 600 300 3,000 TD 22- Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) GSTP-6 Reference G61E-007MM G61E-008MM Title Budget(K€) BIOFUEL advanced breadboard EnRUM (energetic resources utilisation map) demonstrator 500 400 Total Page 19/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 900 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects GSTP-6 Reference G618-002EE G618-003EE G618-004EE G618-006EE G618-008EE G618-010EE G618-012EE G618-020EE G618-021EE G618-022EE G618-023EE G618-024EE Title Budget(K€) H-alpha Solar Telescope Network prototype for Applications (HASTENet) Heliospheric modelling techniques Standardised airborne radiation detector feasibility analysis Impact effects tools Combined Radiation Monitor Data Analysis System Fireball Monitor for SSA Solar X-Ray Monitor Proto-Flight Model and Low-Resolution Imager Design for SSA Solar Wind Plasma Density Instrument Solar Wind Plasma Spectrometer Medium Energy particle Spectrometer 30 - 1000 keV - Phase A/B Radiation Monitoring System In Package (RMSIP) Enhancement of Physical and Assimilation Modelling of Radiation Belts Total 600 1,000 300 500 500 800 1,030 300 500 600 500 300 6,930 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G618-025EE G618-026EE G618-027EE Title Budget(K€) Advanced Ionospheric Scintillation Modelling Demonstrator Radio Spectrograph for magnetospheric and solar radio measurement THz technologies for space debris detection 600 500 500 Total 1,600 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking GSTP-6 Reference G618-016GS G618-029GS G618-030GS Title Budget(K€) L-Band SSPA for phased array radar transmitter and dual polarization receiver Flexible CCD for curved focal planes - detailed design and breadboarding S-Band SSPA for phased array radar transmitter and dual polarization receiver Total Page 20/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,000 800 1,000 2,800 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G618-031MM G618-032MM Title Budget(K€) Compact Magnetograph for L mission Heliospheric Imager for L mission 1,000 750 Total 1,750 TD 26- Others GSTP-6 Reference G618-028SY Title Budget(K€) Cubesat/nanosat mission concepts for operational SWE system Total Page 21/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 300 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3 DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITIES 3.1 Earth Observation 3.1.1 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G611-006ET Budget (k€): 900 Title: Pulsed HPA for Ka-band SAR instruments Objectives: The objective of this activity is to design, manufacture and test a breadboard of a pulsed HPA (High Power Amplifier) meeting the specification for use in the Kaband SAR instruments (3.5 kW, 14% duty cycle, 500MHz BW). Description: Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) instruments have become essential for Earth Observation purposes since the first instrument in space back in 1978. The operational frequency has evolved from L- to S- and X-band. New frequency bands have been studied in Europe such as P-band for BIOMASS and Ku-band for CoReH2O. Ka-band has been used for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) but has not been utilized for SAR from space so far, although the suitability of Ka-band SAR imaging has been proven in various airborne demonstrators and instruments. An ESA internal study on the feasibility of a Ka-band SAR instrument and interferometer has pointed to the need of a Ka-band HPA with capabilities beyond what is currently available on the market. The activity will be divided in two phases. Phase 1 will cover the following tasks: - Critical review of the trade-off and results of the previous TRP activity on the feasibility study of a pulsed HPA for Ka-band SAR; - Identification of a baseline technology (TWTA/EIKA) and design; - Performance prediction by analysis/simulation and tests at subassembly level. - Consolidation and update of the preliminary specification. Phase 2 will be dedicated to the: - Manufacturing and testing of a HPA Breadboard according to the baseline design agreed at the end of Phase 1 - A detailed programmatic description of the necessary development steps needed up to Flight Model, together with a realistic estimation of the duration and cost of each development phase. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Ka-band SAR instruments, 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 22/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G611-007ET Budget (k€): 500 Title: Miniature filter for L-band radiometer Objectives: The objective is to develop miniaturised high performance filter for L-band synthetic aperture radiometer applications. Description: Synthetic aperture radiometer instruments like MIRAS (SMOS) require several similar receivers to be accommodated. In this kind of instrument, the number of elementary receivers correlates with the system performance. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of similar instruments in the future, the miniaturisation and mass saving of the receiver is crucial in order to allow for a larger number of receivers to be accommodated. One key block in the receiver is the high performance RF filter that has to provide very efficient out-of-band interference protection and on the other hand its transfer function has to be reproducible and uniform from unit to unit. Currently, coaxial resonator filters are employed for this function which, however, are big and bulky and they are not any more in line with the miniaturisation objectives of the other parts of the receiver. However, there are potential technologies that can provide the required degree of miniaturisation while maintaining the performance (SAW, BAW, dielectric). It is presumed that the RF filter could be located after the low-noise amplifier and the insertion loss is not necessarily a key design parameter. This could open ways for the application of novel efficient design approaches such as pre-distortion and lossy filter theory. This activity aims first at revisiting the L-band elementary receiver requirements for SMOS follower like missions and then flowing down from there the filter requirements. Secondly, taking into account also the qualification aspects, the best technologies and architectures for the miniaturised filter shall be breadboarded. Based on the breadboarding results, the best concept shall be selected for an EM development. Finally, the EM shall be designed, manufactured and tested. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : SMOS/MIRAS type future instruments: SMOS-Ops, Super MIRAS Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 23/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G611-050ET Budget (k€): 650 Title: HBV components for space - step 2 Objectives: The objective is to establish a reproducible Hetero-Barrier Varactor (HBV) process and then to evaluate the reliability of HBV in frequency multiplier applications at mm-wave frequencies. This is a second step in the HBV development towards commercialisation. Description: There is a strong demand for compact, room temperature sources at millimetre waves and THz frequencies for various applications in space as well as on ground. At frequencies above 150 GHz, multipliers are producing state-of-the-art power levels. Even though the mainstream of the multipliers is based on more mature Schottky technology, HBV based multipliers have a number of advantages. They only generate odd harmonics and can operate bias free, which simplifies circuit complexity. The HBV can easily be scaled by increasing the number of barriers to manage higher power. At the time when W-band amplifiers will produce watts of output power, the HBV tripler (x3) to 300 GHz is considered as a commercially viable product. However, the HBV technology has to be brought to maturity in terms of reproducibility and reliability in order to be accepted as a serious competitor in this market. This activity aims at an establishment of a reproducible HBV process and at a reliability assessment by thermal cycling test and by life time tests under real RF conditions. The work starts with the performance assessment of the current HBVs and HBV multipliers. Next, the process parameters, including passivation aspects, shall be reviewed and improvements proposed. Then, two or more batches of engineering samples will be manufactured and tested for model validation, performance validation and reproducibility. Provided the performance is acceptable, a lot of HBVs will be subjected to reliability evaluation that comprises thermal cycling, and RF life test in waveguide blocks. The number of required test samples is estimated in the range from 20-40. Deliverables: HBV devices, test blocks, report Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Sub-mm wave radiometers LO sources, test instrumentation, TRL5 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Technologies for Passive Millimetre & Submillimetre Wave Instruments (2010) Page 24/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G611-051ET Budget (k€): 1,200 Title: Dual-polarization receiver prototype Objectives: In order to meet the growing demand for higher data rates for Earth Observation missions, dual-polarization transmissions have the potential of fully exploiting the use of the 26 GHz band by virtually doubling the data rate. The goal of this activity is to implement a prototype receiver for dual-polarization telemetry transmissions by means of previously designed algorithms, able to handle cross-talk interference between the 2 received streams, even with high order modulations. Description: Taking advantage of the results of a recently concluded TRP activity (HDRL), where the detection of dual-polarization telemetry transmissions has been studied at algorithmic level, the current activity should design, prototype and test a receiver implementing the overall front-end functionalities for the demodulation of dual-polarization data streams based on the CCSDS 131.2-B (SCCC) standard and able to handle up to 500 MBauds for each stream. While the main application will be for 26 GHz band systems, the prototype will have IF inputs, allowing adaptation to different bands. The design shall include the algorithms required for the demodulator front-end, once dual-polarization is assumed. In particular, special care will be needed for phase tracking and symbol time recovery, as well as channel estimation, in order to enable the potential benefits of the receiver. The core elements of the detector will be based on MMSE equalization, enabling the use of dual-polarization with high order modulations, up to 64-APSK, with limited losses. After proposing a baseline architecture, a detailed complexity estimate will be performed, in order to select the proper platform. A detailed design will follow, supported by a (bit-true) simulation activity, in order to maintain the performance losses (compared to the reference provided by the TRP study) following the evolution of the design. Finally, the prototype will be implemented on the selected platform, to be properly verified against the specifications and validated in a number of significant cases: different ModCods (from CCSDS 131.2-B), different XPD (determined by antennas characteristics and atmospheric conditions). A proper test bench will be needed for this purpose, including representative units for the main elements of the end-to-end system. For the purpose of emulating the receiver back-end, i.e. decoders for the 2 data streams, software simulations may be used (non-real time post processing). In case a similar solution, i.e. software emulation, is chosen for the transmitter(s) as well, blocks for actual up-conversion to IF of the software generated data will be included in the test bench. The test bench will be used for the testing of the prototype under different conditions, i.e. XPD values and ModCod, in order to validate its performance against the reference results provided in the TRP precursor. Following an initial analysis, a preliminary architecture design will be proposed, to show how the front-end detector could fit into the overall architecture of a receiver for Earth Observation missions: to this end, the partitioning of functionalities, i.e. demodulation and decoding, will be analysed, including tradeoffs of the overall complexity (i.e. number of FPGAs/boards/units) versus the required performance (i.e. FER/supported data rate/operational capability). Page 25/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Earth Observation missions,2020 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 TT&C Transponders and Payload Data Transmitters (2012) Page 26/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.2TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G611-009EE Budget (k€): 350 Title: Advanced End-to-End Testing of Active Transponders Objectives: To develop advanced high accuracy methodologies of radiated end-to-end testing of ground based active transponders for Earth Observation missions. Description: Active ground based transponders are used for calibration of SAR instruments or radar altimeters, typically within C and Ku bands. The techniques used nowadays for the calibration of the transponder itself are still performed with theoretical values of known RCS (radar cross section) targets for SAR response. In addition, the phase delay of the target (including the contribution of the radiating apertures) is driving stringent requirements on the accuracy of the free-space delay measurement, in particular at Ku Band, not possible to reach with typically used methods, which rely on the measurement of a known target to calibrate the radiated performance. This activity shall yield advanced high accuracy end-to-end testing techniques, that includes the overall radiated delay, identifying needs for future missions, trade-off and Breadboard of critical components necessary to perform the measurements. The techniques developed shall be demonstrated with a representative test object. Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Report; Breadboard of critical components 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Earth Observation instruments /2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 27/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G611-010EE Budget (k€): 400 Title: Multi-Frequency/Multi-Pixel Integrated Lens Antenna for Microwave Radiometers Objectives: The objective is to demonstrate that multi-frequency and or multi-pixel integrated lens antennas can result in more performing radiometers in the microwave and millimetre-wave regime. Expected improvements are in sensitivity (25% due to increase number of detectors) and focal plane size reduction (25-30%). Description: Integrated lens antennas offer an attractive alternative solution as compared to feed horns and could replace them in novel microwave radiometers and allow to design integrated receivers. Recently advancement in lens arrays design and manufacturing and accurate lens antenna modeling could be of benefit to get improved performances. Another interesting recent development in the field of flat lenses could also be used to ease the manufacturing of large focal plane arrays. Therefore, this activity should investigate the novel architectures that combine multi-frequency detectors with focusing elements like lenses and how these elements could be of benefit for multi-frequency radiometers systems. The activity shall start with an investigation of novel architectures for use in radiometer systems using the multi-frequency and multi-pixel integrated antennas and novel flat lenses. A trade-off shall be performed to assess the improvement that be gained in terms of instrument sensitivity and mass and volume of the focal plane arrays. Next the most promising architecture shall be subjected to detailed design and analyses and be followed by the breadboarding and testing of the most critical components. The activity shall be concluded by updating the instrument performance taking into account the test results. Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Breadboard 3 Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) 18 Next generation Metop-SG radiometer instruments-2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Technologies for Passive Millimetre & Submillimetre Wave Instruments (2010). Activity B56. Page 28/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G611-011EE Budget (k€): 400 Title: Compact Multi-band Feeds for Radiometer Instruments Objectives: To develop a compact multi-frequency and dual-polarisation feed horn for future microwave radiometer instruments. Description: Earth Observation radiometers often use multi-frequency feeds to comply to the colocation requirement of certain beams on ground. Besides the colocation requirement there is sometimes also the requirement to have the dual linear polarisation for certain frequency channels. Although this does not impact the design of the feed horn itself, it has a significant impact on the design and complexity of the feed chain excitor part. Similar design issues can be seen in Telecommunication feed horns with receive and transmit capability and often use dual polarisation as well. The constraint these feed horns have is that they form part of a larger array and hence need to have a very compact feeding chain with the lateral dimensions not larger than the feed horn aperture. In a recent ARTES5.2 study a very compact Ka-band feed horn was designed, manufactured and tested operating at 20 and 30 GHz. In this activity an assessment shall be done to see what simularities exist between the feed requirements for EO radiometers and Telecommunication array feed horns at e.g. Ka-band. In a following step, a feed horn shall be designed, analysed, manufactured and tested at 18/23 GHz for a future EO radiometer similar to MWI instrument on Metop SG. Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Engineering Model 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 14 Earth Observation microwave radiometer instruments. 2017. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Technologies for Passive Millimetre & Submillimetre Wave Instruments (2010) Page 29/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.3TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 9 Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Ref. Number: G611-052GI Budget (k€): Title: Approach for Migrating the EO Kernel for MCS to EGS-CC Objectives: The current strategy for the development of the Mission Control Systems of EO missions has involved the identification, isolation and maintenance of the so called EO Kernel. This self-standing software groups all the common needs of EO missions which are not already included into the ESOC SW infrastructure (SCOS2000). The EO Kernel has contributed significantly to the sharp decrease in the cost of MCS for EO missions that today are low. There are major changes in the landscape of mission control systems on-going in Europe. The best way to infuse the EGS-CC into Earth observation missions are not obvious. There may be significant cost associated with the first user, but as well significant benefits for follow up missions. This issue is much more visible for EO missions since the ratio between generic code versus mission specific development is much higher than for other missions. Due to this, it is unrealistic to assume that a single mission will carry the complete cost of migrating the common part. Due to this, it would be beneficial to find a way to share the cost, risk and benefits among several missions. The approach clearly need to identify the overall benefits for each of the missions of embarking on this migration. Such an approach can only be found via an independent activity, looking particularly into: - The need of all future EO missions in the area of Mission Operations. - The cost of maintaining legacy systems contra migrating to the new core. - Identification of a minimum overall risk and cost strategy for the entire EO program. Description: The activity would: - Review existing and future EO missions to identify the requirements for MCS systems for all EO missions. This would need to take into account as well future operational concepts (File Based operations; Mission Automation; MO services etc...) that will be required. - Once a complete requirement baseline is established covering the EO needs, the best way to achieve this system need to be identified analyzing the existing functionality in legacy systems as well as planned functionality of the EGS-CC system. This should as well take into account EGSE systems based on EGS-CC systems. - Based on this a step-by-step strategy need to be developed allowing cost/risk to be shared between the veracious users. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Target Application / TRL 6 by 2018 to allow for a fast in-cooperation of EGS-CC in EO missions. Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Ground Systems Software (2008) Page 30/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 200 9 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.4 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G611-053GS Title: Tri-band (S/X/K) feed system design for future EO missions Objectives: So far EO missions have been operated in S-Band (TT&C) and in X-Band (payload data). In the future TT&C services will migrate to X-Band and payload data will be transmitted in K-Band. The objective of this activity is to design a feed that will be able to operate in S/X/K-Band to cover running and upcoming EO missions. Description: The layout of the 14m X/K-Band antenna developed under a previous GSTP activity will be used as starting point to define the feed specifications. A trade-off among different feed configuration will be performed. After selection of the preferred solution the feed will be designed including diplexers/filters and tracking couplers. Mechanical drawings will be prepared and critical components will be manufactured and tested in order to derisk the project. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2020 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): 500 Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 31/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G611-054GS Title: Tri-band (S/X/K) antenna design and manufacturing of critical RF components for future EO missions Objectives: In order to transition smoothly from present EO space communication systems (TTC in S-band, Payload data in X-band) to future EO missions (TTC in X-band, Payload data in K-band there is the need to develop a new antenna system able to operate over multiple frequency bands (S/X/K-Band). New RF components need to be designed and developed. The scope of the activity is to design/identify all the critical components required to implement the new frequency bands in EO antenna like: WG filters, diplexers, frequency converters and to manufacture critical components. The corresponding feed system development is proposed as a seperate activity. Description: The RF architecture of a 14m class antenna will be optimise in order to be able to accomodate S/X/K-Band for present and future EO missions. Based on this architecture critical components not available on the market will be identified and designed. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2020 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 32/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 700 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.5 TD 16- Optics Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G611-016MM Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Large non-flat monolithic honeycomb structure Objectives: The first objective (Phase 1) is to optimize manufacturing and process choices for an ultra-lightweighted honeycomb mirror (to be demonstrated with the development and testing of a breadboard of a flat mirror). The second objective (Phase 2) is to demonstrate the feasibility of the transfer of the ultralightweighted honeycomb structure technology to non-flat mirror surfaces (sphere, asphere) with the development and testing of a primary mirror demonstrator for geostationary high-resolution imaging applications. Description: The use of reduction technology for large mirrors located in an optical system entrance cavity (e.g. scan mirror, primary mirror) would be an enabling key factor in the production of large monolithic mirrors, thereby securing high-resolution imaging capability for space systems in e.g. geostationary orbit. Currently the level of lightweighting needed for such missions is reaching the limit of classical techniques and decreasing optical performances due to lightweighting sideeffects. Aluminium as a structural material would most likely not be suited for such applications due to its high coefficient of thermal expansion. An alternative candidate material needs to be identified and incorporated in a large flat demonstrator mirror, with the following purposes: mirrors with ultra-lightweighted - Demonstration of the successful transfer of the technology to another structure material, - Demonstration of the suitability of the mirror to tolerate large thermal variation characteristics of instrument entrance cavity conditions in geostationary orbits. Identifying and demonstrating a concept for achieving curved figures with such a lightweighting technology would allow significant weight reduction specifically for large primary mirrors. The proposed activity constitutes an important step on the way to extreme lightweighting of mid-size (1-2 meter diameter) and large-size monolithic mirrors. It will encompass the following activities, split into 2 phases: Phase 1 (planar technology): - Study leading to the selection of materials and its combinations, which are able to ensure optical performance under geostationary environmental conditions; - Improvement of glass/structure cementing methods; - Production of small-size breadboards to support technological trade-offs for the previous 2 points; - Production and test of a 1 meter flat demonstrator (to be tested at ambient, thermal vacuum, vibration, radiation). If Phase 1 is successful, the following Phase 2 will be executed. Page 33/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Phase 2 (curved technology): - Using the results of phase 1, study leading to process and material selection for the production of a curved surface (representative of a typical primary mirror), able to ensure optical performance under geostationary environmental conditions. - Production of small-size breadboards to support technological trade-offs regarding process and materials selection. - Production and test of a 1-meter off-axis parabolic mirror demonstrator (to be tested at ambient, thermal vacuum, vibration). Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018. Geostationary high-resolution imaging applications Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 36 Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments - Mirrors (2013) Page 34/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.6 TD 24 – Materials and Processes Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 24 Materials and Processes Ref. Number: G611-055QT Title: Handheld contact less surface cleaner for removal of molecular contamination Objectives: The objective of this activity is the development of a handheld surface cleaning device that allows contact-less local cleaning of sensitive surfaces under mild conditions, including the collection of the removed contamination for subsequent chemical analysis. Current cleaning methods for molecular organic contamination (MOC) are falling following into two main categories: 1. Solvent cleaning or wiping: This process requires physical contact (dry wipe), chemical interaction (solvent rinsing) or both (moist wiping), whereas the latter is used in most cases because of its high cleaning efficacy. A significant drawback occurs for cleaning of very sensitive surfaces such as reflectors, optical windows, chemically sensitive surfaces, which may not allow direct contact. 2. Vacuum baking: By exposing hardware to thermal vacuum, MOC can be removed effectively as long as it sustains the required temperature over a given time. Vacuum bakeouts for the purpose of surface cleaning only are less common but may be necessary for non-accessible or sensitive surfaces. A drawback for this approach is the need for a bakeout facility, time, and hardware compatibility with the required thermal environment. On space hardware, especially on large systems, the removal of localised MOC is often problematic as physical contact raises the risk of surface damage, and the access to large vacuum facilities as well as system thermal requirements can be very restricted. Generic system requirements for cleaning device: - Transportable and compact enough to be used in cleanrooms and large vacuum facilities to clean space hardware without (re)polluting nearby surfaces. - Contactless removal of MOC through cleaning nozzle by an inert gas stream allowing adjustment of flow velocity and temperature. - Re-collection of gas stream through the cleaning-nozzle, preventing crosscontamination of nearby surfaces. - Capturing of MOC for subsequent chemical analysis. Description: Budget (k€): 500 In this activity the following tasks shall be done: Definition of system requirements, especially required gas velocity and temperature versus removal efficiency on model MOC; Preliminary design concept;Breadboard development and cleaning process optimisation; Development of prototype; Full process validation. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / TRL 6 by 2018 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 35/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.1.7 TD 26- Others Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 26 Others Ref. Number: G611-024EO Title: Technologies for the Management of LOng EO Data Time SEries LOOSE Objectives: This project addresses the technology development, selection benchmarking for the management of long time series of EO data. Description: The continuously increasing amount of long-term and of historic data in EO facilities in the form of online datasets and archives makes it necessary to address technologies for the long-term management of these data sets, including their consolidation, preservation, and continuation across multiple missions. The management of long EO data time series of continuing or historic missions - with more than 20 years of data available already today - requires technical solutions and technologies which differ considerably from the ones exploited by existing systems. Novel technical and organizational solutions for durable efficient handling, storage, and access of long EO data time series are needed. To satisfy new access and data exploitation scenarios, the archiving structures and data models will have to facilitate user-friendly bulk data retrieval, data mining and data analytics, visualization, processing, and accessing localized time series data stacks, as well as displaying and downloading data layers served by standardized spatial data services. New technologies and advanced approaches will have to be studied and proved to be fit for the purpose before implementation into the existing ground segment infrastructure. In order to exploit the valuable EO data time series in the future, new archiving and access technologies will have to be designed, developed, and implemented today. The new technologies addressed by this project will have to be explored and studied in connection with long-term preservation requirements calling for data replication and maintenance of double archive copies. Multiple data copies structured differently, as an example, may be a way to serve specific data access scenarios. This would require the use of alternative indexing schemas and new overall management systems. Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): 2,000 and Software Technology benchmarking and development on long time series storage, data management, data retrieval, data mining and data analytics. Requirements and Design Documents. Developed prototypes software and tests. Validation, Demonstration tests and results. Duration 36 3 Target TRL: 5 (months) 2018. Processing and explotation of Earth Observation Data Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation subject. Page 36/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain EARTH OBSERVATION Technology Domain 26 Others Ref. Number: G611-026EO Budget (k€): 800 Title: ESE ERGOnomic User Interface ESE_ERGO Objectives: This project addresses the technology selection, development and benchmarking for the prototyping of next generation user interfaces for EO product and derived information and/or data visualization analysis and access. Description: The wide availability of wireless and mobile communication and the maturity of handheld devices has changed the day to day connectivity of users including scientific ones. Applications can warn about data availability, completion of processes, results of tests, and so on. Furthermore there are examples of Webbased applications that provide a simple and intuitive way to visualize, analyse, and access vast amounts of Earth Observation data without having to download the data. From the researcher's point of view, a number of interfaces could be developed and tailored, to meet the needs of specific fields of Earth Observation research, and same or part of the interfaces could be part of mobile applications. These applications could as well exploit location based services empoweing the users with multi-modal interaction. The selected technologies shall be demonstrated on protoype user interfaces tailored for use cases. The issue of more efficient and high-performance computational models should be also addressed in view of transferring applications and services to portable devices, e.g. for deployment onto the Android Operating System of smartphones and tablet computers. From a technology point of view several challenges need to be addressed. First of all the whole interaction model needs to be re-defined possibly splitting functionality across multiple devices and exploiting location based services for the definition of the area of interest. The possible mix of functions developed in multiple programming and data manipulation languages like C, Java, Mathlab, IDL etcetera, has to be addressed as there are language specific features (e.g. compilation versus interpretation or just in time compilation) which need to be addressed taking into account the target platform. Furthermore the evolution of COTS and toolboxes, as well as the emerging meta-languages will have to be taken into account. In addition, the project shall address the analysis, definition and implementation of state-of-the art user interfaces (mobile/tablet/touch) taking into account an ergonomy analysis via heuristic evalution and interface usability. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018. Earth Observation products Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 37/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.2 Space Transportation 3.2.1 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Domain SPACE TRANSPORTATION Technology Domain 18 Aerothermodynamics Ref. Number: Budget (k€): G614-020EE Title: Development experiments Objectives: Following the TRP activity who have defined an experiment to be flown on-board A5 to measure in particular the charging current at various locations (fairing, JAVE) due to triboelectric charging by hydro-meteors at the crossing of the cirrus, the objective is to fly, during three launches, the experiment of interest on-board A5. Following those flights, there will be evidence allowing to reconsider the existent stringent requirements regarding the surface resistance of the paint that covers the thermal protections of the launcher. This could be applicable to A6 as well. Description: and flight on-board launcher of 1,000 electrostatic - Manufacturing of the experiments in line with the design defined in the precursor activity. - Functional and environmental qualification of the experiments. - Flight on-board three launchers. - Processing of the telemetry data. - Conclusion about the requirements for the surface resistance of the paint covering the thermal protections. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Launchers. TRL 7 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 38/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 Duration (months) 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.2.2 TD 18- Aerothermodynamics Domain SPACE TRANSPORTATION Technology Domain 18 Aerothermodynamics Ref. Number: G614-005MP Budget (k€): 500 Title: Liquid film cooling in MMH-NTO rocket engines Objectives: The present activity aims at improving the understanding and modelling of liquid films in MMH-NTO engines. Description: Monomethylhydrazine (MMH) as fuel and Nitrogen Tetroxide (NTO) as oxidizer is a commonly used rocket propellant combination. Large and mid-size engines such as the Ariane 5G upper stage engine Aestus are re-generatively cooled via cooling channels using the MMH fuel. For smaller engines, this gets more and more difficult, because the available coolant per wall surface area decreases with the engine dimension. Therefore, liquid film cooling of the combustion chamber is usually applied for smaller MMH-NTO rocket engines. Whenever this cooling technique is applied in a rocket engine, it is important to have adequate prediction tools. For liquid film cooling, the main prediction focus is on the liquid film length and the wall heat transfer downstream of the dry-out point. The proper prediction of the heat transfer between hot gases and film is a prerequisite for a good film modelling and often, especially in the case of MMH-NTO chemistry, is very difficult due to the slow and complex combustion process with various chemical species involved. An additional challenge for the modelling of liquid MMH-films is the fact that the evaporated MMH decomposes in a strongly exothermic manner, releasing a far higher decomposition energy than its evaporation consumes. It is proposed to address the following aspects: - Establish an inert liquid film test case (no chemical reactions) from literature, and or new experiments. - Improve the MMH-NTO combustion modelling based on existing experimental MMH-NTO data. - Elaborating 1D two-phase film-modelling incl. mass and heat transfer e.g. vaporization, condensation; based upon existing model and/or ESA tools such as EcosimPro/ESPSS. - Couple the film models in 2D/3DCFD codes for rocket combustion chambers with validation on available data and possibly extension towards real operational conditions (i.e. combustion). - Consider 3D effects on film evolution. - Attempt to perform resolved CFD simulations of a film, possibly with original fluids. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Mid-size to small rocket engines like Aestus; in the future also Berta/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 39/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.2.3 TD 19- Propulsion Domain SPACE TRANSPORTATION Technology Domain 19 Propulsion Ref. Number: G614-006MP Title: 10 kW Hall Effect Thruster Objectives: The aim is to advance the qualification of a high specific impulse 10 kW Hall Effect System. The system performance shall be commensurate with the next generation of high total impulse space missions. The work outcome shall be the performance demonstration of an engineering model thruster and flow control system. Description: To save propellant mass, maximise payload and mission capabilities, future high total impulse missions will require propulsion systems capable of operating at higher specific impulse (SI) and capable of greater total impulse (Ns) which means higher thrust than those currently being developed and qualified (5 kW). A 10 kW Hall Effect Thruster will be capable to fulfil the requirements of these missions. The principles of operating existing technologies at higher specific impulse and thrust levels have been demonstrated to a limited extent and the constraints imposed by existing technology are generally appreciated. This activity will therefore build on the extensive heritage gained through existing EP programmes with the objective of designing, building and testing a thruster to meet the high specific impulse and total impulse demands whilst overcoming the limitations imposed by current technology. It is essential that this activity be considered in the framework of a complete system that comprises appropriate power supplies and flow control systems. The programme will consist of the following key activities and phases: Phase 1 - Identification of mission requirements and selection of a baseline mission. - System level trade-off, technology selection and system architecture definition. - Unit specification. Phase 2 - Design and manufacture breadboard thruster (including flow control) and test. - Design and manufacture of an engineering model (EM) thruster (including flow control system). - Performance testing of EM thruster (including the flow control system) for a time adequate to allow detailed performance characterisation and life time prediction. - Endurance test. Report with mission requirements definition; system level trade-offs, technology selection and system architecture; design report; manufacturing report and endurance test report. Duration 3 Target TRL: 5 36 (months) Deliverables: Current TRL: Budget (k€): 2,000 Target Application / Electric Propulsion advanced upper stages and exploration missions/2018 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Electric Propulsion Technologies (2009) Page 40/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.3 Navigation 3.3.1TD 6- RF Payload and Systems Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-001ET Budget (k€): 1,800 Title: Beam-Forming Technology for GNSS Reference-Station Objectives: The objectives of this activity are: - To investigate a GNSS Reference-Station equipment (antenna plus receiver) profiting from beam-forming (spatial + time filtering) technology; offering a visibly superior interference + strong-multipath rejection capability, compared to that achieved by current GNSS reference station equipment. The design shall target the minimization of the overall equipment complexity and technological risk. - To develop a GNSS Reference-Station prototype, fully representative from functional and performance perspective, and to validate it under real GNSS signals. Description: RF interference and multipath are relevant error sources affecting the performance of the GNSS Commercial-Reference-Station equipment. Despite the fact of being the navigation signal of spread-spectrum type, it is visibly vulnerable to interference, due to its very low power at reception. Excessive interference may provoke loss of lock and false lock in the equipment. Multipath may induce ranging errors visibly correlated over time, not easy to mitigate at signal processing level or/and at output-observables processing level. The impact of both interference and multipath could be largely reduced by incorporating beamforming techniques to the GNSS Reference-Station equipment (comprising antenna plus receiver). Beam-forming techniques could enable efficient spatial + time filtering of RF interference and strong multipath. Current technology is nowadays based on single antenna element, therefore this activity shall demonstrate the viability of beam-forming technology with low complexity. The activity high level tasks are as follows: - Consolidation of the equipment specification; namely functional, performance and external interfaces requirements (initial specification prepared by ESA). - Definition of the equipment physical architecture; namely main physical blocks, related internal interfaces, core hardware blocks transfer function(s) and core processing. - Definition of the equipment physical detailed design; namely hardware elementary blocks, elementary processing modules, detailed internal and external interfaces. - Development and verification of the equipment. - Consolidation of the validation scenarios definition (initial definition prepared by ESA). - Extensive analysis of the equipment performance (code-phase and carrierphase tracking errors, probability of loss of lock, probability of false lock, acquisition and re-acquisition time, etc), in the above validation scenarios; which shall include at least the: Operation with real GNSS signals (Galileo & GPS) under nominal RF- Page 41/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use environment conditions. Operation with real GNSS signals (Galileo & GPS) under extreme RFenvironment conditions, in terms of either interference or/and multipath. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : GNSS Reference Stations: Geodetic Reference Stations, RTK Reference Stations, Differential-GNSS Stations, etc. Need Date: 2018 as TRL 6 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject. Page 42/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-002ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Flexible and reconfigurable GNSS signal testbed Objectives: The aim of this activity is to design and implement a flexible/re-configurable signal testbed, including a signal generation/receiver platform with the twofold objective to test performance of 1) advanced GNSS signal formats/techniques (both at modulation and message level) and of 2) advanced tracking techniques able to flexibly adapt to the corresponding advanced signal formats/techniques. Description: GNSS community is investigating new techniques and several concepts (both at modulation and message level) to enhance future GNSS signal in space capabilities. For instance, the past TRP activity "ADVISE" and similar studies in the GNSS community have investigated new message / advanced coding / interleaving techniques (like LDPC, TURBO, Super Orthogonal Turbo codes, etc) as well as new modulation schemes, spread spectrum techniques and mapping (like Continuous phase modulations, Multicarrier signals, Continuous Shift Keying (CSK), etc). They have also started to exploit link layer techniques (e.g. fountain codes etc.) and data message content structure for improvements of Time To First Fix and robustness of data reception. The claimed performance advantages shall be first studied and traded-off with respect to the enhanced complexity of the system by means of a flexible breadboard capable of implementing: - Advanced GNSS signal formats/techniques (in terms of both modulation and message) - State-of-the-art tracking and demodulation techniques able to flexibly adapt to the corresponding advanced signal techniques. Main focus of the activity is, on the receiver side, the definition and implementation of mechanisms to flexibly adapt to and track the transmitted advanced signals with the least (eventually non-existent) prior knowledge on the actual transmitted signal, and on the generation side the support for a wide set of modernized signals that need to be simulated to support validation and performance assessment. The identification, definition and implementation of advanced techniques (both at signal generation and receiver detection side level), as well as definition and implementation of concepts allowing required flexibility and upgrade-ability shall be carried out within the activity, together with a final detailed performance assessment of exemplary formats/techniques. Thus the final hardware developed in this activity shall cover: - Message/Advanced coding/Interleaving and decoding and deinterleaving - Link layer techniques and new data message content structure for improvements of TTFF and robustness of data reception. - New Modulation schemes, Spread-Spectrum techniques and mapping and associated receiver techniques. - Multicarrier signals and associated receiver techniques. Seen the many available configuration options and possible parameterisation of Page 43/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use the techniques, the breadboard shall allow a flexible reconfiguration of the generation/receiver techniques to cover all the selected Signal In Space formats. In particular, the activity shall define and implement mechanisms to flexibly adapt to and track the transmitted advanced signals with the least (eventually inexistent) a-priori knowledge on the actual transmitted signal. The validation of the platform shall be carried out at least with standard GNSS signal format/techniques and exemplary advanced techniques/formats related to system implementation cases. Finally, validation results shall be used for detailed performance assessment of the standard and exemplary techniques. Deliverables: Engineering Qualification Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Future GNSS evolutions. 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 44/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-003ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Digital Beam-forming Based Advanced Navigation Receivers Prototype Terminal Objectives: The goal of this activity is the design and manufacturing of a prototype of miniaturised antenna array and receiver for GNSS applications on vehicular users requiring high precision and robustness. This advanced digital beam-forming prototype terminal shall implement protection against interference and multipath, and enhanced signal to noise ratio to vehicular users. Description: Many terrestrial vehicular GNSS receivers currently use FRPAs (Fixed Reception Pattern Antennas) instead of CRPAs (Controlled Reception Pattern Antennas), due to the size and weight of the current CRPA antenna arrays, whereas the CRPA technology could offer important advantages in terms of interference and multipath rejection, available C/N0 enhancing or even enabling a large number of new applications. The project will firstly study the state-of-the-art technologies for tightly packed antenna arrays, where the antenna elements are placed in close proximity. In particular, the problem of the mutual coupling will be faced in order to minimise the performance degradation in terms of input impedance mismatch, sidelobe level, scan blindness, pattern degradation, and radiation efficiency. At the same time, state-of-the-art digital null and beam-forming signal processing algorithms will be studied for interference and multipath mitigation at receiver level. The main drivers for optimization will be based on the adaptive steering capability of following the mobile user position and asset changes, the gain in terms of signal to noise ratio, the rejection of interference and the attenuation of reflected signal echoes. In a mobile environment, advanced digital beam-steering algorithms at receiver level will be required in order to compensate not only for the satellite motion, but also for the vehicle motion. The receiver platform will be able to receive signals from multiple constellations and to provide autonomous calibration for the different frequencies/signals. The design of the receiver will be able also to accept external inputs for the vehicle heading that could be used to provide real-time correction of the digital beam direction while the vehicle is in motion. The requirements in terms of form factor and achievable performance will be derived from the target user needs, in particular for applications requiring high precision and robustness, considering vehicular terminals with Dual Frequency Multi-constellation (L1/L2, L1/L5). Single Frequency Multi-constellation (L1) can be tested as a by-product. In the frame of the activity, the following items will be developed: - a dual frequency packed antenna array - a receiver platform able to interface with the dual frequency antenna array and with a flexible architecture able to cope with various null/beam forming algorithms. The complete terminal (antenna plus receiver) will be verified with proper models representative of the user environments (in terms of interference, multipath, shadowing) and with on-field test campaign. The on-field testing activity will Page 45/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use cover different environmental scenarios, ranging from open-sky, motorway to urban canyons conditions, intermediate and heavy tree-shadowing, and different platform dynamics (e.g. extreme yaw accelerations). Deliverables: - HW: Prototype of a dual frequency packed antenna array for terrestrial vehicular GNSS users. Receiver prototype. - Associated design documentation. - Validation and Test reports. Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Future EGNOS and Galileo/TRL 5 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject. Page 46/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-004ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Advanced hybrid navigation user platform Objectives: The main objective of the activity is the development of a complete receiver platform for hybrid positioning and the development of fusion algorithms for PVT (Pipelined Version of TopHat) computation. Description: None of the current individual positioning technologies is able to ensure service coverage in different and heterogeneous environment while offering positioning accuracy. The integration of different position technologies appears to be absolutely pivotal to the future location devices. This activity will include the procurement of an integrated platform, able to produce and process observables from: - GNSS constellation signals with algorithms representative of the massmarket receivers (assisted GNSS, open loop tracking, batch processing, snapshot positioning, power saving algorithms and ephemeris extension) - Terrestrial positioning signals (WiFi, 3G/4G positioning e.g. OTDOA and extended Cell-ID). - Signals of opportunity processing. - MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical Systems). The multi-constellation GNSS receiver embedded in this platform will be considered as a sensor within others and overlaying fusion algorithms will be implemented in order to optimise the hybrid position estimate. The platform will embed state of the art chip scale sensors to improve performance and keep the form factor suitable for targeted applications. In particular in order to allow man-portable dead-reckoning devices with improved precision, with and without GNSS, the following sensors will be included: - chip scale antenna: the antenna and all the RF-FE components are in a low cost single chip package - chip scale atomic clock: short-term stability and aging characteristic of atomic clocks, but with over two orders of magnitude decrease in size and power consumption. They can improve notably the receiver performance in case of high sensitivity tracking algorithms and integration with inertial sensors. - chip scale inertial measurement unit and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS). The platform will be at the same time flexible and reconfigurable to allow the experimentation of the various techniques. The integrated platform will be used to assess the performance of the different positioning signals in realistic propagation channels with representative models and on-field testing activities. A complete comparison between performance results of the single positioning techniques and the hybrid one will be presented for the different scenarios and applications. The way of carrying out sensible field trials will be thoroughly investigated at the beginning of the activity in terms of user scenarios, channel characteristics and sensors capabilities. A minimum set of experiments to run in the field will be defined to gather meaningful results to assess performance of various hybrid positioning techniques. Deliverables: - HW: complete breadboard of the receiver platform for hybrid positioning (tested in Page 47/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use a relevant environment) - associated design documentation - validation and test reports Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Future EGNOS and Galileo/TRL 5 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 48/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-005ET Budget (k€): 800 Title: Advanced receiver architecture platform Objectives: The objective of the activity is to develop and assess performance of an advanced GNSS receiver architecture platform with new and state of the art receiver architectures and signal processing algorithms to support user applications in realistic scenarios (e.g. vehicular land, pedestrian, machine-to-machine). Description: This activity shall cover the development of an integrated receiving platform with the implementation of the following algorithms (based on the outcomes of previous TRP R&D activities): - Interference Detection/Mitigation/Awareness - Multipath suppression/Mitigation - Non-Line of Sight (NLOS) tracking detection/mitigation: conditions based on shadowing and LOS blockage effects that can lead to complete loss of tracking or to tracking of echoed signals shall be detected - Adaptive tracking techniques: linear adaptive filters techniques - High sensitivity techniques for increasing availability of measurements in non-nominal tracking conditions: such as vector tracking loops and batch processing with external aiding (sensors) - Robust data demodulation techniques - Fast and robust time to first fix (TTFF) The platform shall embed state-of-the-art chip technologies, being at the same time flexible and re-configurable to allow experimentation of the various techniques. The GNSS receiver platform performance shall be verified in realistic propagation channels with representative models and on-field testing activities. The inlaboratory testing activity shall foresee proper hardware simulators to simulate the scenarios conditions and to reproduce the multipath and interference models. The on-field testing activities shall thoroughly verify the single algorithm performance in different real environments, representative of the degraded transmission channels. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Future Galileo and EGNOS/TRL 5 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 49/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-009ET Budget (k€): 450 Title: Payload simulation tool for complex GNSS RF front-end architectures Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop a detailed simulation tool for complex Navigation RF payload (P/L) front-ends within a system simulator. This tool will allow to simulate different Navigation RF payload front-end architectures and will assess the impact of payload constitutive elements impairments (e.g. linear and non-linear distortions) onto the transmitted navigation signal and hence on the end-to-end system performances. The aim of the tool is to support the following system/payload engineering activities: - Design and analysis of future Navigation RF payload front-ends. - Definition of the most optimized payload architecture for a given Navigation space segment scenario. - System to Payload Requirements flow-down. - Prediction of payload performance and refinement of payload design for performance optimization (including refinement of subsystems specifications). - Detailed and quantitative payload performance requirements definition based on far-field performance assessment when loading the payload with realistic signal conditions. Description: The tool will be of fundamental importance for the definition of future generations of navigation P/Ls to be developed in the 2020s. The replacement of the Navigation satellites gives the opportunity in the 2020s to address emerging challenges (such as flexibility at antenna, signal and RF power levels) as well as to optimize its exploitation with the definition of new services. New technologies in a wide range of domains have the possibility to be embarked and even new and advanced payload architectures can be defined. The tool shall be based on industry standard simulation platforms like for instance Matlab/Simulink, ADS, GRASP and shall allow the interfacing with standard industry RF measurement instruments. In order to accelerate the simulation time, parallel programming shall also be considered. The tool shall be implemented in a modular manner to allow easy setup of different P/L architectures that it may be needed to investigate for future Navigation space segment scenarios. P/L constitutive elements shall be implemented as building blocks and their combination shall allow to develop and simulate different PL architectures, e.g. including distributed amplification (Beam Forming Networks, Flexible tubes etc) and different antennas options ( single feed per beam, array fed reflector, direct radiating arrays etc.) The P/L constitutive elements shall be simulated at functional and distortion level with the possibility to up-load measurement characteristics. The simulator shall be able to reproduce and analyse the most important navigation signal quality degradation sources appearing in the Tx chain and assess their impact into the End-to-End performances. Page 50/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use The simulator will provide high flexibility in the operating frequency (e.g. L and C band) and in signal waveforms (simulating all the available and planned GNSS signals) and will permit step-by-step and in total analysis of the impact of at least the following impairments: - Phase noise introduced by satellite/receiver clock oscillators. - Group delay (phase centre) variation over satellite and receiver antenna field of view. - Linear distortions coming from on-board signal/frequency generators, upconverter and output multiplexer as well as linear distortions coming from earth-terminal front-end filter and down-converter. - Drift in amplitude and phase responses owing to temperature variations. - Unintentional and intentional RF interference, Multipath and propagation impairments. - Non-linear distortion introduced on the overall Tx and Rx chain, paying particular attention to the on-board HPA and D/A-A/D converters. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Navigation/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 51/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-011ET Budget (k€): 200 Title: Study and design of a GNSS Living Lab testbed into a Smart City Objectives: The objective of this activity is to study and design of a GNSS Living Lab testbed. This activity shall provide a thorough study on the architecture and mechanisms required to implement this testbed within a Smart City. Thus, this design shall optimise the amount of Smart City resources utilised, and ensure flexible testbed configuration and open-access of data. Description: The Smart City GNSS Living Lab testbed, is a next-generation tool aimed to validate current and future GNSS services, to ensure the optimisation of the system for a large variety of usages, and to be flexible enough to allocate any dedicated experiment. For instance, current GNSS services can be validated with this flexible and open-access testbed able to provide field measurements in realtime, as well as it provides the means to assess multi-constellation capabilities in real urban conditions. For this purpose, the testbed is based on the deployment of a network of wireless sensors distributed in fixed points and vehicles (e.g. taxis and buses) over the city. These sensors record RF samples of different bands (not only GNSS) and stream them to a control centre able to process the data for any suitable application, such as cloud-based GNSS navigation. Thus, the reutilisation of the Smart City resources should be maximised by the GNSS Living Lab testbed. The current GSTP activity shall study and design the specific testbed implementation for a specific existing Smart City, in order to optimise the testbed performance. In addition, the proposed GNSS Living Lab is broader and multipurpose. For instance, this Smart City testbed may support hybrid GNSS and terrestrial solutions, which are the standard technologies used for positioning in urban environments. Therefore, the GNSS Living Lab shall select the adequate sensors to support the specific technology requirements. This GSTP activity, based on the study and design of the testbed, is the first step on the implementation of the GNSS Living Lab in a specific existing Smart City. The tasks of this activity are to: - Identify an existing Smart City that may support a GNSS Living Lab and assess the resources available in such Smart City. - Study and design a flexible architecture for the testbed based on a network of sensors and control centres, ensuring open access of data sets to end users. - Study the potential reuse of existing infrastructure deployed by the city council and the inclusion of the testbed in the existing Smart City platform. - Investigate the sensor technology, by trading off accuracy with costs. - Investigate the resource management and cloud computing strategies. - Study the applications and main usages of the testbed, particularly in the GNSS and communication fields. - Study the economic exploitation of the testbed and the economic impact of the testbed over the city. - Demonstrate the details and challenges on the implementation and installation of the GNSS Living Lab in the Smart City selected. Deliverables: Testbed design report, application and main usages report, demonstration and validation reports Page 52/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : 2 Target TRL: 3 Duration (months) 12 Future navigation receivers and related applications, Future Galileo and EGNOS/TRL 3 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 53/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-012ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Railway GNSS receiver chain technology enabler Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop a railway GNSS receiver chain technology enabler to support the testing and validation of algorithms, integrity concepts and techniques for receivers in a railway environment. Description: The tool is unique in that it allows any part of the GNSS receiver chain to be modified and analysis of outputs from each part of the chain. The evaluation of integrity performance is an essential part of the tool, where various techniques and algorithms at each stage of the receiver chain can be evaluated in terms of their impact. The railway GNSS receiver chain is also intended to be part of a reference virtual balise reader, allowing impact on the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS)/European Train Control System (ETCS) performance to be evaluated. This activity foresees the development of an advanced real-time receiver platform comprised of a GNSS receiver chain including an antenna element. The platform shall support the testing of mitigation and suppression techniques for feared events in the railway environment at all stages of the receiver chain. This includes antenna, RF domain, DSP domain (pre-correlation, correlation), range domain and position domain. The platform will also provide support for GNSS/INS integration architectures and shall include an integrity analysis and verification tool. It is imperative that the platform is capable of real-time processing, enabling its use within a reference virtual balise reader. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Future Satellite Navigation services/applications/TRL 5 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 54/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-013ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Methodology to support characterisation of GNSS performance in railway environments Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop a robust methodology for characterizing the railway environment and to test and validate models for events including multipath, non-line-of-sight (NLOS) conditions and interference. The activity is critical in supporting the development of a GNSS railway simulation test-bed, as such models cannot be derived from existing models that originate from other environments or applications. The environment and threats are very specific to the railway application and intended operations. Description: This activity foresees the development of a methodology to support characterization of the railway environment and modelling of events (including multipath, NLOS conditions and interference) in a way that can be reproduced in simulated scenarios. Field data shall be used to validate the methodology and models of the environment and events. Models developed will become a critical part of faultinjection testing and the development of test procedures to be used with the GNSS railway simulation test-bed. This activity foresees the development of comprehensive datasets for electromagnetic interference (EMI) in the railway environment (e.g. DC-DC converters in locomotives, EMI from pantograph bounce, etc.). Characterization of EMI should include sources originating from the train, from the wayside and external to the railway corridor. The ability to reproduce a wide range of EMI in simulation is an important part of the fault injection testing methodology of the GNSS railway simulation test-bed. Deliverables: Test campaign (data, reports) Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Future Satellite Navigation services/applications/TRL 5 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation subject Page 55/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-014ET Budget (k€): 500 Title: Interference Suppression Unit (Pre-Receiver) Objectives: The objective of this activity is the development of a hardware demonstrator of a unit able to cancel interference signals within the GNSS user-bands of interest. This unit is to be placed between the antenna and the receiver, and can be used to enhance the ground station robustness, and to enable the installation of ground stations at sites where the in-band interference signals levels are high. Description: The activity shall design and implement a hardware demonstrator of a unit able to cancel interference signals within the GNSS user-bands of interest (E1, E6 & E5, L1, G1, etc). Such concept has been demonstrated in past activities. This unit: - Receives real RF GNSS signals in the GNSS user-bands of interest E1, E6 & E5, L1, G1, etc), and pre-process them (by filtering, amplifying, downconverting and digitalizing them). - Identifies and cancels any potential unwanted in-band interference signals; whichever their spectral properties (which may also vary over time) are and whichever their number is. - Re-constructs the RF GNSS signals in the GNSS user-bands of interest (E1, E6 & E5, L1, G1, etc), free of any contamination (by converting to analogue, up-converting, filtering and amplifying them). This unit is called hereafter a RFI-CANCEL unit. The main tasks of this activity are the following: - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Specification Consolidation. - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Preliminary Design. - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Detailed Design. - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Development & Integration. - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Factory Verification. - RFI-CANCEL Hardware Demonstrator Unit Field Validation. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : RFI-CANCEL Operational Unit needed to protect Reference Sensor Stations from RFI.This Hardware Demonstrator Unit is a risk mitigation activity to overcome potential RFI problems at reference station sites. 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 56/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-015ET Budget (k€): 500 Title: Clock Ensemble Monitoring and Switching Unit for Robust Timescale Generation Objectives: The objective of this activity is the design, development, manufacturing and test of a clock ensembling, monitoring and switching unit for robust timescale generation. Description: Current solutions for robust timescale generation, in terms of stability and continuity relies on a distributed and complex hardware architecture with dedicated equipment that require specific skills and experience to operate and maintain. Several alternative solutions relying on a more integrated system have been proposed, and some of them have been investigated. This activity shall be dedicated to: - Review of Timescale functional requirements in terms of: - Clock ensembling - Clock steering - Clock monitoring - Clock switching in case of failure - Clock distribution - Detailed design. - Manufacturing (prototype level). - Testing. - Conclusions and recommendations. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2020 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Frequency & Time Generation and Distribution - Space (2013) Page 57/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G616-016ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Technology Validation of a Cold Atom Microwave Atomic Clock (CAMAC) Objectives: The objective of this activity is the design update, full characterization and validation of a Cold Atom Microwave Atomic Clock (CAMAC) providing a frequency stability below 1E-13/SQRT(t), for t = 1sec to 10 days. Description: Today, the generation of a reference timescale (like the Galileo System Time or any local realisation of UTC) relies on Active Hydrogen Maser, which is a robust and well proven technology, but that needs to be regularly steered to correct for intrinsic frequency drift. This critical steering process requires relevant expertise (mostly available in Metrology Laboratories) and reveals difficult to implement and automatize in an operational context like the Galileo Precise Time facility or the ESA Ground Stations, especially when they operate in autonomous mode. The CAMAC technology is expected to have much lower frequency drift than the Active Hydrogen Maser, with similar performances in terms of short-term stability, resources and operability. The activity shall start with a review of the existing design of the CAMAC and the identification of the design updates required to meet the performance, operational and resources requirements. Second, the design updates shall be implemented and validated. Finally, a full characterization of the clock shall be performed, including short-term stability, reproducibility, sensitivity to environment, and long-term stability. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Frequency & Time Generation and Distribution - Space (2013) Page 58/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.3.2 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G616-010EE Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Environment survey and calibration instrumentation for GNSS propagation error sources, including direction of arrival Objectives: Design and development of a multi-frequency multi-instrument facility to evaluate and calibrate propagation error sources of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) in fixed and mobile environments. This facility shall be used to measure all required inputs that would allow more realistic characterisation of all error sources, including spatial discrimination and direction of arrival that would allow an eventual replay/simulation in an existing Over-The-Air (OTA) facility for terminal (receiver plus antenna) testing. This will allow to assess independently effects from different propagation contributions measured on the field. This facility will include the following features: User Performance evaluation, Error characterization, Site Survey and Sensor Station Characterisation (for fixed receivers), Trajectory Survey and Characterisation (for mobile receivers); including the effects of Ionosphere and Troposphere, Multipath, Shadowing, Noise and Interference. Description: Current technologies and techniques are not today able to accurately estimate the error sources from fixed and, particularly, mobile GNSS receivers. For example, regarding multipath, the high-frequency components can be estimated together (in addition) to noise and interference, but the slowly varying components are more difficult to separate. In fact, for ionosphere, the ionospheric delay calibration relies on a dual-frequency technique that require a very good estimation / calibration of inter-frequency bias from the receiver. This is difficult to obtain and often masks other errors. The efficient use of meteorological stations or even radiometers is required for tropospheric calibration. In addition, the effects of the antenna as installed on a given platform are of critical importance for this evaluation. In the recent past several activities where antenna array processing is used to estimate spatial-dependent contribution or mitigate multipath and interference were successfully completed. However, the contributions of beam-forming network (analogue or digital) and its effects on error source evaluation should be taken into account to properly measure the direction of arrival of interferers and possibly exploited to increase the sensitivity of receivers against propagation impairments (e.g. Ionospheric scintillation). The activity shall implement a very precise GNSS carrier-phase measurement techniques for accurate positioning of mobile users and integration of these techniques with inertial sensors for separating environmental effects from other error sources. Configurations with hemispherical antennas, antenna arrays and possibly beamforming antennas and other sensors like laser ranging may be also considered. The technique shall enable to evaluate and calibrate error sources in fixed and mobile environments including: - Multipath (bias - slowly varying - and random components, including angle of arrival). - Shadowing. Page 59/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - Ionospheric delay and instrumental inter-frequency biases (for all frequencies). - Tropospheric delay. - Ionospheric scintillation. - Interference (narrowband and wideband, including direction) - Noise. The developed techniques shall be instrumental to the exploitation of -record and replay- OTA measurements, to allow more realistic simulation scenarios, which will account for different angle of arrivals during receivers testing. The following tasks are anticipated: - Consolidation of the facility definition and identification of instrument requirements, with particular care to OTA interfaces, architectures and processing algorithms. - Critical evaluation of architectural concepts - Development and procurement of hardware and algorithms - Facility integration and testing - Qualification including in the field experimental campaign - Interface demonstration of the facility with an existing OTA lab - OTA experimental campaign and validation. - The main deliverable shall be a prototype facility able to evaluate the different propagation error sources for fixed and mobile (automotive, train and maritime) users. - The same facility shall be interfaced to an existing OTA lab to allow reproducing the measurements acquired in the field Replay. The Replay methodology shall be validated based on several test cases. Deliverables: Instrumentation facility prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Future EGNOS and Galileo site survey and user performance evaluation, GNSS site characterization and receiver developments. Need TRL 6 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 60/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.4 Generic Technologies and Techniques 3.4.1 Core TD 1- On-board Data Systems Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 1 On-board Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-006ED Budget (k€): Title: Micro-controller Development Objectives: The main objective is the development of a time based simulator of the mixed signal microcontroller developed in the TRP activity "Microcontroller for embedded space applications: Specification and design verification". Description: The development of a highly integrated micro-controller for low-end space applications is receiving increasing interest in the space community. In response to such request a LEON3FT mixed signal micro-controller ASIC (code name GR716) is under development. The GR716 will include a high number of digital and analog peripherals including MIL-STD-1553 RT, CAN, SPI, I2C, UART, SpaceWire, ADC, DAC. In order to provide support for rapid prototyping of systems using the GR716 device a key element is the availability of an accurate micro-controller behavioural simulator. The simulator shall allow to emulate the behaviour of the GR716 micro-controller including the new SPARC 16-bit instruction set implemented in the frame the GR716 development TRP activity. for embedded space applications: 200 Simulator The simulator shall implement an accurate time based emulation of the GR716 including the on-chip bus architecture modelling and on-chip peripherals modelling. The simulator shall be extensible by user models developed in C. The simulator shall run in stand-alone mode, or connected to a debugger (e.g. GNU gdb debugger) or shall be usable as libraries for larger simulation frameworks. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Earth Observation, Exploration, Science, Navigation, Human Space Operations: a mixed microcontroller can find applications in all the type of missions and in different units/subsystems ( e.g. RTU, Motion control unit, AOCS sensors). Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Data Systems and On-Board Computers (2011) Page 61/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 1 On-board Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-007ED Title: Micro-controller for embedded Development Suite (part 1) Objectives: The main objective is the development of a "native" support in a C compiler (GCC or LLVM) of the new 16-bit instruction set designed for the mixed signal microcontroller developed in the TRP activity "Microcontroller for embedded space applications: Specification and design verification". Another important task will be to extend the support to the GDB debugger. Description: The development of a highly integrated micro-controller for low-end space applications is receiving increasing interest in the space community. In response to such request a LEON3 mixed signal micro-controller ASIC (code name GR-716) is under development. One of the key requirements for the new micro-controller is a high software code density in order to reduce the on-chip memory storage needed for code and to reduce the memory bandwidth needed for code fetching. A new SPARC 16-bit instruction set (ISA) has been therefore defined and implemented allowing a code compression ratio comparable to other architectures like ARM Thumb while maintaining backward compatibility with existing SPARC 32-bit code. Such a solution will introduce a new instruction set for space applications that needs to be supported on the compiler side to realize the full compression potential of the instruction set. The main objective of the proposed activity is to adapt and extend the LLVM or GCC toolchain for C language to the LEON3-FT with 16-bit extension. The first phase of the activity will detail the upgrades needed in the LLVM/GCC SPARC backend to generate correct code and support optimisations for the full new SPARC 16-bit ISA. This will serve as input for the second phase where the compiler backend will be designed and developed. The third phase will consist in the development of a test suite to check the correctness, to compare and characterise the accuracy, performance and code compression ratio of the compiler backend respect to the existing SPARC 32-bit version. The test suite shall run on the GR-716 micro-controller prototypes. A final task shall evaluate the long term support and maintenance of the developed compiler backend. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Earth Observation, Exploration, Science, Navigation, Human Space Operations : a mixed microcontroller can find applications in all the type of missions and in different units/subsystems ( e.g. RTU, Motion control unit, AOCS sensors) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): 400 Target TRL: 4 applications: Duration (months) Data Systems and On-Board Computers (2011) Page 62/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 space Software 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 1 On-board Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-250ED Budget (k€): 250 Title: Fast Emulator for Hardware / Software codesign Objectives: Main objective of the activity is the integration of the T-EMU 2 emulator with SystemC/TLM and it addresses two complementary sides of this integration: 1) it will allow T-EMU 2 to support emulation of hardware devices described with SystemC/TLM and 2) it will allow the use of the T-EMU emulator engine inside a SystemC based environment, such as the Agency’s sponsored SoCRocket, thus speeding-up the overall system simulation. Description: Today, many hardware vendors write models of their hardware devices using SystemC/TLM languages; these models usually represent the hardware very well and they are used for preliminary hardware development. Later on in the development cycle, usually during software development, those same hardware devices are modeled with different methodologies, like SMP2, a de-facto standard for the space community, leading to a lot of duplication of work. To aid software development the hardware device models are integrated together into emulators, thus allowing to emulate the whole on-board computer. One such emulator is TEMU 2, a high performance emulator, over 50% faster than existing emulators such as T-SIM and the ESOC Emulator, it is also several times faster than the instruction-set translator already embedded in SoCRocket. In addition, T-EMU 2 supports emulation of multi-core processors out of the box, which in the context of the NGMP is a must, this support does not exist in the other emulators. In addition to the mentioned capabilities, T-EMU 2 has been designed to in the future support binary translation, which would increase performance even more. This activity foresees the integration of T-EMU 2 with SystemC/TLM and it addresses two complementary sides of this integration: 1) it will allow T-EMU 2 to support emulation of hardware devices described with SystemC/TLM and 2) it will allow the use of the T-EMU emulator engine inside a SystemC based environment, such as the Agency’s sponsored SoCRocket, thus speeding-up the overall system simulation. The activities here serves two purposes. Firstly it opens up the opportunity to save costs on Software Validation Facilities (SVFs) and Operational Simulators and to shorten the time to the initial release of such a simulator (where a simulator could initially use System-C models which gradually gets replaced with SMP2 to better fit with existing infrastructure). Secondly the use of a high performance emulator will increase significantly the performance of System-C based simulators (like SoCRocket). According to these two different purposes, the activity can be roughly split into the following tasks: - Emulator - System-C bridge: This activity will ensure that the T-EMU 2 emulator can communicate with SystemC/TLM models; in general this involves the bridging of T-EMU 2 memory transactions to TLM generic payload based transactions. It also involves the mapping of the emulator scheduling primitives to System-C. As System-C is a framework, such a bridge must be sufficiently customisable by the user. Other emulator transaction to System-C TLM transaction mappings can also be provided to ensure that bus models are compatible between emulator and SoCRocket. Page 63/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - System-C - Emulator bridge: System-C comes with its own scheduler, this activity serves to integrate the T-EMU 2 emulator inside the System-C scheduler and ensure that emulator interfaces such as memories and interrupts are bridged with TLM. - Model integration and testing: The two bridges will be tested by running experiments on existing models and by providing different example configurations of the bridges. Deliverables: Hardware Models Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : The developed technology will be used to: - enhance accuracy and performance of future Software Validation Facilities, - increase the capability of designing future systems-on-chip. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Microelectronics (2011) Page 64/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 1 On-board Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-251ED Title: Microcontroller Softcore for Space Applications Objectives: In the current space market, the increasing systems complexity poses great challenges to architects, designers and verification engineers. Systems requirements are continuously asking more functionality with less power, less resources, less time and cost, forcing also suppliers to shrink their schedules. One important aspect that is becoming more and more critical nowadays is a 'first time right' design that can be scalable and adaptable to special needs, leveraging on the reuse of building blocks which are highly configurable and already validated. One of these building blocks that may make a real change in the current space market is a microcontroller IP core. In the commercial market, microcontrollers have proven their value by being embedded in nearly every electronic device from home appliances, automotive electronic units to hand gadgets. Concurrently, the availability of large FPGAs for space use make this hardware platform attractive, since logic resources optimization will be a lesser priority with respect to a leaner and faster design cycle. The space market has been so far confined to either use a full fledged microprocessor, like the LEON, or has been leading to handcraft increasingly complex state machines in overly loaded FPGAs. There's no man in the middle available to system designers to offload the complexity of current designs and reuse is limited to functions that are often not posing the major design or verification challenges (memory controllers, PWMs, serial ports, ...). A microcontroller may come to the rescue the situation, providing a solution that fits in between the overly loaded FPGAs and the hugely complex microprocessor, providing another layer of abstraction to tackle complexity. Moreover, a microcontroller based solution implemented in a FPGA may adequately respond to rapidly changing needs and securing development and verification efforts, delegating repetitive and highly parallelizable functions to the FPGAs (packet switching, low level protocols, hardware interface, interconnection,...), while keeping the algorithmic intelligence of decision making. Embarking on building a space rated microcontroller device is indeed a huge effort and is by no means an easy task, and is already covered by other TRP activities, therefore we are currently proposing to change perspective and look towards a potentially more viable solution, more portable and flexible than a microcontroller: a soft core. Description: Objective of this activity is the validation of a space rated uC soft core. Thanks to the "ARM @ ESA" internal development, experience was gathered in trading off hardening methods (at RTL and netlist level) that are FPGA technology dependent. RTL-level rad hard by design can be covered too. Transient faults caused by single-event upsets are a key challenge likely to gain significantly more importance in the next few design generations, especially when dealing with 'commercial' non RTL-hardened cores. Techniques for dealing with these faults exist, but they come at a cost. Designers need accurate soft-error estimates early in the design cycle to weigh the benefits of error protection techniques against their costs. The choice of the soft core is mainly driven by the following factors: 1. Suitable licensing and sub licensing schemes for the recurring product. Page 65/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Budget (k€): 800 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 2. Simplicity. 3. Vendor independent toolchains. 4. High configurability. 5. High portability The target soft core will be designed for embedded processing functions within System on Chips. It will be optimized for hard, real-time processing, where deterministic response is required. Small size, low power and configurable architectural features make this type of core suitable also for multi-core specialized applications. Main objectives for the proposed work are: 1. Development: a. definition of the memory/register protections needed, b. definition of a suitable clock distribution architecture, c. high priority interrupt on parity error in order to signal the fault to the application, d. definition of correct I/O voting/triplication. 2. Verification: a. functional coverage of the core through directed and constrained random stimuli, b. fault injection. 3. Validation: a. target: Microsemi RTG4 (or as an option ProAsic A3PE3000) FPGA, b. generic SoC implementation. 4. Use Cases: a. Flash Translation Layer, b. CANopen, c. Remote Terminal Unit command handler, reference design for I/O management. With these list of use cases we are trying to demonstrate the flexibility and capability of such a core in the handling of otherwise complex functions if purely implemented in hardware. NAND Flash devices are appealing components for next generation payloads and platforms and the possibility to handle them through a soft core that can implement an abstraction layer on top of the low level hardware protocol (ONFI) is of great interest. CANopen is a standard that is getting momentum in the space market thanks to ECSS adoption and being able to handle the protocol through a software stack on the soft core is of increasing interest. The above 4 phases will be sufficient to provide an IP soft core validated in context, as well as to show the great advantage in handling complex use cases. Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : - Processor soft-core RTL in Verilog HDL, with an agreed licensing scheme for ESA activities - Test bench in Verilog HDL (covers 100% of instruction set) - Reference design with pre-synthesis, post-synthesis, post layout, and physical design simulations - Software examples - SDK Duration 12 3 Target TRL: 5 (months) This core can be applied wherever FPGAs are used, so in all space missions. The aim of this activity is to bring the technology from TRL3 to TRL5. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Data Systems and On-Board Computers (2011) Page 66/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 2- Space System Software Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G617-012SW Budget (k€): 800 Title: On-Board Software Architecture Demonstrator Objectives: Ultimate result of the Savoir-Faire, Savoir-IMA, and industrial activities supporting the on-board software reference architecture, the activity objective is to demonstrate the correctness of the software reference architecture concepts in a full on-board software use case. Starting from various prototype available from different studies (COrDets, OSRAC, OBCP, IMA4Sp, SIFSUP, etc), the activity aims at producing a representative on-board software featuring the usual on-board functions, and produced following the process and architecture of Savoir. This activity is also preparatory for small missions aiming at in-orbit demonstration (IOD) of new mission techniques and architectures and system concepts as well as of new approaches for their development, verification and operation. Description: This includes: - Identification or development of a qualified set of library modules implementing the execution platform services (PUS services, I/O stack services, OBCP interpretor, operating systems, with and without TSP, etc). - Integrating the modules consistently into the Execution platform of the software reference architecture. - Definition of application components, possibly following functional chains generic specification. - Integration of the application components in the architecture following the development approach described in the software reference architecture process, therefore configuring the execution platform to the needs of the application. Production of a demonstrator. In order to make the study affordable, several existing prototype elements may be reused from COrDet (some PUS and I/O stack elements for EagleEye of the Estec laboratory), from OSRAC (some functional chain components), from OBCP (a LUA, Java or micro-python interpretor), from IMA4Sp (partitioning of EagleEye, Xtratum, RTEMS). For EagleEye, an Avionics test bench exists at Estec for validation of the software, but other environments could be used. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Application to any spacecraft identified in the Savoir perimeter (earth obs, science, long life telecom, launcher) Need date 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: On-Board Software (2014) Page 67/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G617-013SW Budget (k€): 1,100 Title: On Board Software Reference Architecture Component Model support Objectives: Under the umbrella of Savoir-Faire, the several COrDeT/OSRA activities are consolidating the reference architecture principles, in particular the execution platform services. A Space Component Model is being defined as a prototype meta model. A prototype development tool chain is also available. Savoir-Faire has defined a related strategy, while Savoir-IMA has defined the needs of IMA in the Reference Architecture. Finally, SIFSUP has combined both in consistent OSRA concept. This activity intends to support the two working groups further. The objectives of the activity (potentially to be seen as incremental in a stepped approach) are: 1) Support the scenario which has been discussed by Savoir-Faire, i.e. avail support to use the Space Component Model either as a native metamodel with an editor, or as an equivalent UML profile with a UML tool, or a specific DSL, adapted to industry practice. 2) Elaborate an "external model" approach, where the SCM model is complemented with external models dealing with specific aspects such as: avionics busses, space-ground interface, concurrency view for schedulability analysis, TSP, etc. 3) Consolidate the interface with avionics modelling techniques at the level of the deployment view/physical description of the hardware platform, including the busses (e.g. 1553) and links (e.g. SpW) deployment. 4) Having done activities 1 to 3, the next objective is to consolidate the editors used to capture the models. For this purpose, an open source approach would allow to share the investment within a larger community such as aeronautics, automotive and space. This activity is also preparatory for small missions aiming at in-orbit demonstration (IOD) of new mission techniques and architectures and system concepts as well as of new approaches for their development, verification and operation. Description: The activity shall include: 1) The production by model transformation of a UML model (e.g. based on Marte, Chess), or a specific DSL, strictly equivalent to the SCM, such as a model described in the SCM can be translated into the UML profile or DSL, and the opposite. 2) List the needs for the potential external models associated to SCM, sort out the existing and the new ones, define their interface, define the semantic of the new models, define the exchange language and prototype. In particular, integrate the tools developed in a previous TRP to enable the IMA System Architect to model the system in order to perform system design and allocate and optimise the use of the available resources, including the CPU time and I/O for each partition. 3) Integrate the avionics modelling techniques developed in a previous TRP (or using open source tools like Capella) to allow the avionics architect to check the hardware and busses performance. Page 68/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 4) Assemble the modelling and interchange tools and demonstrate the overall system. The outputs from these tasks shall be installed and demonstrated within the ESTEC Avionics Lab. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Impacts next generation of avionics/software for Telecoms, Earth Observation, Rovers, constellation, swarm, formation flying, Navigation missions; also applicable for next gen avionics/software for Launchers. Supports Savoir-Faire and Savoir-IMA groups Need date: 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: On-Board Software (2014) Page 69/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domai 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G617-252SW Budget (k€): 600 Title: SW for Scalable Sensor Data Processor ASIC - Qualification for flight Objectives: The objective of this activity is to complete the validation and to qualify the SW libraries developed in the frame of the previous TRP needed to support the Scalable Sensor Data Processor Multicore DSP ASIC developed for JUICE and other applications. The aim is to have a qualified set of SW libraries for the SSDP ASIC according the ECSS SW Standard, and improvements of the SDE with respect to user friendliness and capabilities. Description: The need for processing power on board of spacecraft, and in particular for many types of payloads, is steadily increasing. Higher processing power allows to do more complex on-board pre-processing, data selection and compression, and allows to reduce the requirements towards the space-Earth communication link by reducing the data volumes that need to be transmitted. In addition, increased processing power is also needed for specific applications such as optical navigation for exploration vehicles, where the reliable and fast processing of image data is key to mission success. JUICE is a mission to the Jupiter system and its moons Callisto, Ganymede and Europa. It had been proposed as an L-class candidate mission for the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 and has recently been selected for Definition Phase Study. Specific requirements of this mission include, in addition to the strong need for efficient power consumption and mass, high radiation tolerance (in the order of hundreds of krad) due to the specific challenges of the Jupiter system. Future Lunar or Mars lander are foreseen to exploit optical navigation methods for controlled entry, descent and landing, creating a need for high processing power, predictable and combined with efficient interfaces to next generation imaging sensors, with low mass and low power consumption. These mission and technology requirements form the background of this activity. The activity Scalable Sensor Data Processor (SSDP) has been started in mid 2013, however it does not include a suitable flight SW. An intermediate TRP activity is foreseen to extend this contract to design, develop and test the SW libraries needed to support this multicore digital signal processor. This GSTP will finally qualify the SW for flight and improve the SSDP SDE. - Finalize the SSDP software requirements. Develop the completed set of DSP library functions. Develop the qualification test suite software. Qualification of the drivers and APIs for all ASIC functions following the ECSS SW Standard. - Improve SDE wrt LEON / DSP integration, debug support, and user friendliness. Deliverables: - SW (DSP libraries) - qualification test suite Page 70/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use - updated SSDP SDE - all documentation Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : 3 Target TRL: 6 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: On-Board Software (2014) Page 71/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domai 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G617-253SW Title: Qualification activity for COTS IMA Kernel Objectives: The overall purpose of this activity is to build on the work being performed in the ongoing GSTP activity (IMA Separation Kernel Qualification CampaignPreparation). It will take and refine the defined qualification framework, adapt existing use cases, analyse for requirements that cannot be tested, design and develop validation tests suites, set-up a Software Validation Facility and execute test campaigns. Description: Budget (k€): 420 In order to address the increasing complexity of spacecraft avionics, ESA is adopting a technological solution from the aviation domain: Integrated Modular Avionics (IMA). In the early 1990s, the aeronautical domain defined a solution which, by means of software partitioning, allows for integration of several functions onto the same computational node while still keeping them separated from each other in a way which also preserves many of the benefits of a federated systems approach. The IMA approach reduces the required mass, volume and power for a given set of functions or applications. IMA in the aeronautical domain is based on the ARINC 653 standard. ESA has studied how IMA could be adopted in the space domain; an approach named IMA for Space (IMA-SP for short) has been introduced providing an IMA-SP Platform. The IMA-SP platform is dedicated to supporting the time and space partitioning of the spacecraft applications. The core software component is called the System Executive Platform software (SEP). The IMA-SP platform is thus considered to be composed of the following high-level components: - Hardware node(s). - System Executive Platform (SEP) with the separation kernel: designed to execute independent partitions according to a static schedule and responsible for inter partition communication and TSP Abstraction Layer (equivalent to APEX). - Guest OS (optional) inside the partition(s). It is designed to execute independent processes according to a local scheduling policy. - System support services inside dedicated partition(s). - Application support services. The TSP Abstraction Layer is derived from the ARINC 653 and allows the SEP to offer services to the hosted applications that comply with the previously identified IMA-SP requirements. Above the Abstraction Layer are the System and Application support services. The studies initiated by ESA have established the following IMA Separation Kernels as the basis for partitioning activities within the Agency: AIR, PikeOS and XtratuM. For this study, the conformance of one dedicated separation kernel will be assessed. This kernel will further be the target of a subsequent more detailed case study. Proper implementation of time and space partitioning requires support from hardware. In order to protect memory regions, an MMU (Memory Management Unit) is in principle required. For this reason, the hardware used in this activity shall conform to the minimum hardware platform for IMA-SP as defined by SAVOIR IMA. The hardware platform is as a minimum based on a LEON2-FT with MMU, or a LEON3-FT. Page 72/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use There is an ongoing GSTP activity preparing for future IMA Separation Kernel qualification (G607-029sw, IMA Separation Kernel Qualification: Preparation). It includes consolidation of requirements, technical as well as related to the development process; definition of the qualification process; and identification and evaluation of verification and validation techniques. The outcome of that activity will provide a qualification framework containing basic technical and process requirements that need to be fulfilled and the overall process for qualification together with identification of the artefacts required. The overall purpose of this activity is to continue and build on the previous GSTP project, taking as an input the defined qualification framework assessing the kernel PikeOS. It consists of the following tasks: - ECSS E40 Q80 compliance assessment of PikeOS artefacts constituting the qualification evidence - Refinement of the qualification framework material (generic validation test plan and techniques) made available as output of the previous activity to fulfil the needs of the COTS product - Consolidate the Validation test strategy resulting from the preparatory activity and assess necessary robustness and stress tests to extend test suit for the case of COTS hypervisor. - Identify additional tests focus on FDIR capability of the dedicated kernel. - Design and development of the validation tests suites - Outline and execute the analysis foreseen to verify non-functional requirements where analyse is the assigned validation method. - Set up Software Validation Facility in hybrid configuration for one or more space representative configurations to be determined - configure subsequently PikeOS product + test application SW - Execution of test campaigns on the various scenarios and configurations/analysis of results and reports, In conformance with ECSS E40/Q80. Deliverables: The ECSS defined artefacts for a qualification activity including assessment analysis, product service history as well as target descriptions Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 6 TRL 6 in 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: On-Board Software (2014) Page 73/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G617-254SW Budget (k€): 700 Title: Qualification of RTEMS Symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) Objectives: The objective is to qualify the RTEMS version for the new multi-core microprocessors according the ECSS SW standard to enable the usage of a safe Real Time Operating System in all future payload missions. Description: The market for Real-Time Embedded Systems has experienced an unprecedented growth, and is expected to grow for the foreseeable future. Because of the competition on functional value, measured in terms of application services delivered per unit of product, the embedded industry is faced with rising demands for greater performance, increased computing power, and stricter costcontainment. These factors put pressure to deliver increasing performance for future embedded processors, as well as to reduce the number of processing units used in the system. Space applications are not immune to this trend and in the past years ESA prepared several studies to arrive prepared to this challenge. ESA has procured a quad core processor, the NGMP, in advanced development phase and it is available from third party a dual core processor, the GR712, ready to flight. From SW side, thanks to TRP, ESA has also started the procurement of the version of RTEMS for multi-core, standard de facto in the European space business. Starting from the version resulting from the TRP activity and from the previous qualification of the RTEMS for single core, the tasks requested are the following: - analysis and definition of the System requirements - analysis and definition of the SW requirements - development of the additional components, in necessary - development of the qualification test suite - documentation as necessary the deliverable is the RTEMS SMP ready to flight, the related test suite and documentation compliant with ECSS SW Standard. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 5 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: On-Board Software (2014) Page 74/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-016EP Title: Enhancement of COTS supercapacitors for space and characterisation Objectives: To adapt COTS supercapacitors for space applications requiring high power Description: COTS Supercapacitors will be adaptated to comply with space requirements for missions requiring high power (i.e radar, lidars...) and in line with outcome of previous ESA study ("Evaluation of supercapacitors and impacts at system level"). In a first phase the most promising COTS supercapacitor will be selected, changes to be made to meet space requirements will be evaluated (packaging modification, sealing...) In a second phase, a module will be designed, manufactured and tested: electrical, mechanical tests and life tests. The balancing system will also be studied and implemented in the module. Deliverables: Supercapacitors module and associated data pack Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): 300 4 Target TRL: 6 Duration (months) Missions with radars/LIDARs - 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Electrochemical Energy Storage (2014) Page 75/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-018EP Budget (k€): 150 Title: Development of a new glass forming process Objectives: To develop a new glass forming process for future generations of solar cell coverglasses Description: A new glass forming process is needed to produce larger coverglasses with improved thickness uniformity, compatible with future solar cell needs which will be driven by 6 and then 8 inch semiconductor wafer production. This is expected to result in coverglass weight savings of ~10% based on thickness uniformity alone. However, it requires a significant change to the current forming process that will be a long term project. As a first step in order to enable a new forming process, a new computer simulation of the glass forming process needs to be developed and validated against the current design during the next iteration of glass melting. This is necessary in order to understand the interaction of the viscosity profile within the molten glass with the forming elements at temperatures of around 1000C. As a later step, implementation of the design modifications necessary for trials on the full scale melter will need to be coordinated with the rebuild of the refractive blocks which form the melter chamber, an operation which is performed approximately once every 5 years. Since the next rebuild will be performed this year before any design adaptation is available, implementation and trial of the design modifications to the glass forming will be funded by a later activity. In the meantime, requirements for the largest requested configuration (2 cells from one 6 inch wafer) can be met, though a new process will improve the initial flatness, reduce the need for later flattening and hence impove yield. It will also facilitate production of toughened glass. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 76/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-019EP Budget (k€): 500 Title: Yield increase and cost reduction for the 6'' wafer production Objectives: Cost reduction and reliability improvement of 6'' Ge wafer prodcuction. Description: A critical process step in the wafer production is the cutting process of the Germanium ingot; the initial thickness of the wafers after this cutting process as well as the kerf loss are basic parameters that influence the final yield - the smaller the initial thickness and the kerf loss the higher the number of wafers per ingot and the higher the potential yield. As a result wafer costs can be significantly reduced. Once a stable 6'' wafer production has been established, it is required to perform this process improvement and cost reduction exercise. The activity will include the following tasks: - Reducing the distance between the wires of the wire saw to get thinner but more wafers from one ingot. - Reducting the thickness of the wires of the wire saw and/or the size of the particles in the slurry basically performing the cutting which aims for reducing the kerf loss. Both improvements need to be carefully optimised especially by maintaining compatibility with subsequent process steps and the yield by avoiding increased breakage. Finally, also the quality of the wafer characteristics need to be maintained which will require adaptation of all process steps to the reduced initial thickness of the wafer. Another task is to optimise the recycling processes of the Ge material which is wasted along the different process steps from ingot to final wafer. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : All missions/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 77/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-020EP Title: Improved Ge wafer technology for multi-junction solar cells III Objectives: The main objective of this activity is to improve the quality of the Germanium wafer that is a prerequisite for reaching highest efficiencies in next generation solar cell structures. Description: Major improvement areas identified are "wafer strength" and "surface perfection". Wafer strength is mainly required to avoid breakage (of wafers and/or solar cells) and thus increase yield and decrease cost. The surface of the Germanium wafer is the most important parameter for the success of the subsequent epitaxial process at the solar cell manufacturer. As the quality of the epitaxy keeps on increasing, it is ultimately the substrate that will limit the performance of the solar cell. In order to anticipate this evolution, substrates need to be produced that only show a minimal amount of light scattering defects. The defects shall be characterised by the so-called "Candela tool" which is a new type of surface inspection tool capable of inspecting ungrown substrates and to bin the defects according to their type in pits, particles, scratches, haze, stain,etc. Minimisation of defects will be done revising and improving all process steps from the initial crystal pulling step up to the final clean etching step. The wafer strength will be improved mainly by lowering the intrinsic stress and implement a rounded edge. Intrinsic stress manifests itself as bow, warp, waviness and total thickness variation and optimising processes shall improve these figures. The developments needed for rounding the edge are mainly due to the thinner wafers required by customers. Today, thin wafers do not have rounded edges mainly because of incompatibilities of current process steps. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : All missions/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 78/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 1,000 36 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-257EP Budget (k€): 1,200 Title: Design freeze and qualification of next generation solar cell Objectives: Delta-development to optimize the next generation solar cell concept especially for End of Life. Design shall be frozen and qualification on cell level according to ECSS shall be performed. Description: The development of the next generation solar cell concept is currently ongoing. Preliminary results on first deviced already indicate an improved performance both, beginning and end of life, compared to the current state-of-the-art cell, the 3G30. However, there is still room for improvement especially to optimize the new design for end of life. This is an iterative process that requires additional test structures, irradiation tests and modelling. Once a design is found that is optimised for end of life and demonstrates a significant improvement (about 1% absolute in efficiency) compared to the 3G30 cell a qualification on bare cell level shall be performed according to ECSS-E-ST-20-08C, Rev. 1. Deliverables: PID, once design is frozen; qualification hardware (bare cells), test report Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Potentially all. TRL 6 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 79/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 20 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-258EP Budget (k€): 400 Title: Development of toughened solar cell coverglass Objectives: The objectives are to test the influence of the toughening process on different coverglass compositions, shapes, sizes and thicknesses, followed by assessment of the long term impact on coverglasses and solar cells when stowed in a folded solar array configuration. Description: There is a trend towards thinner solar cells in order to save mass but also to be able to realize a fully flexible solar array; this would also require flexible solar cell coverglasses. One possibility is to use toughened glass which can tolerate a reduced bend radius in comparison with standard coverglass material. A toughening process has been developed by Qioptiq but has not been optimised for all glass types and thicknesses. Additionally the toughening process influences final component size and form. In this activity, the influence of the toughening process on different component shapes, sizes and thicknesses still will be assessed, followed by assessment of the long term impact on coverglasses and solar cells when stowed in a folded configuration. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 80/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-259EP Title: Qualification of solar cells and solar cell assemblies from 6" wafers with and w/o integral diode (140µm) Objectives: Manufacturing of the 3G30 bare solar cells from 6” wafers (6x12cm, 140µm thick) qualification lot with and w/o integral diodes. Qualification of 3G30 Bare solar cells for nominal GEO and LEO missions in accordance with ECSS standards. Qualification of 3G30 solar cell assemblies for nominal GEO and LEO missions in accordance with ECSS standards. Description: The use of a larger solar cell offers a number of advantages mainly in terms of cost. However, the large solar cell also requires some modifications in terms of manufacturing and processing the solar cell and also the photovoltaic assembly. Therefore, a full qualification according to ECSS is required to demonstrate that the cell and the relevant assembly are suitable for standard missions. Deliverables: Solar cell manufacturing, acceptance and qualification specifications. Qualification test plans and reports. Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : GEO and LEO missions. TRL 6 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 81/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 1,000 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G617-260EP Budget (k€): 900 Title: Pre-development of an hybrid Supercapacitor / Li ion battery system for high power demanding applications Objectives: To optimise the energy storage system by the use of a hybrid Supercapacitor / Li ion battery system. Description: Different space application benefiting from the use of supercapacitors were identified in previous TRP activities - High Power Battery Supercapacitor systems study - Sources for high power/energy demanding devices for launchers However, the lack of supercapacitors test results did not allow to assess in detail the optimisation of the energy storage system in term of mass and cost. Meanwhile, during the ARTES5.1 Activity "Evaluation of Supercapacitors and Impact at System Level - (ended in 2014) supercapacitor cells of different manufacturers were tested (electrical, environmental characterisation tests and life tests). A 10 F supercapacitor from the Korean company Nesscap was selected for designing and manufacturing a 15s2p bank of supercapacitors (BOSC). The BOSC completed the environmental tests and passed 4 Million cycles with low capacity fade and low internal resistance increase. However, the initially tested Nesscap cell showed high outgassing of electrolyte in vacuum due to non-space compatible seals. These seals were optimised by Nesscap while keeping the electric characteristics to enable the application of these cells in space. Evaluation of these cells is currently ongoing by Industry. In the proposed activity, in a first phase, a system study will be run for the most promising space applications requiring high peak power (SAR, LIDARS, pyros) using supercapacitor test results obtained during the ARTES 5.1 activity as inputs to assess the mass saving and cost saving by using a hybrid energy storage system : supercapacitor/Li ion battery. European supercapacitors will also be considered in the current proposed activity. In a second phase, a hybrid supercapacitor/Li ion battery equipment will be designed, manufactured and tested with most relevant space mission profiles. The associated electronics for management and balancing will also be developed. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL5 by 2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Electrochemical Energy Storage (2014) Page 82/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 36 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G617-022EE Budget (k€): 1,500 Title: Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor Phase C-D and single-chip (LETmeter) version Objectives: Based on the design of the previous TRP activity, the objective is to develop and qualify a Flight Model of the Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor, in 2 versions: the monitor configuration with up to 4 ASIC sensors arranged in a stack and the single chip version. Description: The Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor design established in the previous TRP activity is based on mixed ASIC sensors arranged in a stack configuration enclosed in a tiny mechanical case. The Phase A-B prototype weights only ~52 g and is able to measure accurately radiation doses and energy spectra of electrons and protons in a wide range of space environments. The HMRM can also be made as small as a typical electronic component if only one packaged ASIC is used. In that case HMRM will be limited to measure only doses/LET but it will weight only ~ 0.8 g and consume < 200 mW, thus it will be very easy to accommodate on any type of spacecraft. This design will be further iterated and consolidated in order to reach the level of maturity required to proceed to the manufacturing of a flight model. Major critical elements that require careful development are the ASIC sensors and the back-end chip. The Phase A-B prototype includes a COTS FPGA that needs to be replace with a flight-grade component (either a FPGA or an ASIC). The work will be completed with a full flight qualification programme on both version of HMRM. Deliverables: Flight Models Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : Relevant for any spacecraft/mission. Needed as soon as possible Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 30 Radiation Environments & Monitoring, Effects Tools & Testing (2009) Page 83/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 8 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G617-261EE Title: Advanced Environment Monitoring Package Objectives: Exploit technologies being developed under TRP for a lightweight package capable of simultaneous monitoring of fields, plasmas and radiation on spacecraft. This combined environments package would take advantage of miniaturization in sensor and processing technologies, use internal processing to reduce data rates, and provide simplified interfacing to host spacecraft. Description: Under TRP and other low-TRL programmes, technologies for measuring aspects of the space environment have been pre-developed, including miniature (CMOS APS ASIC) radiation monitoring, plasma detection (via a Bessel box), and anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR) magnetic field measurements. This allows a combined package to be developed for general purpose use on missions, especially those in hazardous/poorly-characterized orbits (EP orbit raising, high-LEO telecomms constellations, MEO, GEO). The advantages of the additional capabilities include the ability to monitor spacecraft charging hazards and charging levels, and EPsystem interactions. The magnetic field measurements allow disturbances to be identified but also considerably aid the processing of the plasma and energetic particle radiation data. The activity will assess and re-use developed miniaturized technologies, prototype the common processing, and construct a prototype package. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) 30 Radiation Environments & Monitoring, Effects Tools & Testing (2009) Page 84/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 1,000 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 5- Space System Control Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 5 Space System Control Ref. Number: G617-032EC Budget (k€): 2,500 Title: 2nd Generation APS Star Tracker Objectives: To design, develop and demonstrate via test a second generation of APS star trackers based on the new APS detectors currently in development (Faint Star and/or HAS3). Description: The first generation of APS STRs have been very successful. In order to maintain their world leading position a new generation based on the new and improved detectors are needed. Such equipments also need to take full advantage of improvments in ASIC and processor technology that have occurred since the commencement of the first generation. It is expected that this will lead to a smaller, lower cost, lower power consumption yet still more performant and even more robust star tracker. The activity will include the following key steps: a) Technology assessment of new detectors (via breadboarding). b) Technology assessment of new electrical design concepts (i.e. single chip concepts, LEON IP cores etc). c) Technology assessment of improved stray light rejection concepts and materials for the optics including breadboard testing. d) Conceptual design trade offs. e) Preliminary design including algorithm improvements and s/w support for multi-purpose hardware (i.e. easy configuration to navigation camera). f) Detailed design supported by further breadboarding of key aspects (i.e. optical performance, FPGA de-risking of ASIC designs). g) Manufacture and test of an EM. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : All future missions Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: AOCS Sensors and Actuators (2013) Page 85/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 5 Space System Control Ref. Number: G617-033EC Budget (k€): 1,750 Title: Advanced Reaction Wheel Objectives: To develop a new reaction wheel utilising modern bearing and electrical motor control technology and drawing on all lessons learnt from previous reaction wheel developments, procurements and in orbit operations. To demonstrate this new wheel design by test of an elegant breadboard and to show that the new design is cheaper and easier to manufacture and integrate whilst simultaneously improving performance (torque noise, microvibration, wheel speed measurement...) and reducing the mass and volume of the electronics. Description: The activity shall design a new reaction wheel optimised for ease of MAIT and performance and utilising new bearing, rotor and electronics technology. Key features such as the bearing and rotor design and driving electronics shall be breadboarded and the improvements demonstrated. It is expected that the technologies involved could include ceramic bearings, integrated bearing races, monolithic rotor design and manufacture, digital motor control, digital interfaces, new lubrication systems and integral wheel speed loop. As such several investigative hardware experiments will be required to fully understand the new technologies and their optimum combination. The work involved is therefore expected to be: - Identification of key conceptual design options and features. - Experimental prototyping of key new technologies. - Preliminary design of the advanced reaction wheel. - Breadboarding and testing of the preliminary design. Further follow on work will be needed to take the preliminary design to a detailed design and E(Q)M but that is anticipated to be the subject of a separate activity. This follow on is expected to require a further 2M euro to complete. This precursor activity therefore targets the development of a new reaction wheel, in a currently underserved class of momentum storage to act also as a technology demonstrator for eventual migration to the more used larger class of wheels in a future roadmap. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 2 Target Application Timeframe : / Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) 21 All future science and EO missions. Possible application also to future telecoms missions depending on end cost and telecom requirement evolution. Applicable THAG Roadmap: AOCS Sensors and Actuators (2013) Page 86/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 6- RF Payload and Systems Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-039ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Assessment of cost-effective technologies for on-board RF equipment Objectives: The objective is to assess the suitability of existing RF PCB solutions for on-board RF equipment and define the necessary steps towards the qualification of the selected technology. Description: Until very recently, hermeticity has been a key requirement for many types of RF equipment ranging from professional electronics (radio-communications, television,…), military systems to on-board equipment, whether for telecom, Earth Observation or navigation. However, cost constraints has led to the adoption of RF PCB technologies associated with non-hermetic packaging solution in almost all domains, even the most stringent like e.g. military airborne radars, with the notable exception of all the RF equipment used on-board satellites. Similar cost constraints are also at play for the commercial satellite market which is mostly telecom and indeed telecom equipment suffer from a constant price erosion though not in the same proportion than terrestrial equipment. For Earth Observation and navigation, the cost constraints may not appear at first at equipment level but affordability of the whole system does. Indirectly, this inevitably translates again into cost pressure for the RF equipment. The activity will consist of the following tasks: - Identification of suitable RF PCB technologies and existing chip level packaging solutions. - Selection of one or two technologies for the bread-boarding activities. - Design, manufacturing and test of low noise receiver (representative of telecom/navigation/EO). - Design, manufacturing and test of power amplifier (representative of telecom/navigation/EO). - Definitions of steps towards qualification of the selected technologies. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 4 Target Application Timeframe : / Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Telecom, Navigation and EO 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 87/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-041ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: A small foot print lightweight GaN SSPA for TWT replacement in satellite payloads Objectives: Development of an engineering model of a compact GaN SSPA with small footprint and light weight to replace TWTs (Traveling Wave Tubes) in satellite payloads. Description: GaN is an emerging technology, poised to replaced GaAs for SSPAs, with >5 times higher power density, very high breakdown and operating voltages, very high junction temperatures and high radiation tolerance. Thanks to recent advances in GaN devices and in material technologies for packaging and chassis, GaN SSPAs can replace TWTs with vertical or horizontal architectures in the applications where medium or moderately high powers are required at L,S and C bands. Applications, where mass and foot print are restricted can benefit significantly from these GaN SSPAs. Furthermore, GaN SSPAs inherently provides power flexibility due to its soft compression characteristic. A GaN SSPA is proposed with vertical or horizontal architecture to replace TWTs in one of the bands(L/S/C) Targets: > 55 % overall efficiency, 40% reduction, both, in footprint and mass relative to TWT is targeted. For multicarrier applications, efficiency comparable to TWT at the same linearity shall be demonstrated. Clear demonstration of lower cost of GaN SSPA compared to TWT shall be done. It is a two step activity (involving modelling and design in first step and Manufacturing and AIT in a second step). Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application Timeframe : / Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Critical RF Payload Technologies (2014) Page 88/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-042ET Budget (k€): 1,200 Title: Critical materials for Traveling Wave Tubes Objectives: To identify European suppliers for a set of critical TWT materials/parts (ceramics, metals and alloys), to realise an evaluation and qualification programme for the most sensitive ones and to validate the material/part suitability for TWT applications. Description: The fabrication of space-standard TWTs involves a large number of materials and processes. This activity is meant to identify viable alternatives to existing TWT materials due to 1) export-restrictions, 2) single source, and 3) possible shortage due to environmental, political or technical conditions. Critical TWT materials/parts are: a) wires from refractory metal (-alloys), with round or rectangular shape; b) high voltage cables; c) Hf d) Glidcop; e) Fe-pure; f) CoSm magnets; g) high performance cathodes (current densities well above 4 A/cm²). For such materials and parts, potential solutions have to be identified and the alternatives have to be tested and validated in order to secure the procurement of raw/processed materials and maintain the world-wide competitiveness of the only European TWT supplier. The activity will be divided in two phases. Phase 1 will encompass the review and identification of critical materials and parts; the contact with the associated possible suppliers and setting of partnerships; the evaluation and pre-qualification of a set of critical materials/parts w.r.t. standard requirements for TWT applications and demanding constraints imposed by space applications. Phase 2 will be dedicated to the final demonstration of suitability of such materials/parts for TWT applications by manufacturing and testing of a TWT BB employing the selected European material(s)/part(s). Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 2 Target Application Timeframe : Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) / 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Critical RF Payload Technologies (2014) Page 89/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 36 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-043ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Analogue/Digital onboard Receiver EM Development for TT&C applications Objectives: Development, qualification and testing of an onboard receiver based on fully analogue or mixed analogue/digital architecture with the capability of demodulating and decoding TT&C uplink signals (TC & RNG). Description: The advent of powerful forward error correction codes such as LDPC allows for a more power-efficient data transmission. The use of LDPC codes is being considered by CCSDS for telecommand applications. However, from a digital receiver point of view the use of iterative decoding algorithms would increase the power consumption requirements. This can be mitigate by the use of analogue decoder solutions. To prove the concept a TRP activity was completed. Based on the analytical trade-offs of Phase 1 of this TRP activity, the use of analogue decoders for short data blocks (1 few hundreds of information bits per block) and moderate data throughput (a few Mbits/sec) were considered to provide the highest energy savings in comparison to the digital decoder implementations. This combination of the information block size and throughput is particularly relevant for the satellite telecommand applications, especially for missions with an extremely stringent requirement on the power consumptions, considering a 100% duty cycle of receiver chain. The feasibility of a fully analogue receiver for TC applications have been demonstrated during phase 2 of this activity. A fully functional prototype of a single-chip BPSK demodulator including an LDPC 128,64 decoder was developed and tested in that frame and achievable performances were verified. The TRP activity proved a factor of 10 power saving of analogue technology versus digital and a slight frame error rate improvement. However, this was achieved for a generic mission without a specific target in a more realistic scenario. The proposed GSTP activity aims to apply the proved concept to a real future mission, targeting the design and development of the receiver (not just decoder) considering the specific mission requirements and the expected evolution of analogue and digital ASIC manufacturing technologies. In the first part of the activities a candidate satellite shall be selected with a launch timeframe up to 2030 among the already announced worldwide missions. For the selected mission a trade-off between fully analogue, fully digital or mixed receiver designs shall be carried out while considering mass, power and form factor and specific mission requirements. The resulted architecture shall be designed and validated through simulation, including ASIC schematics and layout (if required). TRP results may be provided in case relevant to support this task. In the second phase, the contractor shall propose which blocks of the designed receiver are more appropriate for the development and validation on the basis of trade-off results. The activity will finalise by implementing the contractor proposal after ESA approval. Page 90/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application Timeframe : / Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 18 Multiple missions such as Landers and orbiters requiring very low power average consumption. The need date is 2018 for an EM. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 91/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-262ET Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Robust miniaturised timing sources Objectives: The objective of this activity is design of an EM timing source based on micromachined atomic clock technology and its validation with a life test for performance evaluation and reliability aspects. Description: A number of studies have demonstrated the many advantages of miniature battery-powered timing sources (power consumption lower than 200 mW with stability ten times better than a quartz oscillator). Integrated in a portable user terminal, such sources allow for ultra-fast acquisition (e.g. for secured telecom with long spreading codes) and long coherent integration (e.g. for GNSS operation in interference or indoor environment). Similarly, it has been shown that such sources would significantly improve the sensitivity of some on-board EO instruments (e.g. radiometers, radio-occultation;). After major non-european achievements over the last years resulting in the availability of a commercial unit, a number of studies and investigations have flourished in Europe for the development of miniature and low power consumption atomic clocks. Lesson learned coming from commercial product is that reliability shall be deeply investigated before to consider such technology mature for a space design or even for a ground application. The selected technology has to prove a good level of design maturity with a physical package already proved in terms of achievable performances and solid justifications related to adopted design solutions for reliability, reproducibility and costs aspects. The following phase is represented by a design refinement with the development of a full integrated device, inclusive of the external package (EM model). This model will be fully tested before proceeding with the production of 4 additional EM models. All the models will be then submitted to a long term test not shorter than 6 months for final technology assessment. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : GNSS Receiver, Earth observation (radio occultation), all the application requiring time synchronization without having a permanent link. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Frequency & Time Generation and Distribution - Space (2013) Page 92/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-263ET Budget (k€): 500 Title: Direct LO Generation above 100 GHz Objectives: To investigate direct LO generation based on backward waves oscillators (BWO) for frequencies above 100 GHz and beyond. Description: One of the biggest issues related to frequency generation in the THz domain is associated to the achievable output power. Generally the approach to achieving source power has been either to use multipliers to generate radiation from RF sources or to translate down in frequency from the optical region using laser and various forms of nonlinear mechanisms. There are exceptions to this trend in that backward wave oscillators (BWOs), a vacuum electron device, has been available for many years and have provided power adequate for the application of interest, namely, spectroscopy, security (i.e. body scanners), short range high speed communication (above 200 GHz) and healthcare (cancer diagnostic). BWO have been built by numerous companies over the years. This devices are able to provide tens of milliwatt up to 600 GHz, but with poor reliability (low MTBF). In the recent years this technology has been strongly reconsidered because it can take advantages by the application of innovative manufacturing techniques likes micromachining and new cathode designs. Micromachining can largely improve the tolerances of the resonant structures (also interesting for Traveling wave tubes), resulting in enhanced resolution both spatially and spectrally. Final results are devices which can overcome current BWO design in terms of reliability, power level, efficiency and signal purity. Related to the latter aspect, it is worth mentioning that BWO are intrinsically tunable oscillators, which can easily act as VCO in a PLL architecture. Objective of the activity is to survey the feasibility of a BWO at 300 GHz with output power above 100 mW, manufacture and measure a prototype and make an assessment on critical technologies, including reliability aspects and compatibility with a space application. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Find alternatives for frequency generation in the THz domain. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Critical RF Payload Technologies (2014) Page 93/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain NAVIGATION Technology Domain 6 RF Payload and Systems Ref. Number: G617-264ET Title: Broadband Satellite Channel Emulator for Telecommunication Links Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop and validate a Broadband Satellite Channel Emulator of up to 3GHz bandwidth under different realistic satellite channel impairments of Earth Observation and Telecommunications links. Description: Nowadays, high speed Ka-band links of up to 500Mbaud exist for Earth Observation with the expectation for the symbol rate to even further increase in the near future. In addition, in Telecommunications, a high BW of up to 2.9 GHz is assigned to the uplink and downlink of non-military Ka-band satellite services. Also, the exploitation of the larger offered bandwidths available on the Q-, V- and W-bands slowly becomes a necessity. Even for just 500Mbaud, to clearly model the non-linear effects and to emulate also multicarrier capabilities, a broadband satellite channel emulator of up to 2GHz is required. As such unit is not yet available in the European industry and not only, it is essential to initiate such development in order to validate the performance of ground segment equipment in a laboratory environment before going over live trials, whenever such is required. The activity shall thus go through the following steps: - Define the models of the satellite channel (including uplink, payload and downlink) impairments over the maximum exploited bandwidth of state of the art Ka-band and future Q-, V- and W-band Earth Observation and Telecommunication links; - Consolidate the requirements of a broadband channel emulator of up to 3 GHz bandwidth for such links, including the characterisation of the expected link performance degradation under different channel impairments (e.g. channel fading, link delay, group delay, phase noise, thermal noise profiles, Doppler profiles, linear and non-linear distortion, interference, frequency and timing offset etc.); SW, FW and HW design and development of the unit and formulation of a detailed test plan; - Thorough laboratory validation of the unit performance under combinations of different satellite channel impairments. Deliverables: Design documentation, Broadband Satellite Channel Emulator. Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 5 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): 1,000 Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 94/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Earth Observation and 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G617-048EE Title: Testing of passive inter-modulation (PIM) products using antenna Near-Field testing approaches Objectives: The objective of this work is the demonstration that Passive Inter-Modulation (PIM) products can be conveniently measured in near-field testing facilities that are nowadays available at several places. The benefit is the availability of near-field processing which permits the localization of the PIM sources. Description: Passive Inter-Modulation products cause very severe issues for space applications when the satellite embark antennas or instruments operating at different frequencies in both transmit and receive modes. This is the case for navigation satellites with navigation and search & rescue antennas, for earth observation with altimeters and radiometers using multi-channel downlinks as well as telecommunication. Occurrence of PIM-products in antenna assemblies comprising multi frequency feeds, gridded reflectors and/or frequency selective surfaces (dichroics), mesh type reflectors or reflect arrays might be difficult to trace back to a certain location. When a near-field facility is used, the coherent receiver channel can be locked to a desired harmonic frequency and a coherent near-field data set can be collected at a frequency of interest at which potentially PIM might be present. Such a scenario is not novel, as NF testing on a harmonic frequency was performed in the late seventies already (Georgia Tech University) and this concept was looked into for a mesh reflector in S-band in Japan using planar scanning. Nevertheless, a demonstration of the benefits, potential and limitations would be of great benefit. For this purpose, the activity will: - Define a testing scenario for PIM testing for an advanced satellite antenna with PIM criticality - Investigate and identify test facility aspects and modifications needed of test ranges (equipment needed, channel isolation aspects, test facility requirements). - Configure a demonstration and perform planar NF testing for PIM purposes with a representative antenna under test for different testing conditions. - -Establish recommendations on HW and SW facility developments enabling Planar Near Field PIM testing. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Navigation, Earth Observation, Telecommunication /2018-2020 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Telecommunications Reflector Antennas (2009) Page 95/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 450 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G617-049EE Budget (k€): 600 Title: Flat petals compact unfurlable antenna for small satelittes Objectives: The objective of the activity is to demonstrate the feasibility and performance of a large planar antenna apertures compatible with small platforms where a very low stowage volume is imposed. As compared to parabolic reflectors, planar antenna can be split in several flat panels to enable very low stowage volume. Description: Antenna aperture size is expected to grow for Earth Observation and Science higher sensitivity instruments and access to the end users with small terminal. This is anticipated not only for large platforms but as well for small and mini satellites. In such case even 3 meter aperture shall be folded and "built" in space in order to fit with the strong volume constraints imposed by low cost launchers. Besides reflector antennas addressed in the Telecommunications reflector antennas harmonised in 2009, there is a strong interest for developing planar antennas with low areal mass and losses. Concepts based on direct radiating arrays, conjugate matching metasurface and reflectarray/ transmitarrays are expected to become competitive with respect to reflector antennas. Passive reflectarrays are well known to perform a focusing system from a planar (or set of planes) aperture. Conjugate matching metasurface integrate the feeding sytem in the plane avoiding the neeed for a mast to suppport the feed. Transmitting array avoid feed blockage and are well suited for large scanning domains. All the features make these concepts very attractive and with very low stowed volume but development shall be performed to ensure that the areal is kept under control and that the RF performance are optimised. For large aperture it is anticipated the use of passive antenna configuration possibly using membrane technology that can bring low mass solution .They are usually made of thin metallised polyimide films requiring tensioning by an external device. For 1 D deployment, solution based on pantograph shows strong potential, For 2 D deployment inflatable devices are of strong interest to generate a planar structure or a convex/concave shape. This activity will design a large antenna aperture for small satellites with very small stowed volume. The critical elements of the antenna aperture will be developped to validate RF/mechanical/thermal performance. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : High resolution instruments and high gain antennas/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Array Antennas (2011) Page 96/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G617-050EE Budget (k€): 500 Title: THz Testing Facility Development Objectives: This activity is devoted to model, design, and breadboard critical parts of a THz testing facility (up to 1.2 THz) enabling European capability in this domain. Description: Currently, the operational frequency bands for both future Science and Earth Observation missions are moving up in frequency (JUICE, ICI) and the requirements for these instruments go well beyond those of related THz instruments developed up to now. The consequence is that the accuracy required on the measurement and characterization/validation of these instruments has become very demanding and today no tools or facilities exist to fully measure the proposed instruments. This activity shall identify the future needs wrt frequencies, DUT (device under test) dimensions and radiated performance requirements. The second part of this activity shall emphasize on modelling and design of the test facility identifying system criticality and considering both near field and far field. Next, critical parts of the facility shall be developed, manufactured and demonstrated at breadboard level. The last part of this activity shall propose a development and realisation approach expressed in a technology roadmap that eventually leads to the construction of an operational THz test facility. Deliverables: Critical hardware as breadboard,technology roadmap Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : EO and science instruments\2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Technologies for Passive Millimetre & Submillimetre Wave Instruments (2010) Page 97/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G617-053EE Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Qualification of novel grounding for composite structural panels Objectives: To qualify the grounding of equipment housings to the structural panel through their feet by the way of modified inserts implementing direct electrical connection to the CFRP via rivets. Improvement with respect to current practice (bonding stud + grounding strap + dedicated insert), which results in poor grounding at high frequency. Description: The current practice of grounding on CFRP-skin structural panels is to ignore the electrical properties of the CFRP (conductivity approx. 0.001 that of aluminium) and to set-up a network of so-called "ground rails" usually implemented as aluminium strips a few cm wide and a few tenths of mm thick, that interconnect the chassis of the various electronic units. This recurrent design practice involves constraints in terms of mass and layout and results in a mediocre high-frequency grounding of the electronic units to the panel, with consequences in terms of common mode and radiated emission. R&D activities have shown that, unless the rails would be made very wide and would track the harness throughout the satellite, which would virtually result in implementing an aluminium ground plane on top of the CFRP, only the low frequency part of spurious currents (common mode currents) flows through such rails (approximately up to a few 100 kHz). Higher frequency common mode interference actually flows through the panel in spite of its lower conductivity, simply because of its shape as a panel. As a consequence, the standard design would benefit from being modified by: 1) Replacing the flat ground rails with round wires easier to implement and sufficient to handle fault currents and to ensure low frequency bonding 2) Ensuring inductance-free bonding of the electronics units to the CFRP through their feet and rivet connections Activity: 1) Requirements specification of the novel grounding method. 2) Qualification plan. 3) Design and manufacturing of breadboards. 4) Characterisation of the grounding before environment tests. 5) Mechanical and thermal tests. 6) Characterisation of the grounding after environment tests. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Industrial competitiveness (All Spacecraft)/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 98/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 8- System Design & Verification Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-055SW Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Adaptation and Demonstration of MBSE for a real project (Pilot) Objectives: Apply methods and tools supporting model-based systems engineering in the frame of a real project to demonstrate usefulness and benefit to industrial and Agency engineering teams. Description: Methods and tools to support Model-based (or digital) systems engineering have substantially progressed in the recent years. More and more disciplines have digital representations of engineering data and system descriptions in their discipline. The challenge remaining today is the application of these new methods and tools at system level, establishing configuration controlled traceability between engineering information of different system parts and disciplines. To achieve the most realistic case for the system-level engineering support by modelling it is necessary to use actual project data, generated by the engineering teams during the design, development, manufacturing and verification process. It is proposed to establish a dedicated modelling team to support a project team. This modelling team should take results of the engineering work and remodel them in the appropriate way at system level, ensuring the principles of modelbased systems engineering (ensuring the full traceability between the different subsystems and disciplines, ensuring proper configuration control, establishing the verification traces to element level breakdown...) and present these models in an adequate form back to the project team in order to evaluate their usefulness. To minimize any impact on a project schedule and programmatic, this activity needs to be run independently from a programmatic point of view. However, commitments need to be made by the project team to guarantee the transparency of data and processes between the engineering and the modelling teams. Programmes to be considered as potential cases should be in the appropriate phase of the life-cycle (beginning or just before phase B). Deliverables: Current TRL: Full project information in a digital form, navigable and exchangeable between team members as well as accessible by the customer. Evaluation report containing assessment of usefulness, effort required (for generating the models) and effort saved (e.g. by generating derived documentation). Identification of roadmap to achieve the introduction at industry and Agency level. Duration 5 Target TRL: 7 24 (months) Target Application / All future missions Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: System Data Repository (2014) Page 99/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-056SW Title: A Generic Mapping Toolbox for Space CAE Data Objectives: - Development of a software library for the mapping of CAE data across domains, with a focus on thermal, structural and fluidic analysis. - Selection and/or development of graphical tool to support the mapping of the data. Description: The mapping of computation analysis data between tools is always a major challenge when running multidisciplinary analysis. Examples are (not exhaustive): - Thermo-Elastic: Mapping of temperatures from thermal analysis tools to structural codes. - Aero-Thermal Heating: Mapping of CFD data (e.g. heat fluxes) to a thermal models for temperature predictions in the structure. - Opto-thermal mechanical. These data exchanges usually involve a transfer of the data between different meshes, often with different levels of refinement and abstraction. Moreover, the underlying numerical methods typically differ between disciplines with Finite Element, Finite Volume/Difference and Lumped Parameter modelling typically used for structural, CFD and thermal analysis respectively. Past projects have sought to develop ad-hoc point to point data transfer tools. One such example is the SINAS tool developed for the mapping of thermal data to structural FE codes. This tool provides a quality mapping for temperate data, however, it is in need of work to bring it up to date and to remove some historical S/W dependencies. The proposed activity would involve the development of a toolbox for the generic mapping of CAE data. It should support all of the major analysis methods namely, FEM, FV, and LPM. As far as possible the toolbox should be independent of actual tool formats (e.g. ESATAN or NASTRAN) but rather use a neutral mesh representation and, where possible, open standards such as STEP-TAS. The interface to specific tools or solvers can then be handled via dedicated plugins. To carry out the mapping some sort of graphical environment is essential to support the engineer. For example SINAS uses MSC Patran as a graphical environment and geometrical engine. Unfortunately this specific dependence has actually restricted the use of SINAS due to the reluctance of some industrial entities to use MSC Patran on the grounds of cost/availability/training etc. Learning the lessons from this, the proposed activity would also seek to identify a suitable generic graphical environment that could be used. Essential properties of such a graphical environment (in addition to being functionality adequate) are low cost and openness for customisation. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 2 Target Application / 2017 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 100/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 400 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-057SW Budget (k€): 450 Title: Exchange of Engineering Data Between System and Sub-System Levels Objectives: - To develop a formal mapping between system level data models (e.g. E-TM-1023) and subsystem data models (e.g. STEP-TAS). - To demonstrate the mapping using an automated data exchange tool and data from real spacecraft project. Description: The ECSS Technical Memorandae E-TM-10-23 and E-TM-10-25 provide formal data models for the representation of system engineering data including, for example, the full spacecraft product tree and associated parametric data. At the same time for the different sub-system there exist similar data models which focus on the domain specific data required for design, verification and operations. As a illustrative example, the STEP-TAS protocol is used in the thermal domain for the neutral representation of thermal models, analysis results, test data etc. STEP-SPE is used similarly for space environmental models and data. The proposed activity would develop a formal mapping between the system level data models (e.g. E-TM-10-25) and the subsystem data models (e.g. STEPTAS/SPE). This "mapping" should include both the formal representation of the data flows (e.g. using a data modelling language) and also the development of an automated data exchange process (for example a S/W tool). It is proposed to demonstrate the link using a current (or historical) spacecraft project and to use the thermal subsystem (with e.g. STEP-TAS) and the space environment domain (with e.g. STEP-SPE) as a proof of concept. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 101/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-058SW Budget (k€): 1,500 Title: Tool support for space system data modelling with the FAMOUS methodology Objectives: The objectives of this activity are: - The development of the fact based modelling unifying system system (FAMOUS) methodology and associated ontology definition tool. - The demonstration of the adequacy of such conceptual modelling methodology and the ontology definition tool applying and using them to fully conceptual model a real mission System Reference Database. Description: Knowledge sharing has always been a challenge for any large product development and utilization. The key driver for succeeding in knowledge sharing is to ensure that everyone has the same semantic understanding of the information that is exchanged. This issue has been addressed by ECSS in a technical memorandum (System Engineering Data Repository, ECSS-E-TM-10-23). In 2009, reusing the outputs of many years of academic research related to semantic modelling, a group of experts in fact based conceptual modelling activities has decided to join their effort toward industrialisation of their research, i.e. standardizing means to formalise conceptual modelling and enable semantic interoperability. The resulting fact based modelling methodology is based on formal logic and controlled natural language and permits formally specifying those system requirements that address the information to be handled by any product development. Activities are ongoing to develop full methodology and system specifications in order to allow the correct implementation of tools supporting this methodology. With this contract, it is proposed to develop the FAMOUS software tool resulting from the FAMOUS specification and to validate the approach by applying the methodology for the development of a real space system reference database. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : All future ESA missions. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: System Data Repository (2014) Page 102/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-059SW Budget (k€): 600 Title: Improvement of integration and verification activities Objectives: Improve the return of experience from the integration and verification process (including testing) in the functional and environmental domain. Starting from an improved capturing of relevant information during the integration and testing campaigns, it is important to assess this information quantitatively to improve the verification of future projects already in the planning phase. Description: Design and prototype a tool to record relevant anomalies encountered during ground testing (functional and environmental) and potentially also relevant inflight anomalies. Essential element is the appropriate identification and conceptual modelling of the required data at the different stages to ensure coherence between the different domains. Mechanisms shall be defined which allow a classification of this information and an identification of actions to be planned during the verification process to potentially detect the anomaly at an earlier stage. Reference integration and verification plans shall be developed with clear link to the relevant lessons learned. Links to the relevant system engineering information need to be established to allow potential identification of improvements to the engineering for future missions. It is also required to identify areas with less efficient testing in order to streamline the overall verification approach. A mapping from this reference plan to existing standards needs to be performed to identify the deficiencies in the past verification process (analysis, testing) and prepare recommendations for improvement of these standards. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 2 Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) Target Application / Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 103/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G617-060SW Budget (k€): 800 Title: Rationalisation and qualification of simulator tools Objectives: 1. Establish requirements for system simulation infrastructure and associated components based on ETM-10-21 supporting the full project life cycle. 2. Establish reference architecture for system simulation infrastructure and associated building blocks including interfaces and applicable standards. 3. Identify list of common building blocks and tools used within Europe. 4. Definition of qualification requirements for identified list of tools. Based on the above 5. Alignment of existing simulation tools to allow for a smooth model-based process (including model exchange/re-use) underlying the different ETM 10-21 System Simulator Infrastructures. 6. Develop qualification process and conformance suite for identified list of tools. Description: 1. Establish requirements for system simulation infrastructure and associated components based on ETM-10-21 supporting the full project life cycle: such as model fidelity requirements, visualistation, post-processing, model development, simulation kernel/scheduler, configuration database, test procedure. 2. Establish reference architecture for system simulation infrastructure and associated building blocks including interfaces and applicable standards: such as SMP2 (E40-07), SSRA and REFA. 3. Identify list of common building blocks and tools used within Europe: such as BASILES, SIMTG, K2, EuroSim, SimSat or MOSAIC, SIMVIS etc. 4. Definition of qualification requirements for identified list of tools: such as functional, quality, interfaces and adherence to reference architecture and standards. 5. Alignment of existing simulation tools to allow for a smooth model-based process (including model exchange/re-use) underlying the different ETM 10-21 System Simulator Infrastructures: the aim is to improve overall functionality and quality while reducing cost and development time. 6. Develop qualification process and suite for identified list of tools model fidelity requirement: the aim is to generate a list of pre-qualified tools that can be used in programs. Deliverables: Input for standardization documents Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) System Modelling and Simulation Tools (2012) Page 104/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 9 Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-061GI Title: Integration of ESA Ground Data Systems into Cloud Based Platforms (PaaS and SaaS solutions) Objectives: Evaluate on the concrete case of SIMULUS the benefits and the challenges of establishing a Platform as a Service (PaaS) cloud-provisioning Model for ESA space mission critical systems. Evaluate on the concrete case of the SIMULUS generic models as well as FARC, PARC and DARC the benefits and challenges of Software as a Service cloud provisioning model for ESA space mission critical systems. Evaluate based on the above two use cases how Cloud Computing could address some of the main challenges of modern Ground Data Systems, including - IPR ownership of solutions developed by industry for ESA. - IPR and licensing handling of ESA operational software and its provisioning to the industry. - Avoidance of revalidation of generic cross mission infrastructure in the context of each mission data system (by using PaaS and SaaS). - Management of ever growing baselines (HW/OS/COTS/Application). A systematic analysis of the ***cloudability*** of Ground data Systems has been performed with a focus on identifying the most suitable Cloud Computing model for main ESOC ground data systems applications. The analysis has considered on one side the different Cloud Computing models: Infrastructure as a Service / Platform as a Service / Software as a Service. And at the other side different cloud deployment models: Private Cloud / Public Cloud /Hybrid Cloud /Community Cloud. As a result of this study the following concrete candidates have been identified for each service provisioning and deployment model : 1. SIMSAT as RnT.PaaS deployed on a private cloud (for operations) and on a public/hybrid cloud for development. 2. SIMULUS Generic Models as RnT.SaaS deployed on a private cloud (for operations) and on a public/hybrid cloud for development. 3. FARC, PARC and DARC as RnT.SaaS deployed on a private cloud (for operations) and on a public/hybrid cloud for development. We are proposing to take the next step and implement a concrete demonstrator for each of the three identified CC application domains in in the context of a new study and analyse the impact of a cloud based environment on the development, deployment , validation and operation of related ground data systems. Description: Deliverables: Current TRL: Budget (k€): 200 Breadboard / Technical notes /Software Development Lifecycle documents (ECSSE-ST-40C TT4 for R&D type) Proof of Concept Demonstrator for each Scenario (Software Implementation and deployment). Duration 12 4 Target TRL: 5 (months) Target Application / 2017 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Ground Systems Software (2008) Page 105/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 9 Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-063GI Budget (k€): Title: Demonstrator of next generation M&C protocol for space systems Objectives: This study will be the continuation of the TRP Study which will produce the definition and a concept demonstrator of a common M&C protocol (CCSDS-MO based) for ground equipment. Description: This activity will further define the concept, and will also develop a Demonstrator. This Demonstrator will consist of a ground station Subsystem Controller on the controlled system side and of an EGS-CC adapter for the controlling system side. More specifically the study will address: - The generic data model definition of the controlled space system (likely focus on the space system model ECSS-70-31) - Refinements and redesign of the output of the TRP Study (CCSDS-MO framework and application level on top of the framework) taking into account the data model definition. - The design of the next generation generic ground station Subsystem Controller based on the new system design and following the principles of the current ground station subsystem controllers. - The design of the EGS-CC adapter based on the new system design. The study will also evaluate the impact on the EGS-CC Tailoring system and identify the mechanism for importing the data model to the EGS-CC. - Implementation of a demonstrator for one (lightweight) ground station subsystem which will be monitored and controlled by the EGS-CC. Deliverables: Software TN on updated Data Model Generic Ground Station Subsystem Controller SRS Generic Ground Station Subsystem Controller SDD / ICD EGS-CC Adapter SDD / ICD Code and documentation of the demonstrator Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 (ESTRACK Ground Station) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Ground Systems Software (2008) Page 106/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 Duration (months) 300 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 9 Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-064GI Budget (k€): 200 Title: Harmonisation of Numerical Software Validation Facility (NSVF) and Operational Simulator models Objectives: 1) Interview and collect the opinion of all the European spacecraft prime contractors on this topic. 2) Consolidate a business approach for viable and sustainable reuse of models between SVF facilities and operational simulators including clarification of the roles of SMEs in this process. The feasibility and the potential benefit of reusing SVF models as part of the production of the specific Reference Test Facility of EGS-CC (EGS-Common Core) based systems shall also be investigated. 3) Establish a set of key requirements on the SVF models that the spacecraft prime contractors must adhere to in order to make the business case viable including both technical, legal, license, risk and financial aspects. It should be studied if these key requirements can form a common requirement basis between SVFs and Operational Simulators. 4) Investigate the potential gain for different level of reuse: 1. At infrastructure level (i.e. reuse of Simsat/UMF for SVF). 2. Reuse at simulation level (i.e. reuse of complete spacecraft models). 3. Reuse of subsystem/individual models (ie. reuse of models for individual spacecraft units). 5) Demonstrate the above established concepts with a case study of taking SVF models and reusing them in Simsat based Operational Simulators. 6) Evaluate the various Reference Architectures existing in Europe relevant for this topic and recommend solutions that would lead to further technical harmonization within Europe and that would improve the overall efficiency in the development and use of SVF and Operational Simulators. Description: Simulation model reuse between SVF facilities and Operational Simulators has been talked about for a long time, but has never matured in practise within the ESA context. During the last years several changes has occurred that now makes this the right time to tackle this topic for real: - The SVFs has moved to a pure numerical emulation of the OBSW, hence is now much more similar to the Operational Simulators than in the past. - The SMP-2 standard is now well known within European industry proving a sound technical foundation for model transfer. - The missions are under an ever increasing pressure to cut cost. - The spacecraft electronic systems are getting more and more complicated, making redevelopment a more and more complicated task. - Larger and larger parts of the spacecraft software are put under IPR restrictions making an independent development of operational simulators harder. Secondly it is required to study the approach in a generic way taking on board the input also from all the other spacecraft prime contractors in Europe to ensure that a consistent solution is found that reduces the overall cost of all ESA operations in a sustainable way. Page 107/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 (Simulator Infrastructure, EO missions, low budget missions). Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Ground Systems Software (2008) Page 108/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 9 Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems Ref. Number: G617-265GI Budget (k€): 250 Title: Harmonisation of the EO and Science Kernels for MCS Objectives: 1) Review of EO and Science Kernel requirements and implementation to identify common areas and differences. 2) Review EGC-CC and MICONYS-CC implementation to identify overlapping and missing functionality with respect to the existing EO/Science Kernel MCSes. 3) Check feasibility of a common kernel for both EO and Science for EGS-CC based systems including requirements specification of such a system and a high level design. Description: Most MCS systems at ESOC is today build in 3 layers: Layer 1) SCOS-2000, generic to all missions. Layer 2) A Mission Family layer: There exist two major families at ESOC: Science and Earth Observation. Layer 3) The mission specific layer. In resent years, the Mission Family layers have grown to a maturity where the mission specific layer has become extremely thin. The maturity of the Mission family layers however also reflects a new level of standardization/ harmonization of how ESA operates its spacecraft. Now, this concept should be taken one step further, to check if the Mission Family layer can be incorporated into a truly generic operational concept and software covering both science and EO missions. During the next years, the bottom, SCOS-2000 layer, will need to be replaced with ECS-CC. This imply a major change in both the Science and EO family layer. This study would be a major step towards achieving a system architecture like this common for all missions at ESOC: Layer 1) EGS-CC Layer 2) A common MIONYS-CC layer with all common ESOC adoptions/ extensions required for EGS-CC. Layer 3) A thin mission specific layer, with equivalent minimal functionality as the current mission specific layer. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Application: All future missions based on EGS-CC. Need date: TRL-6 by 2018 if the first generation of EGS-CC based systems should benefit from it. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Ground Systems Software (2008) Page 109/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 Duration (months) 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 10- Flight Dynamics and GNSS Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 10 Flight Dynamics and GNSS Ref. Number: G617-067GF Budget (k€): 200 Title: Extension of the DO-IT trajectory design software for interplanetary trajectories based on low-thrust propulsion combined with flybys Objectives: This activity shall extend the functionality of the DO-IT trajectory design software such that low-thrust trajectories and flybys can be addressed as integral part of the trajectory design problem. Description: The design of low-thrust interplanetary missions requires a good understanding of ballistic mission design and a versatile software for low-thrust trajectories. DO-IT is a prototype software tool that can be used to design interplanetary trajectories like the ones for Rosetta or Solo. Due to the modular approach, the different phases of a mission can be assembled together in forms of building blocks. The software contains an optimiser that allows to further improve any possible mission candidate. The software was tested and validated with numerous chemical propulsion missions, both historically flown and also theoretical ones. However, the prototype modules for low-thrust missions are only applicable in very specialised cases. To make the tool useful for low-thrust trajectory design new modules need to be developed. The thrust-coast structures between flybys "learned" from BepiColombo and MarcoPolo-R shall be translated into simple building blocks where the user only defines the departure body, the arrival body and the transfer time (or equivalently the number of heliocentric revolutions). One level above, a module needs to be developed that evaluates the most promising permutations of the flyby bodies. A branch and bound utility which either runs autonomously or is guided by the user shall be programmed to avoid the calculation of non-physical solutions and excessive CPU-times. There is a timely need for such a software tool in order to support the upcoming interplanetary missions. For instance, the development of the ion-engines for BepiColombo is coming close to a flight-readiness level and therefore it can be expected that the efficiency of ion-engines in terms of fuel consumption will be considered for many Cosmic Vision studies. In this context a commercialisation of the DO-IT software has a good potential to be successful in specific areas of mission analysis and flight dynamics in governmental agencies and industry. Specific tasks to be performed: - Development of building blocks for low-thrust trajectories. The most common thrust profiles useful for interplanetary transfers shall be programmed (e.g. coast-thrust-coast-thrust-coast between launch and Earth flyby). - Development of Algorithm to scan the sequence of the flyby bodies. The algorithm has to be tested and validated for interplanetary missions as well as for missions like Juice in a planetary system with moons. - Development of a branch and bound module. An efficient algorithm needs to be development, that selects the most promising solutions and discards options that have too high delta-V requirements. Deliverables: Software Page 110/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : 3 Target TRL: 6 Duration (months) 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 111/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 11- Space Debris Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 11 Space Debris Ref. Number: G617-069GR Title: Extension of combined observation-modelling ground-based attitude vector determination Objectives: The activity shall extend the observation-modelling technologies to derive attitude and attitude rate information. It shall meet the needs of contingency support activities, active debris removal, re-entry events, and the space debris environment modelling. In the scope of the extension of the technologies the activity shall obtain the necessary data from radar, active, and passive ground-based systems to further test and systematically analyse protoype methods. Description: Prototypes for estimation of the attitude motion vector have been developed as an object characterisation technique. Capabilities of the prototype are being demonstrated using observations acquired by ISAR imaging radars, and active and passive optical telescopes. A prototype software module is now available, but needs to be further extended to meet emerging needs from the application side, and to consider recent and emerging sensor technology developments. The prototype also needs to be further validated through extensive and systematic test campaigns. It is important to address the different needs of contingency support activities, active debris removal, re-entry events, and the space debris environment modelling in the design and implementation of the test campaigns. Based on the results of the prototype development and verification, a throughout analysis of recent sensor technology enhancements and developments, a review of the emerging use cases for attitude and attitude motion assessments, and by considering the ongoing development of collaboration platforms to exchange observational data, the activity shall consider available radar (ISAR imaging), telescopes (laser and passive acquiring light curves, and imaging from ground. The activity shall first derive implementation and extension needs, as well as test campaign requirements. In a second step a database of the derived attitude and attitude motion shall be established allowing for statistical analysis and long-term comparison of the attitude dynamics of selected large test objects. In parallel, the prototype shall be extended and improved based on the findings and the identified needs. Finally, the application to operational processes shall be evaluated and recommendations shall be given. Deliverables: Software, observation data and processing results, TNs Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): Target TRL: 6 500 technologies Duration (months) for 12 2017 (HSO Mission Operations, Space Debris Office services, debris research community) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 112/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 11 Space Debris Ref. Number: G617-070GR Title: Feasibility of CMOS on-chip processing algorithms for space debris observations Objectives: The activity shall develop and demonstrate new on-the-chip processing capabilities for a CMOS sensor chip. Description: - Follow-on to the current TRP study on improvements of observation strategies and processing techniques. - Investigate possibilities for on-chip (non-destructive) processing. - Investigate feasibility of simple b/w and complex grayscale operations. - This activity shall include development and implementation of a small-scale breadboard on a COTS industrial CMOS chip. - Target applications are the acquisition of light curves and detection of fast moving objects. Deliverables: Breadboard including software Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 300 12 2017 (Possible users are the space debris research community, designers and developers of on-ground and in-orbit observing systems, potentially extended to Earth observation services) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 113/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 11 Space Debris Ref. Number: G617-071GR Budget (k€): 150 Title: Low thrust manoeuvres in orbit determination tools Objectives: Development of a software module to model constant low thrust forces in orbit determination and propagation - Review of exisiting related modules, algorithms and prototypes. - Development of a new module. - Validation. Description: Continuous low thrust is becoming an option in spacecraft design and operation. This is not only interesting for, e.g., station keeping of geostationary satellites that must be considered in operational collision avoidance activities; it is also one important aspect for end-of-life operations ensuring compliance with space debris mitigation guidelines, and, finally, it is an aspect related to active debris removal. Currently used orbit determination and propagation tools for space object cataloguing and collision risk assessment do not sufficiently model these small forces. Existing techniques in the spacecraft operations are assumed a starting point for related developments. A first task of the activity shall comprise a review of exisiting modules and approaches in the operations domain, adressing algorithms and prototypes. The needs for active debris removal studies, and of operational collision avoidance tools shall be reviewed. In a second task a software module shall be developed allowing estimate and apply constant low thrust forces (by spacecraft or induced from the ground) in the existing orbit determination software. This shall make it also possible to calibrate low-thrust manoeuvre characteristics. In a final task the prototype shall be validated, e.g., through using space surveillance data and operational data on known low-thrust transfers and station keeping manoeuvres. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 2017 (Collision avoidance services; space debris research community) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 114/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 11 Space Debris Ref. Number: G617-072GR Title: Advanced software Objectives: SCARAB (Spacecraft Atmospheric Re-Entry and Aerothermal Break-Up is a 6 degree-of-freedom simulator for the re-entry of a complex spacecraft structure, considering aerothermal and aerodynamic effects on the spacecraft structure, its temperature and pressure distribution, its break-up and demise events, its attitude and trajectory evolution, and the spread of its surviving components across a ground impact swath. re-entry Budget (k€): break-up high- and low-fidelity 300 assessment DRAMA (Debris Risk Assessment and Mitigation Analysis) is a tool suite to verify the compliance of a space mission with space debris mitigation standards (e.g. ESAs requirements on space debris mitigation). For a given space mission DRAMA, in one of its modules, allows to perform simplified re-entry survival predictions for an object composed of user-defined components, and risk assessments for the population on ground within the impact ground swath. This module is an engineering version of Scarab for missions in early design stages and quick-look analyses. The objective of this activity is to improve Scarab and its DRAMA engineering version (to be kept synchronised) with some important additions that have been identified from the extensive application of the tool in order to allow for new obvious use-cases, a general modernization and consideration of new data and findings (see description for a detailed list of identified upgrades) Description: Scarab is a complex software enriched by a user-friendly graphical-user interface that has found wide application for the deterministic assessment of the re-entry survivability of spacecraft elements, starting from a detailed (graphical description) of a spacecraft design. The software and an implemented spacecraft model covers all aspects for the modelling of the attitude motion (moments of inertia computation, force models,...). The upgrade shall allow to perform long-term simulation runs in altitudes up to 2000km to determine the equilibrium attitude motion vector. The knowledge of this vector is essential for the preparation of removal missions and for the determination of the orbital lifetime (see next points). Once the necessary data is already given in this single piece of software, it shall be possible to also compute the average cross-section pointing into the flight direction (and in randomly tumbling mode for other assessments). This essential parameter is required to compute the orbital lifetime, which again is an important aspect in space debris mitigation. The upgrade shall also implement user parameter screening and consistency checking before user input is transferred to the kernel for processing. In the meantime, new material types enter into spacecraft design (e.g. polyethylene tethers, silicone carbonide,...). It is essential to extend the material database accordingly, which might require hyper-velocity wind-tunnel testing in Page 115/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use some cases. DRAMA still makes use of a static on-ground population model dating back to 1994 onto which an even growth factor is applied. The upgrade shall modernise the database, allow for online updates and improve the population projection approach. Also, the use of DRAMA shall be made more comfortable by providing a component (many spacecraft components are standard commercial product and can therefore be pre-defined and archived in an accessible library structure) dragand drop database for DRAMA. Further, the averaging of fragment surfaces need to consider a refined approach based on the averaging of cross-section using the assumption of a randomly tumbling motion. Since Scarab is in use (although not ready-to-use for non-experts) and its results have been cross-validated with US tools and observation data, a high TRL of 6 can be assigned. The specified updates will allow to mature and harden (as well as modernise the software) to close to perfection. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 6 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 8 Duration (months) 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 116/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 11 Space Debris Ref. Number: G617-073GR Title: Extended stare and chase concepts Objectives: The objective is to develop and test stare and chase mode tracking approaches for the initialisation of space object catalogue information. This activity shall demonstrate space object catalogue cold start capability with the help of small field-of-view (FOV) sensors. Prototype S/W for stare and chase guidance processes shall be analysed in a test bed consisting of a passive optical telescope and a laser ranging tracking system. The demonstration is successfull when the laser system with its (roughly 10m at 800km altitude) FoV can pick-up and track an object with initial guidance information from a passive (large FoV) telescope that performs the initial detection during the same pass. For the generation of orbit information, active laser tracking is a well-established technology for cooperative targets with an on-board laser reflector, for uncooperative targets this is an emerging technology which is expected to become practically available in a few years. Objects without a-priori orbit information e.g. newly generated objects due to launches or fragmentation events are a challenge for these tracking systems, because of their extremely small FoV. Consequently, they need a good prediction in their topocentric reference frame leading to only short times available between the observations in stare and chase mode. Passive optical telescopes depend on sunlight to detect these objects, but their FoV can be large enough to fulfil the "staring" part and generate guidance information for the laser in a very quick manner. Demonstration of the principle along with sensor combination reflects the most likely application case and represents the largest challenge. Hence, other star and chase scenarios (where e.g. a tracking radar performs both the stare and chase part are covered). The encompasses the following activities: - Review of the prototype algorithms for the trajectory determination and prediction and generation of guidance information produced in a TRP study. - Expansion of the prototype after isolation from its current simulation environment and implementation in a test bed environment. - Deployment of the test bed at a Laser Ranging Station that is equipped with a passive optical observatory. - Implementation and test of image processing and detection software, including streak detection and astrometric reduction. - Closed-loop test employing both, the stare (passive telescope) and chase (laser ranging) part in scheduled surveys targeted at reference objects. - Improvement of the guidance algorithms and verification of the orbit information by comparing to the reference. Breadboard Duration 12 3 Target TRL: 5 (months) Description: Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / 2017 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 117/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G617-135GS Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Low Cost Meter-Class Adaptive Optics Communications Breadboard Objectives: The objective is the development of a low-cost adaptive optics system for meterclass telescopes(2.5-4m) for optical communications ranging from the Moon to the Lagrange libration points with the clear specific objective to perform in a photonstarved regime and achieve a substantial cost-savings (< 1/2) over present-day systems. Description: Optical communications technology offers the potential of a dramatic increase in data-rates, specifically in down-link of science data, thereby allowing for a substantial increase in science return. While meter-class telescopes for optical communications only require good "imaging" quality in the central part of their field of view in order to couple the light into a fiber or small high-bandwidth detector, they also need to operate day & night in corresponding thermal and straylight environments. Adaptive Optics Systems (AOS) not only offer significant performance advantages, but would also allow coherent communications. Two major challenges are hereby to be overcome: - The ability to correct the wave-form of an extremely faint beam (likely to require an artificial guide-star as reference with additional techniques to also correct for tip-tilt) all the while. - Minimizing the cost of the sub-system (given the need for several optical ground stations to overcome local weather blockages in a single site). On the other hand, the advantage over astronomical AOS is that the above application requires to correct only specific wavelengths (around 1064 and 1550nm) and only in a relatively narrow field. The primary goal of this development is thus the development of a demonstrator and sub-sequent testing at an existing telescope (e.g. ESA's OGS). Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) NGO; Lunar-, Solar-, or astrophysics missions in L1/L2 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Optical Communication for Space (2012) Page 118/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G617-266GS Budget (k€): 400 Title: Deep Space Low Cost 4m monolithic Optical Antenna for Day/Night Operations Objectives: The objective is an detailed design-to-cost for a monolithic(as opposed to segmented large aperture) 4m class optical ground antenna. Based on existing designs, the effort shall focus on the requirement of Day and Night Operation, industrialization (to foresee an array of 7-9 such antennae) and cost minimization given simpler specifications for optical communication. Description: Optical communication for deep space application is under technical standardization in the Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS), and designs for deep space on-board terminals are being developed based on experience for near Earth optical communication systems. It is very timely to prepare technologies necessary for the realization of ESTRACK's future deep space optical communication capability. One of the main challenges is a large effective aperture / collecting area within a very tight budget envelope. While optical communications can benefit from a simpler optical performance specifications, the additional requirement of day and night operation and the associated thermo-mechanical design with metrology and active optics are unique to the application and not known today. The intenral Optical Antenna Study Group has established both concepts for a deep-space optical ground station of - 10-12m single aperture segmented primary antenna (proposed parallel study) - array of 7-9 antennae of 4m monolithic primary aperture - offering true scalability (focus of this study) as potentially a-priori feasible (within similar budget). In order to direct future efficient developments, both concepts must be further elaborated in detail by corresponding solid competence available in Europe. While 4m astronomical telescopes are state of the art, and their manufacturing is well understood, the thermo-mechanical solution for day and night operations, and the industrialisation aspect to minimise recurring cost need to be addressed. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2020 Asteroid Impact Mission presently under Phase A/B1 study. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Optical Communication for Space (2012) Page 119/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 13 Automation, Telepresence & Robotics Ref. Number: G617-076MM Title: Development of technology tools for training and operations of the METERON Mission Preparation and Training Centre Objectives: Software development for performance analysis of robotic missions involving shared autonomy, teleoperation and autonomous robotic action sequencing. Description: Experiment training tools for robotic activity training and real-time operations processes will be developed in this activity. Software for simulation of a the onboard segment functionality, failure injection, recovery strategy analysis, and performance evaluation of ground and in-orbit operators. Including development of ISS Mockup Hardware, Operations Software, Training Software, Comm's and operational software and development of experiment software and scenarios for the METERON in-orbit experiment on ISS. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 6 Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): Target TRL: 7 METERON/2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Automation & Robotics (2012) Page 120/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 770 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 14- Life & Physical Sciences Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 14 Life & Physical Sciences Ref. Number: G617-078MM Budget (k€): 700 Title: Self Validating High Temperature Sensors Objectives: Improving the accuracy of contact temperature measurements above 1300K up to 2600K and validation of a system prototype in relevant environment. Description: Contact temperature measurements above 1300K are challenging with respect to lifetime and drift of the sensors. High Temperature Fixed Points (HTFP) cells from carbon-metal eutectics (which will be the new reference for ITS-90) in combination with W-Re (Type C) thermocouples provide a solution to check the health of the sensors and to compensate for signal drift by using the melting and freezing of the eutectic. A current finalized TRP activity proved the feasibility of multi point calibration cells. Further activities are needed to improve the design (stability, size) and gain confidence in life test campaigns also in combination with other strategies e.g. electrical noise thermometry (ENT). Space applications are in the field of reentry or tests thereof e.g. in shielding material tests in plasma wind channels. Propulsion tests, sensors for harsh environments and materials characterization are potential applications. Terrestrial application include the monitoring and control of all high temperature processes ( e.g. solar, nuclear or metallurgy) and in turbines. For this reason this proposal is also of the 'Power and Energy' roadmap. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 7 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Aerothermodynamic Tools (2012) Page 121/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 15- Mechanisms & Tribology Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 15 Mechanisms & Tribology Ref. Number: G617-080MS Title: Improvement of Solar Array Drive Mechanisms (SADM) technologies Objectives: To confirm the technical feasibility of a cost efficient Medium to High Power SADM, based on the following sub-technologies pre-developments targeting at: - Decreasing recurring cost of Medium to High Power range Slip-Rings, including use of European source of sliding electrical contact materials. - Decreasing recurring cost of stepper motors. - Decreasing recurring cost of Ball Bearing. Description: For medium to high power and/or long lifetime SADMs, as well as for any mission which foresees high temperature environment, a Europe dependence on nonEuropean products exists, especially with respect to electrical transfer contact material, ball bearing cages material and electric motors/actuators technologies. It is also mandatory to try to reduce the cost of the SADM hardware in order to stay competitive on the global SADM market outside Europe. This activity aims therefore at several sub-objectives: - To define the activities/development needed to decrease recurring cost of Medium to High Power range SADM (main components cost, I/F standardisation and optimisation, etc.) - To implement the finding from the first objective into sub technologies predevelopment. Define and implement necessary activities/developments needed to decrease recurring cost of Medium to High Power range Slip-Rings (including the use of new electrical transfer contact material (follow up of the TRP “New electrical contact materials selection and assessment for sliding contacts”). Define and implement necessary activities/development needed to decrease recurring cost of stepper motors for Medium to High Power range SADM. Define and implement necessary activities/development needed to decrease recurring cost of Ball Bearing for Medium to High Power range SADM (including the use of Duroid substitute material (follow up of the ARTES Activity "Development of European self-lubricating materials"). - To merge all recommendations and pre-development into the design, developments and testing of a dedicated SADM Engineering Model. Emphasis shall also be put on a design that shall help making saving during AIT activities. Outcome of this activity shall be the feasibility confirmation of a cost effective Medium to High power SADM, based mainly on European technologies. Engineering Model Duration 24 2 Target TRL: 6 (months) Deliverables: Current TRL: Budget (k€): Target Application / TRL 6 by 2018-2019 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Solar Array Drive Mechanisms (2014) Page 122/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,250 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use D 16- Optics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G617-084MM Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Demonstrator for active WFE-correction of an imaging telescope Objectives: The activity will comprise the design, manufacturing and testing of a deformable mirror and its integration and testing in an optical imaging system, in order to demonstrate the performance improvement capabilities of active optics in optical systems for space applications. Description: The increasing need for higher image resolution for space optical applications has prompted the study of technologies aimed at improving the imaging performance beyond what is currently achievable by classical optical systems. Active Optics is a very promising example of such technologies, allowing to correct for in-flight effects (such as thermo-elastic deformations, radiation effects on optical materials,etc.) which impact the optical quality of space instruments. The use of Active Optics can also decrease the stringent requirements on the manufacturing quality for optical components (by compensating residual surface figuring errors) and reduce the outage period of missions caused e.g. by Sun baffle intrusions or eclipses altering the thermal conditions within the instrument. Applications of Active Optics range from e.g. Earth observation (meteorology, security,etc.) and Space-Situational-Awareness (SSA) to science (e.g. planet finding, large space telescopes)and Optical Communications (both ground-tospace and between spacecraft), making Active Optics a generic technology able to find applications in all classes of optical instruments. A breadboard of a deformable mirror (DM) is currently being developed in the frame of a GSTP activity. The next critical step in the development of active correction capabilities for space optics is the testing and demonstration of the image quality improvements obtainable by a properly designed deformable mirror in an actual optical system for a specific controlled source of perturbations. Two phases are envisaged for the proposed activity: - Phase 1 includes - Conceptual design of an active correction system based on a DM. - Design, manufacture and testing of a suitable DM. - Development of the control algorithm. - Phase 2 includes: - Integration of the DM into an optical system (preferably making use of an already existing telescope). - Test of the DM correction capabilities to compensate for the performance loss due to effects of controlled thermal and mechanical perturbations of the optical system (representative of space environment conditions). Page 123/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Budget Phase 1: 600k Budget Phase 2: 400k Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018; Applications of Active Optics range from e.g. Earth observation (meteorology, security, etc.) and Space-Situational-Awareness (SSA) to science (e.g. planet finding, large space telescopes) and Optical Communications (both ground-to-space and between spacecraft), making Active Optics a generic technology able to find applications in all classes of optical instruments. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments - Mirrors (2013) Page 124/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G617-086MM Budget (k€): 950 Title: Calomel-Based TIR Hyperspectral Imager Objectives: 1) To design a Hyperspectral Imager operating in the Thermal Infrared (TIR) spectral range based on Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters (AOTF) using Calomel crystals. 2) To breadboard and test critical technologies, in particular the Calomel AOTF assembly. Description: The successful development of the Calomel AOTF done in 2012 under GSTP contract has put the basis for the development of Hyperspectral Instruments working in the Thermal Infrared. The novelty of this technology requires to go through an application study to better understand the potential of this new technology and its possible applications, and to breadboard the novel and critical optical elements. The activity will comprise: - Instrument architectural design & performance analysis, - Application analysis of the instrument for Earth Observation remote sensing / Planetary Survey/Scientific Instruments, - Preliminary instrument design & identification of critical technologies, - Breadboarding and testing of critical technologies. The work will be performed in two phases, with the breadboarding performed after completion of Phase 1. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 2017, Earth Observation Science and Robotic Exploration Missions. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 125/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G617-091MM Budget (k€): 300 Title: Optical components based on high-efficiency Volume Bragg Gratings Objectives: The objective of this activity is to design and manufacture full-size Volume Bragg Grating (VBG) components (filters, spectral dispersers, focussing elements) and to experimentally characterise their performances under relevant environmental conditions. Description: Volume Bragg Gratings (or Volume Phase Gratings) are a well-known technology for spectral filtering and spectral dispersion applications mainly in on-ground astronomy. Their main advantages are high peak diffraction efficiency, low polarisation sensitivity (lower than for ruled gratings) and a low level of ghost images and scattered light. Furthermore the possibility to record on the same substrate several holograms contributes to the versatility of VBGs. VBG components can be used as a replacement for strip filters in Earth Observation or filter wheels in Science missions. The TRP activity demonstrated the potential of such a component as highresolution, low-straylight spectral dispersers in replacement of bulk ruled gratings. The promising results of this TRP activity have been confirmed by measurements performed in the ESTEC laboratories on VBGs samples. The measurements have shown that the performances of VBGs are at least comparable to or outperformed those of other grating types at a lower cost (see reference paper). The proposed activity aims to perform the experimental characterization of VBG components in space environment. The tests will be performed on components representative of flight model parts. In particular, emphasize will be put on the opto-mechanical aspects and the impact of the space environment on the optical performances of the component. Deliverables: Breadboards of VBG gratings, tested under environm. Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) 12 2018, high-performance optical filters in Earth Observation, Science astronomy missions, and Exploration missions. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 126/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 17- Optoelectronics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 17 Optoelectronics Ref. Number: G617-095MM Title: Development of a low-noise current source for ultra-stable CW laserdiode applications Objectives: To develop an ultra-stable laser diode drive source as required for coherent lasers in optical atomic frequency standards (optical clocks) and laser cooled atom instruments. The focus of the development will be to engineer a current source with ultra-high stability in amplitude and noise performance. This activity will also cover the realization of an accurate laser diode temperature control system. The engineering model to be developed shall minimize the mass and power requirements and shall achieve high reliability for space environments. Description: Stable laser operation, as required for optical clocks and cold atom devices, requires ultra-low noise injection currents as well as stable temperature control. In fact the laser-diode wavelength and power characteristics strongly depend on the junction temperature stability and on the method the injection current is generated and controlled. This activity will address the design, development and test in a relevant environment of a complete assembly of a laser diode drive source, consisting of a voltage reference part, a voltage to current converter and current boot stage. The design will address and trade-off different topologies and implementation schemes with the aim to achieve maximum performance in a specific environment. The work will be carried in three phases: the first phase covering the requirements, analysis and specifications, the second phase the design and development, and the final phase the MAIT. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Optical clocks and Cold Atom Devices. Navigation, Inertial sensing, Gradiometry, Fundamental Physics, Exploration, etc. Instrument technology recommended by FTAP and HISPAC, etc. 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Frequency & Time Generation and Distribution – Space (2013) Page 127/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 450 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 19- Propulsion Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 19 Propulsion Ref. Number: G617-098MP Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: High Power (5 kW) HEMPT (Highly Efficiency Multistage Plasma Thruster) Objectives: The use of electric propulsion (EP) for orbit raising manoeuvres from GTO to GEO will allow to reduce huge amounts of propellant in telecommunication spacecraft and Galileo Evolution satellites. For example the Boing platforms will reuire only 375 kg of Xenon to perform this manoeuvre instead of the 1700 kg of Hydrazine. The use of EP will nevertheless increase the amount of time of such manoeuvre. The Boeing platform will employ several months to rise the orbit from GTO to GEO. Therefore it is very important to increase the thrust of the current engines developed for Small GEO (40 mN) by increasing the power we could go to 200 mN.The same argument is required for the Galileo Evolution spacecrat. Description: Design, manufacturing and testing of breadboard models at high power. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL-5 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Electric Propulsion Technologies (2010) Page 128/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 20 Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G617-102MS Budget (k€): 500 Title: Improvement of industrial approach for design and verification of non-linear spacecraft structures Objectives: The objectives of the proposed activity are to further consolidate existing results, using a flight application cases, and subsequently to derive a systematic approach and related processes how a satellite project should deal with significant mechanical non-linearities during the complete project implementation phase. For this purpose the study shall simulate in an "accelerated" manner the satellite structure DD&V (Design, development and Validation) steps. In particular follow the general project line with initial structural performance predictions at satellite level, performance of launcher CLA (Coupled Load Analysis), test predictions and finally the verification test execution. Description: The objectives shall be achieved by performing the following tasks: 1) The spacecraft structural non-linearities with most significant impact on the system performances shall be identified and these impacts shall be assessed in comparison to corresponding mechanical systems behaving linearly. Based on the latter assessment the severity of these non-linearities shall be determined in order to establish relevant guidelines to support the decision process, to be made as early as possible in a satellite program development, whether considerably larger efforts will be necessary to take appropriately into account the non-linear behaviour in analysis and test. The real-life flight application shall be selected from relevant candidate satellites, e.g. ESA scientific or Earth observation satellites. The selection shall be driven by the availability of relevant satellite design information and spacecraft hardware for the final verification phase. Based on the earlier assessment relevant structural non-linearities shall be selected for implementation into breadboard models. These non-linearities should exhibit both local and global (system level) effects and should be linked to large masses elements. 2) Structural analysis models of the satellite including the non-linearities shall be established and relevant structural analyses performed to predict the system performances. The static effect on the dynamic responses shall be considered. In addition to using standard Nastran solution sequences for non-linear problems (e.g. SOL 129) the efficiency of other FE solvers such as Abaqus and NX SAMCEF shall be evaluated, in particular with respect to computational efficiency and numerical stability issues. 3) A satellite model for performing a non-linear launcher CLA shall be generated. Vega should be selected based on the expected relevance as launcher for future spacecraft incorporating significant structural nonlinearities. The CLA shall include the relevant load cases (transient or harmonic), and the potential reduction of iteration needs to consolidate decoupled approach shall be investigated. A damping modelling with inhomogeneous damping coefficients shall be implemented. Page 129/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 4) 5) 6) 7) Due to numerical stability issues encountered with the Nastran solver during previous activities, the efficiency of FE solvers as Abaqus and SAMCEF should be evaluated for employment in non-linear CLA. Non-linear system identification (non-linearity detection, characterization and parameter estimation) shall be performed for the selected non-linear devices at subsystem rather than spacecraft level including random and local excitation as necessary. Advanced concepts shall be developed to integrate the application of the restoring force method into the simulation process. Test/analysis correlation shall be performed after the hardware verification tests. The virtual shaker testing method shall be applied to predict the shaker control performances and to optimize the most important controller parameters. The quality of the spacecraft model employed in the virtual shaker testing simulations shall be sufficiently representative in the whole frequency range of the simulation and test. Subsequent to the verification tests the simulations shall be correlated with the tests and as necessary updates to the simulation model shall be made. Verification tests shall be performed to validate the analytical concepts developed during this study, in particular concerning the potential optimization of mechanical testing of highly non-linear structures by the virtual shaker testing method and the subsequent optimization of the shaker control performance. Also, the capability to perform sine response analysis with non-symmetric non linearities shall be demonstrated. The study synthesis shall be prepared. The experiences gained during the study execution shall be consolidated by establishing a systematic approach and related processes to deal with structural non-linearities during the spacecraft structure design, development and verification phases. The experiences gained during the proposed activity shall be used to establish a toolbox which allows - based on the knowledge compiled in a relevant database - identifying during a mechanical verification test the relevant non-linear structure parameters for optimizing the test execution. Deliverables: Study Report plus Software toolbox Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : CLA Verification of spacecraft considering the more realistic nonlinear structural behaviour/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 130/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 20 Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G617-103MS Title: Advanced CFRP assemblies for spacecraft bus and payload module platforms Objectives: Development and validation of a structurally and thermally enhanced avionics assembly for spacecraft bus and/or payload platform by means of advanced CFRP elements. Description: Studies are currently being carried out by ESA for the development and validation of advanced CFRP structural components, both thermally and structurally enhanced. These activities aim at introducing the use of nanostructured carbon materials (e.g. nanotubes) and other highly conductive materials together with traditional CFRP materials, in order to obtain structural elements with higher performances, w.r.t. traditional technologies, in terms of stiffness, mass, strength and thermal conductivity. However, the effects of assembling mounting these equipment (CFRP avionics panel with CFRP housings, interface components, panel junctions, etc.), each with a different function, have to be also considered in order to assess and validate the final implementation at subsystem level. All the mechanical and thermal interface characteristics shall be addressed and validated w.r.t. launch and space operational conditions. The framework of the proposed activity shall include the identification of a known and qualified platform (sandwich panel+avionics and relevant servicing items) which can be used as a reference for further development. A similar assembly shall be then reproduced taking into consideration the outcomes of the relevant studies at component level. As a minimum configuration, in the frame of the proposed study, it shall be considered the development and validation of an assembly composed of a thermally/structurally enhanced CFRP sandwich panel and a set (e.g. 2/3 units) of equipment with different masses and different dissipative loads. The validity of the proposed design and implementation shall then be demonstrated by test in the relevant mechanical and thermal environment, including thermal vacuum. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Future Missions. The implementation of a complete CFRP assembly (including fastened joints) showing a high thermal conductivity will save mass and will reduce the thermal mismatch at interfaces so decreasing the verification effort. Technology development needed in 2018. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Technologies for Optical Passive Instruments – Stable & Lightweigth Structures (2013) Page 131/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 600 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 20 Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G617-108MS Budget (k€): 500 Title: Improved design and verification of cryocoolers subjected to very high number of fatigue load cycles ('gigacycles') Objectives: To improve design, verification and acceptance approach for hardware subjected to very high number of fatigue load cycles. Description: Fatigue life verification methods for spaceflight hardware, as e.g. specified in standards for structures, mechanisms and fracture control, and implemented in ESACRACK/ESAFATIG software module, is primarily applicable for relatively small to medium number of fatigue cycles (typically below 1E6 significant cycles). Nowadays, mission critical cryocoolers (e.g. MTG) are under development that may experience more than 1E10 (e.g. 6.5 years at 50Hz) significant fatigue cycles during their lifetime, i.e. may experience very high cycle fatigue (VHCF) or 'gigacycle' fatigue. In literature it is indicated that a true fatigue limit may not exist at very high numbers of cycles as is sometimes assumed. The development, verification and qualification is complicated by the fact that development and qualification testing have potentially very long duration (e.g. factor 4 wrt lifetime, in nominal condition, (e.g. 1E11 cycles)), and may have to be performed in parallel (to a certain extent) with associated development risks. A critical appraisal and further development of design, verification, qualification and acceptance methods/standards for these structural elements shall be performed and implemented on a demonstrator programme, addressing the following: - Design, verification and qualification guidelines, addressing risks of overtesting and potentially high scatter in achieved life in the gigacycle regime; - Accelerated testing methods, e.g.: - Representative specimens (development models), cycled with margin on load to a limited number of cycles; - Basic specimens, cycled with margin on cycles at representative stress levels (20kHz may be achievable, with limitations); - Number of test articles recommended. - To assess potentially significant variables affecting fatigue life at high number of cycles: e.g. material factors, processing defects and variations, size effects, surface condition, material combinations, environmental effects (incl. temperature!), fretting, residual stress, ...; - Availability of suitable material data for design in e.g. literature, and selection of the most suitable material and development test methods (incl. accelerated test methods) to generate design data; - Recommendations for acceptance tests and inspections to ensure that critical flight hardware elements are 'within family' of the qualification hardware; - To demonstrate implementation on a representative demonstrator programme. The main focus of this activity is foreseen on metallic materials, but may be extendable to other materials: e.g. ceramic materials as may e.g be encountered in ball bearings. Page 132/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Accelerated testing of 1E11 cycles will take around 3 years at 1kHz, or 4 months at 10kHz; Testing to 1E7 cycles at 50Hz will take around 55 hours (2-3 days), testing to 1E8 cycles will take around 25 days. The activity assumes that fracture control requirements will probably not require (by design) verification of crack growth due to intial flaws of the items subjected to gigacycle fatigue. Otherwise the verification may become significantly more complicated. Deliverables: Whole demonstrator + reports Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Cryocoolers (and potentially other equipment submitted to very high number of cycles)/2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Cryogenics and Focal Plane Cooling (2013) Page 133/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 20 Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G617-109MS Budget (k€): 700 Title: Reshaping of Antenna and Telescope Reflectors Objectives: Development and testing of an active reshapable reflector - comprising flexible reflector surface, actuators and shape sensing system - with the capabilities for beam contouring or wavefront correction, compensation of orbital disturbances and adaptation to material aging. Description: The active reshaping of antenna reflectors or telescopes can be envisaged for : - Fast swath and footprint modification in Earth Observation missions allowing a reduction of repeat cycles and enhancement of resolution in Synthetic Aperture Radar and Radiometers; - Active Secondary mirrors of Infrared telescopes for attaining ultra-stable configurations; - Contoured Beam Antenna for following market evolution in telecommunications. - Considering that the last application is covered by Artes 5 up to a certain extent this proposed GSTP activity aims at developing and testing an active reshapable reflector under representative radiation and thermal environments for Earth Observation and Science. The activity will start identifying the requirements for the recomformable reflector considering the mission scenario and instrument needs. The benefits and constraints of such a product will be identified. Then the activity will focus on technology aspects for developing the material for the reflecting surface which must exhibit : - Easy reconformability; - Stability under actuation and thermal loading; - Good aging and creep properties; - Sufficient fatigue life; - Adequate Radio-Frequency or Submillimeter characteristics. A trade-off between the means for performing the monitoring of the active reflector throughout its overall lifetime and the thermoelastic distortions will be carried out. On one hand, developments in actuator technologies could lead to actuator units outputting forces and displacements and therefore providing a compact and integrated sensing solution. On the other hand, an optical measurement system, e.g. based on photogrammetry or laser scanning, could provide information on the overall shape of the reflector and be electromechanically simpler, but will be more challenging in terms of mass and configuration. Alternatively , the use of Radio-Frequency ground beacon and different actuator settings could enable the knowledge of the shape of the reflector without added complexity or mass to the spacecraft. The robustness of the operational performance in case of actuator failure shall be addressed. The proposed activity constitutes the next logical step in maturing the technology of actively reshapable space reflectors. It builds on the success of the study Mechanical Reshaping of Antenna Reflector Shells (Artes 1) which demonstrated the feasibility of existing actuators and reflecting surface materials for beamcontouring and on the on-going design, construction and testing of a demonstrator Page 134/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use in laboratory conditions within the activity Reconfigurable Antenna Optics (Artes 5). Deliverables: Demonstrator and Study Reports Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Beam shaping in Earth Observation and wavefront correction in Science (Astronomy), with possible spin-off for Telecommunications missions/2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 135/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 21- Thermal Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G617-113MT Budget (k€): 150 Title: Extended in-flight validation of LHP modelling methods Objectives: Take advantage of forthcoming flight opportunities to further validate LHP modelling. Description: Loop Heat Pipes (LHP) are planned to be mounted on a number of ESA projects [AEOLUS, MTG ...]. It is therefore important to get any available feedback to have a better understanding of behaviour of LHPs in flight and enhance the credibility of related thermal predictions. The objective of the proposed activity is to assess common underlying assumptions taken in LHP modelling methods with reference to flight data, namely for what concerns (not exhaustive): - Start-up and shut-down conditions, - Zero-gravity, - Control laws, - Heat sharing. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 6 Target Application / Timeframe : All missions. 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Two-Phase Heat Transport Systems (2009) Page 136/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G617-114MT Title: Heat Pump Conceptual Design and Breadboard testing Objectives: The objective is to design and develop a Heat Pump system that is adaptable for Earth Observation, Exploration, Science and Telecommunication missions. Description: The activity would be a follow-on from a TRP activity where heat pump using a high speed turbo compressors was developed and tested. The activity would focus on the detailed design of a heat pump within a spacecraft architecture where the following components would be designed or enhanced, compressors, evaporator, condenser, accumulator, expansion valve, flash economizer, micrometeorite shielding, and Optical Solar Reflectors (OSR) bonding for high temperature. The results from the detailed design will provide an analytical verification that the concept meets all of the requirements that were reviewed and specified at the beginning of the activity. Furthermore, key components shall be selected for breadboard testing in order to validate the critical design assumptions made during the detailed design. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 137/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 600 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 23- EEE Components and quality Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 23 EEE Components and quality Ref. Number: G617-116QT Budget (k€): 700 Title: Prototyping and characterization of 600V SiC MOSFET Objectives: Development, prototyping and characterization of medium voltage SiC MOSFET for generic power switching function in space power distribution and control function and motor driver Description: The activity will be focused on the developing of SiC Power MOSFET medium voltage and medium power with the main goal to characterize the performances of the devices in terms of switching capability, stability of the technology and main characterization of static and dynamic parameters as a function of temperatures as well as to characterize the technology in radiation environment in order to evaluate their suitability for future application in space missions. The activity will have the goal of prototyping devices with stable well characterized parameters that could be appealing w.r.t. the same class Si MOSFET available on the market. The prototypes should be packaged in a suitable package that allow easy and safe handling and that can allow the full characterization in temperature of the devices. The main features of SiC base material (high energy gap, high electric field breakdown in combination with reasonably high electron mobility and high thermal conductivity) led to the following expected and in some cases already proven capabilities for power application: low on-state voltage, low recovery charge, fast turn-on and turn-off, high blocking voltage, higher reliable operating junction temperature, high power density. These characteristic together with the important point that SiC can be easily thermally oxidized to form high quality SiO2 are promising for generic power switching application. At the present stage, the SiC MOSFET devices are still in a R&D level, but there is an increasing interest in realizing high performance SiC MOSFET that shows a better switching capability of their Si based equivalent devices showing lower Ron resistance with a comparable Qc in a wider temperature range. The activity will be organized with the following work structure: - Task 1: critical analysis of the technical requirements, definitions of goal values for the main - key parameters - Task 2: trade-off analysis of the main design structure and topology with relevant simulation - Task 3: manufacturing processes definition and main trade-off analysis, first issue of draft - PID, first run in foundry - Task 4: Electrical characterization of first run in foundry and analysis of the results - Task 5: Review of the manufacturing processes implementing any corrective actions come from the previous phase, second issue of PID and second run in foundry. - Task 6: Definition of the electrical characterization, stability assessment and Page 138/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use radiation test program. For the overall test program the sample size should be at least 30 devices. - Task 7: critical analysis of test results. Identification of future activities needed to industrialize the prototypes, analysis of manufacturing cost and forecast of yield. Deliverables: Full report and packaged samples Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : Due to the generic application field, any mission could benefit of the expected improved switching capabilities of the device under development in this activity. The availability on the market is expected in 3/4 years’ time starting 2016 with this prototype development. This will be the first SiC based MOSFET that will be submitted to radiation characterization for possible future space applications. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Power Management and Distribution (2013) Page 139/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 23 EEE Components and quality Ref. Number: G617-118QT Budget (k€): 300 Title: Evaluation of high density optical links for high speed transmission Objectives: The main objective of the activity is to perform a full evaluation of high density optical links for high transmission rate (40 Gb). The optical links will include 12 channels MM MPO connectors with optimized termination process. Description: Two parallel GSTP activities have been initiated in early 2011 to get ESA approval of their optical link assembly capability. The first phase of the activity which is now completed was aimed at confirming the need of the end users in term optical assembly and making a survey of the components available in the market (connectors, cables, fibres). A list of different possible assembly combinations was selected and proposed for tested during the second Phase. The second phase consists in the assembly of the different selected technical solutions followed by on-ground preliminary validation testing. From these activities, according to endusers and preliminary testing results, it has been concluded that multi fibre solution for MM transmission is one of the very suitable solution for coming need for capacity and number of systems will that require high fibre numbers. In the frame of Proba V, a Technology Demonstrator was proposed to test one the selected multi-point assembly with highest interest expressed by European space end-users. This optical payload has been assembled in Proba-V platform. This IOD mission is to confirm that assemblies is suitable in regards of transmission loss and also that assemblies can stand all environmental challenges as they occur in a typical launch and during operation. The focus is mainly to show that attenuation of assembly will stay unchanged under these conditions. As a next step forward, the goal of this proposed activity will be to continue with optimizing termination process, in particular polishing process. Normal IEC connectors is specified with 1-3 um protrusion. Initial investigations shows that this high protrusion could be difficult for extreme vibration load. To reduce tension on fibers by less protrusion in combination with angled connectors these problems will be reduced. Since this kind of polishing is not specified by any standards so far, more investigations should be carried out. This could be confirmed during this activity with higher transmission speed than used at current program. In addition to confirming that insertion loss is good, also return loss will be checked. New transmission system including OTDR functionality in system could be very useful to find in which part of the assembly additional reflection or insertion loss occur. The activity will include the realization of the MM MPO assemblies based on the output of the current GSTP activities, integrated in a high transmission speed test module (40 Gb). The termination process from the current GSTP activities shall be optimized to survive harsher environment than the initial testing. An extensive evaluation will be carried out on these assemblies including optical testing during shock and vibration. Deliverables: Engineering Model Page 140/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 141/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 23 EEE Components and quality Ref. Number: G617-119QT Budget (k€): 300 Title: Radiation testing of non-volatile memories for space applications Objectives: Non-volatile memories are of strategic importance for advanced, innovative and high performance digital data processing and data storage in spacecraft systems. They are used in all satellites and spacecraft, either embedded in complex ICs or as stand-alone devices. For example, non-volatile memories are typically used as program memories for microprocessors, microcontrollers, and FPGAs, driving the satellite on-board computers and other critical functions. Another example is data storage in mass-memory systems, for which non-volatile memories (in particular NAND-Flash) are replacing more the traditional DRAMs (Dynamic RandomAccess Memory) when large capacity and low-power are required. Recent examples of NAND-Flash used for mass-memory are Spot6 (launched in September 2012) and Sentinel-2 (launched in 2015); NAND-Flash were/are also considered for other missions like EarthCare, Gaïa, EDRS, and SmallGEO. Terrestrial applications drive a rapid evolution of technologies and device products. This demands a correspondingly dynamic and efficient radiation assessment of these memories for space applications. In this activity, the main types of commercially available non-volatile memories will be studied and radiation assessed for a potential space utilization. The following actions will be undertaken: - Quantify the risk and increase the confidence in NAND Flash memories for space, by analyzing total dose effects with lot-to-lot and intra-lot variations in statistically relevant sample populations; - Investigate functional interrupts and dynamic errors in the new high-speed double data rate interface implemented in modern NAND Flash devices, as compared to the standard asynchronous interface; - Evaluate the impact of technology scaling on single event effects in floating gate cells, in terms of single and multiple bit upsets; - Investigate synergistic effects between total dose, single events, and intrinsic wear-out mechanisms in NAND and NOR Flash device types; - Investigate root causes of (possible) destructive events induced by heavy ions in NAND devices; - Explore radiation effects in alternative non-volatile storage technologies, such as phase change memories (PCM) and other maturing device concepts that will become available during the course of this project. Description: This activity aims at improving our knowledge of radiation effects in non-volatile memories and validate their utilization for space applications. The increased variability (lot-to-lot, sample-to sample, cell-to-cell etc.) of radiation sensitivity is an established attribute and consequence of the continuous decrease in feature size of modern electronic devices. To maximize memory capacity per component NAND Flash devices are among the first to use new process technologies providing higher integration density and scaling. In order to optimize testing and to permit probabilistic methods to determine parameter spreads, relevant statistics have to be produced to describe component behavior under Total Ionising Dose exposure. The data collected will be analyzed, by randomly picking a small subset of the tested devices and evaluating the difference with the Page 142/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Deliverables: Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : full data set, taking advantage of proper statistical tools to evaluate the device variability. To exploit the increasing capacity of NAND Flash memories, high speed I/O interface circuitry is implemented. Double Data Rate (DDR) interfaces in the most recent device types are competing with the conventional asynchronous I/O design. This DDR interface is similar to that used in SDRAM and may bring about an increased SEFI and dynamic error sensitivity in NAND Flash. Single Event Effects testing of this new type of interface is necessary to establish the factual behavior in a space radiation environment and to determine the appropriate application conditions. As the feature size is scaled, the amount of charge stored in floating gates decreases accordingly. It is possible that the next device generations may become sensitive to direct ionization by protons, which would largely affect error rates in space. This requires an evaluation of single and multiple-bit upset rates. Even at ground level, ensuring the reliability of NAND Flash memories is a recognized concern and the characterization is becoming more and more complex. Although recent results on current component types have ruled out synergistic effects between intrinsic wear-out and environmental radiation effects, these cannot be excluded in the next generations of devices. This is based on the experience that, interactions between total dose and single events have been observed in the past. Therefore it is foreseen to include the evaluation of possible synergistic effects in advanced NAND and NOR Flash memories. Destructive events on NAND Flash memories tested under radiation have been reported but there is no conclusive proof that radiation is the root cause of these failures. Clarification is needed. Manufacturers are increasing development efforts on alternative non-volatile storage technologies, such as phase change memories (PCM), starting from the 45nm node. The PCM technology concept bears the potential of being very radiation hard and is therefore of potentially very high interest for space applications. Early radiation characterization of these devices is therefore highly advisable. The following documents will be delivered: - Report on statistical variations of total dose failures in NAND Flash memories: a benchmark NAND device (e.g. an SLC device with feature size below 32 nm) will be selected for this study. Many (e.g. 50) nominally identical samples will be tested in the same conditions under gamma irradiation. - Report on functional interrupts and dynamic errors in NAND Flash memories with DDR interface: a benchmark NAND device with DDR interface will be tested at speed under heavy ion irradiation. SEFIs and dynamic errors will be assessed. - Report on scaling of floating gate errors: NAND and NOR memories with different feature size will be exposed to heavy ions in off conditions. Errors in floating gate cells will be assessed. - Report on alternative large size non-volatile memories. Available phase change memories (PCM) with feature size equal or below 45 nm will be tested under gamma and heavy ion sources. Total dose tolerance and single event effects will be evaluated. Study Report Duration 36 4 Target TRL: 6 (months) 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Data Systems and On-Board Computers (2011) Page 143/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 24- Material and Processes Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 24 Materials and Processes Ref. Number: G617-128QT Budget (k€): Title: Evaluation of low temperature processing capabilities of novel thin and flexible ceramic coatings Objectives: The use of ceramic coatings has recently been required driven by the harsh mission environment from ESAs inner planetary missions like Bepi Colombo (BC). One ceramic coating processing development for that mission is requiring the use of Titanium alloys as substrates as it is a high temperature process requiring several hundred degrees. This is not a problem for BC but it excludes the possible use of the developed coating on lower temperature resistant materials. A possible adaption of the processing window would enable a much wider use of the currently available coating. A second point that shall be addressed is to increase the flexibility of the coating by further reducing the thickness by at least a factor of 2 without impairing the functional properties such that the coating can be applied flexible substrates like thin foils. Finally it shall be assessed whether the novel processes can lead to a more conductive coating performance – thus to avoid charging issues. Description: The following tasks shall be carried out. Within task 1, a reduction of processing window (curing temperature) by varying the binder matrix and the curing procedure eg. vacuum or room temperature curing. The target substrates under study shall be at least be compatible with Al alloys (200C) but should also be evaluated (in terms of temperature as well as adhesion) on CRFP. Within task 2, a reduction of layer thickness of the current technical thermal control coating basis with target layer thickness below 10µm shall be addressed. The flexibility of improved coatings from task 1 shall be assessed on flexible substrates such as foils and thin metallic sheets. During that tasks also improvements of the charging behaviour shall be studied. Both tasks shall be accompanied by a comprehensive materials and processing evaluation programme and shall include ground as well as space environmental assessments. In addition an economic and environmental evaluation shall be performed. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) Target Application / Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 144/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - CORE Technology Domain 24 Materials and Processes Ref. Number: G617-129QT Budget (k€): 600 Title: Development of Improved Bonding and Repairs for OSRs Objectives: Optical Solar Reflectors (OSRs) are a key material to provide stable thermo-optical properties on spacecraft. Currently the application of these materials is by manual/semi-automatic bonding on spacecraft surfaces which is a tedious task. In addition as these OSRs are extremely fragile defects such as cracks, debondings etc. are often created during manufacturing, AIT and storage/transport. Repairs are cumbersome and time consuming. The objective of the activity is two-fold, to improve the bonding stability and the resistance to cracking as well as to enable a more cost efficient way to repair in case bonded OSRs are damaged during AIT. In addition the verification of the improved bonding processes shall be accompanied by the use of suitable advanced state of the art NDI techniques. Description: The following tasks shall be carried out: Within task 1, an in depth analysis of the weaknesses of the currently used materials looking at the life cycle of current application. The definition of at least three improved adhesive systems in terms of manufacturing and repairability. Those three systems shall be tested in a ground manufacturing environment as well as a simulated space environment and traded off in an evaluation campaign on sample level. It shall be compared to the performance of currently used systems. One system shall be down selected for further work. As part of the downselection a detailed environmental and cost analysis shall be performed to establish main environmental/cost drivers incl. repair processes. Within task 2, the down selected material system shall be used to define a breadboard which shall be used to establish a prototype demonstration of the improved bonding as well as repair processes. The earlier performed detailed cost and environmental analysis shall be reiterated (now on the breadboard scale) and possible advantages in terms of time/cost/environment shall be highlighted and compared to classical systems. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Target Application / Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 145/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.4.2 Specific area: Clean Space TD 5- Space System Control Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain TD 5- Space System Control Ref. Number: G61C-027EC Budget (k€): 800 Title: Breadboard of a Multi-Spectral Camera for Relative Navigation Objectives: The objective of the activity is to breadboard a multi-spectral camera based on the preliminary design from a TRP activity. The multi-spectral camera shall cover thermal infrared, near-infrared and visual spectral bands. The camera specifications shall be derived from the rendezvous with uncooperative targets. The breadboard shall reach TRL 4. The breadboard shall include the optical head, the proximity electronics and the Image Processing Board and algorithms. Description: In 2014 ESA started a TRP study (Multi-Spectral Sensing for Relative Navigation MSRN) to design a multi-spectral camera that can be used for navigation purposes in a variety of scenarios. The main objective is to increase the accuracy and the robustness of the camera measurements. The activity focused on autonomous navigation systems for missions to uncooperative targets (e.g. active debris removal, asteroids, planetary landing). The navigation shall rely on passive cameras to cover all mission phases. A multi-spectral camera is needed to provide images under any illumination and environmental conditions. In the case of e.deorbit continuous measurement of the relative states between the chaser and the tumbling target is required independently of the illumination conditions. That is important for safety reasons in the terminal approach to a tumbling target, to perform inspection for characterization of the rotational state of the target, for synchronization and capture. This activity will work towards the design and manufacturing of a breadboard of a multi-spectral camera including the Image processing board. The activity will focus on 1) the manufacturing of the breadboard of a multi-spectral camera that can be used for the rendezvous and capture of e.deorbit mission and other missions requiring other relative navigation with uncooperative targets, 2) validation of the performances of the breadboard, optical head and image processing board, and 3) update a high-fidelity SW model, and a performance model for faster-than-real-time SW simulators (both models shall have the same interface than the breadboard). The activity will be broken down in tasks as follows: Task 1: Specifications and Preliminary Design Consolidation. This task shall analyse the results of the latest activities on relative navigation for RDV with uncooperative. These previous analyses and the results from e.deorbit phase B1 shall be used to consolidate the mission scenario and the camera and image processing requirements for an Active Debris Removal system. The applicability to other missions with uncooperative targets (e.g. AIM) shall be analysed. A validation plan shall be prepared to verify the breadboard manufacturing and validate its performances. The validation plan shall include the SW models, namely, a high fidelity model with image generation and image processing, and a medium fidelity model without image generation but Page 146/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use considering shape of the target, relative pose, and environment impact on the image processing output. Task 2: Detailed Design. The contractor shall design the multi-spectral camera that satisfies the requirements of Task 1. All the components of the breadboard shall be identified to provide the equivalent functional performances of the flight model. The image processing (IP) board and the IP algorithms shall be jointly optimized considering the mission requirements and the candidate alternative missions. The IP algorithms shall be implemented according to the selected HW/SW implementation. The design shall be validated in a MIL simulator from previous activities configured for e.deorbit mission scenario, including the high-fidelity model of the camera and a representative implementation of the IP algorithms (e.g. fixed-point). Task 3: Procurement and Integration. In this task the contractor will perform the procurement of the components of the camera including the required IP cores and SW licenses. The characterization of the components will be correlated with the SW models of the camera. The IP SW shall be embedded in the IP board. The EGSE shall be developed for the validation campaign. Integration tests shall be executed to demonstrate the readiness for breadboard validation. Task 4: Breadboard Testing The system tests are executed and analysed. The results are used to correlate the models (both high-fidelity and medium fidelity). The camera specifications are updated. In addition, in this task the contractor shall summarise the main findings, including any lessons learned during the course of this study. The Contractor shall also propose future activities to raise the TRL. Deliverables: Breadboard, technical documentation and software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) Clean Space Missions / TRL 4 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 147/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain TD 5- Space System Control Ref. Number: G61C-040EC Title: GNC design and performance validation for active debris removal with RIGID capture Objectives: The objective of the activity is to improve and consolidate the design and performances of the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) system of a chaser spacecraft that actively removes an uncooperative debris from orbit using a robotic arm and a clamping mechanism. This is one of the potential future methods of debris removal being considered by ESA's Active Debris Removal (ADR) mission, e.deorbit. Description: In 2015 ESA led a TRP activity (CLGARD) to design and validate a Guidance & Control (G&C) system for the capture and de-orbit phase of an Active Debris Removal mission using a robotic arm and a clamping mechanism. The multi-body dynamics of the chaser with a robotic arm before capture and of the composite (chaser and target mated with the clamping mechanism) were modelled in MATLAB/Simulink. The CLGARD activity managed to develop the G&C of the chaser with the robotic arm for the capture phase (finishes immediately before contact) and the G&C for the composite SC (after clamping mechanism if rigidized). During a CCN there was a preliminary assessment of the FDIR system related to the GNC and an enhancement of the navigation models to improve its representativity. This activity will work towards the consolidation of an advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) concept for active debris removal using a robotic arm and a clamping mechanism. The activity will build from the results of the previous TRP activity and the phase B1 of e.deorbit. The activity will focus on 1) the improvement of high-fidelity dynamics and equipment modelling, in particular the robotic arm, the clamping mechanism and the SC flexible modes, including the transients during the capture, 2) design of the GNC system, with particular emphasis placed on synchronization motion of chaser with a tumbling target, the combined control of the chaser and robotic arm during capture and rigidization (including transients), detumbling and the deorbiting manoeuvre (two spacecraft coupled by a clamping mechanism), and the demonstration of global stability during these phases, and 3) design the FDIR related to the GNC function including the Collision Avoidance Manoeuvres (CAM) during all mission phases. This activity concentrates on debris removal from circular low-Earth orbits, where ENVISAT is the reference target. The activity will be broken down in tasks as follows: Task 1: Consolidation of Requirements and Modelling. This task shall analyse the results of the latest activities on dynamics and control of the combined chaser - robotic arm and of the composite chaser - clamping mechanism - debris (from CLGADR, 'GNC Simulation Tool for Active Debris Removal with a Robot Arm', and 'Image Recognition and Processing for Navigation (IRN)' studies). The previous analyses and the results from e.deorbit phase B1 shall be used to consolidate the mission scenario and to elaborate the GNC requirements for an Active Debris Removal system that is compliant with the scenario. This task shall consolidate the requirements of a high-fidelity Modelin-the-Loop (MIL) simulation Framework, that will permit testing of the GNC design (e.g. improved models of chaser with robotic arm, sensor models). A real- Page 148/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Budget (k€): 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use time PIL test bench shall be developed from the MIL simulator. The task shall create a validation plan, that demonstrates how all the GNC requirements shall be tested and validated using the MIL Framework and the RT PIL test bench. Task 2: GNC Design and Development. This task shall design and develop a GNC that satisfies the requirements of Task 1. The Guidance block shall include any feed-forward terms necessary to meet the requirements. The Navigation chain shall be able to provide the required estimates by the controller at the proper frequency, in particular chaser attitude in inertial frame, chaser COM state in inertial frame (or other reference frame required by the controller), target relative pose with respect to the chaser (the sensor suite will be defined from e.deorbit and IRN studies and the measurements model from sensor and image processing derived from IRN results). The robotic arm state shall be estimated (additional sensors in the arm shall be agreed with ESA). The Control block shall be based on modern Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) control techniques and considered combined control of chaser and robotic arm relative to a tumbling target. A MIL simulator shall be implemented and validated including models from previous activities, in particular CLGADR and 'GNC Simulation Tool for Active Debris Removal with a Robot Arm' Task 3: GNC Validation and Verification. This task shall run sufficient tests with the MIL framework to successfully demonstrate the GNC performance of the chaser. The Contractor shall run different tests to validate the GNC design under different robotic arm, clamping mechanism, sensor conditions and assumptions. The contractor shall perform analyses and tests to demonstrate that the switched system is globally stable. The tests shall demonstrate the safety of the capture phase (including the synchronization with a tumbling target according to e.deorbit requirements). A number of tests shall be executed in the PIL test bench to demonstrate the GNC performances in a representative flight processor. Task 4: Conclusions and Recommendations This shall summarise the output of this study, including any lessons learned during the course of this activity. The Contractor shall also propose future activities to raise the TRL. This activity shall also update the GNC requirements from Task 1 based on the results of this activity and shall review any sensor characteristics and errors that lead to difficulties in achieving a satisfactory GNC design, based on the results of this activity. The Contractor shall provide a preliminary set of requirements on the sensor suite, in order to feed back into future sensor design. Also the task shall review any robotic arm and clamping mechanism characteristics and uncertainties that lead to difficulties in achieving a satisfactory GNC design, based on the results of this activity. The Contractor shall provide a preliminary set of requirements on the robotic arm, in order to feed back into future robotic arm hardware design. Deliverables: Technical documentation and software Current TRL: 3 Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) Target Application / Clean Space Missions / TRL 5 by 2017 Timeframe : Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 149/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain TD 5- Space System Control Ref. Number: G61C-041EC Budget (k€): 300 Title: GNC design and performance validation for active debris removal with FLEXIBLE capture Objectives: The objective of the activity is to improve and consolidate the design and performances of the Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) system of a chaser spacecraft that actively removes an uncooperative debris from orbit using an elastic tether which connects the chaser and the target object. This is one of the potential future methods of debris removal being considered by ESA's Active Debris Removal (ADR) mission, e.deorbit. Description: In 2013 ESA led several studies assessing the controllability of two spacecraft connected via a tether. In particular, the study Multiple-body Dynamics Simulation Tool for Active Satellite Removal System Modelling (MUST) a library of building blocks were designed to allow a control engineer to specify, design, and develop multi-body dynamics for flexible links (tethers) between two space vehicles in MATLAB/Simulink. The TRP activity AGADIR managed to develop the GNC of a tether joining a target captured by a net and a chaser. Another activity known as BOUNCED (Bodies Under Connected Elastic Dynamics) performed a preliminary analysis of the de-orbit burn an elastic tethered system. This activity will work towards the consolidation of an advanced Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) concept for active debris removal assuming the use of an elastic tether. The activity will build from the results of the previous activities. The focus of the activity will be on 1) the improvement of high-fidelity dynamics and equipment modelling and 2) design of the GNC system, with particular emphasis placed on the control of the coupled system during the deorbit (two spacecraft coupled by a tether), and the demonstration of global stability during multiple fixed-magnitude deorbit burn ignitions and shutdowns. This activity concentrates on debris removal from circular low-Earth orbits, where ENVISAT is the reference target. The activity will be broken down in tasks as follows: Task 1: Consolidation of Requirements and Modelling. This task shall analyse the results of the latest activities on dynamics and control of the chaser - elastic tether - debris (from MUST, BOUNCED, AGADiR and 'Image Recognition and Processing for Navigation (IRN)' studies). The previous analyses shall be used to consolidate the mission scenario (for instance tether stiffness and damping) and shall elaborate the GNC requirements for an Active Debris Removal system that is compliant with the scenario (e.g. tether pretension). This task shall consolidate the requirements of a high-fidelity Model-in-the-Loop (MIL) simulation Framework, that will permit testing of the GNC design (e.g. improved models of elastic tether, sensor models). A real-time PIL test bench shall be developed from the MIL simulator. The task shall create a validation plan, that demonstrates how all the GNC requirements shall be tested and validated using the MIL Framework and the RT PIL test bench. Task 2: GNC Design and Development. This task shall design and develop a GNC that satisfies the requirements of Task Page 150/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 1. The Guidance block shall include any feed-forward terms necessary to meet the requirements. The Navigation chain shall be able to provide the required estimates by the controller at the proper frequency, in particular chaser attitude in inertial frame, chaser COM state in inertial frame (or other reference frame required by the controller), target relative pose with respect to the chaser (the sensor suite will be defined from e.deorbit and IRN studies and the measurements model from sensor and image processing derived from IRN results). The Control block shall be based on modern Multiple-Input Multiple Output (MIMO) robust control techniques. A MIL simulator shall be implemented and validated including models from previous activities, in particular elastic tether from BOUNCED or MUST. Task 3: GNC Validation and Verification. This task shall run sufficient tests with the MIL framework to successfully demonstrate the GNC performance of the chaser. The Contractor shall run different tests to validate the GNC design under different tether and sensor conditions and assumptions. The contractor shall perform analyses and tests to demonstrate that the switched system is globally stable. The tests shall demonstrate the safety of the coupled chaser-target during the complete de-orbit phase (including the uncontrolled post-burn flight). A number of tests shall be executed in the PIL testbench to demonstrate the GNC performances in a representative flight processor. Task 4: Conclusions and Recommendations This shall summarise the output of this study, including any lessons learned during the course of this study. The Contractor shall also propose future activities to raise the TRL. This activity shall also update the GNC requirements from Task 1 based on the results of this activity and shall review any sensor characteristics and errors that lead to difficulties in achieving a satisfactory GNC design, based on the results of this activity. The Contractor shall provide a preliminary set of requirements on the sensor suite, in order to feed back into future sensor design. Also the task shall review any tether characteristics and uncertainties that lead to difficulties in achieving a satisfactory GNC design, based on the results of this activity. The Contractor shall provide a preliminary set of requirements on the tether, in order to feed back into future tether hardware design. Deliverables: Technical documentation and software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Clean Space Missions / TRL 5 by 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 151/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics Ref. Number: G61C-042MM Budget (k€): 3,000 Title: Capture of space debris with throw nets: Engineering Qualification Model development and sounding rocket testing Objectives: The objective of this activity is to build on a number of recent technology developments to perform the maturation, integration and final verification of the net system for debris capture so that it is ready for inclusion in an Active Debris Removal mission. To achieve this, a sounding rocket campaign shall be carried out for end-end validation of the space debris net. Description: This activity will have three phases. Phase A: Development of Engineering Models (TRL 5) This phase will get its input from current activities for tether development, net development, and rely on high-fidelity simulation tools currently verified in the frame of a TRP activity to consolidate and develop full-scale engineering models of all parts of the net capture system. The main components are - Net - Net closing mechanism - Tether - Spool - Net ejector A detailed test-plan shall be developed for the next phase. The sounding rocket experiment and the sounding rocket platform design shall be completed. Detailed simulations of the sounding rocket campaign shall be undertaken with validated simulators. Phase B: Development of Qualification Model (TRL 6) The second phase of the activity will bridge the system from TRL5 to TRL6 through a carefully designed series of environmental and mechanical tests. The sounding rocket platform shall undergo Manufacture Assembly and Integration as well as appropriate environmental and mechanical tests. Phase C: Sounding Rocket Experiment (TRL 7) The payload shall be integrated with the sounding rocket and the sounding rocket experiment performed. The experiment shall be fully instrumented, and high speed cameras will record the development with the aim for a full 3D reconstruction of all phases of the net deployment and closure. Deliverables: Engineering Model Page 152/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 4 Target Application Timeframe : e.Deorbit and any other ESA or non-ESA Active Debris Removal missions TRL 7 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Automation & Robotics (2012) Page 153/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 Duration (months) Current TRL: 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 18- Aerothermodynamics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain TD 18- Aerothermodynamics Ref. Number: G61C-003MP Title: Hot gas plume characterisation in vacuum Objectives: The objective of the present study is a detailed experimental characterisation of mono- and bi-propellant hot gas plumes in low density and near vacuum conditions. Description: Existing data for low-Newton thrusters typically associated with low-density applications has been collected for cold gas thrusters. As in this case, the plume consists of single species, the important features associated with multiple gas interactions in expanding rarefied plumes have not yet been measured (the expansion angle of low density gases exceeds that of high density gases). Current numerical tools such as DSMC (Direct Simulation Monte Carlo) urgently require validation if they are to be used to predict performance and mission requirements for ESA missions. Experimental characterisation of plumes is required for determination of: a) Contamination of solar panels, optical sensors etc. (satellite), b) Parasitic force and torque measurements (all satellite and craft). Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): Target TRL: 6 Duration (months) 500 12 Eco-Design, Clean Space,Technologies for space debris remediation, All spacecraft in orbit (mainly EO and Science Satellites) requiring critical orbital change manoeuvre. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Aerothermodynamic Tools (2012) Page 154/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G61C-012MS Budget (k€): Title: Bio-composite structure in space applications Objectives: The objective of this activity is to consider the BIO-Composite materials developed so far in Europe for space application and apply this material to build a typical space structure, i.e. the central cylinder of a spacecraft for a generic LEO mission to be flown with the VEGA launcher. This structure shall be tested against mechanical and environmental loads. Demisability tests shall also be performed in order to verify compliance with the new Space Debris Mitigation Requirements. Description: In the last years, the interest in the development of bio-composite materials for space application has increased and the development of such materials has started with the aim of reducing the environmental foot print of our space missions. At ESA, material developments have been undertaken in order to design and develop a demisable bio-composite material for load carrying applications in spacecraft platforms, payloads and equipment. These materials have been characterised against mechanical and environmental loads. Having now available a set of BIO-Composite material suitable for space application, the next step is to consider a space application and verify the applicability of such materials for a generic LEO mission. In order to do that, the following activities shall be accomplished: - Material State of the Art Review. - Design analysis and manufacturing of LEO spacecraft structural component to be selected. - Demonstration test campaign performed on the demonstrator structure and test evaluation shall be presented with compliance status to the requirements of the target application. - A development plan established covering foreseen efforts to achieve TRL 6 in potential future ESA studies for bio-composites. The development plan shall also describe the possible application range for current state-of-the-art bio-composites in space structures applications. - An evaluation of the environmental benefits for bio-composites for the selected space structure application. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application Timeframe : / Target TRL: 5 Future Missions Applicable THAG Roadmap: Composite Materials (2014) Page 155/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Duration (months) 500 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics Ref. Number: G61C-043MS Budget (k€): 3,000 Title: Prototype and qualification of a De-orbiting subsystem Objectives: The objective of this activity is to develop, manufacture and fully qualify the FM of a de-orbiting sub-system for LEO spacecraft. Description: Intense spaceflight activity during the past 60 years has resulted in a growing population of debris objects that pose hazards to safe space navigation. In 2013, experts estimate that 29 000 objects larger than 10 cm are orbiting Earth. Spacecraft industries are facing the problem of achieving compliance with the 25 years de-orbit requirement, while minimising any impact on the cost and effectiveness of their missions. Technologies for the development of sail material, architectural design of passive de-orbiting subsystem and of a Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) subsystem for deployable drag-augmentation devices have been supported by ESA during the last years raising their maturity to TRL levels of 5 to 6. Sail materials have been developed, addressing issues as impacts with debris, and consequent crack propagation, packaging and deploying methodologies. Recently ESA has supported an activity to develop sail materials able to withstand the very severe Atomic Oxygen (AtOx) and Ultra Violet (UV) environment. The architectural design of a scalable and modular drag augmentation device has been developed and will be tested up to TRL 6 in parallel with the development of a GNC sub-system which includes a functional numerical engineering simulation tool to assess quickly controllability and effectiveness of sails in various AOCS/GNC configuration and modes. The validation of the GNC system will reach TRL 4. These technologies are now ready for integration into a Flight Model (FM) of a subsystem for de-orbiting spacecraft in LEO including structures, mechanisms, and GNC. The flight demonstration shall ensure the de-orbit in less than 5 years, in order to have a validation of the subsystem considering the GNC, mechanical and aerothermo-dynamical aspects. The spacecraft to be considered shall have a total mass of 20-40 Kg, considering VEGA as reference launcher and an SSO orbit with an altitude of at least 700 km. The activity shall be organised in two phases. In phase 1, the FM shall be designed and manufactured, including additional instrumentation needed for a demo flight, i.e. data telemetry systems, on-board camera, sail health monitoring system (against AtOX, UV and debris impact). It may be necessary to consider PFM model philosophy in order to cover possible design changes for the Flight demonstration. The GNC sub-system shall be validated up to TRL 5/6, meaning that it shall be simulated in a flight representative environment, including processor-in-the-loop (PIL) and HW-inthe-loop (HIL) tests of the flight SW. The second phase shall be dedicated to the full flight qualification of the FM, including data recording and FM correlation. Specific tasks shall include : Page 156/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Phase 1: - Design and development of the FM. - Mathematical Model of the FM de-orbiting performances. - Verification and Validation of GNC system up to TRL 5/6 (starting from the preparation of the sail deployment up to the stabilisation of the sail and the passivation of the GNC). - Manufacturing of the FM and of all instrumentation needed for the flight demonstration. - Delivery of DDVP targeting full qualification. Phase 2: - Test campaign. - Data recording. - FM correlation. Deliverables: Engineering Model, Test data, (P)FM model correlations Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 8 Duration (months) Spacecraft sail de-orbiting; 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 157/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 24- Materials and Processes Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain 24- Materials and Processes Ref. Number: G61C-035QT Title: Development of a complete Cr-VI anticorrosion system and process scale-up at industrial level Objectives: Budget (k€): 500 Aluminum alloys are extensively used in space programs for both structural and non-structural applications. As well known, the corrosion resistance of these alloys is quite limited and anticorrosion treatment are needed. The most used treatment currently used for improving the corrosion resistance of aluminum alloys are usually CrVI-based conversion coating. Due to the high environmental impact of these compounds, the REACH Regulation of the European Union decided to limit/restrict the use of hexavalent chromium. A sunset date of mid-2017 has been already set. For the time being many chromate-free alternative products are available but they have found to be significantly inferior in terms of corrosion protection performances with respect to the chromate options. In this regard there is a great need to develop high performance hexavalent chromium-free anti-corrosion coatings. ESA is currently involved in different projects concerning the development of chromium VI free anticorrosion coatings. In partnership with NASA Technology Evaluation for Environmental Risk Mitigation (TEERM) a research project focused on the evaluation of alternative pretreatment with primers is currently under development. Possible alternatives for hexavalent chromium-free surface treatments and primers have been evaluated and tested and preliminary, but, promising results have been identified. The objective of this activity is to evaluate the anticorrosion behaviour of the different alternative pre-treatments applied to the most used aluminum alloys (2024 in T3 and T8 treatment, 6061, 7075 in T73 treatment and 5083). The outcome of this activity will be the identification and the optimization of the most promising anticorrosion pre-treatment. At this point, a natural continuation of this project would be beneficial to define the most promising pretreatment/primer combinations and to build a complete and performant anti-corrosion system. Furthermore an industrial upscale of the process will be one of the major target of this new activity. The sunset date of the 2017 defined by REACH regulation is imminent and consistent efforts are needed in order to build a robust a reliable industrial process for space applications. Description: The proposed activity will consist of the following steps: - Identification of the most promising substrate/pre-treatment/primer combination - Test campaign at sample level in order to set-up a reliable and robust process - Identification of representative case-study in order to build a strategy to scale-up the process at industrial level - Test campaign a prototype level in order to improve the robustness and Page 158/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use reliability of the process Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 4 Duration (months) 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 159/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain 24- Materials and Processes Ref. Number: G61C-044QT Title: Alternatives to processes affected by REACH for the manufacture of PCBs Objectives: - Description: Budget (k€): 500 Inventorise materials and processes for the manufacture of PCBs that are impacted by REACH legislation. Survey alternatives products that can be used as drop-in technology using the same process flow and survey alternative process flows. Evaluate the manufacturability and reliability of PCBs with alternative process, compared to the existing process. The REACH legislation deals with Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemical substances. The law entered into force on 1 June 2007. The aim of REACH is to improve the protection of human health and the environment through the better and earlier identification of the intrinsic properties of chemical substances. REACH office maintains lists of chemical substances of concern (SVHC) and define restriction for their use. The ESA qualification of PCBs is, in parts, a process qualification, as detailed in ECSS-Q-ST-70-10 Qualification of PCBs. The Product Identification Document PID of each PCB manufacturer specifies the processes involved. Significant changes to the process flow can be subject to delta qualification before they are approved. This activity aims to inventorise affected processes by defining impact factor and priority. This is followed by testing selected alternative processes for PCB manufacturability and reliability. The following processes have already been identified to be impacted by REACH: 1) Electroless copper All current processes contain formaldehyde which is a CMR (Carcinogen, Mutagen or Reprotoxic) product. Some processes contain a salt of mercury as a stabilizer, which will be banned around 2017 according to a European Directive on quality of water. Chemistry suppliers are developing drop-in electroless copper processes, which need to be evaluated. In addition, it may be possible to use other process flows to metallise the through-hole, by using direct metallisation (e.g. using palladium). 2) Tin-lead surface finish One process uses lead-methanesulfonate, which is CMR and in the SVHC list. Another fluoroborate process uses boric acid, which is CMR and in the SVHC list. Tin-lead processes are under threat of obsolescence due to a general ban under RoHS regulation. 3) ENEPIG surface finish This finish is candidate as a substitute for tin-lead and ENIG finish. The process flow uses nickel-sulfate which is CMR, but not yet included in the SVHC list. 4) Electrolytic nickel-gold finish Page 160/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Process flow uses boric acid, which is CMR and in the SVHC list. 5) Surface treatment on copper foils This process commonly uses chromates. Cr (VI) is on the SVHC list. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: 5 Duration (months) TRL 5 by 2017. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 161/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 26- Others Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – CLEAN SPACE Technology Domain 26- Others Ref. Number: G61C-045SW Title: REIM - Resource Efficiency through Improved Methods for treatment of recycling products Objectives: Description: Budget (k€): 350 1. Assessment and analysis of the impacts of the treatment and recycling processes of scrap material during the production phase of space hardware 2. Assessment and analysis of the impacts of the treatment and recycling processes for non-accepted components during the manufacturing and assembly of space hardware 3. Identification of methods to reduce material waste and of alternative treatment of scrap material and non-accepted components, reducing overall resource consumption and impacts of the processes. 4. Update of current environmental impact models based on primary data for waste material and component acceptance rates. The traditional manufacturing route for many space applications involves the procurement of large aluminium and titanium plates and forgings which are subsequently machined into the final structure; for example for the production of a 1 m3 titanium tank of 58 kg, 921 kg of titanium are needed. Due to the significant amount of machining that is required to produce the final shape, the associated manufacturing costs and environmental impacts are considerable, in particular on resource depletion and use of Critical Raw Materials. Studies on the environmental impacts of space activities show that the treatment of the waste material thus becomes an important factor, but in the same time is a major uncertainty, since the buy-to-fly ratio of a product depends on the material, machining operation and the final product shape. In the aerospace industry protocols are already in place which allow some of the chips (machined material) which are produced during the manufacturing of wing spars and ribs to be recycled by the aluminium and titanium supplier to form new products. Although the volume of machining in the space industry is much less than that of the commercial aircraft industry, there is still an opportunity to recycle as much material possible, thus reducing the associated environmental impact and making cost savings. The use of specialised materials also makes dedicated methods necessary in order to separate different alloys and retain their specific properties, to maximise the benefit of the recycling process and the re-use of critical alloying elements. Similar considerations apply to acceptance tests of components and equipment. The acceptance rates and the treatment of the failed products present a major gap in the current models, but are also identified as a promising field of increasing resource efficiency and reducing overall impacts. Consequently this study assesses the loss and fail rates of a representative number of manufacturing processes and acceptance tests and investigates the treatment of waste material and failed products in a subset of these cases. With the results the current environmental models can be updated based on the primary data obtained and subsequently potential methods to increase the efficiency in the use of resources and to improve the treatment of waste materials and failed products Page 162/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use are developed. This way, the study aims at providing monetary and environmental benefit to industry through the more efficient use of resources and to decrease the dependence on Critical Raw Materials (CRMs), identified by the European Commission as raw materials of special value and high risk associated to their supply. In this activity the following tasks will be performed: 1. A number of aluminium and titanium products will be selected for possible study, based on the amount of usage and their associated environmental impacts as identified in earlier studies. Their fly-to-buy ratio and/or acceptance rate will be determined and the traditional waste treatment assessed. 2. Based on the precursor activities, eco-design principles will be applied to determine the most appropriate methodology for recycling. Recycling routes will be proposed, either based on traditional casting methods or by using 3D printing. 3. The existing LCA models will be updated based on the results of the study and potentially additional cradle-to-gate LCAs will be performed to compare the overall environmental impact of the recycled products to existing ones. 4. Lessons learned and suggestions for improvement of waste materials will be issued. Deliverables: Report, LCA models Current TRL: 3 Target Application Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 163/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.4.3 Specific area: SAVOIR TD 1- On-board Data Systems Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - SAVOIR Technology Domain 1 On-board Data Systems Ref. Number: G61V-003ED Title: AES/SAVOIR: Consolidation of Specification of Modular RTU Modules (electrical, mechanical and thermal interfaces) Objectives: The activity will generate a consolidated specification for RTU modules The activity is related to the Modular RTU GSTP Activity - (G521-001ED) Description: The aim of the activity Modular General Purpose RTU (G521-001ED) is to develop a concept of a Modular Unit and produce a first set of modules that will undergo an EQM qualification. The activity Modular General Purpose RTU will produce also as an intermediate result a preliminary specification of a generic RTU module. The main objective of the activity here proposed is the consolidation and standardization of this specification to define all the electrical, mechanical and thermal interfaces of RTU modules. Detailed mechanical drawings and electrical ICD shall be provided to be used as reference by several potential RTU board suppliers. The final scope is to have a unique and identified form factor specification that will drive the design and the manufacturing of board for the Modular RTU. Tasks: Review of the preliminary specification of a generic RTU module as defined by G521-001ED, Generation of the final specification of a generic RTU module, Generation of all the mechanical drawings for the Modular RTU boards, Generation of a model for the Standardized Electrical Bus used of the Modular RTU, Definition of all the timings with margin of the Standardized Electrical Bus of the Modular RTU. Deliverables: Study report and paper specifications & drawings Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : The Modular RTU can find applications in Earth Observation, Science, Telecom, Exploration Missions. 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Data Systems and On-Board Computers (2011) Page 164/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 200 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 2- Space System Software Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY - SAVOIR Technology Domain 2 Space System Software Ref. Number: G61V-004SW Budget (k€): Title: AES/SAVOIR: IMA-SP Industrialisation Objectives: The objective of the activity includes: - IMA-SP Consolidation of System Executive and I/O handling strategy. The objective is to improve and optimise the System Executive technology and the I/O strategy for spacecraft avionics in a partitioned system. This addresses potential hardware support for I/O handling and potential network specifically able to segregate I/O. - Para-virtualisation of selected guest operating system for IMA. 1) Trade off and selection of the operating system(s) to be ported on top of the hypervisor selected by the TSP activities (in the avionics roadmap).2) Porting of the selected operating system(s).3) Validation. - Integration in the SAVOIR OSRA architecture, IMA demonstrator with building blocks, e.g. Leon3-NGMP/Xtratum-PikeOS/RTEMS. Description: The System Executive (SE) technology provides the partitioning environment to support Time and Space Partitioning (TSP) and contains (i) a separation kernel (e.g. a microkernel or a hypervisor) that schedules the partitions and (ii) a partition OS that schedules the processes within the partition. Previous ESA activities in this field have ported separation kernels from the non-space domain to the spacecraft context (i.e. LEON3 CPU) and demonstrated that the IMASP/TSP concept is feasible (achieving TRL 4). This activity shall take the outputs from these activities and select one or more for improvement and optimisation. The selected separation kernel(s) must come, with comprehensive justification, from the list of kernel(s) that have been used on previous ESA activities (e.g. AIR2, PikeOS or XtratuM). Each partition can then execute a different (real time) operating system on top of the same microprocessor, for example RTEMS, GnatPro, ObjectAda, VxWorks, PartiKle, Linux, etc. Execution Platform 1,000 Consolidation and A second element to this activity is the optimisation of the I/O strategy for spacecraft avionics. This topic is directly associated with the System Executive technology because adopting a time and space partitioned architecture will mean making changes to the IO handling concept. Interrupts from IO devices cannot be assumed to be immediately serviced in a TSP environment therefore this activity must establish the modifications needed to the avionics IO strategy to optimise the performance of the system. The relationship with current hardware and future hardware is essential, as the use of dedicated I/O boards could prevent designing an I/O partition. The third element of this activity is the avionics bus. Beyond the classical avionics busses, the emergence of synchronous or asynchronous Ethernet based network gives an opportunity to simplify the I/O handling. The activity shall cover the following tasks: 1. Selection and potential enhancement of the separation kernel and operating Page 165/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use system technology, as well as the necessary building blocks to provide an OSRA compliant execution platform. 2. In order to improve the efficiency of IO handling within the IMA-SP avionics, selection of a combination of dedicated IO servers within the flight software and intelligent hardware I/O-processor modules. This task shall identify improvements to be made to the existing avionics design and then prototype these new approaches to IO handling on bread boards or emulators. 3. Selection of a new generation avionics network and integration in the avionics and software architecture. 4. Development of a prototype demonstrating the benefits of the combined software design, hardware and network selection. The outputs from these tasks shall be installed and demonstrated within the ESTEC Avionics Lab. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Use of IMA and new avionics network is advocated by industry in ADCSS 2015, for the preparation of the next product lines in 2017. Also applicable for the next generation of avionics for Launchers Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Avionics Embedded Systems (2010) Page 166/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 Duration (months) 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.4.4 Specific area: Space & Energy TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 3 Spacecraft Electrical Power Ref. Number: G61E-001EP Title: Life testing of solar cells for space and terrestrial applications Objectives: This activity will aim to evaluate and quantify the reliability of GaAs based solar cells and associated by-pass diodes Description: This activity will support long term testing to verify the stability and reliability of advanced GaAs based solar cell structures and associated protection by-pass diode technology. Since processes such as metal contacts are similar for space and terrestrial applications, understanding of degradation mechanisms is essential and expected to benefit both applications. The activity will involve electrical performance testing of solar cells and diodes for long duration under accelerated environmental conditions (high humidity, high temperature, thermal cycling). Failure modes will be analysed and correlated to acceleration parameters in order to establish conditions for safe use and accumulate statistics for reliability as a function of operating environment. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Solar Generators & Solar Cells (2009) Page 167/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 500 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G61E-006EE Title: Technologies for space weather services supporting drilling and surveying activities of the European energy industrial sector Objectives: Develop key technologies required by the service and observation segments for space weather services supporting drilling and surveying activities of the European energy industrial sector and validation on an integrated platform. Description: Drilling and surveying (based on magnetic and conductivity measurements) are two important activities of the energy sector. Both activities makes use of GNSS based precise positioning systems, e.g., for off-shore drilling platforms location control, that are subject to ionospheric disturbances on the signal and to geomagnetic storms activities. Therefore, these activities have specific needs regarding the specification, the monitoring and the forecast of geomagnetic storms and perturbations of the GNSS signal availability and integrity. Provision of the relevant services may use observation and data provision assets common to other space weather services but the specificity of the data product and performance requirements of a service for drilling and surveying activities have to be addressed at a more local level. Elements of such services exists in some European countries. The purpose of the new development is to provide: - Environmental specifications to compute mean and deviation to the mean of the effects in any relevant location. - Monitoring of the cause and effects of disturbed environment and alert of out of nominal conditions. - Forecast of the effects and early warning allowing to planning activities of drilling activities. - The activities to be performed include: - Specification of observation, measurement and data product required. - Development and validation of a virtual service mock-up partly based on existing data sets or deployed space and ground based sensors and/or locally newly deployed ground based sensors (magnetometers, GNSS receivers). Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 5-6 needed to initiate SSA service precursor in phase 3 of SSA (2019) Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 168/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 300 21 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 21- Thermal Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-002MT Title: Heat Storage for Terrestrial Application Objectives: Based on materials/technologies investigated/developed for heat storage for space missions e.g. Phase-Change Materials, the objective of this activity is to adapt and expand such technologies/materials for potential application in the terrestrial sector. Description: Starting with the requirements from the terrestrial sector (buildings and industry), the currently available heat storage technologies and materials shall be reviewed and assessed for their potential use in such potential terrestrial applications. Where needed the technologies/materials shall be adapted or extended for this new applications. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Highly efficient heat storage technologies are needed to e.g. store solar heat for use during night or to provide means for keeping specific items at a given (low or cryogenic) temperature during a certain time for e.g. transport. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 169/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 400 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-003MT Title: Thermal Insulation for Buildings & Industrial Processes Objectives: Based on materials/technologies investigated/developed for insulation for space missions for e.g. Mars environment (e.g. Aerogel), the objective of this activity is to adapt and expand such insulation technologies for application in the terrestrial sector. Description: Starting with the requirements from the terrestrial sector (buildings and industry), the currently available insulation technologies and materials shall be reviewed and assessed for their potential use in such applications. Where needed the design/material shall be extended for this new applications and/or necessary delta-developments shall be performed to adapt the material to existing building standards, also looking at aspects as large scale manufacturing, handling, packaging, reduction of cost, etc. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Highly efficient insulation for buildings and for industrial processes is an extremely important aspect for terrestrial applications, to increase efficiency of such processes and to reduce heating cost and the use of primary energy sources. In addition, some insulation materials (e.g. Aerogel) can resist to very high temperature which is essential for fire retardant applications. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 170/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 500 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-004MT Budget (k€): 200 Title: Loop Heat Pipes for Heat Recovery & Solar Power Conversion Objectives: Two-Phase Heat Transport Systems (Heat Pipes and especially in the last years Loop Heat Pipes) have been developed for a number of space applications and have become the baseline for advance thermal control systems Based on the work done for space applications and the experience gained, the objective is to expand and adapt the designs for terrestrial use for heat recovery/heat removal and for solar energy conversions (near ambient temperatures). Description: In the terrestrial sector there is a large demand for energy (heat) recovery and /or heat removal for e.g. data centers with very large amount of waste heat which needs to be efficiently removed, LHP for cooling of electrical installations; use of LHP for thermal management of wind turbine power convertors. Another area for application is the efficient "harvesting" of solar energy. e.g. to transfer solar heat from solar collectors to the heat storage unit. LHPs will offer a high reliability cooling solution for low maintenance applications. Unlike heat pipes, the Loop Heat Pipes exhibit much less ground operation constraints (adverse height of 2-3 meters possible). Starting with the requirements from the terrestrial energy sector, the currently available heat pipe and loop heat pipe designs shall be reviewed and assessed for their potential use in such applications. Where needed the design shall be extended for this new application. Aspects which will need to be addressed are material compatibility, long-time performance, etc. In addition, design aspects linked to the integration of heat pipes into batteries and fuel cells will have to be addressed, in order to optimise such concepts. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : LHP for cooling of electrical installations; use of LHP for thermal management of wind turbine power convertors. "harvesting" of solar energy. e.g. to transfer solar heat from solar collectors to the heat storage unit. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 171/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 15 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-005MT Title: Heat Pipes for Batteries & Fuel Cells Objectives: Based on the experience gained with Heat Pipes (HP) for space, the objective is to adapt and extend the design (different working fluids, different container materials, etc.) of such devices for integration into batteries and fuel cells, in order to efficiently remove the dissipated heat, to better control the temperature levels and profiles in such devices, thereby increasing the efficiency of the energy conversion process in such devices. Description: Starting with the requirements from the terrestrial energy sector, the currently available heat pipe designs shall be reviewed and extended where needed for this new application. Aspects which will need to be addressed are material compatibility, long-time performance, etc. In addition, design aspects linked to the integration of HP's into batteries and fuel cells will have to be addressed, in order to optimise such concepts. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : Batteries and fuel cells are used in the terrestrial energy sector for a number of application, as e.g. energy buffering, local energy production. The thermal design and thermal management is of crucial interest to improve the performance and efficiency of such devices. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 172/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 600 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-009MT Budget (k€): 400 Title: Cryogenic Composite Tanks - Light-Weight Long-Term Hydrogen Storage Objectives: The potential for application of the cryogenic composite tank, or adequately modified version of the same tank, for long-term storage of hydrogen, has to be analysed and established. The focus of the activity will be to study long-term hydrogen storage for space applications (fuel cells, etc.), while at the same time identifying benefits to terrestrial applications. If specific modifications are required to enhance the tank performance for use with LH2, the objective is to list the necessary steps to demonstrate the effectiveness of the modifications to be elaborated and prioritized. Subsequently the steps with the highest priority within the time and the budget will be completed. Description: It is foreseen that hydrogen from renewable resources, such as biomass and water with input from renewable energy sources, will be an important energy carrier and energy buffer in the future. Cryogenic hydrogen, usually simply referred to as liquid hydrogen (LH2), has a density of 70.8 kg/m3 at normal boiling point (20 K, -253 °C), which means that liquid hydrogen has a much better energy density than the pressurized gas solutions. Under a previous ESA activity, a cryogenic composite tank was under development for long-term storage of liquid helium, with potential application for launchers and scientific spacecraft. Much the same challenges face the use of hydrogen as energy carrier. Besides having to be strong and light-weight, due to the use of composite material, the tank has to show low enough hydrogen permeation and boil-off, as well as compatibility with the long-term exposure to hydrogen and potentially to multiple thermal cycles. The proposed activity is intended to address and perform additional analysis and test, and potential design modifications and associated demonstration, for use of the cryogenic composite tank also for long-term hydrogen storage. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Definition of hydrogen as propellant, with the need for extended storage, for launcher or scientific spacecraft, with synergy between and common technology development needs for space (propulsion, fuel cells) and ground (automotive/ aeronautical) applications /2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Electrochemical Energy Storage (2014) Page 173/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-010MT Budget (k€): 600 Title: Slush hydrogen - up-scaling and optimising production Objectives: The objective of the activity is to assess critical issues on upscaling and infrastructure definition with respect slush hydrogen (SLH2) production and transport. In conjunction with the first objective, to improve/optimise the SLH2 production pilot plant, in particular to permit testing of features in relation to large-scale and sustained production and long-term storage. One such feature is the integration and demonstration of the use of cryocoolers or recycling of helium coolant gas. Description: It is foreseen that hydrogen from renewable resources, such as biomass and water with input from renewable energy sources, will be an important energy carrier and energy buffer in the future. Cryogenic hydrogen, usually simply referred to as liquid hydrogen (LH2), has a density of 70.8 kg/m3 at normal boiling point (20 K, -253 °C), which means that liquid hydrogen has a much better energy density than the pressurized gas solutions. Densified propellants were identified by ESA studies (FESTIP) as a promising method to design more compact launchers. Applied research into slush hydrogen (SLH2) production using the Slush Gun Method started at ESA around 2000. Good results from the initial activities has led to the decision to build a pilot plant to demonstrate large-scale production of SLH2. By using slush, with the cryogen cooled to the triple point, for hydrogen 14 K, instead of the boiling point, for hydrogen 20 K, continuous boil-off losses can be avoided. For SLH2 the increase in density, i.e. decrease in volume, is 16% with a solid content of 50%. The plan for SLH2 will be to explore benefits for hydrogen storage. Local/regional storage of hydrogen, produced from water during periods with excess capability from wind and solar power, can be used as an energy buffer The produced hydrogen is also a potential source of energy for fuel-cell powered vehicles. Compact and safe storage of the hydrogen can be offered with the SLH2 method. The available technology from ESA activities, based on the Slush Gun Method, easily lends itself to up-scaling, by multiplying the number of nozzles in the plant. In addition to more or larger nozzles, economically sustainable SLH2 production will require improvement of the method to subcool the hydrogen, with cryocoolers and/or recycling of helium coolant gas. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : Definition of slush hydrogen production infrastructure and synergy between and common technology development needs for space (launcher) and ground applications/2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Chemical Propulsion - Upper Stage Propulsion (2003) Page 174/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 21 Thermal Ref. Number: G61E-011MT Budget (k€): Title: Slush Methane Production for Propulsion Production of Slush Natural Gas (SLNG) Objectives: The main objective of the activity will be the demonstration of suitability of the slush-gun method for SLNG production, with the technology from the pilot plant already available from the FLPP project on slush hydrogen. The use of the pilot plant with LNG has been studied and documented in information that was enclosed with ESA contract 20375, CCN 2. and 300 Application to The outcome of the demonstration will serve to validate the predicted performance and economy of large-scale SLNG production and transport. In principle LNG can be treated like liquid methane (standard LNG is allowed to include trace contamination which is not present in pure methane), which is one of the candidate propellants for future European launchers, and the study also has to address commonalities in SLNG and slush methane production and storage infrastructure for the event that slush methane would be required for European launch operations. Description: Densified propellants were identified by ESA studies (FESTIP) as a promising method to design more compact launchers. Applied research into slush hydrogen (SLH2) production using the "Slush Gun Method" started at ESA around 2000. Good results from the initial activities has led to the decision to build a pilot plant to demonstrate large-scale production of SLH2. By using slush, with the cryogen cooled to the triple point, for hydrogen 14 K, instead of the boiling point, for hydrogen 20 K, continuous boil-off losses can be avoided For SLH2 the increase in density, i.e. decrease in volume, is 16% with a solid content of 50%. The same process can be used also for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG). For slush natural gas, predominantly methane, the corresponding gain will be 14% Even more important for LNG is that boil-off of methane can be avoided, since the methane, if released, is a strong green-house gas. Under a previous ESA activity a pilot plant for slush hydrogen production has been designed and built. In comparison to slush hydrogen, SLNG production is expected to be less complicated and less costly, considering that it can occur at a temperature of 90 K, compared to 14 K for hydrogen, making it possible to use nitrogen instead of helium as cooling medium. With increased global interest in LNG as an alternative to other fossil fuels, due to less pollution and sizeable global reserves, successful demonstration of the SLNG technology is anticipated to attract attention due to advantages here described. Methane is a potential propellant for future launchers. Thanks to a higher boiling point, (upper) stage tank design can be simplified. Actually, the triple point for methane (90 K, see above) is very close to LOX, which can be used to make the design very compact, since no particular thermal decoupling is required. A TRP activity will establish the effect of using slush, both hydrogen and methane, on stage design, in particular in relation to the propulsive elements/engine components. It is anticipated that the initial work under the activity has to determine the degree to which existing hardware can be re-used or has to be modified and the extent to which preparatory tests at laboratory level are required. Page 175/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : Preparation of natural gas for transport in the form of slush/Estimation of infrastructure investment needs for SLNG (ground application) and slush methane (launcher application)/2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Chemical Propulsion - Upper Stage Propulsion (2003) Page 176/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 22- Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and InSitu Resource Utilisation (ISRU) Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 22 Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) Ref. Number: G61E-007MM Title: BIOFUEL advanced breadboard Objectives: Design, manufacture and characterise a breadboard for integrated demonstration and preliminary mathematical model validation. Description: Photo-bioreactor design for high biomass productivity (i.e. enhanced energy production) raises few engineering challenges such as for instance light energy transfer, hydrodynamics, fouling, bio-compatibility of materials, harvesting and predictive mathematical models. A currently running activity, focusing on the feasibility of production intensification, demonstrates the possibility to reach higher productivity. However, current limitations in increasing further the productivity are related to material selection and system integration strategy, which require further considerations. Therefore, it is now proposed to study the interfaces, the engineering drivers at system level, the mathematical model of the system in order to progress toward an engineering breadboard. This advanced breadboard will be manufactured and its performances will be characterised in various operational modes to support a preliminary validation of the associated mathematical model as well as the energy production range. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 177/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 500 30 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain – Specific Area GENERIC TECHNOLOGY – SPACE & ENERGY Technology Domain 22 Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) Ref. Number: G61E-008MM Title: EnRUM (energetic resources utilisation map) demonstrator Objectives: Develop and test the demonstrator Description: A system analysis tool for comparative evaluation of regenerative life support systems architecture has been previously developed. The methodology and the simulation platform are available and were validated for system mass evaluation. In the case of regenerative system, mass transfer and transformation is always associated to energy consumption or dissipation, which needs to be taken into account in the system evaluation. The currently running development focuses on the detailed study of energy models and software to demonstrate the feasibility to perform energy balance at system level. On this basis, it is now proposed to develop and test the associated demonstrator, i.e. integrating the previous findings (energy models and selected software) into the existing platform. Deliverables: Mathematical model+software+documentation Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 178/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 400 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.5 Space Situational Awareness 3.5.1 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-002EE Budget (k€): 600 Title: H-alpha Solar (HASTENet) Objectives: Prototype networking of ground-based H-alpha monitoring for SSA space weather element. Description: Establish a ground-based capability in Europe for monitoring of the Sun at Halpha wavelength dedicated to operational space weather use. Analysis of European capabilities, upgrading existing facilities and infrastructure. Integration into an international network where appropriate. Telescope Network prototype for Applications This activity will analyse existing facilities in terms of existing hardware, software, data availability and telescope seeing conditions. Prototyping of the network will include operation of selected and adapted telescopes and real-time dissemination of the products to the SSA SWE Network. Requirements and implementation planning for a dedicated European H-alpha Service Telescope System will be established in order to address fully European SSA requirements. This will include preliminary designs for any new instrumentation or infrastructure technologies required. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 179/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-003EE Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: Heliospheric modelling techniques Objectives: Development of a physics-based models for operational prediction of the propagation of CMEs and solar energetic particles to the Earth. Description: The background solar wind and solar eruptions, such as coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and High-speed Solar wind Streams (HSSs), propagating into interplanetary space are drivers for space weather phenomena. Resulting impacts include geomagnetically induced currents (GICs), ionospheric disturbances interfering with GNSS systems, spacecraft charging, single event effects on spacecraft and launchers resulting from accelerated Solar Energetic Particles (SEPs) and aurora especially at high latitudes. Many physics-based models have been developed for simulating parts of the Sun-to-Earth space weather system, consisting of plasma, fields and energetic charged particles. Depending on the problem, these use a variety of modelling techniques (magneto hydrodynamics, particle-in-cell, etc.). At this time such models exist in the form of scientific codes but require additional technical development before a transition to operations. This activity shall develop and enhance existing physics-based models of Coronal Mass Ejection (CME) structure, propagation and evolution creating a full global 3D code. Outputs shall include the prediction of arrival times of CMEs and HSSs, event-time profiles of the plasma density along with the magnetic field strength and direction in the heliosphere from a few solar radii up to and beyond 1 AU. The inclusion of an SEP propagation model driven by the modelled CME-driven shock shall be explored. Efforts to unify such codes have been previously undertaken as part of the ESA SEPEM project and the FP7 SEP Server projects but the creation of a physics based European operational model for SEP onset and evolution is lacking. The model(s) will initially be integrated into the SWE Network via the Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre. Deliverables: Prototype Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 180/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-004EE Budget (k€): 300 Title: Standardised airborne radiation detector feasibility analysis Objectives: Feasibility analysis of the design and implementation of a standardised radiation detector to be flown on-board commercial aircraft. Description: SSA Programme provides air travellers and commercial aircraft crew members a possibility to estimate their background radiation doses from Galactic Cosmic Radiation (GCR) and Solar Energetic Particle events (SEPs) using the AVIDOS tool. These estimates are based on global, ground based neutron measurements and spaceborne measurements of the solar proton flux. While the models used by this service have been statistically validated, a continuous validation will be vital to ensure that the accumulated dose estimates provided by the service will be within expected error margins. The best way to validate the service would be that a sufficient number of commercial aircraft would carry a radiation monitoring instrument. Standardisation and acceptance testing of the instrument will be necessary to ensure that all airlines will be able to consider carrying an instrument on-board. This activity assess the feasibility to develop such a standardised airborne radiation monitor, identify required technology developments and produce a roadmap for the development. This study will also analyse available short term options for validating the accumulated dose estimates while the standardised radiation monitor instrument is not available. Deliverables: Feasibility analysis of the instrument development. Development roadmap. Current TRL: Not specified Target Application / Timeframe : Target TRL: Not specified Duration (months) 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 181/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 12 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-006EE Budget (k€): 500 Title: Impact effects tools Objectives: The effects a NEO would have on assets and population when impacting our planet depends on its size, composition, the impact trajectory and velocity and the impact location. When a potential impact risk from a NEO has been identified it is important to know if the object could cause damage on the ground and the extent of such damage. Engineering-type tools are needed to analyse the complete process from atmospheric interaction, break-up and energy release in the atmosphere, assessment on which size objects can reach the ground and impact effects on ground. A number of - mainly scientific- related models and tools are available. A review of the existing relevant knowledge and tools was performed during the SSA preparatory phase (activity SSA SN-VII) and a roadmap for the development of missing tools was established. In addition to state of the art scientific tools an operational tool for a quick assessment of impact effects and potential damage is required. This tool shall be able to provide easy to understand but reliable results within minutes. Description: An operational tool for the quick assessment of effects resulting from impacting asteroids shall be developed. It could be based on a large number of reference cases which are stored in a database. A higher level tool with a user friendly interface could interpolate the stored results for the specified input parameters. This activity will consist of 3 main tasks: - Develop capabilities which are missing in the existing tools as recommended by the roadmap. Examples are: Electromagnetic pulse effects, acoustic effects, realistic object break-up modelling and the treatment of smaller objects. - Produce the database of reference cases covering the full range of realistic impact parameters. - Develop the operational tool for a quick impact risk assessment including the user interface. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : For SSA-NEO precursor servicies. Needed as soon as possible. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 182/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-008EE Budget (k€): 500 Title: Combined Radiation Monitor Data Analysis System Objectives: Develop a coherent near-real time radiation environment data resource through development of a system for importing, cross-validating, fusing and analysing data from a range of European radiation monitors and instruments (e.g. SREMs, EPT, MFS, EMU, HMRM, NGRM, ICARE). Description: There are a number of different European radiation monitor instruments already flying, or about to fly, each with their own dedicated data (pre-) processing chains and systems. These include the SREM instrument on Proba-1, Integral, and Rosetta; EPT and SATRAM on Proba-V; MFS on AlphaSat, and others. These systems are thus far largely disparate, requiring the user to separately access them, while differing data formats are also used that make intercomparison and data fusion difficult. This activity will utilise those various networked data sources by combining them to a single, near-real time product. Existing capabilities, such as the ODI interface and SEISOP system, shall be used to the extent possible. Task description: - Analysis of the existing data formats, processing chains and data validation for the various European radiation monitors and collection of user requirements. - Definition and design of a coherent system for merging of the various data sources into a near-real time product providing energetic electron and proton fluxes and spectra in the different orbital environments. - Development of the system and software. - Validation of the system and the data products. - Maintenance and updates. The end customers will be Space Weather application developers and users, spacecraft radiation effects engineers, mission designers, various instrument PIs, as well as spacecraft operators. Deliverables: Software Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2017 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Radiation Environments & Monitoring, Effects Tools & Testing (2009) Page 183/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-010EE Title: Fireball Monitor for SSA Objectives: To design and develop an optical monitor and related image processing software to detect, measure and record fireballs from large meteoroids/small Near-Earth Objects when entering the Earth atmosphere. The monitor shall aim to observe Earth from a high space altitude (e.g. GEO). Description: The Earth is constantly bombarded by objects in all size ranges coming from space. The smaller the objects, the more frequent they are. Ground-based video camera systems typically record several to several tens of meteors per hour. These events are generated by particles in the size range from micrometres to centimetres. Objects in the size range of tens to hundreds of metres are called asteroids and are typically observed far away from the Earth using telescopes equipped with CCD cameras. Objects in the intermediate size range several decimetres to several tens of meters in size cause so-called fireballs in the atmosphere. They are too rare to have produced statistically significant observations to date and the precise number flux of particles in this size range is not known very well. On the other hand, they can produce damage on the Earth, like e.g. the impact of the Carancas meteoroid on 15 Sep 2007, an object of about 1 m diameter which produced a 13 m diameter crater very close to a small town in Peru (Borovicka and Spurny 2008). Thus, a better knowledge of the expected impact flux is important to assess the impact risk on the Earth. This study will contribute to solving this issue. To get a statistically significant number of observations of fireballs, the detection area has to be as large as possible. One solution is to put a camera into geostationary orbit and monitor the complete visible atmosphere of the Earth for fireball events. An optical/IR monitor will be designed and developed to detect fireballs from small (about 1 m or larger) near-Earth objects when they collide with Earth. The monitor will be optimised for operation from a location in GEO. It will be able to monitor one complete hemisphere and to determine size and trajectory of the impactors. Starting point of the design will be two completed studies for the development of a wide-angle visible light camera for faint meteors. The optics will be optimised for a field of view covering the complete Earth from GEO (about 18 degrees full angle). The best wavelength for the detection of fireballs (infrared or visible) shall be determined. An important aspect is the on-board data processing and storage which has to cope with a large amount of data and with false events (e.g. city lights, lightning flashes). The study shall include the design and development of the fireball camera and corresponding on-board software up to the level of TRL 6. The experience gained from the previous studies (SPOSH and SPOSH-IR) should be used as a starting point for the activity. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: Target Application / Timeframe : Budget (k€): 800 Duration 24 (months) To derive population models for large meteoroids and small Near Earth Asteroids. Needed for the NEO segment of SSA and to derive better meteoroid flux models which are applicable to all missions. The instrument will be an attached payload to a mission in high Earth orbits, preferentially GEO. 4 Applicable THAG Roadmap Target TRL: Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 184/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-012EE Budget (k€): 1,030 Title: Solar X-Ray Monitor Proto-Flight Model and Low-Resolution Imager Design for SSA Objectives: Development of proto-flight model sun-integrating monitor of solar X-rays, with low mass and data rate, long lifespan and spectral resolution sufficient for operational use in space weather monitoring and forecasting. Additionally, design of instrument evolution into a low resolution imager to determine the location of activity on the solar disk. Description: X-ray emission plays an important role in characterising and locating energetic eruptions on the surface of the Sun and as a result there is a long history of X-ray imagers and radiometers. X-ray imagers include the SXI imager on recent GOES satellites and the SXT instrument onboard Yohkoh. As an alternative to imagers, whole-disk monitors provide typically higher time resolution a simpler means of capturing the onset and evolution of solar events, and so providing alerts. Monitors (or radiometers) include those on RHESSI and the XRS instrument on GOES satellites. X-ray flares, classified from A (smallest) to X (largest), are often a precursor to high energy particle radiation storms and disturbances in the nearEarth magnetic and electric fields. In addition, flares directly disturb the ionosphere, which is further disturbed by magnetospheric storms. Considerable expertise in X-ray instrumentation and data analysis exists in Europe. This activity will develop the CXSMO (compact X-ray solar monitor for operations) instrument with a baseline spectrum of 0.05 - 0.8 nm over multiple channels. The space-based detection of X-rays is a crucial aspect of the Space Weather element of SSA. This instrument will be geared towards monitoring and forecasting of space weather phenomena that could be accommodated easily on various spacecraft. The monitor should be capable of detecting all flare of class B1 and above with a cadence of 1 minute and timeliness of delivery of 5 minutes. The instrument will be small (< 1000 cm3) and lightweight (<500g), with low power consumption and a minimum lifespan of 10 years. In Phase A/B (12 months) a breadboard XSM (X-ray Solar Monitor) shall be manufactured using components with path-to-flight equivalents. Detailed mechanical, optical and electronics design for the final CXSMO instrument shall be produced along with simulations of the tolerance with respect to the launch and space environments. This shall include end-to-end functional testing of the electronics and software. In Phase C (12 months), an Engineering Model (EM) of the CXSMO instruments with fully-representative, flight equivalent components shall be manufactured and tested. The units shall undergo mechanical, thermal vacuum and radiation testing and full end-to-end functional tests including calibration testing and representative power and data interfaces. In Phase D (18 months), the CXSMO Proto-Flight Model (PFM) shall be manufactured using space qualified techniques and components and shall undergo previously-defined acceptance tests. The feasibility to perform a delta development for the instrument to include optics for the determination of the flare location and likely geo-effectiveness, by use of Page 185/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use compatible detector technology such as quadrant or pixelated photodiodes, shall be explored. The resulting Imaging XSM (IXSM) shall have baseline flare angular position determination requirement is 7 arc-min for M1, 0.7 arc-min for X1 and 0.07 arc-min for X10 class flares. Deliverables: Protoflight model Current TRL: 5 Target Application / Timeframe : Missions from 2020 onwards - requires Phase D (44 months) completed at that time. Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 186/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 8 44 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domai 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-020EE Budget (k€): 300 Title: Solar Wind Plasma Density Instrument Objectives: To develop a low-resource instrument to return solar wind plasma density for input to Space Weather tools within the SSA programme. Description: Although Solar Wind velocity is best measured by electrostatic analyzers, this can be inaccurate in calculating total plasma density, especially if energy bands are broad or if there are gaps in the parameter space measured. More reliable methods may be based on the measurement of the total ion flux from which ion density can be derived if the mean velocity is known or the measurement of the electron population, since ion and electron density are equal. This activity shall trade off technologies for making reliable measurements of solar wind density on a 3-axis stabilized spacecraft. The trade-off is expected to include the use of Langmuir probe techniques versus Faraday cup. The use of retarding grids shall be considered as well as the possibility to measure solar wind electron temperature. The results of the activity will include a prototype that shall be tested in a suitable plasma source. Ion and UV effects shall also be tested. A design for a flight model shall also be made. Deliverables: Prototype and FM design Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 187/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domai 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-021EE Budget (k€): 500 Title: Solar Wind Plasma Spectrometer Objectives: To develop a low-resource plasma spectrometer capable of continuous monitoring of solar wind ions on a 3-axis stabilized spacecraft, for SSA services. Description: The Sun's energy drives the complex physical interactions that we call Space Weather. A key means of transferring energy from the Sun to the Earth’s magnetic field is via the Solar Wind. Momentum and energy of solar wind ions is imparted to the terrestrial magnetic field and this in turn drives the circulation, energisation and losses of other plasma and trapped radiation populations. Because of this, data on solar wind velocity and pressure are key inputs to predictive physical and numerical models of a host of Space Weather effects. To make this measurement accurately requires fine resolution in terms of energy and direction. These fine measurements can cover a relatively limited parameter space, centred on the solar wind mean ion energy for Hydrogen and the mean flow direction. The spectrometer is expected to be based on the electrostatic plasma analyser technique, whereby electric fields are used to deflect and select particles within a series of energy bands. Information on the direction of arrival of the ions is of interest but this could be sacrificed for a design with low requirements for mass, power and expenditure. However, all possible arrival angles of these ions (~+/- 15 degrees from the Sun direction) must be covered. The energy range is expected to include all energies between 400eV and 10keV. Clear separation of Hydrogen and Helium ions shall be achieved. In this phase B study a prototype sensor shall be developed and characterised by simulation, supported by experimental testing. The result of the activity include be a design for a flight model. Deliverables: Prototype and FM design Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 188/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-022EE Budget (k€): 600 Title: Medium Energy Particle Spectrometer 30-1000keV - Phase A/B Objectives: To design and develop a particle spectrometer to detect electrons and ions in the range 30keV to 1MeV for use in providing data for SSA services. Description: Measurement of trapped particles in the Earth's magnetosphere is crucial to provide Space Weather services for real-time now-casting and as an input to forecasting models. Typically plasma measurements stop at around 30keV because of the available technology of high voltage supplies in electrostatic analysers. Radiation measurements often using solid state detectors with a minimum energy of 100s keV for electrons or several MeV for ions. Low energy electron channels in these detectors can be subject to proton contamination. This leaves a gap of coverage between the plasma and radiation instruments that is important , particularly for electrons. At these energies, electrons cause dose effects and internal charging in thin films and they form part of the seed population that gets energised to higher energies. This activity shall trade off technologies for making reliable measurements of electrons in particular in the energy range 30keV to 1 MeV. Separation of electron measurements from ions is essential. Ion measurements are desirable but not essential. The trade-off is expected to include the use of magnetic deflection and thin solid state detectors. To act as a space weather monitor, the instrument should have a wide field of view. Angular resolution is desirable but this could be sacrificed for a simpler design. In phase A preliminary design will be made after the trade off. A prototype will be built and tested in phase B. Subsequently an FM design will be made. Deliverables: Prototype and FM design Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 189/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domai 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-023EE Title: Radiation Monitor System in a Package (RMSIP) Objectives: Develop a general-purpose radiation monitor with small size, easy interfacing and low unit cost that is capable of registering and categorizing single particles. Description: Traditional radiation monitoring based on discrete components usually results in relatively heavy instruments with relatively high procurement cost. However, recent advances in Systems In Packages (SIPs), ASICs and Monolithic CMOS sensors allows the development of highly integrated packages containing the detection and processing electronics, and avoiding high voltages. This activity will select the most appropriate technology from previous R&D in the space and high energy physics domains, and design and prototype a radiation monitor that can distinguish particle energy deposits in well-defined volumes, as a basis for general purpose monitoring of electrons, protons and heavy ions. Spectroscopy may be implemented in follow-on development with add-on selection techniques based on shielding, stacking or magnetic field selection, but the baseline should be a stand-alone minimal single sensor system. Target mass for the system is <200g, including interfaces. Deliverables: Prototype, FM design Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Radiation Environments & Monitoring, Effects Tools & Testing (2009) Page 190/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 4 Spacecraft Environment & Effects Ref. Number: G618-024EE Title: Enhancement of Physical and Assimilation Modelling of Radiation Belts Objectives: Create a prototype of a service to predict the state of the radiation belts in response to solar-terrestrial disturbances known to cause large variations in the radiation belt fluxes - drop-outs, injections, energisation, radial transport, etc. The starting point will be physics-based models of the radiation belts, supported by assimilation of in-situ data. The service will conform to requirements related to execution efficiency and usability, and will be validated through data comparisons. Description: Improved understanding of radiation belt physics, aided in part by better data availability and increasing computational power, has allowed the establishment of complex multi-dimensional simulation capabilities that have shown some success at simulating and predicting radiation belt dynamics, particularly for the very dynamic "outer" electron belt. High fluxes of energetic electrons in the outer belt are the main sources of radiation dose to electronic components but also give rise to electrostatic discharge and solar array degradation. Affected orbits include GEO and MEO, but also the orbits foreseen for some large communications satellite constellations under development. There is a need to predict the state of the outer radiation belt over long and short timescales and scientific efforts have led to understanding of the key processes responsible and an ability to simulate them. However, these scientific capabilities need to developed into robust user-oriented systems that can deliver data to users in a reasonable timescale in response to input on the state of the solar-terrestrial system. The service prototype will be able to take as input data on solar wind magnetic and plasma properties, geomagnetic indices and magnetosphere wave conditions. Where input data are unavailable, for example on wave conditions, the data will be derived from statistical correlation analyses. Data from particle measurements (fluxes, counts) will be assimilated into the system to allow improved predictions. The output will be a forecast of the global state of the outer radiation belt as a function of time, and tailored outputs for key user orbits (GEO, MEO, constellation orbits). Rigorous validation will be undertaken with well-characterised case studies. Deliverables: Models, software and documentation, validation reports, TNs Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 7 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) 24 Radiation Environments & Monitoring, Effects Tools & Testing (2009) Page 191/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 7 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.5.2 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G618-025EE Budget (k€): 600 Title: Advanced Ionospheric Scintillation Modelling Demonstrator Objectives: To develop an operational demonstrator including existing and further developed scintillation models in support to space weather nowcast applications. Requirements for future physics-based modelling of space weather forecast applications will as well be formulated. Description: Ionospheric scintillations are rapid fluctuations of amplitude and/or phase of a radio wave signal caused by small scale irregularities which modify the ionospheric refractive index. Strong scintillations can degrade GNSS receiver performance leading to cycle slips and potentially loss-of-lock and navigation solution. As such, they can impact the activities of a wide range of space weather service users who rely on precise navigation and timing information. Scintillations are most severe and prevalent in and north of the auroral zone and near the geomagnetic equator. In the arctic region, they are thought to be primarily caused by density gradients associated with polar cap patches, while at equatorial latitudes scintillations are frequently observed after sunset resulting from the change in solar ionisation. As a result, scintillation occurrence varies with location, time of day, year and level of solar and geomagnetic activity. Strong scintillations are rarely observed at mid-latitudes, but may occur during very disturbed geomagnetic conditions. This activity will develop an operational demonstrator that will include recent scintillation models. The activity will further develop these models as necessary for their inclusion in an operational demonstrator which will take into account improved understanding of the conditions leading to scintillations in particular in the arctic region. The output of this activity shall be capable of reflecting a wide variety of the ionospheric conditions, including polar cap patches. This demonstrator shall be capable of generating regional and global scintillation nowcast maps constructed by assimilating near real-time scintillation measurements into the improved scintillation model. Requirements will be formulated for future physics-based modelling in support of space weather nowcast and forecast applications. Deliverables: Nowcast model demonstration including validation reporting, forecast model specification. Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 192/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G618-026EE Budget (k€): Title: Radio Spectrograph measurement Objectives: Development of a space instrument enabling the measurement of Solar radio emissions and Auroral kilometric radiation which are good indicators of respectively solar activity and geomagnetic activities. Description: The radio emissions of interest are: Solar Type II (emitted along shock fronts propagating in the inner heliosphere), Solar Type III (emitted by electron beams by mode conversion from Langmuir waves) and terrestrial Auroral Kilometric Radiation (emitted by precipitating electron particles in the auroral region of Earth). The Frequency range of interest range from : ~1kHz => 16 MHz (AKR: ~50 kHz - ~500 kHz). These emissions, at frequencies below 10MHz, cannot be measured from ground because of the ionosphere cut-off. An absolute measurement accuracy of ~5% is targeted. for magnetospheric and solar 500 radio The activity covers the Engineering Model development of a low mass space instrument to monitor key radio emissions from the Sun and the Earth magnetosphere. The instrument shall include a low noise preamplifier and receiver with 3 parallel channels connected to 3 antenna simultaneously sensing each frequency. Typical mass and power to achieve are 1kg (without antenna) and 1W. The Engineering Model shall include the antennas and the electronic equipments and be tested w.r.t. space environment. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 193/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 7 Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques Ref. Number: G618-027EE Budget (k€): 500 Title: THz technologies for space objects detection Objectives: The objective of this activity is to design, manufacture and test a ground demonstrator of THz camera for space object detection. Description: Different space object detection mechanisms are being considered, and among them (sub) millimetre wave instruments based on state-of-the-art terahertz technologies. One of the main characteristics of (sub) millimetre wave instruments is the possibility of seeing through clouds and dust at certain window frequencies, which are not affected by the atmosphere or adverse weather conditions. This would allow the continuous detection under all weather conditions, even cloudy or foggy, which is a significant advantage with respect to optical instruments. The shorter wavelength of sub-millimetre wave instruments (300 to 3000 GHz) as compared to millimetre wave (30 to 300 GHz), offers opportunities for improved spatial resolution and therefore the possibility of detecting and cataloguing much smaller particles. This is considered of paramount importance for the safe operation of future satellites. (Sub) millimetre wave detection and imaging offers large potential due to the inherent spatial resolution and the all-weather detection capability. The activity shall study the current status of this technology and shall assess the main SSTrelated performance parameters: detectable diameter, measurement accuracy of position, range, and size quantities. Recommendations for further developments shall be given. Ground THz cameras, mainly for security and health applications, have been successfully designed and tested. Although the concept is similar, an optimization of the system in terms of configuration and optics, detector technology and working frequency is required considering the requirements for object detection. The work logic of this study shall be: - Consolidation of the requirements and assessment of performance parameters. - Trade-off analysis. - Preliminary design. - Breadboarding activities. - Testing of the demonstrator. - Conclusions and recommendations for further developments. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 2 Target Application / Timeframe : Debris detection/TRL 5 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) 18 Technologies for Passive Millimetre & Submillimetre Wave Instruments (2010) Page 194/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 4 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.5.3 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G618-016GS Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: L-Band SSPA for phased array radar transmitter (optimization of the amplifier topology and of the mechanical/thermal design) and dual polarization receiver (improved ADC and DSP) Objectives: To develop efficient transmitters to be used in a ground based surveillance radar consisting of several thousands of elements. Moreover the activity aims at supporting SSA final radar design activities by demonstrating the required technologies for dual-pol multi-beam digital receivers. Description: The SSA final radar will require very powerful transmitters (order of Megawatts). Each 1% increase on the efficiency mean tenths of kilowatts saved (and operational costs reduced). In parallel, the dissipation is lower and the cost of the cooling systems drops dramatically. Presently there are state of the art topologies for SSPA that allow much better efficiencies (on the power stage) than the typical 40% of the SSPAs presently used in the ground stations (Class A or AB). Novel designs like Class D, E and F show theoretical efficiencies up to 80% and articles show implementations that claim 6070% efficiency. Unfortunately this is still at academic level. Besides, many parameters of interest for our application are not of interest for other applications and there is no information available (phase stability, phase linearity, etc.). The testing of the prototype shall include the effects of a ground station environment and long duration test in order to assess the reliability and stability of the power stages designed and manufactured. Also, the number of SSPA modules in the transmitter will be in the order of thousands. The physical constraints of a phased array antenna (spacing between radiating elements is fixed to 0.7*wavelength) generates demanding performances to the mechanical and thermal design (electrical design is already covered by another TRP development). Additionally a smart design looking on cost saving during the manufacturing phase will save large amounts of money due to the high number of units to be manufactured. The study shall perform the analysis of the physical constraints and complete the mechanical and thermal design of the module to fulfil the requirements especially on what relates to mechanical and thermal requirements. A prototype shall be built. A first batch of 5 to 10 pre series units will be manufactured after prototype acceptance to analyse the production process yield and allow the integration in the Radar prototype and in- field performance testing. A final SSA radar will be based on dual-polarization receivers and multiple beams observations for both close-monostatic and bistatic configurations. The unknown backscattering behaviour of space debris and the depolarization effects of the ionosphere pose the requirement for dual polarization receivers. This implies the development of compact RX antenna elements capable of receiving the two components, which has not been addressed so far. The optimization of the resulting RX antenna in terms of antenna pattern due to mutual coupling effects and return loss is not trivial. The requirement on multiple beams (eg clusters) comes from the requirement on scanning rate of the area of interest. In general, upgrading SSA demonstrated technologies to the final radar architecture implies the evolution of Page 195/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use the available Digital Receiver into a multiple-beam dual-pol Receiver with enhanced data communication capabilities. The Digital Receiver is in charge of A/D conversion, Digital Down Conversion, and (Adaptive) Digital Beamforming. The current SSA implementation offers the possibility of handling 9 beams for single polarization. It is based on daisy-chain sub-units connected in hierarchical 2level network. It is fully scalable, but the available components (ADC, FPGA I/O) might represent bottlenecks in terms of maximum data rate and unit costs. Handling tens or hundreds of beams with full signal bandwidth might lead to requirements that cannot be met by available off the shelf technologies. This needs to be further investigated in order to (i) reduce the risk in final radar procurement, (ii) ensure non-dependence from non-EU or military technologies, and (iii) avoid dramatic cost increase of the single receiver. The proposed activity aims at designing, procuring and developing dual pol multi-beam Digital Receiver boards for testing the entire set of RX functionalities in the final radar configuration. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 196/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G618-029GS Budget (k€): 800 Title: Flexible CCD for curved focal planes - detailed design and breadboarding Objectives: Produce a breadboard of a flexible CCD on a curved surface to demonstrate the feasibility for Near Earth Objects (NEO) surveys for SSA. Produce a detailed CCD design and prototype for an existing Schmidt telescope to be selected in coordination with ESA. Description: For efficient NEO surveys telescopes require a wide field of view (FoV). Existing Schmidt cameras have a FoV of up to 5 deg. x 5 deg. They could be used to support NEO surveys by dedicated telescopes. While Schmidt telescopes have a simple spherically shaped primary mirror they have a complex shaped corrector plate and curved focal plane. While that was no problem for photographic film CCD sensors are usually rigid. Present technology should allow developing flexible CCDs that could be fitted to the given curvature of the Schmidt telescope focal plane. Such a flexible CCD would allow the refurbishment and re-use of existing Schmidt telescopes of various sizes for NEO observations. This activity shall produce a breadboard of a flexible CCD on a curved surface to demonstrate the feasibility and produce a detailed CCD design and prototype for an existing Schmidt telescope to be selected in coordination with ESA. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 3 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018/2019 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 197/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 5 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 12 Ground Station System & Networking Ref. Number: G618-030GS Budget (k€): 1,000 Title: S-Band SSPA for phased array radar transmitter (optimization of the amplifier topology and of the mechanical/thermal design) and dual polarization receiver (improved ADC and DSP) Objectives: To develop efficient transmitters to be used in a ground based surveillance radar consisting of several thousands of elements. Moreover the activity aims at supporting SSA final radar design activities by demonstrating the required technologies for dual-pol multi-beam digital receivers. Description: The SSA final radar will require very powerful transmitters (order of Megawatts). Each 1% increase on the efficiency mean tenths of kilowatts saved (and operational costs reduced). In parallel the dissipation is lower and the cost of the cooling systems drops dramatically. Presently there are state of the art topologies for SSPA that allow much better efficiencies (on the power stage) than the typical 40% of the SSPAs presently used in the ground stations (Class A or AB). Novel designs like Class D, E and F show theoretical efficiencies up to 80% and articles show implementations that claim 60-70% efficiency. Unfortunately this is still at academic level. Besides, many parameters of interest for our application are not of interest for other applications and there is no information available (phase stability, phase linearity, etc.). The testing of the prototype shall include the effects of a ground station environment and long duration test in order to assess the reliability and stability of the power stages designed and manufactured. Also, the number of SSPA modules in the transmitter will be in the order of thousands. The physical constraints of a phased array antenna (spacing between radiating elements is fixed to 0.7*wavelength) generates demanding performances to the mechanical and thermal design (electrical design is already covered by another TRP development). Additionally a smart design looking on cost saving during the manufacturing phase will save large amounts of money due to the high number of units to be manufactured. The study shall perform the analysis of the physical constraints and complete the mechanical and thermal design of the module to fulfil the requirements especially on what relates to mechanical and thermal requirements. A prototype shall be built. A first batch of 5 to 10 (TBC) pre series units will be manufactured after prototype acceptance to analyse the yield of the production process and allow the integration in the Radar prototype and real on field testing of the units performance. Final SSA radar will be based on dual-polarization receivers and multiple beams observations for both close-monostatic and bistatic configurations. The unknown backscattering behaviour of space debris and the depolarization effects of the ionosphere pose the requirement for dual polarization receivers. This implies the development of compact RX antenna elements capable of receiving the two components, which has not been addressed so far. The optimization of the resulting RX antenna in terms of antenna pattern due to mutual coupling effects and return loss is not trivial. The requirement on multiple beams (eg clusters) comes from the requirement on scanning rate of the area of interest. In general, upgrading SSA demonstrated technologies to the final radar architecture implies the evolution of the available Digital Receiver into a multiple-beam dual-pol Receiver with enhanced data communication capabilities. The Digital Receiver is Page 198/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use in charge of A/D conversion, Digital Down Conversion, and (Adaptive) Digital Beamforming. The current SSA implementation offers the possibility of handling 9 beams for single polarization. It is based on daisy-chain sub-units connected in hierarchical 2-level network. It is fully scalable, but the available components (ADC, FPGA I/O) might represent bottlenecks in terms of maximum data rate and unit costs. Handling tens or hundreds of beams with full signal bandwidth might lead to requirements that cannot be met by available off the shelf technologies. This needs to be further investigated in order to (i) reduce the risk in final radar procurement, (ii) ensure nondependence from non-EU or military technologies, and (iii) avoid dramatic cost increase of the single receiver. The proposed activity aims at designing, procuring and developing dual pol multi-beam Digital Receiver boards for testing the entire set of RX functionalities in the final radar configuration. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 199/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.5.4 TD 16- Optics Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G618-031MM Title: Compact Magnetograph for L-mission Objectives: Design and develop a prototype of a small space-based magnetograph required for space weather applications (L1 or L5 mission - monitoring of the Sun's magnetic field). Description: This activity will design and prototype a small magnetograph with appropriate field of view, resolution and timing as defined in Enhanced Space Weather System studies (~34 x 34 arcmin FOV, 10 arcsec pixel FoV, image cadence 1 minute). The dynamic range must be up to +/- 4 kG with a tolerable noise contribution of ~20 Gauss. Standard instruments such as the magnetograph HMI onboard of SDO are complex and overdesigned for a space weather mission. A new concept has been investigated recently by JPL and a breadboard has been produced confirming the potential to build a small and compact instrument. Technologies will build up on such initial concept, shall prepare the European capability, mature the concept and demonstrate the observational capabilities within the anticipated resources. The instrument shall be deployable on a medium sized satellite expected to be positioned in the L1 and/or L5 Lagrange point. Accommodation constraints (interfaces, data rate, power, mass pointing requirements, etc.) will be analysed on a conceptual basis. The main emphasis is to demonstrate the optical concept in form of a prototype making use of laboratory detector. The prototype or breadboard shall be designed and tested as much as possible in representative environment. Phase C/D planning and development needs shall also be provided. Hardware prototyping and demonstration of the feasibility to build such instrument is the main goal of the activity. Deliverables: Breadboard Current TRL: 4 Target Application / Timeframe : TRL 6 by 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 200/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 1,000 24 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Domain SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domain 16 Optics Ref. Number: G618-032MM Title: Heliospheric imager for L-mission Objectives: Design and develop a prototype of a small space-based heliospheric imager required for space weather applications within SSA. Description: This activity will take advantage of the heritage from STEREO HI instrument. The activity shall review the current performance and update and optimise it for the needs of the SSA programme. This is needed because the technology is already about to retire, and therefore considered as partly out-dated and not consistent with the state-of-the-art technologies for upcoming missions. The instrument shall enable the monitoring of the space between the Sun and the Earth extending its field from the Sun towards as much as possible to the Earth when positioned at L1 or L5. The prototype shall be compatible with the requirements as established in the Enhanced Space Weather System studies. It shall have 30 (T) to 60(G) degree FOV, ~1.5 arcmin pixel FoV, and operate at an image cadence of 30 minutes. The dynamic range shall allow the monitoring of CMEs in the designated interplanetary space with light rejection levels between 3x10-13 to 10-14. Technologies will build up on the heritage from STEREO HI and shall focus on the optimisation of the instrument for the specified requirements and address potential difficulties for a rebuild of the instrument for the L missions. The instrument shall therefore be deployable on a medium satellite expected to be positioned in the L1 or L5 Lagrange points. Accommodation constraints (interfaces, data rate, power, mass pointing requirements, etc.) will be analysed on a conceptual basis. The main emphasis is to demonstrate the optical and sensor concept in form of a prototype that shall be tested in representative environment. Phase C/D planning will also be made. Hardware prototyping of the critical technologies is included in the activity. Deliverables: Engineering Model Current TRL: Not specified Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Budget (k€): Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 201/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 6 750 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 3.5.5 Domain TD 26- Others SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS Technology Domai 8 System Design & Verification Ref. Number: G618-028SY Budget (k€): 300 Title: Cubesat/nanosat mission concepts for operational SWE system Objectives: Definition and analysis of mission concepts utilising cubesats and nanosats for performing observations for operational space weather services in SSA Description: Cubesats and nanosats offer low cost access to space for small instrumentation. Within R&D programmes various small payloads are under development (e.g. highly miniaturized radiation and plasma monitors, GPS receivers, cameras, magnetometers). In the ESA R&D programmes very small instruments and cubesat platform technologies are also under development. This activity will address the challenge of how cubesat and nanosat missions can be utilised in the framework of an operational space weather monitoring system. While the usability of very small satellites for scientific experiments and technology demonstration has been demonstrated, operational mission concepts have to also consider the continuity of the measurements, measurement accuracy, data timeliness, and many other challenges. This activity shall define and analyse cubesat and nanosat mission concepts that would address the space based observation needs of the operational SSA SWE system. This activity shall identify technology developments that would be necessary to make these missions feasible and propose a roadmap for implementing demonstration missions. The activity shall also address the contamination and electrostatic cleanliness issues associated with the integration of payloads in case that off-the-shelf cubesat platforms are proposed. Deliverables: Study Report Current TRL: Not specified Target Application / Timeframe : 2018 Applicable THAG Roadmap: Target TRL: Duration (months) Not related to a Harmonisation Subject Page 202/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 Not specified 18 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use ANNEX I List of activities in GSTP-6 E1 Work Plan/Procurement Plan Annex I, Page 203/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Page intentionally left blank Annex I, Page 204/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 4 ANNEX I - ACTIVITIES IN GSTP-6 E1 WORK PLAN / PROCUREMENT PLAN EARTH OBSERVATION TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G611-008ET Title Budget(K€) High Power GaN C-band TRM Demonstrator 1,000 Total 1,000 TD 17- Optoelectronics GSTP-6 Reference G611-017MM Title Budget(K€) High stability laser for interferometric Earth Gravity measurements in the context of a Next Generation Gravity Mission (NGGM) Total 1,700 1,700 TD 26- Other: Earth Observation (Systems and Ground) GSTP-6 Reference G611-018EO G611-021EO G611-022EO Title Budget(K€) Broker Technology enabling discovery and exploitation of Earth Observation data (BT4EEO) EVOlution of EO Online Data Access Services - EVO-ODAS Technology and Atmospheric Mission Platform (TAMP) 500 1,000 500 Total 2,000 SPACE TRANSPORTATION TD 18- Aerothermodynamics GSTP-6 Reference G614-004MP Title Budget(K€) Experimental characterisation of transient flow phenomena in cryogenic fluids Total Annex I, Page 205/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use NAVIGATION TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G616-008ET Title Budget(K€) Compact ultra-high stability atomic clock for Space applications 1,000 Total 1,000 GENERIC TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES TD 1- On-board Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-003ED G617-005ED G617-008ED Title Budget(K€) Reconfigurable Payload Processor Transducer interface ASIC Demonstration and validation of an inter-processor link for future OBCs Total 1,000 1,000 300 2,300 TD 2- Space System Software GSTP-6 Reference G617-010SW G617-011SW Title Budget(K€) Multicore implementation of the On-Board Software Reference Architecture with IMA capability RTEMS qualification extensions Total 500 500 1,000 TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power GSTP-6 Reference G617-015EP G617-017EP Title Budget(K€) Implementation of new Power Systems architectures for LEO missions - Solar Array Regulator based on Buck-Boost Regulator Lithium-ion VES16 cell Balancing System Total 600 400 1,000 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects GSTP-6 Reference G617-024EE Title Budget(K€) ESD monitor 500 Total Annex I, Page 206/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G617-028EC G617-030EC G617-035EC G617-036EC Title Budget(K€) High accuracy image stabilization system prototyping GNC Analysis, Design and Verification Framework using MATLAB only Generic AOCS/GNC techniques and design framework for Failure Detection Isolation and Recovery Pointing Error Engineering Software Framework Total 1,000 300 700 400 2,400 TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-037ET G617-040ET G617-045ET Title Budget(K€) Advanced manufacturing and integration techniques for TT&C transponders/transceivers Miniaturized Timing Sources GNSS Software-defined Space Receiver Total 800 1,000 600 2,400 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G617-047EE G617-051EE G617-052EE Title Budget(K€) Millimeter wave Validation Standard (mm-VAST) antenna Accurate RF material characterisation using scattering measurements from Quasi-Optical bench Medium-to-high gain X-band antenna with customisable pattern and polarisation Total 350 300 600 1,250 TD 8- System Design & Verification GSTP-6 Reference G617-054SW Title Budget(K€) Precise and Flexible Wiki-Based Requirements Engineering 700 Total Annex I, Page 207/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 700 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-062GI G617-065GI G617-066GI Title Budget(K€) Security as a Service for Ground Data Systems Scalable ground systems for high rate and high volume mission operational data Automated rule-based cross-validation of operational data Total 300 500 400 1,200 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking GSTP-6 Reference G617-074GS G617-075GS Title Budget(K€) Eye-Safe Ground Beacon System Experimental 20-40 GHz band InP MMIC based cryogenic LNAs prototyping Total 400 500 900 TD 14- Life & Physical Sciences GSTP-6 Reference G617-077MM Title Budget(K€) In Situ Plasma Cleaning of Space Optics 600 Total 600 TD 15- Mechanisms & Tribology GSTP-6 Reference G617-081MS G617-082MS Title Budget(K€) Improvement of high accuracy angular optical sensors Advanced simulation tools for deployment, dynamics predictions and on-ground verification Total Annex I, Page 208/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 800 300 1,100 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G617-085MM G617-087MM G617-088MM G617-089MM G617-090MM Title Budget(K€) Digital Micro-Mirror Array (DMA) for space optical instruments High Speed Deterministic Polishing of Strongly Aspherical Mirrors WFE test of large aspheric optics Effect of radiation on light-weighted mirror substrates (in particular Zerodur) Particle contamination: scattering models and measurement device 1,000 800 500 750 Total 3,550 500 TD 17- Optoelectronics GSTP-6 Reference G617-092MM G617-096MM G617-097MM Title Budget(K€) Multi-Gigabit Optical Fiber Communications Low cost, low power, medium performance resonant-micro-optical Gyrosope (RMOG) based on resonant ring lasers High performance optical filters based on Si fine grid supported ultra thin SiN foils Total 600 800 220 1,620 TD 19- Propulsion GSTP-6 Reference G617-099MP G617-100MP Title Budget(K€) CUSP ION ENGINE Improvement of the lifetime of Electric Propulsion Thrusters using different propellant by reducing sputtering effects on materials Total 1,000 300 1,300 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics GSTP-6 Reference G617-083MS* G617-101MS G617-104MS G617-106MS G617-107MS Title Budget(K€) In-orbit manufacturing of very long booms. Verification of Composite Laminates under Cryogenic ThermoMechanical Loading Development of modular multifunctional structure panel prototype Demonstration of Thermoplastic Composites MATS: Multilayer Adaptive Thin Shell Reflectors for Future Space Telescopes Total * This activity was previously in TD15 and has been moved to TD20. Annex I, Page 209/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 200 300 450 500 600 2,050 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 21- Thermal GSTP-6 Reference G617-110MT G617-111MT G617-112MT Title Budget(K€) Low Profile, Low Thermal Conductivity and Highly Stable StandOffs Enhancement of Loop Heat Pipe (LHP) Modelling Tool Bi-Metallic Junctions for Loop Heat Pipes and Heat Pipes Total 300 150 300 750 TD 22- Environmental Control Life Support (ECLS) and In-Situ Resource Utilisation (ISRU) GSTP-6 Reference G617-115MM Title Budget(K€) Study of countermeasures against microbial contamination of spacecraft and payloads Total 350 350 TD 23- EEE Components and quality GSTP-6 Reference G617-123QT Title Budget(K€) Improved thermal management capability of power semiconductors 2,000 Total 2,000 TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G617-125QT G617-127QT G617-130QT G617-131QT G617-132QT Title Budget(K€) Friction Stir Welded Low Cost Titanium Propellant Tank Evaluation of the potential of the Thin Ply Technology for space applications Evaluation of lighter and more efficient radiation protection for electronic and sensitive parts Filament winding TISIC Electron Beam Welding for Safety Critical Space Applications Total Annex I, Page 210/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,500 700 500 2,500 500 5,700 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Specific area: Clean Space TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power GSTP-6 Reference G61C-021EP Title Budget(k€) Spacecraft power system passivation at end of mission 400 Total 400 TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G61C-016EC GNC for drag augmentation devices 450 G61C-018EC Rapid Assessment of Design Impact on Debris Generation 500 G61C-029EC Image Recognition and Processing for Navigation 600 Title Budget(k€) Total 1,550 TD 11- Space Debris GSTP-6 Reference G61C-024GR Title Budget(k€) G61C-026SY Optical In-Situ Monitor Enhancement of S/C Fragmentation and Environmental Evolution Models Phase B1 of an Active Debris Removal mission (2 parallel studies) G61C-034GR Debris Attitude Motion Measurements and Modelling G61C-025GR 1,200 300 1,600 600 Total 3,700 TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-032MM Title Budget(k€) Harpoon characterisation, breadboarding and testing for Active Debris Removal (ADR) Total 700 700 TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-028MM Title Budget(k€) Miniaturized Imaging LIDAR System (MILS) for Rendezvous & Docking operations between spacecraft Total Annex I, Page 211/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,200 1,200 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 19- Propulsion GSTP-6 Reference G61C-005MP Hydrogen Peroxide Storability/Compatibility Verification 1,000 G61C-017MP De-orbit motor Engineering Model Manufacturing and Testing 1,300 Title Budget(k€) Total 2,300 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-014MS Deployable Membrane 400 G61C-015MS Architectural design and testing of the Sub-system boom-sails 600 Title Budget(k€) Total 1,000 TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G61C-007QT G61C-008QT Title Budget(k€) Surface Engineering for parts made by Additive Manufacturing (Step 1) Verification methodology for parts made by Additive Manufacturing G61C-010QT Sustainable, green ancillary materials for structure manufacturing G61C-036QT Development and test of Additive Manufactured space hardware Total 600 500 200 1,300 2,600 26- Others GSTP-6 Reference G61C-001SY G61C-002SY Title Budget(k€) Space propellants Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of manufacturing processes and space materials Total Annex I, Page 212/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 300 400 700 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Specific area: SAVOIR GSTP-6 Reference G61V-001EC G61V-005ED Title Budget(K€) AES/SAVOIR New models for the AOCS Unit Simulation Models Library (AOCS UnitSim) AES/SAVOIR Electronic Data sheet definition Total 400 800 1,200 SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects GSTP-6 Reference G618-007EE G618-009EE G618-011EE Title Budget(K€) Development of a compact Remote Interface Unit (RIU) - Phase A/B/C/D Prototype Compact Wide Angle Coronagraph Phase C/D of 3D Energetic Electron Spectrometer Total 650 700 2,000 3,350 TD 9- Mission Operations and Ground Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G618-013GD Title Budget(K€) General-purpose computing on graphics processing units for SSA Ground Data Systems Total Annex I, Page 213/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 300 300 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Page intentionally left blank Annex I, Page 214/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use ANNEX II List of cancelled activities from the initial Compendium Annex II, Page 215/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use Page intentionally left blank Annex II, Page 216/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use 5 ANNEX II - ACTIVITIES CANCELLED FROM THE INITIAL COMPENDIUM EARTH OBSERVATION TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G611-012EE Title Budget(K€) Synthesis, analysis and optimization of slotted waveguide antennas 300 Total 300 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking GSTP-6 Reference G611-013GS G611-014GS Title Budget(K€) Enhanced antenna tracking receiver for 26 GHz K-band 8-PSK modulation in ESA TT&C receiver 600 350 Total 950 TD 16- Optics GSTP-6 Reference G611-015MM Title Budget(K€) BSDF measurement facility 500 Total 500 TD 26- Other: Earth Observation (Systems and Ground) GSTP-6 Reference G611-019EO G611-020EO G611-023EO G611-025EO Title Budget(K€) Geosounder products, data processing study, and end-to-end performance study Geosounder Requirements Consolidation Study Multimission Environmental DatA FAst Multimission tEstbed architecture - FAME-C Total Annex II, Page 217/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 300 200 800 900 2,200 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SPACE TRANSPORTATION TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G614-002EC Title Budget(K€) Hybrid navigation breadboard and demonstration 2,000 Total 2,000 TD 14- Life and Physical Sciences GSTP-6 Reference G614-003MM Title Budget(K€) Optical Tomography on bubble formation in cryogenic fuel tanks 600 Total 600 NAVIGATION TD 6- RF Payload and Systems GSTP-6 Reference G616-006ET G616-007ET Title Budget(K€) Advanced GNSS Reference Station DSP technology platform A 300W L band GaN power module and EM SSPA demonstrator 1,500 1,000 Total 2,500 GENERIC TECHNOLOGIES AND TECHNIQUES TD 1- On-board Data Systems GSTP-6 Reference G617-002ED G617-004ED Title Budget(K€) European DSP for Space Radhard Implementation SpaceWire Node Interface Chip 6,000 1,000 Total 7,000 TD 2- Space System Software GSTP-6 Reference G617-009SW Title Budget(K€) OBCP BB Product Specification Validation 700 Total Annex II, Page 218/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 700 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 3- Spacecraft Electrical Power GSTP-6 Reference G617-014EP Title Budget(K€) Voltage Clamp Integrated Circuit Total 350 350 TD 4- Spacecraft Environment & Effects GSTP-6 Reference G617-021EE G617-023EE G617-025EE G617-026EE G617-027EE Title Budget(K€) Magnetic Radiation Shielding Simulator Experimental validation of 3D shielding tools for electrons Phase C/D Compact Hot Plasma Monitor Study of radiation energy effects on electronic components with high energy heavy ion beams. Geant4 kernel speed-up for high-efficiency simulations in space Total 400 500 1,400 500 500 3,300 TD 5- Space System Control GSTP-6 Reference G617-031EC Title Budget(K€) Micro Miniature Star Tracker 1,400 Total 1,400 TD 7- Electromagnetic Technologies and Techniques GSTP-6 Reference G617-046EE Title Budget(K€) Scattering analysis by surface current mapping utilizing NF scanners with contactless antenna surface profile measurement instrumentation. Total 300 300 TD 14- Life & Physical Sciences GSTP-6 Reference G617-079MM Title Budget(K€) Optimisation and validation of ultra cleaning methods applied to spacecraft materials Total Annex II, Page 219/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 17- Optoelectronics GSTP-6 Reference G617-093MM G617-094MM Title Budget(K€) Vacuum chamber technologies for Atom Interferometry applications Enhancement of electrostatic accelerometers for earth and planetary science and fundamental physics: flight data analysis, model and design refinement, breadboarding and testing Total 800 800 1,600 TD 23- EEE Components and quality GSTP-6 Reference G617-117QT G617-122QT G617-124QT Title Budget(K€) ESCC evaluation and qualification of a monolithic magnetometer based on micro technology Miniature Solderless Interposer Type Connector Development of Standard Interface Components Total 600 500 800 1,900 Specific area: Clean Space TD 13- Automation, Telepresence & Robotics GSTP-6 Reference G61C-030MM Title Budget(k€) Net-Winch-Tether design and breadboard development 450 Total 450 TD 15- Mechanisms & Tribology GSTP-6 Reference G61C-031MS Breadboard development of the throw-net ejector mechanism 400 G61C-033MS Breadboard of a clamping based capture mechanism 450 Title Budget(k€) Total Annex II, Page 220/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 850 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use TD 19- Propulsion GSTP-6 Reference G61C-004MP MON/MMH replacement with green bi-propellant - Phase 1 750 G61C-006MP Key propulsion system hardware development/requal - Phase 1 500 G61C-020MP Development of a non-pyrotechnic passivation valve 600 G61C-022MP Characterization of Ultrasonic Gauging Sensor for membrane tanks Enhancement of Passivation Techniques for Current and Future Missions 300 G61C-023MP Title Budget(k€) Total 800 2,950 TD 20- Structures & Pyrotechnics GSTP-6 Reference G617-105MS Title Budget(K€) Fibre Steering 750 Total 750 *In GSTP-5 Work Plan. TD 24- Materials and Processes GSTP-6 Reference G61C-009QT G61C-011QT G61C-013QT Title Budget(k€) Qualification of green cleaning processes Development of Green Polyurethane Materials for Use in Space Applications Novel energy efficient processes for thermoplastic composite manufacturing Total 300 300 500 1,100 Specific area: SAVOIR GSTP-6 Reference G61V-002SW Title Budget(K€) AES/SAVOIR: IMA-SP Execution Platform partition kernel qualification 500 Total Annex II, Page 221/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 500 ESA UNCLASSIFIED – For Official Use SPACE SITUATIONAL AWARENESS TD 4- Spacecraft Environment and Effects GSTP-6 Reference G618-005EE Title Budget(K€) Wide-field space-based auroral camera prototype 500 Total 500 TD 11- Space Debris GSTP-6 Reference G618-014GR G618-015GR Title Budget(K€) Development of semi-analytical methods for orbital lifetime estimation and re-entry propagation Development of an efficient method for mean elements computation from precise orbital data and its associated analytic propagation method Total 250 300 550 TD 12- Ground Station System & Networking GSTP-6 Reference G618-017GS Title Budget(K€) Breadboarding of an intelligent telescope CMOS APS 1,500 Total Annex II, Page 222/222 GSTP-6 Element 1 Compendium of Potential Activities Date 5-02-2016 Issue 1 Rev 2 1,500