Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (3) F309-F311 (2013) F309 0013-4651/2013/160(3)/F309/3/$31.00 © The Electrochemical Society Scaling with Ohm’s Law; Wired vs. Wireless Photoelectrochemical Cells John Newman∗,z Research Triangle Solar Fuels Institute, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27709, USA Ohm’s law is used to evaluate the scalability of wired and wireless photoelectrochemical cells. Simple but comparable geometries show clearly that the wired device is far superior to wireless devices. © 2013 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.020304jes] All rights reserved. Manuscript submitted December 11, 2012; revised manuscript received January 16, 2013. Published January 25, 2013. Photoelectrochemical cells (PECs) have been under investigation for many years, perhaps as long as photovoltaic arrays. While the latter have decreased in capital cost by a factor of 59 and their life has been extended from 2 to 25 years during the period from 1974 to 2008,1 PECs are still hampered by a short life, and their cost is not proved through significant production. Nevertheless, PECs offer the possibility and promise of producing directly hydrogen and other fuels or fuel precursors. One stated advantage of PECs is that they could be wireless, or at least self-contained, so that sunlight and water produce hydrogen and oxygen, the former being more storable than electricity. It has been fashionable to speak of a wireless device as desirable or even essential.2–4 Figure 1a depicts a wireless device with a compact unit, perhaps a triple-junction photovoltaic cell, providing a direct connection between the anode and the cathode, while the ionic conductor takes a much longer path. In the wired device (Figure 1b), an electronic conductor completes the circuit between the anode and the cathode by a relatively long path, but with the ionic path being as short as possible. The device has been drawn to facilitate comparison. Since the design of practical electrochemical cells has traditionally emphasized the placement of the electrodes only a short distance apart, it is appropriate to explore or reiterate the issues involved in ohmic drop in the ionically and electronically conducting parts of the circuit. The ionic conductor may have a conductivity of 0.2 S/cm, perhaps as high as 0.8 S/cm, like sulfuric acid in a lead-acid battery. Copper, an electronic conductor, has a conductivity of 6 × 105 S/cm, and even lead is 4.6 × 104 S/cm. Indium tin oxide has a conductivity of about 324 S/cm. Thus, to keep ohmic losses small, the designer generally seeks the shortest, most direct ionic pathway between the two electrodes. To build a large-scale device, consideration of the ohmic drop should be important. Recent papers have addressed the design. Spurgeon and Lewis5 measured series losses in cells with thin polymer electrolytes that did not contain liquid water because they electrolyzed water from the vapor phase. This is one way to avoid series resistance problems in a PEC, but under the definitions used here, this cell is wired, just like a fuel cell. Another way to reduce series resistance is to perforate cells of the type described by Reece et al.2 and Licht et al.3 with a grid of holes, which can be filled with liquid or polymer electrolyte. 30 years earlier, Orazem and Newman6,7 described three device architectures for optimizing the performance of PECs and utilized perforated electrodes in two out of three of them. Hernandez et al.8 have measured series resistance and overpotentials due to concentration variations in solution. Haussener et al.9 studied modeling, simulation, and design criteria for photoelectrochemical water-splitting systems. They found that “small electrode dimensions (mm to cm range) and large electrolyte heights were required to produce small overall resistive losses in the system.” Spurgeon et al.10 proposed a system with small bipolar electrodes sticking through an ion exchange membrane. The smallness of this system avoids ohmic problems. However, this design is not proved ∗ z Electrochemical Society Honorary Member. E-mail: out in terms of the economics of generating and collecting hydrogen on the scale of a primary energy supplier. Analysis An electrochemical cell generally contains ionically conducting and electronically conducting elements which, together with any external elements, should form a complete circuit. One can construct a triple-junction photovoltaic device that provides enough electric potential to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. 1.229 V is needed,11 plus more potential to overcome various losses, such as ohmic drop and kinetic and concentration overpotentials. The hydrogen should preferably be used to produce a liquid fuel, such as methanol, gasoline, or diesel fuel.12 Let the normal current density on the electrodes be in , and let us take this to be uniform. The current flowing parallel to the electrodes is the integral of the normal current and works out to be ix = in x , h [1] where x is the distance along the electrodes from the upper end and h is the distance available for the current flow in this direction. This distance is in the electrolyte in Figure 1a and in the electronically conducting current collector in Figure 1b. The ohmic drop along the electrodes is a second integral, this time of Ohm’s law: = in x 2 . κh 2 [2] The main contribution comes from the flow of current over the distance L. Thus, the potential variation along one side of Figure 1 is in L2 /2κh; the variation along both sides is in L2 /κh. The current density across the bottom, from Equation 1 with x = L and h replaced by h2 , is in L/h2 , and the corresponding ohmic potential drop is in LL2 /κh2 . The total potential variation in the electrolyte thus is in L L L2 = + , [3] κ h h2 where κ is the conductivity of the medium and L2 and h2 apply to the current path around the end at the bottom. This is the potential variation in the electrolyte (or the metal in the case of Figure 1b) from the top of the left side to the top of the right side. Equation 3 shows how cell size can scale with conductivity. Often the electrochemistry or the desired process dictates the magnitude of the current density and the magnitude of the tolerable potential variation along an electrode. Equation 3 then shows that lengths can be proportional to the square root of the conductivity of the critical material, which may be the electrolyte or the current collector. As an example, take in = 10 mA/cm2 , h = h2 = 0.1 cm, and L2 = 0.5 cm. For Figure 1a, take κ = 0.2 S/cm and L = 10 cm. The formula yields of 52.5 V. This is clearly intolerable. Therefore we reduce L by a factor of 100 to L = 0.1 cm. Then = 30 mV. This is still significant compared to an overall cell potential of about 1.8 V, but we accept it as tolerable. F310 Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (3) F309-F311 (2013) 6. Use of earth-abundant materials. There should be a trade-off here; how much more are we willing to pay for a catalyst that works vs. a low-efficiency, earth-abundant catalyst? Summary and Additional Remarks Figure 1. Side views of wireless (a) and wired (b) photoelectrochemical cell designs. (Photovoltaic (PV) arrays are in the plane of the page.) The (ionic) current path in the wireless design occurs in the solution, and the water splitting reactions can occur at the surfaces of the PV, assuming a transparent anode catalyst layer (e.g., cobalt oxide). The (electronic) current path of the wired design is through a wire (e.g., copper), which is connected between the photoactive PV side and the positive electrode. A porous separator or membrane can be used to separate the evolved gases. Current densities in the normal and tangential directions are represented by in and ix , respectively. Figure is not drawn to scale. Now apply the formula to Figure 1b, with κ = 6 × 105 S/cm, corresponding to Cu, and L = 10 cm. then equals 17.5 μV. This is so low that we decide to reduce h and h2 to 0.01 cm or 100 μm. then works out to be 0.175 mV, still smaller than that for Figure 1a, even though the current path is 100 times longer and one tenth as wide. The wired system is superior to the wireless system, and there is leeway to redesign the left side of Figure 1b to permit illumination to reach the photovoltaic device. In practice, the wired version needs to use a grid pattern (and perhaps a conductive transparent material like indium tin oxide) designed to compromise between conduction and transmittance of solar illumination.6 Other Design Criteria In the systems considered here, the focus is on direct production of liquid fuels from sunlight, CO2 , and H2 O without the need for organics like alcohols and sugars to depolarize the positive electrode. Some other factors, besides ohmic drop, to consider in the design are 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Device size. Because of the diffuse nature of solar radiation, the land area needed to produce electricity is about 34,000 km2 /TW, depending on the device efficiency, latitude, and cloud cover. To cover this area, the device size should be as large as practical, as developed in the main topic of this article. Nanodevices are really not desirable, although nanostructured components such as porous electrodes may be. Separate products. For safety reasons, the hydrogen and oxygen must emerge in different ports, and they should not require additional separation. The piping requirements again speak for devices as large as practical. Life. Putting semiconductor materials, catalysts, and chromophores in direct contact with electrolytic solutions compromises life and needs to be considered in the selection of materials and the details of device design. Limited life is a problem with PECs. Cost. Ultimately one wants to produce energy, in the form of electricity, hydrogen, or liquid fuels, which can compete in the market place. Capital cost, life, and efficiency enter directly into product cost.12 Storage. A basic problem with electricity and hydrogen is storing them in amounts and for durations related to the source and the application. The cost of storing liquid fuels is much less than for electricity and hydrogen.12 This simple example analyzed above carries the clear message that electronic conductivities are so much higher than ionic conductivities that designers through the years were correct to focus on the electrolytic solution and make the ionic current path as short as possible. It embodies a scaling law that, for comparable ohmic losses in the ionic and electronic parts of the circuit, the ratio of lengths for electronic parts to ionic parts can generally be proportional to the ratio of the square root of the electronic conductivity to that of the ionic conductivity. The history of electrochemical engineering has included much work on the consequences of ohmic drop in electrolytic solutions, with emphasis on current and potential distributions in complex geometries and including also the effects of surface and concentration overpotentials.13 For large aspect ratios L/h in Figure 1b, the effects of resistance in the electrodes and other electronic conductors become significant and have been treated in addition to those in the electrolytic solution. Tobias and Wijsman treated this electrode effect.14 It must be accounted for in the design of cathodic-protection systems that extend over appreciable distances.13,15 Lanzi and Landau16 treated some special cases. Such potential drop in electrodes limits how big one can make the grids or current collectors of lead-acid (and other) batteries, and these grids are designed to get the most power with a given amount of material.17–19 Trost et al. give a glimpse of some of this work.20 These wired and wireless devices have been drawn with the same geometry in order to facilitate comparison. Figure 1b has a short ionic path, denoted H+ , but in Figure 1a the protons must flow around the end of the center section. In Figure 1a, the electrons take the short path, whereas in the wired Figure 1b the electrons have to go around. References 1. Alan C. O’Connor, Ross J. Loomis, and Fern M. Braun, Retrospective Benefit-Cost Evaluation of DOE Investment in Photovoltaic Energy Systems, RTI International, 3040 Cornwallis Road, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709, August, 2010. 2. Steven Y. Reece, Jonathan A. Hamel, Kimberly Sung, Thomas D. Jarvi, Arthur J. Esswein, Joep J. H. Pijpers, and Daniel G. Nocera, Science, 334, 645 (2011). 3. S. Licht, B. Wang, S. Mukerji, T. Soga, M. Umeno, and H. Tributsch, Journal of Physical Chemistry, B, 104, 8920 (2000). 4. Michael G. Walter, Emily L. Warren, James R. McKone, Shannon W. Boettcher, Qixi Mi, Elizabeth A. Santori, and Nathan S. Lewis, Chemical Reviews, 110, 6446 (2010). 5. Joshua M. Spurgeon and Nathan S. Lewis, Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 2993 (2011). 6. Mark E. Orazem and John Newman, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 131, 2582 (1984). 7. Mark E. Orazem and John Newman, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 131, 2857 (1984). 8. Emil A. Hernandez-Pagan, Nella M. Vargas-Barbosa, TsingHai Wang, Yixin Zhao, Eugene S. Smotkin, and Thomas E. Mallouk, Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 7582 (2012). 9. Sophia Haussener, Chengxiang Xiang, Joshua M. Spurgeon, Shane Ardo, Nathan S. Lewis, and Adam Z. Weber, Energy & Environmental Science, 5, 9922 (2012). 10. Joshua M. Spurgeon, Michael G. Walter, Junfeng Zhou, Paul A. Kohl, and Nathan S. Lewis, Energy & Environmental Science, 4, 1772 (2011). 11. Gilbert Newton Lewis and Merle Randall, Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Substances. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., 1923. 12. John Newman, Paul G. Hoertz, Christopher A. Bonino, and James A. Trainham, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 159, A1722 (2012). 13. John Newman and Karen E. Thomas-Alyea, Electrochemical Systems (Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Interscience, 2004). 14. Charles W. Tobias and Robert Wijsman, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 100, 459 (1953). 15. John Newman, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 138, 3554 (1991). 16. Oscar Lanzi and Uziel Landau, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 137, 1139 (1990). 17. John Newman and William Tiedemann, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 140, 1961 (1993). Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 160 (3) F309-F311 (2013) 18. William Tiedemann, Frank DeSua, and John Newman, “Potential Distribution in the Lead-Acid Battery Grid.” D. H. Collins, ed. Power Sources 6, pp. 15–23. London: Academic Press, 1977. 19. William H. Tiedemann and John Newman, “Current and Potential Distribution in Lead-Acid Battery Plates.” Sidney Gross, ed. Proceedings of the Symposium on F311 Battery Design and Optimization, pp. 39–49. Princeton: The Electrochemical Society, Inc., 1979. 20. Gary G. Trost, Victoria Edwards, and John Newman, “Electrochemical Reaction Engineering.” James J. Carberry and Arvind Varma, eds. Chemical Reaction and Reactor Engineering, pp. 923–972. New York: Marcel Dekker, Inc., 1987.