3 - Terminal Adjustable Regulator FEATURES SMD317 DESCRIPTION Output Voltage Range: 1.2V to 37V Output Current Capability of 1.5A Max 0.01% line regulation 0.1% load regulation Thermal protection built in The SMD317 is adjustable 3-terminal positive voltage regulator capable of supplying 1.5A over a differential voltage range of 3V to 40V. In most applications, it requires only two external resistors to set the output voltage. Both input and output regulation is better than standard fixed regulators. SMD317 offers full overload protection. Included on the chip are current limit, thermal overload protection, and safe-area protection. Normally, no capacitors is needed unless the device is situated far from the input filter capacitors in which case an input bypass is needed. An optional output capacitor can added to improve transient response. APPLICATIONS Voltage Regulators Power Supplies Current Regulators Switching Regulators Current Limiter Constant Current Battery Charger Current Limited Charger PACKAGE/ORDER INFORMATION - 3. VIN 2. VOUT 1. ADJ/GND Order Part Number SMD317ST(T) 3-Pin Plastic TO-263 (Top View) SMD317CM(T) 3. VIN 2. VOUT 1. ADJ/GND 3-Pin Plastic TO-252 Surface Mount (Top View) SMD317CS(T) 3. VIN 2. VOUT 1. ADJ/GND 3-Pin Plastic SOT223 Surface Mount (Top View) -1- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS (Note 1) Input Voltage 40V Operational Temperature Range -40°C to 125°C Storage Temperature Range -65°C to 150°C Lead Temperature (soldering, 10 seconds) 260°C Note 1: Exceeding these ratings could cause damage to the device. All voltages are with respect to ground. Currents are positive into, negative out of the specified terminal. POWER DISSIPATION TABLE TO 263 Package O Thermal Resistance – Junction to Tab, θTA 3.0 C/W Thermal Resistance – Junction to Ambient, θJA 45 C/W O TO 252 Package Thermal Resistance – Junction to Tab, θTA O Thermal Resistance – Junction to Ambient, θJA 80 C/W SOT223 Package O Thermal Resistance – Junction to Tab, θTA 15 C/W Thermal Resistance – Junction to Ambient, θJA 135 C/W O Junction Temperature Calculation: TJ = TA + (PD × θJA). The θJA numbers are guidelines for the thermal performance of the device/pc-board system. All of the above assume no ambient airflow. -2- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS Parameter Symbol Min VIN 2.7 IO 10 Input Voltage Load Current (with adequate heat sinking) Input Capacitor (VIN to GND) Output Capacitor with ESR of 10Ω max., (VOUT to GND) - Junction temperature TJ Typ Max Units 37 V mA 0.1 µF 1.0 µF 125 O C TYPICAL APPLICATIONS VIN VOUT SMD317 R1 240Ω C1 C2 0.1µF 1µF R2 Adjustable Regulator VOUT = 1.25V ( -3- R2 1+ R1 ) Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Unless otherwise specified, T J = 25°C; VIN – VOUT = 5V , IO = 10mA, CIN = 0.1 µF, COUT = 10 µF, and are for DC characteristics only. (Low duty cycle pulse testing techniques are used which maintains junction and case temperatures equal to the ambient temperature.) Parameter Reference Voltage Line Regulation (see note 2) Load regulation Minimum Load Current Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Units 1.20 1.25 1.30 V 3V ≤ VIN – VOUT ≤ 20V,TJ = 25°C 0.01 0.04 3V ≤ VIN – VOUT ≤ 20V 0.02 0.07 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 1.2A, TJ = 25°C 0.1 0.5 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 1.2A 0.3 1.5 VIN – VOUT ≤ 20V 3.5 10 mA 50 100 µA 0.2 5.0 µA 3.4 3V ≤ VIN – VOUT ≤ 20V, 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 1.2A, P ≤ 15W Adjustment Pin Current Adjustment Pin Current Change 3V ≤ VIN – VOUT ≤ 20V 10mA ≤ IOUT ≤ 1.2A Current Limit (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 10V 1.2 2.2 (VIN – VOUT) ≤ 15V 0.8 1.1 (VIN – VOUT) = 20V 0.15 0.4 VOUT = 10V, f = 120Hz Ripple Rejection Ratio (Note 3) % A 65 VOUT = 10V, f = 120Hz, 10µF capacitor between ADJ and GND Output Noise Voltage (Note 3) 10Hz ≤ f ≤ 10KHz, TJ = 25°C Long Term Stability (Note 3) TJ = 125 C, and VIN – VOUT = 20V Temperature Stability (Note 3) TMIN ≤ TJ ≤ TMAX O %/V dB 66 80 0.003 0.3 % 1 1 %/1000h r % Note 2: Line regulation is defined as the percentage change in output voltage every 1V change at the input Note 3: These parameters, although guaranteed, are not tested in production prior to shipment -4- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise specified TO 263 0.390 - 0.415 (9.906 - 10.541) 0.105 - 0.180 (4.191 - 4.572) 0.060 (1.524) TYP 0.045 - 0.055 (1.143 - 1.397) 15 TYP 0.330 - 0.370 (8.382 - 9.398) 0.059 (1.499) TYP 0.143 + 0.012 0.143 - 0.002 (3.632 + 0305) (3.362 - 0.508) 0.050 +/- 0.012 (1.270 +/- 0.305) 0.020 - 0.039 (0.510 - 0.990) 0.090 - 0.110 (2.286 - 2.794) TO252 0.050 (1.270) 0.250 – 0.265 (6.350 – 6.730) 0.013 - 0.023 (0.330 - 0.584) 0.086 – 0.094 (2.190 – 2.380) 0.039 – 0.050 (1.020 – 1.270) 0.205 – 0.215 (5.210 – 5.460) 0.055 – 0.080 (1.400 – 2.030) 0.018 – 0.023 (0.460 – 0.580) SEATING PLAN 0.370 – 0.410 (9.400 – 10.420) 0.210 – 0.228 (5.330 – 5.800) 0.090 (2.285) TYP 0.045 – 0.060 (1.150 – 1.520) 0.030 – 0.045 (0.760 – 1.140) 0.020 (0.510) MIN 0.018 – 0.023 (0.460 – 0.580) 0.180 (4.570) TYP -5- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 PACKAGE DESCRIPTION (Continued) Dimensions in inches (millimeters) unless otherwise specified SOT223 0.248 - 0.264 (6.30 - 6.71) 0.010 - 0.014 (0.25 - 0.36) 0.116 - 0.124 (2.95 - 3.15) 0.130 - 0.146 (3.30 - 3.71) 0.264 - 0.287 (6.71 - 7.29) 10°- 16° 0.071 (1.8) MAX 0.0008 - 0.0040 (0.0203 - 0.1016) 10°- 16° 0.012 (0.31) 0.090 (2.29) NOM 0.033 - 0.041 (0.84 - 1.04) MIN 0.025 - 0.033 (0.64 - 0.84) 0.81 (4.6)NOM 10° MAX NOM MARKING DIAGRAM TO263 TO252 SOT223 317 SMD317 YYWW YYWW SMD317 YYWW YY = Year, WW = Working Week -6- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp. SMD317 IMPORTANT NOTICE Shamrock Micro Devices (SMD) reserves the right to make changes to its products or to discontinue any integrated circuit product or service without notice, and advises its customers to obtain the latest version of relevant information to verify, before placing orders, that the information being relied on is current. A few applications using integrated circuit products may involve potential risks of death, personal injury, or severe property or environmental damage. SMD integrated circuit products are not designed, intended, authorized, or warranted to be suitable for use in life-support applications, devices or systems or other critical applications. Use of SMD products in such applications is understood to be fully at the risk of the customer. In order to minimize risks associated with the customer’s applications, the customer should provide adequate design and operating safeguards. -7- Rev A SMD Doc #: DD0016 Copy Right © 2007, Shamrock Micro Device Corp.