___________________ INVITATION TO TENDER ___________________ Invitation to Tender issued by: Exmoor National Park Authority Services required: Landscape Character Assessment Update – Exmoor National Park Proposed contract period: June 2016 to March 2017 Deadline for return of Tender: 14 June 2016 (12 Noon) Invitation to Tender: Landscape Character Assessment Update Exmoor National Park 1. Introduction 1.1. An Exmoor National Park Landscape Character Assessment (ENP LCA) was published in 2007. This identifies nine distinct Landscape Character Types (LCTs), within which are 26 Landscape Character Areas (LCAs). Key characteristics of each type are set out in the document, along with more detailed descriptions of the Character Area. The ENP LCA is a key document which underpins decision making in the National Park, including the Partnership Plan, Local Plan, development management, policy, landscape management and projects. 1.2. The ENP LCA has proved to be a robust assessment of the character of Exmoor’s landscapes and the framework of the constituent LCTs/LCAs has stood the test of time. However, the forces for change affecting the landscape have not stood still, and the strength of landscape character and its condition may have also changed over time. The overall evaluation of landscape quality of the LCTs/LCAs and the associated strategies, is therefore likely to need adjusting. 1.3. Exmoor National Park Authority is therefore commissioning an Update of the ENP LCA, to refresh the assessment of landscape character and provide a current analysis of the changes occurring on Exmoor. This will form an important part of the evidence base for the review of the National Park Partnership Plan which is due to take place in 2017 and will continue to be a key document to inform planning decisions and National Park policy and projects. The ENP LCA should be able to be used by both applicants/agents and as a material consideration in determining applications. It is intended that the ENP LCA will be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), and the process and timetable reflects the need for consultation and public engagement. As an SPD the document will have more weight as a material planning consideration supporting policies CE-S1 and CE-D1 in the Submission Draft Local Plan (which is currently going through public Examination). 2. Background 2.1. The ENP LCA describes the unique character and diversity of Exmoor’s landscape. Exmoor is a unique place shaped by people and nature over thousands of years and is recognized as one of the UK's finest landscapes. Large areas of open moorland and wide views provide a sense of remoteness and tranquillity rare in southern Britain and were a key component of the National Park designation. Spectacular coastal views, deep wooded valleys, high sea cliffs and fast flowing streams all combine to form a 2|Page rich and distinct mosaic. It is a landscape that has inspired poets, writers and artists for hundreds of years and continues to inspire people today. 2.2. Exmoor National Park has a beautiful and dramatic coastline, stretching from Minehead in the east to Combe Martin in the west. This spectacular coast, with the highest sea cliffs in England, was one of the reasons why Exmoor was designated a National Park. In 2015, a separate Seascape Assessment was published – the North Devon and Exmoor Seascape Character Assessment. The Seascape report was commissioned by a partnership of organisations include Exmoor National Park Authority. It covers the North Devon and Exmoor coasts and extends offshore to the 12 nautical mile territorial limit. The report describes the many, valued natural, cultural and perceptual aspects of both land and sea. It is intended that relevant aspects of the Seascape Character Assessment are incorporated into the ENP LCA. 2.3. A map showing the combined Landscape Character Types and Seascape Character Area relevant to Exmoor National Park is shown in Figure 1 below. 2.4. A Perceptions Study was also carried out in 2011 which provides useful data on how members of the public perceive each of the landscape types within Exmoor National Park. The successful contractors should utilise this study to inform how they update the ENP LCA, particularly in relation to key characteristics – how people perceive the landscape and what they value about it. 2.5. A Landscape Sensitivity Study was carried out in 2013 to inform preparation of the Exmoor National Park Local Plan. This assessed the sensitivity of the landscape in and around 22 of the main settlements in the National Park (Porlock Weir was added in 2015). The study was specifically intended to consider the capacity of these settlements to accommodate small-scale development (specifically housing) on greenfield sites within or adjoining the existing town, while conserving and enhancing the National Park's nationally important landscape. This Study should also be used to inform the ENP LCA update, particularly in relation to the character of settlements and the built environment. 2.6. A number of recent studies provide analysis of key components of Exmoor’s landscape and current issues. These include ‘Unlocking Exmoor’s Woodland Potential’ (Exmoor Society 2013), ‘The State of Farming in Exmoor’ (CCRI 2015) and ‘Exmoor’s Moorlands: Where Next?’ (Exmoor Society 2016). Tenderers may wish to state which other sources of information they would utilise to feed into the ENP LCA Update. 2.7. 3|Page Figure 1 Exmoor Landscape Character Types and Seascape Character Areas. 4|Page 3. Purpose of the commission 3.1. The purpose of the commission is to produce an Updated ENP LCA, using the framework of LCTs/LCAs in the existing 2007 report, and providing a refreshed analysis of the forces for change influencing the LCTs and how this has affected their strength of character and condition. The Updated ENP LCA should incorporate relevant aspects of the Seascape Assessment relating to the Exmoor National Park coastline. 3.2. The successful contractor will be expected to: Work with ENPA officers to review the LCT/LCA boundaries / descriptions for the Enclosed Farmed Hills with Commons (F1/F2) to determine whether any changes to the boundaries are required and specifically to establish if a separate LCA is needed for the eastern parts of this LCT around the Brendon hills. This should include a desktop analysis of existing data and GIS maps of soils, geology and landform etc to establish if there is an underlying rationale for an additional LCA. For all other LCT/LCAs the existing boundaries should be used; Refine the coastal LCTs to incorporate relevant elements of the Seascape Character Assessment; Analyse time depth and historic associations to provide a stronger sense of history in the ENP LCA Update. Add these to the LCT/LCA descriptions. Provide additional text to describe how buildings in the character type areas assimilate and are typically found in the landscape, both good and bad practice. The Landscape Sensitivity Study can be used to provide some information regarding the settlements but the ENP LCA Update needs to also capture other buildings in the landscape, such as farms, hamlets and isolated buildings and dwellings – referring to traditional, vernacular materials, scale and detailing. Traditional building styles often correspond to the landscape character types, and although there are a number of similarities there are also subtle and sometimes distinct differences which should be referenced in the assessment. The assessment should also consider how new buildings / development can (or cannot) be assimilated into the landscape, and what landscape features, elements or characteristics to consider, particularly for agricultural buildings. Update the evaluation of the key issues and forces for change, influencing each LCT (stating which LCAs are particularly affected); Provide an updated overall evaluation of landscape character and assessment of the strength of character (strong, moderate, poor) and condition of each LCT; Identify and assess the sensitivity of each LCT to development / change; Review the overall strategy for each LCT and update the landscape issues (key/secondary) to establish if the listed ones are still relevant and identify any new issues, setting out which priority areas (LCAs) they affect. Review 5|Page the stated objectives and revise these if necessary for discussion with stakeholders; Provide an overall summary of the ENP LCA for the whole National Park, summarising the key characteristics of Exmoor’s landscapes, the overall strength of character, and key issues for the National Park as a whole; As part of the fieldwork, take high quality photos for inclusion in the ENP LCA Update report to illustrate the character of the landscape and the issues affecting landscape character. 4. Methodology and Timescale 4.1. It is anticipated that the contract will require both desk top research and fieldwork. The successful contractor will be expected to demonstrate that their approach will involve sufficient fieldwork to provide a robust assessment of the current forces for change and the condition / strength of character of the LCAs. 4.2. The successful contractor will be expected to work closely with ENPA officers and other experts. A multi-disciplinary steering group will be established to support the contractor including landscape, historic environment, ecological and planning expertise. 4.3. The ENP LCA will be of wider relevance and use than just ENPA, and it is important that stakeholders have the opportunity to input to the process, possibly through a workshop which ENPA would help to organise. As the intention is for the ENP LCA to be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document, there will also need to be a formal period of consultation on the draft ENP LCA. The consultation will be run and managed by ENPA. 4.4. The outline timetable for the ENP LCA Update is as follows (tenders can suggest alternative timings as they see fit): Tasks Desktop research Fieldwork Issues Report with highlights from fieldwork and identifying key issues for discussion with stakeholders Workshop (or other stakeholder engagement) Draft ENP LCA Update Report Consultation on draft Report (6 weeks) Revised draft Report Final Report Timetable July/August July/August/ September September Autumn December January/February March 2017 April 2017 6|Page 5. Outputs 5.1. The main output from the contract is an Updated ENP LCA Report, incorporating the relevant aspects of the Seascape Assessment, Landscape Sensitivity Study and other relevant information. It is intended that the Updated ENP LCA Report will replace the 2007 report, but there may be sections of the 2007 report which can still be used within the Update where they are still relevant and can be incorporated into the revised document. 5.2. A number of interim outputs will be required during the commission to be agreed with ENPA before progressing with further aspects of the work: GIS layer for mapping revised LCTs (if amended); An agreed structure for the LCA Update report (based on the 2007 Report), incorporating the elements stated in paragraph 3.2; A draft template for the update of the LCTs/LCAs with a worked example to be agreed before the remaining LCTs/LCAs are completed; A summary Issues Report detailing initial highlights from fieldwork and key issues identified, for discussion with stakeholders; A draft ENP LCA Report for discussion with the steering group and subsequent public consultation; A revised draft ENP LCA Report taking on board any amendments agreed as a result of the consultation comments [ENPA will run the consultation and analyse responses]; Final Report illustrated with photos taken as part of the fieldwork or existing images. 6. Tenders 6.1. Tenders for this contract should be submitted to Exmoor National Park Authority. Three hard copies of the tender and an electronic copy should be provided (see Appendix 1). 6.2. Your tender should provide costings including: ⁻ ⁻ ⁻ 6.3. Daily/hourly rate to be charged and breakdown of who will undertake which tasks; An indication of the likely overall cost of undertaking this commission based on the tasks outlined and indicative timetable; Charging rates for expenses (including mileage). Tenders should be provided on this basis together with relevant information, including: - Proposed approach including how the successful contractor proposes to work with the steering group and engage with stakeholders; - CV setting out key skills and experience; - Contact details of two referees; 7|Page - Declaration of potential conflicts of interest or confirmation that there are none; and - Evidence of professional and public liability insurance. 6.4. Please also confirm your availability to undertake this role to the timetable outlined, and flexibility to adjust the timetable as circumstances require. 6.5. An indicative budget of £20,000 is proposed for this contract (including travel and expenses). 7. Timetable for Submission of Tender and Award of Contract 7.1. Submissions should be received no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 14th June 2016. Please follow the instructions for tenders given in Appendix 1. If you do not wish to submit a tender, please notify the Responsible Officer as soon as possible. 7.2. As part of the assessment process, it is possible that you will be invited to an interview at the National Park offices in Dulverton although this will depend on the number and nature of submissions received. 7.3. The following timetable is proposed for the award of the contract: Activity Invitation to Tender issued Closing date for return of Tenders Date (2016) 23rd May 14th June (12 noon) Evaluation and selection of Tenders 16th June Interviews (if required) 23rd June Award of Contract 24th June Inception meeting 30th June 8|Page Appendix 1 – Instructions for tenders A. Tender submissions A.1. The Responsible Officer for this Contract is Clare Reid, Project Manager, ENPA. A.2. Three hard copies of tender documents must be returned to: Clare Reid Exmoor National Park Authority, Exmoor House, Dulverton, Somerset, TA22 9HL A.3. An electronic copy of the tender documents should also be returned electronically (as a pdf) by email to tenders@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk, with all supporting information (max file size 6MB). The email should be entitled “CONFIDENTIAL TENDER: LANDSCAPE CHARACTER ASSESSMENT UPDATE” in the subject title. A.4. Submissions should be received no later than 12 noon on Tuesday 14th June 2016. All late tenders will be rejected. B. Assessment of submissions B.1. The contract will be awarded on the basis of confidence in the contractor achieving a high standard of work, completing the work in accordance with the timetable, and delivering good value for money. Appointment will be made on the basis of the submission, the detailed costings and, if required, an interview. B.2. The tenders will be evaluated on the basis of the following criteria: Criteria Score Weighting Skills and experience in undertaking LCA 1-5 x2 Knowledge of the planning system 1-5 x1 Ability to meet the requirements of the specification 1-5 x2 Value for money (pricing) 1-5 x1 Total: (out of 30) B.3. The following definitions will be used in scoring submissions: 9|Page Score Definition 1 Criteria not met/response is totally unsatisfactory. Does not meet minimum requirements or provide a solution 2 Only partially satisfies requirement, major deficiencies apparent. 3 Response meets acceptable criteria but is not comprehensive. Is sufficient response but more detailed proposals would score higher. 4 Response satisfies requirement and the details provided support the bid and add a good degree of value and information. 5 Proposals very comprehensive and/or innovative so as to exceed expectations C. Appointment C.1. Following evaluation of the Tenders the Authority will make a decision on which, if any, Tender(s) shall be accepted. The Preferred Supplier will be notified when a decision on appointment has been made by the Authority in accordance with its Financial Regulations. C.2. Please note that the Authority reserves the right not make any appointment and not to accept the lowest priced Tender. Any costs incurred in preparing a Tender or attending an interview if required are entirely at your own risk. The successful Contractor will be invited to enter into a formal contract with the Authority in the terms of this Invitation to Tender and the successful Tender. D. Clarification & Queries D.1. If clarification is required on any issues within this Invitation to Tender, all questions should be directed to the Responsible Officer: Clare Reid, (Project Manager) at Exmoor National Park Authority on 01398 322235, creid@exmoor-nationalpark.gov.uk. D.2. Any apparent discrepancies in, or omissions from, the Invitation to Tender, should be immediately notified by email to the Responsible Officer. D.3. Any response to clarification by the Authority, prior to the last date for submission of tenders, will be issued as circular advice to all those invited to submit a tender. E. Freedom of Information E.1. Information relating to any contract or procurement exercise to which the Authority is a party, including information about price and performance, is covered by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the Act). The Authority is 10 | P a g e under a legal obligation to disclose such information if requested unless an exemption under the Act applies. E.2. Any person submitting a Tender should, as part of the contract process, inform the Authority of any information which it regards as being confidential and/or eligible for a claim for exemption from disclosure by the Authority under the Act. The final decision as to what information can be disclosed rests with the Authority. F. Disqualifications F.1. The Authority will not consider any Tender in respect of which the Respondent or any person acting on the Respondent’s behalf, or with the consent, approval or knowledge of the Respondent is reasonably believed to have: ⁻ directly or indirectly canvassed or attempted to canvass any Officer or Member of the Authority; ⁻ obtained or attempted to obtain information concerning the Invitation to Tender or award of the Contract or any other Tenders from any Officer or Member of the Authority or any other person who supplies services to the Authority; ⁻ fixed or adjusted or attempted to fix or adjust the prices shown in the costings for the tender by or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other person; ⁻ communicated or attempted to communicate to any person other than the Authority the amount or approximate amount of the prices shown in the costings for the tender, except where such disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of the Tender or for the purposes of insurance or financing; ⁻ entered or attempted to enter into any agreement with any other person to the effect that such other person shall refrain from submitting a Tender, or shall limit or restrict the prices to be shown or referred to in another Tender; ⁻ paid, offered or agreed to pay to any person any sum of money, inducement or valuable consideration, directly or indirectly, for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done, or forbearing to do in relation to a Tender; or ⁻ committed an offence under the Prevention of Corruption Acts 1889 to 1916 or given any fee or reward the receipt of which is an offence under Section 117(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 or the Bribery Act 2011. G. Contract, Termination, Ownership and Intellectual Property Rights G.1. Contract: Nothing in this specification in any respect whatsoever constitutes a contract of employment. 11 | P a g e G.2. The contract for the role will be awarded by Exmoor National Park Authority. G.3. Termination: If either the appointed consultancy or the contract holder wish to terminate this contract, they may do so at any point prior to the fourth week of the contract, providing one week’ notice is given. No payment may be due or made. G.4. Should the successful consultant fail to provide the agreed outputs to satisfactory quality and / or to agreed deadlines, Exmoor National Park Authority will consider part rather than full payment. G.5. Should, for any reason the consultant / contractor withdraw from the contract after the start of the fourth week of the contract or fail to provide agreed outputs at the end of the agreed date for receipt the contractor / consultant will be required to provide the data and draft reports which have been developed up until that point. G.6. Intellectual Property Rights: The outputs of the study will remain the intellectual property of Exmoor National Park Authority. Exmoor National Park Authority shall be entitled to use the outputs or any part of them for any purpose whatsoever whether in connection with the Contract or otherwise, without limitation or licence and the consultant / contractor waives all moral rights relating to the outputs. G.7. The outputs must not violate any existing copyright. The consultant / contractor shall be responsible for obtaining and providing the necessary written permissions for any material to be included in the outputs of this contract for which the consultant / contractor or the Exmoor National Park Authority are not the beneficial holders of the copyright. Fees and royalties for use of such copyrighted material must be inclusive of the quote provided for this project. The consultant / contractor has no direct, implied or other authority to enter into any contractual or financial arrangement on behalf of Exmoor National Park Authority with any copyright holder. H. Guarantees and Disputes H.1. It is expected that the contract will be undertaken according to this Specification and contract issued, and also in the spirit of achieving a good working relationship between the client (Exmoor National Park Authority), and contractor commissioned. However, in the event of a dispute relating to the contract, disputes will sought to be resolved between the named Responsible Officer and the contractor, before escalating unresolved matters though more formal procedures if necessary. If a resolution cannot be found Exmoor National Park Authority reserves the right to terminate the contract early. Payment will be made for satisfactory work delivered but no compensation will be payable. 12 | P a g e H.2. Guarantees: The contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of all documentation and information supplied in connection with the services contracted, and shall pay Exmoor National Park Authority any extra costs occasioned by any discrepancies, errors or omissions therein. I. Payment I.1. Payment will be by invoice in arrears on the basis of a percentage of the total agreed price for the contract, and following receipt of each stage of the updated Landscape Character Assessment Report (which fulfils the agreed specification), which will be inclusive of all expenses. Stage Note of Inception meeting / contract issued Receipt of Draft ENP LCA Report for consultation Receipt of Revised Draft Report (amended following consultation) Sign-off of Final Report % Payment 5% 50% 30% 15% 13 | P a g e