City of Lake Worth PROCUREMENT OFFICE INVITATION FOR BID IFB 14-131 OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Bid Submission Deadline Day/ Date: September 11, 2014 Time: 2:00PM Location: Finance Office 7 North Dixie Highway – 2nd Floor Lake Worth, FL 33460 Page | 1 FINANCE OFFICE 7 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth, FL 33360 TEL: 561-586-1674 INVITATION FOR BID IFB #14-131 OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS The City of Lake Worth Utilities Department is accepting sealed bids to purchase Overhead Distribution Transformers to support requirements within the Transmission and Distribution Division. Bid documents may be downloaded at the City’s website at: Hard copies of bid documents may also be acquired from the Finance Office at 7 North Dixie Highway, Lake Worth, FL 33460. Time is of the essence. Any bid received after 2:00PM on Thursday, September 11, 2014, whether by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened. The time of receipt shall be determined by the time clock located in the Procurement Office. Bids shall be placed in a sealed envelope, marked in the lower lefthand corner with the bid number, title, date, and hour bids are scheduled to be received. Offerors are responsible for insuring that their bid is stamped by office personnel by the deadline indicated. All bids must be delivered or mailed to: City of Lake Worth, Finance Office – 2nd Floor 7 North Dixie Hwy. Lake Worth, FL 33460 ENVELOPES CONTAINING BIDS MUST BE IDENTIFIED AS BID # 14-131. ___________________________ Hirut Darge, Purchasing Agent PUBLISH: PALM BEACH POST August 24, 2014 DemandStar & City Website August 21, 2014 Page | 2 SECTION 1- SPECIFICATION The City of Lake Worth Transmission and Distribution Division desires to purchase Overhead Distribution Transformers which meets the minimum specifications of: FOR OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS 100kVA AND SMALLER 1. SCOPE 1.1) 1.2) 2. This specification covers the general requirements for all single phase, 60 Hz, mineral oil distribution transformers for 0verhead construction, 100 kVA and smaller, dual voltages of 2400/4160Y – 7620/13200Y; 7620/13200Y – 15200/26400Y; low voltage 120/240; 240/480. The required voltages and capacities shall be specified at the time an order is placed. All requirements shall be in accordance with ANSI C57.12.20, latest revision, except as modified by these specifications. TRANSFORMER PARAMETERS 2.1) One of the considerations for purchase of distribution transformers will be the total owning cost. To be considered, bidders must supply the following transformer parameters for evaluation: 2.1.1) The guaranteed average winding loss (full load) in watts, at 85 degrees C. 2.1.2) The guaranteed core loss (excitation or no load) in watts, at 85 degrees C. 2.1.3) Impedance in percent at 85 degrees C to three significant figures. 2.1.4) Exiting current in percent to three significant figures. 2.2) The actual core loss and total loss parameters of transformers received shall not exceed the quoted parameters by more than the following: 2.2.1) Each losses associated with each individual transformer shall not exceed the following percentages. Indemnification for transformers exceeding these tolerances shall be in accordance with 2.4 and 2.4.l below. Core Loss (Excitation or No Load) + 10% Winding Loss (Full Load Loss) + 6% 2.2.2) The average of all units, or same capacity and voltage, shipped on any purchase order shall not exceed the quoted parameters. Indemnification for transformers exceeding these tolerances shall be in accordance with 2.4 and 2.4.4 below. 2.3) The actual impedance and exciting current of transformers received shall not exceed quoted values by more than the following values. Indemnification for transformers exceeding these tolerances shall be in accordance with 2.4 and 2.4.2 and/or 2.4.3 below. Impedance + 7.5% Exciting Current + 25% 2.4) The indemnification of distribution transformers for loss parameters, impedance and/or exciting current outside the tolerance levels established In Sections 2.2 and/or 2.3 of this specification shall be assessable and initiated within two (2) years from the date of receipt of production loss test data. Any penalties due from the manufacturer will be in the form of an unrestricted credit. Indemnification shall be as follows: Page | 3 2.4.1) Individual transformers with core and/or total losses outside the tolerances established in Section 2.2 (a) of this specification shall: a) Be returned to the manufacturer for replacement at the discretion of Lake Worth Utilities. Replacement shall be made, at no additional charge, within thirty (30) days after the expiration date of the current lead time once notification of rejection has been made. All shipping, installation and de-installation costs incurred as a result of the nonconforming transformer, shall be for the seller’s account. b) If not returned for replacement, be subject to a loss penalty charged to the manufacturer. The loss penalty shall be equal to the present value of the difference in annual loss costs (actual losses versus quoted losses) evaluated at the cost of money for Lake Worth Utilities over a fifteen (15) year period. The cost of money used in the evaluation shall be the same value used in the transformer bid evaluation. The loss penalty shall not exceed the quoted price of the transformer. 2.4.2) Individual transformers with impedance outside the tolerance established in Section 2.3 of this specification shall: a) Be returned to the manufacturer for replacement at the discretion of Lake Worth Utilities. Replacement shall be made, at no additional charge, within thirty (30) days after the expiration date of the current lead time once notification of rejection has been made. All shipping, installation, and de-installation costs incurred, as a result of the nonconforming transformer, shall be for the seller’s account. b) If not returned for replacement, be subject to a penalty charges to the manufacturer. The penalty shall be equal to the excess or non-normal costs incurred in utilizing the nonconforming transformer. The penalty charge shall include engineering, transportation, installation and material costs of any additional equipment and/or additional transportation of the said transformer deemed necessary to replace the transformer. The impedance penalty shall not exceed the quoted price of the transformer. 2.4.3) Individual transformers with exciting current outside the tolerances established in Section 2.3 of this specification shall be returned to the manufacturer for replacement at the discretion of Lake Worth Utilities. Replacement shall be made, at no additional charge, within thirty (30) days after the expiration date of the current lead time once notification of rejection has been made. All shipping, installation, and de-installation costs incurred, as a result of the nonconforming transformer, shall be for the seller’s account. 2.4.4) Average core and/or total losses of all units, of same capacity and voltage that exceed the quoted parameters, shall be subject to a loss penalty charged to the manufacturer. The average loss penalty shall exclude any units penalized on an individual basis and shall be equal to the present value of the difference in annual loss costs (the average of actual losses versus quoted losses) evaluated at the cost of money for Lake Worth Utilities, over a fifteen (15) year period. The cost of money used in the evaluation shall be the same value used in the transformer bid evaluation. Page | 4 3. PRODUCTION LOSS TEST DATE 3.1) The actual values for No Load Loss (at 85 degrees C) and Full Load Loss (at 85 degrees C) for each unit supplied under this Specification shall be forwarded within (1) week of shipment. Invoices will not be paid until this report has been received. In addition, all test results for units shipped in any calendar quarter shall be placed on Compact Discs, or other agreed-to media) and forwarded to Lake Worth Utilities within two (2) weeks after the end of the quarter. Each transformer shall have its own record on the diskette which shall contain the serial number, size, high and low voltage ratings, type, order number, unit cost, the above referenced test values, and any other information specified on the Purchase Order. 3.2) Core (no load) and winding (full load) loss values shall be provided in watts to one (1) decimal place. 3.3) Accuracy of production loss test date is the responsibility of the manufacturer. 4. NOISE LEVEL 4.1) Noise level shall not exceed ANSI standards for distribution class transformers. Transformer failing to meet the average sound levels listed on table 0-2 of NEMA Tr10.05 will be rejected and returned at the manufacturer’s expense. 5. THERMOSETTING INSULATION 5.1) All transformers shall employ an approved bonded thermosetting insulation system in the construction of the coil assembly. 5.2) The primary winding layers shall be designed so that the width is less than the sheet aluminum secondary (if aluminum is used). 5.3) All connections to sheet windings shall be metallurgically bonded with conducting area significantly greater than the area of the coil lead cross section. No bolted or crimped connections shall be used within the coil body. Extended sheet windings to be used as risers directly connected to the bushing, are not acceptable. Any connection between coils and bushings shall be so designed as to prevent hot spots due to cold flow and/or loose connections. 6. TRANSFORMER CORE MATERIAL 6.1) All transformers shall employ cores constructed of traditional silicon steel unless otherwise specified on the Purchase Order. 6.2) All transformers employing alternate types of cores shall be Identified as such on the transformer nameplate or a second . Amorphous metal core transformers shall be identified with the words “AMORPHOUS CORE” Laser scribed silicon steel core transformers shall be identified with the words “LASER SCRIBED CORE’. 6.3) All coil designs must meet or exceed the ANSI short circuit requirements. Only adhesive coated paper shall be used in the coil design. All manufacturers shall provide certified test results. These test results will indicate their product meets or exceeds this requirement. Coils should be wound tightly to ensure that the conductor is in full contact with epoxy coated paper. Page | 5 7. DIELECTRIC FLUID 7.1) The transformer dielectric fluid shall be certified by the transformer manufacturer as having no PCB content. Any transformer which is not in compliance with this requirement will be returned to the manufacturer for replacement. 7.2) All transformers shall have an approved durable label with medium blue background and white lettering describing the dielectric fluid as non-OCS and no PCB concentration. The label shall be affixed on the tank below the secondary bushings. 8. EXTERIOR FINISH 8.1) Conventional pole type transformer tanks shall be sky gray ANSI #70 color. Tank covers for conventional pole type transformers shall be supplied with an insulating coating. Dielectric strength of protective covers shall be 15kV. A 15 degree sloped cover of water shedding and a three layer bottom to add strength and durability to the tank will be furnished. Finish must be certified to meet or exceed ANSI C57.12.28 requirement. The tank finish shall consist of sufficient coat(s) of high grade quality paint which will not fade, blister or chalk and will be scuff resistant. This is to insure long field life (20 years plus) with minimum maintenance under severe environmental conditions such as salt spray, high humidity, and high ultraviolet levels. 8.2) The term stainless steel as used in this specification shall mean alloy 304L. 8.3) All transformers shall have painted decals (stencils) indicating their kVA size. Decals, located below the secondary bushings, shall be a dark or black color affording a sharp contrast with the tank finish. 9. WARRANTY 9.1) Each transformer conforming to this material specification shall be unconditionally guaranteed against failure due to any cause, except misapplication or abuse, for a minimum of one (1) year from the date of installation or 18 months from the date of shipment, whichever occurs first. Any transformer which does not conform to this warranty shall, at buyer’s option, be repaired or replaced by seller. Seller shall indemnify buyer for all costs incurred as a result of any such nonconformity. 10. SHIPPING 10.1) Transformers shall be shipped on open top trucks, single-tier freight trailers with the following exception: 10.1.1) Two-tier trucks or freight trailers with built-in unloading devices may be used for delivery. 10.2) Transformers shall be arranged and stacked in the truck or freight trailer to prevent damage during shipping. Transformers shall be side loaded on trucks or trailers so the transformers can be unloaded from each side with a forklift. 10.3) Bidder shall provide 24 hours notice prior to delivery of transformers, preferably by e-mail or fax. Page | 6 11. PALLETIZING 11.1) Shipments of transformers are preferred single transformer to the pallet. Each transformer shall be banded to a pallet to protect it from damage during shipping and handling. Lifting lugs on conventional transformers shall be used for banding and lifting. All packaging and palletizing used in shipping transformers shall have a minimum ground clearance of 1-1/2 inches, and be capable of supporting transformers without damage. Minimum of 18” fork width will be provided. Damaged transformers, in transit or otherwise, will not be accepted. 12. BID EVALUATION AND AWARD 12.1) All bids received will be evaluated and awarded on the basis of the total owning cost. The total owning cost shall be determined with the following formula: TOC = PRICE + NL WATTS* 4.382 + LL WATTS* 1.930 Where: TOC = Total Owning Cost PRICE = Purchase Price Quoted NL WATTS = Quoted no-load losses in watts LL WATTS = Quoted load loss watts For the determination of award, Lake Worth Utilities will consider all bids within two and one half percent (2.5%) of the lowest TOC to be economically equivalent and will consider other factors such as lead times, dimensional deviations, and purchase price in making the award. 12.2) All bidders shall supply NO LOAD and LOAD LOSSES on the form provided in the bid documents. All losses shall be quoted in watts at 85 degrees C. (65 degrees C rise + 20 degrees C ambient). 12.3) Quoted losses shall be the guaranteed average of all transformers in a specific order of a given size and type. However, no transformer shall exceed the tolerances specified in ANSI C57.12.1987, Table 18 or latest revision. 13. BASIC IMPULSE INSULATION LEVELS 13.1) High Voltage Insulation Class: 13.2) Low Voltage Insulation Class: 15kV, 25kV; BIL: 95kV, 125kV BIL 1.2kV, 30kV BIL 14. RATINGS 14.1) All transformers shall have the capability of meeting or exceeding the recommended load limits as shown in Section 3 or the Guide for Loading Mineral Oil-Immersed Overhead Type Distribution Transformers, C57.91. Transformers will be specified as: lid mounted 2bushing transformer with fully insulated winding. 15. CONSTRUCTION 15.1) All transformers shall be arranged and equipped for single position mounting. 15.2) All paint and/or coatings including top coats, intermediate coats and primers shall be free of lead and chromates. The color shall be gray ANSI #70. 15.3) All transformers shall be equipped with solder less tank grounding connector located in the tank ground pad. 15.4) All transformers shall be supplied with externally operated switch (2) 2-1/2 % steps above & (2) 2-1/2 % steps below nominal voltage. 15.5) For protection from flashovers caused by wildlife, transformers shall be furnished with a non-peeling insulating tank cover coating. The insulating over coating shall be able to withstand 12kV AC RMS for 1 minute without puncturing. 15.6) High voltage bushings shall be porcelain (unless otherwise specified on the Purchase Order), Sky Gray ANSI #70, with minimum leakage distance of 17" The primary bushings shall be between 8-1/2" and 10" in height. All primary bushings shall be cover-mounted. Deviations from the above requirements shall be stated in your bid. Page | 7 15.7) Low voltage bushings shall be sidewall type. 15.7.1) Low voltage terminals shall be tinned copper or tinned bronze suitable for either aluminum or copper conductors. Terminals shall be of the style shown in Figure 4a of C57.12.20. 15.7.2) All transformers, 75kVA and above, shall have low voltage bushings capable of supporting a continuous vertical load of 100 pounds when applied to either outer hole of the connector spade or terminal without producing a deflection sufficient to produce a leak at the low voltage bushing or structural failure of the low voltage bushing or terminal. 15.7.3) Pal nuts shall not be used to secure coil leads to secondary terminals. 15.8) The total weight, with oil, of all pole mounting transformers shall conform to Section 20 of this specification. These transformers shall be of such dimensions that they can be mounted (using a Type C adapter plate on transformers with Type C support lugs) on a three-position double-band cluster bracket meeting the specifications of the Alum-Form Model #1 5M3-9 or the A.B. Chance Model C212-8015. Deviations shall be noted in the bid. 15.9) The instruction nameplate can be mounted on the lower support lug of transformers equipped with type A or B support lugs. 15.9.1) Nameplates mounted on support lugs must be free of sharp edges with a minimum of 1/16" clearance from all edges of the support lugs. In addition, the edges of the nameplate, as installed, must be flush with the support lug so as not to create an unsafe condition. 15.10) The transformer tank cover shall be metallically bonded to the transformer tank by means of an external strap and shall have slope for moisture run-off. 15.11) The transformer tank and all associated bands and hardware shall be made from 304L grade stainless steel. 15.12) Internal secondary leads shall be identified with appropriate markings, Permanentlyembossed in the lead that corresponds with the lead markings on the nameplate. 16. PROTECTION FROM TANK RUPTURE 16.1) The transformer tank shall be of sufficient strength to withstand an internal pressure of 25 PSIG minimum (with pressure relief devices rendered inoperable) without deformation of the tank and without expulsion of the cover, handhold, or bushings. 16.2) The product of the minimum tank withstand pressure in PSIG (with pressure relief devices rendered inoperable) and the volume of air space in cubic inches above the transformer at 140 degree C oil level must equal or exceed the appropriate numerical value in the following table: kVA Size 50 Cubic Inches Air Space x PSIG Tank Withstand 46,000 Transformers must be equipped with a replaceable pressure relief valve. 16.3.1) Replaceable pressure relief valve inlet port shall be ¼” or larger NPT (bolt thread with gasket is not acceptable). Approved replaceable pressure relief valves are as follows: Circle Seal-P60-383; Qualitrol-202-030-01 or 202-037-01; or Beta 1712K3 or 1750K3. 16.3.2) ABB center bolt cover design, as approved by ANSI, is also an acceptable PRD. Page | 8 17. SECONDARY SURGE WITHSTAND 17.1) Secondary surge withstand is the ability of a transformer to withstand lightning surges into the low voltage windings without sustaining damaging insulation breakdown. Transformers shall be protected from secondary surge failures by possessing one of the following: 17.2.1)Interlaced low voltage windings. A) ABB Spark GAP design is also acceptable in lieu of interlaced secondary windings 17.2.2) Non interlaced with an approved external MOV secondary surge arrester. The arrester currently approved for this application is the Cooper/McGraw Storm Trapper (catalog# ASZH480C201). This arrangement is to be stated in the bid. 18. PROTECTIVE DEVICES 18.1) Two mounting studs or 1/2" tapped holes shall be provided for a distribution class lightning arrester rated to match the transformer voltage class, opposite each high voltage bushing. 19. NAMEPLATE INFORMATION 19.1) All transformer nameplates shall be made of stainless steel or anodized aluminum and indicate the following: A) B) C) D) E) F) KVA, high voltage, and low voltage ratings BIL rating of the high voltage winding. Transformer weight. Mont h and year of manuf act ur e. Serial number, Bar-code in accordance with the proposed EEI Guideline, Draft 4, Barcoding for Distribution Transformers. G) I ndicat e “ No PCBs” on nam eplat e. 20. MAXIMUM TRANSFORMER DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS 20.1) Transformers supplied under this specification shall not exceed the following maximum weights, tank heights, and tank diameters: Transformer Size (kVA) 50 21. Max. Wt. (Lbs.) 750 Max. Tank Height 34.5” Max. Tank Diameter 23.0” OTPTIONAL ACCESSORIES 21.1) The following items are optional: A) Bird Guard-Porcelain Products (catalog #66202) B) External secondary MOV regardless of secondary winding C) Electromark decals instead of painted decals indicating transformer size. The decals shall be high grade, long lasting with reflective backing and shall be an Electromark decal or equal. The front size II shall be 1” to 1.5” in height and each decal shall be continuous (not individual) labels to make up a sequence. The decals shall be reflective yellow backing with black text and shall be U.V. Tedlar over laminate. The decals shall be located on the tank side opposite the hanger and approximately 6” below the secondary neutral bushing. The following information shall be included: 1) 2) kVA size of the unit Secondary voltage of the unit D) Ground strap between secondary neutral bushing and tank ground. END OF SECTION 1- SPECIFICATION Page | 9 SECTION 2 – SPECIAL TERMS 1. Delivery a) The unit price of each Transformer must include all delivery charges. b) Transformers shall be delivered to: Utility Warehouse, 1900 2nd Avenue North, Lake Worth, FL 33461 c) Delivery Hours: Monday through Friday 7:30 AM – 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM – 3:45 PM 2. Notice to Proceed with Order All orders will be placed on an “as required” basis. Bidder agrees to not to deliver the bid item(s) without receiving an executed City of Lake Worth Purchase Order, and a fully-executed copy of the accepted bid. 3. Award a) The City reserves the right to award the contract in whole (“all or nothing”) or by line item (‘split award”) b) Contract(s) shall be awarded to one or more company(s), which must be capable of supplying the items noted on the Bid Form in a timely manner. 4. Delivery CAUTION It is the City’s intent to purchase the transformers in October 1, 2014. Vendors must take into consideration the time line when completing their bid prices. Pricing shall be fixed for a one (1) year period commencing upon the date of the contract execution by the city commissioner. END OF SECTION 2 – SPECIAL TERMS Page | 10 SECTION 3 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS To ensure acceptance of your bid, Bidders must comply with the following instructions: 1. HOW TO SUBMIT A BID: a. The original and one (1) copy of your bid must be submitted in a sealed envelope, marked on the outside lower left-hand corner of the envelope with the Bid number, title, and date and hour bids are scheduled to be received. Sealed bids shall be mailed or hand-delivered to: City of Lake Worth – Finance Office – 2nd Floor 7 North Dixie Highway Lake Worth, FL 33460 b. Time is of the essence and any bid received after the closing date and time indicated on the cover of the Invitation for Bid, whether by mail or otherwise, will be returned unopened and will not be considered. The time of receipt shall be determined by the time clock located in the Finance Office. Bidders are responsible for insuring that their bid is stamped by City personnel by the deadline indicated. The City shall in no way be responsible for delays caused by any occurrence. c. Bids submitted by telephone, telegram facsimile or email shall not be accepted. d. Submission of a Bid implies a full understanding of the Invitation for Bid, the Special Terms, the General Conditions and the drawings and specifications, the Project and the Work. Any misunderstanding as to such terms by the Bidder will not relieve the Bidder from performance. e. This Invitation for Bid consists of this document along with all plans, drawings and/or technical specifications related to this procurement, all of which are incorporated herein by this reference. 2. THE BID PACKAGE. The Bid Submission Package consists of the following documents: B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 Bid Cover Sheet Bid Schedule of Bid Items Reference List Drug Free Certification The Bid Submission Package, and any other required documents must be returned in order for the bid to be considered. AVOID BID REJECTION: Bids may be rejected for noncompliance to requirements after review by the Finance Office. All bids must be submitted on the provided Bid forms (B1 – B5), as applicable to this IFB. Form B-2 and B-3 must be signed in ink by an officer authorized to bind the Bidder. Page | 11 3. COMPLETION OF BID SUBMISSION PACKAGE. a. It is the responsibility of the bidder to insure that all pages are included. All Bidders are advised to closely examine this package. b. All bids must be submitted on the provided Bid forms (B1 – B5), as applicable. Bids submitted on Contractor Letterhead or quotation forms will not be accepted. c. Bid forms must be neatly written in ink or typed, and must be signed in ink by an officer or employee having authority to bind the company or firm (where a signature is required). Failure to submit a duly signed bid shall be cause for rejection of the bid. 4. ERRORS/ERASURES/CORRECTIONS a. Bids having erasures or corrections must be initialed in ink by the Bidder. If a correction is necessary, draw a single line through the entered figure and enter the corrected figure above it and initial the correction. Any illegible entries, pencil bids or corrections not initialed may not be accepted. b. In the event of mathematical extension error(s), the unit price will prevail and the bidder’s total offer will be corrected accordingly. In the event of addition errors, the extended line item will prevail and the bidder’s total will be corrected accordingly. c. Bidders shall not be allowed to modify their bids after the bid opening time and date. Bid files may be examined during normal working hours, after bid opening, by appointment only. d. Bidder represents that it has taken all necessary steps to ascertain the nature and location of the work and that it has investigated and satisfied itself as to the general and local conditions which can affect the performance of the work, including: (i) conditions relating to access, egress, transportation, debris disposal, parking and storage of materials; (ii) availability of labor; and (iii) physical conditions at the site. Any failure by Bidder to take these steps will not relieve the Bidder from the responsibility for estimating properly the difficulty and cost of successfully performing the work without additional expense to Owner. 5. CERTIFICATION AND LICENSES. Bidder must include with its bid package a copy of all applicable Certificates of Competency issued by the State of Florida or the County Construction Industry Licensing Board and a current Occupational License in the name of the Bidder submitting the Bid from the County in which the Bidder’s principal place of business is located. If awarded the contract, any Bidder who is not required to have an occupational license from the City will be required to obtain a Certificate of Registration from the City of Lake Worth prior to contract execution. 6. NO LOBBYING. In accordance with the Palm Beach County Lobbyist Registration Ordinance and Section 2-112(k) the City’s procurement code, the City’s procurement cone of silence will be in effect as of the due date for proposals in response to this IFB. A complete copy of the City’s procurement code is available on- line at under the City’s code of ordinances (sections 2111 – 2-117). All Proposers are highly encouraged to review the same. In summary, the cone of silence prohibits communication between certain City officials, employees and agents and any entity or person seeking to be awarded a contract (including their representatives, lobbyists and potential subcontractors). The cone of silence terminates at the time of award, rejection of all response or some other action by the City to end the selection process Page | 12 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND ETHICS REQUIREMENTS. This IFB is subject to the State of Florida Code of Ethics and the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics. Accordingly, there are prohibitions and limitations on the employment of City officials and employees and contractual relationships providing a benefit to the same. Bidders are highly encouraged to review both the Florida Code of Ethics and the Palm Beach County Code of Ethics in order to insure compliance with the same. Further, any Bidder coming before the City Commission for an award of a contract and who has made an election campaign contribution in an amount that is more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) to any elected official of the City Commission, who is a current sitting member of the Commission, must disclose such election campaign contribution, verbally and in writing, in their responsive proposal to this IFB. 8. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIMES. Pursuant to section 287.133, Florida Statutes, a person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list maintained by the State of Florida may not submit a bid to the City as agent for the ECR Board for 36 months following the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. 9. INQUIRIES AND ADDENDA. Any and all inquiries on the scope of work, specifications, additional requirements, attachments, terms and general conditions or instructions, or any issue, must be directed in writing, by US mail, fax or email to: Hirut Darge, Purchasing Agent City of Lake Worth, Finance Office 7 N. Dixie Hwy. Lake Worth, Fl 33460 E-mail: (561) 586-1651 Any addenda or other modification to the Bid documents will be issued by the City prior to the date and time of Bid closing, as a written addenda distributed to all prospective bidders who have obtained the bid package directly from the City or its authorized representative. Such written addenda or modification shall be part of the Bid documents and shall be binding upon each Bidder. Each Bidder is required to acknowledge receipt of any and all addenda in writing and submit with their bid. No Bidder may rely upon any oral or verbal modification or interpretation in preparing its bid. No interpretation of the Invitation to Bid will be made for any bidder, except by written addendum. 10. ACCEPTANCE; REJECTION; CANCELLATION. In accordance with the City’s procurement code, this Invitation for Bid may be cancelled and may or may not be re-bid when determined to be in the best interests of the City. Any or all bids may be accepted or rejected in whole or in part, when determined to be in the best interests of the City. The City also reserves the right to reject the bid of any Bidder who has previously failed in the performance of an award or to deliver contracts of a similar nature on time or who is not in a position to perform properly under this award. The City reserves the right to inspect all facilities of bidders. Any bid received without an authorized signature or past the submittal deadline will be rejected. Any withdrawal or cancellation of this Invitation for Bid, either before or after selection of a bidder, shall be without liability or obligation on the part of the City or its employees. Any action, selection or failure to select a successful bidder to this Invitation for Bid shall be without any liability or obligation of the part of the City or its employees. Page | 13 The City reserves the right to waive any non-material irregularities and technicalities, except timeliness and signature requirements. Additionally, bids may be considered irregular and may be rejected if the bid: 1) does not strictly conform to the requirements of the Invitation for Bid; 2) is incomplete; 3) any Bid Form is altered; 4) contains additions not called for; 5) is conditional; 6) contains prices that are, in the opinion of the City, unbalanced either in excess or below the reasonable cost analysis values; 7) bids is in excess of the approved budget for the project. 11. SELECTION OF BIDDER WITH WHOM TO CONTRACT. The selection of a bidder with whom to contract shall be based on the “best value” to the City using the following criteria: Definition: Responsive bidder: One who meets all the specifications and conditions of the bid at the time of opening. Responsible bidder: One who is capable of performing the scope of work in terms of ability, capacity, skill, deliver/completion time, financial capacity, quality of performance on previous contracts and ability to provide future maintenance or service. 1. Qualifications; 2. Skill and experience based on reference verification; 3. Amount of the bid in relation to the needed goods & services and in relation to other bids received; and, 4. Adherence to the specifications and requirements of the IFB. 12. POSTING OF AWARD TABULATIONS. The selected bidder will be notified in writing with intent to award a contract. Recommended awards will be available for review by interested parties at the Finance Office. 13. CONTRACT. The City and successful bidder will be contractually bound only if and when a written contract between the parties is executed by the City. In the event a contract is not executed with the selected bidder and City reserve the right to select the next “best value” bidder based on the bid tabulation and to contract with said bidder. 14. PROCUREMENT CODE. The City’s Procurement Code, sections 2-111 to 2-119 of the City’s Code of Ordinances, shall govern this IFB. If there are any inconsistencies between this IFB and the Procurement Code, the Procurement Code shall take precedence. 15. COSTS. All costs incurred by any party in responding to this Invitation for Bid are the sole responsibility of the Bidder. 16. PROTEST PROCEDURE. procedure. Please see section 2-115 of the City’s Procurement Code for the 17. CITY IS DOCUMENT GATEKEEPER. This IFB is issued directly by the City and the City shall be the sole distributor of all addenda and/or revisions to these documents. It is the responsibility of the Bidder to confirm the legitimacy of procurement opportunities or notices directly with the Procurement Office. The City is not responsible for any solicitations advertised by subscriptions, publications, websites (other than the City’s) or other sources not connected with the City and the Bidder should not rely on such sources for information regarding ay solicitation made by the City of Lake Worth. 18. SMALL BUSINESS AND LOCAL BUSINESS PREFERENCE. Section 2-117 of the City’s Procurement Code shall govern the application of a small business and/or local business preference for this IFB. Documentation to support a Bidder as a Small Business and/or Local Business must be submitted with the response to the IFB. Documentation submitted after the bid deadline will be rejected. Page | 14 19. PROPERTY OF THE CITY. All materials submitted in response to this IFB become the property of the City. The City has the right to use any or all ideas presented in any response to this IFB, whether amended or not, and selection or rejection of a proposals does not affect this right. No variances to this provision shall be accepted. 20. DISCLOSURE AND DISCLAIMER. The information contained herein is provided solely for the convenience of the Bidders. It is the responsibility of each Bidder to assure itself that information contained herein is accurate and complete. Neither the City, nor its advisors provide any assurances as to the accuracy of any information in this IFB. Any reliance on the contents of this IFB regarding the project or scope of thereof, or on any oral communications with City representatives or advisors, shall be at each Bidder's own risk. Bidders should rely exclusively on their own investigations, interpretations and analyses in connection with this matter. This IFB is being provided by the City without any warranty or representation, express or implied, as to its content, accuracy or completeness and no Bidder or other party shall have recourse to the City if any information herein contained shall be inaccurate or incomplete. No warranty or representation is made by the City that any bid or proposal conforming with these requirements will be selected for consideration, negotiation or approval. Any action taken by the City in response to bids or proposals made pursuant to this IFB or in making any award or failure or refusal to make any award pursuant to such bids or proposals, or in any cancellation of award, or in any withdrawal or cancellation of this IFB, either before or after issuance of an award, shall be without any liability or obligation on the part of the City, or their advisors. Any recipient of this IFB who responds hereto fully acknowledges all the provisions of this Discloser and Disclaimer and agrees to be bound by the terms hereof. Any proposal submitted pursuant to this IFB is at the sole risk and responsibility of the party submitting such proposal. 21. CONTRACT AGREEMENT / COMPENSATION. The terms and conditions of the resulting contract will be pursuant to a standard City agreement. If the successful bidder will not cannot agree on the terms and conditions of the resulting contract, the City reserves the right to disqualify the successful bidder and move to the next ranked bidder to enter a standard City agreement. This process may continue until the City is able to enter into a contract with a Bidder. The resulting contract shall be for the scope of work identified herein. However, since the scope of work is being solicited and submitted based on unit prices, the City reserves the right to amend the resulting contract if the City needs additional services which are consistent with and based on the unit prices submitted. 22. COMPLIANCE. All bids or proposals received in accordance with this IFB shall be subject to applicable Florida Statutes governing public records including without limitation Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. END OF SECTION 3 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS Page | 15 (B1) BID PACKAGE COVER SHEET IFB # 14-131 Project Title: OVERHEAD DISTRIBUTION TRANSFORMERS Bidder Company Name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… Enclose the following documents: _____ 1. Bid Package Cover Sheet. (B1) _____ 2. Bid (B2) _____ 3. Schedule of Bid Items (B3) Must be signed. _____ 4. Reference List (B4) _____ 5. Drug Free Certification (B5) Must be signed. Clearly mark the outside lower left corner of the Envelope with the Invitation for Bid number and title, and the Date and Time for the bid closing deadline. THIS PAGE AND THE FOLLOWING PAGES ARE TO BE RETURNED WITH YOUR BID. Submit ONE (1) ORIGINAL and ONE (1) PHOTOCOPY of your Bid package. AVOID BID REJECTION: All bids must be submitted on the provided Bid forms (B1 – B5). Form B2 and B3 must be signed in ink by an officer authorized to bind the Bidder. All Forms must be fully completed. Page | 16 (B2) BID IFB # 14-131 Proposal of: ______________________________________________________________________ (Bidder Company Name) Bid Amount: $_______________________________________ (Write Dollar Figure Here) Bidder agrees to furnish, unless otherwise provided, all implements, machinery, equipment, transportation, tools, materials, supplies, labor and other things necessary for the performance and completion of the work for the amount indicated above. The undersigned Bidder hereby declares that: 1. This bid is made in good faith, without collusion or fraud and is fair and competitive in all respects. 2. By signing and submitting this Bid, Bidder represents that all Bid Forms are fully complete and accurate. 3. Bidder acknowledges that the Bid may be rejected if all Bid Forms are not fully complete, not accurate or if forms are not signed by properly authorized signatures where required. Name of Firm: _____________________________________________________________________ HQ Address: _____________________________________________ ST_____ Zip______________ Phone: (_____) ___________________ Email: __________________________________________ FEIN: ___________________________ State of Incorporated: _________________ Print Name: _____________________________________ Title: _____________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ Date: ________________ Sales Office: _____________________________________________ ST_____ Zip______________ Sales Contact Name: ______________________________ Title: ____________________________ Phone: (_____) ___________________ Email: __________________________________________ Failure to fully complete and sign this Bid Form may result in rejection of the Bid. Page | 17 (B3) IFB #14-131 SCHEDULE OF BID ITEMS The City of Lake Worth is requesting ID/IQ (Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity) pricing on the transformers referenced by item number below and on the Schedule of Bid Items. This is to be interpreted to mean the valid ordering price for the associated transformer on a unit price basis, with no guaranteed minimum quantity. The quantities reflected within are for estimating purposes only based on expected requirements/usage in consideration of our current supply of each item and our estimated upcoming usage. No. CLW STOCK# EST. QTY DESCRIPTION PRICE TOTAL PRICE PRIMARY VOLTAGE– 2400/4160Y-7600/13200Y 1. 285-86-78187 Transformer, 50 KVA, 4/13.2 KV B.I.L. 95 High Side Primary Taps: Two 2-21/2% above & below 7.6/13.2Y 108 Manufacturer:______________________________________ LEADTIME FROM DATE OF PURCHASE ORDER:_________________days / weeks Circle one EVALUATED WATT LOSSES – W x 4.382 NL (CORE) ________________ W x 1.93 FL (COIL) _________________ Are Technical Specifications/Brochure Included with Bid? ( )Yes ( )No Warranty: _______________________________________________________________________ Name of Firm: ________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________ ST_____ Zip____________ Phone: (_____) _________________ Email: ______________________________________ Print Name: ___________________________________ Title: _________________________ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ Date: ________________ Page | 18 (B4) IFB # 14-131 LIST OF REFERENCES 1. Owner’s Name & Address: Project: Contact Person: Telephone: ( ) E-Mail: 2. Fax: ( ) ____________________ Owner’s Name & Address: Project: Contact Person: Telephone: ( ) E-Mail: 3. Fax: ( ) ______________ Owner’s Name & Address: Project: Contact Person: Telephone: ( E-Mail: ) Fax: ( ) ______________ Page | 19 (B5) IFB # 14-131 DRUG FREE WORKPLACE CERTIFICATION The undersigned Bidder, in accordance with Florida Statute 287.087 hereby certifies that _________________________________________________________________ does: (Name of Business) 1. Publish a statement notifying employees that the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensing, possession, or use of a controlled substance is prohibited in the workplace and specifying the actions that will be taken against employees for violation of such prohibition. 2. Inform employees about the dangers of drug abuse in the workplace, the business' policy of maintaining a drug-free workplace, any available drug counseling, rehabilitation, and employee assistance programs, and the penalties that may be imposed upon employees for drug abuse violations. 3. Give each employee engaged in providing the commodities or contractual services that are under this bid a copy of the statement specified in subsection (1). 4. In the statement specified in subsection (1), notify the employees that, as a condition of working on the commodities, or contractual services that are under bid, the employee will abide by the terms of the statement, and will notify the employer of any conviction of, or plea of guilty, or nolo contendre to any violation of Chapter 1893, or of any controlled substance law of the United States, or any State, for a violation occurring in the workplace no later than five (5) days after such conviction. 5. Impose a sanction on, or require the satisfactory participation in a drug abuse assistance, or rehabilitation program, if such is available in the employee's community, by any employee who is so convicted. 6. Make a good faith effort to continue to maintain a drug-free workplace through implementation of this section. As the person authorized to sign the statement, I certify that this firm complies fully with the above requirements. ____________________________ Bidders Authorized Signature Print Name: _____________________________ __________________________ Date Page | 20