Year Warranty Lynx Series 20 Painted G90 Galvanized Limited Warranty Everlast Roofing, Inc., Lebanon, PA, hereinafter referred to as "Everlast" or "Seller," guarantees that within the continental United States under normal outdoor atmospheric Everlast Roofing, Inc. warrants, in including, the continental United Statescontaminated that its Hotwith Dipped G90 Coated products, IIexterior & Everdrain™ conditions (which term excludes corrosive or aggressive atmospheres but not limited to those chemical fumes or salt spray) willEverlast™ not cause the for use as unpainted roofing andLynx siding will not rupture, fail structurally, or perforate within a period of 20 years after shipment from Everlast side paintsold on its prepainted Everlast™ IIsteel and Everdrain™ Series product to: Roofing, Inc. due to exposure to normal atmospheric conditions. 1. Crack, check, or peel (lose adhesion) for forty (40) years. 2. Chalk in excess of a numerical rating of six (6) for vertical siding panels or a numerical rating of four (4) for roofing and non-vertical siding panels for a period of twenty (20) years This D-4214 warranty DOES NOT APPLY sheets exposed at any time topowder corrosive or from aggressive when measured in accordance with the standard procedure specified in ASTM (latest). NOTE: Chalk refers to to the formation of loose, removable evolved the coating itself uponconditions, breakdown ofincluding its resin or but binder. test merely spheric notThe limited to: utilizes dark or light colored felt rubbed against the surface to pick up a measurable amount of the chalk which is then compared to a standard. On a scale of 10 (best) to 0 (worst), a rating of eight is considered a moderate amount of chalk, while a rating of two would r epresent extreme chalk. LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY: 3. Fade or change in color in excess of seven (7) units of color difference (Hunter E units) for vertical siding panels or in excess of nine (9) units of color difference (Hunter E units) 1. This Warranty is extended to the original buyer and is not transferable or assignable. for roofing and non-vertical siding panels for a period of twenty (20) years when measured in accordance with the standard procedure specified in ASTM D-2244 (latest) paragraph Areas subject to when fallout or exposure to will corrosive chemicals, fumes, ash, cement 4.3, on a washed test area. NOTE: 2. Most coated surfaces, exposed to the sun, fade to some degree over a period of time. Five dust HunterorE animal units is a waste. noticeable, but not 3. change. Areas Colors subjectmay to also saltdarken waterormarine atmospheres or toparticularly constantonspraying ofpolluted eitherenvironments. salt or freshThe water. usually objectionable, degree of color change hue rather than fade, exposure in Hunter E units are intended to apply to color change in4. either direction in comparison unexposed color.flashing It is understood thatin fading or color change with may not be in if the Areas subject to water with runthe offoriginal from or lead or copper or areas metallic contact lead oruniform copper. surfaces are not equally exposed to the sun and elements. 5. Conditions/circumstances where corrosive fumes or condensates are generated or released inside the building. For purposes of determining whether an exposed coated panel meets the standards set forth in above paragraph, all chalk, dirt and other film deposits on the area of the panel to be In no prior event the Warranty extend beyond yearsmesh fromcheesecloth the date ofand shipment of the panels tested for color must be removed by6.washing To wash test area, use a pad20 of 28/24 distilled water with mild soap or detergent cleaner. to shall evaluation. Sellerʼs plant.hand pressure, over an area of panel approximately 4" x 4". Care must be taken to avoid any scratching, Wet the cheesecloth thoroughly withfrom the solution andmanufacturing rub it, using moderate burnishing or other physical alteration of the coating surface. After washing as described above, flush off the test area with distilled water and allow to air dry in a vertical position. This warranty DOES NOT APPLY in the event of: 4. Leak as a result of perforation by red rust or corrosion caused by acid rain of Lynx Series painted panels for twenty (20) years, except that this provision shall not apply to any A. Mechanical, chemical, or other damage sustained during shipment, storage, or during or after erection. perforation which occurs within one inch of any portion of the coated surface which is cut or penetrated at any time after application of the paint system to the substrate. This B. from Failure to provide freebydrainage of water, including internal from overlaps allbeen other surface warranty applies only to leaks resulting perforations caused rust or corrosion which is established to thecondensation, reasonable satisfaction of Seller toand have caused by acid rain. of the sheetsdirect, or panels. Any other losses, damage or expenses, whether incidental or consequential, caused by acid rain or any other corrosive or aggressive atmosphere, suc h as those contaminated with chemical fumes or salt spray, are excluded from this warranty. C. Failure to remove debris from overlaps and all other surfaces of the sheets or panels. D. Deterioration of the panels caused by contact with green or wet lumber or wet storage stains caused by water TERMS AND CONDITIONS damage or condensation. 1. DURATION OF WARRANTY E. Presence of damp insulation or other corrosive materials in contact with or close proximity to the panel. The paint coating of Everlast roofing and siding panels is guaranteed to perform in the manner described above for 40 years of the structure for crack, check, or peel, or 20 years for chalk and fade, or 20 years for perforation from the date such panels are installed by Buyer, provided installation occurs within six months from the date of application of coating by Seller's coating facility. In no event shall the guarantee extend beyond 20 years and 6 months for chalk and fade, or 20 years and 6 months for perforation, from the date of application of coating by Seller's coating facility. BUYERS OBLIGATIONS: 1. Buyer must inspect material received from Seller prior to installation as to mitigate expense 2. CONSTRUCTION CONDITIONSinvolved in repairing, painting or replacing defective sheets. NO EXPRESS WARRANTY AND NO WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR IMPLIED WARRANTY FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE shall apply: 2. IMPLIED Any claim on account of a defect in the product or for any otherOFcause whatsoever shall be deemed WAIVED (a) to roofing having a pitch of less than 2 1⁄2:12. by Buyer unless written notice thereof is given to seller within 30 days after discovery of the defects and within (b) to roofing or siding panels applied without protection over lumber which has been treated with preservatives or fire resistant salts, regardless whether such treatments are applicable shall be This given reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims andtreated no with ACQ has been occasioned knowingly or without thethe knowledge of theguarantee buyer, the period. owner, or Seller any other party. exclusion includes, but is not limited to, lumber which products shallCBA be (Copper returnedBoron to Seller Sellerʼs inspection, approval and receiptsalts, by buyer of written (Alkaline Copper Quartenary), CA (Copper Azole), Azole),without pentachlorophenol, CCA (Chromated Copper Arsenate) creosote, fluor chrome arsenate phenol, or any similar treatment for fire and rot resistance. Protection of lumber as provided for in this exclusion shall be defined as any barrier which prevents the transfer of moisture and shipping instructions from Seller. salts between the treated lumber and roofing and siding material. 3. Everlast's To be effective, Buyerʼs notice shall include such records as may enable Seller to establish the Everlast order (c) failure to properly insulate the products between any dissimilar metals, contact with the ground, animal wastes, decaying materials or wet absorptive materials. number, Everlast invoiceincludes, number, shipment by Everlast, and the date of installation in the form of siding or spray (d) abnormally corrosive atmospheric conditions. This exclusion butdate is notoflimited to, contamination from external sources such as manufactured chemicals and salt panels of the claimed defective sheet. orThese must be duly authenticated, inventilation the ordinary defined as within 1,500 feet of a saltroofing water environment, sustained exposure with animals animalrecords waste, and internal contamination created be by made improper (design or operational defects) or improper housekeeping, as defined and by current Midwest Plan Service publications. course of business, be contemporaneous with the events noted therein. Buyer shall also present such evidence that establishes that any claimed defect was due to a breach of the guarantee stated herein. 3. BUYER'S OBLIGATIONS (a) Buyer shall inspect material received from Seller prior to installation so as to mitigate expense involved in repairing, repainting or replacing defective sheets. (b) Any claim on account of a defect in the product or for any other cause whatsoever shall be deemed WAIVED by Buyer unless written notice thereof is given to Seller within 30 days after discovery of the defect and within the applicable guarantee period. Seller shall be given reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims, and no products shall be returned any ofand Sellerʼs fail to perform warranted, company will, at its option, repaint or replace the to Seller without Seller's inspection 1. andIf approval receiptproducts by Buyer of written shipping as instructions fromthe Seller. (c) To be effective, Buyer's notice shall include panels such records as maythe enable Seller establish invoice number, dateRoofing, of shipment by Everlast, and the is date of installation defective or refund buyer thetoprice paidthe forEverlast the material. Everlast Inc.ʼs total liability in the form of roofing panels of the claimed defective sheet. These records must be duly authenticated, be made the ordinary course ofherein business, and be contemporaneous expressly limited to the purchase price of the defective material. inExcept as provided Everlast Roofing, Inc. with the events noted therein. Buyer shall also present such evidence that establishes that any claimed defect was due to a breach of the guarantee stated herein. shallthe notunderside be liable any losses, damage direct, or consequential, caused by or (d) To be effective, the panels, including of for overhangs, must be cleanedoronexpense, a regular whether basis not to exceedincidental an annual cleaning. Vegetation must be kept cleared away from the with use an of abrasive defective or nonconforming products. from contacting the panels. Productresulting must not be cleaned or chemical cleaner. Dirt or gravel must be kept away from the panels. Anything that would cause prolonged contact with moisture must be cleared away from the panels. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY: EXCLUSIVE OF WARRANTIES: 4. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY (a) If it is determined to Seller's reasonable satisfaction, upon inspection, that a sheet is defective, Seller shall have the right to either repair, repaint or replace the defective sheet 1. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES STATED HEREIN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE utilizing such normal materials, methods and workmanship as are needed to fulfill the original performance guarantee but without extension of the duration thereof. Seller's liability WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, and Buyer's exclusive remedy under this guarantee shall be limited to repair, repainting or replacement as Seller may elect. In fulfillment of its guarantee, Seller shall in no event be INCLUDING IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A liable to incur costs which exceed Seller's price for theANY defective sheet. herein including, but not limited to, damages for injury to person or property and incidental and consequential (b) Buyer hereby WAIVES all remedies not expressly provided PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. damages for loss of use, revenues, or profit. 10 Enterprise Court, Lebanon, PA 17042 24 JR Mains Drive, Bridgton, ME 04009 7180 N 050 E, Howe, IN 46746 O u r N a m e S ay s I t A l l Effective Date: March 1, 2014 atmo- 20 Year G90 Galvanized Limited Warranty 5. EXCLUSION OF WARRANTIES (A) This warranty covers only panels erected in the continental United States, Alaska and Canada, which are exposed to normal weather and atmospheric conditions. (B) This warranty is for the benefit of the original purchaser only and is not transferable or assignable. (C) This warranty does not apply to defects or failures which arise out of any of the following: 1. The formation of rust on the panel edges less than one inch of any portion of the coated surface which is cut or penetrated at any time after application of the pretreatment and paint system to the substrate. Roofing, Inc. warrants, thecommotions, continental United that its Hot Dipped G90 Coated products, Everlast™ II & due Everdrain™ 2. Acts of God, falling objects,Everlast external forces, explosions, fire, riots,in civil acts of war,States radiation, harmful gases, harmful fumes, salt atmosphere or standing water to foradequate use as unpainted steel roofing and siding will not rupture, fail structurally, or perforate within a period of 20 years after shipment from Everlast failure to sold provide slope and drainage. animal waste, decaying materials, wet 3. Failure to properly insulate panels from copper, lead, and other dissimilar metals, contact with damp insulation, debris, soil, vegetation, Roofing, Inc. due to exposure to normal atmospheric conditions. absorptive materials, concrete or other foreign or corrosive materials from contact with or in close proximity to the panel. 4. Use in manner not intended or improper storage or handling, including but not limited to damage from condensation on the panels attributable to improper handling. 5. Failure of the metal substrate. 6. Minute fracturing which may occur in proper fabrication of the building This parts.warranty DOES NOT APPLY to sheets exposed at any time to corrosive or aggressive atmo7. If panels are applied without including protection over which has spheric conditions, butlumber not limited to: been treated with preservatives or fire resistant materials, regardless whether such treatments are present with or without the knowledge of the buyer, the owner or any other party. This exclusion shall include, but is not limited to, lumber which has been treated with pentachlorophenol, chromated copperarsenated salts, creosote, fluochrome arsenate phenol, alkaline copper quaternary, or any similar treatment for fire and rot resistance. Protection of lumber as provided for in the exclusion shall be defined as any barrier that prevents the transfer of moisture and salts between the treated lumber and pre- finished metal panel; This Warranty is extended original and is notfrom transferable or assignable. 8. Abnormal corrosive atmospheric1. conditions. This exclusion includes,to butthe is not limited buyer to, contamination external sources such as manufactured chemicals and salt spray, 2. improper Areas subject to (design falloutororoperational exposuredefects) to corrosive chemicals, fumes, ash, cement dust or animal waste. and internal contamination created by ventilation or improper housekeeping. 9. Discontinuities in the paint film as result ofsubject damageto during or use of the building e.g. 3.a Areas salt installation water marine atmospheres orscratches. to constant spraying of either salt or fresh water. 10. design flaws that would result in moisture (water) or other foreign materials to accumulate resulting in excessive exposure to moisture or foreign material. 4. Areas subject to water run off from lead or copper flashing or areas in metallic contact with lead or copper. 11. Tension-bend staining. Tension-bend staining is a cosmetic issue that does not affect the long-term corrosion protection of the Omni Series under normal atmospheric Conditions/circumstances whereoncorrosive fumes arestructural generated or released inside the building. although cosmetically noticeable light colored paint,or docondensates not degrade the integrity of the roll-formed panel. conditions. As a result, tension-bend5.stains, 6. under In nothis event shallunless the Warranty extendreceives beyondpayment 20 years from thematerials date of furnished. shipment of the panels (D) Everlast shall have no obligations warranty and until Everlast in full for the (E) The supplier of the paint coatingfrom applied to Everlast panels and the applicator of the paint coating has made certain warranties to Everlast which are same (or substantially Sellerʼs manufacturing plant. similar) to the warranties made by Everlast under this limited warranty. This limited warranty shall be of no further force or effect if such supplier, or its successors or assigns, can no longer perform its obligations under the coating system warranties made to Everlast. LIMITATIONS ON WARRANTY: This warranty DOES NOT APPLY in the event of: A. Mechanical, chemical, or other damage sustained during shipment, storage, or during or after erection. 6. TRANSFERS, ASSIGNMENTS, AND REPRESENTATIONS This guarantee is extended to BuyerB. as Failure the original from drainage Seller and of is non-transferable andinternal non-assignable. No rights against Seller shall be all created any transfer or to purchaser provide free water, including condensation, from overlaps and otherbysurface assignment, nor shall any rights against Seller survive any transfer or assignment. Buyer or its agents or representatives shall not claim, represent or imply nor permit its customers, of the sheets or panels. distributors, applicators or contractors to claim, represent or imply that this guarantee extends or is available to parties other than Buyer, and to the limit of its legal right to do so C.and Failure toany remove debris from overlaps and allshall other surfaces of the term sheets or panels. Buyer shall cause any party to cease desist of such misrepresentation. This condition constitute a material of this guarantee and its violation by Buyer sha ll D. Deterioration of the panels caused by contact with green or wet lumber or wet storage stains caused by water excuse Seller from its obligations hereunder. damage or condensation. 7. TERMINATION E. Presence of damp insulation or other corrosive materials in contact with or close proximity to the Seller reserves the right to terminate this guarantee except with respect to orders which it has already accepted upon the giving of written notice thereof. panel. 8. MERGER Oral statements made by Seller's representatives and written descriptions of the products appearing elsewhere than on the face hereof are not warranties and shall not be relied upon by Buyer. This writing constitutes the final, complete, and exclusive expression of the terms of the parties' agreement. Any modification hereof, to be effective, shall be in writing, shall expressly refer to this warranty, and shall be signed by an authorized representative of Seller. BUYERS OBLIGATIONS: 1. Buyer must inspect material received from Seller prior to installation as to mitigate expense involved in repairing, painting or replacing defective sheets. 2. Any claim on account of a defect in the product or for any other cause whatsoever shall be deemed WAIVED by Buyer unless written notice thereof is given to seller within 30 days after discovery of the defects and within the applicable guarantee period. Seller shall be given reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims and no products shall be returned to Seller without Sellerʼs inspection, approval and receipt by buyer of written shipping instructions from Seller. 3. To be effective, Buyerʼs notice shall include such records as may enable Seller to establish the Everlast order number, Everlast invoice number, date of shipment by Everlast, and the date of installation in the form of siding or roofing panels of the claimed defective sheet. These records must be duly authenticated, be made in the ordinary course of business, and be contemporaneous with the events noted therein. Buyer shall also present such evidence that establishes that any claimed defect was due to a breach of the guarantee stated herein. EXCLUSIVE REMEDY: 1. If any of Sellerʼs products fail to perform as warranted, the company will, at its option, repaint or replace the defective panels or refund the buyer the price paid for the material. Everlast Roofing, Inc.ʼs total liability is expressly limited to the purchase price of the defective material. Except as provided herein Everlast Roofing, Inc. shall not be liable for any losses, damage or expense, whether direct, incidental or consequential, caused by or resulting from the use of defective or nonconforming products. EXCLUSIVE OF WARRANTIES: 1. THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES STATED HEREIN ARE THE EXCLUSIVE WARRANTIES AND REMEDIES APPLICABLE TO THE PRODUCTS. ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING ANY IMPLIED WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, ARE EXPRESSLY EXCLUDED. O u r N a m e S ay s I t A l l O u r N a m e S ay s I t A l l 10 Enterprise Court, Lebanon, PA 17042 24 JR Mains Drive, Bridgton, ME 04009 7180 N 050 E, Howe, IN 46746 Everlast Roofing, Inc. 10 Enterprise Court Lebanon, PA 17042 717-270-6554 Effective Date: March 1, 2014 Effective Date: August 22, 2011